CUDGEL IS TAKEN UP FOR CHANNEL Port of Portland Commission to Advertise Depth of Columbia at Mouth. DRYDOCK TO COMPETE Imprmrrarnt of Public riant Pro-poM-d to Vie With ITtrmta Concern w Towboat and Drcdg Will Bo Itu'-lK-d. FORT rOMMI.ION ACTS IX BE- h Lr or m iXML and CITY DOCKS. Tj refute criticism of conditions at lb mouth of the Columbia Rlrw and of the cbinnd to Portland, the Port of Portland rommlaaloa will lamia a statistical booklet. President Mears will repreeent ths Port of Portland Coraratason befors tba Publio Docks Commission In ar rancln details for tha bnlldlna; of marine facilities. Maps ahowtnc tha proposed ao-foot channel from Portland to tha sea kin been turned rtr to trie Port of Portland V.'otnmlaaloa T Major Mc lodoe. Dalldln of a ate I dredaa and steel towboat will be harced. Heath authorities will be a Iced to Inreetlsele sanitation on tba dredge Columbia, where typhoid fever casea have been reported. Ore tea Drydock Company aaka for restoration of old rata and tha Com mission propoee to equip tba publla dock plant to make a stronl bid for new bnati "I am Informed that when a Gorern ment enjlneerlnr ofHcar rlaltd Port land recently at Ui Instance of Wash ington authorities to check over surreys that had been made of ths entrance to the Columbia, Klrar. be waa furnished tr with an sndrnt man showing; but It feet of water at tha, mouth.' eal.t K Jl. Mears. president of tha Port of Portland Commission, yesterday. As a result, a movement has been started for an adrertlstna; canrpairn under the di rection of that body. tuS first to be- un dertaken In Its history. In the past tha Commission lias for warded to tha principal porta of tha world copies) of Its tariff on drydock ratea and g-enersj data. In the new work there will ba Incorporated statistics of shlppinr. depths at the entrance aa shown by th latest Government survey and channel conditions, comprising; also plans for tha future In the war of new dredging apparatus, modern steel etern wheel towboat and the Installation of additional machinery at the public drydock that repairs of a "enerai na ture may ba made. In that connection It was sursested that stalls be provided at the dry dock, that local painters, caulk ers, shipwrights, machinists and others lotns; work of a maritime character can store their a-ear on the (round and be prepared to handle ail contracts expedi tiously. Prydock Ttoarf Siijtiptc!. . Superintendent Johnson, of Ihe dry dock, suggested to the Commission that one of three routes be selected over which to build a road to the drydock. that mnterlal and equipment could be delivered, arguing that there waa but one mode of delivery at present and thit Is by water. . William l Hrewster. vice-president of Jlhe Oregon Drydock Company, wrote to the Commission, asking that the dry dock rats previously In effect, which compared favorably with the lowest on the Coaet. be restored, aa the existing tariffs of onr-tu:f of the former rate prevented other plants from getting1 a return from the Investment. The com munication precipitated a discussion In .which It was brought out that when the former rate was established at the solici tation of the Oregon drydock the flry W.o k officials '"broke faith." Superin tendent Jn.ineon cited four Instances In which a representative of the Oregon 1 lent offered Inducements to masters of to patronize that plant, even after arrangements had been made to lift the craft on the public dock. Facilities. May Grow. Commissioner IX C. O'Reilly, who Is la charge of drydock subjects, was vested with authority to delve Into the e'tustlon and to ascertain If It Is sd visaNs to Install esulpment costing 110. to Increase the efficiency of tools at the drydock. When he Is ready to re port, the meeting wtl be railed. President Mears spoke of the PuMIc iKwk Commission's undertaking In ar ranging; for the building of municipal docks with the fund of H-inO-OU) to be made available from the sale of bonds. It was voted that he represent the Port of Portland Commission In conferring with the dock body. Superintendent Campion, of the tow age and pilotage department. when asked regarding the towboat situation, pointed out that when the steamer L y. Henderson waa wrecked near Bug by light recently one of the best ves aela In tha local fleet for handling deep water vessels was lost, while the steamer Ocklabama bad been out of commission some time and would not be ready for at least a week, lie said the tug Oneonta had been giving ex cellent assistance on the river and that 1t was the ttrst time a rropeller type had beea thoroughly tried oat In the service. lie urged the necessity of constructing the proposed new steel sternwheeler. It was agreed that an adjourned meeting would be held to which e-Commlssloner Bwtgert and Adams would be Invited to give the new board Information they had cleaned covering the subject while they were In office. It la desired to have the vessel completed aa soon a fosslble. Prrdge Needed Promptly. With reference to the new dredge he same situation was found. Presi dent Mears pointing out that If the Irerige Columbia were put out of com mission there waa danger of channel work being delayed so that the Oov eminent might complete Its share of the s-f.vnt project before the port finished Its part of the road. As a result of a communication writ ten by Ianlel J. Cooney. relative to his eon. Oeorge A. Cooney. having con tracted tpyhold fever while employed on the dredge Columbia and asking teat the Port of Portland assume the expense of his rare and treatment, amounting to till S. IV was voted that tre account be not paid. Mr. Cooney charged that for years typhoid fever had been rampant on the Columbia and that of l cases there had been eight deaths. Captain Hugh T. Orovea. superintendent of dredges, said that he s,aa aware men had been taken 111 on the digger and it had beea made the subject of Investigation by state health authorities, who advised the use of Bull Run water for drinking pur poses Instead of Columbia River water. The change was made four years ago. vet casea of fever continued. Captain Groves attributed It largely to the fact men aboard the Columbia had little to do after their work ende"a. and they usually went to bed. so it was lack of varied exercise that made their sys tems so susceptible to the dis ease. It was voted to hare the sani tary conditions viewed by the health authorities. Treasurer's Bond Raided. At the requeet of Commissioner O'Reilly, treasurer of the board, his bond was fixed at $50,000 Instead of J25.000. which he gave when appointed temporarily. The fund on hand ,1a $250,000. Bids on groceries, meats, fruits and vegetables for the quarter were opened and referred to Commissioner Good man for awarding. The fact only one tender was received on butter and tK prompted the board to decide that hereafter bids on those items will be asked every month by means of a cir cular letter, as dealers said they would not agree to bind themselves longor owing to fluctuations In the market. At the suggestion of Superintendent Campion all services In connection with delivering stores, lifting nchf" and assisting the cruiser Boston In toe harbor were granted gratia. A communication from the Monarch Lumber Company, renewing a request rrrjLMXB rcrioxiGEXCs. Dos to Antra. KarSe. Lore rlc. .. Beaver K.rrmee Bayoeeea.... Aa.U Pear Breakwater.. Falcon ftolden Oate. . So. H. Elm or O'n. W. Killer A Diane. ..... Hose city. ... Rcanoae. ... ttrataiyoa. . . Data In port In port In port in port In port Aug. 11 Aus. It .Manila , . ran Pedro.... . .Hongkong. ... . .baroctsa... ..itandort. . .... . gen .are. ... ..Coos Bay . t-an Freneleee . Tillamook.... i. Tillamook... ,.an Diego. ... ..Eureka. .-. . . Kan ..Ban Plese.... , .Hongkon... AU(. Aug. Aug. Aug. 13 11 14 35 Aug Aug. IS Auk. 11 j i Aug. w For. . Fsnoon. ... . Paa Pedre. ..bayocaa., , .Coos Bar. . Tillamook. . See rancu .Manila.... Data. .. Ang. 11 ...Aug. 11 .. Aug. 11 ...Aug. 14 ..Aug. J Anvil. ... Reaver. .. Heyeeeaa-. ... Breakwater... Ooldea Gate... Falcon. l.ucertc f ue M. Elmore Bear ...Aug. 15 I ...Aug. IS T ,..lug. IS T ..Aug 1 ...Aug. 17 ...Aug. 4 ..Aug. SI i ...Aug. 11 I ...Kept. 1 I Tldamook. tan Pedre. Geo. W. Side. . .Fen Diego. Eureka. . .. Alllaao. ..... 4ercul Koee City.... Boaaok. Clrathiyoa. .. Hongkong, .has Pedro. ia tJlee.. -Hongkong. that dredging be carried on In Oregon Plough, was filed until attorneys for the board give an opinion defining the harbor limits and lines. It Is the un derstanding that the Port of Portland r'Ammteelon hi not authorltv to dredge In the slough until Its Jurisdic tion la extended throurn an amena ment that must be submitted to the voters. ' TVHTTE STAR ALSO COMING Three. Trans-Atlantic Lines CaMing About for Locations Her. Philip A. S. Franklin, vice-president of the White Star line. Is said to be on his way to Portland to close for dock ing facilities In advance of the opening of the Panama Canal and. has already reached San Frnelsco, where he Is con ducting preliminary arrangements for the coming of that fleet. The White Star Is following the lead of the Hamburg-American line, and that of the Canard fleet and all are desirous of gel ting a foothold on the Pacific Coast. Much the same plan Is being carried out by the White Star Interests, as they propose to Include San Francisco, Port land and Puget Sound In their schedule. When the canal Is ready for service there will be direct sailings from Eu ropean ports for the I'aelnc Coast and It Is expected that In the first year will be shown a remarkable falling off In the number of Immigrants received at New York, which Is today the principal port of entry for those migrating to America. The fact so many settlers continue Westward to engage in farm ing and ether pursuits Is taken to In dicate that the steamship lines will adopt a classification so that those not bound for the Industrial centers of the Kast will be routed through the canal to this Coast and the cost of trans portation will not be greatly Increased. EARL OF IXmFAIl DtE SOOV J. J. Sloore Takes More Vessels for Australia Lumber Loading. San Francisco advices report the sailing of the British steamer Karl of Forfar for Portland to finish loading lumber for Melbourne. She Is under charter to J. J. Moore Company. The same Interests have fixed the Norwe gian tramp Admiral Borresen to load lumber at F.ureka and In the north for Australia, she having the option of Portland or Puget Sound. The British bark Lord Templeton has been added to the Moore coterte. with the same options, her rate being J is. ad., with the option of a port In South Africa at -la. Id Every vessel available for off-shore lumber business Is In demand on the Coast and there appears to be no ces sation In the trade, except locally where there Is no decided Increase In salea Few expect the business to ex ceed the showing of last year, although other northern harbors have Increased their shipments through cheaper prices prevailing. On the lower river cargoes appear to be the order. The Water house fleet In the Australian service will load considerable stuff In parcels In the season, but with the exception, of schooners there are no vessels listed to work full loads In that territory. Movements of Vessel. - PORTLAND. Ang. to. Arrived 6teamer rran.M( IL Ueggett. from Kd Pedro; gaso line scanner Aavtl. from Bindon and way porta Ssilrd steamer J. A. Coanslor. for han Franclsro; steamer Gottlen (iste, for Tillamook: Norwegian steamer Henrlk lb sea, for Paget Sound; eteamrr Carlos, for Astoria. Astoria. Aug. 10. Condition at tha mouth of the river at P. l .' smooth; wind, northwest, S miles: weather, cloudy, sailed at 4 2 A. M.. etfamers Ltsr Freeman and J. B. Ftetspo, tor Aberdeen 8sfled at 7 1. M.. schooner Nukflmli. for Redondo. Sailed St S:2t P. M.. steamer Roanoke, for hno t1eg and way ports. Sailed at 4 P. si., steamer J. A. Chansior. for Monterey. Astoria. Aug. . Arrived and left ap. stea.ner F. H. Legott. from Han Pedro: gasoline schooaer Aavll. from Bandon and way porta baa Francisco. Aug 10. Arrived at 10 A. steamer Ceo. W. KMer. from San IMego; steamer Oleem. front Portlantl. t-aiiad at 11 A. M . steamer Hose City, for Han Pedro. Sailed at 1 P. M., schooners Irene and Hawaii, for Columbia River. Ar rived at t P. it., steamer .Whilem, from Columbia River. Hailed last night, steam ers tihoshon and Falcon, for Portland. Coos Bay, Aug. lo. Arrived steamer Breakwater. from Portland. Called fteamer Alliance, for Eureka. Noyo. Aug. s. Arrived British steamer Earl of J. or far. from ban Francisco, for Colunoia River. (ihlmoneskl. Aug. T. Arrived British steamer ritrathTyon. from Portland. fan FTanrleco. Aug. lit Arrived Steam ers Tails, from Everett; Watsl. from Seat tle: ileum, from Astoria; Flflcld. from Bandon. Sailed Si.amm Nsnn Hmlth. ot San Pedro, for Cons Bay: Tiverton. for UamMe: aarkentlne Hawaii. for Astoria: enoooers Moans, for Tahiti; Irene. lor As toria. Advance, tor CoquiUo Blver. TMee at A steels I rider. High. !-o 1 14 A M at feet'T:ST A. M. . . 11 fet 2. IS P. M - fael.S.13 P. M X feet IS CONSIDERED VITAL Col. Dosch, Home From Fair Scene, Says State Should Have Agency South. SAN FRANCISCO BUSTLES Portland Resident Declare Expos1" tlon Is Bound to B Great ' , Success and That Beaver State. Will Reap Benefit, Urging active participation of Ore gon in the San Francisco exposition In 1915 and recommending the establish ment of an Immigration and informa tion bureau of Oregon resources In San Francisco. Colonel Henry E. Dosch, who returned lately from San Fran cisco, says that the spirit of the ex position has taken hold of the people of the Golden Gate City and. that pre parations are being made to fore shadow a successful exposition. "San Francisco Is thoroughly awake to the realisation of the fact that the Panama-Pacific International Exposi tion Is under headway since the site has been selected." said Colonel Dosch. Now that the director of works and engineers are In the Held making a topographical map of the proposed grounds, which Is In Itself a work that takes time and careful study, they feel that actual work will soon begin, especially a It has been decided to break ground as soon as this map is completed, which will be about Octo ber. From that time on Ban Fran cisco will make things hum and It knows how. as Is evidenced by ths rehabilitation of the city Itself after the devastation by fire only five years ago. San Francisco Is full of willing and able hands to begin work and finish the exposition., ready and com plete for opening day without a hltoh. Great Success Foreseen. "Success, did you ssyT Yes. I firmly believe that It will be the most suc cessful exposition ever held. WhyT Because every cltlsen on the Pacino Coast la Interested In Its success and there are several millions of them be hind the gun. All feel that this ex position does not belong to Ban Fran cisco alone bnt to every state west of the Rocky Mountains. Besides, the eye of the world Is upon us and half will come by rail, and the other half by the Panama Canal to see us. The Pacific Coast Is In tha limelight and will stay there until every hill and valley shall be cultivated and shall blossom like the proverbial Oregon roses, and every hamlet and city shall be doubled and trebled In population. We are at and the world knows It, and It is up to us that the world does not forget It. I am firmly convinced that the press and people of San Fran cisco will be aa loyal to their exposi tion as were the press and people of Omaha and Portland, which was one reason why their expositions were so signally successful. Oregon's Interest Great. "Notwithstanding what the Governor of California said to the Governor of Oregon, and vice versa, about that lit tle extradition episode, the people of San Francisco have a warm place In their hearts for Oregon and expect great things from her. Right here Is wuere Oregon must shine, especially aa I understand she has been promised first choice of selecting the site for the Oregon state building. "This exposition means more to Ore gon than to any other Pacific Coast state: it will be a golden harvest for her and she must be prepared to garner It. and not only by an exhibit of Its resources that will be convincing to homeseekers and Investors. She must be prepared to place these, commonwealth-seekers In their proper spheres, be It orchard, field, dairy, timber, mines or manufacture. Otherwise she will fall In her mission. "Permit me to add right now that Oregon Is losing many valuable home seekers by- not having an exhibit and Information bureau somewhere on Market street In Han Francisco. I sug gested this a year ago but nothing came of It. In my "alx weeks' sojourn recently In Ran ' Francisco I made 1t mv especial business to walk up and down Market street for observation. I noticed that wherever a real estate dealer or a land sales association bad a display in show windows, there was always a crowd, not of Idlers, but of real homeseekers. ss their hardened hands and bronxed faces showed that they were tillers of the soil. Such an Information bureau and exhibit with necessary literature should be estab lished without delay." TWO LINERS TRANSFERRED Ibsen leaves for Xorth to Coal and Hercules Starts Loading. Two steamers were transferred yes terday to the Waterhouse fleet, the Henrlk Ibsen and the Heroulea. The Henrlk Ibsen was turned over by .the Portland sk Aslatlo Interests at 11 o'clock, leaving at noon for Comox to coal efore proceeding to Bremerton and Seattle to load lumber and will then return to St. Helens to finish. The Heroulea was transferred at noon and shifted from Alnaworth dock to load lumber at St. Johns for the Orient- The Ibsen will proceed direct from St. Helena to Australian ports and here after wllf sail In .the service of the Australian mail line. It was planned originally for the lb sen to change management at 7 o'clock yeaterday, but a delay In measuring 1040 tons of coal in the bunkers cauaed a postponement. The Hercules had 1300 tons of fuel and the'Harrlman In terests would not complete the change until they had obtained receipts for both lots. As the Lucerlo also started working outward cargo yesterday the Waterhouse fleet la represented In the harbor by two vessels, which will sail about the same time. The Strathlyon will be the next carrier to arrive to be transferred and she will be followed sometime later by the Rygja. FALL KILLS . CHIEF OFFTCEIt John J. Leonard, of Heather, Mum- blew to Death at Astoria. ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 10. (Special.) John J. Leonard, chief officer of the lighthouse tender Heather, died here this afternoon as a result of an acci dent sustained about 9 o'clock this morning. As Mr. Leonard started to step onto the gangplank to go aboard the Heather, which was lying at her wharf, he tripped on one of the vea sel s mooring lines and plunged heal foremost over the edge of the wharf, striking his head on the ship's guard and then falling Into tha water. Ue OH BUREAU . t.v.i- e. hut his skull was fractured and he died about six hours later without recov ering consciousness. Leonard was a native of England, 4! years of age and had, so far aa known, no relatives In. this region. - 1 1 t Coquille Work Rushed. MARSHFIELD. Or., Aug. 10. (Spe cial.) Engineer Leefe. who is n charge of the Government engineering work dn this county, has been inetruct ed by Major Morrow to engage one of the local dredges -to assist the dredge Oregon on the, lower Coquille. This will hasten operations In that river and the Oregon will probablx be brought back to Coot Bay some time next month. Vessel Aground la Paget Sound. SEATTLE, Aug. 10. The steam schooner Fulton, -with a small cargo of freight from Seatrle, for Vancouver, which went ashore In the mud of Bush Point, Whldby Island, yesterday in a fog, is still fast, but she will come off unharmed at the first high tide, her agents say. . Marine Notes. With 20S0 tons of cement the barge Gerard C. Tobey yesterday entered at the Custom-House from San Francisco, while the Norwegian steamer Henrlk Ibsen cleared for Comox. While the steamer lone was heading up the Columbia River yesterday one of her cylinder heads blew out and she proceeded on one engine. She will be brought here for repairs. A. M. Gillespie, vice-president of the Watarhouae line, passed yesterday in the city on business connected with as suming the charters of the Norwegian steamers Henrlk Ibs-jn and Hercules. To have minor repairs made the steamer America was yesterday lifted on the Oregon drydock and before she resumes her run she will be given an overhauling. Ths steamer Stranger Is operating in her place. To handle congested freight between Portland and Astoria the 0.-W. R. & N.. yesterday placed the Kteamer El more In commission. First Officer George Campbell, of the steamer T. J. Potter, going out on her as skipper. In general cargo from San Francisco the steamer Francis H. Leffgett resched the harbor at 10:0 o'clock yesterday and berthed at Irvlnir dock. The steamer Casco will shift from St. Helens to Oak Point today to complete her lumber cargo. , Superintendent Campion, of the Port of Portland towage and pilotage de partment, was yesterday Informed that the. disabled steamer San Jacinto left Grays Harbor yesterdsy In tow for the Columbia River, to be lifted on the pub lio drydock for repairs. When the steamer T. J. Potter sailed yesterday. from Ash-street dock on her first trip under the special Astoria Centennial schedule she carried 1S5 persons at the II rate. The steamer Monarch, from Washington-street dock, had 97 passengers at the same fare. Charles Steelsmtth has purchased Cap tain Mclntlre's half-Interest In the Monarch. Harbormaster Speier yesterday Is sued a warning to motorboat operators gainst navigating beneath the Haw thorne bridge east of the draw span, owing to the presenco of submerged drift that accumulated during the June freshet. 8otne of the obstructions were removed by the harbor patrol force and ths Port of PortlanJvessels, but more cannot be dislodged until the. water recedes. The drift lies so- that it Is not discernible on the surface and of fers a menace to launches. Captain H. Peterson, of the Olson ft Mahony steamer Carlos was yesterday granted permits by Local Inspeotors Edwards and Fuller for carrying 400 persona on daylight trips from Astoria to sea during the Centennla.1 and on trips Inside the river the vessel is al lowed 600 passengers. She has been repainted from stem to stern and her long deck forward arranged for the accommodation of guests. Captain Peterson says the trip will be made dally and will occupy from five to six hours. The fare will be $1.50 and meals will be served If dosired. Before Captain Tyler, of the gasoline schooner Wilhelmlna, sailed last night for Yaqulna he was detected carrying aboard new-fangled stores and bis air of mystery led to Inquiry being insti tuted at Washington-street dock. It developed that he was merely receiv ing goods sent down by Arthur Merrill, chief clerk in the office of. Local In spectors Edwards and Fuller, who ex pects to reach fishing and hunting ter ritory near the Sluslaw, but who forti fied himself against seasickness with lemons, chewing gum and other al leged remedies steamship men have im parted to him. Tuwd Debt Just $2.20. CHNTRALIA, Wash., Aug. 10. (Spe cial.) According to the report of the State Board of Inspection, Just compiled, the town of Buroda, seven miles north I Cure Men 10 IS MY FEE Par Wheal Cures Oeaeral Debit, fty. Weak Kerves, leaomnla Results JrrrfrTTrTTework and other vio lence., el IX atare'a l-wa. Bladder and K ,d"S. "r'- ewred mi email expense. SPECIAL ARMKST9 Newly con tracted and chronlo esses cured. All burning. Itching and Inflamma tion stopped In J4 hours. Cures ef fected In seven days. Consultation free. If nnablo to call, write for list of questions. Office hours A. M. to 8 P. 2s. Bundavs. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL, CO, x24Vi Waaklngtow St, Cor. First, Portlaad. Or. L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. Reliable Chinese Doctor spent lifetime stady of herbs aad research la China I was granted diploma by the a Emperor: gueraaiees core n ailaeenta ef men aad women wbea otnevs isit. ai rva i -f,r rail r write to YEE HONS MSDICISlt CO., HH First, Cor. Alder. Portland. Or. MEN AND Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear UflMCU when the kidneys are out ot nUilltil order or diseased. For good results use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the great kidney remedy. At druggists. Sam ple bottle bv mall free, also pamphlet iddraes. Dr. Kilmer A CO, Blaghamton, . X. : y"NJ catarrh: : 5 CSSISkN b laA doer : : fr&si J RsIIbtbiI In ; ' , V -" -Xsule bears the MIDyl , , ess SUUSs i . Bnrart of oaanterftiu i't r7f Danger Lurks in Neglect 6ECTJRB3 THE "THE FOREMOST SPECIALISTS srHOVEST TREATME XT PO S l'1'l V M RKSCLTs" It J - fidi YOU s.oo My Fee in Many Cases CURED IN FIVE DAYS VARICOSE VEIJTS, OBSTRUCTIONS PILES nsTou He Boafaese er Home, Mo Severe Operations, Maor Caeca Thoroughly Cured in One Treatment I have Proof for Every I Hake. Examination and Consultation Free aWpnpo0rmT aVAXISFACTORT TREATMENT. Medicines furnished from my own laboratory. to .0MPer I Tow aeamot eall. write for perticulaxs. Many eases axe curable at home. Hours t A- M. to P. M. Sundays W te IS. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. (SOU viinmi. 8T, COB. UBCOXD Wt. of Centralia, is in excellent financial condition. The report shows that the tA annulet of a tOWll hall asseie ' - and aite Valued at $X. while the liabili ties amount to only KM in ouisianan.B general fund warrants. Iyewl. County Roads Have Signs. CKNTRALIA. Wash., Aug. 10. Spe-dal.)-At great expense the Centralia Commercial Club has just completed the IN -fS Poison, Piles, Fistula, Etc HaTh Ifi'sssllni-I i I' I DR. A. G. SMITH. J sua the only specialist In Port land who does not advertise a flee t'tlons name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove, a make this statement so that you will know yon eonaalt a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess akill and experience, acautred In suck a way that no other can share, and should not be clsaaed with medical companies. It Is Impossible ft n medical company to nttend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine In Oregon or any other state. Medl-. cal companies usually are named nftcr a doctor. .A portrait, whose personality and Identity are In definite, la) selected aad published ns the legitimate specialist ot the fflew. Hired substitute, ordinary doctors with eueatlonable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. IFORBLOODP01SO. .-.. , ..,, I use Professor Ehrllch' wonderful new discovery. .St me explain It to you. COKSl-LTATIOX AND ADVICE FREE. oVfle Hours- A. M. to 8 P. M-fice""!"!!1 explain Vo VcTu my treat- ?ctUi&EEd necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions. : DR. A. G. SMITH SPECIALIST FOR MEN, ONLY EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION ALWAYS FEEB Varicose Veins Hydrocele Nervous Debility Blood Disease Rheumatism Diseases of the Skin ... ioirta anv eirrumitanrM. i neeieiiv Invite all DISCOURAGED and DISSATISFIED sufferers who have Untreated wTthoutfeivrureo cal. on me. It wJU cost ; you -othtaj to consult me and have an examination of your case made, and I ball be gla 4t fell too frankly what Is your condition. To the slek and afflicted I hold ont no" false JronSsa If you? case is curable 1 will rladly te U you so; if not I will not accept the ease for treatment, as 1 do not accept Incurable casea tor treat Consultation free. Letter confidential. DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST. Corner Alder aad Seeoad Streets. Entrance 12SH Seoond str'''1 0r" office Roars A- M. to T. M. eondavje ID A. M. to 1 P. M. SERVICES OF 99 My Claims Are Founded on Cures If you are a weak, ailing man. stop and think what you could accomplish If you were strong and well what a aouroe of happiness, good health and robust strength, would be to you. It takes mora strength to ba sick than well ft takes mors strength to live under the conditions of illness than it does when in health. All my life I have beea studying this problem earing complaints of man restoring to atrangta weak, ailing man. I know that I can Quickly and surely restore yea to health. Ify Immense practise, my large medical offices ore the result of ouiaa aura, certain. X oaa ours you. CAN PAY AFTER CURED INQUIRE Investigate for yourself. RSMERBIR, TT COSTS TOO NOTHING to hare the opinion of the best. A thorough, painstaking EXAMINATION given laoh and every pereoa by me WEAKNESS Te any man who la suffering from WBA1CCSSS JUNCTION Ale DB3CUNE. or PROSTATIC DIS EASES lat me Mlc y" tha Question: Will you put your time against mlnsT If I fail to cure. MY SERVICES COST YOU NOTHING. This remark able treatment you can only procure from ME. It oonststa of il TREATMENTS NO MORE. NO LESS. Each and every treatment is given by me, aa It Is too valuable to Intrust to aa assistant. t oan en re you and make yoa aa well aa yon ever were la your life. I will tone up your sys tem, cleaaae tha poison from your blood, give you a healthy color to your oheeke, a brightness to your eye. so that ia a vary- short time you would not knew that you aver had a alck day la you life. ABSOLUTE CURES Tea caa't afford to experiment with your HEALTH AND STRENGTH. My long years of experience ae a gPECIAIJST tn diseases peculiar to men have proved to me that SO per cent of the men are suffering front one or more of the following conditions: TAJUCOSB VEINS, DISORDERS, RTTPTURB SpeoffTa Wood Poison. Contracted Disorders, Kid ney and Bladder Troubless. Postratle Disease. Piles, aad all Reflex Pelvlo Ailments. ( POBTXAND, OB. task of building sign pots at every crossing in Lewis County, the signs designating the distance from that par ticular point Into the city. The work has been under.the direction of S. A. D. Eaton, secretary Of the Commercial Club, and has taken several months to perform. . Steamer "Monarch" for Astoria Cen tennial leaves Washington-st- doclt 7 A. M. Fare si. FIVE DAYS CURED Varicose Veins, Blood No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home. NO SEVERE OPERATIONS, a. nt casks Permanently CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL ANDPBKM ANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS I H A V E THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE ,500 TO ANY CHARITY AS A GUAR ANTEE THAT every state ment in this Announcement 13 TRUE. VARICOSE VEIXS Impair vitality. I daily demon strate that varicose veins can ba cured in nearly all cases by one treatment, in Such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pra se rved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsifes, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re established instead of the depress ing conditions. I f uarante e you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. 234,j Morrison Corner of Second Portland, Oregon Heart Disease . Diseases of the Lungs Liver Disorders Kidney Disease and All Chronic Diseases of Men Only The Ir. Green Offer, MEN THE SPECIALIST WHO CCRES Moderate charges, fair dealing, skillful service, and speedy cures are responsible for our i m m e n s e practice. Consultation, Examination inu Diagnosis free. The DR. GREEN method of MAN-BUILDING treat ment means CERTAIN CURE When we treat a patient there Is no guess-work about it. Neither Is there anv question as to what the result will lie. For many years we have devoted all our efforts to a single task, with the determination that if possible we would place the treatment of Men's Ailments upon an absolutely scientific basis. This we have accompliehed. We have positively cured a large number of cases that were deemed absolutely incurable by any methods other than those we employ. We do not care who has treated you, or how long, or by what means he has treated you; the probability Is that we an cure you, and we will be able to speak definitely tn the mat ter when we know the details of your case. AFFLICTED HEX, kir treating elsewhere, honeatlv inveatlirate our j proven method. Von will then nnder- all eurahle easea of VARICOSE VEINS, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISO'. XBRVO VITAL DEBILITV, URETHRAL OB STRLCTIO.VS BLADDER and KIDXE troubles, CONTRACTED ailments, PILES and all RECTAL ailments. What you want is a cure. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing It is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, daily 9 to, 5; evening, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 to 1 DR. GREEN CO. 3A2 Washington St., Portland. "606" THE JTEW GERMAN DISCOVERT . lUa BLOOD POISON $25 PERSONALLY ADMINISTERED. Weak Men HUMILIATION Weakness follows dissipation and dis eases which have not been completely cured. From a SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT of strength at first to a COMPLETE VITAL BREAKDOWN Is but a short step. This breakdown is the result of your own neglect or persistence In many of the worthies methods of treatment now in vogue. Perhaps you have doc tored for years without ' the So-called specialists locating the seat or real cause of your trouble. Don't keep on "with treatment that is bound to fall. IT PAYS TO BE STRONG The knowledge that you are a strons, well man in every sense of the word gives assurance and brings courage, am. bitlon and success. If you are not the man you ought to be call on me. You will be surprised at my unusually knowl edge of these troubles and of my skill In effecting a cure without stomach drug ging. Nearly every one of these cases are curable by my advanced treatment, and you will be glad you called. If you are not up to the standard DO NOT DENY YOURSELF THIS OPPORTU NITY of finding out, FREE of charge, what science doing for the relief and cure of these common ailments. Don't get an idea that all advertisers are alike. I am a man of liberal educa tion and advanced ideas, with unparal leled experience. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 9 to 5, 7 to 8 Daily. Sunday. 10 to 12. Examination Advice Free. J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 309-10-11. Merchants' Trti!,t Bids. Cor. 6th and Waehiogton. Portland, Or. A Satisfactory Record Numbers of Patients Called on This Famous Man, Took His Treatments and Became Entirely Well. C. Gee Wo Gee L mrr f I -I mm THfc; lil.VKSK DOC'IOR. HiB reputation for successful cur8 has ben due to a thorough knowledge of each particular complaint coming under his care and his aollity to relieve suffering quickly. He do?s this by using simple remedies furnished by nahire, rompoundfd front Roots, Barks. Herbs and Buds which are gathered in every locality of the earth. Their medicinal properties are unknown to the scientists of this country and are guard ed very closely by the Chinese. In his treatments no mercury or poisons are us?d. His prescriptions are absolutely safe, sore and painless. All the disease known to the medical profession have come under his care. Like his forefathers, be has it a lif study. If you live out of town and cannot cali, write for sympton blank and circular, in closing four cents in stamjriw CONSULTATION FRED. Open Evenings and Sundays. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co 162 First St.. Cor. Morrison Portland, Oregon. len and Women Cured To the Public: I have suffered with stomach trouble and other ailments for a great many years and have tried many doctors without being cured, to I took medicine from Lee Hong and now I am cured. If you are sick and want to be cured. I recommend Lee Hong Chinese Medicine Co.. Port land, Or. C. F. BRCMM. Mullno, Or. All diseases of the human body cured. Kidney, Stomach. Heart and Liver Trouble, Constipation, Piles. Blood Poisoning. Lumbago and Rheumatism. Con sultation free. Write for symptom blank. Office hours, 10 A. M. W 9 P. M.; Sunday all day LaoVv attendant. Lee Hong Chinese Herb Co., 142V Second t., Portland, Or, !V 't f 1 i : i :