19 Tim morning ohecosiax. friday. ArcrsT n. ion. HI G E PRICE IS HIT McNeff Bros. Buy Hops for 35 Cents. FOREIGN CROP SUFFERS Cable w JVnni England and Germany Show Supply Will Be Far RhortI-oral Dealer Ixwk for 60-nt Market. ttopm TerB reached cnta, lh VghMt 9TYrm paid this ana. and tmeal dealer nrdl-t thst th will "lahr. MrNafr Bran. f Prt land. Mofbt . pwnOm at that fisur. tmn Chang, of North Taklma. I4 . pound. and Krb Urn.. -f lslm. . pound! to tha le-el S rm For svral day Portlaad buyer hi lh id ud offer I. II ajid It eaat. bat tho - held out for It rent and no bni a tm transact. With Uia prtoa t at Jl nnu th markat ta xpcted to bo atlv for aora tlm. Advr raporta from forelaa hop-growing nuin nd4 to hold up tha mrkt -trdy and war rponalbI la port for tho lop-notch flaura paid br MeNoff Broa. A eabl from London atatad that crop s-oad'tlona m England ar decidedly worao. rropru ar gloomy and tha markat la advancing- rapidly, la tha furthar advic. Tho bop crop continue to suffer." la tho anaoaneement comtBc from Frankfort. Oorraanjr. "ft la good for about ona-halt f last year's crop oa th Continent. From another city la Oarmany ram a a eabiecran predicting a amall crop bat -rood quality. Rain la ndad In Germany, re port ear. Indlrattnae ar that England will not b able to rbtain Ita naaal supply from tha German market and that America will b called apta for m part of th deficiency. That th Portland market haa not -ret reached Ha hlrcheet mark la Indicated br tha f "rerun tono amoot tha buyers. irow ara. with a J i -cent market. em In cused to bold out for better price. It waa froelr predicted that tho market will reach 4.1 or eenla be for th crop la harvested. Reporta fr-wa tha Oroaron and Waahlna to field ar ncoorsgtng for a healthy area. BtKir.Y HHORTAfiB It DIrOr"STKT Prtr ot Ukrlr to Adtear la Caaaeqaear of federal Reparta. Bar!y price are not likely ta ad ranee n ronaeuenr of th crop ahortaaa reported by tha Government, aa doaiera already haea diarouated th effect of a reduced markat. Tha markat remalna firm, farmrs holding back their aalea fur better figure yet Ut ile adranca over tha prent quotation ta expected. T He w heat market remalna Inartlv oat of armpathy with th barley alluallon and farmer are Indisposed to eel I. They ara rather Inclined to endeavor to aara the'r crop than to trouble themeelrea about plae ln It on th market. IrTtcea remain un changed, blueatem bing trong at hi. with J aaked: club at T7 and "it aaked. Trad Ins la etremely llsht, recelpia yealerday be ing in eicea of too of any previous day thle week. v Inactivity continue to predominate th at market. Lcel receipt In car wor reported by th llerchint tic bang yeatarday aa fol ' Iowa: afonder Tuee.ley 1 Wednesday ... & Thursday .... i't Tear aso ..... It Pon l dat.2i iT 2 13 ..41 it.. "I 2 S 3 10 1 12 1 so ui ' sou nurnmi auk c-omixo fro socth Baxter rrlrea OMalnabl 'la California Rap. ply la Mce-ady. ftereral heavy ahlpmenta f poachea ar In transit from California to Portland, and In rnnaeqoenc tha already largo atork will bo farther augmented. Fancy peache ad vanced from I to IS ceate pee crate yeatar day but tn anticipation of arrlvala from tha oath tha market could not maintain thia auotatlon. Tha threatened shortage waa only temporary. Peachea for canning purposes bava been aold In quantttlea large aqd amall tha past week and tha last of tha rua that win be pat to this ana eooa will b dis posed of. Consumer took advantage of a favors Die markat last week and stocked Bp for domestic purpuee. Cantaloupee have been In ateady demand all week and th market remalna firm. Ther waa a brisk trade la watermelon yeatarday. All kinds of deciduous fruits hare been moving ateadllyajwlth prlcee unchanged. Era Market Rewnlne Fta-va. Fgca are (rowing firmer bat tha prlc 'a unchanged. Few Oregon egga ara coming into tho market. Tha ateady trade la tak ing Faetera atork. Aa a whole, th agg market la still eoraewTfat aluggleh. Butter contlnuea to bring good price, but there la a fair movement. Che and con densed m'ek ar ateady. , tfprtng chickens ar coming Into tha mar ket In Increased lota oa account of tha steady demand. Prlcea remain firm. Tha demand for hena and chicken, too, ta healthy. Vegetable la Hisaaad. Front street reported y brtsk trade In vegetable yesterday, an rlaaaea of garden product blng In good demand. Th sup ply waa heave, however, and tha market remained steady. There waa a good rua of celery, eocumbera. tomato and cabbage. Small ahlpmenta of aweet potatoea are com ing from th ftrutb auffrtent ta aatlsfy th local trad, which paid T canta a pound for them yeaterday. WerrV Moving f lowly. Pa-rrte ar not coming Into the market aa rapidly aa tha altuatloa demanda and tha market remalna firm. A little mora ram would help out th growers conaldermbly and might ease th mark!. Th aalea yeater day ran tram 1 SO to 11 AO a crate. Boak rteartag. Bank clearings at tha Xorthweatera el'lea yesterday vera aa folloat: t'learing. Jtalance. Portland 11. W aid l.-t2.1 Keottl. l.MI.T:l l' 2 Tacoma -l "Ti 4i T bpokana 6M i'.i 76.U.4 rOKTIAXD IIAUaTa Orala. FVewr. rret. Ft. WHTTAT New crop; blueetem. 81; club. TT: ld Ruee an. Tic; Valley. TTo, Ft-Oliri fatenia. . per barret i atraighta. et ports. ixi0: Vallay. 4-M; ra ram. M a, wbol wbeaL -1a. at I !. I JT I rra Braa. - ioo par ti mtdditnge. $3?: abort. llHtflaM; rolled brler. ;J. nu Whole. $3."!: cracked. $M pr tow. BARLIT-New. feed. UUgia per ton; brewing. 110031 per ton. OATi Old wall. : pr ton: new. 1 14 HA'l-T!mothT. -rnlley. fistfld: alfalfa, 111; alavar. 1M. grata hay. (10. taalo lLMO( Columbia Blear. 1 -pound tall, ill per doaea: 1-pound tail. !.; -pound rata. Ilif: Aiaaka pink. l-pawa4 tal!a. $1 2a. COFFEB Boaawd. la drama. XM par "I"-Te Walnata. lTHlar pu: Brasll aota. 14)lc: flloerta. tao: almeada. lie. pecaaa. !: eoeoanuta. tAeCIl per evea; chestnuta. 1IH V aehr ami, iaio pr pound. - .a HOMET Cnoic. par a5 at-rata hooey. 10e par pound. ALT ranu;atad. (II Pr toaj naif-a-rooad. 100. . per toa: boa. P BEANS a mail whlta. i larg whlta, c: Urn. T; Blah. 14 a: red at axle a. ar: bayou, so. PICE K. I Jap a. 4 at eke per grade. .H) 04.41 vwthra bead. W Ti aa parted Imperial, like; Imported allra Ma. I. e 1 O a R Dry granulated. It-Is: berry. a J: beet. Is.ai; eatr C S-T: pwdrd. barrels. l-43: cuta. barrela. 14.43. URItU FRUITS Apples. lHgllsn rer pound; aprlcora. 14ci peache. 10V 1 prune. Italian. 10Jllc; sliver, lie; flgv hi l and black. wTaa: carraat. 1 lla; raislna loo Muacatak : bleached Tkampaon. US-; aahlcb4 aul taaaa. Uo. aeeded. ladllla Tegetaklea aad rralta. TOPICAL FRCIT Orangea. (.504.7$ per box; California grapefruit. baaaaae. Itpftsa per pound; plaaapplaa. a per pound; lemons. Pr box. FHtfH KLirS CsBlaloulea, 11.2.101 per crat: peachea. docOll.-o per box; watermelons, lv!So per pound; plum, Wic 4yil.7i per crate; pruaea. II. 7u per hot; new applea. ll.7&wZ.Mk per bom; raepberrte. Sfi- blarkberrle. tl.7jol.Wo. peara. -1 .eO per box; Caaabxa. Sc per pound. VkuETAHI.En heana. ItylOc; oahbagaa, IS per hundredweight: corn. 30u4o per dosen; cucumbers. Hit.?S per box: egg plant, lotyliso per lb.; garlic lOtyl-o per pound: lettuce lu U 3o par dosen; bothoue lettuce. I S6T17A per box; pepper. ,10 per pound: radish, 13e pr doicn; loaf toee. plc) 11.24 per box. BACK VEi;ETABI.Eit-Nw carrota, IL7I per sack; turnips. I1.S5; beet. 1.7.V POTATOES New Oregon, lktflo P pound. i ONIONS Walla Walla. IL7S per hundred. Dairy aa Own try ndc. POVLTRr Hena. lfllVc; Pprtnga ! 1Sc: ducka. young. 13c; gaaa. nominal; turttey. nominal. ttitis Irrean Oregon ranch, candle, 17 per dosen. Bt'TTER City creamery extra. 1 and I pound print. In boxea. 30c per pound; leaa taao box sola, cartons and delivery extra. CHEifiE Twins. tripleta and daiale. ime par pound; Toung America. 14lo. rudk Fancy, ltgltnt par pound, VEAL Fancy. li13c per pound. Be. Wool aad Hldoa. HOrfc lll contract. 50 u 32c par pound; ikiu crop, wc; lwv ttup, oida, 13 )17c ktoRAIB Chole. IdtflTIa per pound. WOOL Eaira Oregoa. M01 P pound, according to anrujkage; alley. ! 17c per pound. PELTS Ury. 10ei lamb. ISOtO ach; shcarhngs. 1I each. HlDti Balled blues. 1H per pound; salted c,f. Italic; aaltad kip, lie: aaltad stags. 7c; green hides. c; dry hides. Iliac; dry calf. ltn.-Dc; dry slags. llyl4o. CAbCARJk HARK Per pound. Oijoa. OUa. LT7C8EED OIL Pur raw a barrel. Ill balled, la barrel. o; raw, la caaaa. a boiled, la cases, oo. TVRPKMT1.N sS Caoea. Tlo; wood barrela. TSe; Iron barrels. tic: 10-ca .lot. Ia UASOLl.N'E Motor gaellB. Iron barre.a. Ho; casea. se; gaaolma. iroa banwla, Hat "SliL OIL Ordinary test, caaaa, 11 baUa, la task. w o. BAM.t 1C to II pjuada. imtt: U to II pounds. lVlSs-. 1 to 11 pounds, lit vise; It to It psun.ls. ltVlc; skinned, irr. picnics. ITSc: cottage roll. lie. BMOKED allaiTB ief tongue. 3e; nd beef eeta. a"; u ta.de. a one; laatdaa. 14c; knuckles, tie. LARD Kettla rendered. tlerc. lie; tuba. llc; standard, tierce. HVic; tuba ll,c; chelc tierce, none; tub. Bon; ahortenlng. tierce, me; tuba. I c BACON Fancy. lie; standard. 1 1.0; choice. lie: English. 17c. PUT SALT CLRED Regular short alaara, dry salt. 12Vke; smoked. II See; backs, light, salt. lSsc: amokad. 14V,c; backs, heavy salt. 11 He; amoked. ltlac; exporta. aait, lie; smoked. 14 fee. WHEAT SOARS HALF CENT OX OVEKVfENT HEPOHT. Trading In Seattle Shows Livelier - Tendency and Market Is Ke llered to Some, Extent. FEATTTLE. With, Auir. 10. (8p clal. Tho Government crop report affected the market hero sllKhtly. Wheat quotations went up a half a cent all around. Ical grain men are doing little trading. The farmera geem to have tho wheat situation In their hand. Whlla commlnlon men are mill having difficulty disposing of an overgupply of tantaloupea and watermelons trading on the avenue waa brlaker today and the market Js aomewhat relieved. The bottom price on cantaloupes this morn ing was $1 on good stock. Moderate weather Is partly responsible for the glut on watermelons. Elberta peaches are arriving freely and ar In good demand. Crawfords are about cleaned up Green corn Is weaker. With heavy receipts today the quotation will drop below 11 a box. The quotation on Washington cream ery butter was pouted at the dairy pro duce exchange at noon today. The mem bers of the exchange decided after some argument to net tho prlee on this product at the dally meeting. Here tofore one dealer has set the price on Washington creamery and Ms lead has been generally followed. Ther Is wide range on quotations of local ranch egg's. Soma dealers are holding tho price to 34 cents whlla others are selling at IS rents. One hun dred cases of ranch eggs will he sent to th Id I la rod tonight by ona dairy pro duce handler. Poultry and egg recalpa ara good. Trading la fair. Haa aM-liro Produce Market. PAW rRANCUttf l. AUK. in. The follow ing produce price wr current here today: Vegetables tocumhers. 7- U "c; garlic. Sir 4c; green peaa. I l.S.1 H 1.76; string beans. 1 cJUjc; tomatsea. Souaoc: egg plant. bOf? Flutter Fancy creamery. 50c Ksse Store. 4e: fancy ranch. TtSUjC 4'heeee Young America, Itffldc. Mittetuffe Hraa. lia-fH" 6 Ht.io; middling. til tin J. . Hay Wheat gl I IS: wheat and oats. 10 4)14. alfalfa. I11 . rruit Apples, choice, f I TV com men. 111.. Mexican limes. fft.J0f?7: California lemons, cholc. 4. common, IS; pineapple. li a J. Potato Early Rot, nominal; sweats, 14 m Ion a Tf f? ooc. Receipts riour. "(W quarter racks: wheat. "-n centala: barter. 2V 40 centale: oats. JTO centals: potat"a. too sacks, bran 1J1 sacks; middlings, ti aacka; hay. toS tona. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Aug. li. Standard eotmer dull. pot. l2.ITVe 1S.3Tao: August, tember. October and November. 13.21 9 U..17Vsc. Undon, quiet. Upot, l-"" : fu tures, lid 18s d. Arnvala reported at New Tork today. JfO tons, t'ustom-houa returns show exports of 61M.1 tons so far thia month. 1-ake copfer. 12 7' U lie; electrolytic. 1Z.U1 1X7 Jc; caetlng. " O llSoc. Tin. quiet but firm. Knot. 4XT6,4I.8V: Auxuat. 42 7S t.7 .17HC September. : 4c; October. 41.7a 42..c; ' November. 41 2itf4'.'c. lxmdoB, firm. Spot, il3; fu tures, llv; lia. Lead, quiet; 4.4.1 ej t.noc, xw Tork: 4.41 u. 6 4 47 He. Eaat SU lula London. (13 a Sd. Spelter, easy: l;etlc New Tork: 8-PO ftliir. ICa.t at. Louis. London. 121 Antimony, quiet; Co.,kson s. K..10 u K.SOc. Iron, t'leveland erarranta, 4a IV In Low don. locally, qolet. No. I foundry North ern, lilt) t' : No. 2. 14.73wl.': No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Mouth era soft. II4.7S; IS. 23. Chicago Produce Market. rillCAOO. Aug. la. Mutter weak. Cream eries. 2tf7Sc: dairte. Ita !:& Em Recetpta I4it caees. at mark, caa-a Included. ItVUc; firsts. USc; prim Orsts. 17c. Che Steady. Daisies. Hlli(e: twlna, HVCrllc: young Americas. llltSlIKc; long noraa, llollHc. Mew Tork Cot to TPMare. NEW TORK. Aug. 14 Cotton closed easy, laat prlcea showing net loss of from I to 13 point a. August. 12.11c: "September. 11.17c: October, ll.rlc: November. 11.17c; Itecember. lLllc: Jnnnary. ll.lec; March. 1L73C May. ll.lle: July. 1.31c. IJverpool Wheat Market. l,tvrnnoi. Aug. I. VCheet : October. Ta 2d; December, a ISO. Weather cloudy. CROP REPDRTTELLS Bears Use Government Fig ures in Raiding Market. RAIL STOCKS ARE FIRM Trice on Active IJst rail Two Polnta Government Morfmentl and Porelg-n Politics Are Taotors In Trading. NEW TORK. Aug. li.-Th Government crop report Issued yesterday waa used a a weapon for another attack on stock market vaJuea today. Prlcaa fall 1 or mor point la tha aetlvo list, with greater loasas -where. Th decline, while often precipitate, waa not of tha recent demoralised character. Prlcea have yielded with mora or lasa steadiness for a fortnight, kaae la soma etandard stocks during that period extend ing to II point. Tha causes probably 11 deeper than crop conditions. Tha actlv ltiee of tha Federal Government, coupled with political eondltlone abroad, may prop erly b regarded aa the mor potent fac tors a tha oa. Aside from movements In th market, an Interesting Item of the day waa the July report of unfilled tonnage of tha T'nlted Statea 8teel Corporation. Th a-ura show a lac re see of til. 141 -ton over Jun. with a much larger gain over May and accounted In part for tha com parative atcadlness of steel during th greater part of the day. despite th enor mous offerings of that stocka which amounted to I7S.I00 shares out of a total of I.e.sn.vOO. In tha last hour tha list made general recoverlee from tha low point on what appeared to ha ateady absorptloa. to gether with extensive short covering. Tha buying showed mora deliberation than any recent almllar movement with especial firm ness In t'nlted Htatea Steel. Great Northern preferred. Northern Pacific. L'nlon Pacific. Southern Pacific and Reading. The greater part of th gain was held at tha clos. ahlch waa ateady. Th bond Use waa weak throughout. To tal sale, par value. I .'. t.OOO. I'nited Ftates Government bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATION". Closing Fairs. High. Low. Bid. Allis Chal pf .. 1"0 L'2 22 it Amal Copper .. 2I.ion a.t, eifi 3 Am Agrlrult .. Kl M Ml Am Heel Cilgar. S.1 A"t 411 AOL, American Can .. 7e B S T Am Car Fdr. 2.2' MS .'n4 fr Am Cotton Oil. l.i" MT r.t Mi Am Hd A I.t pf 1" i'.i I'.I 21 Am Ice Securl.. l.ooo ;o iai JO'i Am Linseed ... " 10 ' Am I.o.omotlve. pxi .'I7' ltl Am Smel A Kef 2.1 72"a 70 71 4 do pr-ferrert.. 1.. ims J-4 X Am Steel Kdy.. 1K .17 .17 M' Am Sugar Tlcf. tort lir. lin, 11,".'t Am T-l A Tel.. 2.POO 1.1(1 JB4' 114V, Am Tobacco pf. u US 'l Am Woolen 2I'4 Anaconda M Co, 31 .V.'s S7! Atchison S3.1l 107 1iM 1"5, do preferred.. ,1"0 lost lo.H, H'3 Atl Coast Line, l.aoo 124H VJ2 124 P-ilt A Ohio ... t.j l2'a 32 12H Bethlehem Steel 1.IMIO X2 3U Jtl Brook R Tran.. (l.ooo HU, 7 7t Canadian Pao .. lt."M 2.17 ' 2.14 217 Central Leather I.imhi 2,'.S - do preferred.. luO 87 5 . 97 7 H Central of N J 275 Ches A Ohio .. a.KUO 714 72 74 Chicago Alton 3" Chi tit West . .. 100 20"4 204 24 do preferred 42 Chicago A N W 1.4'K 141 140"4 14K C. M A St l'aul22J.4"K 12iS lis l'lVi C. C. C 8t I MH Col Fuel A Iron 1.1V an 24 2!H Col A Southern. 1K"4 H'l1 " Consol tins .... 2.7'"U 13U1 IRS1 Corn Product .. 00 13 1 IS Iel Hudson 1M , D A R Orsndt, e0 2 2 "-J do preferred.. SiN "4S o4 do preferred.. M" S MS "4 nietlllers Sccurt 4 .1.1 .12 S 32 V, Erl 2l..1.- IIIJ 8S Si's do 1st Pf 4.10 f.o 4H- '-. do 2d pf .... 4"0 42 4(i 40 Oeneral Elec .. 1.' 1V. IS S 1.124 tit North pf ... ll.ooo 12 1244 12.. it North Ore .. 3.4-0 M H M Vl'a Illlnola Central, l.ooo 1.1S 117S 1S Intcrbor Met .. 2.100 lt, 11 IcJV do preferred.. 2. . 4fl 4414 44 Inter Harvester 2.S0O 11UT4 114 ll.'4 Inter Marino pf - lnl PaP'T 1 Int Pump S"0 7H aH4 .Jd-e, Iowa Central .. 1"" 1 'H 1 do pteferred.. 2-ft l' tfl IW Laclede lias ... 1"4' K'K I.ula A Nash .. l.1 13 13 K'"4 xwfAii'u-t. inf ;a Mo. Kan A Tex. Po :13 n2 32 S. do preferred..' 2" S ' Mo Pacific IB,." si 42", 4' 4-' Nat Biscuit .... loo Jjia-w 132Vs . IJOVs National Lead . l." PIS M f'l Vex N By I pf rw-O 2S 28 N T Central ... 14.S.-0 1"S 1WI 1MH N T tnt A Wea w 401, 40 40, Norfolk; A Wca. S.l-O 12J4 loSVk North-Am .... 2"t 714 7 1 ilia Northern Pad .. 1.40 V.'2V V 122 Pacific Mall ... 1.1' 8" 2 Z Pennsvlvanla ... 14.70 121 H 120 V2 rZm v. ... I' l"1 -SJS vm.& "c-ii: 'Hi 'iij is a. Preass.id S ar. 2'X) 8! a SJ1 - Pull Pal Car 1 Sead '.JX I S 7 S 17 WZttzk.: 5 11 & Ro. k Island Co. VJ.3'" -'''Vk -'" do preferred.. 6. !" M J2 M St L 8 F 2 pf 1.000 44 44 41S St L Soutnwesl Texa. A Pac .. 9"0 -o Tol. St L A Wea 5 m 17 8 Fealty ' -i' I S Rubber ... 17 H Steel . ..2SV"0 71V 724 it4 Udo prefed.. 1 ,0 Iij' lt;jk 11S rtah Copper . .. J."--" ' lCh'm.: vii ?U !i5 Waopref.rV.i: 32 314 81'. Western Md ... l.r- JJ r'K Westing F.lee .. l. 5 JJJ S? Western Vnlon . BOO s ' Wheel A ! Lh.gh Valley".. I1.f00 lV.h Total eaJc for th day. 1.02S.80O sh. 1,4 17 area. BON PS. NEW YORK. Aug. 10. Closing quota- vTie'f 2.. re.l"'N: T C W" do cou,-.n ..!'0, ? p "dVcoV:::! t- u new aa rear 1U VI 1 Cent 4 s . . . 13 t, He, rtf.i jv TVB D A R O 4.. HI I do coupon .. .1 ti, Stocks at Boat on.' BOSTON. Aug. 10. Closing quotations Allouea 21 A'Mohawk Amal Copper .. 1 Nevada Con Am 7. L A 8... 2JH Ntl'iaam Mines. A rl son a Com ... 11 INorth Butt ... 42 17 a 24 B A C C A s M lo Nortn ijt Hone Coalition. 1jold Dominion... 40V4 Calu A Arlsona. n.l llim-eota m lalu A Hecla..41 Parrott (SAC) ..11 Centennial tjulncy sd Cop r Con Co. r.7 Hhannon .... 14 E Butte Co- M 12 Suirlor 25 4 Franklin lo Sup A Boat Mln. i Ciroux Con .... SS, Tamarack 80 A Oranby Co ... IIS V H B R A M . . . 84 tireene. Can ... do preferred.- 474 Isle KoraH C. 14SCtah Con MS Kerr iJlke 4 I'tah Cop Co.... 46 S Tuake e'opper ..US Winona 7 La Salle Cup... S I Wolverine 107 Miami Copper . IBM Condition of the Tiuaaiiry. "vTAPniNOTON. Aug. 10. At the ring of business today the condition 1'ntted Statea Treasury was: Working bslanc In Tre saury of- flcea I 17, In banks and Philippine Treas ury IS Total of general fund. ....... .. llv, Ttecelnta veaterdav ............ 2. begin of th 711.17 ett.lll 1 Jl J34 141.11 1 544.7SI iuehuraementa ........ ....... .. 1. Oeftclt to date 1. (!2Vi,S I7.1 al and Deficit laat rear 11 These figures exclude Panama Can public debt transactions. Mooey, Exchange, F.tc. NEW YORK. Aug. 10. Money on call eteadv. 2 S, 4) 2 S per cent; ruling rata IS! closing b:d. 2 ' : offered at 2S. Tune loans easier: no days. 2 fit,: 0 da vs. IS eSS: six, months. 8 6 4. Prima mercantile paper. 4tf4S Pr cent. Sterling exchange easy, with arfoal busl nes In bankers' bllla at 4.e375 for 60-dav do preferreo.. l.snw -t VA - Sloas Sheffield . VOO 47J, 4, 41 V, Southern Pac .. Id Southern Ry .. l-'! V IZlVZ" i-iS S.?t4 8-S sa" . an,' ee AT IX inn t,ti.'i'ri b'lls and at I4.85S5 for demand. Commercial bills. 43S. Bar rllver. 32 Sc. Mexican dollars. 4,c ..awe Government bonds steady; railroad bonds weak. BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10. Sterling, 0 days. M.I!.; eight, 4.s6. Drafts Sight, lc; telegraph, 3c LONDON. Aug'. 10. Bar silver Steady. 14 1-lld per ounce. Money 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short bills Is 2S62V4 per cent; three months bills. II-IIuIb per cent. CHICAGO, Aug. Tork, par. 10. Exchange on New 1 Coffee and Bug-ar. NEW YORK- Aug. 10. Coffee "turea closed steady at a net advance of to 14 points, sales. 7.7." hags. August, 11.62c; September. ll.tWc; October, 11.44c; Novem ber 11.21c; llecember. 11.14c; January. 11 lie: Fehruarv. 11. lie: March, ll.l"c; April, 11. c; May.- 11.07c; June, ll.Ooc; Julv. 11.05O. Spot, quiet. Rio, No. T, 13; Santoa. No. 4. 14c; mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, 1413c, nominal. . Sugar Raw, firm; Vuacovado. .SO test. 4.11; c centrifugal, .fl teet, 4.61c; molasses sugar, S test. 3.83c; refined sugar, steady. STEADY TONE PREVAILS FAIR PRICKS CONTINUE AT LO CWi STOCK YARDS. Market Attract a More Hog Ship ment From Mississippi Val ley Mutton Firm. A ateady tone continued to predominate tha market at tha atockyards y""''". There waa a brisk run In all branchea or the business, the total sales of sheep reach ing 1702 head. . . Jtogs declined slightly, the best price paid being I7.7.V a drop of 2,i cents from the day nrevlou. The Middle West contlnuea to sell the bulk of hogs used on the Port land market, fair prlcea attracting ateady ''a "hunch of ewes sold near the close of the day at 2.t. but earlier a lot of fine wethers went at 3.60. Receipts for th day were 165 cattle. 3 calve. 1702 sheep and 871 hoas. Those who shipped In yesterday were: Mc Ktnnon A Chandler. Klgln. Z cars of cattle and calves: T. J. Brown. Baker. 1 car of cattle; C. t). lavid, Roberta, Idaho, 2 cars of cattle and Cfclves: Froat A Ireton. Boise, 1 car of hogs; Henllne A Son. Nebraska, 7 cars of hops: R. R. Hlnton. Shanlko. cars or sheep; C. II. Vehra A Son. Lebanon, 1 car of hogs: Ed Wann. Canby. 1 car of cat tle and calves; Lander A tlruhbe. W Hour. 2 cars of sheep, and J. E. Peltoir, A Co., Ton calla. 1 ear of rattle. The day a aalea were aa follows: Weight. Price. 14 ateera ' '.'. H ateera 27 steer ". , 10 heifers 1 heifer .. .......... J COW ., ............. f COB'B -.... 4 cows 1 cow 2 COWB 4 COWB 1 cow - r cows 2i cowa . - 7 COWB .. . 1 COWS .... 2 calve 1 clf 5 calvea 16 calves .. 210 wethers H.1 hogs .. .....,. tilT ilnrk boeS ......... ..l'llel . . W .. 711) . .llo .. 141 . . 2 . .12-v . . .. W . . 40 . . 1024 ..10I1 . .lion ..1113.". .. 410 . . lt .. SM . . 2H1 .. 104 .. 3.11 6.31) 4.S 4.00 1.2.1 3.50 275 ;t.75 4.50 4.00 S.00 4.50 4.35 4.25 8.75 5.25 7. -n.OO 7. JO 3.50 7.75 7.7.1 8 cost .. ... 1 1 . ''."''.'.'.'.'.'."'.'.'.loin r ,sawea a a ftrt 25 corn s 1U7H 4. z- 12 wethera .. , 54 3.00 14eJ wethera - ., ,M1 -'OO 80 ethera '" H hoaa s" 25 ewea 3 2 0 Prlcea current at the Portland t nlon Stockyards for the various classes of stock were: . . Kxtra choice ateera .V7..I. t'hoice steera Good to cholc steers , Choice cobs -. Good to choice cow Oood. average 1050 pounds Common cows ............ Choice heifers ci.,.1.. bulla . snoti 6.7.1 B.2;)'ni s.50 4.7.1 W 4.NO 4.2.1 9 4.S0 4.ll0'd 4.25 2 75 u 8.00 4.75 6.00 3 50C 8.75 Choice calves. 200 ins. ana unaer i.iwe '- Oood to choice calvea 63ntj. 6.00 Common calvea 4.00 6.00 Choice stags , 4 60' 4 5 Good to choice stags 4.25 a 4.50 Hogs Extra choice light hogs 7 M 8.00 Choice heavy lio-s I t"? I ?5 Heavy rough hogs twu 0-0 Sheep Choics yearlings, wethers, coarse wool 1.25 8.S0 Choice yearling wethera. east of mountain. J'" '?' Cholc two and threea 8 00 3.BO Choice Spring lambs 6.25 ' 5. no Good to choice Spring lambs .... 5 Oil 5.25 Choice killing ewea 2.754J) 8.00 Tho following quotations repreaecit prices on thia market for the different classes of horses: IJraftera. extra heavy. l.'ll'OMOOO; drafters. 141)0 to 1700 lbs.. 11503350; draft ers. 1200 to 1400 lbs.. 1100 250: chunks, 73 and up; saddle horaea. 160 and up. CTnlewgo Uvea lock Market. CHICAGO. Aug. IO. Cattle Receipts es timated at 400O. Market strong. Beeves. .1j 7.2.5: Texas steers. 4.50(8 8.25: Western Steers 4 10fi1.40; stockers and feeders. ,1 6.50 cows and heifers, 2.20t.10; calves, 5.75-?6. Hogs Receipts estimated at 1S.OO0. Mar ket steady. I.lKht. 7.2(70; mixed. 7 7. SO; heavy. 0.S5e77.7O; rough .."?. .10: good tn cholc heavy. 7.10r7.70; pigs. 7.5: bulk of aalea. 17.25 r7. 85. Sheep Receipts estimated at 12.0O0. Mar ket steady to Kc up. Native, 12.25c' 3.75; Western. 12.6016.1.75: yearlings. :l.7344.75; lambs, native, 13.7596.00; Western. 14.50 7. Drtee x.-rult at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 10. Evaporated apples nominal for the old crop, with new crop, October shipment, quoted at 10c. Prunes quiet but steady. .Quotations. IS H c for 4'alifornlaa up to 30-40S and 114 ij 14e for oregona from KOa to 30a. "I'eachea quiet, firm. Choke, 1 1 4jf 1 1 Vj c; extra choice, 1212Sc: fancy, 12 be "Naval Store. SAVANNAH. Aug. 10. Turpentine firm; sales 48 barrels; receipts S'.'l barrela; ship ments 70 barrela: stocks 20,416 barrels. Koaln firm: aalea 2253 pounds; receipts 8SO2 pounds. Shipments 144 pounds; stocks 102.81.3 pounds. Quote: B. ."i.505.80: D, 15 70 M 5. SO; K. 5.l5fl.OO; P. G. H.. 18.35 8 40; I. K. M. I8.87SO8.40; N, 19.5580.80; WU, 17.10; WW. 17.80. Srw York Hone, Kle. NEW YORK, Aug. 10. HojJ Firm. Hides Dull, Petroleum -eUeady. Wool Quiet. Dulnth Flax Market. DULUTH. Minn., Aug. 10. Flai. on track and In store. 82.30; to arrive, 1X10; Sep tember, 12.10: October. 82.02 bid; Novem ber. $2.02, nominal. Wool at St, IxmU. ST. LOnS. Aug. 10. Wool Steady. Medium grades, combing and clothing, 18 a-'"Sc; light, fin. 1719c. heavy, fine, 14 j lc PETITION WITHOUT FLAW CVntralla Mayor to Set Date for Commission Election. CENTRALIA. "Wash, Aug. 10. (Spe cial.) The petition for a comnilsuloa form of srovernment. presented to tho Chehalls City Council several weeks afro, has been thoroughly examined by City Attorney Studebaker and the finance committee of tha Council, and found to be virtually flawless. Mayor Oing-rlch will probably designate a date for a special election at tha next meeting of the Council. The date set. according to the law. must be some time prior to September IS. or 60 days after tho petition was flrst filed, with the Council. The event Is awaited with Interest, as the men who draw up the petition and were Instru mental in circulating It. are confident of tho success of their movement. Vancouver Purchase Frisk. VANCOUVER. B. C, Aug. 10. (Spe cial. I Vancouver has purchased Emll Frlfk. the Spokane outfielder, who was displaced by Henry Melcholr. the former San Francisco Coast Leaguer. Frisk was secured to give tha crippled Swain a rest. QUIGKPRQFITS HELD Heavy Sales by Grain Owners Offset Bull Move. BIG YIELD IS STILL SEEN Danger From Frost to Canadian Fields Given Way to Brighter On t look Corn Closet Finn After Day of Active Trading. CHICAGO. Aug. 10. Quirk grabbing of profits on the part of wheat ownera offset altogether today the bullish effect of the Government crop report and overcame tn addition the result of a liberal demand for cargoes to go to Europe. Although there was considerable of a buying flurry in wheat at the start, tradera In general had been prepared beforehand through reports of private esperts. who have been keeping sharp wateh from day to day on the crop damage, that It showed Itself forcibly in tha official figures. It was also pointed out that nothwltn standlng the great falling oft for the month the Government figure atill promised a big crop a total yield In fact has been sur passed only five time In th history of th country. Then, too, dread of frost In the Canadian Northwest gave way. During the session September prices varied from II140 to I3c and closed o at 14c higher at There was heavy selling of corn by pacK ers. September fluctuated between 65o and 65Tc. with the close Arm at 65"c. a net advance of ic Cash grades were steady. No. 2 yellow was quoted at 15 ft &66C. In the oats crowd th Government report disappointed the bulls. Top and bottom limit for September during the day were 41a and 41Tc. The close was at the last named prices, a net loss of a shade. Provisions developed weakness. At tho end of the day pork had dropped 1 to 5 cents; lard, 1 to 7 V, cents and ribs 2H to 15 cents. The leading futures rsnged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept I .US ,8S, .924 I .12V, May l.OIVi 1-OJH Id! 102" CORV. Sept . .r.H .6S'i .svi .55 Pec " ' -"2 May...... .V4 .5' -' -81 CORN". Sept -M .! ) ,J1 :U MESS PORK. ftept 17.70 17.70 17.25 17.25 Jan, 16.82 14.82 V4 1I-6S LARD. Sept...... .07I4 S.07-4 II. S5 Oct. .12b 12Vs .0 Jan....... 8.77V. 8.80 8.47V4 -70 SHORT RIBS. Sept 45 1.47 H 12H .27t, Oct. 8S 35 .07', 9.17V, Jan 8.45 8.474 8.27V. 8.27 V, Cash quotations were ss follows: Flour Firm. Rye No. 2, 86c Barley Feed or milting. 6080c; fair to cholc malting. 1. 03 1. 13. Timothy seed $11' 11.50. Clover I US' 17.5a For Mess, per barrel. 17.S0(f 17.78. I.ard Per 109 pounds, J8.S7. Short ribs Sides (loose). t8.75J.2. Sides Short, clear (boxed), 8S.2S. Oraln etatlstlca: ' Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 114.000 bushels. Primary receipt were 1.128,000 bushels, compared with 1, 277.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 101 cars; com. 62 cars; oats, 276 cars; hogs, 11,000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrela I8.20S 16.700 Wheat, bushels ....44K.4O0 2s.!n Corn, bushels . 101,200 115,600 Oats, bushels 613.600 184.408 Rye, bushels 3.000 1.000 Barley, bushels 18,000 4,400 Grain at 6uft Fraaclsc. BAN FRAXCTSro, Aug. 10. Barley Mav, fl.SftiCr1-"8A ; December, fl.63H. Spot quotations Walla Walla. JUHU 9 1 47 V; red Russian, $1.46 Vi i 1.47 V, ; Tur key red. fl.r7 S 1.S0: blurstem, (1.000 l.S; teed barley. 1.45 1.47 Vi : brewing barlov. 81.47V, S 1.50; white oats. 1.50i I. "i24; bran, JUS. middlings. (32; shorts. 1 28. 00. . European firaln Markets. lyONDON, Aug. 10. Walla Walla, for shipment. Liverpool options closed. Octo ber, 7s 2 "rid: December. 7s 8'v d; September, Ss 7Vd; English country markets firm; French country markets firm. Minneapolis Wheat Market. . MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Aug. 10. Wheat September. 1.03 J, 1.03 V, ; December, II. 04,; May. 1.0S; No. 1 hard. 1.07; No. 1 Northern, tl.OMffl.06V, ; No. 2 North ern. ll.OOVi 1.05; No. 3 wheat. flLU3. firaln Markets f th Northwest. TACOMA. Wash.. Aug. 10. Wheat Ex port: Bluestem, 83c; club. 81c. Milling: Bluestem. 7lc: club, 76c. Receipt Wheat, 1 car; corn, 1 car; bay, 1 car. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 10. Wheat Blue stem. 83c; forty-fold. 70c; club, 7Sc; red Russian. 77c: oats. 2A per ton; barley. (24 per ton; barley, tn bags, fS.fiO. Car receipts upon to noon Wheat. 8; corn, 5; hay, fi; barley. 1. LODGES ARE FLOURISHING Oddfellows Hold Annal Convention In Cathlamet. CATHLAMET. Wash.. Aug. 10. (Spe cial.) The annual session of District Association. No. 4. of the Oddfellows' convened at Cathlamet today. All lodges In the district were represented. Re ports by delegates showed a flourish ing condition of the order. Officers were elected for the enuing year as follows: President, J. B. Miller. Cathlamet, No. 287; first vice-president. Q. W. Rowan, Castle Rock. No. T4; sec ond vice-president. J. 11 Mitchel, Ka lama. No. 101; secretary. L. P. Hoff, Woodland, No. 138: treasurer, W. C Patterson, Cowlitz, No. 66; chaplain, R. L. Parker, Cathlamet. No. 287; outside The voids or air spaces in street pavement is where disintegration sets in and results in chnckholes. The ab sence of to ids in bitulithic is tha real secret of its ever lasting wearing qualities. THE BARBER iSPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs' Asphalt and other Bitts folnous Pavements. 406-40K lilectrl feidg. Portland. Or. Oskag aluboA Manager. l.umbermens National Bank Capital $1,000,000 A Progressive Commercial Bank with a Savings Depart ment Under Government Control 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings Established 1886 Merchants National Bank Portland, United States Depository The banking service which a business man receives' is an important matter to him, as it contributes largely to his success. It saves his time and energies, prevents embarrassment and disappointment. This bank was established in the year 1886 and has con stantly given faithful, efficient service, extending every courtesy and attention to its depositors. First National Banb Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $1,400,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and - Savings guard, D. H. Kinley. Cathlamet. No. 287; inelde gruard, W. C. Stratton. Cathlamet, No. 287; warden. C. C. Wheedon; con ductor, W. W. Head, Cathlamet, No. 287. The next meeting: -will be at Kelso, In January, 1912. At the end of the evening session a banquet 'was served In honor of the visiting delegates by tho Cathlamet lodge. , Fishing Launch Sinks. VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 10. (Spe cial.) A plug pulled out of the side of the Buffalo, a fishing launch on the Columbia River, was the cause ascribed to its sinking while at the dock in this city last night, after the engineer went to his home. Captain McNulty. who resigned a short time ago, turned the craft over to a new man, and it was he It is thought, who left a hole open so the water could run In when there was no one around. It will be raised by skidding It to the bank. TRAVKI.FKS' (i CI OK. LONDON-PARIS HAMBURG tPenn-la Aus.lOAMJ'PTes . Grant. ..Sept. jj tKals'nAugVicAu.81( Cleveland. . ...bept. tRlts Carlton a la Carte Kestaurant. Will call at Plymouth nd Chsrboar! JHambur Direct and Second -bln only. GIBRALTAR, AtXilEBS, NAPL. f 6. p. MOLIKE "c'- -Vs lwui not CRUISINS Around THE WORLD 1WU1 not can at. - ' ' . I TWO CW'lsiis I XJurajiuu PyhJ K,.e?!?.",5.lp 110 Davs i.r, tii i 17n,lft Tnnil I TOST Th Brat to leave I dCft New York Octooer .TJMJII Jl. 1811. Th ec- VfMVM ond to leav Ban AND CP Francisco Feb. 6, Including ml!! annual nvent All Trij In Oct.. 1812,1 Npotmaary 8c a eo., iifja, dt cxprnHfl are cmlslns S. I Aboard S. Victoria Lulse, I And I A "inn tona. I A .hnra HAMBUBti-A-MERICAN 1JNK. 160 Powell t.. San Franc!"", cl., or Northern Pac, O.-W. R. & N., Burlington. Chicago, Milwaukee A Puget Sound Ry., and other R. R. offices In Portland. HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLASS ROUND TRIP Th moat delightful spot on entlr world tour for your vacation. lellghtful sea ba th ine at tha famous beach of WaiklkL lh splendid ES. blerra tlu.oOO tons displace ment) make the round trip In 16 day, and on can visit on a aid trip th living vol cano of Kllauea which Is tremendouaijr ac tive, and e tat himself th proceaa of world creation. No other j-ip compare with thl lor th marvelous and wonderful In nature. Visit th Islands now. whll you can do It so easily and quickly and wall th volcano I active. Prompt attention ta telegram for berths. Sailings: Aug. 12, Sept. 2. Sept. 23. etc OCKANIO a. S. CO. m Market Street. Sax Jr ranrlar. Steamer Anvil sails from Albers Dock No. 3 Friday, August 11th, 7 P. M., for Tillamook, Bay City, Newport, Florence, Bandun and Coquille River points. Ticket of fice 128 Third st. Phone Main 628, A 4596. Dock phone A 1902, Main 151. Freight and passengers. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN - HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Rail-war Exchange Blda Portia ad. Or. Mala 6378. A .3032. nmiiMWl -a, a,am - aa-aa- Corner Fifth and Stark Oregon TRAVELERS' GCIDE. OPEN KIVEJS TRANSPORTATION CO. SlK-J.IM.llAL, Freight received i dally at Oaic-st. dock ' for The Dalles, j Hood River, Whit Salmon, Umatilla. I Kennewlck, Pasco. 1 Richland, Hanford, White Bluffs, and 'ntormarflnte nOlntS. ITRST-CI.AS8 TABSENOEB BERVlC'Jli. FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD RIVER, WHITE SALMON, TH3 DALLES. Steamer leave Portland Sun.. Tuel Thurs., 7 A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Mon, Wed., Frl.. 1 A. M., arriving at Port land about 5 P, M. same day. W. S. Buchanan. Bupt.; W. S. SmBllwood, Gen'L Mgr. Phone Main 21)00. A JUaT. B A VOCE AN Short Ocean Tourist Trip From Portland to Bayocean Oregon's New Summer Resort Ten Hour Trip on River and Ocean -Leave Portland Tnesdaya at T P. M. Saturday at 7 A. M. Elegant and fast ocean-going boat. ROUND TRIP $10 Meals m lm Carte. Berth f 1 and SLSV Boat Leaves Eupple'a Dock T. B. POTTER REALTY COMPANY, 720 Corbett Building. Astoria Centennial Sr. "Monarch" Daily AT 7 A. M. FARE $1.00 Music, Dancing; Cafeteria. No Liquors. DOCK FOOT WASHINGTON ST. SAN I-BANCISCO PORTLAND STEAM., SHIP CO. From AInsworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. M. S.S. Beaver, Aug. 11, Bear 10, Roue City 2LJ From San Francisco. Northbound, 12 M. S.S. Bear Aug. 8. Rose City 14, Beaver 19. From San Pedro. Nurthbound. 12 M. S.S. Rose t:ily Aug. 12, Beaver 17, Bear 2 ; H. A. Mosher. C. T. A., 142 Third St. ' J w. Ransom, agent. Ainsworth Dock, Phone Main 4UZ. Main 284, A 140Z. San Francisco, Los Angeles: ' and San Pedro Direct. North Paclflo 8." S. Co.'s S. S. Roanoke i and 8. S. Elder sail every Wednesday alter nately at S P. M. Tltcket office U2 Third St., near Alder. MARTIN i. HIC.T.EV. passenger Agent. W. K. SLUbSER, Freight Agent. Phone 1L. 13U. A 1314. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Sails from Ainsworth Dock, Portland, 9 A. M.. Aug. 4. 9. 14, 19. 24, 29, Sept. 3, 8, 13. 18. 23. 28 and every E days. Freight re ceived at Ainsworth Dock dally up to 5 P. M. Passenger fare, first-class, $10; second class, $7, Including meals and berth. Tick-t office Ainsworth Dock. Phones Main 263. Main 170, A 1234. i