Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 31, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Levercnz Has Them Flopping
Helplessly in Morning and
Delhi in Afternoon,
McKnne and Dadilr I'rcl
wMiMnl oC tmplre rinnrjr-Ilark.
nn, Hradmoa and Hankie
r iy tor ljoM Anjth
IX3 A.VCELF.i July J. Cpaolal.)
tm Ancrln won the morning a-ame
from Portland. 4 to U and tha after
boon game. 1 to 3.
Th liatrs era up In tho air ail
gay. Urfrtsi raj them f.opplnit
fci.;p:tfi:r m tha morning game, and
llama- IIM had their number from
iTe ftnt shot out of the bo In tho
afternoon. In addition to that. Mo
Kune wu put out of the momtnic rama
lor rln too ay the umpire.'
besides twin; fined IV. nuddy Ryan
was asked to leave his place Tatant
and adjourn to tne clubhouse, for tha
tan offense, Ktr.ney waant feeling
Uke taklr. back talk.
Leverens making m onaera or tna
tll(r( waa what the fans saw In tha
morning aame aad. but tor an error by
peimaa. who allowed a swift grounder
to rt away from him In the first
reiu who knows what would hava
Ouulbou e Han to IUjtbt.
Chadbourne opened tha flrat round
tenth a stlnrlnr drlva ta right, ran to
trd when twlmaj footled Pheehan a
fe-raes cutter, and acored on Buddy
bru'i sacrifice. It was all over In a
minute. . .
Jt looked rood for tha visitor, but
that was all they coold do. and for the
beat eight Innlna-a they put only two
tl-arers as far over aa the third aark.
While all thea things were bappenlnr.
tha tJl-end-rs were getting In aome
tloe llrka. Howard hit about tha sec
ond bll lUrkneea pitched tor a noma
run. Vanning fouled to Kappa and
la?ry followed with a double to left,
going to third on Mooree hit to right
Beld. Just about that time McCredle
subatltuted Henderson for Harkneea.
While ICenderaon was wtn.llnc up for a
rtirant haava. laley made a dash
and stole home before tha twlrler could
bntanrle himself.
Moore stole second at tha same time
and continued Ms merry round until he
reached the last ba. Then Henderson
tanned M-tsaer. felmaa rot a pe.a
and with M vore worked a beautiful
douhle steal. f " home ahead
of the bail. There waa a lot more of
It e same work.
IIrnkle Hammered Hard
in the afternoon. McCredla used
Fl.nkle as hts hearer In a aln hopa
that tha latter could hold down tha be
!etherd bunch, but It waa n use. The
home crowd hammered him for 1
bunehed bus. Hoort:
X same.. tl..
A aCi'iVA.E. "a7n.ra.xt
Tw.:f a J -. art J I
L.,.. eesa o o.ia 4 a s o e
T",,7 Sits ...,..,(. s t j o
t, ion. Ik 3 I Murray e 4 I J a
m-arin.pi 3 0 e
Harry J o
Kuan... 1
T-ta. T T rf 2 M I 0
Kuha bailed f lleadereon In alma.
IK-ORB BT rxSlXtfl
fc- A.r.i !o?T?o!
tlite vwvv
Itane Howard. lai.y. ISooTe. t!m
0atume. tlome ruo Hoenl- Twe-teee
kiie t'ir. Mr. lurry. lt-
rire mi-Ri Mn.ea - "'"
rl" li. t)irn. L'1
on b";. T ll'n.lrr..i 4. oS l.rrn .
k-ra.-k em Hr l.nO-r.ti s. br L'"
l.oU!,. pwe r.-lnteuh to Kappa l
Bai.'-'d. 1im l.ii. tmplre rinufy.
A(trnwn game
Iue A'i rortlaod-
Ao-H F-xA Kl An.rtro.A-E.
TWd.:t I "had'n.Tf 4 I 2
ln.rf 1 1 I'.-ne.-n.Jk 4 O 1 J
lA..f. 4 i 1 " U)an.rf. 3 1 4
fcIo,.JT 4 1 11 Kpp.lfc O 1
M's'r.'.N St?' e Vurrar.o 4
r!m- e 4 t 3 a o Ha T rf Ik 4 2 15 O
Ii.. .n Ik 4 I o 4 4 0 6 3
rrltxe. J a B Kura.t.rt J J
I- iB.. 4 1 1 -, Kkn.:o 4 t S O
rnkL.p a a 1 1 1 1 a
Kaea('r.e 1 O OO
Tmk viiilH I' Tmele SJ 31 li 3
Koeetar battl f r Hnale la BUith.
OCuKt: liT
toe Ansele. J J 2 ?
H' . 1 4 1 J 1 1 J
Hie ailllllt
Ran Howard (IV ilarvolrr. Dai'T. rll-b-m
.;. amlta. Harry tit. Thrbaea hit
-Parry T-bee bite Howard. la!.y.
kyaa. Kuho. l!cr'.!l-e hite ilaanlnc.
t.r it.m on bail n 1:m I. oft M.nkle
K'rurk eat Ht I1M S. tlouhle piave
II- n. aaaeUetM. K.1tlAa to Bern, lima
l.e-k. Lmire ytaaajr.
Note ot th Canto.
Bo frewo was In Bnlfnrm on the berwh
ttr1r f r trie ftret lime durtac tne two
rte Vaaeottvar baa beea here.
Piteber Lamime le one of toe beet tle!4ina
p.tchere la (be leasee.
Vocler. a Portland eetnl-pmfeeelooej twtrl-
Ir wore a Vancouver unirrrtu bui aas not
es sertb by Ine -i-anucna.-Cetae
bad hard locH wits fete hits yeetar
Jy. i.mne out to nUUaus aad Coltrln oa
aae ecaeiona.
A hit wou.d probably bava meant victory
fr tbe lo-ae ta te elchtn tnnins. yrkea
Caeey end Harris lnftd la euec-eua.
K.Mi. Mneor took ftorail e place ta rlf ht
fjTA tne talrvl laAlnf.
-o:frtn' t&'w at aort ss perfection
rreocltiefl. aal. thousn he mued up
m by aaln. it waa a difficult rftance. aad
eoody tboucbt eaytnjnf about It.
yortlan'1 s-ot eat tn a tieht hole la the
fMM t.vniBc. whea the Cane.l!ana ware re
t r-.t aftr f'I:ms the ecs tb noae out.
Swaia (raunjMt in Cotrin. w no p4ye4 to
te pl'e Ifarrte ftilt;r e doute by a
Bat throe- ia first. Jamee weat out. Col
tnn u w i::lma
aaeetrver left laet sicht for Teooma.
.. tne teem will ml the Tlsere thU
rokn le skeatile aalo. aad Vic
toria la J ortlan.L
tee nr'ii 4:1n t korn 09 the fearo la
hta initial e-rt. but be bee tae mat atuff ta
km anaovt'J:y. an J will be bart from
la:r orv The lad h&B lots of me and
tj.vct benlr. but a Me crowd on hie
.itial etart te ihm t e-nd shlyers dowa
aay youoaaters ep.aal eoluma.
tacramcoto LeaJer Istf Off Cmnnds.
j Us Tram Lofw Two to Vernon.
SACRAMENTO. Cal- Ju!f 10. Var.
roo took both ramea of todaya doubla
kead.r. wlnnlnr tha series fla ramee
1 two. Tha mornlnr rama at Ptock
kon was won by a scora of 3 to 1. tha
afternoon same here by a acora of 4
ho a.
la tha aaoTotnar rama OTtourka rnada
buk Bjawazzaataa axiack a Cxaplr Ills-
-'I.' I? '' J V -) V Wr -aaaVe ' af iC ' ' VT 1 i
; r, ;v pu- " -
- .vnalica
dehrand. when tha latter ordered
O Kourka to cease his protests Klnt
a rullnr where Kane had been called
safe at second In the first Inning.
O'Kourke rushed on Hlldebrand and
struck him twice before the umplra
brourht him Into a clinch and Shlnn.
lrchen and Uanilr rushad up and
separated the combatants. O'Kourke
was sent off the lleld. Assletant District
Attorney Kendon. of fan Joaquin
0unty. and Deputy Sheriff Cassldy ao
companylnc him as far as tha rata.
Utldebraad telerraphed a report of
the attack to President Oraham. of the
Coast 1rarue, but o Kourka appeared
In tha afternoon line-up.
Fltsrcrald pitched ood ball In tha
afternoon rme but his teammates
rould not hit Castleton. Only fla of
the Sacramento players rot on the
bass and only two of them went aa far
sjs second, cloorea:
Miralne te
h ll
Sacra roan to
1 Ab-M.PO-A.B.
rarfect 4 3 4
.iley.inM y .u a o 1 a O
Kane. if. .
1'att'B. Ik
ra r.Jb
llnap.ra .
lur li.ik
0 1
1 II
0 3
3 1
9 X
1 3
gOirHa.;k 0 0 0 0 0
0anP o.rf 4 0 3 0 1
4 V 4 1 T 1 0
0 0 Mah'jr.rt. B 0 0
4 o 3 a l o
1 o uL it.t a o i
1 li 1 .n . A O 4 0
i. a Mrram.b. 3 3 0 3 1'i ' a 1 t f 1
Thomas. I
TMaU SO5 IT 13"1 Totals 11 f T
Halted for Hauler la ninth.
:? i -
e.".--o ; tz
Hits A 1
Runs CartUle. Kane.' NblnT. Three
kaea hue Caraala. Neblnsrr. ! hue
Mahooer. Hy'am. tiacriBoe kite Hrown.
H.l.i.r. alaboner eTlftve Br
hia bae Kaoe. M.-l-mn.ll UU(.
Iivram. Ias on balls o "'a'kearldee
'a Krram 3- HirtM-k out My Hra-kanri.le
by lira 4. Time l:4i. tmplre HU
dirbrand. Aftvrnooa same
Vai-aon Patiiameato E. Ah.ll Po-AE.
rvrl-e rf I I 1 iz.-Oilnn.Sb. 4 w 1 3
Kan.f 4l nir-lt'ka. 3 S 3
"n'lk J lis a
tiraa-r.Jk 1 e e T -
.-tin art 4 13
lloep.ya. 4 11
Hue H.3k 4 1 O
llrown.c. 4 13
1 v vino j ii
4 o lirKt slier
I Ci Thoma. T 1
O 0 I-ere-' S 1 3 O 0
1 mmtr n a o
utra. e w w .r - - - -
Totals 3T 11 o Totaia 30 4 31 0
9 . fcite-i n a a 1 s e
.taooaioa 3
........1 1 0 O 0 3 1 O S e
o 9 a o o o o a a
O 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 14
r CM X Aril.
Rene Twrilele 3. Patterson, stlnenn.
Thr-e bae hue-Kane. Iirasnear. T-o-be.e
hit UP. n lurn. ha. rln-e hi J--hr
Mflea kae farllele. HW baae on
rl 't bal-rT faetieton 1. efl nt.e.ralA
Krc out y l aetlrtoo 3. by Kltssjrrsld .
tin k. t-itrh-T Carilela Tune 1:3. In-
Seal Capture Mornln Ennaipmufnl
ami Oaar Win In Aftornoon.
PAN FRANCISCO. July l. San Fran-t-Uco
took tho mornln rama with Oak
land hera today, and Oakland the after
noon. rlTlnr Oakland four and San
Francisco threw out of tha present
noreinr erore waa t to 0. and
the afternoon .our. C to I. Althourh
Oakland rerlaterea u mis
Inr session, poor fleldlnr and four
citly errors ra the rme to Ban
Francisco. Ablrs struck out eight men
to Mosklman'a threw. ... .
He.ry hlttlnir by Oakland feat"
the afternoon conteet. Mltaa and ilar
sart acorlnr home runs, and Coy.
Ttederoann and FornoU two-basa hits.
Shaw and Mohler landed two-basgera
for Pan Franclsoo. Soorea:
Mornln ame .t.
Si S ii::
ut.:k 4 113 !."' T i i I o
Tl.d 1 lio I Jjw J a 5 I 1 0
toyA'" 110 0 OkchmWf 1 M J
iiltse" 1 0 0 0Madea.lf 0JJ
T-tale sTio"4l Totals SO 11 0
lietled for Phaw In tenth.
Hatted for Able In tenth.
Batted tor Waxee la tenth.
M J 1 1 S o Z 0 o o
Rene Holland. Barry. Two-baee hi ta
HoVi-Z klassaru eacrldc. b"e-Moh l.r.
ll.rrr. Tenhaal. rtoleo bae llo3men- llret
"aa. OO e ba;le Oft Ablee 1. off -u
T Struck out Hr Abl.e . br Mo. -a
nil by pitcher Mooklmao. Iwuble
"eB.rry l &ae..r. smith to Tennaat.
i)m. i. jo. Umpire Parke V llaoa.
Afternooa same
wan rraocieo Oakland
Ak.H.Po.A-E. Ab.K.Po.A.C.
fthawlf 4 I Marrt.lf 4 10 0 0
Voh- 4 3 3 4 Ot-aree.l 3 0 14 0
S A 1.3k J 3 0 3 0H.r.n.! 3 0 1 1 0
Wea'r'as 4 3 Oi .. 3 3 10 0
TeaVuTa 3 114 3 rfe.l 4 9 1 3
Jm'tV? 4 3.0 . 11 11 1
hm ta IH Muse.... J T 1
X liVr p 1 0 0 0 O HeraoUp 1 1 0
Vltf ...1 o 0 0 0!
ho.i a.rr " r r 7 ; i
M.rklep 1 O 1
Warrj". w -
T-rtale 31 4 14 11 Tntsls 3T T IT t
Patted for AUiler In Bfto.
Batted tor T.onanl la nlntb.
an rranciaoo 1
Hit l?!! r ?
Oa. aod 1 1 J J J
Hits 1 0 1 1 1 3 0 T
mMtARY. '
Bore srhaw Vohl.r. Weaeer. Sfesaart
i. HoSmas, Cr. Mine, Pemoil. Twe ruae
three hit. off Xlll.r In 4 tnnlnra. Home
runs il'.tse. Massart. Two-ba-e hue ehaw.
Coy. TMmanii. p.m oil. Mohler. larrinre
hits War-e. Coy. H 1 1 ' a n !. achmldt. Been
nee ir HnlTmaa. Sto.en baa-e Mohi.r.
WMru. Tanrant. Tl rat base en ea:ied balls
Off Miller 3. e Meikle J. Struck out
By 1. by Perooil f. Doub.e pre
4oh:r ta .aver to T sent, wild pitch
Miller. Time Vie. Pmplrse Kllrey and
Portland Must Bear Up Under
Sting of Walloping.
BiTt?rw TUd Ticfn Vlaylng So Well
Pre lonaljr That Tlicr Ild Not
Lose Grip on Top Hung- of
Lcaarue'a Ladder.
After reslnr with Ill-concealed amuse
ment over tha season's work of the Los
Anrelea bail club you would hardly ex
pect It to rise up like the Ilawthorne
etreet bridge before a steamer's whletle,
and smite tha Portland champions,
would youT
No, not at all. But tho exigencies of
this remarkable same called baseball
hava upset all the conventionalities of
the season In more learues than one
and Portland fans ara forced this morn
lnr to bear up under a stlns; of four de
feats In six starts at a I net the lowly
subway crew. Yesterday's double con
coction of parts xreen was a bitter dose.
Pome poet save vent to this Jumble of
"As this old world roes roun' and roun,'
Some ro UP and soma yo down."
This evidently has been Portland's
series to ro dwn. but rommmtlnj to
morrow the Heavers will stack up
acalnut fian Francisco on the Bay City
rrounda, and maybe they a 111 turn like
the proverbial worm.
The mere fact that the Beavera
dropped four rames in six la nothing
to froth at the mouth about. Tha club
won flva In six In tha last series against
Pan Francisco before going south and
was duo for a brief slump. Tha lucky
thing is that the McCredle'a were far
enough ahead to still stick to tho top
most rung when It did come.
e e e
TV. Ti - - .. aKnwn that tbev are
the class of the league. They are still
two or three games to tne icuuu va
upper flat and with the Inevitable break
In luck. Portland will forgo to tho front
again with plenty to spare.
Borne fans find It hard to explain tho
startling fight being put up by Happy
Hogan's Vernon outfit. There Isn't so
much of a mystery about It after all.
Ilogan believes his zoological collection
Is going to win the bunting and. what
Is mora Important, ho has every man on
the team believing It. Tho whole bunch
Is so enthusiastic that If any man threw
the squad down, there would be blood
shed. TKl. la a mnnA evnlanatlon of why a
team that other managers ridicule la
now withlng striking Distance oi me
banner and playing tho most desperate
baseball of the season.
Reverting- to the local field. Portland
fans will take their first glimpse of
the Victoria Northwestern Club this aft
ernoon at Recreation Park. All the
other teams of the league have met
the Victorias for three and four series,
but Portland has had to be contented
with one week's session, that at the
Canadian city, where tha Roadsters
took three In five.
a e a
Jackey Warren has drawn his release
from the Sacramento club. Along with
the Tacoma castoff skids Catcher Bak
er, the Grants Pass "phenom." and
Pitcher Nourse. The latter was looked
upon as likely material at one time,
but waa too frail to stand severe usage,
a e a
An amateur scorer writes In to ret
straightened out on one of the numer
ous tangles Incident to the proper scor
ing of a ball game. "What Is char
acterised as a double play?" he queries.
Strange as It may seem there had
been no specific definition of tho term
until within the past year, when tne
National Baseball Writers Association
had it incorporated In the rules:
A double play shall mean any two
continuous putouta that take place be
tween the time the ball leaves tho
pitcher's hands until It is returned to
him again, standing In tho pitcher-
It waa time. In tho Interests of uni
form scoring, that some definition of
tho term was evolved, for the reason
that soma scorera were placing In the
summary as double plays certain forms
of two continuous putouta. while others
were not classing them as double plays.
The most convenient illustration is
found in the attempted steal upon a
Under the original conception of tha
double play the feat hinged upon a
batted ball but the new Idea abandons
that restriction entirely and the scor
er must credit aa doublo plays any two
putouts made between tho delivery of
the ball and the moment when tha
pitcher again holds tho ball while
standing In hts position.
Ex-Coast League Player to Ilnlleve
JEcGree-Tjr, Who Is 111.
PAN PRANTTBCO. July 10. (Spe
cial.) George Wheeler. ex-San Fran
cisco and ex-Los Angeles player. Is to
ba given a chance to show what he
can do aa an Indicator man. Mc
Oreevy Informed President Graham to
day that on account of stomach trou
ble he did not believe he would be tn
shape to work In Los Angeles during
the coming series. Tne League execu
tive therefore telegraphed to Wheeler
In Los Angeles tonight instructing
him to take charge of tho Los Angeles
Vernon series.
"Wheeler asked me while I was In
the South," said the president, "to give
him a trial aa an umpire, and here ts
his chance. I think be will make good,
and at all events we will see what ho
can do."
Philadelphia C; ClilcaJ 1.
CHICAGO. July 30. Philadelphia
handed Chicago its second defeat of
the series today, S to 1. Moore was the
master of the locals tn all but one In
ning, when a double, a wild pitch and
a single netted one run. Score:
Chicago 1 Philadelphia. 2 11 1
Batteries Richie and Archer; Moore,
Alexander and Moran. Umpires Rig
ler and Flnneran.
Brooklyn 5-4; Cincinnati 4-2.
CINCINNATI, July 30. Brooklyn de
feated Cincinnati in both games of a
double-header today. Scores:
BrooklVn.... 6 8 3Clnclnnatl. .. 4 12 3
Batteries Knetzer. Scanlon and Er
win; Suggs. Humphries and McLean.
Umpires O'Day and Emslle.
R H El R " ?
Brooklyn.... 4 7 0, Cincinnati. .. 2 10 1
Batteries Ragon, Schardt and Ber
gen. Miller; Gaspar and Severld. Um
pire! O'Day and Emslle.
.New York 6; St. Louis 0.
ST. LOUIS. July 30. St. Louis was
shut out again today by New York.
Tho latter batted the ball to all cor
ners of the field. Wlltze gave but two
hits and not a local player reached
first base after the first Inning. Score:
dhfi RHE
NewTork... 14 0StLoul8 0 2 2
Batteries-Wlltxo and Myers. Wilson;
Harmon. G. Laudermilk and Bliss. Um
pires Klem and Brennan.
cenirauFk two
6 TO 5 AXD 4 TO 1.
In Morning- Gam Flchtner Contrib
ute to Derent by Passing Ten
jien Homers Feature.
CHEHAL.1S. vkasn, ju.jr w;
claD Centralla took both games to-
day irom Lot"'111' . -
to S. afternoon game. 4 to 1. F ichl-
w . . . i . Imr cramA nil t
ner pitching in un """" "o 'nahan
naased 10 men and lost. Callanan
Started for Centralla. but was
"hooked" in tho sixth, when McBride
anS Murray each knocked homers
Berger finished the game ChehaH-
almost won in mo
n,"th- .. . Pitched by
The atiernoon - - -- .
Archer for Chehal.s. and Callahan for
Centralis. - ,"Cen.
anneer at any nmu. 7 . .
tralfa each pulled off fast doubles.
Scores: y
Morning rarner. , R rr E
Chehalls ..6 7 3;Centralia ..6 5 2
cnenaiis ' TMrhtner
Summary btruc-. "'passed by
4. Callahan . Berger
Flchtner it). S"
Afternoon game-2- R.H E
K. li. r-. -- - .
Chehalls ..1 2Centralia ..49
Summary-Struck out by Archer 6.
Callahan 4. Passed by Archer 2, i-aiia
II Hal Tt.
"ru -T"p.c w. l- P C.
i NartAWMlcrn .
r 49 .tsU'Vancouver .M 41 .810
Portland . . ,rt u 44 .r.77
X'rl. 59 -5-'S Spokaae . ..SS 47 .512
m:: .492Seatt:e ....B2 60 .610
.L." M 83 .471 Portland . .4 54 .471
f i.r.M 49 13 .4oll Victoria ...29 7j .2ji
American ja - . ... , c
iftnn.o'B 60 47 .e Lincoln ...f,
Mlnaesp s o pu-blo no 44 ..V12
, Psul.'-M Wt. 47 .515 a ai 82 .IMireioua
iTw, 4H 54 .471 Omaha 4 4S .4MI
TTi.vWe" ti R .44Topeka ....41 53 .4.7
Irt R7 .447lDea Moln-..27 88 .284
inQ,m"5Uoal. I Ameriiwo.
' vT p.c. w. u p.c
.S3 3: .23 Detroit 1 S2 .856
l'.ir" ".Srt 3 ." Phllw
i.' " Trw 85 88 .i4 Chlraro ...47 43 .5Ji
witTahns : .?4 7 .MTX.W Vork..4S 4.". .J18
at' Lou's. 62 40 .S43 Boston . . . .4S 4rt .511
r nrlnr!atl 53 .4isl( l.v.lnd .4S 49 .4!3
Srklyn S4 57 .S74' Wsthlnif n 8 HO .855
Bo.ron...20 72 .217161. Louis... 27 63 .2M
y eatday's Besults.
c." 8 TaJoma -.'epokaa. 1; Vlcwrla 8.
ImaVlran Learue No gamaa schedulad.
Nation? "l, Vork . St Louis l
Chlrsio 1. Philadelphia 2; Brooklyn 5-4.
"Am"."". AMOcleUon-KansM City 4 ln
nlanaSolla 1- Minneapolis 8. Loulavllle 0
Mllwakuea T. Toledo 8 (12 innin.); St. Paul
. columous . . . , .,.. 4
Pueblo 4. Danv.r 8: Omana .
Plo'x City 7-0. et. oaph 14-0 (aond game
bt Laaera at a Glanew.
I . v.hut .
Vean's Brother Lasts Only One
Inning as Heaver for Will
iams' Troupe. ,
Ijomllne Goes In for Roadsters In
geoond and Is Very Chary of
Hits, but His Team-Ma tea Can
not Calcb Up With Enemy.
Vancouver 3, Portland 2.
Tlivlii drarar 30-vear-old Idaho
tirodia-r. has been chafing under the
collar Intermittently for tho past two
weeks. "All I hear every here i go
la He's a brother to Vean.' " grumbled
tha. tall lad. ' good-naturedly. "Walt
till I get a chance in tne dox mo
h-n tha tuna will ba like this: That
Cleveland pitcher? Oh, yes, he's a
brother to Dave.
nut riavA win hava tn wait a few
weeks at least for his dream to ma
terialize, for yesterday. In his rirst
start In organised baseball, the slat-
like twiner was u to mo nau. 1 lr
Issued three walks, uncorked a wild
pitch and aiiowea a ooudis aim ms
hi- inn i-inlno- the first, and this
conglomeration, with two irlarinsr mis-
plays oy narris, was Buiniiiyn,
Vancouver three tallies and tho game.
Iamllne Shunted In.
T 11.. n . .tinntarl Into the hOX
uaiuiuiD no.
A f-.-.l- airalnst CerValS
in mo bcuuuu '""'"fi "
and pitched stlnfry ball, with only
.i wi. .V.IV. acalnat film, but
till ro in i" .
the local Northwesterners couldn t
overcome tno tnree-ruu wnu.
a hit on two or three occasions would
have changed the aspect or tha con
test. Gervais was .touched up for nine
scattered blnirles.
Twenty-five hundred persons were
on hand to watch Vean Grefrjfs hud-
dins; brother essay tne ouiinnis
tortions, but to Davo the crowd looked
20 000. Dave was as nervous as a
young; filly, for Willett and Bennett.
-i . f,a. trariRnortation to
first, a heave to tho stand and a
passed ball addlne an lnaipo xmKo "j
I 1 1. Aama then scored the
loeii .i- ... .. . .
duet by a double into center, stole
third and chalKea up in.
j .-a K.ii hy Harris.
on a Becuim - - -
which. In addition, enabled Swan to
walk and put htm on seconu.
Gregff Mnddles Work.
James then laid a bunt down to
tha l.nd muddled his op
portunity by falling over himself and
rolling: on the sward. A beautiful
. v.. TCIlllama ftnrl MUndOTff
saved further humiliation, "tiring: the
Bide after James was c-.ur...
Portland scored one m my
. j .i..ii..inii in the sixth
nin? uu uu.i." -
Menscor, in the fifth, went safe to sec
ond on a wild pes; over
. , n-. nn Rneas single.
... ma on a walK to
I ne oxner 11 c, .
' . , i. Knnni.a over Sena m
weber off Harris' hat and an error
by Cates in center field.
The victory gave Vancouver five
srarncs in the series of seven. lc--ames
in v after-
toria opena - -
noon for the first appearance of the
yllr In Portland: Garrett or Bloom
. . . . fnr Portland. Tho
1 1 e l a win
Vaneourer- AD.H.Pp.A.B.
-ill'tlb 8 1 J 0 ogtovanri
n n o o
2 10 0
0 8 2 0
n 12 1 0
Adams. If
0 0!Mun'ft.2b
0 0'WllM's.lh
8 l'Pettl'w.rf
0 l'rav.2b.
1 0Harrl.c.
2 O'Coltrln.'S
10 0 0
S 0 3 0
Cates. cr.
2 6 4 0
0 4 5 1
0 0 0
Lewis. c.
Oorval. P 20
0 0 2 0
110 0
0 0 0 0
Total, 2 8 27 14"2i Total. 86 0 27 IT 1
Bradley battea tor Lummi.
o-Mjyf! ht TAXINGS.
aAAiinAAfl o S
Vancouver o20001 0 O 5
Hits OOO01100 0 2
Portland o o 1 1 1 1 0 2 19
Hits "
. - . . AAomm r'aaeV.
Runs wilieix, nr""r". , ;
v,n, struck out By Gervais 7. by Urn
nn" ? Base, on balls-Ofl nerval, 8 off
lintT - 4 Ttrn.hHlA tilt
dorft; coitnn. " r"-i"",oi7 pa,..a
pltched by Ore 1. by . Lamllne Base
hit, Off OreKK 2. off Lamime 3. Tiroe .ui.
Umpire Mcuanny.
, . t, Mniiurl hlA remark
able bludgeon work in the series which
closes today at Los Angeles, tho Port
land Coast star batting; at a .454 clip
with ten hits in 22 trips to tho pan.
.. -iMa down the a Lc "
toboggan furnished another feature of
tho week, xne uauiug
DU Al I -
la oa Tn owa
Ab. H.
22 1"
25 7
8 . 2
1R 5
20 5
12 8
8 2
19 8
20 2
twlrlers with
i up. Seaton
Chaeibourne .
Happs ......
Murray ....
Steen were tne two
to win their games against Ixs An-
Thls week Vernon plays at Los An
relea. Oakland at Sacramento and
Portland at San Fnclsco Oakland
opens on the Portland grounds Au
gust 8.
Three- Canadians Register and Seat
tle's Lead Is Overcome.
SEATTLE. Wash.. July SO. Seattle
had a lead of two runs until tho seventh
inning, when a combination of hits and
errors enabled Victoria to score three
men and win tho game. Score:
Seattle- . I Victoria
AD.H.IrO-A''- aTVU.. -----
tard.Sh. 4
0 8 2 0!O'wln.3b. 4 10 4
Bums. 3b. 4
Weed.rf. 3 4
R'm' 4
O2O0 4 8 5 0
0 0 0 Keller.Ib. 4 111
2 2 2 l'Ward.rf.. 4 0 10
0 2 0 0 Bren' 4 111
1 6 0 0'C'ntson.lf 4 1 2 0
18 3 1' 4 10 2
0 7 2 Olorlndle.c 3 0 8 1
n n n 0iW'llams.n 8 0 2 3
, 1 0 0 0 Oi
8l42T 21
Totaia 84 0 27 11 2
Seattle SoASooa00l
Victoria.....--- 00000080 O 3
Runs Crnlckshank, Burns, Brennan.
Oementson. MacMurdo. Two-base hits
Goodman. Brennan. Home runBates,
stolen bases Crulckshank. Householder.
RajTOond " Three runs Off Sae; no runs
and no hits orf Zackert In 2 1-3 innings.
Srkout-By Sag. 4. T fartjrt 1: by
nilllams 4. Bases on balls Williams a.
Sit bpltchr By Sage 2. by Williams 2.
paised ball Grlndle 2. Double play Ray-
Suits and 1 prices now cut like this:
$30 and $25 ones for $16.50
$40 and $35 ones for $19.50
"Where You Get The Best"
I f t A AV 49
On Washington, Near Fifth
mont to Leard to Orf. Grlndle to Kellar 2.
Umplre Baumgartner.
liarest Baseball Crowd Tacoma
Ever Had Sees Tigers Beat Indians.
mirVMTA TCTaati T 111 V- 9ft Flsher'S
1 VW.U1 .low.... ' J '
three-bagger In the last half of the
ninth with two on bases and two out
gave Tacoma tho last of the series with
Spokane, 2 to 1. The series has been
attended by the largest crowds in tho
history of baseball in Tacoma, and to
day's gathering was tho largest ever
seen at a baseball game in this city.
Score t
Taooma BpoKane-
Bas.ey.lf 4 111 1 Netzel.3t.-v 4 " S S o
Cole'n.ib 4 1 2 2 S 1 3 S 0
Ken y.3b 4 111 0 Nord 11 4 0 10 OiZimnVn.lf 3 0 4 0 0
Burns.c . 2 0 8 1 0C'rtw't.2b 3 0 4 4 1 3 2 2 8 1 3 0 10 0 4 1 11 0 Op'sman.o 3 0 1 2 J
Miller.p. 3 0 0 1 0Strand.p. 0 0 0 0 0
SHUW I. IV, v v
Totals 31 27 12 "2! Totals. 29 8 26 14 1
Two out when winning run made.
Spokane 00010000 01
Tacoma 00000000 22
-r. T... unn. PnniiM'. fStntan haSIS
Nordyke. Two-base hit Burns. Three-
nase nil r isnor. -
Pitchers' record a bits, no runs on oiraiu
. 1 ( . . V. I . o rt UrhvAnpli in
in It 111 11 1 II ts 1 "-, ' ' ' ' . . ' . ,
8 lnnlUK.. Stmck out By Miller 2. Bases
on balls Off Strand 1. oft Miller 2. ott
Schwenck 2. Time 1:45. Vmplre Starkell.
CLCB TRACK IX 2:11 1-4.
Spectators See Exciting Finish In
Fast Event Between Winner
and Tom Marshall.
Driving; Dan S. against T. W. Mur
phy's Tom Marshall, yesterday after
noon at tho Country Club, George Mc
Crum lowered the one-mile matinee
record for tha Riverside Club from
2- 1814 to 2:11. The record was for
merly held by T. R. Howitt's Zoo W.
This was the fastest heat in the meet
and the grandstand, which had been
expecting, from the result of the first
heat, to see Dan a have a walkaway,
was brought to its feet with excite
ment as the two drivers whipped down
the Btretch and finished almost neck and
neck. Fair time was made in the other
races and the 400 spectators were lib
eral with their applause.
Yesterday's meet was tho first Sun
day matinee held by the Riverside
Club and tho officials of the organ
ization were well pleased with the
crowd. H. S. Fargo was starter; A. L.
Powell, E. C. Truesdell, of Centralla,
and D J Lagen, judges; George Parker,
A. P. Church and M. Jones, timers.
Races were run in mile heats.
Summary of the events follow.
Class B. trottlns Rastus (.'K- How,t.'
first. 4-1-1; Baldy Boy (C. W. :
second. 1-3-4: Zonetta (Dr. A. O. femitlu.
third. 2-2-2: time. 2:26. . . . ,A
Class A. trotting and pacing Redskin (A.
thC?a..2 1 pXsipeclaO-Dan a (Oeor.
McCrum). first. 1-1: Tom Marshall (T. W.
Murnhy). second, 2-2. time. 2:11.
Clkss D, trotting Hallle B U W. Watts),
first. 1-1- Effa M. (F. M. Myers), second,
3-1- wlnlock (J. M. Edwarda). third, 8-8;
time, 226. .
Rcstrlct Number of Men Major
LeagTies Can Draft From Minors
and: Place Limit on Teams.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 80. At tho
next annual meeting of the mlno,r
baseball leagues. J. Cal Ewing w 1
propose a scheme that he thinks will
do away with what he calls the ' whole
sale farming of Players." as in the
cases of the Portland-Cleveland alli
ance, the Boston-Sacramento deal, and
the understanding between the Chicago
Nationals and Vernon.
Ewing" scheme is to allow each of the
major league clubs three drafts on
minor league teams and then to re
strict these teams in the number 01
men who can be carried.
"Tha fault of the system is not in
the draft." eaid Ewlng today, "but in
the number of men that can bo car
ried by the major league clubs. John
I Taylor, of the Boston Americans, for
Instance, hao a whole army of players.
Now, he can't possibly use all of tnese
men but he has them tied up so that
no minor league team gets the advan-
tage of this talent, and it is absolutely
T say that wo might let the majors
draft three players from each club,
and then hold them down in the num
ber of men on tho club. That will give
the rest of us a chance. As matters
stand, all of tho minor league stars
are gobbled up and while they are
sitting around on benches wo are look
ing for ball players
Hamburg la Importing from Africa sub
stitutes for iory nuts, which, although in
ferior In quality, ara used In the button In
dustry because of their cheapneaa.
Third Baseman Grabs Line Drive OJf
Hunt's Bat With Bases Full and
Puts Out Three Men.
.... 6
.... 4
Woodburn .
Hubbard ...
WOODBTJRN, Or., July 30. (Spe
cial.) Hubbard and TVoodburn played
a good game hero today, the visitors
winning. 9 to 6.
The first unassisted triple play ever
made on the local diamond was the
feature of the contest. With the bases
full. Third-sacker Calvert, of Hubbard,
stabbed a line drive from the hat of
Hunt, of Woodburn, touched third base,
and before the runner on second could
recover and start back, he was touched
out The score:
R. H. E. R- H. B.
Hubbard... 9 15 4 Woodburn. . 5 11 4
Batteries Douglas and Shearer;
Holmes and White.
Albany Captures Game From Capi
tal City, ' to 4.
ALBANY. Or., July 30. (Special.)
Though outhit by the visitors, Albany
defeated Salem in the Willamette Val
ley League game here this afternoon. 7
to 4, because Albany put up a far bet
ter fielding exhibition than the Capital
City lads. - -
Two Salem errors, coupled with the
poor Judgment of the visitors' Infield
in handling what grounders they did
field, gave Albany five runs In the first
inning on only one nit. aim wna wau
proved sufficient. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Albany 7 6 2;Salem 4 11 5
Batteries Blgbee and Patterson;
Allegart and Blazier and Baker.
Winner or Wolgast-McFarland Bout
Will Probably Meet Briton.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., July 30. (Spe
cial.) There is a possibility, which Is
almost a certainty, that the winner of
tho Wolgast-McFarland bout here Sep
tember 15 will be revarded with an
other battle with the English light
weight. Matt Wells.
Mulkern is promoting the match,
and, although it is not generally
known. Wolgast is most anxious to
meet the British fighter. The Mil
waukee promoter will, if Wolgast
worsts McFarland, close with the
Briton for a ten-round engagement in
Milwaukee. Wells will have to make
133 pounds.
Good Scores Made by Portland Gun
Club Marksmen.
Wagner won the Inman medal, Thorn
ton and Abrahams trophy, and Joy the
Selby medal at the Sunday shoot of the
Portland Gun Club, at Kenton.
An added feature of the afternoon was
the ehooting of Mrs. Carlon and Mrs.
Knight. Percentage scores: Wagner w.
Thornton 90, Howe 90. Caldwell fS Mor
ris 88 Reid 87, Caslon 87, Cofoid li
Wright 81. Meir 80, Hackney 80, Mrs.
Carlon Ts" Joy 75. Knight 74. Tyler 72.
Bateman 71. Williams 71, Sykes 70. Mrs.
Knight 70, Jaynes 68.
Minor Games.
At La GrandeBoise Elks 5. La
Orande Elks 4. Batteries La Grande,
B-Syon and Hughes; Boise. Vining and
C7tC Junction City-O-W. R. & N. 6,
Junction City 2. ',
At East Twenty-eighth and Burn
BldeWallace Sign Company 16. Monta-
VTt ArStaBoss'-of the Roads 9. Ar
leta 0 (Forfeit.) The Roads team plays
at Crystal Lake next Sunday.
At Rainier Rainier 6. Kelso o (10
innings.) Batteries Wlnterbotham and
Mahon: McKoral and Klrby. Wlntar
botham struck out 12 men and did not
allow a walk. Kirby's homer was an
added feature.
. Grants Pass Invites Condensery.
GRANTS PASS, Or., July 30. (Spe
cial ) There are good prospects that
this city or the country nearby will
soon have a condensed milk factory.
Tho Rogue River Electrio Company
has offered to furnish power for one
year to any new concern entering tha
field and not In competition with any
factory already established. The Wil
lamette Valley Condensed Milk Com
pany has had an agent in the field. He
declares that Grants Pass Is his choice
of the Southern Oregon country for a
milk condenser. A factory here could
supply all of Southern Oregon and
Northern California
Marshfleld Folk Wedded.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. July 30. (Spe
cial ) Warner V. Ogren and Miss Pearl
Craig, both well known in Marshfleld,
were) married at the homo of the bride's
parents this week. They went to
Southern California for their honeymoon.