13 tii Moireix" onrnoyiAy. moxpay, jxy 31, 1911. REAL HTlTr rwc H-Ai'BE BAH IAIN. rir Bale t.l Acre under slow. S3 mnr ready to w ; fair 6 J. old barn, good orchard, lots frul'. plenty rwnning rr. & milee from Molai'.a Corner. 1 n-He front W I pott -r-ln- M f-Hea from Portland rai.ro.. raw b:n truilt to M o la. Thl rn l worth jx of "T en s fnonr. r.- can be had during Best dais far H&M: reasonati turnip Ln v';t lb la, by all xmw AIJr'M AV 2WJ. 'regonlaa. FOR A RETIRED rOI PLS. THi i a tp.Md.il. ho itk plae. n auii tow la upper Wt.ia itt ai:r; 7 room kuuM and two acr. tbreo mm itte from the baiinna eB'f of th town, i hour from Portland; In high "f ru tiva'lon; IRHX wl.l hand thia. bal inr el vr cat- Columbia Truat C(n- par.r. 444ih at. TUALATIN VALI.EI FAKM. For a quick eal. will lat thia S-acT farm go 'way under th markat valua. It la en-haif ander cultivation, aa fina aoll a raa be found la tha Valley, at t.'OO an tta It eauoot b duplicated. It la only l. mil aut oa tha Canyon road. V--""' from ictrt etatlon. small caah pay mrat; baiaaca In 3 yeara CALL HJ-13 TEN PLDO. Jl-A' RE farm. cl" to tb Willamette Kir all aader cu.tlvatloo. small room brut and rood barn; well of Br.a water; mile from lor and achool; price I !. Thia la a Una buy. W eetern 6 rurltlaa r. 414 Spqidlng b'dg. 4ir..LB 'nr."v.. Tha only towo on aartri of lata than 1ni that attrartad th attantlon of u-B aaainaa aa World a Work l"ua of D--. vlo auBUiant lo Induro th wiaaaaara to aacd a rapraaaaiatlTa or tba aurroundln country, to t aa oirmt Information rarlln th rrr'aa airuiala of two railway, to r'l'll Htl. Thaa. two rallwara ba mrndad corar IHiHlLr-.i a i uwv. v . - . . in l. laa'l that a pra;iy ""a-- nt lara In boalnaas and cloaa-la raidnr prP- . . . . .. BM .."m laraa lot. lota. r."a!40 only four block from th L'n Ion laail alia at iv - ""tiib jirvrLrN KOLl.rR ro.. inc.. . J Buolanan P:d.. Waab. at. row Mi t TTMwrm i!cia. v . u t. r D I iVTI HOVOHT AND HOLD. . -. J. MCRACKCN. a4 tcKa-lndv " . . . . . Hu Mnr Hmbf r'ht. ran Join amall party, lojil Cham bar trc itnnwca VI WAJtT Ta bu!M yoar heat: Will lat Tow pay ua monthly for It. ail at our eiacwa u lU aa what you want. LM'- bT' t RITT rovPAXT. TUB Ii'.Vfl IiriLIKII.4. ta Flour Hack tn and Oak Sia. n.rajc.iv morrRTT. Wanted Vacant or poorly improyad. loo l aoata of Morriaon to Mill atr-1 and im aa Sacoad t Taatb. AS Z-L iirifnn'u. g bav a bla damand or W-at Pi ! born ruiuti la prt from l"0. to ). La olr W (rouna nwr -" ANTEr Jlt 1-t lhal $"! will buy; ta partlculara. J :i tiraaioian. TO EXCILtXCE. STCAXORE ACRES- on tha Oraaham-Caaadaro ala-trlr Una: Jnhnaoa fak and th Footer road raa t.-irousb tiycajnor Acraa. Naw da pot right la cntr of tract. Xt arroag aura la lb Barat part of u tnomaa i oanty. Via axrbanga bycamor arr traeta. traa from anrumbraar. for lacltlmat o.ullla la raaldanca or buatnraa proprtla W btra on tract of - acraa that w wll ttrhtnet. Tak alt bar tn C.raaham or Caadn car from rirat and Alder atraota and gal off tl c nj t w. CaU and t r'air f fyamora W. H. tuINL'iTAFK. It S3 Taoa Ill-g. Mala 1X A -t- l CEO t "f-HAt.K. 'J.' Mtark St. Kim lai. A Zwl A-'RSAGB READT FOR PLANTI.VO. Wa hava 1 or It-trr tract of cloarad arag:, aloaa to atatloa. ona hour to lortiand. at l:a aa acra. and will laka trttt lot or oquity la houaa aa flrat pay meat. Thia Is flrt-claaa OWE.V-IIE TKt'ST CO. x.umbrmna lll(.. aih and mark BCV.1AI.oW TO EXCHANGE, fist acjulty In good A-room bungalow In boalneaa dlatrlrt oa Alborta at., near 1'ith; will tak good lot or acreage, bai aaca at $ J pr month. GRr!I A ZAIX)W. 1T Board of Trada H.Jg- 4th and Oak. WHEAT FAKM. A Tna farm of 0O a. rea. wall loratod. cloea to R. R: no crop failure: all In r iiUTatioa: will taka up to Io trada and term on balanca arrancad ao plara will pay for Iteelf. Inreatlgat thia If you want a barra.n. AH 2--l. ororonlan. ILL trada my liSO equity In Lauraihural lt fr good launt-b or dlamonda; la trad ing f"r launch It mint b good, well-paint- ! and la the beat of ahape. t all Marshall 114 or A IMi after T it P. U. Call bast 41KJ. Jar. J. H. Tarply sSfclW steam. boiating ngln and brick i vator with cable guula. latest Improred eniupment; wul U for cas or exchanc fr Portlaad real aatat value 411uu. fnon Mala 'J7U. Vot'l.ry axhanc my STA equity tn Lars modem Portland Height residence for moriitf or contract, coaid ua d or T-roorn rldene on Caal aid or aoma arresc. T y4. Oregonlan. K'M i lo IT aoree la cultleatloa at Met. drum atatloa. on Oracn City lln. to eicbang for S?SOO to 4."iwi. boos. C. L. 1 1 m be - s r. room 2 Lumbermrta bldg. ILL trad my equity. Ill. la tnodrra bungalow for eteAr lot ar acreag. bai anr payabl at fid par month. 7 per cent. AF '. utumltl. $;m and lot arrea of aaw timber, for a fra In th VtUey. or property la I'ort l I. aa aarsBta. lual tiyiaiaa sl. l ort- lad. -T. 7 I'llK 4hlT goamniee bond to trade for a ntd d ejnasu to. Wbat bae you ? ak 2h i 'regomaa. AilM AlwCITT It fin rler view proper, cloea in. f ir unincumbered city IvL X Oreaaaiaa. 3'CR farra sthaage. bualneaa chancea or rMm;ng-aau. call oa u -rthwat IKallC. II f Jloard of Trada IMd. 2lT e w n er, bomeetead relinfiuUhment and city lota; anything. M - -. tnec;oalao. ys WOKTH uwtlmt property to trade fr good timber. iirifnltn. Iiavk nn aectrta piano win tirnant f.r flats or acreage. AL 21. Oreconlen. l.r! and qultl ta trad for bousa. Uw ard. i awvend bldg. rom ralk. Her... Vehtcle. Etc. a IX heaa of braa. 4 waons for sal oa A'lgusl L If team, waisht 0O. ana l-era. weAght Saoo; aa weight. ?itj.. wQl be sold oa warrant at Columbia tblea. tn Front at. H. al. K 1 or k tN K team, mar 7 yr aid. bora a yeera .d; welgaa 3taO pouaUa. tuad, trae work ers, worn slagle aad doable; for l-lvd. In. q lira Lawiars rlara. ltb aad Coach eta, Aaa foe Mr. Keen. iH ALK vn fln apaa of mares. S and 4 ears old; weight 24-At pouade: aaa teana ef young boraea, weight - V paoaasi e.irtnd and true. T2 KuaH St. LANU'AD of Eastern Oregoa horse Just arrived; will be a-4 Wedneaday. Aug. i. at puMia ncuas. 141 llta at. North; ; P , sharp. lR IIC Ona Bae black mar, T years d. weight pooada. sound aad trua n-t Pneae.l SI. M i r all al erica, good horva sad buacy. 21 s-4ch at. a - end of Hawthorn ava. 'rune, wa.k weet 1 block. 1 soutn. t.H rAl.E Bay pony chaap; aulla. for kepr route or ramping outfit. , 314, . r C tit. 8'J E. stb St. N. '"R HALE rear -old drlvlac mar, guar anteed aoud. city broke: price ,44t at a.ld today. East 42. B 2C42. FINE, large, fast pacwr. carriage and bar neaa. a ar xchaag for auduraaA acra-a-. Vaia 1414 er al 4774. iK HILL 4 da.lvary wagoaa In good or , -r. pricea from (ta ta 4A Al 14 Oraad itil. near L- Morriaon. FOR SAt.r. Oood heavy war lea now Fhone .a' .v.'7 4-t E. atark. A I I'l "I N D grae mirt, centle bad trua. Wsl.wa. Jud Eaat BuraauA. FOR HAL. Ha . Vehicle. Etc. A1TTIO.V BALE OF HORSES. Tt lUAI. Al Ol ST 1. AT 2 P. t. haa dlacoatlnued our . at 42 lliathoma ev. and harrattar wa wl.l bold our rafular auction aa.e itTr Tuea dai at 3 p. M. at 24 ilonttominf tt. cor. 6tb. Tor oar opealng aala on Aug. t. w wl, hav a rar.oad of horse and mirl Vppad in by Mr. Suttr. from Walla nt.it. Thia ock la a. I right out of farm work young and bound and raady for Immadiata rvlc. Thy ar from 4 to I yer old at d weigh from iii lo 14' each. Wa w.ll alto aail aa uaual consigned horara, tt blrlaa. harnaaa, ate Th -aa n!n will ba ondurtad on our racular ON-THE-SQCARE plan. Krary horaa will ba rrprrtntd and sold sxartly aa ha la and yog c-t th aama truaraotca that you would set from any othar ra tiasia bca1na firm at a prlvata aala. THE MfMI'IIT HORtSS MULE CO.. HIM Montaomary St.. Cor. frta. Minbill 1411 AUCTION H. Ki.ilS AT AUCTION Tudey. Aug. 1. Why our aucttone ar becoming popu lar. First snd foremost, we do business absolutely oa I ha square. Wa sell horses for their atual value, or about 25 per cent lesa than yon caa buy thorn, at private sale. How caa wa do thai? you win say. Be cause, whea peopl rend us their horses to soil, ihey have no further use for them, and ar willing to lake the msrket price for l hem. W will not allow any ono to misrepre sent a hors that w sell. W hitch and try nery florae after th ssl before w let them be taken awsy; and If they are not aa represented, your deposit la cheer fully refunded. W are here lo stay, and solicit your patronage on business principles. THK Ml'RPHV H'RE A Mll.B CO.. 2H4 Montgomery St.. cor. din. t'hune U.nh.ll 14IX Auction sale of boraea harness and wagone. on Tuesday. Auguat 1. at 2 P. mvkA T ., ih.r..fiar we will hold e wl.l sell llveetock for anona on com mlvalon al attctloa or private sa.. Haw thorne sve. hiablee. phona fi, U B 4-1 Hawthorne ae. lll'HI'US ilfOGIE. 111'Sliri.HD WAGONH. KAOLB tLJIP WAllOXa. 7tefore yea buy. either above, a ear atoek and eel nrtcaa. W ar located Ml tde the blxh rent district and for that reason caa H cheaper. Why buy a aaa-aed-band vehicle whea you raa (at aew atea al about the same prfac. It M. WAUE A C-A, 23 Hawthorn ava, Fo nS L K Hora" sn".j"l: r h tdel Ivery" w agoa If taken at once. Phon E. i30i. . Aalomobltc STEV ;..H lit EA Having purchased a new lull. Ipasmg-r. -cylln.er tev ens. I nffr for en: mv tI'. A-pasenger 4yllnler- at.vrns. which t have run a year with no repair expena. It la now overhau'ed and newly pain'ed. Tou sel dom Ond olfcr-d this .ua.lty machins. I wl.l sell for ftlieal lesa than It coat, oa eeay terms, to reapooa.ble party, or trade f..r r.Nl r-l estate or mortgage. W. L Morsan. '3 Abmg'on br.lg.. I'ortland. AV FI.EOTRK' CAR. Elegant Woois electric 'rtorla. cannot tell ll from new; owner lending Ih city: must part wiit It: w.ll sell f.r rath, on lima wuh spproveil security, or will trade for real eatAl. Call up the owner by ption at room -13 Imperial Hotl up to Fuadav evening; after that address P. O. box !. Iloqutam, Wash. PACKARD SNAP? W bav a 7-pasener Packard and en b-passenger for sale with our guar antee. FRANK C. niGC.-t. rsrkard gsrxg. 1.1,1 and Wash; FRANKLIN rsr nesrly new. In fins order. 4',o, run. s.w" easy i tim.ni., we Hawthorne n. Zetoach. owner, 710 Hoard of Trade, slake ma aa offe-. vlARAtiK" I've and dead storage, pstntma and repairing a sp-cialty. Wll.arr'tte Motor Car. i-'o. all lUetlmrm av. East b.-2. Al'TOilOBILE to exchange for good rest eststs. will Irads my six-cylinder Wlnton. completel equlrtped for ciiy property. Inquire 43 forbett bltlg FOR ft ALE CHEAP. Owner will se l or trad for good real estate Wlnton HIS with toy tonne. a. L 21 Oregonlan. A BAROAIN. rtaker electric virtorla; rltv and will aell cheap, man. lady leaving: K 29. Orego- T?K r ALL Al M o ' niri' r. 3 to 6-ton Auto, truck with dump body and fully equipped- I. 2 2. Oreg.mlsn. COLll R'! ELECTRIC; fin condition; S'WW It taaen m 1 1 for Hupmobile. Phone Main !. A H1X 4-rA-iLMlKR, 1MH. 4-cyliader. SO-hors auto, lltniet as as new, i i . ji trade. E "T. Oregonlan. tll.nl EWl'lTT In a-room cottage to Chang fr 4 or 6-passsagsr auto. Phone Marshall mas. RklAL esiata mortgags to trad for a good automobile. X 2M. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 4-pasasnger auto la A-l con d.tlon: l)4 caah. Phone Main 4'ltH. t-.Hi CAr'H. or 1410 trada bus auto good or ier: co-t t?.e. A I. 22. Oresonlan. Ilaaw. Organa aad Moaaral Iset ruroeota. AM honestly In need of money; will aac- rlfic my piano ana paintings, si. a; please tnivn. 223Fifth st. ' " ' lllrda. Due and Pet Stock. BOSTON terrier pups, cheap, 6S 4th St. t'hones Mala ana a a"-. VENTS Sl'tTS REDUCED, (tea! Men' 1 we-p to sea tbem salt at such ridiculously low prtcee! Suits that I hava been aclllng during tha aeaaon at priree away below those of the stores on Ihe street 1 HAVE KNIFED AGAIN ! Come early. 170 suits for 10. 124 suits at 1J: lid suits at 114. JIMMY DL'NN. Room 31 i oregonlan BIdg. THE finest gun In lha world'" Fox. D. B. 12 ga. auto elector, beaut llful Circassian walnut stok. right mod. Targsl 2.'3 No. h shot tn .liMncn circle st 4U ysrda Left full .ino No. a same. Brsnd nw. Phon :aet 37T or rail at k'.'S Henry bldg! Al'rljl New and Id-band: low price. sy terrr.s: safaa opened, repaired and painted. PI H. tl.L SAFal CO, and PORTLAND PAKE I'O.. 14 Jth st Mala lo. A 4114. FOR bAI.E One o-horeepowr traction a- r.na alir.oet new I Avery manei. av.ao a !- trurka Wallace CrowelL Bel- .Itnxnam. Wuh. lHOlMKPOWl!K. 4-ycle engine. with B-w ahaft beartnge and reierae outtit complete. Addreaa J. 1L D-. Boa 720. Aa tor:, or iAFKH U allghtly need, fireproof, single and douMe dre: cheap. PL III ELL SAFE t' . 43 tth St. Main 3o0. Ti'VC DOCTOR. !f your stova doesn't baka ther la aomelhlng wroag. I caa fla it, 44. Kaat btorriaon. Phone Fast 1022. hAIMUN llolltop oak deak and chair. fuit-top oak deek. Ihextoa envelope seal er, unit sretem fillnc esse, vail Tu4 Leaia building, or phone Main 43. MOTORIDAT 4 -AO. 15-30 h. p.. S cylinders. aieed 1 m.Tee. ure boat st A. llmmirs houseboat, south of Molorboat Club. C C Meyer. I'nlon lepot. EX"EPTI' N Al. irpewrtter bargains for tne weea: Rem.agtor.a. f Ml; nratta Premtera 27 10; lu-ea. tl7jtt- Nartaweat Type writer Co.. o ath st. IOl LLE stereopticop, with gsao;in and iilith l.gate. ii eunes ana lc:ura. at a bargain. 227 Larrabea eu Bar aura that you get thm freah: coma aad pick them off th vln. lo cents a q iart ia45 IMvtsioa st . Hawthorne car. WILL sell 1 shares of T O. Peck auto wheel stock for l:5- par sbar If taken at once. AN 2vl. Oregonlan. 1'OH t-AI.E OoM-plald llolton cornt- In Srat'Clasa coadltloa. cheap. AO 270, Ore gonlsn. tea SaLaV Six-roel Jawa.er-s saowraaa aad :I-fJt wallcaaa. A. A M. Lelovsga. 12. Waablnrtotu 1S-FOOT taancb and launch houaa. gaa en-g-:n la good ah ape. l2j. Call Marshall 119 or !lwood 410. JUKaS good staamahoval. la good aaadl tlon. Apply 434 Go:dmlth street. GOOD brood sow for aala. Addreaa X 24. lr.ronlao. FOR aala cheap, lid wood or coal ran g e, good as new Phone A 743k. Contractors' equlpmeat by lnltad Engineer ing A Coniructln Co.. 711 Lewis bldg. tJo-INCH roii-top deak. chair, and fu'I glsas bed l-a. 4 Board of Trad bldg. bafe. large eefe. gtod aa nsw. for sal cheap, terms If yoa wish AP 244. Oregonlan. Jtort' 'N-rirTl HE outfit for sale. Inquire ar 21 Couch st. lilUlva. for sai. phon Ward. 23 roe.. WaveUaaa ar C lMH. a regular hycsi'h-k tuciiin. r. j ..... will .e sold under a guarantee. No mis representations wt:i be presented at any of our sal a If after th sa. you And th horse hsv been misrepresented, you do not have to tak them. Next Turaday wa will have eeveral horses of all claasea for sale. FOR SALE. Salacellaaeona. MEN'S TROUPERS. Men. buy your pants from mi! no profit tacked on tor tne oenemi o. o $3 it trousers at M . trousers at 13. Jimmy Dunn, room ale. urvgr.n..n ...e- CENTS soillalre diamond ring. 14 caisia. blue white, cheap for cash. Titta. Ore gonlan. W A NT K I M I HCELLAN EOfS. WE T1L Y CLOTHING. FLIINITUUE. TOOL rilgnesi pric pii iw - - - rast-olt clothing. hoe. furniture, too ies la. 2V0 mecnsnic logx-m. -' Flri SL Th Oloba. TwANT to buy tank for a water Tm In a amall town r.'ar Portland: Iron tank - . . - n. ai 1 1 rk r preferred. I mm iu.uuu to e-'" capacity, stall particulars to 414 spa ing pojb. WANTED Oaaoline launch about J5 lona. with heavy duty engln. suit for towing: state price and full details first letter, also phone number. A3 . Oregonlsn. Ijr TCU tsvs household furniture to as call up Crsorga Bakr Co., 152 Park i pales at resiueooee m m w.- w V. E pay moat for any kind of furnltura yoa don't want. Uala avlA. A titX Ford Auction Co. ot Tool .U..h.i nriee nald for 'all kind Lavlx Zd-hand macnanio. iokridi w' Hdare. Co.. 22U Front. Main Oi2- HIGH CIS r pricea rld for furniture, stoves, ranges, etc.. etc' Call up East lUt ce.l at Boa Ksat aomwn w WANTED Good cara for 2 colli pups. vs a. pay mi n-suee Km . " - - hand furniture. Sealer A Martin. Phone Eaet J114 4i Hawthorne ava. . . . . ...rf i nn Phone motor, a-paaew, a-o .-.- - Main STi'i WANTED Movlnr picture machine fllntA folding chairs, eto. al sj. yjragoni. HELP WANTED MALE. 7VCIDENT. Cine of UinTl Office) Eecretarr Kmploymeat Department T. M. C A. Tortnr man, stranger, out of work (frt Ms total caeh asset) It I pay yon 4 for spcclsl amployoient tnemnersnip. t win have only 14 lext Del wee a ma aaa sisriw- Seerctarr If yoa pay 13 for TclaI arnpioymsDt membership you will have th l. St. i'. A. who lis resource awiwee. yoa and starvation. Calle for men. .................. .....121S positions eilod Kew sMmban ..................... 4 Employment metnoerahlp s"tmrantea am- pioymcnt or re I 'in j or iBimwnni? f:' two months full mmbrsaip priv leeee I II montha aoclal nrtvtlegee and uadartakea to kaep (arty employed during tn tail term 04 Bttsteaiiaip w . further charge. ... W have oonstant demand for hirn grade. erprrlsn-ed msav Are yea HUM tor a bailor posltloaf Sea secretary employment - department T. M. C .- WANTED A voune- man who Is capable of earning $2'o or more per month. This Is no cinch, but 10 the maa woo nas louno. lhat there la nothing In working all hi 111 at a small wage for tha other lellow w are prepared to offer a permanent, lucrative position If Ihs man can deliver the good a State previous sxperlence la answering. AO 278. OregonlBB. , WANTED Ona second-class aaalatant alilp draftsman at 42-00 per diem; a competi tive exs.ulnstlon will be held August .I'l. 1 41 1. for the purpose of filling t!ie shove f. 'Slilnn. For further Information address Commandant, Navy Yard. 1'ujrl Sound. Wl.h. U'ANTKU Fl-st-clnaa construction forenian familiar with general construction work. Including rock snd concrete work; must undei stand operation of derricks, hoia'.s ard hevy conatrtict Ion machinery. Send ropy of references and state salary. Ad dress A V n-13. oregonlsn. " WANTtll Experienced realty sale'inan to take rlie.rge of corps of Junior salesmen at.d act as district manager; must have ability to handle i.rospccla and clo business: no man under 3d years of ace considered: star age and prevlou experi ence In answering. AO 27.. Oregonlan. WANTED Fitly men. between the ages of 3 1 snd. 30 yean, for a lour of duty with K Company. Third Oregon Infantry nt Astoria Centennial, from August 7 to 17 Inclusive. Apply to Capt. K. o. Scott, the Armorv. Tenth and Couch streets, from 1 to 4 P. M. WANTED salesmen, experienced manaxine and book men, to represent current lit erature." ju. volume premium autl the niaKasin for 4111. Entirely new, never before ahown hero. Highest commissions. "Current Literature' PublishinB Co., room 40:1 Marquam bldkt. WANTED 10 good men lo enlist In Co. H, Third Inrantrv. tjreron -National liiinra; lull camp, near Astoria, Centenulal Knlr, from August 7 to 14. Apply Monday night. Co. II hcadqaartera. the Armory, H:h ami Couch. EAI E.-WEN. exclusive territory, big oppor tunities, stesdy position, complete line Yeklma Valley-grown fruit shsde and or r.smenlal stock; cash weekly; outllt free. Toppenisb Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wssh. JSUHSERTMEN WANTED Steady work with good wages tor soorr. inausinous, f Irsl-cVass men that can bud and graft Address California Nursery Company, Nliss, Calif. WANTED Pllent partner with $100: profit 10.1 per cent in vo naya lou tana anso lutely no chance. lo not arswer unless you hava the money. Give address for in terview. AJ 24. Oregonlan. liOTalL steward wanted by one of tha lead- Ing hotels of the city; must have exper ience and able to take charge of dining room; siate experience, references, salary expected In first Utter. HO, Oregonlsn. WANTEI Kirst-class man. polisher and stsreher; married man prercrred: girt per week for good man: wanted Immediately. Centralis Hteam Laundry, Centralla, Wash. MEATCUTTER wanted; cia make good proposition to rtgnt party; must De some, one who can manage a bualneaa. Call at 202 Morris sr. WANTED First-clans blacksmith for heavy work In construction camp: give refer ences and atala masre. Address AV 2o. iresonlan. WANTED Klret-claae blacksmith far all around work: must be steady: state place formerly emP'oyed. tit and tele phone number. A I'T'j, Oregonlan. 1 WANT two real estate salesmen for th best proposition In Orei-on. Apply at I2 liuchsnrn bldg. The Nawlon-Koller Co.. Inc. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa ciric Coast-grown nursery stock: cash paid , weekly. Pactflo Nursery Co., COS Corbstt bldg. SALESMEN To sell new census map of Wash. -or. Hustlers clear 2o to 473 wc-k:y. W7 Hoard of Trade. W A NTE D A capable, sober carbullder and repairer: state eiperlenoe and age, also reference. B 27a. Oregonlan. WANTED Capable doorman for machins shop; stst plaocs stapioyd. give ag and rcfercnc-a, C 2oO. Oregjnlan. WANTED An sporlenced solicitor and driver lor cJaning and dye house. Call I'll llth at. WANTED- t-olicltors for house-to-house cau vaas. ciprlng Valley Wins Co., 2d and Yamhill WA.NTalD Two eob-r bollermskera; steady work: state experience, phone number and refererc-a B 21. Oregonlan. TWO MEN with teams and waaone to haul brick. Phone Main BloO. Pacific Face Uru-k Co.. 4 2 Commercial Club bids'. WANTED Ist-elsaa architectural draughts man; none but first-class maa need ap- ply. C.M Henry Milg. alLE-'TKICl ANI. plumbers and aheet metal worker, nonunion, out of town. Apply 222 Commercial Clab bldg. FIHaT-CLASS lithographic stone engraver at one. Grant A font. Limited, 817 Cam tie stre-rt, Vancouver. B. C. BLACKSMITH'S hslper on steam hammer. Apply till Commercial Club bldg. STRUCT!.' RAL Iron workers, out of town. Apply 222 Commerrtsl Club bldg. LINEMEN, nonunion. Apply 22 Commerolal Club blda. A'.L-AROtND brush makers wanted. 6o East 17th at., Ihe People s Brush Fsetory. WANTED Dishwasher. Call Lunch. 4th and TamhtlL at Palm bHovV CARD WRITER wanted, apprentice; duties estlly learned. 242 Fifth St. CARPENTERS, nonunion, out of town. Ap ply 122 CommerclalCIub bldg. POT wanted In snto and aiara palntlns shop. Apply f..to Aldr t. LAki'-'lif-H.-i. out of town. Apply 222 Com mercial Club bldg. BOILERMAKER.0, nonunion. Commercial Club bldg. Apply il3 PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents, new offer. Cutherth a'udlo. Dekum bldg. A GOOD pisno playsr that caa sing tenor for vaudeville turn. A P 14. Oregonlsn. AN experienced pantryman, none other need apply. Oaburn Hotel. Rugene. Or. BARBER wanted, steady. 342 d at. HFTuP WANTED MALE. LB LB-BODIED men wanted for tha TJ. S. Marine Corps, betwsea tha ages of IS aad S3. Must be native bora or hare first paper. Monthly pay. (13 to !. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, q-tarters and modlcal attention free. After SO r'ars" servics can retire with 74 par cent of pay and allowances. Service oa board ship sad ashors In all parts of tha world. Apply at V. 8. Marina Corp Recruiting Office. Breeden bids, ad and Washington sts.. Portland. Or. BLACKSMITH WANTED. We have a good location for a first -class blacksmith and have th shou for rent at 415 per month, unfurnished, or will fur nish and take man on conimlalson basis. "Must bo good man and able to give good reference as to chsracter and ability; no boosefuchter need apply. Come for per sonal Interview to Culver. Oregon and call upon the undersigned. D.-V. klil. CO.. Office opposite the Depot. Culver. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALB. W ANTED TOUNO LADIES FOR TKLaV PRONE OPERATING. wTTE OR WITH OUT BXPERraWca. applt thb "a- CrriC TXLXPalOKB VELKGBAPH CO. east th ajtd AXKEkrr st APLE STENOGRAPHERS In search of po sitions usually regleter at our free em ployment department. We hava a number now ready to aend out. Call up Rm1?'' lon typewriter Co., Mala 8, A SUS. 243 4-tark st. OIKU WAKTBO. M Apply Standard Factory. Nv X Oraad m aad East Zarlar at. GIRL for cooklns and houwork In small family. 747 E. Madison. Hawthorn or bunnyslda cara Phone E. &V43. WANTED Ladv agents. Portland and other points. "LaCorona" and "Mine. McCabe Corsets. Large profile. Experience not necessary. SL Louis Corset Co., BL Louis, Mo. GOOD girl or womsn for light general housework In small family; good wages and permanent home to rlttht parly. Call 444 Enst 1-iih st. North, near Tillamook L Ul. I ri irii-.u a ' 1 ' " m- vnm; wages iu; in i""'i. required. East 2fc4. Sundays, between 11 snd 2. WANTED Toun lady, preferably a teach er, lor vgri Willi i . 1 1 1 i i-i . Journal ; good salary: permanent posi tion. Call 722 Marquam bide. CHOHC3 GIRLS. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. AP PLY SWISS HALL, 2S3V 3D ST.. AFTER 9 A. M. tuMl'tTLNT woman for g-eneral housework. 2 in lamtiy: no cniinren; iiuerai waae. Apply k'D Hlllott ave. In l.Jd s Addi tion. Take Hawthorne ave. car. WANTED Experienced cook for general noupewora. small inmuj, luuv . . . . 14th st.. corner Morrison. WANTED A middle-aged womsn lo taka charxe or two children, ana o yewra o.m. Apply 74 Rslelgh or phone Main 220. G1HL to cook and general housework, fam ily of 2; must be good cook. Apartment 2. 3H2 3d st. WAN I ED Kenned, capitis woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 60S Rota el. lid bldr.. 4th and Washington. MItS. KOWE'S LADIES' AGENCT. S24V Wsshlngton sL, room 314. Main avis or A .1261. EXPERIENCED girl to work In shooting sallerv; must be good shot. Addreaa v. J. Wn'ker. Walla Walla, Warh. EXPERIENCED waitress; none others need applv; good wages. Acme Jtestaurant, t N. Cth. LADIES to make pillow tops; good pay for all or spare time; experience unnecessary. 414 Stark at. WANTED Experienced chocolate and cream dippers. Modern confectionery Co.. utn ami 'lloyt. GIRL wanted for ceneral housework, family of two: no cashing. Apply to 4lO's Mor rison at. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCT. 2tt WashinRton st.. cor. 7th. upstair. Phone Ms In 2ni.a. TRl'STWORTH V. practical woman for per manent position with reliable people; ex perience unnecesssry. V 290. Oregonlan. COOK at once, aood salary, country hotel. Phone M-irrnall 32111. WANTED Young girl to work in ice cream store. 0.10 Hurnalrie st. DIN ING-ROOM girl, good salary, country hole!. Phone Marrhail 320s. GOOD woman pastry cook wanted. Apply O-D JiwiriBi.ii e. INTELLIGENT women to solicit orders for photographic wura. -.an at iv naisey. WANTED An experienced srirl for general hottsework. Apply 4..0 fiollaaay ave. WANTKD Experienced waitress. 186 5th at., w oman s Exchange. WANTED Experienced waitress. Apply Rebs s. 404 w ssn ington. Det. lutn tna 11m. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and general housework. 11U Overton, near 23d St. EXPERIENCED girl tor general housework. 828 Kearney. WAITREM at 82 Sixth sL LADY bookkeeper, insurance office. AH 2S3, Oregonlan. COMPETENT girl for general housework; nust be good cook. 484 Everett flf. WANTED Lsdy to do work on ladlea and men's clothes, nil 1 04 11m sr. GIRL for general housswork and cooking. Phone Main tioa WANTED Marker and eorter. Coos Bay steam launary. starsnrieia. ur. 2;iCE woman for llsht general work; smalt war -a 781 warsnaii. GIRL to do second woik. Apply N. K. cor ner both ana J., xaaison. HELP WANTED MALK OR fTMALE. BEST proposition to good solicitors: $ a weak. to 1 A. M.. to o r. ai asi it East Bttrnsld. room 14. WANTED Fraternal deputies, district and local: beat proposition in tna state, tit Chambsr of Commerce. If ELP WANTED Ml.SCEI.LANEOrS. MEN WANTED Age 18-3.1. to become fire man, SDOUt tlVV DinotiiiT. uiwinin " on nearby rallroada Kxperience uaaec essary. Positions guaranteed competent tun. Promotion. Ksllroad Employing Headquarters. 4864 ent to positions In lvlo. Stat age: nam poeltloa preferred. Railway Association. Box A V. Oregonlan. 10 (HO POSITIONS tor gi luate lstl year: man ana women learn ttrotr iraae ia a weeks, help to ecur position; gradu ate am from (II to t2a weekly; xprt Instructors; tools free; writs for oa la lot ue. Mohler System of Collages. 44 North 4th sL. Portland. Or. WANTED MEN TO LEARN To operate movlng-plcture: operator earn 423 to 140 weekly; special price oa lessons today. N. Y. School of M. P. Operating &2 Washington, near 17th. STENOGRAPHER, experienced or begin ners. tnorOUSniy inm-u aim pimu 10 position. Eclectic Buslnea University, tViO Worcester block. BY reading the Bonvllle Square Deal you will know wny you wi ma aiteaaiiiy employed. MAKE money writing hort storlss. or for apera; nig pay; ire w.ev tvn Bww. rilled press Syndicate. Ban Francisco. WAXTEO Ladles to learn beauty culture; best place on tne coast, oaunai j rariort, 400-412 Dekum bldg. LEARN good-paying trade, that aasures you eood income. mu. ...... .u. w jo.i 111s iboroiighly tsoght. I.semmle. 333 Oak at. ,.uulj au.NAi, currrapoodanoa scaeei. l.a! office 2.14 Aiar a.. salt ivst. VhIV iTE achool SHORTHAND and TTPS r K1T1NO. 41 mo. :m 14th st. Main gA W LL tint room for 42.00 ano paint noose at you, price t-u-.ii-- o?.vTRn Younr men to learn movlnr- pl'cture operating. - Laemmle. 3113 Oak st. WANTED At once. 3 men lo leara to drive and repair automobllea 30 N. 7th St. F1SK TEACHERS" Swstland bldg. ASSOCIATION. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerka. BOOKKEEPER. cott accountant. office manager. A-t references. R. 284, Orego nlsn. WET.!.-EDUCATED " young man withe clerical position, or as collector; refer ence. D 292, Oregonlan. SITTATTON8 WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. TOUNO man. with several years experience as collector, bookkeeper and office man ager, wishes position with reliable firm, wholesale house preferred; best references from former employers. AJ 2Si. Orego nlan. EXPERIENCED bank clerk desires position with a bank or any other office, where there Is connected foreign business, or steamship agency. Speaks about IS lan guages. J. Youshkavich. 754 Alblna ave. Portland. Or. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, correspond ent, young man, experienced in office and secretarial work, mercantile lines In East, tnwnslte and Irrigation in west, seeks po sition where he can prove worth; steady. AS 293. Oregonlan, A vnrvn man enod habits, wants position In wholesale house; tobacco and cigar preferred. B 281, Oregonlan. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSS uR WRITS op books, prepare balances and statements. Install systems. Gllllncbam. auditor. 411 Lewis bldg.. Marshall ill. Miscellaneoaa. AUTO mechanic and chauffeur. 3 years' ac tlv. exDerience as mechanician, for pn.-tt' year employed bv one of iarce't companies In Portland. Capable of assuming charge of and maintaining any gas car or of re pairing same; want to mane a cnn-. would aceeor drivlnir noaltion Where SerV- Ices-of good man will be appreciated, or aa mechanician in cnarge 01 repair aepnii ment: no oblection to leaving city. AH 809. Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE DRIVER AND MECHANIC If you are looking for a classy expert driver and high-grade machinist to keep down the expense 01 your car at iimk" month. 1 m your man. Aaaress u Oregonlan. -c-ri vi a-rriH Tnunr man wishes position with general contractor; well recom mended; moderate salary. V 296. Orego nlan. POSITION aa assistant cashier by young married man; has been bookkeeper and assistant cashier 1 year; roi ences. R. L. AOama. gut-ternem. m".o- UAN and wife aa janitor In an P"me' house, thoroughly experienced in it" heat, understand all repairing. Phone East 8502. Mr. uropie. noci"- . riD-Ti iftq mechanical draftsman, 10 years' experience, with prime references, went a steady position, H. Alcalay 423 -j 1st t RELIABLE, experienced vegetable gardener, 1 . i ... ..ar nt chickens, etc.. unueiateiius ' - . . wishes steady position as caretaker. AJ 22. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS cook, with bet references. work in hotel or restaurant. G. Rogers. Oswego, or. hi u-svuth a first-clans. all-round ateady blacksmith wanta position In city or country, ax sho. ui-i'" HOUSE cleaning and window washing or Janitor work. Main 7826. Andrew J. MAN and wife would like position aa Jan ltor. AO 30. Oregonlan. Competent chauffeur, repair man 'a;""1"' engineer. E. 603. 1 Unlon ave. is..u!te19. keat vounc man 1 wnnts any kind 01 work. AK 22. Oregonlan PAINTER wants work, day or Job; very low price. A.I 2. orejoriian. JAPANESE boy wants few hours' work In morning or evening. At- -q. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EASTERN stenographer, with fveral years' experience, desires whole or half-day po sition, substitute or permanent; parsed li per cent examination: city references, moderate salary. V 'JO.i. Oregonlan. WANTED Permanent position by lady with 8 years experience oooKaeepuiB auu hch eral office work: best references. Phone Main 8774 Y'OUNO LADY' stenographer desire posi tion. Phones n ii.i.i. tt ju-i. Dressmakers, EXPERIENCED dressmaker and ladies" tailor wsnts sewing at home. Main 7710. DRESSMAKING and tailoring by day. Phone Main 186tt. A 6125. WANTED Dressmaking, to go by the day. Call Main 2478. DRESSMAKING and plain sewin-5 by day: experienced. Phone Tabor 41. Housekeepers. uinnt.P.-tflEh widow wishes charge of apartment-house; thoroughly experienced; can furnish best local referencea G 2S3. Oregonlan, MIDDLE-AGED LADY would like position ns housekeeper in small family. Mrs. W W.. 201 3d st. AV elderly ladv wants a place as house-kee-per or cook. Apply at 1192 East 2th St. North, Domestics. COLORED woman for day work or bun dles to take home. Main o8."8. Miaccllaneous. COLORED WOMAN wants work for Tu.es. ..... tv.. n..H a v Thursday. Friday, straight along, no half days. Phone Tabor 292. YOUNG lady. thoroughly experienced, wishes position In cleaning, pressing es tablishment Phone A 134.1. - WANTED Ptckllns. preserving and Jellies by experienced woman in nrst-ciaaa uumc AH 290, oregonlan. Y'OI'N'G ladv singer desires position wiin moving-picture theater; can also play pi ano, phon Main 942."i. occurivciTin' woman wishes care of apart ment-house by first of .September. Address R 2X1. Oregonlan. REFINED young woman wishes position as companion to agreeable lady: will assist with llEht housework. AJ 292, oresoniau. cnnprTRMT colored woman would like d'ay'a work for Monday and Wednesday. Call Main 7414, Mrs. E. M. Webb. WANT to take care of 1 or 2 children. 1131 East 25th St. North. Phone Woodlawn . 3200. GOOD laundress wishes work Tuesday and Thursday. Phone Woodlawn 1391. LACE curtains hand laundered, pair. Main 839S. 30 cents WOMAN wishes housecleanlng, washing, by the hour or day, .v. jw SWEDISH girl wants housework. AN" 280. Oregonlan S GIRLS want housework. 754 Montana ave. WOM VN wishes work by day. A 144T. WANTED AGENTS. RELIABLE salesman can make big money selling our well-known line of hardy non Irrigated tree, shrubs, rosea, etc; out fit furnished; caah weekly. Address Ore con Nursery Company. Ornco. Or WANTED Few men. city and country, to demonstrate article that sells Itself; make 41 on every sale; experience not neces sary. Call or write, room 2, 687 Waahlng ton St., upsta!ra! . A PROPOSITION that will pay you from 46 to $12 per day, brilliant opportunles for the right men or ladles. United Factories Co.. 202 Swetland bldg. WANTED TO KENT. House. ADVERTISER wlshe to rent 6 or B-room unfurnished bungalow, furnace heat, gas and electricity; desirable; two In family. AK 264. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent : new, modern 6-T-room house or bungalow; Walnut Park or Irv Ington. M 23. Oregonlan; A part-agents. WANTED To rent six-room Bat, ground floor West Side, long term; no children. J 29ft. Oregonlan. WANTED By 2 gentlemen, two light, airy rooms, with bath; references exchanged. A 27J. Oregonlan Business Place. STORE. ISO. West Sld ences, reliable, bank Main 6558. , modern con von 1 referencaa. Phone WANTED Y'oung man wlshe room and board with private family. AH 284. Ore gon len BOARD and room byyoung man. $3 a week. A 282, Oregonlan. " FOR RENT. tt 00 ma. "JUST WHAT TOTJ WANT." Famished or unfurnished rooms, single, n suite, sll conveniences, best loeattoa. -MILNER BLDQ-." 1504 Morrison St. Furnished Rooms. NICELY furnished rooms, close in; special rates to permanents; transient trade solic ited. The Baker. 2BSt, Fifth St. THE LARRABEE. 227 1 Larrabee St.; mod ern, cool, airy rooms, transient 60c and up ; special rates week or month, c. sm. THE TEMPLE. 1431 Yamhill St., opposite Hotel Portland, furnished rooms 42.50 a week up: transient. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at moderate pricea. Cor. 3d and Montgomery. I iuit ret .1 c- v" " Furnished Rooms. THE GARLAND HOTEL. THE GARLAND HOTEL. THE GARLAND HOTEL, Corner Washington and 19th Stg. Trinity Place, No. 25. New three-story brick building. All outside rooms. Fine quartered-oak furniture. Axminater and Wilton carpets. Telephone in every room. Hot and cold water in each. Large closets. Large rooms, well lighted. Cas and electricity. Strictly modern. Very reasonable rates. Rooms by day, week, month. Walking distance. 1 New! . New! New! Fine, large, cool rooms at price unap proachable in this vicinity. NOW OPSIN! NOW OPEN! NOW .P.E? Those three beautifully furnished hotel. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS Ji'tV.? 213i '4th st. JUl 4th st. 20. U 4th St. On Fourth t-. running from Taylor t Salmon at. Brand new brl-k. elegantly furnished; iteam heat, private baths, not and cold water in all rooms; strictly up-to-date In all respects, and at popular prires. If you want something out 01 ins ordinary In the heart of the city at reas onable prices, give us a call, a w. know you will Ilk It. Room by the day. w or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CAPLES. Residential. 850 Taylor. Transient. Bet. Tth and Park sia Opposite Heillg Theater. Central quiet, rooms with private bath. etc. from 1 dally; suites or single rooms at low tatea: weekly or monthly terms ; new. handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele phones, hot and cold running water. Fiom talon Depot "J" car to Taylor, or VT car to 7th: from Hoyt-street PtK"iK"!. car. transfer oa Morrison to 7th. Phon Marshall 2200. BARGENT HOTEL. Grand ave. and Haw thorne, beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water; steam heat and telephone in every room: special Summer rates by week or month to permanent guests. F1"t" class grill In connection. Transient , so licited. . HOTEL RAINIER, One block from Union Depot: 14 out side roOTr.e. with hot and cold water, every thing brand new; special rates by the week or month; give ua a trial. Transient rate 40c to (2 per day; weekly rates fit. 541 up. HOTEL SAVON. 181 Eleventh st. i ,. i.r,,w H.itldina. tram-heat edl private baths, hot and cold water ia rooms, beautuuuy lurniaiieu, iij. ' V able. Rents very reasonapie. . - ul Regular and translent trado solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. skti. -.-uir Htirni aa. We have a few very pleasant modern rooms, which we !.! make special Sum mer rates on transient, 50c to Sl.oO per dnv. 42 to 46 per WeeK. liast ovw, jo -i-iu. ANTLERS HOTEL. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completelv renovated; everything flrst . with hath 11.50 and up: 427 per month with private Laths; special low Summer rates by 10th and Washington. week or month. CALUMET HOTEL. Park L. between Morrison and Alder. Heart of the city; quiet and modern; free bus or W car at depot: rates 11 single, 41.50 double; also family rooms with pr bate bath, etc Kates per week. THE BURNS. ti nv.Tt n'EEK and ud. with hot and cold running water and free telephones In everv room, close in, new, eivtauuj furnished brick building. 105H 12th SL, near Washington. Marshall 27U0. HOT EL KENWICK, An Ideal home for business people; centrally located; ele gant rooms all modern convenlenceai 7th. and Taylor at., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Hellig Theater. Mala Mid. PEER HOTEL7 cor. East 3d and Burnslde Bt3 Modern In every resjicct. Special rates by week or month lor permanent guests; rooms single or en suite, 43 per week and u;. Transient solicited. bUSHMALK HOTEL. 17th and Washington Newly furnished rooms, single or ulie- private baths, steam heat, hot and cold "water and phone in all room; rats reasonable; transients solicitsd. HOTEL MORRISON Cool, airy rooms, new lv renovated, running water. 2 up. Free bath and phone. Also furnislled house keetiinc rooms. 333 Morrison st. a.IGH'1' airy rooms, modern, suites or sin gle. 12 and 13 week; nve mlnuiee' walk to TneaiHra h.iiu .wtw. - . dell Hotel. 828 4th. HOTEL BURTON, Yamhill and 2d street. Strictly modern, reasonable rates by the day, week or month. B. W. Fisher, Man ager. NORRIS HOTEL, rooms modern. 43.50 and up per week. 132 Mi 17th st. LARGE, airy rooms, 43 up; tran., 50c up. 8S1 Yamhill. . Furnished Boom In Private Tamlly. a LARGE furnished rooms, suitable for two a-antlemcn: wanting uii."-c town: prices reasonaDie. Phone A 4624. 221 10th st. LARGE handsomely furnished front room, 5 windows, private porch, large closet, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; also pleas ant tingle room. 385 Mill t. NICELY furnished. outside. light, airy rooms, on second floor; suitable for one or two gentlemen; rent very reasouauio. .... 10th St.; phone A 4087. LARGE, airy room, strictly modern home, lawn flowers, etc; no children; aelect residence section, close In; two meals. If desired. C 2SHL ROOM In a j-eflued private home. West feide, Walking distance; no sign. 352 Jackson. Marshall 84i'L NEWLY furnished rooms, gas. bath, elec tricity and phone. 4UK Halsey. 1 block from Union. Phone East 4839. THREE furnished rooms and one Parlor bedroom, hot and cold water. 4.4 Clay, corner 14th, walking distance. ONE large, nicely furnished front room, suit able for 1 or 2. 400 Park st. Phone A able 721 J. $10 single room;, cool, light, pleasant sur roundings; desirable for gentleman, w est Park Main 9000. SMALL, neatly furnished room, facing park blocks. All modern conveniences; 410 per month, ad'-' H Park st. LARGE, handsomely furnished front room. 3 windows; aiao eiiin.no. walking distance. 429 Market. A 4Qf. COOL, pleasant front room, facing park, on able for' one or two. Phone Main 31)06. NOB HILL, attractive rooms, beautiful sur roundings; small ivu.i, Flanders. NICE front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; very resvii.ui-- near Jtaaii"". v-l RNIHED room, euitable for two gentle men, "with board. 195 16th sL Itefer- men ences. LARGE front room, reasonable. 4 oiocks from Steel Ajnuge. . --. -2033. NICE large room in modern private house. close in, suitauio ' 128 10th st. TWO furnished room, private family; 1 would nreierj.win LARGE, well furnished front room, suitable e..e two: -NOD niii. x none " NICE front bay window room, close In, 112. 2H8 14ttl st. NICE large light room, free pnone, oaio. etc. 01 layior u KOOMS from 2.50 to 43.50 per weea: nignt r.n cents. ::. nm -v. FURNISHED flat. 3 rooms and bath; children. tuu '" NEWLY furnished room-. 43 N. 20th t- 1'none tiaiu qpioj. FURNISHED front room for rent. $14 per month. 797 Michigan ave. woodlawn 207. CLEAN, attractive room, "-block off Wash ington st. J j. -mm a-- 649 TAYLOR ST. Beautiful rooms, single ind en suite, witn or wimum uwaici. NEAT room. 3 per week for ; 2.50 for one. 268 'Awcum ac 42 TO 43 PER WEEK Desirable location; gentlemen preferred. 805 12th tL PARLOR, bedroom and one single room, well furnished; modern, rewauiiauic. on.' nui. FIRST floor, front room; for one or two; reasonable, 2ts inm ac. Rooms and Board. THE MANITCU 261 13th, new manage ment; tnorougniy renovated; inviting rooms: choice board. Main 1184. TWO fine rooms, hot and cold water, home COOKing. 1 no J1HK Ilui 11 a. u.i nc.ii... Under new management. CHOICE board and large room, facing the park, very reasonan ,e. ei i-ara. THE CALVAP.D, 452 Morrison, corner 13th: rooms with ooara; modern conveniences. TWO large rooms, single oren suite; choice tauie ootni, 00 .luitu ..in. "Rooms and Board. DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close in, near car, 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. REST VILLA Under new management; newly furnished, large, airy rooms, fine grounds, best board in the city; one block from Washington st. 49 North 17th t- PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year; room with board, us of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. Rooms WHh Board in Private Family. WILL give good home to invalids or epi leptics in the country; best care; expe rienced. Mrs." H. S. Stuckford. Vancou ver. Wash. R. F. D. No. BOARD and room in private family for man and wife or two ladies; modern and up-to-date with use of piano. 766 Glisan St. Phone Marshall 3241. LARGE front room with board, also a small one; good home cooking. 515 Mor rison st. NEWLY furnished rooms, 410. $20 and ,2o per month; excellent board near; 754 Hoyt Marshall 220. LARGE rooms, newly furnished, modern, furnace heat, board If desired. 340 Has-salo-st. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen, in private . boardlnc-house. centrally located. 195 inn street. . WELL-FURNISHED room with bestboard; large porcn ana grounus. 31am .mi. BOARD and room for two; private family. 545 Yamhill st. ROOM and board. 653 Washington St., for one or two gentlemen: rale reasonable. ROOM and board for lady. 422.50 a month. Phone Main 3SU. Call 787 Glisan tt. FURNISHED rooms with board: price rea sonable. 595 EaBt Oak st. B 2619. FOR RENT Large furnished room, 2 meals for 2 ladles or gentlemen. 635 Belmont St. FJRST-CLASS room and board, family style. 61)9 Everett St.; 23d-st. car. $20 FRONT room for two, all modern con venlences. 88 N. 17th St. ROOM and board In strictly private family In Piedmont. Phone Woodlawn 2345J ROOMS, with board. Call 389 Taylor; vate boarding-house. prt- Apartmenta. THE BUENA VISTA. Corner 12th and Harrison Sts. Desirable parties with references may now make reservations in this elegant new apartment-house. Fine, large, two and three-room apartments, with every mod ern convenience: specially ventilated kitchens; extra large closets. Furnished and unfurnished. Under the management of the owners, and the very best service guaranteed. Phone Main 5903. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of ISth and Jefferson sts.. four and five-room apartments, unfurnished, with "reception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific States telephone in every apart ment and the most modern convenience found in the city. Phone Main 2086 or call up main office. Main 6704. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month $26. 430 and up. Must be seen to be appreciated. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett St. New and elegantly furnished apart ments. 8 rooms, reception halt and Sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacifto telephone; located in one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance. NEW MANAGEMENT. The Re-Ukan, 624 Marshall, between 19th and 20th, by far tha most homeilku apartment-house In city; Nob Hill dis trict, all modern conveniences, prlvata bath, phones, cool verandas, sleeping porches, lawn and flowers; call and Judge for yourself; Summer rates; tak "W" car. Main 6032. A 3191- PENINSULA APARTMENTS On of Port land's finest apartment-houses; 4-mlnut car service; beautiful part city to live, 1135V4 Alblna ave.. oor. Killingswortii. Take Mississippi. L or Kenton car at 3d and Wash, sts., 15 mln. ride; 2, 8 and 4 rooms, completely furnished. 417.50 to 430 mo.; also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 2201. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia sts. First-class 2 and 3 room furnished and unfurnished apart ments; all modern conveniences; beat lo cation in the city, fronting th parks, and only 5 minutes' walk from the business center. Apply' to manager. THE MEREDITH. 713 Washington: under new manage ment; 2, 4 and 4-room apt., furnished or unfurnished; up-to-date, clean and modern; private bath; telephone; rates reasonable i best service. Phone Mala 7110. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay Sts. Large 4-room. front, corner suite, un furnished, vestibule, closets, private bath aad phone, electrl elevator, walking dis tance; splendid view. Wa alao hava 3 rooin apartments, unfurnished. IONIAN COURT. 670 couch, 1 block from Washington st., on 18th st.; tel. Main 1192. 8 and 4-room modern apartments, steam heat, eleotrlo elevator, hot and cold water, telephone and Janitor services. Apply of manager; reference required. EXCLUSIVE apartments; a large room and bath; private entranoe; large front and back private porches; maid's room In bae ment: beat, hot water, vaouuro cleaning system: ranges, refrigerators. 791 North rup. Phone Main 9358. ORDERLEIGH apar' 01 to ts, cor. Grand ave. and East Stark St.; new. fireproof brick building, beaul.fuily furnished, two snd three-room apai iint.ita, private bath, free phone, ciot and oold water Ice box. 110 carfare. Summer rates. Phone East 300. THE IRVING. 489 Irving St.; Aug. 1, one four and one flve-room apartment; private bath, all outside rooms. Janitor service. tc; also garage for rent; reference. Phon A 3099. THE CHESTERBURY. Cor 20th and Kearney. New and beautifully furnished and on furnished S-room apartments; splendid lo cation: Summer rate. Call and se man ager at apartments or phone Marshall 3d. THE NEW CHETOPA ANNEX. 18TH ST.. ANbiAK J? LAN UC.XVO. New 4-story concrete building. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished and unfur nished; new furniture, modern. Apply 10 the Chetopa. 13th and Flanders sts. LINCOLN APTS-, corner tth and Lincoln sis. completely furnished 2-room apart ments for housekeeping, everything new and modern, house Just opened, walking distance: no children; 22 to 430. Phone Main 13TT. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnlshd and unfurnished; comforts of home; private phone and baths, elevators, private playground for children; Ideal location. 228 N. 20th su Marshall 2028. THE RE-UKAN APARTMENTS. New management, new concrete building with elaborately furnished 8-room apart ments, modern conveniences, lawn, cool ve randas' Janitor service: reasonable, walk ing distance. 624 Marshall sL; take "W" car. Main 6032 or A 8191. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 7th and Jef ferson sts. A 3-room apt. with bath, unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con venience; modern and only 5 mln. walk from P. O. Very reasonable rent. PARK APARTMENTS Park and Harrison sts beautiful 8 and 4-room apartments furnished for housekeeping; everything new and modern; elevator, telephone free. 45 to 400. '"PAfJR APARTMENTS. New, modern, private phone and bath; furnished and unfurnished; rent reason able. East 8th and Burnslde. Phone B 1(118. THH M'KINLET. 429 East Morrison, Corner 7th. 3, 2 and 4 rooma, high-grade furnished apts. ; private baths, best service, moder ate pricea LOIS APARTMENTS. 704 Hoyt st 8-room furnlsnea Bpuniunu, laip. iovhib, large screened sleeping porch, private bath and phone, electric and tireless cook- ers. Janitor service; reicre-cca required. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished 4-room apartment in one ut iicci. mu ntuii up-to-date apartment houses in the city; walking distance. Phone Main 410-8. BAN MARCO Apartment. E. 8th and Couch NeW OTIC , l-iu. .if.iimci.iB, lllll bath and phone. Summer rates, 323 to 427. Call East 2751. THE JULIANA. 43 Trinity Place, bet. Wash, and Everett. Elegant 2 and 3-rooin apartments, very reasonable terms; close In. Marshall 1213. PARKHURST APARTMENTS. 3 and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished. 260 20th St. North. Phon Main 4038; or Main 1178. THE Beeyl Large room, larg closets. COOl ana airy lur ouiuiner; some rur- nlched apartments. . 21st and Lovejoy; take W car. BRAINTREE Elegant five-room apart ment, west sine; warning distance; rent reasonable. Main 7741. A MODERN five-room ground-rioor fur nished apartment, pnone tarsnau 200. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, 42.60 per week; gas. Dam, pnone. u a at,