See Our List of 300 Apartments and Houses at Free Rental Boreau on the Fourth Floor-Oar Big, Cool Restanrant, Seventh Floor : - : : TTZ : ... . ... . . i A t t r c....Ai M.ttn Cola f 1 Sr tnp .ORV Read the Story of the "Founding of Astoria", by Walter woeniKe, m Augusmimper 01 oimc niaBa,iw, Fiction Just From the Press IN OUR newly-enlarged Fifth Floor Book Store the newest first, the best always! Lore's Pilgrimage Upton Sinclair' latent work; on sale at only $1.3o She BaUdeth Her House By Will Livingston Comfort; priced at 31.25 The Wife Decide New romance by Sidney Wharton; on sale for 81.18 The Gamblers A story of today, by Klein and Hornblow; priced at $1.18 The Guilty Mm A French masterpiece by Francois Coppie; only $1.18 Conrad ia Quest of His Youth By Leonard Merrick; priced at $1.20 m 1857, mm i mam Tuesday's Grocery Specials Little California Picnic Hams, special today at, a pound, only 114 Crescent Brand Sardines, three cans for 505 one can for only 17? Kingsford's Gloss Starch, special Tuesday, 6 pound box for only 46c Crosse & Blackwell's 40c Gherkins, or Chow Chow, special at only 33 Crosse & Blackwell's Marmalade, on special sale today ,at only 2o Home-Made Marmalade, special today, at the low price, the jar, 15 Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce, special for today at only 23 Albert Roche Sardines, on special sale today at low price of, only 12 De Kofa, the new Coffee, a pound can "today at the low price of 45 Rice Flour, in one pound packages, special for Tuesday at only 13 Victor Flour, fifty pound bags, on special sale Tuesday, at only $1.37 Our Mew Vnctor 1 1 m Moral "The Victrola Room" 1- " A ONE of these pretty, new, wrme, soundproof rooms will be devoted exclusively to the exquisite Vietrolas. The Victor-Victrola is the most perfect musical instrument the world has even known. With the improved sound-amplifying surfaces and all moving parts completely con cealed in an artistic cabinet, it appeals to music lovers who have heretofore denied themselves the pleasure of own ing a Victor, simply because of their fancied objection to the prominence of the horn. The New $50.00 Victrola-Hornless Only a short time ago the Victor Company astonished the musical world by offering the Victrola X, a hornless machine, at $50. It ia fin ished in either mahogany or oak, with "wall of Troy" carved frieze. Extra heavv double-sprine motor. Ask to have it played or let us send one to your home ou trial. Price $50, on our Cln.b Plan. Victrola XI, Price $100 mahogany or oak, paneled with moulding in relief. Gold-plated tone arm. Victrola XIV, Price $150 mahogany or oak. as illustrated. Gold plated tone arm, sound box and trimmings. Record filing racks below. Victrola XVX Price $200 solid mahogany or quartered oak. Gold- . . . i . - in e irn 1- plated tone arm. sound box ana trimmings. .Aiouras ior iov iccuras. " lb. On Fifth Floor, With Complete Line of Machines and Records rE OPEN to the public this morning what has been pronounced by Talking . - . i . i.i vi - it:-,. Machine experts one of the most complete ana tnorougniy appouueu vicwi departments in the country! After thoroughly investigating the different lines, we have established this Vic tor agency. Two large, light, soundproof rooms have been built adjoining the elevators on the 5th floor, new building, where a complete line of Victor Machines and Records will be kept. Mr. Uoyd L. Breede, for the last four years with Sherman-Clay Company, will greet you in our new Victor Section today. He cordially invites all his friends as well as every patron of the Meier & Frank Store to call. The famous Victor phrase, "$la week sends a Victor to your home," will be the feature of our new department. THIS IS THE CLUB PLAN AND WE WANT 100 MEMBERS TO JOIN OUR FIRST VICTOR CLUB. Remember there is absolutely no interest charged. Our catalogue of Victor Records will include nearly 2000 of the latest titles in the Red Seal (Grand Upera; and aouoie-iacca iiDranes. Victor Horn Machines Victor "0," mahogany finished, floral horn, 17.50 Victor 1, oak cabinet, black and gold horn, 25 .DO Victor 2, quartered oak, extra heavy spring, $32.50 Victor 3, quartered oak, extra heavy spring, $40.00 Victor 4, man. cabinet, black and gold horn, 50.00 Victor 5, quartered oak, takes 12-in. records, $6!D.OO Victor 6, man. cabinet, takes 12-in. records, 100.00 New Victor Records for August Victor Double-far Records 73c No. iS78 "On Mobile Bay," Col lins and Harlan: "Toddling- the Todalo." Billy Murray. Ko. 1S7 "Any Girl 1.00k Goodf in Slimmer," quartet; "Summer Days." quartet. Xo. 16SSO Don't Wake . Me Up, I'm Dreaming," Van Brunt; "Hold Me Just a Little Closer," Albert Van Tilser. So. 1USWH "All Alone." H. Van Tilzer; "When I'm Alone I'm Lonesome," quartet. No. 55102 Pink Lady Selection: "By the Saskatchewan. Beau tlful Lady Waltz." "Oh, So Gently," "Donny Did Donny ' Didn't"; waltz, "Love Is Di vine." Opposite side, "Sevllla Waltz," orchestra, NEW RED SEAL RECORDS. No. 64187 Three new. Elman solos: (1) Traumerel, (2) Gavotte, (3) Tambourln. Price $1 each. . No. 74238 Two Irish ballads by McCormick: (1) "Kathleen Mavourneen, (2) "The Irish Emigrant." Price 1.50 each. $1 a Week Sends a Victor to Your Home II ERE are scores of new bargains this week in our Great Midsummer Clearance Sale!" The lack, of space precludes mentioning mem an, uui )uu u. nuu special muutciucmo n --.. j . Try to shop in the morning. You H find it so much cooler and convenient, it you ve any snoppmg m mind today, start now! .: Great Clearance of Pongee and Foulard Silk Waists! IT'S been hard to keep enough of these smart Pongee and Foulard Waists at full prices, so there 11 surely be a rush when women read of this stirring Clear ance! Pongee Waists are in both tailored and dressy models, trimmed with pipings, buttons, colored embroid- enes, etc. rouiara aisis are wim fancy lace yokes and dainty side ruffle effects. $ 6.50 Silk Waists now only 4.50 $ 7.50 Silk Waists now only S5.00 8.50 Silk Waists now only SG.fO .;t Q m Silk Wuati now rmlv Sf? 1S f- A $12.00 Silk Waists now only 8.50 I 15.00 Silk Waists now only 9.00 VA New Line Lingerie waisu over ,"0 moleIrt. in cool Dutch necks and high collars, $1.5U to $15. MFIRR Jt rstSK' .!t(0D KI.OOR. IL Wff III' .1 ' mm v, Our August Toilet Goods Sale Is Bringing Throngs THAT sensational full-page announcement of our August Toilet Goods Sale brought crowds that we could hardly cope with yesterday 1 And we expect even more today, for the news is spreading. 60c Dr. Charles Flesh Food; on special sale at only 29 A Few Soap Specials 10c Palmolive Soap, only 6 6c Flotilla Soap, dozen 431 6c Lifebuoy Soap, each at 3 10c Jap Rose Soap, each 6 10c Portland Rose, at each 6 25c Packer's Tar Soap at 14 25c Woodbury Soap, at 14 Pear'i Unscented, cake Facial Creams Lemon Quince Cream at 25 50c Stillman'i Cream at 33 $1.50 Oriental Cream at 98 75c Pompeian Cream, at 40c 60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream; on sale fox only 29 Face Powders 60c Pozzoni's Powder, at 29J 25c Sanitol Powder, only 15 25c Swansdown Powder, at 5 50c Le Blache Powder at 29 25c Mennen's Talcum, at 10 25c Graves Talcum, at only 5 Proprietary Medicines 50c Beef, Iron and Wine 33 25c Moth Destroyer, only 16 25c Sal Hepatic, only 18 $1 Swamp Root, for only 69 $1 Pinkham's Compound 69 $3.50 HorUck's Malted Milk; on special sale at only $2.75 The Lace and Embroidery Clearance There are a harvest of Clearance bargains in Laces and Embroideries: Lace Clearance Venice and Net Bands and Edges in white and cream, in do maoJ for trimming of new Fall dresses: $1.00 to $1.25 Laces, yard 591 $1.25 to $1.50 Laces, yard 691 $1.75 to $2.00 Laces, yard 98 $1.75 to $3.00 All-over Embroid ery Exquisite Baby Irish and floral effects," on sheent Swiss. For our Clearance J1 OQ Sale; priced per yard Convent Embroidery Strips 41i-yard lengths of plain edges, with imitation of hand work. Worth 75c to $1.50; for CQ, Clearance Sale, per strip Entire Flounces 45-inch, in loveliest of Baby Irish effects; 4i-yard lengths; worth $22.00 to 25.00; for our 1C 7C Clearance Sale at ? Cotton Cluny Laces Edges and insertions p 3.3 to 14 inches wide; regular 10c' and 50c grades; for our Clearance C Sale, per yard, at only Jv' Imitation Maderia Embr's Closing out of imitation hand made Madeira Embroideries, in cluding edges and insertions, to 9-inch. Flouncings, 14 to 18 inch: 75c to $1.00 Grades for only 39 $1.50 to $2.00 Grades, only 69 $2.50 and $3 Gowns for $1.98 MEIER FRA.VK'S SECOXD FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL HERE are sensational Gearance prices that will force out incomplete lines of Undermuslins in a hurry today! For instance, these snlendid $2.50 and $3 Gowns at $1.98. Made of O fine Nainsooks and Cambrics, trimmed in dainty dotted embroidery and 7fl I fa "6" " v " "f "'J " """J - " laces. $1.75 Gowns for $1.19 Women's Cambric and Nain sook Gowns in high or low neck style with long or short sleeves; our regular $1."." (Jjl 1Q grades; now only ? $3.00 Gowns for $1.53 Think of it ! Almost half for Women's hand - embroidered French Gowns; uulaundered; slip-over style; reg- CI C5 uUrly $;i.00; at only V -- To $7.50 Skirts at $3.95 Clearance on one rack of White Cambric Underskirts, made with wide, elaborate flounces and dust ruffles; our regular ?G to $".50 C) QC Underskirts for only POZJJ $2.50 Chemise for $ 1 .79 omen's hand - embroidered French Chemise ; unlaundered ; regular f2I0 gar- "-nt; flonrance Ht $1.79 Sale price Women's Outing Flannel Pa- V, jamas in dainty fancy 6tripes, with kimono or Military collars; our regular $2.50 suits; now at on $5.00 Silk Vests, $3.00 A final clean-up on small lot f Women's $5.00 hand-embroidered Italian Silk Vests; mostly hite; our regular CO flf) .").00 grnde-i; "n'y HvV mMMA 4 The Great August Home Fur nishing Sale Breaks Records Never Such a Furniture Event! MEIER FRAXK'S FOURTH FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. ago! 'ESTERDAY. the first day of our Great August Homefurnishing Sale, was the biggest single day s retail .iurmture business since me opening ui tm ucdiuucu rr; ff. oo w haA in msb Pxtra salesmen on the floor! It made us doubly enthusiastic to watch the eager buying, the exclamations of delight from customers to find such high-grade, new Jture at actual savings of a fourth to full half in many instances. Another big crowd will surely come today. To remind you, we again quote a few of the specials from Sunday's big announcement: Craftsman Furniture Vi Offl Special $17.50 Beds $11.25 The greatest Bed sale or the yeai? never before have we quoted such sen sational prices! Entire stock on sale plain and fancy styles. This $17.50 Verms Martin Bed is pic tured here new panel style, white or green enameled. Full size and height; made with malleable joints. Special CI 1 OC 111 3,1 . Our entire stock of the famous Gustave Stickley's Original Craftsman Furniture in this Great August Sale, 1-3 less. This includes Dining-room Ta bles, Library Tables, Flat-Top Desks, Chairs, Rockers, Set tees, Morris Chairs, Serving Tables, rang ing from $12.50 to $140.00, at $8.33 to $93.33, or exactly 1-3 off. $17.50 Tables for $12.24 Beautiful Solid Oak Extension Dining Tables, exactly as il lustrated. Heavy round pedestali. with 6-foot extension, fin ished in either wax golden or Early Eng lish. Regular $17.50 Table, August Sale- SSt$ 12.24 $14 Solid Oak Dining Tables, golden or Early English 7.99 $17.50 Oak Dining Tables, golden or Early English $12.49 $20.00 Solid Quartered Oak Dining Tables, at only $14.98 rmm &s S.7S Enamrled Bed S 4.RO Rnamrlrd Bed 2. V B.7S Enamrled Bed 4.2S 9 A.OA Enamrled Bed S 4.A9 Enameled Beds a 4.VS 6 .SO Enameled Beda 9 4.98 price 9 7AO Enameled Beda S 5.48 7.2(1 Enameled Beda S 5.79 flO.OO Enameled Beda S 8.39 12.00 Enameled Beda $ 9.09 12.SO Enameled Beda flO.49 S13.0O Enameled Beda S1049 $ 1 8.00 Dressers for $ 1 4.49 Handsome Wax Golden Oak Dressers, as illustrated, with golden wax finish; large French beveled plate mirror; regularly $18, f A A Q August Sale J) 1 i7 $11 Solid Oak Dresser $8.69 $23 Waxed Golden Dresser, only $17.y. $27 Quartered Oak Dresser, only $19.29. $26.50 Quartered Oak Dress ers 3 handsome "patterns, with French beveled plate mirrors, swell front, etc., at only $18.88. i y . n $18 Axmmster Rugs, Aug. Sale $ 1 4.95 MEIER FRANK'S, THIRD FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. HERE'S one of the biggest features of this Great August Sale in. the Rugs and Carpets! Beautiful, full 9xl2-foot Axminster Rugs, in handsome Oriental, floral and medallion designs, of red's, tans, green, brown. . 1 J QC Heavy and long-wearing. Most stores would call them extraordi- 1 J O nary at $18. See display in Sixth-street window. August Sale price $20.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 Feet, for $15 85 , $22.50 Axminster Kugs, yxiz feet, tor l.o Carpet Specials To $1.80 Body Brussels, yd. 99 $2 Bigelow Aniinster, yd. $1.39 $15 Smith's Axminster, 89 90c All-Wool Ingrain, yard, 57? $1.15 Tapestry Carpets, yd. 67 $25 Rugs $18.65 Beautiful, heavy Seamless vV uton Rngs, 9il2-foot size, ih elegant me dallion, floral 'and small figure de signs, "richly shaded in tan, rose, cream and brown. $23 1 Q CC grades; August sale stVlu,UJ Sale of Linoleums 63c Printed Linoleums Full, per . feet pieces, in new tile, block fC-, and paquetry designs, y&rd"C $1.25 Inlaid Linoleums High grade, in new tile, block, imitation Q T hardwood effects ; square yard J