CITY-NEWS IN BRIEF oieconux itixrHosii 4- frtnttKW-nrm Matti TT Otjr tirralathi Main T: UlRMIll Eiuor Main T"; 6un4.r Editor ' TO: Cmpo!n(-rtai Mala Ti;0 upt. kiuidisa Maia .ul A A "" A A " A AXTSEMEMTS. HEILTO THE ITER fvpfith TV'"- Max rman. id "Tna ilai. on ih Tonlahi at 1.1. CRHET M TH1tTER-MfT-i. lath ao4 ..nth VauOerlUa. Tl noon at aod too la M at fc, rA.VTAOES THEATER iraarOl "'."V Vaa4Tin. Thia Aftarseaa at i(ht at T. aal . . IMPRC.1" THFATER (Park t4 WV 11 toe Vaadatilla. ThU aftaroa l aad lODiski at I SO and a. ITtlt ARCADE. OH- JOT. ODEO. TI VOLI rim ram picturaa. Ji A. Olil PARK Philip P'a. d tV B4; Metropolitan Optra guartau a(traoa aad tonight. . .TiroHX-iTlttET OROrVT Portland i. 9a.aad. Tfila allarnoon at OaVEOOXLUi AT TUB .VESOBTS. Par h ajairkaad aWllarT tea a h.a mn. tha failawtnc aftala Itr tl. aofcaenp tkaaa ar ara pTbl la taraaa aolaaa. .Allaara prto H-la l .-tla G. M Carnart Park E- ' , . r" I Kaacfc. Wraabal ' oa park y- t Marti, a Saia.-a Cbaa ti. aaad. ,VT. lark f4'!"? knlM Ktraultal a AdTrttaaaa-ata taaad tmv tka City Kvvra la Brief faliraai la aaay-a la. a aw aaaat fca kaaaWal la Tka orraraalaa kaalaaaa afflea kr avlack kataraar roTLA5D-OR00! ClTT ROAD I VIE. The Srllwood Board of Trkda IU bold a kperlal mertlnK Saturday nlarht In tha room a of th tillood Commer cial Club to dlaruss tha atata road b- tvirn Tortland and Orfion City, and io appoint a committee to co-operate arlih commercial orjtnlat!ona at ilil araukle. uak Grore. Jennlnn latxlise. UUdatona and reon I'lty. Tha tcil wood. Board of Trade lll prnbably op erate mainly Inn.ln the Multnomah County line and aaalat In pains: Mil araukle aireet to the Clackamaa County Una from the preaent end of the Im provement at KolKate atrect and alao acroaa the Una Jn Clackamaa County. A. N. Wlila and J. F. Kertchem. who attended the meetlnE at Orearon City, will explain the plana for the aelec tlon of the route between Portland and Oregon city, along the taat Side. Prrc-Hia Onmrrr Powru. Strkft In ajradlna: Kaat Twenty-l xth treet a deep cut haa been made In front of the Clinton-Kelly achool and acroaa the Powell Valley road. The cut In front of the achooihouae i five feet dep and that acroaa the road aeveral feet deep, causing a ateep pitch on the eaat aide of the cut. Powell Valley road Is traveled more extensively than any road entering the city froraTa eaat. and the sharp pitch realdents aay. will be a great obatructton to thousands who rise the road. Including farmers from Powell Valley. It will be neces sary to grade Powell Valley road down for a considerable distance eastward to reduce the pitch to make the road pass able. XI HA. CHII I Ft CRAL HELD. Th funeral of Mrs. Harriet Ogden Chase was held from the Woodmere Episco pal Church yesterday morning the burial being In Multnomah Cemrlerr. Mrs. Chase had lived In Lents for 3S years. he taught the first kindergar ten In Portland, and In the early days of St. Helens Hall was associated Irt teaching there. She was related to t?e Knickerbockers and Ugdens of New York, was highly educated, and had won many friends. Inland Folk to See Otcas. The pasaenger department of the Harrlman system la planning A "Seashore excur sion" for the benefit of people of East ern Oregon. To that ena a special ex cursion train, fully equipped, will leave Baker at :1S P. M-. August !J. reach ing Portland at 7:1 o'clock the fol lowing morning. The excurslonlata will leave the tram In this city and board the steamer T. J. Potter for Megler and the seaside. Rider's Fali. Costs Life. After lying unconscious II hours. John Beven. a teamster, who waa thrown from his horae on a downtown street Wednesday night and suffered a frac tured skull, died at 1J: o'clock yes terday afternoon. Beven was 12 years old and lived at Pendleton and Kelly streets. The horse he was riding be cam frightened at an automobile and shied, throwing him to the pavement. Mm Electa P'-nrcE ' Pies. Mrs. Electa Purfee. an old resident of Port land died at the Old People's Home, on Sandy road and East Thirty-third street. Auguat t The funeral will be held today from the East Side Funeral IMrectors' Chapel and Interment will be made In Multnomah Cemetery. avs. Purfee was 72 rears and T months old. She formerly lived In Lents. A son survives her. Ttfos oh Wit to Mketi.ho. On their way from different Eastern cities. delegates to the International Typo graphical I'nlon convention In San Francisco. Auguat !!-!. passed through Tortland from Seattle at midnight yea terdsy. The party was Joined In this city by W. 11. Jenkins, traveling pas senger agent for the Southern Paclnc who wia accompany the printers to San Francisco. Bne I.-tsrrHTT Stir. Suit to col lect a bank overdraft was tiled yester day In Justice c'onrt by the Lumber men's National Bank against J. J. Chamhreau and George P. Clark, a firm of expert accountants. The bank Is suing for $-'3 41. the amount al leged to have been overdrawn by the d'fendanta. and upon which they have refuaed payment. Portlakd Elk Wrrm. F. McKenney. prominent In the Portland. Lodge of Elka. was married last nteht to Miss Hattl Anderson at the Imperial Hotel. Following the ceremony a dinner was tendered the bride and bridegroom by Tllnmii Richards. Several Immediate friends of the couple attended. I'nar to Hvb CAvrriRE. Sumner Post. Na 12. G. A. R.. will have a camptlre Saturday night In the hall on the corner of Grand avenue and East Tine street. Several short ad dresses will be made. MOR5IK1 ORKOOATf AX EXTRA will state that the Boston gfomple Shoe Store, under the sidewalk at 111 Fourth, corner Alder street. Is actual ly selling- men's and women's f J SO to IS shoes and Oxfords fir only $2.60. ArcoLXTAST Is Bankrcit. George T. Murton. an accountant, filed In the Federal Court yesterday a voluntary petition In bankruptcy. He says hla debts amount to 4C1. 01. and his as sets to fI541.t. A Ssap. Millinery stock and fixtures for sale cheap; good town, close to Portland. Apply U. U. Case i Co.. 191 Oak street. Fo Rest. Pealrable office rooms In Alnsworth building, corner Third and Oak .streets. Apply United States Na tional Bank. ARtnx Alfresco Concert and ball. Friday. Auaruat 11. Arton Hall. Second nd Oak. Admission. IS cents. Have from 1 1000 to tit. 000 to loan on jood security. A. O. Tlndolph; 111 Board of Trade. Main J0I. Xocir Hood. Dally auto to Mount Wood. I will call at your door. 3 50 each way. Call East It!. Kofisk Koal Kits Korr. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Roberts. Main 77l. A Hi- ENOiNE-Hotsg FfND LArxio. A committee appoint'd by the Rose City Park Improvement league has ascer tained that there Is no money on hand at present for the construction of an englnehouse and Installation of a fire engine in that district thla year, but a lot has been obtained and the build ing may be built next year. It is pro posed, to obtain fire protection, to ask that an auto-comblnatlon chemical en gine be placed at the englne-houae on East Twenty-eighth and East Couch streets, whence It could reach the ter ritory In Rose City Park and other nelchhorlng sections quickly. Thla Is considered preferable to the construc tion of a small building and Installa tion of a volunteer fire company In Rose City Park. Large water mains are to be laid In Rose City Park and fire hydrants will be placed, a ls-lnch main running; from Mount Tabor. This will provide the district with fire pro tection next year. WlDE-Q AL'QB ' TRACK COMPLETED. The wide-gauge track on Center street from Mllmaukle street to the 10-acre site of the new carahops of the Port land Railway. Light Power Company In the South East Side, has been com pleted and the first carload of lumber, to be used In the construction work, was dispatched yesterday. The exten sion connects the wide-gauge system with the cacahops, and material can be placed directly by railway on the alte. The grounds have been graded and work haa been axarted on the foundations of the buildings. The narrow-gauge track Is laid from the north side and connects with the Brooklyn carllne. Rose Crrr Tark School Started. Work has been begun on the basement of the new schoolhouse for Rose City Park. The first unit of this build ing, to be constructed now. will con tain six rooms, and will cost 141.097. It Is to be ready for occupancy liext Jan uary, and will be of concrete, brick and terra cotta. The total structure will contain 22 rooms and an 'mb'Jr hall and the total cost will be 1!.000. It Is the first fire-proof schoolhouse to be started In the district LEAOts Frsps Oone Pefalcatlon of 4 of the funds of the Mount Scott Cltlxens' League la charged Kln" Ralph Waldo Emerson, who la saia . -. .ttv Emerson waa employed by the league In preparing A street fair. Finish the Summer by going to -j i T.i-n near Mount Hood. In heart of Cascade Motmtalns. A delightful resort, best accommu..--.. D....TII.I!. Kr Comnany. 324 iionv. w Chamber of Commerce. Marshall Til. Seven acres, sightly resilience nr . - nM wniamette. natural park. only deep water channel left between city and Oregon, t-ny. o. gonlan. -. ivi. mom - for rent. In combination with two other good men. Everything complete. v b'd" SAIIDY PROJECT HUGE nOCLEVAUD EXTENSION- TO TAKE OVER TWO BLOCKS. (r rian, t'nlrs Changed, to Cross School Property In Reaching Eat Bnrnslde Street., Extenrion of Sandy boulevard from Its end at the Intersection of East Pavls and East Sixteenth streets to a connection with East Burnslde street, near East Twelfth or East Thirteenth street as proposed by the Rose City Park Improvement League, would re quire appropriation of the main por tion of two full blos and parts ol two others. As planned It would run diagonally through the blocks, cut directly through block 0S. at the corner of East Pavls and East Sixteenth streets, pass through the corners of Mocks 0S and J07 and directly through block I7. lust eaat of the schoolhouse block on East Thirteenth street. The extension would miss the schoolhouse block if verged a little to the south. The Improvement would practically tske all of two Mocks, except two corners In each block, which would have considerable value, and the two corners of two more blocks. It would also take the Improvements on the two full blocks, whtch would have to be added to the cost of the extension. , These blocks are worth a little more than iou.vuv - - - - - . alon would require property that U t-l K.tween 11JS000 worm piir""-"'j and 1150.000. Including the Improve ments. The extenalon would be either a 64-foot or so-ioot aireci. m .im pending on the movement to make Sandy boulevard sO feet wide between East Sixteenth and East Twenty-eighth street, to conform to the remainder of the street eastward, but the amount of property would be about the same whatever width Is adopted. a t ... t who nra-ed that the extension be undertaken, explained that the future oi inr - East Side would Justify the cost of . . s.nilv Houlevard. he I I e riirpiivii. ' declared, waa deatlned to become one of the great nigna has been made 0 feet wide between Eaat Twenty-eighth street to the city limns at m n i2 0on. or a little leas than one- i . . . third of what It wouia cn the boulevard to a connection with Eaat Burnalde street. " .. . . Tt.-I Hiatrlct Including Itose iny .V . , Beaumont. Alameda and a considerable portion or lAornnurm " .J " , r . .. w-..i...rrf rteatdes. the boule- Id pinti) . . . u . - vard extends northeast to the Columbia Slough district, and then- on eastward to the other end of Multnomah County. . ...J.rfalian which If the extension . - IL . M k. nmtA fur tiv B Is pronaoie. 1 1 - large district benefited. Practically all the streets In the North East Bide con nect with Sandy boulevard and the adjacent territory - - . -e tha extension. Mr. to meet n - - - - - Loyett will Investigate the subject and report a plan lor in a-..."- - next meeting of th league LAWMAKER'S CAR SOUGHT roTic Say Driter Dwlared He Did Xot Xee-d Auto Llornse. "My bos makes the laws; I don't have to obey them. Is tne remark; ai lacad to have been made by an un named chauffeur who drives an auto mobile for W. J. Clemens, a member of the Oregon Legislature. Tha ranort was made to Patrolman Sims by Pr. Hegele. a physician with offices In the Corbett building, who said that he had remonstratcrt with the driver against driving car with out a license number and had received the above answer. Pr. Hegele said he wished to see an example made of the case, and tne po lice are keeping a watch for the of fending car. v Newport's Popularity Grows. if -Increasing crowds attest any thing." aald W. H. Jenkins, traveling passenger agent for the Southern l-a clflc Company, yesterday. "Newport 1 annually becoming more popular as a Summeer reaorL There are larger rrowds at thla beach resort this year than ever before. Sunday excursions from different points on the lines of the Southern Pacific this season have bee a more largely patronized than ever MAKE SYSTEM GAIN SUCCESS Savinp a competence a nest epp to help you in your old ape or to stnrt in a business later in life is a serious busi ness. It should be gone about systematically in a business-like manner. ' Go about it in a deter mined, practical way. Bring your-savings to this bank once a week or once a month. - 1 soon becomes a habit. And the interest soon begins to mount up. . . ' Interest is compounded semi annually. And we pay 4 PER CENT PORTLAND TRUST Company of Oregon ' Third and Oak Street before. Where one section formerly accommodated these excursionists, two actions are now reeulred." PIPE IS DENIED WOMAN Eva, Old-Tlme City Jail Prisoner, Hcmcmbcred by Crony. m r . - l ...... 1.1 T aaml aome . least:. - . 7 ,. things to Kva Trellnajer?" asked Mag gie fluey, at inevaea. ui m u tlon. yesterday morning. Maggie has been to the station often enough to know her way around, and Kva. an "ancient, drouthy crony." Is there most of the time. Captain Baty i . j .w- i a . v. . .i il n. vera nn- Slguliieu in ii alio o i . . . . - - - - objectionable, they mlht be sent up. . . i . a a I ,hlah Maggie proaucea a sacK m .iuh, the officer agreed to vnmlt to tne prisoner. , k,....rf The visitor turnea io b, uch-.-. turned back, and said. "Here Is something; else I should like to, send up: Kva needs it awful bad." She fumbled at the latch of her handbag- and Captain Baty watched suspiciously, for the demeanor of Mag gie foretold that contraband was coming;. Wh a deprecatory and plead ing manner. Masrttle drew forth a pack age of "LoKgen' Delight" and a brand- new briar ana amDer pipe, wun-n deposited on the counter. . Nothing; doing;." saia m vaimn.. j 1 . .tu ana... mnll. In tall. e aon ii " - and I guess the same rule win apply to tne women. U...I. ratiirna1 the articles to her satchel and departed, grumbling. Y. M.C. A. SEASON IS ACTIVE Extension Are Planned In Branches "for Coming Year. Reports submitted to the board of dl- a. a thai Pnrllanil Youna Men'8 rrtiuia va ai.w - -- . " Christian Association at its monthly meeting; yesterday anernoon snoweu . ! . .... . i 1 1 1 nf the oraranlxatlon inn ui" av ... . - - - are keeping; up remarkably well, con sidering; that Mummer s dull season. All departments reported that their worlr was more extensive than during- afly previous Summer. The heads of departments are now busy planning work for the Fall and Winter and It Is expected that new marks will be set in the educational, religious, boys' and physical departments, as well as In the advisory and employment bureau. . Charles Puehler. secretary of the Billings. Mont..--Y. M. C. A., attended Ue meeting yesterday and conKratu lated the directors on the work that Is being done In Tortland. Mr. Puehler S , Y. M. C A. secretary w . -perlence and Is doing useful work in building up the organization In Mon tana. He will pass several days in Portland. N0TICE0F SALE Of I'nclalnied Baggage. Tuesday. August IS. 1911. commen cing at 10 A. M.. Spokane. Portland & Seattle Railway Company and Oregon Klectrlc Hallway Company will sell at public auction, at North Bank Station, Kleventb and Hoyt streets. Portland, Oregon, all the following described un claimed baggage, which for more than three months prior hereto has been and now Is In the possession, and sub ject to the lien of said Companies: Eleven canvas finished trunks. 13 xlnc covered trunks, one steamer trunk, three boxes, 20 canvas telescopes, one baby cab. SO suit cases. 11 packages. 7S bundles, one bundle tent poles, three bicycles. Spokane. Portland & Seattle Railway Company. Oregon Klectrlo Hallway Company. , N A' MODEL DEPARTMENT. Sherman -Clay A Co. bave Just in stalled a new ventilating system In their Victor department, which change the air In each of their seven demon stration rooms every five minutes. A half hour spent In this cool and com fortable place listening to the new records Is most restful as well as en joyable. Morrison at Sixth. WHEREJT0 DINE. All the delicacies of the season at tha Portland Raataurant. Floe private apart meats for ladles. 10S Wesh, near W st To live well is tTTat well: Try The Criterion. S2 Sixth street. NOUGAT ,DEM0NTELIMA3 The most delicious Fren-h confection, to be hsd only at our stores. Sig Slchel A Co.. 91 Third street and third and Washington. AT THEQUELLE. Plenty large.- Juicy .Yamhill crawfish. Dining-room for ladles. th and Stark. Man on nandcar Run Pown. A loose engine on the way to As toria ran down a section crew of four Just Ar iiv ed. FROM s we ildom 1911-1912 i Fall and Winter Clothing FABRICS COLORS MODELS Finest Tailoring . Now Ready for Your Inspection NEW NEW Finale Last call for light and medium weight Suits at ONE-HALF PRICE Fourth and Morrison MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS $35.00 $30.00 $25.00 $22.50 $20.00 $18.00 $15.00 Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits now now now how now now now - - $17.50 - - $15.00 - - $12.50 - - $11.25 - - $10.00 - - $ 9.00 - - $ 7.50 men on a handcar near I.lnnton Tues day, and William Kavlch was killed. The other three men on tne car juinycu and ran from the scene of the acci dent. At Coroner's Inquest will be held at 4:30 P. M. today, to inquire into the cause of the accident which resulted In the death of Kavlch. VETERANS TO "BOOST" ENCAMPMENT DELEGATES TO ADVERTISE OREGON". Grand Army Men Plan to Exploit Portland and State In East Like Elks and Shrincrs. When it comes to presenting the merits of Portland and of Oregon In a manner that Is likely to bring most attention to the city and state neither the Eilks nor the Shriners. each of whom conducted effective advertising campaigns on Eastern trips last month, will present a better record than the veterans of the Grand Army, who will depart for the annual encampment at Rochester. N. Y. next Wednesday. Although they are handicapped slightly J.n years the old soldiers are Just as active as the Elks or the Shriners and will do Just as much work for their home city and Oregon in pro portion to their numbers. They will be armed with literatureand souvenirs sufficient to fill all the available space In- their private Pullman car which is scheduled to leave the Union Depot at 10 o"clock Wednesday morning From the time they leave until the return homo they will wage a continuous cam paign in exploitation of the advantages of living In Portland and of Investing In Oregon. y Special orders covering arrangements for the Rochester con vention have been issued by Newton Clark, department commander and C. A. Williams. assistant adjutant-general. They urge all veterans to Join with the party on the Rochester trip. An easy schedule has tieen arranged over the O.-W. R. & N-. Oregon Short Line. Union Pacific. Chicago & North western and New York Central lines, permitting stopovers at. Chicago and Niagara Falls. It Is expected that fully a score of veterans will Join the party here. PEXXEY BROS- FRIDAY SPECIAIa. We offer our wines at $1 a gallon: $1.50 wines at 75c a gallon; Straight Kentuckv Whisky, seven years old. rearular "14. R0. at $3.50 a gallon: Ken tucky whisky, rearular S.S0, at $2.60 a gallon; $.1 grade whisky. $2.10 a gallon. Friday only. S7 E. Morrison st. Phones East 2S7; B 2426. Free delivery. , Flummer has the highest quality olive oil in Portland. Sample free. Call or phone Plummer Drug Co. l0 Third. mm in iiuii iw.ii i l ,il m ml , ,,,, taaJa. 'Mi DORSET Arrow COLLAR New, smart and comfortable, with ample cravat space 15c. each J for 25c. Clnett, Feabody h Company, Troy, Hew Tort. F.W.BALTES AND C O MP ANY PRIXTTIXTG- Main 165, A 1165 Cu.u.m toi First and Oak L MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 THIRD STREET. A 4432. Main 9432. Our Quality Groceries Are giving satisfaction to thou sands of particular people. Cour teous attention and prompt deliv eries always. Have you an ac count? For today and tomorrow we offer: Macaroni, Spaghetti and Vermi celli, imported, at, pkg...l5J 1-lb. cans Almond Paste.. . .55d Capers, small size, regular 25c, per bottle 20d Barataria Shrimps, regular 25c a tin ...20 3-pound cans Okra, regular 35c each 25 Beech Nut Bacon, regular 35c jar, only ,..30 Viking Safety Matches, pkg. 10t Coates Plymouth Gin, quarts, per bottle..4. .....$1.25 PICKLING TIME We have for your pickling needs, Pickling Vinegar, Spices and containers. We also have a few 6mall Cucumbers. Call or phone us; our stock is limited. They are scarce this year. For your Fruits and Vegetables this is the store to come to. Ev ergreen Corn, Hothouse Toma toes, Green Peppers. Sweet Pota toes, Egg Plant, Celery, the best in the city. Get our prices on fresh fruits. Low rent, hence low prices. "A cordial invitation to the newcomer." HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, abore Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Franca European Plan Sl.fiO a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Hew steel and brick structure. Purnlahed at cost of 8300.000. Ever- comfort and con venience. On carlines transferring all cer City. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map o( San Francisco Established 1 900 OYER TEN YEARS OF, SUCCESS NETH & CO. COLLECTORS Worcester Bldg. Portland. Or. Foster' & Kleiser High Grade Commercial and Electrit SIGNS Cast 7th and Eaat Everett Sta. Phones Eaat 1111 1 11-221. fCCHVAB PRMTIfJC CO (OSOLICITS YOUR PATRONACE 24.5i'STARK "STREET Oregon Electric Ry. Trains Via City Line Trains for Salem, Woodburn, Forest Grove, Hills bort), Beaverton, Cornelius and intermediate stations now run over city line the Jefferson-st. Station to the North Bank Station. - CITY STATIONS , NORTH BANK STATION 11th and Hoyt Streets. ' JErrERSON-STREET STATION Front and Jefferson Streets. STREET INTERSECTION STOPS TENTH AND STARK .TENTH AND MORRISON FIFTH AND SALMON FIRST AND SALMON THE "LIMITED FOR SALEM" leaves North Bank Station 8:45 A. M., Jefferson Street Station 9:00 A. M., instead of 9:15 A. M. For other changes see schedules. v TICKETS ON SALE AT riTV TICK FT OFFICK. FIFTH AD STARK STS. TMB SO B.K STATIOX, ELEVENTH AND HOYT STS. f y lil tion ' GRATU4TES CAN BE FOUND EVERYWHERE POINTING TO THIS SCHOOL AS THE REASON FOR THEIR REMARKABLE SUCCESS- 1 Facts Worth Noting Best equippecf business college in the Northwest. Individual instruc- Positions for all graduates Fall Term Begins August 28 j - s- DficmAN? SECURED for sruMrewnta, lUJlllliU coJiPtTtnr wiinuui liiakvc Pillsbury's Best Flour is sold all over the world because the experience of every nation has shown it to be the best and not only the best but the cheap est. We have it in three sizes. Sacks 5p3.U, j5 and 5j1.1U. Nicelli Olive Oil The vintage oil is the pure juice of fancy hand-picked olives. No acid, no fat just pure olive juice, nothing else Your health demands that you use the best. Four sizes m bottles, 25S 50S 90 and $1.15. Three sizes in cans, 51.5, $2.25, $3.75. Genuine Imported Westphalia Hams fresh shipment, just arrived from Germany. Scotch Kippered Herrings, two sizes, 15 and 25 the can. SE ALY-LO WELL CO. GROCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS 288, 290, 292 Stark St. Phone Main 7200, A 6181. V