TITE MOKXiyQ OKEGOXTAy, TUESDAY. AUGUST 1. 1011. - DROUTH NOT ENDED Hop Prices in Germany Are Advancing Rapidly. ENGLISH CROP ESTIMATES Oregon Market for New' Hop. I Bkx-krd Wlch Bo-era Otterag 2 Cent and No MIt In KMcnrt. Th drouth miwwt In CWrmanr and th hop market la advancing rapidly. That was th tenor of cables received yeater day br Vocal deaUr. London eablee tl mated th English rrop ai goo.ono t 3o. OO wt. Tha bt lm Pacific were quoted la Lendoa ytrday at lo ehltllng. Tha Oregoo market u blocked. Buyer eftmd 24 cent for new crop contrarta. t thera wr do arllere at thai price. Tba am f sura waa ofrd la Washington- Th Jw York Journal of roammt aye ef tha aiiuatioa: , From rel!frnla tha purrhaa of a fcala lot of Mum at c nrt to gmwar la re ported. Ivtns; Im thao T balee. Includ ing loe. Iu4. lt7s aaf lnaa. aad not a ba; of 1PI' ananld In grower- hand In tha Siate of -Nfmla. lf tha l"li crop ther in only 113 bale I. ft In grower' randa In tha antlra Inlted Maiea. Hopa of all growth In Brat band. In all section of t"a I'nlted Ptataa ara eellmated at about SArt bale, undoubtedly by far tha pmallrat Quantity oa record. Tor lull on contract tnr la good avmand at primary polnta on tha racme Coaat at ::Se to Sc. but no eell ere. Advices from aoma sections of N Torb Plata r.port white mold apraadma. notwithstanding apraylna operations with ulphur. and no doubt consliierar.1 damaca baa already bea dm. Tha condition of tha New York crop l sported by tha Watarvllla Time of July U aa follow: Ther ami t ha tin ;.ecll chanaa In tha hop alluatloa her alnca our laat report. Tha majority of tha yard promlaa m abort yield, on account of undeveloped vtn and ahort arm a In regard to tha blua mould troubl It la hard to aay Juat what lll ba tha reeult. Many of our large grow- ra ara (praying vr rnduetrlously and white aotna think that the mould la beir.g bald In check by thia matbod ther la onca and ewhil a aroarar who Ihinka that It till continue to apraad In aplta of hla f forta It la Hot thought. Mwr. that yard In thla vicinity ara aa aerlously af fected aa thoaa- In wmi of tho other hop growing dlatrlcta of tha etal. Tba cooler atmoaphar of today and tba llaht rainfall of yeeterrtay taav both proved beneficial to tha growing Tinea, fraahanlnc them up materially. A lata California r.port aaya thera la a ..vera attack of Ilea In Sonoma County, which la causing anxtaty. oNTRAcrrvu ro sew crop wheat 'alr Aaaaaat of Baialnaaa raaainc and Market Maady. Tha wbaat market waa quoted rteady and tinchancad yaaterday. Thara waa aoma oon tracttnc In tha country, bat tha roluma of buatneaa waa not larsa. There waa con siderable activity In barley and aoma buai neaa In new oata aaet of tha mountain. Ical receipt. In ear, were reported by the Merchama Exchange aa follow Wheat Barley Flour Oat Hay Monday 11 11 1 - Si tear aas ST SO Keeaoa to date.lu" IT t:i.1 b- 1 leer ao 24 2.1 2.il 41 1T Tha weekly wheat atailatlca of tha Mer chant EvcltiRI follow: American VUible Supply Ttu.hel. Julr SI. l!lt 1.31, Au. I. !! ia.at.iiWI Aua. U l"1 T.ao.iN a. X ! 1d.l7.nt oc. ft. I7 4.S17.0tK jlua. a. J. .2. a4.HX Aua. 7. l"o.... 1.1.74.VOOO Aua. . 1 12.MS.nw" Auc. S. 1IK.3 ....lJ.elS.iNM u. . 1K02 ai.B71.00O Increaa. a. a . ;.:".ti.mMi 1.57J.OOO l.Ki2.00 1.4K0) 1.3"it.00 XBl.ooo 4ni.OOO 3U2.0UO rcrek Quantitiea on raeanca Week Wek Week ndln enrtln endlna July July 22 July.t'i. ll for Hu.hela Puehel Btiehela t K . . . . ,22.72 o. 22.Ns.o ri-.l.''O Cantinant ...ia.49i l.M.0oo .t40.000 T -!! .. .bn.440 OOO . (xw 29.2M).OO0 Worid'a 6blpmnta (flour Included) Week Week Week endlna endlna eftdinc July 2 July 23 JuTyJo.'IO From HueheU rl-iehele rluehele f. s.. can.. .1 514 x 177. 0"O liM?.!"! Araentlna .. .1.7-'').i 1.4.iimx 1. ..!. ixiO Auetraila 4"Xix I.Mvihi aii.ixmJ I'n porta. , o0 2.o.. e4i.00 ue.la J.sn.i S lit l.'i.i India ...... .1.OV4.000 3L70.4.x 2-IXkj.uow Totala a.VM.ono I0.oo3.noo a.OU.000 World'a ahipmenta. eeaeoa to date: Total alnoe period front Jj!r 1-11. lt aea'n. V. f. and Canada T..t9.ox S tV4 .xx Ara.ntlna B 4V4 itrt & iv.'ii.iw.! Auetraiia . J44 x I wi.inhi r tnubiu Porta 2 4-.i.ixio l .nH) Ttueela ll.IS2.iaM 12 712XX India 74.txa a.6A.ou0 Total ...S7.P43.OiM 81. 632.000 THIB.TT CAM Or WATT RMELOM HCBI SrW4 la Red weed, aa reader West her Cberke Thera were 30 cere of watermelona on bend yesterday. Aa tba weather waa cooler and tba demand llchter. prlcee bad to irlTe; way. ealee belnc "mad a low aa a rant a pound, which doea not leave profit for any int. Cantaloupea were aleo lower at 12 23 02.73 per crata. A shipment of Caaaba anired and were quoted at $3 par doaen. A car of California Elberta peachea waa recelred and eold at It. A3 for lus boxra Another car la due today. Two care of Valencia lata oranrea will be In thla moraine. Tba lamom market t Arm II orer tha country. Only two car of benanaa were recelYed yeiterday, ana com- tnc to a retailer. Two car of Hawaiian pineapple ore due f,Me moraine;. Tba Bret eMpment of new tweet potatoes arrived from California and otd at 12S canta pound. BIO Fit ITT CROP AKE RIVER. Aavaqt Foeur Hundred CarleauU Will 1 Maveel Thla Hal. LEWtaTOV. Idaho. July 3L IHneclal.V Tatimalea by fruit men of the Lawlatnn Clarkaton Valley how that tha country trthotary to l.ewlaton and Clarkaton will ahlp cloaa to 230 cara of fruit In tha re mainder of thla aeaaon. All of thla, bow aver. wi:l wot ba la carload lota, it la ee tlmated that 140 ear will ba (hipped, while nearly 10O cara wi:i ba In txpm and email lota Tha earlier marketable varletlea are now rlpenlntj rapld'y and will be on the mar ket In a week In full b!at. Clarkaton la anticipant!- tha buaieat aeason In several year, aa tba crop la unuanaliy lare;e. con sidering tha unfavorable Spring weather. "Tba river country thla year will secure a fin crop of ail frulta." aald Oeorjre E. mm, of tha firm of Wblta Brotbera At Crura of thia city, "and tha prtrea bare been very aatUfactory to tba growera. There will ba a good demand In Eeatern marketa tor tha Lewtstoa-Oarkaton frulta" from Clarkaton alone It at difficult to aay lust what tha ahipmenta will amount to, but estimate place them at 1!U carlosda. making a total for tha antlra 6 cake Klver Valley of sOO cara. flMOTHT fCED RARTEaT AT I.r.RWOV Taraag Demand Ha LlfteeT tba rric te I rente a rMM. LKWISTON. Idaho. July SI. Imperial.) Owing to tha great demand for timothy peed, from timothy grown In tha Iawiatoa coaatry, buyera from Eaatera and Coaat gnarketa bava booaied tha price of tba aeed from to 10 cent, according ta quota tion given out her today. Never before ha thera been uch an actlv demand for timothy aeed In tha Lew liton country. It la presumed that It la due to th fct that there are failure on uch a large c: In th Middle W et. where Inaect bave played bavoo with the cropa . It la eetlmated that fully tl.ono acree In the Craig Mountain country will be har vested and o!d evelu.lvely for eed. By selling at these prices, ths rsncbsr realue far mora than by harvesting hy. fgg Market Tha egg market waa cents for freah Oregon, where on tha Coast ara I Firm. quoted firm at 27 Egg market ! higher tbn Port- land, but an advance b ere I prevented tha targe quantity of brought In. Th poultry market Eastern egg being aa lightly upplld price. and firm at Paturday- There were no chang e In th butter or cheese markets. lacal fugmr Market 1 Ceo I Higher. ' n.Mn eitvenee in auaar. made by the Western Refining Company Friday, waa . . in. hv tha California Hawaiian Company, ar 'hla eaiabiuhed th locaK market at the s oa.i. .... granulated. AdTsox-eela ProetiJona. a number of change In packlng-houe products were announced yesterday. Hams and dry aalt meats wsra advanced 4 to 1 cant; fancy bacon wit raieea i ceuw and lard S cent. Bank learlnge. r k ri..,lni of the Northwestern cities rssterday were aa follow r jeei.ru. , t-eartna Balance. Portland !"!" ! . H..tti. j.jij ; Tarnma "''.'" tlDokane 5I.J j.o... epoHane - . , tan. Portland nana ciewrwe- ., were ,4 i;.t- 3. compared with 141.- . . . - ,.ia tlrt 1A2 112.13 4l.o;.lI in juii Ib July. 10. PORTLAJtn MARKETS. Ormla. rioetr. tr. Ete. n...,. as as tier barrel; straight.. IJ II: "ports. .: Valley. 14 n: rfim 4.a: wnoi wnw WHKAT-New crop: Blueetem. SOT; club 77nc; red Kuaslan. 747: lley. 1 :' . t. . tiiiuiis ner ton: middling. 02; .borta. 1230 . 24.00; roll.d baxlev. 22. m,An CORN Whol. JJ.OV; cracaeu. tr" tan. ... rtARl.KT N.e feen. i:i.wv.e per wo. OATS Old white, 27 par ton; new, 2 P"- . . ... ..,,. HAT TlmotOV, vsiiey. lisn. Ill; clover. t..03; grain hay, 1 Dairy aaa Country rrodwea. . I... Rnfltltl. IOC: l'uiLllil-ni,n . " duck, young. 14c: geese, nominal; turkey. nominal. , ... KOiiS Frh Oregon rancn. canaiea, em per dosen. PI TTl.R City cream err m. -pound print. In bnie. J Jo per pound; lea then box lota, carton and delivery extra. .-.I. i of -T- i . . tMni,t, enit dajai. lit..- oe, . - ' " . , . . . - - - ISSc per pound; Toung America, Hit PORK Kancy, lll)o per Fuuu VEAle Fancy. 126 lac par pound. Vegetable aad Frulta. n.f-.f roniTSOrannL S3 0 4 l rv'.r v.. . ..w.--- ' .... r.. per box; California grapefruit. 8.4. bananaa Se&o per pouno. " n f - per pound; lemon. o3.40 per box. l ii r.r-n KL 1 1 O nerr.ee. ' . . ..... . . . k.. nrii-.ii. II l.ji per crate; cantaloupes. .IOi.7s per crate; peache. ieow4...a per eii, lllnc per pouna; p.uma. l. per - . - . . k . n.-e annl e. 117AU per box; raapberrle. 1.7t; loganberrlea, II 50tl "i. blackcap. 2; blackberrtee, i VEUETABU- bean. SOloc; tabkagea. fla002 per hundredweight: corn, 30040a per dozen: cucumber, fit 1.25 per box: egg plant. lo oar pound: garlic IOC 12 ft pound: latt ice .UJ v oo per lettuce. 125L73 per box: peaa. I4 c P pound: pepper. jlOc per pound . rad- , . . u. ..,.n - rhubarb. 1W 0H Par pound: tomatoea. Hoc 011.23 per box. BACK ttut.iAti-i.5-.. .. per iack: turnips. L7i; beets. 11.73. POTATOES New Oregon, 1 to 01 fee par Pound. w ONIONSI ttea. Il-ii, WU..W. e dred. . BUTTER A GENT HIGHER EGGS ARK FIRM AT S3 CENTS AT SEATTLE. Fruit Trie. Vpn by Excessive Ar- rlTls New Apples Received From Wenatrhee. SEATTLE. Julv 31. (Special.) The wheat market today was quite active. Mil.ers were good buyer of August and Hepiember grain. B.uestem wheat chansed haada at SI centa August oata were lower at (24.30, and barUy was aleo off a half dollar at The forage receipts at Ceattie for Ju.y aggregated 67 carload, or BO mora than last year. The upply of fruit on weatern avenue was o heavy that prices were upeeu Over Kunday receipts of peaches, plums and ap p.es were the heevl-et of the s.aaon. Two ralght carloarte of California Crawford peaAhea were offered. The upply of apples wsa heavy. Wenatchee I now shipping In new applea. The market waa over.upplled with tomatoea. Berrle of all kind war In limited upply. Fr-h local ranch moved generally at 12 cent. Two-poond spring cleaned up well, but th. market was glutted on smaller chUkena Veal was In good demand at ,,B,J,.JerprU,'etwere advanced 1 cent, mak ing the base price 2v and 3Q cent. PRODI CE AT a.aj rk-tSCIKO. Qaeflleaa Carreot la taw Bay City Mas. beta. tAV FRANCISCO. July 31. Tha follow ing produce price er. current today: Vegetable Cucumber. n$,1e: g.rlle. git 4c: green peaa, 7.1c 1.3; string beans. 10 4c! tomatoes. 20,jOc; eggplant. 7Sst '''Buttei Fancy creamery, lie v,,Ptore. 23c: fsncy ranch. 2SVe. i-'neeatv Vouna Amerl. aa. I.ll3c Mlllstuffa Bran. 12SJO0 2H.10; mld-llnga. WFrot-APplea. choice. 11.75; common. 73c; banaaaa. l ... Mexican llm-e. . 1 60; California lemona. choice. ; commaa. 2 . pmeapplea. to. , Hay Wheat, til IS per ton; wheat and oata. $10,14: alfalfa. $9 8 11. lotatoe flweet. tltf 1 Onluns .'.c t IL Onions c 0 11. Receipts Flour. iVOO quarter sack, wheat Oo cental, barley. A220 centala; eat 'luo centl; potat.ea. "."iS ack; bran. 613 sack; hy. 173 tona rasTea auul Sogar. NEW YORK, July !. Coffee futures closed firm at a net iivuci polnta tsalea. 2 3oO. August. 1143c: Sep tember. 11.37c; October, lo.tlr; November. 10.73c; January. February. March. April and Mav. 10.7c; June. 1 iW. fr n.,it mn No 7 lSteOlglac; flantoa. No. 4. 13Cc. Mild coffee, quiet: Cor- flova. 14 trine, nominee. Raw augar. firm: muacrvmdo. 80 test, 4.11e; centrifugal. O teat. 4-61e: molaeee ugar, g teat, a-boc Refined, firm. New York Cot tow Market. NEW YORK. July 31. Cotton future closed, steady at a net advance of point on Aneust. while later montna were irom i to u nolnt net lower. Auguat. ll-lac September. 11.03c; 11.03c; October. iaao; November, jo.nuc; xeoemoer. tv.ooc; jtuu . mir: March. lO.letc: May. 11.0BC. Spot cloeed quiet, five point lower. Mid dling upland. 12-aoo; middling Uulf. 12-71c Baiee. vjoo Dale.. Naval ritarea. SAVANNAH. July 31. Truperitln firm, 4w; aalee. 1 :oo: receipt. 0X; lnpmnta. to": tocka 2.iMk h'.rment. 3"0: tock. 11. Llixj. Quote: B. i.ViiJ.V2.: n. I.So; K. 3 73: F. n. H. I. K. M. 4.40; N, .4&; WO. .3; WW, 4.0. Wool at SC leak T. IXIT'IC. July 11. Wool Kren'dv. Ter rltory end Western medium. 174) uc; fin medium, jewi.-c. une. nwnc. Duluth Flax Market. PVLUTH. July 81. Flax to arrive, 2 n1; July. 3J.10 aaked: Beptember, 2.00 asked; Octoocr, gl.ea ssaeo. TREND IS UPWARD Stocks Advance Slowly on Limited Transactions. SPECIALTIES ARE STRONG Trade Revival Looked for in All Important Railway Center Wall Street Operators Are Conaerva tlvo Bonds Irregnlar. NEW TORK. July SI. Conervatlm aeema to b tha keynote of tha atock market at present. Securities held firm on exceed ingly light trade, the trend during tha greater part of the aeaalon being distinctly upward. The movement waa .moat pronounced In the speclalries. such lasues Bihlhem ftteal common and preferred being moat con picuoua with gain of 17 and 1 respec tively. The pcultlve leader gained fractionally for the moat part, althoufth advance of a point or mora wer made by Canadian Pa cific. Illinois Central. Rock Island pre ferred. Chicago A Northwestern and Great Northern Ore. I'nlted Htate Steel w const. tntly atrong Respite the reeumptlon tomorrow of hearing by th Congressional Investigating committee. Development Included th publication of tha atandard Oil circular to Ita torkhnlder announcing th Intention of the company to comply wnn me manaate ox tne i nuru Ftate Supreme Court, which ordered th dissolution of thst corporation. standard Oil sharea sold at (133 on the ourb today. compared with 630 laat Saturday. The protective commltteea organised to uhverve tha Interest of th American To bacco Company bond and prefered share holder alao l..ued their plan of agree ment and aki ror power to formulate plan of reorganization. Advice from the Middle West and other Important railway centere are to the effect that trade revival la looked for In them all. The grain movement contlnuea unusually heavy, receipt at Chloago last week being almoat 2.000. OO0 bushel over the ama week last year. Th bond market waa Irregular. Amvrlcan Tobacco Issue ahowlng marked heaviness. Total sales, par value. t2.n2o.0O0. United Slatea bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSINO 6TOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. HJxh. Low. Bid. Allla Chal pf 2s4 A mat Cop BOO 67 ft 67 67 4 Ara Agrl - ra Am B.-et Bug.. 40 644, 5414 34 ! Am Can 1 1 W Am C Fdv.. 1(W B7 .17 M Am Cotton Oil. BOO 3d . Si 33V Am II 1, pf 24 4 Am Ice Sec 22 ? Am Linseed ID1 Am Ioco ..... 100 404 401, 40 Am 8 A Refng.' 6o0 7V 7H do preferred.. ...... ..... urn Am Steel Fdy SSi Ara Sugar lief. oo 110", list 11xj Am Tel Tel. IO 136 ISt)1 fl'e Am Tobacco pf 91 H Am Woolen 31V Ana Mining Co ion 3S .IH'4 SH, Atchison 4.2O0 11'." HIV HI" do preferred.. 2i0 103 li2 V 12 Atlantic C t, 130H B A o l.fwo loi loot, iihh, Peth Steel ... 0.4'X) SS WT-4 87. Brook R Tran. 8.(XX Hi . m M , t ana Pacific .. -l.soo 240 24 V 24.1V, Cent Leather 2 do preferred.. too Cent of N J 215 Chesa A Ohio.. Si 10 PIS 81 HI V, Chi A Alton 20 C O W (nw.. 10O 22 22 22 do preferred 44 V, C N W 100 147 147t 147 C, M A St P.. 4.700 127 127V l-'7i C. C. C A St X. 37 Col Fuel A Iron 8.1 Colo A South ..... ..... 641, Con Ga 143 V, Corn Product ..... ..... I4H Iela A Hudson 1714 D A R G 200 27H 274 274 do preferred.. l'X 37', P7V r.7 V Pl.llllers' Sec . 400 3314 83 :ir. Erie .1.4.1 3rti, 3tl i SS do 1st pfd... 1,000 6S - Ml. do 2d pfd 4H Gen Electrlo .. JoO 12V, 12'4 l-"4 C.t Northarn pf I.IOO 1341, 134 3344 C.t North Ore.. ln r. V, 3v, 3 Illlnola Cent .. foo 147 14rtv 14rt lnterbor Mat .. 30 17 17 17 do preferred.. 1v .10 30 30 Inter Hrveter 200 1 23 123 122 Inter Mxrlne pf... 17 Inter Paper ..." 11 Inter Pump ... 200 40V, 4014 40-4 Iowa Central K C southern. 400 33 84 .14 do preferred.... 87 v, Laclede Gaa ... o joa. loa jo I. A N 3"0 131 V, 131 131 M A St L 3'0 81 31 3.1 M. 8 P A 8 8 M 2ix 140V, 140 l.l M. K A T 400 35 83 .V.vJ do preferred.. 7 3Ilsourl Paclflo 10O 49 4 40 National Plecult.. ..... 13 National Lead.. 100 63 53 33 Mil N Ry 2 pf 2&1, N Y Central... 100 108 10 101 N T. O A W 74 Norfolk A Wet 200 108 108 108 North American. "4 North Pacific. l."0 1.11 1.11 181 Pacific Mall .. SOO 31 81 SO Pennsylvania .. 1.3-0 123 124 124 People- Gs .. 40 106 106 10rt K I', C i SI L Pitt. Coal .... 2O0 21 21 21 Preeeed 8 C Pull Pal Car 1J" Ry Steel Spring 31 Reading . ... 1S.TV0 IMS 1M. 13 Republic Steel.. 100 2 2 211 do preferred.. ..... V4 Rock laind Co 8o 81 81 81 do preferred.. 200 64 64 4 8 L A 8 F 2 rf .J! 8t Lt Southweet ..... l- do preferred.. 200 70 70 '" Sn'ra? TV i22 iji 12 Southern Rv .. 3.7" 31 32 3;i? do preferred.. "0 73 7.1 ,'; Tenn Copper .. 2oO 40 40 40 Texe At Pacific - T St L. A W 20 do preferred.. 20 47 47 47 Cnlon Pacific. 18,600 160 1M 10 do preferred........ ei r B Ruhber!"! '"iv '40 "46 g& U 8 Steel 14,700 7 n do preferred.. P0 120 120 11 rtah Copper .. l."0 4 4 4 Va-"ar Cham . 8. 3 f; JH Wabash " 1SW 15v rto""eferr.d.. 0 34 34 3 'k We.t Maryland. ' 8'V 61 ; 1 Vhou. Elec. 1.4.o 73 72 .1 Western Union. 10 7J 70 . tx- a. T. E .... 1"" 8 W . X lhgh Vl . . . 1.10O 17 17V 176 Total aaloa for the day, 121.2O0 .hare. BONDS. NEW YORK, uly 81. Cloelng quotation: XT S ref 3 rag.l"0V T C an 8a.. do coupon ...100 No Paclflo 3a... 71 n 3a rig 101 No Pacific 4... do coupon ...101 ( nlon P.clflo al01 7J B new 4 reg.113 Wl Central 4. , 1 do coupon ...113:Japanea 4 ,. 85B DaBOIi... WViBI Cw.k a Roatnnu BOSTON. July 81. Closing quotation: Allnues 30 Mnhwk Oop'ei-div 67jNevtla Con Am A Z I. A 8m. 2 iNlpla.lnr Mlnea.5B 15 North Butte 82 B A C C A S M. l?'sorth Lake ....... CA.iitiAn. 14 illd Dominion.. 8 4.'. Cal A Arlaona.. 3T4 (")sceola Cal A Heela... 4MB Par 9 r.m.rnl.l 11 lOulncy C) x-d. 11 71 c-, n.n C Co. . OO Shannon 1044 E Butte Cop M. 14 Franklin )1 nlrouv Con .... 6 Superior 40 & 84 Sup A Boa Mln. Tamarack uiroux v.".. a. is Granny con ... o-.u " ... Qreene cananea. 7 I , do preferred . . 4S 37 I Royalle i op. win.n Kerr Ijtke 6 'Utah Copper Co. 4 llke Copper:... 34 'Winona a La Salle Copper 8 1 jWolverlne 10t Miami Copper... 21 I Money, Kxchanaa. Etc. NEW TORK. July 31. Money on call, tedy. 2 02 per cent; ruling rate 2 per cent: clo.lng bid. 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loan, firm: 60 day. 2C2 per rent: !o dy. -It) 3 Pr cent; six month. t3", per cent. Prime mercantile paper closed at 40 4 per cent. ... Sterling exchange. eay. with actual busl nees In banker bill t t4.S424 for 60-day bill and at t4.i603 4.6nlo for demand. . . Commercial bill. 4-fcS. Bar silver. 32c Mexican dollara, 43c. Government bond, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. LONDON. July 81. Bar silver Firm, 24 Wd per ounce. Money I per cent. Th, rate of dlecount In the open market for short bill 1 2 0 2 per cant; do. tore month' bills. I 8-lff2 per cent. 8AN TRANCISCO, July SL Sterling on London. 60 day. $4.84: do. .Ight, 4-86. Draft sis nt, -c; uo. . Condition of th Tremsury. . . . . . 1 - ei 11 the begin nlng of bualn today the condition of tho tinned 6tate Treaaury was: Working balance In Treaaury t- k.nw. ind Phlllnnlna treaaury 84.418.213 Total in general fund 15?. oli i Recelpta yeatorday -I?Ji Dl-bursem-nta ,T Th. denclt to date thl flcal year 1 -822 6,18. a again! a dUclt of 11.546.0T at thl tim last year. The figure exclude Panama Canal ana public debt transaction. Metal Market. NEW TORK. July 81. Standard copper, quiet; pot. July. Auguat. Beptembf na October. 12 12.25c! London, steady; not, 56 6 3d; futur. 136 18 d. Cutom-house return. how export of 23.601 ton o far thl month. Lake copper. 12.73g-13c; electro lytic. 12.62 e 12. 7tc: casting. 12.37 12.&0C Tin. quiet: pot. 4l.26041.r-Oc; July. 41W 41.40; August. 40.75 8 41.40; September. 40.UO t 41.60c: October. 40. 8 5 41. 50c. London, steady; pot 188: future. 1S7. Led. tady; POt. 4.43 4 60c New York: 4-43?4.47o Eut St. Louis. London, 1J 18- B1- . . Spelter, ateady. B.SOCB.OOc lvw Tork, 6.7ntr5-75 Cut St. Louis. London, 125 7 6d. Antimony Cookon . 8.50c- Iron Cleveland warrant. 46 10d Lon don. Locally Iron wa ateady; No. 1 foun dry Northern. 15t91.23; No. 2. 14.75'tf15: No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Southern oft, 314.75 8 15.23. SHEEP RECEIPTS LARGE SE.VRLY 4000 HEAD ARE RE - CEIVED AT THE YARDS. Bet.1 fcteers Sell at $i.75 and Choice Cows at $4.7 "o Hogs Offered. Bu.lnex opened up briekly at th atock yard yesterday. No hog. ware han.ert. but all other clase of tock were active with all kind, of quality In evidence. Only two load of teer wre on band that graded choice, and they .old at 3.7. Other .alea of ateer. ranged from 4-23 to 3.o7. Cowa .old from i.30 to 4.7S and heifers from 811.73 to 44. Good .heep aold from 13 to 13.50 and old atock at 1.J5 and S2.75. ' , Receipt, for Sunday and Monday were 282 cattle, 40 calve and 3281 sheep. Shipper were J. F. Alden. Hllgard 1 car of cattle and calve; J. A. Sullivan. Hllgard, 1 car of cattle: T. G. Smith. Bakr. i car of cattle; C. McCullough. Baker 1 car ot. cattle and calvea; K. D. Warner. Pilot Rock 1 car of aheep: E. McLennan. Shanlko. -car of hep; Prlnvllla Land A Liveatyck Co.. Shanlko. 3 car of hep; Ed. Cameron. Tekura, Idaho, 2 car of cattle; Lester rui ton Weiaer. 2 cara of cattle; C. Osborne. Wel.er. 1 ear of cattle; George Perry. Heppner. 2 cars of heep; C. H. Jayne, Heppner, 2 car of .heep, and Leo F. Brunn, Lyle, 2 cara of aheep. The day sale were a follow.: Weight. Price. 4 cow II80 84.65 11 ateera 64 6 5U i " 58 0.00 o ......... ...... . , 1 cow 1 cow ... 1 cow , 12:iO 3.30 11O0 8.30 .1026 4.64 heifer. ?I? t)S0 4.65 1 cow ...... 1 cow 7 .teera . 1810 4.63 1014 6.65 80 1.73 1 S i K..11.'""!. 1433 8.00 1 h,.ii ' , "..1530 8.00 1 bull I""0 3 "3 ateer T 5 -5 B ateer 6.10 illlrl ioi i .1 wat ara . 83 1..75 li .teera "Ojl 6 1 .teer j-..,..... J3.0 6.60 - 1200 6.00 I .VcTr. . . . . X .. 830 4 23 4 ateer. 1305 6.6S . i ...tie --. 752 11' 28 COW J-J" 26 cow ................"'' . IS half era .... 12 cow ............ loo e.o 1026 3.75 ! S0 ' 4.25 3 cow ... loo.". 8.65 12 cow 2 cow 916 4.15 ..1220 4.30 1 cow 4 COW . Me.ee, 23 COW . .m. ........... 1 cow - 8 cow ,...---.-..--- 7 cow 1 cow , . . 24 cow .... m. ... K77 4.00 ... 637 4.50 ...1050 3.50 ... 876 4.O0 ...1103 4.75 ...1020 4.73 ;. fS 4. SO ..1635 3.00 2 bull 1 bull ,. 1300 8.00 ..... 276 6.00 ...... 1X3 7-0 234 6.60 12 calvea .... 10 calvea .......... 18 calvea ,.. 13 calvea 1 -. 1 .hMn .................. . 22 6.50 85 2.75 3 s.oit 2 ewe U0 J-f" 14a wether 85 8.O0 in i k. 73 Price current on the varloua class of tock at the Portland Union Stockyards were aa follow: . . t . Cholc ter. ,8-S9e$MS n . .t.le. .tear S 234 S.iO Medium ateer 4.50 H 5.00 Common teer 8.73 4.O0 Choice oow - 4.80 4.75 Good to choice cow. 4.25(4' 4.30 ni e-e - lOM lb 4.0O 4.25 Common cow 2.750 3.00 Cholc heifer. 4 76 6.00 Cholca bull 8.50 ii 8.75 Choice calvea 200 Ibe. and under 7.00W 7.25 t choice ealvea 5.306.00 Common calvea 4 10 e.00 Choice atag 4.B0S 4.73 Gooh to choice stag. 4.254? 4.j0 Extra cholc light hog 7.S39 7.6.1 Heavy hog Heavy rough hoge 6 ' 6.0O 6.75 6.25 Sheep rt,ni.. ... rl I n . wether, coarse wool S.23 9 8-SO rt.At.. ...rllnr wether, caat of mountalna S.2BO 8 50 Cholca two and threea 8.00 8.25 Choice Bprlng lamb . .'. 6.23 6.5" Good, choice Spring lamb 6.00 6.25 Cholc killing ewe 2.73 3.00 Th following quotation represent price on thla markt for the different clasae of horeee: Drafter, extra neavy, nwirow, drafter. 1400 to 1TPO lha. LOUtr S-OO; aran era. 1200 to 1400 lb., S1006250; chunks. Isoffino; plug". I10S40; driving horse. 876 and up; aaoaie noraea, sou aua up. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, July 81. Cattle Receipt, es timated, 2IV.WKI; marget, generally ieay. n... H7 25- Tnn steer. i4. 406 6.10: Weatern steer, 846.10; atockers nd feeder. 830535: cow ana neuers, i.iow tU' eelvea. gY507.73. Hogs Receipts, estimated. 88.000; mar ket. &c higher. Light. $6. R5 17.60: mixed. 30 73S7.4O; heavy. 6.30i9 7.35: rough. $6.50 B6.73: good to cholca heavy; 86.7.'. Jf 7.33; pig SS-6007.1.1; bulk or sales. i;.u.- ,.2S. Sheep Receipt, catlmated. 26,000: msr ket. week. Native. S2.30fi4.lO; Weitertf. S2.50e4.15: yearling. 3.we3.10; lamb, native. S3-75S7; Weatern. S4.607. IMal TVnlt at N.w Tork. NEW YORK. July SL Evaporated apple very firm, out nwiuy nwi.., uu ...w .v fancy ara quoted at 17618c; choice, 16o. - n .In,, Ann with 1 Unvll4 tendency, quotatlona ranging from to 16o for Caiiromia up to ou-eu ana imv ... . en. to sna lerec tor irB"- - - Apricot. qulL. but price Arm on .mall stock and poor crop propect; .choice. 14 ... . . . . . . n 1 . . . : 1 rTJAc; extra cnoice, atsw.v. . . .v7a 011c Peache. Arm, on a better demand for fu ture delivery. Choice. 1010c; extra choice. lllle; fanoy. ll12o. Ralaln. steady, with a little better demand for some gradea; loose muscatel, are quoted at 6 7c; choice to fancy seeded. 84?9e: seedlea. 6S6c; London layer. Sl-40 a 1.43. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. July 81. Th vlaibl aupply of grain In th I'nlted State Saturday. July 2. aa compiled by the New York Pro due Exchange, was a follow: Bushels. Deer. Corn 8.001.OO0 516.000 p,!, 11.203.000 .302.000 Rve 14.000 I.OOrt Barley 714.0OO 206.OOO The vl.lble supply of wheat In Canada last Saturday was 6.018,000 bushels, an In crease of 146.000. Increa, BIG VISIBLE STOCK Wheat Supply Increases 7,- 000,000 Bushels in Week. COMPARED WITH YEAR AGO Three Times as Much Available as on Ausust 1 I.axt Year Large Fig-urea Are a Weight on the Market. . 1 Ve.rW 7 000.000 bushel lncrea.e today In the vlalblo aupplr of wheat burdened tho market. Clo.lng figure, wore at a .hade to o easier, oat. off To to c ana nug j,.. in, from 12o to 13c lower to a rls of 2c, . . , . i...M.nt nf th Visible 1 ne oecnitru c.i ....... -- - . . . supply mad the total amount of wheat im- .... .a e siJ W ...K a I a tin mediately avaname iljij." '-- -- aggregate more than three tlmea as much rr." . . at tha correaDondlng time a year ago. However, primary receipt . a . ..... e.lllne off . BeiOrO ton ay inowm a. i.. . . . . . . . v. .. .i . i . .nrm t chanae tne weiRiii .... " - - began to be felt, sentiment waa generally .bulllKn. OUI interval wroiusu . " seaboard nnounced no response to eble . . . ...jti.inn which acted a an offet to estimate that they claimed In Kanaaa wouia oe .u. Hr.... .e .. (September fluctuated between S9o and 0c clortng firm, but o net lower, at 8& 69c. . . Fine weather weakened the corn marget. September ranged from 3eSc to 64c and cto.ed tady t 63e68c. a net loss of c. Cash grades were easier. NO. 2 yellow finished at 6868c. Heavy arrival, pulled oat lower. "ign and low point touched by September deHv ery turned out to be 4141c and 40c. . .... . . ........ ne &l unrter with the clo wuc uwimo - (Saturday night' wind-up. In provision, there wera .ign that the short on near month had covered. Ac cordingly when the pit wa cleared pork . r r . a t O i. ? 1 Kn a. nrl lard B. Btiada Wal QOWD ' W a 7T .. . to 24C. For rlbg the outcome an chalked on the boards woddipq irom m. v. Hal ftnat mum iaamou-i vru The leadms iuiurea rangea as 4"4,w"--WHEAT. UPCH. 71 I 1. . - - ' . , .Tolv.e-.-... 8 .8 S .68 .87 .87 Dec May . .! CORN. J-'y !' !? -SIS -liS May .63 .4 .3i OATS. July 89 ' Sept 4U -TV, . Dec. 43 .43 .42 .43 May 46 .46 .4a) -4 ' MESS PORK. Sent 17.50 17.50 190 1H; Jan 16.60 16.30 16.10 LARD. July 8. 58 8.53 8 ?5 -4TS4 "pt ! Si,2 III Jan. ..... s.ai o.e 7 . SHORT RIBS. Sent 8.80 8.82 8-75 8..0,, Jan 8.37 8.40 -" Cash quotation were a iouow. rin..r firm: asking price In bum In stance 10c higher. Ry NO. 2. . .. u. . i.. ir.eH or mixinr. 6075c: fair to choice malting. 80cfi$l. . ... Flaxseed rs o. a douuiwwbh. - - - Northwe.trn, nominal. Timothy eed Wit 13. Clover 19.50fel6.5O. ...,,-,... Pork Mess, per barrel. 17.17 17.25. Lrd Per 100 pound. 9.17. Uraln atati.tlc: , .. . . r .. . . . , . T. floiie wera 1 (JIB l giB.raiiLT. ....w . caual to 664.000 bushel. Primary receipt were l.lls.uuu ouaueia, wmpouw. " . ... ,--. 000 buhel th corre.pondlng day a ear n.u. ... i v. i . ...nni. Af wheat In the BgO. in. .n.u.v, ....... j .- , United Statee increased 6,922.000 bushel for the weeht. me amount vi ii""'. on ocean pasaage decreased 424,000 bush els. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Estimated receipt, for tomorrow: Wbeat, 762 car.; corn, "1 car.; oat., 628 car.; hog., 17,000 head. Receipt. Shipments. Flour, barrel 18.8000 85,300 Wheat, bushel. " 634.300 229.500 Corn, bushel 189.000 "MOO Oat., bushel. "i-iil "?-J2S Rye. bushel. 3.6O0 1.200 Barley, bushel. 22.600 4.700 Grain at San Francisco. KAN" IRAN'CISCO. July 31. Wheat Steady. Barley Firm. Spot quotation Wheat Shipping, Sl.33i91.40 per cental. Bar'ey Feed. 61.82 1.83 per cental; brew.ng. nominal. . . . Oat. Red. 81.20 01.87 per cental; white, ...I. wi.cir ti.vniS1.37 ner cental. Tailboard aales Wheat No trading. Barley December. 81.39 bid. SLIO aaked European Grain Marketa. - LONDON. July 31. Cargo, Brmer. Walla Walla for ahlpment at 3d to 6d higher) at 84 6J to 34s ad. Engilsb and French country markets. quiet. LIVERPOOL, July 81. Wheat Oc tober. 6s 10d; December. 6a lld. Weath er, clear. Grain Marketa of the Northwest. TACOM A, July SL Wheat: Blueatem. 04c - fortyfold, 86c; club, 84c; red Ru lan. 62c Receipts, wheat S cara, oat 1 car. SEATTLE, July 81. Wheat: Bluetem, 81c: fortyfold, 77c; club, 76c: Fife, 76c; red Russian. 75c. Oat.. S24.50 per ton; barley. 324 per ton; bag. 36.50. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 81. Whct r..i Quite: contemner. 9tc; December. SI 00 0100; May. 1.04el.04. Ca.hr No. 1 hard. SL02 ; No. 1 North- aw nr. a,-" 1 1k.'.w kuea A7 K a jft, ern, Unu'. ' Vi""" Sl.00; No. 3 wbeat, 96&0IC. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. July 31. Butter ateady. Cream eries. zu2o: aaine.. ii.. Eras steady. Recelpta. 9339 caaea. At - T ffl13a- flrete lKI-i.- mara. c" - - . - prime ftrats. 17c. Cheese, steady. Daisies, 1213c: Twins. 31t.l2c: Young Americas, 13313o; Long Horns. 1313c Hop at Lon don. LIVERPOOL, July 31. Hop In London: Paclflo Coaat. i7 1088. Klgln Butter Market. ELOIN, 111-, July 31. Butter, firm, 1 cent higher, at 2Hc: output. 9S3.700 pounds. 1 The biggest and best boosters of "bitulithic" pavement are the property owners who have paid for it and used it. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Conatructa AaphaU and other Blta gilnou. Pavement. 0-608 llctn bidaT, Portland. Or. ' Oakttr aiubaf. kdanagtr. LUlViBERiVlBNS N AT IONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,000,000 CORNER FIFTH and UNITED STATES DEP0SITAEY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BAIT FRAXC1SCO - FOI JIDED 184V4. Capital Paid In : $8,500,000 Siirpliis and Undivided Profits. .--r.-. . $7,828,023 BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City Wa bOT and gel! Foreign Exehanre: ' Draft, and Cable Transfers. Commorclal Cred it and Traveler' Letter of Credit, available In all part of th world; make collection on all polnta and conduct a ganeral foreign and domestic banking bualnaag. ITTEREST PAID OT TIME AICD SAVINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BlllDWO. WM. A. MAC RAE, Manager. J. T. BIRTCHAELL, As.t. Monaster. Established 18S6 Merchants National Bank Portland, United States Depository The banking service which a business man receives is an important matter to him, as it contributes largely to his success. It saves his time and energies, prevents embarrassment and disappointment. This bank was established in the year 1886 and has con stantly given faithful, efficient service, extending every courtesy and attention to its depositors. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits. Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able on all parts of the -world. Corner "Washington First National Bant Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains TRAVELErcS' GUIMK. Ask about "Olympic" Largest Finest Steamer in the World. American Atlantic Transport Red Star White Star White Star-Dominion . imia. lt ta .., SMttlej or C XV. Stlner. 254 Wash.: A. U. 14 M: E- F. Balrd. 100 Sd; : D. B. smith. 6 8th, si. Ulckson. 11 8d. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Pacific S. 8. Co.' S. S. Roanoka n!, S S. Elder sail every -Wednesday alter "tely at 6 P. M. Tltcket office 132 Third "MARTINJHTGI-FY, Pan-r Agent, w. b. SUJSSER, Freight Agent. Phone M. 1314. A 1814. ' COOS BAY LINE STEAMFR BRKAKWAXKB Salt from AlDaworth Uock Portland, A. M.. Jon 10, IS. 20, 25. BO, July a. 10, 15. 0 25 80. and every 0 day. Freight received at' Alnsworth dock daily up to 6 P. M. Pa. ensr far. Orst-clas. (10; aacond-olasa. 7 Includlna maala and berth. Ticket of Bna Alncworth Doak. hena Mala Ssa wain 170. a xn. Steamer Anvil Palls from Albers Dork No. 3 Thursday, August 3. 7 P. M., for Tillamook. Bay City, Newport. Florence, Bandon and Coquille River points. Ticket office 1"8 Third St.. phone Main 28, A 459fi. Dock phone A 102, Main 151. Freight and passengers. STARK STREETS Oregon $1,000,000.00 800,000.00 and Third Streets. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. OPEX BITEB TRANSPOKTATTON CO. STR.J.N.TEAL Freight received dally at Oak-at. dock for Th Dalle. Hood River. Whit Salmon. Umatilla, Kennewlck, Pasco. Richland. Hanford. White Blulfs, and intermedial polnta. FIRST -CLASS PASSENGER SERVICE. FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD RIVER. WHITE SALMON. THE DALLES. Steamer leaves Portland Sun.. Tuea,. Thurs.. 7 A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Mon.. Wed.. Frl.. 7 A. M.. arriving at Port land about 6 P. M. ama day. W. 8. Buchanan. 6upt.; W. S. Smallwood. Gn L Mgr. Phon Main 2960. A 3o2T. BAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND STEAM SHIP CO. From Amsworth Dock, Portland, 8 A. M. SS Bear Aug 1. Rose City Aug. 6. Beaver IL. From ban Francisco Northbound, li M: . ES Rose City, July SO. Beaver Aug. 4, Bear . From San Pedro Northbound. 12 M. SS Roe City July 28, Beaver Aug. 2, Bear 7. H. A. Mosher, C. T. A.. 142 Third St. J. W. Ransom, agent, Alnsworth Dock. Phonea Main 402. Main is. A 140 2. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA U nion Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Direct through steamer, aalllng from San -Francisco Aug. 23 and every 28 days. Well ington and back, lt class, 1264. Other rate also low. The Une to Isle of the South Sea. :. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents, or address Oceania S. 8. Co., San Francisco. Willamette River Route Steamer Oregona for St. Paul and way land ings. Monday. Wednesday. Friday, 6:45 A. M. Steamer -Pomona for Oregon City dally. 8 A. M.. 2 P. M.; Sunday S A. M.. 12 and 3 P. M. OREGON" CITY TRANSPORTATION CO T.rlnr.Riri.t Dork. Fhnn IVIeJn UL - 1