TTTT! MOIIXING ORGOXIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2. 1911. J.- 1 . . . 1 --. r i m ll IK til- . 1" Mlaoella ." rTTS REDtTCED. Rm' Man! f a eeo to them eil at -:,'h rtdieuaoualy low price! bult that J h. ba-a during the aa-soa at twu bel-.w those tf tie lort on t-.. street I HAVE KNIFED AGAIN! Com early. 12. ull lor (la; 1-1 ull - .li; .JO uit at in. JIMMY IH.NV. Room 81. oregonian Bide .ARiiALN rU-top quartered oak d leak an.l chair, coil aa. "- ". '"a-a-iaii aati chair, coat 40. aalo -'; 1 i rata. SI abactions, cort I . sale a.i!iti.d roppvr envelop, aealer, ct'rt sue ft. Ail Bret-cama condlli". Call l.ewla bMg. or paon. Ma'a 4ea. Dtl Jilt IIS 111. 704 ataa On 18-ft. launch. T-h. mode. . i. iv., w magna-ia. ...... J2ft. torpedo aUer-. Mu.llni tl launch powrn tk-at avto ccx. 22 Hawthorne. SALE r'uoiuurf, evpott, gas ran, r in flv.-rora flat; owner mut I at one.; i nt on flat for the month will .... w.. .i fln lull Union . and Masaly. bell at lea than ba.t I rice. ,- TBfll'SRIia Men. bay your panta from ma: no pfPU tacked on for tna oenenit oi m i. a, a, ...... 8 J to troua-ra at :; 8 trouaera at 11. J.mmy Inna. room Hi. Oregonan bldg. 1 UK SILi; Hull cf steamer Keltoa. ai. oa. Iron atrapp- 10 ft. long I. -ft. beam, j 2-ft depth, lnoaa-ton capacity, first-el ir.dltlon. Logger Contractor Mach. o. , .HUE good In good Condi tion. Arr'y ' uoidarnit. str.t- contractor, equipment by United Englneer lcg at Construction Co.. .11 Lewis blag. K.f. large safe, good aa new. for Bale cheap. t.rVn. if you wna. AP 24, or.gonlan. ;HIAViNilJ fr a 1. I'hona Ward I v..Mllawn aiw or a- . ..-a- Hi'KKT for ale for aat of t!t. Louis: m;.i.l.-af ! laoy. W a". Oregonian OR S M.3 liood bicycle. Park Hotel. Tlh and liilul eta t-ee owner In mnlng. clear. F ureell Safe Co.. fco 6th t- 'lrti rew diamond tlree for aale cheap; ize S4iS. JT Burnaide at. A, W. cjmla. fATEi ireTral large aecond-hand. lor aie. R 2. Oregonian. WiXTED-MITFtl.AT.Or3. E BCT CLOTHINO. FUHMTUHB. TOOLS Klgheat price paid for men a and ladlee-rui-ol clolhlng. ahoea. furniture, too, mechanic, logg'cg. CaU Siaia JuJIO. 3 r ir" it. Taa liiope- ' IT TOU tan taoueehold furnltura to '. a!l up George riaker Co.. lil Park at. ta at reideiicea a apeclalty. V E ray moat for any kind of furniture yoj doi t wank Mala . A eA. Tar Auctlqn Co. Hlgbeet price paid for all klnda ot Sd-band mechanic, logging HJwra. Co.. m Tropt. Main 9Qi- ilMHLat prlcea paid for furnltura, atoeea, rangea. etc. etc Call up avaat lota o . call at gtO Kaat Morrlaon at. WE pay the hlgheat caeo prlco for aeooad haod furniture. Sealer A Mart la. fhoaa Eaat tilt. Hi Hawthorne aea. ! Vt; want econd-band counter ahowcaaea . itn-i ope floor aae. AH Oregonian. I WANT lo buy hand printing preaa; good condition, d SC Orcgonlac ' WANTED Moln picture machine film folding chair, eto AX. Oregonlaa. Hllf W A TT. I M VIJ- W ANTED One ee.-ond-iaaa eealitant ahip drartaman at 13.10 per dlcm: a compeM t,e elimination will be held Auguat 3 l.ill. for the purpoae of filling the above coition. Vor further Information addreaa . ommaadant. -Navy Tard. I'ugot aouod. 'ah. Et e'lrat-ciaaa conatructlon foreman (unll'ir with general conatructlon work, lncl rock and concrete work; muat understand oreratmn of derrtcke. holata ail heavy conatructlon machinery. coyy of refrenca and atate aalary. Ad- rlrrae AV 3.1. tiregonlan. WANTED Experienced realty aaleeman t take cnarge f corp of Junior eaieamea and act aa diatrtct manager; muat hare, ability to handle pr..epcta and cloae l,ua:nca; no man tinder SO year of age c.inajdered; atate age and prevloue expert enre In AO -T.. Oregnnlan. V. ANTED Fifty men, between the age of 1 and 80 year, for a tour of duty with K Company. Third Oregon Infantry at Aetorta Centennial, from Auguat 7 to IT l.'.ciuaive. Appiy to Capt. R. o. Kcott. the Armory. Tenth and Couch BCTeeta. from 1 ! V. M. V AM U iaamen. eaperienced maaaame ar.d book mm. to rejjreeent 'Current lit erature." le-volume iremlum and the maiaalne for I. Entirely new. nerer tcrore ehown here. n.gheet eommlaalona. I'urrent literature" a'-liahlng Co., room 4-.i Varnuitm b- T '. WEUM3 lai'tman. covering Pacific 'eat territory can Increaae th.-lr Income l aeeurlng order from dea,er (if our rinlea clthe line; can be carried In ..-eket; the beet al-le Hoe on the market. I'la eaa Clothe Line Co.. S"M Lumber K charce b dg . I'or'lnnd. Or. fc.LhMAV to carry hair goola aa aide line on coramlaalon only: none but experienced men need appTe; give age and reference. Xuru A Wechaler. Ii Eaat K road way. Now Tork. BAI.S.-ME.S, ae.ulve territory, big oppor tunities. :ady position. tine Yakima Vailey-grown fruit ahade and or namental atock: cash wek'y; outfit free. Torpenlah Nuraery Co.. Toppenlah. Waaa. M RSHIUEX WASTED Steady work wltn eo.d wage for aober. Inunsinou. f.rt.(Taja men that can bud and grafu Adlrru railfornla Nuraery Company. Nile. Cailf. I NTF7D Silent r art ner with $lof: profit lately no chance. Do not anawer unleee (in have the money, c.lve addrea for In- i-n-!. AJ O -g.-nlan. WANTED Pa'eamen for nrstlaa remnua- fnn proposition: country work; not real estate; a'.eady remunerative poeltlon for real producer with clean record. L. 30. i T'gonlan. WANTED Automobile tire man. with perleneed; one who la capable to act a f ireman- Ftcher Tire Co.. 12 lth at. rrone Marahall .T."-. WANTED Experienced aaaiatunt book keeper and bill clerk: muat be reliable aort rat'id penman: give referencee and ; npne. V 8'1. Cregonlan. t.K'K tKT clerk for delivery wagon; muat r,e exrerlenred an.l a metier; reference re.u:red. Apply L'nlon ave. and Weldler Tc-t AI ANTT-Ii Flrt-cl.e man. poltaber and ararcher; tarried man preferred; fig per week for good man; wanted Immediately, l entmlla eteatn LAundry. cer.tralla. Waeh. WANItD Flret-claa biackamlth for heav work In conatructlon camp: give refer ence and Lt wages. Aldreaa AV -VS, v"AVTr Clothing ealeaman. on whoran tmt window prferr,'d: p,rmnncnt posi tion to man who nuan good. Box son. H-iirene, cr. tAl F.-1IE1 wanted to eell our line of Pa cific t oast -grown nursery atock; cash paid .-k!y. i'acifla Nuraery Co., 3oa Corbett bldg. V ANTEI -tperlencerl gash and door ma chine men. N. West Xoor Co., Aibina f-rry landing. WANTED A good barber, muat be flrat ciaea. good wage. D. O. Taylor. Inde- fer'd.'n'-e. Or. 1-AI'IKd or gentlemen to demonatrate. trav . i; a maxajara, aalary and commlaalon. t. nw. W ANTKD Two live ollcltor at Whipple '-reen Co.. A&th ave. and T-.Tid P. K. Take Ml. bcott car, get off a; Milliard ave. ;:.E'T RICIANnl. plumber and aLeet metal workera nonunion, out of town. Apply 22 Commercial Club bldg. V ANTKD Porter for handling beary hard ware: give e-perleno. Ajipiy to AX guy, treconlan. W ANTED I at -case architectural draughts man; rone but rrat-claae maa need ap- p.y. a Henry Mdg. WAVTFD Specialty aleme hand: auto acceeeore. Colorado. tA aehtngton and ban j.ranciaco. hone Cast fttd. i---!T -CLASS llthographlo stone engraver .Vonce. Orant Bona. Llrultsd. til Cai- b e atree. vancooeer. r. lh.iRol'uHI.1 competent pooaaeepar lor 11. tregrnlao- i.N.'l.ETS foreman, out of town. App, -".J ( ommerclaj Club bldg. vl i.- a rt", N D brush maker wanted. 60s " rie IT'h at., tb People Frnah Factory. kTI I ' TIIAL Iron worker, out of town. A-Py Commercial Club bldg. TaNTFT' A roaehln'at at Central Oarage and Auto Co- si. Front at. t isKwr'N. nonunion. Apple l Cammo ' . .;' .;...b bldg. I (Vv cirri WKITEFl wivn'efl. apprentice ,.,. 'eaal.r learned. 21 Flftn t- I t rTC-i I .vl n a, arciluctural drUe ,. ! AW-vcJ. ft --. faaaynnlaa: rlrH.P WANTKn M.VI.B. INCIDENT. r i nf vanv Office Secretarv Kmployment Department v vi r a Toung maa ti-nger. oat of work ble total cah aeeet) If I pay on t for apeclal emnloment memberantp. I win ha only $14 left between me and tai a- 13 for apeclal employment membership yon will have the Y. aa. t . A. Wltn It resieurvT-e you and lanration. tj t s itiAfiihi angina June 20. Calla for men f'oaltlon f.llcd c-T N'er members ' ' Kmplovment membership gviarantee em ployment or refund of meniberblD fee; give two inontn- lull meun'i "o ii . ... V. nrivlleEe and unjertake to keep party employed during ..- . . . . i K... ). in without further charge. . , . W have conatant demand for High grade, experienced men. Ar you filled for a better position? tfsw secretary employment department T. M. U. A. WE want one live business getter In every n hmni. Anr line of claasr am pie for man's tallored-to-order suit nd overcoat every fast seller, retail ftim iu to 40l Ktrongeat llr.e In I nlted rotates. We rt you. ftimlan everything, ... ... . advertising matter, complete equipment: show you how to make from I j to fib clay, it you are Ing tailoring now. write ua and handle beat. Write for more detail If you are not experienced. poeltlona open for general state sgenta. Jos. Cook, tales Manager. Lock Mux M, Chicago. III. AIU.K-B' "PIF.D men wanted for the L. 8. Marine Corps, botween the age of IV and 85: muat be native born or hare first paper: monthly pay t!!i to !: addition al compensation poaalbie; food, clolhlng. quarter and medical attention free: after years' service csn retire with ift per cent of pay and allowances: service on board ship snd ashore In all parts of tns world. App y at V. S. Marine Corps Ile rrultlng urNc. Preeden bldg., 3d and Washington sta., Portland. Or. PAKTIE.S contemplating trip to the M'ld'- Weat or Kaatern ."rate may n-tii,,. ." beat Irrigated land proposition in tn Northwe.t and hare the opportunity to make big commlaalon and all traveling expenaea Th land will aland the cloaeat Investigation, the company I In excellent financial standing and for productiveness, perfect water supply and Inducement to settlrra. we are without competition. II Intereate.l. address 8 310. Oregonian. WANTED A young man who 1 capable of earning Ijoo or more per monu. no cinch, but to the man who ha found that there la nothing In working all hi life at a email wag for th other fellow we are prepared to offer a permanent, lucrative position If the man can deliver the gooda tate previous experience In answering. AO 2T. Oregonlsn. OLAZIKR and shipping: cleric one wno oo- dcratands flnlsli lumuer ana -fcrred; reply In own handwriting; stale wage expected. T 8'HJ, Oregonian. WANTED Parmer with little money for beat enow at Aatona enieuui-i - ' era I falra I have complete outfit; good reference. R 30.1. Oregonlaiu WANTED Boy to work on farm and herd a few cowe: email wagea aou ....... Phone A 3(178. WANTED An A-l salsaman to sell capllaJ . . . .. . .-....itlnn on the mir etock in in" je, iJ' ..i-. kct. r 3"5. oregonian. 1-HlfICIAN (registered) a asltant in ad- verllalng specixiiat s om-c, . mnn or-ferred. K Oregonian UBOKERK. out of town. Apply 222 Com- mvrclal club P'ag. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and Portrait agents. new orrer. t-utoertn a.umo. AT once. A-l barber. C L. Towosend. In- dependence. ir. PLATEN press feeder. Christie PrlnUog Co.. oeconci at. BAKPKa wanted: 818 per weea. No. A E. !th St.. r-ugene. t. IKjILLR-MAKEKS. nonunion. Apply 2.1 Commercial tiuj oiu. fTELP W A VTrT FTTM A LK. WANTED TODAT. Tttm setter. 810 per week. Cooka for restaurant. $H to 810 per week. waltreaacs and pantry girl for 6um- " w.rta.tW,.nd"kUchen helper. 8-3 e-ch. C,,ildclie-aged lady for offlo work, evan- Inga. (1 per dny. lundreas. Jd. General houswork at food wage. PAClrIC EMPI.OTMEST CO, Ladles" Dept. -"o Morrison 6- THE MEIER FRANK RECTAL KAN wants expenenrea snun-....u. Apply on 7th floor at restaurant desk. COOK. 840. . , Two camp waitre aaea, out 83'V; fare paid. Itan, h cook. 80. HA.N.-KN S EVPLOTMENT OFTICE. UJi, Waeh St, Room 7. WANTED Lady agent. Portland and other ... . . .. . .. um a be pointa iiruui ti 'i Coraeia Large profits Experience not neceaaary. tit. leouia Corset Co.. fit. Loul. Vo. OIRLIt WA-VTETJ. A prT Utandard Factory, N. B. OI Bw ve and East Tarl r at. OIRI. or woman for general rroueework ; mini Da m'ou plain rwn. ......... - -' - and good home. Pee Mr. lawman, at the Ilrownevl.le Woolen Mill elore. Id and Morrtaon ata 1PT pianist mho studied abroad would like t meet gooa isny ceuiei or i"ii"'.i willing to treveL Call or write. 6i7 Cen ter st.. Oregon city. WANTRD Tonng lady, preferably a teach er, for work wltn children e eaucaiionat journal; good aalary: permansnt posi tion. CII 111 Marquam bldg WANTED A refined, middle-aged woman to care for old ladv; ngnt nouaewora, a good home and treated a one of the family. Call at & Kerby t. MirPI.E-AGKI lady for general housework. famllv of I: gooa noma, easy place. mi Portland boulevard; Arbor Lodg Station, rit- Jthna car. A COMPETENT jswedlah or teemian girl for general housework; s in ininuv; wagea $30: Irvlngtnn diatrtct. East 1; ref erencee required. WANlEu lienned, capaol woman for ne aponatbl position. v isvi vo.. evv nvxa cMId I Irlg.. 4lh and Washington COMPETENT general houeework girl; small family: In trat. inquire t nis luorning 1 1.-3 Thurman at., W. car. WANTED Middle-aged woman to take care of sick ladv at tne Deacn. ueiweew y mn(i li. 770 I".ar. Jcra at- CHAMBERMAID!1, waltressca. cooks, kitch en heiera MOWS S JUiea Aicmj, Jo ajnii Waahlngton at. WANTED Two good kitchen hrlpera for beach hotel: state price in answer; enner men or women. Y 30. Oregonian- MKs. fcoWES LADlta" AOENCT. 8H Waanlngtun at., rxiffl 31 Mam 8 or A soo. ADIK3 to make pillow topa; good pay for all or spare time; cap neuce anne-warr. 414 Stark st va.. X T K D Experienced rhocolste and cream dippers. Modern Confectionery Co.. 13th and Hoyt. - EXPERIENCED rook, 8-10 up; chamber maids, wailreeeee, nurifa cu -oui Ag-ncy. -3S aah. Main I"39. A 4773. G1KL wanted for general housework, family or two: no wa nun. e. w ,v neon at. . WANTED 1) glrle who can swim and dive; all aeaaOP WOra; ewtery. ciwiewtimh on can do. AH 3"4 Oregonian. UlN.-llSH .DIES AOE.NCI, SaS Washington at., oor. 7th, uyatal r Phone Mln .'on TRCSTWORTHT. practical woman for per manent poemon wna '" " ' 1 f - perlenc unneceeaary. V 'J0. Oregonlan. UILiLiLK-AGKD woman for fjeneral houae work, family of 714 Kerney at. WANTED Good atenographer of neat ap- pearance. APfiy a-'l icon piog. EXPERIENCED lady solicitor foi -iffee at the Leader Urocery. las mnum. W ANTED Experienced waitress. CaU 141 Roaaell et WANTED At TO West Park at once, two girls for kitchen ana pining ro .m. L A N T Fill a. X peri mewl we, area wig 404 Washlngion. bet- ltfth and llih. EX nnicv.rF.D waiireas. Thompson' Rca- ti . . . aa. mt Vl a jKIe-30 aa'.ealadles at Hambergsr. , Kacond t-. for big bankrupt sal. 143 EN TERIENCED girl for cooking and general ouaework. 770 Overton, near U3d at. ho OIR for general houaework In small fam- 1 1 y. Pbons XI a in i VTANTED Toung woman for detective rork; anewer in p-tan. v "e. a Tegoinan. GJRL for gener-il housework and cooklnj. P onr? MA -1 -aa HELP WANTT-D ITM AT.. WANTPn Ten 'NO . DIES FOR TTXBS- PHONT5 OrERATTNO. WITH OK WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THE FAi CIFIC TETLBPHONB TELEGRAPH CO., EAST VTU AND A-CKENT 6T8. NEAT, young, experienced girl with good city reference to work In confectionery tore. The Little Musaae. 234 Washington t. HEIJ W.NTKr MALTB OB TKM AI.K. BEST propoaltlon to good ollcltor: 8-0 a week, b to 10 A- M.. to 6 P. M 307i i t Bumald, room 14. KKt-P W A NTT. D M I SCT: IMXEOrB. 10 0UO POSITIONS for gi. Sua tee last year; inen and women learn barber trade la a weoka help to ccure position; gradu ate earn from 1 13 to $ weekly; expert instructor; tool fr; writ for cata logues. Mlhler System of College. 14 North 4th s-. Portland. Or. MEN wante.1. aated IS-35 for flremon. 1100 monthly: brakemen a(). on nearby rail roads: experience unnocsry; no strike: poiltlona guaranteed competent men; pro motion: railroad employing headquarters; : men sent to position! In July; tt age; send stamp. Railway Association, boxA V".Oregoman ; MEN and bovs to learn automobile repair ing and drlvtng. plumbing, brlrklaylng. electrical trade, civil engineering, sur veying. In moat practical way. Our etu dents earn 83-85 a day: positions secured; satisfaction guaranteod; catalogue free. National richool of Trade. 9110 W. 7th. ixi Anr WANTED Positively no expense to learn trade of electricity, antomobllca, plumb- Ing. bricklaying by actual work on con tract Joba; omy a few months required; 2aao students last Joarj catiilogue free. United Trade School Constructing Co, Los Angeiea. a-ai. DISTRICT manager for life Insurance com- nany; will lake irom e-wv, a " . handle; do not apply unices you are an In auranre man and can furnish reference. A E 809. oregonian. . . vrrn U rctal TCI T.RARtaT To operat movlng-plctures; operator earn 8i3 to HO weekly: special price on lessons today. N. Y. School of .V' Operating. B2H Washington, near lTth. MOTION picture operator get big wskcs; will teacn you 10 "I"""" ' a full practical courae; position guaran teed, price reasonable. AD 807. Oregonlaa MA EE money writing short stories, or for papers; big pay: free booklet tells how. Vnlted Preas syndicate, nan rrancisco WANTED Ladies to learn beauty culture; bcrt piaCO on Vile voaaea. taw j aaa aaaa a, 4UO-412 Pekum bldg. UIKHNATIONAL cor aepondence Scheo k loeal office 233 Alder St. Main 10. VrIVATE school SHORTHAND and TTPS7 W R I T1NO. 83 mo. 1163 14th at. Main 838- W-LL tint rooms for $2.50 and paint houses at yOUr prrce. I-iaoaaaa a-aae, aaew WANTED At once, 8 men to learn to drive and repair auiomoone w .v. ua u riSK TEACHER- Fwetland bldg. A&SOCIATION. Big ITCATION8 WASTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. CLOTHJNO. furnishings and shoe '- man. expenencea in tnmmiug, .. ... and buying: live, up-to-date young man desire permanent position with good firm in or outald cliy; good reference. P 215. Oregonian. . . TOITNO man, good habit, want position In wholesale houe: tobacco and cigar preferred. B 281. Oregonlaa. WANTED Position with reliable firm a farm land and acreage salesman. uon but reliable. eetnulUbed firm coruddered. P. So Oregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSB OR WRITS UP COOK B. prepare Oaiaailta waaaa InataJ: ayatema GilllnKham. auditor. 411 l ew la Mdg.. Marshall 717. BTENOOR APH Ell and bookkeeper, with aome experience, Qtairea poaition. rna.w WELD-EDUCATED young man wlahe clerical pwai i luit, w , encea D -1, Oregonian. Mlaarellaneoua. YOUNO man. marrleal, deal res poeltlon with nrm nanuung ixroi an. ...... . j . - - enced In setting up and demonstrating best of haolta. no objection to locating - -v -. . u . . QnT rieearonlan. NEWSPAPERMEN Voung man of eeveral years' experience oeeirae 1 " " a.... elf either aa partner or lry on a -paper In th Northweat. Address AC J0. uregonlan. SAI.WM AN want a position; not Interested In rel eatat proposi 1 . o aew.., gonlan. jAPAJalEbE, firal-claas cook, wants position. City or COUniTTl rnatamR aaa a..--., llv; good experience, meay years In the city or country; has good reference. Ad dress cars a a in cspm'- COLLECTOR, with 8 years- of e-perlanoe. wants sieaay popnaoo ". - ences anr) bond: have horse and buggy for couecuone. a r a"a. OCNQ man attending business college de sire place to work for boerd and room before and after school. Call or addrea H. D. B.. room 5i Commonwealth bldg. CHINESE boy. 18. wishes a situation In good family; laminar wim nnuaewaar- -p:aln cooking; apeak good English. A 803. oregonian. CHAUFFECR wlahee position with prlvat fmtly- competent to nannie any car; two and one-half years' experience. V 800, Ore gonlan. LICENSED chauffeur needs position; can run and reoalr any gasoline engine, suoer and reliable; experienced. AG 303. Ore go n 1 a n. RELIABLE, experienced vegetable gardener. understands the care or cnicaena. cic. wiahrs steady position a caretaker. AJ IT'.', Oregonian. MAN with experience a muchlnlat. tool- maker. Oratlsman ana araixaor, w uu aa poeltlon. L , Oregonian. LICENSED eh ufleur want ooaltlon with private family or trues; reirrenoea. a. aai A 1H43. PlKtiT-Cl.ASrl cook, with beat references. wants work in r.oiei or rciiauraiii. a. Rogers, ciawego. or. MAN and wife with boy 14 years old want Job on ranch; capanie ana sreaay. tWu lawn 1S.V4. CONSTKCCTION superintendent. exper- tenceal tn reintorcea concreie ana gauerwa conatructlon. P Sol. Oregonian. CARPENTER foreman open for employment, active and experienced; reasonable. K -:i, Ora-gonlan. OKiU'EllV clerk, good alesman. German, would like situation, city or country. AC o4. Oregonian JAPANESE boy wants position In store or hoicl work: good experience. C 804. Oregonian. i U ll.L'l.Nil maierlal saleaman want posi tion; reliable house only. X bod, Ore gonliin. OFFICE aaaiatant want poaltlon; experienced blller: Kemlngtow machine operator. X 3ej. Orrgiinlan. BARTENDER, first-class, want lluatlon; Herman place preferred. AC 305, Orego nlan. HOUSE cleaning and window washing or Janitor work. Main 7& , Andrew J. Jennings. AUTOMOBILE cleaning. gardening. all klnda general work, good reference. AE .hj7. Oregonlsn. WANTED by voung man. driving wagonl grocer preferred. T So.l. Oregonian. MAN and wife would like position as Jan. Itor. AG SOU. Oregonian MAN and wife want position on farm. J300, iregonlan. Competent chauffeur, repair man. ialeaman, engineer. E. 6'-3. 1 Union ave. N-, suite 19. FTTT-CLA R8 launtlryman want position a foreman or manager. S 303. Oregonian. CARPENTER, experienced workman, coun try preferred. AE 3"3. Oregonian. SITU ATION WaXTED PEMALB. Uookkeepera aad stenographers. ETENOORAPHEIl! wifn some" eaperlenoe. aeeka poaltlon. Phone Marahall 27.-.1. BlX)hlKEEPER. 4 yeara- experience In Port land. Phone Eaat 17J. bTKNOiaHAFHER with one year experl ence wtahea poaltlon. Woodlawn 133. YOCNil LADY atenogral-her desires posi tion Phones E 2 B ISM. COMPETENT srenographer dealrea half-day j),..... Piione niornlnga. lxhU So i , 81TTJAT1QN8 WANTED FEMALK. Bookkeeper and Stenographer. WANTED Poaltlon by Al cloak and suit alealady; la alao flrst-claas fitter; must be good salary' and steady position. AD oOS. Oregonian YOUNG lady dealrea position a stenogra pher; also bookkeeper and general office work. C !Sv2. BOOKKEEPER-stcnographer. with business ability, wants responsible position. Phone Main EXPERIENCED stenographer doalres per manent position; best of city references. Thono A 4122. EXPERIENCED dictaphone operator want poaltlon references. Phone Columbia 260. Dreeam kera. DRESSMAKER, first class, want sewing by day. Phone Eaat 244 1. DRESSMAKING and plain ewlng by the day; experienced. Phone Tabor SEWING or caring for the lck by the day. Main 4409. LADIES' tailoring, alteration a specialty. Mr. Muckler. A 4709. M. 8606. f,2 Ella. TRAINED nurse wlahea more engagements; some houaswork; term reasonable Main 6SU. MATERNITY nurse wants case; will do some work. Marshall 127. Housekeeper. HOUSEKEEPING by widow with ohlld In bachelor or widower's home or charge of (mall business. In or out of city; no ob jection to country if close to schooL AV 840. Oregonian. CAPABLE. Intelligent woman. 34. exper ienced houeekeeper, dealrea position, gen tleman' home or business people; refer ences. Woodlawn 907 or J 303. Oregonian. GOOD manager and cook aa housekeeper In refined home; no washing; reference, W 37. Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE woman wishes car of apart ment houae by first of September. Main LADV of refinement would houeekeeo for elderly couple or small family. Addres R 302. Oregonian. RELIABLE, elderly lady would like light housework In small family or go to beach. Phone East lo30. LADV, with boy aeven, would like position as housekeeper: state wage paid. O 283. Oregonian. WOMAN want housework, room and board or small wagea, X 3Q5. Oregonian. AS housekeeper by woman with child; city or country. Mr. Franklin. Lent. Or. BY refined widow, position as houaekeeper or traveling companion. B SAM. Oregonian. JAPANESE" girl wants position a house keeper. A 806. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED LlBht housework, plain cook ing. In family of two. by refined, capable woman; pleasant home more essential than high wages. 1 3lo. uregonlan. LADY, cook, and daughter, waitress, would like place in camp or boarding house. Ad dress I'M! E. Lincoln. Portland, Or., or phone Tabor. 25t)0. TWO women want situation together a flrst-claas cook and second in a ouu bouse or Institution; no objection to the country. N 309. Oregonian. LADY wants washing and Ironing: hirt walat and gowns a specialty: price rea sonable: all handwork. A 7287 EXPERIENCED woman want work In family or In hotel; wage 135 to 840 month. Woodlawn 810, OLD lady want home and some pay to help with kitchen work and stay with children. Woodlawn 310. WANTED Position, second work, by girl 20. Phone Eaat lsno. LADY want work by day or hour. Phone Main 1U70. A GERMAN Birl. quick and Intelli gent, wishes work, hour or day. East 5129. COMPETENT lady want day work. Phone East 11IH. FAMILY cook. $40; Finn girl, homework. e.fO. Main 2UoH. A 41 IQ. , EXPERIENCED Swedish girl desires fam Jlyjcondwork. 83t.Maln2v3.A4775. YES, we laundry lace curtain right. Phone Woodlawn 2684. ' JAPANESE girl want poaltlon for easy housework. N BOS. a-jreognmn. DAY work. 25c hour. Wednesday, Thursday, Main 4oW. call Mrs, jonea. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants day work. Call In morning, room T-, B 2487. WANT work by the day or hour. Phon TaDor b -aj. LADY want work by dy or hour. Marahall 4. LADY wishes day work. Main 8423. WANTED AfiEXTS. RELIABaLE lalai man can make big money sailing our well-known line of hardy non Irrlgated tree, ahrub. roe. etc; out fit furnished; cash weekly. Addrea Ore gon Nuraery Company. Orenco. Or. AGENTS wanted for private Chrlstma card, either ex. sample tree, large suruui. Chlpchase. Darlington. England. WANTED TO RENT. House. WANTED To rent 10 or 12-room unfur nished house, walking oistance. v. eat Blue; must be modern: will pay good rent for suitable house. W 281. Oregonian. COTTAG15 3 or 4 rooms, on two or more lota; want to keep chickens; nave no children; close to car. J 804. Oregonian. WANTED To rent; new. modern 6-7-room houae or bungalow; walnut i-ar or arv Inglon. M 23. Oregonian WANTED To lease for 2 or 8 years, mod ern lo room unfurnished house; reasonable rent; Nob Hill; references. Main 8330. SIX or seven-room modern furnished house. West Side, close In; atai price ana loca tion. V 305. Oresonian WANT furnished cottage, 6 or 6 room. Phon Main 35. NICE 3 or 4-room houe. modern, something unique. S SOI. Oregonian Apartments. WILL want to rent or lease about Sept. 1. 8 or 9-room etrlctly moaern nouse; furnished or unfurnished: good neighbor hood: West Side preferred. Write de scription, etc.. 810 B. of T. WANTED By 2 gentlemen, two light, airy rooms, with pain; reierencea i vacua aa A 27'., Orcgonlan! Rooms and Board. WANTED Room and two meal a day by young man in privaie mninv on eiuDi tate price and location. T 801. Orego nian. YOUNG lady In office wlhe room and board, walking distance preierreu. a jam. Oregonian. WANTED To rent a furnished room, home convenience, for two, wltn ooaro, u K st 16th su Phone East MSL Business Place. STORE. $50, W'et Side, modern conveni ence, rename, oana reiereu a , jriauiiaa Main 5539. FOR RENT. Koonis- "JUST WHAT TOO WANT." V rnlshsd or unfurnished rooms, single, en suit, all conveniences beat location. "MILNER BLDG.." 6fr Morrison SU F rnlahed Boon . THE BURNS. $4 PER WEEK and up. with hot and cold running water and free telephone In every room, cloae In. new. elegantly furnlehed brick building. 105 Vi 1-lh t-, near WaahlnKton. Marahall 2790. MOTEL RENWICK An ldaal home for . . , aantrallv located: ele- gnt rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor i-. 1 clock from Portland ooooalta. Helllg Theater. Mala Kit- pFt-R HOTEL, cor. Eaat 3d and Burnaide ''- Verv raaanect- elraeciRl BIB. loaieaaa ... - - rate by week or month for permanent sues is; room lngle or en suite, $3 per . h Transient ollclted- -U6HMAKK HOTEL, 17lh and Washington j,iy furnished room, single or ea ulte- private baths, team heat, hot and cold water and phone In all rooms, rate reasonable; tranaienta sollcltsd. NEAT airy, pleaaant rooms, that cannot help' but please you; the location I rlgnt. the rOOm are cicaa.a -..a. -"-- - price will touch your pocket-book light. 221 loth t. HOTEL MORRISON Cool, airy room, new B?y renovated, running water . up tr.. bain ana P""" vi T.TA - keeping rooms. jjj " ,,, iry room a. modern, suites or sin gle, 2 and it week; nve minute-- walk fo theater nd slore. fxea phoaa. Ll- dell Hotel. 8J 4th, HOTEL BURTON. Yamhill and Id treota. fitrlCtly niOOern. I aa uaaaaaaa7 ' ' " J ' -1 Say. week or montn. B. W. r lsber. Man ager. WANTED Neat young man for roommate. JO weeK. API'IJ variait-aaa a.a naava. K la r Bl., mom aaa. i.-a.-i v f,irn:ahed roomS. cloSaj in; Bpecial rates to permaiienie. ' , avaw- a ".u. TO aBa-or,. Xto.'m t'Uib . J FOR RE NX. Furnished Boom. NOW OPBVI NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN! Those three beautifully furnished hotel. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL. MINOOK PARSONS 7 ROWLAND 118 S 4th mu 111 4th at. 207 H 4th U On Fourth at., running from Taylor t Falmon st. Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private bath, hot and cold water In all rooma; atrictiy up-to-date In all respect, aad at popular price. IX you want omethlng out of tn ordinary In th heart of toe city at reas onable price, give us a caIL a w know you will like It. Room by the day. week or month. Tourist trade ollclted. nOllaai - . a- a. . ReeldentlaL 850 Taylor. Tr viiMit, Bet. Tth and Park at. Opposite Helllg Theatar. Central, quiet, room with private bath, etc. from l dally; ulte or single rooms at low rates; weekly or monthly terms; pew. handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele phones, hot and cold running water. From Union Depot "J" car to Taylor, or W ear to 7th: from Hoyt-treet Depot, a cr. transfer on Morrlaon to 7 in. Phon Marshall 2200. SARGENT HOTEL, Grand ave. and Haw thorne, beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water; steam heat and telephone In every room; special Summer rate by week or month to permanent guest. First class grlU In connection. Transient o llclted. HOTEL RAINIER, One block from Union Depot: 140 ont aide rooms, with hot and cold water, Try tblng brand new; special rates by the week or month; give us a trial. Transient rate 0 to $2 per day; weekly rale $3.50 uu. HOTEL SAVON. - 131 Eleventh at. New, modern brick building, ateara-heat-ed. private bath, hot and cold water la room, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort able. Rent very reasonable Call and see ua Regular and transient trado ullclt GRAND UNION HOTEL. 8b7W East Burnaide. We have a few very pleasant modern rooms, which we a I make special Sum mer rates on transient, 50c to $1.50 per day, $2 to $6 per week. East 594Q. B 1275. ANTLERS HOTEL. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated: everything first class: rooms, with bath, $1.50 and up; $27 per month with private bath; special low Summer rates by week or montla. 10th and Waahlngton. CALUMET HOTEL. Park t.. between Morrison and Alder. Heart of the city; quiet and modern; fraa bu or W car at depot; rate $1 Ingla $1.50 double; also family room wltn prl bale bath, etc Rate per week. THE LARRABEE, 227H Larrabee St.; mod ern, cool, airy rooms, transient 50c and up; special rate week or month. E. 849. THE HAZEL Nicely furnlaned room at moderate prlcea. Cor. 3d and Montgomery. 6ELLING-HIRSCH bldg.. furnished room with bath, for one month. Main 2391 Furnished Room In Private Family. NEWLY furnished rooms, reasonable, walk ing distance, board If desired, pleasant surroundings. 332. 10th su Phone Main 6979. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas, haath nod nhoaip- well furnished: Piano in rooma 35 11th. Mornings before 10 A. M. Evening after 0 o cloclt- ROOMS with or without board; alao one housekeeping uite, very reasonable, oil Main t.. near chapman. ' ROOM in a refined private home. West Side, walking distance; no Hgn. . 352 Jackson, Marshall 3194. THREE furnished room and one parlor bedroom, hot and cold water. 474 Clay, corner 14th. walking distance. AT 390 Larrabee u, L car walking dis tance; fine front room; all conveiUenoea, modern: delightful view: cheap. FOR RENT In private family. 2 furnished rooms, all modern. West Side, close In. 3i6 11th st. A 4493. PLEASANT, airy room, fine bath, one or two gentlemen, pleasant home in fine neighborhood. 715 Johnson, flat 2, NEWLY furnished room for one or two gentlemen; hot and cold water; very close in. 214 13th U , FURNISHED room, modern, walking dl tance. adjoining bath, electric light. Phone Main 86.4. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, with bav window, suitable for two; cloae In. 40t Columbia su NICE furnished rooms for rent In private house. 525 Couch St. one block from WashlnFton! 434 BURNSIDE ST. Neat. clean rooms. $1.25. $1.50 and $2; swell front roomi: will be vacant August 4. NEWLY furnished sleeping room; rent $2.50; 10 minutes' walk to Postottice. 426 10th st WELL-FURNISHED front room or Bleeping tent for two, with first-class board. 5ST E. Alder. NICE large room in modern private house, close in. suitable lor two young men tis 10th u SPLENDID rooma. $10, $6 month, walking distance. 575 Couch. N. E. cor. 18th. FURNISHED flat. 8 room and bath; no children. 4oo 4th u 6d NO. 14 Large front room, suitable for 2. price rignt. TO 1 or 2 gentlemen. Call 309 Market U near .in. .aiana 2LL NICELY furnished rooms, phone and bath, walking distance. 2'.2 12th at. NICK bedroom, neatly furnished. $2 per t. aoa Weat Xal rk St. wron. - a - TWO nice, large, furnished rooma for rent Cheap, ai aJ- A-a,a a.araa. ..... 549 TAYLOR ST. Beautiful rooms, single and en suite, with or without bosrd. THREE large, comfortable rooms and Bleep ing tent. 211 l-iii. raaoaiaa TWO room for rent, one $0. one $8. Phone Tabor 2907 otBllX $2 50 WEEK, nicely furnished room, waJk ing distance. 294 11th su NEW 3-room suite, very reasonable to per manent people. M. 5159. NICELY furnished front room for two, with piano; cloeo In; reasonable renu o 6th. SMALL, neat room. $L50 per week. 26S 12th at. ROOM in swell apartment; no other room ers: strictly modern. Main 80.11. NICE, large front room, 'suitable for two. 271 7th st.. near Jefferson. A 3743. Rooms and Board. DOES a home appeal to youT The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, balh. broad veranda, quiet, close In. near car, 4 block from P. O. American plan. REST VILLA Under new management; newly furnished, large, airy room, fine grounds, best board In the city; one block from Washington u 49 North 17th su PORTLAND Women Union. 23d year; rooma with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heath. aupU THE MANITOU 2I 1.1th, new manage ment; thoroughly renovated: Inviting rooms; choice board. Main 1184. CHOICE board and large room, facing the . aannah'. K74 Park. TWO large rooms, single or en suite; oholc table board. 33 North 17th. THE CALVARD. 43;i Morrison, cor. liitli Rooms, with board; modern conveniences. Furnished Rooms in Private 'amllyj WANTED To care for two children with good mother's care. Call 72 N. 14th or phone A ooi-j. MIDDLE-AGED, reflosd man can board, nice room. Call 32 10th, have near Washington. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen In private . , 4 warn llv i-ra f aCail 1U:. 11 fh ntr-et. ROOM and board for two private family; no ot.bor boarders; close In, home privl- ifr-- Phonp i.aai i;t-i. NICE, light, airy aloepinjr-room In Private family; all convenience- free, with or wun- Out boara. vB.n ooio. w.o WAVTKD Two children to care for. with Itood mother's care. Call 72 N. 14t. i'none a oo-. CAM AR APARTMENTS, 704 Lovejoy. 2 and s-room iu.... -ro;rAvrooi n anea Dapomvu.. FIRST-CLASS room, with board for 2, pri ....1 elniiv. BS N. 17th St. Main 4220. FURNISH ED room, va-ith board. 30. 11th st -. . . tatiat J-1UI1W aa.. WEUI-FX'RNISHED room with best board; , a, anA arrniinda. Main 2071. BOARD and room for two; prlvat family. w . . v. thill at VtO a L ROOM and board, 653 Washington St., for one or two gentlemen; rate reaaonable. ROOM and board In private family. 695 E. Ash, corner lath st. Phone Eaat 1S43. WBI.L-FURXISHED rooms with best of board, all conveniences. Phone B 218H. GOOD board, nice rooms, reasonable. 209 E. 6th North. C 154B. FIRT-CLASS room and board; family style. ;i Everett t- FURNISHED room with board; price rea onable. SflS Eaat Oak st. B 2K1B. l-AKiiE room for young man. cloae in. 695 Eaat Taylor, cor. l.MIl St. GOOD table bnani iur J or J genOemen. SSlii lrnvl U Rooms With Board In Private Family. ROOM and board in strictly first-class mod ern home, for two persons, with use or piano; close in. 76U Ulisan st. Marshall 824 L ' BOARD and room, strictly private family, best car service on East Side, Phone East 197T. Apartments. THE WHEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor Sta, THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta. Walking Distance. Completely furnished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service nrat-clas. THE DEZENDORF. 208 18TH ST NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 6-room unfurnished apart ments, which are now completed, are sit uated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes' walk of the business center. Reservations may be made from owner on premises or by phone. Main 4795, A 654S. CARMEiITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts.. four and five-mom. apartments, unfurnished, with reception hall, automatic eievator. Pacific States telephone in every apart ment Bind th most modern conveniences found In the city. Phone Main Suiitj or call up main office. Main 67G-A. liEINZ APARTMENTS, lth and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, a team heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month $-t. (30 arid up. Must be seen to be appreciated. LUCRETIA COURT fNFXTRNI5HET. 2 TO & ROOMS. LUCRETIA ST.. NEAR 23I .AND WASHINGTON. A class by themselves. Front lawn, fountain, lobby. See them. New prop References required. Phoaa prop, and mgr.; 1500, janitor. THE EVERETT. G44 Everett St. New and elegantly furnished apart ments, 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private pacific telephone; located la one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance N E W MAN AGE M E NT. The Re-l'kan, 6J4 Marshall, between 19th and !oth, by far the moat homelike apartment-house In city; Nob Hill dis trict, all modern conveniences, private bath, phones, cool verandas, sleeping porches, lawn and flowers; call and judge for yourself; Summer rates; take "W" car. Main 6032. A 3191. PENINSULA APARTMENTS One of Port land's finest apartment-houses; 4-minute car service; beautiful part city to live, 1135 Aibina ave., cor. Killingsworth. Take Mississippi. L or Kenton car at 3d and Wash, sts., 15 mln. ride; 2. 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished, 17.50 to $30 mo.; also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 23Ci'J. CLAYPOOL APARTMENTS, 11th and Clay sts. ; brand new. fi-story building, ready for occupancy August 13; S-room apartments with balconies, 2 wall beds In each apart ment; possessing every modern conveni ence, close in. excellent neighborhood, rea sonable rent axid beat of service. .Apply to janitor CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia sts. First-class mz and 3 room furnished and unfurnished apart ments; all modern conveniences; best lo cation In the city, fronting the parka, and only & minutes' walk from the business center. Apply to manager. THE RE-UKAN APARTMENTS. New management, new concrete building with elaborately furnished 3-room apart ments, modern conveniences, lawn, cool ve randas, janitor service; reasonable, walk ing distance, f.24 Marshall st,; take "W" car. Main 603. or A 8191. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 7i and Jef ferson sts. -A 8-room apt. with bath, unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con venience; Siodern and only 5 min. walk from P. O. Very reasonable rent. PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrlsoa ls.. beautiful 3 and .-room, apartments f urnlshe'i for housekeeping; everything new an j, modern; elevator, telephone Irsn, 46 to G0. THJI k'KIN-LEY. 429 East Morrison, Corner 7th. 8, 2 and 4 rooms, high-grade furnished apts. ; private baths, best service, moder ate prlceL ' HANTHORN APARTMENTS, 251 12th it., near Main; elegant ii-room apis., private balcony, large rooms, every modern con venience, with two siepinn compartments, $.sr and $37.60; 4 rooms for $4u. B-ROOM apartment. $30; desirable and con venient. See Janitor, The Kearney, 21st and Kearney, or Morgan, Flledner & : Boyce, 6u3 Abington bldg. THE JULIANA. 45 Trinity Place, bet. Wash, and Everett Elegant 2 and 3-room apartments, very reasonable terms; close In. Marshall lli!3. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. park street, corner Madison. Furnished, unfurnlsned apts.; Individual phones: convenient, down-town district. BANNER APARTMENTS, 489 Clay St., near 14th st.; strictly modern 2-room apts.. completely furnished; $20 to $24 pr month; walklngUstanct.. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford st. near Washington; elegant new building, com plete and modern; two sleeping compart ments and private balconies, $s3 and $40. HAUSEM.AN APARTMENTS. 730 HOYT. New, modern, 2, 3 and 4-room apts.. Sleeping porches; private phones and baths, electric cookers. FARKHURST APARTMENTS. & and 4-room suites, elegantly turnlshed. ' 260 20th su North. Phone Main 40JS; or Main 11-- THE Beryl Large rooms, large closets, cool and airy for bummer; some fur nished apartiosata --t aad Lo vsjuy i take W car. ; THE "LILLIAN." Cor. Cth and Montgomery. All outside 2 and 3-room suites, from $18 tO $--0. jpiq HADUON H.ALL, 414 11th, cor. Hail. 3 and 4-room apts.. elegantly furnished, pri vate phone, bath and balcony porches. $35 up. Mar-hall 1171. THE WESTFAL. 410 6tb Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments; walking dis tail'--;, yw-- . ... BU-bUET for Indefinite period my handsome W furnished apartment. No. 3a Cecilia . r- PhnnA Marahall 1 JU tance; pricwa icttjuiiauio, ni -luim.a. aparnu"-"-' JUANITA. 325 11th st, corner Ciay Nicely furnished 2 and 5-ioom apartments, mod- arm vonlenc.. rent rMRormiiia ern, evw - GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup sts., (-room apartment; front veranda and . i nnxh titer, hftat- nrlvato n Vw, e i eeyui. if" a WELL-FURN'ISHET housekeeping rooms; also single bedroom, reasonable. The Idaho, -aw Q"--' o APARTMENTS, 6th and Montgomery, now ready, latest Improvements, 2-room suite. team beau THE LOVEJOY, 17th and Love Joy sta, new and modern 2 and S-room furalsned apartment. APARTMENTS, newly furnished, ictly moUera, Summer rates now in ef- ,;ct. lStf'.fr Nortn xaa. su -ttarsnail 2S2L p CECILIA, 22d and (Jlisan; 1 furnished onrf 1 unfurnished apartment; private nhone ana yj---- " THE EVELYN Ar Ji"' , . one a-r"' .t JITuq reasonable rem. .-.-. RRA1NTKKB Elegant five-room apart ment. West Side; walking distance; rent reasonable. Main 7741. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, $2.50 ner week; gas, bath, phone. 402 3d su uiinFRN furnished 2 and 3-room apart- nien ts. 2Saat 20th Bt. East 1430. -me- DAVENPORT APT. Modern. 605 Jef ferson BU Main 6435. eTtTi? Kin it Davis, corner King and Davis T. . ,' 3 and one 4-room apt. rup. uiRIFORD Beat modern apt, in the city. "1"- and Flandera. i t-nxTE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district; Lgnlent to 2 carllnes. ISo 22d at. -N. r riviR, 715 Wayne st.. modern 6-room .'partment. two porches. Phone Main 4930 TTfTSasr. 304 College sTrlctly modern 3 4-room ajta. Main 6u0. Reasonable. Hats. iWlR RENT 7-room flat. ll Corbett ac Key at 166 WhltaKer t. THREE-ROOM brick flats, reasonable rent. 'J.I Market St. 5-ROOM flat with b Key at 600 Salmon. with bath. t8 Salmon at. ra-arj - - two 6-room flats, furnished or unfurnished F.aat ISth and Ash. B -.00. NEW modern flat, also 6-room cottage; clone steel hridne. Phone Woodlawn 1S69. MODE rTx-6 - room flat, 24 North loth, near lurnld- Apartnienta. THB MEREDITH. 712 Washington; under new manage ment; 2, 8 and 4-room apts.. furnished or unfurnished; up-to-date, clean and modern; private bath; telephone; rates reasonable; best service. Phone Main 7130. jtEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay Sts. 1 , rge 4-room. front, corner suite, un furnished, vestibule, closets, private bat and phone, electrio elevator, walking dis tance; splendid view. We alao hare 1 room apartments, unfurnished. XCL.USIVE apartments; 0 large rooms and bath; private entrance; large front and back private porches; maid's room In base ment: heat, hot water, vacuum cleaning system ; ranges, refrigerator. 791 North rup. Phone Main H358. ORDERLEICjH apar'mints, cor. Grand ave. and East Stark St.; new. Ilrepron? brick building, furnished, two -nd three-room apai iini.itn. private baili, free phone, uot and cold water ice box. no carfare. Summer latii. Phone Kayt 3u0. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS 11TH AND COLUMBIA STREET. Very desirable 4-room, newly, complete ly furnished apartments possessing all modern conveniences; very reasonable rates. THE IRVING. 689 Irving St.; Aug. 1, one four and on flve-room apartment; private bath, all outside rooms. Janitor service, etc.; also garage for rent; reference Phone A So9. THE CHESTERBURT, Cor 20th and Kearney. New and beautifully furnished and un furnished 3-room apartments; splendid lo cation; Summwr rates. 'Jail and see man ager at apartments or phone Marshall 3ti. LINCOLN APTS., corner 4tn and Lincoln Bts.- completely furnished 2-room apart ments for housekeeping, everything new and modern, house Just opened, walking distance: no children; 22 to $30. Phone Main 1377. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished: comforts of home; private phone and baths, elevators, private playground for children; Ideal location. '226 iV. 20th iu Marshall 2028 Hats. IRVINGTON FLATS. 17TH AND TILLAMOOK. Beautiful new building, mahogany en- trance, private front porches and large screened sleeping porches; 5 rooms, large closets, hardwood floors, bullt-ln bunet, fireplace, tile baths, fine kitchen, equipped with gas range and water heater; this building ls In the heart of Irvlngton. fur rounded by beautiful homes: rent J..ou. F. C. BOWMAN at CO., E. 22d and Brazue. C 2322. E. Bjj. FOR RENT. Five-room modern Hat, on Williams ave nue, S15.U0. . , , I,, Five-room modern bungalow, nicely 10 located. $15.00. OTTO & HARKSON REALTT CO., l-JO 2 Puea ga. FINE flat of six rooms, furnished with steel range and gas plates, strictly up-to-date, line large built-in pantry, wardroben. por celain bath and washtuh; large rooms, well lighted, rent 20. Key at drugstore. Front and oidds. .. . ,. . . . n.,a-cv at nxffl. Very handsomely furnished, most desir able close-in apartments in city, for sale, good lease; this will appeal to cultured people who want the best. Apply lu-T Hoard or iraue. NEW, modern 6-room upper flat equipped with all latest conveniences, situated en a corner In the heart of Irvlngton. Phone r,asi A NEW, modern 6-room lower flat, one block to car. walking distance, cheap to ine rlarht party. 481 V. E. Couch. Phone East 63i)2. 120 MODERN 4-room flat. bath. gas. elec tricity, woodllft, fireplace tinted walls. Phone Tabor 1798 or call 914 Last Mor rison, near 30th. FOR KENT A newly furnished 3-room flat. FCreUobTe ny,2tS:a Tirana aim nn "" . . . , . fliFd rrinm B TT1 Dfi NICFLY iurnisnesu .- - ein conveniences, including piano; on car- line. 4ISJ lz oi". AIMOST nw 5-room flat, has porch, fire place, etc.. West Side, walking distance. . - .... .a, en nl 11th at. rent ju iiwuau. a-.. ... . TWO new flats. East Side, central, modern. Phone tasti 6-ROOM upper new flat, modern Improve ment; rent $35.Inqulre 424 Oregon st. MODERN' 5-room flat, 5th. near Jackson. Wist Side. 10 mln. walk. Main or A 122 ,2j 5-room flat, new distance: no children modern : walking Phone C 27B3. ROOM flat, bath, stationary tuba, t- menu oot ini'u . 5-ROOM lower flat, fireplace. 693 Gllsan St. rnone wain .--" MODERN ".-room flut. walking aistani-e, Tnninre 33 14th. A 4H73. FURNISHED flat; owner will board with party If desired. 4Q6 Commercial block. FiTrNISHED flat. 4 rooms, bath, West Side. Marshall l.'.ii ODEKN 3 and 4-room flats, private ba t h. aa-u Kinar U.B Laaiia. t . .:: - . Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. fur nished for housekeeping, gas ranare. elec tric lights, hot water, batn. laundry free. 16 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money: short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 10tli..t. cars, north, get oil at Marshall st. N dogs. . WELL-FURNISHED houses, flat, room: a-rof.rn coumkc, a-" : S17 00; suites, two furnished housekeep.naf rooms. 18. 10. 12 month: 3. $15. Apply 1164 2th st. North. W car from depot. 5th west on Morrison to 2"ih. block north. CAMBRIDGE B1.DU. Furnished and un- furmshea nouseKeepniB -'iT ensuite. Room 30. 3d and Morrison. very central. L.0 TO ,2.60 WEEK: clean, furnished. housekeeping room, free laundry, batn, phone clean linen, heat. 4U6 Vancour.ff ave. ana aaau,.,... . - TWO and three-room suites, housekeeping! private erni a. - - - very close in. very reasonable. i5 t.o- luinDia. JCfci II11A1 ia.aj Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single, en suite, all conveniences; best location. AillAKR BLDG.," 3:0 Morrison st. hknt Two -rooin furnished house keeping suites at the Wallowa. 193 West Park. 461 EAST MORKIsON, corner East 8th: completely iurnislied housekeeping rooms, reai-onable- 0a!a or 2 desirable unfurnished housekeep ing rooms; walking distance; West side. 3 92 8th st- HOUSEKEEPING rooms in near j.onciel. bldg. PhoneWjJdlawn 29M7 o- 23,9 FURNISHED housekeeping, sleeping rooms. jl.50 to $2 week. Desoto House. 291 2d st. THREE pleasant housekeeping rooms, wuia front porch, very dejlrable. Main 2101). TWO suites llKOt housekeeping, $3 per week. 532 Williams ave.. corner Russell St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. J3.00 per Housekeeping Koums In Private Family. SPLENDID modern conveniences. lawn, tresli air. walking distance, Washington- car or W car trom depot; Jl. t2D per month; moderate rates by day or week. r.75 coucrt. in. r,. v'. ao..,. A 'SUITE of S exceptionally well-furnished rooms, on ground floor, $5 per week. P hone Eaat 3S44. 598 Williams ave. HOUSEKEEPING- rooms for rent, good lo cation; rent veri" reasonable. Call at 1S9 i-i.i..i or XTfaln 77b7. TWO furnished front housekeeping rooms; large closet, gas range, light, .15. 495 Montgomery. , , TWO nicely furnished rooms; electric light. gas range, bath and toilet on same floor; rent $2U per month. 194 North 17th St. TWO modern, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 109 North 18th Bt. CLEAN, light, well-f urnlshed housekeeping room. 3'aiS 6th st. FOR RENT 658 Gllsan St.. 5 housekeeping rOOmS, UmurillHIieat. a-tiajam -aiaaita . . -a. 813 14TH, COR. Clay, large light 1, 2 and 8 room housekeeping suites. TWO hoysekeeping rooms, 1,12. Phone East 233. 419 Graham ave; Bio TWO nice. furnished housekeeping rooma 706 E. Powell. Brooklyn car. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 10 a month and up. 721 First st. 6U1TE of furnished housekeeping rooms, close In, reasonable. Pnone East 3708. HOUSEKEEPING rooms at 571 5th; bath, gas and phone; single rooms also. TWO furnished houaekee.plng rooms, with water. $10 a month. Phone Tabor 483. 3 Fl'iaNlSaiKD housekeeping rooms. Includ ing kitchenette. ftHO E. Burnaide st. 445 8TH ST. Front housekeeping suites, central, gas, bath, homelike. M. 4469. S3.50 WEEK. 2-room suite, close in. 40'J Columbia st. THP.EE modern, nicely furnished house keeping rooms, reasonable. 109 N. 18th bU TWO nleasant furnished clean housekeeping oina. 348 Montgomery si. .Main tsiu. FRONT and back suite, running water, bat, gas and phone, 340 College at.