Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 29, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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    - I I WapKrtMBM
-moo lirT. v - - l
THE BAKKF.H. cor. Hot sod Irving '-"7"
Tan new 4 e:o.-y brkk opaned January 1.
te-ll: farlin4 ana unfura.shed In t
thro end f O-ir-room lu.tM, Willi recaption
ho.l. I'saci'i rtwa m each ipwin".
e,e.?trte e.avaior. Tolmee dioaaFpaarmg
r-.lA bu:i-ii tik'M and rttm-deea. ea
rkofM, Icebox, p - u t y of caoeal room. at
yn want eorr.-t "ilui extra tine, com la
ta paraar. Kaon Veronall -r-ael-
TO ADI LTS Weet Hide, walking dlataac.
1 Cor ot and I of I rooma, hot wete
Meet, porchee Um.u. eaat
mrts view, hot and old .t.r. linoleum,
lu rota, a.) ea-ra-aed, Moalom-
r y. I' l f! A 4
M'.r.KrtN' a (i ac. In boat t.ltM die
trict. arec are. a't.c ami built-in conven
iences, c ui,,.ete and er y bomeliae. I'boaa
r-t ll-lf. .
NE'.C. movers S room uppar flat, equipped
with a. I lateel oeai.n.-. eltualed oo
a can'r la th heart ot IraingloB, Pbon
F.aat 1-4 -L .
3-K aoM furnlaie. cottage. 121 a month.
iie-ar Aaa. Wea Bide: boi
opea from
1 to X .
TOlC pV NT A Bealy f vim -ohel l-room flat.
re.r.'al t r-cct party: 2 bloeae from
arand arid Haw-Porno East Market.
MTdeR-N"- 4-room fata. 710 Paadr Dou
a era. between 2u a and IIoU Koea CliT
v -a- ........ ....Mr fat 'a I'llft-IB
f na neiaavorr.ooal; s-end view; 1'ort.aiid
Ma'a-Mo car. Tory deairaot.
t viyu ril -room flat, aaej- I cer-
line, lo va Mai door. 413 Waaoa i
near r V-.
r R RivNT Saw oaodora ft or 4-wa oppr
at. roaawaao. ' ' k
C.afOO. 4tC
04 aw lata a, f
k- U flak farniahod. atttb piaao. doi
and aanc Dorva for tba tiimutr. JJi
H'"J:atS l-ro.a tn. ataajr Jackaoo.
w .at :do; Id ma&tatcar ai.a. Maia or A
-K Jal upor aaar rat. m "Ian Imnroao.
rn.nt. rootIJ4. Xaciatro i ur4ajt
TO RENT an 1 7 -room modarm r.ata. Jtaxd.
o lltb at. 4tio;lro l at.
J. fat. aut:f' farnniu. Pr"
maaaot . in. fhono H Iv4
. K.J. .11 t..
Ha.l at.
clooo la. roaaonaalo rBL
H K- r 4-rooaa lib bath. t: 314.
of ta a. A Jl. Main Hi.
4 Ri,V and Nath. anoatorm. fwi.
Tara: t. g.rr J'l stark at.
TW -roain flau. furtilaJ
ilaat li;n at. HJ?'
Uoa4 or asf uraloaaad.
X a: vV a.tMHa flat.
I'bw auaaiu 1WJ.
iROOV-l".r flat, firoplar. td Gllaaa
at. Fhaa Main TZ
Tlir.C--K.MtI brua faala, raaaoaabi rant.
.;. i kl at.
d.H.jM naar firap:ac4. aood r-t.naitloa.
ataa -rnjp at. pnoaa Mala
t at ll Whii
tat. -I Corbou at.
-r at.
Vr-r.pv -irm flat. 2 North 10th. ar
Mnajooaaoplnc Baa aa.
THE PEAVER. Uth aad Marahall. f
auibad far botjaabaorlBa. (aa rana "
trio Uchta. bot -atar. bath. 'uod'T?f.
US aar tan ta p: a -iaxi placa, boot la
tbo e"t for l-o motiay; a-iort dlataac
fr-aa talon apot. Taka or latb-at.
rara . Borta. oflT at MaU-aba at.
a 04 a,
rrt.f.-rVRNIt'nrO booaoa. Tata, ron a:
.rn cottafo. f.u mootb. maothar
ILT aaua. 14 furnlahaal bottaboop!D(
noma. . ;i. ft- m"ntb: J, .X Appy
1A 3th at. North. W car from d-pot.
o.h. 'at on Manjon tJ IH:h. b:o-k north.
HKITE rlL-Xa. Kornlahod and
furnianaal P. naa-aaarlna roon.a, a'na 0 ao4
anauita Hoom o-i. Id and lorrtao.
1.M TO lilo WtaK; eJoaa. faralaaod
Boaaoaaopiaa roon;. frao Uuaclr-. bat a.
taaoo claaa Usan. boat. 40 Vm'
Io aad 2'J "a a'aatoa: taka V car.
"jl aT t a t aA.-i.
fam Lab4 or uif urn lanad rooma, eincba.
an ata a-1 roan.anc-a. b -a t location.
Mi!.r". tii.tx;.." Morn a ft.
N.coly tu.-rt'aad - and a-rooro aultaa!
r-Balo rta. In IB oaarl of tat
ido bualbaaa d-itrlcl.
rS or 3 doatran a unf urn'ahaal ksuiakrap.
"n lorTia: a. klD li '4. Waat Side.
.1 1
1 f; IMrlED,lr: rooma. p n a 1
tats. tOlt an aa.a.. m. . a - a- - a
ba. a jarl. I ' waa-k. j N. th at.
H;p-i:'ra taraa !; faralaba4
h.tuaaiaap.nt frr. m . kite u Cat :; Dc loi'a-
t ;on.
a 1 . o m -
1R;.-'13 hfaa-kap!04t roawm fr rant.
a.34 b.j.k frora t. I J a at CaU
at 7 T i'h at. la oaaaTia: t.
441 k-AsT 'iHHl!WN. r.jrnar ch. com
ptata.r fraaoaad bouaaaaaplac aaltaa,
iTl' H T. co.. au-y rooma for houakaap;a4;
faap taa for n:nTrr, i.j irn a;.
Da .oaolat
kiu. rbaaa aji
M."fT.T f jrniabaj V Mara
r X T. or a-i ta. 37 I2rh.
hilars fura ad boioaaaaptaf rma .at
ti TU-rraaa rorrar of Waiay.
RCJiT fhraa aaat. iia boaaaokaopiaa
rnat a ;T T i tmaa pf
S -Tl.U-r I K.N i-M ? L f-"al hoaaakaopiac
r-yntv.; c -oa In. 4 a ', TV aahla a :on at.
llaaohaaptua; aliianaa Is rrra raaly.
t 'A v Brtuaokaaplnd a-l.aa. oat of two fwnnl
art.f tho otaar of Ihrao. ltfi
r-b rooroa lar and Birr. Blra laon
and par.:)!, qti'ta Jtffraot from tha or
aficary tvv'ri raaaa' raoat bo aaa-a
f ba app-a.lad. ati. 1 laam.
aJ! 141 it at.
au-o cla4t rooma. bath. fac:ac q-iat
t. f urn an ad f r bnaak-oploar. aaa an I
aju4 atoaa. vaaUif d'ataitc.
a. a -wa
Titxk.l B-ai.r forri-anad rooma, baaatifvl
raiitS'in -."-I. i Hr diataaco. raav
. . - . . a f.a.1.
jxr !--a
:.ra I
f--. P"
til r...taa-a
-a. foa.ry
an 1 o h
at B r-aom vt. b
a., i vatar.
I4 .r-N IV a-
C HOO al kaaamaat apartmanu a:l Bnod
ara maaaualaaa ary raaaonaBaa. 4
Maraha.l -
jY.T,AtITt fara-anad 100 ry rn
aMo, bath. I, pa-na lauadry. ITa alat
at. aaar Waa.nnatoa.
Jlt.J f arn aaad b..uaaiaatm toortia. I iO.
at J0. iaurnaida. of. ao-.h av. Tkoaa
Taor 4d-
X.AHOK front room and kltcbaaafa with
aWaaiaar porb, raap. ona aiaa'a room
Fi-a lis .-s. 1 in. " a .0 ...-.a.
aU iiipni S' Til. B-olr furnlah-d b--ao-kaapina
rooaaa, a.ala a l an Bulla: atrtctly
f)ra-r aaa.
i I -A P fo roma. c ot and kalh, a.i ..a-paa-.lra.
naa. a:-t rlr l-.r and f": for
hauaaaaaplifi a'r'b n Bw.4-Park at.
firo ntra. r fumiahad rooma f"r hoaaa.
aaagmt. (round Boor. all. T'alb. corner
jfT-tTB"or"BIaa7Brvt!r furalanad houaa
'laafiiif ror fat or month. Tlo aaa
Ir-a'ai. farnaf 3-d It
r; Ft Ni'.Ha.D o'raakar't.a ro.nia. I o or
1., -.a. raaaanab.r. 4.1 - 1-th at.; daalrabl
UK..K. . I
Blanra; a.
.furn.ariad anta. ail adnra-
rnocih. 1; Chap tan. aa-ar
T amhl k
4.i.r'A. Lent, aa al I-f uraa.1ad
r .om. h at
a'l.T fnrnlal
.aa In. i 1 " "
a li-t'S'--" ul'-aiy fi'rnlahad huaa aaplna
rool. rraa' loo North lain at.
FFONT and bk aut'a: runnlna aator.
b'k. ra an-t rhra Sto ro:'a au
fl K.V ; ) I a: I bo'
a... bat. I ta
akaaptnr rooma, llT N. 14ta
-..I raratt a: a.
f-r. I r .-ma. naatlr f .rtlanad. bo-ia
ka5ln "1 3 '. au Nortk. Main Jia.
Irti rotaa'MI hotiBkr.ln rvtm IX.v
Bfaahi. a,o rav a!.. Xalri BT'.t.
1 t.f.;f f.trt.uinad ha-jaaatiin-ro.aa;
ta ba. a. yard. $:4 monta. aarj Front at.
2 nrLsr.KlT--r!,TN.a rrrr.a. Xoa; k etlla-
d-an. n-t.
' TWO boa-aaplng rooma.
t t i. an.. T.i.
n 'a. ' a 7a.v. -'
.'.raKX k-Mkaaplnc rovma
- - - . . . . Sm I -
ii:b C
13 K- 1
pOH 3 a:a4a fur-ukhad b.- aakaap;n4r rooou.
- aiafaaaa. Ill Ujfitaotnanr.
Ji."-'r'.V. f:Kk'IV'1 roaama, raw f-mltur.
fra f..r. aol Htma.a. A PJ14.
a ;.!. furn ahaf aiilta-. rao ranaa. ba-'b and
p-ara. $:t par month. W t'otambla at.
aj x V K'". K A au.ra of bouaa-kaapina rooma.
1UB at.
3 rilrR'iaHr'D huaakaapinc rooma: til a
ttlt'l . ra a..
5HRiE furoiahad houaakaopinf rooma. Brat
4-R..KJ f At. bath. ataUaoar tdia, tan.
.,, .,jr-r ia .-! f at. r.vajc aaa.
cuao la. 3' alarm atroot.
rT'Rvfsn"iT fat. 4 rooma. bat. Waat ajida.
Iaratia.l li:
ooa la. fcaal kada.
OO -a. a.a aa.
I-ROOM cottaca. til Eaat Yamhill au.
naar Orand aia-. $1.
Ilantal Da-pt.
Chamber of Cajxaarca,
iR Rf:.VT A modara Vroom oottaca. cor
ar 2?th aad Poarail ata. lncjulro it H. I
I t jit, hid lowa;l at., cornar of aTlb at.
ba.;a.wl olT or Dal : wood
ft-ltOUM bouao. ! hot and cold r,r
ramant Laaamant, ale lawn: two Moa-ka
from J carllnaa. IB Holladay A-Uluion;
- . t, - a.a lil
ft-HOCM nppar fraahly II n tad. Imtcb
bitrhan. ai ran. fornaca. a-C.lnt from front porch. aV4 Hall t-. n-ar
ii:tx. Kay at lowar walking dltanca.
NO. Tl KaUy at.. Waat Bldo. T-room. mod
am houaa. la doa irabl aaihborbo-l. -
in on raiiaaaj laiw
y . it Kl'VT F la-room moUoro coitaa;. 64
Kaat lth au; rai block from
l-lluuX cof.aa. 3 block a from Punnvat.l.
Mount Tabor Una; trooa; raaaonabia;
... . t, ir.K a
rilODTWIft V . I aa a-.
114 VI..IF.KN 8 room bona, on a eicara irom
I nlon ar-. 4. Rafaal at.; walkln.
FOK KENT at -room moo ara houaa. f-2. iQ"
culra all CiaTalaBd aa. V. car.
aV-HC-i cottac. taar WalBUt I'ark;
bBtn. I HJni cmaa aaa
NfcaV S-room cottaara ob E. I'ttn, naar lia-
lL'eUtN. aaw. -room bouaa for rant. E.
aTT ano aaa.i. ' ' a.
a Ki.cM houaa. S bl"cJ- to Aitaarta eaa,
I nono aa oooawo ava-'-
o-itiHM buc.a.ow, 1J4 Eaat llb north.
" lmUnaal Ho
tlRM.aHCD bouaa la Holladay '.!,'
tract.. l.vratloa oa Eaat h and t. aca
amaa. 4 rootrua, thoroucMy modarn nlco-r
furnlahad. bot a (aa and a'acftrtr IKrit and
a.i coBnlnca. wilt ra for yaar or
l.aiw. MoCa-gar. liataa ak Utalj. tul
1 ton bid.
i-rt i.n ttvlalicn &-rooa oottaaa, 1-0
month: anothor. (ood low.r Hat,
fl rarntabad houaokarplnf auuaa. a
rat Is. ini. l- month: . ''. PP-T
1A4 .Norm -ith. w car from dapo. ata,
waat oa Morriaoo ta th. block aorta.
T-KOOM trlBtoa bom. haBdaomaly tvr-r-:had.
1 block from carllna; will rant f'-r
month or loBr; rant 40 pr month.
It P. la:mr-Jonaa I""-. a(nta. alS om
mar. lal Club bld(. I'lioM Main bdtna. -A
IlAM-SoVtCLT furnlaraaal b-room apart
maet: will rant for s montba: atraiiaBt
l-anon: walking diatanc. moat romtorl
abia an i eooj aaartmat la city. I.J. M'
anaU XtlX -
XRT-rvrjTON Nlcaly furnacl Tat. S rooma.
alaopina; porrh. two balha. rooma thor
ough! modern and nw : piano and phono;
Bo cfillrtran; rant lii par month. Call at
B13-13 Umbirmma blilg.
ri'rlNlr-HED naw. modara d-roora hoao.
ilrx.: Haicita: long tlma to raaponal
bia t.artr. T14 Eaat nth at- Pbon tiall-wao-l
I'lKMSIIKH bouao to rant. 4 rooma. now
and modern. .u. Ilawtborn car. 40 I
44th at. 1'hori B S-ld.
Jlo.KK.V furntahad ctga or flat, t and
4 rooma, aiactririty and gaa atoa, ranga,
bath. Ill E. SIM. a-W-R- eari
ali'li t-lt.N 4-room fumiahad bouaa. fioa yarn,
chaap rnt. 17 Powrll at, ax 14lh.
lirokli car.
CuMHI.KTELT and wll furnlahaal a -room
modarn houaa; Improvad atraat; ntoaa to
3 carlinaa; rafarancca, h 11 wood IIP.
KiNIXS, modara. omplataly furntahad.
walking dlatanca. Call 7' K. faimon L
Xfc!IKAiI.E a-rooro rompaetaly fill labacl
houaa Apply 4oI O-rllr.gar bMg!
TENT houaa at Klvordala for rant fumiahad
or for aala. Pbona Mala o-Vi.
HuUKKN. wall-furnlabad 4 -room houaa;
liaat Main at. Phono A IS-. M. W-
w-RtxjVI rottag; partially fumiahad; gaa,
aiartrte llama. 4a l.a-al Clay.
El.'.riT rooma to raaponatbl tanant, -.apt. t.
Third, prar Collrfa lln ilW.
Haaara for K-a t. J arnlto ra far Sol
A PVAP Furnltur of l-roora i-idnc for
): nlr modarn houaa. cloa la; f lowar.
n. grapa arbor, larg porch, marina
lw; chaap rant. ba thia. maaoa to
want It; mat only 111 Kay 17 . Mor-
OS accouat of alchnaaa will aafrlflc fural
tora of S-room apartmaat. ail randy ta
atap in. diaha aa linan lnciudad: an
ranaonabl offer accptl. Call
13th at. .
B-KOt-lM bouaa. baaeraant. dany yard, tra-a.
ate; on 14'h. naatly furnlarird. aaallr rcnt
a.1 . rant onlr $Si: good Income; prlc only
$UMi. on term. Xaranall 3'IX
TOR iAl: T rooma good furnltura. Waat
.de, four rooma mak all rtpana-i and
mora: g.aod plac for ladv: nl.a location,
raaaoaab.a prl--. 1'hona Mala
E!' H ThTk'-I furntahad houaa: naw fur
aitar aad la good condition; good nalKh
bor hood, raaaonabla. for caab. aU3 iih
t.. car. ataraat.
ITHMTl'RB. diahaa and linen of ft-roora
modara cottag. aaioct nlct bor hood; on
r -n rantad. rhon Marahall oo"
J.a liL'Tg tli furnltura of a f-rom flat or
will rant furniahod. 14th and Bi'trtlu
1'hona Mala 7. A 1-1 1-
l KNITL'Rk: of T rooma; Hoe In; rant
chaap: l-rlca lino, ca.l -vla Burnaida
or ra.l Ma.a V-.i.
lvi.iC.iANr f.irnltur. or carpala aluna, la
fia-r.arn flat; rary roaaonaol. Sid Mont
gomary. HOOki and board, alao lanta for rent, naar
tha ocaaa b--a-h. 1 nq uia Mra. Emma
Vatthawa. Ocaaa Park.
rK PAlT Fnrnltur. aery cheap, ft-room
c ttaaa for rant. 1 mmuiea walk from
p . 1. 4aa Market at-
1TKS1TI h f i rooana. good aa nw.
Ilia.', houa for rant. i i v.a Kalmoat
at Taka nunnyaldo car to Bith at.
Katnaiar kaaarta.
-IRVi.vOTON tt'TrAOlS.- for aala, all
taodera coavaaloncaaa. Including bat aad
old water. lctrlc light. arep.aca, alaap
lag porcB and o pea -ar da-ucg-rauca; coca
Baeteif furaiahed.
Si; 111 Cominarcla. Club B.dg.
Phosa Maia . A lite.
POIt RENT o-roarn coitag. alre.y fur
n:elad. h't yard: Bear tha ridge, at
liai.a Cantar. aaar a'aton to oeavlaw.
aih. Inquir 21 Morneoa at.
a:v' Co-MKT CI.CU apaa for rtvmar
aad atockbol.lara ooiy. Lao la-bit, vocal,
lat aad eaietlaiaer. Otbar allractlocaa ta
aT .-"talPR The Haaguil rolrna. faring
board wa b and oeaa. for rent. App.y
A 4j Main Cffo-A
.H AU; at Vaaai.le.
bolaL apaaadld l.ataoa.
k III yoaelde. or
naming -aouaa or
Addreea owner.
El h.NISMEIa cttc;e at Long llaaach. naar
era'ion. alao furniabod tnl- l'hooo Mala
FN) K RENT, claan. wall furri.ahad flao-room
c t'age at aaartaw; rant la, Addrvaa M.
ork. Long Kaach. Waah.
rt RXISHrr eottag at Long f-h. naar
a.a'toa; a.aa furulahed tent. Phon Main
rtVE acraa ocean beach. Port atlrvana. f 730;
will trade. furdi-k. Hoary M.lg-
bKlRAclLE coitaa a st aaaaada. Marahall
at area.
TtRrT On eomar ator la Garland Ho
tel. 1743 feet also, another ator la aama
blor-k. aultabl for barbar ahop; long teaee.
raoa.aahla rant. Apply lo L Gaturts afc
Nona 1TJ-5 Ftrat at.
lM K-f TvKT building and baaemoot. 106X
107. Second alrt. brtoton VXaablngtoB
and btark ata.. for leaaa. Inqutr of tha
p.eel Inatltut. 4- Ablnglon bldg
STiKEItiVMi on Alder and Waalilnglon
ata. well within tha bualneea aaction of
city: very chear rant. Inqulro at alt)
Cham bar of t'ommerc bid a.
IIVCK1L atorea at aat and Madlaoa-at.
bridge, IJO to I40, according to alaa. la
quire JT1 Hawthorn ata.
FOK RENT No. P Sd ft. ator In brlrk
bullrllna. 10 par month. Inqulra ZlaL
blorriaon St.
irORK. good location, big payroll. Tha B.
H. Clary Co.. S4t Alder ot- Mala 1141
ItOhC all Park u North, near Uavla;
rood r-alion. cheap rant.
on lew.
iron RENT laarga outald offloa and ra
reptloa room, both Blcely furntahad. with
phon and dark aerate: refracea ex
changed if deal red. lOitt Cham Oar of Corn-
tnarv-a bldg.
I HAVE a daak la my wil furatabad offioa
In front of alavator for rant to quiet
party; bo athar tenant, llg Ky Eichang
All-night aiaaator aaraloa; a pacta! la
atrtrocaenta on yearly laaa. lot boatload
bing.. Hh aad VVaaHlngtoa.
OrriCB for rant, light, beat Bad Janitor
ervioeai HI Pothciuid bidg.
Ol'TTPE nira with uae of pbona. I3
momh. allia, Waahingtan. room 1
IE.4IC room. S4.&0 par month, with clerk,
typewriter anal phone, tiz Bucbiaoa bldg.
lull KENT eor.75 feat, entlr aecond
floor with good light; 45-47 Union Ava.
Key at 1J0 !iand Ave, fhona Eaat ai.
Mr buo!n-aa for aala In Euitene that U pay
ing U5 to fJ par month abova ejt
PT.Oco: !lrfereiit llnea; advartlalng "'
tlae, mar. haatar epectalUea. coi.actlona.
employment aganalaa and buainoaa
tliirf-i well advcrtlaad: offlca rnt,
month; will aall bualnaoa for ..W. n
clnding offlca fiaturaa and atock 00.n":!Vi?
I will taka 1110 caah and a good
lot In Portland: lot inuet bo clear; r""
m at 4-.-S Vtt Btb at.. Eugen. or.: would
rather hiti oo call J. Oolvart. Eugen.
t . i.ui. o uiaiivjieo pouni .w.
EeiTAHLISHEn Incorporated company
whoeai Una of work la tha darolopmaat of
loaa-ed off landa In large tracta for tha
corulnr aottlar. daalrea tha aorrlca of
an experienced buaineoa party, rapabla
of handling latrge propoaltlona. Poaltlon
carrlca good aaiary.
Cloaa co-trporatton of tha leading com
mercial bodlo of tha Coaat already ao
rurad. Thuee baaing a few thouoand to
Inxaat with the company given llrat con
altlerailon. Iieot of referencaa required
anu given. Allurail a rt vratpmia...
LOOK at thla and get huay: 11400 caah will
buy an aimoot new lfl-room houaa tbullt
at a coat of 4ooi. and lota, on tha
main atreot and canter of good, live Weot
arn Vlaahlngton town of lta population;
lota alon ar worth mora than prlc
aaked; aplendld eiianc for hotel, room-Ing-hooao
or aparunent-houa: M block
from N. P. depot; will tn you wpy If
yoo call or write to Auguot Mayor. Van
couver. Waoh.
KviI'lPPKU lew and oold atoraga plant In
011a of tha boat loan In Oregon for aala
at b. I rock prl.-a. olng aplandld bualnaoa
and will atand moot aaarchlng Inveatlga-
. t ton. Keaann for Bailing purely raaraonaL
For further InrortnaUon, II Intareated. call
at room 14 Waahtngion bldg.. corner ata
end VVaahlngton.
Iflgh-claaa rootlon-plrtura theater, jaM
rompial-J. aciulppod with opera chalra.
Piano, marhlnaa. etc.; 6 yeara laaaa, rnt
fill: no oppooltlon; will stand rigid ln-veatlgatlon-
for anla by own era only. Call
between 1 A. M. and 1 P. Id. Room 224.
Lumbar r'srhnnra Mdg.
IF you want a good thing for prooant and
fntura In a coaat raaort botol. Improved
4'J-acra ranh with t:a worth In timber
on It. acreaga aultabla for platting, etc..
thle la your opportunity; I am going to
aacrlflc: particulara or Interview, AL 374,
WANTED to loan and reloan In
amall amnunta by a thoroughly rcllabla
and exiirrlenrad partv having B wall
eetabllahed buotnaaa; $100 per month guar
anteed and paid monthly. AB 1"J2. Orvgo BEiaTAl'RANT. olU-aalabllahed haa not
1 hanged ban. la In yearai. together with T
le.lrootna art.l kitchen up atalra: raatau
ronl aaata AO -people; laaaa; owner ptita
ll In bank overy month baeld'a haa
mrga tamlly; prlc looo. Clt, oregonian.
PAKTM.1l WASTED Hit la one of tha
beat rhancaa In city for active party to
rtianag and ovarae other belr for up-to-dat
manufacturtng plajit; 4-X caah re
quired. Owner at Ja Madiaon. between 10
and 13 A. M.
ONLY ator In new town, good territory,
atock l-loo. eatabllBhed thro monthe, tak
ing In SlooO a month caah. fin opportu
nity 10 enlarga bualnaoa, beat of reaxon
for Belling. Inqulra Neuatadler Broa., 5th
and Ankany.
THE man with flta) or mora each can gat
In on tha ground floor of a leruimnte
project that will tilttmatf-ly mean Inde
pendence or fortuna with Inveatment al
oolutoly protected. Aok for in appoint
ment with prlnclpaL P, O. Hox 70.1.
lttaka careful luvwatlgatloB at expert
of aallar befor you tnveat money In an
propoallloo. Ailvlaory Dapartmaat. Y. M
C. A.
I AM obllge.1 to part with one of th beat
paying roomlng-houaea In tha city; my
necaaelty la your opportunity and thla IS
on that don't coma every day, aa It will
pair for l:a.'lf and maka you money bo-aid-a.
A.lttreee AF 212. Oregonlan.
AN ol.l-aatahllahej bottling work, located
In ono of tli beat hipping points In tha
atate; only plant In th city; paying well;
l.i par cant profit on vertblng. F.
Nenrlei, Wooilburn, Oregon.
HOuMlNO-HOl'SE. on of th big money
niakera of thia city: price, location and
twrma right; thla la a awell inveatment
opportunity, aa It la clearing aeveral hun
dred dollar per month. Addreaa Af
'."Vl. C'rexontan.
t(H ri ALE The brat and aafaot mill oil
on freah water In tha atate; also rumplet
mill; unlimited timber raaourcea; local
paopia will taka atock with proper loter
aota. pox 47. Mount Vrrnon. wuh.
SiOO buya buaineoa netting over fAO a
month; niuot acll at one; takeg only 3
houra a dev.
HALL at OI'STIN. I1 Lombarmena bldg.
1'ATIN. bti'naaa. 1.1 to 160 weakly. 110
rant: no otlier like It In Portland; profits
Inrreaalng alallv; Investlgata. Wa trll you
why; prlc UiO. Hooru :t, l:i4 Wash
ington at.
WILL loat people on homaatoad land;
have good propooltlon; water every way:
3s mta from portinnd: will go out twlca
a weak. Addreaa John Vlarcko. Lenta. Or.
bth a a.
Pin corner, clue to big acboot; rent
Including ail flxlura 990; stock SHOO, or
JtAI.L A Ct PTTN. 11 Lumbannens B'dg.
1 SMALL Inveetinent will mak you SlO
to Sloo dally In th movlng-ptctur busl
naaa: a'.art a permanent anow or travel
li.g ehow. rartlculara Sltfk Washlngtoa
at., near 17th.
FtHi t A LP5 Working man' a hotel and oaloon.
4S r'-omo. furnlohed, boardlng-aouao,
C 'ulpmrnt and Independent aaloon llea-tee,
I i.'oo big anap. Ill clxth SL Aak (or
Mr. MliUr. ,
HALF Inter In aa a1d-tabllsbad bast
Bee doing a gaod buslnaaa For full par
ticulars cail kiBney A Ftamphar, Lumber
Excbang bldg.. rooms Bal-oll.
FOtt 8 A L1C (rood clean atock of hardware, laaa on building: about llaOD will
handle it: agents oeaal not reply. AF tt,
Id K AT market and grocery, good location
on big thoroughfare; Una opening for right
I arty: a anap If taken befor Aug. E AP
i. Orafpni an.
W A nTe I Partner with I10OO: w ran
mka I20.a within a yaar. ready now
for operation; Investigate. AO luti, Ort
gonlxn. FoR HALE or trade, confectioner), tobac
co, dairy lunch, doing good bualneea but
mua t aall. Inveottgate thla If you want a
g,.d l.acatlon. Ill N. Jeraay at., nt. Johna,
confectionery, fruit and cigar ator.
doing good buetaceo: living rooma In con
nection; nna for lady or man and wtfc;
!.. t ail aol nuoecii at.
FOR MALE 'leanln( and presalng parlors
chaap; good puainaaa; Beat location in
city, open for Inspection. For particulars
rail 111 Everett-
FIKoT-CLAr'a. grocery and natures for sal
. 1 ..ii i . 1 .w.,,,a a a 1 1 n
or pan . 1 . . . " 1
buoltieo about :a0 per mocto. C St,
. . . ..a. .1. ... 1 am W , m( . f r u 1
. . , I n anrrlann V. . . . I n , A
the early applicant. N Oregonlan.
vVntED Promoter with money wbo Is
auto aoeaeory. big thing to right party.
phon Eaat .to.
FOR RALE Carag. fully equipped garage
towa of (vou; only garage In town: good
buolnaaa; two rant cars, agency of four.
AV SIS. Oragonian.
WANTED Partner with amall capital to
buy hair tntareot ana laae cnaraa ua areu-
eatab.iahed bue'neaa; good salary. Apply
at once, ltll Orand ava.
FOR RALE SI 01 buva a half Intereot In a
cleaning and preaotng establlahment. do
ing a fine buatneaa: owner tired of hired
help. K iITi. Oregonlan.
AUTOMOBILE buotreoa: hare opening for
energrtlc man: pay 1SJ month; requires
very Httf money. Call 2iSi Stark st.
ajr-iN'EiAts corner for sale, next to Orgon
VntnKr A Kurt Co.. 41ot and Barr Road;
,a,, will handl earn. Phone E. 4-tB...
I WANT a reliable man with SlOoO to man
axe'bUBineoo that will net blra 100 each
, ". k. H -99. Oregonlan.
WANTED to acll at once. 100 oharee of H.
O T-k auio wheal atock for 12.50 per
share. AN Oregonlivn.
rota saXe cheap, new Job printing outfit,
taken over on mortgage. Write for par
tleular. A. C. Waavr. Enfrprlsaj. Or.
Telephone and other bonda bought aad
,)d. rietcher Inv. Co.. r:s Ablngton.
MU8T PELL any cigar atand at 92 etb at.
on account of alcan In family; deal
with owner.
HAVB yon I2.VVO to Invaat In one of th
bot eontractlng oompaniea m the cltyf
.., 1 j . -. . i 1 O. lA rnarnnlan
a-oattlOn IL uaa-io.. ' - . -
CIOAR ator and confectionery, beat loca
ton. low price. Call S'iT Tamhlll at.
BAKKHT for aala. country town. price
IliloO. half caah. AV 818. Oregonlan.
STOCKS of n-erchandloa bought for eaah;
strictly cenSdeaiieU. Waaton. 414 Sd au
.,1.'TZZ special notices. buhsbbs directory. J
. RrSIVKSD OPPORTrXITIES. . X i..i.ii. - , . - , I liraaa and Machine Work.
I HAVE a good cottage hotel with room 4
In one of the beat towns In the "11
lametto Valley, doing a good bualneas ana
newly furnished, to exchange for good
farm; to aall. with small payment down,
or to rent on long time: leaae to good,
reliable parties. If anyone wiahes to en-
f aga in thla kind of buainoaa while ecnool
ng their children thla would ba a good,
location. n . college and high school
town. Addreaa Will E. Purdy, Nero-berg.
Bert stock of general merchandlae In
state: all new; ator building on leaa-d
ground, and used aa depot, express or
flce aad store: stock and building will In
voice about SnSoO; ground rent nominal:
sale run Snooo to f.vxio per month: 1
deelra to retire from bualneas: a splendid
chanca for experienced man with money.
Owner. Mrs. N. M. FultOB. Black Rock.
Polk County. Or. or Oacar Hayter. Dallaa,
Polk county, or.
Stock will tnvolee about 16000: amies ru
from iao.000 to $28,000 per yAr-.Fn;
nw More building. 49 feot front, situated
In th beet farming locality In the valley,
about etxteen miles from Portland.
No opposition and fine 0PP0rtun'ty.0V'
run meat market In connection. O aa.
FOR SALE OO-room European hotel, loeat
. d la bet town In Oregon; booka will
Bhow net profit S1800 monthly during paat
year; bar In connection, doing a big bual
neaa; long lease, oheap rent: unusually
large stock: everything m very best con
dition. Price i.0OO; special reason lor
railing. Pleas do not anawer aunleaa J""
mean bualneas; m ooay -mak a r. A.V a
If you want to aall yoor twain. o
want b partner la your buolnoaa. oall
and let ma talk It over with yoo. X have
buyer waiting to get a good paying
baslneaa. W. Iwronoa. 815 Lumbar Ex
change bldg. Both phone.
A rente waatad In Paetflo Northweat.
Paclflo Mutual IaUe. 3 y-rs old.
(2 millions assets. We loan money.
U. IL Ward. MgT-a Tl Spalding bide
- . a
Ftocka of all klnda of merchandise
bought for caah: atrlct.y confidential cor
resuondaoca solicited. C 278. Oregonlan.
aaa a t S e
lL'.-.t WILL buy a swell. "P-"-"",-?-1
Fide motlon-plccure theater, electric P""10
Powers No. 1 machine, etc. etc-: 0
leaae; IbftO caah, balance can be
1.5 monthly; at this price this houa.
should sell quickly. AK 2.0. Oregonlan.
MO VI. NO-PICTURE and raudevllla house for
.ale: out of city; doing fine hu.ine:
opera chairs, steel larophous. strictly
code" will taita 4i to handle It: paraona
with less money need not answer; no
agents, Address AV 317. Oregonlan;
RESTAURANT, building aad tixtun.mml'
from 40 to goo per day; now rented for
?100 per Biontn; reason for selling, owner
going to leave town. For '""n',r
formation write F. W. Broasler. Ashland,
Wanted, partner for movlng-plcture show
or .-111 locate In good town. Particulars
N. Y. FUm Exchange, 52aai Wash., near
lttn st.
FOR SALE First-class cigar store; good location-
4M years' lease; good, clean stock
and flrat-daas fixture: so agents. Ad
dress P. O. Box iimw, city
OPPORTUNITY tor steady man In solid
bustnee: requires S2i0; clears J5 wenk
and can try It beforo buying. Particulars
S a ? a Quia a..
FACTORY Invoicing about 4000; eBtabllBh
ed city and coaat trade; good profits and
business easily learn d. C MS Oregon.
STORE, grooerlea, cotifeotlonery and feed,
excellent location, near city: Involoe
about S120O: for sale cbaap; Invoatlgat.
AV 291 Oregon. an.
$3000 STOCK gaa. mdsa.. ocmntry store, do
ing good bualnesa. to trade for city or
tow-n property. Address AV 291, Ore-
MACHINE ahop for aala. fully equipped,
only shop In town 13.000 near Portland;
rent : lease; terms. B 2t. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Malf Interest In new flrst-claaa
drug store; a snap: owner wishes to leave
town. AO awl. lreiujiB
IF you want to get In or out of business,
JTbaRQAIN 1-3 Intercut In real estats of
fice; H of all lurnitura. - v-
OOOD paying buslneaa for aalev ISO will
handle. lll'i Burnslde, room 8.
WILL aocept from ISOOO to SSO00 In good
ravin Incorporation. ia . ' ' . -
IF TAKEN at once, a snap. 3-chalr barber
shop. 004 itawtnome ao.
STOCK of merchandise, bought for caah ;
strictly contiueniiai. ji. oi"..
6O0 BUSINESS cards. $1 00: yotl ,"-'-Tbhr1,tn
this aa. rtoae v-n-r ' . ....-w. -a
Ll'NCH COUNTER for i'; central; big
bargain. t-aii ao?i "
MEDICAL, praotlce, Eaat Side, to buyer of
... - . . ..a nennlin
Oil if xumiiure. -aa aw. v. we 1
Phone Main 8560. A 3478.
822-4 Falling Bldg. 8d and Wash.
10 ROOMS, on Morrison st., ail on one floor,
very wall furnlohed nd carpeted: rooms
rent easily; rent only $50; furnace, good
Income: price only J0OO, oa terms. Mar
Shall 3H8- .
40-ROOM lodglng-hou for aala or -"!
for good real eatate: come to room 0O0
Ablngton bldg. and get particulara. owner.
aiain wni.
Slloo BUYS a 10-vaar leaae on 10-room
modern houaa, newly furnlohed hemaekeop
Ing rooma: net profit 3 per month; good
location. Phone Wood lawn 10-.
Will exchange lo acres land for paying
house, with lease: 130 acree In cultivation;
. ... .. nQl lr...inl.n
.au par bk.iv. aa. -' -
It KOOilo. housekeeplnc and tranoient,
good shape, snap: come quick; no agents.
B 13i3. u4 S - Morrison at.
SNAPlO-room rooming house; good aeaae;
ownr retiring; price. 400 l taken this
week. 207 Market st-
$10 REWARD for return Hamilton watch,
caa No. 4407.3T, movement No. eiioOia.
Charlaa H. Wlest. Stella. Waoh-
ll-KOOM rooming
house for sale on aocount
of etrkneaa. lit W. Park.
SOUND Where you can buy genuine balr
mattreasea retail at wholeaale prices; ws
reuovate mattress and return same day:
are also renovate feathera. Portland
Curled Hslr Factory, II. Metzger, 324-111
Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374.
LOFT One EngUeh setter, color blue, with
black ticks. M. V. Tseck, Fargo. N. Dak.
on nameplata; reward li returned to 2o3
11th sr A 4179.
lXnT Thursday, from la Weldler. whit
bull terrier pup. 7 months old: long ears,
no collar; answers to name "Punch." Re
ward. Phone East Sfii...
LOST Solitary diamond unset about noon
Tueeday the 2ath. probably N. E cor.
8J and Morrison. Liberal reward- A V
2111, oregonlan.
LIiaHT coat, lost on Ft. Helens road; finder
return to Oxford Cafe, dlh and Oak sts.
LOST A ribbon fob, monogram 8. S. W.
Return to li 1st su Reward.
Or seller's equity In contracta of ssle on
real eatate In Washington or Oregon.
IoanB. H. E. Noble, S14 laumbertnens
FIRST and second mortgagee and contracts
purchased on farm and city property any
where In Oregon or Waahlngton. S. 1
Devereaux. 1002-8 Spalding bldg.
MONEY to loan, any amount, first and aec
ond mortgages and contracts on farm and
city property purchassd. E. W. A. Peaks,
807 McKay bldg.
WATrlD Portland Improvement bonda
120 Grand ave. Phone East 41.
Money to Ieao Heal Estate.
SPECIAL ad-mortgage real aetata loans oa
monthly payments. Room 812 Hamilton.
ftate funda loaned.orper cent. W. E.T horn.
aa. state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 C. of C
MONEY, any amount, 8 to 8 per 00 1. Good-
BQngh V Salts. B10 Spalding bldg.
MONEY for good Inside loans, a, T, 8.
Carlock ex Muennaupt, ioaa tnuo. or com.
1 PURCHASE note and mortgagee. J.
Frank Porter, P04 Chamber of Commerce
PRIVATE money loaned on real aetata mort
gages. H. Mliey, room 104. Gerllnger bldg.
PRIVATE funds. $100 to $20,000 to loaa on
improved real estate. Main 2018.
JTJLY 29, 1911.
S5000, $7000 AND $10,000 to loan for 8
years at 0 or 7 per cent on Improved city
property. .
Caah for contracts, first or second mort-
'.""hARTMAS & THOMPSON. -Mortgage
Loan Dept.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
On Portland real estate Is onr spe
cialty; 0 to 8 per cent. See Mr. Hlattwlta
211 Lewis Bldg.
ON IMPROVED city property or for. build
ing purposes: 8 to 5 years' time; liberal
repayment privllegea; money advanced aa
building progreascs. The- Equitable Sav
lnga & Loan Aaaoclatlon. 24Q Stark at.
WILL loan $10,000 or less, real estate se
curity. Farrlngton at Farrlngton. 418
Commercial Club bldg. -
WE HAVE plenty or money to loan on
Portland property In sums from SlOOO to
S50.0O0 at loweat current rate. Morgan.
Flledner ox Boyce, tiOS-COd Ablngton bldg.
I HAVE to loan, at present, almost any
sum of money wanted from $1000 to
$100,000 at 5 per cent, 8 per cent Inter
est. J. Frank Porter, 004 Chamber of
$500,000 ON Improved city or farm property;
building or small loans at lowest prices;
large loana a specialty. J. H. McKenxls
Co.. 614-618-816 Oorllnger bldg.
$1800. $2000. $2500, $10,000, $20,000.
PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and T per
cent on real estate security.
- EDW.- P. MALL.
104 Second st.
MONEY to loan on improved real aetata or
for building purposoa. Columbia Life
Truot Company, via cpaiaing mm.
IMPROVED or unimproved property; email
building, loans, contracts and mortgages
bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Bherlock bldg.
MORTGAGE loana on city property; lowest
ratea. A. H. Blrrell Co. 262 McKay bldg.
gd apd Stark.
PRIVATE funds to loan. any amountt
terms reasonable; mortgages purchased.
Henry C. Prudhomme t-o. cpaiamg
o.jiunn Tn tiiv larro loana a spaclalty.
building loans, lowest rates. W. O. Beck,
8I8-8I0 Fulling bldg.
MONEY loaned without brokerage It wa
build, current ratea. La K. Bailey Co.
Sit APtngtoa uma.
1 HAVE up to $6000 to loan on Improved
property. 810 Chamber ot Commerce. Mala
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat
eral security. C. W. Pallet. 30S-9 Fentoa.
SMALL or lurgo amuunts on city or fox in
property. XIO orcamiipji nine-
A. H. HARiyXQ. 813 Ch. ot Com.
Money to Loan Chattela and tlxartea.
On furniture, pi an 00, storage receipts,
tleeetock. diamonds gnd all other kinds
of personal property; payraenta arranged
weekly or monthly to ault your conven
ience; courteous treatment to all: private
office and ail business strictly confidea-
toi-2 Rothchlld buig., 2S7Vo Waehlngto
Uletween 4th and Pth ata.
i i FT i f ' if i
W will furnlaa you. sulotly confiden
tial and without delay, a loan In any
amount, on your auto, piano, furniture,
livestock, storage receipt and all kinds
of securlliea: on terma to suit; also week
ly or monthly payments.
a first and second reel eatate mortgages
and contracts. -
812 Hamilton bldg. 131 3d. Main 2084.
$10 TO $100.
$10 repaid In inolallmonta of $0.4$
$20 repaid In Installments of O.tril
800 repaid In Inatallmenta of 2.0a)
An we require Is that you be employed
on aaiary and you get the money quickly,
without mortgag. lndoraer or otiior se
808 Falling l"da .
Women keeping house and othera for
nlBbed without aecurlty; cheapest rata.
eaot.'Bl payuienta. Come and gat money
when you want It, and pay as you caa.
OffUiea In all principal cities. D. H, Toi-
man, all Lumuir wiauac
oa furniture, pianos, atorage recelnta, eto.
Lowest ratea
807 Spalding bldg.
SHORT-TIME LOANS a specialty, quick
service, reasonable rates; confidential.
SOS Lumbermeus bid-., uth and Stark
Oa furniture, piano and livestock.
LAN E, 414 Ablngton Bldg.
LOANS on furniture and collateral, payable
monthly Installments. tioS McKay bldg.
Marshall 2a00.
LOWEST RATES Loans on all kind of 00-
curlty. chaltsls or real rotate. Union Bro
kerage CO., OXO amuama "'". .a a.
A LOAN for the asking, aaiary or chattel.
The Loan Co., 14 Dekum bldg.
iou; ratea: we loaa money on diamonds and
jewelry, mora aa mwv... . ,
loans on diamonds and other securities,
X.. ...... . a -n,-B.hlnirton hid.
VS 111. aamt. . . . ..
WONEY loaned on diamonds aad Jswelry.
strictly conndsntlaL 141 y, 8 J. near Aider.
Losno noaiaa.
I HAVE Uno to show private party several
ood loans In Rose City Park, one for
1500 and one lor $lS0o; will pay 8 per
cent and attorney's feea; no brokerage.
V 207. Oregonlan.
LOAN of $1600 for 6 years on SO acres Ir
rigated land near Band, Or.; water right
paid up lor the purpose to Improve the
same. Address L. Flckert. Box a.
Georgetown Station, Seattle. Wash.
WANTED Tour Idle money to loan and 50
loan In small amounts: no risk; 12 per
cent guaranteed; established o years. AEJ
Sl'3, Oregonlan
$2tao. THREE years, 8 per cent, on im
proved residence property. Phone Main
WANT ED $ 5000 and $10,000 on good real
eatate security; no agents. Ellis & Sny
der. SOS Board of Trade.
WANTED $1000 for 6 mo., 10 par cent;
first-class personal security. M 2t3, Ore
gonlan IK amounts from $10Oa to $30,000 at 8 per
eaat on Improved real property. Mr. Bur
chera. 219 Oregonlan bldg. ?
WANTED S.'iod loan, BO days, on $300 fur
niture. AN 21'2, Oregonlan.
LET us piaoa your money, good mortgage,,
references, i. H. Lewis, 8 Lewla bldg.
Prc4oeeUa Invited.
PKOPO6 ALS for Forage and Bedding San
Francisco. CaL. July 1, lull. Sealed pro
poaala will be received here, and at of
fice of Quartermaster. Fort Rosecrans and
Presidio of Monterey, until 11 A. M-, Au
gust 1. 1911, and at the office of the
Depot Quartern. aster. Honolulu. H. T.. un
til 9 A. M., Augaot 1, llilL for furnish
ing, during the fiscal year ending June
80. 1912. forage and bedding for posts
and stations In the Department of Cali
fornia. See Seotiam 8716 Revised Btatutee.
Information furnished on application to
the Quartermaster at Fort Rosecrans and
Presidio of Monterey, the Depot Quarter
master. Honolulu. H. T. or to F. Von
Fchrader. A. Q. M. O.
SEALED proposals will be received by the
Ftate Buaid of Control. Olympia. until
JO HO A. M., Auorust 5. 1911, for construc
tion of bulldinKs and moving and ln-nlla-tlon
of machinery at State Soldiers' Home,
Plans and specifications at office of:
Builders St Employers Association, Ta
coma. John K- Dow, Paulaen bldg.. Spokane.
Secretary Chamber of Commerce. Port
land. ,
Superintendent Soldiers Home. Ortlng.
Joolah C. Moore, engineer, Henry bouts.,
Olympia. July 20, 191L
PROPOSALS for construction Office of the
Quartermaster, Fort Lawton, Wash., July
1. loll Sealed proposals. In triplicate, for
construction of corral tencea at this post,
will be received here until 11 o'clock A.
M., July SI, 1911, and then opened; In
formation furnished on application. Plans
and specifications may be aeen at this
office. A guaranty of 20 per cent of the
amount of the bid must accompany pro
posals. The Government reserves the right
to reject or accept any or all bids or any
part thereof. Envelopes containing pro
posals shouls) be mdoroed "Proposals for
Construction Corral Fences, " and addressed
"Tha quartermaster. Fort Lawton, Wash,"
U. S. ENGINEER office. 802 Couch bldg.,
Portland. Or., July 2H, 1911. Sealed pro
posals for constructing steel seagoing suc
tion dredge Col. P. Mlchle will be re
ceived here until 12 M., September S, 1911,
and then publicly opened. Information on
application. Jay J. Morrow, MaJ. Engrs.
PAVEMENT. ETC Department of the
Interior Office of Indian Affairs. Wash
ington. DC.. July 8. ItfU. --, jr;
posals. plainly market on the outside of
the sealed envelope "Proposals for Bu'lf--lngs
and Brick Paving. Etc Cushman
School. Washington," and addressed to
the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, J ash
Incton. D. C will be received at the In
dian Office until 2 o'clock P. M. August
10. 191 L for furnishing material, and
labor for the erection of a frame gym
nasium and frame quarters, brick paving;,
etc.. at the Cuehman School, Tacoma.
Wa.h.. in strict accordance with the plans,
specifications and Instructions to blddeig
which may be examined at thla otrite.
the office or the Ledger. Taconia Wash.,
Post-Intelligencer. Seattle, Wash.; aiie
Oregonlan. Portland. Or.; Builders and
Tradera Exchange. Omaha, Neb., ana t.
Paul. Minn.; Builder and Contractor. Loa
Angolea. CaL; the American Contractor.
Chicago. HL; the Improvement Bulletin.
Minneapolis, Minn.; the U. S. Indian
Warehouses. Chicago. 111.. St. Louis, Mo.,
Omaha. Neb. San Francisco. Cal., and ox
the school. For further inf ornia-tlon ap
ply to H. H. Johnson. Superintendent
Cushman School. Tacoma, Wash. C. F.
Hauke, Acting Commissioner.
SEALED BIDS will be received at the of
fice of the undersigned, 402 Tilford bldg.
until 5 P. M.. Aug. 3, 1911. for an addi
tion to the Kerns School building. Bids
will be reoeived separately on:
1. Plumbing and drainage.
2. Glass and glaxing.
3. Balance of the general contract.
All to be In accordance with plans and
specifications of Architect T. J. Jones,
copies of which may bo obtained at hia
oXfloe, 400 Tilford bldg.
A certified check for 10 per cent of the
amount bid. payable to R. H. Thomas,
School Clerk, must accompany each pro
posal. Board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Dated. July 26, 1911.
(Signed) R. II. THOMAS, School Clerk.
matter of the guardianship of F. W. Ses
sions. No. Notice of appointment
of guardian Pursuant to the order of the
court hrela entered on the 27th day of
June, 1911, notice is hereby given that
the undersigned, Mamie A. Kennedy, was
by said oourt duly and regularly ap
pointed as guardian of the estate of F.
V. Sessions, on the 27th day of June,
1911. and she Is now the duly appointed,
acting and qualified guardian of the estate
of said pereon. Mamie -A- Kennedy,
guardian. Dated this 27th day of June,
161 L
WE HAVE the finest equipped private of
fices on the Paolflo Coaat. furnished with
every therapeutlo appliance used by the
most advanced men in Europe and Amer
ica, We use no drugs, we never operate.
We have something better. We use every
form of massage and adjustment and me
chanical body treatments, vlbratloa. radia
tion and heat. Bake oven, X-raya, static,
colls, violet lights and ultra violet rays.
High-frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, hollos,
aoiar. giant and King lights. W. are
the only physicians on tha Pacific coast
using radium to treat patients. Come and
be examined free and see our offices. We
have been In Portland over five years
and treated thousand of patient and
sever had a death. .
We take no contagion or Infections ai
eases, neither do we go out of the oflico
threat patients. We can CURE, do cu.
and have cured thouaand of so-oaiied
"Incurables" and nervous wrecks. in
vestigate for yourself. Wo ocoupy the
entire north hilt of th. third floor of the
Rothchlld bldg. Dr. W. E. Mailory.
,4.00. S5.00 AND $6.00 PUFFS
Cut hair In any shade; switches any
length. Prices Just half. Sanitary Beauty
parlors. 400 to 412 Dekum bldg.. over Llp
man & Wolfe's. 3d ana Washington sts.
WHY not have your halrdiessing. sham
. poolng, massaging, manicuring and hair
dyeing dono at Sweeney-a handsome and
cool parlors? Our hair goods are up to
date and new. and we make the very best
prices. We guarantee to cure diseased
scalps and grow you new hair. Consulta
tion free.
801 H Stark St., Cor. 10th and Stark
BALDNESS and diseased scalps cured. If
you are losing your hair and becoming
bald or suffering from diseased scalp, call
and see us. We will oure you. Don't
leave It go until you are absolutely bald.
Consultation free. Sweeney's, 391 Vx Stark
corner .luiu auu otc.rt.
graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom
ach ailment, under physician's direc
tions; bathe, masseuse. No. 7 Eaat 11th
at second door south from East Ankeny
carllna. Phone Eaat 260. B 1803,
Diseases of women and children, has re
moved to Lafayette Bldg., 313 V, Wash
ington Sa.
FEB VET Sk ti A IN iti L. 1 .
Leading wig and toupee makers: finest
stock of human hair goods, halrdreaalng.
manicuring, faoe and scalp treatment lil
7th St., near Morrison. Phone Main 546.
LADIES, when delayed use Lorenx Cora
pound Ergot Tablets; always dependable;
$3 per box. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 2a
Alornsuu au
meN Try s. O. tablets for debility from
any cause; price Si, any addreaa; money
returned If tt falla. Dr. Pierce Remedy
o.r. w MnrrlHon Bt-
tr KETCHUM. diseases peculiar to
women; also diabetea. eczema and rectal
ailments. Washington bldg., 4th and
. Unit, lift
MEN that are weak, nervous and run down,
write for Vito-Vigor. Information free.
Results guaranteed. Vlto-Vlgor Co., 224
Wash. St., portiano, or.
DK. MARY KRAMER treatment for women
and children; herb and root medicines;
examination free. 881 Mississippi ave.
vv oouiqwu iui.
IR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly
cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and
bladder trouble and piles. Consultation
free. 181 1st St.. Portland,
MRS STEVENS, 16 years Portland' leading
palmist and clairvoyant, haa her lata
book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at
J43V, Yamhill, corner 7th ot- -
Diseases of women and surgery. Exam
ination free. 302 Merchant Trust bldg.
e;h and Washington, phone Mala 4047.
DRESS ult ror rent, $L60 month: keep
your cloths cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and
deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co. 8u9 stark.
Switch. 95c; curls and puits, 73c. Sani
tary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg.
FI IlriT-CLASS masseuse, German graduate,
long experience, best references. 348 E.
Will lams ave.. near Weldler st. U car.
a, DIES Lorenx antiseptic conea are Boom
ing safe and sure; $1 per box. UUpa Tay
lor' Drug Co., 2ti9 Morrison ot-
MISS LEWIS, late of San Francisco,
treat baldness and diseased aca.p. 4O0
biar. -
LADlEta If in need of confidential advice,
consult Dr. Pierce; no charges. Call or
write, itai oioiriooo ..
lost vitality, 25o box; 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe
Taylor Drug Co.. 29 Morrison st.
-., E COURTR1GHT, feature and skin spe-clallst-
260 20th at. N. Phone Main &U42.
uOLES auperfluoua hair removed. Mra. M,
aV1,:.. T.m c.ll.n.e bio.- Mutn Him
jj. Bill, aaa - IT-
j... u of FIGS Remedies for diseases of
woman. 632 Civil St. Main 8215.
Commercial, County and Municipal
Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing.
X24 Worcester block. Phone Main 4oi7.
Architect a.
y A, SWINGLE & CO., axchltecta and su
'perlntendents. See us about your building
project. SOS McKay bldg.
Aasayer and Analyst.
a- A SENNET, gold, silver and platinum
refiner, aasayer and chemist. Sd floor,
148 Vk 1th st. Main 6109.
and ore-teaiina "' ' -
Welia A Proebatel. mining englneera. chem
ists and aasayer SU4Vo Washlngtoa.
A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General
nractlre, abstracts examined. Removed to
14S4 to 1428 Yeoa bidg. M. 873; A 1071.
THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to 400
1 hiriaL 4th floor.
ui cava.
Auto Suppllea.
F P. KEEN AN CO.. ISO Fourth st.. Em
pire auto Oreo, Pop Mfg. Co.' bicycles,
auto blcycl and motor supplies, vehicle
rubber tirea Phones M. 3SS2. A 4385
Bath and Swimming.
HILL'S SANITARIUM Rheumatlo treat
ment, elegant plunge. $95 Front. M. 451.
and machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 270
Chiropractic Physician
DR. TICKNER, Columbia Bldg.. next
Theater. A 5255; res. 1C9 E. 50th: B
19. J
WILLIAM Estelle and Floosie Deveny, tha
only scientific chiropodists In the city.,
Parlors iiij Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d
nd Alder. Phone Main 1301.
Dr. Marl.n Braun, surgeon chiropodist fronaj
the Imperial University Hospital. Vienna.!
Austria. 2U3 Rothchlld bldg. Ph. Main S8ol. j
CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mra. M. D.,
HIIL offices 429 Fliediier b 1 Jg: Maln Sl 7 3.,
DR Marguerite Crawford, graduate chlropo.'
dist and manicurist, ol'-ulu Dekum UluE
PORTLAND Collection Agency S17 Allsky;
bldg. All debts collected. A 7317. M. 42:1:1.
Cont rua-'tors.
The Oregon Construction Co. will plaa
your house and build it- 302 McKay bldg.
W. L. BCCKXEK contractor. Jobbing, of-'
flee and store setting. t N. 8th St. Maia
68S1; A 7602. Woodlawn, 683.
ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor,1
414 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main 580.
HASTINGS BhOS., general Jobbing and con
tracting. Phone Main 73t7.
Dancing ,
WALTZ, two-step, three-step and stags'
dancing lessons 25c; every morning, afi-1
ernoon and evenins. 1'rof. Wai. W llson xl
Dancing School, UMlii Wash. at. bet. "J
Park and loth at. I
ALVEOLAR TEETH where brldgework IS)
Impossible; dues aaay entirely with, platei.
bridgework; we cure pyorrhea (loose;
teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people.
Alveolar Dental Co.. Ablngton bldg. 106 3d.
DK. H. B. GAKK1SON. graduate Phliadei-I
phia Dental College. lsi(S. 509-11 Mer
cbants Trust Bldg. Main 5434. ,
THE old reliable Union Paiuies DentUtvl
1st and Morrison sts. .
Engines lias and Steam.
ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agta. Seabury
steam eugme and boilers, gasoline en-,
ginos. 2S1-2H3 E. Morrison st- Phone E. 61
Feed Slurs.
ZIGLER & MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce-:
ment. shingles, sal Grand ave. E. 4-3.
Furnace Cleouing.
FURNACE cleaning and repairing, prompt,
sorvice, prices reasonable. Piiuno ii-asfc
Leather and l'indlngs.
CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front. Leather
of every oescription. mpa.
tablished lSa- 1 S Front SU
Emil Thlelhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevelk.j
900 Marquam. A i60, Marshall loan. ;
Osteupatlilc Physician.
DR. LEKOY SMITH, graduate Klrkville.
Mo class of li9S; post-graduate 1907. un-l
der DrVA. T. Still, founder ol the science..
1122 Selling bldg. M. 19bf. A 19SS. ,
Dr. R. B. Northrop. 415-i6-lT Dekum bldg,;
Nervous and Chronlo Dioeasea.
Phone Office M. 349. Res. Eaat or B 103s.
Papering and Tlntluo.
TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat,
clean work. Phone East 358.
Paints, Oils and tints.
COAST-MADE paint and varnish 1 b"
C adaoted to the Coast, cllmaia. BAoa-
. HKI.TER PAINT CO.. T91 seoonu i-
RASMfSSEN ci CO.. Jobbers P.- "
TTn.. sash and doors. Cor. ad aad Taylor.
Patent Attorneys.
0: 8. AND FOREIGN PATENTS prooUX.d h,.
O. O. MAHilJa,
4Q9 chamber ot Commerce Bldg.
PATENTS procured by J. K- Mock, attorney-!
TJklU Ute of U. S. Patent ofne-k Book.,
let free. (i mo J"1"" " -
r! c WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ants. VnfrlnKcment cases. iu4 Dekum bldg.
THE Barber Aspiioitavlng Company, .K
iinH Electric uma. ..
WARREN Construction Co.
sidewalks and crosswalks.
treet n il V I H II .
817 Beok bldg.
UNCLE MYERS' Coilaterlai Bank; 40 1 year
in Portland. 71 0th at. Phone Main 910.
Portland wood pipe co factory and
oftice near 4tn and tork sts. M. 34S9.
Main 2001; A 2QOL.
COFFEY PLUMBING CO.. sanitary plumb-
era. vj unst. "- " --
U il 1 " a "" .
Kug Weavers.
Tt 12S0. 13 Union ave.. nr- E- Morrison.
" Safes.
THE MOSLER SAJE CO 108 2d St. Sals l
, Ci.,rv nrlces: second-hand safes.
Second-Hand Goods.
i. . ,, hll ciuthlns. furniture and tools. High- ;
St price pa"d tor second-hand clothing, ,
furniture, tools. Marshall 2304.
a.i.w-!iea. Bank and Show Fixture.
THt- LUTKE MFG. Co., branch Grand Kap
T W, showcase Co., 0th and Hoyt. R. Lutke.
managur . .
NhoVfaswTin stock; promut delivery, bale.
agent. M. Winter Lumbar Co.
viarsHL MFG. Co., 4th and Couch; new
Afib rghj. Main 27U3. Cabinet work.
Klr. r- s metal cloth, "weatherproof large
Wil esTaW signs. 3 cents. F. L E.Hy.
Ablngton bldg. Maln141g. ,
Storage and Transfer.
p, 7 PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. offices
and commodious 4-story brick warehouse.
i?oAr-Ita iron rooms and fireproof vaults
" valuables; N. W. cor. Sd and Pine
Its' Pianos and furniture moved and
Sacked tor shlpying; special rates made oa
goods in our tltroush cars to ail ooraeatio
. fnd foreign potauaiaJjA 1996.
All household goods hauled by Us go
Into our freproof brick warehouse, abso
lutely free for balance of month, and at
ino lowest rates thereafter. Expert mov
ing and packing for shipping. King u up
Stner phone and let the Vaa Horn Trans
fer Co. move you. .
General transferring and storage, safes.
Pianos and furniture moved and packed
tor shliiment- 87-KO Front. sL Telephone
Main 547 or A 2247.
OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870.
Tranter and forwarding kBents-B torag.
office S10 Hoyt st pe ; ween Bth and th.
Phones Main ttl). A lloi).
MOOSE, elk heads, fur work. F. B. Finlay.
?4il Columbia. A 1848.
SPECIAL sale on rebuilt typewriters; to r
(Uice our stock we are selling a number of
flist-closs machines at actual cost.
Underwoods ; Jo sl
L. C. Smiths. - 20 to JoO
jTemlngston. Jo
smith Premiers 320 to $40
ollvers ''',
We handle all makes' of machln and
have some very good ones as low as $10.
Every machine we sell bears our full guar
antee. This sole will continue for a short
time only, ro get lu ly-
Pacific Stationary & Printing Co.
201, 203, 205 Second St.
Corner of Taylor.
WE are the exchange for the largest type
writer concern on this Coast: investigate;
all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex-
rhaniie. 287 hi Washington St.
-Mirw rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut
rates. P. P. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407.
Veterinary Schools or Collegea.
LEGE. Session begins Sept. 16. Catalogue
free- Dr. C. Keanu. IB 1 8 Market St.. S. F.
" Well Drilling.
TET holes and quirk sand my specialty.
Wm. H. Lnmb, Calirornia Plating Works,
248 2d St. Main 7219.
DRILLING wells a specialty; price reason
able. Call Main 1346 or write Millar at
Wet, 182 Morrison st-. Portland.
Wood, and Coal.
BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re
tail 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Offlc
and yards at 125 E. 7th st, Phon East
I -t ; a i i ..
DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller
wood, 450 per load, delivered to any
place in the city. Portland Wrecking Co.,
105-107 Uth St. North. Main 37. A 3736.
THE Irving-ton Fuel Co., wholesale and
retail, fir cordwood. Phones East 935.
C 2322.
EEGHEKS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft, cord
wocd and slabwood. 9th and Gilaan. M-
noro. XI C'l-.l. A 911'
QJOH. ia- owoi. n. ,-w.
Main lti06: A 2415.
Marshall 960. 387 - Water -v