15 roii nit rnr.K s :us ;r.-F;is,i tor'1S. NOTICE. ALToMOlilL UWNtHi W will ilnn your car f rea and Mil It I for yoi frr. ,f charge. If )OU WtHI tae ar. c"' C o t (Q "e XL Toil' JilILK H'tV.HT. WLO CR'MOX lI Til FXiHANGK. :t and U'tjhlriton eta At'TOMuU ILE SACRIFICE. I ! moey end will Mil dandy f!va- rtMAI--r a-.o. la r.nw runa.oi fu: r e.iuipp-J. go I tire: this t a danlv: if I c n --il In a few day will take l-l.lil rub. it la worth rate what 1 ess- Phon Van T77 or c .v v La." ' WLY AS AUTOMOBILE " ant I 'k ov.e our larg sl.xh of a.tahtly-uaed car, w h tltem. ai tcAAa i-. l vvrjr o la a r-l Hrrk.ai OIlK'iOS AI T EX' HAJdL, Stat an! Washington s'a At TO WANTED. 1 . v i ter tract of Council CrMt. best d-P. loamy eon. c-r."ilnl to two ar- !!. nice cr--tc. a-il ncrwry .... .- pri -a j irra: win rito. II olbeooa. 'S gw-mnu fA.-N'iKK Whit eiaaai'r for al or tral lor property or a lauB-rh- Inquire I aitad k'Kir alur. F tarth end Waehtng- Tl'MOftn.K to exr-hango for gocd real C.ty prop rt jr. 7" -.t" "l -crifl en rrouat f ;l sXf -4 rwr a A-l cot- VnJMri r. i Min 4-4 lop. '": tlwr tar 4- . - to '' -top itaaaa. - . : " . .br.. - - .'. arnii-halra. ti .- t. :. -: .tonal '(J ..-'- ... i to ': '-' s"- t;- .r.t.r la '-l -.-!'-- " ,,, ., liruaaa l a"J Wl.t..n ruja. a . j to - - " -. 7 - ,.. in.tia; rH 1. : '' - . r.V l it .Ralra. l a'. " -- "' t l to : . Jiif.r.r t-...j.-h with pa U rj.nat tol.Iin 4 , '7.. 1. to :. at-! ruili-a in ' t to 3. -v.rl lar. -.la- r.f r.a-ratora. ,.,ut to " .. - I;;.!. l!VM '": - i: ai-lUL ar4 I"-a of inh.r oar- laroltura, K-.i If nu.a ..1 ila:lr.t frrw f. rt of tha . t :t af.loh ruar- amir.! - ' " P''a- i:-!t a-a l-h pnr,.-a. " A . TrT;H..r.i. ,v..t. at ufti..o ..i. .'- '...Z. I .n.l l ln.l-all r..-a la an.l In B... cndittoo: la I"" rou.-h. , "m J. "irtu-i" -ainut t ..Iroom aull.. Uca uair.a -vrral t.n. rock tra. carpota. alc ' a " . T i . AS fat. .a-. i.n. lauo. a .--. Uii. l" at.ta prt-o at" IM dotailo la aiao paoaa nujntiar. Ad f r toaiot. 'rw-cor. uc. r tor al. .'tir-th.r.l r.s.nal va.u; o party wlia foi..-wt-id d.a. -r.ptio,- Va.a. m..tlum ail-. :at rrj .National ah riatr. uuulli'Bl'. nrw. latrat ... i.,.t .;!. a fcarralrw - .jii nr rr r'h'an o- 4-E;i l.-. lilt htlr uaa.l. 0riroor. 010(10 PI Kl . LLa v- r t -a M a 65" I Cat. fa tt. Via Ctll aA-r-tr-. -..- TOO V .rr I hn r.a fl'U: llll.k. Nonowoal T,po- r-.tr t p.. J'J . o H "-ALE tt-o ba1-axa i-runi. in r. f..mpi. . v-.aaa ron.t.uon. cni.. - H-.t-l frr.n. 1.A- ad :-o '-"- iariai- ak or"i tat. -a--a " - ri? 'Kl i. -.; TU. an4 HOBIUND iirK .. i wain A 4U. ifH SAl.a, na 3D-horop-or trarllori an. -tttn ir.i. a Walla a troaall. H.- lir.-niitt. aah- H..H-f I'.f - 4-crl nln. with romplrf. A.ldraaa J. Jl. D.. iloa .!). Aa- a. 'r , VjO Pr COr.l. or.i.r. . - tha rlt. Ihona Main IM . O. oh vle iu ".'vt.. . .1". t-.; a.'rht.r ua'i. wrmi ii -- I'kh t. north. ,K lvjtl"lt-krd rrt aa rapa-ttr b-rd ba loaaaa. la A rv-rta at. Ihh ft. . nf'ipt n. with K lln ontt at oaili'.h liarit. ":- tii'i't ana wiui a laraa.n- - larrat-aa u r aura " th t tou aal thrm frrah: cotno and pub ilam off tha una, 1 conla a n;4rf vl i lv iofl at . ntwin ima rar. a u H rAIJ rta-fool Jaaaiar'a anowcana aao v i-lh.t aai.caaa. a. O at. lMt - V. aaoiactoa. TIlE "controi::n !. In H'-utharo ! rama. would aa part, areata th:a O -IT. 'rQ.ailan. IV, , diamond Mtt : ririra and 1 a:.ara in t!ia lnla T-;.phona to. to flcauia f .r ti..r-. l l:t .--tark at. i; tsoi.vN motor. . ! "ill. ro an a r u: -n. m nn coadttlon, far oaiav ;o. r.n at. Cc.ni.-a. tor a.i n! pmT.t br Inltad Etarlnaar ln a foottru'-tioa 'Q. 'II bid". a b -r iln. rcor. t tn. ona-cabta boat. AC 274. baf ;4ri. aafa. oa raw. for aala chaatK tffll if you wih. Af utrannaa W ISTI.Ia "tlM I I l.rOtH. ANTi:. To nir ata.l untrr roam and rlM Kl'l I . a waa"h o;- t'uuitrir na.a Vuraat ir .- or a.lja.ant p.avo in -u- luat f r S wa.a- tn to Tl! .a mo-.k ; ra- ...nala pra'n . witl auarant- K.W4 car. rrat ltir.a AK ror 'an. tE Hi t Cl.orHlS'1. ri KSlTl KE. TOOW II g-iaat prua paid for niaa'a ants ladtaa aaat-onT io:hln. oboa furnllura. loo a r-.rhanlo. I..i.n. Cait btala -. Tr' at. ThoOlobo. ja Vv.rbaa bouaaho.d ftiraltora to Mil. au up ooro .-i-r a t o., lli I' ark at. ba'ao at raai4lncao o apa.lalty. V. K pa. any kind of fumltaro yao .sal want. blaia aJji. A NU. rord Auction -'o. W A NT V r A miaibfr of !o pur-rlao; io aaa and rr-- Aii-t 'a rtraa-r. Arnll. c-n l;-'it '" "n. T-la iiaht prt-ao paid for all klado of 2d -band macbanlc. foaotna tool I -aria Hiwra. r. .: Front. Mala POT j " a NT to purchaa at Encliah bull pup, ma.c; f-il a-l about t'' p'jp Iti first iat . . . . n . -,.,. iv It oraaonlao. WAS Veil. A atout. mulo-acad wornan. C;B t:.tt. wno .a a:iTtittia to 1 layoaa of. Ad'lr AJ '.'-. .ronlaa. WASTVrv Twrt rallrd Uckat to hlcajo or atclnttyaahnoa and wornan. AY .fej. . 'f"rinn. Hl'lHtif prlca paid for furn'.turo. atoraa. ranaaa. ate. ate. Call - Eaat luc3 of r I at Sl Kaat a!-rrlaoo at. V . pa tn h: a beat caab prlra f-nr aacoad hand furnltura Saatar Mania, fboao Mlaat 111. 4t tlawthorno aaa. wanTi:l t-naii a;t priatina plant. nar r paw. I'hooo MJin Po-. wXvVEl 0d fnran cor-! w od ; oaat pri f. o. b. l'4-rtland. K Z'S. I'rccoatan. A N 'tV. t !at . a tnar ptctura mar hint fllnaa. foiu nc cbaira ate. AU 14Z. uracoataa. Mf LP w.xTr.n-n ite. l;.KiKKI'Til alual ba arrurata and ri: v compatant to t.tka rbarca of aa t of bwki: atout .'"I or - T'ara of ar. aa 1 -ary to a'art I-1.. a?lndld rhan for ad anmact If 1 uiaba ool; a. t. phono na:u6r. A E 2,itr Un. WNTEW I! rot -cl.ua boahalman; no n-n-r n-d app.y. li-lT Earn-r Koad. Roao i y Vr. 1 ii irut.lul'HtlU wantrd for poat cards: $.i par waak. Cal today bat. 13 and i r it. I1J U at- tXrI Kl wantad for Saturday. Sit Flrat at. s uarantad. T . MQI.I- call at 1Q Corbatt M1. r.A K iiii K wantad. U lt ot. ti-t I.E fraab coaa. 'J laa'ry aa. i::. .ol ar. T Irlk-a" ('d : im.i:. la ood caada il.n. Aprir tio.damita airaat-. rH-"-. IN':i f r a.. I'hono Ward Jiroaw Woo.iiawa ;!1 r C --. HELP WAVTED M tLK. 1XCIDINH (Ooa of Many) Office Secretary rmploymenl .Department I. M. A Toor man. lranr. oat of work ft Mo toial caah aaaatl It I par Ta f for opalal amploynioot mamborahlp. I will hava oaljr (U loft Mn Bo ao otorva. tiun . , liacrtorr If rm par )S for otJoeiaJ rmplnrmrat mc-nbarablp oo will bao too T. M. C. A. with tu rMourcao botwoaa rom oa4 ouunraOook TfrcorxJ for moat ho oa4Is Joao ,.,. Oalla for maa... 1 "i ? VoalUono ntlow Kow Bombot o B2T loT rmployTT-aat mamnanhrtr wnrx ara-p!o-Bant or rafucd of mraborbl-, roa. r:raa lot rnontl.a full momboroliip pn ). 10 rooatha oootal prlviiM a an4 nnOartakao to koap Snr ainploj ad d OTi a tha full tana of Bot-aboraiup wlLaool furrhar abarwa. fc a bao oonotaat daman for B'o rado. o. .-rlaod maa At -row tto4 for a tottor poaitloar . , at ooaroiarjr ampioxBMt d apart avaa I T. a. C i WASTEO. Throw mltlwrlahta. raw work. 3 SO. 0 ttnp b.atkamith. 93. io. Two ranar trimmrmrn. 93 up. Oarrlaca-rldra. iOO and $J.T It-. a t.alr. marhll , city. - P- 1 lanar f'adar. li-r. clt. 92-ii-tianaral h.ackamltb. ahoalng. 93. ..nrl blacksmith balpcr. I2.JO. TKcik'y flraman. 92.SO. Whlatl boy. 91. T3. liondrads of othsr Job aaary doy. PACtFT- KMn.OT5!EXT COMPAVT. Mala t.(tUa. !! bt- I'.'TAHLl.'iHDD tnrorporatrd company whoaa lino of work Is tho dlopman of lo-tS'-l off lor.ds In lar tracts for th romlna tl.ar. daalras tha aanrlrao of an amparlrncad fcualnaa party capab.o of hand..n lar propoaltlona. Position a carria aoo aaary. Cloaa co operation of th laa-1ln com marnal bo.tis of tho coast olraa.ly aa rurad. Thoaa hating a fw thouaand IO Ir.a.t with tha company alraa first con ai.'aratlon. Urat of raf'ranc riulrd and ilnn. Ad lraaa Ail -"$ Ororonlan. a-.Pl.K-HotIFt ma wantad for lb U. i Marin Corp, botwoaa lb mm ol ! U Moat ba oatla bora or ho arot Vapora. Monthly pay. 919 to 9. AdJI tlotaal camp"naatloo poMlblo. Food, c.otb ln. o-iartars and tnadloal attnUon fro". Aftar 1 ' tars' saralc caa rtlra with .1 par rant af pay and allowancaa ary.ca oa board snip and aabora la a. I Parto of th world. App.y at V. . Maria Corpo Kacrolilnc OHica. Braadca bid- d and Waalilntttoa s'a. Fortlnnd. Or. Itn.i.KfMITH WASTED. W fca a ood location for a flrst-claas V'arkamllh and haaa th ahop for rant at 'i r.-r month, unfornuhad. or will fur-r...-. and tak man on commlalaon baaia. Xoat i. ,ood man and at. I to la rood r-f-ran- as to charactar and aulllty: tP Lo.ftcht-r naad orp'x. Coma for par son! Intarvlaw to I'uXtr, Orcjon and call U9ori tho undarslsnad. t. V. I. I. fQ.. oarir opr"lt tha l.-pot. olvr. r. KOMKVIAS miliar hi to Install a quarry plant. 9 a -lav. atal structural Ironworkers, brldro work, country. hours. Sawyar. ainall mill. 93.0. r bridat carvantara. 94 io Mm and wita oa farm. 9 and foond. Man and wlf. bartandrr and cham bsrmalU. hotel. i nd found. t;. II. HANilKX ctJ-.:Nj:.d8i WAXTEIfc youna man who la capahio of earn.na 9-n or mora par month. Thlo Is no cln'-h. but to tha man who ha found lhat tbaro Is no! Mr.- la workln all his lit at a small waa for th oihr follow w oro praparad to offer a parmananr. lucratlyo poitkn If th man can dllrr th r;o.Hla lital nrovloua aprlenc la anaaartna A' 2Td. Qraaonlan. WANTKU for L. !- Army. obl-bodlad un married men. between ones of 1 ond So. cmaens of I nlted Htate. of ood charac ter and temperal baMts. who can 1 pe a a. resd and wrlta tho EnaHah !anuae t or Itt'ormstlon apply to Hecrultina Ottlcar. Worrrstor blmk. 3d and Oak sta.. fort land. Or. AVTIVK man. Inlellieanl. with om .luca-tl-n and bualn-M ranartcne for collector: nelra.-ier muat stand Invostlaallon by bon.lma company: muat ba otla to rid biccl.; aood salary anil steady employ ment; alvo aa much of your history ao you caro to in application. X .Oro g on ton. tOI'N'1 MAS to take position as apprentice In this storo to learn tha rlothluc busl naaa. aaa- 9. per month to start with: yood charts for adiantement, must bo of rood appearanco and have referancaa rownayl: Woolen Mill blot, id and Morrison. W AN IK"' Ciperlcnced realty sateaman to tak chars of corpo of JunUr salesman and act aa 'district manacer; must hava aMllty to hsndls proapecta and CIom boaineaa: no man under 30 years of aaa considered; stat aa and prlous eape rienra in anawerlna A 2TT. orrf-ln. J'lANiJ plaer for orchaatra work; can mae. from TI to 9I p-r month plarlnr; for picture show and daneea: earellent hone for on capaol of a-lvlna Instruc tion. Ad.lresa W. C. bcllmer. Ban Jon. or. , W STElt Vouna man. sinale. 2o to oO ars oi.l. to deliver and coll-t; on M : n t strata to wm; r" ' ' reaulrel: oa'ary Hi per week. AF -Ui Oregon tan. KI.UKKLT. sober man. who understands carina for family aeaetahio aarden. to milk and rlo other chores at suburban ria-e; amalt saiary. Call after m. JO. Ml Cortiett b'.da. " ANTfcli .'onanlal youna man for ofll- work who can write shorthand and oper ate typewriter: alve phono number and a ary wantad In application. V -"S. Oro- aUHES. emc'uslve territory. bl oppor tunities, steady position. com p. eta Una aklraa Vstiey-crown fruit shsd and or namental slock: cash weekly; outnt free. T"ppntah uraery Co.. Toppenla'i. Waan. Sl'ltSEnTMk,N WANTED-fteody work with r"i waaee for sober, ir.nuilrloua, first-claaa man that can bud and arafu Ailarass California Nursery Company. Nis. Calif. fLOTIIIS'l Mlesmon. must be experienced and a first-claaa man. steady poaitlon now open. Hrownsrllle Woolen Mill Store. 3 ! and Morrison Pts. MrlA 1'v'l'TTElt wanted: can make anod proposition to rls-ht party; must be some. on who can manaae a busiaesa. Call at Morris St. oAl.E-.-u ES wanted to sell our line of Po ciSc Coaat-arown nuraery stock: cash paid weekly, laclac Nursery Co. boa Corbatt bida. W.VSTELt Competent bookkeeper: must bo ai:e to take charae of orfice; atato ex jn. n.e and oauaxy expected. All I'Jt. ori-r lan. W" A S T E D lat-clasa an-hltectural drouchta maa; none but flret-ciae roan need ap- ply. S'J Henry Mda. El. E-'T KICI ASS. plumbers and sheet metal wnrk-ra. nonunion, out of town. Apply 2 t'ommarclal Ciub blda. W ANTE1 At pa, a-ood llvo salesman: coma to-lay. ready for work. Cribble ai Kraese. room le. Merchsnto Trust bl.la. W" AST V. L An able optoroelrtat of aood ad dress, muat alve references; atato salary. l :. ttreconlaji. I lllsr-CUAi'.-l llthoaraphlo stone ens-rarer at once. Urant A fona. Ulmltad. 31T Cam- Me street. Vancouver. It. C TV ASTEU Offl--e boy. at once: muat bo permanent. Ellero Mualo House. 7th at Alu-r. EX fy.R I rrstlr commlaaloned Mlcaman for city, on etdcllae tor out of city. AM 21il. oreaonlan. . liESTIi-r: must be Al operator; 9.V week! reterencea 204 Halaht Pine, l-eattla. A TOl'Nil. sober, reliable. un-to-dat printer, po.k County Itemlaer. Iallas, or. bTKl't'Tl' It AI. Iron workers, out of town. Apply --- 'ommerctal Club blda. LUKU11N. nonunion. Apply 2 Commercial Club bids. AI.T.-AROI"VT bruah makers wanted. Jr4 Eat ITth sf.. the I'eople'e Hrnsh Koetory. illOA' CARl WHITER wanted, apprentice; (lu-J'S eaai:y learn-d. " 212 Filth St. CAKrKNTtliS. nonunion, out of town. Ap ply 222 Commercial Club bids;. jjOT wanted In auto and slam palntlnc ahop. Apply tkl" Alder st. i-Aliortt-H-S. out of town. Apply 222 Com mercial ciub b:d. you wuh to astabllah ourself perma-n-ntlr Ask for llryant. 1114 Yeon blla. pl.-HWA-iMtH wanted, oleln'a Heslaurant, 1:1 itth st. Unll.KHMAKKIIK nonunion. Apply 2J t'ottimerclal t'lub blilc: 9'ltOTtXiRAI'H coupon and portrait eenle, new offer. Cutbertb o'Odlo. Oakum bids. HF.LT W.tSTMl TtJtALK. CoMl'ETEN'T woman for vrnerat housework. 2 In family; no children: Hue-al waxes. Apply Elliott eve. In U.1I I Addi tion. Take llewthorne ave. car. tilHI.-i wanted. ilCLTNOM AH MOHAIR M 1 11. WANTED Good rook for two men: no ob jection to oneehlld. N2J.Orsonla-i. WA NTFlr llrl for general housework. dTT bchuyler at, Broadway car. TUB MORNING HELP WASTED FTMALJL WANTXD TOTOO X-AXIE91 FOB TELS PBONS OPXTRATLN'O. WTTB OR WITa OCT slXPSaUXKCa. eVFPX.T TUB PAv CIPIO TlXrPHOKB VKXwOBaVpa oa. KAST (TH AJfTJ aUnCJOIT wTm COOK and helper. (TS. Cook, country hotel. $40. l'antry woman. 9-9. .. Two waltresaes. beach. 925; fire paid-Waltre-is. country hotel and sprlnss. Dish washer. 2o. HANSEN'S EM PLOT ME NT AOENCT. 3;. S Wash. St.. Koom I. QIRU WANTED. . Apply- Standard Factory. Ko. Orana to. and Eaat Taylor at. WANTED Lady aaants. Portland and other points. "LaCorotta" and "Mme. McCabe Corsets. Large proflta Experience not necessary. Su LouU Corset Co.. St. Louis. Mo. . I WAST a stenographer and bookkeeper, light wotk. reaaonable salary, quick ad vancement to right party. Call today or Sunday after 3 P. M. 3o2 Buchanan blds- 291 Af, Washington at. I GIRL for cooking and housework In small family. T47 K. Madison. Hawthorne or Eunnyslde cars. Phone E. 3043. cALKSLADT for Aator'.a Centennial, sell coffee and baklngpowtler; only one that can get results neod apply. AG !4. Oro- f'lnliii. WASTED Jlrl for cooking and housework In family of four adults; good none but experienced need apply. Vol lv-erett- Wi-MAS for cooking and housework; smaj family, near city: references required; . after 7 P. M.. 14 1st ot. 11I1.1JNEK and dressmaker to conduct store Jointly, or ilelmont St.; sooa lotation ii business: no opposition. I'hne It lftos WaMEu Hennod. capable woman for ra aponaiuie peauiDa ii vw.. - cnua ntug.. its enq v aaoioa ww. MRS. LOWE-8 LAillEo" AOENCT. y -IvasmnglOn ST-, nma aaa. Main or AIMl TWO capable girls, cook and second girt -tie experience ana wage wania. - 2--V. oregonlan. W ANTED Talloraaa for busbellng dept.; com prepared to work thla A. M. A. H. Steitrbarh at Co.. 4th and Morrlson. EXPERIENCED girl to work In shooting gallery; must be good shot. AddreM . J. Walker. Walla Walla. Wash. NEAT unincumbered woman under 40. housekeeper widower, with children. 8t Louis Agency, &!, Wssh. Main st. GIRL to aaalst with light housework in small family; ona wllllna; to go to tha beach. T E. Morrlaon. Phone B 8024. EXPERIENCED waitress: none others need apply: good wage". Acme Ileataurant, PI N. ttlh. WA NTKn A girl as companion and to as sist In light housekeeping; good homo and fir. per month. Phone riellwnod loltl. LADIES to make pillow tops: good pay for all or spars time; experlcnca unnecessary. 4U btark St. WANTED Experienced chocolate and cream dippers. Modern Confectionery Co.. 13th and Hoyt. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. Ilju Washington at-, cor. Ttb. upstairs. Phone Main 29. WANTED A nice, neat young girl for store; good wages to right party. 319 Main su. Vancouver. UlRI. for general housework and cooking; reference required. Call mornings. 344 loth. WOMAN for pressing snd repairing. ;- Cleaning Works. 225 "j N. 2d. WHITE cook for private boardlng-boua Main 27it. , WANTED Utrl for general housework, lib K. 2!th N.. nsar Davis. GIKL for general housework and cooking. Phone Main 4102. CooD woman pastry cook wanted. Apply a..'. Morrison St. INTELLIGENT women to solicit orders for photographic work. Cull at 40 Halsey. WASTED Experienced waitress. Apply Rebe s. 404 Washington, bet. 18th and 11th. WASTED Girl for work In Ice cream coun ter. TS fturnsKle st. bTAIU HK.K at tha Palace Laundry. East lvth and Everett eta THE LAMHKKPON'. SSi Couch Wanted, an experienced dlnlng-nom glrL KXTEHIENCED girl for general housework. S2-1 Kearney. COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be good oook. Everett at. SALKSLADV for hosiery dept.; salary 943 month. Lennon's. St Morrison st- hfij wvrrn mai.k or ft-male. GOOD pay to hustling solicitor, mala or female. SfrT l Eaat Burnslde ou. room 14. Call betaeen and 111 A. M.. 4 and P. M. WASTED Fraternal deputies, district and local: best proposition In tba state. 627 Chamber of Commerce. help WAyrr.n Misrai.rNKorn MEN WANTED Age 1M.S to become tire men, about 91oo m on lb Iv. brakamea 9M on nearby railroads. Experience uaneo sesary. positions guarsnteed competenl men. Promotion. Railroad Employing Headquarters. 4S06 sent to poaitlons In lwlu. Btate age; name position preferred. hallway Asiociatlon. Boa A V. Oregonlan. 10 Olio POSITION a for g..-loaias last yaav: man and women learn barber trade la S weeke. help to aecurw position: grada atea earn from 913 to 933 weekly; ax part Instrtaclore; tool free; write for cata logues. Mohlar Fystem of Colleges. 93 North 4th at-. Portland. Or. WANTED MEN TO LEARN To operate movlog-plctJ-es: operators earn 923 to 940 weekly; special price on lessons today. N. Y. School ot M. V. Operating. 62S Washington, nsar 17th. reading tho Bonvllle Square Deal you win know 'why you axs not steadily employed. MAKE money writing short stories, or for farars; bis pay; free booklet tells how. nlted Preas yyndlcnte. Ean Francisco WANTED Ladles to learn bMuty culture; best place on the coast. Sanitary Parlors, 4'X-412 Dekum bldg! IMLKKA IIONAL Con-eepoodeoce Scbaeaa. local otriea 139 Aider at- afala lows. PRIVATE school SHOHTHAND and TTPar W BIT ISO, li mo. 2 ai llh St. Msla 3a9. W-LL tint rooms for 92.SO and nalnt houses at your pr'ce. phone East 2293 FlFK TEACH Eru-T AboOClATION, ! S wet land bldg. fllTrATlONS WANTED MALE. Boukne paw and Clerks, GENTLEMAN of 3'. good education and tuslnesa experience: absolutely business: also experienced salesman and buer; A-l htxh-rlaas referenoea. Addreaa AM 2t2. tiregonlan. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CL063 OR WRITS an bcoks. prepare balancM and latmats. Instai: systama nilllngham. auditor, 411 Lewie blilg- aiarsnaii in. EXPERT bookkeeper will write up and ad Just your accounts for a fnoUcrste fee. O 2-5. Oregonlan. I'lUSr-CLAllS bokkeeler dealrea poeition; would work temporarily; references. 8 2VK. oregonlan. BOxIKK EEPER. cost accountant. office manager. A-l references. It 2o. Orego. nian. "" ' -KHm lianeoaa. ESTIMATOR Young man wlahea poaittnn with general contractor; well recom mended; moderate salary. V 2W6, Orego nlan. POSITION "as saalstant csshlrr by young married man; has been bookkeeper snd aaalstant cashier 1 car: beat of refer ences K. L. Adams Butterfleld. Minn. MAN and wife as Janitor In an apartment house, thoroushiy experienced In steam heat, understsnd all repairing. Phone East 3i2. Mr. Oroble. References. HASDY man wants position around private plice; can do gsrdcncr work and take cars "t automobiles; can give references. AN 2 n.. Oregonlan. MAN wanls position around prlvste place; can drive and take care of automobiles; Scotch. AL 23. Oregonlan. TOIVO JapaneM would like to work few houra a day In exchange for his board. AN M. oregonlatr ., . o JapaneM rook wishes position In fam ily, city or country. W :!. Oregonlan. Nl'R-oE and masseur wants Invalid to cara for. A 207, Oregonlan. OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1911. nlTrATIOSS VfAXTED MALK. Miscellaneous. Al EXPERIENCED lumberman with last firm; part time as '5'IeP'r; and last 4 year, as -fr'tary and ireaa urer: thoroughly actHialnted and wholesale lumber buslneM. Including estimating, hardware, paints. JJiJ and doora. fencing, roofing, etc. wi-. , i . reference: 31 years old; married; strictly sober " non.afi;rLd cf work; wllflng to leave city. B 20., Ore- gonlsn. HORTICULTL'RIST AND NURSERYMAN DESIRES CONN Ft -TION WITH PARTIES PLANTING LARGE ACREAGE. BCIESTIKJC CARE AND MANAGEMENT. illi J rv "''U Off IRRIGATION. REFERENC K.S ORE GON AND CALIFORNIA, .r? TO TAKE PART SALARY IN LAND. ADDRESS AT 2t2. OREGONIAN. FIKST-CLASS gardener, thoroughly under stand all branchee. having hsd over 23 years- practical experience, msrrled. no family, and .can furnish excellent et.cex as to sbllltles. etc.: or would lay out a new place, having hsd a good pr so tlcsl knowledge of same: no objection to country. T 2H3. Oreg&nlnrK POSITION by competent plumbar. Just from the Esst: thoroughly familisr alin plurrrblng supplies and all branches ot the work: can also figure a Job from blueprint: what have you to offerT au- dress8 2B9. Oregonlan. or East 6373. M EC H AN ICA L engineering draftsman wishes position; experienced flctnllcr. some designing. In locomotive, heavy ma chinery snd automobllo lines: a technical university graduate. Address N. H. West, 11.11, Esst 17th st. AUTOMOBILE DRIVER AND MECHANIC If you are looking for a classy expert driver and high-grade machinist to keep down the expanse of your csr at 1.3 per month. I'm your man. Address D iJO, Or-tgnnlsn. WHO wants a man that has hsd a 'area experience In the erecting and Installa tion of machinery plants, rigging and placing shafting. puUeye. belting, etc. T Ad dress K ?'.'3. Oregonlan. HAVE your lawn and garden kept In shape by reliable rolddle-agod man. work part or whole time, take any other work In connection with It; good reterencea. AJ 21, Oregonlan. - I WANT to buy a farm, IO to 20 acres, wllhln 20 miles of Portland, where trans portation is eosy: I want improved prop erty; give price, terms snd description In Bret letter. Address AF 21. Oregonlan. POSITION wanted aa tilght watchman, or would consider an opening of any kind: by young man who has honorable discharge from U. s. Navy, also helped to repair Overland tracks. AP 2t, ireronlan. WANTED poetrlon as motion-picture op erator; Is capable of managing show: four years' experience; wife first-class cashier: wi'l lesvo city; best of references. AH 22. Oregonlan. BARTENDER. Irish, wants position, exper ienced In large hotel. New York; steady, sober. Mike Nolloy, Union Hotel, 8th t., Portland. YOUNG man. all around mechanic, married, family; bench work, carpenter or Iron work preferred, anyone wanting same kind of man. sd.lreea X 2il. Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by good, young, all around baker; country place preferred; steady, sober, reliable; references. AG 293. Oregonlsn. CHAUFFEUR wants position with prlvste family; have five years' experience; would go touring. Y 203. Oregonlsn- YOUNG lady, thoroughly experienced, wishes position In cleaning, pressing ea tabllshment. Phono A lH4:i. EX PKrTeXCED cook wants position lit family. 133 V, 1st it- Chinese Mission room 14. TWO first-class cooks; all-arouud man; country or city. 67 Third St., room 31. Phone Main 1773. DETECTIVE work by experienced and trustworthy man: private or corporation; results guaranteed. 8 IKK). Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy desires a position In a family to do cooking and housework. Ad dress No. 10 4 2d st.. Portland. GARDENER and handyman, with references, wants work: contract or otherwise. Ad dreaa A K 1:&1. Oregonlaru EXPERIENCED chauffeur with first-class references wishes position with private family. H 2j. Oregon. arn. WANTED Pickling, preserving and Jclll-s by experienced woman in flrst-clasa homes. AH 2W, Orbgonlan. WILL sell 100 shares of T. O. Peck auto wheel stock for 92.50 per share If taken at once. AN 21, oregonlan. CARPENTER Can take full charge: rea sonable wages or Job. AG 201. Oregonlan. JAPANESE bov wants few hours' work In morning or evening. AP 21'3, Oregonlan. LICENSED chauffeur wishes position private YOUNG German man would (l)ke Job as in sula ntllfoor. I nunc r.aov -v GLAZIER wants position; sober AT 290, ireiconiui. BARBER wants steady position. Phone nHo-J, Vancouver. Wash. SITTAT10N9 WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, correspond ent, young man. experienced In office and secretarial work, mercantile lines In East, townslte and Irrigation In west, seeks po sition where he can prove worth; steady. AS 203. Oregonlan. EASTERN" stonorrapher. with several years experience. del;ay whole or half-day po sition, substitute or permanent; passed I Hi per cent examination; city references: moderate salary. V 205. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED cashi-r and bookkeeper wants temporary position; small salary. Vain 10O9 BOOKKEEPER with general office experi ence, city reference. Phone Main 3335. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. experi enced. Phone Main 2372. YOUNG lady wishes position ss stenographer and office assistant- M 2!o. OreKonlan. I Ires makers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and ladles tailor wants Mwlng at home. Main 7710. BREGMA KING and tailoring by day. Phone Main lsnS. A 3123. Housekeepers. WOMAN. H8, alone, relined. capable, wishes position at housekeeper in widower's family, or with elderly couple, where she ran be one of the family! references as to character and trustworthiness. AJ 294, Oregonlnn.- COMPETENT, refined lady desires posi tion of manager of apartment or lodging house; first-class references. Main 213&. 61o LoveJoy st- YOUNG wltlow with boy 0 deslrea aituatlon. housekeeper, widower. St. Loula Agency, goji, Waah. st. Main 2030. SITUATION as housekeeper, for husband's board; rsflnad young oouple. Call 433 Main St.. room 12. Nurses. MIDDLE-AGED, practical nurse wants per manent position caring for invalid or In fant; can give best of references and ex pect good salary. A3 2W1. Oregonlan. Domestics. TWO bwedisn girls want housework; ona cook; one second girl; out of town pre ferred. 1004 East 19th st. north. EXPERIENCED cook. 910 up; chamber maids, waitresses. nurses St. Louis A gency. 11U.1', Wash. Ma In 2Q.'IB. A 4 77 .1. VERT capable Swedish girl, references, de sires family cooking. Main 2IXIU. A 4775. WANTED Work for board and room; small wages Main 2042. Miscellaneous. EXPERIESCED dressmaker, good cook and capable of housework, would like work by the day: willing to combine the work; wages reasonable. Address Irene, tii Bevarly, Pari-, st- LADY cook and daughter waitress would like place In camp or boarding house. ' Phone B 2044. Mrs. Nora Briggs, 104d E. Lincoln St.. Portland. Or. YOUNG German lady wants work by the hour or by day. Write or call 202 E. Yamhill. WANTED Poaltlon byjjady as cashier In motion-picture show; years' experience. AK 2.".. Oregonlan BLACKSMITH. a first-class. all-round, steady blacksmith wants position in city or oouctry. AT 21'3. Oregonlan. WANT day work Saturday: 'referencea; no half days phone Wood lawn ItilL EXPERIENCED cook wants situation In private family; Call Eaat 4764. G I RL wishesday work. CsJIMaln 4400. LADYwlshisday work. Call A 41S2. WANTED AGENTS. UK-LIABLE! salesman can make big money selling our wU-kaown Una of hardy non Irrlgalad treoa. shrubs roses, etc.; out St furnished; cash weekly. Address Ore gon Nursery Company. Orenco. Or. WANTED TO RENT. LOCATION wanted, by doctor. In suburbs ir outside of business center, by young doctor, preferably over drug storo and -soclated with dentist. AK M.t. Oregonlan. Houses. w AVT furnished cottare. 5 or II rooms, on West Side. Phone Main 8339. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED, by young married couple, re sponsible parties, permanent, an unrur n'.shed Ave or six-room bungalow or lla-. East or West Side, not more than i-ol possession Aurrust L Phone A 3usU or Art 29. ore-ronian. WANTED A first-class modern furnished house, two baths; West Side; will lease for two years or more; best of references given. K 274. Oregonlan. ) ADVERTISER wishes to rent 5 or 6-room unfurnished bungalow, furnace heat, gas and electricity: desirable; two In family. AK 2114, Oresoniau. WANTED -By couple . Aug. I, small mod ern cottage, near Laurolhuret- Phone East 4-ia-. A COUPLE desire an u-to-dnte furnished 6 or 7-room house, close in; references. Marshall 124S. WANT 'to rent 6 or 7-room house or flat; close In: west Side. Call Main 72US. v "OT npnnln Apartments. WANTED To rent six-room flat, ground floor West Side, long term; no children. J 20S. Oregonlan. WANTED 2 or 3-room furnished apart ment. West or East Side. 15 minutes from business. AM 2l4. Oreyonlan. Rooms. . WANTED By two young men. room in strictly private family: desire home in quiet, refined neighborhood; please an swer today, stating terms. AD 294, Ore gon la n. Rooms and Board. TWO young ladles desire room and board south of Morrison to Montgomery; no laundry privileges; able to pny for good accommodations AO 294, Oregonlan. Business Place. STORE, 930. West Side, modern conveni ences, reliable, bank references. Phone Main SMS. FOR RENT. Bootra. -JV8T WHAT TOO WANT, rurn Is lied or uaafurnlshed rooms, s'ngls n suite, sll Conveniences, beat location. "U1LNEH BLDG.." 360 Vj Morrison St. Furnished Rooms. THE GARLAND HOTEL. THE GARLAND HOTEL. THE GARLAND HOTEL. Corner Wsshlngton and 19th SU. Trinity Place, No. 23. New thrM-story brick building. All outside rooms. Fine quartered oak furniture. Axmlnster and Wilton carpets. Telephone In every room. Hot and cold water In each Large closets. Large rooms, well lighted. Gaa and electricity. . Strictly modern. - Very reasonable rates. Rooms by day, week, month. Walking distance. New! New! New! (Too new to yet display a sign, bat look for the number. 25 Trinity Place, one block east of 20th.) Fine, large, cool rooms at prices un approachable in this vicinity. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautifully furnished hotels, HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK' PARSON3 ROWLAND 11SH 4th st. ail h si. 207 H 4th at. On Fourth fU, running from Taylor to fslmon su Brand new brick, elegantly furnished- steam beat, private baths, hot and cold wattr in all rooms; stiiotly up-to-date In all reepeots, and at popular prices If you want something out o, the ordinary in th heart of th city at ! onabla price, give us a ce.ll. as we know you wllllik It. Rooms by th day. a aaa or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CAPLES. Residential. 830 Taylor. Transient. Het. Tth and Park sta. Opposite Hel'.lg Theater. Central, quiet, rooms with private bath, etc.. from 91 dally; suites or single rooms at low tates: weekly or monthly terms; new. handsomely furnished brick, elevator.teie phones. hot and cold running watar. From Union Depot "J" car to Taylor, or VV csr to Tth: from Hoyt-street Depot, o car. transfer on Morrison to 5 th. Phone atarsnail zt-ut. SARGENT HOTEL. Grand ave. and Haw thorne, beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water; steam heat and telephone in every room; special Summer rates by week or month to permanent guests. Flrst-el.-tss grill In connection. Transients so llclted. HOTEL KAINIER. One block from Union Depot: 10 out side rooms, with hot and cold water, every thing brand new; special rates by the week or month; give us a trial. Transient rates 60a to 32 per day: weekly rates 93.50 ti HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh at. New, modern brick building, steam-heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, ouey, oomfort abla. Rents very reasonable.' Call and see us. Regular a-nd transient trade solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. ool Vb last nurnaiut. tv hav a few very piuasunt modern rooms, which we w!.l inaka suocial Sum mer rates on transient, ooa to 31.80 per day. 32 to 36 Per week. Eaat 6m4, B I2i3. .-.re.OiS uhte"! UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely tar.ovatod; verythlng first class; rooms, with bath. 9130 and up: 927 per month with private baths; special Tow Summer rates by week or munth. luth and Washington. CALUMET HOTEL. Park at., between Morrison and Alder. Heart of th oily; quiet and modern; f.-a bus or W cats at depot; rates 91 single. 91.60 double; also family rooms witla prt bate bath, ato. li.it bT wMk. THE BURNS. 14 PER WJ3EK and up. with hot and cold runnln-f water and free telephones In every room, close in, new, elegantly furnished brick bullulng. loi'A 12th St., near Washington. Marshall 27l0. liOHtl. KESWICK An Ideal home for business people; centrally located; ele gant rooms, all modern conveniencM; 7th and Taylor sta., 1 block from Portland Hotel opposite Helllg T heater. Main sla. btfeHMARK. HOTEL, 17th and Wasnlngtea Newly furnished rooms, single or ea suite; private Laths, steam heat, hot and cold 'a ate- and phone In all rooms; raxes reasonable; tranauni solicited. LIGHT, airy rooms modern, snltes or sin gle 92 and 93 week; live minutes' walk to 'theaters and stores, free phone. Lin dell Hotel. 329 4th. HOTEL BURTON, Yamhill and 2d streets Strictly modern, reasonable rates by the day. week or month. B. W. Fisher, Mau ager. PI.!-' A S ANT. airy room, strictly modern house, lawn, flowers, etc.; no children, choice resilience section, close In, two meals If desired. C 2W1. THE LARRABEE, 227 Vs Larrabee St.: mod ern, cool, airy rooms, transient 50c and up; special rates by week or month. E. 540. THE TEMPLE. 943 4 Yamhill St., opposite Hotel Portland, furnished rooms 12.50 a week up; transient. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at moderate prices. Cor. 3d and Montgomery. NOItRIS HOTEL, rooms modern, 33.50 and up per week. 132V, 17th st. FURS1SHED rooms, ladles, employed: priv ilege kitchen and laundry. - Main 727". Furnished 1 too ma In Private Family. NICELY" furnished front room, suitable for two ladles. 91S "Hawthorne ave.. cor. 33d. NICE large room in modern private house, close in. suitable for two young men. 128 10th st. COOL outside room, low rent; 7 inin. walk; good location. 42 5th. Fl'RSISHED rooms, reasonable, centrally located. 4-iS Flnnders, cor. -14th. TWO furnished rooms, prlvao famil.; I wou I d prefer two youn g men. East 3.4t. 92 TO 93 per week: desirable location; gefi tlcmen only. 303 L2th at. SMALL, neat room, $1.50 per week. 26S 12th st. VERY desirable rooms, all conveniences, close In, cheap rent. 1S1 11th st. LARGE, airy rooms, 93 up; tran., 50c up. 3!1 Yamhill. NICELY furnished front room, 33 per week. 3.12 College St.. near Park. PLEASANT room for one or two gentlemen, walking distance. aOO1 Park st. iTTcELY furnished rooms, also basement room. 96 month. 57 Trinity Place. WANTED Young men to room: reasonable; walking distance. Main 7277. 92 TO 33 Per week; desirable location; gen tlemen only. - 305 12th st- NE AT room for one or two; 92.50 for one; 93 per week for two. 208 12th st. FURNISHED rooms 2 North 14th, corner Buraside. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms, reduced for summer montns, siricuy mouvio. lng dis'-ance. private porches, board II ciesirea. no cwj. NEATLY furnished rooms in fine neigh borhood. Free phone, lights and bath Privilege of light housekeeping if de- sirea. ooo win "i-. -q. LVP.GE front room with all conveniences: walking distance; best residence section. Phone Marshall u-u or can ooa. r .a.m. . rti-.t-.J-X lurnienea ruoma, k aa. ua.... -triclty and phone. 409 Halsey. 1 block from Union. Phone East 4939. WELL-FURNISHED front room, suitable for two gentlemen; close In. 333 Mont gomery. VERY pleasant front room in desirable lo cation; no other rooms: 628 Holly at., one block south of Hawthorno ave.. on 16th gt. J10 Single room; cool, light, pleasant sur roundings: desirable for gentleman. West Park. Main 9000. VERY desirable rooms for gentlemen only; all conveniences. 563 Irving. Phone A 2397. . $S NEATLY" furnished room; walking dis tance; modern. A 7753. 3i3 11th. Rooms and Board. DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close In, near car. 4 blocks from F. o. American pio. V11.1-A. Lliuer new uj.io..uvu., nea-Iv furnished, large, airy rooms, fine ' , . . . . i .v. -ii-' one hlor.lc grounds, uni or.o,ii ..... j , from Washington st. 49 North 17th St. PORT LAND Women's Union. 23d year rooms with, board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders F. N. Heath, snpt. THE MANITCU 261 13th, new manage ment; thoroughly renovated: Inviting rooms; choice boara. oiain no-. NEW and beautifully furnished rooms with board. $25 per month; home cooking. 320 Jiontgotni'ry CHOICE board and large room, facing th park, very reaaonaoie. on THE CALVARD, 432 Morrison, corner 13th; rooms witn ooara; mouim c;oo.coiou. 2 LARGE rooms. sin3le or en suite, choice Taoie nonra. oo a. a i hi. BOARD snd room. 300 Jefferson at. Rooms With Board In Prlvnte Family. BACHELOR'S chance; thoso who would appreciate a beautiful, homelike place, expect the best and willing to pay for It. within block and half of Irvlngton Clul, address Alt m-i"'. 920 PER month each, beautiful front room for two; all new. modern conveniences. 88 N. 17th St. NEWLY furnished rooms. $10, $20 and $2o per month; excellent board near; io4 Hoyt Marshall 2S20. LARGE rooms, newly furnished, modern, furnace heat, board If desired- 340 uas- salo sL. CH1LD to caro for in suburban home, best of references; no other children. Address AL 294. oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS room and boar for 2; pri vate family. 646 Eaat Alder at. East 4270 WELL-FURNISHED room with best board; large porcn anu grvuuw BOARD and room for two; private family. b--) lamniu st. ROOM and board. 653 Washington at, for one or two gniiigiicu, .. SINGLE or double rooros $3 per week. .291 ROOM and board In modern home for 1 or 2 gentlemen. East 2891. . ROOM and board In nice private home. 593 last. ash, cor. ii". FIRST-CLASS room with board for 2, prl- . .... v- 171). Main 1 ll vate lamiiy. aa -- WANTED Small child to care for; mother's care. A'none anBunu FURNISHED rooms with board, price rea- . . ti- . r.u u o1Q sonaoie. uvj am. jb. FIRST-CLASS room and board, family style. t.- . . - . 11Ha fat. tStf i. 1 1.1 . .1 BU. a . . FURNISHED room and board. 320 11th. at. Phone A 1630. Apartments. LUCRETIA COURT UNFURNISHED. 2 'IO 5 ROOMS. LUCRETIA ST.. NEAR ioD AND WASHINGTON. A class by themselves. Front lawn, fountain, lobby. See them. New prop. Kufeienoes required. Fhuna 1329. prop, and mgr.; 1500. Janitor. IAJlS APARTMENTS, 704 Hoyt St. 3-room furnished apartment, very large room, large soreeued sleeping porch, private bath and phone, eiectrlo and flrelcss uok ers. Janitor service; references required. BAN MARCO Apartments, E. 8th and Couch Now brick, 3-room apartments, private bath and phone, Summer rates, -W ts --l. IWlll ic ri nlrmiBST APARTMENTS. 3 and 4-room ultos, elegantly furnished. 2C0 XUlh su North. Phone Main Ooa; er Main 117 a. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park street, corner Madison. Furnished, unfurnished apis.; Individual phones: convenient, down-town district. WHEN tired looking at undesirable apart ments call at 407 10th st; furnished and unfurnished; all convenleautia; reasonable ratee. 8-KOOM housekeeping suite; private bath.' hot and cold water; lo minutes' walk to 1'ostoftlce; no children; rent reaaonable. 41i Clay st. BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clay St., near 14th at-; strictly modern 3-room apt a, completely furnished; $20 to $24 par month; walking distance. STE1.M-HSATED flat. Ave rooms, for 933. 627 Everett St. Key with Morgan. Flled ner a. iioyce, 303 Ablngton blent. Mala 2013, A 2ul5 "llAUSEMAN APARTMENTS. 730 HOYT. New niodern, 2, 8 and 4-room apts, sleeping porches; private phona and baths. etoci.rio t-oo.c. B-OR RENT Ono modern 6-room apart nient: telophone, gaa rangs and refrig erator Tho Ormonde, u!tl Flanders su. Nob Hill. Phone Main b231. iTvDDON HALL. 414 11th. cor. HalL 3 and 4-room auts., elegantly furnished, pri vate phone, bath and baloony porches. $38 na. Marshall 117L THE JULIANA. 43 Trinity Place, beU Wash, and Everett. Elegant 2 and 3-room apartments, very reasonable terms; close In. Marshall 121)3. Tlie -LILLIAN." Cor. 6th and iiontgomery All outside 2 and 3-room suites; cool, slry, modern In every respecU Mar. 1378. THE Beryl Large rooms, large closets, cool and airy for Summer; some fur bished apartments. Ust and LoveJoy; take W car. ' ANGELA. Elegantly furnished modern 2. 3 and 4 rooms, walking distance. 87 Trinity Place, bou loth and 2uth. near Washington. THE WESTFAL. 410 5th Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments; walking dis tance; prices reasonable; no chlldren. BR1NTKEE Elegant five-room apart ment West Side; walking distance; rent reasonable. Maln774L FIVU-KOOM apartment, nicely furnished, wih sleeping porch. The Ormonde, 656 Flanders. Main b251. . JUANITA. 323 11th St.. corner Clay Nicely ..'.i.hi.il 2 and 5-room apartments, mod ern every convenience, rent reasonable. APARTMENTS, th and Montgomery, now readv latest improvements, 2-room suite. steam heau SACRAMENTO APARTMENTS. 492 Union ave. North. 2-room suites, newly furnished. hast iii th p CECILIA. 23d and Gllsan; 1 furnlshe nil one unfurnished apartment.; privat I,h.,ne and porch. Marshall lso4. A 3736. ohone and porch Tui. jloVEJOY, 17th and LoveJoy sts., new and modern 2 and 3-room furnished m.wfNFELD Apartments about finished; 3 l1- . . .n .tirtments. furnished nnri ana -" ,.' ri c. i,.--. furntsli neii- .-... THE LoveJoy. 17th and LoveJoy trts.. new and modern. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished apartments; Summer rates. Main 213. THE MORTON. Two 3-room furnished apartments. 697 W-n-ihinEtoo - TTTTT ..-Ti-r f. PT e)f tran O "furnisiied. 12t)5.belmont. B 304L Tabor ITf'S. . TWO fine rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking. The Magnolias, 617 Kearney". Under new manase"'"- uri' ANT. APARTMENTS, newly furnished, .trVclly modern. Summer rates now In ef "."t. isn't North 23d st. Marshall 2S2L vine Davis, corner King and Davis a . n, 3 and one 4 -room apu l S -.11 e.aCf t-lct lie I at. IT TAMO.M. civ oMicfe'a- "-'-.ij 111 UU f I II Abir.r,nnm aots. Main 6S0. Reasonable. tinis ; ; w cHP HARTFORD-Best modern apts. in the city, lllst and Flanders. :i . ; rnvfE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district; LE...nii.iit to S carltnes. 1S6 22d su N. Con . .ui' FLMS Completely furnished 1 and 3-T-orir apartments. 191 14th sU 7T CLAIR. 715 Wayne su. modern 6-room " (nl,nt. two porches Phone Main 4920 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, $2.50 per week; gas. bath, phone. 402 3d St. FOR RENT. Apartmenta. MORGAN. FLIEDNER A. BQYCB. APARTMENT-HOUSE SPECIALISTS. Main 2015. 503-606 Ablngton bldg. A 2015. Our apartments are built rlghu From long experience we know the tenanta wanta and make It a point to supply 1 them. We have apartments for rent In locations listed below, which possess the maximum of convenience and equipment at the minimum of expense. Courteous .Janitor on tte premises will show th PTHEeHANTHORN. 251 12th aL. near Main; 3 large rooms with private balcony. 2 sleeping compartments; $36 and Jii.ou. THE KINGSBURY. Ford su. near w ash Ington; superb location, new building, prl ' vate balcony; 3 and 4 rooms each with two sleeping compartments; $30 and 340. COLUMBIAN and VICTORIAN, newly furnished. 3 and 4 rooms, 11th and Co lumbia sts, $32.50 to $45. XT..,. THE KEARNEY, 21st and Kearney at. ; 6 rooms for $35. THE SHEFFIELD. Tth and Jefferson ats; close-in location; 8 rooms unfur nished. - THE NOB HILL, 19th and Marshall Sts Elegantly furnished 2. 8 and 4 room apartments; a strictly up-to-date house, thoroughly modern: SUMMER RATES. You will And none better; tho service th best In tho city. See the NOB HILL Apartmenta. - Phone Marshall 1012. THE WHEEL-DON. Cor. Fsrk and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX Cor. Tenth and Salmon 8-ts. Walking Distanoe. Completely furi-fBfced 9, 8 and 4-t-oot-a apartments; bullCfcs new and. strictly modern; service llrat-claas. THE D3&ZENDORP. 1 i 208 18TH ST.. NEAR "pAYIiOR. Thesi elegant 6-room unfurnished apart ments, which are now completed, are sit uated In the heart of the city, within IO minutes' walk of the business center. Reservations may be made from owner on premises or by phone. Main 4783, A 5543. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts, four and five-room apartments, unfurnished, with reception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific Slates telephone in every apart ment and the most modern conveniencea found In the city. Phone Main 2086 or call up main office. Main 6764. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely flrst-clasa. fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month $26, $30 mod up. Must be seen to be appreciated. THE ORLANDO- Elegant 8 and 4-room apartments, dose In, strictly modern and up-to-date In all Its appointments; most reasonable rates. Washington and 20th SU THE EVERETT. 644 Everett au New and elegantly furnished apart ments, 3 rooms, reception hall and aleep lng porch: automatic eiectrlo elevator and private pacific telephone; located in ona of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis- tance. THE ROSENFELD APTS., 14m and E. Stark. New brick; ready Aug. L Coma early for first choice. Furnished and unfur nished 4-room apts.. Including tree tele phone, bath, hot and cold water, heat and Janitor service for each. See Mrs R. L. Stevens tproprietressj, lata of Denver, Colo. NEW MANAGEMENT. The Re-Ukan. 624 Marshall, between 19th and 20th, by far th most homelike apartment-house In city; Nob H1U dis trict, all modern conveniences, private bath phones, cool verandas. sleeping porches, lawn and flowers; call ana Judge for yourself; Summer rates; taite "W car. Main 0002, A oxvx. PENINSULA APARTMENTS One of Port land's finest apartment-houses; 4-mlnut csr service; beautiful part city to live. 1136 Albina ave.. cor. Kllllngaworth. Take Mississippi, L or Kenton' car at 3d and Wash. sts.. 15 mln- ride; 8, 8 and 4 rooms, completely furnished. $17.60 to $3t mo.; also unfurnished apu Wood lawn 23oi. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. West Park and Columbia ats Flrst-clasa 3 and 3 room furnished and unfurnished apart ments; all modern conveniences; best lo cation In the city, fronting the parks, and only 6 minutes' walk from the buainesa center. Apply to manager. DRICHSTON APARTMENTS. Two and three-room suites; strictly modern; automatic elevator and dumb waiters, private bath, telephone and lock room for each apartment; also very de sirable as bachelor quarters 448 litn, jiear College suPhone Marshall 67. THE MEREDITH. 711 Washington; under new manage ment: 2, 3 and 4-room apts, furnished or unfurnished; up-to-date, clean and modern; private bath; telephone; yatea reasonable; best service. Phone Main 7130. j I 17- T C- U AOIRTUTCMTS Corner 14th and Clay Sta. Large 4-room, front, comer suite, oa furnished, vestibule, closet, private bath and phone, alectrle lvator. walking ols tanc: splendid view. We also Hava - room apartments; unfurn'shed. EXCLUSIVE apartments; 9 Urge rooms and bath; private entranoe; large front and back private porches; maid's room In baae mentf heat, hot water, vacuum cleaning system: ranges, refrigerators. 791 North rup. Phone Main 9338. ORDERLELjH apaurrmmts, cor. Grand ave. and East Stark sU; new. llreproot b.-ick building, beaui.fa.ly furnished, two and three-room apat uuuu, private bath, free phone, not and cold water aloe box. no carfare. Summer tales Phone Laet oou. THE IRVING. 689 Irving su; Aug. 1. one four and one five-room apartment; private bath, all outside rooms. Janitor service, etc.; also garage for rent; geferences. Phone A t- 1 1 17- CHVUTITTimiRT. Cor 20th and Keau-ney. New and beautifully furnished and un furnished 8-room apartments; splendid lo cation; Summer rates Call and see man ager st apartments or phone Marshall aba. THE NEW CHETOPA ANNEX. 1STH ST., NJi-Att. r i-w.i-tw. New 4-story concrete building, 3, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished and unfur nished; new furniture, modern. Apply to the Chetupa. 18th and Flanders sts. LINCOLN APTS., corner tn and Lincoln sts completely furnished 2-room apart ments for housekeeping, everything new and modern, house Just opened, walking distance; no children; $23 to $30. Phon stain aoi i. - Elegantly furnished and unfurnished: comforts of home; private phone and baths, elevators, private playground for children; ideal location. 228 N. noth au Marshall -'U-. R..TC7. ucniriM iPiBTyUVT.-l i ur. i.A ' ...... -. .... New managemenu new concrete building with elaborately furnished 3-room apart ments, modern conveniences lawn, cool ve randas. Janitor service; reasonable, walk ing distance. 624 Marshall su; take "W" car. Main 6032 or A 3191. t SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. Tth and Jef ferson sts A 8-room apU with bath, unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con venience; modern and only 6 min. walk from P. Q. Very reasonable renu fjLRK. APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison sts. beautiful 3 and 4-room apartment furnished for housekeeping; everything , new and modern; elevator, telephone free. $45 to $60. ' PAGE APARTMENTS. New, modern, private phone and bath; furnished and unfurnished; rent reason able. . East 8th and Burnslde. Phone II IdIS. TH1 M'KINLEY. 429 East Morrison. Corner Tth. 8, 2 and 4 rooms, high-grade furnished apts. ; private baths best service, moder- ata prices THE "LILLIAN." Cor. Sth and Montgomery. All outside 2 and 3-room suites, from 18 to $25. Marshall 1378. ONEONTA. 187 17th: 2. 3 and 4-room suites, hot and cold water In every apartment; reasonable. A MODERN five-room ground-floor fur nished apartment. Phone Marshall 250.