11 T1TE MORNING OREflOXIAy, SATURDAY, JXTLY 29, 1911. " . i - I ZTTTTZT ' i Keal estate. f realte. ".I TO -EXCmSCE. f 31 " . A tuiuu .sT mi . a A - 1WS.I 1 ;:hi V THEATER IS-2S-SC-75 A 4a V If Ji w ... w mm Tom IMuea f " I kiWni u I mM." bf H. I it. . ... Saaa-na ..iwiai a 'id Aresavnd t tea Ral Inxrr. tlrlalaal r .or K-e ury. aorf IT ill. Ureal ,ta. . " '.K-k,: l ..anplirmalarr (" He. lr . I T I K ) I at I nV llMikin. ftttatera: mlth; lloreae- Made. : Vtajaej Tb V li K-: i.ii.j4..ii. Krlv-.a vjelm,-. I'.c: eTenlrt. - i-" C !!.. VaMle41lev WrrK 41 I T II -. AraSe-V F.W HH"t-aT !. rt-t 4 era. K'l'jr "Swede Hail A fax. . r. laaiwwara. Il UrtMrt ami',. l-ata;rv'. faa ar nrlr-a. Marine, dailr. - 3. TS1. . BASEBALL rixncitiox riBK. f-r. V.aKBa Tw'Btr-foartk " VANCOUVER, B. C vs. PORTLAND j.ir as. a, sr. 3. . Caaaee Heat a ' at P. M. w!iaj 1 M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY For Coder U t'r to Bleacher U eJn.e ay. OAKS PARK Tfte ! rl a .:iritful dar J -til lip rrl. fuann KasI.. alll e4r4 OVK1 I'tKk .!. METRltUr lUIHA yl ARTr.T N . itvi r)'1 ditlnulih1 artista, a. I. a (aarvrta laallj. Via't ttia ..p.l Kn i.n-. t letricri.e. th.cn (aim la ih. Narat Tiura. It baa baeo rar e.at.U. a.lmi.aioa ! rn; rhi lrt 4 rents, und-r l uui.a -f I ii- a- n... ucd.l li free an tiaiur.la, afcrmona a-raal Car I ara r.mjakm. f;iarraa tnilB. Ilral and AloW. aa4 I .iJM at alarrtaaa Bllat. jirrrixo xoritrx rt'vtf km-.hts or TUB llo5 M ar.t ll -t J i T S'V " ! M ,-ip H'4 li.a:.. nnii-a. t-raauful tn,y. I - ful aula mr.l !nij ''. f'na f .-ii. fcam-l an I ila.ii-:nf. ! trtn ;.a- Momatl.'a at I .;: '"! rara l.a at Ihird anJ Vaihi:.; rn4 lrit lii-ar'a. rriili. ihli.ir.a. -1 r.H'l. ti. hct nn sai ataajar.l Jaa.tar Siora. It. fr'tbr. A.i.aj Bi4f.. toil at vara iuBslr anorniaa. HA.4.aAI LOnici N. IV I. O. O T. 3J--nti-r. will ni.l la ildf-lioaa Ttr.pla, .irr-.ir Kir.c a.t Al-l'f trr.. biltltlajr, 1 J4 aurp. t' armri t fuiral f our lata hr-ir. Ci-tai i' i Turptft. i-i"lca ai Tin. i-it ch(i 1. 1 l IM an I M l a . at t I M. lnl.rm'll li-viT. arooij Camatary. VUltins truin.ra ara ii.nd rKi I'OKNt. -- OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY otitrB IKI IIAI.i- Mala a. A UOIANB OtriCt-R. aVrcrmai frata, Kaatdaaca, M E. ttk N. Kaat Tia, R. A. Vaamlra, R.a. S3 XVaaea Bk T. .. tatoa fc.aai 14 C Idea aVaat IT a. tlaraa Antu.inca A aVl o I ; Fr. iia. . Kurita Malm ana Haadaya, a i04i r .' 4- frui l T tV TtHitT. Base Line Road 4'"2 arrvs, Mchlv improvnl, near 12-MiU iloii-', 1 milo elet'tnc lino, luvt'I auto riUil rilit into t!;e rity, r'n.biriirjr city ar.J country life, lra ure Bii-I I'rot'it. Acrfaa is ai-liin one nile I'uriliVr out for.?700 per arre. Just tio ril figure this out. jf 18, 5m. ii'aliiiiiii; a ?1"0 auto. tiO tons h.ty, J."t) chiiLi'in, 3 tfHto anil ri!t. '2 nw. tamiin-' inipli-niftit.-t, btiirzy anil hann'ss ?tf. Thi i way t'rw siirpiuuihiiir J-rii'os anil will pay intTt .inil t.txe-i, slmul.l you :tl ! linl'l It. llire Id Sotllc'lUIIl? i!iir. on tliia mie for tlie lin'Vii man Half ca.-tu No phone information. ' KEASEY Qi HUHASOfiJEFFERY iii Caamber of Conimercft. QJ 4th St. $18,000 A BABGAJX yorth of Jefferson. 2oxl00 . X"minal incvnn'. S Kupper. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Ta or rE.T p!ac In PortMnd ta kav C. KiH;KAi'IIlCAl. rKNTtll and MOST I'tiilKAliLA' raaldaov iirvparv t to city. IkKIIIO If E.KVSa FETTER (a and the many cHOlCiti ml- aeocea uaUar eonatructloa aat tba lia provamaata olu oav i CrEjn Eeal Eslata CcsP3nj kln AVE. All MfUT-ViOM All ST. IRVINGTON T2 lultno.-nih. six room on one. floor: l.irae aici'pintc-roum. furn'-e. firvplac. t.a an 1 eictrlr lurhts. Lot (nilmi. I'rico IJiiM. t'nah Ij')!, bal ance to ant l. :n II tT IMi A IlllbT t llaHM. MORTGAGE LOANS 50 JOKH E. CROfiAN, JCf JO m alaUaa lildjc. M.JU ra Mall Esery laar. ' .ulii.an rao.l.llruk Krimnl aa.l- 111. FARM Hollaeiay's Addition $100 DOWN $40 Per Vear a uooii pi.acf. to pit . oi b mom:t. 50 bur t aT of rwl rar.i.-n Un-1. lK-atel within an hour'a riilo of Portland, within r.ne mile of a ralii-y town with one of th best Mill irhoolf in the atate. It hu S alram rallmaJa anJ 1 elertrlr line within a Z6 minute walk of nix differ ent rallrul aLatlona. The Innd l level with uffirient rlrHlnaitr-. The soil I tleep ond rlrh. frea from ro k and iiravel: on the mHln county road In a a hlir'ily Improved dlatrlrt. At lii"' It la below valua and will double In value rvr-rjr ur for eaveral year. !0 for S acre; flOO down. 4- a rear. RaLPTl ACKI.KT USD CO, 17 ith 6t Opp. Poatofftca. VT have the fnllowlnc barHalna with om Im provenients on thrm: S arrca rlirrit In tha towa of Nurth Plain. I aire yotinsr pear, halania a-ar-dnn: nnw (-room buntralow. IMOO; 5tf0 cah. : acre, at Vosler. In heart it Hood itiver or il,iirj dlatrUt. la acre to 2. t and 4-yar-oI I arpl traea. Tallow Ni-wtomna. and KfillK-nberica: ISOva. Trade fur city property. 41 arma. 1 mile from Payton. rlnht on rlrrr. & a. r. b!ai k cap, family or chard. -room houi". on muiri county road. t:uuv; Irrnu. 1 acre on river. 1 dnn bearttiK frulc treea. I-roum huuH. rhlckan-bouae, abed to, titiO. 1 acre In Tla.rd. (rood 4 rrM'rm) bona. & rntn. walk from laUuDi flaO, ai'ra on maradamtxerl rond. a mlie from H'rt Innd, mile to electric Motion, a'l plantd to i"J toe. Crop Included. flTa!. lat quality black loam oil. 10 acre. 1S miles from . Vancouver ferry. W mlla to K H. atatlon. 20 cord of wotul. dark loam soil. n ruk or fr.rcl; lltOtf; term. Id acr on river, blark aandy loam, j mile from tatlon. all In cultivation I tlsuu; 1 1 ID down, balance la t years. Htl.l'lt AtKLKY I.ASn CO, 17 Klfth St, Op p. Po toff lea. Money at Current Rates We have facilities for m&ktnr quick Inarm on lmrrove.1 real eatat niortpat.-- Equities In enntrart purchased. Current rate charged. ' DENTXR vov I DENLLR; REALTY Mala er.M Ctaaiarr f renatrm COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE COR. 22d AND FLANDERS ST. I am a "physician" anil unahlo to .Kocure a "license" in this state. I am compelled to return East on the first of the month. My home i fur nished beautifully from "bonement to garret"; binUeye maple, solid oalc an J mahofrany furniture, earpets of the very bt.st ; nice leather chairs. Heady to move right in. Over $2000 worth of household effects, and if you will come and take it off my hand to day you can have it all for $1000 jut one-half. Good lease, and my rent is only $!". Inquire.. 712 Flanders. Or Marshall 1456. RF X ESTATE. lor (ale lAtla. lw uu aiit a raat baraala In Cov Bay prup-rty? lla mum Ira ai'M very chrah i. 5;: i : n ; til:. 1'hunra Atarmhall 241. Ft ::.. IV.VTHA'T on In la Hr.;nt HnlnhtA a mll-a from P. It. b".t wf Irrnu. 3 car i linva. Phonaa Main S-3a or Mala Blsa. f li.vv One of the flnr-et corarr lota In Over iuok. all linprovr ui-Qia in and paid: eaar ' ti-rnia. A K tirtionl.iB 1.T la b'.otk 1. Eiatmurlaml. clai to Head CoiL-te srouaua. otUlnal pnc. L. Xl- iiri-aiimaa. Lol In Itra City Park on 4th. H block (rum cariiu. :Ti eaab; nilsht talk Krai V uri onian- I1AK too lot la Hoa Illy Park all! Kir batoar lha market lor caao. Addraa T :Nf. Oreionlan. KOSg t ITT PARK lot, evjully ."'.'S. bal nr. H3. $i ixr month. W -Ji. Ora yinlart. f7n SAl'K Thraa beautiful Iota, eoraar & 3ttb and Tl.'.amook tta: bard-aurfaca at. Adilr.. P O. Hji tu. rltjN THWKH Una bu!.i1.B( lota, ca.h Call Tlinr JSTO. a barsala tor !' CAH bua AtrxUnl aaar Haarthorna Ait, aoiib. tiiXku. 11 Zsa. U.-CAouiaa. Back. William O.. SIX Falling bid. Uri.nakar A Beoadn t, iui McKay bide At. UK. Cbapln a Harlow. HJ Chamber Commerca. Couk. B. 8. Co., I'8 Curtvtt bid. JanntnK A Co. Alain lot. ur(onlan. I'AI.MhJK-JONKS CO.. L P.. Uli Coiamer- ciai l'iur blila. Tb Ornn Hral Et Co.. Orand ava and Multnomah at. Ololtaday Addition). REAL FKTATE. For Hah west Fina Li ' I S IW. Rlrht on rarline. on upper Washington at., Wrat Smh and Yamhill t beyond City Park: caay iayrnania. NATIONAL KbALTV A TBCST CO., 122 Chamber of crnraerc bldn.. Main 6l:. tAHTY laaain city haa two lota near liawthorna, luat eaat of Ladd's Addition, on new car Ilue. with view of entire city, which will positively be aacrificed for cah; nr bomt't nnln up uil around: bard aurfaca atrcat and all lmprovaiuenla In; In La aalitn thtrre and new bouava po int; up; poaitively the beat location on tha eut aide of the river; reatrlcted, alshtly. andy aotl. Phone Kaat M7S. POIlTtiA.ND IlEfOHTS VIEW LOT. A nna view lot 13 1-3x1:0. not far from Ford-al. brldic and ovtTlonktn the city, facln on two strt'ot. fine place to build one or two houara: muat be sold Quick: price l::ui). half caali; not many anapa Ilka tbla. ORU."sr A ZADOW, ilT Board of Trade Bid.. 4th and Oak. tlO MOWN. flO PICK MONTH. Fin view lot. matured fruit Iraea. re stricted dlatiict. pear car, cement walk. Bull Bun wiir, fruit cared for frco of charge. 203 Board of Trad bid. Mar- ii.l 478. Alui2. "iRVINOTON QCARTER BLOCK. $.W00. lOtixloO fret, corner, 8. and 10 Braxe eta; Insid loti 15nfl. term. JOHN !IfK. -' Henry BMir. phone Main 8."ii. IRVINtSTON. 100x100. south or ilra-a at. ; cbeapeat Comer oa the mark't; 17&0. MEHl'HANTi 8AVIMIH A TRUST CUM PANT. LOTS .-IOxIOO. T5 to IJ50. eaay terms; 1 to 4 block from elr'Ctrlo car station, tele phone, mall route, etc.; this cloae-ln suburban property wiu Interest you. J. W. Hairarlln Maalty Co., asi Corbett bid. Both phnnrf. &oz 1 1 ) lot. with ciiy water, urtreatricted. cli-ae to carline. high and wall dralnr-d. 9l(r; $10 rtovtn and 10 a month will hnn die It. This la gHd valu-. Sve Leonard, "4 4th St. Par hale Hnee. IHVINiiTON HOME ll.,oO 8 rooms, new and tuodaro. hardwood floors downstairs. nnteh.d floors up stairs, beam call In a, Dutch kitchnn. aleapin prrch. bapdaome woodwork, full frmriii baaemant. furnace. 3 flrep'.acea, larsa attic, rnadea and llghtln nxturea complete, fsces i-a.t. on carline, tot &0x l'" ft,, all strer-t Impruvcmeiits In. Price $nv. tnrms. $HKio raah; bat on mort aa. This price Is 4 "jo under the value and Is for quick sale. H. P. fALMkit-JONKlJ CO, 212-313 Commercial Club Bldf, Ptioncs Main Ml;. J. A SA.V1. WKST blUE A dlatrlct not eurpaad In any plava In Portland; an atmonphure of rnloemant perrad'-a iho entire lomniun Itjf; an IduaJ auaironniaiit for chliUran; an artiettc riiMcnir, just a suj;ic'tion In the srcbltectur of tha Frunvh chalet: 7 rooms, deslsuvd particularly for con-vanit-nce aud comfort; spacious covcrfil por hi s In the rtucr tw an Important fralure of this home, for the view ta beau tiful; full lot wltrt wt-ll-k"pt l.twn and roars; Just a bloi k and one-half to car; a bar.in at fsin. lortne. LeNolr as Co., around llotir. Champi-r of 1'onimr.rre. fjTOD CENTRAL Hone City Park, l-rootn niniiera Diilitf.tlow. rurnaco, nriiace. two toilets, cement cellar, lot COiluu. bis; at tic sacrificed for nuanctal reasons on the most reasonable terms. M. 11SS. DETSCH W1TWER. A 1559. 410 Chamber of Commerco. 4150 First payment on my beautiful a. room bunaalow. tirnnd new. Mt 4.'xlou. 2 blocks from Hawthorn ral close In; hardwood DiMira. breplnca, (urnsce. llicht fixtures; a barcaln at 4100, lu monthly. lt Oreonlan. PlK UA1.K llirn lots .i7tloo; lioii.e. 3 rooms, hard flnlthed; Hall Addition to YAooduurn, close to Hall sihool; """ Aiao one-half acre; house five rooms, close to Kant school, YYoudburn; 4U5U. Barn aud fruit trees. J. B. SKA Its. YVoodburn. Or. 197-MBl-ilOl Frederick Street, a houses for rent lor 4744 yearly, of fered for a very low price, IdOuO. MKRCMANTr) 8AVfN7S A TRUST COMPANY'. 4juo jaiMI CASH, bulsnce 2.t per month otiys new o-room ounaiow in rto.e t ity park, hardwood floors in pnrlor snd dining-room. Tills Is a lovely place, built for a home. Look this up before you buy. 610 Oerllnger bids. lOOO, S3S CASH. $15 MONTHLY. 3 new 4 -room plastered cottnsva, fine lo cation, near new lit. Hood road; no use rentlnf when an opportunity like this pre sent Itself. Fred W. Ueruiao, 31'v Burn side. M. or A 27TA. , DON'T PAT RENT. W has 4. ft and 4-room homes. aU modern. In restricted districts, for sale on easy terms. Provident Investment A Irualra Company, 201-x-g Beard of Trada. Marshall 473. A 10'.'2. HAVE a few lots close In and will build homes for desirable partlea. easy pay ments. Call boj Beck Bunding. 7th and oak streets. . - I I III ill 1 ' II VI II I l II l ' I" T ! If ' you can pay a total of $40 to $.v tr.ontiuy win sen you my nico now mod ern home, with pursue . two lots; located beyond sunny.ld" district: price 445iM; .'ma f J.IVIA A . VII EUUj.ll, D-HiMiM modern bouse, full lot, full base ment, wash trays, Dutch klechen. fruit trees. 1 larfte walnut tree, nne lawn, everything up to date. 301 F- 1 It b sc. l'hone K. o-J. IKVIM4TON Am solus away and must sell my house; tills la a rara opportunity fur a bargain to a quick nuycr with about aOtiw cash. For particular, write to AR :4. Orearonlan. FORCKD A Lt Beautiful corner: walkln distance, near roro-at. Dnuge; almost two Iota; suitable for home or apartment site; must sell; no reasonable otfur refused. Msln SMI. A SLID. WEST STARK AND al'U liT.i Lot 4l. easy terms; b st buy In the city: new cariice bunding; si e us at once. EMPIRE REALTT A TKI'yT CO.. 4a Yeon Bid. Marshall 340. r.VAP. Improved lot. on S'lth St.. 50x100, over looking Irving-ton, line view of the city: $;.'o pert cash. Phone owner, Marshall o i .- HAVE two new up-to-date bungalows in Hoa City Park. These bunxsious can be bought ressonable and on enay terms- Let mo show you these. 610 tierllnger bldg. FtiK &ALH fc-room liuusa; Incomplete; on block from Aiberta car; will Inks va ccut lot aa pait paymuit. 111 Laat 2vih St. north. BKAI'TIKt I. Cailfurnla buiiia.o. i rooms and sleeping porcn. one Iloor, something new In Unor plan- Ureplace and buffcc Cail 43i B. 6oth at. N. BEAL'TIFl'L HOME. I rooms modern, cor ner a. 3otn ana salmon ata; eaay tern. a. 1-rovtilent Invc.tnicnt A Trustee Co.. '2ul I S Board of Trade. Mar.hull 473, A Hiii BCNUAI.OWr! BCNti ALOW.4 BCXOAI.OYVS ANVWHEHK ANY PLACB ANY PRIi't: a ih to s.oo aown. iioturooK. trt'3 dwet land bldg W. H. HERPMAN haa everything In flue hunies snd choir bom sues. Irvlngtou. fcast 2IJ; c lsotl. No agenta. CASH. II monthly. near 4-roora bun- tlow. a i -1 1 . ' uv.aru s-ana iml'sny. "3 Swetland blilg. i K CAaU ia Pr Biontu. buya a -room " i - Kooaa. Phana Wikulli., i . ow nar. 4Jliv NEv, modern t-room buDsaiow In Rose city rara, in, ui.. ax -74, ore-riinlsn- iTTKACTIYK ROSR CITY PAnK Bl'NrJA iJiV. tVixPsl corner, shade trees, partly furnished, easy ic-niia. nwr insn. KVlNUTON bargalua: fiouble corner for $ lloo; inataa 101 ti-mv. ac- a, um gonlan. LEAY'lNil city, will sacrifice new. modern. 4-rO.im nouae; call - - ' - .u.u st. N. Alberta car. . vod CAsiH. 21 per naontb. 4-ruoin bouse. rfj r.ux-epe tu IN IRVINGTON For sei. moil era xealdanca. For particulate. o""n- .- 1 YIEDA lot. one block Broadway car; $77!t cash, a ale-. Oresonlan. $3'.h) Beautiful corner, elst ana .ast Uih aa J .a. aero uecnuaei uiue lKVIN'OTllN FXaliCEU SAUK. Oalle.1 Kaat, must sell quick, m fine new house, tf rooms, bt rart Irvlnton. 3 fireplaces, built-in buffca and caLlnets, sulctly modern. Make your own price and terms Owner. 414 Couch Mils. For ial WKST flDB This Is tha borne for peopl who want to ba within easy accesa o thiur loifilneea- who desire to walk t town: moreover, it-1 for people who alto anorectal the view. That wiae. mspir Vik view of everything as far aa tha ey can see. where the constantly changln , n v r. -1, a mnkea Ufa to the mother wh S'.ays at home a source of delightful pleasure, for the husband an evening rest h.ru i-ii-eln, th, rllckerina IlKhta. and In ih, mnrnlnr tho sunrise on the mountain poiks buoys I be spirits and InvlKorate nim ror eacn oay to riur.cii t . v. . Tha a-iM.. honiehuver always cboosei site where the Increase In value of tha lnnd makes his home an Investment; view property closo in Is getting mignty scarce. v-i.. nPnn..etv rhun in ta a tine Invest ment, for. In the near future. It will command a big price lor apartment pur Viuht-room house, buniralow type, with larae. spacious porches; deslgned to tok every Huvauiane i t" c 1 4, IN' THE OALLERT WHKN A FRONT SKAT IN THE BALCONY -MAY BE HAD TODAY AT A LOW fctl r-tcicc. eouow. . terms. LeNolr.si Co., ground floor, C. nf C. ROSE CITY PARK HOA1BS. ' HARTMAN A THOMPSON MAINTAIN A BRANCH OFFICE AT r.STH AND HINDI ROAD. TAKE ROSK CITY PARK CAR. TKLKPHUNB C 'Jli'L TABOR 8.3. WUKRE YOtT CAN GET llbfAILa AND KEYd. It will pay you to see me befor buying or building. I hava two i-roora houses on 42d St.. one block to carline, and one 4-room bungalow on 44th St., all In Rose City Park. They have all the up-to-the-mlnut built-lu effects and complet In every detail; amall down payment, mi Ilka rant: also tWO lot lU BsaUmOnl on which 1 will build to suit your ideas. baa owner, 2 to s J. S. ATKINS, Henry Bldg. afOnKRV residence property. Eat and TTest Hide, Uiat Is sur to please you, any ioc ti...i- nrir. and tamu: also bungalows. Two fin cornet In the buslnea dis trict. 4th street, for sale or lease; farm lands, acrenga, etc. If you are looking for purchase any one of thes line, don t fall to look over our list aa it embraces omc of the bent that money win ouy. HtAI. ESTATE BROKERAGE CO.. 612-13 Lumbermen Bldg; FOR SALE BY OWNER. . rriKTlpl-l. l-nl.OXIAL. HOME. rir.irl...i'riiiiff the Wlliaitlette and the ... L . i.,k to Reed lnatltute; will al ways' be an unobstructed view; h-room bouse, modern In every detail; one-half ace of ground; lots of dogwood And evergreen trees: 13 minutes' ride from h.art of city; best car service lu Port lai.d. For prlc and term, pbouo acllwood Ioka or has. OWN a six-roomed houso and sleeping porch, new and modern, two stories, an excellent view, etery convenience fire place, piped for furnace, narowooo noo.., i., K..rr..i ..Heir, irns and electricity; hard-surfaced streets, on block from .. .e n.r Jlllll at. t MrlCO HOIlO. Clllh I.Vo. bal.'easy term". J. H. Tipton. Phone Marshall -,4.i; evening or puuuaj bellwood lttol. i--.i c-s"ir nn bit.ioi-A of I2H00 on time, will purchase a beautiful 6-room bunga low with lurse attic full concrete base ment, larga bedrooms and closets, built-in bookcase nd sideboard, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, while enameled tiling In kitchen and oatnroom, nor- lot. cement walks and curti UlJl'H. McCarthy, owner, Su8 Lowla bldg. Phono Marshall atiVO. Til IT v-Ar'AW I.(1T. WHY NOT TI US A BI KDEN INTO incomf: propertyt if toii own a lot we will fi rn'isii tub money AND Bl ILI ItESII'lSNl hi OK M i Srrl-L-. L-ti K 1II11.D. OCR RKP- fTATlON' ViiL'H PROTECTION. IT WILL I'AT JWft.l.i-'r. T:c CONTRACT 1NO ARCHITECTS, .324 ABINC.TON BLD. a native trees, . driveway and lawns In. everything complete. range terms. Se Owner. Uv8 Spalding Bi'lK- 1 ll VI V, :TOM Will sacrifice my a-room residence for Immediate aale; has large living .i .. un.i rdi..iiiniii hull m mabouany pan eling and while enameled; extra lava tories and toilets; 5 mirror ooors; many bullt-ln features, including w-iuuow a-.-, k...i ... i...rruf. Iintcli kitchen, etc . plastered attic, sleeping rooms, open-air room; will trad for lot or equities; no agents. K i:22. or E 41U. nuring oay. rj. .iiti ivn HRIiUITj BCNGALOW- rooms. very conveniently arranged: large stone fireplace: built-in buffet and rK book case; large unea cioaei, a vwn,. full basement; cement floor; nico porch a iota- beautiful homes surrounding near car. This Is one of the most beau tifully wooded and secluded npots on the tie ik ma. for sate oy owe.. - terns. Y. 2H7. tiregonlrtn; l:nt A MONTH. NO OTHER FIRST PAYMENT NECES SARY. Brand new; S rooms and reception ball; very modern convenience; excellent neiK"- linrhnnil- choice of tVO CUrllneS! $2tioO. Olve reference and paw $:tt) a month (this Incliirl... lutereati. A. N. Seurlel Take M-V. car; g.-t off 7Hth St. (office on th Corner!. AUtO to snow pruperiy. AI.HIS-A AVE. BARGAIN. A .fine 6-room modern 2-story house. china closet, bookcases. Dutcn Kltrnen, hrcpiar-e. etc.. corner lot OexlOO. some nim fruit trees, street work all in; price 4t!u0: $2004 cash and $- per month; a real snap. ORUHSI A ZADOW, 117 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4tlt and Oak. ROSE CITT PARK. . :"i0 CASH. T rooms, built-in buffet, bookcases. olid oak floor, furnace, fireplace, laun dry trays, mirror door, all Improvements lu and paid. Price $3tt5il. Cash, $.l".il; terms, s-a per montn. isationai uoauy A Trust Co., room 723 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone Main &12u. A HOM B FOR $25 DOWN. Owner authorise us to sell to a re sponsible party with steady position a new. modern 6-room bungalow, near Haw thorne ave., at $' down and $2u and Interest monthly; line chance to gel a, home. Cull at 4o J and Hawthorne ave. Ta-' bor 2V42 or 4 IS Rally, ay Exchange. FOR SALE. $S'X0. EASY TERMS.' Classy, modern, convenient 7-roora house In Laurelhurst. 2 lots, lawn, till liar. 1 room. laundry. shower batb, llreless cooker, 2 fireplaces, furnace, buffet, ce ment basemer.t. aquarium, etc.; will con sider lot first payment. Main luliS or 2aU0. fir-S McKay bl.lg. - IRVINQTON. A beautiful A-rouin thoroughly modern horn on E. 18th St.. faces east; hard wood floors downstairs, & bedrooms and 3 sleeping porches, attlo, furnace and fire place. Price $ii.;.".0. terms. H. P. PALMKR-JONES CO, 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main SOHI. A 2iw.!. It.'iiHi llood CASH, balance to suit pur chaser, buys 7-room homo In Broadway district, beam' celling, hardwood floors, bullt-ln bookcaae and buffet. fireplace, smiles, lovely electrlo fixtures, full oe meut basement, nice yard, etc This ta certainly a bargain la a borne. Call at 510 G. dinger bldg. EAST FLA.VDER8 ST. SNAP. Good 8-room boure on corner lot 50x100, on Knst 6Sth and Flanders St.; must bo sold at once, beuca tha price $24a0; cash. GRCSS1 A ZATXIW. 17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. I OWN a new 7-room two-story modern residence. 1 will sell at a sacrifice, lo cated besutiful and convenient: price $:tinO: cash IT.IO, balance eaay terras. J. H. Tipton. Phone Marshall 2745; evening or Sunday puone Scllwood 13'U. PENINSULA BARGAIN. $,;r,0 Fine corner lot 47xM), one-room house, all fenced with 0-foot wlro. Fred W. German, 3!f Burnsldo sL Phone Main or A 2770. $,oti BELOW marxst price tsks modern lrvlngtun borne of seven rooms, hall and batb: bullt-ln furniture, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; half caaa, ba lance monthly. Phone East 631U-. FOR SALE. In Rose City Park. East Bath su 1 block south of Sandy road, modem 7-room house. See builder and owner, Frlck Llnduul.t. ."22 East 6th sr. K. phone Tabor Sin. FOR SALE or rent, a furnished hous on Klrby and Webster ts., opposite the JefTersoj High School; $: per month rent or will sell on easy terms. Inquire Calu met Hotej:0Prk8t; JTr RENT PAYER Why pay rent? The fifteen dollars you pay will start you on new four-room house, two lots. Phone Last 24S0. For ale Hnslneas Property. ; coos'bay "bargains: Comer lot 80x250; deep water frontage: onlv $10.011. Trsct Sixes', with frontage on three streets, ere biock from city dock; $75uO ""'ti. E. NICHOLSON. MarshBeld, Or. Iso agents need apply. OWNER WILL SELL Portland Height r.ldenre. jur completed, rtady to move Into- 18 rooi.Ts. 3 fireplaces. 2 bam rooms. automatic hot water heater, "rgs bniiard room. lovely screened dining porch. 2 sleeping poren secluded location: garag For Sale Business Property. $16.000 CHOICE business property, stores and apartments, well rented, prominent street. Wett Side; close In. Owner. 121 Worcester bldg. lor Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. The finest soli, the most beau tiful laying land, the best or roads, water, schools. churches. stores, mail snd telephone service. two carlinea. every suburban conveni ence and only 40 minutes' ride. In beautiful valley west of Council Crest ; w-lll sell any sized tract from one-half aero up. at 42.1l) to $500 per acre, and upon monthly pay ments; let us tell you about this. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A S30O. HERE'S that little fruit farm you've been wanting; 24. acres, located near Mcldrum Station, Oregon City electric line; all un der cultivation: 1113 bearing fruit trees. aunles and peaches, berries, hothouse fo minhmnmi l,i : chicken hOUSCS hav concrete floors; new house not quite fin ished. 7 rooms, fireplace, cooling rooms i , i cm on r ,-iirli- tnnk ruimitl? water i force numu: Orecon grape hedge, shad trees, view of river: 45500; terms. See Kupper. CHAPIN & HERLOW. K32-.13S Chamber of Commerce. 12 ACRES, 10O PER ACRE. 12 acre.' 1 l miles from carline, all .in cultivation ....n-n ..um n Inlnir t TiVllOta OreRon Clt (few laTg main i,,i innit ii.i-pl countrv all around; side -.llr ... uhi.nl alflC, tO tOWn; tine ii.iiwiiu,i homes in sight; valu not less than $225 per acre and will for $100. x.a O. W. EASTHAM. 21S Marquam bldg SMALL FARMS, 5. 7. h. in. 1 ACRES. o-t v oca Vllinn TO STATION. Land that will grow anything: lies very pretty. Bno view; all cleared . b""" kets for all produce; short ride to 1 ori; land; good suttlument; near timDer, t,oo. watar. xir.n ACRE Terms. 10 per cent down, balance 6 per cent, o years: exactly as itjiitwu.. HALL A CO.. 302 Rolhchlld Bldg. rmrvew and fruit ranches near Portlana ,.ii,. rfiamnce to itood town; runnin i ..,ii rrn. wood, anlendld fru -V.r..,;.. ...a., or Columbia River and snow .,:.L... V go.-m. 5 acres 4oil. 10 acre i- -,. ..... ..nt rmh. easv DaymtnLS other tracts near railway station 25 to yKASK l'S:FARTaAND BEALTr CO. Teon BlUg., porilaud.Or i - rr a TTOVfR. liar Is a fine little home, two mile: from electric line. ir mll from Port UnU- 6 acres commercial apples just com T,tft K.-orinaT- X RLTafS fuiuvaieu. ter fr lu.-l; Rood nw luiiuin;s; an tx l 1 loeaula t tlllL O. W. EASTHAM. 21ft Marquam Bldg. 1- TO 4 ACKB TH ACTS $400 to -no per acre; on west side. -( ..,m..- trnin o..tirt houge. overlookiug ,t..fi..tif.ii q-iialutin alley. United Huil av urvtiv to Cedar 11-11: rum throurb tracU Easy ttruis. nCEMPIRF. REALTY & TRUST CO. 402 Yeon IildK. Marshall 349 AV Kf-ECTRIC CAR. Klgant Woods electrio victoria, canno tsn it from new: owner leaving the city T..r-f txiih if: will se-il for cash, on time with approved security, or will trade for rAl eat a us. i an "P iw uw uo. j - phone , ut room 2S3 lmprial Hotel up to box l.'.S, Iloiiilam, Wa-sh. CHEAP FAHMJ NO LAND. Near Portland and tiltctric lines. Call, write or phone,. a. li-arre traota. Cleared ,and tlii.b-r. $0 per acre to S.iO. PACIFIC N. W. 1EVKL0PMENT CO., 45 Courh BUI. $1000 ACRE HOME. Nicely located acre near OroRon City carline; buildintra (air, fruit for family. all frncfd ana Ui cumvaiion. O. W. Knsthim, 215 Marquam bldg. OlVNKR'd PRICE. 5 acres Ufr-1 land. aU plowed. $2J3 per acre. minutes on electric line. Easy terms for 4 ye:ii. PACIFIC IN'. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 406 Couch JUdt , t-ixcio TtTTT r.OOl. LAND. per acre; loin acres alfnlfa land under Uutte County canal; adjoining proa- Tieroua colonies, '.it nuwa inm unaiey. Mark Lane, 149 Montgoinry Francisco. San t'l:-. TirYK Irt ncrea decD red shot oi ' , . 1 s.-...h,..o. ..11 anaptea m i n " " t,t.s-, smooth and tillable, no rock; wood and water; close to school. pos toff ice and ptore; " within eaay reach of Portland and tho cheapest land on tna mapcet, oa. Couch bldg, 10U 4th st. f ARE YOU FROM MISSOURI? It does not matter what state you ara from, '4 can snow, yuu iiie wsi m .-. -wttsnf . afrt-aire to bo found in Oreuon- Call for literature and let ua show you t.i Wolnii (Jpava I unrl Cn . 220 i Washincton st., R. 81o. iiir nriiuusiiiv'". ' nvir. r,f th best ll-acre tracts In Oregon; ail under cuiuvnuuii auucu, .t-iun rvr.ii...a and attic, one Ecft orchard, one acr amall fruit, 4 acres oats, 4 acres pas ft.. hua and outhouaes. living spring-, tons of hay In barn. ol E. 11th East 6023. 10 ACRES ENOUGH FOR ANYONE if In Tight location.' " o ucai uii, closo to innrltet, fine wator. Some tracts cloar, reaoy iu ami. ii pujan'ut. Davis 45i KUarp. tiuo Commercial blit., Portland, Or. a . i jsa-nrrtf. tracts rood for fruit. Doultr or oernes, v ihucb kviu nauu, uci trood town; small cash, payment, balance will r-ay for itself. h.atr Jk Watson. Main Vol 2, VUO Lewis bld . 4th and Oak. 0 ACRE TRACTS. On Oregon City canine at Concord sta tUm; all clear; $750. terms. KEA&EY. 11 1'MAJsON A JEFFREY, Chamber of Commerce. tiit'ir. t-.nintrv bonitt. 34 acres, fine orch rd l-rOOlll llOUaMJ, Uih , tun urn uuusfS, furniture, horse, cow. cniCKwns, etc.. j-joi Terms. 4o5 Rothclilld bias. Main No agents. WELL-IMPROVED 10, 20 or 30-acra tracts of irr1 tatea ncn.. te.iu t-n, muau, to trado for property In or near Port- rr.v. a I . lnrnhv I 'n i 14 ..,i 1 lanu. a -ic.i( Idaho. ilL'tiT ralsa money; hacrlfice all or part of 13 -acre noum Acuum v .; rv , j vu w tten admired im beauty ana maple shade. Box 7. MilwaukW, Oregon. 2, 8, ft AND 10-acre tracts, close in, good citjetrio cat service. $lt0 t J.O per ac-r-j; big values, easy terms. J. W. Hefferlla Realty Co., 20a. Corbett bldg., both Quaes. FOR SALE 4 acres, partly cleared. !i min utes' walk from Tfgard. Oregon Kiectrio. or will exebanwe lor jrooa lot wua sixiaii house. Phoue Tabor 1JU2. IDEAL TWO A CUES. On E. 44th st. and Kllliugsworth ave., $tt0: tonus, fcce owner on premises or at 1U5 E. :iuth st. N. ACREAGE and farms, from $1.1. SO per acr UP ' large lUU lUlUU H Ikiuuoy A Stampher. 631-2 LuiriberJExcliange bldg. ACRE tracts, one-half mile of city limits. (4otj; small pajmeu. uumu. ocu utvii 32. AbinKl"n bldg. 4U.II and Presoott sts. ; acre, 6-room cot- " " . . . lllllA UV,- .'..- Of ITT tae, OUlDUllll:rgS. 4JIIIVU. ""MO I or b7 East :Mh at. ( ACRtti, near I'mpiiua 4iiver, 5 per arro. C J. dcCrufKen. 304 McKay bids. 10 ACRES. Yamhill, ?S.50 per acre. 41d Rail ay Exchnne bldg. after 12:3q for tile llumetcad1. ADVANTAGES OK OREGON 100-page book gives amount or uotniiueiii iaau opua iu homstead In each county in the States of Oregon and Washington and description of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and jnlneral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors. 2lxJ8, showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electric lines. Including Eastern and Central OreKn; -iic each, or thrteo ioo. Map of Washington In colors, 21x-, 20c. Nim mo. Runey c Co., Hamilton bldg. For Sale Fruit lJuids. COLCMRI'A River ranch. 1"0 aores on the ( Ol unioll .ier. rauiuju eituuii nuu uuh. landing on place; poKtoiT.ee, store and school close b. fine view of river and mountains; rich soil, stock, tools, hogs nnrt chickens : 40 miles from Portland. Call or write to Kinney fie. Slampher, .rt31 Lumber Exchange bldg., Portland, Oregon. "HOOD RIVER ORCHARD AND STRAW-" BERRY RANCH. 10 acres, 7 miles from Hood River; about 7 acres in trees; 21 In strawberries; fino view f vallny, under the ditch; t mile from R.R. station, and a spring of . g-ood water. Address owner, W". H. Bucher, Hood River, Or., route 2. FOR SALE Best IJSO-acra larm In Polk County ; all under cultivation; rolling ground ; Ideal location ; 4 miles east of Dallas, on Hue road; price $10 per acre. Address owners, KJrkpatNck & Crldes, Dallas, Or. -i-TUlt Lands. MT Hfinn R tlLWAT now running to Bull Run SO'DALIA orchard and country home tracts utur Bull Run station, 2o miles from Portland, between Sandy ana Bull Run River: best volcanic shot soil, numerous springs of pure cold water; beautiful scenic surroundings. boating, fishing; Ideal location for permanent or Ki.o.rrier home will sell 5 and lo-acre tracts: also 1 acre camping Eroun.d': Henry C. Prudhomme Co., owner, Spalding bldg. UU8 LAND FOR-SALE. 174 acres at $1S per acre on the Ta ouiiia Buy; county road and running water on the place. The real oVnur, B. F Dobson. Cralitree, Or. Also a general store, hotel and feed barn at Crabtree. Or. ALFALFA FARM. For sale. Wilsun & Myers, end of Haw thorne carline. Tabor 1560. 80 ACRES and some cash for house and lot; describe offer. Box 187. Yaquina. Or. For Sale" Farms. TUALATIN VALLEY BARGATN. SPLENDID 13G ACRES. This farm is the best buy in Wash ington County. There are l'Ml acres, 100 acres In high state of cultivation. 70 acres of which is the very beat bottom land in the. state; the balance ia tho very best red shot soil and there is not a foot of wast land on the entire tract. There is a splendid 9-room house on con crete foundation, with hot and cold water and bath in the house; splendid barn and outbuildings, all in first-class shape; pure spring water piped to the t-imiKfi nnri harn- there is a. solendld bear ing orchard of 27 acres of 4-year-old En dish walnuts in splendid condition this elegant farm home is only Va mile from station and only 2."i miles from Portland : the Tualatin River forms on boundary of the land; the location is all lhat .nould be desired: the buildings as irood as you would desire, and th soil is the most nroductiva in the state thia elegant farm home is offered foi sale at on ly $125 Der acre, with abou u, cash: balance to suit at 6 r Interest : considerable personal propert; goes with the place at this price; be sur to look this place up if you waut the best there is to offer. HARGROVE & SONS, 122 North Prxth ft.. Cor. Mafu 43S1. A 6th and 72o0. SMALL DAIRY. ONE IN A THOUSAND. AND ONLY HALF PRICE. GUARANTEED TO BE A GENUINE BARGAIN. 60 acres of sandy loam sediment soil 10 feet deen. 40 iu hitch state of culti vation, good new cottage, large barn, fenced and cross-fenced, level, oata here are over your head, nice spring creek and river, H5 miles from Portland, near good town and shipping can be done within nair mile or place, cream route, dally mail, phono and tine neighborhood, W e know there la not a bargain in tt state Ilka this. If you want something that will stand the test, look this up and you will una it better than renre sented ; make a bee line for this office before you lose the opportunity. We can't keep you from buying it If you know what land is. No phone lnforma tion. Prico 14.1(10. KEASEY. HUMASON & JEFFERT, 132 Chamber of Commerce. THH MAPLES. A country home of 8 acres on Line road, 20 miles from Portland tions on Oregon Electric and S. P. Ry less than mile from house; commercial orchard and home orchard of all kinds of fruit; good b-room house, barn and chicken-houses; with the place go all kinds of farming machinery. 1 span Mr g an-bred horses, buggy and wagon and hoo Plymouth Rock chickens; price of place, including crop, $jdOu; $1000 down Buy from owner at tho Del Monte rooming-house, 17 Stout et., near 20 th and Washington. Phone Marshall 129. CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARM. Will sell all or as small part as 20 acres of 2ft0-acro farm, located near Molalla. Railway building within haif mile; exceptionally good soil, lying well. About $so per acre, acociding to part selected. F. B. MADISON, Bank of Oregon City Bldg. - RANCH tiO acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain for aU cash, by owner, 1SS2 Morrison st. FARMS WANTED. WE have calls for small improved farms within 25 miles of Portland; it you have anything in this line for sale, list with us for a quick turn. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO., 012-13 Lumbermens Bldg. WANTED A small. Improved farm, good city property to trade and some cash. Atv i!!ti, cjregonian. FOB SALE TIMBER LAN19. PARTY of ten, leaving in August to locate needed; investigate. Iu32 Chamber of nmnr niumis iiciiiiuuwiiiui.unii Commerce. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Cj M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bid. &20 ACRES, near Umpqua River, $3 per acre. (J- J. MctracKen, iju-t Mctvay uiu. WAN TF i) R E AL ESTATE. BONA FIDE buyer will pay $2"0 to $:io0O on a farm costing about $i.iuu; oaiance on terms: near river or R. R. (preferred ; de scribe house, land, terms accurately or no attention will be giyca it- Auuress x- -oo. (Jregonian. GIVE PARTICULARS CAREFULLY- I am looking for one to three acres. with nomfortable house, on good road. near car line, with bearing fruit; $2oOO ianh; balauce terms. uwners oniy au. dress P 2:i0, Oregouian. PLOSK-IN PROPERTY. Wanted Vacant or poorly improved, 100 xlfiO. south of Morrison to Mill street and west on Second to Tenth. Oregonian. A3 221, I HAVE a customer for a 5 or 6-room house within walking uistance oi iveutou ; musi be a bargain and on easy terms, and from owners only. L. M. Hickok, 333 Chamber of Commerce. RESPONSIBLE party wants to rent im- iimvHi ncreace Diace. near foruana, casn rental; will take good care of it aud might buy later. Jfurse, tlo .naiiiuer ot v-oin. WE have a big demand for West Side homes ranging in price iron uuw u Ta.v.. Noir . Co., ground floor Chamber Com merce. . WILL buy from owners, if cheap, good farm or timber lauits ior casu, give eompieLu description. Box 4i7, Mount Vernon, Wash. . GOOD home place, 3 to 5 acres, on electric lin near Portland; must oe eu locitieu. well Improved and cheaD for cash. Ad dress AT 291, Oregoniaru I pAY cash to owners on forced sale lot bargains; unimproveu uwueis un -a lines, with business prospects preferred. 606 Concord bldg.. city. WANTED Good, level cord wood land close to portiana; muL i wu ufi ui road. Give price, location and terms. K 273. Oregonlaru WANTED at once, 4 or 5-room bungalow. not over -ow or ija-ts ior ?ioo umvn, balance monthly. Call Holbrook, ' t0u3 Swetland bldg. CLIENT will sacrifice on equity in 40 acres. Close tO MI. noou survey iu ci:uoubo am. clear building lots. 437 C. of C. A GOOD-PAYING restaurant and soft drinks parlor, average is. per aay, io excaiwujo for residence equity. 437 C. of C. WANTED Cottage or bungwlow; state price. from owner. p z?w, uregoman. HAVE fine electric piano, will exchange for flats or acreage. ALi uregonian. WILL pay cash for lot snap or cheap acre age, a. Lj aji'i. ffcUlUtlU. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE or trade for Portland property. 760 acres loggea-on iauu in roii. Luuuiy, on railroad, price $10 per acre. Jos. M. Rieg. Gerlinger bldg. ACCEPT table and typewriter, first pay ment vtr oousioca. iuv. jAAtAiu i4o, aiter 12:30. FOR farm exchanges, business chances or rooming-nousee, ttui vu ua. j-sm t.11 weoi Realty Co., 017 Board of Trade Bldg. if-ROOM modern house; will take small grocery in gooa location, x ms, ore gonian. - 100 ACRES A-l farm land. In Oklahoma, to trade tor Bluer, v "en txn.i cond-hand f u rn i 1 11 re. O. R. Dunn. Main 6H2.S. HAVE clear vacant lots to trade for equities In lOlS Of liuuoua. ivuu viiouiurt ui LOm jnerce. ' WILL exchange 43 acres unimproved Hood River land or roruana property, jf . ssu. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. 20 acres with 7 -room house and AL outouiiditiKs; l;nd all cultivated; appU p-.nrs. plums, POTATOES and grain; Lt CAVED 4 miles from Vaneouvei, Wasi and 1 from electric hue and on maca am .zed road : value $."."ii0. TO EXCHANUE. For ?3""r00 residence in or near Fortlan HARTMAN THOMPSON. Realty Exchange Dept. Chamber oi' Commerce Bidg. WILL exchange automobile for equity cty lots; auto is a runabout, complet top. presto life'Ut, wind shield and speed. nn-r r.pu !v n:i t n t fit! and ill exelle' running order: give price and descri; tion of lots iu answer. AE 2'J4, Ore man. $:;.",uo, $;.5oo, $ooii0. 7-room house, corner lot 7'xS5, on 2(Jl and East Sherman; trado for Improve lo or 20-acre tract, close to car. Th price is right and yours must be. Fre W. German. Burnside. Phono Mai or A 2770. It;) ACKS. 70 acres in cultivation, goo house and barn, at i'SO per acre, or w trade for city property or would take good automobile and some cash. THE GO WAN MOOKH CO.. 343 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 1S4, A 4L'98. BUNGALOW TO EXCHANGE. $15uo eQuity in good 5-room bungalo in hnsJniuxat district on Alberta Bt.. net li)th: will take uood lot or acreage, ba. anca at f-0 per month. 317 Board of trada Bldg.. 4th and Oald 17 ACRES, all platted, on Base Line, close t two cars, snap ut ty.uoo; will accept goo unincumbered improved ouy property u to $tuy 0, balance 3 years, installment: This prif-e is cash and will consider sue oulv. 'phone Main or P. O. box 37' WILL trade mv J.VtO equity in Laurelhur: lot for good launch or diamonds; In trau ing for launch it must be koo1, well-paint eii and in the best of shaue. (.all Marsha 304 or A 1.133 after 7:oi P. M. Call Eas 41i'3. Mr. J. H. Tarpley. - L 2-ACRE chicken ranch with fine chert orchard, highly improved, good houso an Bull Run water and on E-ccut car Xai; to trade for modern city home. THE GOWAN-MOORE CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce lildg Phone Main U4 or aV 4218.'- EX.CHANGE Larfio new 8-room moder Roseinera home, hardwood floors, flrepiac concrete basement, furnace; $tUK0; wi accept lots, acreage, automobile, or mort gages, baiunce long time. Porter,' w Chamber of Commerce. ' 100-ACRE farm, all in cultivation, good 1m rrovements. one mile to ah'm lextri line. 39 miles from Portland, fine soi cash tirlco SliO -per acre: will accept ui; tiii'iirnhcrirl etiv or income orODertv up t $10,OuU. Phone Main 4.-2 or I'. O. box 37H TO EXCHANGE. An:irfnipnt-hou.-ir! site 7ixl00. close on East Side, to trade for close to Pojrt land fruit ranch. i THE Gi WAN-MOORE CO Phone Main 14 or A 4lS. vAj-rn'i i on.hflrsiH mv S750O eoultv In laru modern Portiaud Heights residence fo mortgage or contracts; coutu use t 7-room residence on East sido or son. acreaj;e. Y 2!)&. Oregonian. FOR TRADE Good 6-room house on Mary land ave., and, also goou vacau. lot nea w itrhland School for two or more acie with small house near 5-eeut carliat Phone Woodlawn 974. Tinnn IttVKR APfLB LAND. TOO acres. Bno land. 5 acres apples, br ginning -to bear; good well;, to exchang for. 1 mil roved citV DroDCXty. will divide, t suit. Owner, 5-7 East Burnside it.,' city FROM 6 to 17 acres In cultivation at Me iimm Kr.iti.m on Oretron City line, i exchange for $2uU0 to $3500. houso. C. L. Bamberger, room 2 Lumberinens bldg. riti.i:i i;ia RIVER 7 ner cent bonds exchange for equities in residence prop erty or automobiles. Main 4ly0. 31T Ham llton bldg. Taylor. . $1 ;,,r0 and 1G0 acres of saw timber, for a farm In the Valley, or property in Port land; no agents. 1031 Division St., . Port land, Or. FOR exchange for merchandise of any kind, equity of $Uk)0 In 4 tine city lots, bal ance SH70 long time; will sacrifice for quick deal. R. Ramsey, 064 1? landersst. in,aiin tt-tttt n 1 1 . v Portsmouth, for Lew iston.' Idaho, property. Box 145. Lewis ton, Idaho. $1000 MORTGAGE for sale or trade for lot or acreage. AL 2SQ. . Oregonian. ' ' LOTS and eciulties to trade for house. How ard, 0o3 Swotland ' bldg. - - FOR SALE. Homes, A chicles. Etc. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, AT 2 P. M. We have discontinued our s;tlea at. 410 Hawthorne avo. 'and hereafter we will bold our regular auction sales every Tues day at 2 P., SI. at 2U4 Montgomery St., cor. 3th. ; For our opccilng sale on Aug. 1, we will have a carload o horses and mares shipped in by Mr. Suetu-r, from Walla Waila. This stock ia all right out ot farm work, young aud sound and roady tor Ijnmedtiale service. They are from 4 to 8 years .old and weigh from lo."0 to 1400 each. We will also sell as usual consigned horses, ve hicles, harness, etc. These sales will he conducted on our regular ON-THE-SQU ARE plan. Every horse will be represented airl sold exactly as he is and you get the san guarantee that you would get from an other re liable business lirm at a private wale. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO., 294 Montgomery St.. Cor. 0th.'- Marshall 1412. " k MICHIGAN BUGGIES RUSHFORD WAGONS. EAGLE DTJMP WAGON3 Before you buy, either above, see on stock and get prices. We are located out side tho high rent district and for that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a aeo-ocd-hand vehicle when you can gat new out at about the same price. R. M. WADE A CC 322 Hawthorn ave. MARES AND HORSES FOR SALE. Just arrived, a ear of as fine a lot of mares and horses as ever came to Port land; will be sold under our guarantee; range lu weight 1H0 to 1400 pounds; range in age, 4 to 11 years; range in price, $250 to $475. HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES, 420 Hawthorne ave. BIG BARGAIN $350 buys 3000-lb. team; true workers; i ana t years um; ova-iuru wagon and harness. Woodstock. 57th st and 63d ave. Phone Sellwood 1788. $75 BROWN horse, weighs about 1100 lbs.. periectiv sounu, geniie u.. ime, or double; a bargain as I am going away. 540 Williams ave. W ANTED Automobiles, S auto trucks m best or condition; win e.ciiunn ma. mortgage bonds for same. Address AS .U4, Oregonian, ; FOR SALE 10VH-Ib. horse, new buggy and harness; price i-iu. rariCKsen uatuware Co., Williams ave. and Knott st. East 550. TEAMS of ponies, harness and covered wagon, one good wont mare, weigm ir. 4o0 East Salmon. These things must be sold at once. " $135 BUYS good team, farm wagon aud har ness. Take Sellwood car to Insley ave,. walk to railroad tracK, nouse ao. iai. FOR SALE 5-year-old driving; mare, guar anteed SOUUd. city uivsvv, pi.i.Q fioii iv sold today. East 42, B 2242. WANTED Teams to haul wood, 6 per day. Can su w imams ave. .i-uouo uuvi lawn litus. After 6, phone Woodlawn 11Q5. RELIABLE men with heavy teams ana wagons una sieauy v ji tv . 4.111. .un-i.s Fuel Co., foot of Russell street. WANTED A second-hand surrey lor liv ery stable- rnono u -ou, xam'i i.. SIX dump wagons, horses. Harness, scrap ers, l-th ana jenersun TEAM, wagon, harness, sale or iraue ior lot. 1570 uneonta et.. w uoumr. u. PAST V RAG E near Portiaud for stock. Phone Main 1410. - FINE, large, fast pacer, carriage and har ness, sale or ticnaiisie xor uuuiau 4v.io age. Main 1415 or E 5778. FOR SALE delivery wuyoiifl in good or , . : a j-. rt .lil . At 14M I. rand uer; yi ieuo ovm v $ ave., near E. Morrison. TEAM; weight 1000 lbs. each; also wagon a n d harness, -ij firm, m. piunoH, Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE A fine upright piano, walnut case, in my home. 24( iving at., x-ortiana, Oregon. S. W. King. FISH high-grade upright piano to, ex change for driving rig. 809 East 28th st. Birds. Dogs and Pet 8tociU ,5 m ANDY LEE incubator, 120-egg size, l!Wi mod'd, all comi'Jt'te ana m goa. con dition, for $5. -Call , at 4ut Failing, st, or phone v ood iawu .io'J. FOR SALE Brown Leghorn chickens. CaU 1121 East 21th st. north. ticellancou. WAN-Tf ED 7 -passenger automobile; good make; in good condition. . O 207, Ore gonlan. , $K) EQUITY in 5-room cottage to change for 4 or 5-paaenser auto. Phone Marshall 1338. ; - FOR SALE 4-passenger, 2-cyllndar auto, cheap. 3S0 Ross st. Phone East 1324. FOR SALE Wheel chafr dn good condition. Call at 333 3d st. Fhune Maiu SS5U.