TTTI. MORXiyG OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1911. ; GUARD BEATS OFF FLEET Fourth Regiment Mans Guns at Fort Stevens When "Enemy" Appears. MANEUVERS BUSY THIRD IVattallon Pass Pay on Columbia Beach In Reconnaissance? Work. Battery A Marches to As toria for Celebration. COLfMBIA BKACII. Or.. Aur. 10. (Special.) Simulated attacks bv the bl guns at Fort Stevens on Incoming sea craft, together with battalion neld maneuvers, close and extended order drills and a field artillery march of ten miles occupied the various com mands of the Oregon National Guard to-Uy In the annual Instruction camps. All the intricacies of attacking a hostile fleet was gone the Infantrymen of the KouiHh Oregon Krglment. who are handling the Fort Stevens batteries. Incoming vessels observed from the elevated observation points were made the objects of careful artillery calcula tions and as soon as th-y passed Into range bombarded with theoretical pro jectiles from thy monster ten-Inch rifles and 12-Inch mortars. Men Become Proficient. The guardsmen are now able to man the big weapons unaided, finding the range of craft that are approaching the fort, figuring the angle of fire and estimating exactly where a projectile must be placed to sink the vessel. Suc cessful operation of the range finding and other artillery Instru ments Is being done by the officers of I the regiment and there Is no longer any doubt but that the guard troops will be fully prepared on Monday for target practice with sub-caliber am munition on targets towed by tugs about the mouth of the river. Call to arms caused the guard troops to rush to the batteries shortly after daybreak yesterday morning when the mosquito detachment from the racinc squadron en route to Astoria was sighted by the sentries. The alarm was given at 8:45 A. M. and IS minutes later the bat teries were concentrating simulated Ore npon the little craft. The de stroyers were sent to the bottom of the Columbia in theory three different times. All last night the great searchlight at the fort was kept plying the sea and river mouth off the fortifications while details of guardsmen were In structed In the handling of the power ful lllumlaatlng machines. Harbor Will Be Watched. The searchlight will be used In ex tensive night operations that are scheduled for tomorrow night when four Government tugs will attempt to Up by the fort. ihese tugs are to go to sea late In the afternoon unob served and under cover of darkness seek to force entrsnce up the river to the rear of the fortiflcatlona. All details of the work of finding and sinking these craft In theory will be thrown upon the guardsmen who will operate every part of the system of defense and attack. Tho boats must be picked by the fort'a great white eye which will be kept moving back and forth across the front from the falling of darkness until the hostile fleet Is picked up and attacked. The three battalions of the Third Regiment, commanded by Majors John 1. May. Frank Settleraeler and W. W. Wilson, put tn a busy day In recon naissance work In the vicinity of Co lurnhla Beach today. Each battalion operated against the other two and the men were glTen thorough Instruction la the science of advancing IB hostile territory without being seen, and In surh a wsy as to gsther full Informa tion regarding the country and the op posing force. Attacks Give Experience. Company extended order drills and Instruction In Infantry attacks also occupied an hour of the early afternoon and the companies were put through the movements of advancing under fire on a hoeille line. The day a work was of a valuable nature throughout from a military standpoint. The Third's camp ha been altogether devoid of spectacular features, the Idea of Colonel Dunbar being to per fect his command In the things that make It efficient In the field. In this he la receiving . the co-operation of Major C. T. Pentler. Vnlted States Army, the officer recently attached to the regiment by the War Department. Battery A broke camp at Columbia Peach thl forenoon and set out for a ten-mil march to Astoria, where the battery la to spend the rest of the week. On Monday the batterymen will return to their camp at th beach to participate In the two days of simu lated warfare that are to conclude the Instruction period. The battery men will appear Friday In the big mil itary review at Astoria In which the entir. guard and th. ''K sta tioned in the Columbia River fortifi cations will take part. BOSTON TO BE WELCOMED Cooa Bay Plan Entertainment for Naval Militiamen. . . -Tf t r cr A ti v 1 A t B re v Th. -..iv l of'the cruiser Bos ton with members of the naval militia aboard will he made the occasion of a big celebration on cooa jiay. i ne com mercial bodle have taken the matter In hand and there probably will be a holiday In all the bar cltle on tha day th Boton la to enter the harbor. The club will arrange entertainments for the officers and men. Aids to navigation for tha benefit of th Boston will be road- In th har bor. Tb cruiser will remain at Coos Bay for two months and during that time th members of the naval militia In this county will b trained on th hip. ATTACKING GENERAL MAUS SEES LAND Government May Conduct Army Maneuvers In Klamath. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Aug. 10. gpeclaL Brlgadler-Oeneral Marlon P. Maua. accompanied by Major Henry c Cabell. chief of staff, left Klamath Falls yesterday for Vancouver, after passing several days In the country north of here, where the War Depart ment Is Investigating the feasibility of establishing maneuver grounds for the rpartment of Columbia. "Several d!3erenl plaoes ar now an- der survey and Inspection with a view I to selecting a suitable pot for mobll- Ixlng the troops or ye Dfpinmtm i Columbia." said Oeneral Maus. "The advantages of each of these will be put - . i . . 1 - .. I - .- . m a . , fnr lta final oejore me " -1 " ' ' ' - -- . I election of the one shown to be beet . .w. . . whit T.leuten- i suun iur me im y. .. arit Whitley and hl engineers have not yel finished the work here I can say that In many respects these grounds and the surrounding condition are very satisfactory, and I will have to rive this land a pretty good recommen dation. Modern maneuvers require more land than was required In years past. v now have the single line formation, with each man given a space of three feet In the line. Modern armament re quires this, as the modern bullet would pierce the bodies of eight or nine men. CORVA1.I.I4 GRADIATE TO TK1CII DOMEHTIf SCIENCE IX WASHIXOTOX HlUlt. Mia Vera Etta Haskell. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallls, Or.. Aug. 10. Special.) Appointment of Miss Vera Etta Haskell, as a teacher of domestic science In the Portland schools, has Just been announced. She has been assigned to the Washington High School, her Initial salary being $1100 a year. Miss Haskell com pleted a four-year course tn the Oregon Agricultural College with the June. 1U. class, being regis tered In the school of domestic science and art. Her secondary education was received In Brem erton. Wash., and In the school of Illinois, her native state. She was regarded as one of tha strongest students In the depart ment and also took an active part In literary and social affairs of the student body. This Is the fourth member of the senior class to receive an Im portant appointment as teacher -In domestic science or art In th Oregon public schools this Sum mer, and two or three other ap pointments are pending. If placed In solid formation. This makes even a modest force, when mov ing, cover a great deal of ground." LANE HOP CROP IS BIG PICKING IX COCXTT WILIj BE GIN' IX TEX DAYS. PrMs Not Present In Alarming- Num bers Grower Expecting Bet ter Than 35 Cents. SPRINGFIELD. Or, Aug. 10. Spe rlaLt Hod picking In Lane County among the earlier varieties of hop will begin within ten days, while me reg ular season will start about September 1. six or eight daya later than last ear. I-ane County will produce a big crop this year, which, although not as large as In many previous years when there waa greater acreage, la unusually larse per acre. I. J. Havs. a grower with S acre or hops on the Yarnell place, six miles from this city, will harvest 100.000 pounds of hops, for which he has been offered contracts at 30 cents with of fers of advance payments. Indicating that th buyers are very anxious to purchase. Since then other growers In the county have been offered aa high as ii cents. Many are holding, ex pecting higher prices. At this prlc or higher almost a small fortune can be made off a very small acreage. It costs to grow hops about S cents a pound. The condition of the hop crop In Lane County this year la exceptionally good and fre from Insects and other pests. The growers as a rule hav sprayed carefully and In very few yards can any lice b found or any other type of hop-destroying Insect. The red spider, dreaded pest, which ha been reported to be destroying hops in this vicinity has been found in only on or two places and not In alarming numbers. Th bop blossoms ar large and will be easy to pick. Th quality of th blossom Itself Is said to b excellent and buyers are placing th hops of tbla county at a premium. GRANTS PASS REACHED OX DRIVE THROUGH OREGON. Author and Wife Are In Fine Health After Two and a Half Months Passed in Open. GP.AXT3 PASS. Or, Aug. 10 tSpe- clal. ) Jack London, hearty and tanned to a bronse from his overland trip and outing of two months and a half, drove into town this afternoon. With him vi. wif. and a JaDknese cook. London is highly Impressed with th country, and will use th wna scenery he has passea inruun u u luiyit wufc t th. trin started at San Fran cisco and with a light spring wagon and four horses nis party nas kio . .ii.. n tha eoaat aa far as Ban- . v. - mmm to Roaebura. During the long period of the outing he has not failed to keep up nil wurn. ne rises . . (our o'clock each morning. Tha jt . win ramila here until tomor iunuuii. cow afternoon when they will leave for Medford. Soclallsts Ask for Address. VFnrORD. Or, Aug. 10. (Special.) Attempts ar being made here to get Into communication with Jack London, reported to be on his way to Crater lake with hi wife and a Japanese cook, and to secure London to deliver an address on socialism. : " ! ! i I i I t J, - S ' X- :i II li An Array of Attractive Bargains That Customers' Con veniences Free Stationery and 'Writ ing Desk; Stamp Vending Machine and Letter Box. American Express Money Orders issued and paid. Canadian Coin and Currency received at par. Monthly charge accounts. Purchases delivered in the citv and suburbs. Picture gallery, entire fourth floor. City and Telephone Direc tories. Public Loeal and Long-Distance Telephones. Easy, rolling chairs rented to invalids. Free scales for weighing. Bull Run drinking water. Call and get a glass of Ceh bo Free. The real first-aid remedy. Believes fermtntation and dyspepsia, removes gaa and all stomach troubles. Stops headache. Contain! no habit forming drug. Try it for the nerves. A health drink that keeps yon welL Patent Medicines 50c Chamberlain Pain Balm, at 32 50c Renne's Pain Killing Oil, at 320 50c J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil, at 32 50c Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil, at 32 50c Dr. Jayne's Liniment.. 32J 50c Omega Oil 32 50c Porter's Healing Oil. .32 50c Ballard's Snow Liniment, at 320 50c Merrill's Penetrating Oil, at 32 50c En-arco 32 50c Smith's Vita Oil 32 50c Sutton's Snap Shot... 32 50c Seven Seals 32 50c Kendall's Spavin Cure 32 50c Thompson's Energetic Oil, at 32 50c Hanford's Balsam Myrrh, at 32 50c Spohn's Distemper Cure, at 32 50c Ilinkley's Bone Liniment, at 32 50c "NVolcott's Pain Paint. ..32 50c Wizard Oil 32 50c Watkin's Liniment. .. .32 50c Centaur Liniment 32 x50e Nature's Oil 32 50c Elliman's Embrocation 32 50c Gargling Oil 32 50c Kennedy's Rheumatic Lini ment, at 32 50c Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief, at 32 50C X X Xa eS- 50c 1L IL H. Horse Medicine, at 32 50c Johnson's Anodyne. .. .32 50c Romany Oil SLEUTHS GET COIN Aberdeen Fund Is. Raised to Capture Criminals. MONEY CHARGED TO CHIEF Cltr Para Bl Monthly Check to De tective Which Is Drawn on Ac count of Name of Officer In vestigation Clear Matter. iprnnrrv. Wash- A us:. 10. (Spe cial) ab tha reault of an lnveitlg-atlon br the police committee 01 we -iijr Council which waa caused by the de mand of Councilman Hllta tnai an ex planation be t;len in reference to cer tain money paid ex-Chief of Police George Dean two years ag-o. It la learned that a number of Aberdeen TT. i.. h- .ia f the Cltr Coun- ell helped to convict -William Oohl. now serving- a nt State Penitentiary on a charge of mur der. . .. ..... The report of tne poucs commm authorised by Mayor Parka to Investi gate the case follows: "Tpon Investigating the 180 a month which was alleged to have been paid to George Dean, the then Chief of Po lice, we find that a Thlel detective was employed Jointly by the City of Ab erdeen and a Jtroup of Aberdeen busi ness men for the purpose of ferreting out and punishing a gang of criminals then operating in the city, at the head It which waa Billy Oohl. who Is now serving a term In the State Penlten-Tn- cost of the detective was approximately HO a wh'ca5 amount the city bore one-third or 190 a month, for a period of about .even months, that th. voucher for the cltys part of the cost of the detective was put in aa expense of the police depart ment and was drawn In the name of Ine Chief of Police. Oeorge 8. Dean, lad waa duly authorised by the City Council. That the total mont re ceived by him was turned over to the chairman of e business mens com mittee and by him P the Thlrt detective agency of Seattle. Women Will Give Picnic. VANCOUVER. Wash- Aug. 10.-Spe-elal HAn annual plcnlo for all of the women of Clark County has been Inaugu rated by Mrs. Frank E. Hodgkln of this city, and she Is planning to hold the first one in a inon nmo Creek. Mrs. Hodgkln Is superintendent of the women's department of the Clark County Harvest Show. Subjects pertaln- Friday and Saturday The Household Days Medicinal Liquors 8-year-old Chicken Cock Bourbon, 100-proof, bottled in bond 89 Carlisle Rye, bonded 79 $1.25 Scotch Heather Scotch $1 $2.00 Clan Mackenzie, that Old Scotch 91.49 $1.85 Martell 3 Star Cognac for 31.59 $1.50 Genuine Geneva Gin, large size $1.33 $1.50 Swedish Punsch.. $1.23 $2.25 Large size Creme de Menth 91.69 $1.00 Blackberry Cordial, for Summer use 79 75c California Vermouth 49 15c English Ale or Stout, per dozen S512 75c Highest-grade California Wine, Port; Sherry. Angeli ca, Muscatel, Madeira, Claret, Burgundy, Malaga, 44; 3 for 91.25 Household Sundries 25c Whisk Brooms 19 75e high-grade Pocket Knives, at 49 75e Feather Duster, at 59 65c dozen Sanitas Toilet . Paper at -49 $1.00 guaranteed Watch ...89 $1.00 10x14 white enamel bath room Mirror, bevel edge.. 79 $1.00 Fish Globe and two Gold Fish, atv 98 $4.00 Bath Cabinet complete with stove, at 92.98 Hand Mirrors, worth up to $4.00, extra special. . . .98 $1.00 guaranteed Alarm Clock, at 69 25c Jetum, the straw hat dye, red, green, gray, black, blue 19 Extra Good from 8 A. M. Friday to 11 P. M. Saturday 25c Tooth Brush and 25c Tooth Paste, both, for 25 Woodard, Clarke & Go. AT THE CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND FOURTH STREETS No substitution is permitted here, nor are you urged to buy "something just as good." We can meet every demand of our customers lor worthy merchandise : ' 1 ... -.. rs.t in tha harvest 111 K iu 1 1 - (how will be dlacuised and suggestion! mads. Husbands of the women also are Invited. Freight Train Wrecks Auto. . CAMAS. Waah.. Aug-. 10. (Special.) An automobile driven by John Stuber. of Forest Home, a auburb of Camai, was demolished hr rei1r North Bank it This Editorial in the Ladies' Home Journal GIVES TIMELY WARNING AGAINST "BARGAIN GLASSES" "A woman who was hunting Bargain Glasses" finally succeed ed In fitting' her eyes with what he enthusiastically declared was Just the thing." And. Immensely pleased with herself, this woman had brought about the gravest danger a woman could Invest In. for she had bought two pieces of glass crudely ground, but mag nifying strongly, and with them she can see "better to read." That seeing better will mean an In tense strain upon her eyes, but she will not realize what the trouble Is. nor the Injury the glasses are doing. Some day she will be under the care of a spe cialist, probably, for the removal of a cataract, which will coet several hundred dollars, to say nothing of the suffering entailed, and she will be fortunate, indeed. If she does not suffer partial or entire loss of sight for the re mainder of her life." The aupreme test of a pair of glasses is not in the price, but In the satisfaction they give. The only tempting Inducement we oner is good work good goods and reason able prices. mil n IT n PA IT OPTICAL nu irauu institute Seconal Floor, Cerbett 'Building, Fifth aaa Merrlsom. f , Y ' 1 ' - i Bring Portland's Economi The Mark of Merit Our own fine preparations for Toilet and Bath: TJ-Ar-Daa Bath of Benzoin, 50 U-Ar-Daa Luxury 50 U-Ar-Das Cream 40 Peroxide Cream 25 Princess Cream 50 Peroxide Tooth Paste 25 Micro, Hair Tonic....... 91-00 Princess .Rouge i.50 "Woodlark" Nail Polish... 25 Imperial Talcum 20 Peerless "Almond Cream, special at 25 and 50 Witch Hazel Cream.. .25 50 Our Own Standard Remedies: Cooper's Liniment 50 Cooper's Rhen. Cordial spl.50 Simm's Arnica Oil 50 Quaker Botanical Herbs, $1.00 Cooper's Kidney Tea 25 De Castro's Sacred Bark... 25 "Woodlark" Beef, Iron and Wine 50 Japanese Cleansing Cream, 25 Cooper's Blackb'y Cordial 25 Chase's Diarrhea Remedy.. 25 Aromatic Castor Oil 25 Cooper's Bitterless Oascara 40 Lane's Kidney Remedy. .. .85 Friday and Saturday Picture Specials In the Art Room 50 different styles frames in all finishes antique gold, bright handsome ornamented gold, brown birch, fumed oak; 500 subjects to select, from, values $2.50 to $3.50 now 98 Just received 300 more hand some ovals in all sizes up to 11x14 in. 35c; 3 for 91 100 different designs of framed pictures, values to $1.25 for 35c; 3 for ..91 ,.v. train Kn. 463 at the Columbia- avenue crossing In this city late today. Stuber had not had the machine more than two hours when he and a party of friends attempted to cross the tracks about 100 yards ahead of the freight. When on the track the engine of the rTHE Mount Hood Railway and Power Company begs to J I opening of its line for freight, express and passenger busmess August 1 1911, tariffs filed and effective on that date. Our track at present is constructed only between Montavilla and BuU Run a distance of 20.3 miles. We have connections and interchange cars with the O. Wm U at Montavilla and with the 0. W. P. lines at Base Line. Less carload I fre ght and package freight or express, may be delivered to and called for at our West Side City freight depot at the foot of Glisan street, Portland, we maStaiSing an auto truck service between there and our depot at Monta villa Regular agencies at first will be Portland, Montavilla, Rock wood, Gresham, Pleasant Home and Bull Run, and to our other stations, Russellville, Bruns wick VentSa Park, VarnelWest Ascot, Ascot, East Ascot, E wood Base Une, Ruby?P?weU Valley, Gillis, Oottrell, Mabery and Sandy River, freigh must be prepaid. - , . , The country through which our line passes is very rich and productive and will be rapidly settled up, while large tracts of virgin timber are to be found Slhe eastern end. As a scenic route, we believe our line cannot be equalled west of the Cascades. - , . ' We shall be pleased to furnish you with any information available as to the physical, industrial and commercial conditions of the country traversed by our line, and respectfully solicit a portion of your business. Mount Hood Railway and Power Company X . E. R. ERNSBERGER, Manager Railway Department. 712 Lewis BuiWing. ical Housewives Fine Rubber Goods All rubber Bath Caps at 25 and 50 $2, $1.50 and 75c Bathing Caps for 50 50c Cloth Caps 35 35c Turkish Towels, double 21 Fruit Jar Rings 5 doz.; 6 doz. for 25 Best Grade Fruit Jar Rings 8 doz.; 3 doz. for 20 $1.65 Combination Waterbottle and Ft. Syringe 91.09 $2.50 Combination Waterbottle and Ft. Syringe, red ..91.69 $1.50 Waterbottle, red.. 91.19 85c Waterbottle 62 $1.35 Fountain Syringe ..73 $1.75 Ft. Syringe, red.. 91.21 $2.25 Fountain Syringe .91.59 Paper Bed Blankets, each 50 Paper Towels, roll 50 Brown Daisy Dustless Dust Cloths 25 60c Ladies' Douche 37 $1.50 Ladies' Douche 98 Toilet Preparations 50c Sempre Giovine 35 25c' Rouge No. 18 15c 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste .10 $1 Pinaud's Eau d 'Quinine 59 75c Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal 49 25o Satin Skin Powder ...14 25o Pray's Rosaline"; 14 25c Rubifoam 11 50c Hinds Honey and Almond, at 27 50c Capillaris 33 50c Stillman's Freckle Cream at 33 We give FREE one cake Im ported Castile Soap with every 50c purchase at the Perfume Section. Ask for it. Brushes and Combs $1 Hair Brushes, hog bristle, set in rubber 49 75c Ladies' Combs, assorted sizes 59 25c Tooth Brushes 16 $1 Hair Brushes, extra values for 79 50o Fine Cloth Brushes . . . .33 25c Men's Barber Combs ..19 10c Fine Combs, Hard Rubber, for 7 $0 Military Brushes ...93.98 .... Ah1t .tinned and tha occuDants only had time to save themselves by Jumping out and leaving the car to Its fate. TACOMA, Aug. 10. David Levin, aged 69, died Wednesday of Brlghfs disease. . - to Our Busy Store Stationery Offerings 75c Box Imported Paper and En velopes 50 85c Box Fancy Stationery, 2 qr. paper, 48 envelopes 69 1-lb. "Woodlark" Lawn, 96 sheets 2o 50c Box "Woodlark" Linen En velopes, 125 40 35c Box Autocrat Stationery, as sorted sizes and colors... 29 25c and 35c Linen Stationery, special 17 50c Automatic Cigar Lighter, spe cial, at 39 Kraemer Cigar Lighter... 91.00 60c Box Paper Poker Chips. 49 50c Box 100 asst. Poker Chips, ' at ...39 $2.00 Box 100 asst. Poker Chips, at 91.69 Poker Sets, all sizes, special at 97.0O and up 35c "Woodlark" Cards Scenic back 25 $1.50 "Woodlark" Fountain Pen, guaranteed 98 $1.00 Souvenir Book of Portland, at 89 25c Souvenir Book of Portland, at 19 Postcards all the latest scenes, 1 each; dozen 10 Waterman, Conklin and "Woodlark" Fountain Pens; all guaranteed and sold on 10 days' trial; satisfaction, or money back.- Pens filled free. Household Drugs 25c Merck's Sugar Milk, lb. 20 25c Peroxide Hydrogen, lb. 18 25c Pacific Sea Salt, box . .20 35c Ripe Olives, jars, at 25 50c Floor Wax, can 40 $1.25 Pure Olive Oil, imported, at 91.10 25o Soda Phosphate, Mercks, pound 16 35c Liquid Soap, pint . . . .25 15c Compound Licorice Powder, pkg. 9 25c Denatured Alcohol, bot. 20 25c Pure Glycerine, bottle 20 10c Cocoanut Oil, bottle ....6 10c Whiting, pkg 6 10c Cascara Bark, pkg 7 10c "Woodlark" pure spices, pepper, can 7 10c "Woodlark" pure spices, allspice, can 7 10c "Woodlark" pure spices, cloves, can 7 25c "Woodlark" pure spices, mustard, can 16 -10c Lime Water, bottle 6 25c Witch Hazel, bottle ..17 With each 50c purchase or more of the above drug bar gains we will give you a pack age of Pure Cream Tartar. Ask for it. He was a native of Germany and was a pioneer of Tacoma. coming here in 1872 He served in the lower house of the Legislature in 1897 and 1905. He was a 2d degree Mason and a. member of the Mystic Shrine. He leaves a widow and one qausnmr. Phone Main 1717