JEWS NAME CITY. AS WESTERN HEAD Pacific Coast Work Will Be Directed by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. NOTED LEADERS SPEAK lUbbl Hr-nry IWkowlu and Dr. William Rwrnai KxpUIn Bene fit of Chautauqua at Big Men tag Here- History Kry-notc. Dr. Henry berkowlta. of Philadelphia. cnr;ior of the Jewish Chautauqua S-j'ie'y of America, annnuni-rd yesterday after hi arrival In Portland from San Francisco, that the Pacific COMt branch of the association will have II head quarter li Portland, with Rabbi Jonah B Wise, of Tempi Beta Israel. as gen eral secretary. From Fortland the work of the association will be extended throus-h the town and cltlea of the Pa ct flo Coaet. Tlana are already under way to fcol'l the real .Summer assembly of the Chautauqua In this city. The ft ret ae!on of the Jewish Chau tauqua ever held west of the Rocky .Mount ln was held In San Francisco last ok. closing Tuesday. Rabbi Wise attended and led on of the meetings In a discussion of the method of"each Irg history. By hi request Rabbi Berko w if x. founder and chancellor of the as srvclatlnn. and Ir. William Riasenau. rl ancellor In John Hopkins University and professor of Semitic language and literature, both most prominent amon trt leader of the Jewish Chautauqua movement, accompanied him to Port land with their rrty and delivered a Joint lt-cture on the foundation and pur poMi .of the organisation, at Temple Beta Israel last night. rionror Arc I'ralx-d. -Travel'nB on the Farfflo Coast," aid Pr. Berkowlta In openlnc hla ad dress. "I have found that It has become a terra of honor for a man to be called a pioneer or the ac-n of a pioneer, and ill! la well, for the pioneer In any p;are or In any work I tha man of the strongest, the most striking; mental aid moral qualities. And It haa seemed to rre most striking that la thla land, where the term "pioneer la eo rererad. that Rabbi Jonah R Wise, tha ion of t"e late Dr. Isaac B. Wise, that famoue pioneer who laid the foundation of the area! Hebrew I'nlon college, which now ha upwards of 0 graduate in tha Jewish Rabhlnat of America, ahould he hera In Portland In the high .po sition of leather and a leader In toe Jewish congregation. Paving- a high tribute to Rabbi Wise In wishing Jura tbe success and emi nence to which hi father bad attained, rr. Berkowlta turned to a rewfew of the founding of the Hebrew Union Col lege In 18TS. from which he was one of toe first three to graduate, and an out line of the growth of tha Jewish Chau tauqua movement alnce he hltise'f took t'e first step In Its organisation In 111; In Philadelphia. Influence I Marked. Delea-atea from Philadelphia, bavins: 'cured the sanction and assistance of the original National Chautauqua As sociation In New York, went to Chi cago and before the Jewish Congress at the World's Fair. In I$2. laid their plan for an association that should wield an educational Influence in sub lets of Interest to the Jewish people Ihrouthoul the I'nlted States. Afeet-lna-a of the association were held In Atlantic city In 17 and for ten yeara thereafter. Then they met In Buffalo for two seasons. In Ixiluth and Mil waukee, and last, coming to the Pa nne Coast, held their last and one of their most successful Summer sessions In San Francisco. Pr. Berkowlta spoke with enthusiasm of the growth of the Pacific Coast and the important part he believes It Is to play In the development of the move ment which be is heading. -Seven years ago I was here attend ing your World's Fair. Returning to lay. I find what waa then an infant city grown to be a giant, so rapidly are you making history, said the speaker. He bespoke the eo-operatlon of the people of the Portland congregation In furthering the movement and predict ed complete success to follow the es tablishment ot the Pacific headquarters In this city. Work. Is Outlined. Ir. Roeenau followed his address with a short outline of tha educational work covered by tha association, which Is similar In almost every respect to that of the original Chautauqua As sociation. Bewid the Summer assem blies in the larger center of the coun try, more than ISO Chautauqua circles have been established for the study of Jew ish history, language and literature. The field secretary, traveling through out the United Slates, establishes new circles and oversee the management of the ones already established. One of the Important works accomplished haa been the establishment of systems of Instruction for tha five Jewish colonies established by the. Jewlah Society In New Jei.-ey. where Immigrants are be ing trained to adapt themselves to American customs and American meth ods of farming. "We are doing a missionary work." said It. Ko-enau. "not In the sense of saving people, but in giving them a fair and a true presentation of Jewish history and Jewish belief." Kabbl -V A. Cohen, of Butte. Mont., who has been attending the assembly In San Francisco and came to Portland with It. Berkowlta' party, gave the benediction at the close of the meeting, jr. Berkowlts and Pr. Roeenau wIU re main In Portland for a few days before leaving- on their return trip to the KasL Man, 3 5, Knds Life. . After lying for three hours In his room at a lodging-house at 141 Front street, suffering from hemorrhages re sulting from taking; bichloride of mer cury, Frank Fecthonle. IS yeara old. was found by residents of the house, who telephoned for an ambulance. In which he was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital. He died three hours later. No motive la assigned for .the suicide, is Fecthonle Is known to have been In good circumstances. Ha seemed de mented, aay lodgers In tha bouse, and retired to his room about S o'clock, when ha la supposed to have taken the poison. D.4JLT MKJKOHOVtMitCAl. REPORT. PORTT-A.ND. Aug. 11. Maximum temper eu - degree, minimum. .' drsreea Hlv'er' readme ( A M.. T feet, chanee In last -t hours. I foot fall. Total rainfall P. M. to P. M-1 nun; tolsl rIM:l since Sep tember 1. 1S10. sva Inches, normal raln fs'l sine Kp'ember 1. 41 Inches; d-fl-0f rainfall sine ajte-erfer I. laie. S 7 4 Inches. Tots! sunshfne. 4 hours 1 rnln ntes; noee.b'a sunshine. 14 hows iA.mUuilea Psremeter 'reduced to sea level) at S P. M, 80.01 Inches. THE WEATHER. 5 ,? W"" STATIONS. I I I S if . Poise . . . . .. ..... H'smn. CaKarr. ......... Chu-aao. ......... Denver. .......... Iee Maine...... fiulurh Eureka ., ;alveetoa ........ Helena J seksoa vllle. . . , . . Kaneas City Marshfleld Montreal New Orleaaa.. ... Nssr York North Head North Yaatraa.... PKoenls. Pelello. . ....... Portland ........ ltoeeturg Facramente st ltms I S-0 .1 ao o , tt o .1 Ton .1 T4 O ,.' til .1 SH II J e-io i o .1 aoo . so . I'li o i l O , ftn .1 sv " . Vi . Mil J s rt. Clear .ooi s N K .fl I0 8E 7-1 ii se .a1 io-ob (irt.ll) K CI I SO ,oo lirN' so X . OO) 4 S . i e'B oo U N 00 14 NW 01 4'V .00' 4 S is 7n S FT no le-NW S'lou1r lesr (Pt cloudy iPt cloudy I'loodr I'loiHir s'lear -oudy il'lear slear -ear K'lsar jTt rioudy clomlT t cloudy fclear -trieer s'lear It cloudy Cloud v rinutt v 'i Meer ft eloudy lnwlV OO 4 N'T oo- 4 'K K lO NW OO B NW OO IO S Oil l.k H iio a a oo s 00 4 imi n o Ts " 1 o I SI o. ft. Paul Felt Lake hmn Pleo tn Fraaciece. Sl.ktvou po ft 7ol Oivm nt pt cloudy eo 0 TJ M n e. o oo 14 w 00 ' 4 N 001 4 'V OOt S W oo a a oo l-ff 14' I N OO 1041 OO IO-HW Ir-loudy Pt eloudy 'rt cloudy Rain k'loudy k'lear k'lear ' 'loll-l V apokane. 1 teems .. Tatoon Island... 4 o sh 0 irwvo 70 T o ana walla. . ... , A aehtnstoa Tellowmone pare. WEATHKH CONDITIONS. The harometer Is relatively o orer the Rorky Mountain Btates and relatively hin over Oreson and Wasnlnjton. The Uakota hih-preesure area haa moved aast to the lake rea-lon. fvorlns the last 24 hours showers and thunderstorms have oeeurrea ever a rather wide strip of territory eslenrt ln from Colorado east to the lower lake resion. Local rain have fallen at widely separated places along the Atlantis and Guir I nans Thev did "ot extend ery far In land Tt IS much warmer In the Northern Hocky Mountain Htatee and correspond Inslv cooler In lotra. Northern Illinois, the lower lake reiion and tbe New Bncland State. Tns conditions are favorable for fair ,k- t this riletrlrt Ksturdav. With sltsntlv hlsher temperatures rn Oregon and Washington. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and slightly warmer: northwesterly winds. (irejon and Washington Fair. slightly warmer, esrept near the coast; northwester ly winds. Idaho Fair. .'ii'i PPMS pitri.-t Fores-ler. JtEETl!tO N"OTICEt4. JIOCNT HOOP CIRCLJ- NO. HI. W. OF W. AND Ml'I.TNOMAH CAMP NO. 77. W. OF W. Will hold a Joint picnic at Colnm bla Park Hundar. Ausuat 13. Jll. rtry hoy to -he preaent at It A. M. DLED. VrcCHIO19 In this eltv. August 1. Frank Vecchione, aged so yeara Funeral will take place from Dunning A McKn tee'a ehapel. suniisr. Aucust in. at 1:30 P M Services at ft- Michael s Church. 4th and Mill ta. 2 Pi M. Deceased was a member ef the Court Concordia. For esters of America and Druids Italian tlrovw. No. 2. Friends Invited. Interment at Hirer-lew Cemetery. pOWELl. At her late residence. 7S3 East Main il. Martha A. Powell, ad 7& year. Funeral notice later. rCXERAI. NOTICEA. TlTtXFR la thla city. August . st the family residence. 1147 Kast Lincoln St.. Chariee W. Turner, formerly of Silverton. Or., aged 47 yeara. Tbe funeral services will be held at the ehapel of the Portland Crematorium at 1:10 P. M. tomorrow tbun day. Augast It, Friend Invited. JOHNSON The funeral eet-vtces of the late August Johnson, beloved husband of Tilda Johneon. will be held at Holmin t chapel. Third and rtalmoo sia. at 1 J P. M to morrow trianrtajr). Knende Invited, inter ment RJvervlew Cemetery. XONSKTH FLORAL OTA. MAH4CAM MLDO iLOK.iL UE-luX. Fbeaee: Maia tlttt All, A- R. rKLt F.R CO., SS4 W Ullama ave. Fheaw faM loss, C leas. Lady alleedeal. tw zeuee-jlyraee t-e. McLatea, saeeral Ttk m4 1 lee. I heee Mala IW. sieiajit. tlgtee mt lonely Cersaae, j r. rlM tl a MX. d aad M Ladr aOeajdaau, Fbeae Mala , A lies UWAUI CO, Fa-termi IMrea. eve. tss se . J-y sssui sss. rsta ja. set. " KAJrr SIDB rwawesd Directors, ssnnsssi Us. B. Dunalag, lac E. it, B lili. LaVRCH. .wertafcev, ewe. Eaa A twee was ai.IH. acae L Is I. Lady aselMeaa. I'eerao-i (e.. faaeral aUrertere, SeS-e7l Raasell sc. Lady aaelMaaa. aaa UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWS-R ARS HELD AT THIS OP rl' G FHUX THB Ful.lAJWlNO ANtiWCR iHrX'KH AND MAY BH HAD PY PRE Hi.vTI.S.) lol'R CHBCiiS AT THB OKK UoMAN (XI-F1CE: A-SIA. 7. 47. aOZ. SIS. S20. Ml. KX S3. 7o. 7J. Ml. H i4. J'"). l. til. 11. i s.'4. y. suj. sis. i", sib. iiJ. D J.i '.-iJ. Vi4. JN a 3lI. 111. SIT. sax x: t. ajs, jw 7ie F-l. 10 L IOL 7. 117, lit. t!J. 115. '--. IT 'J. !W. S"A 311. 1 16. SIS, SIS, SJU iiNO. 27. -. S"l. J"'J. 81. TWO. H 21, :U. 3iT. il. S13. 314. J in I. 2j7. 3ju. uu. S1U. til. Sli. SIS. K -TS. 2se. IO. 3-L L Shi. aia. tit, sod, so. SS. Sio. U. ii- in. UJ. M al. 3o2. 314. SIS. S23. Hi. 2i, JuO. Sua. Sus, SIS, S14. SIT. 81A, si i. u. ii'i O ii!4. .1. eL SIS, SIS. SI7. K1. r2.-i. :tvA 3U4, 30o, S1L Sit. SI 7. SIO, 822. Sju. SJ7. R -la. )KA sua, SOS. sis. ThO. a . no. t-JR 3UL S02. SOS, SOS, S07. SIO, 111. SIS, Sis. 811. U3. V 1S7, :4. lOl. 144. 0i,. Sit. SIS. SIS. S-i. Ssa. sii. W 301. soa. SOT. SIL SIS, SIT, SIS, S22. 311 3IV X Jul, .Ml. SOS, S0&, 3C7. SI 2. 370. v . sui. 904. sue. sio. Jii. sis. sis. s:a. AH3x. 3"4 Sin. S1I. -SIS. SIS, SIS, S31. 34. i:s. A rT 100. AC?'). :M. 301 316. Jl. SI. SIO, AIs 243. 261. Z2. SSS. 24. 300, 304. Sll, 313, 317. As-M-M. sou. sua. sua, sis. sis, ss. AF 2Si SSS. ISK sH. SIS, SIS. 821, S24. Ai 2m. SOS. SIS. SI2. S2 4. S22. A If -M. 2l. SiM. "7. 314. SIS. S24. SIO. AJ S3". --1. 294, 2vl, 3A4. 3if4. V0. SOL :iii. s-0. AK '. ,1i4. SIO. fill, SIS. MJ. AL 1'7. 2o. Jin. S14. 823. 32. 32. A.M 2i. 1. 304. SUA. Slu, SIS. 316, 820, 321. 324. suS. AN : 231. . S04. SIX SIX Sia. 31. 321. Stt, Hi. AO 1 21. HI. S22. 213. 270. 391, SIS. MA. 3 17. XI. BSL AP Cl. Sll. SIS. SIS. 820. 821. SIS. SSL Ait au, X03, '-v. 3U. sis, aie. UJ. AS !M. too. joe, 812. 322, 824. S24. AT a-1. 22. 3U1. SOX 3U4. SIS, 824. AV 310. if above answers sre not called for within sia das. same will e destroyed. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily a, Rraday. Pee IJae. Owe time ISe eawio ad twe laiicatlve tlmee .....Se banie ad U-e ssasseuUve Umee Sue a eta ee eavsm eeweeeeuve aa twe Ubea e I aot wmm la a seratlve teewee tow ei liase rate aapllea, advertleemeste lae a (be actual anmhs tse enarfs sr ksns wui be si ef Uaea appeaelag la wf Uw Baaabee e aw tbe paper, regaedieaa La few iwoey ehargwa saw -.New Today maJ Ueae esewptlag to full owing I Mtoatloae Vkaatea. jiale. bltoalleea) sated, Il See Steal, Steeaae, rrlvate ram I nee. kaease aad Ueaed. Private Saraiuea. Tbe rate eat (be abeve classKloallnaS mi. sllna eaca tns art lea. Is 1 See tbe aceieniedallea ef patrsa, Twa Ovegnalaa wIU aosep elslfled advertiee aaeate ever Use teiepuoae. pre violas the ad vertiser a a ewbeeribee tw either pbeae, Me artcee will be aooled ever tbe pbeae, bat bill will be rewawred Ua feUowtag day. Ubetber eubseqeeot advwrtlaeaseats will be aeeepted ever Ibe pbeae depend apwa the swecaptaeae ef tbe pay oat ef leiepboaie ad vertlseeaeaia. bltuauwa V. anted aad Per snai advertleeaaeeua will stt be aeeepted ever tbe lelepbosie. Orders for eae Insertloa enly will be aeeepted for "H oases for Heat, Ssrnltare fee wale. Haelneee Opvevtaai- "Ulllll t we me a Il i Mill leasee saaet amvmirany ewt ml uwa Stwera. wis wet da ewe at aa eoe Uaw a eah aaV veciieemeate aad a aw eoenled fee lee we sei 'ftlstslieat ra la ewea lloe au aaverueeaaeala are aiwasnra aauy. aa let tas ralea anolv aa aitiat llaaiaaala all etttec rlaatiana TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAS", SATURDAY, AUGUST 12. 1911. AMrPEMEVTS, HEILIG TH EATER 7t aad Taylor. Fkeare Mala 1 aad A 1133. TWO rKRM'HMAy'KS TODAY PICIAL PK1CIB MATINEE 8:13 POPULAR PRICKS I Tovinirr a-ia HARRY I- CORT Presents MAX F GMAN supported by LOt.ITA ROBERTSON. In the Comedy Succe.s "THt MAN ON THE BOX." Evenlns" 7e, oOc. '.'Sc. IV:. Today" matinee. iOc. ISc 140. Wednesday ins tines, lie. 1Sc. Vsek Perlnn'nr Tomorrow Night. "THK Rl BHTITl'TK." Pests K-lllnr fo- B"th Week. e M AHf , A tot C lUIOiU A KST DAT TO KIGRTI THEATXS HWS-50-7Sf a kii a I , i .elid. Uas. kas4 -- d.lsmatat Kllis. Mnrrlt Karl Km my mn& Ultl FelssJ OWPtTO aaOd aMmSn MaTa44lfi BAKER THEATER Vorrison A llrb St. Phones ataln X A SS.O. Two Performances Only. Hundsy and Mon day Niht the yirth-Mskinr Monarch KICIIARDel PHINIH.E'S FA.MOCH t.fXIKl.IA MINriTRELS Not the Mske Heine, hut 'he HesL PRICED II. 75c, 60c. S.-.C Beat aaJe ope us Saturday August IX 10 A. If. mx-" re eaa lied Yawaevtlla. WEEK Al'O. 7, Attraction Fmtraordlnery. "A Night With tbe Peeta." Introiluclna Mr. Cllntou IL Lloyd. Living illast rations, mag nlltceat eosturaee, stupendous elertrleal ef feeta. Papular prices. Mattuee dally. Car tela tia. 7. and . sSB-er" atatlaee Every Day. s3 ormerly Graed. e . Knlllvan A Con.lcllnl Ketlnrd Vaudeville. Week Ang. 7 Budd Snyder Cycling ensa tien. The Duebees. Brew n and t eoer, Han sen aad BIJob. Markee Ilrothera. probet. Prices: Matinees. ISc: Evenings. 15c. 2BC OAKS PARI THIS vVF.FK'S BIT.L FOX OF PESSA TIONAL ATTRACTION. - ..... v nn , ! A ee wee utile nny ijroeuwi" , s-e --k-onant la the World IS V ewr Ol d-fd t he TUree luum uroauwiree. -. . - Parachute Jump, tine Mile '". '"Ml!" llk tsle llir-nsi-in, v.. lng. Ten French Balloons and Thirty Pare rhutea. Hat Unisys and undays 4 ! and :J P. l. Tuesday and Thursday Promptly at V r mmj . ItUUp Pels. Famans leader ef Oaks Park 1 uu. Hear Weoderfol Metropolitan Opera Quar tette. Arimlsakm Tea Cents Children Half Price, live-cent Carfare from Anywhere in City Fvprese Trains, first and Alder, to Oak. Fast launches. MorHsoa Bridge to Oaks. BASEBALL RFXREATIO". PARK. Cwr. Vaagha and Twenty-fourth Sta. OAKLAND vs. PORTLAND Aunt 8. S, 10. 11. 13, IS. Caaara Deada W'eekdaya at SrOO P. Sf. Saadaye 2i30 P. 81, LADIES DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 11 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY US SICE CITX HALL. Mala SSS. A USA BCatANK OITICEX Bsigsaat Crwte, Residence. 34 X. 4th X. East 4T7SL R, A, Vwaanlra, Pes. S3 6 Ware St. W. O. Latoa, Rea TS K. IStA Kast 17SA Morse Ambulance. A 101; Pr. Ex. 4. Nlfbla Ssndsys and HoUdara A Slfdt ra. Is. 4; Trunk T. N TODAY. Holladay's Addition TUa one BK9T place In Portland te boy. GEOGRAPHICAL, CENTER and MOST LiKSliLA-BLvhl residence property ef the city. EEIXO 19 BEl-IBYIHO BTiTTEl Jo and see the many CHOICE) reat soces tinder oonstructioo and Lbs la pruvemeoL going on. Tbe Orep : Real slate Company CRA.NO AVE. A to SICLTTIOMAa ST. Irvington Snap Swell, new. modern 8-room house, 4 bedrooms, 2 kleeplnff - porches, den, breakfast-room and attic, full cement basement, fruit room, laundry trays, hard wool floors, paneled dining-room, beam celling, bookcasea. bullt-ln buffft. fireplace, furnace, km and electric fix tures, window ahades; lot 50x100 on E. 2th between Thompson and Braxee; hard surface In and paid. Worth 177RO. for a few days 16760. 1: 000 cash, bal ance easy. Owner needa money. Sea It today. Make an offer. KKllll at 7.AOOW. SIT Board of Tradedth and Oak St a. For Platting 60 ACRES within three-mile circle on "West Side; two carllnes: the right price and loca tion; on term-, AE S33. Oregonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS C JOHN E.- CRONAN, 7 J JO aoa Spalding Bldg. 9 J HOLGATE Addition la Cloae la COLLIS. BERRIDGB A THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. AUDITOR Commercial. County and Manlclpal Aaditms. Inyeatlgatlng and byatematlalaav S14 Worosater block. Phone ataln 4141. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O.. S12 Palling bldg. BBI BAKKH A BENEOICT, SOS McKay bids. at. B4S. , Chapln A Harlow. S33 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. B. A Co.. BoS Corbett bldg. Jsnnlnss A Co. Mala I8L 206 Orsgenlaa, pALMf-R-JONF.3 CO.. H- P, 21S Commer cial Club bldg. The Oreron Heal Estate Co., Grand sve aad Multnomah at. tHulladay Addition). HEAL ESTATE, COO a BAY lots adjoining new railroad) will Increase rapidly in value; very easy terms 414 Dekum bldg. Main 1(44. EXCELLENT lot In Rose City Park; will take Siluo; two blocks from carlloe. AO 2x2. Oregonlan. " PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 2 S lots. 1-3 fast frontage, trses. bsutl- ful view, S26UO; terms. Main BiM. A 3!U. COUNCIL CREST PARK Iota. IS00 up; Javed atreets. sewer, gsa and water. W, . Baker. 619 Board of Trade. ROSE CITY PARK lot worth S00; will seal for S77S cash; on 4tth St.. H block to car; tsrma AP 21ft. Oregonlan. 21 AVE a bargain In Irvington; 1100 down, per month. AP 3:10. Oregonlan. HCKE'S your chance: one lot. 23x10a. 1100 down. Phone B lod. SAi'RlKiC'E fne or two lots. Council Crest. Oenee. hlS 1st St.. near Curry. - ROSE CITY PARK bsrseln: $5u0 caab If takaa at once, AO ii. Orsgoniaa. arnress - -- RF.AL ESTATE. For Bale Lota. S LOTS AT A BARGAIN. Close-in -on the East Side, near O. B. V. railroad shops; we have a aplendid bar gain in S lots. They are on a corner, very slshtly. affording unexcelled view or the river and city. Non-resident owner Instructs us to sell these lots at once and has put the price at only $2000 tor the 3 lots. Thl price Is far below the present vslue an the completion of the Broad way brldse will more than double valuee In the vicinity of this property. Pick up this mid-Summer bargain. Will ubmlt to owner any legitimate offer on thl property. HARGROVF A SONS. 122 North 8th st.. cnr. flih and Ollsan. Main 438 L A T2ZUt WFTT "IPi LOTS $100. . Right en canine, on upper Washington St., Vest SBth and Yamhill L. beyond i City Park; easy payments NATIONAL REALTY TRUST CO. ?2S Chamber of Commerce bldg Mala S128. BEND. OREnOK. ,... Is whsr there have been l"S building erected In the last S months: there la where we have sold ST lota last week: you btter Investigate, BEND. OREOOlf. la attracting more attention than any city of Its size In tbe U. 6. WHY 7 Ask us: ae know. THE NE WLIN-KOLLER CO, INC.. Sj- Buchsnsn bldg.. 2v Wssh st. lOftxlOO In Mayor Cater addition, on E, Pine St.. only $3000. This Is a good buy. Pee Hartman A Tbsmpaon. Chamber of Commeroe bldg. LOTS 80100, STS to S2SO; easy term. 1 to 4 block from electric car atatlon; mall, telephone, cloee In West Side property; best for korae or Investment; big Increase In valuee for you. Buy now. J. W. Hef feriln Realty Co.. 2iS Corbstt bldg. Both phonea BOxlOO CORNER: SNAP. A fine corner lot. 50x100. In Creston, corner Karl and 60th at-. M block from car; price SS00; balf cash, balance to suit; worth $1000. ORCSSI A ZADOW. 81T Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oalt THE BEND. ORFGO.V. OOLD STRIKE I attracting a lot of people, but th wise one are buying large lota S0xl4O. near tbe Union Depot, at $130. term $10 per month. THE NE WLIN-KOLLER CO.. INC.. 801-2 Buchanan bldg.. 2H6Vj Wash L ROSE CITY PARK, For .ile AT COST. 2 choice east-facing lots. SOxlOO ft, each, on 47(h it, 1 block from streetcar; $15 cash and SIO. per month: also SECOND MORTGAGE prfvl lese. Write owner, box D 826, Oregonlan. $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. Fine view loLmatured fruit tree, re stricted district, near car, cement walk. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. afar shall 47S. A 1022. WEST STARK AND B2D 8T3. Lot $.VX easy terms: best buy la the city; new rarllne building; see us at once. EMPIRE REALTY A TRUST CCL, 4i3 Teon bldg. Marshall 348. IRVINGTON, A tine Quarter block on Knott St.. fac ing eaat for $32.10; also some lnsld lots below the market; terms to ault, AT Oregonlsn. $1000. 100x100, South It. Tabor, three blocks from ML Tabor Park; terms. Phone C 2H27. NEAR Piedmont carbarns, J875; fine lot on Helaware sve., near Kllllngsworth. 1100 cssh. balance easy. Fred W, German. Main or A 2776. BELLE CREST IoL etreet graded, esmeot walk In and paid, less than two blooks from car. $10 cssh. $10 per month. 414 Dekum bldg. Phone Main $44$. WEST 8 IDE See Le Nolr A Co. for West Bide property; exclusive deaiera In West Plde realty. Oround Floor, Chamber of Commerce. OWNER equity In acre and fifth, 240 front- age. on u.-w. it. & .n. Kaiiroaa. on Fin- Insula; a bargain. K 89, Oregonlsn. Per Hale -Host S BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Irvington. $."800, $7000. 14750; $300 cash each will handle any one. A very fine place, ioi rnxiou, n rooms, eiegem noma. C lias. Eaat 27A Ma agente. W. tl. Herdman. FOR BALE. lltOOO. HALF CASH. S-room house, 4 lots, all kind of fruit and ahrub. 2 blocks from car. aehool tore and P. O. University Park, gee owner. 7U uirara er, DON'T PAY RENT. We nave 4. $ and S-room home, all modern. In restricted district, for al en easy terms. Provident Investment A Trustee Company. 20-l-i Board oX Trada Marshall 47$. A 1022. INVESTIGATE. MTBT BE SOLD, aeven roams, good condition, bath, gaa, cement wash trays, etc.. East Slh St., near Falling; good car servlca Geo. W. Tabler, 48 N. St 6 su Both phonea OWNER will sell beautiful Vancouver resi dence; 8 rooms, with all modern Im provements; beautifully aituated; $10,000; can it iv time on part payment. Poatof tlce box 44a, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE or rent, a furnished house ea Klrby aad Wsbster st-.. opposite tbe Jsgsrsoj High School; $3o per month rent er will sell on easy term. Inquire Calu met rioiei. juv nr sw r.n,an t ici..n.... i .snnAK.Ntl. Swell little 4 -room bungalow; a regular beauty: price IU350; 2&o cash, balance easy terma. Fred W, Germao. 82a Burn, side. Main or A 27T0. COTTAOB and nearly an acre, near Port land Height carllns; Inside city llmlta HAJtTMAX A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. (100) $oo BELOW market price takee modern irvlAgtoa home of seven rooms, ball aad balb; built-in furniture, urepiaee. Da to a aitCOSn. SUil veeient UM.lll.ulj OS1X balance mentblr. Phone Eaat 6810, FOR BALE 6B4 Wills blvd cor. Flske t,, 7 -room bouse, lot 75xiOu. best bargain In University Park. $2500; term $sou cash, bslence easy, see owners, 120 Grand ave. Phone East 401. 2B60 MODEHX T-room bungalow, furnace, flreplaoe. gas range and beater, full es - xnent basement; must sell at once, phone Woodlawn 3X.'. or C 420. BARGAIN In Peninsula borne, quarter block. 4 rooms, all on one floor, modern, one block from car, exoellent location, prloe right; terma Phone Woodless 117$. WEST BIDEIncome making borne, beat, convenient; $-room modern bouee. lt minute walk from PoatoOioa. A 1708; terms. JOIS th Home Builders Club; $50 down and $16 a month aeourss you a home. 104 Book Bldg.. 7th and Oak Sta, S-ROOM modern house, 1 block from car, nloe lawn, will take vacant lot as part payment- Phone owner Sellwood 21; no agents. PAY $28 TODAY. $25 SEPT. 1. then $18 month, buys nsw modern bunga low, near Mount Tabor carllne; price 1 100. 88 10th (near Stark). PORTLAND HJCIGHTS HOME, Beautiful 8-room. almost new bungalow, Patton Road. 1 block ear. level. 5uzl20 lot; $4200; terms. Main 8581. A 38311. Sew, . , 1 1 u .. .., aa.j TlFI"LHOMB, 8 rooms, modern, E. 20tb and Salmon sta; easy t BEAU nr. nsr a,. ,vm - i iy terms. Provldsnt invesirosui m jrusiee uo., "(01-8-8 Board of Trads. Marshall 478. A lvt WEST FIDE Bee Le Nolr A Co.. for Wast Side homes. Excluelve dsalars in, West Bide property. Ground Floor, Chamber ot Commeroe. FOR 6 ALE by owner. 4-S-room new. mod ern flats and T-rooin bouss, on Tth au; ...nts. 0 320, Oregonlan, Joo CAiiU, $20 psr mouth, buy modern S-room . bunalow. Just compi.r.,1. iSw)t nsar Union ave. Main 823. r t-w modern 5 -room bungalow, i lota, 40z 1,J?. 71fc IMV) terms. On., i , , Miird. Tabor 2M1A MUST BELL NOW, good 7-rm house; eorner, $2860, terms: One district Call or write. NICELY fnrnished 8-room flat for eels. 14$ 11th St.; next to Baker theater. Call after noons. MODERN 7-room bungalow; close In; beau tifully furnished; everything up-to-date, inquire 8U E. 11th Bt. E. 6028. ova 8-room houee. n W carllne; lot 85 ii45- price $UM; 1300 down, balance easy term. Phone Woodlawn 8175. iu irvington For sale, modern residence. Per particular, pnon C 3884. T-ROOM new. modern, cheap; terma Owner, 4 Ml Magnolia. NEW I -room house on Mount Scott carllne; $lso; terms. r o,.. virfun.n, irs 3-story house, big lot, alas furniture, lliaA Owner. 341 Front st. - I Ti.rSTATE. ! TO EXCHAVOB. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON HOME $6300. 8 rooms, new snd modern, bardwooo floors downstair. " finished floor ( stslrs. beam ceilings, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, handsome woodwork. lull cement basement, furnace. 2 . fireplaces, large attic, shades and lighting fixture complete feces east, on carllne. lot ""x J0O ft, all etreet Improvement In. Price SSoOO, terma $3000 cash; baL on mort gage. Thl prlc 1 $500 under th value and 1 for quick sal. H. p. PALMER-JONES CO-813-218 Commercial Club Bldg-. Pbonss Main 88D9. A 2838. NEW 2-STORY 8-ROOM HOUSE $4000 Large reception hall, living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen and den down stslrs: 8 bedrooms with large closets, sleeping porch and bath room upstslrs. Herd wood floors, fireplace, byllt-ln book csse and buffet. Full cement baeement. furnace and Uundry 'trays. Fine restrict ed residence district. l,ot 60x100. All lm, provements In and paid for. $.100 cash will hsndle. If Interested csll Mr. Guth rie. Main 937 or A 2693, Might take a lot ss part payment. WF.PT SIDE AND SIGHTLY. rooms, built 1 year, eommande view of entire city, but is not on the Heights; price $; good terma This is a home that we recommend. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, D.. I Hiatal Tl.nartmRnL Chamber of Commerce, (54) euie Vir'IVT T .OT. - WTTY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOMK PROPKRTI 7 IF IOU uw;i LOT, WE WILL FURNISH THB MONBY . vr aiTU n nmsiria: VCH OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, IF WB BUILD. OUR REP CTATION TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY TO BK ffl Ua t d shut fn . ISC. CONTRACT INQ A-RCHITECT3. 824 ABINGTON BL.O. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE 18 YOUR CHANCE TO IMFKytK tuun rnvran u-it 17 a untiR V1.1T OR APART MENTi WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST: ' FLANS rurt MSHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK, mm ui. J. 8. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDG. $4000 HOME. HAWTHUH.Mi-AVt. uiaiAn.i. 6-room, modern Queen Anne house wltn Sleeping porcn, ureasiasi n.o.t, style fireplace, attractive bullt-ln hurrot and bookcases, furnsce, lull cement meal. 1 block from Hawthorne ave. terms. H. p. PALMER JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Blag. Phones Main Su9. A 2G.13. r 7. . . T.z . . . 1 . -. t -t c 'T-r 1 v New. strictly modern 6-room. 2-story house, furnace, Tlreplace, hardwood floors .;Unin..i,rii rintrh kitchen: in fact nothing missing to make a complete mod 26th. near Braxee: price. $BjOO; $10 cash and $25 per montn. . GRUSSI A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade bldg.,4th and OaK THIS WlTKlv ONLY 4 -roam bungalow on corner. 66 2-8 by 10u, 1 block from car, two blocks from school; seyeral snaae trees, some Inouire Chaoln A Herlow, 832-838 Chamber of Com., members of the Port Isnd Realty Board, Ask lor L. M. Hlckok. . ROSE CITY PAWL S3.10 CASH. T rooma bullt-ln buffet. bookcases. ,.im .ir floor, furnace, fireplace, laun dry traya. mirror door, all improvements in ana psiu. - . . . nee month. National Realty A Truet Co. room 723 Chamber of Com merce blag. rnone ssam 1,. l- -TTV H A t? W RTTNGALOW. 6 rooms, paneled dining room, beamed celling, buffet, large living room. mra.iT. - ,1 1 - . breakfast room, ana balcony, faces east; price was $4000. but owner want to ell bad and $8500 take IL See picture In our oftice. tioooi HARTMAN THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. iron HAI.E IS000. EASY TERMS. Classy, modern, convenient T-room houee In Laureinurst, 101s, iau, u. . room, laundry, hower bath. flrelese- o furnace, buffet, ce ment fcasement. aquarium, etc.; will con sider lot first payment. Tabor 1038 or Marshall zoou. euo scui nma- rnR HALE BY OWNER. Nsw modern S-room bungalow, at Rose City Park; full basemenL with laundry trays large attic, cement walks, linoleum In kitchen and bathroom, shades, eiectrlo drops, lawn, garden, etc ; term if wanted. 1480 Sacramento St. Take Rosa City Park car to 62d St.. waia a mucus ee,. value In a Home ever onereo., one block to Roee City para car on ta at.. four tree on an east-front lot, eight large room ana sn.u, vuu.-.u 1 1 Anwtn oavmenL balance like renL If you are particular this will suit you. OWI. a ATKINS. Henry bldg. IBUIXfiTON- HOMA 8 rooms, double sleeping porch, two bath and toilets, one shower, billiard room, lour bedrooms. Lot of built-in things, modern In every way: east front. Broadway car. 483 E. 20th. near Thomp son. RessonaDie terms to ngnt p.n7- FINK LAURELHURST HOME. T-room bungslow. modern in every re aped located close to Mr. Henry's home: lot TfltxloO; grand view; will take $1,100 under value for quicK sale, uail at orrtce. East 8Wtb and Ullsan, or phone East 9HW. ASK lor mr. v-ininiu. FOR 6 ALE by owner, B-room bungalow double construction, full basement, eiec trlo lights and fixtures, telephone, graded street and sidewalks; Bull Run water; nrlce $8600; $500 cssh, balance on easy terms: located 11.3 E. Franklin at., Wav- erly Heights; take "W-K car. Nearly new 6-room bungalow, on eorner lot 80xS5, on East 11th. 1 block from Al berta at.; price e.iuw, ijmi umu. ORCSSI A ZADOW. 81T Board uf Trade bldg..4thandOak. For Bale Bnslnee Property FOR SALE! At a bargain, a whole vacant block; very central, on ths East Side; suitable for manufacturing, wholesalelng or warehouse; would sell half the block If desired, bounded by East Flrat, Second, Oak and Stark sta.; traekage on Flrat and Second sta For price and terma in q u 1 re Jos. M. Rleg. Qorilnger bldg. ni U1VA-' Ij ' . ' ' - - 1 Warehouse having 21,000 square feet floor specs with ground 300x120, on O. W. B, A N. and Great Northern tracks. Prire 827.000. with terms. If desired. Rosenhaupt A Weaver. Spokane. Wash. Trrtn fliLR Rv owner, la block B. W. cor nor E. 14th and Belmont sta; flrst-clss location for apartment-house. Phonea Kast 44S3. B 1840, or call mornings, 574 Belmont St. . FOUR-FLAT building: all light rooms? fur naoes, sleeplng-porcbes, large attic, yard; West Bide, on carllne; nice home for owner. Phone Main 6384. Flat A. $14.000 CHOICE business property, store and apartments, wall rented, prominent treet. West Side; cloe In. Owner. Ill Worceetor' bldg. 11 PER CENT Income property; this is a money-maker. Phone Woodlawn 3228 or C 34-u. For Bale Acreage. ONLY TEN PER CENT CASH. Balance will pay Itself on our 8 to 20 acre tracts, 22 miles south of Portland and 2 mile from town of 4000; "red shoe son best for fruit, berries or vegetables; macadam roads; $200 per acrs. Eagsr A Watson. 810 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sta " CHEAP BUT GOOD LAND. ' $81.60 per aore; 1000 aores alfalfa land under Butte County canal; adjoining pros perous colonies. 2 is mils from Grldley. Mark Lane, 148 Montgomery st, San Francisco. 4-ACRE tracL cleared land. 12 miles from Portland; a bargain at our price; easy 'PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 408 Couch bldg. SIGHTLY 6-acre tracts overlooking Colum- ,i. ..... Aaen rl,-h red shot soil: n rnlr fine water; f5 minutes' ride from Port land: one mwe from rail and water trans- ,.,- fill Couch bldg.. 109 4th at 411 ACRES, or any portion thereof, on Wll lamette River, 28 mile, south of Port- land. a snai-. "euiiiura bldg. Phone Marshall ilil. MY ideal 8-acre, home on Kellogg Creak. Mtlwaukle. worth $14,000. for $10,000; rll consider modern Portland home part Piy, ment. Box 78. Mllwaukie. ACRE tracts sdjolnlng Greeham. under eul- lie.i for suburban homes; fine soil; 500 r..r acre. 612 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st. Von SALE 20 acres. 1 miles from Port lind running stream, some -timber, $100 per acre. L. Blair, 1351 E. Main, Phone abor 4BT. uncT be sold this week. Owner needs "UjB1 ,n -aaaa flee anil nnnri lUSi- orchard; email fruit. Inquire 861 B. Vwr.' Bt. Phone E. 6028. AfKEAOB and farm, from $12.80 per aore un- large and email tracts. Call Kinney a Stamp her. 681-8 Lumber ExchangS bldg. ACRE trsct, 8c fare. $450 up; easy terms. Esst 2347; '- . KOCITT in 2 acres st station, lOo fare; auto " . i t. T n T ri,,,n reierrou. wa For Sal Acreage. ACREAGE. . Small tracts In the valley Just west of Council Crest. Close In and on two carllnes. Good water In abundsnce at 24 feet. 1. 2. 5 and 10-acre lots with completed road along one or more sides of each IoL $2a0 to $500 per acre and upon easy monthly payments. Call In and talk this over. " THE BH AW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth t Main 88. A 3500. - WEST STAYTON. Where things grow all Summer t 1 to 20-acre tracts, fine for fruit or alfalfa: easy terma You owe It to yourself to find out about thla, HARTMAN THOMPSON. (See Mr. Bishop.) Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th. and Stark. , CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland: walking distance to .good town; running , water, beet soil, free wood, splendid fruit district: view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 2 acre $250, S cres $400. 10 acre $700: 10 per cent cash, easy payments; othsr tracts near railway atatlon $2$ to $40 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. i 809 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. 6-ACRE tracts' across the Willamette River . from SL Johns and two miles back; the best of soil, fine stream running water, stood school, on tract; a few to start at lion per acre ana uuon i luuuiuif u- . ei&llmente. See us at once. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth t. Meln fto. "A 800. FIVH ACRES SACRIFICED. - fMast sell my five-acre place. Just east of city limits, on two finest roads; nice and level; choice location; gooa sou, witn four-room house, good bam, chicken house, root house, etc.; all fenced; fine water: cnea-p at soto; i am going away; you can nave it lor ihdu. siee owner, 171 Third st. 10-ACRE TRACT of Beaverdam. near Portland, If you are Intere-ted in .vegetable land you will be interested to hear about this tract. We will give easy terms, and tbe price Is so low that even a man with small means can handle this land. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch bldg. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 5 or 10 acres, fine lay, only 2 blocks to station; all cleared; only $125 per acre. Will sell this at 1U per cent down, bal ance & yeara at 6 per cent. Act at once IX you want a Bargain. A- B. HALL A CO.. 302 Hothchlld Mdg, HERE 13 YOUR CHANCE. 5 or 10 acre, fine lay, only 2 blocks to atatlon; all cleared; only l2o per acre. Will sell this at 10 per cent down, bal ance 8 years at 6 per cent. Act at once if you want a oargain. A. B. HALL A CO.. 302 Rothchlld bldg. 1, 2 3, 6 and 10-acre tracts, close to Port land: good eiectrlo ear service, best soil. good roads, mall, telephone, etc.; $100 to $3CH1 per acre, easy terms; oesi in vestment today; big Increase In values for you, II you ouy acreage now. j. w. Hefferlln Realty Co.. 203 Corbett bldg. Both phonea $876 BUYS 10 acres deep red shot soil, adapted to fruit and" vegetable; all smooth and tillable: no rock; wood and water; close to school, postofflce and store; within easy reach of Portland and the cheapest l-nd on the market. 612 Couch Oldg. nm sin at. 40 ACRES. $3000: only 80 miles from Port land; SOW casn. D')P rtaiiwsy r.mnangf For BaleHomesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Govsrnment land open to homestead In each county in the States of Oregon and wasnington ana aescripuon or .erne: elves homestead, desert, timber. stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps Ot Oregon m colors, SIXSO, snowing r. xv. In ooeratlon. one showing all proposed R R. and electric lines, Inoludlng Eastern and Central Oregon: 200 eacn. or tnree sue. Map ot Washington In colors, 21x28, SOc. Nlmmo, Kunsy at tn, Hamilton diuh. 1 CAN locate you on excellent homestead near mv land In Central Oregon: excel lent land: rich, deep eoll; plenty of good water; railroad building; good neighbors: only four or five good claims left. Fee $75. I am goins: back on loth. See Mont- gomery, 610 McKay bldg., Portland, Or. For Bale Fruit Lands. 100-ACRE APPLE ORCHARD. Best varieties; nothing finer west of Rocky Mountains; let me tell you aoout It; make money, S. D. STOVFER. 219 Lumbermens Bldg. FRUIT trees: finest budded stock; Invest! gate our prices before ordering. Carlton Nursery, 410 Chamber ot Commerce. Main 07. SPLENDID chance to buy Sty acres of . choice orchard land, cultivated and cared for like a garden. M 817. Oregonlan. WANTED Party to take half of 6-acre orchard tract, choice proposition worthy ot Investigation. M 81, oregonlan SEVEN acres of tbe best-cared-for orchard land In Oregon; win care xor tract. . Franir. Martin, 3 Dtn. For Sale -Farms. $0," PER ACRE 300 acres, 61 miles out of Salem on a good road; 240 acrea in cultivation: balance In timber, 8000 to 30.000 cords; tlmberlana rougn nut witnin half mile of Oregon Electric right of way to Albany. Oregon Realty Co.. 278 State St., Salem. MOUNTAIN ranch, 40 acres. 12 acres culti vation, 13 pasture, rest timber, plenty wa ter, fenoed: fair buildings; orchard, ber ries. V mile school, R. F. D-, household goods, chickens, 1 cow, 8 sheep, 10-ton hay; $1660 cash will taks thla Owner AN 826, oregonlan I.INn FOR SALE. 174 acres at $18 per acre on the Ya qulna Bay; oounty road andi running water on the place. The real owner, B. - E. Dobson. Crabtree, Or. Also a general store, hotel and feed barn at craptree, yr. K-.3 acrkm of all A. No. 1 valley land, all in cultivation, well fenced and cross- fenced, wltn good improvements: plenty nf emit: Dries 80 per acre: terms can be given to suit purchaser. Call on or write j. v. riyi, siunur, 100 ACRES unimproved land, situated In Lincoln Connty. Oregon, for sale this week at $1000 oash. Call on or write J. V. Pipe, Albany, Or. 29 ACRES cleared Ha buildings and orch ard, 12 miles from Portland, 1 mile from carllne. Price S4OO0: no agenta need ap ply. P. Rlchen, Hotel Houston. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near eiectrlo line: bargain for ail cash, by ownsr. 182 Morrison su WANTED REAL ESTATE, I WANT a strictly modern bungalow in rlunnysiae or juoum jhuui. uiubi oa i ' -gain, on easy terms; stats lowest month ly payment and full particulars of bouse. R 822, Oregonlan X WANT to bur a lot In Roesmere or Rose City Park. If you have one to sell, write me, giving location and price; also your address and phone. V 825. Oregonlan. HITNGALOW WANTED. I want a modern 8-room bungalow, nob too far out; have Slou casn, oaiance easy payments; responsible; state exact loca tion. AP 319. Oregonlan. . j pay -cash to owners on - forced sale lot barsams; unimproveo whudu vu vanui.,. with business prospects preferred. 60S Concord Diog., city LIST your houses, lots and acreage with rurse at io., . . - --j Board. FOB RENT FARMS. WANTBU KSfl i tun. A good steady man who can buy 6 acres of fine garden snd fruit land, all cleared, and care for 6 to 15 acres adjoining: this requires only $100 oash; a fine opportunity for the right man; between Salem and Al bany. Oregon Eiectrlo, Southern Pacific and Willamette River; quick action. Open between 7 and 9 evenings. 3ud Spalding bldg. ' TO EXCHANGE. WANTED To trade a well-located hi sec tion Of good, lana in duuiu iakdi. xor Portland property, real or personal. p 829, Oregonlan. HOUSE of about T rooms. Irvington pre ferred: Will give a.w wuiuiui ""'a Rlverwood a flrt payment- L 828. Ore gonlan. TO exchange. 10 and 40 acre in Hood River Valley Tor reim-iico or uiue. vrnei Box 7T, Woodstock, Or. j "WILL give unincumbered real estate' for CoIumDia Kiver unii.iu " Smith. 61T Board of Trade bldg. w ILL exchange well Improved farm In Ok- - ; J Da-.lan T OQtl lahoma lor resiaeu i vw. oregonian- FOR farm exchanges, business chances or rooming-nouses, can on u.. 'I"''"""' Realty Co.. 617 Board of Trade Bldg. MARSHFIELD lots for trsde. What have II FARMS FOR TRADE. .- NO MONEY REQUIRED. HARGROVE 4 SONS. SPLENDID 64 ACRES. This Is one of the richest farm In Oregon. There are 64 acres. 85 acres In high stste of cultivation, balance easy cleared, the entire tract lies perfectly, and every foot," ' of it la the very choicest of loose bottom land. Nsw 5-room house, large barn and good out-building. Fenced with woven wire. Thl splendid farm Is Just on mile from Independence", Or, and lies on good county road. The price is Just $100 per acre., Will take as first pay ment unincumbered Portland resi dence to value ot $2500. Good time on balance. RICH 120 ACRES.' This farm la located SO mllee .. south of Portland, and is one of th most Inviting as well as productive ' farms In the valley. There are 120 acres, 90 acres In high state culti vation, balance good pasture. Thl entire tract is a beauty., laying Just; slightly rolling. Insuring perfect drainage.. There is .a fine new bungalow, new barn and other out buildings. Only 3 miles from good railroad town. mile to school. Price only $90 per acre. Will take , as first pavment unincumbered Portland residence to value of $3000, long time as desired on balance. We know these farms are good buys at the prices asked, and no padded prices will be considered. But w-e are glad to present this op portunity to any parties desiring a farm -who have no available cash and "desire to put In their Portland residence, as first payment. HARGROVE A SONS. . -122 North 8th st.. con. 6th. and Gllsao. Main 438L A 7268. STOCK RANCH. 900 acres: one of the finest stork ranches in the foothills of the Willamette; everything you want, stock, machinery, grain, hay, feed, all fenced, watered wlths living streams, 8 million feet vakisble timber, part 'n cultivation; good build ings; water piped to house: furniture; sll ready to move In and make money Tight from the start. Price only $24 per acre: 1 $0000 cash, balance In Portland property. I will be In Poitland balance of this week. See my agent. J. M. Cameron, 219 Lumbermens bldg.' ' THIS IS GOOD. ' B-room bungalow. 26x38, $3000; . full porch In front, M porch In rear, olld walla; Dutch kitchen, large bath, every thing nicely arranged. We offer this In exchange for 10- to. 20 acres, partly Improved and not over $3000, HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Real Estate Department, Chamber of Commerce, - (62) WILL exchange; Rose City Park $3500 6 room bungalow (subject to mtg. ) for good small automobile and vacant lot Or stock of merchandise. See my agents. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Realty Exchange DepartmenL Chamber of Commerce BUNGALOW TO EXCHANGE. $1500 equity In good 5-room bungalow In business district, on Alberta st-i near 10th; will take good lot or acreage; bal ance at $20 per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 81T Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and oak. TO EXCHANGE A small improved farm In Marlon County. Oregon; land la perfectly level;- rich valley land;- about 1 mile from station; will conatder a stock of gro . cerles or general merchandise, in Oregon. Address Box 126. Kahlotus. Wash. "WILL sell or exchange my Hood River apple orchard for Portland property; orchard lo cated 8 mile from olty; 4-year-old trees; price S9500. Address 1703 Flsk St., L'nl verslty Park station. EXCHANGE. From 10 to 30 acres. Elmonteo. partly cleared, near atatlon; want bouse In good dlstrlcL $300 per acre; agents don't answer, mpq g a CONFECTIONERY, stationery, cigars, to bacco and light groceries, lor partly Im proved acreage -within 20 miles of Port land; price $2000: give full description In first letter. H 316, Oregonlan. I WISH to exchange part of my stock In manufacturing company doing a good busi ness, for house and IoL A. O. Chaloupka, 403 Corbett bldg. ' . 17 ACRES Will divide: miles from Port land; want home or lota . S. D. STOUTER. 219 Lumbermens Bldg. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES!" : . Exclusively. Bee Mr. Beck, " Northern Trust Co., 270 Stark L 10 OR 20 acres uncleared fruit land. Mo Bier; will exchange for olty property. AT 826. Oregonlan. NORTH Eaat Oklahoma Income property . for sawmill machinery. X 824. Oregonlan. $1200 EQUITY In a $3000 home for clearing orchard land. Bee owner. 517 Medical bldg. 10 BEAUTIFUL acres at The Dalle, for bungalow; will assume. Main 4448. FOR BALE TIMBER YANPS). FOR SALE 140 acre. 2 mile from Ban don. Coo County: estimated 200.000 line al fL. mostly white cedar, green timber, worth 6c per ft.; 20 acre peat adapted for cranberry raising; 15 acres cleared. 2 ' acre et to strawberries and fruit trees; excellent dairy land; well sheltered -from ocean winds and well situated for gar dens; 10 acre deposit ot gold and platl-num-bearlng black sand: running water for irrigation or mining purposes; -suitable lor sub-division tracts. Price ,$100 per acre. Address AV 8S0. Oregonlan, 80 ACRES of timber land. 3 mM 'r?T" Tillamook City, county: cruise 1,300.000 feet M Piling. 70 feet iong. 660,000 feet of spruce saw timber and 1.000.000 feet of hetSiock; convenient to- "Qf"";i' sale cheap. Address 29i North 16th su F. Hansen. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND BOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Etc . , . T ,' V Cll G! A l v . 1 IV'.. . ....... Horses, mules, harness and wagon, on Tuesday. August 15. 2 P. M.. we will s-11 85 head of geldings, mares and some of these are P'li'"-1 ' -ranging In weight from 1100 to 1400 lb- . age 8 to 6 years; all of these will be sold subject to your approval; after -the sale If they do not try out as good as the way as they were represented at time of sale, you do not have to take them HAWTHORNE-AVE. STABLES. Phones E. 72.. B 1368. 420 Hawthorne ave. 15 HEAD of horses ranging In weight from 101)0 lbs. to 1400 lbs. each, prices from us to $260 per horse. In the lot are several well-matched teams, wagons and harness also for sale. These horses sold with a . written guarantee to be as represen ted or your money promptly refunded. Rerer you to Portland Trust Company, where I bank, as to how I do business. Buslnsss references also furnished. R. L. vans. 16th and coucn. MICH1UAJI nuwir.0, . - RU6HFORD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS. ' " Before you buy. either above, see our stock and get prices. We are located Jut eide the high rent district and for that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a seo-ond-hand vehicle when you can Set a ' new one at about the same price T R. M. WADE A CO., SZa Hawtnorne ave. VE have on hand 10 head of nice young mares lust off the farm from Eastern oVeVon. ranging In weight from 1200 to 1600 lbs.; also some good work horse, everything sold with a guarantee as rep resented. V- B. Stable. 248 Front st. " RACES RACES. '. RACES. Matched race between- Dan S,, Geo. Mc Cum owner, and Tom Marshall, U W. Murphy owner, for $600 a aide at County Club racetracK. nunu.j. aut. - P. M. Admission 25 eta to grand stand. AND 9-YEAR-OLD geldings. 2800 pounds, good action, gentle and true pullers; har ness and wagon; will sell or take con tract lor work. 142a Bank sL, East fit. Johns. WANTED To buy 20 good work horses: must oe cneap, in , uou . u,ii.. them being little sorelsh, weigh from 1100 to 1600; horsetradera -need not answer. Answer i oov, FOR SALE Cheap, horse and rubber-tired tOp DUggy, ' iwnv. a. Mi. w 4J- thorne ave. car line, walk 1 block west and 2 south. ' A COMPLETE farm outfit, team, harness and new wagon, uorses e years oia ana sound, true pullers, leaving ths city; must sell. East 12th and Madison, In the park. $225' BUYS good mare and horse, weight 2800, 8 and 8 years old; will match; with harness and farm wagon. Phone Ben wood 1545. FOR SALE- One - fine span young . well- matched mares weigmng zeoo ids., sound and without blemishes. . 22$ Russell st. TEAM of horses. 2800 lbs.. 7 snd 9 year. Call E. M. Erlckson, Boring, or. WILL exchange diamonds for horses or buggies. 484 East star st.