flu. IltTWITON FLAT". 1TTH AM) T ILLAMOuK. Beautiful new building: mhoiinT tran.-e. pl' front porches nd Urge i r-ered'al-epinl-porches: 6 ,",-bfRr.t neet hardwood floors, bullt-ln bunec with, gas range and wster-htaaler thia Ji Mhi li in th. heart of 'n',0"-,S roundel br beautiful bran. real 37-o. Ea C4 and ferass. C JUOX East Mi. PTTa KENT Two 6-room Lata. 'ta b.lh7ronrn. and ft rl'nTon ences: I.1T4 UuHD.-m.li at., corner union ... a f.n. busines, location for a n,VJ5 or the liee; one a- -.50. the otner per month. Mornings and evening. - w.. ih. street, pbooo Cut 7.ia. Ju'SJnii: d. 'WmJcm. 74. Johnso. .4 and iUi- Ingnira nrt fire p lac, la ran. 4 hahroon. t. aiHli al Ever- E-A oar. xa , CAMRRtrXJE BLDQ. Frnlaha4 an4 w . ,.kM?l rooma. alnala aad n.n Room . d and Mrrlol ry cgntraL i.tO TO 12.10 1 iftona. di lln.o. haal. . VanooW aa. and IIS Btantoa; tnka TJ ear. JUST WHAT TOU WANT. Fnrnlabad or unfurnunad rooma. aBa as auit. ail convanlancaa; baat location. Miuvra BLlMl.." Morrlaoa at. OR S nlca! furnuhod modrn houaakap rooma on firat floor. Waat Slda. oloaa . ..- r.i.f inaulra M nrrl- aon at., room . Phona Main A 414. of a iy ri rooma. llitht thorn a a and airy B 1771 for t'O. oa Hi- 1 EAST MORKLrOX. eor. Eaat pl.t.ly furolabad bouaakaaplng Eaat aU; com- atutaa; rf 4Kr.a3lt. K' .M aiita. fumliiiM. mcivmin. Kahta: i i .am..a niuuti. wv. - Zv.a at. W car. v.i.:-TU- 10 Cr at. highlaae bouoa- kopiag rooma. furniahad or unfurnlenad; wa.king diatanca. Faono A . rt-BMSHE3 bouankraplng aad alaaplng rooma. 1160 to AAOO par waaa. Houaa. M Mil. KI K ault outelde bouekepln-cooin. ! I olon ara. oof. Eaat Aider. I.,,: ki.nl'LV rooma In new tonorala bidg. Khona Wjadiawa awT a- tl TWO nlce:y furniahad booaakaapina; cloa in. Waahlngtoo at. IXoaeeka-rptng Rooma la ly. kdi - vr.:r. modrm convenlanoea, la m. . i - ittwi: Waahlncton t or -Wv ear from d"pot. 1A, IA. par month: moderate ratae by- day ...k. BTS Couch. T- cor. lth. . t A.-C" A-room etilla. oonranaantla - .,,iMt:v rurntahad. alnK. gaa .... BiVa batn. telaphona. IO0 raaadara at., near Jlat at. TWO nlca y furniahad rooma for houeekaap- Irg. etrtcUT moa .; taae U or RH car. aT, Qaal.nbta. H.Vi,LE houaekaaplng room. I and bath: waikuig dlatancav ath. phon eOT Haliav 1'L.EAX furnlahcd BuakIlni-roona, F utura. I'aa ugot. oaa; a - V - eteraon. 410 Ilia at. THREE newly furniahad oonnacttng houao-k-'P .i ro- m euiiaoio for 1 or 1 adult. 11 Eaat - la ml-, cor. i-mo.. a hiK'Mrl wilb bain, bad. alove. diaheafor liant houeep.n in-". c.i r a n ivNlatork car to Hth at. LrflKARI.E furn!ah.1 houaekaeptng room, ronnectlne. gaa bath, phone. a.ll fur- ntafad with piano. iviiiin .... . e..m:ht hfluirRiwDllil rooma with ' nnee and aU ili Per month. - Monigom-ry. bat. ta and 7th. m ,n v.TilRi. nlcaur turnlahaj. m d-rn. f'r rant. 3 montha or longer. .OO k mon. phona Eaat 63 '' a... xKr.A furn'ahrd houaakeeplng rome; aia plata. eteel range. li Ith at. Mala 4.:. r xi.-.F. Lent, e.aan. alrelr furnlabad houaa- k.rin room. 2 M.x-ka from Hoee City Part car. 41 B- Krth N. t PLEASANT ur.furnlaned rooma. front porch, laghu Va:r! !. housekeeping water, cheap. M 't'EK.N Cieep. I i:.tn st. housekeeping ima, cottage. ay welkins distance. lea CtOR-IN aulla with connecting batn. ue hakilui earaoundiasa. prlvat entrance. Jt.1 14th st. Tutr.K neailr fumiehed houackeeping rooms, a.ao suits of I. $1 month. lVa loth at. T, t roorra nicely fumiehed for houaekeep ln. Ilstt. phona bath, no children; rent 1 1 a. ilk litn St, roruaiiq nlLlrFVRMrHt.a front housekeeping exce-u location, comfortable. .anntM. -'2 14tb. a i-i i v:.H'r'.l boueWeeutng rtv.ma. Ineltad' Ine kurhenette. SVJ E. riumalde at. NI.'KI.Y jurntahej housekeeping mat rwa- a...aMe. 1 t kai et.. ai t a-. TrtHfcE furnlahed housekeeping rooms fur rnt k . a. a at jasn et. mai ' - ... A i-IT of $ modara fumiehed houseke lr twma no children. Ato Uj Ollaan. I'l HMSHED housekeeping room, 104 l'th. Phone East 2-J2- ... 3 "FlRM.-rl nM. gas. beta. r housekeeping Call 441 East Morrison st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma Uih st. Ill FURM--HED housakesplng room a Ion 1st st ; cnap renu TliHSS line furnished bousekseplng rooma with ba.cony. 1)1 te lain, cur. 1 avior. J OK RENT 3 wll-f'irniahd housakaeptng rnoma. en sulta jte 7 i.'n- 111 NTH. .''.i. flay, larse I. I and a-room f irnlahed rouaekocplng sultee TWO ritorna. fu-nlahad for lleht house keeping: t 1W Ml wtlliame ava. I R I roeme furniehed. to quiet couple. I ;tl pran l ava. North, I 3 I NFLRMHSD rooms, sail labia for houao- keeplr.g. jeeXA ia:n. I N FURNISHED rooma for 111 hi hoosekeep- Irg ft..; Man istto aa. r u , 1 -.av-tm ewttea houaekaeplug ell furnished, no children. 4M 4th il lnv.!E,:T houaekaeptng rooms for rent. 4T E Morrison. $;n- Four fornTahed beueekeeping roc 41 Patten road. Kiln li llo furn.ahed hautekeaelac rooms, mon'h. iia Market St. $12 UbuS furtuahee.1 housekeeping room, first f .-or. larje yard. batn. 4-Q Tamnuw SCiTS of htautekeeplrkg month- loe 11th St.. I rooros. $12 par r tAashlngton. ItA. HdLoRS housekeeping room, fur- nlane-t. $1 or $4 a month. Main 4.14. T W - housekeeping betb. $14. rooms, gas. elec- trto and II K Yamhill st. TWA fkro:ahe.l housekeeping -.raham ate yK.'NT and ba.k S'll-e. bath, gas and pbonek running water. H't ollege at. ri'RN llirirt housekeeping rooms with bath. 11V Tit lt-ooljn St. ,: it V l-rnnm neely f'nishetl. peer lnfh and Harr-.a-.n. w.onth. Klrk-Wh.te t eat .le. I :o R-eity Ca. XI llnrt b..'g. I f. .re luajn 4vJ. tK hKST New modem houae; every cn-ti-ei-rVe e:x roon-.s. rentral location, fins -..hhorh.-f-l. reasoiab.e rent right lam ent ca.l ti Eaat l:d et. N. .. v . v.kia.ll house with bath. gas. ea rn. at weaa traja etc.; rent $. S East an anl ra.':nr. Apply IMPERIAL ("1 A e. M ArT. N. A.RiX-iM cottage, 711 Kearney at. Newlr- n.ner-d iM painted. e.ecirlC light. In- o.i're V 7th at. or phone A luai.t. 6-R. -C' .l cottage. 1 1 .a 3o; close In, . E. Cou-h- !l saa. aard. rent A'O East Ash. Owasr , , a U -1 N T West ride, -room modem w .... .la'a beth. SSS flXtUrSS Win- jae aVkJat Ted Corbett st. . nt.t Glbbe: key 7C BuVlvant. Main 6"$A T. ; 77 T . - -. nent r.rocm bun. " modern: sood dlatru-t, I'hons C rNAP m"lra 7-room cottage. r'to 7th- 7124 Frenrte a. $14. WW V.-i-'fiiN A- ro-m hoiie. a'.l f-nm W-W car. 844 Kaat eao, 1 block . v c AIXER, wa'.klng d:atance, modem " room h-'us. Pbons Marshall -74. turn REAVER. lf Marshall. far "Shld f-r boo.kBln. ran.a. Jljj; frto llahla. hot -'r. bath. '"Brtrr tl4 r montb op; a claaa piaca, boat la fh. cTt, f ". ""L JAtTJ! from lolon Dapot. Taia " iarT BortA. a at MaraAaU bl g FURN1.-HED housekeeping rooma 104 rt, Oraad eve. 1(. l SFt klSPlN't rooma 411 Uroadway. tionaea. jaii 1 Ajj a. at 1 . t r ivjo & . . - - - . Bom huntirs. vlit oar up-to-dat rea- .i - - l ir.fnnnattfill itrDaflminL 4t O IIOOT, mala bulidmg. and see Iho vacanctee w. have listed of desirable houses and flaw. You'll sav lima to g'tting properly ana comfortably located. W keep In tooco. with all Tacant house flats and ePart menta in ba city. Wa alas kaap a !"" new buildings in eoorao of ooniruciio. Tbo combined I let of ail raal Batata deal era This Information aosolu. J-"J -WHLS TuU WANT TO EaMI HOUSE SEE CB.- TH MEIER A FRANK CCrMl-ajai. ALAXEDA PARK, now -room Ju" corapn-taa. ooa oioca iron. rani I. A per month. Inquire at offleo At ttn ana Mason. - Pbodo Woodiawa or Marshall a... iii.au -at f... tor rant, asm ruraianan MERCHANTS . SAVINGS A THlsc COMPANY. ttm Biapa of city for itrtarm. automa. w' ," v."i,llr,rt. 11.80 par month: anap. PP'I J it. Norh. W car wt to aJ. block nortn. Hoaaaa. . . ..i.k hanu flata. rooma, omtaia. 20 month; noth. 17.8 .w .i.k north. .it on atomaCTn w - ra fvw Noitn- IS5 par math. H. P. palmar-Jona w., ia marrlal rlh Hlda rnonaa " A. '--A tlat. W-R car. ; jrL .a-. -7- a.-u.wtu f'lraiahad cottaA Baa ran ana Qulra naxl door. VTC I7V RrnAm flat- atrtOtlT BIOWI U . ' ' . rn., .t avanlnar aftar or Bundaya C-W FLtTELY furniahad. Including piano; a-roonv- notjaa. ' " ' - , 6laal biidga. AP S20. Orrgonlan. 1 r.rtn i - r.nMd. r h token park. Bannatt A Weli Stuart Station. Mount Boctt line. I none laoor FOR 1 montha. 5-room "" ""r"S paiiihl z aiocaa i iuui . . .t 4. Taooma ae.. tviiwood car. .v. .,... furniahad bungalow ir . . . i rant. Prlra i per uwu.-. Eaat lth North. mvicUED five-room collage ror rani. reaannabla. now -l- MODERN a-room houee. eomparta, (oreauau. Call i;o Hoej for tu-ot. Furwlrore) for rent ISO, rumianau. " i diataaoa: furniture. caxpeta pracUoaJiy raoonBle; uaeo aa pn. roomcrm. , D eia. tjregoniau. FURNITURE of nine-room houae. quipped to aublet boueeheaplng rooma. for aala - . . . .i. ou oan dear rent, gaa and luak v Ha.l eu LauuM houaa. wall furniahad. wU loca t.onTon iTth .room. .11 ranted furnace th.. week. Price -uOl 1200 caah. aaay terma. Marehall BEAUTIFULLT furniahad Ilal i"r r.ran u-a. a ar na i.... - - would aell new ranc4 tor raoi-ae furniture on eaay I arm a 774 Loaejoy. FURNITURE for aala cheap or will rM with apartment. Apartment 41. Cumber land, ts eet Tark and t.o:umpi. a-KM'K bungalow, eaerymina - - f imitHta iminir e . - make an orrer. Taoor i. . i-n.i .ii. furniture of naodera l-roora flat tor eaie cneap. offti-a, tiay ai A SNAP -room oompl'telr rumlanea moo- em bunealow in r-uuu ....... . - Phone W.Kxllawn l:e after 1 A. M. FURNITURE- for eale..6-room flat, nicely f-imlanad. will wacrmca . . i ... eve . anr. RuaaelL . i). u.u h... mh eo honta: new fumrrure and eoneble for caah 3 11th au. cor. Market. tn mam rafifiiiion: aoou miiiiwvi'"",. a-Ri.iU rottaaa. cheap rent: wen lux-iaueui eheap aarma ai rftq. eon ar-T at CenterVl.ie, Leaf naaua, complete. y iumian-u " . . 6 roomsi beuaaca of $40. Pbons A 635. h(W COUNTRY CLUB ease for as and etock bolder only. Let Whit. tot and aaunaiaw. follow. GEAKHART. -room cottage for rant lirw ri-LWRi Ml'Rty.N CO. HI Yeon Pldg. ' , ua 1 1 a. FOR RENT Seaside cottaga. furnished; also furnlshea tent.. k-.'.J . , . i-cvtebvillK. LONVI beach a-room I eottage. tumianei. c-.e STORE It modern brlcg Building. Rearing completion, os ur.nu . . -1. ni.. Morcan-Atrhley Furniture Co.! itore: any else from JOxOO ft. up: JO-ft. r-llings- for almost any kind of bueineaa . 7 : . . rr.re the areataet ouoor- .unltr of any In Portland: eepectaJIy g.tod noenlnr IOT eaaery. wn.w.w. ... . JIOHOAN. FLIEDNER BOYCK. sa a ba Trtr frmOU UAlalwft D' Tt APinan'" ume- WE have for rent, a nice irnia ; rt &n treat: iirimawi. - . hVrtman A THOMPSOM. Chamoar of Commerce. ., iT. .H T hulldtns and basement, loaa " . . - 'waiaa waahlngti and Stark sts.. for leas. Inquire of tie d a l..illuia All Ablngton oiog. t .rj iii.."..-' - a d nrv-T x new storesi cor. tud ana x V . - . . iweilntk for eroeerv .nrf met mgU-liM; low rmnt : may tiivituon ete. . r- . V, r t u 241 : TUli D-astasfiii. Kmm "1 a . wn.asks. A nnlr ITjJn h lrl. 1 un Kra ne w mv. sss e- --r 171 E. 1Mb. EVEKAL stores ai east aod Madlsoaa St. bridge. IW. to aeM. e"- sulre 271 HaaiBoraa an. . roa E, rood luoatlea. bkg payroll. Tha m, I " R. clary Co.. $41 Aldsr at. Mala laA I mrvrew. OmCF.a FOR REKT. Ill TO $25 MF.RCHANTS TltraT miLDIXrJ, th and Washing ton. . . -1. . ,,eetita I lOT CENTRAUA.I ULrk. k xjwri.im. All-night evator ssratoa. an- ii.aei.ania sa yearly lease avauaaa WISJJ!!: rOR aVALE---otrie. .ri-- "fj STTTV aftlra Dui.uin. w . , Vr" Js Inii eernet and taKl. A'l 1 a KMttXt 0. IB fieward Hotel, city. OFFICE room hi Taos, Buucung ror .wot. rurnlsosa or view. inquire satr i e.- FOR RENT Good offkje sswl storage. roni et. TO IJAUBt TO LEASE. Datetrable bualnese or apartmaat site, 60s a aa feet rroatftns oa the rortm side of Al der street, between Twelfth and Thir teenth. One-ha If block, fronting 1"0 test - . h, ..a e-iitb streets. 3UO feet H.rr'aoa street, west naif acsupled by apartment and dwelling, east half an- VV t.i ieaa eith'r or both for term of 30 ar 10 years For terms sppiy to Ll-VTIVUTtiN- A W lh.V. Att'nye f'r owner. Nt'rT lwts Bidg. FOH RENT 40x7a-ft. room, sp one flight. 4-47 Union aae.; good for manufacturer. A'pifly at 12t Grand ave. for pries ad key. - HrIN f8 OFFO RTT VTTT F. i-.-.r .ilk: Ths bankrupt Jewelry stock of klenton Ho em an. truate. Hlilaboro. Or. I uimimI AND INDUSTRIAL STOCkJ reiephoae and ether bcoue bought as ee'd. r'etcner mt, t. a . Amai.tB. FOR SALE Well-established business, pan Or Bi.; Or WU " eait a. t. . u awui. lniulr 24 Sainton. u b.i k. stovau M ar r ana iuacnroojn. Call Or MO'taa .ve-wtt u at. HAAO rtiver. t-.r. $1.'.1 TAKP3 imill restaurant: muat sell at once, tan vn.... for HALt: or rrot, sood-pavln ree'aurar. I. r -aa-m si'kneaa. Uji J ! n, ."esside. Or. STOCKS of merchandlae bought for cash; stnctly connaentiai. at- nwm. j n aa. QCH-tD CORNER SALOON; s-vaar laaae. In quire room hJl torpei fEE U-.ls for Gro.;ry. lias locatluo. rant $,Uw . e jtaisay aioi. THE TOWN OF LTLB Offara Eplandld Bualnaaa Opnnr CompatittTo tranpnrtatlon. K!trlc powrr dvlopmant Proprou back conntrj. Modm city planning. "w bank. Many naw .Induatrtaa o!n 'T1- wtir not coma In and talk It ojar wltb vm while yon can at in rlfy KSA&ST. HUMASON JEFFEHT. XaaJara In L-nd. Cttajnbar of Commarca Portland. MANAOBR ?r branch offloa ln an Fn; claco raquiraa or .T.V. riTifornla. land eoncarn axtendlnr n'.ft'I"irAr Reqnirva bt of rair.u ' ..H man of aioallant bablta. Phona A. a-18 lor maroaw w - yon lan. . . jt z Hiii. un. COLUMBIA RIVER ORCHAJRD CO, 1 par cant. SO-yaar. bonda. To trada for claar raal atata. rllTCHIS, 214 JLbtn-ton bid. FOR" SALE Ona of tha baat e0"'"5110". xfl. ,rl urlnn and majraalna eiar. ica . tranaf.r v-.Uf.t; ood raaaona for aal.ln. AR (12. Orronian. "good THLNO FOR THB RI'3HT MAi ilattraaa and upholtarlnl ahop. pioya II Oi If it wora. . . . inwreatad. look thla up. FOR BALB-Baloon ana i.r -v-.-"! Poruana. cmnni .."-.";;,., BUF1NS man wtth V)00 or $10000 to taka int.raat tn a jobbing- coming coaat town; pai of book and flnancea; only thoaa with baat raiarancaa saw aiw. gonl C1GAKS and conlaouonaryvor . a" A Wat tflda location; laaao, a"" -- - - tur: flna placa for man and wife or a ladle; nice clean caah boalnea.: will aU . ..rnrtr. Drlca. J. E. Smith, bia Chamber pommarce. iiliiiit nroDOaitlon Of pub' lie nature will eall one-third In t rent yTJ. roaaonabla to reaponalOla pany iZ -,rnifhn. Ajldraaa AV SaT. ura- gonlan PM'FUABLB oocupaUon for roan oi gouu large concerne; about 1400 and beat refer- "ror l.rVSw phone JnAln 4093 or ad dreaa X SIS. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted, good ateady buelneee. m..t mean buelneae; conaldarlng volume of bualnaaa can be handled lor mall amount. A a 18. Oregonian. . ..i-1 x:. IITI 'W (T. THEATER IK-atkme furniahad gratia; Aleo aell eom- olata movtng-pictura outflu on, oaay aarrna. alao teara to operate. New r ora r n Exchange. B2H wunroiuu at. AM looking for an opening In light nana- faotunng Dueineaa. raaio.i...- . . 4 i .I., or aonntn: could In tut about 11000 and aenrlcee. X 314. Ore gon! .or-cDV cnnni. STORE. Baat buy In Portland: rant. Including all fucturea. 30: atoca at -. MX), cloee to nig ecnooi. HALL A OUBT1.V. 611 Lnmbermena bids. Tt-i-r t n-noTH THE HON El MM.tLonrv and fruit atora. weat side, obaap rent, aloe niturea. clean "Xif.CX'H REALTY OO-. 0 Alder St. r,n ai.a-r.... .... . . . in . rirat-l Lnd in treat i gai loo- AMES WBROANTTLB AOECCT( 414 Ablngton blag. JJJj CASH buye good paying mUllnery J e.nw. t T tOWn OE uina in "i'" . - - - r,. H near Portland; good cauaa for aelllng. Apply E. W. Z.. care Lowengart Co.. 7lh and BumeidA g, genu furnishing. hos atora, town o'-"u, oia . " , aaJas $l&O0; aell for caah or trade for in pay roll, mommy alow; eeii . . 7 - pro party, will reduce stock to ault buyer. Box 2M. Kent. Wash. come the bi SMALL buelneae paying gooa com: can r. run m v.r . . , .. .. or woman; furniture, leaae. all goee; small amount down, pay balance oat of business. Room S4, 2S214. Washington st. PARTNER wanted: preaalng. tailoring ousin; -m ! . sides ahar of profits, experience not neo eaaary; owner will teach you the bj'sl- nese. tail sua i.unww WANTED Partner with $l(Krt to take half lntsreet In business tn.i wt.. -S10ot per year. Unless you have the money and are A hustler, don't answer. V Sift. Crrewonlan. OLID office) bualnese wants partner U 5wP.Pwia guarantee you $300 monthly; retareacee exchanged. Room 623 Lum ber Exchange. I WANT a reliable man with V to man age business that will net him not l-ag - . . t. ntn -ur w. Randa. I m- tnan 91" uraia .. ... ... perlal Hotel. CONFECTIONERY SNAP. Rant $16: lease; nloe tradei $400, or SaLl'a'oUBt'iN. ffll Lumbermens Md. Half interest la aa eid-esAsAiished taa- aaaa. doaag a goou nwinaae. - -; "cuTara cill Slnn.y A Ftampher. Ler Exchange bidg.. rooms 6l-533. f JfuOROCERY STORE $210. Corner: rent, including futures, $11.60; S.kt 'jfirrRTTN. U1 Lurcher-moos bidg. UAJCERT AND LUNCH. Weat Side; flna looauon; good traaMI llALL ft OU8T1N. 611 Lumbermens bidg. MOVINO-PIC-n-RB th-tar-T .. . u -Bra- coming to aea it i"" - e 11 IW want To invest In a theater. T -. Ore gonian. w,.R ml C General store oomg "ri ei'-c FOR '""rrv. . e.hurh of Port and. w"; OroceT? Aalion:- 41 Commar- eial Club bidg. POOL AND CIGARS. Otter over naoaaao. 0.1 fl Vl iTft OUSTIN. 11 Lnmbermena bidg. ..... 1 I a a a 1 riON. ror eaie cheap; good toaaa ajid tnda ndeat llcsnse; location ideal. T 3-1. pendent t tregonlan. ysnrx-ERY buslnessi ons of ths best in eltf doing $oSOO buals-ss monthly: well Joca'ted! t'oT le ; muet bs sold to Betas h p partnership. M loo, oregontakat. IsT.heaT "WWd, 5.Ti..t.-MAdln and jenerson. bENTAL office with eoulpment for sale: a 2d nrooosltltn for dentist contemplatfng t . : ... t Address AR AatO. koOaUSK " .. - looating m - ... . .n.ee... In ..olid laJFrUKlLitii 1 - - 7 - , i" "2a "tnor'ia V fetL I articular. ;4S'j Stark st. 11 .. n . - c- .tw.ii,. tha beat ttroperty to th. stats; coal and" clay opened tin. For full particulars. A. . t - l lev v-O., v OARAGE with fully equipped repair shop. Tsnlxal location. Just th place for a live auto man to step Into paying lng bnelassa. Alt POO. Pregonla FOR SALE Ons abiacksrrilth shop, good lo- cation. Inquire O. U. . Stables 141 Front WANTtrv a here or any n.rt Pot Coin Machine stoca aa on gonian, ' AV $4. Ore- OROOERT: etrtctty caah. no delivery: ClaaXS falOO rOTOlll, 9rwm . l.ur:. er Exchange. Call SOs PARTNER - anted, oew to is J"Tl proflta. Partlculaaa. 2'v Stark et- i-jTimisT for sale, doing good busi ness: owner etck; cheap If taken at one. la E. Murrlaon; owner. ;7V..,l.- O V at..lne e rood business. lltrlnS- rooma rent for all i:A month; pries 7S. CaU $0$ Lomber Exchange bidg. iiitt eonfectlonerv. etc.: rent $12.60. in rroillsit a ruratauieu i"mt ' -. ,-- .Ml Call 8J Lumbsr Exchange bidg. aitu-iv end hotel. luO rooms : bar doing Boa bustnsss: onntral.y located. AB 62L Oregoralan. ttorri arrrtntc Ana. town, about $6000 will sell at Invoice: liberal discount for caah. AB 2S0. Oregonian. rtka-rve-M .rented foe a atrlctiv eash bus! nea; csn aerena on f.i nay; si id rwiaiini. Particulars. 14" ptarm aa. MEAT MARKET, furnished; choice) kes tlon; rent $14. Phone East 6126. RESTAURANT, cheap, long lease, cheap rent, good trade; terma aft let st. FOR SALE Alaska petroleum Coal stock. cheap. AC KIN uregontan, UUNt'H counter for $75; central. hers the people r. Call 24S Stark sf. RESTAURANT for sale, apply $53 Yamhill, near Park St. GROCERY STORES, all prlcea and In all parts of city. Bloch Realty Co.. I0 Alder. 3-CHA1R shop for aaJa, 388 Grand -a.. PARTIES contemplating trip to the Mlddt'hi' vt eat or c.aatern atatea may . . . . -beat Irrigated land proposition in a n Northwest and hare the opportunity i make big commlaalon and all 'r-'l '., expenaea. The land will iand the cloaeai Inveetlgation. the company U In excellent financial standing and for producttvenea". perfect water supply and Inducements vj settlers, we are without competition, ratereeted. address S mo. Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE- man with automobile, llttla or big. ao It's dependable lor country driv ing: we can start In a legitimate, cleaft tiuatneee, temporary or permanent, that will pay him $16 a day profit and up ward; (300 capital plenty; can go with one of our other men a day or a week to aea that the goods sell readily and learn how before Investing a cent. Address with phone number. A 31ft. Oregonian. IS thera anyone who will Invest $200 to ma nur act urine company Inoorporatea un der the laws of Oregon 7 He wlU be arltren 600 share of stock, together with the exclusive state lights of the States of Washington and Montana; good for over 1 yeara for a patented household article. Address P. O. Box 211. Portland. Or., for appointment. GKOC KHY One of th beet locations and cleanest stock of goods in residence dis trict of Portland. East Side; from $4000 to $6000 business per month; excellent fix .turea and low rent; on good leaae; will aell at Invoice; there is not a bad feature about It. See Hall A Reark. 42J Cham ber of Commerce. DO YOU WANT TO SELL? If yea want to aell your business, o i want partner In your business, oall and lst ma talk It over wltb yon. I bat borers waiting to get a good paying baalneaa. W. Uwranoa. SIS Lumbar BU ahanga bldgn BotA phonaa, C0MX TO TBI PACIFIC WITH WARD." A recta wanted tn Paolflo Ts'orthwee, Pacific Mutual Life, 4$ yeara old. X3 millions as eta. Wa loan money. K. H. Ward. Mgr. 71$ Spaidlag bidg. FIRST-CLASS GROCERY. Owner retiring will sell at invoica, no bonus and no fixtures to pay for, every thing flrst-claas and goes with lease. It you want aometblng good, look this up. Call room 816 Lumbar Exchange bidg. TOTJWO MAM. STFlArTOSR. areVe eareful lnvaaatlaatloit at af seller before you Invest money la uf preposition. Advisory Department, T. aw BUSINESS opportunity: splendid location for general merchandise establtshmant; Jamleaon. Or.; In midst of splendid fruit country Just being developed. Full partic ulars apply Willow River Land A lrrlg tlon Co.. Brogan. Or. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, pool room, bar ber chair and rooming-house above, cheap rent, fine location; make offer; terms If neceanary. GARLAND ft BARSNKS, 181 4th St; 260 SHARES of the capital stock of th American Automatic Fender Company, at tn per share If taken at one. A. W. B.. 93 Metro poll tan Life bidg.. Minneapolis. Minn. BUTTER, egg. poultry and fish business; owner can t depend on hired help; wajtl partner that he can depend on; he la do ing good business. Room 63S Lumber Exchange. UQHT groceries, confectionery, etc; have nice atora with living rooms; rent only tin a month; prloe sacritioed to w sell today; have gooa 34SH Stark st. ah trada. Call FOR SALE Good paying pawnshop In lumbering town of 12,500 population, long iheap rent: gooa reasons ior lng; can reduce stock to $2OO0. Addrea Hoqulam Loan Office, Hoqulam. Wash. PARTNER CASH BUSINESS. Owner will show you $30 per week; strictly caeh; $250 required; try It before you buy It- Call Bio Lumbar Exchange bidg. FOR SALE Elegantly furnished small bo- .,1 I- . heert of the CltV. flVO years' leaae; $S600 to handle, balance monthly paymenta of $100. Inquire Calumet Hotel. GOOD chance, small grocsry. gooa tii- tures. cneap rent, iwu -. - - -- lng: less than IS00 will take thU If sold at once. F 625. Oregonian. BOND Issues and loans, $100,000, upward. negotiated. L f- noeenoaum. financial agent. Height bidg- Seattle. Wn. CAFETERIA and bakery, portable oven, etc.. clearing 1U oay. rent. e-.. f " -. Call $0$ Lumber Exchange. FOR SALF1 Meat, flah and poultry maraea hut latatettnra i ii city, win ecu a.. .,,..., partners cannot agree. AG 824. Oregonian. v., -c. uttie atear. huatnaai for 676: can de. pand on Clearing ij u7. ekrte..v neceaaary. Call 4SyJ Stark at. MOVING-PICTURE theater to city for sale, rhesn. r-acinc r un. t-u.. eve auuiw.. bidg. SALOON Centrally located; doing good business; long lease; iiKirprnuaiii nt.ciien, owner leaving city. W 325. Oregonian. ICE cream, confectionery, cigar Btore. near new City fATK BUaawj treut, vav. Tabor 22SO. STOCKS of merehandlss bought ror caah ; strictly eonnoaauBi, . n " . .. . e.'in,"- 600 BUSINESS cards, $1.00; yoo muat bring tula aa. rvoss i- n-r - - - m BOOMT50 HOUSgS. uikt TK I.EST. HOTKIA ROOMING AND APARTMBTNT- HULBf.B. Ptions Main 8S6 A MTS, 23-24 FalUns bidg., 8d and Wash, nrnr. t3 tnuCTmsn VICE: Private boarding-house of 3S ROOMS, wt rnixT in EXCLIISIVSI. rent ONLY $10, C-year lease. This placs baa never been orrerea Deiorn, pui .'""is w . . . . . ntenee mntt dlsOOSe Of this St OnOO, would consider some good real aetata aa peart payment. Vri-M a. p k TtTVT! VT-rTOlTaTl 0 ROOMS, rent $325. all news long lease; must be sold and will take soma raal estate and give easy terms. 80-ROOM BARGAIN. An.TCOOM RARGAIN. NEW and elegantly furnished. COR vkr BRICK. HOT WATER HEAT, run ning water In all rooms, fins mattresses and bedding, excellent grade of carpets and furniture, location unequaled;- If you have $1200 cash ask to see this. in nnnua ON7.T I4.TO. T .oca ted near Wash. st-. sood house with furnace, rent $40. fine naifnoi iighborhood. ti onou nmiee rent 140 ner month: good laaae. run nouse ana payme " , ' " closest investigation, call room sis num ber Exchange bidg. 88 ROOMS, comer building, close In,-West Side; s-ysar lease ; win oisaaa m .'r month; must bs sold on ecoount sickmnas) price reduced from $4000 to $240 for ?L CE I?AMES CO., 88 10th. near Star. 1 ROOMS, neat and clean rant $TI with 4 yearn' lease; pries $1400. terms. Call 1 Taos Diog. lARmu roomanw-hotass: rent $50; will clear $125 per mo.; best looatlon, 107 Vi . . k nu, pantacB. Theater. By owner: must be sold at once: slcknsss. Prloe $825. o. ROOM HOUSE. Now brick building, new furniture, t- . . . . , n . aiavo tenvne HALL ft OUSTIN. 811 Ln'rabarmena bidg. VERY CHEAP. rooma, newly furnished, 8 rented pay all expenses. Furnace, very neat: very reasonable If taken at onoe. HvtarsU. 4 ROOMS, $1260. belf caah. olose In and In good roomlng-houss district; can easily clear aao per monan. a-an pi a i rvq uivjb T-BtKiM private boarding-house for sale, $o0; good Income; cheap rent; East Slda AD sit 4, crregonian. WTC have prospectlves waiting; Nat your rooming-house with us for a quirk aala Ths Klng-McKlnnon. 813 Henry bidg. 14 ROOMS, heart of city, for Bale by owner no egenta ua. urtiouiM. LOfJT AND FOUND. T-iyr ladr-i sold watch with fob. hun lng case. Initials JC A. M. on outside of case name Kit on locket, and child's pic ture 'on Inside of case; Under phon Ta bor llftl ; reward. WOULD young ladles with large hats and nlrter coats who took red velvet bag. 7th floor Meier ft Frank s, Tuesday noon, la tum to Mr. Campbell s otic at Meier ft " FVank'a Store 7 LOFT Child's gold bracelet, sngravsd. be tween Union ava and 7th St., on San Rafael, Wednesday aftamoont reward. Call C 171. IXjST Saturday, th 5th. black and white Japan poodle: return 847 S. 12ths re ward. East 40$$ LottT Brown aaal dbg. No, 5. lis turn to 364 Market, or phone Mala T841; to ward. LOST Fraternity pin. gold, set with pearls; name of owner on back. Return to Mult nomah Athletic Club. Reward. LOST Fox terrier, marked with one black eye and black spot on tall. Phone East 3M6. 028 E. 2 ltd North: reward. 1X8T July IL amethyst necklaoe; return to 710 E. Everett. Phono East 181$ or Marshall 1181: reward. 1Xst Gray elastic bait and buckle. Xela- phoao O 180 UIO .nv ' " .!.. July. 1811. small telescope books; was loll in ami ai". rooming-house or other place by Cornelius Turpln. now deceased. Tieward is erd for lnformauon concerning """" " ',."Q trt Turpln. Telephone Main or A law. LOST During the Rose rarnlval. at the Oaks, a llght-coioreu oacaiu". -sign top. set with brilliants, one red. and two green stones; prlxed as girl who wore same to Bonneville picnic, July 1. accept reward and return comb! AV 34. oregonian. FOUND Where you can buy ,enujne hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices: we renovate i mattresses and return sarnd Ayj we aiao ..c.til K-on t. Phone Main A 1374. u, , firart. n . enuK... j ..t. .V. InlH.I. -J. L. D .?'.onV;d"Van 7764. Reward. t wavt t irMXr two years, o per ceiiu iv on $3000 home. Answer P. O. Box 17, city. SPECIAL NOTICES. Propoeala Invited. ,,r -nn- TvfKTRICT COURT OF THB TOUTED STATES .FOR THE DISTRICT y. . . . - . - t Vi mntter of L.OU1S W. .r,. f-omnanv. bankrupt: The under signed will receive sealed bids at his . . -J," . . o1.r. r-enton hldg.. Port- rrAZZ ,,n to 11:30 a. m7 of Friday, August the 11th. 1811. for the following property, located at 293 Morrison street. Portland. Oregon, to wit: A stock of lewelry of the Inventory price of $.21. aq nH lot nf store fixtures of the ,.il,' ir 12389. also a lease upon tha premises known as number 293 Morrison ..-..i Portland. Orezon. terminating June, 1913. Cash or certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accom pany eash bldt and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids; an Inventory Is n at. end the nroDertv mav be Inspected noon application at the offices of th undersigned, BARGE E. LEONARD. Trustee. ATTENTION. HARD-SURF ACI3 PAVING CU Air Alt ICO. Tentative bids will be received by the fttv Council of the City of Lewiston. Idaho, for approximately 19,000 square yards of hard-surface paving. Bids to be opened at 8 o'clock P. M., September 8. 191L All hard-surface paving companies are Invited to submit a bid. Address all bids to the undersigned at Lewiston, Idaho. C F. Leland, City Clerk. Dated this Sd day of August. 1ML Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' MESjTINO, UKUUUit .n i nourj cs t tub: compant. Notlce Is hereby given that there will be a special meeting of the stockholders of Oregon Marble ft Urn Company, at the law offices of Piatt ft Piatt. B01-9U8 Board of Trad building, Portland, Or., on Tuesday, the 33d iay of August, 1911, st the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. at which meeting there will be submitted for ac tion by said stockholder ths following First Th election of a board of three I, directors, to nOia oaice uuan tut uce. annual meeting and until their succes sors shall be elected and qualified. Second Consideration of a resolution, for ths sale of all of $h property of said Third Consideration of k resolution au- thorlxlng the dissolution of said corpora tion, settling of its business and dispos ing of Its property. t- . Knh n-her business as la cog nete and aarmtu to any of the 're- S ""- e .J wieetln a r is notice te int. ouest of 'stock holders of said corporation holding more than four-fifths of the cap ital stookVtheruof. end purauant to the direction of the board of directors of said C05raedy'at Portland. Or., August L "IL CHARLES F. Bit tun.. Beoretary Oregon Marble ft Lime Company. ifoTICE Is hereby given that the ajm,'l?1 land A Aslstlc Steamship Company, ror the election of directors and the transac tion of anv other business, will be neia it room 1107, Wells-Fargo building. Port land, Oregon, on Thursday, September T, 1011. at s o ciocx . . , L. F. 6TFEL. Secret-rrT. i WILL not fee responsible for any debts eontraotad by my wife (Mm. W. A. Dun can, Jr.) from tni aate on. wmei n. Duncan, jr. I HEREBY notify tha publlo that I. Adolph A. GueltO. Will not l anaiwii.n,.. .... bills contracted by my wnt, .-ai. v...... FENANCIA1 $10,000 FOR TERM OF YBARS ON AI REAL ESTATE. -WAKEFIELD, FRIE3 CXX. 85 4th st . c.t da in irOR MORTGAGES Or sailer's equity in oontraots of sale on , real estate In Washington or Oregon. iToana H. E. Noble, $1 Lumbermens bidg. FIRST and second mortgagee and oontraou sine a -"u " m-j ., nrooertv any- purcnaaeta un ... 7', r ' f Wham In Oregon or Washington. B. In Devemaug, ltiu-s ppwiuma ums. ..nn.v . . i . ,nv emount. first and satJct.avi -- ----7. --e, J .nn mnrrraaa. anu wuu.,w city property purchaasd. E, W. A. Peaka 60t McKay bidg. WANTED To buy an agency In a reliable , fire insurance company wiau ness-already estatMisnea. j . "'" gonian. 2?00 To loan ''"Pln,1V fnoer 7 Pr CBUl. Aaraaaova s Commerce. MORTQAOB LOAMa w spksi.j wn.l Mtiiu la our rrMi- dil-y; to 8 per cent. Bee Mr Hiatt tU CHAR RINQL.ER A CO, 811 Lewia Bltfg. rv TVPROVKD cltT property or for build 0taPUes: 8 ii yearn" Urn.! liberal repayment prfrllegea; money advanced a. hnllding progreaaes. na ii.aiu.a--.- - lngs ft Loan Association. 24U etara aa- &B-.., the highest caeh prloe for builder's wai pay a". n , m ort traces, also make loans on chattels, collateral, eto. Som. Installment Co.. 608 McKay bidg. Phone Marshall 2500. . taiAA to loan out In sfn&IV sums. on good city property. C F. Pflugrer Co. real estate and loan agents, euita 11 Mnlker bidg.. iq ana nomtuu. n 81800, 13000, $5000, WJ000. iSta tuPPnVKTj PHOrE Hi 1 . SEE MR. EASTON AT 303 BOARD OF 1 riAL o. - , maaaa -e leas, real ostat. an- wi.Vi.'" VanHnstom ft Farrtogton. 411 Comm'errclal Club bidg. I . nr monev to loan Portland property In sums from $100 ts $M 000 af lowsst current rates, stooran. r Ujdnsr Boyca. 608-600 Ablngton bidg. W0,000ON improve city or iropt, .""He. an-clalty. J. H. MoKNtal. Co. 814-816-618 .GerUnger bidg. 6 PER CENT MONEY FOR MORTGAGE LOANS. T tr RANK PORTER. 804 Chamber of Commerce. FLINTY of money to loan , at aad 1 per MQI OB HI r" 1 IS BDW. P. MALL. 104 gecona st. I HAVE FROM I4000 TO $20000- TO iiOLePH. 81. BOARD OF TRAPS. ground floor . MONET 'T1.,1:" r,,lnmhl Life A T Comp.V, 16 Spalding bidg. Trust Company, IMPROVED or unimproved property; small kniiJiins loan contracts snd mortgages Sonlal'-W. " Nunn. 448 Sh.rlockDldg. r loans on city property; lowest ratea A. H. Birrsll Co, McKay bidg. 3d and Stark. ErivaTB funds to loan. any amount) PRiinV. maaonabl: mortgages purchased, GProdhomme Co.. Spalding bidg. Irn i o AN $20,000 to 830,000 on approved JrtiGo.dsohmldt'a Agency. 243 Va waahlngton. cor, ea. 'lng'ToaanX -loweTtral. W- a Beck. ... .is w.11ins bidg. unKrT loaned without brokerage If we MONEY loaaeta , R Bailer Cak- build, current rate 624 A btngton bidg. ,,... reai. personal, chattel or oollat laOANB 1 on rsai. r ?h., oS-S Fiatoa IkORTGAOB LOANS AT REASONABLE RATEtt T. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLPUt Jttri-iAL 3d -mortgage real estate loans oa nVnltlyPaym"'"- Boom U Hamilton. d -mortgage real estate -loans oa .aymenta Room 813 Hamilton. --r- y.77. iSTi s.b-rs-H. .TKv-V TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATTC. "w h. HARDING. S13 en. or Com. State funds loaned, per cent W. E. Toom. ea state agent, Multnomah Co, 400 C uf C. L1-11.BY any amount, 6 to 8 per osau Good nough eTfteltB. 610 Spalding bidg. CnNtT for good Inside .loans, 8. T, 8, CtarToesi ft Musllhaupt, Ausai a. nam, oi -.0111. CrVtuTOAQK LOANS, AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON, lita STARK ST. Private money losnea on real estate mort gagea H. Mllsyrogm 104. Geriinger bidg. $10,000 TO LOAN on 'West Side property. 210 t-tregoniau fm. nTrTv0 Vo alD:n6'o80gprnrb?dgC?tr protve f RIVATB fundv $1000 to $20,000 Lo loaa Oa amprovwa i wi... . tiAAnA lon to auma of $2500 Ana over 8t 7 per cent. I aiiHj i ( ana touuu iu ' - - - - cent. . . e $50,000 and $100,000 to Ioau at O Per nt. ' .,- i Cash for contracts or mortgragea matur- i cent. ing in six montns. HARTMAJS- A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bio. uu.-se.! iyj - ie-ln we can ma. quica Improved residence or business In amounts . . ...... . i .) ,a u ner cent. OC elUVU to fiuv.wuu, v - w r - - J. H. TIPTON CO.. 1108-10 Spalding bidg. : Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. WE 1AJAM -.-.nt LOW RATES, QUICK LOANS, NO RED iflrr. u.j.i. , on furniture, pianoe, oiuib "",' diamonds and all other kinds of personal property; payments airaiuseu .....j monthly to suit your convenience: conr- - . - .... a nfficea and aeous treaartieui au an , k. " ail DUSineaa iuhlij uut"- ' uKAl at i.i.n.ti.'ui""'. 201-2 Rothctalld bidg.. 287 Washington, --.. Jew aawaH KfVe ml t We wUl furnish you, strictly confiden tial ana witnout uiya i ak amount, on your auitt, 7. , j . livestock, storage receipt and ail kinds of securities; on terms to suit; Also weak ly or monthly paymeuae. n first and second real estats mortgages U. a REAL ESTATS ft BROKERAGE CO. Jr.n . . . v. . 1 .. tot HA Vfeltk lOAA SX.S aaaiaiiiiuii uw. - - . . IIXt$$$$f WUi HAVE. UUA&l v eaw,,. . r r I On salaries only, in amounts of rrom I .i.to. A e.W. 1 jktwaar VtCISSl hll A fflfAl. I WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. SO to aiuu; aa aue iwnto. . , Being salary loan brokers exclusively, we are enaoiea to msae auo f", - give the quickest poasiuio ewi Business strictly confidential. CjiAiEl D.V.UIU1 l ' . . ns Falllns Bids., cor. Sd and Wash. st. SHORT time loans on chattela Courteous . i 1 .ut,et. aiaatarala anil tJi 71 treatment. teaaiwa, iw.ewMe. fldentlai. x'TrtrrrtT a i. rno-in. . 608 Lumbermens bidg... 5fh and Btarn. am furniture, pianos, storage reoelpta, eca Lowell raane. HTTTTON CREDIT OCX. 807 Spalding oiag. LOWEST RATES Loans on ail kinds of se curity, chattels or real estmta Union Bro kerage Co., 613 Ablngton blag- 106 Mi 8a. MONEY toanea on uiaiuuime . - ; 77 ' -strictly confldenf.al 14He Sd. near Alder. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. "The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bidg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds sad jewelry, aaarx a mouat. t-a m Loans Wsxited. WANTED TWO LOANS. 180C 'each. Rose City Park, at S per (JDVV CLUI 1W j 'j cent. trt 111 iny . , . TONY G. ANDERSON. Builder. 401 Lewis bide. Marwaiiiwo. WANTED From private party, two loans . . . . A t A .a, - .tta,H ftf K 1 I llM I 1 TT first mortgage. Provident Investment Trustee Co., 201. zou. a jioara 01 , r.,.t trr a WTuri no lit if til bunr&lOWl l(".8f A V . . will pay 8 per cent attorney! fees, but will pay 8 per cent attomey-i feea but 220. Oregonian. WANT $3(100 1 year. 8 par cent on 000 . a e.. tnte in reetrlcted nrst morn..." .. - aistnct. w t-t. w. cla.1 Blk. In amounts from $500 to . 'f'' cent on nign-cme uuyiv.t. . . . i Dla ft r.nmi I uK ninkT. W m. C Dun-nut, eitt v-ive".. . ...a . . ... t a.eonm mod W AM.U 1 loan " """V Ttr at -line. ern bungalow, near end of W-R carllne. Addrees AP 323. Oregonian. I WANT $1000 loan on, best chattel ecur- itv. Phone t-asx liii. 81000 TO loan on real estate. W. S. Moore, 2tO0 FOR 3 years on home in restricted district; pnna-ipaaie. . . LET us placs your money, good mortgages. : rererencea r. it- uew.e. , siritMlKAIa - TfAIR-" B-AIR HAIR" IrXlT ftt, amtrlTr-TTirc. e. a ai i..V awllrhak t -P To B2-inch switch.. 1?5 istjnraVi iwlrrhei .....ss -.4n I rirpmlliK -20 Hal FafA mnMSIt . .e e - gas sSSSSeoSWWSS Shampoo . . ..... . - t.oo SuVerfluou. hair removed by elBctxictty. r.s,.rM puffs LT.5 S"h, 8M TQ rlfim aVini ID 114 arvaa. w-a waah rurrnn aca. 6ICK men and woman who want to b. " used in America or " ,e use no arugs, w- . . ,., every eleotrtca. -u" . th ment ana inji ;..-.--- -d 09 toufhin w? r'Fi hSfc terod .Physicians ZT:t disease. Wr. E. MaJlorv. Naturopath. ritiwEE penced e., mSfcur? V, CATHERINE C. GATES I have had r - n niTKH-I have had DR. "'"Jt ..rT.naH.n-B to treat- no druga pnon. 101 --.Z bTdg.. shall 814 or u..-' Tin B. 106 Thira It. xiou.e . .v - SWEDISH TRAINED rraauai-e; iu0a ... "i-i. dirM. ich ailment, unaer -'"V p'-at lltk r,vi. Hatha. maaue. No. i Eaat i-ua car una. a1 - - . vm a no TIP TT rttees of women and children, has re Dtseases 101 wou. -Rintr.. 818V4 Waah- moved to ii.w" -- - Ins-ton aa, - rVT-e rvi a TT A XTTT "RTTT. Kfcair V L x m .a-n.'A----a-, lading wig and toupea L.JLf a an F 1 mPA when delayed use laorens wm DI?anot .Tablets: always dependable: f? per bo'x. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co, t.i HOrriavu .. a Ua n KA 4V cur?" "WT . r. nltAa. ConaultatlAB tlatst., Portland. Trr. S. O. Tablets for debility from MEN Try S. O. a aQdre; money kl.AnaP TriTUUI- aa t "turned If it f alia Dr. Pierce Remedy Irwq' STEVENS, 1 years Portland's leading nfimtet and 'clairvoyant, has her 1st. r . at.lmLatrr Staae avaay, wa. eaka. a. TamhUl. oorner 7th St. .. 1 1 ATTRPI.TTNTry . of woman and surgery. Bxara- ...f"- S03 Merchant Trust bidg, ?a weahinxton. Phon. Main 4047. tj . 11 e " f ... ne rent- 8L60 month! kaB PRjst5o -inetL pressed, button LwVd oi. rTp. repaired. Prompt calls and TelSveriei Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark. MRS Short, readings and advice daily. 257 Buatia. -..at. I. car. DeValODing CIT- AdaSS&tO ea. - :. nct-. arntTtJE H will sive lessons PROF. AAir , - f,. In English, anim, . , &X2 Mam, rv-; rm 77777; uT.f-a .. . . . . . nnffa 7Ke. Sani. BWltClK.. -" - .TJ. aTltom hid e tary Beauty r -7 Iss LEWIS, late of San Francisco, treats I "i,.iA.i and diseased scalp. 406 Stark. Mam oDJtt. t . th trrt Lorens antiseptic cones are sooth 1ns SaXS anu e. a a ?T?'iSiVi Co- 2 be Morrison st. LADIES it m itetn ta etiviv. write. sat 7 rriRKNI NERVE TONIC TABLETS restavre loet vitality. 34o box; boxes $L26. Sups i?'. i T,..fi rn.. ih Morrlaon st. vbc s. B. 6EIP. mental and spiritual scl M?-S.:.. oj Alisky bidg. Main 6824. uuk- cOUBTBIHI, 't-'" And skin spe , . ao 20th st. N. Phone Main Atial I ai.ie- . Ciaiaea. - MALM OF FIGS Ramedles for diseesHsTaij niia. laavis sCn Ma-an aua. ; F. A. SENNET, gold, silver and platinum renner, aci e.i e--- ------ srf floor. 14i th St. Main tlu9. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory aoo 0r0-1.c31.11m wwa. au -- Wells Ac Proebstel. mining engineer, chem- lets ana Assayera uarx trr eeme.w. Anto Supplies. F pi KEEN AN CO., 190 Fourth St., Em " - Ures popJ) Mg. Co.. Dloycle, . "- t . J! ' wr. r-o ' . hlovrle pire auiu uret, rwjj -L - auto bicycle and motor supplies, venicla ruDoer tires, ruunei -u. ,,.e. Attorneys. k. JU. LUUI Cll, ...... i.i;.. - Dractit-e. abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 142S Yeon bidg. M. $73 ; A S07L THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to 400 Btttus and Swimming. HILL'S SANITARIUM' Rueumatie treat- mant, aiegaut v " " a - -" " - -- Brass kind Max: tain e'orks HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting A . . . . ., ..V. TLteln 9 7 1 11 and maenme wore. iut ... i.. . Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKKER. Columbia Bidg., next Star . , c- .. tea it. f, n f i. - vt 5 q ; s. thlroDotlltt. WILLIAM Estelle and Floasie Deveny, the i . . . .1. l,nnnH late In th CltV. ranora aoa ut;riiiikci u.ua.. w ... enri Alder. Phone Main 1301. Dr. Martin Braun. surgeon chiropodist from ... - . tt.i. -i... nmnlial Vlenna. ixi D aiaipeaiiki atui'tiw.j . - -- - Austria 208 Rothchlld bidg. Ph. Main 6851. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. ni aoa rii.na, kMr Main 3473. -. Xllll. taiiii.t.e . . ..s.. . " . . Collections. PORTLAND Collection Agenoy $l'AllskY . . j . , . . . ?at7 la. 4212. 7 Dlug. .li ueatve iwueitta. " ..... Con trar tors. W. L. BUCKNER, contractor. Jobbing, of-e-. , , . . . i .. o xt ath at- Mam xico anu aauie iciiiiib. - - -. .. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. -f 14 wells-Fargo bidg. Main 581C . 0881; A. tt0a. IV oomawu. - Dancing. WALTZ, two-step, three-step and stags dancing lessons xoc: ever. """"?.',-:,. ernoon ana evenins. nut. - . at, -Dancing School. ESoVi Wash. St., bet.- w. . Park and 10th sts. RINGLER'S dancing ohool-.,f1acH1,1Sim3Sr! Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where brlsfw, lmpossioie; aoes sway . .j 7 - , brldgework; we cure pyorrhea IW?" teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable PeP' Alv.olen Tlental Co.. A.bIngton bltlg. 10o 3d. DR. H. B. GARRISON. ,Puaw PWUdjI; pnia ueni.l a.uiit:ee. , , r : chants Trust Bidg. Mam 64S4. , THE old reliable Union Painless Dentlsta laa anu aaairriauii na. Engines Gas and Steam. ROB3R Machinery Co., Coast Bury steam engine anu """"""t," S 514 glUea 2bl-0 ... iVTorriHuii e.. , . Feed Store. ZIGLER ft MISNER. hay, grain, le1' ment, sningiea ... u.q"u . Leather and Findings. I M A STICK ft CO.. 74 Front. Leather CHAS Jf-tiol taps, mfr..' findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- tablisnea i" Ladles' Tailoring. R. RIEDEL. ladles' tailor, taer- EUers Diag.. Musical . V Kmll Thlelhorn. violin teacher puplleveiiu 00 aiarquam. o- , -. ft-tnonattaio l'Uyalclans. y.aeup- - n-i,kvillsl R. LERO x . b"a...f';. Taol. un-. 1122 Selling bidg. M. 13S7. A ! r, & Northrup. 410-1U-17 Dekum bidg. Dr. R- JS"" frhrmlo Diseaaea Phone" SEjLLilii!!?.; "Vaunts. Oils and uiass COAST-MADE paint, and varnish gmt - Pii.Mit Attorney. ' rNTS procured h, .no rrnetnher of Commerce Bidg. Km. '" of Trad, bidg. 1'avlug. S-Hlt Barber AspTaTTPavlng Compan, , 0 ' oS Electric hldK. - SS.va.lilM- Construction CO. eu "-r"Hit. and ciwalK ax. 7 Pawnbroaers. Pine. t ' plumber. n m Main iVUA, n -v ra. o : Rut Weavers. ZrmZ XSi union ave.. nr. x- ea , ' " Safes. . BecondatJdJitwds , oTiklnTl'ur, tooUi lgh" IH lces lor ,econd-hand IcT bnTnch Grand Rap- "" " . ' ' -,ga Co 4ltl and Couch; new - rTVr-V; lii.7:::r & sb;w Co., offlce. C-.Zk mmodlou. A-.toy br ck war. house. - rnnnis kuu insi"va Valuable.; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine tV: pianos and furniture , ".acked for shiPP'na'-""i-:Tr domii; louui a...- . a n fiti. A iao. j In OUT IDIUUiaU - ..f. nnn i .11 houaehaHd goods hauled by us go All houaeiiuiai . warehouse, abao- lnto haianoe of month, and at lutely treat tQereafter. Expert lng and packing tor .u.k,.. --t- er t-' " 7r OIjSr ttVriBferrlng and storage, safe f Genera L orniaure movsd and packed fr.Wlimcatt: 87-89 Front .U Telephon. . CAT Of A aiiil la JrLniu TRANSFER CO.. established 170. OREGON ,TV forwnxdlng agents Storage TraMfer and torwaai s . oUlcs 810 ', -Vi. bu a liai. ynopq " 7 TaxidermUt. I - 1 - ' . . - I TrDeiVnieri. a m w ffpaCIAL sals on rebuilt typewriters; to re BPi",'ur stock we are selling a number o ?""?.-ia.. machines at actual cost. to $5.) t-0 to $40 . $i!0 to $10 ' tn tUl L. C Bmia'i- raeaaaii- . - Emith Premier . Olivers ... roakes of machines and W,.onfo very good ones as low as $10, . have some, vary ;". T. ftS. mTa sale will conUnu. for a or. tune only. 'printing Co- rsvoiuoo"-.-!. k r ,v. i.r.eet ..n corner 01 aej... are the cnau .. in"vu.'at;: 1 To. Typewriter Ex- IS1 Tt 'iP8"11" -naaiK.. . hunt, second-hand rentals, at cut NEW. IWUllC sea- Stark. M. 1407. rates. a-. - : ...lnarv Schools or Colleces. FRANCISCO VETERINARY COI ohik. Session begins Sept. 15. Catalogu LEXi t81g Market sc. S. F. Tree. it. : Well Drilling. - n, a xpe'clalty; price reason in illin 1346 or write Mliier 4 I able. caw a Portland. RILLING . wen. - r-.l able. cati ju - Weat- 12 MO"""" e... a........ Wood and Coal. FaURNSIDB FUEL CO. r'noiesale and re . ..tee fir and hardwood, rirrioa aTd yards at 125 E. 7th sc Phone East rTTA. V 2777. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller , .a n.e Inert rt Mveret tn an vooo, t.vw r ' .... -" j place in th. city. Portland Wrecking Co... Tnn-107 11th St. North. Main 37. A 8738. 15EGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord- . j . , .i,kmH Ott, enrt tIl&.n. kf wuuaa tkaita . - - s.M- M. 8S51: A 2415. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood ana coat Main katvrat; it. ...tf. COAL ALB IN A FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E- 83D ST. WOOD. iiATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal mud wood, , . -1 tkAo. aA7 Water at-