Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 12, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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    sjsy , Till j 3Jlliyjr ".Jit, 1-1 l.A . , BAlUltyAi, Aumkjx -a, .a .
- .....aaW.. a aWaW,.aWaWaWWMW.W..W....aW.W...W..a.W.MWa.. aj.. a"""""""ew W...a , - SWT P!T.
Deb tele. EI a.
(170 BUYS lun and harneea, weight 210O.
tound and true) workers. I am hailing
wood with thm. come and see t hem work.
East Itih and HadKU. la tba park, back
of lnn:l court.
lul Ml team. 2"H. gooseneck vigoa ax.d
rrneea; mun b Bold. Eaat '.
llaiM, OrflM and Moalcal laetr-anteet-
(aou LtsTER PIANO; ueed one year: mart
aM: aa rtuousi cub ffr refused;
part cut and monthly paymonta ac
cepted from a rallaala buyer, tell or ad
dreea J. C. Auatln. Apt. 34. Tha Julian,
2 2d at., caa block nor in of Waahlngtoa.
AM hoBeetir la need of money; will eacrt
fice my plana and pain tinge; (1M; piaaaa
answer, 123 $th at.
FlANO-EI-ant iSi mahogany upright.
almost raw; eacrince $143. aw jq at.
l'l che. k of $'.04 70. maka offer. Taj-
maoga. mo court at-, tmitm. t.v.
WAXTtI) I'lano for etorag; mult ba la
good condition; no children. Tabor two.
CHANGED. Ton wilt urt manay and tima by look
Inc sver oar lara atock of elUhtiy-ueed
ram. a handle only high-grade car
and tba price) ae ara Baking will eurpna
fou. Such low pticaa wara oavar quoted
atora. but owing to tha number of cara
wa bandla. wa ara anablad to aall oa a
ry lew margla. Investigate and ba eon
' vlnced.
OBEOOS at-to rxrHANCH.
Slat arl Washington at.
AI TO BARGAINS Gerllngar Motorcar Co..
M Tanta at . batwant Stark and HumsKle
treat High-grade used automobtlaa.
All atandard mui at very low prtcaa.
Kunabouta and rode-era 1100 to IlKMl;
touring cara. I2V to $WOO: llmoualna and
landaulata. $4.v to $2uuO. Sow la tha tlma
to secure bargains Auto ownara and
dealere dcetrlr.g quirk caah look to U. aa
our low sailing commlsalon of 3 par cant
does tha work. Wa ara Sure to have tha
car you want. Don't buy or aall until you
aaa ua Imonairatlona ebaarfully lirto.
C all Tanth at.
No matter what car you want, wa ara
aura to hare It In tha pneo you want to
" rar San J for our weakly barsaln sheet.
S loth at., between Btark and Burnsldo sts
Ona of tha baat buya aver ee: would
ba good Investment for aoma ona; will
travel 40 mllea par hour-, now la your
chanca; $3 caah. See Holbrook. 603
Srtin4 bldg.
13.-lb. delivery car used but three)
M lo'.h at., batwaan fftark and Burnelrte aia.
VE have luted ua two I1 Reaal i
paaaanaar tourln cara. prlcaa a bargala
for quick aala. R. M F. .Northwaat
I'hipmin and AMer ata
joo 4-fTUINDER Ford. Modal X. epeady
and reliable. Juat the thlna for contraotor
or Halt delivery. Ford Mo lor Car Asancy.
I'M and Hawinome.
kl tiT hava caah. will aall lV-h -p. 1911.
fora-donr. 5-paaenar car for l30. Apply
room lw. Valley Hotel. 3 Mala at . between
13 arvd i.
EO Rl NABOl'T. paaaenaer. In rood
endltl"n: muat aall at once. Phone fcaat
('til eveolnna or Bun day. 6J Eaat
.wh at.
liiOH-CUASJ ft-paaaner automobile, coat
U. w"' at attractive price for caah
or aa lnatalim-tuta. or will trade fjr real
eat a ta. Addraaa AP 3J1. Ora.nlan.
GOOD t-paeeelier automobile, axchanra
fr city lot. 414 Iekum bid'. ihona
Main 4.
oR PALE OR TRADE White Steamer -paaaenaer
auto. Inquire room 127 Corbatl
WANT lall fore door Roadarer or 4 -paa-eanaer
auto la exchansa lor allt-eaa'rd
property. AN SJ1. raonlaa.
Wll.i. aall cheap for caah. flrat-claaa lall
Wlntoa-4 auto. Apply 43 t orbatt bldr.
MOTROTTIJ5 for aala cheap. Eaat loie.
Doc. Blrwo. Fat plarfc.
TOMB and pick your fry are out; aold by tha
pound. Hawthorne car; Hataa. 184 Dl
vlalon at. Tabor 3"47.
AIREDALE TERRIRERd for pa la. aport aad
auarda laddla Kaanala. Eatacada. Or.
i)R f AUE Buff Orplnatona. cockarela. alao
rooater. Main ITal. A ?:. td at.
FOR jALE Two freeh cowa. Fhone E. 4.14,t.
OAiv office table. fat. t'J-l; tvpe
wrtter deoka. IS !U to $15: rolltip
Haek. double flat-top daak. 4t4S. 111.
t toot rtaadinr daak. ItJ&w; ravolvlnar of -Ace
chair. I- ." to 14 i . armrhalra. 1 1 -5
to 14. card atretem and film rabtneta.
14 to ?-Xo: art equaree. IJ.SO: Hruaaala,
Wilton. Axmlnerer and velvet maa. HI.',
from 110 to 17. extenaln tablea. IJ
to IIS: bufTata IT Stt to U; nenulne
mahne-any. birdaaya maple aad oak
d ree-re. I1IVM to 23; Iron bada. II BO ta
$12 : mantel foldinir bada 14 to 17 so; in!-raa, $VS ta l.'O: ladlea daaka 14
to 112.50: bltchan traaauraa, 12 SO; atael
rena-ee. $14 to I -. : aaa ranrea. IS to I1H;
$.ta refriaarator. $7 opan front book-
rajea. $.1 SO to $5: boa twardrobal couch.
$; cherry wood divan. 12 SO; upholatatl
rourhea. II S" to lit; (aa water heatr.
lLSO; foldlna card tabiaa. Z:-1 to T.Vo
each; bamboo bookcaaaa. It: bedroom and
ceoter table. 2S to 12-SOi. Now la tha tlma
to buy a food baatlnc atova cheap. We
hava about 75 rood one, ftret coma rata
beat baraaln. 1 1 to $10. Oooda dallv--a4
free by our owa team to any part of
the cllv.
S4S-S47 Waahlnrtoa at., bet. loth and lTth
eta Opal Saturday until P M.
rVR KALE E.ectrtc piano, 2 benjoe. harpa.
roatara, caah reclatera. fane, nut ma
chlnaa. nlrkel-tn-elot machlnaa of all
klnda Frank f.rlfflth. 471 W aahlaatoa.
Portland, or. Main loOI.
lateat patent; orlrtnal coat $); I mean
to tall, maka me offer. Call 23 Teon
Tueeday. Allf. IS, or pbona Mala
S DIAMOND rlnra. karat. karat and
karat, at a bargain for caaa only. 224
Lumber Enchant bide bau lo and 1
P M.
aAFh-S .New aad Id-baad: low prlcaa; eery
terme: aafaa opened, repaired and painted.
r-lRCELL AF a CO. and POR7U.VB
nr. CO. II th ec Mala Ilea, a 411a.
If your e'ova doaan't bak tbar ta
omethlB' wrong. I aaa fix It. $ ataat
Morrlaon. Pbona Eaat 10$-
aMvIPTJOMAL typewriter barraiae far too
week; Kem.nrtona. IJ0; Smith Pramlara
27 40; Brfcka. $17 54. Korthwaat Typa
wrtter Co.. PO Blh at.
HALL'S SAFE; original coat $10O; new.
lateat patent; I mean to aaH; maka ma
offer. Call 622 Teon bide... Tuaaday. Au.
li. or phone Main 7S7S;
POOL table: 4x4 alx. Brunawlck-Balke
maka: almoat aew and baa Juat beaa
re-covered. $li. S4 Alberta at,
I'OK SALE IU4.AO piano check on Ellara
Mualo Nooie; maka ma aa- offer. A e24.
AtoOSE HEAD; baautlfuily mounted. $ point
antlera. $7 caah; worth IliO. 1'hoaa
Main 17J-
F1ANO check on Eller for $100, good to
Auguat Id. cheap. TaL A 140 or b N.
13th at.
FOR SALX AJax range, anvall ooal baatar,
leather couch. Inquire 34 E. 12th N. phone
ML'ilT aall foor-paaaenrar 19-foot Plonoer
motorboat. complete. $ terma: 1 mi lea
par hour. Fhoria Mar. 211$ or A 8371.
fcrT of new fumttura for 4-room boagalow
for aala at $170. 70 Amharxt 1L, Lnl-
varelty Park alatiow.
FOR SAX.E At one-half original price, a
22-ft.. la-mi la. 14-h--p. launch. N $23,
FuR SALE Harley David eon 1011 magnet
motorcycla; good condition. Call S43 HurB
ald. bEOND-H AND grocer'a computing acalea
for aala vary cheap; good condition. tl.
K. Farg. SJ 'S at.. Portland.
, . M;a or trade, two ticket e for JopOa.
Mo., ela. K. C. X SIX Oregonlaa
TWO large nearly new trunka vary cheap:
large bo wee teat 14X24. 1117 E. lith au
FOR IALK Rapid roller ropier la excellent
condition. 222 Falling bldg .
LADT and geotlemaa'a ticket to Salt Laka
or Ogdea for aala. AE $:$. Oregonlan.
Caatrectarr equipment by Vntted Engineer
tag A Conatructloa Co.. Til Lawia blda.
pekfo: laxga aafa, good aa Bw. for aala cheap,
terma It ywa wtaa. AP 24$, Oragoalaa.
HOUSEHOLD furnltura of 4 rooms for aala,
nearly new. Ill let at.
SAFES Several large aacoad-haad. lor
aa a. R 2. Oregoniaa.
FOR SALE t ticketa to Omaha. Neb. O
1:4. Oranlaa
a; HAVE for aala a quantity of sacks
arjttah'e for coal. Phone Main 141Q.
N.A lawa mower f.-lcding machiaa far
aua. Mala 173,
a-tVAT C'T K-AN.-t"P Rll.T.
On Mesa high-grade Suite, mada In
anloa factorlaa In New Tork Hand-tailored
HO aulta at $14: (23 aulta at $12;
$20 aiitt at $10. How do 1 do It T I
buy manufacturer aamplea and cancel,
latlon orrlera at 15 to ZO par cant leaa
than wholaoalo root and aall In as office
building trent $.1o a month. Take ele
vator and aa ve money. Jltnml Dunn. Sis
oregomaa otag,
FOR SALE Office furniture and atora flx-
turee. rood aa new. Roll-top oeak. I. i.
Smith typewriter. fireproof aafa. three
oumera. ahowcaaa. healing atoe. atoro
truck, freight elevator and 400 eel iholv
Ing. Ml G.-and ave. '
Electric machinery bought, aold and re
paired. Wa bava tha largeet atocka In
tha Northwaat.
40U-403 GLISAf ST.
H la heat prica paid for mane and ladlea
eaat -off clothing, aboea. furniture, tools,
mechanic, logging. Call Mala lUaw. I
Ftrat au Tha Globa.
tr TOD have boneehold faralttrre ta aalL
ail BP Oeorge Bakar A Co.. Ill Park S4
Saiea at reeidencaa a apacialty.
V X: paw moat for any kind of farnltar yew
goo t waaL Mala Sail. A Saaa. Twrd
Auction Co.
Taola Hlgheet prlcaa paid far all klnda at
Id-baad maohanla. logging toe la. lavta
Mala 90TX.
HIGHEST prlcea paid for furnltura, atoroA
range, eta., eta. Call vp But 1023 a
WE pay tha hlgheat caah price for aeoond
haad furnltura. Beater A Mania. Faoae
Kaat 1114. $ Bawthoraa ara,
WANT a good aerond-hand Edlaoa one pla
motion-picture machine: muat ba cheap
for caah. 22 Lumber ExchangeJ
WANTED Pair diamond earring, weighing
about one karat each; rauet ba" perfect
and a anap. A S20. oregonlan.
WANTED A portable oven of SO to 150
loaf capacity. Addraaa BPS Alberta at.
la A N D.
tV a naad- two lied,
lira a a I a a m a n to n e !p
QUIRIES. BIggaatand
toaat aabdlvlalan oa
rn a r k ee t In Portland.
8 a a t of Read C o 1 1 e a.
Exteaalva publicity
e a m p a I g a proceeding.
Attraetlro prlcaa Call
far Intarylaw with
Mr. Kind r. galas man
ager. T. K. CLARK.
8 1 S - 8 2 3 SpildlBf bid.
ABLE-BODIED ma wanted for the U. S.
Marine Corpa. between the ageg of 19 aad
tS; muat be native born or hava Aral
a par . monthly pay lis ta (89; addition
al compenaatloa poealble: food, clothing,
nuartera and medical attention free; after
So years aervlre caa retire with 7ft per
cent of pay and ailowaacas; eervlce oa
board ablp and aahore la all parts of tha
world. Apply at L'. 8. Marine Corp Re
cruit :nr oflK-a. Breed an bide. u and
Waehlngtoa ata. Portiand. Or.
WANTED Toung man to become real aetata
ealeamen: good Income guaranteed to thoaa
who bava tha nerva and will work con.
aclentiouely : thle la a Ana opportunity to
learn a good paring bualneaa with a Arm
Cf high Handing from a widely experienced
teacher: sood aaleemao ara alwaya in de
mand aad command tha blgbeet salary.
AN. (12. Oregonlan.
WANTED for V. S. Army, able-bodied un
married men. between agea of 18 and (3.
cltlaeaa of United Statea. of good charac
ter and temperate bablta. who can apeak,
read aad wrlta tha Kngllah language. For
Informatloa apply ta Recruiting Officer.
Worcaeter block. Sd and Oak eta.. Part
land. Or.
SALESMAN wanted to travel greater part
of V. S. In automobile, to open up terri
tory; would bo neceeaary to (Iva bond
for car; thie ta an automobile anerlally
and aaleeman ahould bava had experience
with machinery or mechanical artlorca.
phone Eaat $.
High-grade automobile traveling ealea
maa wanted to make ealea and appoint
aganta Proftta aocordlng to your ability.
Territory allotted. Why work for others
when an tnveelraent of $1000 makes you
Independent? M (25, Oregonlan.
TKAVELTNtl ealeamen wanted to represent
large Eaetern pottery to aell chlnaware
to tha retail trade on a commleeinn; only
men of proven ability aa auoceaaful ealea
men need apply; s permanent poeltloa to
right man. Apply 29S Stark at-
Baa apeclalty Una In Portland: sella
to everyone driving a rig: $3 capital re
quired and you can double your money;
guaranteed $10 a day: only nuallers con
aidared. Inqulra Toi Teon bldg.
WANTED A man to run borlxontal band
saw; muat ba a huatler and understand
operating bla machine aa wall aa tha
gradee of lumber; good wages to tha man
who can give aatiafactton, Hammond Lum
ber Company, Aatorta. Or.
WANTED Boilermaker. blackamlth and
mechinleta. fur email railroad out of town;
no trouble; transportation paid; eteady
work: ana war with reference, age. ex
perience, telephone number and addraaa.
AP 32.V Oregonlan.
WANTED Man 34 to 43. who ha a thor
ough knowledge of aaleemanahlp. to help
organise a corpa of younger ealeamen:
ynuet ba able to direct work and do cloalng
for Inexperienced men. AN (13. Oregonlan.
MAN or woman to take reataurant tnaarly
furnished I In hotel; rant Is board ona.
aleeping room Included: anap. Apply 304
2lth at. North. W car weal to 20th. block
BALEHMEN. aiciuatva territory, big eppor
tuaitlea, steady poalilon. complets lins
Taklma Valley-grown fruit ehade aad or
namental atock: caah weekly; oqtdt free,
Topponlah Nursery Co.. Toppenlah. Waan.
n'ANTED At once, flrst-clasa oatomobtle
repair man: none but an expert need
apply. Addreea S. W. Watson. Albany,
Or.. Irvin'a Oarage.
SALESMEN wanted to aell our Una of Pa
clflo Coast-growB nursery atock; caah paid
weekly. Pacida Nursery Co.. (08 Corbett
WANTED Competent clothing aaleaman;
aend references, account of past work,
married or alngle and age. P. A- Stokes
A Co.. Astoria. Or.
FCKR1ER Wanted, machine operator;
must ba accuetomed to nailing. Apply
Fred Foater. furrier. 121S Clover am ant at.,
Victoria, B. C.
bPE'lALTY aalesmea to handle axcluslva
agency, automobile acceaaorlea. eplendld
or-portunlty for big money. Phone aat
GOOD regular physician wanted: fine open
ing for man of experience and good habits.
Give fuli particulars. AV (43, Oregonlan.
FIVE live atock ealeamen: beet proposition
ever offered. Call afternoon at 1020
Chamber Commerce bldg.. department A-
WANTED Two aaleaman to handle ( and
1 0-a " re tracts In new acreage aubdlvlalon
on Cnlted Railways Call IOOS 4th at.
W ANTED Sollcltora for sporting weekly;
salary. Room 13. Lafayette bldg.; call
batwaan S and 9.
WANTED Solicitors, between the age of 23
and 4A Boyd Tea Co.. 2"9 Salmon St.
BOOKKEEPER; atata experience and wages
oxpcted. AL 3110. Oregonlan.
PRKSSER wanted- Portland Cleaning A
Tailoring 10. 343 jajrereon st-
HARNESsMAKER wanted at one at (OS
Main at.. Vancouver. Waeh.
6HOWCARD writer for 3 weeks work. Call
on cardwrlter. Mater A Frank Co.
PHOTOORAPH coupon and portrait ageata,
saw offer Cut berth studio. Dskara bldg.
BARBER-aaaraatad for Saturday. 2SV N.
St h St. .
BOTd wanted. Weatem Union Telear apk
Co.. T $d.
STENOORAPHER wanted at 1117-1$ Teoa
bidg. Aak for Brytnt.
WANTED FIrst-claea carpanter at Mult
nomah Poor Farm. Troutdale.
WANTED An evperlenced stock cutter.
Ivy Praaa. II 4th sc
COMPl'TINt SCALE; 29 pound, rrglster.
lateet patent; recently purchaeed; or'glnal
rotl $lfi: .will not turn down any reaaon oftar; I mean to aall. Call 2S Yaon
Mot., Tueeday. Aug. IS. or phone Main
fOna of Many.
Office Secretary Employment Depart lent
. T. M. C A.
Toung man. atranger. out of work $2ft
Ma total caah aaaet) If I pay yoa $3
for special employment membership, I will
hav only (IS left between roe and starva
tion. Secretary If yon pay IS for special
employment membership you will bava tha
T. M. C. A. with Its resource batwaan
yoa and starvatloa.
Record for 8 months ending June SO.
Calls for men 118
Positions f.llad H
New members ................... TOT
Employment membership guarantees era
ployment or rs7und of membership feo;
f ives two months full membership privi
leges. 10 month-r social prlvllegee and
undertakeeto keep party employed during
the full tarm of mamoarablp without
furthsr oharga. .
Wa hava oonstant demand for p'rh
grsde, axparlenoed man, Axa you fined
for-a better poaltlonT
Sea sacratary employment department
T. M- C. A.
WANTED Man and wife. cocTka. small
Caen p.
Two gang adrermen. (3.75 snd $4.
Mlllwriaht. 41.30.
Ceng trlmmerman, $3. 25.
Two general blacksmiths. (3.30.
Eight I borers on pip line, $"r.BO per
day, nln hours' work, fare refunded.
Largo Hat of other work.
Main office. 12 -ct t-
PARTIES contemplating trip to tha Mlddla
Waet or Eastern States may represent tha
beet Irrigated land propoaltlon In the
Northwest and bava the opportunity to
make big commissions and all traveling
ei parses. The lands will stand tha eloeeet
Investigation, tha company ta In excellent
financial atandlng and for produeliveneee,
perfect water aupply and Inducements to
sat tiers, wa are without competition. IT
Interested, nddreae S (10. Oregonlan.
TWO jmen and wlvee for ranchea, no objec
tion to children. (40 and found eacn.
4 finish carpenters. (4. $ hours.
( Ironworkers, R. R. bridge. (4.S0.
C. R. HANSEN A CO., 24 North 2d St.
THE LAMBERSON 654 Couch; a man for
kitchen and Janitor work la a small
board in g-hoiie.
TOi.'NCJ man to work In bath-houee; agg be
tween j a ana zo. can am 1 nirq at.
BARBEJi wanted; eteady Job. It Morrison.
Cook and aecond. country hotel. (7S.
Cook for boarding-house. $45.
Waltreaaes, IS per week and 125 par
Pantry girls, tli to (10.
Clerks for confectionery stores. $7 up.
Girl for shooting gallery, (10, room and
Kitchen helpers, !S to (30.
General housework. (20 to 130.
Other good poaltlons.
Ijdlas' Dept. 205 Morrlaon.
Apply Standard Factory. No. 3. Grand
ave. and Eaat Taylor at.
WANTED Experienced hand on ladlea
coata. one u ho can make puttonnoiae
and understands alterations: only first
class band need apply. Tha Make-Over
Shop, room bo. 271s Morrlaon au
WANTED A good German woman, over
25 eara of age. for general housework;
wagae (40 par month. Apply 1234 E.
Morrtson St. Phone Tabor 2&S7.
SOCBRETTE who oan alng and danoa; alao
piano player, ona who can sing lllustratsa
songs. Address with full Information. Star
Theater, North Bend, Or.
ttla) Waabingtoa at., cor. TtA. upstair
Pbone Mala 210.
WANTED Young lady to attend door and
wait on table. so union ave. jv. wuua
lawn 2411.
WANTED Lady preaaer; muat ba flrat-claaa
or need not apply; steady position. ietun
City Dye Works. 2sa Grand ave.
AN experienced maid for cooking and
downstairs work, goon wagea. Apply at w
North 21st St., comer Flanders.
WANTED A competent fitter to taks
charge of alteration dept. in general store;
country town. Call at 104 Bth at.
326Vs "Waahlngton at., room 814.
Main So38 or A 32t.
OIHL for general houaework; a good homo
In Irvlngton for someone. 001 inompson
st.. cor. llih.
W'ANTED A girl for general houaework
and plain cooking; no wasning. xarouy 01
two. Phona S-llwood lBWI. -
GIRL for dining-room work and assist with
d is nee. Mlsa hi. liamann. necauicum inn,
Saanlda Or.
FAN" Kr Refined, capable woman for re.
sponsible post 1 Ion. Vlavt
child cldg.. 4'h and Waahi
viavi t,o, 9vw nsts
WANTED MIlllBery makers, slao machine
operators. Apply Lowengarx -o.. la
and Burnalde ele
GIRL wanted for boarding and rooming-
house. 307 N. intn at.
FIRST-CLAPS walat draper and helper.
Teeedale. 606 Marcjusm bldg.
LADY bar bare wanted. Inquire 2a&Vs Burn-
WANTED Woman for cooking and general
houaework. Apply 44 lftn i. w.
GIRL to aaelat with general houaa work;
alao a nurse girt. 00 r-verett at.
WANTED Girl to aaelat with housework.
3 JO nth st. Fitono a 1000.
i WAITRESSES and laundress, tieach. (33.
Howe a lAHirr Axeocy. an o-o -s w.
MAID for cooking and hauaework. 3
Davla at., between anu su st.
WANTED Chambermaid at tha Adrian,
Grand ave. and r.. Morrison.
HOP PICKERS wanted. 480 acrea of flna
hops, all high trelils: will furnish tent,
good water, wood free, good camp ground:
will meet all hop pickers at train with
team; In addition to paying tha hlgheat
picking rata wa will pay an extra 4 per
cent to all pickers remaining through
out the season. E. C. Horat Co., per J.
C. Morrteon, Independence. Or.
WANT capable man or woman take charge
music tiubllantng Dusineee; nan interest
right party; aoma cash required: adver
tiser will travel. AT 833. Oregonlan.
BEST propoaltlon to good sollcltora; $44 a
week. I to A. M . 4 to 4 P. M. 117 V.
East Bumslda, room 14.
Fifth ec
wanted at HOVENDEN
Call and regiatar at 106
WANTED Positively no expense tolearn
trado of electricity, automobliea. plumb
ing, bricklaying by actual work on con
tract Jooe, oaiy a few montha required;
m atudenta laat year: catalogue fro.
United Trade Schooi Constructing Co.,
Loa Angelea. CaL
To operate moving plcturee; operators earn
(25 to (40 weekly: special price on lessons
today. N- Y. School of M. P. Operating.
52all3 Washington St., near 17th.
MOTION picture operating taught quickly;
price reasonable; theater experience; po
sition secured. Pacific Film Co., 404
Kothchlld bldg. '
WANTED Ladlee to learn beauty culture;
best place on tha coast. Sanitary Parlors,
400-412 Pehum bldg.
IXTtRNAlIONAL correapondenao Seas,
local office 233 Alder at- Mala 10.
WRITIN'O. (3 mo. 2 tie 141B St. Mala (SIIA
W.LI. tint rooms for $2.50 and paint houses
st your price, phone East 2263
WANTED At once, ( men to learn to drlva
and repair automobliea SO N. Tth at.
Swotlaad bldg.
WE teach ahowrard writing, reaaonabla snd
get positions. 242 Fifth su
- rt -r,.-. .-.-ar-a a olfPTmnlT A TrnTTCT - 10I1.
MEN wanted, aged 18-13 for firemen, (100
monthly; brakemen $10. on nearby rail
roads; experience unnecessary; no strike;
positions guaranteed competent men; pro
motion; railroad employing headquarters;
2s9 men sent to positions in July; state
age; send atainp. Railway Association.
box AV. Oregonlan.
19.000 POSITIONS tor gruatea laat year;
man and woman learn barber trade Is
g waeka help to secure position; grsda
atee earn from (15 to (35 weakly; expert
lea true tors ; tools free; wrlta for cata
loguaa. Mohler System of Colleges. (3
Kirth Ita at-. Portland. Or.
MAKE money writing abort stories, or for
papers; big pay; free booklet telle how.
United Press Syndieats, Baa Francisco.
Book keepers and Clerks.
MARRIED man. 31 years-old, wanta posi
tion in credit department of a reliable
Arm. 7 yeara' experience aa manager; re
ferences Call Marshall 2615. bet- 10 A. M.
and 1 P. M.
np booka. prepare balancea aad etatementa.
Ibatal: ayaterna. Ollllnsham. auditor. 411
Lewla bldg.. Marshall 717.
SITUATION wanted by young man. experi
enced bookkeeper, auditor; capable genoral
office man; salary eecondary consideration;
Al references. AL 313, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED, capable, energetic young
man wanta position, traveling salesman or
rrpreaentatlve: referencea furnished. AM
327. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT experienced bookkeeper wanta
permanent poaitlon; local references. AO
101, Oregoman.
A TOUNO man 23 yearS of age, alngle. now
employed in wholeaala grocery, desires a
change to position where there Is chanca
for advancement; Arst-claae clerk, quick
and accurate: lumber and public service
corporation experience. D S2I. Oregonlan.
CLOTHING, furnishings and shoe sales
man, experienced In trimming, advertising
'and buying: live,, up-to-date young man
d-slrea permanent poaitlon with good
Arm in or outalda city; good references.
AH 82. Oregonlan.
A FIKST-CLAbVS painter and paperhanger
wants a position In email town; eober. in
dustrious and married; not a floater. Ad
dress Painter. 711 Maryland ave., or phona
Woodlawn 2M6. Portland, Oregon.
GERMAN gardener and all around man,
eober snd steady, dealres position private
place, city or country; milk cowa and
clean automobile. AS 323. Oregonlan.
AMERICAN, 60 years of age. steady and
Industrious, wishes situation as watchman
or porter; will accept any Inside work
Address L 321. Oregonlan.
MAN and wife, experienced bartender snd
chambermaid, wish position In or out of
oity; hotel preferred; reliable, steady. AR
327, Oregonlan.
YOUNG mun wanta altuatlon on a private
place; can do gardener work and drive
and take cara automobiles; Scotch. AM
321. Oregon inn.
YoUNG married man wanta ateaay work of
acme kind; oan glvs references. AD 3-2,
MAN w:th family wanta poaitlon as night
watchman; highest references. AF 327,
Oregonlan. ,
KEMPKCTAHLE man wanta emploment
evenings; best referencea J. H. Mar
shall. 200 Market. Main 6501.
HOUSECLEANINHand window washing, or
Janitor work. Main 1820, Andrew J. Jen
nings. EXPERIENCED Japanese 000k wishes po
sition in family. Japanese M. E. Mission.
Phones Main K.101, A 15HU.
MAN and wife want position, cook and
waiter, or wife any other kind of work.
N 319. Oregonlan.
MAN and wife want poaitlon, cook and
waitress, or wife any other kind of work.
N 319. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED cabdrlver wishes a posi
tion with private family. F 326, Ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED farmer, wife and young
man. would Ilka a altuatlon on same farm,
capable taking charge. V 821, Orcgonlan.
JAPANEoE. very experienced cook, wanta
position, hotel, restaurant or esoarding. 2tl
JAPANESE, flrst-clnsa cook, wanta posi
tion; have good experience; over 10 years.
and reference. AUo.l. oregonlan.
MAN and wife, experienced, for general
work. 229 Eaat Cherry at. Phone Eaat
WANTED Poaitlon aa manager of atock and
grain ranch, by man with several years'
experience. Addreea M 328. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants to work for his
board and room with family on Eaat
Side. K 300. Oregonlan.
ENOINEER. atattonaxy. wanta position: can
do own repairing and la sober and re
liable; licensed. Phona East 3180.
RELIABLE, willing, steady man wanta work
on farm to learn; state wages to start.
H $21. Oregonlan.
MAN and wife want position as chauffeur
and eecond girl, or cook; worked 3 yeara
In one place. E 326, Oregonlan.
GOOD Jxpaneae wanta position as general
houaework In small family. T 323. Ore
gonlan, JAPANESE; position In drug store; ( years
experience; references. AP 314, Orego
nlan. MAN wanta work inside; capable, willing, in
telligent, salary not ao much as ateady
' position. AK 328. Oregonlan.
TOUNG man. 17 ysara old. wants work In
office, atora or warehouae: can furnish
good reference. L 331. Oregonlan.
MAN, 84. wlehea position aa electrtclan'e
helper; good referencea T 320, Ore
gonlan. GOOD Chinese cook desires position in the
city. Address 610 Spalding bldg.
WANTED Position as traffic manager in
Portland. Lock Box 118. Evaneton. III.
MA.1 snd wife want position Janitor In hotel
or apartment-house. . F 323. Oregonlan.
CARPENTER, experienced workman, coun
try preferred. AE 805, Oregonlan.
M A V and wife want position on ranch. F
330, Oregonlan.
PRINTERS.' apprentice wants to finish trade.
N 32h. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED Japaneae chauffeur wanta
poaitlon; hae llcenae. AG 327. Oregonlan.
MAN and wife wleh poaitlon aa cooks In
hotel or camp. Phona Main 6740; room 3.
Bookkeepers and Stenographer.
WANTED-Experlenced-legal stenographer,
now employed, wishes to make change;
ever six years' experience; mining or legal
position preferred. Address AV 347,' Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER. 8 yeara experience in
law office, dealres position; would go out
of town; beat referencea. AS 327, Ore
gonlan .
CAPABLE bualneaa woman of executive
ability and tact, needs employment: good
collector, caahler or forewoman; will lack
no effort to please. L 327. Oregonlan.
TOUNG lady dealres position as stenog
rapher, bookkeeper: alao general office
work. Phone C 1S02.
EXPERIENCED young lady will do office
work and bookkeeping; best of referencea.
Phone Woodlawn 2383.
YOUNG lady, competent atenographer and
blller, desires permanent position. AN
127, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER with some experience de
al rea poaitlon. Phone B 1531.
STENOGRAPHER with eome experience
seeks a position. Phone Marshall iltil.
LADY dealres poaitlon as atenographer, some
experience, moderate salary. Main 7062.
STENOGRAPHER. 3 years experience,
want good poaitlon. Malr 487$.
WANTED Stamping and embroidery to do
at home: work nicely done, at reaaonabla
prlcea. Phone Sellwood 278.
FIRST-CI.ASS dressmaking and tailoring by
day. Phones Main lata. A 5125.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking. 608 Alder,
near 16th.
YOUNG English lsdy desires position as
nurse, one or two children; capable of
taking entire charge. 1 J-i. uregunun.
NURSE wishes more cases, maternity pre
ferred: terms reasonable; doctors' ref-
c .-
WANTED Position as office reurae by prac-
...... 1 Arirlreaa AD .t '' I Oraronlan.
BY refined young lady aa nuraa girl or
companion. V 324. Oregonlan.
A GOOD practical nuraa with good refer
encea Tabor -'69.
MATERNITY nurse wanta caaa; will work
some, . MerghaU 1027.
REFINED, capsble woman with daughter,
12 dealres housekeeping In widower's
family. St- Louis Agency. Main 2039, A
WANTED Poaitlon as cook by experienced
lady. In hotel or private family: would
go to beach. Call for Ellxabeth Kerr, New
Belmont Hotel, lat atreet.
CAPa"BiJb woman wishes atartment-houss
to manage: experience: references snd
bonds if neceeaary. AF 326, Oregonlan.
POSITION as housekeeper in widower's
home by mlddle-ared lady, best of refer
ences. Call or write. No objections to
ranch. Mrs Schell, 622 Tioga St.. St.
Johns, Or .
WIDOW with two children. 6 and 4 yeara.
wishes position In widower's or htcheior a
family': city or country; . good home In
preference to largo wages. AR 32U, Ors-
Domestic. '
COMPETENT Japanese girl wanta a posi
tion cooking and some housework. In fam
ily. AE 329. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Main 4364.
WANTED A home with some good old
couple for a 16-year-old girl; good, ateady,
obedient; fairly good cook. Newberg,
Box 307. . '
WANTED Work at beach: family cook,
housekeeper, helper or waitress by capable,
unmarried woman, .age 30. J 328, Ors
gonian. '
WOMAN, A-I cook, wanta position, hotel
or boarding-house. Tabor 311. Cunning
ham. INDUSTRIOUS Scandinavian girl wants
work by the day, cleaning snd washing.
23c an hour. Phone E. 261.
WANTED Position aa waitress; a small
boardlng-houee preferred. V 324, Ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED cook, $40 up: chambermaids,
waitresses, nurses. St. Louis Agency,
303 H Wash. Main 2039, A 4775.
YOUNG woman would like poaitlon to man
age flrst-clas rooming-house or hotel. J
324. Oregonlan.
WOMAN wanta general housework; email
wash: Army people preferred. F 3-T.
WOMAN wanta work all day Saturday: half
day Monday: 25c hour, r-none a mi.
WANTED Work for Saturday: referencea;
no half days. Woodlawn 181L
TOUNG colored woman wishes any kind of
day work. Phone Main 4195.
COOKING in private family or Institution.
Phone A 4506, Miss Hart.
GIRL, wishes work by day. Phone Marshall
A NEAT colored girl would like a position
aa chambermaid. Marshall 2247.
EXPERIENCED laundress and house cleaner
wants steady place. Woodlawn 670.
GIRL wants to assist with housework. 174
Grover at. Take S car.
DAY work wanted. Marshall 1319.
RELIABLE ssleaman ess make big money
Belling our well-known line of hardy non
Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc.; out
fit furnished; cash weekly. Addreaa Ore
gon Nursery Company. Orenco. Or.
A strictly modern 7 to 9-room house
In a desirable location on the Weat Side;
would prefer one with two baths and
small garage; give full particulars In
first letter, regarding location, price, etc
E 325. Oregonlan.
RESPONSIBLE business man -wanta to rent
6 or 7-room furnished house or apartment
on Weat SSrle; rent not to exceed (60 per
month; will guarantee best of care and
lease for 6 or 8 months. Phone Main 224$.
8-ROOM modern house with garage, on
East Side. Call East 232, between 10 and
TOUNG man desires room and board in
first-class boarding-house or private fam
ily: centrally located. AM 325, Oregonlan.
WANTED Wlth'.n 13 minutes' ride of city,
comfortably furnished room by quiet
business man, single; references. P 326,
Rooms snd Board.
PORTION of private houae with board for
famllv of four, beginning September 10.
AV 351. Oregonlan.
Business Places.
WANTED Store, Weat Side. (50; S years
st present location. Main &&$.
Farnlsned or unfurnished rooms, single
SB suite, all convenlencee, best location.
-MILKER BLDQ-." t0 Morrison St. -
Ftirnlshed Room.
Thoae three beautifully furnished hotels,
I1IU 4th St. lUVs 4th St. XX74 4th St.
On Fourth St., running from Taylor I
Salmon st- Brand new brick, elegantly
furnished; eteam heat, private hatha hot
and cold wster in all rooms; strlotly
up-to-date In all reepecta. and at popular
prlcea. If you want something out of the
ordinary In the heart of the city at recs
onable prlcea. give ua a call, as we know
you will Ilka It- Rooma by the day, weak
or month. Tourlat trade ollcltd.
SARGENT HOTEL. Grand ave. and Haw
thorne, beautifully furnished room, sin
gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and
cold wster; steam heat snd telephone In
every room; special Summer ratea by week
or month to permanent guests First
class grill In connection. Transients so
licited; HOTEL. RAINIER.
One clock from Union Depot: 149 eat
Side rooma with hot snd cold water, every
thing brand new; special ratea by the week
sr month; give ua s trial. Transient rates
Oo to (2 per day; weekly rates (3.60 ua.
387 Vs Eaat Burnalde.
We have a few very plesssnt modern
rooms, which we will make specisl Sum
mer rates on transient, 50c to $1.60 per
day, $3 to $6 per week. East 6040. B 1275.
uorrr. B1VOK
1(1 Eleventh st.
New, modern brick building, steam-heated,
private hatha, hot and cold water la
rooma, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort
able. Rente very reaaonabla. Call and see
us. RegujaraJdtransjentjade aollcited.
EUCLID HOTEL; 673 Waahlngton at., cor.
of 18th: new, modern, elegantly furnished,
rooms single and en aulto with bath, hot
and cold water -every room, phonea; rea
aonabla ratea by week or month. ' Apply to
Completely renovated; everything first
claaa; rooma. with bath. $1.30 and up;
(27 per month with private batba; apecial
low Summer rates by week or month.
10th and Waahlngton.
park St., between Morrlaon and Alder.
Heart of the city: quiet and modern; free
'bus or W car at depot; ratea (1 alagle.
(1.50 double; also family rooms with pli
cate batb. etc Ratea per week.
Central location, moderate prices: neat
airy rooma; weekly ratea $3. (3.50 and
up. Including public phone and bath.
39014 Morrison at., cor. 10th.
HOIIL RKNWICK An Ideal home for
buslneaa people; centrally located; ele
gant room, all modern conveniences; 7th
and Taylor si., 1 block from Portland
Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Mala ma,
Pjtetr HOTEL, cor. East 3d and Burnalde
eta. Modern In every reaped. Speoial
ratea by week or month tor permanent
' guests; rooms single or en suite, (3 per
week and up. Transient solicited.
RUSHMARK HOTEL, 17th and Waahlngtoa
Newly furnished rooms, slngla or aa
suite; private batba, steam heat, net aad
cold water and phona In all rooms 1 rates
reasonable; transienta aollolted.
LIGHT airy rooms, modern, auites or sin
gle (2 and (3 week; five minutes' walk
to 'theaters snd stores, free phone. Lln
dell Hotel. 328 4th.
NICELY furnished rooms, home comforts,
rates reasonable. Phone Marshall 212$.
4; Ella at-
THE LANDORE 2S8 10th St.; large, nicely
furnished room for rent; steam heat, hot
and cold water.
HOTEL ATLAS under new management
large airy ' -
$3014 Morrison St.. cor. West Park.
ROOMS for rent. 1S4 Sherman at., fur
nished, (1.50 and up; housekeeping, $2 and
THE LARRABEE, 22714 Larrabeeat.; mod
ern, cool, airy rooma; transient 60c and
up; special rates week or month. E. 8I.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at
moderate prlcea. Cor. 3d and Montgomery.
LEONCE: Modern apta. ; Nob Hill district;
convenient 10 2 carllnea 180 22d st. -N.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, very
central; reasonable.. 54514 Washington.
XHKPalmerT 3504 Alder; furnished-rooms
by flay or wee,.
FURNISHED flat. 8 rooms and bath, no
children. 400 4th St.
tarnished Booms In Private Family.
Furnished Rooms.
Corner Washington and 19th Sts,
Trinity Place. No. 25.
New three-story brick building.
All outside rooma
Fine quarter -oak furniture.
Axmineter end Wilton carpets.
Telephone In every room
Hot and cold water In each.
Large closeta
Large rooms, well lighted.
Gaa and electricity.
Strictly modern.
Very reasonable ratea
Rooms by day, week, month.
Walking distance.
New I New! Newl
Fine, large. cool rooms at prices unap
proachable In this vicinity.
BestdentlsL 350 Tsylor. Transient.
Bet. Tth and Park sts.
Opposite Helllg Theater. Central, quiet,
rooms with private bath, etc. from (1
dally; aultee or ainglo rooma at low
ratea; weekly or monthly terma; new.
handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele
phones, hot and oold running water. From
Union Depot "J" car to Taylor, or "W
ear to Tth: from Hoyt-etreet Oepot. 5
ear, transfer oa Morrison ta Tth, Paoni
Marshall 220OL .
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
THREE nice, newly furnished rooms, elec
tric lights and gaa, walking distance, $10,
$12, $15 month; excellent location. 40s Vx
Park st.
NICELY furnished large room; bath, elec
triolty. etc.; suitable for one or two peo
ple. Apt. 3. 6S4 Flandera, cor. 18th.
TWO well-furntehed rooms, suitable for two
or more young men; aplendid location.
Prices reasonable. Phone A SST
FURNISHED front room, suitable for two
gentlemen, with board. 185 16th St.;
LARGE, cool, quiet room, suitable for gen
tleman, new bed and bedding, electrlo
light, bath, telephone 700 Flanders st.
SUNNY room, modern lmprovementa. quiet
neighborhood. "W" car. 668 Kearney. '3d
FURNISHED rooma in modern home for 3
gentlemen; reaaonabla; walking distance.
Phone Main 3296. -
LARGE, handsomely furnished front room,
suitable for three, with board. 385 Vx
Mill t.
ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms and apart-
menta in Nob Hill district, r-none -1 oo..
665V4 GLI3AN ST. Nicely furnished rooms;
path, phone, electric ii&ui, picm
ATTRACTIVE front room, $12, Nob Hill
large parlor room. 00 r '"""
NICE clean room, low rent, walking dis
tance, 452 6th. A 6443
FURNISHED rooms, suitable for one or
two. 595 E. Oak. B 2619.
LARGE nicely furnished room suitable for
l or x gentlemen. - - -
NEW. finely, furnished, large rooms, board
if desired. 840 Hassalo snd Second.
$2.00 PER WEEK; desirable location; gen
tlemen preferred. 305 12th at.
NICELY furnished front room; close-in; free
bath and phone. 4 10 Aiaer si.
(10 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; large
yard. 341 Patton road. Main 4029.
NICELY furniahed modern room, walking
distance. 334 Hall st.. cor. 7th.
$9 NICELY furnished room, modern con
veniences. 303 11th. A 7753.
NICELY furnished room, modern, $ per
month. 16S North 17th sU
BEST-LOCATED private place in city;
rooms clean, well furnished. 181 11th.
FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences;
walking distance. 261) 14th st.
FOR RENT Desirable sleeping-room, walk
lng distance. 4tl5 7th st-
FURNISHED room, suitable for two young
men; bath, steam heat, (14. 557 E- Main.
Rooma and Board.
DOES a home appeal to youT The Whitehall,
cor. 6th and Madison, large rooma, bath,
broad, verandaa, quiet, close in. near car,
4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
ONE fine room with private bath and
one with hot and cold water; homo cook
ing and modern conveniences. 617 Kear
ney, The Magnolias.
LARGE and beautifully furnished room
with private bath; will give board If de
aired; home cooking. 320 Montgomery
at-, bet. 6th and 7th. -
REST VILLA Large, airy rooms. fins
grounds, best board In; one block
from Waahlngton at. 49 North 17th at-
POR1LAND Women's Union. 23d year;
rooma with board, uae of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, sopt,
THE 11AXITCU 261 13th, nw manage
ment; thoroughly renovated: Inviting
rooms; choice board. Main 1184.
CHOICE board and large room, facing the
park; very reaaonabla. (74 Park. .
ROOM and board, everything first-class. 33
N. 17th.
THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison St., rooms
suite or single; modern conveniences.
"Rooms With Board In Private Family.
ROOM and board in strictly first-class mod
ern home for two persons, with use of
piano; close In. 766 Gllsan at. Marshall
AIRY, outside single room and board; steam
heat, bath and phone In Janitor's apart
ment: Sheffield Apartments, 270 7th at.
no carrare. o,ou per wcci,.
LARGE pleasant front room for two peo
ple; also smaller room, walking distance;
everything modern; terms reasonable.
Main 3280. .
FURNISHED front "housekeeping rooms, ex
cellent location, quiet, comfortable, reason
able. 262 14th. 5
DESIRABLE young man. room and break
fast in strictly up-to-date . home. Phone
Marshall 807.
ROOM and board, 2 In a room, for (25 per
mo.. In modern private home; 2 meals.
breakfast and dinner.' 410 park st,
A WELL-FURNISHED room, pleasant altua
tlon, 1 block of Multnomah Club, with or
without Doara, aiar-nsu iiu.
TWO cosy rooms, congenial home, refined
neighborhood, choice board. 761 Mar
shall. WELL-furnlshed room, suitable for two;
reasonable; excellent board. 734 Hoyt st,
Marshall 2820.
IF YOU want goo 3 board, pleaaant rooma,
everything modern and convenient, reason
able, pnone main ao-x.
FURNISHED room with good home cooking.
fnone main wn,.
ROOM or room and board for two. walking
.. . ... , , . . Dhnna Ualn 7iS)l
stance. p.n
FIRST-CLASS room, with board, for two.
private family. w in. inn- ay. juai --a.
LARGE room with' board. (3 week, 2 gen
tlemen, phone, pain. o-v lajunm.
ROOM and board in private family. 595 E.
Ash, cor. 15tn. ynone caai xova.
FURNISHED rooms; will board. 820 11th
st. Phone A mo.
GOOD board end room lor one gentleman.
WELL-FURNISHED room with beat board;
' . . . j Ualn OOT1
larRe porcn iu ........
ROOM containing fireplace for 2 gentlemen,
with board, mudern home. East 2891.
NICELY furnished room with board, two
jingle beds. 192 13th. near Morrison.
SHE Beryl Large rooma large closeta,
cool and airy for Summer; some fur
nished apartments, 21st and Lovejoy;
take W car .
429 E. Morrison, corner of 7th; 2. 8 and
4-room apartmenta. furnished up to date;
private baths, moderate price, new m'gt.
New, modern 2, 3 and 4-room apts.,
aleeping porches; private phonea and
baths, electric cookers .
COMPLETELY furnished five-room apart
ment; sleejIng porch, walking distance;
(55. 606 Flanders. Slain 8251.
ONEONTA 187 17th. 2 and S-room suites;
hot and cold water In every apartment!
GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup eta.,
a. room apartment; front veranda and
nnreh water. h.At. nrlv,ta nla..
sieepi" y '-J"-
JUANITA. 325 11th St.. corner Clay Nicely
furnished 2 and S-loom apartments, mod
ern, every convenience, rent reasonable.
BRA1NIBBK Elegant five-room apart
ment. West Side; walking distance; rent
reasonable Main 774L
BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished,
atrictly modern. Summer ratea now m ef
Jict. ISOtt North 23d at. Marshall 282L
J-5: CLAIR. 715 Wayne at,, modern (-room
apartmenta. two porches. Phone Main 430
IvLTAMONT. 304 College Strictly moderrTs
and 4-room apt. Main 6080. Reasonable.
THE King Davla. corner King and Davie
,tJ.; one ( and one 4-room apt.
THE HARTFORD Best modern apt, in the
city .21" n(l Flanders.
Theae elegant B-roora unfurnished apart
menta. which are now completed, are sit
uated In the heart of the city, within 10
minuter walk of tha business center.
Reservations may be made from owner
on premises or by. phone. Halo 7uS. A
Corner of 13th and Jefferson eta. fou
snd live-room spartments, unfurnished,
with reception hall, automatlo elevator.
Pacific States telephone tn every apart
ment and the most modern conveniences
found In the city. Phone Main 20S6 or
call up main office. Main 6764.
New concrete building). 624 Marshall, be
tween 10th and 20th; by far the most
home-like apartment-house, with elabor
ately furnished 3-room apartments. Nob
Hill district, modern conveniences, private
bath, phones. verandas. lawn, flowers,
walking distance. Janitor service and
reasonable. Call and Judge for yourself;
take "W" car. Main 6032. A 3191.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving at.;
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric, automatlo
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gaa range, ice
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phones A 1741. Marshall 2961.
' 45 Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th
streets, near Washington.
New brick building, elegantly furniahed.
2. 3 and 4-room apartments, within walk
ing distance of business center; free
phone, private bath, hot water, ranges,
. refrigeratora and all modern convenl
encea; janitor aervlce; ratea very reason-
able. Phone Marshall 1293.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th snd Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely flrst-clasa, fur
nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com-
firessed air carpet cleaning. Janitor aerv
ce; rent per month (26. $30 and up. Must
be seen to be appreciated.
644 Everett st
Nev and' elegantly furnished spart
ments. 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located In one
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
tance. CLAYPOOI. APARTMENTS. 11th snd Clsy
sts.; brand new, 6-story building, ready for
occupancy August 15: 3-room apartments
with balconies, 2 wall beds In each apart
ment; possessing ev.-y modern conveni
ence close In. excellent neighborhood, rea
sonable rent and beat of service. Apply
to janitor. ,
GRANDE OAK Apartments, Grand ave, and
East Oak at. Elegantly furniahed 3 and
S-room apartments, private bath and
phone; outside kitchen, all light apart
ments. Price (25 to $35; will be com
pleted by August 9; make reservation
now. Apply S. H. Morgan, at the apart
ments. i
land's finest apartment-houses; 4-minute
car serv'ce; beautiful part city to live,
1135H Alblna ave.. cor. Killingsworth.
Take Mississippi, L or Kenton car at 3d
and Wash. sts.. 15 min. ride: 2, 8 and 4
rooms, completely furnished. (1T.60 to (30
mo ; also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 2250.
New 4-story concrete building. 2, 8 and
4-room apartments, furnished and unfur
nished ; new furniture, modern. Apply to
the Chetopa. 18th and Flanders sts.
and Columbia sts. First-class 2 and 3
room furnished and unfurnished apart
ments; all modern conveniences, best lo
cation in the city, fronting the parks, and
only 6 minutes' walk from the ouslness
center. Apply to manager.
New management, new concrete building
with elaborately furnished 8-room apart
ments, modern convenience lawn cool ve
randas. Janitor service: reasonable, walk
ing distance f,24 Marshall at.; taks "W
car. Main pus or a aim.
LLCKtlllA t-uuni l , u ........ if
A class by themselves- Front lawn,
fountain. lobby. See them. New prop.
References required. Phone Marshall 1320.
prop, and mgr.; Marshall 15O0. Janitor.
Place, betw. 19th and 20th sts. ; Just fin
ished; most magnificent apartmenta on
the Pacific Coast; rentala reasonable:
sleeping porches; private hallways and
every modern convenience; references re
qulred. Phone Marshall 602.
Tit Washington; under new manage
ment: 2. 3 and 4-room apta., furnished
or unfurnished: up-to-date, clean and
modem; private bath; telephone; ratea
reasonable; beat aervlce. Fhone Main
EXCLUSIVE apartment.. 6 large rooma and
bath; private entrance; large front and
back private porches; maid's room In basement-
beat, hot water, vacuum cleaning
syatem: ranges, refrigerators, 791 North
rup. Phone Main 9358.
ORDERLEIGH apartminta, cor. Grand ave.
and Eaat Stark St.; new. fireproof brick
building, furnished, two snd
three-room, private bath, free
phone, not and cold water Ice box. uo
carfare. Summer ratea Phone Eayt 300.
Cor. 20th and Kearney.
New and beautifully furnished and un
furnished 3-room apartments; splendid lo
cation; Summer rates. Call and see man
ager at Apartmenta or phone Marshall 868.
Very desirable 4-room. newly, complete
ly furnished apartments possessing all
modern conveniences; very reasonabls
rites. -
$89 Irving st-; Aug. 1, one four and one
live-room apartment; private bath, all
outside rooms. Janitor service etc; also
garage tor rent; references. Phone A
ferson sts. A 3-room apt. with bath,
unfurnished; alt outside rooma; every con
venience; modern and only 6 min. walk
from P. O. Very reasonable rent-
, . , . . - ,T ,1- T-MTTTTUVTCUIrn
PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison
ats. beautiful 8 and 4-room apartmenta
furniahel for housekeeping; everything
Bew ana modern; elevator, telephone free.
(46 to (60, ;
Elegantly furnished and unfurnished:
comforts of home; private phone and
batha. elevatora, private playground for
children; Ideal location. 223 N. 20th au
Marshall 2028. .
near Main; elegant 3-room apts.. private
balcony, large rooms, overy modern con
venience with two sleeping compartments,
(35 and $37.50; 4 rooms for (40.
Corner 14th and Clay sts., solid brick,
snlendld location, electric elevator. We
have a few large 3 and 4-room suites,
unfurnished. $38 to (50 per month.
LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln sts.
Completely furnished 2-room apartments
for houaekeeping. new and modern, houae
lust opened; walking distance; no chil
dren; 32a to $30. Phone Main 1377.
Park street, corner Madison.
Furnished 8 and 4-room apartments: in
dividual phonea; convenient, downtown
management, 2-room suites, furnished,
phone and bath, flrat-claaa service; come
and see us.
6-ROOM apartment, (35; desirable and convenient-
See janitor. The Kearney, 21st
snd Kearney, or Morgan. Flledner &
Boyce. Ova -Aoingion piup.
Washington; elegant new building, com
plete and modem; two sleeping compart
ments and private balconies. $33 and $40.
8 and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished.
250 20th st. North- Pbone Main 4033; or
Main 1178.
. 410 6th Furnished and unfurnlahed.
atrictly modern apartmenta; walking dis
tance ; prices reasonable; no children.
Cor. eth and Montgomery.
AH outside 2 and 3-room suites, from
(18 to (45. Marshall 1378.
FOR RENT "Completely furnished four, five
or six-room apartment, piano and steam
heat; must be seen to be appreciated. The
Marlborough, corner 21st and Flanders sts.
HADDON HALL. 414 11th. cor. Hall. 3 and
4-room apt!., elegantly furnished, pri
vate phone, bath and balcony porches. (33
up. Marshall 117L
407 Hall st-. new 2 and 3-room furnished
apartmenta. walking distance; Janitor aerv
lce. Phone Main 4299.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur
nlshed. 191 14th St. Main 6444.
THE LOVEJOY Apartments. 17th and Love
Joy -ModernnejyfurnisliedMaln 213.
THE LOVE JOT Apartments, 17th and Love'
Joy Modern, newly furnished. Main 213.