THE MORXIXO OREGONIAN, FRIDAY. AUGUST 4, 1911. 10 FOR MIX Ho r, Vet-erlea. MICHIGAN lH-iS.ilE", A..I.K l.l'MP WAG'iNS. Before you buy. either above, sea a'-.-k and get price, w lr located o muim th. rent dl.trlct and for tl r..Mn ran -!! mupr. Why buy a a er.d-haoa vehicle, a hen )ou ran get tew o at about the aama prlct K M. WADE CO.. Haa thorn a e. i fc KU. w.ian about 10. each, a an4 1 y.--e ol-l. ounl and true. .. .i IrtU of poiil.e and hn good woril . , .1 d'iti in. nuii i ,-- .- Flaaw. Organ aw MBfl iaMraa TWO violin f.,r aaie. oo very old. would trad for rood watch or kodak. Char I'urs.y. '.i Broadway. hniMil In need of money; will eacrl fir my piano and paintings: $12i; plea ar.w.r. '' j Fifth al. ftA.. .-Ufa-i-v WANTED. Will make ti a Jod off.r. A d il r s r '.'-'I. (rrf inlin. 1 W .ST to d. !. What txi. of mv piano check foi offer? AO ii'X. Orftlln. l.-4 PIANO ch.-k on Ell Xmlc HoM for aa.-. Al. J'. oregonlan. F"H SALi make in. Eil-r an otTe Plno certiorate $110 . K 3C oregonlan. iHiair. l'IAN rheck for sale: leaving city .-at .r-1 v. AS J"-. Irfnian. M A K K m. an off.r on ch.Jing check. X 31 ; ,17 :,1i Kller pur- r.ironln. A -loaaooltea- lll-M in excellent condition; aver. thing In th. b-.l of fully Mi:i.d sacrifice for $.00 cash, tail to-i.r. "J Sa.tland bids. "GARAGE" I'v and dead storage, painting .ml renalrlng a specialty. Willamette i . t.r dr. C- SIS Hawlhora av. Mat . . i i r r jl ...... n ... r i.hnruiower automo bile, run l-.a than 50 mile; a anap for rasa. r-t.i'Mard-trayion auiii .. ..- near Stark. vrw KlVTnS SIX SACRIFICED. A written rr.dtt that you can apply frr $15iO pirni'm oo n. w Wlntnn auto .iHcp for ji5.n3l.jOrrionln. Al'TO-IOPtr.E to exchange for good raal ntan: a ill trada my elx-eyllnder Wlntoo. completely quipp tor Illy, lnq'iira aO.l "rbott bAt r..piir.lKH for . rn.ap ono Thi.ra motor bik. 'A1. Ilawlhorna Auto Co.. 3th and niainorna a.e. t-1 iT T HfrtTi.tard. l-naiiaon.r. l-hon rotr: llttla uard. A baraaln. Ploddard- IHv!.-l Auto t o. 1 i"in at.. n-.r .-karn. 6.,At:N:KK for. door H. F. c.nt.r control. T.-.o: don't both.r m unlraa you m.aa I'hona juain i III ST hava caih. will a:l llt J-horpowr ...nar.r f.iro-door car for $0; oo trartra AM J'v:. Orritonlan. -OR .a I. cheap, illlrhell -cylinder run about auttaow lor Miomwi or hhu IH.ry. Apply owner. 3 Ain.r ai. - OR MAI.B t'B THAIE Whlta pteamer 6- paspenfer auto, muira iwu ...... Mtl i0. CASH and $tu trade bua auto, cood or!.r: coat a.'.'W. a l. t-I'AS.-lINOKK Chalm.ra. lilto hour. Main TTTo. A A"-T. Kvenlna. Main .l1. tAr i-paenner Ford, nearly new. Fully QU'I pert. -ii-. r-none Klin EAR'.AJ.V S-paaa. Ford, nearly new. fully e.jiiitpeo;. ioihi. I ij .to w. lo(a, Hlrd., Pet Mock. I'EK.IAN rata and kltlena: oranc and oiner colora; flna type; prlrea r.aaonable; a ao two short-hatred mala klttena to iva aaay. fnon. . f. ..ok bo.-n. 1 im.mihi nld aolld whlta and some blua onea in nin, from reittered ato.k. reaaonable. Bo R. F. l. J. Hlll.dala. Or. Ill Kl';H Hl:Kl Che.ter Whlta boara.4-0 ta I Mk. pira rn.ap. t ."J. .ra""'". A SI'ITZ doit for aa e. weeka old. i'hona B U1Q or Tatvr yi7. Mlwelli ME.VS SVITS RKnurBD. GeaT M-n! I weep to sea them sail at auch ridiculously low prices! Bulla that I b been aeillnc during tha iin at prtcea away belr.w those of tha storaa on tha atreet I HAVE KXIFEU AOAIM Coma early. suits for 1; lis aulta at 13. IJu suits at lit. JlltilT Dl'NX, Room 3i cr.gun.aa Bldftt. mevs TRorscns. Ven. buv your panta from me; no proflta tackel on for the benenlt of tha landlord; ; i tronaera at $1: i trousers at IX Jimmy Dun;, room l. Oretrinian bldf. J OR 8AI.K Hull of steamer hlelton. nil oak. Iron strapped. !t ft. lon. Ji-ft. beam. l!-ft ilepth. l''-lon capacity, flrat-elaaa rendition. Leasers at Contracuora aiactv. I'n. i.'R SALE Scholarship In tha Interna tional Correspondence fcho)t !so new araphophone and Library of Technol- rt aiuniee. Call or address X th at.. J'-r!ant(. ( r. FINE launch and launch-hou.e. Includlnf riew bra belU whl.tle. dynamo. 3-cylln-dr ent?inea In B'o condition, worth at least : will sacrifice for Sl'JA cash, ferry I', llnvrt, 41J Wa.hlnaton ml. 'I)H SAI.K New automobile. haa been drl.en miles; fully equipped, will s-il for cash or trade f..r Portland real estate, as owner expecta to leava the cujr. Ad dreaa L. Orenonlan. iAFES-New nd Id-hand; low prlcea: es.y t.rmsi safea op.ned. repaired and painted. HHrtLL S A F aS CO. and IORIUND AFB lO. l Hh at Main ! A 4114. bTuV K IKiCTOR. If your sto.a doesn't bnkn triarw hi S"m"thlr wronc. I can fix 1U aaa Kaat Worrlaon. rr. on. r.. .'EPTI"SA1. typaartter twriuai for tha 'Veek R.mlactona. 9.10; Bmllh ITaantera. JIIW: liMcka. llf.SU. Nortbwast Tjpa- wrtter Co . ! 3!h t- lftll. T h. p.. Indian motorevxle. trttcl condition, tandem attachment. 1-3. Main JiH SALE Ioutie-deck Hubbard portabla oven; ispa'ty l"ave.. in good con dition. CafJ at Alberta mt. j-QFl SALE t;oM-ptated Holton cornel: In flrst-caaa condition, cheap. AO 2"0. On gonlan. CAMERA. takea 4i5 postcards. Lit plc- turr.: lens, etc nrsi-cia a. new. Call 11 4th at. uint. guoa ll.'lV.MOLl furniture for sale, Fartlea leavir.jc tuwn. Call mornings. Its Bel mont ft- . I'ST hae money, will sell diamond a Vlliere. very cheap for cash. Address AH 3"- Oregonlnn. J a-FOOT motorboat. reaJy for anftne; bar yain. Von d.r Worth. Kaat and Morrison tri'lae. K. v !1KE good at la s ood coadl Hon. Apply 434 Goldsmith straat. Contractors' equipment by United Enclnear-Ir.g- A Construction Co.. 711 Lean bldg. Kafe. large aafe. go.xl aa new. for aala cheap, terms If you wl.h. AP 244. Oreaonlan. IiclKS Xo fiat-top and one roll-top, rrtcap. Pureell Safe Co.. j ftth at. SMALL, electric fan. 11- In Ion ava. i'hona B 1'. OR SAI.E ued: prap. f .Mt 111 E meat counter, navar l'Jth st. flAFF. Several large second-hand, rale. R -".'S. Oreaonian. for J'AKTIK.-l going East would be benefited by aildftiint H 3wt. Orcgontan. II, CHEi'K on Hi. ere Mualo dtora cheap. -3 S North 1st st. WATEI MIlfrl.LAMOr. BUT CLOTHINd. FURNITURE. TOOLS Highest prica paid for men a and ladles eaat-off clothing-, ahoea. furnltura. too a mechanic logg n. Cail Mala -X0. Saw rift- St. Tha UloUa. T TOU ha.a household furnltura ta ealL call BP George Baker A Co.. 1U Park aC tales at resid.ncea n apaclalty. V F. pay moat for any kind f furnltura yen doa t want. stain Mil. A 44 Ford Auatlon Cow Z Highest prlcaa paid for nil klade af .d-haad mecnanlc. logging looia. a.-a Hiiwre. Co.. 2- Front. Mala feOTX lJ oa want to dtspee of your piano rherk? I ran use It at faca value. Address D - 4. Or.eonlsn. iilnHMsr prices paid tor furnltura,, ranges, ate., ate Call up Kaat luxa ar call at ttA East Morrison at. til pay the htgheet ea ah prlea foe aecoad haad furaltara. eVater A Martin. I'hsas s.a.t illt. I4i Hawthorna a.a. IvT rilll 2 a 00,1 econl-hand pool tablea; price muet be right. Main .St.. ,n'ANTCU Moving plctara machine fllnaa, fding chairs, eta AU S41. oregoalan. , a TP to rent or buy Furuiahrd bouaa bjt. I, rtC. treg..nlan. HEI-r WATITTTV M AlJt. JiAFlHbK wsned paturda). 1M t N. lTlh. st. rt,- a V T E I eIl.-i'or to work among nulld- .r. I n:n Mfc Co.. 4-" I'nion ava. N. tMoW CARP WRITER wanted, appreatlca; easily learn.d. il3 Fifth at. HELP W.ATri MAI :. INCIDENT. (On, of Many) Offlca Secratary Employment Department Toung man. atraoger. out of work (tlJ hla total cash aeet If I pay you for special emploment membership. I will have only 14 left batwaaa ma and gtanra- tlon. Secretary If PT ti for spaclal employment membership yon will have tha T. M. C- A. with Ita rneouroea betwaan yon and atarvatioa. Record for t months ending Juna SO-.. Calla for men l-oaltlona f.lled JJJ New mesnbera 7oT Emplovmant raembarehlp runranteaa em ployment or refund of membership fea; gives two months full member-ship ptir lleg.a. 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep party employed during tha full term of membership without further charga. TA a have cw-aetant demand for high grade, experienced man. Are you fitted for a better position T en aecretary employment department T. M. C. A. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for tha V. 8. Marine Corps, between the ages of 1 and 3.1. muat be native born or have first papera: monthly pay S13 to addition al compensation possible: food, clothing. ouartera and medical attention free- after ! years' service can retire with 3 per cent of pay and allowances; eervlce on board ahlp and ashore In all parte of tha worl t. App y at L H. Marina Corpa Re cruiting office Breeden bidg.. 3d and Washington eta.. I'ortland, Or. PARTIES rontemplatlng trip to tha Middle West or Has tern stales may represent tna beat Irrigated land proposition In the Northern and have the opportunity to n.ake big rommt.s.ons and all traveling eipenvea. Tha landa will atand the cloaesl Inteellratlon. the company la In eaeellent financial alandlng and for productlveneaa. perfect water supply and Inducement to .settlers, wo are without competition. If Interested, address 8 310. Orrgonlan. WANTF.Ii Man to drive and take care of aa automobile, also take care of small ' garden and lawn for private paity. Room and board furnished Must be strictly sober and neat, wun good references. Rea eonahle salary and permanent position to satisfactory party. In replying, give ref erences, age and experience. Addrea A 301. Oregonlan. NURSERY" AOENTS WANTED. We want reliable agents who can sell our high-grade fruit trees grown al Ken newlrk and Spokane Valley. Expenses advanced weekly. Free expert advice to fruitgrowers, by rrofessor Van Holderbeke. for a year Wa-hing'on state Horticulturist. VAN HOLDERBEKE NCRSERT CO.. Spokane, waan. WANTED A young man who la capable of earning ('.oo or more per monm. inn no cinch, bat to the man who baa found that there Is nothing In working all hla lire at a email wage for tha other fellow w ara prepared to offer i a permanent, lucrative position Jf tha man can deliver tha gooda. elate previoue expevieove m i anawerlng. AO z.o. urogomaq- WANTED for U. 8. Army, able-bodied un married men. between agea oi is ana citixena of United staiee, or goou tn-i.t-. .. mr.A LmMriii hahlta who ran speak, read and writ th English language For Information apply to Recruiting unic.r, Worcester block. 3d and Oak. l.. Port land. Or. WANTED Flrst-claas construction foreman familiar with general con;ruciion wora. inrhvlin rock and concrete work: muet understand operation of derricks, hoists and heavy construction machinery, bend copy of referencea and stale salary. Ad dress AV :t'J. ttregonian. WANTED Experienced realty aaleeman ta fake charge or corpa or junior and act aa district manager; must bava ability to handle prospect and closa business: no man under 30 years of ag considered: tat age and previous expert ence In answering. AO 271. Oregonlan. WANTED Fifty men. between the age of 14 and so years, for a tour or duty witn K Company, Third Oregon Infantrr at Al'ona Centennial, from August T to 17 Inclusive. Apply to Cap. R. O. Scott, th Armory. Tenth and coucn streets, irom - to 4 r. at. WANTED A few good live salesmen to call and talk over a proposition mat is new and attractive from ev.ery point of view. If you are Inexperienced w win ,iv. won ever-v aaalstanca. but no down and outers wanted. Call 8 30 to IX 440 Sherlock bldg. ASSISTANT window trimmer wanted by tha Meier A Frank slore. agust oo experience. -Call on superintendent, tlh floor. SALESMEN, exeluelve territory, big oppor tunltlea, tteady position. complete Una Taklma Valley-grown fruit shade and or namental stock, rash weekly; outfit free. TooD.nish Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. W' ANTED Salesmen for flrat-claa commis sion prop"ii"". " - -- eetati steady remunerative position for reel producers with clean record. L iuS, ClH,.nUii WANTED Two painters by the month: moat oi toe , - - it union ...ii... ... ..... - . salary. Arldres AT 3"1. Oregonlan. WANTED Man to ell real estate In Sa lem, r ina esning pn.pi t i..n hi commission. see or write Bechtel A Bynon. 3tT Slate at.. Salerru WANTED Respectable gentleman to share nicely furnished room wun young man; rent I -.' per week each. lie I Mont roomlng-houae. Jrtth' and Washington at. WANTED Flrst-cla.a blacksmith for hea work In construction camp: give rerer enre and atata wageA Addraaa AV -SO. f'regontan. WANTED Clothing aaleeman. one who can trim window prererren: permanent poei tlon to man who makes good. Box 3od, E'igene. Or. SALESMEN wanted to aell our line of Pa cific Coast-grown nursery stock; caen paia weekly. Pacific Nursery Co.. 308 Corbett bldg. WANTED Strong boy to learn plumbing trade, expenencea preierreo. rei.renc.e. Apply T.3i A. M. today. Alaska rlumbing Co.. 4.3 neimont at. i'A.NTEP A good barber, must b flrst clsss. good wages. D. O. Taylor, lnda- j c. pgnuraiv. - LECTRICIANS. plumbers and sheet metal workera nonunion, out of town. Apply 2iJ Commercial Club blilg. .. - -1 ,ca itniia en. rave. at once. Oram A sons. Limited. 317 Can Me atreet. Vancouver. B. C upcten'T architectural draftsman for local architect's office; state experlenc and aa.ary expected. M 1. Oregonlan. HuHOLGHl.T competent bookkeeper for lumber office. Address, with reference. A V 3-. Oregonlan. WANTED An A-l aaleeman to aell capital stocw In the llvest proposition on mi max keu D 3o3. Oregonlan. WANTED Laborer for railroad construc tion at Wendllng. or., or apply room iv. ltlt. let at- PHYSICIAN tregtstered) aa aeatstant In ad vertising a oiuce. eaiarr. aiusio man pr-ferred. K Sl. Oregonlan. WANTED Boy about 18 yeara old to work In shop, union ig. 1.0., ew miun v N. MAN used to porter work, wlndow.claanlng. etc.; good local rererencea requiraa. -v IJ. Oregonlan. WANTED Clood blacksmith for country town; muat be good noreesnoer ana man of family. Call at 9QT Toon bldg. MOUTWATCKMAN' over SS. weight 180 or over: loaay only. jiercnania I -irgi, Portland Trust bldg.. 3d and Oak els. MAN' and wife to work on farm. 14 mllee rrom city . tl or 1 ...- . . Stark, between 1 and 3 P. M. UOII.ER-M AKEiS. nonunion. Apply 2ia Commercial '.luj biag. WANTED A man going to Denver. O anl. Oregonlan. Laborers, out of town. Apply 222 Com- lerrlal OIUD nidg. PHOTOORAPH coupon and portrait agent. new offer, cutr-erth studio. teum piqg. TRAVF.LINiJ and local repreeentatlve. sal ary and expense. Hotel Msoraa. room 1.. BARBER wanted: $16 per weak. No. E. th St.. Eugene Ur. ALI.-ARi il'XD brush makers wanted. S09 East 17th St.. ths peoples nrush r ariory. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 37S Wash ington st. 6TKUCTURAI. Iron workers, out of town. Apply ... t ommerclal t luo Ptqg. WANT one dinner cook and one fry cook. Apply at Medford Bar, sth and tinean. 1.INEMKN. nonunion. Apply 222 Commer cial ciuo oior. TENOUKAI'HER who wanta opportunity. A.k for Hrvant. lilt Teon nor. GtHD poaltlons for nrat-class waiters at tha Seattle, wasn. opon snop. PARPEH wsnted. steady Job. SrWt let St. BAKUER wanted. tI 1st St. ' HELP WVTTI rtTMAI.R. WAVTEn An experienced waltreaa. Th Hill. -Jd and V. ashington ata WANTED A girt to do general houaework tn small family. Apply a.s Qulmby su UKLP W A XTE D FT MA I.E. WANTED IOLNQ LADIES FOR TET.K PHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITH OCT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE aY TELEGRAPH CO. EAST 6TH AND AJCKENT 8T8. WANTED TODAT: Cook and second, out of city. $75. .,iipnt iir, 1H nar week. Waltere for resort, $7 to IS per weak. room and board. 4 wallreaaea out Of City. 130 each. t waitreaaea and pantry girl at springs, t-. urh Clerk for confectionery. 17 to 110 per wek. Housekeeper, psntry girl and girl for general housework. -'U to JU per monio. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 7rtlea' Dept. HI'i Morrison St. HOTEL cook, country. 40. Cook. Institution. Two hotel waltressea. $30. fare paid. Two hotel waitresses, resort, 1-3. Chambermaid, fl week. Pan try woman. fl'S. Kitchen helper. 3i. HANSEN'S EM PLOY' ME NT AOENCT. 34o s Washington si., room 7. TWO TAILOR ESSES wanted by th Meier A Frank clothing department. Must be experienced. Call superintendent's office, tlh floor. WANTED Lady agents. Portland and other points. "Lacorona ' and "Mme. Al coaoe -Corsets. Large profits. Experience not necessary. bL. Louis Corset Co-. Su Louis, MO. mitTJ WANT- Apply ftand. rd Factory, No. X Oraad st a. ana aun iuw v WANTED Lady to attend office; must be good at meeting th public and nave some knowledge of a typewriter: salary $:0 to start: call befor noon. 300 Rail way Exchang bldg. STEAM ahovel engineer. .ISO. Trainman. lt)0. free far, call early. Section foreman. S70. Man and wife as restaurant cooks. 90, C. R. HANSEN CO.. 26 N. d St. BEACH situations: Chambermaid. Iw; laundreaa. 1W: kitchen helper. f.'S waitress. (23. Howe's Ladles' Agency. 814 1M4 Wash. U'lMTPnVnnn. ladv nreferaolv a teach ar". for work with children's educational Journal; good salary; permanent posi tion, call Til Marquarn ping. rnwPKTEXT reliable middle-aged woman to do general housework and help car for . . .... . Til 1 infant: wages 4U monin. ruw Woodlawn l:il. A COMPETENT Swedish or German girl for general noueework: 3 in tamuy; wages 130; irvington aiatrict. x.aa. .se., r.i erences required. REFINED lady to keep house for widower with two children, girl 1. boy 14. Best referencea required. AR 302. Oregonlan. WANTED Toung Isdy stenographer to as sist office. For further Information phone Main 1S. A between 11 and 12 A. M. GIRL wanted, general housework. 2 In fam lly. Call In th morn Ins. 660 Flanders at-. flat s. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of four adulla.T Fnon East 8604. 633 E. lsth North. WANTED Competent servant In family of four: no laundry; wages M. TO 4to su North. WAN1ED Kenned, capable woman for re aponslble position. Vlavt Co.. 60S Rata child cine;., em ana w Mnnivion. WANTED A steady, reliable woman for kitchen work and plain cooking. Apply Ro-e City Sanitarium. 2Aa and jonnion. WANTED Two good kitchen helpera for beach hotel; state price in answer; eitnar men or women, x 3U. oregonlan. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, famllr of 2; satisfactory wages to tight party. Phone Main Mo". IKs. HOWE 3 LADIES' AGBTNCT. 32t Waehlngton at., room 314. Main 81d or A 8. an. EXPERIENCED cook. 140 up: chamber maids, waltr&sses. nurses. St. Loilla Agency. 8031. Wash. Main gnB. A 477.V WANTED Woman for cooking and general hnueework on farm. Box 43. DUUng, Oregon. OIRL wanted for general housework, family of two; no wasning. Appiy to iu asor rlson st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCT. Xllw Washington st.. oor. Ttb. upatalra. Phone Main irtol. WANTED Experienced saleswomsn In art department. Apply to air. fioimes, , ooa ard. Clarke Co. WANTED Y'oung girl to care for two chil dren. 3 per month; mora and board. In. qulr 106 E. Morrison. WANTED Two 'good lady solicitors, good salary. Phone A WAITRESS wanted, experienced. 141 Rus sell ft. DINING-ROOM girl wanted. 7 West Park EXPERIENCED waitress, Thompson's Res taurant. 144 4th t. G1F-L for general housework and cooking. Fhon Main 4162. GIRL wanted to do cooking and laundry work. Call East 12 ft until 2 o'clock. WANTED Experienced and competent waitress. Peerless Cafeteria, 104 fill) St. WANTED 4 extra girls to work on Sun day at Council Crest Tavern. WANTED Young girl work lc cream stora. .'j, I Burnslde St. WANTED Gtrl to assist In general house work. Phone Tabor 15.V). MTI.P WANTED MTELA'OrS. WANTED Ladlea to learn beauty culture; 400-412 Dekum bldg. INTERNATIONAL Corre epond.nce sctiMA local office 1.13 Alder at. Mala loaa. WANTED Carpenter to exchange work for tailoring. 3o4-S Macleay bldg. HELP VTAVnCD MALE OR FEMALE. BEST propoaltlon to good solicitors; 340 a week. 8 to 1 A. M.. 4 to 0 P. ML, 3o7 East Burnsld. room 14. HELP W.A"TED MISCELT-ANEOrS, 10.000 POM1TIONS for . luatea laat year; men and women larn barber trad ta S week a help to aecur position; gradu ates earn from lis to 333 weakly; expert Instructor. ; toola free; .write for oaxa loguea. Mohlar Byatem of Colleges, 13 Njrth 4th at-, Portland. Or. MEN wanted, aged 18-3S for firemen, 1100 monthly; brakamea 9S0, on nearby rail roads; experlenc unnecessary; no strike; positions gusranteed competent men; pro. motion; railroad employing headquarters; . men sent to positions In July; stst age; send stamp. Railway Association, bo AV. Oregonlan. WANTED Positively no expense to learn trade of electricity, automobiles, plumb ing, bricklaying by aciual work on con. tract Joba. oniy a few months required; 2ta students last year; catalogue free. United Trad School Conatrucllng Co., Loo Angeles, CaL DISTRICT manager for life Inauranca com pany: will laae rrom gaiu to .wu iu handle; do not apply unless you are an In surance man and can furnish references. AE 30U. Oregonlsn. . WANTED MEN TO LEARN T operate movlng-plcturee; operators arn lift to 940 weekly; spaclal price on leaaon today." N. Y. School of M. P. Operating. 6.61. Washington, near 17th. MOTION picture operatora get big wagea: win teacn you to operate in my meaier. a full practical course; posttlon guaran teed, price rra.olTblc. AD 3u7, Orrgonlan. MAKE money writing short stories, or for riapers; big pay; tree booklet tens now. L'nlted Press Syndlcsts. San Francisco. PBIVATK acnool SHORTHAND and TTPBV WRITING. II mo. 200 14th C Mala A W'LL tint rooms for 12.30 and paint houaes at your price. Phone gios WANTED Ar once. 8 men to learn to drlva and repair automobu.a. oo . Ttn at. F1SK TEACHER-- AsSOClATIO. ! Swetlaad Bldg. ITfATION' WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and C'lerka. YOl'Nil man wishes position aa stenographer. some knowledge or bookkeeping: wining to start at 3l' week. AT 3'U. Oregonlan. COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper de sires permanent position; local references. AO 301, Oregonlan. enTATIONS W -ANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. CLOTHING, furnishings and ahoa aalee man. experienced In trimming, advertlalng and buying: live, up-to-date young man deetres permanent poattlon with good firm In or outsld city; good references. S 29 Oregonlan. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSa OR WRITS VP books, prapar balances and statements. Install system a Olllingham, auditor, 411 Lewis bldg.. Marshall 717. SITUATION wanted: -hlgh-claae man. years of experlenc organlxlng and handling agents, open for salary and commission engagement. AL Sou. Oregonlsn. A GENTLEMAN desires to audit a set of books, examine accounts or perform other duties of a confidential nature afternoona or evenings. AR 0o. Oregonlan. WANTED A situation by middle-aged man. bookkeeping or telegraph operator or any Job which demands fair H 302, Oregonlsn. WA NTED Position ss hotel clerk; T years' experience from store-room to manaser; beet references. K 277. Oregonlan. WELL-EDUCATED young man wlahea clerical position, or aa collector; refer encea. D 202. Oregonlan. M lacelianeoua. BOARD for gentlemen out of the city for two or three months. Must be wholesome food and very reasonable, or able to work at light work, such aa painting or any thing, would work for board. AM 301, Oregonlan. NEWSPAPERMEN Y'oung man of aevsral years' experience desires to sssoclate him self either aa partner or salary on a news paper In V- Northwest. AC 306, Ore gonlan. JAPANESE, flrst-claas cook, wants position, city or country; cooking In private fam ily; good experience, meay yeara In tha city or country; has good references. Ad drese care AB 807, Oregonlan. SITUATION wsnted by first-class cutter and aaleeman, first-class references. 3 years with one flrst-claaa tailoring establish ment. Reasonable salary. Address AH 30. Oregonlan. TOTNO man attending buslneas college de sires place to work for board and room befor and after schooL Call or address H. D. B.. room 5o3. Commonwealth bldg. JAPANESE, thoroughly experienced, second bsrtender or porter, wants place In city. Hsvs A-l referencea from Seattle. AN 300. Oregonlnn. WANTED By young man. 20. work of any kind, either In or out of city; reference furnished. Address 690 K. 8th. . Phon Sellwood 1140. SITUATION wsnted as clerk and card writer; experienced; can apeak German; no objection to leaving city. M 304. Orego nlan. YOl'Nd man wanta work out In country; good habita. steady; or city. Room 726, Y. M. C. A.. Portland. Or YOl'NO man wants any kind of profitable work at once: restaurant. Janitor or light ranch. Wm. Dlmls. 849 Yamhill sL TOUNG experienced elevator man desires position: has good references. K 278, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS cook, with beat references, wsnts work In hotel or restaurant. G. Rogers. Oswego-. Or. MAN and wife want work on farm; man for farm work and wit lor nous wora. AT 300.OTegonlajv JAPANESE boy wants position In store or hotel work; good experience. C 304. Oregonlan. WAWltle rMiu- aa t""""" " inn grain i m n . u j man - ..,.. ..... v. Address N 34. Oregonlan. HOUSE cleaning and window washing or janitor work. Main lo-o. Andrew j. Jennings EXPERIENCED family cook wanta po sition. 133 1. 1st St. Chinese Mission, room 14. WAVTF.n Work as butler or Ice cream maker; all-round creamery man; is, years experience, rnone wooaiawn ovo. Competent chauffeur, repair man, salesman, en glneer. E. 663. 1 Union av. N- suit 1 9. CARPENTER, experienced workman, coun try preferred. AE aua. oregonlan. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wanta house work In small tamiiy. vji c luin r. SITUATION'S WAXTF-D FF.MALR. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. TOUNG lsdy of neat appearance wants a position answering pnone or sucn oiner wont as wouia not reiuii muca urcr lence. Phone Main S262. TOUNG lady desires position aa atenogra- pher; also DOOkKeeper ana general oiiioa work. c iwj. BOOK K EEPER-Btenographer. with business ability, wants responsible position. Phon Main -'.17 2. STENOGRAPHER wishes position. Perma nent or substitute. Moderate salary to begin. Phone Main 718 EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position; nest. 01 city references. Phono A 4122. TOUNG lady, with office experience, de sires position, doctors office preferred phone East 1118. COMPETENT bookkeeper desires position. capablo or taking charge, v 302, ore gonlan. YOUNG LADY stenographer desires posi tion. Phones E 10os. B 14. BOOKKEEPER. years' experlenc In Port land. Phone asl 191 1. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, business school grsduate. Phone C 1613. Dressmakers. RESPECTABLE widow wanta housekeeping for respectable party; has two. small chil dren. Mr. McGregor, 640 Upehur at., Portland. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wlahea few more engagements by day or week, call Main (107. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes engage ments by day or week, rnonee Main 1US2, A 2157. DRESSMAKER, first class, wants sewing by day. Phone East Z441. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring by tha day, pnone a oi-. or wain im WANTED Sewing by day. week or piece. Write Mabel Calhoun. 33P ootn St., s. . DRESSMAKER by the day or at home. 2.60. Phone Main 8734. SHIRT waists and plain sewing. 268 12th. A 23H0. TRAINED nurse wishes engagements, terms reasonable; llttla housawork; references Main 6S. . COMPETENT, practical nurse wants car of Invalid. P 301. Oregonlan. Hooaekeepers. EXPERIENCED refined business woman wishes management of first-class apart ment or rooming-house; can assist with plans, purchasing of furnltura and open house. H 305. Oregonlan. BUSINESS woman wanta to take charge or apartment Duuaing or noiei; musi oe first-class; can give reference. Address P 03. Oregonlan. POSITION as housekeeper by single, re liable woman ror 3 or 3 men. i.ity or country If near car. AR S02.Oregonlan. POSITION In hotel aa housekeeper or linen- room; experienced. M ao.-t. oregonlan. Domestics. EXPERIENCED second maid wants situa tion. Apply 3. w. C A. al. Olio; noura 10 to 12. ' GERMAN girl wants position for cooking and general nouaework. ajs svu, urt.u nlan. EXPERIENCED 8wedlsh girl desires fam ily second work, 130. Main 20SH, A 4710. Miscellaneous. LADY. cook, and daughter, waitress, would like place in csmp or ooaroina noun, -vu-dress 1046 E. Lincoln, Portland, Or., or phone Tabor 2560. LADY wants washing and Ironing; shirt waists and gowns a speciajtv price roa eonable; all handwork. A 7267. WANTED By elderly christian lady, horn a companion: light work; wage no od Ject. Phone Main 1554 RESPONSIBLE woman wishes car of apart ment hous by first of September. am 22oi. WANTED Position to care for aged couple of Invalid: do plain aewlng; tan go any place. L 302. Oregonlan. t AS housekeeper by women with child: city or country. Mrs. rranKiin. enia. jt. YES, ws laundry lac curtain right. Phon Woodlawn 26S4. GOOD cook wants position In private fam ily. Address ao Grant 11. POSITION" In office by neat, reliable wo- lan; rererencea F suo, urtionisn. DAY WORK. Friday. Monday, Tuesday of next week. Main 438S. EXPERIENCED chambermaid dealres altu- tlon. Main 2039. A 477J. FAMILY cook. 14.-.; housework girl, 30; waitress. Main 2030, A 411 GIRL wants day work. Phon Main 4400. LADY wishes dsy work. Call A 442. WAN IT. D AGENTS. AG iNTS wanted for private Christmas . . .!... ..mnl, free 1 1 f DrOUtS. c c hlpchase, Darlington. England. WANTED AGENTS. RELIABLE salesman can make big money selling our well-known line of hardy non Irrigated trees, shrubs, rosea, etc; out Hi furnlrhed; cash weekly. Address Ore gon Nuraery Company. Orenco. Or. WANTED TO RENT. House. WILL want to rent or lease about SepL 1. 8 or 9-room strictly modern house; furnished or unfurnished; good neighbor hood; West Side preferred. Write de scription, etc., 810 B. of T. WANTED to rent A five-room bungalow with privilege of buying, by September 1: must be In good nelfc-huorhood; state full particulars In letter. L 3i3. OreKonlan. WANTED TO RENT. ( By responsible couple, no children, un furnished small bunsHlow or flat; clean, fireplace. A K 305, Oregonlan. WANTED To lease for 2 or 3 years, mod ern 10-room unfurnished house; reasonable rent: Nob Hill; references. Main 31i6. WANTED lo rent or buy Furnished house boat. L 305, Oregonlan. Room and Board. WANTED One or two rooms with board, In private home with yard In, In choice lo cality on West Side for man. wife and 4-vear-old child; don't reply unless strictly first-class; will pay well If suited: refer ences exchanged. A3 304, Oregonlan. A BUSINESS man, clean habits, will ap preciate a home with a strictly private family, where no other roomers: pay $25, 2 meals; kindly give phone when answer ing. AO 300, Oregonlan. FOR RENT. fiooma. "JC8T WHAT YOU WANT." Fornlshttd or unfurnished rooms, slngla, cn suite, all conveniences, best location "MILNER BLDG.." tiO'n Morrison St. Furnished Rooms. THE GARLAND HOTEL. Corner Washington and 19th Sis. Trinity Place, No. 2o. New three-story brick building. All outside rooms. Fin quartered-oak furniture. -Axmlnster and Wilton carpel. Telephone in every room. Hot and cold water In each. Large closets. Large rooms, well lighted. Gas and electricity. Strictly modern. Very reasonable rates. Rooms by day, week, month. Walking distance. New! New! New! NOW OPBVI NOW OPEN"! NOW OPEIfl Those three beautifully furnished hotels, HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS ROWLAND Z13H 4th st. SllH 4th at. 107 H 4th st, On Fourth sc. running from Taylor ts Salmon at. Brand new brick, elegantly furnisher'; steam beat, private hatha hot and cold water in all rooms; strictly up-to-date In all respcots, and at popular prices. If you wsnt something out of tbs ordinary In tha heart of the city at re--onable price, give us a calL as we know you will like it. Rooms by the day. weak or month. Tourist trade solicited HOTEL CAFLES. Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient. Bet. Tth and Park sta. Opposite Helllg Theater. Central, quiet, rooms with private bath, etc.. from II dally; suites or single rooms at low tales; weekly or monthly terms; new. handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele phones, hot and cold running watar. From Union Depot "J" car 10 Taylor, or W" car to 7th: from Hoyt-street Depot, "o car, transfer on Morrison to 71b. Phon Marshall 2200. SARGENT HOTEL. Grand ava, and Haw thorne, beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water; steam heat and telephone in every room; special Summer ratea by week or month to permanent guests. Flrst claas grill In connection. Transients so. llcited. HOTEL RAINIER. On Mock from Union Depot: 140 out side rooms, with hot snd cold water, every, thing brand new; special rates by tha week or month; give us a trial. Transient rates Mo to (2 par day; weekly ratea 33 50 up. HOTEL SAVON'. r 131 Eleventh at. Kew. modern brick building, steam-heated, private baths, hot and cold water la rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort able. Rents very ressonable. Call and see vs. Regular and transient trado sollclted. GRAND UNION HOTEL, 8&7b East Burnslde. We have a few very pieasant modern rooms, which we wM make special Sum. mer rates on transient, 50c to $1.50 per day. 2 to 6 per week. East 5940, B 1275. ANTLERS HOTEL. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated; everything first class; rooms, with bath. $1.50 and up; 27 per month with private baths; special low Summer rates by week or month, loth and Washington. CALUMET HOTEL Park St.. between Morriaon and Aider. Heart of the city; quiet and modern: free 'bus or W car at depot; rates 31 alng-l, 81.50 double; also family rooms with prl bata bath, etc Rates par week. THE BURNS. 14 PER WEEK and up, with hot and cold running water and free telephones In every room. ' close In, new, elegantly furnished brick building. 10.1 14 12th st. near Washington. Marshall 27'JO. HOTEL REN WICK An ideal homo for business people; centrally located; ele gant rooms, all modern oonvenlences; 7th and Taylor ats., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main aid, PEER HOTEL, cor. East 8d and Burnslde sts. Modern in every respect. Special rates by week or month for permanent guusts; rooms single or en suite, 33 per week snd up. Transient solicited. bl'BHMAltK HOTEL, 17th and Washingtea Nswly furnished rooms, single or aa suite; private batha. steam heat, not and cold water and phon in all rooms; rata reasonable: transients solicited. HOTEL-MORRISON Cool, airy rooms, new ly renovated, running water. $2 up. Free bath and phone. Also furnished house keeping roums. 533 Morrison st. THE OLIVER, cor, 1st and Clay. Under new management, very nicety lurmsnea rooms cheap. Electric lights, running water, free bath. Phones Main 0O42, A 47HO. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sin gle. 92 and 93 week; live minutes' walk to theaters and stores, Xrse phone. Lin dell Hotel. 328 4th. HOTEL BURTON. Yamhill and Jd stresta. Strictly moaern. reasonaoie rates oy tne day. week or month. B. W. Fisher. Man ager. , WANTED Neat young man for roommate. 92 a ween. Appiy cnnwuna notei, 228 2d St.. room 31. THE LARRABEE. 2274 Larrabee st ; mod ern, cool, airy rooms, transient ouc anu. up; special rates week or month. E. 849. TWO well-furnished rooms, suitable for two or more young men; spienuia location; prices reasonable. Phone A 3S74. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms and apart ment In Nob Hill district, pnone a uml THE HAZEL Nicely furnlsned rooms at ' moderate prices. Cor. 3d and Montgomery. NICELY furnished room, hot water, day and night, and bath. Main 8148. 355 11th st. SUITES or single rooms close In; new house newly furnished. 3H2 nay. WELL-FURNISHED room. fine location. 9. .50 week. 83 lOtn at., near atarx. Furnished Rooms - In Frlvata Family. NICELY' furnished front room with bath. suitable for two gentlemen. 40. Vancouver ave. Phone East 3124. CLEAN, airy, well-furnished room, pleasant location, near park; easy waiKing dis tance. Board If dealred. 3S51. Mill St. GENTLEMEN Rent your rooms from me. widow, need money; aioo neivir i.iuipucn housekeeping rooms. 311 Harrison. A 2ol NICE large room in modern private house. close In, euiiaoio -or -wo jvuua .. US I Oth at FURNISHED flat, 3 rooms and bath; no children. 41m .tn st. BEAUTIFUL front parlor, suitable for two; lso office room ; ren'mmnic. i.m SPLENDID rooms. 310. 96 month, walking ji. kth r-rtnoh V Fl cor. "IRth. UIVKUIt 15. U I ' wm. ... ... . ISO 17TH ST., corner of Yamhill, furnished room. $2.50 A WEEK, a nicely furnished room. :i4 jiin si. TWO rooms for rent, one 6, one 88. Phon abor2967orB4lOi NICELY furnished room, home privileges, board next door. A T3eJ. 127 !d st. N". FURNISHED front room, suitable for two gentlemen, with poaro. i.'o mm m. NEWLY furnished room. Joining bath. 32 V4 North tn. NICE, clean, cool outside room; low rent; walking dlstance: 4.2 Mn. LOVELY cool room. 2.5' week, sleeping- porch, fl.oo. Close in. -- loin. NICELY furnished room, 38 per month. 37 N. 14th St., between uavis ana vereit sts. FOR BENT. Fnrntahed Rooms In Prlyat Family. VERY large elegantly furnished room, with two beds and 2 large closets and an ele gant private bath; suitable for two or four men. 320 Montgomery st. bet. 6th and 7th at a. SUITE of 1 or 2 large front rooms with bav windows, suitable for 2 or 3 men; bath and gas. Call after 6 P. M. East 4SU9 or 540 hi Williams ave., between Rusgell and Knott sts. TWO verv large furnished or unfurnished nice sleeping rooms, bath and phone., cheap to steady tenants. Call evenings 6 to a 614 Front st Main 7001. NEVtLY furnished rooms, reasonable, walk ing distance, board If desired, pleasant surroundings. 332 10th st. Phon Main U97S. THREE furnished rooms and one parlor bedroom, hot and cold waler. 474 Clay, corner 14th, walKlng distance. 13.50 Room in refined home, splendid bath, easy walking distance; no sign. Marshall 31S4. 352 Jackson at. TWO" furnished housekeeping-rooms: also one single room, very desirable. 3S4 Park st. NEWLY furnished rooms for one or two gentlemen: hot and cold water; very doso In. 214 loth st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, with bay window, suitable for two; close In. 4U7 Columbia ST. ONE nicely furnished front room, bath, fur nace heat, private family. .51 East Ank- eny st. FURNISHED rooms for rent, walking dia tance. 529 East Ash st. Unfurnished Rooms. LARGE unfurnished front room. 376 Wil liams aye. Kooms and Board. DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close In. near car. 4 biocks from P. Q. American plan. TWO firre large rooms, one with private oath and other with hot and cold water, homecooklng. modern. The Magnolias, 617 Kearney, new management. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year: rooma with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supf. THE MANITOU 2fll 13th, new manage ment; thoroughly renovated; Inviting rooms; choice board. Main 11S4. CHOICE board and large room, facing th park; very reasonable. 374 Park. TWO large rooms, single or en suite; cholc table board. 33 North 17thj THE CALVARD, 402? Morrison, cor. 13th Rooms, with board; modern conveniences. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ROOM and board in strictly first-class mod ern home, for two persons, with use of piano; close In. 766 Glisan St. Marshall 8241. WELL-FURNISHED room, with first-class meals, and all home conveniences; refer ences desired. 655 East Morrison. Phone B 1729. WANTED To care for two children with good mother's care. Call 73 .N. 14th or phone A 593. ROOM and board for two gentlemen in pri vate family. 576 Ladd ave.. near Haw thorne. LARGE front room for two people; pleas ant surroundings, walking distance, good home cooking. Main 32S0. WELL-FURNISHED front room or sleeping tent for two, with first-class board. 5S7 E. Alder. ROOM and board for two, .private family; no other boarders; close in, home privi leges. Phone East 1952. NICE, light, airy sleeping-room in private family; all conveniences free, with or with out board. Main 8643. 353 12th st. FURNISHED room with breakfast for one or two, in private family. 910 per month; strictly modern. Phone C 1669. LARGE front room, with board. 204 22d sc. North between Kearney and Lovejoy. Phone A 7230 WANTED Two children to care for, with good mother's care. Call 72 N. 14th. Phone A 66P3! FIRST-CLASS room, with board for 2, pri vate family. S3 N. 17th St. Main 4220. FURNISHED room, with board. 320 11th st. Phone A 1636J WELL-FURNISHED room with best board; large porch and grounds. Main 2071. ROOM and board in private family. 595 E. Ash. corner loin St. rnonn a.Br. pj. FURNISHED rooms, $2.50 per week; break fast if desired.. B 2619. WELL-FURNISHED rooma with best of board, all conveniences. Phone B 2138. FIRST-CLASS room and board; family style. 699 Everett St. FURNISHED rooms with board; price rea sonable. 010 cast uan ei. -p .mg. LARGE room for young man, close in. 593 F.fl.t Tavlor. cor. 15th st. GOOD table board for 2 or 3 gentlemen. 591 V Davis SL FURNISHED rooms with board; price rea sonable. 695 East Oak st. B 2619. Apartments.' THE MEREDITH. T12 Washington; under new manage, ment; 2. 3 and 4-room apta., furnished or unfurnished; up-to-date, clean and modern; private bath; telephone: rates reasonable; best service. Phon Main 7130. EXCLUSIVE apartments; 6 large joomi and bath; private entrance: large front and back prlvata porches; maid's room in base ment: beat, hot water, vacuum cleaning system; ranges, refrigerators. 791 North rup. Phone Main 9358. ORDERLEIuH aparm-n. cor. Grand ave, and East Stark st-; new. fireproof brick building, furnished, two snd three-room apai kinents, private -bath, free phone, iiot and oold water Ice box, no carfare. Su-ntner rates. Phone Kat 300. COMPLETELY furnished five-room apart ment, sleeping porcn. west Blue, waiKing distance. 630 Flanders or phone Sellwood 005. COMPLETELY furnished 5 or 6-room apart ment: piano, etc., musi oe seen 10 uo au- freclated. The Marlborough, 21st and landers sts. Main 7516. jADON HALL. 414 11th. cor. Hall. 8 and e-room apt... .. . ........ ... . . . - vats phone, bath and balcony porches. (33 up. Marsnaii inx 1 11c n&oirAU. 410 5th Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments; walking dla- reasonable no tance. i-i--- , . ..... THE Beryl Large rooma larg cloaeta. cool tna n r -- . - - tilshed aparunants. alst and Lovejoy; take W car. THE DAYTON Fine location, large 6-room apartment, porcnes. every convenience, moderate rent. 65S Flanders. FOR RENT My newly-furnished 4-room apartment ror o montna 1.0 j-i par.?. Pnone Main 46611. NEW house, new furniture, latest improve- ments. nnisnea in i-roora sunc. price reasonable. 870 6th St., near Montgomery. THREE or 4 rooms, with kitchenette and bath; finest neighborhood, Irvington. Main S&lrJ. Mrs. ElllolL HXRRISON COURT 5th and Harrison; un furnished apartment of 2 rooms and bath; reasonable rent. FOR RENT My apartment. No. 2, Ce celia Apartments, 2l2d and Glisan sts. Tele phone Marshall 1S04. JUANITA. 325 11th St.. corner Clay Nicely furnished 2 and 5-ioom apartments, mod ern every convenience, rent reasonable. CAM AR APARTMENTS. 704 Lovejoy. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, 4-room fur nished basement. Marshall 2916. 2 WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; also single bedroom, reasonable. The Idaho. San 6th. COMPLETELY furnished apartment. West Siue, beat location. Phone Main '3941 morninKS reieiem-ea. THE LOVEJOY, 17th and Lovejoy ats., new and modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments. Main 21B. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished, gtrlctly modern, summer rates now In ef-feet- 189 North 23d St. Marshall 2S2L BRAIN TREE Elegant five-room apart ment, vvesi. --"- ".., "-ce; rent reasonable. Main 7741. .-.u-i'E APTS.. Z4th and JSorthrun ar. .. anaet nent: front veranda . D-lUUUi . --.-...,, nuu aleeolng porch, water, heat, private phone. SUBLET for Indefinite period my handsome lv furnished apartment, No. 33 Cecilia apartments. Phone aiaranau 527. A 2736. THE MORTON. 3-room furnlsned, 4-room unfurnished, 1 1 ., 1 . room. HUB1" HOUSEKEEPING and steeping rooms. 92.50 ner week; gas, bath, phone. 402 V4 3d at. r,er week; gas, pain, pnone. 4U2V4 3d st MODERN furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments. 2-.SEast 20th St. East1430. . v.r-.v-nri DT A DT 4 a7 - rr. - DAVENPORT APT, Modrn. 505 Jef- THE ":.""Vv tersoa " - THE King Davis, corner King and Davis gig.: one 3 and one 4-room apt. THE HARTFORD Best n 1 " "v. 21st and Flanders. RD Best modern apta. in tha id Planders. i ,-ON'CE Modern apt.; Nob Hill district: convenient to 2 carlines. 186 22d st. n! T CLAIR, 716 Wayne St., modern e-room ...rtmentl. two porches. Phone Main inn ALTAMONT, 304 College Strictly modern 3 and 4-room apta. Alain 6OS0. Reasonable. FOR RENT. Apartments. A COOL. COMFORTABLE SUMMER HOME IN THE FASHIONABLE WEST SIDE NEIGHBORHOOD. High-Class Furnished Apartments at Summer Rates Very Reasonable. THE NOB HILL. 19th and Marshall sts. Superior Streetcar Service. Elegantly furnished 2. 3 and 4 -room apartments; in most beautiful surround ings; new fireproof structure, with all modern Improvements; strictly up to date; best of service, and will cost you less than inferior aervice in other parts of the city. A superb city home for Summer real dents or transient visitors to the city. Investigate the merits of tha "Nob Hill" before you locate. A high-class apartment-house offered at reasonable rates. Phone Marshall 1012. THE WHEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts. . Walking Distance, Completely furnished 3, 3 and 4-room apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service srst-class, I THE DEZEND0RF. 208 16TH ST NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 5-room unfurnished apart". ments. which are now completed, are alt. uated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes' walk of the business center. Reservations may be made from owner on premises or by phone. Main 4795, C54S. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts.. four and five-room apartments, unfurnished, with reception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific States telephone in every apart ment and th most modern convenience found in tha city. Phone Main 2088 or call up roain offioe. Main 6764. NEW MANAGEMENT. The Re-Ukan. 624 Marshall, between 19th and 20th, by far the most homelike apartment-house in fclty; Nob Hill dis trict, all modern conveniences, private bath, phones, cool verandas, sleeping-, porches, lawn and flowers: call and Judge for yourself; Summer rates; take "W" car. Main 6032. A 3191. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, ateam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month 926. 930 and up. Must be seen to be appreciated. LUCRETIA COURT UNFURNISHED. 2 TO 5 ROOMS. LUCRETIA ST.. NEAR 23D AND WASHINGTON. A class by themselves. Front lawn, fountain, lobby. See them. New prop. References required. Phon 1529. prop, and mgr.; 1500, Janitor. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett st. New and elegantly furnlahsd apart ments. 3 rooms, xrecetion hall and sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located In on of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dla tance. PENINSULA APARTMENTS On of Port land's finest apartment-houses; 4-mlnut car service; beautiful part city to live. 1135 Atbina ave.. cor. KlUlngsworth. Take Mississippi, L or Kenton car at 8d and Wash, sts., 15 mln. ride; 2. S and 4 rooms, completely furnished. $17.50 to 930 mo. : also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 2259. CLAYPOOL APARTMENTS. 11th and Clay ats.; brand new. 5-story building, ready for occupancy August 15; 3-roora apartments with balconies, 2 wall beds in each apart ment; possessing every modern conveni ence, close in. excellent neighborhood, rea sonable rent and best of service. Apply to janitor. . THE RE-UKAN APARTMENTS. New management, new concrete building with elaborately furnished S-room apart ments, modern conveniencea. lawn, cool ve randa.. Janitor service: reasonable, walk ing distance. f",24 Marshall su; tak "W car. Main 603'. or A 8191. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. West Park and Columbia sta First-class 2 and 8 room furnished and unfurnished apart ments; all modern conveniences; best lo cation In the city, fronting the parks, and only 5 minutes' walk from the business center. Apply to manager. LINCOLN APTS., corner 4th and Lincoln sts.; completely furnished 2-room apart ment for housekeeping, everything new and modern, house Just opened, walking distance: no children; $22 to $30. Phon Main 1377. THE CHESTER3URY. Cor. 20th and Kearney. New and beautifully furnished and tm furnlshed 3-room apartments: splendid lo cation; Summer rates. Call and see man ager at Apartments or phone Marshall 868. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS 11TH AND COLUMBIA STREET. Very desirable 4-room, newly, complete ly furnished apartments possessing all modern conveniences; very reasonabla rates. THE IRVING. 689 Irving St.; Aug. 1. one four and on five-room apartment: private bath, ail outside rooms. Janitor service, etc.; also garage tor rent; references. Phon A 3699. TRINITY APARTMENTS, Trinity Place be tween 19th and 20th sta., 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished; sleeping porches, private hallways, cooling: closets; referencea re quired. Marshall 502. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay sta.. solid brick. splendid location, electrio elevator. Wo have a few large 3 and 4-room suites, unfurnished. 938 to $50 per month. THE LOIS Apartment, 704 Hoyt, 3-room furnished apartment, large rooms and large screened sleeping-porch, built-in ica . box. electric cooker, private bath and phone. References required. IhEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 7ih and Jef ferson sts. A 3-room apt with bath, unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con venience; riodern and only 6 mln. walk from P. O. Very reasonable rent. PARK APARTMENTS Park and Harris sta. beaatiful 3 and 4-room apartmenta furnlahei for housekeeping; everythinat new an', modern; elevator, telephone Xrea. $46 to $60. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnlahed and unfurnlahad; comforts of home; private phon and baths, elevators, prlvata playground for children: ideal location. 228 N. 20th at. Marshall 2028. THAI M'KINLEY. 429 East Morrison. Corner 7th. 8, 3 and 4 rooms, high-grade furnlshe4 apta.; prlvat batha, best service, modar ate prices. Ii AN THORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th . near Main: elegant 3-room apta, prlvat balcony, large rooms, every modem con venience, with two sleeping compartments, $35 and $37.50; 4 rooms for $40. THE "CECELIA." Corner 22d and Glisan; furnished and unfurnished apartments. porches and phones. Marshall 1804. A 2736. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair; 2 nicely furnished 8-room apartments and one unfurnished 8-room apartment; free phon in each apartment. BANNER APARTMENTS, 489 Clay st., new management. 2-room suites, furnished, phone and bath, first-clasa service; com and see us. v 6-ROOM apartment. $35; desirable and con venient. See Janitor, The Kearney, 21st and Kearney, or Morgan, Filed ner 4 Boyce, 503 Ablngton bldg. . THE JULIANA. 45 Trinity Place, bet. Wash, and Everett, Elegant 2 and 3-room apartments, very reasonable terms; close In. Marshall 1293. MADISON PARK APARTMENT Park street, corner Madison. Furnished, unfurnished apta; individual pnonea; convenient, gown-town oistrict. BANNER APARTMENTS, 489 Clay St., near 14th St.; strictly modern 2-room apta, completely furnished; $20 to $24 par month; walking distance, KINGSBURY APARTMENTS, Ford St. near Yfi.i.i".",. . , . a .... . ..v.. uuiiumg, com plete and modern; two sleeping compart, ments and private balconies, $35 and 940, HAUSEMAN APARTMENTS. 730 HOYT. New. modern, 2, 3 and 4-room apta., sleeping porches; private phonea and batns. electric cooaera. r , 1111 11 1..! . i . . .. i ,i .... i .t. 3 and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished 260 2oth st. North. Phone Main 4038; or Main 1178. n i Dl-UlTDCT A 1A 11 TM I. V- T. THE "LILLIAN." Cor. Oth and Montgomery. All outside 2 and 3-room suites, from (18 to $45. Marshall 1378.