TOE MUltXIXo' OREGOMA-, FKIDAT, AUGUST 11, 1911. FASHION DEGREES CORSETS MUST GO Dictum Is Milady Must Also Give-Up Puffs, Pads and High-Heeled Shoes. FALL HATS TO BE SMALL Poor Man Mu Buy Marts and n(rhrl to o With Thfra, How rtrr AVonun Brrft of rlse (harm Will Be Swn. rmcAOo. Aur 10. (Special.) Madam Malrerle. officer of the Na tional Milliner' - organization, today displayed noma of the new models of women' hats. They are small, fit nugly and cannot be worn with puffs, rat or ribbons. The hair mut be parted In the middle and smoothed down until It I glosy. That portion of the hair which peeps out from the bonnet may be curled or waved. What will be sad Intelligence to the man who pays for the new bonnets, however. Is the dictum that a mud and satchel, the latter not unlike those car rled by mall carriers, must be worn with the new hats. Tbey must be of the same material and shade. Fashion this year also dictates no corsets shall be worn. Stout women well be permitted to wear .a girdle ever the hips, but no stays will be tolerated. Jt la the season of the Em pire gown In many varieties and the Km pi re does not comport well with stiff corsets. Gowns will be longer and looser as to the coat and freer at the ankles, and tighter at the hlpa as to skirts. Browns In a bewildering- variety of shades will be the correct color. There also Is a stem dictum aitalnst high heeled shoes. Fashion dictators have taken heed of numerous warn ing from physicians that high-heeled shoes are not only responsible for a majority of the spinal, kidney and stomach troubles of women, but de stroy their grace and attractive lines. Women paid no attention to their los of health, but they win readily follow any suggestion that offers to make them more graceful and Improve their line's. Ordinary man. for the first time In several seasons, can this year get some nrt of Idea of what a woman really looks like dressed for the street. Rats, pun's, corsets, hip pads or air pada and hats that hang down entirely over the face are spurned by fashion. BEAUTIFUL CINCINNATI HEIRESS WILL BECOME BRIDE OF SWED ISH ADMIRAL'S SON. MRS. M'MAMGAL GUARDED McAamara Pefen Provides Stout Kwcort tor Trip F-at. HAS FRANCISCO. Aug. t Spe cial. ) Closely guarded by detectives nnder the direction of John J. Tyrrell, of Loa Angeles. Mrs. Or tie E. ItcManl gal waa smuggled Into Oakland on this morning's Owl train and out again by tne Southern Pacific Overland to Chi cago. Mr. MeManlgal waa surrounded by labor leaders from the moment the train arrived at Sixteenth street. Oak land, until the departure of the Over land from the Mole, among them being f'laf Tveltmoe. the secretary of the an Francisco Labor Council. Walking at either elbow waa a wo man detective In the employ of the McNamara defense, and Larry Sullivan, of Gold field prizefight promoting fame, now also a detective for the defense Sullivan's appearance In the dynamit ing rase Is his public debut from a re tirement to Mexico following the Ric key bank failures In Nevada, la whlcrt he figured prominently. No Interviewers were allowed to ap proach Mrs. McManlgaL ZIONIST LEADER TO QUIT Klnman of Jarob II. Rehlff, of Xew York. May Su-rcd to Offlc. P.VSKU Hwltserland. Aug. 10. Pavld TVolffsohn. leader of the Zionist move ment since the death of the founder, Theodore MertzL has de-lded to retire because of 111 health. Professor Otto Warburg, of Berlin, a kinsman of Jacob IT. Rrhlff. the New York banker, may succeed to this office. Herr Wolffsohn presided at the opening of the tenth Zionist conference here. Professor Warburg today described the results of the work that had been done In Pslestlne during 20 years, . without political or diplomatic Influ ence for the benefit not only of the Jewish element, but of the whole pop ulation. A bank had been established at Jaffa and farms and olive and orange plantations cultivated and an agricultural experiment station founded at Haifa. EXPERT RIFLE-SHOT DEAD C a pi a in Genrg K. Bartlea, Famous Indian Fighter, Gone. LOs ANGELES. Aug. 10. Captain George V- Bar t let t. coaaidered one of the greatest rifle experts In the raited States, died at hi home here today. Captain Bartlett. who was tt years old. for many years acted as Deputy I'nlted States Marshal In Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. South Dakota: tarred a long time as a captain of the Indian police and was wounded In the httle of Wounded Knee. M. D. lie laves one of the finest collections of Indian relics In the country. MAN'S "CASTLE" DEFENDED 8larr vt Officer Contend 1I Wa Within Lawful Klghtse L Jl'NTA. Colo.. Aug. 10. The de fense in the trial of Robert Harris, colored, for the murder of Chief of Police Craig and Night Marshal Jacob Kipper, of Rocky Ford, made rapid progress today. The defense contend that a man has a. right to defend bis life when officers enter his home. Ixrtmrr Sofl for $0o. CHICAGO. Aug. 1. Kenator TVlllIam I.orlmer waa sned for $ooe here today r.T the Henry F.riccson Compaoy. which claim this sum Is due for work done on the Senator- Summer home years a " i ' Photos Copydight by G. G. Bain. MIM HELEX ITAUO JkD .MIS FLORM.t. " . CINCINNATI. Aug. 10. (Special.) Mlso Helen Ptallo. one of the Stallo sisters, widely known for their beauty and their wealth, is to be married. The Stallo sisters live In Clnslnnatl. They are probably the richest young women In the city, having Inherited the enormous fortune of E. Alexander McDonald. The man of Miss Helen Ptallo choice Is Nils Florman, who make his home In New York. Florman comes of a distinguished family In Sweden, his father being an Admiral In the Swedish navy. DOOM IS FORECAST Finney's Presentiment of Un timely End Fulfilled. AMERICANS' LOSSES LIGHT Efficient Salvage Corps rrotecta Property Endangered In London Hotel lire Many Personal K fleets Are Saved. LONDON. Aug. 10. James Lee Fin ney, the actor who died In the Carlton hotel fire last night, had a presentment of death when he left the United States. He waa much broken In spirit by the death of his mother and subsequently entertained a presentment of Impend ing evil to himself. Only last June he made a will In which he gave directions to Miss Ada Dwyer, an actress, of New York, with whom he had been asso ciated, for the disposal of his body and f feels. Miss Dwyer said today Mr. Finney's apprehension was so strong that when they discussed sailing for America he Insisted they travel on different vessels so that she would not be Involved In the catastrophe tbat he believed would overtake him. The body was identified by Miss Dwyer through a chain which the actor wore on his neck, and finger rings. The body of Mr. Finney will be cre mated after the Inquest and the ashes will be sent to the United States to be burled beside the grave of his mother who died last April. This la In fulfil ment of a wish expressed by Mr. Fin ney. The loss to the American patrons of the hotel Is not as heavy as had been expected. The patrons, who deserted their rooma as they were when the flames broke out, found this mornings that the salvage corps had done Its work so thoroughly that In many cases their baggage, clothing and other posses sions, even down to their toilet arti cles, had been saved. The loss to the hotel is estimated st $150,000. but this probably la an under estimate, as all the ceilings and most of the furniture must be replaced. The hotel management endeavored to belittle the fire and up to the last mo ment withheld the fact that Finney had been burned to death. THH DRLIQ OF PARIS 1MKS IK St. FRASC1SCO. ! " r r. i V kY . ( V r Mile. Mlaa Mlisr. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10. (Special.) Mile. Mlna Mlnar, pre ' mler danseuse of the French pantomime, "The Darling of Paris. now being played at the Orpheum Theater. Is dead from ptomaine poisoning, after an 111 nees of a week. Her husband. O. Molasso. was summoned from Kew York, but will not arrive until Saturday. Mile. Mlnar dined on shellfish a week ago. During the perform ance that evening she became very ill. but she finished the act. Afterward she waa taken to Mc- t Nutt Hospital, where death final- I ly ended her suffering. I Mile. Mlnar appeared as "The i Darling of Parts' at the Portland 7 Orpheum a few weeks ago. News I of her death was a shock to em- I ployes of the local theater. I "She was a fine little woman e and earned the friendship of everyone connected with the the- J ater during her stay here." said I Z Mark Woodruff, press repreaenta- 1 J tlve of the Ohpheum, last night. I ......... 4 SECT EDITOR IS WARNED ATTACKS OS GOVERNMENT TO BE 31 ET BY PROSECCTOR. Tacoma Home Colony Residents Stir Official by Practices Which Will Be .Investigated. TACOMA. Wash., Aug. 10. CSpe cial.) Aroused by renewed attacks on the courts and Government. Deputy Prosecutor Nolte said today that whether or not Federal authorities take action, a sedition Information will be flled In the Superior Court In a few days aealnst 8. J. fox. publisher of the Agitator, a Home Colony weekly news paper. It also was announced. In connection with the prosecution of residents of Home Colony for bathing in the nude, that a jury of six, com prising at least three women, will be sought to try the case. The prosecution of the newspaper proprietor will be part of the concert ed attack on alleged Illegal practices of the colonists. It hsd been Intended to leave the sedition case In the hands of the Government. An article In the last Issue of the paper, however, in which the Prosecuting Attorney's of fice has been attacked over the signa ture of "A Visitor." ha determined Deputy Nolte to take the mater Into the county courts. "There Is no doubt but that the col ony Is a nest of anarchists, kept at fever pitch by such publications, " said Xolte. "As fir as I know It Is the only colony of the kind in the United Plates .and their devotees come here from all over the world, there being a number from Russia and Poland and other foreign nations. MANY SPIES ARE AT WORK Bcrlou Consideration of Dangers Being Made by Army. WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Startling evidence of the pernicious activity of foreign spies Is in the possession of the Army General Staff, which accounts for the serious conslderatl t that is now beHng given to the most trifling report of attempts to discover the military secrets of the country. An Englishman in Calcutta picked up in the streets a small package of blue prints showing every detsll of the de fense of Corregldor Islands, the main stronghold of the United State In the Philippines. The Kngllshman sent the papers to the War Department here, but the "most careful investigation failed to discover the means by which the Information had. been obtained. A waiter in a Seattle hotel was found to be a foreign officer in dls Kulset possessing many drawings and notes he had made of the Pacific Coast defenses. A New York policeman arrested an American for a trivial offense and found In his trunk military maps and lnformstlon which convinced the offi cials that he was In the employ of a foreign government. Vancouver Jal Empty. VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. te (Spe cial.) With no prisoner In the City Jail. the Chief of r'once. John Seorlst. Is at the beach, taking a two weeks' vacation. Am no arrest have been made for sev eral days, the Chief will not come home Just Received NEW WHITE FELT HATS Lipm ri Merchandise of Zfteril Onlx- - WhiteFeltHats Newest Shapes SmartestStyles Final Dismissal Prices on Mid-Summer Millinery Not a hat in this large department has escaped the dismissal price every hat reduced for both women and children in the trimmed and untrimmed section. Below please note the startling prices now asked for hats Untrimmed Shapes 25c Sailor Hals 25c to $3.95 Never Too Many Bath Towels When Pnced at buch a rigure A Bargain at 25c lhis is the hnest Turkish bath towel ever sold at such a low fig ure. It is an opportu nity that comes but sel dom for the housewife to put in her yearly supply. They are made of two-ply cotton ibleached. Size 45 by 22 in. Hemmed ends. y tit? ?? 11V V.- Buy all you want; there is no limit to the number. on Lawn Kimonos Picturesque Trimmed Hals. $1.48 Small Hats and Turbans 50c An Assortment of Hats and Shapes , 10c, This sale goes into effect the first thing this morning. Unprecedented Prices Every Lawn Kimono in the House Greatly Lessened For Friday Bargains Our entire stock of ladies' long lawn kimonos divided intd three lot3 at extra reductions for our Odds and Ends sale. ,. Fine lawn kimonos in white or colors, full' length, made in dainty figured or flowered designs, belted, loose or Empire styles. Trimmed with fancy borders, plain bandings or laces and insertions. " Made with V, square or round necks. Some have elbow sleeves, others have the kimono-style sleeve. A splendid assortment to choose from. $1.60 and $1.75 Long Kimonos 98c $1.75 to $2.25 Long Kimonos $1.49 Regular $2.50 to $3.75 Long Kimonos, Special $1.98 I jr1iW ahrrrf lawn kimonos in white and colors in belted style. Some have the sailor collars, others are plain, trimmed with dainty laces and insertions or flowered bandings. Short sleeves. Regular 50c and 65c Short Kimonos at 39c Regular $1.75 to $2.25 Short Kimonos at $1.49 Regular $1.50 Short Kimonos, Special 98c Regular $2.50 to $3. 75 Short Kimonos at $1.98 Mi it m Silk Mixed Crepe 35c Yard Regular 50c Yard This beautiful silk mixed fabric comes in three distinct crepe weaves. Plain crepe effect, ripple effect and satin stripe effect. T went y-fi v e different shades of the latest hues. An ideal fabric for even ing wear as well as street frocks. Pare Thread Silk Stockings Special 50c Women's pure silk thread stockings with extra quality reinforced heel and toe and wide lisle garter top. this'pro tecting the parts where there is the most wear. This is a seamless, full fashioned hose in black and tan. All sizes. A TRIUMPHANT SALE IN THE SUIT DEPARTMENT Offering Tailored Suits and Coats at a Sacrifice Original Prices Were From $25.00 to $50.00 All This Season's Popular Styles 1 Pongee Coats and Suits ff Linen Coats and Suits J I B Cream Serge Suits, Coats WVr Heavy Corded Silk Coats fill Satin Suits and Coats gjHg Worsted Suits in Serges ancf Mixtures. The woman who needs a new coat or suit is fortunate to be reading this announcement, for this is the first time such fine garments as these have ever been offered at such a low price. This sale is possible for only one reason to make room for the new Fall stock. They are not old style garments that we are offering, but this seasons very newest and best styles that can be worn away up into the Winter. jji jri. Many of the suits are plain tailored, while others .are trimmed. Light and dark plain colors, and dark and light mixtures. Come early Friday morning as no phone orders will, be taken. The two corner windows on lhird street will be devoted to this immense display. II. 1 at the expiration of hla leave of ab aenc. The doors of the Jail are kept open all day to ventilate It. CAGE WITH 45 MEN . FALLS 18 Miner Serloucly, 2 8 Sligbtly, Kurt in Prussia. BOC'HITM. Prussia. Au. 10. A rl- oijb accident to the holetlng machinery t Krupp's Hannibal coal mine today rauaed rumors that mur persona had been killed. Later reports (how there were no deaths, but 18 miner were seriously and 2 others slightly hurt. The machlnest lost control ol trie hoistln: machinery while a fonr-tory cage, occupied by 45 men, was descend- In; and the care dropped aou iee to the bottom of the shaft. Fortunate ly, the companion cage ascending; waa empty through a delay on the part of the night shift to leave tne mine, mn erwise a far more serious accident must have resulted. Attractive Hair Every Woman Can Have It if She is Not Already Bald In an' article In a leading magazine this Spring a noted dermatologist states that "baldness In women l caused Dy rats and puffs and maltreatment of the scalp by Incompetent hair dresser. The woman who win use rAnisiAW SAO a reaularlv will have no use for rats and puffs because she will have a wealth of beautiful radiant hair of her own. JEALOUS ! Some women are Inclined to envy the beautiful hair other women possess when It would be far more sensible to get a bottle of PARISIAN SAGS and have fascinating hair of their own. PARISIAN SAGE is guaranteed to eradicate dandruff, atop falling hair and itching scalp or money bark. It Is the Ideal refined hair dressing that delights and refreshe. The girl with the Auburn hair on every bottle. Fifty cents at Woodard. Clarke A Co. and druggists) everywhere. , The Steamer Bay ocean BAYOCEAN AND RETURN The last excursion this season at this price Leaves Portland Friday evening at 10 o'clock, returning to Portland Monday, I evening.. N - Special Portland 'Ad Club Excursion for members and their friends, $15.50, in cluding all expenses. Reservations may be made up to 5:30 this evening. . Apply for information T.B.Potfcer Realty Company No. 720 Corbett Building? Main 7270. A 6291