15 THE 3IOKXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1911. urn ir theater JIjI VJ T,h .,4 Taylor. Ptnm Mala 1 aad A 1I3X lOXlUHT. 1:11. TO- SPECIAL PRICE MORROW XIGHT. i' VAT. TOMORROW. HARKT L. CORT Ptmau MAX F.GMAN Supported by LOLITA R'inERTSOS'. In tho omiy Siwi -THE MIX OX TUK I OA." Erenlnga ic. S'..-. lie. Sstarday matinee, joe. lie. lie Wednesday wUim lie. lie. Week B.f(n!rf VeTT Sunday "THE M BtrlTt It" ; K-ii fir (.r tt.it h Wtli, 'T , A 10-t n:gh:i THEATER 15-25-30-75, nk Air 1 Jooo. I Uakr'l phiead Min.trolo"; lariioai Hot rnnifrt l.iuU: MiOa Mnrrfa; Karl Fmniv aad Ilia Pete; Iwrn ana (vmn; MtmtHw. BAKER ! THEATER VnrrlfloB A lit 'eon A 11th at. Main X A J I hanx Main & A MAO. Tw Performaneo. Only. Hurday and Mil oay Nirita. tre virih-iinr M-n narc na Kl HAKIM A PKIM.I . H riUnl -r.OKi.ll .XIVMKKW X't tie Mike iieiieto. hut t i o KeaL fBl. t.-! 41. Tie. S.c. 2--.C. 4-aat aala opoae eaturday Atuuat 12. 1 0 A. M. rMatlaa Every Iay. rot-morlr l.rmad. ulllaaa A Ceno'dln-a Ketlaod t oa-sevllle. VI Kk Aa. 1 It odd Saivder rll r;" ei Tk. !.-.- HMan aad uT. tlaa- aa aad H J.o. NukM Mr.lh.-ro. -robe. Prl-ee: Ma'trioee, 13'! E"""1! " ronulM Tasosevtllov trrrsj Aftl. 7. Altrartkoa ItttraarttlnaffT. -A Marit With I no loote.- Intra-rta-rlaa' Mr. a-1 - . . i .j t i . . nlariMi. mal - liwi ewot-iiaaeo. eatrto-aa t- ferla, Popular ortrr, ilallae. ala t:M. 1 : aad a. tially. Car- OAKS PARK Tins vi Fries Jtu.i. m.i. or bessa- tionaL AnB-urioMt. Boa IJttla Tlay Broadwlrk. Yeongeo Aet mu la la World 1 loan Old aad tha Thro laaaoae fcr-eaMawTrke. IealA-lf lrorlut. Join po One 4 lo II 'flu Jl" Milk late Hole-Katloioa. Iurtilln lmr ln. Tom reorti Balloooo and Thirty Para .fiufM. telHrdatt mart HuniUl 4 1. aad :M f. M. Taoo.lay aad I haraday traaaHLy mm 9 r M. o ifoiaya. rtOlla rata, laaieao leader af Oaks Park Uaad. Baa Waadarfal SlropoUlaa Opwra t)oar- lotla. Admlooloa Tea fralo hlldrra Half Pi-. Iliwnl Ca'fara from Aaywhere la ttty. mprvoo Traiao. Ilro, aad AlUor. ta Omko. ,1km UoorhM. Mnrrima llridse to Oaho. BASEBALL RECBEATIOX PARK. Car. Vaaska aad Tweaty-faart a Sta. OAKLAND vs. PORTLAND Aacaat 8, , 10, 11, 13, IS. Ciswt Brill AVeekdaya at SKW P. M. taadaya 2i3Q P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under II Free to Bleachers Wednesday. 1T.VLK.U, MmCi-4. KINDS Er la this city. Au. 10. Ilrrnard ft. Kinilrod. aged to years months. Mil of T n urn As K.nilrod and brother of Tom Klntlrod. of tn'j city. And Mra. J. H. t"rrvor. of Vancouver, V aoh. Funeral will take place from Dunnlnr A Mc Enteo's chspol Mtturday, Auc It. at l:3e A. M. Ke.-Mcea at At. Fraorli' ("hurch 11th and Hlr.e sto.. at A. M. Friends roapoctfully Invited. Interment at irfne Fir Cemetery. , TLR.VKR la this city. Aw. . at the fam lly rttldrnct. 1147 East Lincoln street. Cnarioa V. . Turner, ased 4 7 years. Tne funeral servlcoe will bo held at the chap el of the Portland Crematorium at 1:J4 P. m unay. Aucuet 11. Krlonds Invited. IU.S-K1I1 LOKAL CO. MAK14I AM Ml ltl.. 1 I UKM Uf lt..4. Pbaaroi Mala slet; A11M. A. R. ZEllTg CO.. 51 VVUllama ava. Phoae Eaot loiut. C li. lady atteadaat. a xoiier-isyraoo I o. I e A At. r.o too, n uaeral th aad A'lno. ftione Mala 44i. lllreetara. Slotant. Offlca af t. entity t oronor. J. If. llLka' A MN. Id aad M Lady tUmlut. fbwo Mala , A line. UlH AKU 111L.UA O.. 1 uaeral btrar. an, X-e ad et. Lady aoolilant. 1 boas At. !. "CAST fitUK'raaeral IMrartare. ateaaara tm k . a. Uannlaa. lot. E. 44. St til. LEW 11. Laden alter, car. Eaa Alder aad titn. l-ao 71. H ISAa. ljtdy aeoAolaa. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Tt XJ .....a. lt J SM Dm tiro ! bv4 Ihrt c-tsBkactaiU llmo. , aJaat tl tklX tttr Mt-JsB CM OakayCUt ! UB4M..M fJsTior. fux wrta mmmai mm mmm Umm mm emmh v rWta4f-tMaftMs Ui, 4fti lllslal lsdf UktsS Uk-VH !) Hhm mm aaaJrtlMaWit la m wmrn la mmw aarativ tanoawi lb n-tlw rrntt appUa. t cls-vsa ar Ir-aua. mvrtimmentm tm 4.w ul t- M-J mm turn arioal aumba-r af liuasa appvArttitS a lla apr, rKawtti tba luiutKr af vaartia la vcafe tlaa. la ISaw TNi47 U MraniMWcaii ara 9trm ajr w.tfi aamlj, 14 iin l Uia Itaa) imlaa apply tm !varttamata. tftf "trw TMiait;M all Mtavaa turn (mm ntptlntf tU f uilov laf i UmlUaAAAt. atoBteVoi. X -vi. Utaval a4a Ua4.taaL t BUai4aV Vr aUal. KMm, fHaca Fftmlllaa. li ii a4 MHM-fi. tlTlvmta ft aiAiUt. Tm rat a ll bo -'nil, aina-t Is V ami aila a-te UirtiWA, 4tr tiaa aTiai oxxi A.iixt f patrasa, Tb a OrtalM will ifrfpi clawtfldHl avvrtlfka Bnartata ta Ui'itoat, provtilay ih atl vtiAr la mtbmttritfmr tm citrtar pttmwtm IS a prit-M wlU ba qtmuttrd avar la piwoa, but 1 11 will hm rl-4d Ida iotlo lag ctaj. hrth-r aaiaual avartlttiiaia 1U ba aap4t-a avar tua pbwaa opad tpoa tba .rviupCBa mi Um paoaa ut teitrpUooa a ertiaeB1atav MttiAMlwai H ampti aa4 ! pockdtj al vslkdmA4iat will ba meemvtmm' aar tba l-icptaa4x. Ortlwra far aoa lo-vartloa a air w.il ba arrptMl for "timximwm far Hani. t aroJtura for !. tftalneaa Opportuai ttr.H 'oawnlna-baaaa aa4 aata4 ta KasqC- OREGON HUIHANE SOCIHY CI t ICE CITT HA LI Mala 3S. A 73 BCMA.XK ornCCA, Saraaaat Crate, Fesldeaea, S4 E. ttk K. Eaat 477a R. A. Taamtra. Res. 134 Wuce t. W. o. Laloa, Hoa 7J m. lStk kaat 17ka rfereo Ambu;ioc A 4101; Pr. Ka 4. Kisbta. aondara aad Uaildaya A elfAl Pa k. 4' Truaa T. 'ETT TOD AT. Headquarters for Union Avenue Property EnvlOO. Wet ?tde. fsrlna; Bacrsmento treet. Splendid location, some Income. $8000 ' GODDARD & WIEDRICK 24S Stark. For Platting 60 ACRES within tree-mtl circle on Weot fide: two cariines: tua rUht price and loca tion; ca Ursu, JLS 113, pre goaiaa. 68 rvT-.,iaY vr.vr Ton at. There I only on corner on Washing-ton street suit able for h 1 K -c 1 A im provement. Tha corner on Washlns; ton street where the Port land Hele-hta rr iw(ai Into J'ord street. We offer this corner for ale for IIO.OOO. a value that cannot be equalled In the City of Portland today. Go up and look at It. then coma In and talk It ovor. , KEASV, i7TmOX at JKFKKH V. Se-coad Floor kaanber ( ('aarrrct Something Swell Very swell brand new t-roora houae, douhlr contructd. hardwood floors. furnar-e. two fireplaces. Ivory flnleh and all other modern convenience, corner lot .i!7 on Kast S.'.th and hiepdena; very swell new restricted residence dis trict: bu'lt for a home. Price I13.&0A. f.ooo canii. if vou want a fine home. don't fall to see this. 117 Board of Trade Bid--.. 4th and Ork 105 Acres In Bearerton-ReodvIUe dlftrlct. about 40 aires cleared, slopes well and In cludes some bottom land worth not lees than f 125. We can sell for 140 per GODDARD & WIEDRICK . 243 Stark. Washougal Farm 1 tcra t mlleo eaat of Washouts!. S miles front Ml. Pleasant. Wash- nar school and church, all srnod. deep, rer tlle soli that produces 100 sacks spuds per acre 1 acres i il tl vatmn. balanca timber: rood springs and well, s;ooi barn. Itood fi.room tiouee with cellar. Price I'.Oi'O. halt cash, terms to suit on balance. GRI SM el ZADOW, 117 Board of Trade Hl.lit, 4th and Oak. HOME BUILDERS Wa are contractors and will furnish lot and finance the bulidinc of a bom for you on easy payments. wa civ reierences ana ass; reierencea. WTATT. EtTABROOK ok RAT, SOI Coach bide. Paoaa Mala 4211. MORTGAGE LOANS IZC? JOHN E. CflONAN, 70 J JO aa epaidiaa md. Q U .COLLI. BEKKIDOS A THOMPSON. PL H LIC ACCOIX7AMJ. AUDITOR, Commerolal. County and lianlclpal Asdltles. Invoatlsatlnf and aratematlilaa. lit Aoroutar block. Phone Ms la till. MORTGAGE LOANS f IOO.wmi la uu to Knit. PAt lUC TITLE at Tit I NT CO 7 Chamber of Commerce. HOLGATE Add I tlaa la Clo REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Pock. Wl.llaro O.. 113 Falling bide HHi baiu:k a Benedict, boa McKay b'd. M. sta, Cbspia A Herlow. 131 Chamber Commerce. Coon. B. 8- A Co.. Corbet t bids. Jonnlncs A Co. Main 191. 206 Orectmlsa. PALMLR-JONES CO. H. 111 Commer- rlal Club bids. The Orecon Heat Estate Co., Grand ava and Multnomah et. (Holladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. ""For Kale Loto. S LOTS AT A BAROAJN. Clooo-ln en the East Hide, near O. R. N. railroad abope: we have a splendid bar train In 1 lota Thoy sre on a corner, vory alshtly. affording unesce;le.t vlow of the rlvor and city. Non-reei.lent owner Instructs na to eell theeo lots at once and boa put the prioe at only fjooo for the 1 lota This price le far below the preeont value and the completion of the Broad way bridge will more than double valuoe In the vicinity of thla property. Pick up this mid-Summer bargain. Will eubmit to ownor any legitimates offer oa this property. HAROROVE PONS. 322 North nth St.. cor. 6:h and Ollsaa Alain 43 Sl. A NORTH HUP T. VIEW LOT. Very swell view lot. 3vl40, oa Cor nell road, looks down North rup au. sur rounded by elegant homes, beautiful mind ing site, onty one left like It: price fdlOO. ORUfSI A ZADOW. 117 Board of Trade Bldg . 4th and Oak. LOTa doi lot). 173 to flv: easy terma. 1 to 4 blocks from electric car a'.atlon; malt, to'opbooe. cloee la Woet Hide property; beet tor borne or Investment; big Increase la values for yon. Buy bow. J. W. Hof forila Realty Ca, lud Cor bolt bide Both phones. 110 DOWN. 110 PER MONTH. Fine view lot,maturod fruit treea, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for tree of charge. 202 Board of Trad bide Mar saall 4TB. a 1021. 100x200 FINE half block with fruit trees. cherry, peach, apple and plum. This Is a good piece of property overlooking the city and can r-e bought for 127 Jo, as owner needs l"o0 at once. See owner, 414 Spalding bida, WEST 6T A RK AND BCD sfS Lota I'iO. easy terma; beat buy la tha city; new carl'.ne building: aee us at once. HM PI RE REALTT A TRLST CO. 4"2 Yoon bldg. Marshall S4l. IRVING TON. A fine Quarter Mock on Knott St.. fao Ing eaat. for (l2SO; also soma Inside lots t Tow the market; terma to suit. AT S'.7, Oregonlan. liooo. inoxioo. South Mt. Tabor, three blocks from Mt. Tsbor park; terms. Phone C NEAR Plodmont carbarns. I'173; fine lot on Aeiaware are., near K llllngawortb. 11 00 cash, balance eatsy. 1 red W. Oennan. Main jr A 2". 110 DOWN. 13 per month, beautiful lot near rtrland. Mt. Scott be car, city water, street graded, equal 10 bOxloO; only SO. HSGI.ET A BISHOP. 132 Third St. Br-LLK CREST lot. street grsded. cement walk. In and paid, lose than two blocks from car. 110 cash. 110 per month. 414 7ekum bldg Phone Msln 14. WEST 61 DE Pee Le Nolr A Co. for West Ride property; exclusive dealera in Weet tilde realty. Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce. COOS BAY lots sdjoinlng new rsilroad; will Increase rapidly In vslue; very easy terma 414 Dekum bldg. Main 1444. EXCELI KNT lot In Roae City Park: will taao S"ij: two o lot as iron carline. AO 2-2. oregonlan. KENTON lots; a few choice ones. 2 blocks from bank; will sell on easy terms, li. N. Bain. MS Railway Exchange. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 24 lote. 13 feet frontage, trees, beauti ful vlow, ;o: terma Main SiM. A 3S3. COUNCIL CKH PARK Iota, Js(0 up; Javed atreeta sewer, gas snd watsr. . . Baker. 619 Board of Trsde. ROSE CITY PARK lot worth lO0; will sell for 1775 caah; on 4(th St., W block to car: terma AP 21l. Oregonian HERE'S your chance: ens lot. 20x100, 1100 down- Phone B lnid. SACRIFICE One or two lota. Council Crest. Owner. Ma 1st at., rtear Curry. I"NE Laurolhurst equity, at leae than coat obouht Fob, 1HIO. p 121 Oregonlan 1KV1NGTON Equity In large lot: bargain. Inquire owner, AO 3-7, Oregonlan. RO ? E CITY PARE, barraln: 1 vio" eaaa. It lakea at once, AO 1Z. AragonJart, . REAL ESTATE. WFPT ITSI LOTS 1100. Right on eariine. on upper Washington St.. west 3ftth snd Tamnlll su beyond City Park; esey rayments. NATIONAL. REALTY A TRUST COw, 721 Chamber of Commirot blda. Mala BEND. OREGON, fs where there have bn 1"! buildings erectod In the last 3 months: thrre U where we have eold 27 lots lsst week; you biter lnv-,tlgi. I1E.N1. OREOOV, 7s attracting more attention than any city of its o.io In the U. S. WHY 7 Ask tut: we know. THE NiHl.lX-KOI.Lr.R CO.. INC.. rtl-3 Buchanon bldg.. asm, Werhst. FL'LL corner lot; cloae to buaineos center; East hldo; only 2 blocks from Urand ava.; price only IIO.Oihi; terms. Fine lot on Belmont il, nesr Eaat 29tn; a bargain. or 12 lots, Irvtngton district, to ex change for small form or acrttt't. I. O. DAVU'SON. Sio Chembcr of Commorre. THK 11E.VU. ORrtKJ.V. COLD STRIKE la sttractlng a lot of prople. but the wise ones are buying largo lota 5014o. Mar the Union Liepot, at IIDO. terms (10 per month. THE MiffLIX-KOLLEK LU.. l.-ai . "l-2 Buchsnnn h!dg.. yxts Wah St. For rale -Hon iBrivrirnv HOMP! ld.V0. t rooms, new and modern, hardwood floors downstslra. finished floors np- ololra kam reillnoa Dutch kitchen. slooolns norch. hsndaome woodwork, full romenl basement, furnace. 3 flreplacea. large attic, ehados and lighting fixtures completer facee east, on carline. lot oO 3 oo ft- alt street Improvements In. Price Inooo, terms. WoOO caah; baL on mort giga. This price Is IJoO under the valua and la for quick aala H. P. PALMKH-JONKS CO. ll'jejll Commercial Club Bldg-, Pbonea Main Kouil. A 2tIS3. l-0 HOME. HAWTHOUVK-AVK. DISTRICT. C-room, moflvm Oueen Anne house with Sleeping porch, breukfoat alcove, colonlul style fireplace, artracttve built-in buffet and bookcoo'-e. furnace, full cement baoo m.'nt. 1 blovk from a Hawthorne ava. terma H. P. PALMER JONES COn 212-211 Commcrr:.i! Club Bid!-. Phones M.tln M"9. A 2.V. MOUNT TAHnR home, well located, large grounds, fruit trees. shrubbery; price right; really a bargain. Desirable Irvlngton home, full lot. 1- room bouse; terms. la-room house and full lot: Weat Side blocks from Poatofflce; owner will take acresge or smalt farm in part payment. 7. O. DAVIPSO.V. Sll Chamber of Commere! A QUARTER Ai-RE. SMALL HOKSK. Chlcken-houso snd parks, city water snd a good buy for someone who wants s chicken fii-m right In the city: iou. 110O cash. 110 per mnntn. o Per cent. BUY NOW. D) r-HAPIN A HEKLOW. .X32-3.1s chamber of Commerce. Members of Portland Realty Bonrd. CHOICEST corner on Wavorly Heights. 7x loo, new, 2-etory 7-room nouae. an moi- ern improvements, white enameiea oain room, 1 bedrooms, linen closets, reception hall, parlor, dining-room paneled; kitchen, 1 toi:eta. full cement baaement. fruit and side norchea: finest view; one block to W-W car; double floors: Orst-closa plumb Ing. nickel trimmings. Owner, bOO Brook lyn st. A MONTH Nil OTHER FIRST PAYMENT NBCK."SAKV. Brand new: ft rooms and reception hall; everv modern conveuleneo: caceli.nt neighborhood; choice of two car lines; Iim.hi. Give reference snd pay -i month (this Includes Intcresu A. N. Kearlo. Take M-V car: get oT li 76th Ft Office on the corner. Auto to show prop erty. HANDSOME bungalow on corner 6O1IOO. In fine Rose City Park district: oeauiuui living-room extending full length of house, with Urge fireplace. Three bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, cement bsaement and fur nace: fine grounds with trees and lawn; price H:.00. which Includes carpets, drap eries and range: IT0O cash win handle. McAllister A Lucddemann, -l Electric, bldg. THIS WEEK ONLY. 4 -room bungalow on corner, M 2-1 by 100, 1 block from car. two blocks from school; several slmde trees,, some garden; !1.V0 If sold this week. Inquire Chapln A Herlow, J32-33S Chamber of Com., members of the Port land Realty Board. Ask for L. M. Hickok. A FINE NEW IVUNOAI.OW. SIX-ROOM. MODKRN. Three blocks from Mt. Tabor car. same from Hawthorne ave.. East Side, close in; 12h.1, l.'oo cash. oaL 113 per month; this la sn Ideal home. Fee Mr. Davlrs. Room 832-3SS Chsmber of Commerce. Members of Portland Realty Board. BOSK CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, paneled dining room, beamed celling, buffet, large living room, furnace, fireplace, 2 bedrooma, breakfast room, snd balcony, faces eaat; price was 1imk), but owner wsnts to sell bad and 13300 takes It, See picture In our office. U663 HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chsmber of Commerce. SPECULATOR. 1200 essh puta vou In possession of a good corner with five-room house, within noo feet of new car barna now being built at E. 2th and Burnslde; balance monthly on your own terms; ss an Investment this la bard to beat. See I. At. Hickok at Char-In A Herlow's office. 322-33S Chsmber of Commerce. PRICE -0Otl 1200 CASH. Just completed, ft-room bungalow, 1.10 feet from csrllne north of I'ledmont, walking distsnco to Ksnton or Piedmont car barna. large porch, shade trees, slec trlo lights, etc. Inquire Chapln A Harlow ,832-131 Chamber of Commerce. See L M. Hickok. line CASH Roae City Park. 135 monthly. Including Interest, high-class, thoroughly modern. 4-room bungslow. all conveni ences price 114&0; leaving town, and place on three terms for quick sale In res oh of sny'nne who desires a home In this beautiful locality. Phone Main 3181. 1BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Irvlngton. 1&3U0, 17O00. 1473o; 100 cash each will handle any one. A very fins place lot 73x130. 12 rooms, elegant home. C laeja. East 271. No age V to. W. H. Herdman. FOR SALE. IBOO0. HALF CASH. S-room house, 1 lots, all kinds of fruit and shrubs, 2 blocks from car. school, stores and P. O.. University Park. Seo ownor. 7o9 Glrardat. DON'T PAT RENT. B--a nave 4. s and S-room homes, all modern. In restricted district for sals pn aasv terma Provident Investment A Trustee Company, 2ol-2- Board of Trade. Marahall 473. A 1032 INVESTIGATE. MUST BE SOLD, seven rooms, good condition, bath, iu coment wash trays, etc. East bth St.. near Falling; good car 'service. Geo. W. TaOler. 4s N. 6th SU Both phones. OWNER wist soli beautiful Vancouver resi dence: ft room a. with all modern im provements: beautifully situsted; lio.ooo; caa glvo time on part payment, flee Box 44, Vancouver, Wash. Postof- rOR SALE or rent, a furnished house on Klrby and Webster sta., oppoaite the JeSeraoa High School: ISO per month rent or will sell on easy terms. Inquire Calu met Hotel. 130 patk st. FOR SALE 6V4 Wills blvd,. cor. Flake SC. 7-room house., lot 73HOO, best bargain In University Park, i;.v); terms $.500 cosh, balance eaay. Sea owners, 120 Grand ava. phone Fast 401. BARGAIN In Peninsula home, quarter block. 1 rooms, all on one floor, modern, one block from car. excellent location, price right; terms. Phone Wood la an 1171, WEST SIDE Income making home, nest, convenient: 8-room modern" house, 10 minutes' walk from postoHice. A 1706; terms. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME.. Beaut-.ful 4-room. almost new bungslow. Patton Road, 1 block car, level. 3i-xl20 lot: 142"0; terms. Main 8551, A 3830. FREE rent of one ft-room flat. Portland Heights, srd 7 per cent net on ftluOO cssh If you Invest It In this building; ask for Information. AS 325, Oregonlan. RARE BARGAIN. 14 acre, house, chicken-house and fruit, tc car. 14 30: :0 cash, balanca 13 a month. Main 45. BEAUTIFUL HOME, 8 rooms, modern, cor ner E- 20th end Salmon sts: easy terms. Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. 201-2-1 Board of Trado. Marshall 473. A lu2. WEST 6 IDE See Le Nolr A Co.. for West Side homes. Exclusive dealers In West Side property. Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by owner, 4-5-room new, mod ern fiats and 7-room house, on 7th st.' no agents. C 32 Oregonlan. 10O CASH. 1-0 per month, buys modern 5-room bungalow. Just completed, l.'3oo. near Union ave. Main 3232. 23 MONTHLY. Including Interest, moves you Into four-room bungalow. Owner. 6J1 W'-reester block. Phone Marshall 275L PHONE East 51.S5 for terms on 6-room mod ern house, from owner. , BEAUTIFUL new bungalow, Rosa City Park. Phone Mala 414. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Honoee. HOMES. IRVIXOTON. 14730 New and modern Irvlngton home. 6 rooms snd sleeping porch, cement oase mnt. furnace and fireplace; at corner E. 2Uth and WeiJIer sl; eaay terma. WALNUT PARK. ' , ISIOO Large 7-reom home In Walnut Park, with furnace, fireplace and all on vonloncee; beautiful shads trees; lot 601 loo; terms. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. tnnnn 7-room modern snd conveniently srranged home on E. Burnslde St., be tween 20th snd 22d sts.; terms. laurelhurst! IR200 g-room. new and modern Laurol hurat home, oak floors downstslra. en trance end bath room tiled; a moat com- leia house, on Haiolfern place, within 1 lock of carline; high and sightly; terms. 7RVINOTON. ln500 s-room. new and modern Irvlng ton home, faces eaat, on carline; lot 80x100 ft.; all street Improvements In; terms. WILLAMETTE HEIOHTS. fsooo 4 rooms, modern, beautiful view, on paved street, one block from car; gar age; Willamette Heights. HOI.I.ADAT. ooon 7-room modern house on corner E. loth snd Mrhuvier sts.; 1 block from llrn,Hu.V' fl rt.r.1 it - larVO VerSndSB, eieepinC-poreh. ell street Improvsments In and paid; completely xurnisnea. CLOSK-1N, WEST SIDE. 111. G00 7-room modern house, on cor ner 14th St.. near Portland Academy: li future apartment-house property; 1 bed rooms, slceplng-porch and servant's room. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 21-' 21S Commercial Club bldg. Phones Miiln WilW. A 2633. A HOME-BLYKRS OPPORTUNITY. A HFAI. VALUE FOR THE PRICE. One a fine corner O.'ixloO; 7 good rooms: full two story; concrete founda tion, half basement, furnace, grstes in bom stories: hot snd cold water thnbugh out the home; combination gas and elec tric light fixtures; two blocks from the beat of car ecrvlc. A beautiful lawn; garden Is extra fine; take It all In all. It Is a very desirable home; price '."7xi If sold quick. For terms of sale see Mr. Ilavles. CHAPIN HERLOW. Rooms S32-334 Cham, of Commerce. Members of Portland Realty Board. SUBURBAN HOME, cloee to Portland, fine for poultry, garden, fruits, berries, etc.: good house, 0 large rooms. 23 lots (near ly 4 acres); spring, running water, mall, telephone; can have electric lights, best soli; 80 to SO fruit trees, berries: on best suto road, 2 blocks from electric car station: a tine place to move right Into with every convenience: a home with an Income; will pay for Itself; large spa clous grounds where freedom and economy ruies: free wood, free water, etc, 13500, reasonable terma It's a genuine snap. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. 203 Corbett bldg. Both phones. NSW I-STORY 6-ROOM HOUSE 14000. Large reception hall, living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen and den down stairs: 3 bedrooms with large closets, sleeping porch and bath room upstairs. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bullt-ln book caaea and buffet. Full cement baaement. furnace and laundry trays. Fine restrict ed residence district. Lot 30x100. All Im provements In and paid for. 1300 caah will handle. If Interested call Mr. Guth rie. Miin 037 or A 2003. Might take a lot as part payment. WEST SIDE AND SIGHTLT. 8 rooms, built 1 year, commands view of entire city, but Is not on the Heights; price 111,000 ; good terms. This Is a home thst we recommend. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Real Eftate Department, Chamber of Commerce. (54) HOLLADAY PARK SNAP. Good 10-room house, arranged for Z families. 2 fireplaces. 2 bathrooms, 2 toilets, 7 sleeping rooms, only 2 years old, corner lot, OuxlOO, on Wasco and E. 2tlth sts., rental value ."0 Pr month: good speculation or a good home at a bsr galn: 13700; 11500 cash and 1-5 per month. , ORUPSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN 7NTO INCOME PROPERTY 7 7F TOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONET AND BUILD RESIDENCE! OR FLAT PLANS FREE, IF WE BUILD. OUR REP UTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY TO SEB LS. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC. CONTR ACT S' G ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINOTON BLP. IN MR LOT OWNER, HERE IS luurt riTiMpR to 1 M I'l n h. -fiii-n rnvrfin- TY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APART MENT: WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW HATE OF INTEREST: PLANS FUR NISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVfcK. J. 8. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDG. ROSE CITY PABlt, I3.-.0 CASH. T rooms, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases. onlM oak floor, furnace, fireplace, laun dry trays, mirror door, all Improvements in idu vniu. " . " . . - terms. IJ3 per month. National Realty A Trust Co., room 723 Chamber of Com merce bldg. phone Main 6129. von RAI.E IS000. EAST TERMS. Classy, modern, convenient 7-room house In Laureinurst, 2 lots, lawn, uunaru -....m iaundrv. shower bath. ftrelesa cooker 2 flreplacea furnace, buffet, ce ment basement, aquarium, etc.; will con sider lot first payment Tabor 1038 or Marshall 2300. 0S McKay bldg FOR SALE BY OWNER. ' New. modern ft-room bungalow, at Rose City Park; full basement, with laundry treys, large attic, cement walks, linoleum In kitchen and bathroom, ehades, eloctric drops, lawn, garden, etc.: terms If wsnted. I4SD Sacramento St. Take Rose City Park car to 52d St., walk 8 blocks east. BEST value In a home ever oxtered: on t l.b ,n Hraa t-iiv x nro. eor u 11 j j mi. four trees on an east-front lot, eight large rooms and attic, all bullt-ln effects; small down payment, balance like rent. It you are particular thla will suit you. tM "TU. ATKINS, Henry bldg. At. TUNA AVE. BARGAIN. ' A fine 6-room modern 2-atory house. china closet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, .ni.i4 etc. corner lot 50x100. soma nice, fruit trees, street work all In: price I4SOO 12004) caan ana s.i per monin. G Rl SSI A 7. A DOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. PRICE-13730 1750 CASH. Just completed. -roora bungalow; buf fet linen closet, fireplace, beamed cell Inge, lar.e porches; this Is a very attrac tive place, located on 40th St., loo feet south of Rose City carline. Inquire of owner. Phones E 44S3. or B 114U. FINE LAURELHURST HOME. 7-room bungalow, modern In every re spect, located close to Mr. Henry's home: lot 73x100; grand view; will take !15o0 under value for quick sale. Call at office. East HWth ant Gllaan. or phone Kt &.'. Ask for Mr. Clementa koK SALE by owner, ft-room bungalow, double oanstruction. full basement, eleo trlo lights snd fixtures, telephone, graded street and sidewalks; Bull Run water-; price 13&00 100 caah, balance on easy terms: located 1123 E. Franklin St., Wav orly Heights; tske "W-R" car. LOOK. 6-room modera-cottage, 12000; easy terms' 7-room house, modern, extra bar gain 11900; they are close to car; 2 choice lots 50; easy terma: take Mt. Scott car, get off at Millard ave. See Joe Nash In office. B305 or phone Tabor 2.1 12. NEAR PIEDMONT CARBARNS. Swell little 4-room bungalow; a regular beauty; price l-.H.'O; f.'50 cash, balance easy terms. Fred W. German, 32 Burn slde. Main or A 2776. 1OV0 BELOW market price takaa modera Irvlngton home of seven rooms, hail and bath; built-in furniture, nrepiaoe, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; halt oaaiA, balance monthly. Phone East 6310. f-KOOM house, Ladd Addition; all modern conveniences. Including sleeping-porch. I""o0 caah; balance easy payments. Phone 6ellwood 13. MODERN 5-room house, 2 lots, all fruit, roses, chicken house snd yar kinds yard, on easy payments; will take suitable lot as part payment. itrt CASH $15 per month, 5-room bouse, lot 80x100, 1 block ML Scott car; price "hIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third St, NFW modern 5-room bungslow. 2 lots. 40x 100! owner going away; 12250; terma L, H Purd. Tabor 2W3. v;. v modern u-rouiu uui-so'vw, 101s, eux 100 ech. 12230- tsrms. . Ownsr, L. H. Burd. Tabor 2913. ill'ST FELL NOW, good 7-rm house; corner, lR50 terms; fine district. Call or write, jr,, T- UK E. Stark, corner 46th. VODERS- 7-room bungalow: close In; beau tifully furnished; everything up-to-date. inquire 301 E. 11th St. K. 6023. ONE 3-room house, on WW carline; lot 33 xl45' price 1115": I-100 down, balance easy terms. Phone Wood lawn 3175. IS 1RV1NGTON For sale, modera residence. For partlculara, phone C 2884. HAVE a bargain In Irvlngton; J100 down, J-') PV inonUi, AJ" 330, Orea-ooian, , REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. SUNNYSIDE. , - New modern 6-room bungalow, only Z blocks from Hunnyslde carline; nice re ception hall, large coat closet with beau tiful plate-glass mirror, large parlor with bookcases and fireplace, panelled dlnlnB room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms on lirst floor with bath-room between and linen closet, one large bedroom upstairs, full ce ment basement with cement floor, laundry trays: price is I2IIO0; 1300 cash: If you are looking for a home, this cannot be duplicated for the price we are asking for It. T. A. Sutherland, Suth and Haw thorne. Tabor 2017 COTTAGE and nearly an acre, near Port land Heights carline; lnslne city limits. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. 180) For Sale Business Property. FOR SALE At a bargain, a whole vacant block; verv central, on the East Side: suitable for manufacturing, wholesaling or warehouse; would sell half the block If deslrAl, bounded by East First, Second, Oak and Stark sta.; trackage oc First and Second sts. For price and terms In qulre Jos. M. Rleg. Gerllnger bldg. FOR SALE: By owner, H block S. W. cor ner E. 14th and Belmont sts.: firet-class 1 location for apartment-house. Phones East 44S3, B 1340, or call mornings, 074 Belmont St. FOUR-FLAT building; all light rooms; fur naces, sleeping-porches, large attic, yard; West Side, on carline; nice home for owner. Phone Main 6.IS4. Flat A. 1H.00O CHOICE business property, stores and apartments, wen renteo. promuieui street. West aids: close In. Owner. 314 Worcestor bldg. " For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. Small tracts In the valley Just west of Council -Crest. Close In and on two cariines. Good -.water In abundance at 24 feet. 1..0 and 10-acre lots with completed road slong one or more sides of each lot. li'iO to 100 per acre and upon easy monthly payments. Call In and talk this over. THE SHAW-FEAR COM PANT, 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3300. a ninv sacrifice. 10 acres of the finest soil in Oregon, rll In high state of cultivation: lies level, looks Just like a picture: 0 acres in fine apple trees 2 years old; balance In clover, right on main county road, 70 rods from eleetrle oration 2J miles from Portland, mile from Willamette River and - good town: close to good schools. In fine, thickly-settled country; all fenced with woven wire; owner has to sell; price 5i0; 1500 cash. Can have as long as you want on balance or you can work it out on con tract. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, nil-20-2l Railway Exchange WE7ST STATTON. Where things grow all Summer I 1 to 20-acre tracts, fine for fruit or alfalfa; easy terms. Tou owe It to. yourself to find out about thla HARTMAN A THOMPSON. ' (See Mr. Bishop.) Chamber of Commerce Bids. 4th and Stark, rmrk-FV and fruit ranches near Portland: walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow pesks; 2 acres 1230. ft acres 1400. 10 acres 70O; 10 per cent cash, easy payments; other traots near railway station 123 to 14o per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTT CO. 300 Teon Bldg.. Portland, Or. 5-ACRE tracts across the Willamette River from St. Johns and two miles back; the best of soil, fine stream running water, good school, on tract; a few to start at 1150 per acre and upon easy monthly In stallments. See us at once. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPACT. 102 Fourth SL Main 85. A S5O0. FIVE ACRES SACRIFICED. Must sell my five-acre place, Just east of city limits, on two finest roads; nice and level; cnoice location; gooa son, wiin four-room house, good barn, chicken house, root house, etc.; all fenced; fine water; cheap at loouu; 1 am going away; you can have It for 13430. See owner, 171 Third st. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 0 or 10 acres, fine lay. only 2 blocks to station; all cleared: only S120 per acre. Will sell this at 10 per cent down, bal ance 3 years at 6 per cent. Act at once If you want a Dargain. A. B. HALL & CO., 302 Rothchlld bldg. HERE 13 YOUR CHANCE. 5 or 10 acres, fine lay, only 2 blocks to station: all cleared; only 1125 per acre. Will sell this at 10 per cent down, bal ance 0 years at 6 per cent. Act at once If you want a bargain. A. B. HALL A CO.. 802 Rothchlld bldg. a, 1 1, I and 10-acre tracts, close to Port land; good eleetrlo car service, best soil, good roads, mail, telei-lipne, etc.; 1100 to 1350 per acre, easyTerms; best In vestment today; big Increase In values for you. If you buy acreage now. J. w. Hefferlln Realty Co.. 208 Corbett bldg. Both phones LOOK 3SOO, 11800 CASH, Buys 8-room house, new, Dutch kitchen, bullt-ln buffet, bath, toilet and kitchen, with linoleum; walls tinted; full base ment: 2 lots 60x100 each, streets graded; small fruit, also 6-room bouse. Just be ing built, modern: a bargain. Owner, phone Woodlawn 3186. J375 BUYS 10 acres deep red shot soil, adapted to fruit . and vegetables', all smooth and tillable: no rock; wood and water; close to school, postoffice and store; within easy reaoh of Portland and trie cheapest. end on the market, f12 Couch bldg. ion 4th st. - 10 ACRES of cleared land, near Hlllsboro, 62 minutes from Portland, 1225 per acre; fins veget able land. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO. 40ft Couch bldg. ONLY TEN PER CENT CASH. Balance will pay Its-elf on our 5 to 20 acre tracts, 22 miles south of Portland and 2 miles from town of 4000; "red shot' soil, beat for fruit, berries or vegetables: macadam roads; 1200 per acre. Eager A Watson, 910 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. CHEAP BUT GOOD LAND. 131.50 per acre: 1000 acres alfalfa land tinder Butte County canal; adjoining pros perous colonies. 2hk miles from Grldley. Mark Lane. 143 Montgomery au, San Francisco. SIGHTLY 6-scre tracts overlooking Colum bia river: deep rich red snot son; norock; fine water; 55 minutes ride from Port land; one mUo from rail and water trans port a 1 1 o n .312Couclll)1dg;; 109 4tllBL 5 ACRES. Clesred land. 12 miles from Portland; bargain at our price; easy terms. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO 403 Couch bldg. 411 ACRES, or any portion thereof, on Wil lamette River, 28 miles south of Port land. A snap. x. -Jin. wow nsmuion bldg. Phone Marshall 3222. MY Ideal 8-acre home on Kellogg Creek. MUwaUKte, worm o-i.vvw, lur oxo.oou; win consider modern Portland home part pay ment. Box 78. Mllwaukie. ACRE tracts adjoining Oreaham, under cul tivation, near -H. nwu x-iecinc uepoi; ideal for suburban homes; fine soil; 1500 per acre. 612 Couch bldg.. 101 4th St. 2 ACRES; only 6 minutes' walk to electric car line; new l, e . 11150 very easy terms. Western Land Co.. 248 4 Stark St. FOR SALE 20 aorea, 16 miles from Port land,, running mi .. innw,, ,.wv per acre. L. Blair. 1251 E. Main. Phone Tabor 47! MUST be sold this week. Owner needs money 10 uuj.u lnKs orchard: small fruit. Inquire 861 E. 11th St, Phone E. 5023. ACREAGE and farms, from 112.80 per acra tip- large au -- -'. 4k otampber. 381-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. "0 ACRES: deep, black soil; 8 acres cleared; on county road; only 173 per acre. West- era l-anu. - - 10 ACRES; nearly all clear; convenient to electric car uiw, . muu, .i,... glgSO. Western Land Co.. Stark st. 1250 AND up, acre tract, 4U minutes out, - . . . S XIT TO .'1..IHA- B.u,. trrr.m 1 HIGLEY 'ft BISHOP, 132 Third St. ACRE tract, 80 fare, 1450 up; easy terms. East ZAti. TEN acres, box house, some clear; 11000, terms. a-j aiibw?. 'j-j LWUITY in 2 acres at station, loo fare; auto preferred. AL 327, Oregonlan. 40 ACRES. 13000; only 30 miles from Port land: 1500 cash. 309 Railway Exchange. For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount. ui tv-i homestead In each county In the States of Oregon and Washington and description of same: gives homestead, desert, timber, stone coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon in colors, 21x28. showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electric lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; 20o each, or three 60c Map of Washington In colors, 21x28. 20c, 7St"""Q. JHuoey st Co. Hamilton, bide. REAL ESTATE. For sale Homeeteads. I CAN locate you on excellent homestead nearmv land In Central Oregon: excel lent land: rich, deep soil; plenty of good water; railroad building; good neighbors; only four or five good claims left. Fee lia. I am froing back on 15th. See Mont gomery. 610 McKay bldg., Portland. Or. For Sale Fruit Lands. 100-ACRE APPLE ORCHARD. Best varieties; nothing finer west of Rocky Mountains; let me tell you about It; make money. S. D. STOUTER. 210 Lumbermens Bldg. FRUIT trees: finest budded stock: Investi gate our prices before ordering. Carlton Nursery, 416 Chamber of Commerce. Main 867. SPLENDID chance to buy acrea of choice orchard land, cultivated and cared for like a garden. M 317, Oregonian., WANTED Party to take half of 5-acre orchard tract, choice proposition worthy of investigation. M 310, Oregonlan. SEVEN acrea of the best-carcd-f or orchard land In Oregon; will care for tract Frank Martin, S3 5th. For Sale -Farms. ISO ACRES, 20 acres In cultivation: this In cludes two acres of prunes that will have as much fruit as 10 acres In the Or chard country; there Is also lots of other -assorted fruit, the balance of the land In cultivation Is In hay, soil is A-l shot soil with clav subsoil; everything will grow on this land: the 140 acres is logged off. there being still ISOOO worth of cedar posts on the place; It Is all good pasture when seeded, and this place would make Ideal stock, dairy and fruit ranch; there Is the finest kind of pure running water, two houses in good condition, good barn, tools and Implements; the place is partly under fence; 1 mile from school. 4 miles from R. R. station and only 25 miles - from Second and Washington at., Port land: land lies slightly rolling, none Is too steep for cultivation, and there is nothing that can be bought In the lo cality for the money; 15000, 13000 cash, balance on or before 3 years at 7 per cent: will consider 11500 or S20O0 in trade Portland property. J. B. Atkin son. Vancouver. Wash., opposite postoffice, 401 Washington St. WWR'M XrV KS-faHRtlKR SFU, Any of their land they receive from 1123 to 1200 per acre. Sly lana-ls just tne same, end every foot is in cultivation. No house or other Improvements except fences: located right in the heart of the Willamette Valley and close to two rau- rna-li Vaw T rniir h-VA Within the next ten days at least f."5u0, and If you think that the place might be worth, say, aDout half what tho adjoining land sella for you had better see my agents this week. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark St. "ftO irRRS." 83 miles from Portland; 35 acres clear and in netusl cultivation: box house, good barn; 10 good springs on place; 200 fruit trees. Only 13500. it lanes oniy cash, balance long time if desired. A. B. HALL CO.. 302 Rothchlld Bldg. 12 ACRES rich river bottom land; has 30 acres In crop; 5-room house, barn, orch ard, team of mares, 20 hogs, cows, chick ens and all farm implements; convenient to Portland; price, 10300; can pay 12iH)0 down; long time on balance. Western Land Co.. 248 Vs Stark st, HIGHLY IMPROVED. 20 acres, 10-mlle circle from Portland; ell cleared: lies level; fair buildings: only hi mile from station: all goes, Including stock; 17000; a bargain. A. B. HALL A CO., s 802 Rothchlld Bldg. 05 PER ACRE 300 acres. 64 miles out of Salem on a good road: 240 acres In cultivation: balance in timber, 8000 to 10.000 cords; timberland rough but within half mile of Oregon Electric right of way to Albany. Oregon Realty Co., 273 State St.. Salem. LAND FOR SALE. 174 acres at 118 per acre on the Ta qulna Bay; county road andt running water on the place. The real owner, B. E. Dobson. Crabtree, Or. Also a general store, hotel and feed barn at Crabtree. Or. 632 ACRES of all A. No. 1 valley land, all In cultivation, wen lencea ana cross fenced, with good improvements; plenty of fruit: price ISO per acre; terms can be given to suit purchaser. Call on or write J. V. Pipe. Albany, Or. 13 ACRES of good land suitable for stock, 4 miles from railroad. In Southern Ore gon: price 1750. part cash, balance on terms. W. Bishop, Wash. box 68, Vancouver, lOo ACRES unimuroved land, situated in Lincoln County, Oregon, for saie mis ween at llOOO cash. Call on or write 9. V. Pipe. Albany, Or. 20 ACRES cleared Has buildings and orch ard, 12 miles rrom foruana. 1 mne irora carline. Price 14"O0; no agents need ap ply. P. Rlchen. Hotel Houston. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 13 mllel from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 182 Morrison u WANTED REAL ESTATE. I OWN 10 acres of very fine land, close to Portland, on balem iMeciric line, ana it Is worth 13500 In cash; I wish to pur chase a residence In Portland, on West Side, and will give said land and money difference. I will make a good deal. Owners only will please call J. E. Smith, f.13 Chamber Commerce. HOUSE WANTED THIS WEEK. Must be In Sunnyside or other close-in dls.rict; will pay up to 14000 for a bar gain; don't waste our time by asking two prices for your property: owners only. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark St. HAVE cash customer for s-room nouse. West Side, large grounas; bisu wua-m bungalow, easy terms. Owners only. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. WANT a strictly modern bungalow in Sunnyside or Mount Tabor; must be bar- f-aln on easy terms: state lowest month-- nayments and full particulars of house. R 822, Oregonlan. I WANT to buy a lot In Rossmere or Rose City Park, it you nave one to sen. write, me, giving location and price; also your address and phone. V 325, Oregonian. LOTS WANTED We buy equities in lots worth from tooo to muo prov-ucu 'ney are bargains. Ask for Mr. -Martin, rnrenoono. C v. Davis & Co., 606 Commercial Bik. -WANTED Modern 3 to 7-room bungalow or cottage, in exenange tor 10 101s t-o 100 orf Peninsula. 4 blocks to car; owner. 1139 Ellsworth St.: WR car. WANTED The best 5 or 6-room residence that can be obtained for 12700 spot cash. AN 223, Oregonlan. t.ist vmir houses, lots and acreage wnn Purse A CO., meinuers ui rujimuu ncan Board. FOB RENT FARMS. WANTED RENTER. A good steady man who can buy 5 acres or fine garuen aim 11 u.. .. ..-... and care for 5 to 15 acres adjoining; this requires only 1100 caah; a line opportunity for the right man: between Salem and Al bany Oregon Electric Southern Pacific and Willamette River; quick action. Open between 7 and evenings. 306 Spalding bldg. TO EXCHANGE. WANTED To trade a well-located M sec tion of good land In South Dakota for Portland property, real or personal. P 329. Oregonlan. WILL trade 320 acres Hear town of 250 nnDUlatlon. in ijmpquav roneji, vuiuo 1350O. for city property. D 324, gonlan. . Ore- GROCERY store. Invoice about 14500: rent 122 doing 12500 per month: will sell or exenange Portland or Willamette Valley Income property. 332 Lumber Exchange. SOME fine land close to Redland, Cal., for Portland apartment building. Dubois A Crockett. Washington bldg.. room 8. TO exchange. 10 and 40 acres In Hood River Valley for residence or mdse. Write Box 77, Woodstock. Or. RESIDENCE lot In good district to trade for electric automobile. Call Mr. Mead. 1108 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE or exchange. 1224 acres choice wheat land, 3 miles from station. L. H. Smith. 316 Hamilton bldg. I WILL give unincumbered real estate for Columbia River Orchard bonds. Gus Smith. 517 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED To exchange 12000 equity in modern home for stock ot mdse. 1168 E. gSth St. N. PORTLAND and outside real estate; will exchange for Columbia Kiver orchard bonds. 832 Lumber Exchange. VALLEY farm of 100 acres and 480 timber, to exchange for home, city or suburbs. M 820, Oregonlan. WILL exchange well Improved farm in Ok lahoma for residence In Portland. P 320, Oregonlan. FOR farm exchanges, business chances or rooming-houses, call on us. Northwest Realty Co.. 617 Board of Trade Bldg. MARSHFIELD lots for trade. What have you 7 1035 Chamber of Commerce. FARM and timber land to exchange for general store. L 826, Oregonlan. 10 BEAUTIFUL acres at The Dalles, for bungalow; will assume. Main. 1613, TO EXCHANGE. FARMS FOR TRADE. NO MONEY REQUIRED. HARGROVE tfc SONS. SPLENDID 64 ACRES. This Is one of the richest farms In Oregon. There are 04 acres. 33 acres in high state of cultivation, balance easy cleared, the entire tract lies perfectly, and every foot of It is the vety choicest of loose bottom land. Now 5-room house, large barn and good out-builaint-s. Fenced with woven wire. ?'lils epiendid farm Is just one mile from Independence, Or., and lies on good county roud. The price' is just 5100 per acre. Will take as first pay ment unincumbered Portia titl resi dence to value of 12300. Uood time on balance. RICH 120 ACRES. This farm is located 80 mlloa south of Portland, aad Is one of the most inviting as well as productive farms in the valley. There are 120 acres. DO acres in high state culti vation, balance good pasture. Th's entire tract Is a beauty, li-yi-'K Just ellKhtly rolling, insuring perfect drainage. There Is a fine new bungalow-,' r.evr barn and ofher out buildings. Ortjy 3 miles from good ralroau town. t mile to school. Price only too per acre. Will take as first payment unincumbered Portland residence to value of 3000, long time as desired on balance. We know these farms are good buvs at the prices usked, and no padded prices will be cons'dered. But we are glad to present this op portunity to any parties desiring a farm who have no available cash and desire to put in their Portland residence as first payment. HARGROVE A SONS. 122 North th St., cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 43S1, A 7231). STOCK RANCH. 900 acres; ono of the finest stock ranches In the foothills of the Willamette; everything you wont, stock, machinery, grain, hay, feed, all fenced, watered with living streams, 8 million- feet valuable timber, part 'n cultivation; good build ings: water piped to houre; furniture; all ready to move In and make money right from the start. Price oniy 124 per acre; 10UOO cash, balance In Portland property. I will be In Portland balance of this week. See my agent. J. M. Cameron, 210 Lumbermens bldg. WILL TRADE my 45-room hotel for good residence property; brick building; hot and coid water all rooms; private TSaths, steam heat, elevator; 4 Ma -year lease and a good money-maker; If you are In the market for a hotel, we can give you a good deal. DiETZ-MUELLER CO., 310 Ablngton blUK. THIS IS GOOD. 5-room bungalow, 20x38, 13000; full porch in front. Is porch In rear, solid walls; Dutch kitchen, large bath, every thing nicely arranged. . We offer this in exchange for 10 to 20 acres, partly Improved and not over 13000. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Department, Chamber of Commerce. (!) WE have houses, farms. Acreage, lots, business Property, paying business. !.,..-,. .no. lintels, anartment- Houses, cigar stands, restaurants. Millinery, meat ,market. carpet Factory, hardware store, general Store, creamery or anything Else you want to trade for. GARLAND &-BARNES101 4th St. BLOCK on East Washington sL west of 2uth St.. right In the center of population of Greater Portland; reasonable income. 1150 per month; .value ,15,000; will ex change for mortgage or farm up to. 110, -000. balance cash, no agents. Address AC 802, Oregonlan. WILL exchange: Rose City Park i..M" o room bungalow (subject to mtg.) for good small automobile and vacant lot or stocK of merchandise. See my agents. -HARTMAN Ai THOMPSON. Realty Exchange Department, Chamber of Commerce. BUNGALOW TO EXCHANGE. 11500 eoultv in good 5-room bungalow in business district, on Alberta St., near 10th; will take good lot or acreage; bal ance Sl 4-0 Per muiuii. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trado bldg.. 4th and oak.- YOUR CHANCE. The swellest bungalow home on East 28th street, near Gllsan,- will take auto mobile as part payment or exchange lor acreage or farm. Owner, room 3. Wash ington bldg. TO EXCHANGE A small improved farm In Marlon County, Oregon, iuu in level; rich valley land; about 1 Bin from station; will consider a stock,of gro ceries or i-eneml merchandise In Oregon. Address Box 136, Kahlotus. Wash. 6 ACRES improved farm, young orchard, So miles from Portland; 30 minutes' walk from R. R. station, tor i-oniatia iiioire.ij, give phone number, full particulars when answering. N.-31S. Oregonian. WILL sell or exchange my Hood R-Ver -VPP19 orchard ror i-ortianu pro-jen... ...v...... cateat 3 miles from city: 4-year-old trees, price 1500. Address 1703 Flak St., Uni versity Park station. . EXCHANGE. From IO to 30 acres. Elmonlco. partly cleared; near station; want house In good district, ?300 per acre; agents flon t answer. 15(16 Hodge street. VACANT property, very choice, near -lot and wasningiuu, vmut- ..v..-. ------- ment-house or other improved property Goldschmidfs Agency. 2.,3 V Washington St., cor. TBil. I WISH to exchange part of my stock In manufacturing company uouig a g" ncss. for house and lot. A. G. CnaloupKa. 403 Corbett bldg. 17 ACRES Will divide; 9 miles from Port land; want home or lots. S. D. STOUFER. 219 Lumbs-rmens fjldg REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES. Exclusively. See .Mr. Beck. Northern Trust Co., 270 Stark st. 10 OH 20 acres uncleared fruit land. Ho sier; will exchange for city property. AT 326. Oregonian. TRADE Improved residence property for apartment-house; pay difference. O 32s, . Oregonian. NORTH East Oklahoma income! property for sawmill machinery. X 324, Oregonlan. 11200 EQUITY' in a $3000 home for clearing orchard land, bee owner, 317 Jledical bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LAN1)3. FOR SALE 140 acres, 2. miles from Ban don, Coos County; estimated 200.000 line al ft mostly white cedar, green timber, worth 5c per ft,; 20 acres peat adapted for cranberry raising; 15 acres cleared, 2 acres set to strawberries and fruit trees; excellent dairy land; well sheltered from ocean winds and well situated for gar dens' 10 acres deposit of gold snd platinum-bearing black sand: running water for irrigation or mining purposes; suitable for nub-division tracts. Price 1100 per acre. Address AV 330, Oregonlan. M ACRES of timber land, 3 mlies from Tlflamook City, county; cruise 1.300.000 feet of piling, 70 f.et long. 650.000 feet of spruce saw timber and 1,000.000 feet of hemlock; convenient to tidewater; for sale cheap. Add-ess 2'J1 North 16th at. F. Hansen. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J MCKACKEIS'. a. Q4 McKay Bldg. FARMS WANTED. WANTED Farm suitable for wheat and stock, not over 100 acres; no boosted land considered; price must be reasonable. Address P. O. Box 395, Sugene, Or. WANTED TIM BER .LANDS. 2ofi0 CORDS of cord wood timber, 10 .wilM irom jortianu. j yt -Te station; cheap if sold this we?k. 3 Marquam bldg:. Phone Marshall 64. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. 8 AND 9-YEAR-Ol.D geldings, 2G0O pounds good action, gen Lie aiiu li ue pui if r , iiu t -ness and wngoa; will sell or take con tract for work. 1421 Banks St., East SU Johna. FOR SALE Cheap, horse and rubber-tired top buggy, -iSio cotrv, b. t ena oi Haw thorne ave. car line, walk 1 block west and 2 south. A COMPLETE farm outfit, team, harness and new wapon, norses s years oia and sound, true pullers, leaving: the city; must ell. East 12th and Madison, in the park. SADDLE horse, black, 0 years old; ulso saddle and bridle n wanted. i. s, Bain, 518 Railway Exchange. WILL exchange diamonds for horses or bupgies. 4S- fc,aat star su YOUNM team, 2SO0, gooseneck wagon aud harness; must be sold. Last bjb.