CITY NEWS IN BRIEF eegonian TELrrHOJrta. MmlBf-nwii Mmln TT C'.ty r!rctiimti Mam Manacna El. tor Msm T. Cui1t Edllor Main T; iVmpoatrss-room Main 7'.o S-pu kiulaug I"" A A A A '"i A A.Mrr.3iEJfTS. If Til.? TIlHATSR-'fwn' and J"'"ri M.i F:n.n. m "! an en " B' Tomarit at ! 1j. OSPnery thf.aTM-i""-t''.r- Stalh and R.nlh ivau.l.ll- T1"1 moon at S 1J and tonight at kl fLXTAflM THEATER l fourth an V.ud.vll!.. Thla afternoon at 3.1. a!ht at T 0 ud . IMRE. THE A TlkR Park J iij torn Vaud.tlile. Ttla aftarnooa el ad tonight at l sna Taii. arcade. OH jot. ,9DFi VOLT Fir ml rua plcturaa, 11 A. TI 13 OAK PARK Philip end V Bsnd; Metropolitan Cp.n sluart.l. Afitmoou and tonight. VAf OHN-STREET OROfXPS Portland Ti. OaAjAod. Tula afternoon at OKZGOMA AT TU eVE-SORT. Far tb. sraVKea eVIlTeey T".ir La at tgaan rewt.. .ub-rrtba Ihrouc lha following atnu ' Hy rl- obacrip Itoaa by aaall ar payable la idrtn I unM Hiuii. iaunM 1 - , Caanadla O. M. ttrartorrrr mm am niiiinBa. . . - - EifT EurtTt.vTK AaircsavrxT Mack. Assessment has been made for the dis trict ImproTfmrnt of Kast Kleventh and Milwaukle streets extending; one mil from Hawthorn avenue to Hoi Fate afreet. The total if"mnt la 195.74. East Eleventh and Mllwaukla streets connect at PIvlMon and ar really one etreet. Mllwiukle street being; an old county road- The Im provement of Milwaukle street from Holgate to Fellwood. or Nehnlcm ave nue, with hard-surface will not be undertaken this year owing; to the lste ness of. the aeaaon. but It will be kept In a-ood' order until the Improvement can be made early neit year. Milwaukle street will be part of the state hirhway between Portland and fcalem If the road la built on the Eaat Hide, and with Hawthorne avenue and .Milwaukle treet bard-surface pavement will be laid to the Clackamas County. line. The Sellwood Board of Trade will con alder the subject at Its neat merlins;. Ex-Matom Crajcb Visits Portland. Ex-Mayor W. B. Crane, an early real dent of Portland and ex-Mayor of East Portland, now of Orovllle. Cal.. la visit In Portland on business and pleasure. Mr. Crane moved to Orovllle 1 years ago and Invested In orange land there. Hi tract proved rich In srold and he savs -was mined from under him. He has since acquired a 20-acre orana-e orchard and about TO acres in onves. which yield abundantly and are said by him to be better than cold. Mr. Crane ears his land Is alao rich In sjold. but that he prefers cultivating orana-es and olives to mlnlnx. Me la (rreauy pleased over the progress of FnrtUnd. I rtn.l mvs'lf alone here." he said, "and rarely meet an old resident, so a-reat has the population changed since I left KT SKfOHO FlU. NCAFI.T DoKB. rilllnir of KasI Second street Is In progress between East Salmon street and Hawthorne avenue, and the work will he completed this month. The fill extends from East Oak street to Haw thorne avenue and so far the flUlna; .. Keen msrle with materi:U from the basements of bulldlns; on both sides of the river. When the embankment is finished the surface of the street will be covered with cruthed rock. When filled all the streets In the warehouse distrl.-t between East Morrison street and Hawthorne avenue will be com pleted, sn Improvement tnat naa re quired about Ove years. r-r-AVfiaoi-xps Too Pxiu. Play grounds at the corner of Milwaukle and j-owell streets cover a little more than an acre and the swing, slide and ap paratus are In constant use. While the park Is too small for the locality It cannot be enlarged unless extended eastward. Probation Officer White de clares that since opening of the park there has been no trouble with children In the Brooklyn district, as they have a place to play during vacation. Mr. White savs It Is urfortunate that the entire three acres In the tract are not set aside as a park. Part of the tract was used for the city barns and an engine-bouse. NATirniAI. Kxiohts TO P GrSTS. Members of councils of the Knights and Ladles of Security are planning for the approaching visit of National offi cer to Portland. September 1. Many members of councils from Portland. Oregon City and Vancouver met in the hall of Multnomah Camp, No. "7. Woodmen of the World, on East Kiwth street. Tuesday night, to consider plans for the reception and en tertalnment of the guests. The sen tral programme will Include a reception in the National officers and Initiation ceremonies In which $00 members will be received. Ruu to Lkavs, Hospital Foox.. Announcement was made last nlKht by rr. A. C I"anton that W. 8. Maker, the Insurance man who was thought to be fstallv Inlured In an automobile ac- ri.tent night, will be able to leave the hospital within a week If hla condition continues to Improve as It has In the last SI hours. Rakers skull was fractured. W. C. Be a ib. rest. the. other member of the party who sustained In lurtes of a serious nature. Is no longer eonflned to his room. He will be back at his office In a few days. Tut fast steamer Monarch (for merly the Charles It Spencer) leaves foot of Washington street. Thursday morning at 7 clock, arriving at Astoria at noon In time for the opening .-eremonles of the Astoria Centennial. Fare. II. The Monarch will make round trips to Astoria dslly during the "Cen tennial" getting back to Portland In time for rtassengers to get to their homes on the streetcars. Coron-Aciics Expert to Lrc-rvBK ox Milx J. C. Alexander, of the L'nl- versltv of Copenhagen, will deliver lecture tonicht at I o'clock, at the Portland Commercial Club, on "Milk and the World s Greatest Hy-Product. Mr. Alexander says he will show that the l"nlted States loses more than $400. o0.000 every year In the milk In dustry alone and will outline a plan to retrieve that loss. SPA.xirfs VALrg lion. The vnlue of a female cocker spaniel was fixed at ll"0 by W. A. Monroe yesterday when he filed a complaint In Justice Court against the consolidated Auto Truck Company, charging that a truck brlenglng to that company ran over and killed the dog at the corner of East HurnsHi street and Grand avenue Au gust I. The claim will be fought. AO ID WOHA Pi- Mr. Harriett (igden Chase, aged years, .lied at br home at Mount Scott Monday. The funeral wltl be held from the Woodmere Episcopal Church. In terment will be made In Multnomah Cemetery- STO rein Rest. At ISJ Alder street, suitable for cafeteria or other commercial business. Inquire 417 Chamber of Commerce. A Ssap. Millinery toek and fixture for sale cheap: good town, close to Portland. Apply B. O. Case A Co.. I2 Oak street. ' MotTCT Hnoo. Pally uto to Mount 'Hood. I will call at your door. J 60 each way. Call East 12. E. W. Mooaa. the artist, for oil por waits or photographs. 7th and Stark. t.-.l.,h K ttim Cwbart Park E- J- "4riVl! Bwt Htr-oha I J; Or Park I- J- "rTZl Pacin. Cli, l. T. r.'""""' M Mania Spring. Ch. . tallM ....BlrauhAt at Ca. i . . T..Brn f . t nUT AT THE Phil Jordan, wanted for al leged rohuery oi tamp .o. Mount Hood Railway line, about a mile and a half east of Pleasant Home, waa .-4 -. tua n.llaa vesferdav bv B ; I r -1 ru ni I ui' ....... j 1 - Chief McDonald on advice received from Sheriff Stevens. iepuiy onrrm uumci has gone to in imnew w v-iiue, ..... i v i. , PfipiUnii XVhen ar- l9Vlir ti.i . ' . . . . . . .. aaitfd Jordan had In his possession sev eral raaora. a wnun eiiM m v . lieved to be the property of Greeks employed by the Mount Hood Com pany. South PoRTi-Awn Boosters Meet to- kioht. The South Portland Boosters will resume their weekly meetings tonight, at St. ljL-yi'r"" Hall. Third and Sherman streets. aiemDers oi m i . . r.nnrt and I mnoinK rumiimirri. ... - . ... . . ... v. hniilavarrl 1 oi special inieres. nni committee's report whicn wui give appraised valuation of the property necessarv to the completion of the work. The Corbett-street fill contract will be discussed. A Urge attendance Is expected at the opening meeting; of in season... 7 A-.i'l. Saturday. August 12. 1H. tr annual Elks' ciamoaKe n c-..v.. i i - ki. time Ttromlsed. If even uwj imno. . n ....... unable to come on steamer Monarch. meet us at No. H - neaaq.uariere r.i hall. Astoria, riecure iickbib Club. Boat foot of Washington street. Single fare, II: round trip. II- l'm' mlttee John Cordano. Frank D. Hen nessey. George P. Henry. olarter Block Sells for '" Goldsmith Co.. brokers, bherlocx bldg, closed a sale yesterday of the quarter block, southwest corner Elev enth and Cllsan street, owned by Pr. Nunn A W. H. Nunn for 145.000. to Mr. G. Jacobs. It Is the Intention or tne new owner to erect a modern Dunaina for stores and hotel purposes. INPIAM PEX1ES LHAHUl moo.. La Roque. a Lmatllla Indian cnargea with introducing liquor on the Umatilla Indian reservation, pleaded not guilty before Judge Wolverton In the Federal Court yesterday. He was released on 1200 cash ball. IWESTMEVT COXTANT FOKMCD. N. P. Simon. Hattle Simon and Roscoe C Nelson yesterdsy filed articles of ln- . th Simon Investment Company with County Clerk Fields. The capital stock Is 125.000. Keceptiox Is Postponed. i no r- . u.. a-.... Mlarh. nrestdent of the National Council of Jewish Wo men, announced for toaay. naa inr postponed to August 17. VANCOUVER WILL JOIN WASHINGTON TO RECIPROCATE tXU OREGON'S AID. Barracks Clly to Send Rrpresents.- tlvrs to Oregon Development lartie MeUn at Astorlav. i X-.nnowee Wash.. hSS nOttfled th secretary tf the Oregon Development . i ai..w 9 League that tne commercial v,iuu that city will send a delesatlon to at tend tha meeting of the league in As toria, August 1-1. Thla action Is taken In response to the interest trie Portland Commercial Club haa taken In the Southern WashlngW" Develop ment League and the assistance It hsa lent to various enterprise In the W ashington counties ooi an ... v Oregor line. As a new feature in tne programme . . v. MAnA Wawlneadav morn- IVr I' ID WUMTLIMW- irK. " i d . . . a conference of the delegates from the coast counties, to uisouaa harbor improveme-ii pijov. opening tho coast cities for railway llnea Into the Willamette Valley. The meeting will be pieslded over by G. Wlngate. vlce-presldeat of the Devel- . - n V a. eoast counties. OpmCUl Ijvanuw ' ' . The afternoon session will be given over to good rotas inmnns", " -ture of which will bo an Illustrated lecture by Samuel Hill, of MaryhllL Wash, one of the leaders In the Pa cific highway movement. T u. Wilcox, president of the league, and the major officials will go to As toria Monday morning to make prep arations for the formal opening of the convention session In the afternoon. The management of the Centennial has telegraphed messages of welcome and promises the best of entertainment to all delegates who attend. Mr. Chap man, secretary of the league, says that be expects the attendance of delegates to exceed greatly that of last year, which waa more than 200. Albany and Corvallls have arranged for a special car to take their delegates, and each of the other 118 cities represented In the organisation will send from two to 12 representatives. Lists received yesterday from sev eral of the towns give the following: official delegates: Washington County and Hlllsboro Pevelopment League. Pr B. S Sears. W. F. McGUl. 8. Cooper. 'f. Alien. K. L. Johnson, M. 8- Steven Pr. Tamiesle; Fall. City James K. Puncan; Metollus. W. L Smith, and Gaston. E. X. Hrdln-. A new aspirant has been added to the towns which will be In the race to obtain the next convention. Kla math Kails recently advised Mr. Chap man of Its Intention of competing for that honor In the coming meeting against Albany and Medford, which had already put In their applications. WOMEN SEEK CHARTER SAY 1'ptlUon.i Are Out Asking Commlt U to Permit Milad V1- petitions are circulated throughout , ... . ,. .nrnnu of obtaining signatures to have the two charter committees now at wors. m.. m their drafts a provision flvlns; women the right to vote. Several thousand signatures nave been obtained, it Is said, and those back of the campaign hope to get from 10. coo to 20.000 names before they submit them to the members of the charter committees for consideration. It was not known until yesieraay -"' -movement was on foot. Many think that, should the plan get the results de sired by the women. It will be a long step In the direction of statewide suf frage. , YE OREGON GRILLE. Hlershel Hendler. the piano prodigy, still continues to attract the musical people of the city. His rendition of "The Rosary." with chimes accompani ment, brings repeated encores.- This special attraction, supported by Slgnor Marino's orchestra, the balance of the week. Everything that Is best Is found at "Ye Oregon Orille." . A MODEL DEPARTMENT. Sherman - Clay Sk Co. have Just In stalled a new ventilating system In their Victor department, which change the air In each of their aeven demon stration rooma every five minutes. A half hour spent In this cool and com forlaM place listening to the new records Is most restful as well as en joyable. Morrison at Sixth. Steamer "Monarch" for Astoria Cen tennial leaves Waahlngton-st. dock T A. M. Far IU 3IORXTN-G OKEGOXIAX. TTTTTRSDAY, 1TJGTJST 10. 1911- TIIE CMIPMBII IS OUTLINED SCXDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION" TO SECCKB FUNDS. ' Luncheon Will B Given Tonlfrht at Y. M C. A., When Workers Will Be Assigned Schools. Members of the executive commit tees of the County Sunday School As sociation will meet at a luncheon to night at the T. W. C. A. at S o'clock. nd line up workers for the campaign that Is to be opened Monday under the direction of T. V. Ellxey. of New Or leans, to secure funds for the State Association. Plans will be completed for the visit to the Sunday schools of Portland and vicinity next Sunday, and members of the committee will be as signed to the schools which they are to vlslt- The luncheon will be presided over by Albert Ehrgott, president of the county association. In addition to the chief executive officers of the asso ciation, vice-presidents representing each of the denominations In the county will attend, making the total list of guests about 30. Assignments will be made at the luncheon, so thst each .of the persons who Is to- psrtlclpate In the Sunday visit to the schools, may leave from Ms own home. Thus far the response to the committee's call for autos In which to take Its representatives about has not been strongly responded to and C. A. Pitt, general secretary, will Issue another call asking for the loan of 25 machines for three hours, from 10 to 1 o'clock Sunday. Each of the commit teemen will be required to visit from four to six Sunday schools In the course of the morning, and enlist their assist ance In the campaign that Is to be opened on the following dsy. Thua far about 25 solicitors have been secured on the 10 committees thst will cover the city from Monday to Friday, and Mr. Ellxey expects to have the list completed by tomorrow morn ing. W. A. Lovett In charge of the com mittee which will arrange for the luncheon -In the T. M. C. -A. Friday, which Is to close the rempalgn. will have tickets prepared today, and these will be Disced In the hands of tne bun dsy school superintendents by the visiting committees next Sunday. Pur lng the week the solicitors will also be unnlled with tickets t the luncheon, which they will dispose of among the business men ot tne city while on their rounds. Similar methods are to be used In preparing for the women's luncheon at the r. w C. A-. which will be held at the same time. Mr. Ellxey has secured offices In the Ablngton building from which he will direct the campaign In the city. Many contributions have already come In and he says that he believes that the de sired sum will be secured by Friday noon. August IS, when the campaign close. TOIL OFFERED FOR TAXES Slirirf 6teven Receives Novel let ter From Land Owner. "There ought to be some way of dis posing of this without shooting or kill ing esch other." writes O. A. neizoia. of 70S East Thirteenth street. In a per ...... i in Sheriff Stevens yester day morning. Pletxold Insists on pay ing his taxes, amounting io ... labor or In clearing-house certificates . an.n.irartiire. He. has sent the Sheriff an order on the United States Treasury for $4.45 In payment of his personal tax. although he admits that Uncle gam owes mm noun". payment of his real estate tax of 135.31 he insists thst the Sheriff accept a written promise to pay "as soon as we can dispose of a large amount of labor power stored In the members of our Institution." He signs himself as president of the Institution, but gives DIAMONDS TO ADVANCE Advice regarding the present condition of the diamond market has just reached us from our broker, Mr. Henry H. Jacobson, who -writes from Amsterdam, as follows: "The market is absolutely un satisfactory. There arjs quanti ties of poor quality and the prices are exorbitant. Fine stones, the quality- you use, are very scarce and are quoted at exactly 20 per cent higher than this Spring, but I am glad to get them." To those who contemplate the purchase of a dia mond later on, the reasonableness of buying now before the new good3 supplant our present stock is evident. It assures you of a saving of at least 20. "We invite your comparison of quality and prices. EASY TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES ' LAROBST DIAMOND DEALERS IN OREGON 3 283 Morrbon SL COLLINS HOT Cuisine and ae e o m m o datlons one zo e 1 1 e d. North Bank .rains and Upper Columbia RlTer boats all stop at Colllaa Splines. cT' Steam Heat, electric lights ; new, up - experienced masseur and masseuse in REASON O WHY NO. why Certificates of Title furnish the , BEST protection to buyers of and mort gagees of real estate no particulars as to its character. The trouble had its inception In the panic of 1907 when the Sheriff refused to aocept clearing-house certificates in payment of Pletzold s taxes. Chief Deputy Boyer. of the Tax Department Is at a loss to decide whether Pletzold Is an anarchist or a socialist. BOY MYSTIFIES POLICE Lad Fonnd Asleep on Dock Keruses to Give Any Information. Refusal of Edward Jones, aged 15. arrested a few nights ego by Patrol men Hennessy and Murphy and turned over to the Juvenile Court, to tell any thing about himself or his parents Is puxxllng Probation Officer White. The boy Is almost destitute of cloth ing and has no visible means of support- He was found by patrolmen asleep on a dock with a tarpaulin wrapped about him. That was a few weeks ago and the policemen did not take him to the station when he de clared that he lived on Twelfth street and gave an excuse for being found asleep on the dock- Mr. White believes, from unwilling admissions made by tne boy. that his home may be somewhere in Washington and he Is endeavoring to ' communicate with his parents or guardians. a WHEREJTO DINE. AO tha delicacies of tha season at tha Portland Restaurant. Fine prlvata cents for ladles. S05 Wash- near it sfc To live well Is to eat well: Try The Criterion. 83 Sixth street. " Wild Is Alleged Embexxler. . n ti-i 1 1 ...... ... .4 Tiirlav Annur rc. no w . night by Detective Tlchnor on com plaint of Otto Schumann, for whom he waa bookkeeper, on a charge of larceny by emnexxiemeni. kni" that Wild embezxled about $1000 while employed by him. Russell Fnneral Today at 2 P. ML The funeral of Lewis Russell, of the i ...... flTTi nf Russell A Blyth. will be held this afternoon at S o'clock at the Russell home, ai i Twentieth etreet. Mr. Russell died Tuesday night after a brief illness. Great Britain Imported fS.SOMOO worth of American aolentldc Instruments In 1910, aaalnat M.irift .220 worth In 1IW9- Foster & Kleiser Hili Grade Commercial and ElectrU SIGNS Bast Ttk and East Everett Sta. Ptaoaea Kul llllt B-xxae. MASTER.CMF TvS MEN 1 IN PRECIOUS METALS 74 Third St E SPRINGS COLLINS Washington t-t. Hot Mineral Bathe recom mended by phy ? sicians for rhea matlsm. stomach. liver and kidney trouble. to - date bath-house, with private baths and constant attendance. Terms on application Certificates of Title ellm- lnate waste energy. No re examination of the title Is necessary every time the property changes hands, as Is the case In the old-fashioned abstract system one examination 'for all time be ing sufficient. Every detail of each transaction Is re duced to a science. The great saving in labor and time through the Certifi cate System necessarily re sults In a great saving of expense. Investigate. Call for booklet before you make your deal. TITLE AUD TRUST COMPA1TV, LavHa Bide 4th and Oak. $4.60 to $7.60 Parasols J f AQ Special, at D LA J KJ All colors and black and white. $3.50 Long Kid Gloves (t t AO Special, at lf X iU Colors only. $6.60 and $7.60 Silk rfQ QQ Petticoats, special J J J -All new, black and colors. $1.25 Long Silk Gloves d - . ff Kayser's make. At JL VS VS F.P.Young 323 Morrison Street. Opposite the Portland HoteL He who buys a CUTLER DESK buys but once. It is snlifl and it lasts for life. More than a hundred styles in Solid Oak and Mahogany in stock. Steel and Wood Office Fur niture of all kinds. Whether you want a single desk or a complete equip ment., it tavs to see us y X a about it. KILHAM Stationery and Printing Co, Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers. Engravers. Booklet Makers and Bookbinders. HEADQUARTERS FOR Architects' and Engineers Instruments and Supplies. FIFTH and OAK STS. HOME BUILDERS We are contractors and will furnlsoj lot and finance the bulldm ofa home for you on easy payments. We I've references and ask reference. WYATT. E8TABBOOK RAT. 801 Coach bids. Fhoae Mala 4311. Established 1 900 OYER TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS NETH & CO. COLLECTORS Worcester Bid. Portlmnd, Or. SUMMER I IjLLUMIinTi1 , 3 : HUXXaij Dew ana muueru m fortably furnished and electric-lighted. cific Ocean. n. i Xi.N X Will is among me trees uu ""j - , & ' - , heat. Under hotel management. Cuisine unexcelled on the Coast, bea toods a specialty. HOTEL AND TENT CITY BATES (American pian;, ?o.uv tmu up.. RAVOnTATJ is famous for its ocean and bay bathing, trout and deep- tea fishing, splendid climate and wonderful scenery. Oregon's new Sum mer resort. Our Own Passenger Boat Service Direct For literature or reservations, apply T. B. POTTER REALTY COMPANY 720 Corbett Building, Portland. Hotel Moore is situated directly on the OCEAN SHORE, along- the boardwalk. Hotel Moore Is In the lee of Tillamook Head. Seaside Is the Jeah iree from the cold north winds in Summer. Surf bathing- a :d hot salt baths. The Hotel Moore ts aquipped with steam heat, hot and co a water, electric lights, suites with private bath, etc Rates S3 and up per day. American plan. DAS J. MOORE, THE COLONIAL SEASIDE. OR. Now Open for the Season. RATES $3.50. Special Bates for Families. and from all trains. Good nahlns. boatlns and saddle horaea. UXDSLEV SON. North Beach Inn STEWTOTT'S STATIOJT. Mrs. N. M. Dewey, Jlanaier. aaAnwEa o . . v " " Directly facing tho ocean. Superior ac commodations. i-OBl.Ull.aCO graob address Long; Beach. V ash. While Others Complain We Are Busy A rreat number of dentists and business people complain that July and August are dull months. Nothing could be further from the truth at this office. The highest grade of skill and moderate P"ces keep us busy every month m the year. OUR BRIDGE WORK has been brought to the htehest etate of perfection. The teeth on this bridge are interchangeable at will without removing from the mouth. We use gold or porcelain as your fancy dictates. Thfs ispnly one of our many original methods. OUR PLAIT WORK has always been an 1 m p o r t a n t branch ofour profession, and at tnis office is treated with the considera tion it deserves, and our plates wltn flexible suction are the most satis fying that have ever been devised. They do away with all of the well known annoyances endured by a large percentage of people who wear plates and are superior In every way to any other plate. LOW PRICES FOR HIGH GRADE WORK Good Robber Plates, each . S5.00 The Best Red Rubber Plates, gefc e7 23-Karat Gold or Porcelain Crown for 5-00 22 -Karat Bridge Teeth, Guar anteed, each 3JHl Odd or Enamel Fillings, eac-h..l.K Mlvrr Fllllnaa, each - SOc And sua Absolute Goarantee Backed by 24 Years n Portland. WiseDentalCo. Office Hours! 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to t. Phones Main 2020, A 2020. FalllnK BldK- 3d and Washington. SCHOOLS AND COIXJBGES. Ideal Preparatory Scaool for Girls. Admits to any college: unus ual advantages In Muslo and Art. Complete course in Do mestic Science. Fine gym nasium. Splendidly located In a wholesome and Invigorating- climate. Individual in struction and home care. Get further information ana booklet from MISS Jl'LIA Pa BAILEY, 2208 specific Avenue, . Spokane, Wsaa, MOUNT TAMALPAIS MILITARY ACADEMY Ban Rafael, al. . AW ACCREDITED Hll.H SCHOOL GRAMMAR GRADES infantry. Cavalry. Mounted Artillery. Open-Air Swimming Pool and Gym ABTHV'R CROSBY. D. D.. Head Master. Ask for printed matter at Oregonian office MISS HARKKK'B M'HOOL, palo Alto. California. Boarding and day school for girls. Accred ited to Eastern and California colleges. Home Economies. Music. Art. and Crafts Bealdent MANZANITA HALL, AaAS A baalthful horn, school for boys. Pr for college and technical schooL First Ilmiatar op.n. Aug. 20. 1911. Catalogu. on W. A. BHEDD. Head Master. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY PORTLAND, OREGON. Sead for Illustrated Catalog;. RESORTS. BAY0CEAN HOTEL ANNEX AND TENT CITY aJorai'l Ktenm heater! throushout; com- - ------ , " D Overlooks Tdlarnook Bay and Pa- . , . v dAa T?nnnmir water and stove From Porfani Round Tnp JlO.OIJ. to either address. l HOTEL BAYOCEAN ANNEX J uayocean, vregou. On Clatsop Beach SEASIDE, OREGON Prop, Seaside. Or. EX THE 'CLOCDS above tho smoke, where tha air is cool and bracing. CLOUD CAP INN ON MOOT HOOD. Leave Portland 10 A. M.. reach the Inn 5:30 P. M. For rates and roaervations o.-w. k. a'n. TICKET OFFICE, Third and Waahlnston Sta. SEA CROFT oiYa Dlrecuy on the beach. overlookln tha ocean. Spaoioua urounfla. electrlo lights among the treea. Fireplaces In lare cosy alttlng-rooma. The best of table aervlo. la 6ea Croft's dining-room. Sea food a ,PAnnejt" completely furnished apartmenta for housekeeping. Write for reservations. MltS. W. E. HUTCHINSON, slea View. Wa.ll. SCHOOLS' ANT fOIXEOES. Belmont School (FOR BOYS) BELMONT, cal. XTwentrrtlW Vlflet Soatt)4f Stnnittisco) Tbe srbool la tryinrto do lor theocrml od phyilcs-l. ooC IeM than for ttw ineellerruJ, !rdfar.of U(b boy whit fboafotful pmimt vast wishes to have done. Conrribut- inr o thta end- ara tbe location .of 9dboaX removrd from the tempttriona xnd dtitricrtont of town or ciry j tha fineness of tbe climate, tbe nedtence of in boildinr and orjier equipment, and ibe beauty aai exteol of its f-rcmnds. viib tbe vide ranje of footbills luiramdinff'tbem. We are rtid to bare pur patrons and rraduam consulted. For catalocue. booklet and further specific imformatjon address ibe bead master. W. T- HELD. A. M. (Hamrd) Fall term betins Aug. 14th. The Hamlin School A High-Claas Boardlne and Day School 'ir tiirls. Comprtainir a French School for little Children. Primary. Interm5?lBta,Vfr School and Post Gradual. DeP""f""' Household Kconomlca. Drawing. Painting and Elooutlonv . . Arcrrdited by the University ef Cali fornia, bv Xeland Stanford Junior Vnl verslty aud by Eastern Collfsea. Courses In Slnglnit. Instrumental Music iDlano. violin, organ, barp. fluto, cello, etc). Theory and composition. Harmony. Eleht Reading. Musical Dictation, Choral and Orchestral Practice, etc. aro offered by th. newly formed Music Department. School reopens Monday. Aug. 7. Address MISS BARAK H. HAMLIN A. M. tSSO l'acllic Avenue. San xrancueo. Phone West B4. Situated on Lake Steilacoom A select school for boys, situated in a rural district, particularly adapted to all kinds of outdoor sports the year around. College preparatory, with spe cial Instruction In languages. Modern buildings, limited attendance. Fall term begins Sept. 21st. 1911. For catalog and Information, WTite D. S. Pl'l.FORD, Principal, South Tacoma, VVash. NEAR OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Mills 8emlnary entirely dropped. Only Col. - J. kl.tnali. 1 nst ItllTI On, lege wora oono A womin'l Collere. chsnered 1885. Entrance anil rradus- reoulreniCTia equiralent to tho of otbrt CoUera lol women. Work recomiied at the UnirerJirr of Orrron. Btinfori sod Unirersity ot Cslifoniis. coorK for courir. : Twenry-two ilepsrtnienrj. Suonr liculrf. Laboratories well I equipped. Excellent opportunities for Home Economics. Music and Art. Modern mnnajlnm snd speail are for i.l i m Pml.4n, T.iielbi Clav Canon. A. M. LL. p. For canuotue addreaa Rcjimar. Mills College P. O., California. D E P A RT h E N T wntviurnt T " ' . n a on 1-tTOKOrJGH COVR uiun o a a... wo.. i - Session Begins Oct 2, 1911. For cata logrue address Dean, Dr. S. E. Josephi, 610 Dekum Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. The Allen Preparatory School . FOR HOVS AXD GIRLS. Fits for ail colleges and technical schools. Graduates from this school, in Eastern Institutions, rank witlf stu dents from the best secondary schools of New England. Special courses. Office hours 10 to 13 A. M. For Catalogue addrtsa THE ALLE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Portland. Or., East 12th and Salmon Sis. HlWiES BUSINESS COLLEGE. 8 ,1 WASHINOTON ANOTSNTH STS. 1 S PORTLAND. OREGON ILj write for catalog X School that flat Tou in tt Oood Porition LAW DEPARTMENT, VKlVKKSl'l'Y OF OREGON Portland Oregon Three years' course leading to degree of Bachelor of Laws. Night classes under experienced practi tioners. For catalogue and full in formation addresa the Secretary, 610 Corbett Building, Portland, Orefron. The Famous Girls School Near New York. Miss C. E. Mason's Suburban School. Tarry-town-on-Hudson. N. V. All the social, recre ative and cultural advantages of the Kreat city, coupled with a magnificent school home on the heiEhts of the Hudson. College Preparatory. Graduating and Finishing Courses. Unusual culture of self-reliance, in itiative and power. European travel class. For beautiful catalog, write Miss C. E. Ma son, LL. M., Lock Box 85. f i in - L i in in ir'iffl- .j it