Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 09, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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9. 1911.
divisions In the reserve and the Coos
Bar band besides. Tha total number
of enlisted men Is about 150. Twenty-
five from Marrhfield and lo from the
new Bandon division have gone to
Portland to bring bark the crulaer Boa-
ton, which will be here August l to
remain two months. In that time, all
the men will Tecelve training on the
The new Randon organisation will be
known a the fifth division. The com
mander la Dr. L. P. Sorensen. who ha
the rank of Junior lieutenant. Dr.
Smith J. Mann la assistant surgeon, and
Earl S. Oher. enslgu. Dr. E. E. Straw,
senior lieutenant of Marshfleld. ha
Effects of Tacoma Women Not
Returned, Even Though
, Search Is Made.
command over all three dlvlslona. Uni
form will at once te furnished mo
Bandon men and a drill hall has 'al
ready been provided for. Thlrty-aeven
Stock Must Be Reduced to Make Room for New Departments of MetVs Furnish
ings and Hats Tremendous Price Reductions Prevail in All-Departments
Two Counties to Join In Prosecotlon
of Pr. Haszard. Ret for First
Week In October Court
Terra at Tacom.
TACOMA. Wash.. Aug. Special.)
That Ml Dorothta wr.llarr.soa. ona
of the patlente ef Dr. Linda Burfleld
Kinird. ia cot yet cut of danger a a
mult of aubmlttln to tha alleged
-starvation turC n tha declaration
of ber attending physician. Dr. A. H.
Col. man. tonight.
"Miss Williamson ha improved rap
Idly under tha rood cara of her Bars.
Conway, but In her grcatiy weak
ened and reduced condition It will ba
menlha before eha reaches inrwbtrj
near her normal condition." continued
Dr. Coleman.
-She 1 not In need of any treatment,
only food. Until It la determined
whether there are any organic trou
bles It will ba Impossible to say far a
certainty whether aha will recover. At
present ahe ti eonvaraselns; rapidly,
but her recovery la not certain."
That not only money and Jewel be
longing to tre M.sses Wt!ltamon are
mlaslar. but that clothe and other per.
aonal effect a wail have disappeared,
waa tha itatement of Vice-Consul
Agassis today.
-We have no trace of the women a
clothing." aald Mr. Acasatx. "We can
not do much to recover theaa personal
ffecta until after tha trial af Dr. Ras
ard." .
-Dr. Haisard probably will be riven
a trial about October 1. ald Attor
ney Frank Keller, after hla return
from Seattle, where he conferred with
Prosecuting Attorney Stevenson, of
Kltaap County, with whom he will
be associated In the trial of tha case.
We are going at the preparation of
tha prosecution's caae ayatematlcally.
Affidavit from peraona who have been
former patlenta of Dr. Haaxard are ba
in prepared, and all etatementa made
by them la connection with the method
f treatment will tbua be fully aubatan
tlated. ao that there can ba no retrae
tlona. 1 believe that In three weeka we
will have a network of evidence that
will make It impoaalble for tha doctor
to escape."
Deter Meeting Take Action
Toward Voting Bond.
HATMOD, Wash, Aur. (Spe
cial.) The meeting of tha Paclflc
rounty good roaoe -worker at Lcnr
Beach on Aufiit wa well attended
and very enthusiastic and will no
doubt result In an early effort to build
more road In thla county throutfn tha
resolution, unanlmoualy carried In favor
of a trunk ytem of roada east and wet
and north and aouth through tha coun
ty and tha voting of bond to finance
the building of tha same.
Tom Richardson, of Portland, ad
dressed tha delegates, and In speaking
' of the Inte.-est taken In tha movement
paid Raymond a high compliment when
ha ald: The delegation from Ray
mond la thi largest one from a mall
city, attending a purely butne meet
lna; where the cut to reach the meet
In I mora thru $1.00. that I aver
Other speaker Include Mayor A. C.
Little, of Raymond. Jucge Bloomfield.
of Long Beao.-. Eil Rockey. of Bay
Center: E. H Wright, of South Bend:
G. U. Hick, of South Bend, and Senator
lpy. .w
The next regular meeting or the as
sociation will ba held In Raymond
September I.
farmers In Colon County Firm In
Stand Against Company.
ENTERPRISE. Or, Aug. S. (Spe
cial. Tha telephone war In Wallowa
County la still on. Representatives of
the Home Independent Company, which
lost a large majority of ita ubcrlbera
In the county on August 1. have been
going from town to town. It Is aald.
trying to make the people of one local.
Ity believe that those In another local
ity are satisfied and have ordered their
phones put back. They even went so
far. tt la declared, aa to telephone re-
ports to La Grande last eight that the
people of Joeph had adopted the com
pany' propoal at a mas meeting and
would order their phonea In again.
Sach waa not the cue, according to
, report from that city, which are to
the effect that no action -was taken.
Word was received today from Allcel.
In Cr.lon County, saying that a mm
meeting waa held last evening and the
telephone company1 plan rejected. A
committee to confer with the people In
other aectlona of L'nlon County waa
named. From all Indications the war
oa the telephone rates has only begun
Instead of being virtually settled.
Committees of farmer are working up
aentlment for a co-operatlv telephone
system. All telephones In Enterprise
are still out of commission.
Vcsmcn Make Bungle of Attempt to
Get Railroad Money.
SCAPPOOSE. Or, Aug. t (Special.)
An attempt was made Sunday night to
rob the large safe In the Astoria
Columbia River Railroad depot at Scap
poose. Entrance to the depot waa gained by
prying open a transom over the back
door. The bottom waa broken and pried
off of the safe with heavy too la. but the
attempting safe-crackers mace a Bun Job and could not get the strong
tox open. They stole a speeaer ana
went toward Portland.
Cnnntv'a Xaval Reserve to Be
Trained on Cruiser Boston.
elaL) Coos County now ha better
representation In the Oregon I.avai
lltla than any other county in tha
state. With the organisation of a new
division at Bandon the county ba three
I 1
M : ..... 1
Y ' -H
te V
f . 1.
J, Eacllah Palater.
VANCOUVER. Willi, Aug. I.
(Special.) Joe. an Engllnh point
er bird dog. owned by Alexander
iicDonaM. of this city, knows and
doea a number of tricks no other
dog In this part of the atate will
do. Ilia big feat la diving 33 feet
from tne lop of the Northern Pa
cific dock Into the Columbia
River to retrieve sticks, or any
thing else that la thrown In for
Mm to get. This trick waa taught
thla Summer. When the water
was about even with the top of
the dock he waa taught to bring
back sticks thrown In. Then the
water began to recede, and Joa
would have to Jump a foot or so
more dally. Joe will aVso buy
'candy and peanuts, taking tha
money In bl mouth and going
two block to a certain dealer,
wbo know what be want.
men have been enlleted and the num
ber will be Increased to fifty.
Electric Power Turned on in Xew
System for First Time.
CHEHALL3. Wah.. Aug. 8. (Spe
cial.) The new 175,000 power plant
constructed by the Washington-Oregon
Corporation at Chehalla began
service today. Parkinson burners have
been Installed in the plant ao that local
lignite coal may be burned. It la ex
pected that the use of local coal will
materially cut the cot of operating.
Half of the complete plant haa now
been erected, and work on the aecond
half will be rushed.
The two units of tha new plant, with
the four boiler operating, will gen
erate 760 kilowatts. When tha aecond
unit la completed he whole plant will
be used as an auxiliary to tha bis
power-bouse that la now being In
stalled at Kalama. With the exception
of one night about a month ago. when
there was a alight breakdown, tha elec
tricity supplied Chehalla and Centralla
baa proved aatlafactory.
Mosler Men Forced to Watch Animal
Devour Deer.
M03IER. Or, Aug. 8. (Special.)
Edward Dunamore, FYed Templemlre,
George Hukcy. and Jake McCowan.
Hosier business men. have returned
from a week's bunting trip In the
mountains back of Cascade Locks. One
three-prong and one five-prong buck
were killed. The huntera say there la
fine ahootlng In tha mountains with
plenty of big game.
Oo the second day out tha first deer
waa killed and camp was made on
Eagle Creek, the deer being strung up
to a tree. The hunters stood their
gun up against the tree and at day
break were startled t see a black
bear devouring their venison. Bruin
refused to be scared away, and aa the
guna were not within reach, the hunt
ers became .frightened and sougnt
other quarters until the bear had de
AValla Wall Woman Saya Another
Had Husband's Attentions.
WALLA WALLA. Ws,sh.. Aug. S.
(Special.) Saying that she shot her
husband because another woman, who
rtie alleges Is Mrs. Matilda Reetser,
came between them. Mra. D. B. Wood
ruff today told her side of the shoot
ing affair of yesterday. She showed
Uttle feeling for ber husband, and only
Inquired for hla In a matter of fact
"I begged him on my knee to come
back for the child's sake." aha said,
but he would not. He told me be
would go to see ber whenever he
pleased, and I replied that ha would
not. if I had atrength to prevent It. I
had never shot a gun before. He saya
I drove blm to her. but I don't see how
that could be. when 1 waa In the hos
pital three weeka He never stayed
an hour with me. Before he met that
wicked woman he treated me ao good,
and we were ever so happy.
Steamer Potter Account Astoria
Effective August 10 and continuing
durlrg the Astoria Centsnnlal ' the
learner T. J. Potter, for Megler. will
leave Ash street dock daily except
Saturday and Sunday at 8:00 A. M. In
stead of i A. M.. touching at Astoria on
down trip. On Saturdaya at 1 P. M. for
Megler only. In addition to the Potter, tha
steamers Harvest Queen and Hassalo
will leave Ash street dock daily ex
cept Sunday at 1:00 P. M. (Saturday
at 10:00 P. M.). The Harvest Queen
will run direct to Astoria, returning
via Megler: the Hassalo to Megler di
rect, returning via Astoria.
For further psrtleulara, reservations,
etc.. call at City Ticket Office. Third
and Washington streets.
$22.50 and $25.00 Suits at
$30.00 and $35.00 Suits at
$40.00 and $45.00 Suits at . . . $27.50
con onri Mori's
Two-Piece Suits at Qj3 JL
273-275 Morrison
At Fourth
State Purchasing Board Not
Stupendous Success Yet.
Project Favorite of West, Who Ad
mits He Doesn't Know How It
Will Result, bnt Ask for
More Time to Find Out.
SALEM. Or- Aug;. 8 (Special.) Al
though several month have elapsed
since the law creating; the State Pur
chasing; Board and the office of State
Purchasing Agent went Into effect,
member of the Board are a yet un
able to ay whether the law la prov
ing; a benefit to the atate, or whether
It will result In virtually wasting; the
appropriation of 750O made for the
two years. .
Many poITtlclana. In particular, have
been watehlna; this board with Interest,
since one of the hardest battle In the
last Leglalatur centered about the
passage of the measure. Senator
Bowerman and Governor West each
had decided Ideaa aa to how state aup
pltes should be purchased. Bowerman
believing In the establishment of a
commissary and West In the purcbaa
Ing board Idea. An effort to ffct a
compromise failed and West bill be
came a law.
Oovernor Wet and Secretary OI
cott have "both expressed themselves
as unable to ay yet whether the
board ta a aucce. "Give ua ome time
to And out." ay West. l am frank
to ay that I do not know whether tha
board will reault in aaving or los to
the tat. I am conQdent the Pur
chasing; Agent I a good man for the
place and knowsa much about buy
lnr as any other man In Oregon.
Tha Governor bellevea that the board
will effect aome aaving by Judieloua
buylr.s: of certain article, the price
of which fluctuate In the marketa For
lntanee. he bellevea that a aaving may
be made on prunea by purchasing In
the open market and watching for an
opening to buy when prlcea are low.
Just as In purchases made for commer
cial purposes.
Joseph Warehouse Pays Dividend.
JOSEPH. Or.. . Aug. 8. (Special.)
The board of director of the Joseph
Warehouse Company today declared a
dividend of four per cent, which Is the
first dividend paid to Its stockholder
during the three year of Its existence,
notwithstanding the fact that they
earned 15 per cent annually on their
capital stock. Heretofore, the -aurplu
waa used for new and up-to-date equip
ment. The dividend wa quite a sur
prise to the stockholders, as originally
the stock was subscribed for more as a
donation than an investment, the town
of Joseph being very much In need of a
warehouse. y
Grand Army Men Meet.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. . (Spe
cial.) The annual encampment of the
Clark County Grand Army of the Re
public wlil be held at Orchard, begin
ning Wednesday and continuing for the
remainder of the week. The first meet.
Ing will be held In the evening, fol
i .. .. k n i.pmnhi nlcnlft and
campflr. Tha business meeting will
Chesterfield Suits
. . $15.00
. . .$19.50
be held the next morning, and officers
elected for the ensuing year. The vet
erans will be entertained In the after
noon by the Lew Wallace and Ella
worth Posts, Women's Relief Corps.
O.-W. K. & X. nd Milwaukee Line
to Portland From Tacoma Rumor.
CENTRAXJA. Wash.. Aug. 8. (Spe
cial.) Development- of Ihe rumor
that the O.-W. R. N. and Milwaukee
roads will loin force and build a new
line from Tacoma to Portland are be
ing watched with Interest In Centralla,
aa the new line would probably go
through thi city. If the deal doea go
through It Is not believed that It wll)
In any way affect the 1175.000 Improves
menu for Centralla. In which the O.
W. R. N. is interested.
The road owns almost one half of
the ground which haa been designated
for the new depot in this city, and U
It should build a line of it own from
Tacoma to Portland, the new depot
probably would be used Jointly by the
two systems.
Lighthouse Keeper' Skmll Crashed.
ASTORIA, Or,. Aug. 8. (Special.)
John Enquest, keeper of the Destruc
tion Island lighthouse, wa lnatantly
killed there yesterday, while assisting
In unloading coal from the lighthouse
tender Heather. As the ' big derrick
was being swung around tha top of it
broke off, striking Mr. Enquest on top
of the head." crushing the skull. The
deceased waa a native of Sweden and
about 65 years of age. He left one
brother, Fred Enquest. who Is a fisher
man on the river.- W. Charles Modeer.
second officer of the Heather, and Alex
Sanders, a deckhand, were close to En
quest when he waa killed, but escaped
unhurt. The broken part of the der
rick waa found to bet badly decayed.
Rancher Violate Fire Law.
ASTORIA. Or..- Aug. S. (Special.)
Harvey Movlok. a rancher In the Up
per Necanlcum River district, was ar
raigned In the Juatlce Court thl af
ternoon on an Information sworn to
by J. W. Webb, a supervising lire war
den, charged with Betting out Area in
the closed aeason. After hearing the
evidence Justice Goodman Imposed a
fine of 150 and suspended the sentence
with the admonition that llovlck must
start n more flres without first secur
ing a permit from the officers.
Medford to Observe Labor Day.
MED FORD, Or- Aug. S. (Special.)
Races, a parade, a barbecue and pub
lic speaking, besides all manner of
competitive and novelty ports. will
feature the celebration of Labor day
by the local unions September 4. The
Central Labor Council Is making plans
for the celebration, which will be the
biggest ever held In the valley.. Prom
inent labor speakers will make ad
dresses. Many Hunt In Curry 3ountains.
MARSHFIEX.D. Or.. Aug. 8. (Spe
cial.) Many hunter are now in the
mountains of Coo and Curry Counties
after deer. Several sought the most
favored places several darys before the
open season began so that they would
be first on the ground. Thla year Curry
County eeems to offer most promising
hunting. The deer are reported to be
plentiful and new . of uccesa come
from many of the hunter' camps.
18 Cars of Steers Go to Sound.
TAC1TVU rw A llf 84SD6Clal.'
special train of 18 cars of three-year-
old steers left Bore mis morning- con
signed to the Seattle market. The
........ r.m from tue Snake River
range and were in fine condition.
Historical Institute to Have
Noted Speakers at Astoria.
Addresses at Centennial Celebration
Will Be Given Where Incidents
Discussed- Are Believed to
Have Occurred. .
SALEM, Or,. Aug. . (Special.)
Several more speaker who will parti
cipate in the historical educational in
stitute, which will be held In Astoria
; September 6. 8 and 7, have announced
their intention of being present.
George H. Himes, president of the
Oregon Historical Society, will be
among the speakers. Professor T. G.
Young, of Eugene, secretary of the
same loclety, will speak on "Signifi
cant Oregon History for the Life of
Today." Professor Joseph Schaefer, of
Eugene; Frederick V. Holman. Port
land; Eva Emery Dye, Oregon City, and
State Superintendent Alderman will be
among the other speakers. Aa nearly
aa possible historical addresses will be
given on the spot where the incidents
which furnish the subject matter for
, the addresses occurred.
Superintendent Alderman la oonn
dent that these "on the spot" historical
addresses will be the cause of wide
spread interest throughout the North
west and that (he institute both along
educational and historical linea will be
among the greater auccessea of the
Astoria Centennial celebration.
In Nightmare She Sees Murderer At
tack Mate, Draws Revolver
and Splinters Bed.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug. 8. (Spe
cial.) Lying in her apartments at
Second avenue North and Harrison
street, early this morning, Mrs. John
Wolf saw a dark figure stealthily en
ter the adjoining room of her husband
and tiptoe toward the bed. Over the
head of the unconscious sleeper the
unknown assailant raised a heavy
weapon resembling an axe, and stepped
back to deal him a crushing blow.
When Mrs. Wolf awoke from her
nightmare she found herself standing
in the open door with a smoking re
volver in her hand, while her husband
was endeavoring to calm her. Im
bedded In the rail of the couch. Just
below the pillow where his head had
rested was a bullet, from which he
had escaped most miraculously.
Patrolman E. Geiser heard the shot
and rapped at the rear, of the Wolf
grocery. He was admitted by Wolf,
who explained that his wife was sub
ject to bad dreams, although aha had
never become violent before.
She. when she realized the narrow
Ladies' Tailored Suits
and $35.D0 Suits at
and $45.00 Suits at
and $6(X00 Suits at
Men's Outing 1
Trousers at 2
escape of her husband, became hys
terical. Between sobs she told how
he had thought she saw somebody at
tacking her husband and had shot to
protect him. The man, she believed,
had crawled under the bed. Geiser
searched the refuge thoroughly but no
sign of a man could be found.
Holladay and Larrabee Residents
Want Bridge Connection.
Residents and property owners, on
Holladay avenue and Larrabee street
say they will insist that a direct con
nection be made with the East Side
approach to the new railroad bridge.
Removal of the present steel bridge
will leave these streets in bad condi
tion they argue, especially on Lower
Holladay avenue, where between $500,
000 and $1,000,000 has been invested
in improving the streets and In erect
ing modern buildings. It is asked that
Larrabee street be extended along the
brow of the bluff to the approach. This
extension, It is contended, will provide
Holladay avenue and Larrabee street
with connection with the new . rail
road bridge.
Larrabee street and Mississippi ave
nue together make a highway three
miles long, ending at Kllllngsworth
and connecting with practically all
streets In the North East Side while ;
Holloday avenue is also a highway of j
Francis Clarno, president of the
Steel Bridge Push Club, has been
urging the necessity for an approach,
and at first asked for a steel conduit
JHv. iniith frnm VTol 1 A d V Avenue
over the grounds of the railroad !
yards, but this waa found Impractical.
Idaho Varsity Builds Roads.
MOSCOW, Idaho, Aug. 8. (Special.)
The University of Idaho,' under the
direction of Dr. W. L. Carlyle, director
of the experimental stations of Idaho,
is preparing to build a sample mile and
a half of dirt road, extending from
the university campus through the
agrlculural college farm. It Is Intended
Yes, Sdssco Will
Qror Your Hair
Prevents Baldness And DandruiL Re
stores Gray Or Faded Hair To
Its Natural Color.
alls ilain An AaKkerea. AxeYeanf?
Swissco stops dandruff quickly, grows
new hair and restores gray and faded
hair to Its natural youthful color.
Swlssco stops baldness, bald spots,
falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp,
brittle hair or any hair or ecalp
trouble. -
To prove that our claims are true we
will send you a large trial bottle free
If you will send 10c In 'silver or stamps
to help pay cost of postage and pack
ing to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., iit
P. O. Square. Cincinnati. O.
- Swlesco will be found on sale at all
druggists and drug departments every
where at 60c and 11.00 a bottle.
For sale and recommended In Port
land by
W ft - - . S iLT
. .
S 1 6.SO
. . . $27.SO
Z33 -e4"4 SF
Ladies' Entrance, 148
Fourth Street
to be made serviceable for the farm
and to be utilized when showing the
farm to visitors.
BOO pairs Men's and Women's Tan Button
Boots, ti grades. We sell all sizes for
$2.50 a:
Upstairs Lafayette Bids;.,
813 Washington St., . E. Cor. Sixth.
They Grow Hair
Certain Ingredients, if Prop
erly Combined, Stimulate
Human Hair Growth.
Resorein is one of the most effective
germ destroyers ever discovered. Beta,
naphthol Is a most powerful, yet abso
lutely safe germicide and antiseptic,
which prevents development of germ
matter and creates a clean. . healthy
Pilocarpine, although not .a coloring
matter or dye, is an Ingredient well
established for its power to restore
natural color to human hair.
Borax, because of its well-defined,
softening and cleansing properties, Is
most useful in the treatment of scalp
and hair diseases. Glycerine acta aa a
stimulant to the hair bulbs, and haa a
soothing, healing and nourishing in
fluence. Alcohol is Indispensable In
medicine because of its antiseptic,
stimulating and preservative qualities.
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic la chiefly
composed of these ingredients, which
are compounded in a peculiar form,
and we believe It Is the most effective
remedy known to medical science for
scalp and hair troubles generally. We
personally guarantee it to eradicate
dandruff and scalp Irritations and to
grow hair, even though the .scalp In
spots Is bare of hair, providing, of
course, there is life and vitality re
maining In the hair roots.
We want everyone troubled with
scalp disease, dandruff or loss of hair
to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. . If it
does not remove dandruff and promote
a growth of hair to the satisfaction of
the user, we will without question or
quibble return every cent paid- us for
it. This guarantee is printed on every
package. It has effected most satis
factory results In 93 out of 100 cases
where put to a practical test.
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is entirely
unlike and in every particular differ
ent from anything else wS know of for
the purpose for which it Is recommend
ed. We urge you to try it at our en
tire risk.- Certainly we could offer no .
better guarantee. Two sizes, B0 cents
and 11.00. Sold In Portland only at The'
Owl Drug Co., Inc., Cor. 7th and Wash
ington Sts.
1 1 il 9 iJ
El 1 j CLEANS I ! 3
yJ I scours B V J
I Solid Cake I