13 TIIE MORNING OltEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1911. yrmr today. SMALL MAPS. Vot It. block It. Vnlverslty t7nn Lxt 1 nd - blork IS. Penln O UU tulnr No. 3. bein 100 feet on Fenlnsula venue nd 60 feet on Willis boulevard. Thee, are exceptional buy, ma own era muat have money. jrK.o- drfrhc, - star . COLLIS, BERRIDOB A IHOHPSOM. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. Commercial. County ad Municipal Aadltlng. In vestige tins and hystematliln. 114 Worcester block. Phone Mam 4A4I. RE(L ESTATE BEAUM. Beck. Wr.llam O.. 112 Falling Mill. BRI RAaER A BENEDICT. 4oi MtKlJ bldg. M. MA Chapin A Heriow. US Chamber Commerce. Cooa. B. R. A Co.. 6- Corbett bide. Jennings Co. Mala 1H. 2 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES COl. H. P, 3 IX Commer cial Club bid. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand are and Multnomah st- (Hoiladay Addition). RE A I. KMT ATS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY To purchase X raloable Iota In Ml. Tabor, with a email house: the house le row oc cupied by trie owner: this is wen worthy of your Investigation, as property in thie cnoie mstrtct is selling at. mucn oisner ftcure pr lot than we are asking lor S ,o:s. tl"" ) HAP.TMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. WE'T FIDS LOTi $100. Right en cariine. on upper Washington t.. West 3th and Yamhill SL. beyond city para: easy rsyment NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO.. 723 Chamber of commerce bid.. Mala 612. 1RV1NGTON. looxinn, 8. W. cor East llHh and Brs . 13750. Txl0O. 8. E. cor. East 2Id and Halsey. I42.VI. .'i-xlOO. East 13th N.. near Thompson. 822 v Very desirable building lota MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. SNAP. Weat Side. Must eell bit beautiful residence comer. two lots. elegant view, hard-eurface srreeta cement sidewalks, water. ewer, fire protection, cloee in: worth about J..O0 apiece; sacrifice corner at $1500. In side at $li0; most any terms- gee owner, 411. Lewi bid. Marshall 71T. BUNCH OF LOTS. Eight lots at :tS5 each for the bunch: beautifully located in reetricted district; cement walks snd s'.reets graded adjoin ing lota ee.Ilna at $6.M and $7oo each: all !o'a except two are fw.ixli.-o each; Include two eorn.nl. OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 btark St. at"INB half block, inoiion. with orchard of apple, prone, plum, rbrry and peach tree a Thl la a sightly piece of property overlooking the dir. It has a email house and good chicken-house and fence. 1 must sell this at or.ee. aa I need $1000 Immediately. Price. $270O. See owner. 41 Spalding M.!f. LOTS Svxl'X). $75 to $.'.v; easy terms. 1 to 4 blocka from elect-ie car station: mall, telephone, cloee In West Side property; beet for home or Investment: big Increase -In aiuea for you. Buy now. J. W. Ht-f. f-rlln Realty Co.. 2-o Corbctt bldg. Both phonca HO POWN. 10 PER MONTH. Fine ylew lot.matured fruit trees, re stricted dlstrlrt. near car. cement walks. Bull Run water fruit cared for free of charge. '202 I'oard of Trade bldg. Mar- .:a.l 473. A lO-li 6.VAP IN LOTS 3 lots. Northeast Port land. emB Fremont t. from Rose City Park; frl0 each; e2-.1 each; must eell: make terma Phone owner. Main 4 41 Railway Exchange. 2 HAVE had to tske In trsde a few good lots InsMe the city limits, they will he sacrifice! for rash, or sold on any terms yon wish: must be all aold thia week. AO ". Oregonun. ORCED SALE Beauilful corner: walking distance, near Ford st. bridge; slmost two lots; suitab'e for home cr apartment site; must sen; no reasonable offer refused. Man S M. A )'l. A BIO SNAP. LOT 40IOOk Fine Jot. 40xl'Ki with lO-foct alley, on E- 3Kh. near Knott: r-m-e e"0. terma cri s.1I a r.ipnw. IT Pxtfil of Trade PMs . 4in and Oak. MORRIS ST.. NEAR LNIuN. Lot fcttlA. facing iut; l.'O feet from Union awnue; prli e, a 1 V GOOUAFU A WIEDRICK. ;43 H.ark M. SNAP Improved lot. en V'th at.. fxll0.. over lecklng Irvteeton; fne view of the city: trr.' part cash. Phone owner. Marahall a: fcEE me for hereelns In lVun-U Crest Park lots, all tmproierrenta going In now. w. J. Rakee. M;i Hoard of Trade, rhonea Vtin . A 77 4. QUARTER HIam'K. Corner E. 1 jt h and bkldmore; building site; p-tce. I17VV UOuDAtll) e WIEDRICK. 43 Stark St. fine IIOOA. loortoo. South Hi. Tabor, three blocka from Mt. labor lark, terms. AK -3. o.ssonian. bNAP. K'.i. chotce lit. liO. feet to Rose 'Ifr Park car. "k!Om. cement walks, elec trtcltv. terma bee Jas. C Logan, 18 Spa ilirg M.Ig. THESE ARE I'HEAP. 4 Lots oa Tillamook street for only 1 1 2 V easy terms: will eell one or more, Atlaa Land Co.. 4'JO Ltimber Exchange. WILL Sf'.LL my ha f for T... 11.1 rsh, S'l. Ore gonial. acre In Brentwood SID per month. T MTiEVE rroperty. 3 lots at liono; also 1 l"t at for sale or trade. East tvi9 10-.el.15 ON Cleveland ava. will sacrifice for cash. 332 Lumber Excbsngs. ler bale -lloae EAST M .rISN-ST. HOME. Modern T-ro,m house. 4 bedrooms, lot vixlOO. fine lawn, lots of roses. 10 fruit trees, street work all paid: a fine loca tion, near 21th sra Malteon: price X:io, I liwwi cash and -5 per month; not many bargains like this. tiRUSSI A ZADOW. 1T Wnard of Trade Bldg.. 4rh and Oak. THE HOUSE Is tight, the TRICE le right: A-room. 2-story modern home, hsrdwood floors, furnace, large fireplace, full base ment, close to car. In Hose City Park; am making a special price on thla: Xii-ii-o.. eav terma Tonne Tabor 216X between &A A. M. and 4:30 P. M. . A FARM IN TOWN. Three Kits. ix.lo each, and X-room modem house, on 3id St.; one block from cer; a-l In large bearing fruit trees, ber ries, grapes, garden: excellent chicken faclMt'ee: a ery attractive and com fortable little home: price only Iteoo; easy terma Marshsll XI. BUNO tLOW. RObE CI TT PARK. NEW. ARTISTIC BUILDING. Restricted district. Why Oon't yon stop paying rent? oak floors, beautiful buffet, lot sxlotl. parkirg li feet, stone walks, ehade treea lawn, etc.; payment down. bounce monthly Owner, phone Main 4141. OVERI.OOK bungal'iw. 6 rooma new and complete; price t.ve. eaar terms to re sponsible party. Phone Marshall , 234, A T4.IO. Xir CAbH. X13 per month, new t-roora bungalow, lot ftOxloo. 4 blocka from Archer Place. Thle Is a flrt-cle.a home. HIOLEY A PI s HOP. 1.12 THIRD ST. EUNir.ows BUNG A LOWS BUNGALOWS AwN'vwHEP.E ANY PLACE ANY PRICE 1100 to XuO down. Ho, brook. tk4 bwet land bldg. IRVINOTON brEClAU rati and see the biggest bargain In thla Mirb-'Iasa dlatrlcL Pbone East S04; no sgenta . MODERN 7-room house, lnoxloo lot. on Esut Yamhill. Sunnyalde district; lots of fruit, a ceeu'if-j! p!ace. Xl E- 11th st. East W2 NEAR school, cloee Id. a beautiful 7-room house, will be finished this week; for sale chegp bv owner. S go. tieegonJtn IRVIVCTON Osnr will sacrldee new and beautiful home if taken at once. For par tlcn are call Fast 431 . t5 LeNolr A Co. for WEST SIDE Tomes"; exclunlve dealers In W eel Side propertlea, Oround floor Chamber Commerce. W. H. HERDMAN Handle the best home and home elteei Irvlngton. C lel, Eset 37A. No sgenta. ! CASH. IM monthly, ee .-tires new mod" -rn home. Howard Lard Tompany. eol aweCsn tth and Wash'rston sta . FOR SALE by owner very attractive -roetm bitift.oe, XVi, and terma ls3 Eset 2h st. AN atsoiute bargain West Sid home, near ?14 and Thurrrsn. ea'y X3V0l Uaxamana, iJl Railway Exchange. REAL ESTATE. for tiale Houae. DO TOU WANT A NICK HOME? I WILL, ACCT.l'T EQUITIES IN LOTS AS FIRST PAYMENT IP TO 1V. BALANCE EASY TERMS; GENUINE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. NEW. M-iOEKN, SIX BOOMS. BUILT IN EFFECTS, FIREPLACE. FURNACE. HARDWOOD FLOOR. FULL BASE MENT. CEDENT FLOOR 1-ORCHE.4. CI. INKER HKK'K PORCH COLl'MNS. WINDOWS SCREENED. PORCH BOXES, LAWN GRADED AND SEEDED. LOT Mllxl. EAST FRONT. HALE BLOCK TO CAR. NEAR TILLAMOOK ON EAST 4--.TH fTKEET. PRICE Hjx. I HA E TO CAR. NEAR TILLAS1' 'OK ON EAfT TWO HOUSES AND ONLY TSE FOR. ONE; THEREFORE. WILL GIVE TU A GOOD DEAL. MV PRICE Id RIGHT; VOCKS WIST BE. SEE MY AOL.NTS AT ONCE. WARD A TOl'NOER, SUITE S24. YEON BLIk;. MAIM 7?. ROSE CITY PARK New. modern home, a stories, three large porchea. full-slxd attio and basement, laundry trays and new furnace; first floor, closk closet, large re ception hall with bevel plate glass mirror door, large living-room, extra large "re place, bullt-ln bookcases. sliding doors beL living and dining-room, which baa beam celling, paneled walls, large built in buffet with china cupboards, large double plate mirror. convenient. large kitchen In white enamel: second noor haa a large bedrooms and bath In white en amel, also screened sleeping porch; all rooma are beautifully tinted: the entlra house le supplied with new screens, a so ths most expensive electrle fixtures: lot Is SOxlOO ft., all 1n clover, and haa large .ahade trees; one block from car: will sell at cost If taken at once. Phone owner. Tabor 1371 . A COZT HOME. LAURELHVRST. - Thla new and elegant A-room house Is lust completed haa a large reception hall, full length porch, the two large llvlng rooma have hardwood floors, cove cs.l Inrs. fireplace, large windows, bullt-ln buffet, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitch en haa cooking closets. woodlifL every bullt-ln cqnvenience, basement Is full ce mented, laundry trays, furnace: the three large bedrooma with extra large closets are tastily tinted, stained floor and linen cloeets; bath haa best of plumbing and la finished In white enamel. Lot la 6uxlOO, has hard-surfaced streets, cement walks all In. I am nfferlne this nlace at a bar gain. S4")o; XHXM cash, ask owner about It. H. 'V. c rawrora, J"3l i iwinurni Tabor 5 in. B 2!hJi. SUBURBAN HOME, close to Portland, fine for poultry, garden, fruits, berrlia, etc; good house, 6 luree rooms. 22 lots (near ly 4 acrea); spring, running water, mall, telephone; can have electrio lights, best soil; fi to fruit trees, berries; on best auto road. 2 blocks from electrio car etatlon; a fine place to move right Into with every convenience: a home with n income! will oar for Itself: large spa- cloua grounds where freedom and economy rules; free wood, free water, etc. $3.fe0, reasonable terma It's a genuine snap. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co, 204 Corbett bide. Both phonca H'OOO 13000 SACRIFICE. Must sacrifice my beautiful 10-room home to meet other obligations: strictly modern and up to date: 1'ioxloO corner: herd wood floors, beamed celllnge. 2 fire places, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases, tiled bath, foil cement baaement. with heating nlant: toilet, wash tiava. etc. Must be eeen to be SI'O TCC -St 1. NO commission. Owner. 4-d Lumbermen! bldg. Phone M1n d00. FOR SALE A pair of twins, two blocka from carllns, each a beautiful modern bungalow of C rooms, reception hall, nmtrr bathroom and Daaa hail, frout and back porches, each on a 7Sxl0l lot with lawn, rosea, fruit and aliade; all nicely fu-nlshed ready to step right Into housekeeping; s.-"0 uncior vaiuw or jun. sale, as owner expects to leave Portland September 1. Address ownsr, AB SiX". ( Ton i n n. - siroa nan with beNnce at T Dor cent. will nurchase an artHtle home of six rooma with glass-Inclosed sun room and sleeping porch; haa two fireplaces, fur nace and kitchen stove, screens and shades; garage, with concrete driveway; located In beat part of Irvlngton. on full lot. Apply to owner. US Board of Trade. Phone A tieee. Tit IT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TV UN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF TOU OWN A I OT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONET AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. TI AVS FREE. IF WE BUILD. OUR REP UTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAT TO SEE in L. R. BAILEY CO . INC? . CONTRACT. INO ARCH IT ECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLD. ' 11.11 I 1T11T HOME. 7-room modern house on corner E. loth mA schuvier sta. : one bl. k from Broad way: fueplare, large verandas, sleeping nr.-h- ll street I m oro 'e m c n t s in ano. paid; completely furnished: price .0OO """h. P. PALMER-JONES CO. ' 212-213 Commercial Club Itidg. F'honee Main S....0. A i:-i. RUSE CITY PARK. g.t.-.O CAS H. T rooms, bullt-ln buffet. bookraeea iia nk floor, furnace, fireplace, laun dry trays, mirror door, all lmprovementa in ana psia. r-n. u"-"- - terma l-'" per emonth. National Realty 4k Trust ro, mora 7''3 Cnamber of Com merre bldg. Fhone Main oi-. v.-o eii R eKV. EASY TERMS. CleesY modern, convenient 7-room honao In Lnurelhii-at. 2 l"'s, lawn, billiard room. laundrT. shower bath. flrelssg. cooker 2 fireplaces, furnace, buffet, ce ment basement, aquarium, etc.: will con .,er lot Bret payment. Tabor JIMS or Marshall 2SQO. ton Kybldg. X14.nl BUNilAI.OW. lot ann lurnuure. m rooms, porcelain ' " - - -. - , eiot and col-1 water, plastered, tinted, nl.e miltet, dining-room set. etc.: adjoins restricted district, close to Rose City Park rsr. iv cash, balance monthly. Jaa c. I.ogan SIS Scalding bldg. Marahall 174. a a4s'a WAI-NTT PARK. a-room house, modern, furnace, fire place, gas and electric light; lot SOxlOO; ence loJoO; terma MERCHANTS 8AVlNi.4 A TRUST . COMPANY. UNNY8IDE PAROAIN. 6-roora home, comer lots, sewer, gss, electrio Ilghia rement sidewalks, all paid; price only -"': Uil ! on East mh. close to car; 1"00 cah. balanre $10 per month. Call at 417 Chamber of Commerce. READ THIS) OVER CAREFULLY. $l;ut cash buya a new r-room bouse, all modern plumbing, eleotrlo lights, full-else basement, large lot with young fruit treee and garden; on East Xutb st. : close In: for a qiili-k sule w cut the price to 12400. E J. C.EISER. 221 31-irrlson St. tiono. $2& CASH. IIS MONTHLY. 3 nsw 4 -room plsstered cottsges, line lo cation, near nsw UL Hood road: no use renting when en opportunity like this pre sent itaeif. Fred W. Uerman, .' Burn alda M. or A 27'fL DON'T PAT RENT, vxr bava 4. X and 6-roorn home, all gnodsm. In reatrloted dmrlcta for sale en easy terma Provident Investment A Trustee Company. 2t-2- Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A 1022. ROSE CITY PARK. New. modern, l'-s-story; hardwood floors, large living-room, guest chamber with private toilet and lavatory: doxloo. trees, near car. i'nona Tabor 2181 or evenings c 2101. MODERN HOME. A home that wiU please yon; bungalow, 7 roome, fine view, overlooking city; mod ern In every detail: si-Ktly hlgh-clas residence district; price I.MXU: terma Owner. 511 Corbett Bldg. ON Broadway, close to new school, 2 car "lines, attiactive modern o-room house, with furnace, fireplace, etc In flrst elsse condition, for l.VxiO; part cash. baL monthly. H295.Oregonlan. $2400 BUYS-modern r-room cottage on Hol laday ave. There la a big attic which can easily be made Into I good rooma Thle Is a snap, can be bought on easy terma Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding blag. ' PENINSULA BARGAIN. grtSO Fine comer lot 47xW. one-room house, all fenced with A-foot wire. Fred W. Oermao, 32V Burnald St. Pbone Main or A 277-i. $o"Hi BELOW market price takes mod era Irvlngton home of seven rooma hall aad bath; bullt-ln furniture, flrsplaoe, Du&ca kitchen, full cement baaement: half eaao balance month y. Phone East 8310. FOR SALE or rent, a furnished house oa Ktrby and Webster sta, opposite the jeffrreoa High school; $:k per month rent or will sell on easy terms. Inquire Calu met Hotel. ISO park St. WEST STARK AND 52D ST8. Lots 100. easy terms: best buy In th cltv - new cAr in bill. ding: see us at once, EMPIRK RKA.LTY TRUST CO.. 4.-S Yeon Bldg. Marshsll 4. NEW Irvlngton home. Just completed. 0 rooms, hardwood floor throughout, many other attractlv feature, elegant location, $ 7 V 310. Oregonian. -ROOM modem cottage, lot 4xl00, cement basement, cement walks, nicely finished, lots of rose, lawn, cloe In. Xel East lltb et. F.sst ion. BEAIiTlFi L HOME. 9 rooms, modern, cor ner E. 2oth and Salmon sis: easy terma Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. 2 I -3-3 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A ln'22. jl-s; L vour chance: West Side 6-room boose, only a few minutes' walk to busi ness center: must be sold soon; only $200, By ownsr, (11 Market st. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hone TBVIVflTnV HOWE f6500. 8 rooma. sew and modern, hardwood floors downstairs. finished floors up- talr. heam eelllnrt. Dutch kltCheO, sleeping porch, handsome woodwork, full cement basement, furnaoa, 3 fireplaces, large attic, abadea and lighting bxturea complete faces east, on carllns, lot fOx JKO fu, all street lmprovementa In. Price lt0e, terma, tiOOO cash; beL on mort gage. This price Is liuo under too value and la for aulck sal H. P. PALMER-JONES CO-312-21S Commercial Club Bldg, Phonca Main boww, A 2ftii. MR. ItriM'ElI.OO'vER. It will nav tou to see me before burin or building. I have twe I-room houses oa 4id at., one blook to canine, ana on i-room buneslow on 46th BL. all in Ron r-ltv i'mrir Th.. hm.vm ell the UD-tO-tbe- mlnute bullt-ln effecta and complete In every detail: email down payment., bal ance tike rents also two lots In Beaumont on which I win build to auit four laeaa. See owner, 1 to X P. M. 1. 8- ATKINS. Henry Bldg. itf.no 44900 LAURELHTJRSr Elegantly finished 4-room 8 -story house. a Sleeying-porunes, narawooa iwwi beamed oelllnew htillt-ln huffet. bonk cases, etc.: full cement basement with furns.ee. wash trsva- toilet, etc.: every thing to make home attractive and com fortable; no commission. Owner, 4- l-uru bermons bldg. Phone Main iww. sirnirirn ma r.i-:. rxnvw gwroAm hiinvslow n lSI tered. tin t' ed wells Irnth anit toilet, hot and cold water, wired (or electric lights, on graded street, small basement, brick foundation, lot 60xlu0. In splendid locality. 2 blocka from good carllns; price I130O, X-W down, is per month; win niecounc xor casu. rttr-r kow of CHAPIN A HEKLOW. " (H) S32-B39 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK ONLY I2900. Can von beat this nrlce? New Pi-room, porcelain plumbing, full basement, attic, all eonvanlaneea electric Ushta and shades. flowers, lawn, chicken park, eto,; $WH cash, balance monthly. See Jaa. C. Logan sole agent. 81J epaldlng tug. iiarana, 2741. A 24S9. af.mva evip. A splendid 2-story 7-room home, 4 bed rooms, gaa and slectrlo, fireplace, etc; on a corner lot 41 2-3x75. an corner Commer cial and Blandlna; price only $3150. $1000 cash, balance to suit: not many bargains like thla; worth 4WO. GRUSSI A ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th andjOak. NEW o-room house. Irvlngton, $o300: $.100 below value. Phone owner, test itrig. FOR SALE Si x-room house, one or twe lota Phone moraingi, t-.ast 1223. Ui 1HV1NOTON For sale, modern residence. For particular, phone C 249. For bale Business rroperty. COOS "BAT-B I AltUAINS. Corner lot 60x290; deep water frontage; enlv X 10.00. Tract 07x830. with frontage on three streets, ore block from city dock; $7000 only. C E. NICHOLSON. Marshfleld, Or. No agents need apply. j BUSINESS BLOCK. PATS OVER 12 PER CENT On enur purchase price: prominent corner: on Alberta street: 8 stores ana flats: price. $W300; (4UOO can remain at per cent. OODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Btark bt. MANUFACTURING SITE. M. acres- on Columbia boulevard, run mine hnehr to rieeo water: Drlce. X2&.HOO; only $2500 cash; balanre end of 8 year at per cent. e quicg 11 you weui 11, OOUDAKD at Wliunii-iv, 243 Stark bt. XI i X-T-TT irTf"RTn SITE. mu ai-r.i on Columbia boulevard, with railroad and deep water frontage; thlsl right in th factory Olatrict; price, ii,- 0O0. OODDARD A "WIEDRICK, . 243 Stark Stj X4o CASH and $9 each month buya a busi ness lot. 2,'ixli'O ft., on East oth St. It Is a district where ealuea are rising very - rapidly. Bti now. trice iw i Steel Co.. 287 H Oak St. FLATS. 15 per cent net Income on $n00 cash In- eested. Investigate. Purse, SIS Chamber of Commerce. 111 Mia r-vtnii'K buslneea oroperty. sto and apartment well rented, prominent etreeL West Old; close In. Owner, $24 Worcester bldg. For Sale Acreage. a. ar-RR tracts with running water, located oppoalte St. Johns and only 2 miles back from th river: good soil and water. School convenient, A enap at $150 per acre, with terma See u at one. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth gt. Main 3.1. A 3.W0 1335 and lo-acr tracta. close to Port land: good electric car sorvlca, best soil, good roads, mall, telephone. tc. ; $i0 to $.1.e) per cre, easy terms; best in vestment todsv: big tncreaae In value tr von buv acreage now. J. W, HeiTerlln Realty Co.. 2)3 Corbett bldg. Both phonea HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 1 i .-r.i small house, two chicken- houses and rune; all kinds of fruit set out; close In on Oregon City carllne; ex cellent neighborhood, for quick sale, price $i0eO. $00 cash, balance per cenu C. B. LUCAS, fill Corbett Bldr. PART IN WORK. 10 and B-acr tracts, close to station on Saletn Electric; springs and running water on some ; vsry nne nwi. run eon, nA rewir op ersvel: cnltlveted and fenced. Prices low. easy terma C. W. La liarre. 2n Commercial bit, 2d and " sshlngton. $a7& BUYS 10 acres deep red shot oll. adapted to fruit and vegetablea: all smooth and tillable, no rock: wood and water; cloe to ecnooi.- po,iDin tore; within easy reach of Portland and the cheepeet land on in merest, Couoh bldg. 104th st. 612 ONLY TEN PER CENT CASH BaUnc will pay Itself on. our 8 to 20 arre tracta l ninee souvn w nd S mile from town of 4o00; "Ted shot soil, best for fruit, berries or vegetables: macadam roads; $200 per acre. Eager A Watson, WO Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak ts. .re acrea 70 mile from Portland, within X"S OKI high echool. same distance to state normal e.-hool; thla Is a snap. Umbden- stock A i-arsou, ey " bert. CHEAP BUT OOOD LAND. $31 80 per acta; 1000 acres alfalfa land under Butte County canal; adjoining proe neroua colonlee. 2 Vi mile from Orldley. Mark Lane, 144) Montgomery at,, ban Francisco. IF YOU want a conntry home aa close to the city as Rose City Park, but In Oak Grove vara; ot mmnieewui u - - - - up the beautiful Wlllamett Klver; 10 per cent down. 2 per rent per month. Be the general agent, 437 Chamber of Com merce. THIS 18 QOOD.--One acre, with city water and graded streets three blocks from Hose Cdty perk car for $l.".t0; nearest lots sell for $4r0 and l.iuo. There are eight lots in an un divided acre. Do you know ItT AT 222, Oregonian. FIVE or ten acres, cleared, level, lenue. black sanoy e,", fruit garden and chickens; mile from railroad elation and will be near electric line- close to big markets; Jim an acre; eesy terma Ownsr. li I'.tainbcr of Commerce. LOGUED-OFF LAVf. Over 1100 acres, lies . : ir rutting In tracta and will make one of the beet stock farma; railroad goe through t-lace: price 17 ner acre: win im. i" hm. Portland property. Zimmerman Board of Trade bids'. 810 17 ACRES. 3-room house, good barn. 24 fruit trees, s acr"s m crui,. cm. eima. u mile to schooL 2 miles from good town, on R R- and electric cariine. convenient to Portland: price $:700. Western Land Co.. 2HH Stark St. 10 ACRES BY OWNER. Pct acreage on Salem Electric; deep, rich cultivated -soil: will sell In tracts to stilt, very easy tsrma W. F. Feller, Don ald. Or. 10 ACRES, nearly all clear, on county road. convenient 10 " - . . . line, under the value of land around It; price 1$0. Western Land Co.. 241 Va Stark st. MI ST ralee money; sscrlflce all or part of - 7 , . V.llm. f-reeW vo'.e oeten edmlred He beauty and maple ahade. p'n, 7. Milwaukle. Oregon. 2 w ACRES In Primrose. Just 20 minute from the renter of Portland; beautiful sightly ground; terms easy. d ins- nwisro oe- curttlea t-o.. eie ci"-"'"l 4aTH and Preeootl sis.: acre, o-room cot tage. OUlDUll'iinee. e.e-v. nviie nut evil or b7 East 2Sth st. Value $2AOO. ...tali and farma from XlX&o per acre r large and small tracts. Call Kinney 41 fltampher. 681-3 Lumber Exchange bidg. jRAI.B or exehange. 30 acres, an acre neavv pin timber, in Humboldt County, California. R Ml, Oregonian. ACRE tracts, one-half mile of city Hmlta. tv; small payment down. See air. Watt. 324 Atilugton bide -REAL ESTATE. For Sail -Acreage, SPLENDID SUBURBAN HOME. 8 8-8 aoreg of highly Improved real etate, excellent soil. 80 minutes from cen ter of Portland, on Oregon City cariine. only 4 blocka from car, set to all kinds of berrlee, splendid vineyard of best veri ties, 74 Xrult and English walnut trees, fine lawn, rosea and hardwood shade trees. prlvat water auppiy. engln tank, two deep wells, cement walks, 4 poultry-houses and yards, abundance of shade, splendid large, b-room " house, finished off In ele gant style, modern In every respeot. -tri best that money can out up: located In th center of large well-kept lawn; In splendid locality; pace $i.-(io: terms can be nao. iaii tor u. '. Keagan, BUT NOW OF CHAPIN A HER LOW, 832-330 Chamber of Commerce, ORCHARD TRACTS FOB 8 AXE. Fir acrea all cleard and under cut- treat ion and In full bearing orchard, which vll produe as large a revenu as orchards selling for $1000 per acre tbla treat Is 12 miles from th heart Portland. H mile from car line and river. and the treea ar In Al condition; prloa. s.ej par acre. BRONCJ-8TEELE CO.. Ground Floor, Lewis Bldg-. 207 H Oak. Cor. 4th SL Farm Department, ACREAGE. Fruit, berry, poultry or vegetable tracts, only 40 minutes' ride from center of city In 1. 2. 5. 10 or 20 aore lot at t10 to 1500 per acre, on easy monthly paymenta Two carllnea. good water, fin schools, stores and churches conve nient and clos In on West Side. THE 8HAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St, Main 35. A 8300. WEST STAYTON. Where thing grow all Summer! L 5, 10, or 20-acre tracta, fine for fruit or alfalfa: easy terms. You' owe it to yourself to find out about this. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. CSEE MR. BISHOP.) Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark, HERE'S that little fruit farm you'v been wanting: 2 "4 acres, located near Meiurum station, Oregon City electric line; all un dee cultivation Ins bearlne fruit trees. apple and peaches, berries, hothouse for mushrooms. etc; chicken-nouses have concrete floors; new house not quite fin ished, 7 rooms, fireplace, cooling-room In basement, septic tank, running water and force pump; Oregon grape o-o-, ahade trees, view of river; $05o0i terma. See Kupper. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce, SMALL FARMS. 6. 7. S. 10. 18 ACRES. ONLY 20O YARDS TO STATION. Land that will grow anything; lie vary pretty fine view all cleared, good mar kets for all produce; short ride to Port land; good settlement; near timber; good water. nvi.r trs ro xi. 10 ACRE. Terms. 10 per cent down, balance 6 per cent, o years, exactly as represeiiivu, HALL A CO, 802 Rothchild Bldg BEAUTIFUL 8UBURBAK HOME 2 acres at Meldrum station on Oregon iny car- line; nice white bungalow on Knoll aur rounded bv 4ne 4-vear-old neach trees elegant view of country fine neighborhood and all beautiful homes; houee is modern, large living-room, fireplace. French doors leading to sun porch, also large shady veranda. Daneled dining-room, whit enmel woodwork, fine bath: place on car- line and main county road; large base ment and good water system- price $5500. See owner on place, G. C. Yale. 623 Chamber of Commerce. IP YOU WANT A COUNTRY HOME. WHY DON'T YOU GET A GOOD O.N B 7 Good soli, rood water: close to Port land, on electric transportation; good nvlghbora, good roads, good schools, and don't overlook the fact that one of thee country homes w ere offering WILL PAY FOR ITSELF EVERY YEAR. What more can you ask? Your last opportunity. Small down payment; bal ance very easy terms. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch Bldg. ACREAGE. ALL CLEARED. vi-iv in e-'-v . - . . ... From live to 10 minutes' walk from station; river ana Tan irwuiuM muni with water frontage; lies In easy slopes and well drained; positively the best acreag values near rortiana; easy terms, let. us snow you. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO., Lumbermens Bldg., Fifth and Stark. a'H ir-i-w-.v and fruit ranches near Portland walking distance to good town; rum"" water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district: view of Columbia River and snow peaks: 2 aersa $2r.0. 6 acres $4O0, 10 acrea $700; IO per cent cash, easy payments: other tracts near railway station $25 to $40 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. 301) Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. 1 TO 4 ACRE TRACTS $400 to $500 per acre; on west side, mil,, fntm court house, overlooking beautiful Tualatin valley. United Railway survey to Cedar Mill runa through tract. Easy terms. See us at once. EMPIRE REALTY A TRUST CO. 402 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 349 BEVrs AND ONE-HALF ACRES. Splendid nsw house, hath, toilet, city water, eleotrio llgnia, earn, ouiuuuuin-., within 17 blocks of Courthouse. Oregon City. An unusual buy at $1250; easy terms, too. Address AV 818. Oregonian. For Sal -Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book a ves amount or government land open to homestead In each county In the States of Oregon and Washington and deacrtption of same: gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors, 21x28, showing R. R. in operation, one ahowlng all proposed R. R. and electric lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; 2ic eacn. or tnree buc Map of Washington In colors. 21x24. 20c Nimmo, Runey A Co, Hamilton bldg. 20-ACRE homestead relinquishment In Her- mlnton project; big bargain. Address P 2lL Oregonian TWO 7.O00.000 relinquishments, very acces sible, cheap 11 tnKea qutcK, aia Marquam Dldg. Marshall oi. For bale trait Lands. THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE. 70 acres. 00 acrea In fruit, 16 acrea Spttsa. 4oO walnuts, AO peaches, 2OH0 srapes. balancs spples. Jonathans and Baldwins; nearly all 4 years old; 10 acres timber and pasture; good spring, house, barn. Implement shed, etc; price, $200 per acre; good terms; you cannot equal this buy in the slate; very best of red shot soil and orchard In fine condition; 4V) miles from slfition and 1 mile from electric road In course of construction. For partlculara see Zimmerman. 810 Board of Trade bldg. - 10-ACRE ORCHARD. $ acres apricots. 4 acres almonds, 1 acre peaches; all of the best variety, in full bearing; should produce enough next year tn-ay for entire place; only 2 mllea to railroad and boat landing; well fenced; prlc onlv $:i."i0n; might trade In part. DABNEY & DABNEY. S"7 Railway Exchange Bldg. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 20 acrea all good orchard land; 10 acrea cleared, part In young orchard; fine creek and spring on place; house and outbuild ings; only SVs miles from town; beat bar gain offered In Hood River County- price .MH0. only $1000 cash required. V 284, Oregonian. ALFALFA FARM. For sale. Wilson A Myers, end of Haw thorns cariine. Tabor 1549. For Sale Farms. Od-ACRE BARGAIN. For Sale 35 acres under plow, 85 acre more ready to plow; fair house, old barn, good orchard, lot fruit, plenty running water, 5 miles from Molaila Comers, 1 mile from Wilholt Springs. 85 miles from Portland: railroad now being built to Mo laila. This farm la worth $5000 of any one's money, and can be had during next 80 days for $3S0; reasonable terms. In vestigate this, bv all means. Address AV SVX Oregonian. SO-ACRE SNAP. Owner living In Montana: will accept $po per sere for SO seres nesr Beaverton: about 4-Mio cords wood: similar land sell ing at 9125 per acre; surrounded by bear ing orchards. OODDARD WIEDRICK. 48 Btark fu BEA LEST iTR For Sale Farms. SMALL DAIRY. ONE IN A TJIOUSAND. AND ONLY HALF PRICE. GUARANTEED TO BE A GENUINB n 1 1? 1 : 1 1 - AO acres of sandy loam sediment soil 10 reet deep. 40 in men stat- m -um-. vatlon. good new cottage. large bam, fenced and cross-fenced, level, oat on hero are over vour head, nice apriDg an creek and river. 25 miles from Portland near good town, and ahlpplng can be don within half mile of place, cream route. dally mall, phone and nne neigiiutrrnouu We know there Is not a nargain in in state like this. If you want eomethin that will stand the test, look this u and you will find it better than teife sented; make a bee-line for this office before yotx lose the opportunity. we can't keep you from buying It If you know what land is. in 0 pnone luiorraev lion; price $4.110. terma KEASEY. Hl'MASON A JEFFERY, 282 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE OR. EXCHANGE. 15ft acres-of good soil: 25 acrea cleared and under -cultivation; balance of land Is easily cleared, except some good timber; land Ilea fine, except 20 acres, which Is nasture land: 2 good springs, fair house and barn; place all fenced with good fencing; family orchard; close to school and church; R. F. D. : lies on good county road, 2 miles from HUls boro electric line and railroad, and 20 mllea from heart of Portland; price, $) per acre, - BR0NG-8TEELE CO.. Ground Floor. Lewi Bldg. 207 Oak St., Cor. 4th. Farm Department. TWO CROPS PAY FOR LAND. In -the famous Los Mollnos district 01 Upper Sacramento Valley, the greatest falfa and dairy country in the Un In -the famous Los Mollnos district of the States; famous old ranch Just platted put under Irrigation; gravity system, pumping, no storage; soil 80 feet deep : . 1 wvt.A - Bltntf. Vll 10 and 12 tons: acre supports two cows and six nogs; pays ew rt-venuw -rev... yeAr, more than price of land; we ful nleh you all the freah cowa you want a . . 1 A. Intereat. to b paid' for In butter-fat receipt; heart of greatest deciduous fruit belt in state; i . 1 I I.,' In Nnrth. L'iica-Bi K'a"1' 11 , ... - - west; unusually easy terma. LOS MOLINOS LAND CO., EXCELLENT FARM BUYS. all 20 acrea 1 - mnes 1 ' vj in . 01 ..-... cleared, new buildings, only $260 an acre. Ji.asy terms. . so acres, 00 in diiiiYsu, a cnara, i -u oearmg iroei, -.-. - lngs old; this la a great bargain at ittO an acre - . aa 1 . TlMllan luo acres, muea uwiu , . . . , . , . .. .1 t,aen n , I fit fl 111 OUIUVB.IIOU, ww wu. . er buildings, 4 head fine horses, 8 cows. 0 nogs. lino mi ul iiujji."'"" - - walking distance to Salem Electric. mile to river inn sniiiiiina - - 7 -be sold and price will be made right. very eaey icruin, -vm. - - . rr , v , Ti tt. nrrT-C!-C I'O Lumbermens Bltlg.. 5th and Stark. 02 ACRES, in Benton Countyv 4 miles 'com station: 10 acres ciem-u, cleared, tne Balance gouu n....,. . ; mieht tak city property and assume small amount. . . . 105 acres on Columbia River, good build lngs. su acres in imy. stock, tools and Implements; ji00, $1500 . . .1 , .1... MA rl.iru nronO. casn. oaianca iuu . J j ltioa- Tt ' u T.AVrr CO.. 420 Lumber Exchange. h.l. 1. r Kjn EjAi..,i-..u-.. ISO acres, about half In crop; nearly Sn more tlUable; good spring and well, good . ., - 1 ..mlnvtohl. hoiiee- rieeD rich soil, fine alfalfa land, sub-irrigated n k.. nlae cmintv lYinrl ' nricl 25 per acre; will take part trade In IO to 20 acres, near canine, ciuse vo x-io.--. Zimmerman; 810 Board of Trade Bldg. ALrAljl . v 11- Flne bottom land, 600 acres; th best dairy, grain and hog ranch In the Wil lamette Valley, close to new electrio survey. This land Is worth much more tnan xna price uk-u, uut w tate. Is belnir offered for $63 an acre. tin BBS- I ' - Ills. OOWEN-IDE TRUST CO, Lnmbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. Balance 2 years at 6 per cent, buys 180 acres 01 Koua loviiu, 171 un'" ' --- - . . . , . 1 I lr.. . in tne iieiciiuiei nvj i-i i-'i gon. bu acres 111 i-uiiiuu- v . road D. V. L. A I. CO. Cnlv.r Ore. Oflce oposite depot. UJIirii rnrwi, 1 1 .1 .... 1 . ui.tlim on ITntled Rail wavs, on Germantown road; 40 acres: 28 acres In crop; creek and deep well; (-room house. 2 log bams, chicken house . .... ,u, . . In. C.AXlV nr.lv and otner ouiouiiuiugB. ifui.,, GODDARD A WIEDRICK 243 Stark St. 83 ACRES, good house, bam, orchard. 25 acres clear, eiiuo mi-- - - - pasture, creek. H miles from electrio t-arllne, convenient to poruana; price $5000; easy term. western iano o 248 Stark St. LAND FOR SALE. . -. tlS nee a-r- on the Tl qulna Bay; county road and! running water on the place. The real owner. B. E. Dobson. Crabtree, Or. Also a general . . . . , ..- vara b. Pmhtma Or. RANCH 80 acrea. with buildings. 18 mllea from Portland, near euecinc im--; o-xao. for all casn. by owner. aaornauu 20 ACRES must be sold. $5 per acre. C J. Met-racaen, oil aictvay uiua. FARMS WANTED. WANT to rent 10 or 20-acre ranch, fair house ana improvements; ciwbb 111 v,ny ui Portland, near cariine; privilege of buying end of year; give location, yearly rental, also price asked for property. AC 807, Oregonian. W All 1 W lt-w uito ee uiiig, v. .--J, -1 .. Ill , . . ,1 . CKVOO uiiillv In , . - ,1,1,1. I O e -l.v aouiQ virei i-u , ' ' . . , . u ,,Vw - i j ... nice bungalow and pay you balance at same 1 . u as j - - ki i", , uu u n. e " . u - - - 818 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRBS, on R. R. or cariine, running water; give price, location ana partic ular first letter. R 307, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB HAVE client waiting for liousea rang na- from X23IM to Soovu in a gooo dis trict and near achool, with moderate first navment. balance to b paid as rent. If your prlc I right, we can sell your property. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. I WANT A HOME. In the market for a 4 to 8-room house. well located In ML Scott. Alberta or near ML Tabor; can only pay $100 to $200 down and balance easy terms: will go up to $2500: give location and full descrip tion In first letter. J 805. Oregonian. WANTED To buy modem, unincumbered residence In Portland, not to cost over $3000 from party who will accept devel oned 5-aere orchard aa part payment. V 283, Oregonian WANTED On Portland Heights, King's Height or nod 1111, o. o or i-room res idence or bungalow; must be a nice place and a good buy for cash; from owner. T 308, Oregonian. WANTED To buy building site on West Side, suitable for apartment-nouse loca tion, from party who will accept com mercial young orchard as part payment. V 280. Oregonian. YOUNG man on salary wants to buy new four or live-room oungaiow in good lo cation for, a home; can only consider nothing-down terms, like rent. Phone Tabor 1580. 1513 Alameda. WANT modern 7-room house, value about $4000, from party wio win lane lots or Improved acreage as part payment. L 310. nrov-rtlnn. WANTED Unimproved 40 to 160 acres of land, plenty 01 water, near jut. xiooa auto road; must be cheap. P 2113. Ore gonian. FIVE to 7-room modern bungalow, on Haw thorne ave. or in inl msirici, wnn gar age or room for one; from owner. Address P 806. Oregonian. SEVERAL- unlmcumbered Marshfleld lots near bo. xacitic risjiit 01 i.v, aa iirai pay ment on acreage or farm. Purse 818 Chamber of Commerce. WASTET) TIMBER LANDS. WANT 40 to 60 acres timber land that will Ut Bum" Corns w u'lu, ucoi miidjvii.iii'ii nd within 25 mile of Portland. X 278, regonian. FOR BALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C 3. at 'CRACK EN. 804 McKay Bldg. OWNER must sell timber limits In Kettle River, U. C. quics- rariiemara, A a olio, Oregonian. 820 ACRES, must be sold, $5 per acre. C. J. .Mccracken, out jgcxt-ay niug. "TO: EXCHANGE. 'I IRRIGATED FRUIT AND ALFALFA LAND 80 acres fine land In famous Twm Falls, Idaho, district; Hi miles from town. Price, including water right, $80 per acre. Ihla Is an absolute sacrllice. 9c . ... ie,ir. Ion1 close, to town partly cultivated; an excellent piece of ground., Price, with water right. $80 an 40 acres aage brush adjoining town of nolllster. on Twin jyai'S iract; . water. Price right. ., 140' acres all In alfalfa, $H miles from Twin Falls; 16 hare water. Price $100 Tier oca SO acres fruit land In famous Council Valley In Idaho; on mil from Council; ' fin buildings; all In crop; plenty of water. Prlces.$100 per acr. Will consider Portland property In ex chanae for all of ih. above, but these are cash prices and your property must bo priced rignr. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO., Lumbermens Bldg., - 6th gnd Starts DO YOTI WANT A NICE HOME? I WILL ACCEPT EQUITIES IN LOTS AS FIRST PAYMENT t'P TO SloOO. BALANCE EASY TERMS; GENUINE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW NEW. MODERN SIX ROOMS. BUILT IN EFFECTS, FIREPLACE. FURNACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FULL BASK AI EXT. eHUENT FLOOR PORCHES CLINKER BRICK PORCH COLUMNS, WINDOWS KflRKEN'ltn. PORCH BOXES, LAWN GRADED AND SEEDED, LOT 50x100 KAST FRONT. HALF BLOCK OF CAR. NEAR TILLAMOOK. ON EAST 40TH STREET. PRICE $4300. I HAVE TWO. HOUSES AND ONLY USE FOR ONE; THEREFORE, WILL GIVE YOU a noon HEAT.. MY" PRICE 13 RIGHT YOURS MUST BE. SEE MY AGENTS AT ONCE. WARD A YOUNGER. SUITE 526, YEON BLDG. MAIN 7525. SACRIFICE. ' niK-nv I'll ICkTV RANCH. ' 8 acres, all In floe cultivation except 4 of an Acre, which Is In light Drusn, running stream the year round; good w-e.ll fair houae. Brood chicken-house an outhulldlnira: nlace all fenced, nearly all chicken tight,, fine soli. Thl place lies about a mile and a half from Tfuard sta tion on the main county road: it is ten mllea from Portland and a sacrifice: prlc J240O. $5O0 . cash, or will take good lot as first payment, balance long time. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. $18,000 ORCHARD for city property. Rooming-house for lots or farm. Auto for lots or acreage. . 7-room houae for farm. . 10 acrea for city property. 75-room hotel for acreage. Cigar and confectionery for lots. Other good propopitions. ' What have you? GARLAND A BARSNESS, 111 Fourth St. IMPKOVEn FIRM TO EXCHANGE. . Fine farm 217 .acres, all cleared and In cultivation; extra fine 10-room house and one of the best barns In tne wiuametn Vallev other building In fine shape; thl la a mairnlf leant farm and home place will trade for Portland - property ; value $125 an acre GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO., Lumbermen Bldg., 6th and Stark. AM leaving the city and will trade my brand new 6-passenger Jll Maxwell tour ing car in as first payment ou a modern house or bungalow of about 5 or 6 rooms; must be in good location and not over $3500 or $4000; my auto nas oeen uaea qui a few weeks and shows for Itself that it Is In excellent condition. Must leave for the East at once; answer as soon as possible. V 3Q7. Oregonian. 70 ACRES, buildlmrs. orchard. 15 acres In crop, som fine timber, team and harness cost $500, I wagons tl new-, piow, nar row, 800 cords of wood now reaay 10 eale: will trade for good houae and loti tin to 14EH0: nlrtce convenient to Port land and electric cariine. Western Land Co., 248 H Stark st. will offar our eouitv of S1500 and few hun dred cash In a $3000 home In exchange for an auto truck or auto that can b made into a truck. HRATMAN A THOMPSON; Realty Exchange Dept. 1742) Chamber of Commerce unTBt. OR APARTMENT. $28,000 cash and 1280-acre wheat ranch with Ry. town, 8 grain elevators In cen ter of the farm; price $S5 per acre; want good hotel or apartment-nouse. GRUSSI A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak, ail aiires. 80 acrea In croo. 5-room house. barn, orchard, on county road, good team mares, cow .wagon, harness. 20 hogs. chickens, will exchange and take house and lot up to $3000; eaay terma on oaL Western Land Co., 24 bt-arat. t. SNAP. Hlr-h-clasa elegantly, furnished apart ment-house, good lease, to exchang for modern bungalow or house. AMERICAN TRUST CO. 213 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRE, fi-room house, near Silver Spring, on car line. near Milwaukle 'Heights, nearly all under cultivation; price Xoaoo, to exchange for acreage near Portland, L. AMADON. 217 Lew U Bldg. MOVING-PICTURE SHOW. Talra notice- Will exchange fine, com plete movlngpicture equipment, suitable for permanent or traveling- show, for real estate. A. Hli. vregonian. e r . En a XT 3n-ac.ra lmoroved niece of land. close to electrio cariine and 7 stores, to trade for city property. David Lewie room 2 -Lumbermens bldg. WILL trad my equity. $1150. In modern bungalow tor clear 101 01 huichkb, u.i ance payable at $18 per month. 7 per cent. Ar 000, v-rt-eoui-.". WANTED To trade a beautiful home In Bartlesviiie, iikih.. ior a jioiuta in x up land. Address Okianoman, 4xu vvaamng ton St., poniano. 800 ACRES in Douglas County, only 14 mil. to R. ru atation; win miujbukv mi xui.- land property; casu j-nvta exv,vvv. rr ev. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES. exciusn eiy. un PTTCk- Northern Trust Co.. 270 Stark St. LAURELHURST lot and two In University Park, both clear or tncumorance, to u a-i- for lots or equity in small oungaiow. wi c or c. A MODERN billiard parlor, five-year lease, cigars; $no rent; connecting notei. dining room; for real estate. Addresa P. O, Box 577, Lents, Or. r.h-acre imDroved farm on Oregon Electric, all in cultivation: kouu. ouubb axiix us-iu. want large house, near achool, outskirts of Portland. if. o. Hoi 710. TO exchange choic block at Gearhart for City or auburoan property; win assume mortgage or pay auierBiivB ix uci-c--ai 3. J 30S. Oregonian. TWO choice Columbia Beach lota to ex change for city property. a. svs, urn- gon lan. EQUITY In -40 acres. Linn County land, $2000, to traaa IPC uunnamv eiiuui ortn aiow more, eoi -. 01 v- wix'-i . . v, . n .,, farm nf 1 OO acres Willamette Valley, for a home In city or Bupurps; own-jis onix. -i-am,. . GILT-EDGE acreage, 2 blocka from best car service, to traue lur equity m uuuB-auii 487 C. of a . MAKE me an offer on a hundred and five dollar Eller purcnasing curca. u avo, Oregonian. in- im es on Lewis River. S10 per acre. for city lots or small nouse anu lot. x 806, oregonian. 160 ACRES unincumbered, will exchange ai first payment On -.liai iiuuui-uujoc -axe Champer or -.umumicB "'"a- FOR farm exchanges, buslnesa chances or roomius-xiou.c,.. v.... " -- M Realty Co., pit goaiu oi ubub xiiug. HAVE relinquishment of 160 acres choice land, central uregon. w ai ua-v- iuu w exchange? Carl Morris. Bend, Or. $110.85 PIANO check in exchange for one dozen cnicaena. muuo -rwuio.ii ytjr. A V Hi I111- -ievni. i"."-- ... " - - - lni. aceen-re. AT, 292. Ore-ton An. SIX lots In Montavllia to trade for bunga low equity. 437 c. or J. $10 ili.inai w kjci t xx lui-vui. - - - for good timber. N 292. Oregonian. FOR BALE. Horse, Vehicles. Eto. 2O0 WILL purchase pair of blocky-built 5 and 0-year-old mares, weigm ma., sound as gold dollars, very chunky made and grand good workers and prompt driv ers; trial allowed. PUP Amur au 105 xyiLL purchase pair mares, with new set harness. 6 and 7 years, weignt. aoout 2150 lbs., true to pull and faat roadsters and fearless: tnai aimawi. on.- aici ei. DYE wagon, nearly new. In first-class con dition; must, ne soiu mia n co. xnwi East 258. . MUST sell at once, good horse and buggy. 210 OStn St., s. e. enu oi uainuurua aav-a. t-arllne: walk west 1 block, 2 south. FOR SALE 5-year-old driving mare, guar anteed eounu. iiiy uium. i" ' BOM today. East 42. B 2242. FOR SALE Bay pony cheap; suitable for paper route or camping uuvxit. x an. or C 1814. 202 E. 8th si N. 20 FOR gentle, lively pony: ride or drive. 7S1 Insley ave, eenwooa car, x-none neii-w-ood 16 45. 150 TAKES 1500-lb. work horse, or will take good cow or ariving xiorso in ex change. 484 East Stark. TEAM, weight about 1000 pounds each; 2- ton express wagon and narness; also single express outflL 42 First it FOR BA-LE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. COMPLETE FAMILY OUTFIT. $125 will purchase handsome, safe fam ily and buslnesa gelding, Prince, age 7. t. 1050 iba; is perfectly safe for the most timid or Inexperienced person to ride, drive or to oare for; will road naturally 10 miles per hour on his courage and trot a full mile In 2:40: as a saddle home he ha no superior and very few equals: also he will work in any kind of .a rig; ele gant new 'rubber-tired; harness custom made and price new; latest pattern pari-, runabout; open buggy, and to purchaser I will allow 10 days' trial to test it in every way. Ask for Mrs. Gowen's outfit at 80S Alder st. 40 head of mares and geldings, In pairs and singles, at prices from $40 upwards. 1 think I can truthfully say that I have the best lot of horses for sale that stands In any one man's barn In the City of Portland: each and every horse will be sold with' a full guarantee, allowing a fair trial and money refunded if not as represented on bill of sale. Remember, we allow two weeks' trial on all horses. 605 Alder St.; a 'full line of farm harness and farm, wagon at very low prices. 605 Alder st. 2750-LB. TEAM, mare and horse, 7" and 8 years old, sound and straight In every way, with heavy harness, hand-sewed traces, coat $70: the biggest bargain in Portland for $400. 26U0-lb team, mare and horse. 8 and 10 years, and heavy harness, all com plete, for $2i0; this team right out of hard work and easily worth $325, bub . must be sold at once. On 9-year-old mare, delivery wagon and harness, for $16i; this outfit formerly uaed by grocery store and replaced bv automobile; muat be sold to save paying board on horse; Apply Lawler's stable. 15th and Couch. Ask for Mr. Evn. MICHIGAN BUGGIE3. RUSHFORD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS. Before you buy. . either... above, see our stock and get prlcea. We are located ouv side the high rent district and for tha reason can sell cheaper. -"- Why buy a rca ond-hand -vehicle when you can get a new one at about the same price? R. M. WADE A CC LU., "122 Hawthorne ave. $400 WILL -aurchase pair heavy draughters. 8000 lbs, mare and gelding. 8 and 7 years, full brother, and sister: this -is without exception the best big team that haa been offered for sale in Portland this year and we can highly recommend -them" to our many customers; -they are. actually worth $000 to. a -man that -, haa-work for suoh a team: also fine almost new set narness at purchaser's own price, with, -heavy trticlc cheap. 505 Alder St. - MARES MARES MARES. With new set heavv breeching hameas; $200 will purchaae them.--6 and- 1 years old. weight 2:150 lbs., fat and handsome, true In all places; drive together like one ' horse and are as handsome a team as stands in Portland today; will suit ranch ers or orchard-work:-in fact, will suit any buslnesa; two weeks1 trial allowed, at 5u3 Alder St. $300 WILL purchase pair of 6-year-old 2600 lb. geldings that cost their present owner last December $600 and are worth Just as much today; - are -warranted clever and true In all places and under any circum stances: trim allowed. 605 Alder st. $225 WILL purchase pair 2700-lh. geldings, together with new set heavy breaching harness; this Is a good., honest pair of horses that are right from hard work and are ready to go riht back again! trial al lowed. 505 Alder st. A GOOD, heavy team of horses, weight 21)00; also wagon and harness; have to leave city: will sacrifice. Call churchley's wood yard, 13th and Marshall. Tel. Main 93L or A 8031. NEW $250 Bailey Bike buggy, or will ex change for good .driving1 horse, ' 4&4 East stark sr. FOR SALE 4 delivery wagons In good or der; prices from $.10 to $40. At 148 Grand ave, pear E. Morrison. - WANTED Horse and spring" wax-on, 1300 lbs.; must b reasonable B, 05, Orego nian. PASTURAGE near Portland fer stock. Phon Main 1A1Q. . Automobile. ' OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st an Wash. sts. ; special bargain slightly use 4 automobiles this week. Bulck. or 8-pjssenger, $475. Franklin, 2-passenger, $550. Mitchell, 2-passenger, $425. Cadillac 6-passenger, like new, $S50. Maxwell, 6-passenger, $300. Thomas, 6-passenger, $700. Many other late models; all la Al con dition; don't buy till you aee cur live stock of cars. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and asnini-ton .fata. BIG sacrifice; 1010 Cadillac fully equipped: owner must have money at onoe and has authorized us - to accept any reasonable offer: you will have to hurry If you get this one; It will be sold cheap. Oregon Auto Exchange. 21st and Washington sts. WANTED To trade, a 6-paaa Reo lot a good piano, or will sell for caBh; describe and mention make of piano; owner of car will be at Keats Thursday. Address Helsley. care Keats Auto CO. REO 5-passenger In exoellent condition; everything in the best of shape; fully equipped; sacrifice for $808 oaah. Call lousy, aua owruaim . a- "GARAGE" live and dead storage, painting and repalrlns a specialty. Willamette Motor Car. Co 818 Hawthorn av. East OS 2. ' AUTOMOBILE to exchange for good real estate; will trade my six-cylinder WInton. completely equipped for city property. Inquire 403 uoroett. piub. WHITE steamer. 3-seated car. Just oyer-k...ia- .n.raniA-d in good condition ; $250. For sale or trade X 306, Oregonian. 5-PASSENGER fore door 80 H. P. center control. ioo; uou v v,."" mean business. Phone Main 912. Ji ONE-TON truck, first-class condition, run very little, for $750 cash. Call 421. Hamilton uiug. COLUMBUS ELECTRIC; fin condition; for Huomobllc Phone llaln 9029. A 8313. 4-PASSENGER, 1910, 4-oylinder, 80-hors auto, almost; aa goon a n --- - t Mida. E 807, uregooian. $800 CASH and $400 trade buys auto, good, order; post jjw. h -- e" '-PASSENGER Chalmers, $2.50 hour. Mala 7776, A 3021. j-.VPimil'a. uu--.ii. moqu. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. PIANO, standard make, mahogany case, lit excellent conaiimn. -"". a--- v- ". will consider trade for vacant lot. Phone- Main 7584 or call at. mx-wi yy ini-m. t. -WO viollna for sale, one very old: would trade lor goon , n . v. " v.. - - Pursiey, ooia piwm"w. AM honestly In need of money ; will sac rifice my pi"" ""Ji.-."". nleaae answer. 225 Fifth St. FOR BALE Large purchasing check oa "V... .. T ftnA Oreeonlan. K,ueTa music Din- ww-. Dogs, Birds, Fet Stock. PERSIAN cats and kittens; orange and - . t -H..a reasonable: also'two shlVt-halre ma-le kitten, to giva w PhnnA A 3!70. ndj. --- TWO fresh milk cows with "Ives. Just from tne luiimii. - 129 N. lltn. FOR - SALE Femalej builterrler 2 years old; good wail;" -xna- Main st. TWO well-bred Cocker Spaniel puppies. 5 . j jn-i unnlnnmarv -at. - montns oiu. -mo- o SPITZ dog for sale, 6 weeks old. Phon B 1410 or -japur nm. M laeellaJieoua. FOR SALE One 30-horsepower tracUon en. O almost now I'x.i.. x - - ng trucks. Wallace Croweli. Bal ing h a tii-iasii 18-HORSEPOWER. 4-cycle engine, witn new shaft bearings enu "U"".,',"1 complete. Addresa J. H. D., Box 720, As toria, ur. &TUai 1-y.iuii. If your stove doesn't bake there la something wrong. I can fix It, SOS East Morrison. Phone East 1022. EXCEPTIONAL typewriter bargains for th week; Remingtons, eov, omnu ' " $27.60; Bllcks. $17.50. Northwest Type writer Co.. 90 5th st, 1911, 7-h. p., Indian motorcycle, perfect Condition, tauiicm aiie.uiu.ui, V--" S232 BLACKBERRIES About a ton at Lents'; nnur rlna: make offer for croD. i.h.tn K2i Irving. Phone A 7083. 200 FOLDING chairs, suitable for moving- picture snow, .inquire x ju ax. lu a r. .ax. 205 Russell St. FOR SALE Folding bed. with full-length mirror, dresser ana varurooo cumiiineu, if l s. Phone East 3595. MAKE me an offer on a hundred and flv dollar Ellers purcnasing cneca, u ua, Oregonian. ANY typewriter (delivered), given for any- one s spare time anywnere; easy, uoi i-ao, St. Louts. Mo. FOR SALE Double-deck Hubbard portable oven; capacity 2110 loaves; in good con dition. Call at 622 Alberta st. FOR SALE 23-foot boat, speed lines. 1 cyL Ferro engine, speed 10 m. p. n. ; prlc $joo. Phone E. 8015. P 202, Oregonian. FOR SALE Gold-plated Holton cornet: In first-class condition, cheap. AO XiO. Ore gon ian SAFES New and 3d-band; low prices; eaay terms; safe opened, repaired and painten. FURCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO., SS 6trt et. Main 4S0S, A 4118,