17 THE MOUSING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1011. r 1HK BARKKR. fr. 2Iat inJ Irving ---TMi m-w 4-atory brKfc oi"iH January 1. llll: furniih.,1 a fv4 unfumlihM In two. three r.l four-room auitea. illft reception ra.l- I e.-lflc phor.e In earn prtrarnl; rl."-'r!c e.ator. Tolmaa d!.a;pnng b'l. bal l In bufrel inl rl:mi-cH. gee rant, Iceoox. plenty ef el- room- If you ami aometnlnc extra f i "-. corns to the Peh-r. I'riont i!rm;l 11. THE NORTHAMPTON. 4.T fll! st, now 1 and -roora furnished RPrtmnu. walking d-atance; Janitor aerv lo. phone Main :. ihvingtkn ru.vT.-t 1TTH AND T 1 1.1. Ail' KiK. Beautiful naw bui'dmg. mahogany en trance, private froat porcr.ee aad arse srra-nad a.aaptng porches. 4 rnn. I'H r.! hardwood f:ore. built-in buffat tlr.p .1.. ii.e batha. On. kitch-n. equipped w:-r las n and water thta bui;.I!n la id tha heart of Iramatoa. ur rouaded by beaut if'il homes, rant $Ji.u. T. C BOWMAN -?-- . H j2i and Ilrata-. C q--. E- rOR RENT Twa 1-room flata. walklna distance. utH-wmi and mod.m ronveni (iitri. Mulm-niar. at., corner I nloo ave.; a fin. buamr.. . .ration for a or th. lika; on. HM. the other $..! per monm. Mrmns and evenings, gel th. k.r i:foi tha street. Phone ercnlngs Kail 7.". 'akKW mo-l-rn. l-roora fat. Basement, fur laundry. " h.fr. elegant china c.-l aal wardrobe. reach p.sts glasa, eaey wa-klng dlat.rice; J Pop.e "my. rrlc $:: E. 7lB and Coach. Tele phone klaet 1.116. "INB flat of six rooms, furniahad with etl ran., and gas plaf.. atrlct.y P-t-1 fin. lar. bui.t-In pantry. ardrob.a. r--r- 0. ain bath and waehtub: larg. rooma, wa.l lighted, rent J Kay at drugstore. Front and Otbta. ij. sw, nrodrra -room lower Bat. oua block 1. car. wa.kln. di.tan.-.. cheap to the r'cht party. 4M S E. Couch. 1'hoaa taat tWrfi , NKW l-ro..m flat, turna... flr.plara. jaa rana. wat.r hat.r. ImoWm kitch.n and bathroom, taal lyth and fcvaratt ata. B-A car. i, ti,T furniahad fiat of rooma. v.ry p",.aart location, t block from Multno mah flub. imin Marahall !.. ilT'N"lO.V AVE.. tMlat Prracott It, b-w -room f'at. Ura bathroom, (aa coolt ato.; l; S earun.a. vi, tT furniahrad fiat, flvo rtx.ma. inod .ra eonv.nl.nraa. Ineludtnj plaao;.on car lln. a-U 'h- -KC"'M lowar furniahad flau flr.placa.Jur rac. food condition. Jo ETaratt at. Mam S I -t. . H'iioST nw .Vroom flat, haa porch, flro p;ac ate. Si.la. walklr di.tance; rem IJ month, fall ! V'tJat- Kr.KKNT-roo'rn flat. bath. aa. 'clr'tJ firrp.aa. wood-lift, alatlonary tuba. UlaHa Kaj M'rrlaon. l'hODTab.r171v a-K'H'i flat. bath, atatlonary tuba, baaa- mrnt. Third at. TWO naw (lata. 'Eaat Slda. central, modern. pnona Eaat 2I1Q. Hn'il uppar naw flat, modern lmproa- ment; r.ntl3i.Inqulra 2 Oraf jn at. MODERN 5-roont flat. Hth. naar Jackaon. Weal Sida. 1 o mil- walk.Ml n or A 1 --0. a j l-r.m flat. n.w. modern; aalklnf dtatane. no children, flioaa C S.IU. fFrTNH El nat; oner will board with party If dealrel. " fommerrlal block. riHNlSHCl' 'at. rooma, bath. Waat SnI. Marahall Mil. jK RKNT 7-r.w.m flat, ail Corbalt at- K.y at 1 Whi'akar at. -RioM up-t.i .1 e (lata. epr-ait Multno mah flut. Injulra iamoo. a-nooll Tat, cl"".e m eleaant view, only . . . . . . . ... 1 1 I ..( hula. a monto. - - VbuuH flat with bath. i Salmon au K.y at aa Salmon. 5TjLKKS 3 and 4-room flata. pfivata bath. wa.Kint dmance. I'.'J ' Hall at. A VW a-room Bata. furnianed or ucf urnUaail, Eaat l"ih and Aah. U NEW mlarn fiat, alao room cottaxe; cloaa at-l brul. Pbuca Woodlawn Is. a. MOKRNroom-flat, S North loth, naar HurLilda. RiK'M lower flat. flrepla. furnaca. oo4 coocliuon. a. Northrup. ilala SliJi. vi XT of 6 rooma and bath. "31W llovt at.. Bear --d. lnqmra l.n lth at. Main -. t. Monweweeptaa Rooma. 3MB WEAVER. !-'' 4 Marahall. tr Blabad for bouaekeeplna. saa ranaa. a.ac trl llhia. hot watar. bath, laundry, fraa; lla aar month up; a cl.aa placa. boat la tha city for taa mJa.y. ahart dlatanca fforn Liioa Cpot Taaa or jaia at. laii. aorta. w at MarahaU at. aoga. WELL-FIRXISHED houaea. flata. rooma; 6-room cottaaa. I.'O month; another lll&o. aiilt.e, two furniahad houaekeeplnc 1 . .io aii .,n - a 11. Aunlv 3 a ;rtth at- North. VV car from d- pot. 5th. a eat on Mornaon to t'lth. block north. CAMiKllxiE Ht-IHi. Eurnlahad and furma.iad fcouakaeptng ruoma. aing.a and anaiitta. Room . d and Murrlaoa: vary central. , ti.m TO ii-t WEEK; alaaa. furalaha4 Couaakaaplna rooma. frwa laundry, bata. phoae cl.aa Un.n. bt. od Vaacouaar ava. and li'M flanton: taka V car. TWO and th re.. room aviltea. bouaakaapln. prlvata entrance, a. I conne. ted with tath; wry cioaar In. vary reaaonabla. i.a tic luml'la " "JfMT WHAT YOU WANT." ffurniabad or unfurnlabcd rooma. atneva. an aulte. ail convemenree. beat eocailotk. il 1 l.N fc.H Hl'vi-. J-oa aiorri.oo ac 461 EAST WKRKIwiN. corner Eaat lltb; romp.et.ly furniauad houaekaaplna rooma, reaaonable. bilTE of i lovely furnlahed houarkeepln rooma. lleht and ajry lor I), on liaw- tnorr(jaa. n e ' '- Tft O auitea llcht houeekerpira;. W lillama ave. and Ruaaell. reaaorable rataa. 'I"K eu:ta nutaltl h"iiweiini-roflBia I nlnn ava.. cor. Eaal Aldor. TWO pleaaant furnlahed clean houaakeepUiaT rooma. .14 Montromery at. Main IxlX KuL'!EKtr.PIN' rooma m aaw (.anctate fc.df. 1 hona WjiJ awn lJ o' TVH VISHED houaeheptnt. eleplne; rooma, tl &.i to - we. k l"-eoto Houaa. 1'JI 2d et- 1. il'-.rlrTEr:rlN rooma at .Vt S.td. $12 up. cation, rent v.rr renaonabic .ai at Tnlril at. Main 7717. NICELY furniahad houeekeaptne; room, atrictiy nodtrn, raaaonabia. 74 Corbott at- 'VvlT'H furnlahed houae keeping -room a. ground floor; nlcw aurroundlnga. 2u3 East 4oth at. Phono B 2l2. je7W front eitlte, 2 or 3 ro.ma, a.11 conen lencea. 1'auia Eaat SV14. bill Eaa: Stark at. lsEAUTlFVl. view. 4 rooma, pantry aud toilet, ground floor; f7. 47th ava. and 41et. W-W carllne, LA lulrl. pleaaant houeekeeplng room, fur nlahed; running water, bath and pbona. 44 Slat at.. N.. near Waahlngton. 424 buih at. Larg. front room, uaa of kitchen, modern, walking distance, clean, reaaonabla. MODERN large bright front room for licht housekeeping. walking dlatanca. Eaat UH 3 NORTH loTH Hw.ll front aulta. com plete for houeekeeplng; a.ao tingle rooma; atrlct'y flrat-claaa. Lh N f T A I KS. nicely furnlahed. modern; S montha or longer. 7v& E. balmoa. Phone E- S3AO. TWO nu'eiy furnlahed roorna for houawkeep - Irg etrtctlv modern with atatlonary tuba. 1 14. take V or t'.S car. H7S tiantenheln. Hiirsr.KrKPIM) room eulteble for 2; phone, light, bath. gag. IJ in week. 10 loth at. TWO large front room, furnlahed for houee keeping. nica clean rooma. walking dis tance; rent til month. Z7 Market at. ON K nicely furnlahed houeekeeplng-room, al convenience.- A 41S- li Chapman, near Morrlaon. Eol. R nicely furniahad rooma. ground floor, pntate entrance, prlvata bath. Hi luth, corner Salmon. FRONT aulta. houeekeeplng rooma. beauti ful locati"H. on carline. 111 I'nlon ave. North; no chlMr.n. Oea off on Thurman. L iKilK room, nicely furnished for house, keeping; puoae. electric light; II J J'ark. A W1EK. a aulte of houeekeeplng' rooma 4" Columbia at H"l .-rlKErlfl.VO rovma M'Tr.a-'n at. lf 11th. near THREE furnlahed rooma. IU alnk. Oral n-or: a.ao other rooma. 1H N. l.th. 313 14TaJ. corner Clay, laraa light. 1. t and j-room h.oia-keeilrg euitce. 2 n HNl.-MKU houaekeepmg rooma Kaat Aah at. Phone Kaal4V 4.-9 i-i uMSHri) houeekeeplng rooma. collate pan'.ry. aink. bath, gas, cheap. I'i2 N. lth. ITK of furnlahed houeekeeplng rooma, cloae In. raaaonable. Phone Eaat I7el. 4 ftrRNISHED houeekeeplng rooma. Includ ing kitchenette. ruw 1. jlumelde at. ft-RONT and bach aulta. running water, bath, aai and phone. CoUags sb ron rent. Howakoplac Koonia In ITtraf tamlly. &FirrlllI mnlra convanlenraa, lawn. fr.ab air. waiklna: dlatanca. Waahlnnton at. car or W car from d.not: tlo. t- P" month: mod. rata rat.a by day or woak. 57 t'oarh. N. cor. Isth. Fol K r'rna fir hou.k..plnc In qul.t n.lihborhOfd: all convent. ncaa. with piano If oatrad. walking d.lataaca. 304 Koaa at. Kloli . TWO lam., clean houa.k.pln rooma. two Mvk from ituaa City l'ark car. 61 i lih N . ! . TUKKE furnlahcd hou.apln rooma with rorrh. alactricity. aaa. runnlnc water. ath and phona. S Ollaan. near '-Mat. T ii It K K clean furnlahed houaelfeeplnir rooma, uuxl.rn. In prlvata family. A K. 3tlh: hunny.lda car. I'hna Haat 6-'. 4 PORTE K HT. Two d--alrabla rooma. bath. In prlvata family; rent reaaonahl-. i"FINE furnlabl rooma with balcony. 1J Haat Hth at., comer Taylor. aCol'KHX all -room two-atnry and baaamant bouaa. nrat-claaa condition; nlca yard; ona block to llliama-ava. car; adulta; ; Wllllama ava. aftar a P. M. M.NK-KtXM no-:in bouac. rant ' 2 b.ocka Alma atatlon. -SL Johoa. Kay aeit door. Hhona Eat 5o. iti I)ERN" 6-ro.im houaa. 511 Harrlaon at.. vat Hide; per month, all Hanry bldr ilaln a '33. .KimjM bunaalow. modern, aiectrlclty. caa. paved atr-ta; Hunnyalda carlln. cloaa) in; I. j pr month. K v:i). Oretonlan. I jij NI'E H-morn modem bunaalow; taka Alberta car to mth; ona Mock aoth. tut Wjltal 1 1. ffiwlnan 27."-. lit mn'iE and S iota, tenant can cl.ar ranlfromardan. A Oraonlan. MODERN a-room home, Eaat 19th and Al- d-r a-a. Call I7 Eaat Aider au MuL'K UN A VS. a-room houaa. ITo N. :3d il 1-lluOJI mod-rn huaa. 11th and Eaal Al der; key 1-7. Marahall 7t. ft-ROOM houae for rent: (Ml Haieey at; a.ec- trlc lights and gaa. can r-aai in. MTRITL.T modern a-room houaa. Ar cher I'lare; barber a hop. Ml Scott car. FIVE-R"M modern cottage. MS E. llth at ; rent 1: one Mock trout - v car. 4-lviniM modern houee. Eaat 2!'th near oti'-n. 9 11 per monin. rmmp ... - -. TIl'O new modern houaea, 47 Weldlar. cor. . - . V. t I. llM.H.'l t omlahed Hob HfRETIA COl'RT. near waahlngton. apartment 11: partlea leaving city ir iew montha will let handaomely furnlahed -room Tery cool corner apartment, for merely rent of flat vacant. 1'hone Mar ahall Ull. W r.I.I.-Kl'RNl.-HEL) houaea. flata. rooma: 5-nxim cottage. month: another $17. jo; auitea. two furnlahed housekeeping rooma. S. tl. ell month; . lii. Apply 344 liath at. North. W car from depot, ath. weat on Morrlaon lo 2th. block north. IIANI'SOMEI.Y flnlahed G-room home In Irvlnglon. 1 block from Uroadway carllne; atrictiy modern, hardwood floors. Oriental ru a. phone ' linX. 4-Ko'"M modern cottage, completely and nlreiv furnlahed. In fine Et 8lda real rlence diatrtct. one block from carllne. Phone woodlaan i4. IlEAl'Tlri'L, m.Mlern lower flat, furnlahed complete: notning to vuii vt . outt, In- 3.3 th at. BEAITTIFl'I, modern lower flat, furnlahed complete: nothing to buy; Weat Side, cloaa in. Bin at. Mol'Kll.N" i-roorn home. 1.V Hennett A 1'hone Tahor 6-RhjM furnlahed houae. on Preecott at.. l.t. Jamea I). Ogden. h4S Miaalaslppl ave. Phone Woodlawn l'o2. MY well-furnlahel 5-room mxlern home, for 3 or 4 montha: reasonable. cltae to Z carllnes: good aervlce. Sell wood 330. KTRNISHEtl 7-ro..in home, every conven- lvncv. gowtl lucatlon, large yard. tt'13 S'orthrup at. NEW. modern, g-roora houaa. furnished. Itrooklyn Heights, to reaponatbla tenanta T14 Eaat th at. Sellwood 3"4. NEWI.Y furnished 4-room flat, modern con venlencea. cloae In. 2.13 Hall at. rrKXIMHF.il. modern, new; 8 rooms and e.ptng porrh. Call Eaat 4517. 6-KooM cottage for rent, furnlahed, 123.00 p-r month. h4 Hood at. FI'KM.IHEK 3-room bungalow for rant. K" Fyracuae at.. I'nlverslty Park. Wdln 23112. -ROOM furnlahed house, walking dlatanca; good neighborhood. Phone c -1 2o. MOLiERN 7-room furnlahed houaa, 1 block to car. 877 E. Duraalile. XKVINtlTON Completely furnished cottage, g rooma, piano, large yard. Eaat 3lil. Ilonaea for Ileal, Knmlture for gale. Fl KNITI'RE of -room flat. Nob Hill, rent t lo. furnace heat- furniture and carpeta practically new: can be uaed for private home or roomers, reaaonabla. K 304. Oreconlan. NEW 4-room modern flat, rent flu; furni ture for aala and everything elae In tha houae; a bargain: muat ha sold at once. 13W Randall at., near East 2Mn and Hoyt BtS ElH7-BOOM furnished houaa; new fur niture and In good condition: good neigh borhood, reasonable, for cash. 333 13th St.. cor. Market. Fl'RNITl'RE of g-room apartment. Includ ing dtahra and linen: muat eell this week. at your own figure. 31. l.'lth St. i.ja lU'YS new oak furniture, modern 6 rootn flat, cloae in: rent reaaonaole; must sell. Phone Marshall 1414. MI ST aell furniture of A rooms before Aug. 4: coat looO; will aell for 3u0. terme. fjS Everett. Fl'RNITl'RE of 5-room cottage, complete; tla takea It: rent fl.1: a.ao good car for sale cheap or trade. 12V1 Union ave. N. rammer Rewnrfa. FR BALE cheap If Bold before the 2. Id Inst., two lota with four-room cottage, and SO-foot -ao,u era barn: two blocks from depot. In Feaalda. Address J. Y. Lswla. Seaside. Or. KaiW COUNTRY CU'B open for msmaara and stockholders only, I-ao W hite, vocal ist and entertainer. Other attractions la follow. $7.-.n 4-ROOM furnished cottage, desirable, full lot. 1 S blocka from ocean. Addreee riecaeateln fottage. Heaalrte. Or. FR isAI.E Two choice Iota In Hermoes park. eaalde. Or., two blocks from beach and ehell rad Owner, A a4;4. FOR SALE at Soaalde. roomtng-nouaa or hotel, aplendld location. Addiaaa owner, box 114. Seaalde. Or. liAZKl, roTTAUK. Keavlew. Wash : reason able ratca, horns cooking, pleasant loca- tlon. FIVE aeres ocesn b.ach. Fort Plevana. 7i; will trade. Hurdlck. Henry bMg. Stores. FOR RENT Two stores on Washington St.; one corner Washington and Trinity Place, near :otl at,, else 1743 feet; another store In lima block, suitable for barber shop. Apply Oevurts aV Sons. 178 First at. rol H-S70RT building and basement. lOix 107. Hecond ' street, between Waahlngton and Stark eta.. t"T lease. Inquire of tht Heed Institute. 426 Ahlngton blclg. ."TORES' .STORES!! STORKS'!! TV H. WKPF1 AND 1L Q. TERRT. 12 TEPN HI.P'3. MAIN 6.-r7, N K VV store-room, suitable for dressmaker, tailor or milliner, good location: rooms up stairs. '.l E. Morrison. East a'. FOR RENT No. S3 24 St.. store In brink bul'rllng. t2 per month. Inquire 2ll Morrison St. KEVRKAL stores st eaat end Madlsoa-et. bridge. :o to $ according la slse. In quire 271 Hawthorne ava. 8TORKROOM for rent on Washington st. Phone East sol 3. FOR RENT Store. m Park atreet North. near oavts; good location, cneap rem. STORE, good location, big payroll. Tha S. R. Clary Co.. S4I Alder st. Main 414. Oftki OFFICES FOR RENT. $11 TO $23. MERCHANTS a-vi--e Dl-If TMVrt :h and Toghlngton. MOST CENTRAI.LT LOCATED OFFICES. All-night elevator ear-vice: spsclal la dnramenta on yearly lease. 103 awatlaod bldg.. 4th and Waahlngton. DESK P.oom Hi llght office, phone and deak attachment- Inquire Mencheeter M.l. 6Si Fifth st.. room SOS; ons occu pant. TWO beat-i'M-atcd furnlahed and lighted of fices In Hoard of Trade Mdg. for rent .at arna rata aa unfurnlahed. Apply room 1"27. , ol'TMPE office for rent with uee of phone. $13 month. 313 b Washington at., room 13. tJt.-K ROOM for rent, oiirelde office, rea sonable; Inveatlgata. 627, Chamber of f ommerre. I'ESKROtlM. ample apace, well furnished, phone, etc.. reasonable. 322 Ablngton bldg. TO UT.AHK. FOR KENT 40x75-ft. room, up ona flight, 4-1-47 Union ave.; goad for manufacturer. Apply at 120 Grand ava, lor nrl4 and key. IXT AM) FOCNTJ. LOST Lady's gold watch and fob. In Meier A Frank's or on street, August 3; valued htrhly aa a keepsake, being gift of a de parted friend; Initials M. E D. : finder kindly return Supt, Meier eV Frank's: ra ws nl. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholeaale prices: wa renovate mattreeses and return aame day: wa alao renovate feathere. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger. 114-111 Front- 1'hone -Main 474. A 1174. LOST White bullterrier dog with collar and license; aoutherner; old addreea Krlt Auto Co. and owner's name written on collar. Pleaae return to John L. bhaw. 603 Weldler it. and receive reward. LOST At Rivera, on Wednesday taet. black spotted Better dog with scar over right eve; bad no collar: notify Frank E. Hart, Main or A 1272. 02O Spalding bldg. LOST A 4-monthe-old collie pup near King at., name on collar. Reward given If re turned to Walter Bowne, Jr.. e.6. Main at., rltv. LOUT W-hlts boll pup. montha old. ears and tall uncut, very small dim black spot near right eye; finder notify or bring dog to 723 savler st, and receive reward. LOST Monday. July 81. garnet roaary. gold chain and cross. nama engraved on rroee. Mrs. J. D. Mulloy. 211 , Second St. Phons A 8211. Main al. LOST Small diamond ring, valued aa a keepsake: $23 reward. V. H. Oa Loa, burton Hotel. . LOST Small flat pursa eontslnlng money and check. Finder please return to 191 North lsih at. Liberal reward. LOST A gold watch with pin; liberal re ward. Call Main 427: LOST Hunch of keya. Return to 2.13 Stark St.. reward. BrsiNFss orpoRTryrriF.s. WANTED A financial partner; I can guar antee a S3 1-3 per cent Increase on every dollar and 7 per rent on Investment and Increase: 1. a.. If $lVO la Invested. It Im mediately Increaaea to $133.33. and the $1.13 .13 la drawing 7 per cent Interest and the money la alwaya aecured by property; I do not want over $40t to begin with. Phone Woodlawn 2H74. THE men with I loo or more each can get In on the ground floor of a legitimate project that will ultimately mean Inde pendenca or fortune with Investment ab solutely protected. Ask for an appoint ment with principal. P. O. Box 703. SECOND-HAND store In Medford. tha beat town In tha Rogue River Valley, popula tion jn.OOO. cheap for cash. Other buai ness reason for Bailing. About $1500 re quired. Address A, J. Mackensle. box 701. Medford. Or. HESTA1RANT. building and fixtures, sales from $40 to $'!0 ier day; now rented for $10 per month; reason for selling, owner Is going to leave toon. For further In formation writs F. W. Brassier. Ashland. Or. TOTJNO MAT?. STRA-NOER. stake careful Investigation at expense f seller before you invest money la any proposition. Advisory Departmsat. T. M. C. A. ONLT strictly moving picture theater In Medford; half real value If taken at once; good money maker: $50 caah; win handle ownera only: wish to engage In other business. . Savoy Theater. Med- WE want cigar stores and confectlonerT atorea at once; have two cllenta waiting to embark In business; let us hear from you at once. CO-OPERATIVE REALTT COMPANY, 19-2)-21Rallv1ayExchange. LIVE, up-to-date young man with good business experience will Invest fevr hun dred dollare with aervlcea In legitimate lire proposition: atate full partlculara for consideration. 3 24. Oregonlan. ONLY clothing. gents' furnishing. shoe store, town 30OO. big pay roll, monthly sales $1300; aell for cash or trade for In come property: will reduce stock to suit the buyer. Hox 231. Kent. Wssh. HALF Interest In an old-established bwst neaa. doing a good boslneaa. For full par ticulars call Kinney aV stampher, Lomoar E xchange bldg.. rooms 631-632. GROCER Y on Eaal Side, doing a business of $::.VV monthly; rent of store, u living rooms and burn only $2. with 8-your lease; price $3200. change bldg. Call Siril Lumber Ex- PICTLRB THEATER. Good town, close to Portland. Rent $23. I .ease 2 years. New machine. All ready to open up. l.'t.to. H A l.L OLSTIN, gll Lumbermens bldg. HAVE a very good location for a drug stors In new Mock; will lease to responsl bls partlea N. Olness, cor. 20th and San- oy roaa. TO LEASE The Pioneer Roadhouse. of Portland: also 1 a-room furnlahed rooming house at 1 Clay st. Apply to C H. piggntt, owner, H2S 2d st.. room 24. HALF-ACRB chicken ranch, d-rmtm house, chicken runs, equlpmente: worth $3000 for $'JiH0; terms; 30 minutes of Postofflca. rioddsrd. 5o3 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE Oarage, fully equipped garage, town of 3Kk; only garage In town; good bualn.es; two rent cars; agency of four. AV 813. Oregonlan. Ur:ut.r.ni 011 'nr. Cloaa to big school. Rent (30. Lease. Tnvolcs about 0. HALL tk Ol'STlN. 811 Lumbermens bldg. GROCERT stores from $4.M and up; all In good localities; coma and sea us befors buvlng a grocery. PI.OCH REALTY CO.. gr8 Alder St. GROCERY STORE. $2,m. Rent, Including fixtures, $16.50. No competition. $-.'!. HALL A GI'STIN". 811 Lumbermens bldg. BOND laeuea and loans. $100,000. upward, nrgotlaled. L. X. Hoeenbaum, lawyer and financial agent. Height bldg.. Seattle. Wn. LADY partner wanted for half Interest In well paying millinery business; $300 re quired. AM 3Q4. Oregonlan. MININO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCK. Telephone and other bonda bought sag ,o!d. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 223 Ablngton. Tern sacrifice for cash; must act quick, . ' A U Oraeonl.fi 1 T ini.ir..- . " KESTAl'RANT: West Side: close In; clear ing $-.".0 month; a bargain today at 800O. Call 8"9 Lumber Exchange bldg. KvcF!l LENT rnerchandlee business for large acreage tract In Oregon W 8o. Oregonlan. SEE thlsfor $1000: nice grocery, good loca tion; rent $-; doing $40 per day. 823 Allky. 283 Morrison. AI'TOMORII.E business: have opening for energetic man. profits largo, reuulrea very little money. Call 2-KS Stark st. MOV I NO-PI CTl" RE theater In city for sale cheap. Pacific Film Co,. 404 Rothchlld bldg. NICE paving busrneas for aala at a reason -- able price; a good opportunity for right partv. Owner. 2''7 Alder. FOR SALE A nice reelaurant, good busi ness. Una location, cheap. K 281. Orego nlan. BARBERS, old-established, well-paying shop on busy street., good bualneas. lease. Call 802 Falling bldg.. 3d and Wash. GROCERY Want reliable partner. will guarantee) $100 day sales: mostly cash and will Invoice. Call 34Hifr Stark st. FOR SALE Restaurant; one of the beat on 6th au; good location. Owner. 83 ft N. i h st. BARBiCR shop. 2 chairs, doing a good busi ness; reasonable. Writs or call 1182 -V. Vnlon ave. CIGAR, confectionery, etc, with 3 furnished rooms: rent $12 6" (for today), only $330. Call 803 Lumber Exchange bldg. PARTNER wanted "to help In store; will pay -'' week salary, alao ah are of profits. Call 24SH Stark St. ONE-HALK INTEREST In a good cafeteria; center of city. $'i"0; look this up. BLOOH REALTY CO.. 28 Alder It. MEAT market for sale; if interested look this up: a enap from owner; long leaae, cheap rent, good trade. C 301. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Royal Bakery and Lunchroom. Call or addreea R. E. Gibson. 1.02-104 3d at.. Hood River. Or. PLANING mil; partner wanted; have plenty business; tired 01 aepenumg an nireu neip. Call 241 H Stark st. FOR SALE or trade. confectionery. Ice cream parlor ana cigar ataiiu, iowi iw tlon. AN 3"4. Oregonlan. POOLROOM. S tables; good stock of cigars; well patronltea. .; PLQCH REALTY CO.. 2CH1 Alder St. WANTED A piano check. Address A 218, Oregonlan. GOOD CORNER SALOON; 8-year lease. In quire room h-l loroen puis- MEAT MARKET, furnished; choice loca- tlon: rent $13. Phone East 6128. 4-CHAIR barber shop 'or sale; sasy terms. Address AB 306. Oregonlan. CIGAR fruit and candy atore for sale, fine location. Apply loo N. ftth at- avO BUSINESS cards. $1.00; you must bring this sd. Rose City Primary. 102 Third. STOCKS of merchsndlae bought; for caah; strictly confidential. M. Hloom. 132 2d at. STOCKS of rnerchandlee bought for cash; atrictiy confidential. Weeton. 414 Id at. FOR PAI.E Cigar store and confectionery; low price. Call 887 Yamhill sU BrSIXF.HS OPPORTryiTlES. OVER $500,000000 p,r year will soon be produced from the wheat fields of West ern Canada, the last remaining unae veioped region on the continent, the met Empire ef Great Opportunities. 1011 can share In this new wealth, get n Irwcrest In the natural resource of the last " greatest West, by our -Participating unit Plan." upon the payment of on.y " D5I month for 10 montha RUIt ,lm'n"'t by our apeclal non-forfeit of P!"! clause, which transforms whit hss nere tofore been speculstlon Into safe ana con eervatlve Investment: $4oo.OW.OOO . of new capital being Inveated and 3i5.0O0 new settlers srrlvlng in Western tanada mm year; Its resources will quickiy be in the hands of private Individual If TO" would be ona of thoae Individuals, wouiu oe one ui i'"- ' ' at once for full Information. n'an, City and Town Properties. Ltd. Jc Plt $1,000.00(1) 604 Stobart block. -Winnipeg. Canada. PARTIEs7oiit'emplatlngrlp to the Mlddle Weat or Eastern states may represent the beat Irrigated land proposition In ; Northwest and have the opportunity to make big commissions and all traveling expenses. The lands will stsnd the closest Investigation, the company Is In finsncla stsndlng and for productiveness, perfect water aupplv and Inducements to settlers, we ore without competition. " Interested, address 8 3 HI. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Old and well-established hay. grain, feed and commlaslon business; beat location on East Side, doing a good busi ness; sales from $125,000 to $1.0.000 Pr year; good proOta, medium expenses, lease ' . . j 1 . , 1 w nrlr. asked for entire bualneaa; price $3000 and Invoice of stocks V-1 opportunity for partlea desirous of getting Into a good-paying business; no trlflers. J 30H. Oregonlan. SALOON AT A BARGAIN. $2!UW. terms If desired, takea thla place; bar fixtures worth the price lone; Is In a fine location; hotel In connection; . to 73 receipts per day; cheap rent, long CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. $10-20-21 Railway Exchange GROCERY and delicateaaen In well-settled suburb of Portland; cash business: three furnlahed living rooms and bath con nected with store: 113 rent: a snap for anyons wishing small place: stork, fur niture, complete for business. .i0O; pres ent owner going East. Address P 302, Ore gon Is n. DO YOU WANT TO ct.i-' If you want to sell your business, or want a partner lu your bualneaa call and let me talk It over with you. I have buyers waiting to get a good paying business. W. Lawrence. 818 Lumber Ex change bldg. Both phones. -COMB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." A genta wanted In Pacific Northwest. Pacific, Mutual Life. 43 years old. X2 mllllona assets. We loan money. H. H. Ward, Mgr.. 71. Spalding bid. PARTIES figuring on opening ofrice can eecure two of the beat outside offices, nns location, reasonable rent, mahogany fur niture, awnings. Furniture used one w and new. Ridiculously low price and -.rrmi to suit, $100 will handle. Rent naid until September 1. Phone Main 3te. CIGARS. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. sine location on a ou... ...--. ---cash will buy this; cash receipts ri $30 per day: good live man can raise this cVoPERATlVE REALTY COMPANY. 61B-20-21 Kaiiwey ri.icuai.a- MOVING-PICTURE and vaudeville house for sale: out of city; doing fine buaineaa; opera chairs, steel lamphouse, strictly code; will take $4500 to hsndle It; persons with less money need not answer; no agents. Address AV 287, Oregonlan- T. . . 1 ,.n rovcirrTinvRRT. Dandy location at a transfer point; place Is worth 125o; will sell for S30 cash; plenty of work for two people. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, nana.r r. ......... FOR SALE One-half or controlling Interest In $10,000 fuel corporation doing $ooo each month with a good profit; position with good aalary (Gen. Mgr.). .,000 1 The above can be had for $4o00. $3000 aown, V V.. orriwm.il. PARTNER WANTED Here la one of the best chances in city for active party to manage and oversee other help for up-to-date manufacturing plant; $400 caah re quired. Owner at 1SS Madison, betweejl 10 and 13 A. M. TRAINMEN, attention; errglneers, firemen, brakemen, others, can turn snare time to their advantage. Call today, s COOK RAILWAY SIGNAL CO.. W05 Yeon bldg. WANTED in cash business partner to act as cashier and keep plain accounts: you can have salary $125 monthly, bealdea your share of dividends: references given and required. Kuom oa A,umucr r.a-ung-;. CONFECTIONERY', cigar, fruit, book, ata ttonery and fruit alorer 6 years leaae: busy center: can clear $.100 month: stock Invoice $HU0, fixtures M)0. Yours for $oo; terms. Goddard. 606 Yeon bldg. BRICK AND TILE PLANT. 10 acres of ground. 8-ft. clay deposit. $2000 worth of improvements; 40O0 takea everything. Fred W. German. 82 Burn side. M. or A 2778 FOR SALE A flrat-class 10c picture show business; town of 40OO inhabitants, located In very best position In town for busi ness; takes In from $20 to $40 per day. Answer AV S-V. oregonlan. t A l 1 .'CIV, capo , , Man with strictly cash business will take partner, will show you $ per week; satisfaction guaranteed before you put a . . . r. . 1 1 DlTCIVITQa cent into n, e-w" 1 .i m. ... lAUAin onwi Must sacrifice on account leaving city, good location upstairs, reasonable rent, fully equipped. Address AH 304, Orego m . . . . . I 1- T 1 , 1 1 nlan lor interview. aic.ii ........ .... lAj.r TL.y. 1 oj.. co 1 J . ' ' ...... 8 llvlng-rooma. Rent $25. Trade over $25 a day. Genuine snap. $10oo. HALL GUSTIN. 811 Lumbermens bldg. . . .- . . . , t-T"i v V oonfFRV COMPLETE stock and fixtures. 6-10-15-cenl store, about $4u00; fresh New York stock; owner deceased: will be slaughtered; terms cash. 1011 Union ave. N. FOR SALE Adjoining the best property In the state; coal and clay opened up. For full partlculara. V. Davis, care Little Falls Clay Co., Wasli AN experienced manager and coat account ant dealres to Invest In growing concern; glvs partlculara Address AP 302. Ore gonlan. CIGARS, confectionery. Ice cream, etc; rent $rKk; 2-year lease: on Weat Side; doing a fine bualneaa: price'. l"30. Call 303 Lum ber Exchange bldg OPPORTUNITY for steady man In aolld bualneaa; will pay $10O month aalary, also large profits; money required will be se cured. Particulars 248 Stark st; CONFECTIONERY SNAP. Rent $15. Long lease Good location. $430. Terms on part. HALL OUSTIN. 611 Lumbermens bldg. RESTAURANT wants partner to act aa cashier; pay you $25 weekly and board: $300 required. Room 623 Lumber Ex change. . A GOOD atore for sale In live active town of Southern Oregon. population $1000; well worth Investigation. Inquire Neu atadter Bros., 5th and Ankeny DELICATESSEN. confectionery and Ice er.am business, cheap : good trade, cheap rent, living rooms well furnished. Phone Marshall 11. 3-CHAIR barber shop; good buy; long lease; small payment down; take In $."3 per week; or will rent; 2S4 Yamhill; reason, I am not a barber. CIGAR and confectionery: good West Side location; cneap rent; nice naiurca, guuu clean stock. $."O0. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 2Q8 Alder St. FOR SALE Restaurant, doing good bualneaa In fine location. Wheap; must sell on ac count of atckness; rent $20. C 308. Ore gqnlan. ' LIVERY and dray business, well estab lished In thriving town near Portland; price $4000; $2500 required. L 811, Ore gonlan. GROCERY atore, doing $4000 month at In voice; 40 years In business, tired. God dard. oiyeflnblr:raJ)r 375 WILL secure cash business: can de pend on clearing $5 day; duties easily learned. Call 24Sft Stark St. ROOMING HOrSES. 40-ROOM lodging-house In good location, all modern; other business compels me to sell: will trade for city or country prop erty. 805 Ablngton. Main 4841. 82 "ROOMS'! furnished well. 3-year lease, clearing $230 month; $200. Terms. God dard. 605 Yeon bldg. One gnap, NEW 11-room house, new furniture. Nob Hill, terms. 624 Northrup st. Take W car. 15 ROOMS cloae In. rent $40, income $105; leaving 3 rooms for owner; a bargain, $t?0, terms. Call 10th. near Stark. WANTED Best buy for cash, rooming house. 8 to 13 rooms, close In, Weat Side, owners only. AT 302. Oregonlan. WANTED Apartment houae leaae and fur niture; part cash; part trade; must be good. AP 300. Oregonlan. MY HOUSE of 24 rooms; clean, well fur nished and money-maker. $1800, with terms. 32ts E. Burnslde st, ROOMING-HOUSE for sale. 11 rooma . $21 Jefferson at- Phone A 6714. 22 ROOMS, rent $65. clears $100; $1600. Term a Goddard. 6o5 Yeon bldg. 11 ROOMS, best-paying proposition In olty. Cheap rant, terms. 283 Fifth. THE PACIFIC REALTY tO. HOTELS, ROOM LNG-HOUSES. APARTMENT-HOUSES. . REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES. Phone Main 8D60. A 34 1 3. 822-4 Failing Bldg., 3d and W asn. MtiRY E. LENT. ,,. Portland's "LEADING HOTEL BROKER run ojvec. Apartment-house, 1 furnished apart ments. 6 yeara' lease, rent $50 per month; price $1000, one-half down, balance $25 per month: best money-maker In the city for amount Invested; owner must leave 'PACIFIC W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 Couch bldg. 7-ROOM fiat, almost new furniture, splendid chance to make money: rent $j5 month; Income $74 month. Price $000. Call week days. W North 11th at. 15 ROOMS. I want to sell my rooming-house; am --compelled to sell and will sell on terms; no agents. ABC loo. Oreconlan. 10 ROOMS. Washington St., transient, rent ' $3.1. Income $180 month; best In city; $HO0, easy terms. Goddard, 805 Yeon bldg. 1 ou can t uui FOR SALE Two small roomlng-houaes. g snd 8 rooms, respectively, money-makers-No agents. 229 4th St. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. FNFHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In the matter of Louis w. Ilruns Company, bankrupt: The under signed will receive sealed bids at hla ofOce rooms. 4U1-2-3 Fenton bldg., Port land. Oregon, up to 11:30 A. M. of Friday. Auguat the 11th. 1H11. for the following property, located at 293 Morrlaon street. Portland. Oregon, to wit: A stock of jewelry of the Inventory price of $-1.-071 62 and a lot of atore fixtures of the value of $2HS0. also a. lease upon the premlsea known as. number 293 Morrison street, Portland, Oregon, terminating June, 1B13. Cash or certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accom pany eash bldt and the right Is reserved to reject any or all bids: an inventory Is on (lie and the property may tTeTnspected upon application at the offices of the undersigned. BARGE E. LEONARD. Trustee. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCK HELD AS COLLATERAL FOR PAST DUE PROM ISSORY NOTE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on Wednesday, August 10, lull, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M . at the office of Beach. Simon Nelson. 710 Board of Trade building. Port land, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following deacrlbed personal property, to wit: Certificate No. 17, be ing for 44 shares of the capital stock of Central Stables, a corporation of Port land Oregon, which stock was issued in favor of C. B. Kler. Terms of sale. cash. The said stock was given te the under signed aa collateral security to secure a certain promissory note made by Chas. B. Kier to the undersigned. E. Wi Hagyard, for $1750 and interest, payable quarterly, which note is dated December 1. Io0, and on account of which note no interest whatever hs been paid, nor has any por tion of the principal been paid, and aald rate is. therefore, rfAOTABD. Dated Portland, Oregon, August 1. 1911. 1 WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by mv wife, Mrs. E. S. Turlay. as she haa left my bed and board. Signed, B. B. Turlay, Jr. August 3, 1911. FINANCIAL. ASSISTANCE wanted in taking over and developing one of the biggest placer prop ositions in the South; l'.O acres, average $1 25 per cubic yard. For further partic ulars address C. F. Packard, 5 Howard stw spoKane, wasn. . t. . m i-no unnTmr.ES LAon . , . v.. ... Or seller's equity in contracts of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. Loans. H, E. Noble. 116 Lumbermens bldg FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purcnasea on tarm mu ' 1 1 - -where in Oregon or Washington. E. le Devereaux. 1002-3 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount, first and sec ond mortgages and contracts on 'arm and city property purchased. E. W. A. Peake, 007 Mcrvay niog. Money to Loan ReaIEstate. MONEY TO LOAN. We can make quick loans on close-in Improved residence or business In amounts of $1000 to $100,000. to 8 per cent; large loans a specialty. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 1108-10 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 per cent to 8 per cent I also pay cash for mortgagee. v n.D a v-U- T'llDTFR 904 Chamber of Commerce. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purpoaea: 8 to 6 years' time: liberal repayment privileges; money 1n5 building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings A Loan Association. 240 Stark it. auniuAun ' On Portland real estate Is our epe clalty; 8 to 8 per cent. See Mr. Hlatt with CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. Zll Lewis mug. 120O.OO0 TO loan on real estate mortgages at 8 to 8 per cent. 1 per cent brokerage, which include, attorney's fees. T 302. Ore gonlan. TO LOAN for three yeara at 7 P J cent, on Portland Improved property, any tmeuM from $2000 to $17,000: make application to Goodsell Brothers, 433 Worcester bldg. WILL loan $10,000 or less, real estate se curity. Farrlngton & Farrlngton, 419 Commercial liup umg WE HAVE plenty of money to 1B on Portland property In sums from $1000 te 150 000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. FUeduer Boyce. 608-608 Ablngton bldg. "TT5OO7120O0, $25O0. $10,000, $20,000 ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. E. C. EAMUJ . -"-1 pvoi.i' I6(Xl 000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or .mail loan, at lowest price.: large losns a specialty. J. H. Mci-anala ' Co.. 614-615-516 Gerllnger bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at and T par cent on real estate security. IDW. P. MALL. 104 Second st. PRIVATE party will loan $4000 to 18000, T per cent, nti Improved close-in Portland realty, ii au. ciea""- MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes. Co umbla . LU. A Truat Company. 916 Spalding bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; amall huildina loans, contracts and mortgages boughL W H- Nunn. 448 Sh.rloch: bldg. iiORTGAGB loans on city property; lowest rateaT A. H. BlrreU Cos. 282 McKay bldg 2d and Stark. private funds to loan. any amounti term, reasonable; mortgage, purchased. Henry C- Prudhomme Co.. Spalding bldg. $200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. building loan., lowest ratea. W..G. Beck. 815-316 Falling bldg. MONEY loaned without brokerage If w. build, current ratea. L. K. Bailey Co, 824 Ablngton bldg. ' OANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 3U8-9 Fenton. MONEY - TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, A H. HARDING. 813 Co, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE! RaTk F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. Jn clAL 2d-mortgage real estate ioana on monthl7ments. Room B12 Hamilton. State funds loaned. 8 per cent. W. E. Thom tte agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C. of C. n k k Y any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good nough Belts. 810 Spalding bldg. WONKY for good Inside loans, 6, 7, 8. Carluck at Muelihaupt. 1032 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. 233 STARJC ST. tin tv ATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. . H. Mlley.room 204. Gerllngerbldg. sTioo AT 8per cent, by private party, term ';.u..e. c 2S1. Oregonlan. hi 3 private funds, $1000 to $2O,000 to loan on improved "al estate. Main 2018. UP to $4000 to loan on city real estate. 403 Buchanan ping. $5000 on improved real estate. W. L. Page, ll7 Sherlock bldg. xTIob-$50O $3"Ol mortgage money; charge. $14W. aoi-o. o . Allskv bids-. reaioimuio. - "Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. On salaries only. In amounts of from 15 to $100; at the lowest possible rates. Being salary loan brokers exclusively, we are enabled to make the best terms and give the quickest possible service. Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY .CO.. 308 Failing Bldg.. cor. d and Wash, sta. gUiI,l JKAS T an furniture, planoa, atorags receipts, a to. Lowest rates. HTJTTON CREDIT CO, BUT ppaiuins mius. LOANS S on furniture and collateral, payable thly Installments. 608 McKay bldg. Marshall zooo. LOWEST RATES Loana on all kinds of sa eurlty chattels or real estate. Union Bro keragaCQ, 613 Ablngton bldg.. 106 Id. If ONET loaned on diamonds anri Jewelry, strictly confidential. 14114 Sd. sear Alder, Money to Ixan Chattels and Salaries. WE LOAN e-r, LOW RATES. QUICK LOANS. NO RED JTAPE. NO DELAY ANY. AMOUNT. FROM $10 UP. On furniture, pianos, storage rto,l diamonds and all other kinds of pe"a' property; payments arranged weekly jot monthly to suit your convenience ; cour teous treatment to all: private offices and all business strictly confidential. GRAY CUNNINGHAM. 201-2 Rothchlld bldg.. 287 h Washington. Between 4th and 5th sts. ..11$.$$ DO YOU NEED MONEY 7 We will furnish you. strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan In any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all kinds of securities: on terms to suit; also weea- ly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN en first and second real e.tate mortgagee "ImaLESTATS 4 BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton bldg. 131 3d, Main 2084. . - . . r cat mirn Ttrnvr.ia jaoiV.x run ort.Arfxw.-' , , , Women keeping house and other, fur nished without security;- cheapest rates, easiest paymenta. Coma ana get money when you want it. and pay as you can. Offices in all principal cltlea, D. H. Tol man. 817 Lumber Exchange. SHORT-TIME loan, on chattel. Courteous treatmenL Quick, reasonable and con fidential. . . C. FRANK NICHOLS. 603 Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark. MONEY FOR YOU CONFIDENTIALLY. Loana on chattels. Maiden 603. Swet t land bldg. A LOAN for the askvne. salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Deltum bldg. LOW rate.; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx, at uiqcq, ou - LOANS on diamond, and other securities. Wm. Holt, roon 9. Waahlngton bldg. Loan. Wanted. WANTED FOUR LOANS. $1500. $1000. 1S00. 1S00. Rose City Park, at 8 per cent. Will pflv commission. TONY G. ANDERSON. Builder, 401 Lewi. Bldg. Marshall 192o. WANTED At once, loan of $1000 for i year, at 8 per centfl, secured by 180 acres Improved, near Scappoose, worth $6oOO: also $2250 for 2 years at 8 per cent ln - terest, secured by improved West Side acreage, near city limits, worth $SOOO. c. F. Pfluger Co., suite 12. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. - WILL sell chattel mortgage. $1000. on rooming-house, worth $3250. drawing IO per cent per annum, payable monthly, ail within one year: will discount to make In terest 15 per cent. K 278. Oregonlan. WANTED J2000 for 2 years at 8 per cent; first mortgage security on block of va cant lots in restricted district; also $100 for 1 year. Carter-Dugan Co.. S20 Cham ber of Commerce. Marshall 662. WANTED From private party, two loans of $1750. also two amounts of $1000, on first mortgage. Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade bldg. ; WANTED to borrow. $1000; two or three years' time, 8 per cent Interest on factory site, value $t)0O. k jd-. ures""""- WANTED Will pay 7 per cent for loan of J.1500; good Laurelhurat security; 3 years. V 0 HQ, UICSOIILH. $2200. 8 PER CENT, modern 8-room house, corner 75x150. Mount Tabor district. Prop erty value $4500. AN 302. Oregonlan. WANTED $1200 on close-in completed resi dence. 3 years." 8 per cenL L 309.' Ore gonlan - . $1000 FROM private party. 7 per cent, at torney's fee. property worth $8000. AL 301, Oregonlan WANT to borrow $2900 on West Side home, liberal Interest. T 303. Oregonlan. LET us place your money, good mortgages, references. F. H. Lewis. 8 Lewis bldg. PERSONAL. SICK men and women who want to be well We have the most expensive, finest equipped, private offices on the Pacific Coast; every known therapeutic appliance used in America or Europe we have; we use no drugs, we never operate; we use every electrical and mechanical treat ment and are the only physicians on the Pacific Coast using radium; come arid be examined and see our office.; It will cost you nothing; we employ the best regis tered physicians and surgeon, to verify our diagnosis of each patient 's disease. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the, Rothchlld bldg. Dr. W. mtinory. ra 1 f"" HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR DUU PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES 82-INCH SWITCHES $4.95 80-INCH SWITCHES $4.45 28-INCH SWITCHES $3.85 26-INCH SWITCHES $2.45 24-INCH SWITCHES L8S 600 84.00. $5.00 AND $8.00 PUFFS REDUCED TO $L45. Cut hair In any shade; .witche. any length. Price. Just half. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 to 412 Dekum bldg.. over Llp- . .. 1. i o ., n J W.ahln.trtn t man sr. wunca, on - p 6WEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach aliments, under physician', direc tions: baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th Bt-. second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 260. B lo03. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. ' Diseases of women and children, has re moved to Lafayette Bldg., 313 V, Wash ington st. FEBVET & HAJtuii. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest gtock of human hair goods, hsirdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 . - u.irrl.n Phone Main n4ft. LADIES, when delayed use Lorenx Com pound Ergot Tablets: always dependable; $2 per box. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 28) Morrison st, DETECTIVE.fully experienced and reliable: will serve private Individuals, corpora tions, etc.; correspondence contidential. E 290. oregonian. DR KETCHUM. diseases peculiar to women; also diabetes, eczema and rectal ailments. Washington bldg.. 4th and Waahlngton. ami o.,.. MEN that are weak, nervous and run down, write for Vlto-Vlgor. Information free. Results guaranteed. Vlto-Vlgor Co., 224 ft , I...,1t nrl Oe. w aan. av-. . MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP. removed to rooms 301-2 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison, where she will establish a school In mental and . .. ... 1 T,U An a Main AG-J A spiritual BCIC1PP. r"" Jo. DR WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailmenta. kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St.. Portland. MEN Try S. O. Tablets for debility from any cause: price $1, any address; money returned If It falla. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co . 245 Morrison at. MRS STEVENS, 16 years Portland's leading naimist and clairvoyant, haa her late hook "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 143 Yamhill, corner 7th st. T1R A. A. AUSPLUND. rtiseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 802 Merchant Trust bldg.. 6tn and Washlngton. Phone Main 4Q47J DRESS guita ror rent. $1.60 month: keep vour clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark. CII.L'S message meetings. Wednesday, Fri day 8 P. M. Healing, readings dally. 300 Hol'laday ave. ELISS NILSON Please write your, sister and learn something to your interest. Air., j c. Scherrer. Parsons. Kan. ' iriRCiT-CLASS masseuse, German graduate, lone experience, best references. 348 E. . w"lVmsaye.. near Weldler st. u car. ...cj LEWIS, late of San Francisco, treats baldness and diseased scalp. 405 stark. Mam ojq. OUT OF COMBINGS. ewltch 95c: curls and puffs. 75c. Sanl .i?v Beauty Parlora. 400 Dekum bldg. 7 .niES Lorens antiaeptic cones are sooth- in safe and sure; $1 per box. Stipe Tay "JF'DTug Co.. 2 Morrison .t. rYnIns if in neea ot cunuuenciai advice. consult Dr. Pierce; no chargea. Call or wru". 245V, Morrison t- TV.RENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality, 25c box; 6 boxes $1.25. stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrlaon st. TTur COURTRIGHT, feature and skin spe- 20th st, N. Phone Main 5u42. uni FS auperfluoua hair removed, Mrs. M, will 429 Flledner bldg. Main 8473. orivATB investigations; experlenc. PRro?"tlal. C & Z Park experienced agents; sr. 'vi M OF FIGri Remedies for diseases ot women. 632 Davis st. Main 9216. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayer and Analyst. F a.-SENNET, gold, silver and platinum eefi'ner. assayer and chemist; gold buyer. 8d floor.142Vs4tht. Main6108. MONTANA- ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ad ore-testing work. 18$ Morrison st. Wells be Proebstel. mining engineers, chem iil, and assayera 204 V, Waahlngton. Auto Supplies. v p. KEEN AN CO, 10 Fourth it, Em. 'plra auto tires. Pope Mfg. Co.'s bicycles, auto bicycle and motor supplies, vehicle rubber tires. Phones if. $182. A 4323. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General ' uractlce. abstracts examined. Removed te 1424 to 1428 Yeond:gM;173j A 107U THOMAS D. REED. lawyer, removed to 40 Oregonlan bldg. 4th floor. Hatha and Swimming. HILL'S SANITARIUM ; Rheumatio treat ment, elegant plunge. 695 Front. M. 46L, Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting; and machine work. 106 N. 6th. Main 2703. ChlropracUo Fhyslclan DR. TICKNER. Columbia Bldg, next Star Theater. A ii&o; res. 1S E- tOth; B t7t. Cuiropodlt. WILLIAM Eatelle and Floasle Deveny. the only sclentiflo chicopodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2t and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Dr. Martin Braun, surgeon chiropodist from the Imperial University Hospital. Vienna. Austria. 20 Rothchlld bldg. Ph. Main 68aL CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. H11L offices 42 FUedner bldg. Main 1473. taullertlons. PORTLAND Collection Agenoy317 Alisky bldg. All debts collected. A 7317. M. 4. is. bldg. All debts collected. Contractors. W. L. BUCK.VEK, contractor, Jobbitig. of fice and store setting. 8 N. 8th su Mala 1181; A 76i2. Woodlawn. 662. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 WeIIs-argo plug, jiain Dancing. WALTZ, two-step, three-step and "t- dancing lessons 25c; every morning. ernoon and evening. Prof. WaU Wilsons Dancing School. 3S6V4 Wash, at, beu w. Pnrk and loth sts. KINGLER'S dancing school, special Summer, rates, private instruction daily. 331 '.a Jtur. Oentlsta. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridgework is imposGioie; auea buuhij - bridgework; we cure n pyorrhea Uoosb teeth) absolutely; terms 10 reliable POB-i! Alveolar Dental Co., Ablngton bldg. 101 3a. DR- H. B. GARRISON, 8raduaLeia?ilaar- pnia Dental college, J chants Trust mug, chaiu THE old reliable Union Palnieas Dentlata. 1st and Morrison sta. Engines Gas nnd Steam. KOBSR Machinery Co.. Coast agenta. Sea bury steam engine and boilers, gasoline en gines. 2B1-253 E. Morrison at. Phone L, ai Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay. grain. . r ment, shingles. z4 oranu Leather and Finding.. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO, 74 t of ev.rv descriDtlon. taps, mfra findings. JA- STHOVVBRIDGE LEATHER fclO. laoiianeu laoo. -" - - Ladies' Tailoring. R. RIEDEL, ladies-' tailor imp.. --- ladies'- Eilers bldg- 7th ana Aiucr -. Musical. Kmll Thlelhorn. violin teacher, .pupil Sevela. 00 Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 1621. Osteopathic rhyslcians. DR.. LEROY SS. der Dr. A- T. Still, founuer of the .clench 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1S7, A i- tie R, B Northrup. 415-18-17 Dekum bldg. "Paints. OH and Glass COAST-mTdB Paint and varnUU U adaptedto the ..iid St. RASMUSSEN CO. Jbera. .t glass, sash and doora. Cor. HfcLI 11. 1A. r'" ; 7 Patent Attorneys. 5S7T3 procure b, 409 Chamber 'of Commerce Bldg. fXTErocured by at-law. tate of U. wnlf TraQ. bldl. let "" ; raving. T TT b.rino romDanv. 80 UO Hil'geJV'm u'-o- . r giaewnihi Pipe. . . r, wood PIPE CO. i'actory and. plumbers. FOX & CO, PLUMBERS. Main 2UQ1.; a BY pLUBni."f.i. B4S7 403 Gllsan. Main 4i. But Weavers. ri:.nr. KT Morrison. - B 12S0-. Safes. 7,r cr SAFE CO, 108 2d "t- Safes . .t,.,,! furniture and tool-. High- . --TaSTand Show fixtures mfg. Co, branch Grand Rap- rnanagar' gh?w.caM winter Lumber Co. ; - , a.c-n rvi 4th and Couch: ne MARSHALOC0a. c,tm.,';t. Signs. ahlngton oiua. -" Kloraae and Transfer. - pICK Transfer & Storage Co, ofncea C. O. ?1"i,Vi(UB 4-story brick warehouse. and ,Aid fireproof vaults separate iron ro a ?r . "o'nor'and furniture moved and . "L ,' a T Voi- ahlDDlug ; special rates maue uu packed tor ahlppnjg. tQ aomelU4 goo"- i.. Main 696. A A3o. ana iog's" .r," KKEE STOK AtiHj n-?1? .it household good" hauled by us go . AUo, freproof brick warehouse, abso lnl, free for balance of month, and as lutely tree lot utheI.eatter. Expert mov, the lowest rates tne .KBhe Phonekand let the Van Horn Trans, fer CO. uiuvo j , . .-. n- o a V C IT lt H ""0, - , rienewl transferrin, and .torage, afefc .o. and furniture moved and packej for "stlipment. 87-89 Front .U Xelephon. Main B47 or A 2247. rN TRANSFER CO, established lSiO. OKrBOfer and forwarding agents Storage T.ani o Hoyt st, between 6th and Bin.. ,Ulce agones Main 69. A 116D. . TaxidermUt. ZOOSE. elk heads, lur worlf. B. Flnley. . . 4 loiuwi" Typewriter.. rPi.,,,., -ale on rebuilt typewriters; to re B rfuce our .lock we are .elling a number OS raf-cTasa machine, at actual cost. derwods ........... :::;;:; to ICJ JftnSS.-'" 88 ESS" Smith Premier. - J 01Werhandle' all makes of machines and some very good ones aa low aa $10. Every macWne wl sell bear, our full guar antee. This sale will continue for a short Time only, so get In early. "Tactfic Stationary & Printing Co, " X01. 20S, 205 Second sr. Corner ot iJwt' are the exchange for the largest type w,ae? concern on thl. Coast; Investigate; Tif make, "fl price,. Th. Typewriter Ex- '"ange. 287 V. Washington at, ( EJTjf rebuilt, second-hand rentala, at cut " ffi:.. p. P. C Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Veterinary Schools or Colleges. cats: FRANulatU v r. , i. j. ... o... i u-6'-i" '.,. k..ln. Sent. 15. Cut. lot,. .a VETERINARY free! Dr. C. KeanelS 1 8 Market at, S. F. Well Drilling. fiHTI.LING wells a specialty; price reason able. Call Main 1340 or write Miller West. 1 Wood and Coal. BllRNSlDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tall 4-ft. .awed fir and hardwood. Office and' yards at 125 E. 7 th su Phone .East 724: B 2777. , DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with .mailer wood $4-50 per load, delivered to any place' in the city. Portland Wrecking Co., ' 1Q5-107 11th st. North. Main 37. A 37S8. THE Irvington Fuel Co, wholesale and retail, fir cord wood. Phones East Uii, C 2322. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood. 9th and Gllsan. at. 635; M. B301: A ia. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main 1608; A 2415. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33P ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO, coal aiid wood, 1 Marshall 96a 887 Water st. 1 WANTED Cordwood to haul. Phone Malm 9341. A 2au7 4