Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 31, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Opposition of Russia and Bel
gium to Better Financial
Methods Overcome.
Conservatives Rapped for Op
; ' posing Canadian Trade
You Can Give
Your Children a Dandy
Party for SOc
need of market shown
Jr X' "
a' I --', I
Vrrremeat Would rxrelop Dominion
JndsmrVa. DwlMt PremIT.
Submission of PropnMl to
Vote 1 4 ritTorrd.
OTTAWA. Osl. July J. Tha open
In tun In tha cmjlea which win d
t ermine th ft of tha reciprocity
a;rm.nt betwo the fnltad Slat.e
aad Canala, ii nrd today by tha
Jjlxral Lad.r. stir tVllfrld Vaarlpr. It
wae la the form of an pn ddre to
th Canadian people and In It l aet
forth tha laeuea lnoled In the prea
nt campiin.
Tta ji4ti"B at Iaue U not a nw
nm, tttr WUfrtd arc. ravlprooal ra
ilaivoaa wlta the I'nlted Will harlna
btn kuiM by partle for ovrr
haif a rrnlurr. Tha prnml Conra
t' party, ha dclrd. I ahlo to
HiTirM ttu llf-lnn poller of Ita lad
re of lhs pant. Tea aaartmnt of tha
crmnl. tha pradlrta. would
farthar Iraprora tha frtandty ralatlona
(waa tiraal ilrltala. Canada and tha
1'nttM (itataa and would ba an Impor
tant factor In brioatna about a (vaeral
"treaty of arbitration.
Lone I1IC Clle-d.
"At a:i tlm dartnar tha pt
tyaara.' eeld Mr Wilfrid. H haa bat-n
t.ia conatant affart of all political
Tart! In Canada I make with tha
a I tad B:a aa arranaamant for tha
raa iichuft of natural producta ba-
waaa tba two countries.
Tar line tha tartnlnatlnn of tha
traatr of Hi ail roan of any
1-romlnanca la Canada, wbatarar thalr
vllfTaraacaa on otner qu.atlona. bava
tHo onanlmoua la tha attempt aaaln
to secure fraa tt:tai of natural
rod act.
Nor Is trie to ba wondered at.
ln tHat In tfa of aarlcultura.
f tbarlaa. lumfrlfic and mlnlnc. Canada
(hmi advantage not anfoyad by any
ctMr country oa aarto. and that upon
la snarkete aacura.1 for IMa producta of
thaa Induatrtaa depnle Ina growth of
tar manufacturing- and commercial In
taraata and tha prosperity of all claaara
Ja tta dominion.
Com m i lone r Win Itror.
"Within tha paat 13 m on the tha Presi
dent of tha Vnlted, Statre ent to Ottawa
two comr.lMkwtrt from Washington for
tha purpoaa of opanlnc nafottatlona.
Jook'.rg toward tha lowering of tha
tariff barrlera wMch haa hitherto atood
In tha way of freer exchange of cotnmo
dltteev. Thaao negotlatlona culminated la an
aramant that tha InltM State by
ttrloui lataraata oa tha alleged grounds
tat It wa all to- tha advaatajra of
Cinada and ti tha dtrtmt rf tha
othar coantnr. bat tha w that It waa
mutually adantaaoua to both countrtea
finally prarallad In Cor.gree.
-Not content to dabata thla propoel
tlon upon Ita mrtt, tba Conawnratlra
farty la tha !! of Commoni haa
a.toptad a rrifm of oraanlaad and
vowad obatructloa to prarant any Tota
baina taan la I'arttatnant by which tha
opinion of your rpranltla thara
could ba ampraaaad.
-To orcoma that obatractlon aTlar
m. aaaalon which ftaa alraady Uatad lht
Itiontha. would not onlr maan tha con
tinuation of aa onaaamly apactacJa pra
aanta.i by tha eppoaulon la tha Houaa
of Commona ain. a th raaumptlon of lla
altttnaa on tha Uth. Inatant. bnt would
alao viaaa vki and montha of waatad
tin and parhapa In tha an.t. tha loaa
ef tha fraa Amarlcan markat to tba
Cacadlaa producer for thla aaaaon.
IVopl S1hoIJ Jadsr.
-In thla condition of thlnfa. It lta
aamad mora la accordance with tha
i!intty of I'arlLamant. with tha tra.ll
tlona of thoa Iirlttah Inatltutlona which
'.I trua Caaa4l!ana Talua ao htichly and
which tha pr-ant opposition draradaa
ajri-i aach a I'sht haart. with tha baat
Intaraata of tha country aa a whola. to
raralt tba lua to tha pavpla tharo
aalrra. ao that tha paupia may Jud-
batwaan tha covarnmant and tha orpo
ait'on and daclara wbatbar thay fctri
rMDct thalr mlnda or whathar thay
ara at til In favor of reciprocity on nat
ural prdurta and whatbar thay will or
will not ha tha Amarlcan markat for
ta promtsinff crop aoon to ba aarnarad
In r-n.ia-
"Thla aaraamant. by opanlnc raw
huh of hlthart- cloaad. would
f jrthar Improva tha frtandly ralatlona
whlca now ao happily alt batwaan
thla country and tie mother country
en the one hand and the American Re
public oa tha otter, and which It la
hoped TuY at no dletant day eventuate
Into a aaneral treaty of arbitration.
tte effect of which would be to ra
jn.Ta forever all poaalbllitlea of war
feacween the yreat amplrea of which wa
ara proud to form a part and the sreat
nation which we are proud to bare aa
m BelcSbor."
C Oat for lTor, t for CocnmUlon
s cnajpa, at Walla Walla.
WAU-A WALLA. WmS. July 14..
SpaclaL F'.avan caodldataa are In tha
fle;d for tba trae poaitlona on the
commlaatoa that, under the Allan taw.
pasae by the recent Lectelatare. will
irovern Watla Walla. It waa evperted there wonfd be a boat of candi
dates, but frtti ware balled when
with two man runnlna for Mayor and
Bine for the two rommlaatonerahlpa.
the ftllnca of candidacy la the prl
marlaa cloaad laat nlaht.
fr Mayor the candidate ara T. M.
!! Kinney and A. J CiUIa. and tor Com
misaionara A- f. Pchott. Oacar Drum
heller. A. K. Ptce. M. fl Cro on. Wlll
laa Olaaford. John If. FT1 : t, Duncan
Slc'Jl'.lrray an4 Byron T. Iutchar.
The prlmarlee wtll be bald Auruit
It. aad the aeaaral election will be
held Auruat It. Two wtaka later tha
rommleelon government na Into ef
Craod Army Man Slap .rd Frllow
Wbo Cat Plar on Bolton.
BAKER. Or, July Ji t fpaclal. "I three yaara for thla country.
at4 I will not let anybody pk tan at
i the Grand; Army or the button that I
waer. 1 am prood of It. asd tboujth 1
I e---V. - ;, . . - . v
- - A .- " ' ,fjyi
1 .... r - !
am an old man. I wont aland for any
dlereapect for it.
That waa the defenae that Andrew
Orovaa made before Police Judirw Btern
whan called upon to anawer tba com
niaint nf an old man that be bad
elepped him yeaterday. The evidence
brouabt ut tha fact that tna oio man
bad enseced In an argument In which
the complainant made fun of the Grafld
Army button Grovea waa wearing, and
that Grovea than attacked him.
Judge Stern allowed both men to go.
after ndmlnletering a abort lecture to
the two men of tha advanced ago on
thalr folly.
-I do not blame you for being proud
of the Grand Army and reaentltig any
alura cat upon It. but try to do It In a
manner that won t bring you before me
gain. You may go." quoth tha Judgo.
Crrvr of Hajtlan Gunboat 1 Anx
luua to Leave Ship.
Haytlan gunboat Seventeenth of De
cember returned hare today from Aux
Cayea. where government troopa under
command of General Simon, aon of
President Simon, recently put down an
uprlalng. The gunboat brought 75 aol
diera under an liaytlan generaL
The American crew of the veaeel I la
dltlafled and anxloua to leave tba
hip. Tha gunboat made atope at -eral
polnta. with the evident Intention
of forcing the Inhnbltanta to remain
loyal, but the revolutlonlate In control,
and no landing waa made. No porta
were bombarded by the gunboat.
It la reported that tbe crutaer An
tolna Hlmon la at Orand Da Cayamltta.
out of coal. Tbe craw la endeavoring
to eacure wood, but tba movementa of
tba rrula-r ara likely to be delayed.
Tha t nltad Utataa auxiliary gunboat
Peort la returning to Cape liaytlan.
Tha crulaer Cheater haa been aent to
Port de I'alx.
Flouring Mill. Depot and .Moody
WarrhoaM In Flame.
TUB DALL.EA Or.. July 0. Spe
elal nre. which aurted ahortly after
19 o'clock tonight, la devouring tba
flouring mllla of the Waeeo Vk arenooa
lc Milting Company, the Oreet Southern
depot and the Moody warehouae.
The loaa will exceed a quarter million
dollar. The burning bulldlnga are In
the aaat and of town, at aome dlatance
from the bualneaa aectlon of the city,
and It la believed the flamea can be
confined to their preaent territory.
All hope of aavlng any of tbe three
bulldlnga ba been abandoned. Nearly
the whole of the city population la at
the acene of the conflagration.
Walla Walla Clnb Will Ve Court
room to Iicn9 Iuea-
(fipeclal.r Erjulpped with a paper atat
tng that woman of Walla Walla have
formed a club to etudy political Issue,
trust breaking and other matlera neces
sary for votera. two women appeared
before Superior Judae Hrente yesterday
and aought parmlaaiAn to use the court
room for holding frequent meetlnge.
Judge Brenta gave permission and the
first gathering will be Wednesday. Ini
tial atepa were taken In a modeat way
aeveral daya ago. tha foundation of tha
movement being a email club where
political questions rould be discussed.
The asaeaae-t valae-ef property In Hsws'l
la tno.2.T. an Increaaa of $I1.3T.47
fT tha rear, or 2."o.a inoreaae eur
tna the lO rsare of Amarlcan control.
Financier's Death Near, His
Physicians Believe.
Addr-d Complication of Pneumonia
Glvca feMflit Hop of Recovery.
Wife-and Son Conntantly Re
main at Ills nedstrte.
PARIS. July 30. The condition of
John W. Gatea today la regarded aa
most serious.
The financier' vitality la at low ebb.
The development of pneumonia In the
left lung, which waa discovered Fri
day, haa offset the Improvement noted
In the condition of tha kidneya, and
the attending physicians do not conceal
their belief that Mr. Gatea cannot live
more than three or four daya' The
end may come even sooner. Dr. Groa,
who haa charge of the case, bolda out
absolutely no hope.
The exceeslve heat of Paris has
made the fight for life more difficult,
Mrs. Gates and her aon are constant
ly at the bedside.
John W. Gatea la I years old. He
began bualneaa life by conducting a
small hardware atora In an Illinois
town. Later ha waa a traveling aales-
man. Introducing barbed wire Into
Ttxas. and when ha had built up a
large buslneaa ha established one for
himself In Bt. Louis.
Then he entered the wire field In
earnest. He organised the Southern
Wire Company In 180. and later the
Rraddock Wire Company, near Pitta
burg. lie absorbed two other com
panies Into the. Consolidated Steel tt
Wire Compariy and aold the combina
tion to the Federal Steel Company In
ltDl. "Than he organised the American
Steel aV Wire Com pan v. which la bow
a part of the United States Steel Cor
poration. He bees ma Identified with many
other large deals and la now a director
In a large number of railroad and
other rorporatlona Hla home la In
New Tork.
Iloat Swamps on Shallow-pool lake;
Companion Gets Ahort.
VANCOUVER. Wash, July 10. (Spa
rial.) Guy Klltaon waa drowned lata
today In Shallowpool Lake, near Buch
mler Slough, aeven mllea from Van
couver. Ha waa tt years old.
Ellison went to the lake on a motor
cycle and with a oompanlon pushed a
boat Into the laae. i ne dobi Degan to
leak and aoon became waterlogged.
Ellison fell Into the water while the
man In tha boat, with a pole, managed
to keep afloat. A woman on the bank
who saw tha accident called F. Stebln
ger. who attempted to rescue Ellison,
but the man aank before he could ba
tilbbr Coal Mine Leased.
JIARSHFIELD. Or.. July 30. (Spe
cial.) George Doll, who haa been op
erating a small mine In South Marsh
fiald. haa leased tha Llbby coal mine
property from tha Reynolds Develop
ment Company, of Spokane, which re
cently purchased It. with 1000 acres of
W. Morjcnn fchuster. After Prelimi
nary StruRRle With Oriental In
eptitude, Comes Off Victor and
Xew Order 'ow Prevails.
LONDON. July 80 W. Morgan Shus-
ter. the American who recently
post of Treasurer to tna rei ..
ernment, has already naa "PP""""'"
to learn of politics and business under
. . i Mm nt miller! and
a weaK urieniai Bu.n r - -
pushed about by tne iniriKur.
threata of European diplomats.
ills flrat trouble haa been with tne
moat powerful chiefs of the administra
tion and with the Russian and Belgian
Interests, which combined to break hla
Iower- .
Reports to uranon irom out..... -
British housea In Teheran give an in
tereatlng atory of the collapse of the
atand the Russian Minister. M. Poklev
akl. and the Belgian Director-General
r.i.tomx. M. Mornard. backed by the
Belgian Charge d'Affnlrea. mado against
Mr. bhuater and tne .-sationai munra.
Control GlTen to American.
The Council passed a law June 13
Investing the Treasurer-General with
the control of all revenues and the sole
power to sign checks qi government
M. Mornard previously had drawn
checka on the cuatoma" funds. He re
fused to recognise the new law and
contended that he still had that power,
r-hecka which he aliened were refuaed
by the Imperial Bank of Persia, an Eng
lish corporation handling a targe pan
of tbe government funds. These checks
were for eulnrles of customa" employee.
Mr. Shuster lsnued duplicative, which the
bank honored. Thia brought mattera
to a crisis.
The Belgian legation announced to
the Persian government that It would
not permit the Belgian employes of the
customs, who form a large proportion
of the force, to serve under Mr. Shuster
If the law was to be carried out. The
Russian Minister went further and de
clared emphatically that he would In
troduce Kusalana before he would sub
mit to Mr. Shusler'a single-handed con
trol. Several foreign obligations. Including
the Interest on foreign loans amortiza
tion, the payment of the Cossack bri
gade and the pension of the deposed
Shah were a charge on the customs of
the north. The Rus.olan and Belgian
diplomats took the stnnd that these In
terests were Imperilled by Mr. Shuster's
administration and also denied the pow
er of the National Council to pass such
a law as that of June 11.
Mr. Shuster then gave written notice
to the Imperial Rank and the Russian
bank that no disbursements would be
made from the customs' receipts until
all liens upon them had been paid and
Invited them to send representatives at
any time to examine the books end ac
counting methods of tbe treasury.
Cabinet Held In Line.
All the banks supported Mr. Shuster,
and the Council, which lias supported
him since his arrival, stood by him also.
The Cabinet was frightened by the Rus
sian Minister's threats and wavered for
some time. After a week's argument
the Treasurer-General prevailed upon
the Minister of Foreign Affairs to call
upon M. Mornard to comply with the
Then the opposition collapsed. In the
presence of the Cabinet of Mr. Shuster,
the Belgian Director-General of Cus
toms gave a formal undertaking to ac
cept the law and he and Mr. Shuster
parted on good terms. It was under
stood In Teheran that before Mr. Shus
ter left Washington the Russian Am
bassador there assured him that Russia
would not oppose his financial reforms.
With Tak or Many Pays Ahead,
Rescuers Will Fir el Drill Hole
for Air and Food.
JOPLIN. Mo, July 30. More than 100
men and boys are working desperately
tonight In an effort to sink a shaft to
the drift of a mine east of here In
which Joseph Clary. 21 years old. Is
held a prisoner under 70 feet of earth
and rock.
As It will be days before Clary can
be reached they are boring a six-Inch
hole through which Clary can be fur
nished with air, food and water If he
Is still alive.
Clary and another man were at the
bottom of the mine when the sldea be
gan' to cave. Tbe other man Vie hoist
ed to the top. but when his' feet
touched the edge of the mine the aides
fell with a roar. It Is believed Clary
was warned In time to escape the
avalanche and found safety In a far
corner of a drift, which Is 40 feet long.
Warrlng'a Ashe Duly Deposited In
Vault, Say Doty "a Lawyers.
NEW YORK. July SO. Tha ashes of
Colonel George EL Warring. Jr., are
resting In the Warring family vault In
Connecticut and were not thrown to
the winds, so that urn containing them
might be used for mixing a gin rtckey,
as testified to yesterday by Arthur
Denyson before the commission Investi
gating the situation at quarantine, ac
cording to Information given out here.
In a statement Issued In behalf of
Pr. Alvah H. Doty, health officer at
Quarantine, his attorney, George S.
Scofleld, aaya:
"I have located Frederick Hagal, of
Woodcliff. N. J., who came ,'tb yuaran
tlne for tha remains of Cqlone War
ring. Tha aahea were handed to B'm in
two urna and he telle ma vrere aubse
quently interred in the family vaut In
Albany Kxtends Pavtnff.'r ,'
ALBANY. Or.. July 30. ) Special)
Albany'a rapidly-widening paved area
probably will be further ln-reased ty
a resolution which haa passM the City
Council for the paving of Sixth street
from Washington to Baker streets.
School's out, vacation's here, the children are home all the day, playing as hard as they can mak
ineVwv minute count. You can make this a Summer that they will remember for years to come
if occasionally you will phone the nearest dealer and surprise them with a quart o
It is the purest, cleanest food that they can eat. It makes for health, rosy cheeks and well-regulated
stomachs and appetites. Give the kiddies a surprise tomorrow. :
Canadian Cruiser's Hull Is
Pierced on Ledge.
Wlrelcea Messages for Aid Aro Re
sponded To Quickly Abandon
ment to Sea Was at One Time
Thought Probable Course.
HALIFAX, N. S.t July 30. The pro
tected cruiser Niohe, flagship of the
Canadian navy, waa saved to the Do
mlnion a young aea atrength after be
ing Impaled for five hours on the south
west ledge of Cape Sable early today.
Her hull waa pierced In several
places. the starboard nglne-room
awamped vith water and other com
partment flooded. No lives were lost.
The exact means of the relier oi me
Nlobe are not known here, but it is
supposed she floated on a rising tide.
Commander McDonald anchored the
N'obe in a safe position some distance
from the scene of "her mishap, awaiting
tna arrival of the government steamers
Iady Lauriar and Stanley, which were
dispatched to her assistance early this
morning from St. John. .
Boats' Crews Return.
A heavy fog enshrouded the coast.
and It is said that there was a south
east gale blowing.
Sixteen men of the crew who left
the cruiser In two boats were the cause
of much anxiety for hours after the
accident, as they were lost In the fog
and at the mercy of the gale and strong
tide, which it waa feared would wreck
them on one of the many ledges about
Cape Sable. It was learned by wireless
tonight that all have rejoined their
ship. They went back to the cruiser In
one boat, the other apparently having
been wrecked.
So extreme aas considered the plight
of the Nlobe when the ship first
grounded that Commander McDonald
ordered all boats cleared away, ready
for abandonment of the vessel if nec
essary. The two boats which were lost
for a time with their crews were the
first over the side, general launching of
the boats having been deferred until a
definite idea of the condition of the
veaael had been gained.
Vessel Plied on Ledge.
The Nlobe piled upon the southwest
ledg" at 12:35 this morning, when
rounding Cape Sable, on her return to
her home port from Yarmouth, where
her officers and crew, bad been partici
pating In an Old Home Week celebra
tion. Tha impact waa ao heavy aa to
drive her hard upon the pinnacle of
rock and to arouse every man on board.
The wireless apparatus waa brought
Into play. Calls were heard at East
port and as far south as Boston and
were picked up also at Cape Race, N.
V.. and Sable Island; also at Father
Point, Quebec. They resulted In the
quick dispatch of the government
steamer Aberdeen from this port and
the Lady Laurier and Stanley from St.
John, N. B.. aa well aa of aeveral other
veasela from other porta.
' Cont!nuad From First Paaa.)
promptly granted every request, and
aome of them were mighty flimsy.
Things finally got ao bad that the
Civil Service Reform Association filed
chargea agalnat the commissioners and
asked Oovernor DIx to remove them
for utter disregard of the merit sys
tem. But tha Governor, even with the
Rochester platform in his mind's eye,
quashed the charges, and tbe civil ser
vice law Is continually violated.
One of the worst of many bad bills
was pushed through by Senator Fraw
ley, a strong Tammany man. When
the trana'er tax law was first put Into
effect. Its conduct was a scandal, ow
ing to the fact that the appraisers
made fat fees and theae came out cf
the estates. Under Governor Hughes,
reform was instituted, " and the ap
pralaera were made civil service em
ployes with fixed salaries. Frawley's
bill, which waa obligingly, algned by
the Governor, ousts these officials and
permlte the Surrogate of New York
County to name the men In the vari
ous caaea that may arise, and to com
penaate them in ( fees. V
Who Is John P. Cohalan?
Who Is the Surrogate of New . York
County Anawer, John P Cohalan.
Who la John P. Cohalan? The brother
of Supreme Court Justice Dan Coha
lan. Murphy's political adviser. From
which it Is safe to assume that Murphy
did not violently object to the bill.
Many Republicans were holding
offices bv appointment when the
Democrats marched Into Albany. Very
few are on their Jobs now. for thay
have been "ripped out" right and left.
In each and every case the. Democrats
had a good reason for their action.
They wanted the place for 6 Murphy
man. and they took it. Important
among the changes were those affect
ing the State Court of Claims, al
though lawyers, regardless of party,
and members of the Supreme Court
openly urged that the incumbents be
not dlsturbed; the Highway Commis
sion, a trio of high-class men. and the
Board of Advisory canal Engineers.
The last two shifts hand over to State
Engineer Benson absolute control of
the state's highways and canals, and
explains why he was willing to resign
a 12.000 a year Job, practically for
life, for the chance to run for a $5000
a year berth that Is only good for a
period of two years.
Over in Brooklyn, the Chief Clerk
of the County Court, the Commissioner
of Records, and the Commissioner of
Jurors were all ousted and provision
made for the appointment of succes
sors by certain Democratic office
holders. In Mount Vernon, which has
a Democratic mayor and a Republi
can common council, the mayor is
given power to name office-holders
without the necessity of having them
confirmed. In several upstate cities
where' the reverse rules, the common
council has been given the right to
elect officials without - the mayor's
participation in the work. And so it
Tammany Man Twitted.
During the closing days of the ses
sion, a Tammany assemblyman was
being twitted with the record of his
party. To which he replied:
"We may only be here a short time,
but you will never be able to forget
that you have entertained us."
And these words, spoken in Jest,
are very much the truth.
The Legislature which has Just de
parted is, without exception, the most
grasping and gree'dy on record. The
interest of the state has never been
considered, always the supposed inter
ests of the party. It has been a case
of grab from start to finish.
The Republicans have high hopes of
recapturing the Assembly this Fall,
and even many Democrats admit that
the chances are against their party.
But It is not worrying them in the
"Get every -assemDiyman n yuu
want to," they say. "The Senate holds
- it u nnthpr vear at least
you cannot undo what we have done."
All of whlcn is correct, mm num
Tammany standpoint probably satis
factory. But to Democrats who had
high hopes or taking ine
the Democratic column in 1912, the
prospects are dark, and their private
nininns of "Grasping Murphy" are
far from flattering.
However, if Murphy ana nis pais
.ir.ia nf vears more of high
living, such as they are at present
enjoying, they win noi won
about National affairs. For Tammany
-. v, . hoan and fllwavS Will be
a strictly local affair, run for the in
terests of a few men, wno ao nui.
Ject to being abused, so long as the
revenues come in steaauy, uu u De
ficient volume.
Seattle Branch Only Ono In West
Which Is Returning Profit Big
Shippers Favor Mints.
WASHINGTON, July 80. More land
marks of the old West will begin to January 1. unless' Congress
should pass legislation to maintain the
Western assay offices on tneir present
basis. .f
nAflmmfln hiu decided to dou
ble the charge for assaying at Dead-
wood. Carson, Bait neionm
and Seattle. Members of Congresa from
.v i,.aa nrntest that Increased
Ua- r
charges will close the officea because
the mining companies wui pr'
their gold to the mints, where the aa
aaylng charge will t be Increased.
Treasury officials say the offices have
been' a dead loss for years. Seattle,
they say, does quite a business In as
saying gold that cornea from Alaska,
but at all others the Government loses
"TheGovemment established most of
these offices in the stirring days when
a messenger setting out with a fortune
In hie saddle bag often failed to return,
and the professional "assayer" was
classed with the card sharper and the
"gun man." Nomlner was assured of
an honest assay of his treasure.
But with the advent of mining ma
chinery the offices became lees useful
because many of the big companies sent
their gold direct to the mlnts.
Government Assures Bishops , of
Friendship for Church.
LISBON. July 30. The government
has addressed a circular letter to 'the
Bishops of Portugal, affirming that no
hostility toward the church Is Intended
and requesting the bishops if they
have any complaints to formulate them.
The republic, eays the circular. Is en
deavoring to create a regime of Jus
tice and-- desires to remove Injustice.
It asks the prelates to give their ad
hesion to the republic without con
ditions, because conditions are incon
sistent with the moral authority of the
republic. 1
Four anarchists have been arrested
at Avelro,
Charlotte, N. C., Left Wholly
Without Supply.
Sanitary Guards Patrol Streets and
Extra Firemen Are Employed.
Danger of Epidemic of Disease
Is Growing Hourly.
CHARLOTTE, N. C, July 30. With
the big ponds which have furnished
Charlotte's water supply for many
years mere stretches of sun-baked mud,
and the stop-cocks to the small supply
In the reservoir shut down tight since
Friday, this city Is undergoing a period
of serious distress.
The danger of disease and fire Is
growing every hour.
No rain of consequence has rallen in
this city for weeks. With the water
famine, the sewer system has been
abandoned, and this has brought about
sui-h a menace to health that stringent
sanitary regulations have been adopted.
Special sanitary guards are being
sworn in every day to patrol the city,
along with squads- of extra firemen,
for the city would be absolutely at the
mercy of the flames should a blaze
Hundreds are leaving Charlotte,
flocking to the seaside and mountain
resorts to escape tne crisis.
West Stayton Asks- Postofflce.
WEST STAYTON, Or., July 30. (Spe
cial.) Application for the establish
ment of a postofflce at West Stayton
was forwarded today to Washington
with a Jlst signed by citizens asking
for the appointment of D. M. Mclnnis
as postmaster. Since the coming of the
Willamette Valley Irrigated Land Com
pany there has been decided need for a
postofflce, not only for the new set
tlers, but because of the large amount
of mall sent out by the West Stayton
Commercial Club, which recently is
sued 6000 irrigation pamphlets and 10,
000 small booklets.
Corporation Fees Grow,
SALEM, Or., July 30. (Special.) Ac
cording to figures complied today by Cor
poration Clerk Babcock, the foreign cor
porations, starting In business In Oregon,
paid J1S32 In fees during July, or an aver
age of .61 a day, one of the biggest
months in the history of the depart
ment. .
19th and Wilson Streets
Seasoned Wood
Green Wood
Banfield-Veysey Fuel Co.
Slain 353
75 Fifth St.
Portland Printing House Co.
i. 1 Wright. Pre., and Oca. MM
Veok, Catalog a autl CamniareUa
. BiuUlBc and Blank Book Ml
rhenas: liala 4201. A S2l
a. nth and Taylor straata,
Partlana. a.
T II r 1Q Women as well as men are
W flU I J made miserable by kidney and
T-f-k bladder trouble. Dr. Kilmer's
1 J Swamp-Root the great kidney
Bl A Kl C remedy promptly relieves. At
LAIYlHi druggists In fifty-cent and
dollar sixes. Tou may have a sample bottla,
by mall free, also pamphlet telling all about
It. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton.
Kew Tork.