. - -a t .T " I ----ANTD-irTOTAB:-r- " f " ' 1 " FOB SALE; - - - . . " I " BMtESMlT. ' ? REAL ESTATE. 1 REALrTATE. ' H.rw. Vehicle.. Etc. . " xv.,-... I -- " i. ...i. o--. I Fer Sale Houera, " " Why end tfoomin?, Building Selling, Advancing Two Ral'waye racln for BEX TV. ISO 000 acres under Irrtk-ntlon; 40 billion feet of r.Uow pine: acres of cereal land.' if." 000 hydro-electric power; UNLIMITED par. water, gravity flow; JtO sunshine days per year. A very rtilid. healtrful climate, A wld-awae hu-tlloT population, where raplta.i.ts from six rttl.- are Inve-s'ln thr, money. KNuWIXU thot I END will make a city. Where we are eI.1nr lr lots. 80x140 with 1-foot streets and 10-foot alleys at $160; term. 1 10 per month. COMB It AM WVr.'TlOATE. Brxn, oreoox. nt A fiRKAT FlTTRr., The Newlon-Roller Co. IKfORPOIWTED. 33 Ba-baaaa Balldlaa", HOLLADAY ADDITION $3000 SACRIFICE FY-m nrari -aluatlon on l-mora hnuM on comer lot; waiktnsr distance. Houct 1 well built and modern In .very way; has llvln:-room. library. Unlnsj-roim. kttchfn. full cement bas tnent and hot water heat, four bed room, dree-lna'-roon.. bath and sleep ing" porch: attio ha. matd'a room ana two storerooms. inr values lot at .,00, houH ot $7ouO. Wul sacrifice $Ji'o0 for ! thi week. StETtClIAMT SAVIXi" TKUST tiMPAr i)A ACRE of fine dairy o aa-rlrrul-ZUU turai land. Soma In culttva tion: noma asv to put Into cultivation; iom June overflow land. Hno for grass or hay: two or three, lake, (elegant huntin and fl-hlnir proportion). The bui.ulugs are vary oumiuun; li head of good rattle. SO tone of hay In barn, .pan ''( horse, with all Implements, etc. The farm ll.a lt mile, north of tiie Courtliou.o In the City of Port land, on Keuvlea Island: about on. mil. a-ro. on tha Inland from Hurllnc t'n and near steamboat landing (hour ly senrlref. Tha cultivated land la a fine bla. k .nil. nearly equal to beaver dam. Being o near the city make thl property a fine Investment on ea.y condition. Prloe) 17600 and $11.. 00 on mortxace for f Iva yeara at r. Interest, J. W. OGILBEE Km it, First , Portland, Or. About 1 Acres On O-iV. R. & N. Desir able for factory wiurehotise, bunkers or investment. Trrms, if yon want it. See this then ask a ma a who knows. t HARTMAN (TH0UPS0N Realty Der-. Cham bo r of Commerce. Coos Bay ReaIn-:ir.t,o'Estate "We firrrrish Correct Abstract! at short notice. Make investment for non-residents. Look after assessments and taxes. For reliable information abont COOS BAY, address Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. H. Sengstacken, Manager Marshfield, Or. MALI. (Xir. J.'iayff 1ot ig. Mock rntvrslty vP 1 I r Purk. "7fjn Lot 1 nd block IS. Penln d i JJ eular No. I. belnr 100 feet or Peotnnula avenue and 0 fet on Wiili. boul.vard. Tliesa are exceptional buys, aa own ers nun have money. JrKOV A DF.KRIXC, 4 Hl.rk St. MOXEY TO LON rrxr Monmtcei, FAHIt MOHTIiUE. LOWT.4T HATES. 1KII.HS TO U1T. A. II. B IKK ELL CO., MX MKAT Bl ll.ni.VO, Thlra mm atark. Small Homeseekera Friend Ten and twenty-acre tracts SO ml lea wet of Portland. SCO down. 110 per month. FRAXK T. HFRRT. o. 4 .Nona Milt St. rc.T.t,TS. BCRRirxiK THOMPSON. nilUC ACCoL'.NTA.VTs. ALUlTORi Cmnmlll. County tad afunlclp.l Avdi'ns. lavMtls.ttnf and Sr.tem.tlslaa. I:, vrr,t.r block. Those Al.ia ti1. MONEY TO LOAN In sums of $300 to IJSfM). J. 1 HT.I lt CO, S24 Ckaasber ( Caaaaarrr- Bids;. 0 Is $20,000 5 ACRES $100 DOWN $50 PER YEAR A GOOD PLACE TO TUT YOUR MONET. t5"0 bnyn S acrea of (rood rarden land, located within an hour's ride of Portland, within one mile of a valley town with one of tha best hlfth schools In the state. It has i team rail roads and 1 electric line with in a 5-mlnute walk of six dif ferent railroad stations. The land Is level with uffl cient dralnaa-e. Tha soil Is deep and rich, frea from rock and a-ravel: on tha main county road In a h'irhly Improved dis trict. At $:."0 u Is below valua and will double In a-alua every year for several years. $500 for S acres; $100 down. $50 a year. RALPH ACKLEY LAND C(J., 17 firth t 0aw pwwtofflee). NOB HILL SWELL HOME 1 J -room residence, strictly modern In very detail; haa bedrooms. $ sleep-Ina-porchea, den. billiard room, larire ri norch Kns-ll.h fixtures: corner lot. OxlJ0 with an elrxant. unob',tru';'- ed view or the ony. ii "'"' '-. houne ca.t $ia.0' to bulM. I'rlca for a short time only $20,000, part eaali. GRI MI ftDOW, 1T Board Trade BIH 'a mmm ' - 1895 Particulars upon per sonal application. HtRTMAX THOMPao. ( haaaber f t nmaaeree' Blda. WAL gaT ATE WAUM. peo. Wl!linj 0.. H F.IIIns bids. UK1BAKKH m BENEIiKT. 6vi McKay bids. M. tu. Chapln H.rlow. SS2 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. a Co., 6"t Corbett bids. Jor.lr, a Co. il.ia or.itonlan. PAl.Mi.R-JONRS CO. 1L P, 21S Commie .1.1 i'lttK Kt.1. Th C)r.on Heal E.t.te ro. Orend and klultnoman .1. triou.o.y REAL F: STATE. EXCELLENT OTTORTCXITT T mrchua t valuabl. lot. In XL Tabor, with a amatl boue: toe bmiM I. now oc cupied by the own.r; this 1. well worthy of your tnrertljradon, a. property In thli rhoit- di.tiirt I. Miltnc at much hlshrr nsura per lot than we are a.kln( fur lota, U UAKTVAt THOMPSON, Chamber of CommcRt, WTIAAJIETTB HEIGHTS. 10UX10O. Tha most beautiful location for a ri Aeaoe In Portland. This la a b.rf.ln. alaka oUr. 11ARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Cammerce. 1T9 $100. 2M(rht on crime, on uppr Tfashtnrton St.. t'eM h and Tamhlll .L. beyoad City l'ark: ea,r rairmenia KATloSAl. REALTY TRCST CCX. TM Chamber of commerce bids, ataia BUM. IRVINOTON. lOOilon. 8. W. cor East 10th and Bra see. I.ITM. Txluo. & B. cor. Ssst SSd and Raisey. t4I.V. roilOO, East 13th N' near Thompson, $2:io Vary desirable botldlnr lota MERCHANT9 8AVl.Nv;S a TKUST 1 COMPANY. VINE half block, loualuo. with orohard of apiIe, prune, ptuiu. cherry and peach treea Thl lm a htly piece of property ev.rl9okln( the olty. It baa a .mall houae and food chicken-house and f.nce. fmuat aU this at once, aa 1 need $1000 aim.dtat.lr. Prlca, tTOU. Bee owner. 414 jaidms blitg. ROSE CTTT PARE LOT. Forced to sell my equity la fine lot. fine location, close to car; IJ'XI below the rark.t: do not answer unles you mean buaineaa: must have money. AT -'1. ors oaiaa. OxluO ON W1LXJAMS AVE. Qood bu.lneM lot on Wliitams ava. be tween Fre.mont am Ueach si..: price a har.aln: t.iuu. IU0 cash, balance In tnrve yearly parmenta ORlXtU a ZADOW, 1T Board of Tr.Je Hl.ls.. 4'h and Oak. Corner, close to BIO school, line nelnh. borhood. bo competition, rent 3, Includ lr ALT. tha naturee; suok at luvuice. about X. HALL a ttrfTIN. C11 l.nmbermens Plds. flO IWN. $10 PtR MONTR Fine view lot.maturea fruit trees, re strirted district. B.ar car. cement walka. Bull Hub wiltr. fruit rar.4 for free of chare. iOi iloard ot Traue blda. Mar aja.l 47.A iu2i. 1RVINOTON QfARTKIt BLOCK, $3300. lovzloo xeet. cora.r, , w aaa iv iri sta.j luaide lot. 15uK terma JOHN DICK. ft19 Henry H.Jr. phone Mala Sl.X BARGAIN To fine corner lota, one block Hawthorne are. car; high ground, alee trees. Improvement. In: for quirk anl. on:y $lo. part caah. balance t-rma. loU3 Chamber of Comm.rca Alain $100. SACRIFICE SALE IRVTNiTTON LOTS. one lllil lot. out to 1!0; two I1ISI lota cut to $1:00 Buy now and make money. Dolan-llerkley Com Broadway, i'hone East . C li. 1 HAVE had to take In trade a few sood lots In.lUe the city limit.: they will be eecrlrired for caen, or soia on any terms you wish: must be all soid this weak, Ati so. Or.fonlan. FORCF.D SALE H.autlful corner; welkins dlatance. near Tord-au brltlse; almost two lot.; sultabl. for home or apartment site; muit ..!!; no r.maonabla offer refu.ed. M.m tr.il. a 3a. FNAP. Improved tot. on voth c. SOxlOO, over lokinl Irnston; fin view of the elty; trio, part caah. Pbon owner, Marahail 74. SIX Vot. In Rose City Park, belonsln to aonreeldenta: awav below market value. See me Sunder. 49 E. (Iil N. Pbon C 1SS or Main 11L eklB m for bargain. In Council Creet Park lot.- all Improvement, solns In now. YV. J. hakrr. Jia Board of Trade, phones Main oi"". A 7574. $1000. lOOxtno, Fouth ML Tabor, three bloXa from MU Tabor Park; terma. . AX. Sua, Or.onlan. frvilou PL'ILUINa lot. with city water, hlch and well drained: $0o la the price, $10 down snd $10 per month. Leonard, Co lumbia Truet Co., M 4th t! liO CORNER, at lth and Holman. SOiloO, e..v terma phone Woodiawn 322$ or 0 TWO LOT3. Hvd. Park, for $i0. adjolnlns R.ie Cltv Park, on Sasdy Road. 184 Yeon bids lOnilOS ON Cleveland ave., will sacrifice for caeh. 332 Lumber Exchange. Fnr Sale -H $2f0 CASH. $10 per month, new 4-room cottage, lot wdzZuO; SO minutes out; pries $11 VI H I OLET BIBHOP. lAt d Ptreet ft-P.COM new bungaiow. modern. 'J lota AoxWj. worth $kx. for $2.'": terma M7 Henry bM. 10-Racial houee. S houMkeeptcx aullea, I40OO. 1711 Porumouth ave. Woodiawn 17. ttit: jronxrxor oregoxtax. (4000 l-iwim boun with .table, on lot noaloo ft., cioe to Ruae.ll at. ana wllll. me ave.: rent, for '4 Pr month; price $4000. IRVTNGTCTN. $4730 New and moderrr Irrlngton home, room, and .leaping porch, ce ment baaenient. furnaca Ml "re place; at corner K Sttth and Weld ler ata; .aey terni. m WALKCT PARK. t.'2A0 Large T-room home In w sinut Park, with furnace, fireplace and all coovenlenc; beautiful .had. tree.; lot CuxluO; terma CENTRAL EA8T SIDB. 19000 7-room niooern and conveniently arranged home on K. Burnalile betwera 2wth and l:2d ta; terms. LAURKLHUBeT. teiOO S-room. new and modem Laurei hurat home, oak floor, down .t.lra. entrance and bathroom "l moaf complet houee on Haalefern Plaoa. within 1 block of carlln.l high and sightly; terma 1RVTNGTON. $11330 A beautiful Broom thovoug'iiy mort.ru lrvlngton home on treet; face. eat: hardwood floor, downatalra. S bedroom.. $ .'rep lug porches, attic, furnaca and Ore place; terma. IRVINGTOje. . . teseo -roen. new and modern Irving ton borne, face. ,ut, on earllne. lot BO xloO feet; all .troet Improvement. In; t.rm.. WTLLAMETTPJ HBIOHTS. I a 000 S room., mortero, beautiful view. on paved .treet. on. block from car: garage: altuated In the beat portion of Willamette Helghta CLOPO-IN. WFJT FIDE. $ 1 1,000 7-room modern house, on comer 14th St.. near Portland Academy: Is future apartment-hous prop erty; s bedrooms, aeplng porch and servant's room. ' " H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. SH-tlS Commercial Club HUlf. I'hone. Main l-OB. A KOSR CITY PARK New. modern home, t atorlee. three large porchea. f ull-.l..d-attlo and basement, laundry travs and new furnace; first floor, cloak closet, large re ception hall with bevel piste glass mirror door, large living-room, extra larr "r clao. built-in bookcase.. sliding door, bet. living and dining-room, which he. beam celilng. paneled walls, lar.e built in buffet with china cuphonrns. large double plate mirror. convenient. large kitch.a In white enamel: second floor has A large bedroom, and bath lu while en amel, also screened sleeping porob ; all room, are beautifully tinted; the entire houae I. supplied with new .creena. a'.eo the most expensive electric flxturee; lot U &OS.1I4J ft., all In clover, and ha. 8 larg. hade tree.; one block from rar; will aell at coat If taken at once. Phon owner. Tabor 1S7J BARGAIN. BARGAIN. ROSE CITY PARK. $3000. DESIGNED BT AN ARTIST. T rooms, sleeping porch. I.rge attic that run be made Into a large room. Putch kitchen. large dining-room, hardwood floor.. Raleigh brick fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, gaa. electricity; modern to tb minute; easy terma HARTMAN THOMPSON. CHAiltiiiil IP COMMERCE. A COZY HOMS. LAUKKLHUK.-T. Thl. new end elegant 8-room hone) is lust completed has a large reception hall, full length larch, the two large living rooms have T.ardwood floors, cove ceil ings, fireplace, large window., built-in buffet, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitcn en has cooking closets, woodlltt. oveT built-in convenience, basement Is full ce mented, laundry traye, furnaca: th. three large bedrooms with extra large closet, are tastily tinted, stained floor and linen closets: bath bu best of plumbing and Is finished In white enamel. Lot Is 60tl(0. ha. hard-.urfaced aire. ta. cement walk, all In. I am offering thl. place at a bar- fain, $4ou; $10O cash, ask owner about i. H. W. Crawford. 10J1 Hawthorns ave, T.bor Md. B 2l7. , . THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TVHN A BL Tl PEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FVRNISH TUB MONEY AND Bl'Il.W RF.SlrEVCB OR FLATS. PLANS FKEB. IF WE HI.UI.D. OUR KEP VTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL "J R0B!nEF.Y CO .. INC.. CONTRACT. IXO ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINUTON MLP. CHAMBER OP COMMERCE WAS11U A party who will .xch.nge their home In Ro,e City Park or vicinity tor M acres of IMPROVEH land, located on the weat .ide'of the Willamette River, valued at $0O0. " 41' HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Resltv t?xi'hsnge Dept., CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. ROHF. CITY PARE. .l.-,0 CASH. T rooma bullt-ln buffet. bookcasea solid oak floor, furnace, fireplace, laun dry traye. mirror door, all improvements la and paid. Price $3020. Caah. HM; term.. $-!.1 per month. National Really a Trust Co.. room 7-.1 Chamber of Com merce biog. I'none atain m-p. ' .. r. . l. ao.u CACV TK"TV5 f iseey modern, convenient 7-room house In Laurelhurst, lota, lawn, bllllard room. laundry, ahower bath. flrelese cooker, I fireplace, furnace, buffet, ce ment bmei!t, aquarium, etc: will oon .ider lot first payment. Tabor 1088 or Marshall 8S0O. OOa McKay bldg. HOMES. Have funds to build houtee for reliable parties. If you haven't a lot. can furnish you one. $01 Beck bld. 7th aud Oak streets. WALNUT PARK S-roora house, modefn. furnace, r. re place, (a. and electrlo light; lot oOxloo; price liiOO; term.. WKKCHA.VTS SAVi.Ntfd a TRUST COMPANY. J,-,0O WEST SIDE 6NAP I.VKl. Good T-room house on lot 4J 4x100: trent Improved. cement sidewalk, oa iiamllton sve. : a big an.p; price $-juu, - mo cash, balance to eult. GRl'S.il ZADOW. 81T Board of Trad Bl'lg., 4ih and Oak. $.7S0. Takes a six-room bungalow, on earllne, close In. all Improvements made; 1J73 rash will handle It. io a month will cov.r principal and Interest; If you want a snap, call at the office of Columbia Trust Co., it 4th u JlOtO. $23 CASH, $15 MONTHLY. i new 4 -room plastered rottnres, fins lo cation, near new Alt. Hood road; no u. renting when an opportunity like thl. pre sents Itself. Fred W. German, $2 Burn- side. M. or a zi in. UJH l re.. fc., .. We bare 4. $ and o-room bomea, all modern. In restricted districts, for sal. oa easy terma Provident Investment A Trustee Company, 201-2-$ Board of Trada Marsh all 473. A 10'2- EAT MAIN BT. Modern 6-rooin bungalow, built by the owner for hi. home; thl. la strictly up to date and In a fine neigh borhood; price $4700, term, to .alt. West era K.c Co.. 414 Bpaldlng bldg. ON Broadway, clos to new school, a oar llnee, sttractlve modrn 6-room bouse, with furnace, fireplace, etc. In first class condition, tor ISimO: part caah. bai. monthly. II $06, Oregontaa. $2400 BUYS-modern 6-room cottage on Hoi lad.y ava There I. a big attic which can eaally be mad Into S good roonu. Thl. La a .nap. can b. bought on easy terma Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. PENINSULA BAKOAIN. $vn0 Fine oornsr lot 47XVO, one-room house, all fenced with a-foot wire. Fred W. German. Ai Burnald .U Phone Main or A t77d. tu BELOW market price takes modera Irrlngton home of eevea rooms, ball aad bath: bullt-la furniture, fireplace, Dutch kltehea, full cement basement: hall cash, balance monthly. Phone East tlq FOR BALK or rent, a furnished house on Ktrby and Weleter sts., opposite the Jeffer.oii High School; $30 per month, rent or will Mil on easy terms. Inquire Calu met Hotel. IIP Park .t. (.ROOM modern houae. full lot, full base ment, wash trays. Dutch klechen. fruit trees. 1 large walnut tree, fine lawn, everything up to data 3dl E 11th at. Phon. E. iO'ii. WEST STARK AND B2D 6TB. Lot. $ft0. easy term.; best buy In th city: new earllne building see u. at or.oe, EMPIRE REALTY a TRUST CO, .2 Yeon Bldg. Marshall B4B. ft-ROOM modern bungalow. S block, from Kenton Hank, .nap tor $'."000; 13O0 caah. balance like rent. Inquire L. M. Hlckok, CHAPIS A HERLOW. BR2-33 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL HOME, 8 rooms, modern, cor ner E. 20th snd salmon eta; easy term., provident Investment Trustee Co.l-2-3, Board of Trade. Marshall 473, AUa TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1911. a ltltlAUlUil S rooma. new and modern, hardwood floors downstair. finished floor, up talr. beam cellinga, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, handsome woodwork, full cement baesment. furnace, 2 fireplace, large attic, .hades and lighting fixtures complete, faces east, on earllne, lot 40x l"o fu, all street Improvements In. Price $.-.oO. terma $3ooo enrtt; baL on mort gage. This price is $000 under th valu and 1. for quick sale. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, ' 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg, Phone. Main SOW p. A 2003. It will pay you to see me before buying or building. I have two l-room houses en 2d .t.. one block to earllne. and one -room bungalow on 4th at., all In Roa. City Park. They have all the up-to-the-minute bullt-ln effect, and complete In every detail; email down payment, bal ano like rent; alao two lota iu Beaumont on which I will build to eult your Ideas, kee owner, 1 to $ P. M. J. S- ATKIXS. Henry Bldg BUNGALOW IRVINGTON. Nice, modern Pi-ronm bungalow, fur naoe, fireplace, doubly constructed and all latest Improvement, lot .' loO, on East 11th. near Thompson; owner leav ing city and must sell; price only $4Wo; $1400 cash; a reel snap. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 81T Board of Trade bldg , 4th and Oak. BUNGALOW. NEW. ARTTPTIC BUTLDINOv Restricted district. Why don't yon stop paying rent? Onk floors, beautiful bnfret, lot (Vuxloo. parking 10 feet, stone walks, shade trees, inwn. etc; payment down, balance monthly, owner, phone Main 4144. ' A FARM IN TOWN. Three lota, 5x104 each, and 5-room modern houeo, on X'id at.; one block from car: all In large bearing fruit tree, ber rts. arapea, garden: excellent chicken facilities; a Very attrnctlv. and com fortable: Uttl. home; price only $3ouO; easy terma Marshall Bin. BEAUTIFUL lot, 89X100. with 8-room cot tage, cherry. pear. apple, prune and feach trees. lots of berrle., $1900. Includ ng fine garden; $300 cash. IlO per month. ... , J:.. 1 M Ulbnl. 4uue I'" l . . chapin' hek'low. ft32-8."H Chamber of Commei lerco. SNAP. o-room modem bungnlow, 2 blocks from Kenton car; bath, electric lights, cement sidewalk, etc; I0 cASh. balance like rent: t.rlc $100, Inquire Chaplu A Herlow, auk for L. M. llickok, 832-S3S Chamber of Ciunmerce. BEAUTIFUL euburonn home. 2 acre, with .in ft. river frontage, on earllne; 7-room house, water. llRht. and telephone; greenhouse, chicken-house, tennla court, garden, fruit : eacrlfloe, 14000; $2000 cash. .12 Lumber Exchange. $3100 MODERN "-room bungalow, on corner- full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace nnri fireplace. Phon. Woodiawn 8--"-t or C A COMPLETE list of beautiful Irvington home. We can fill the bill, both as to sire and price. Call on Dolen-Beckley Co., Lin) Broadway. Phone East 89. C 1993. OVERLOOK bungalow. 6 rooms, new and complete; price $4.00, easy terms to re-spon-lblo party. I'hone Marshall 25b4. A 7430. HI'VOAI.OWS BUNGALOWS BUNGALOWS ANYWHERE ANY PLACE ANY PRICK $100 to $-00 down, Holbrook. 603 S wet land bldg. MODFRN 5-room bungalow, close In on good earllne. 1 S block, to fine olty park and playground; $81t. Call 414 (Spalding bldg. 1RVINOTON Owner will .aorlflc new and beautiful home If taken at once. For par ticular, call Kast 4318. $250 CASH. $13 monthly. 6-room cottage. West Side, price fllOO. Howard Land Company. 60 Hwetland bldg. . ... rAwu lis monthly, new 4-room bun g.low, 2 lots; price $1200. Company, 6" 3 Pwoland bid FIVE-ROOM bungalow, new, block from Allterta car. Phone owner, Woodiawn 2"OU. BEF LeNoIr A Co. for WEST SIDE homes; exclusive dealer. In West Side properties. Ground floor Chamber Commerce. " W. H. H ERDM AN Handle, th. best homos and homo sites. Irvington. C lsuO. East 273. No agent. AN absolute barpaln West Side home, near 23d and Thurman, only 3Ko0. Hageraann. nol Railway Exchange. LS IRVINGTON For .ale. modern residence. For particular., phone C K3H4. NEW O-room house. Irvington, $MO0; $000 bflow value. rnuna J - imm. NICE 6-room house, corner lot, $1800. .part cash. ivo'Mimwu f FoH BALK Six-room house, one pr two ota I none iwv.i mtip.., ........ I24DO BUYS bungalow, 4 lots; easy terms. Phone owner. Mllwaukle Black 413. For hale Business Property Cb03"BATBARGAINS. Corner lot 60x200; doep water frontage; only 110,000. . . , Tract 87x320, with frontage on three streets, or block from city dock; $7500 ODlcL EL NICHOLSON, Msrshfleld. Or. agent, urcu f v l j lit CASH and $ each month buys a bu.1 nea. lot, li-lxluo ft., on Eaat 6th .t. It la a district where values are rising very rapidly. Buv now. Prlc $SU. Brpng Hteele Co.. HBTW Oak t- tit 000 CHOICE bualness property, stores and apartmcnta well rented, prominent street. West Side; clos In. Own.r, 314 Woroeeter oiog, For Sale Acreage. SEVEN AND ONE-HALF ACRES. Splendid new houM, bath, toilet, olty water electrlo lights, barn, outbuilding, althln 17 blocks of Courthouse. Oregon City. An unusual buy at $4250; easy terms, too. , Address AV !' oregummi. CLOSE-IN wood .proposition; 20 acrsa al most level, containing 12u0 cords fir wood; 2H mile, from railway station; deep, rich oil. ill tillable when cleared; $2300; wood will more than ray for place; adjolnlns property worth $-00 per acre. AR 8u6, lireptunmii 1878 BUYS 10 sores deep red .hot soil, sdapted to fruit and vegetables: all smooth and tillable, no rock: wood and water; close to echool. postofflce and lore; within easy reach of Portland and the cheapest land on tha market, OiJ couon p i ug, - ONE of the beet 10-acr tracts In Oregon: all under cultivation and fenced, Il-room house and attic one acre orchard, on. acre .mall fruit. 4 acre, oata, 4 acre, pas ture barn and outhouse., living spring. 2 ton. of hay In barn. 301 E llih st. E.St Oir.'S. 17 ACRES. 8-room house, good barn. 24 fruit trees. 8 acres clear, well, spring. H mile to school. 2 miles from good town, on R R- and eleotrlc earllne: convenient to Portland; price $2700. Western Lana Co., . 4 . n ' "i 10 ACRES ENOUGH FOR ANYONE If In right location. We have It. Be.t soil close to market, fine water. Some tracts clear, readv to farm. Easy payments. Davis A Sharp, 606 Commercial blk, Portland. Or. TEN acres. 70 miles from Portland, within a'tM.w-ua of the P. O. and depot. 40 rod. to $26 OuO high .chool, some distance to state normal .chool; this 1. a .nap. Umbden aiock A Larson. 286 Oak st, Coil for Gil bert- CHEAP BUT GOOD LAND. $3160 per sere; 10oo scree alfalfa land under Butte County canal; adjoining pros perous colonies. 2Vi miles from Grldley. Mark Lane, 149 Montgomery st, San Francisco. s TO 40-acr tract, good for fruit, poultry or berr-lea. to mil, from Portland, near sood town small caah payment, balance will pay for Itself. Eager Watson. Main WS12. 10 Lewlabldgi.4thand Oak. a tu. ACRES, splendid land on West Side cloee to Portland, over 800 cord, of wood on plaoa. Thl. Is a snap and only urgent need of money causes thl. sweep ing sacrifice, n-c " MUST raise money; sacrifice all or part of 13-acre horn, on Kellogg Creek; you've often admired It. beauty and maple shade. Box "8, Mllwaukle. Oregon. 5WACKE9 in Primrose, Ju.t 20 minutes from the center of Portland; beautiful alghtly ground, term. e.sy. See The Western "Se curities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. CANT make payments; will sacrifice 6 acres, $400 per acre; Base Line, near Ascot Acre., selling lor siau. j. ouo, ore gonlan. BEAUTIFUL 4-acr close-In acreage; $100 an acre; cheaper than property Joining; but "4 hour out on electrlo railway; In clover. AR 305. Oregunlan. 10 ACRES, good buildings, 5 block, from R R. station. IT miles from Portland: $320, H cash. Western Land Co., x48Vi Stark su mTH and Pre.cott St..: acre. 6-room cot tage, outbuilding.. $lt00. Phone Eaat XD77 or 87 Ea.t zrun .u vame i-juu. RESPONSIBLE woman wlshe. care of apart ment house by first of September. Main l'''s. ACREAGE end f.rm.. from $13.80 per acr. up large and small tracts. Call Kinney Stampher. 631-2 Lumber Exchange bidsi jfTEtracts, one-half mile of city limits, J4(0: small payment down. Bee Mr. Watts, . 8-' Ablngton bldg. ACREAGE Fruit, berry, poultry or vegetable tracts, only 40 minutes' ride from center of city In 1, 2. 5. 10 or 20 acre lots at J200 to $500 per acre, on easy monthly paymenta Two carllnes, good water, line schools, store, and churche. conve nient and close In on West Side. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, . 102 Fourth St. tm,w Main 33. . - 8600- SMALL FARMS. 6. 7. 8. 10. 16 ACRES. ONLY 200 YARDS TO bTATION. Land that will grow anything: pretty, fine view, all cleared, good mar kets for all produce; short rtdir"J. land: good settlement; near Umber, goou """"'ONLY 175 TO $150 ACRE Term.. 10 per cent down, balance Bper cent, 6 year.; exactly as represented. m a t.t. a. co. 802 Rothchild Bldg. CHICKEN and fruit ranche. near Portland; ... . . . . ..,.- . running walking dinanu, W -r ,.i, water, b.st solL free wood eplendld fruit district: view of Columbia River and peak.; 2 acre. $200. 5 acre! $400. 10 acre. $700; 10 per cent cash, easy payments, other tracts near railway station $28 to 'franSfarland REALTY CO, oVV 1 eon )iug, - 8 OR 10-acre tracts; finest land In the state for fruit, berries, garden and cnlckens. close to best markets on th Coast; deep, black, aandy loam; doea not overflow; ana be.t of all. you can plant your crop the day you -buy It; no stumps to dig out, no brush to clear up. This is the land that ray its way; $00 and ISO per acre, easy terms. Owners, 1016 Chamber of Com- 1 TO 4 ACRE TRACTS -$400 to $.100 per acre; on west side. stx miles from oourt house, overlooking beautiful Tualatin valley. United Railway .urvsy to Cedar Mills run. through tract. Easy terms. See us at ""EMPIRE REALTY a TRUST CO. 405 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 849 A i : u it t n i Tff, $1250 Two acres of best garden land - with neat new 8-room house, barn, chlck-en-hou.e and well: all fenced chicken ,Kt . vw an eordn of standing timber on place, T'e-cent fare. I need money and will sell this pretty plaoe for only $1250. H cash, balance to suit. Ar o, ' Oregonlan. J-ACRE tracts with running water, located opposite St. Johns and only 2 mllea back ...... , viverr rood soil and water. School convenient. A anap at $150 per acre, with terma ee us at once. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, 102 Fourth st. Main 85. A 3500. For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land open to - homestead In each county In the States of Oregon and Washington and description of same gives homestead, desert, timber, .tone, coal and mineral law.;, two map. of Oregon In colors. 21x28. showing R. R. In ooeratlon. one showing all proposed R. R. and electric lines. Including Eastern and Centra! Oregon; 20e each, or three toe Slap of Washington In colors, 21x21, 200. Nlmmo, Kuney a CO., Mammon piua. 20-ACRE homestead relinquishment In Her mlston rs-ojeet; big bargain. Addreea P 291, oregonlan. For Sale Fruit Lands. For aala Wilson A Myers, end of Haw- tnorne canine, iiovr . For Sale Farms. C. F. PFLUGER A CO. riFF-RIl TT1"R FOI.IOWINQ SNAPS. ' 480 acres In Klickitat County. Wash., 2H mile, from R. H. station, fine wheat and fruit land: all fenced; 160 acres have I., rultlvatinn RniAll hoUS hd large bam, fine spring. Prio only $1A per acre, worth $40, term. - 160 acre In Clackamas County, 25 acre. cleared; 60 acres In fine saw nmoer. Ess-la Creek runs through property. Small houae. big barn; price $37.00 per acre; terma 40 acres In Clackamas Co. Running water; price xm.OO per acre: terms. 20 acres In Marlon Co., olo.e to both S. P. and Salem elec on county road; an iiitivatinm nrlca 885 oer acre; terma For further particulars, call at room 12, Mulkey bldg., za ana murruon. 45 ACRES of excellent soil, on Tualatin River, 4"ii miles from Sherwood: 30 acre, under cul tivation, balance pasture and about 4 acres of timber; acTes In orchard; good frame house or 8 rooms, oaru auu ou--k,,iifiin.a o prtn wells, snrlnss and river, i mile to school, telephone In house, R. F D. by the door, good, prosperous neigh borhood and best of soil; price $i000; $4000 cash, balance time at 7 per csui. KAUFFMANN A MOORE 325 Lumber Exohange Turvir ruP THIS 1195 PER ACRE. 64 acres. S2 acres in cultivation, lo acres partly cleared, balance in line timber, enough to pay a $3f00 mortgage; 8 min ute, walk irom eiecinc ctAiii", . i ? imnrnvftl with a good 5-room house, 2 barns. 3 wells, other outbuild ings, 20 tons or nay, I nne wora ou.c t.uv eow. wBfron. lmDlements. chickens. etc.; very close to Portland; everything on the plaoe goes with It. David Lewi. room 8 Lumbermen. Plug. ,., I , U A TNT For Sale 36 aore. under plow, 35 acres mor ready to plow; fair house, old barn, -good orohard. lots fruit, plenty running . ,,.,1.11 i'nmn I water, o mnes num. ... , , - mile from Wllholt Springs, 35 miles from t'ortiana; rauroau now o"i . lalla. Tnls farm Is worth $5000 of any one's money, and can be had during next BO dave lor Xoti.io; reasouaom i'"." vestlg'ate this, by all means. Address AY 2UJ. oregunmn. . . . -..X- 1TATTT.-V VinU For a quick sale, will let thl 58-acre farm go 'way under the market value. It Is one-half under cultivation, as fine soil as can be found In the Valley, at $200 an acre. It cannot be duplicated. It is only 10 miles out on the Canyon road, li-mlle Irom electric station. oium.ii " ment; balance In 8 years. CALL, E I--1 .1 1 - J- ON 8, P., .outh of Salem; trscts In any lie, 1. 8, 5. lO or acres; nne soiij beautiful country, terms to suit: smal. payment down. oon t ouy auju"", -til you have at least asked u. about this. See air. l-usnop. t HARTMAN A THOMPSON, ' Chamber of Commerce. 11-ACRE farm, close to the Willamette River, all under cultivation, small 8-room house and good barn; well of fine water; hi mile from store and school; price $1800. This Is a fine buy. Western Se curities CO., 41S ppaioing oiug. 43 ACRES, good 7-room house, barn, or v,.r,l hottnm land, nearly ail clear, only 2 miles from town on R. R., convenient to Portland; price I50O0, $2000 down, balance easy, western Lang yo., aa is ptara m 1U4 A lll ! . gouu imm, wc. r ana win 17 aj " ' . z to Lewi. River, creek on place: price $10 per acre. Western Land Co., 248 Stark street. UAMi.iT no acres, with buildings. 13 miles from Portland, near eLectrlc line: bargain for all cash, py owner. i-i w-ni-un .i- 820 ACRES, must be .old. $5 per acre. C J. Mccracken, cu aicft-y diub. FOR BALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS . f r t - u t' . vrrt hinr.rh C. J. At'CRACKEH. 8Q4 MoKay Bldg. OWNER must sell timber limits in Kettle River, H. C. quick. -rnxLicujar.. ajo ,V9 oregonian. 820 ACRES, must be sold. $5 per acre, C. J. ."lccracKpii, ovj jti.j '..j WILL sacrifice 240 acre, of timber land; give me an offer. M 805, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANT to rent 10 or 20 -acre ranch, fair house and Improvements; olose to City of Portland, near earllne; privilege of buying end of vear: give location, yearly rental, also price asked or property. AC 807. Oregonlan. YV ANTED TIMBER. LANTKI. WANT 40 to 60 acres timber land that will cut shoo cords wood, near transportation and within 25 miles of Portland. X 278, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. CLOSE-IN PROPERTY. Wanted Vacant or poorly improved, 1O0 r xino, south of Morrison to Mill street snd west on second to Tenth. AS 221. Oregonlan. WANTED Unimproved 40 to 160 acres of - land, plenty of water, near Mt. Hood auto road; must bs cheap. P 203, Ore- gonlan. WE have a big demand Vor West 61de homes ranging In price from $4000 to $8000. Le Noir A Co.. ground floor Chamber Com merce. FIVE to 7-room modern bungalow, on Haw thorne ave. or in that district, with gar age or room for one; from owner. Address p 806. Oregonlan. WANTED Best lot that $900 or $700 will buy. Give particulars, AE 806, Oregonlan.. WANTED First-olass income piece of property, direct from the owner, either In the northwest or north east part of Portland. Give full particulars In first letter; not to exceed $10,000 cash; no agents. A 308, Oregonlan. WE, WANT.. To bull 8 your home. Will let you pay us monthly for It. Can at our offices and tell u. what you want- " UNION SECURITY COMPANT. THE HOME BUILDERS. th Floor Beck Bldg, 7th and Oak Sts. WANTED. A party who will exchange their home In Rose City Park or vicinity for 25 acres Of IMPROVED land, located on the weet side of the Willamette River, valued at $0500. t4i) . . HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Realty Exchange Dept., I WANT A HOME In the market tar a 4 to 8-room house, well located In ML Scott. Alberta or near Mt. Tabor; can only pay $100 to $20O down and balance easy terms; will go up to $2"i00: give location and full descrlp- tion in nrst letter, j . avo, ot-j""'""-1 WANTED To buy modern, unincumbered residence in Portland, not to cost over $3000. from party who will acoept devel oped 5-acre orchard aa part payment. V 2S3, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy building .It on West Side, suitable for apartment-house . loca tion, from party who will accept com mercial young orchard as part payment. V 280, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. 240 ACRES, 190 plowed, practically adjoin, a homestead that haj a live spring. Irtooo. This 1. only 8 miles from R. R. station, on the Condon branch In Qllllam County; a rare chance to obtain a nice piece pf land at a .mall figure, and 10 year. In which to pay for lt: will exchange for any real property worth $1000, a. first pay ment, balance 6 per cent. 36. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Realty Exchange Dept, Chamber of Commerce. TO ACRE8, building., orchard. 25 acre. In crop, some fine timber, team, harness, worth $500, two wagons (1 new). Plow, harrow. 800 cords of wood cut and dry for sale now; will exchange for property up to $3000; house snd lot or good lots: place convenient to Portland and electric earllne. Western Land Co, 24814 Stark street. . A FIVE-ROOM cottage, strictly modern, newly tinted, nicely located, on the Pow- - ell valley roaa; rent i"' ei. kw-- ------ will exchange for a f.w acres, rough or AiuAJiruveu. 91. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Realty Exchange Dept, unamper or Lomi-tn. CD,, C3 A -D C A C XlOIT.E..S 1JIT&. Income" business property, vacant busi ness lots, rooming-nouses, numi., 1 l ..... -rants, barber shops, meat markets, autos or anything else you want to trade for. GARLa'n'd BARSNE3. 191 4th at. tt-af it Dmu baa ... 1 . V. .. I XiavA rtl.telet all In OW .11 1110 Aii, ....... ' cultivation, 480 acres of fine Summer tallow, reauy tor ran 30 ousneia per acre mi, j-r, w... good city property as oart payment, lonij , I . nn Knlanee U 80U OreSOnlaQ. eo ACrtr-a, no acre, in crop, u burn, orchard, on county road, good team OA mttrea, cow, n.suu miu 11 . . CI" a"--, ClllCtA.il" nitl .: . . .. . r, take houae and lot In part payment up to $8000; good term, on balance. Western Lang 00.. 4Sb otara pa. ORCHARD BARGAIN. 35 acre., located In the Hood River Mosler district. Dart In bearing trees, bal' .nee hna timber cleared off: soring water; there I. no better .oil for growing apple, to be had In thl. dl.trlct; will exchange for good city property. O BOB, oregonlan. AN eight-room modern house, on a block 189x258; price $6800; this Is a good place will exchange for the most land that $8800 will buy. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Realty Exchange Dept. Chamber or commerce. HAVE an equity of $2700 In a strictly mod- Km, UU-lO-U.tt.VV 100IUClll,-J, nv,.i. www., . ,,, 1 . n . .. ln. n, raft OA 0-.A Will eXCIHAUKQ Kllim A" ii -. ...... ...-r.", paying difference In cash; leaving city and wl.h to release holdings; give full par- KEW steam-hoisting engine and brick ele- vator With cable guides, latest Improved equipment; will .ell for cash or exchange for Portland real estate value ,uu", Phone Main 3970. WTT.T. trnda mv eoultv. 81150. In modern bungalow for clear lot or acreage; bal ance payaDle at aio per montn, I per -sat, AF 805, oregonlan, WANTED To trade a beautiful home In Bartleavme, Okia, lor a nome m t-on-land. Address Oklahoman. 410 Washing, ton St.. Por"and. TO exchange, choice block at Gearhart for city or suburban property; win assume mortgage or pay auierencs it necessary, J 308, Oregonlan. WKAriTlFTTT. 18-acre tract, located on elec trlo earllne, with fine building, to trade for home In city. David Lewis, room . 3 Lumbermen! blng. ELEGANT 1910 8-passenger auto In beau tiful condition, costing $3500, to trade for city property; fully equipped. David Lewis, room 1 LumDermens Diug. TO EXCHANGE Good, established, paying business; a bargain at iouu: wouia ex change for good automobile at like value. Phone East ot. HAVE choice unencumbered acreage and farms to exchange for good city property. M 307, Oregonlan. WANTEDTo trade Portland unincumbered real estate for a 5-passenger auto. R 291. Oregonlan. CT-OBTc-ITiJ acreage at Coo. Bar to ex change for bungalow In Portland. L. Amadon, 217 Lewis piog. ii ion EOIIITY In fine river view P ropery. close In, for unincumbered city lot. X 2S2, Oregonlan. TT AVE cltv Income property, equities and unencumbered for unencumbered farms and acreage. M hob, oregonlan. MAKE me an offer on a hundred and five 'niisr teller. nuT-chaslne- chMk. 1 808. Oregonlan. FOR farm exchangee, business chances or rooming-houses, call on us. Northwest Realty Co.. 617 Board of Trade Bldg. EUGENE property. 2 favorably-located res idence lota In Fairmont Add, for sale or trade ve ay reasonable, Fbotia is. HAVE relinquishment of 160 sores choice land. Central Oregon. What have you to exchanger can Moma. jaeno. or. HAVE fine electrlo piano, will exchange for lota or acreage, al, zra, oregonlan. HOUSE and equities to exchange for acre age. I Amadon, 217 Lewis blag. $10,000 WORTH Income property to trad A 1 . 1 1. 4H-J i-lM.vn.,1 LOTS and equities to trade for house. How ard. 603 Swetland bldg. EXCHANGE lots in Tacoma suburb for run about. P 807, Oregonlan. FOB SALE. Hone. Vehicle. Etc MICHIGAN BUGGIES. RUSHFORD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS. Before you buy, either above, see our stock and get prices. Ws are located out side the high rent district and for that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a second-hand vehicle when you can get a new one at about the same price T R. M. WADB A CO 322 Hawthorne ave. THE undersigned ha tor sale several teams of mules thoroughly broke and In good condition, which will be offered for sal at a reasonable prloe. For further Infor mation call at room 804, Lew la bldg, or telephone Marshall 803. FOR SALFj One fine span of mares. 6 and 8 years old; weight 24O0 pounda; one team of young horses, weight 2800 pounds; sound and true. 226 Russell rt. CARLOAD of Eastern Oregon horses Just arrived; will be sold Wednesday, Aug. a, -at publlo auction. 10i ntn .u North; 3 P. M. sharp. FOR SALE One fine black mare, T year. old, weight 1660 pounds, sound and true. 2116 Ruaaell St. MUST sell at once, good horse and buggy. 2815 66th st, a e. end of Hawthorne ave. earllne; walk west 1 block, 2 south. FOR SALE Bay pony cheap; suitable for paper route, or camping outfit. E. 814, or C 1314. 802 B. 8th at, N. FINE, large, fast pacer, carriage and har ness, sal. or exchange for suburban acre age. Main 1415 or E 8778. jTok BALE 4 delivery wagons In good or der; prices from $30 to (40. At 148 Grand ave.. near B. Morrison. PASTURAGE near Portland for stock. Phone Main 1410. . 1150-POTJND gray mare, gentle and true. Walllck. 2030 East Burnslde. FOR SALE Horn and light delivery wagon 340 If taken t onoe. Phon E. 8806. Pasture, feed for horse for oooaslonal use; jtlnd treatment. AV 809, jOregoiiiarA, n.-Tinv cat ,V! ritr HORSES. TUESDAY. AUGUST 1. AT 2 P. M. We hav discontinued our Bales at 4- Hawthorne ave. and hereafter we will hold our regular auction sales every Tues day at 2 P. M. at 294 Montgomery st, cor. 5th. . ... For our opening sale on Aug. 1, we win have a carload of horses snd mares shipped In by Mr. Suetter, from Walla Walla. This stock is all right out or farm work young and sound ana ready for Immediate service. They are from 4 to 8 years old and. weigh from 1050 to 1400 each. We will also sell as usual consigned horses, ve hicles, harness, etc These sales will be conducted cmour regular ON-THE-SQUARE plan. Every horse will be represented and sold exactly as he Is and you get the same guarantee that you would get from any other re liable business firm st a privets .ale- I THE MURPHY HORSE A MULE CO, i 294 Montgomery St.. Cor. 6th. Marshall 1412. ! AUCTION HORSES AT AUCTION. Tuesday, Aug. L ! Why our auctions are becoming popu lar. First and foremost,, we do business absolutely on the square. We seU horses for their actual value, or about 23 per cent less than you con buy them at private sale. How can we do that? you will say. Be cause, when people .end u. their horse, to aell, they have no further use for tbem. and are willing to take the market price for them. We will not allow any one to misrepre sent a hone that we sell. We hitch and try every horse after the sale before we let them be taken away; snd If they are not aa represented, your deposit Is cheer fully refunded. We are here to stay, and solicit your patronage on business principles. THE MURPHY HORSE A MULE CO, 294 Montgomery st, cor. 5th. . Phone Marshall 1412. - Auction sale of horses. harness and wagons, on Tuesday, August 1, at 2 P. M .., and every Tuesday thereafter wo will nolo, a regular livestock auction. Every animal will be sold under a guarantee. No mis--representations will be presented at any of our sails. If after the sale you find the horses have been misrepresented, you do not have to take them. Next Tuesday we will, have several horses of all classes for sale. We will sell livestock for anyone on com mission at auction or private sale. Haw thorne ave. Stables. Phone E. .72. B. 1361V 420 Hawthorne ave. SIX head of .horses, 4 wagon, for sale on August 1. One team, weight 8000; one team, weight 281)0; one, weight. 2000, will be sold on warrant at Columbia Stables, 302 Front st. H. E. KIock! . Automobiles. 8TEVENS-DURYEA Having purchased a, new 1911. T-passenger. 8-cyllnder Stev ena, I otter for sale my 1910, 5-pasenger 4-cyllnder Steven., which I have run a year with no repair expense: lt 1. now overhauled and newly painted. Tou el dom find offered this ruallty machine, I will sell for $lOO0 less than lt cost, on easy terma to responsible party, or trade for good real estate or mortgage. W. L. Morgan. 503 Ablngton bldg.. Portland. PACKARD SNAPS. ' We have a 7-passenger Packard anal one 5-passenger for sale with our guar antee, FRANK a RIGG3. Packard garage, 23d and Waah.j INSURANCE .ale care burned in recent fire, 14th and YamhllL engines, trans, and chassis, very slightly Injured: very suit able for trucks or boats. Call 14th and Yamhill today. ' "GARAGE" live and dead storage, painting and repairing a .peclalty. Willamette Motor Car, Co., 815 Hawthorne av. tut 682. AUTOMOBILE to exchange for good real estate: will trade my six-cylinder Winton, completely equipped for city property. Inquire 403 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP. Owner will sell or trade for good real estate Winton SIX with toy tonnesu. Ii 81 Oregonlan. e A BARGAIN. Baker electric victoria; lady leaving; city and will sell cheap. K 259, Orego- nlan. ' ELEGANT 5-pasaenger, 1911 auto. In per feot condition, cost $3000; must be seen, to be appreciated; make offer. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. S to 6-ton Auto, truck with dump body) iindjnil2yeaulpped. L 282. Oregonlan. QUITTING business, will sell brand new tires at wholesale cost: standard make, 283 H. 30x3, 34x3. J 307, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Folding bed. with full-length. mirror, dresser and wardrobe combined, $15. East 85115. A ONE-TON truck, flrst-clasa conuiuon, run very little, for $750 cash. Call 4J1. Hamilton uiog. FOR SALE Fierce-Arrow automobile, would consider Portland property In exchange. AC 308. Oregonlan. t i.rTD,n. fine condition 1 8350 "if taken at once, or would trade jupmobne. Phone Main 9029. A 3313. 4-PASSENGER, 1910. 4-cyllnder. 30-horse auto, almost as Rood as new. for sale or tsade. E 30 i, oresoiuaii. RUNABOUT wanted for Tacoma suburb lota, P 8H, Oregonlan. . . I80TCASH and $40 trade buys auto, good ' order; cost 82.10Q. AL 882, Oregonlan. 6-PASSENGER Chalmers. $2.50 hour. Main 776, A 3027. Evenings. Main m Dogs. Birds, Pet Stock. TWO fresh milk cows, with calves. Just from the country. Union Transfer Co, 129 N. lltn. FOR SALE Female bull terrier 2 years old: good watch dog. B. A. Hlnxe, 4iS Main st. Miacellaneou. MEN'S SUITS REDUCED. ' rtnel Men! I weep to see them sen at rSfeflnrdure Com. eariy. $20 suits for $10; $25 suits at Alt: $30 suits at S14. l JIMMY DUNN. Room $lo Oregonlan Bldg. -run: rineat gun In the world" Fox, D. B. 12 gi auto' ejector, beautltful Clrcasalart walnut stock, right mod. Target 3 No. 8 .hot In 30-inch circle at 40 yards. Left full 330 No. 8 same. Brand new. Phone East 8739 or call at 625 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Hull of steamer Kelton. all oak, iron strapped, 180 ft. long. lj-ft. beam, 12-ft depth, 1000-ton capacity flt- condition: Lessors & Contractors Mach. Co. : EAf.E8 New and Id-hand: low prices; easy SerKrn.esopened.palred and patated. PURCELL SAFU CO. and ?RYllg SAFE CO.. 86 6th .t. Main 309. A 4118. tor HALE One 30-horsepower traction en- Kfni ? almW new (Avery make) Also 4 fogging truck.. Wallace Crowell. Bel- lingham. Wash. , ik-horsePOWER. 4-cycle engine, wl, "new" "of "Rearing, antr reverse , outfit complete. Address J. H.. D, Box i-u. as torla. Or. , , 6TOVB DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake there la something wrong. I car , fix It. 868 East Al orrion. a-hq". vx.-KTPTIONAL typewriter bargains for tha P.mlnttoi.1, $30; Smith Premiers. rSo; Blicka $17.50. Northwest Type- wrlter Co.. 00 5th t. MAKE me an offer on a hundred and five dollar Ellers purchasing check. D bos. Oregonlan. ; . FOR SALE 23-foot boat, .peed lines, 1 rjl. Ferro engine, speed 10 m. p. h.; price $200. vn OA-iift OUQ DrPirnnlftn. mone '-' " CAMERA, good a new. 6x7, all complete, takes 4x5 postcards or 6x7 pictures; will .. -.ii 1(11 .Atr, .r. en cninf- n" DOUBLE stereoptlcon, with gasoline and oxyllth lights. 240 slides and lectures, at a bargain. 227 Larrabee St. TICKET-to dgden tor woman; no descrip tion, for sale reasonable. E 305. Orego ntan. FOR SALI3 Gold-plated Holton cornet- In first-class condition, cheap. AO 2J0, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Six-toot Jeweler's showcase and six-foot wallcase. A. At. Delovage, 824 Washington. 18-FOOT launch and launch house, gas en gine In good shape. $120. Call Marshall 1513 or Sellwood 810. 840 REMINGTON typewriter. No. 8, firsf ' class condition. L tSS. ; THREE good steamshovels. In good condi tion. Apply 484 Goldsmith street, TWO well-bred Cocker Spaniel puppies, 0 month, old. 495 Montgomery st. GOOD brood sow for sale. Address X 294, Or..nninh. Contractors' equipment by United Engineer ing a Construction Co, 711 Lewis bldg. 60-INCH roll-top desk, chair, and full (last bed. $25. 604 Board ef Trade bldg. 6afe: large safe, good as new, for sale cheap, , terms If you wlsh AP 248 Oregonlan. SHAVINGS for sale. Phone Ward Bros, Woodiawn 2.103 or u z.iv.. SAFES Several large aeoond-lland, ioC. sale. B 203, Oregonlan..