THE 3IOKX1XG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1911. T Gasoline Schooner Makes Her Maiden Voyage. GfOD CARGO IS BROUGHT New Cmft I. a ru-fx-d FortnUlit Aro Arrirrm from Oregon Harbor. Boat I 100 Fee Lone and Haa Toanac of Carrying- a full eariro of aatry Tro- ... 1 riHt the a-aaollne schooner Tillamook yesterday entered la OITimDlS xviver - - " ' ace. 8be U from Cooa By and Tilla mook. The Tillamook was launched two ereeha ao from the waye of the Krai Banks shipyard at North Bend. Or. She la 140 feet Ion and J feet beam, with a tonnage of . She la owned by the Facinc jNavuraiiun vum pany and will ply regularly In tba . .'i - - - . . .. Tnrt ani4 r'nni Bay. Tl- I IV " w- - - qulna Bay and other Oregon ' eoaat point, tsao i ripcii ....... this afternoon and will dock at Coach, street. Tbere are several gasoline schooner now plying In d out of the Colum bia River and Oreiton porta. The sjsso tin schooner Wllhelmtna. Captain George Tyler, will leave Washington treat dock tonlaht with general rarao for Cooe Bay. Vaquina Bay and Flor ence. She will carry a quantity of ma chinery and eannecy supplies f ir plant on the Cwiullto River. Tho Wllhelmlna did not toocn at Vesture, as was reported and on her lset Tii. arriving Saturday, ahe cam from Florence via Newport. U,(T fr were encountered coming up th coast and Captain Tyler stood well out to aea all the way up. Deptt the fog. eh came the lie mllea from N.wport to Astoria In II hour. The Wllhelmlna carrlea a crew of flva men. Including her aktpper. ircr.r trohx is dvr soox Ornch Ship Will load Grain, It I Expected, for England. The French ahlp nuaruay Trouln. now 1? day out from Olaea-ow. Is eipacted off the Columbia River any day this week. Ph sailed from the Scotland harbor Febroary a. She Is In cargo to Meyer. Wilson Company, and will ba tho f. ret square-rigger to artira la tha rtvar from off-shoro la several months. Hera haa been a long passage, a the average run from Olaagow la mad la 1S to ISO days. It la probable tho Pognay Trotiln will load wheat outward for tha t'nlted Kingdom, although announcement of her charter to that effect haa not yet been made. Bha will b the first ship available for grain loading In Portland thla year. She has a tonnage of lJI tons, and Is a steel ship. Fhe baa never been In the Columbia. Sh waa built at Rouen. Franc. In 15- Henderson) Engine Intact. Captain Pel Shaver says the sunken steamer Henderson will b far enough out of water today to enable tem porary repair to b made, when sha will u rot-tlam. stow tim bers to replace those broken In Sat urday's attempt to lift her were) placed In poattlon yesterday morning, and the two new chains sent to the scene of the wreck aboard the Harvest Queen were passed around the hull of th wrecked veseeL according to Captain Hhaver. Saturday reports from Bus-by' rolnt. where the wreck la located, show that th Henderson has been righted and that receding waters In the Columbia have aided the salvage crew. The Hnderson-s boil ers and engines have been found to bo Intact, despite the fact that she was rammed extremely hard. The steam srs Shaver and Wauna are still stand ing by the Henderson, and will tow hr and the scows to Portland In tha vent of a euccessful raising. It Is probable the Henderson will be beached for temporary repairs berora he la brought to Portland. Lumber Schooner Graze Rock. ASTORIA. Or, July SO (Special.) When th lumber-laden schooner Lyman IX Foster arrived aown in. river about midnight, sh waa anchored so close to Otllman' Reef that sh swung onto th rocks. Mho waa float ed at high ltd today uninjured, and will aall for Chile neat Tuesday. Marine Note. The schooner Americana crossed out yesterday with lumber for Brlobane. Australia. A hugs floating crane will go Into commission this morning to handle the structural stsel of the new railroad bridge. Capacity crowds were taken out yes terdsy by the steamer Bailey Oatiert and Pallea City, of the Regulator Una. Cascade Locks being th objective point. After having a new mast stepped at puppies yards, th ateamer Su H. Kl more Captain Phrader. will leav out for Tillamook Tuesday. Th work will be don today. Th barkentln Oorgtna sailed from Callao for Portland July S7. Sha arrived there July Zl with a lumber cargo from Orav Harbor. She will again load lumber for the West Coast. Laden wi. general cargo and pas sengers th steamer Breakwater, of the Coos Bay Portland Steamship Compear, sailed from Alnsworth dork yesterday for Coo Bay and Eureka. The steamer Monarch haa been char tered to carry the preaa Club on their Katienjammer Krutsa to Bonneville nest Sunday. ravle! Nugget Morrison, alias Captain Kldd. will be la command. Ttia Monarch yesterday carried an ex cursion party to Multnomah Falls. Th escurslon steamer Spokane, of th Par i fie Coast Steamship Compaay'a fieet. which waa wrecked June J In Seymour Narrows and beached at Plum per Bay. will arrive at Seattle today In tow of th tug Salver. Sh waa salved by th British Columbia Salvage Coir.paay and after temporary repairs hat been made, left Nanatmo Saturday afternoon. Several persons were drowned when th Spokane went down. On her neat trip from Tillamook Bay. the steamer Golden Gate will bring canned salmon aa tha greater part of bar cargo. Th fishing season opened there recently and th two canneries In operation ar working full force of men. The rua la average at present, though eipected to develop Into the largest In ths history of fishing there. Th Olden Gat la echeduled to aall from Washington street for Tillamook tonight. Th Bank Lin steamer Kumerln. whlrh left Portland last weak for th Orient, vis, Puget Sound, arrived Sat urday at Kverett. Sh will load I7t.4 feet f lumber at Everett and then pro ceed to Port Blakel for another !,. feet, after wht-h sha will taks on a part cargo of ftour at Seattle. On TILLAMOOK IN thla, her first voyage tinder th flag of Waterhous at Company, sha will touch at the Philippines. Japan and China. She brought a general cargo from tho Orient to Portland, discharg ing at the North Bank dock. Th steamer Bear will shift this morning from Montgomery dock Xo t to Alnsworth dock preparatory to leav ing Portland for San Francisco and San Pedro on Tuesday. Sha will carry several hundred tons of general mer chandise to California. The flreboat George H. Wllllama waa pressed Into service yesterday at tha fir which threatened destruction to th Portland Lumber Company's mill. Tha fir craft pumped several atreama mora than (00 feat from th river for more than two hours. Th auxiliary fire-fighting plant at th mill also was worked, the giant nozzle on a tower In th yard throwing water several hun dred feet. 3EoTcnient of V easels. PORTLAND. Or. Jolr Steamer Tempi E. Dorr, from 6an Fran cisco: steamer Coaster, from Kan Frandeoo. Sallrd steamer Breakwater, for Cooe Hay. Astoria. July 3o. Condition at the mouth nf the river at $ P. M.. emooth; wind south miles; weather, clear. Arrived down during ths nlaht schooner Lyman D. Foster. Arrived down at B 10 A. M. (f hoon.r Lrfttt Bennett. Arrived at 11 A. M. and left up at aeon Steamer Temple SPEEDY 0AS0LDTE SCH00NEES BUILT IN N0ETH BEND SHIPYARD. if err i v. w v -t w It TILLAMOOK AU PATUr, WHICH WILL HVfi OIT or COO" BAT. MARSH FIELD. Or, July 0. (SpeclaL) At the Kruse and Banks shipyard la North Bend two gason schooners hae recently been completed. One la th Tillamook, which will run out of Astoria, and la owned by Charlea Dean and F. Coulter. The other Is the Patsy, which waa launched a few days ago. Both ar twin-screw boats. Their builder assert that they ar th finest gasoline schooners ever built on Coo Bay. EL Dorr, from Sea Francisco. Sailed at I P. it (khooDM Americana. for Unehene. Sailed el 40 P M. Steamer Breakwater, for Cooe Bay. Palled at T last night Steamer Tamatpaie. for tea Pvenclaro. Ar rl.l and lett op at to P. M. leamr Coaafer from Saa Prencteco. Sea FTaacteeo. Juir so. saneo eemev flnee Ctt. for Porllead. Belled Saturday Steamers Weehinstea. Kehalem and Kla math, for Portland. Keattle. Jolr AfTtveo pteiaer vie torla. from Tacoma: steamer T1erto. from e n preaclaco; etearoer ppoliaae. from Key mour imei; steamer Prince Kupert. from Prloe Kutert : eteemer M. P. Plent. from Saa Kranrieco; steamer Dolphin, from 8kac wer. SelleO Hteem-r ( Itv or t-uoia. lor Te'-ome. atesmer Victoria. f-r Some; eleem ahlp Prince Kupert. for Portland tanal: gTXAJUXB IwrELLtOKXCaV Kasse. Pear Northland. . . ue H. Elmer 'o!d3 Oe'.e. Ge. W. Ekdel Pa roa. . .... Baroceaa. ... Kenrik lb Koee city.... 'Anil Breakwater., Alliance. .... Beeer Boaaek...., Hercale. ... tratklyoa. .. From. . Van Poor. ... . San Franclac . Tllmool.... Data In port la port la por In port July tl July 11 July l Auc. Aul. 1 Auc. A us- 4 Aug. Anc- - Am. 7 Aug. 1 Aug. U . TUlamoea.... . .Saa Ptese. . . . .Sen Prmnelee ..Bsyoceaa.... lionskea.... ,.fa t'4re. ... .aadoa ..... Coos Bay . Kureka. ...... . fcaa Pedra.... ..Sea liera.... Boot kong. ... .Uooskoag. ... Per. Tillamook. Ttl.amook.. Data. Ooldea Oate. July SI Sua H. Flinsis. Aug. Arts. Aug. 1 Bear Bayoeeaa- Oeo. w. eid Northland. .. Anvil. ...... Falcon . . . ... Roe city.... Breakwater., Aillasc. ftoaaoke. ... , Kenrlk I bee a Bearer. . .... Berenice. ... Btrataiyoa. .. sea Pedra.., ..Baroceaa.... ..Fen rl-o. ... ,.Saa Francises ii end on . ..... Sao Francises ..Sea pedr.... ..Coos Bar.... A UK. Aug. Aus. Aus. Al. Ana. Aug. Aug. . Eureka. ..... ..Sea Dleae.... Bonckong... . San Pedre..., . Bonskong. .. Uiongkoag. .. le Aug. 11 Aug- 11 aepl. IS steamer Tiverton, per Port Gamble; sfeam- hip Admiral Sampson, for Bouihweeiera Tide at Asterta Mosuaay. High. Law. I 15 A. M... .7.9 feet 110 A. St.. ..1.4 feet IT P. S 1 feet M M P. U....1.S feet Tax Delegates Named. OLTMPIA. Wash, July 10. (Spe cial. ) Governor Hay has appointed C. B. Kegley. master of tha State Grange, and Tax Commissioners T. D. Rockwell and T. A. Pariah, delegates from Wash ington to th International Tax Con ference to h held at Richmond. Vv, In September AXrOEwEMT. MATUfia nut XXAT 15-23-5I liGHTI THEATER li-7S-Sa.7Sa HK JM.V II. aaa. "Cet-i-ellerf." Jack t eaeally a Margaret H'ebb. Merer e-h. Itetre. erdea A Mars. Albevtaa 1 Ira sad Jae4e Miller. ekjgy Matlae Every Day. impress w W Snlll.ea 41 raaetdln. HcOejea Taadeellle. WFFK Jfl. l -0 a we atree4. Mk areak lwe. Watawa aad IMijer. I "e t.raphoaheas I.u-I." sloblaewa aavd LaJerec, The Berreae. C.raadaeeepe. Prlcee. Metlneee 11c; Keening. ISO. X5 Fr K JI I.T ll. Th Sk.allag star, Ital ia TrW. 'hrtetaaaa at Hll-laa. popular prices Matinee daily 1 SO. T-lo. S. OAKS PARK Meat fiaie Asa safest Park la nar1a. Metraaalltaa Opera Qaartet Is '"Tea tins a Furora. WATCH PHILIP PELZ. QA. PABJL B.1XD. Bathe la tbe Natalorlum. Watch the Wonderful Oetrlchea Bring year friend t visit us. Amusement for eld and young. Admieatoa. 10c: children. Sr; under . frsa Pupils of psbtle schools under IS free oa Satardsr afternooaa Bring thena all. F1v-rewl Car Fare All Over Ike City. Take Fxsreea Tralaa First aad Aider. Fae Laaarhea. Men-lees Brtdg. y c.-sned TsaiivtTla. LEAP SAVES PAIR Cries of Sinking Couple At tract Patrol Boat. RESCUE FOLLOWS QUICKLY Bewildered by Fear of Drowning Girl and Man rnable to Grasp 14 f Preeexvers Which Are Thrown to Them. Br Jumptnc from th patrol boat Elldor Into th Wlllamett ivr. Roa Island yesterday evening. Nor- .. . Tfi.rH' man Schroedr, enctneer on th vessel. saved Helen Hunt and C. H. Rumbolt from drowning after both had been struggling In the water for mora than five minutes. Sergeant Carlson was attracted by the cries of the couple, neither of whom could swim. The cano In which they had been paddling ran afoul of driftwood near the Island and In their attempt to get Into clear wa ter. It was upset. The patrol boat would have effected an easy rsscue had th couple not become bewildered. Sergeant Carlson threw out a life preserver, but Rum bolt paid no attention to It. He strug gled with tha girl In an evident effort to save her. but In hla confualon ha held her under the water for fully two minutes, retaining a firm grip on her ankle. It was then that Schroe- der Jumped overboard. Both Rumbolt and Miss Hunt 11 v at 101 Koartnth street. In her struggles th girl lost a gold watch. Snsan Groat Dies, Aged 73. VANCOUVER. Wash, July 30. (Spe claL) Mrs. Susan Groat, 73 years old. died today at tha home of her daugh ter. Mrs. J. W. Chaney. Mrs. Groat Is survived by three daughters and four sons. Funeral services will bo held at Brush Prairie, Monday, at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Groat was a pioneer of Clark County. ACCTIOX SALES TODAY. AT Wilson's suction bona, et 1 A. M. Furniture. iTl-A-a Seoond street. TEEroro NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. . A. P. AND A. M. Special communication thla (Monday) evening. T and t;45 o'clock. B. in and Burnnlde. k. A. and F. C deereM. Vlnltnre welcome. Or. per . aa. j. it. n i . n .nu u. ec. DIXO. HETEs-In thla rlty. July 80. at IS HI Berk eley avenue. Edith Mey He yes. aged 30 year. Funeral notice In a later leaua. rtTNEHAL NOTICES. VOM BERGEN At hts lata residence. Oar den Borne. July 21. Fred Von Berzen. aged 14 years. II months. IS daya. The funeral services will bs held st Flnleys parlors. 12 o'clock noon, toriay Monday I. July SI. Frtenda Invited. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. CARET At the family residence near River dale. July SO. Louie Harrlnstou Carey, aved 2i years B months 10 daya Private funeral services will be held at Holman's chapel at P. M. today (Mondavi. Inter ment at Rlvervlew cemetery. Please omit flower. VANDfTN In this city, July 29, Frank Merwin. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanduya. Tbe funeral aervloea will b held at the family realdence. 77 Loreioy street, at lO A. M. today (MoDdayl. In terment Rlvarvlew cemetery. JENNE In thla city. July 30. Robert Jenne. of Heaverton. Or., ased 3j yeara I monlha anl : da j a. The funeral services will be held at Unleye parlore at 1:30 P. M. Tom der. Ausuat I. Frlenda Invited. Inter ment Mylvsn oemstery, BMTTH Port lend. Or.. July 2n. Mrs. Apol I'Teila Llvlnsston Pmyth. widow of William Hmth. Bangor Me. Born April IT lyM. In iMwatur. N. T. Funeral at 3 P. M. Tuee dey Auguet 1. from 4us Kaet IStb street. Baosor. Me., papers pleaee copy. VOJC BERGEN The funeral servlres of Fred Von li-rg-n will be held st pinlev a parlors St IS M. todsy. Inatead of 3 V. '.. aa was announced Frlende Invited. Interment Greenwood eemeter. lfOUNE A. J. limine, of i.ciiio. formerly Of The belles. July si. . .unil tomor row Tu-e,lar. at p. M. at Holman's undertaking parlora ELT At Ions. Or, July S. Mr. r. C Ely Funeral services at Lercha' Chanel. Last SlU and Alder eta. Tueeday. Auau.t 1. at 10 A. M. Interment In O. A. H. --emeterT. TOMCTH FLORAL CO, MAKglAM Ml.IKJ.. IIJJKAl. llP..liH Pbaaeei Mala Slut ) Alios. Daanlng alcRate. Funeral Blrerear. Tie. and Pine. t'bea Mala ua. LeMly ae atetaot. OWtc of teeniy Caewaer. A. H. Z ELL F. It CO, " HlluViae are. rawaa aeu avss, iwaa. Lady gaaceeeov t iteller-Byrae ta J. r. FINLKY a tK. sd aad MadAeaa. Lady atteotlaaL Phone Mala S. A IMS. allWARII HOLMA.X CO, Funeral Dtrer. ere, IM M at. Lady eealaiant. 1 bea Aa. Aw I. MAST SIDE Feaeral Direct ore. soeossssea )'. H. Dunning. Ina. E. . M lata. LEBTH. t'ndertaker. ear. Fas Alder aad aii Hi. East 1l. B ISM. Lady aeeiatant. Peace o a Co, taaeral director. 16S-S11 Raasell St. Lady aeeistanu Eaat 100. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFICE CITT HALL. Mala IN, A ISaa, HCMAXE OFFICE. IsmW Crate, Bestdeaea. 1 E. S4th K. East 4T7a. R. A. Veamlre, Fes. S Wssc St. ay. b. latea. Kea TS E. lata. East ITS. Here Ambaiaao. A 4101: Pr. Ex. 4. Klsbta asndeys asd Holidays, a, 1M) Pa Ex. Truss T- CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One time Ho ham ad tw caneecutlv tlmee. .t'io aant ad threa consecutive times 3Uo am ad els or seven coaaecutiva time. .Boo Remittances must accompaoy out-of-towa seders. ' Hit words count aa n lln a cash ad Veetlevmeail aad a ad counted for leea then tw lines. V) hew one sdvertlaement la not ran In con secutive leeoee th one-time rat applies. On charge or book aflrertieenienta ths charge will be based on tbe actual number of I luce appearing In tbe paper, regardless af the number of words In each Una. In ew Today all adverUeeoienta are charged by measure only, 14 line to ths tacfe. Tba above rates apply to advertleementa ander "New Today" and all other claastlica tlona excepting the following! Mtoatlone Wanted. Male. hituatlons Wanted, Femsle. Fur Kent. Rooiu. PrlviUe Fsmlllee. Kooma sad lt"exd. Irlvate Families. The rate on the above claeelflcatluna la V cents aline each Ineertlon. For tha accommodation of patron. The Oregonlan will accept claealfled advertlee menta over the telephone, providing ths sd vertieer la a suberriber te either phone. M Erics will be quoted over the phone, but III will be rendered the following day. Whether snbeequent advertisements will be accepted ever the phone depende upon th promptness at tue payment of leicpuuoe eu vertlMmente. Mtnatlnn Wanted and Per sonal advertleenients will not be accepted ver the telephone. Order for on Inerrtlon only will be accepted for "Bouses for Kent. Furniture for Sale," "Business Opportunl tlee." "Boomlna -bouses" and "Wanted to Kent.' NF.W TODAY. Why end. rem Is Booming Building Selling Advancing Two Raihvavs racing for BEND. 250,000 acres under irrirration. 40 Billion feet of yellow pine. 600,000 acres of cereal lands. Uo0,00U hy dro-electric power. UNLIM ITED pure water gravity flow. 250 sunshine daj's per year. A very mild, health ful climate. A wide-awake, hustling population, where capitalists from six cities are investing their money, KNOWING that BEND will make a city. Where we are selling largo lots, 50x140, with 80-foot streets and 20-foot alleys at $150; terms $10 per month. COME IN AND INVESTI GATE. BEND, OREGON HAS A GREAT FUTURE The Newlon-Kofler Co. INCORPORATED 302 Buchanan Building 22&y2 Washintgon St. Odd At'RES " " ne dairy or agrleul aeUvl tural land. Some in cultiva tion; some easy to put Into cultivation; some June overflow land, fine for grass or hay; two or three lakes (elegant hunting and flshlnjr proposition). The buildings a re very common; 20 head of good CHttle. 60 tons of hay In barn, span of horses, with all Implements, etc. Thla farm lies H miles north of the Courthouse In the City of Port land, on Sauvlea Island; about one mile across on the Island from Burllnc ton anjl near steamboat landing (hour ly service). The cultivated land Is a fine block soil, nearly equal to beaver dam. Ilclng so near the city makes this property a fine Investment on eaxy conditions. Price $7600 and 112,500 on mortgage for fK- years at 6 interest. J. W. OGILBEE Room II, 14.1H First .-, Portland, Or. AboutRcres On O.-W. R. & X. Desir able for factory warehouse, bunkers, or investment. Terms, if you want it. See this, then ask a man who knows. HARTfW THOMPSON " Realty Dept., ' ' Chamber of Commerce. Small HomeseekerV Friend f Ten and twenty-acre tracts 80 miles vrrat of Portland, 20 down. 110 per month. r It A K- X. KERRY, Mo. 4 North Mxth Kt. MORTGAGE LOANS 0 n $20,000 KC? JOHN E. CRONAN, HOf J JO 902 Spaldlna Bids;. . JO SEW TODAY. PORTLAND A magnificent property, on Ravens view Drive, for sale. This home has seven larfre rooms, all modern; ground value 110.000; house cost J6000. Will sell at $14,000 on quick sale. M F.RCHAXTS SAVIXT.S TRUST CO MP A " Y REAL ESTATE DEALEIW. Kfrk. William a.. 312 Failing bldg. BKIBAKKR BKNEDIOT, 602 McKay bldK. M. 54U. Chapln 4 Herlow. S32 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. Co., 0O8 Corbett bldg. Jennlnra ft Co. Main 1SS. 206 Oregonlan. .PALMKR-JONK3 CO.. H. P.. U13 Commer cial Club bldg. . The Oregon Keal Eatate Co.. Grand ava and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). EKAL ESTATE. For Sale lots. SPtriAI BARGAIN vein TT'Ti.n-w rn 1WF.9TOR3. .10W for a bunch of 6 oOnlOO lots. lo cated 1 mile from Madlson-at. bridge fronting on 4 streets. In a diBtrict where rented houeee sre at a premium: build cheap ft-room cottages with 25x50 for each house and you can put 20 house on theae lota which will rent as aoon as com nleteri for a month: this would Pay you 3IU0 a year and would pay for the lota me first year, borne ternie euu sums street aaaeatfraenla. This is a real bargain. Owaer must have money. Call at office. TCARD YOTTNGER, Suite 62d Yeon bldg. WOTLD you like to build a home under your own supervielon In a section where ine streets sre pavea, aewer, water, naa. electricity. In fact, every modern Im nrovement Is In. and where a small cash payment and easy monthly payments only are reaulred? Advertiser has a number of beautiful lots on which this arrange ment can be made. D Oregonlan. WIL1AMETTR HEIGHTS. 100100. The maet beautiful location for a real dence In Portland. Thla Is a bargain. Make ntter. HARTMAV ft THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. WEFT FIDS LOTS I loo. Right on carline. on upper Washington St.. wear swtn ana lamnm ueyuuu City Park: easy pa-menta NATIONAL REALTY TRUST CO.. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main 6120. BEAUMONT LOT, H0O. On.terma eaaler than under the com ninr'i reeular contracta: on Dared street, with water, gas and sewer all In. This la In the center or Dullding activity in wiia beautiful residence park; need the money for nr-salna obligation. Address Box S5. city. HSU half block, loox2n, with orchard of apple, prune, plum, cnerry ana peacn treea. This Is a sightly piece of property overlooking the city. It has a small timise ml rood ci icken-houae end fence. I must sell thla at once, aa I need eloOO Immediately. price, xz.uu. Bee owner, 414 Scalding blds ROSE CITY PARK LOT. Recced to ell mv eoultv In fine lot. fine location, cloae to car; 300 below the market; do not answer unless you mean business; must nave money, ax .l, ure gonlan. LOTS. ROSE CITY PARK. Fine residence lots, easy terms, S blocks from car, st their original prices, " AT 220. Oregonlan. flO DOWN. 10 PER MONTH. ITIna vl. int mAturerl fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of iraae dice. jnr- liall 473. A 1U22. IBVIVUTnv OtT a rteh BLOCK. 3300. 100x100 feet, corner. 8. 8 and 10 Brazes eta.; luslde lots siaoo. term a. JOHN DICK. 626 Henry Bldg. Phone Main 8072. UNION-AVE. LOT. Pine business lot. 6Ox90, on Union ave.. near Portland boulevard; price only $15uu, 1300 cash will handle. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BARGAIN Two fine corner lota, one block Hawthorne ave. car; high ground, nice trees, improvementa in; tor quicic saie only flfiOO. part caah, balance terms. 1033 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8069. SACRIFICE PALE IRVINGTON LOTS. One (1200 lot. cut to $950; two J14.-.0 lots, cut to S1200. Buy now and make money. Dolan-Beckley Co.. 690 Broadway. Phone East 89E. C 1993. I HAVE had to take in trade a few good lots inside the city limits; they will he sacrificed for cash, or sold on any terms you wish: must be all sold this week. AG :to7. oregonlan. FORCED SALE Beautiful corner: walking distance, near Ford-at. bridge; almost two lots; suitable for home or apartment site; must sell; no reasonable offer refused. Main 8S5L A 8889. SNAP. Improved lot. on 20th ex., 60x100, over looking Irvlngton; tine view of the city: $730, part cash. Phone owner. Marshall 674. 6IX lots In Rose City Park, belonging to nonresidents: away below market value. See me Sunday. 403 E. olaL N. Phone C 18S0 or Main 8111. 11000. 100x100, South ML Tabor, three blorks from Mt. Tabor Park; terms. AK 2S3, Oregonlan. Lo you want a great bargain In Cooe Bay property? 300 lots must be sold very cheap. 402 Selling block. Phones Marshall 2433, East 273. 450 CORNER, at 16th and Holman. BOX 100, easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 8229 or C 2420. ; FOR SALE Three beautiful lots, corner E. luth and Tillamook sts.; hard-surface st. Address P. O. Box 46". city. IRVINi.TON bargains: Double corner for S31ih; inuae lot auju. jljt "h. ure- gonlan. TWO LOTS. Hyde Park, for $900. adjoining . -. . x-'urlr nn tnnrlv Ra.iI 111 Yeon bldg. ALAMEDA lot, one block Broadway car; $773 caan. c 'im. Lir.Konian. 63x93 LOT. on E. Kid. near Barr road. $700, eaey terms, fee owner, o.w pavier st. For Sole Houeee. ,3ioO MODERN 7-room bungalow, on cor ner; IUU reiuriii umw... unui j uujo, furnace and flreplace. Phone Woodlawn 8229 or C 2429. A COMPLETE Hat of beautiful Irvlngton homes, we can mi ui" uui. mnn as to alee and price. Call on Dolen-Bockley Co., 690 Broadway. Phone East 89. C 1993. srVGlLOWS BUNGALOWS BUNGALOWS .Xl'WHERE ANY PLACE ANY PRICE $10O tO -OV uuwu. nuimuui, vhjB ttWet- land bid av CASH. $13 monthly, new 4 -room bun galow. 2 lots: price $12Su. Howard Land ivmpany. 6Q3 wetland hltlg. ATTRACTIVE ROSE CITY PARK Bt'NGA LOW, wijuv """"'I "" mt-b. partly furnished, easy terms. Tabor 18S9. MODERN' homo on Broadway, excellent sur roundings; vi "c". ' v, .iiumur ox Commerce. BEE LeNoir A Co. for WEST SIDE homes; exclusive oeairn in tw mi. oiud Ltuperue. Ground floor Chamber Commerce. MODERN 9-room house for sale, includ ing fixtures snd shades, $200. 3.-8 11th st. 31 el n . r 1 . HE.IUJ1A.1 Handles the best homes and horns sites. Irvlngton. C 1806, East 278. No agents. ... it UpniMi v r jjy owner, new bungalow, at a bargain; Hose City I re, .-auu. raum auua DOU or N 24, Oregonlan. AN absolute bai-galn Weet Side home, near nr ana X UUI ui.u, uui- ... . -B " '! f,i,l Railway Exchange. IN IRVINGTON For sale, modern realdence. "Tor parilCUL.i . ynvuw trm, NEW e-room house. Irvlngton, $6300; $500 below value. Phone owner. East 1S72. NICE e-room house, corner lot, $1300, part cash. woouiaen A HEIGHTS For Hale -Houses. ROSE CITY PAR.K New. modern home. 2 stories, three large porches, full-sized attio and basement, laundry trays and new furnace; hrat floor, cloak closet, large re ception hall with bevel plate glass mirror door, large living-room, extra large fire place, built-in bookcases. sliding doors bet. living and dining-room, which has beam ceiling, paneled walls, large built in bufTet with china cupboards, large double plate mirror. convenient. large kitchen in white enamel; second door has 3 large bedrooms and bath In white en amel, also screened sleeping porch; all rooms are beautifully tinted; the entire house is supplied with new screens, also the most expensive electric fixtures; lot is-f0xIiX) ft., all In clover, and has 3 large shade trees; one block from car; will sell at cost If taken at once. Phone owner. Tabor 1372. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. ROSE CITY PARK. $3000. "DESIGNED BY AN ARTIST. 7 rooms, sleeping porch." large attic that can be made Into a large room, Dutch kitchen, large dining-room, hardwood floors, Raleigh brick fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, gas, electricity; modern to the minute; easy terms. HARTMAN & THOMPSON". CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ROSE CITY PARK HOME. $3400 B beautiful rooms furnace, fire place, fixtures and shades easy terms particulars about tlhs and others keys also. HARTMAN THOMPSON'S Branch office for Rose City Park ftSth and Sandy Road. C 2 121. Tabor 813. WOULD you like to build a home under your own supervision In a section where the streets are paved, sewer, water, gas electricity. In fact every modern Improve ment i In. end where a small casu pay ment and easy monthly payments only are required? Advertiser nas a numoer ui beautiful lots on which this arrangement can be made. D 290. Oregonlan. SWELL 6-ROOM HOUSE. IRVINGTON. New, strictly modern 6-room, two-story house, lurnace, nrepiace, naruwoou uuum, aleeolne norch. Dutch kitchen, in fact nothlnir missing to make a complete home; lot ouxlou, east front, on E. 20th. near Brazee; price $8500, $1000 cash and $23 per montn. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak FOR SALE BY OWNER. A TUAtTTTSMTT. COLONIAL. HOME. Overlooklne the Willamette and the Oaks; cloae to Reed Institute; will al ways be an unobstructed view; 8-room house, modern In every detail: one-half scrs of ground; lots of dogwood and evergreen trees: 13 minutes ride Trom heart of city; best car service In Port land. For price snd terms, phone Sellwood 1U54 or 8s. . TTT AT Vlf'l VT T.OT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY 7 IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, IF WE BUILD. OUR REP UTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY TO SEE Lis. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINGTON BLP. OWNER WILL SELL Portland Heights residence, Juat completed, ready to move Into: 13 rooms. 8 fireplaces. 2 bath rooms, automatic hot water heater, large billiard room. lovely screened dining porch. 2 sleeping porches, native trees, secluded location: garage, driveway and lawns In. everything complete. Can ar range terms. See Owner. 906 Spalding Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW 8 rooms, very conveniently arranged; large stone fireplace; built-in buffet and large bonk case: large linen ciosei; a luneia. full basement: cement rioor; nice liorai es; 6 lots; beautiful homes surrounding noar- r.a r Till. f One Of the mOSt beaU tlfully wooded and secluded Bpots on the Helgnts. tor sale Dy uwiier, terms. Y 297. Oregonlan. OWN a elx-room'ed house and sleeping porch, new and modern, two stories, an excellent view, every convenience, lire place, piped for furnace, hardwood floors, hullt-ln buffet, sewer, gas and electricity; hard-surfaced streets, one block from streetcar, near 26th St.; price $4000, cash $T00, bal. easy terms. J. H. Tipton. Phone Marshall 2745; evening or Sunday phone Sellwood 1801. ROSE CITY PARK. $350 CASH. T rooms, built-in buffet, bookcases. solid oak floor, furnace, fireplace, laun dry trays, mirror door, all Improvements In and paid. .price tJODU. uasn. j.iw; terms. 325 tier month. National Realty & Trust Co., room 723 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Pnone Alain ol-u. FIRST-ST. HOUSE. Nl 6-room house, gas and electric, ce ment ha.sement. nice bath: lot 87x100: street Improvements paid, east front, good view, on First street, near Curry; walking distance on the West Side; price only $3300, $70o cash and $20 per montn. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE. $SO0O. EASY TERMS. Classy, modern, convenient 7-room house In Laureinurst, z lots, lawn, oiuiara room, laundry, shower bath, flreless cooker. 2 fireplaces, furnace, buffet, ce ment basement, aauarium. etc.; will con sider lot first payment. Tabor 1033 or Marshall 2500. 608 McKay bldg. HOMES. Have funds to build houses for reliable tmrilaA If vou haven't a lot. can furnish you one. 602 Beck bids., 7th and Oak streets. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, bath, pantry, base ment; lot ovxiuu, rencea; tintea, nicw nii ishr with or without furniture. Cheap. Owner, 7603 56th ave. S. E. ML Scott car. get off Millard ave. EAST MAIN ST. Modern 6-room bungalow, built by the owner lor nis nome; mia i strictly up to date ana in a nne nejgn- borhood: price Mivu, terms to suit, neat ern aec. CO., 14 cspaiaing ping. ON Broadway, close to new school, 2 car- lines, attractive moaern o-room nouse, with furnace, fireplace, etc. In first- class condition, for $3000; part cash, baU monthly. H 29S, oregonlan. $2400 BUY8 modern S-room cottage on Hol laday ave. mere ia a uig amc wiiicu i-au easily be made Into 8 good rooms. This la a snap, can pe oougnt on tuay terms. Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. $10110. $25 CASH. $15 MONTHLY. 8 new 4-room plastered cottages, fine lo cation, near new Mt. Hood road; no uae renting when an opportunity like this pre sents Itself. Fred W. German, S29 Burn side. M. or A 2776. DON'T PAY RENT. We have 4. $ and 6-room homes, all modern. In restricted districts, for sale on easy term. Provident Investment 4a Trustee Company, 201-2-3 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A 1022. I OWN a new 7-room two-story modern residence. 1 win sen at a aacnzice, lo cated beautiful and convenient; price $:i0u; cash $750, balance easy terms. J. H Tipton. Phone Marshall 2745; evening or Sunday phone 8elIwood 180L PENINSULA BARGAIN. ftiSO Fine corner lot 47x90, one-room house, all fenced with 6-foot wire. Fred W German, 829 Burnside st. Phone Main or" A 2776. $&00 BELOW market price takes modsra irvlngton i, v, i . u w. ..... i w.. bath; built-in furniture, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement: half cash, balance monthly. Phone East 5310. EXCEPTIONAL sacrifice, artistic bungalow. modern coiivnioui.-c. uu.u.uK . uuih-lcu. select neighborhood, paved district; worth $500 bargain $3000, small payment, bal ance monthly. Owner.1179lvon st; FOR SALE, in Rose City Park. East 09th r U l ut rv ... i. hi i . ...u, inuuti u 7-room house. See builder snd owner, Erlck I-lr.du.utst, 322 East 59th st. N. Phone 'raoorowu. FOR SALE or rent, a furnished house on Xirby and Webster sts., opposite the Jefferson High School; $:10 per month rent or will sell on easy terms. Inquire Calu- met Hotel. 150 Park St. K' ' -ti modern house, full lot, full base, ment, wash trays, Dutch kieehen, fruit trees, 1 large walnut tree, fine lawn, everything up to date. 861 E. 11th st. Phone E. 5023. " WEST STARK AND 62D STS. Lots $30. easy terms; best buy in the city- new carline building; see ua at once. EMPIRE REALTY & TRUST CO., 402 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 349. BEAUTIFUL HOME, 8 rooma, modern, cor ner E. 20th and Salmon sts; easy term a Provident Investment At Trustee Co., 201-2-8 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A J022. 10-ROOM house. B housekeeping suites. $4000. 1717 Portsmouth ave. Woodlawn 17. $2400 BUYS bungalow, 4 lots; easv terms, phone owner, Milwaukls Black 413. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON HOME $6500. 8 rooms, new and modern, hardwood floors downstairs. finished floors up stairs, beam ceilings, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, handsome woodwork, full cement basement, furnace. 2 fireplaces. ' large attic, shades and lighting fixtures complete, faces east, on carline, lot 60X 100 ft., atl street Improvements In. Price $0300, terms, $3000 cash; bal. on mort gage. This price Is 300 under tha value and Is for quick sale. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.. Phones Main 8699. A 2653. MR. HOMELOOKER. It will pay you to see me before buying or building. I have two 8-room houses on 62d St., one block to carline, and one S-room bungalow on 46th St., all in Rose City Park. They have all the up-to-i.he-minute built-in effects and complete In every detail; small down payment, bal ance like rent; also two lots in Beaumont on which I will build to suit jour Ideas. cee owner. 1 to 8 P. M. J. Sr ATKINS. Henry Bldg. YOU SPECULATOR. Here's a chance for you: Good house, barn, fruit trees, berries, l'j acres of ground, for $4500. This place Is In Mon mouth, Or. The home of the O. S. N. S.. Some of you, who are looking for a good buy and in a place where property is hound to Jump, look this up; It's a bar gain. E 3o. Oregonlan. For Sale Business Property coos "bayTbargains. Corner lot 60x250; deep water frontage; only $10,000. Tract 87x380, with frontage on three streets, ose block from city dock; $7500 only. C. E. NICHOLSON, Marshfield, Or. No agents need apply. $16,000 CHOICE business property, stores and apartments, well rented,- prominent street. West Side; close In. Owner, 8S4 Worcester bldg. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. Fruit, berry, poultry or vegetable tracts, only 40 mlnutos ride from center of city In 1. 2, 5. 10 or 20 acre lots at $250 to $500 per acre, on easy monthly payments. Two oarllnes, good water, fine schools, stores and churches conve nient and close In on West Side. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 85. A 3500. 45 ACRES Of excellent soil, on Tualatin River, miles from Sherwood; 80 acres under cul tivation, balance pasture and about a acres, of timber; 8Vi acres In orchard; good frame house of 8 rooms, barn and out buildings. 2 good wells, springs and river. V. mile- to school, telephone In house, K. F. D. by the door, good, prosperous neigh borhood and best of soli; price $i000; $4U00 cash, balance time at 7 per cent. KAUFFMANN & MOORE. 82S Lumber Exchange. HERE'S that little fruit farm you've been wanting; 2i acres, looated near Meldrum Station. Oregon City electrio line; all un der cultivation; 105 bearing fruit trees, - apples and peaches, berries, hothouse for mushrooms, etc.; chicken houses have concrete floors: new house not Quite fin ished. 7 rooms, fireplace, cooling rooms In basement, septic tank, running water ana force pump; Oregon grape hedge, shade trp.f vImw nf river: S5500: terms, bee Kupper. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332-838 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN and fruit ranohes near Portland, walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district: view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 2 acres $250, 0 acres $40O. 10 acres $700; lO per cent cash, easy payments; other traota near railway station 2 to- $40 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. 300 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Ojrk 1 TO 4 ACRE TRACTS $400 to $300 per acre; on west side, six miles from court house, overlooking beautiful Tualatin valley. United Railway survey to Cedar Mills runs through tract. Easy terms. Bee us at once. EMPIRE REALTY ft TRUST CO. 402 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 849 A GREAT BARGAIN. $1250 Two acres of best garden land with neat new 8-room house, barn, chicken-house and well; all fenced chicken tight, about 60 cords of standing timber on place, 7-cent fare. I need money and will sell this pretty place for only $1250, J,2 cash, balance to suit. AF 29u. Oregonian. I . 5-ACRE tracts with running water, located opposite St. Johns and only 2 miles back from the river: good soil and water. School convenient. A snap at $150 per; acre, with terms. Sea us at once. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. - 102 Fourth St. Main 85. A 3500. SEVEN AND ONE-HALF ACRES. Splendid new houBe, bath, toilet, city water, electrio lights, barn, outbuildings. , within J7 Mocks of Courthouse. Oregon; City. An unusual buy at $4250. easy terms, too. Address AY 313, ciregonian. $375 BUYS 10 acres deep red shot soil, adapted to fruit and vegetables: al4 smooth and tillable, no rock; wood and water; close to school, postofflce and,( store; within easy reach of Portland snd the cheapest land on the market. 613 1 i . inn A.h uoucii uiua, --.. " ONE of the beat 10-acre tracts In Oregon ; j all under cultivation and fenced, o-room , house and attic one acre orchard, one acre small fruit, 4 acres oats, 4 acres pas- I ture barn and outhouses, living spring, 2 tons of hay In barn. 361 E. 11th su i East nir-'a. 10 ACRES ENOUGH FOR ANYONE If Ira, , right location. We have It. Best soli. close to market, fine water. Some tracts clear, readv to farm. Easy payments, i Davis & Sharp, 606 Commercial blk.. I ' Portland, or. . tiTim r-i-u-iT T.AHjr. $31.00 per acta; 1000 acres alfalfa land under Butte County canal; adjoining pros nerous colonies. 214 miles from Grldley. Mark Lane, 19 Montgomery su, San Francisco. TO 40-acre tracts good for fruit, poultry or berries. 20 miles from Portland, near good town; small cash payment, balanca will pay for Itself. Eager Watson, Main 9512, 810 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak, fine' TC A f'T'fl On Oregon City carline at Concord t-, tion all clear; $700, termm. KEASEY. HUMASON & JEFFREY. 2o2 Cnamoer m. vuuuucmft IDEAL country home. Shi aores. fine orch ard 9-room house, barn, chicken houses, furniture, horse, cow. chickens, etc, $4000. Terms. 405 Rothchlld bldg. Main 2832. No agent. WELL-IMPROVED 10. 20 or 30-aore tracts of irrigated land near Caldwell, Idaho, to trade' for property In or near Port land The A, Lv Murphy Co., Caldwell, Idaho. 750 2hk ACRES, splendid land on West Side close to Portland, over 300 cords of wood on place. This Is a snap and only urgent need of money causes this sweep- in? sacrifice. AF 298. Oregonlan. ML'ST raise money; sacrifice all or part of . .. . v.a,a -in iv'elloiFD- Creek: vou'vat often admired Its beauty and maple shade. ' tiox in, Jflliwauiwt, w b".-. S. 8 O AMI lu-atir i.. .... v., v - i.n .... a" ' electric car service. $100 to .$250 per acre; big values, easy terms. J. W. Hefferlla Realty Co.. 2Q3 Corbett bldg.. both phone. IDEAL TWO ACRES. On E. 44th su and KllUhgsworth ave., $4500' terms. See owner on premises or at 1O05 E. 30th St. N. 2ii. ACRES in Primrose, Just 20 minutes from the center ot x-uiuuu, .icuulilu. ground; terms easy. See The Western 6e curities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. 4TH and Prescott sts.: acre, 6-room cot- .1 nii. tllUIA Illinn. IT... OUTT or 87 East 28th St. Value $2500. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.60 per aora up; large ana aaiaii irauu. au &iuL,f 4c Stampher. 681-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. ACRE tracts, one-half mile of city limits. $400; small payment uown. see Air. watts. 820 Abingtonbldg. For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount Of utlveruiueiu muu open id homestead In each county In the States of Oregon and Washington and description of same: gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors. 21x28, showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. aiid electric lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; 20c each, or three 60c Map of Washington In colors, 21x28, 20c Nimmo, Runey & Co.. Hamilton bldg. For Bale Frultr Lands. LAND FOR SALE. 174 seres at $18 per acre on ths Ya quina Bay; county road and running: water on the place. The real owner. B. E. Dobson, Crabtree, Or. Also a general fttore. hotel and teed barn at Crabtree, Or. ALFALFA FARM. For sale. Wilson & Myers, end of Haw thorns carline. Tabor 1560. For Sale Farms. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near erctric line; bargain, for all cash, by owner. 1S2 Morrison su i