II THE MnnVTVO OREGONUN. FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1911. SUGAR. PRICES SOUR Markets All Over the World Are Excited. GERMAN CROP SUFFERING Another AUtarx-v? of S Onl In Coast Quotation and Moch IHch rr Prlw Kape-cted Rrrinxy Withdraw ITwm nld. Th ur al'MI ! Coaal U - cited. l'B.r aa l aota a ha4rd in ill a'raJee yaatardair morn in j u.mir io-ci.t iduM In th after ana. t of tl. lr refuree baa -era. a from In maraat. a It u nttrlr ouM up for IS. eo. Th Near Tor market Is vary strong. Re fuel eaar e4an..-.d 10 eente a hdrd tn.ro yaeterUaj. Kaae er bol arltttaraata f trt. nara.t. a b!itn anticipate Hf tar pricae TS oji li.m.nt la tb market l lo the droj:ri la Korop. whua l aerloaaly aS.ctlst t.io trap. The crop U aoar i1 b l b critical conditio. with Tratardar- adv.ne. .eal prl-- er a.1 ct a hundred hi her than they a July 1. V.a who ar cloaoty fatlew tng lo oara of vat aa tho Cot look f.if a further 4um of at leaat 40 eeata. It la al thai J.bber ara not placing K.w eaalnea at preeant prlrae. ot thora ara r.y withdrawal int tomrnu. M-M.IF BI T .NEW IXIIIM.TOX HOrS Cot. Jo) 1 al M Crate r!-- Orrt a Head for aatrwrta. Th atelierr'nt lo the hop market coo tiauoa to tn. lJere ara vainlv. trying to claae on contraeta In th!a atato at 3i t.n-m. aa.l th.ir lark f ladlcataa that huher pric muet b bid loot. Tba domaaJ f.-r lll la for forelg aa wall aa A:r.rt-an tourer. jt-!T Htm. yterday bought to balaa of o.w rrr-p Waahmgtoa hopa la Takirna and Waaler Wejnlngtan at I cent. Thoy ar. -bouae bale af old raclfira la :w Tot C11J-. Trade report, of London hop factor, b-wrtrc date of July 1 t 1. folia t win. am Co. Tn rwta of tha v'ae Haa mad (oral arogreee with tha re turn of wr-nr weather: ih.ro la atlll euf--l.at vermin to mai tho eonllnuatloB af a.r.ir a o:.it. Tra.la haa boon ul.t a. th.ro ar aol auf3 l.nt hopa of rr.at e, - t to rr.ito anr intoroal. Iho hulnoa P..'r b.lr. rootrletod t purchaaora for V" H.Blr Thro ara atlll Inqoltioa f. r I fvm at a.lan-'n ratoa. hut tho b'-t i . romii.ly hajatod that It la ri"t ii rr . 'ilt to and any. w. H a If. 1 My Tat ma'k.t romalna a.-.adiat'y Arm with a hardnln t.n-n.-T. Mrn-h. aro In th. arfiall.at prtoaibio cotnpaM. H.frf. from tho plantation, ara r,.t. oomo duttrKta ara improvise, athora nt o jortd- ru rtitt sittatiox is tt- mng Owta la" tho rra Tmm4 RralaUaaa. Ordora 111 11 with) IHffWIty. X po-allar iltuilos oxl.ca In tha toa ir. l. oa a-cr.ur.1 of tha para food r.- aiattona. hwh ' prohibit tha Importation of rntr.d taaa Aa a eonor-quonra. tha dala s- maotu-d with mut-h dlffloalty la BIIIbc tM r ard.rm. la China. b to Jnty la. not a aloala ehaot af Tina aa.ja bad boa ro.iod that would (am tha para f J law rql.rm.Bta. lm m.rtara wtM k ao-dowsa at north China pta haow Va oM!d to aond rimn.ro rnar tha U dlatrtrta to Inotrwat tha Chtnoao In prndiaca a taa that wonld pa rwrara want tsapoatlaa hara. Tha Arm aro a of roaron of aorta China, taowa ta tha tm.!a aa NU Chowa. la ory anart. and awyora who dart plaead ardora rm porta w!!l probably bar. ta do uh- aot um. Tho Brot arop af Japan t.aa by no ar atvtna aad la aharat.:y fa from color aaad h of a-xid cap qoaltty. Tha avcond rrop of Jasana. awina tho abooaea or color. ana. a awry rooah and lark atyla, Tha tra-ta w::l ro soabt bo much euappont.a to tM.lr atylo wan th.y arrtTa. T-to Bi&rfe.l I.T hota Japan aad Chma .aa la ai a hlrhor loiral taaa hut yoar. J.hnorn iM haa aa a-t lad yaafa taaa aa awmui bottar aatloflod with th.ra .vorr day. aa tay wia aadoabtly aha nrnrh bxtor atria thaa thin vanCa crop. ravroni i ytrvr t nt.r or hiutt ria Krlac avowamt aaTtha Itaaaa af TS aa4 rraaa. ' Thora waa a llttia feuataaaa aalar way la aw clna wh.al yaatarday oa t5a baa la of t ta T aonta. tot tha wtarkat waa act aritio. Th.ro w.ra aa aa drralopmaata ta at&.r grain Ua.a Tha V.rchaala" Ciclaao rapartad Indian wh.ot aauun.nta fv.r tho w-k at I. CSX. oca huoh.U aa aa.la.t ;.T.,l boah.la laat voa and in. ooo bwanoia a year aa. Loral raroipta. la cara. warn roportad tf tha Marehanta' rarhanta. aa follow; tfhoal itartar rfoor Oata Hay vrxmrlay i' H T'lxotar ....... S t n-:n'-:t 11 i THrtiUir ...... I J T.ar a- 11 . . B.aaOB to da..1I 1 tl It T.ar a.o SM S . i RANGE Or ATTR.tr.e EOO Ql-OTATTOXS rWra Carrwal la Lradlac Markata la Faat Moatha aad Taara. Tha followlnc rania af ac prltaa IB paat montha aad yoara haa baoa compiled by the Department of A (limit urn. The ptieaa ara ixnit. fn.rr.nl at N. Tor and at. Lawta. and ara for toot rraaa atoca: July .........ITS Bit tri. Ja y ...... MS 0 at. T-r-nla. IS 1T .H 9 u tSS I i: o 13 nn aits 17 1H SH tJ tot I'J Vl'" IT trl 1 1 1 17V, IS u!7s Ju . ..IT r J -I 6 ii I -' V r, - (1 .'t i u a .t t U 6 .a li. Jujr .......-Si lt. Jaii'iary .....ft r.bruaxy V.rch prU i ..... Juno ..... Ju'y ..... A - cuot .. i.ft.mhar firmer o.rhor le.ir.b.r JII. January , J I .... .:t , :t ..... .. . '." '....'' ... i 3 : 1 21 iz ti 2 .1 tt 21 l 6 p-.pruary Mrr . 1 1S 1.5 !t ....... ..it t:i 11 V (I I ia i is II on li f u it ... Jul I r.w r.CTt or tomatoe k niort -Wrarly All tho faaaora Horo Vtllhdrawa I roan Marar. California parhara of tomatoaa ha to aaar y all withdrawn from tha markot. Only aa or two ara off-rinr and thay ara coot ln ataa.larda S canta arar tha opanlnc prlca. -aanrd fraita of all klnda raJa huh. aa th. pock la in to ba a aary Ufht ono oa tna Coaat. Tft.ro will sardi ba anouih cann.d frnita to go around thl aaaaon. aTRitT W I t.L fVTTIJIi) WITH I "BUT. w.14, Aaaactaaaal rraaa Laral aad CaUfacaaa rotato. Th.ro waa a rood auppiy of frail aa tha m-t yoat.rtSay. Amons tha am van w.ra a a rara ef Baaanaa. a.l la od coadltloa. a .tr...hi car ol California liarf.ait paara ac4 a tmtd rar af CaUIornla fruit, aoa- in af pljma. prun. p'haa and paara. Tha poara w.ra uot.d al II 7J. p.acha al (l and prun.n aad pluma al ll.Ta. Thora trtatlnc af HarbaaK. Urmaaa aad BradlaT piama aad Trat.uy prun A ablpmant ul auar p.... " T u noid alw at rroai m Ba wt ' - - ts to to null. Local paaebaa aad aprlooia wot a la Uaht auppr. A car af faacy jariocn " . - . ... .k i. .ii .i 1123 and I2- a arata. Th d.mand for tarraloaa waa fair. feorotpta af fwoltry Ara aaaall. . Tha aupply of PO y ha. baaa am.ll th a - . - - . . ...n aoBaidarabla wooa man pn. . nrmaaea. Draaaod maat mealpta hara haaa llht aaa th damana now. t..h .... .0 o.w do.alopmaat la th ate markot. which wa rtrm Buttar aad chooao aoia wau at - prtroa. ' Baak rWarlaa. Tlanh l.anaa of tho SorUiwaatara eltJa yaator.lay war a follow: Cl.artnra, Balnnooa. portlaad ... Poattla ..... ....i.ao.i. 7ia..i .... LiMU Jii.w . .. . t:i.4a SI.IW1 .... 7i.J H.Uii T or om a flpoaaB rom.xo MtKarra. Grain. rwTraad. Eta. yxorn rtata - rr barroti atraichta. 14. U: amporta IS aO: allay. .! .ra'.m .iO. whlo h-.t- .!. WHEAT .w rrop: ftluaet.m. .c: claa, TSl7" Old crop. Ulueai'm. 1hr; club. . af H.LjrTL r Bran. l.'tWail Par ton. midJ in.. ahort. lii-aoj :; rolhtd kc'oRNVno;a. 101. 0; cracked, 3.0o par Ti A R I.E T Cholca faad. I2S.SO0M par taa. OAT No. 1 whlia. $IT ton. HAT Timothy, vall.y. I101I: alfalfa. Ill; ar. HH: araia Bar. !. Dairy aad Caaatry rrwdaca. rofLTBT H.na. litalSVtc: Fprlnaa. Hot dutka younc He: (aa, aomlsai; turkaya, m: droaard, cholca. tla. ;0'l! Krooa ur.daa ranch, eaadlad. li f To pr doaon. lit TTEK City croamary aztra. I aad -pound print. In homoa. 1 pr pound: laaa than boa lota, carton and daUvory axlra. CHE.'rlE Twlaa. trlpl.la aAd daiaiaa, lHo p. pound; Touna Amartca. list PORK fancy. II ! Bar pound, VEALraacy. llOUwa par pound. TrarlabJc aad mita. TROPICAL. FRflTS Ornaa. MO Kr boa; California arap.fruiu SA; nan. a Itlse par pound: pinaapplaa, a par pound; l.mona, r7t7 JO par ba. rhtatl KittlTa 1 aarrtta. lISa par pound, apricot.. tl SSoLSO par crala; cm ta oup.a. UglM) par erata; peaebc-a, 74c tail. ha par crnia; .twnnnt... " ound; plum., al TS p.r crala, prune. 1.7 pot boi:ao arpl.a. II ..'lil p.r b-'; rapbrrioa. 11.7111; lofaaharrlr. (t.M l:jt'k VEuKTABLXS Boana. SVlOei aabbataa. 1.&02 par kundradwolcht: 00m, lit tt 40 par d.a.n. aaeumbara. flvl.XS par boz; -plant. 1S aar pound; larllo. ld 13 par pound: lottwr. KiSSo par doaaa; hotbouaa l.ttur. II SAwLTS par boa: paaa. Itaftc pr pound; pppra. SolOo pr pound; rad u.iaa. II So par loon; rhubarb, it 8 3 par pound: tomatoaa. I1L7I par boa. BACK V BO ETA BLEU Naw carrot. LTJ par aaek: turnip. (1.TI; boat. ILJi. POTATOES Naw Orecoa. IblH Par pound. UMO.VS-M. Il.Tlj whit. t Ba baa drad. taala ALifON Columbia Rlrar. 1-pounl tall. 12.10 par do.n; -pound 111. a.M: 1 pound ftat. I1.40; Alaa pkak. 1-pwoad la la. II 21. COFFEE Roal ad, ta drama. 2SOa par "kI'To Walnata. ' lTtila par pound; Bratll auiA 14010; fl.o.rta. lac; almoada lllllei paean. 11 aocoaaut. oall par doaoa: chMlauta. llHa par pouadi hickory HONET Cholca. I1.T6 par caa: atTaUad bon.y. 10c par pound. SALT ; ran u. a tad. 1S par toa; halt t round, luva. II Ju par taa; . ta par taa BEANS (mail whlta, c; larra whit, lo; Lima. 7o; plaa. loi rad Si anion. lie; bayou. 60. RICE No. 1 Japan. 4)c; eb.apar Tadaa, ISoCSISS: oouth.ra b.ad, ladlti la port.d lmparlai. I .c; Import ad .a Ira X V. lTsr- HOAR Dry (raulatad. Id 15: barry. ais. b.t. IS.M. ira c. S.s: powdrd. barr.ia. I4.IS: cub, barrala, i.S. PKIKU FRCITS Applaa. H4jJllH par pound; aprtro'a. lac: paaebaa. lwlplaa pruaaa, Itaima. -101 lie; iirr. tact nn whit and black. d'aTc; carraata. lo lie: miiei looo Muacatal. adTwo; biaachad Thompaon. llr- aablaackad aul taaa. SSac; .. Sd- GRAIN BUST SPREADING ntLnS OF NOKTHWtST TEIUH TORY IVADEX. Price at the Oprfilo; Are Ka-y. but Firm Tone Later Petrelopa and PrVea, ar Top. CHICAGO. July ST. Aa laraaloa of Northwt Tomtory. Canada, by tha black ruat had tba ati.auoa of wh.at trad.ra thia aft.rnooa. Whoal araard from aa ay poaltloa aarly ta a rtrwa on. t th wind an. A dacliaa durln tha Brat part af tha d.y wa iho cooaoou.aao af nawa about hforacrw botnc l.aa warltk aad praapaat that world ahlpm.nta would year a lara k.ianc. ho w.v.r. waa amardona. Fur t h . r nora rar. iota la tha Boatbwoat had fnllaa ofl mlrrtily and for lb Bra ttma of lata tna a.Mpm.at from Chic war la ) f rrl. ai. It wa th roaawad uaaaaloaa about black rual. Ihouab. which turnod .ntunoat rrmly ta tna bud aiaa, Al tha .oaulnc dra a O'ly Ion. Praaallad. co.ib flcuroa bain aot far from tha top Urol raaehod. lu1c tn aooaion eap. t.mbor rn.d from t lac. with laat .1.0 .c hiah.r at iihe. Frailirilaaa that tba B.it rTort af tha rinv.rnm.nl would oa radically Dulllan wuad tba corn aiark.t around from waak na to a'.ranrth. n.piawibar fluctuatad ba- twooa cawa aad g a. cloainc at.ady, SI Sc arar laat nlfhu at HIIIUSc Caah tr.d war Arm. No. S yellow dnlahcd at H t ale. . tot. roiu.d bocaua n!.a ffrom tha coon try wrr loaa fra. H ah and low laral tnurh'd by tha tiptambr d.ll.ry w.r oc aad aaso. with th oioin at ao o. a r.t advance af a; at tLa. With boo and araia oa tha up arade. arorlalona rulad Hna aa tha day war an- in th nd pork waa tha am laat nlcht to imt hlh, lard to 1IH0 hilhar aad rl" a haie to luise nicer. Tha laadlac futuraa rand aa folkrvat WHEAT. Opon. Hlch. Low. I -lS .:, lit, .11 w It J .to s .' .:s CI July...... .liH . a.pt...M. r-. ...... May...... July. P.pt...... rc May.-. spt....M I'o-. ..... May f .11 .12 .t ., .i;s CORX. .Ill) . eiH .HI .US .Jl .! OAT. .lH . .t: , .4is .44 .4 .US .III us .13 .IS .11 s .IIS .40 II lo.lt I IS MESS PORK. Sept.... H 1T.H lUTUi Jan.. 1EI34 .II I.I1H l. LARD. 1 if h nsrii II7 III 41 1.I1H July ti.pt. ... Jan July 102 S I SIS P1JORT RIBS. I 14 10 I 10 71 tl .! I.I art. l.4i Total cl.rnra of what and flour wara anual to 1 141 bush. la Primry raevlpt war l.lka.aa auanaia. comparau aim x. 241.101 buah.l tha correapohdin day a yrr r fcatlmt4 rcoipt lor tomorrow 1 tVhaat. Ill car.; rorn. II cart; oat. III com kmi II. too head. , Raealpta Sblpmanta. Flour barrala 21.S" l.tl IVioL bu.h.la m ill 44.101 Corn, hu.h.l 1J.: t.lT.701 OatL bu.h.la 211.100 Rra. bue!ie .......... Iu.u I.OOO Barley, buan.t II. V I rano-aa C.mla Maraeta. lOVDO.V. Juy K. aroo qutat but ctaedy. Wall WaUa for anipmoal at to ad to 14 .. . Eariiah rouairy rrarkeu. tadys Fraack country nrata, uw. LIVrRrfOU Julr 27. doe, wh.at. July. 11 d. Oc to oar, 0 u.e; vrwnwri a 10b. Wnllir In En. aad cloudy. wear Adraaraa la the Kaa. NEW H'BK. Ju:y 27. All arado of re fn. 1 lunr w.ra adTancad 10 casta a hun drad pound today. LONDON II SELLER Stocks Are Weakened by Ex tensive Unloading. DUE TO MOROCCAN AFFAIR Sale Ron From 10,000 to 75,000 hbiret ActlTlty In Uie Colllcra dtrenctbena tbe Market In the Early Honrs. Kr TORK. July 7. After -a peaceful morBInc araaton with allihtly hlhr prlo.a. th atock market wu badly upcat today by a hravy aalllnc moremant. Decline ware tn or rapid aad aotlv thaa had baa th caa In aararal waaka, Con.olldal.d Oa ha ir. almost th only atock of any prominence to eeor aa advance. London e.Wtnt and a continuation of Te terdav'e bear mid aeemed to be chiefly r apon.ibl for today further aotbaak. Tba preoaur from abroad waa almultan.ou with r.porta of th rlrttlah lremler"e apeach on lha Moroccan anianclemcnt. Eatlmata of tha aaillni for London account ran from &0.i0t to T3.0U0 aharea. Canadian Pacific fell hack nrty S point, and waa tha baaylrat loeer amon th ctand ard iBBuea. altbeofh th Harriman tocka declined nearly aa much,1 A number of In duetrtala. Inclu.lln United Statea Steel. WeaUntiO-a El.ctrlc. American Beat Su gar. International Harreater and Interbor-ouah-Sl.tropolltaa preferred were heavy. Buylaar of th coal toe he wa eontlnued on a lrj aoal throuchout the day. Trad. In In Keadinr during th flrat hour of tha ion conatrtuted man than one-third of tho whole. Readlnc touched ltSOS, Ha hlcheet point for more than two month, hut fell back with th remainder of th market. It waa learned today that atepe towards -re-er-.Un; the American Tobacco Com pany In conformity with the decision of th United Slate Supreme Court ar on th way. Th movement probably will tak th form of ob r more protective committee for the bond and prfrrd atneke. Declaration of th usual dividend oa PI. Paul wa followed by om buying of that lock, althouyh It recovery waa not large. Tha bond market waa eaay. Total lea, par value. PA .1,noo. United State bond war unehneJ on calL CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cloalns Bale HlKh. Low. UI'l- Allla ChaJ rf 2H Amal Copper .. S, TOO MS 74 "TS Am Aarlcult MS Am B'.t "uiiar. S.lio 5fS SI MS American 1:11 .. US US US Am Car a Fdy. t"0 6S MS MS Am Cotton oil.. k VS M Am rid Lt pf 2, w 25 2X 24 S Am Ice f.curl.. 30U 23 S3 22 S Am LinsMd 1"S Am Looomotlv. 10 0S 89 Am Smel A H.f 2.-) TS 1 do preferred.. lo7 llmS 10 Am 8i el Fdy BH Am Four Kef. ---- Am Tl A Tel.. L00 186S 18S 13S Am Tobacco pf ''IS Am Woolen .... S'J Anaconda M Co SIS tS 3HS Atchison lAor-wlllS 112V US do pr.f.rrd. . lv 1-S lli'H Atl Coat! Line- TUU 131 S 130S 1S ll.lt A Ohio l-nv, Kethlehem Bteel d.Tno tS HIS S"S Urook R Tran.. 8.4 52 SIS SIS Can.lln Pac .. ," 24-1 S 1-1S 241 S Central Leather. luO SS iS 2"S do preferred., ..... lut Central of N J- SW Ch A Ohio .. .0 I2S 1S ;is Chi Clt Weet ... hiW 22S 22 S 22S do preferred ..... S Chlcaen A N W 2"0 141. 144 1 0.'. , C M A S Paul. 110 127 S 12S 12SS C. C. C t l. , a" . Col Fuel a Iron mO 14 S SIS rra a Koutharn- MS Conaol Oaa a-inO las 14S -S Corn Product . 1.4-tt 14 S 10S' 10S Del a Kudaon.. ...... ..... ..... 171S D A R tir.Bda.. ... ..... 2 . do preferred ?S Kri 10." S'iS H "f-S do lot pf .... Sou 61 M SA-4 j. 9 of . . . ..... oa Cl.K C...IH- lAl'S Gt North Pf ... a.!"" IMS 181 1S4S ct North Or ,. , WW Q vra . . va-m " .au. ttU HTK TtlinAt. Cnreal. ... - 10" Int-rbor Met .. a.o 1 ITS ITS do nref.rred.. I."0 51 4S'4 4S Inter Harv-uner. l.ltnn 12-J 131 Inter Marine pf IT 1S 1?S Int Pa p.r 500 II U II 41 Tnt Tump ........... ..... ..... low c.ntri ........ K C ou'hern.. "0 S3 S4S Jk . n r. f . m.j tIT H n. 1 ono lc-sot lndS 1KIS Lour A Nk.. I-TO l--t lil -i-?S Minn A St L .. - SIS 31 SO vr o r a a a r arfl tail lSu 180 Mo. Kan A Tn B.SO0 S S JJS do preferred.. ..... ..... T M P.cflo 1.C00 w 49 loniT liad " S0 MS MS 5 Mei N Br S pf 2vO . 0 2S N T C.nxkl ... a. U-H I'-JH 1TS r T. opt a ao - oSS 4JS Norfolk A Weat 4.IW0 UalS 1"7 S K-;S Korin.Va'a'UT.9n iji is ijns 181V Pacino Mall .... V 2S 2S 6S f:n.?rven . 1.10 M 10S I-oplVa Ua .. 4-aj 1'S 1S 1" V C C A 8t L.. 2 d " ritPaburT CO.U M M 21 U JS Treeeed S Car...... ..... ..... Pull Pal Car ..... lfll J Kadla? nf.iii.M 1 li 1J "VS'Vref..T g Rij H gj Rock laland Co. l,ww S tUS J S da preferred. ...... . ..... ,Z. Ft L d S F S pf TOO IT 4TS 47S B,dlr pXT. -to- Si ?.rJrVr.? WTjj ijs ijs . jjj T.na Copper 4 "S 4-.S W Teaaa a Pc .. 10 S -S S IOao,'prV,erred,'!- ' rnlo.PPac7nTj dT.P.. U-o 1HA IMS do preferred.. S 9ft va aVpV-VVait:1 JjjJ ijs iij iijs rtah Copper .. 1.409 4S oa b H Va Caro Chens....... ..... ..... ; Wahaah ............. e.... JJS da pref-rrod "J W.atrra Sid ... J-vj 1 S JS "IS TS-Mtlna Eieo .. 1.2"0 . i J Ti-eet.rn In Ion uO 90S "OS 2rh'h vSTii-V VW.TO6 IT" Hss Total aai for th day. 42T.T0O ihne BONDS. NSrW TORE. July 27 Ooalnc quotation: U S rat 2a rea.lOOS N TO r" d" coupoa ...lOOSiNo PBaffio So... 71 C S iV rVi -I.-lOISiNo Pacific 4... 9IH do coupon ...101S Union Pacific 4a.lols do coupon ...11SS Jpan 4 .... SS . D A R a 4.... 90SI Stack 1 BOwTON. July ST.- Annuel 2 Amal. Copper.. S "Inatng quotation.: iMohawk 47 Nevada Cnh . ... 19 IS 32- S 41 99 Nlplnlng Mine.. North Butte...., North Lake.,.., Old nominlon . . Arlaona Com .. JSS B A C C A fm. 1J Pntta Coalition. 1J Cl a Arlaona. 07 Cl He:a...44.J Centennial 1J Cop Ra C Co. . JO T. fcutte Cop 131 Franklin 11 S Girou Con ....a Oranby Con ... ST Qra.na Canan.a. I Royal (Cop). IT Kerr Lk 4S Lake Copper.... J La oall Copper S Miami Copper... al S .( i.ctciw .. ....... Ip.rmtt (9 a C). US icjulncy . (Shannon Superior TS 10S 32 Pup a Po Mln.. 5 Tmrnk . . . , U I 8 R K 84 7S do prefrred ,40.S t'tah Coa IT 1't.h Copper Co.. 49 Wlnon 8 'Wolvartn M...,109 Meney, Xzcbanga, Cte. NEW TORK. July IT Mnnef on call, ateadv S2S Pr cent: ruling rate. 2S p. cent; clo.mg bid. SS per cent; ott.r.l lmVlo7r?j: t.lv aad dull; 90 day. 2S p.r cent; 90 day. 3 per aent; .Is montha. 'rtm'i merea'nui paper clo.ed at 44S St.'rTn eiehang wrak. with actual bu taei la banker." bill; at 14.8425 for -day bill, and at 4 s for djmand. Commercial bin. 34.Mi6. liar .liver, 51 S. M.alcaa doliare. 45c. ...... Gvramat bond, steady; railroad band. ay. iy rriANriaco. Juir .t. starling oa ndon. ) dayA I4.S4S: do. .lrht. 4-8S. Lo L ratio eight. ; ;. ieji. w LONHON. July 37. Bar silver Quiet, IS-lad .riwuno. Sioney IS tr cent. J be rat of discount la tha opa market Coadltloa of tha Treaaury. . . . . . t . 1. . healn- .... -r tod.v tha condlUon OI tna wun suiun. juir . ' - . a . t .. Tnaiury waa: Worklnf balaaca In Trc-ory of- t hlkVnd PhlYltioin tiaaaurr 4.89.T8 T.I.I In e.nerel fund 101.14o.l F.celpta yeaterday f'J.'S'aia Dlrburaamenta 1. The d.nicit to data tnia " . 11; Ul t;t aa aaalnat a deficit of S9.iu,0-- at thla tlma laat year. . The nsure axciuue .u.... publlo debt tranaactlona. Coff aad 8nar. 1 NEW TORK. July xi. -oiic cloaed .taady. net unch.mt.d- to 4 point. r.bruary. March and April. 10.0c, My. lO Awc; June, lo.Toc ..... ,,, Spot, quiet. N T. nominal: No. 'n.,S!; ISSe. Mild coffee, quiet; Cordova. 14jloo. 0Kw"-..r. .tron,. Muaroy.dal.lle: centrlfu,.!. 4.41c; " In,r U,ri "A' "' 5 Joe cub... 5SOc; pow dered, a. TO.; Wl?ltZZ deral. o.u; uiamuuu . --r r,4-,c-tloaartf "A" and No. 1.. 5.4Vc: No. 2 b-4. No. S. I.S.w; NO. S. 20c; No. 6 . lf. -0- I IOc: No,. 8, 8 05c; No. . o.. '"i .BS:'No. 11, a-awo; and li. 4.10c CATTLE MAINLY SOLD XOT MCCH BUSINESS IX OTHER LIXES AT YARDS. Steers Brlnf Vp to $5.75 and Cows Touch $4.75 Top Hog Go at $7.65. Ther r HO dvlopmnti In the llira .lock market yot.rd.y ihowins chn. or.viou condition. Thar wa a ,dy demand and a fair run bat not moch 01 top quamy " o,u.. fct55- ihowed a ran,. In th. day". .1 af 14.81 to .VT6. Cow old from 18 to $4.78 and ood ngnt caivo. ""-' . There w. a .!nSl aalo of a bunch of 140 hep. which brought 11.80. A email bunch of top rad hog went at IT.44 and a heavier lot brought IT. 29. n.e.lnt. veaterday wer 4.1 cattl. o caiv. 141 hp and 102 hog. " Shipper wr: a. i "- car of catUa and calve; W. B. Kurt H.ehr Idaho. 1 car of hogi Edwin Maya. Saf.her 1 oar It .heep; SU William.. Myeu. IclTot cattle.nd o.lvea: John Shaw. H.ppner. 1 car of cattle; Latu. Kob inaon, Heppner, 1 car of cattle; . . Car. nr. Heppner. 1 car of cattle and ealv. 3 E. Reynold., Condon.' I car. of cattle and calve: Ed Knorr. Steunenberg. Idaho, a "niTf c.ttle C. B. Morl.lt. Jeer.on l car of cattia and calve.: W. A. Jon. Orn.vlllfc 1 car of cattl. and O. Ben nett, by boat, II cattl nd 22 hog. Th. d.y. .!.. .r. a. toUo 140 14 29 ; 1041 oowi . cow. ....... Z ::::r::::::::::ii" eteer. ........... .tear ..........."...n,' 4.50 8.75 2.00 5.65 5.00 4.50 1.25 iii." -:-::::::::;::hsi 5.50 4.4 cow 1013 875 T41 898 140 1I1!.- uT ........... 19 S90 lS . ,..... Ill ..... .112 ,...llol . 1010 9 ,.....101O 1041 i0 11" 4.50 4.50 8.25 tr. ya steers a Stirs1 - calves - 1.80 S 19 4.40 cows .. COWS ....-oxa a 4.40 SI cows ...- 4S cows - 1 cow I CalVSoS - a 49 calves .... 10 strs 4 steers - 4.25 4.60 4.75 5.00 7.00 8.75 5.75 5 i 4.00 DOW, ....... cow cow .... 12 1 4 6 4 00 IS I 4 cow. 4. CO cow. ........... a 4.05 2.00 cow. . ... ....,.. t hull 21 hog. 7.05 ... JOT 7.26 so nog. . , Pncaa currm v . " . . ctock t th Portland Union Stockyard wer follow.: rhoira ateer 5T5ff5.9) Good to chole .ter... Medium .teeta Common leer . Choice cewa Good to cholca cow...... Good. ave. 10.10 lb. .... Common cow. Cholc hlfr Good to cholc bifer.. Cholc bulla Good to oholo bull ... ho1.c.calv!rw;ibandVnd;r T.O, T.M Good to cubic -- , , - ; ronmon calve 4.UOW o.o . 4.50 4.7 Good to cholc .tag..... 4.25 4.S0 Ettra cholc light hog... Heavy hoga Heavy rough bog....f. , T2li T HO 0:.W. ;f O. I'V 6.5uw a. 00 oneep Choice yearling wether, coax. wool . Cholc. yerllng wether, eaat of mountain. . Cholca twoa and threea Cholca Spring lambe Oood. choice Spring Iamb. Choice killing ewe (.159 8.50 3.25 9 8.50 3. Oil a 8.25 6.25 9 5.50 K itn Q 2.75 it i.W Tn iouoM m -w- - I -- on thla market for th different claaae. of horaea Praftera. e.tr heavy. lluofSOe; DO,TTr- nun lk. llUDt.U: draft. lent price. ill 13O0 1400 Iba.. l5o9250; chunk, XXotlso: Dlu.. 810 (1 40; driving horaaA 7 J and up; aaddl horaea. 160 and up. Chlcaar Llveatock Jlarke. CHTCAOO. July 27. Cattle Receipt, es timated. 6uk): market, ateady to airong. iHavel 18. IO tT. 25: Texa. at-ra. 14. 40O0.1O; W.at.rn .teer. 4.1: . lockr. nd feed er. ssb.ov: io.i ...... AR5- oalvee. IS.IOtj J..,.. ".tlmated. lfl.ooo: mr. ket bo higher. Light. I.ot7.10; mixed, fi ii ,k hi... ia :toti7.o2',: rouh. lS.5aO5S: good to choice heavy, SrkMjS TSS; Pig. J.S0.Tv; bulk of salea. 14.70 Sheep Receipt. tlmtd, 18.000; m.rket. .low. Native. 82.5tf4.25: We.tern. 8H.64 4 5: yearling IJ.90W5.2-V lambo native. I4.I507.15; waatern. tmi. PRODCCK AT 8AH I RAN CISCO. QatrtattnmT Corraat In tha Bar City M 6AK FTtANOICGO. July 27 The follow mi produce pricea were current todayi Ve.et.blea Cucumber 4065c: garlic, t4o; green pea. l.8tT8 trlng beanj. "4c: apra.u l.50o 2.60; tomatoea. 33 tide: a.gpiani. iv-. Butter Fancy creamery, 25c MlUatufl Bran. 28.5029.60; mlouUnga, Fruit Apple, cholc. 81.75; common. TSc; bnou . . v 1 u 1 . . . T.60; C.llfornl lemon, cholc, l; common. 82: pmeappi.a. t Hay Wheat, 1215 per ton; wheat and oata. Iiotyis ou: ""- " f- , Potato Er1y Ro., nomlnaU . . ft AS CI 0imlaw- ST wa. w.mte Flour. 8971 quarter ack; wheat. 1S43 cental.; b.rley. 731 cental. 1 oat. 2220 oental.; potato, 8150 acka; erin. 115 ucki; middling 85 ack.; hay. Ill ton. nrain Market of tha North we. t. TAOOMA. July 17. Wheat Blue.tem, 9to; forty-fold. 8dc; club. 82c; red Rum Ian, Prloao for Aururt d.llv.ry aroi Blue. stem, 79c: ciud, lie Keoelpt Whoa. 6 car.; hay, t car. SEATTLE. July 27. Wheat Blue.tem, 81o; forty-fold, 7c; club, TSc; flf. 77o; red r .... . - 1 ... K.rl.v t'A Kuuian. too; o..-. -- - per ion: do, bg. 18.50. Receipt, up to noon Wheat, S cars; hay. IS car; aoru, . . - Grain at San Franclsca. SAN FRANCISCO, July 2T. Wheat- Steady. Spot qaotailon.: Wheat Shipping. 81.42S 1.60 pr cental. Brly Feed, 81.3261-85 r.er centL oto rteu, i..vW' .'ti l al: black, f 1.20j 1.37. w a wheat No .ale. Bar- y Deoember. 81.86Sei-89 per cental; May. i-o. Mlnneapolli Wheat Market. u.wviprit.iii. Julv 27. Wheat. July. 98 So'- 'September. 9Sc: December. 8o. Caah wheat: No. 1 hard. 31.00 S; No. 1 VnrthernT 9S9Sc: No, Northern. n .1.10 r.Du 4.50 6.00 4.O0 9 4 25 4.75 if 5.00 4.50 S 5.00 4.2.-1 3 4.00 8.75 9 S.00 4.750 6.00 4. SO ii 4.7S 3.25 il 3. 50 6 I'Oii 3.23 O Oil :f o om 95S9Sc; No. 3 wheat. PdSg95Sc Hop a Near York. MEW TORK. July 37. Kop firm. IBALFOUR SUPPLIES OATS AWARDED GOVERNMENT CON- TRACT FOR 7000 TONS. Robinson Gets the Order for Ten Thousand Tons of Hay lor Shipment to Manila. SEATTLE:. juay i. lo.ia., . . n- Q Th. Vntiea Dliei oafu-vis-s . v. ----- WashlnstOQ today awarded the 700-ton PM1- . . ... u I aiif nut H rt ippine oat. c.. - -,. Co. Delivery wui ";u,,c"-c ' . . , The 10.000-ton hay contract waa awarded - . . . wi oltv Hnnt ssikte to W. W. KOOmiOil, OL l w were quoted at $2 and litT today, but Aug- .. , . i . .ht, n,H at 123u CW Ufll Dill CTUIU ...T - ,nA timothy hay waa lower at 119 and 120. Wheat waa auii anu uutu... . . ..... n n .anHiiniinM Tne Iirat cara 01 V ; i reached Seattle today. Two carloada ar rived. A car 01 numrui. rived. The Arizona cant, were quoted at 4 ti 3.23. A few Etern Washington canta loupe. ro arriving, but they are rather green ana ecu iiu.tr. . .eelved to- The lirst new .w.w. " day. They will be Quoted at 12S cent, per The' lemon market waa eaaler with 87.50. the outelda price on fancy .took. Two car. of mixed fruit arrived from Wenatchee thla morning. Buyer, ara peyln. 75 cent, at tv.n.tche for fanoy cot Today- Jobbing prtc waa about 1. . . . . . . i. aii-K,1tf firmer. 1D4 pOtaiO IIIMl ... e mm - n " -" ' Ith .ome ..lea at 2S cent -. . i . 1 1 afwrtan to AH IITOrt waa m.w. ... ' obtain 33 cent, for .trlctly fancy local ranch emr The aupply today wa. fair. Veal waa .caroe galn and firm at 14c. - A brlok demand for butter keep the market . ... ti...i.h. a iill .no un well cieanea uy- r'"i - - changed. " Chicago Produce Market. a..,. . s-r r..iv 97 nutter, steady. Creameriea. 20&2Sc: dalrlea. 1SSJ2C. F.Kg .te.dy. Receiptr. 663 case.: at mark" c.e. Included, B&lSc; nriu, 13Ho; Prm- ".r,l.:..Ji"; n. t.i.. ,iu.m, isc- Twin uli, iQe- vmni America lata laic: Long Horn 13SS1HSC Wool at St. Loul. it T-ir-TH jniv 27. The wool market wu unchnnged today. Territory and Wot- rn medium 17l8c: line. 1114S A stranger who came here this weeK :.ra,iiii Pnrtlnnd Tiavements - A rivflr nt a VinftVll V load- IIUUUCU bita V. ' . - - ' v - . ... i -i. A e(; uray uu uiiiui.... - asked him what fault he found with the pavement. ine repiy was; " Fault f Who said there was any ,-ilt oVtnnf. thia navementf It IS the best pavement in the city." . Travelers' Checks and Letters of Credit Drafts oa Toreiga Countries, Money Orders. Cable and Telegraphic Transfer of Money Payable Throughout the World. American Express Co. Seventh and Stark Streets. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Coo.truct. Asphalt and .J1,1" ii.uou Pav.mant.. IO-0 b.o., Fortland. Or. 0kA aiubai. Alatias-.r. IB.VEU:iW' "jVIIIB- LONDON-PARIS HAMBURG K A Vlo. Aug 8.iaMIJPenn.ylvanla Aug 24 VAmerlka Aug. WtKalo.Aug.Vlc.Aug. 31 ,A tRltl CarlVon a la Cart. Re.tauranu ISecond Cabin Only. GIBRALTVB, JfATLES. GENOA. TWO CKVISM By the 17.000 Ton 6te.mhlp- CI.K KLAXD" The Writ to leav New York October 21, 111. Th ec ond to leve Ban FrancUco Feb. 6. 1H12. Annual Event Trip. In Oct., lBllt. and Feb.. 113. by large Cruising 8. B. Victoria Lul.e. i fuk) ton XuratioB 110 DAYS 'COST 630 ASU VP Cruising UROUfiD TUB WORLD Includlna; All Jfeceaeary Eipeoae Aboard and Aabora . . . v ww 1AA ToweU rZmc"oc" or liorth. Piclflo, 0 w. ? " N.! Vurirngton. Chicago, Mil waiTkea Puget Bound and other R. U. of. wauaa t a-u Porllana- . STEAiSHJIPS N. Tb Tourt.t Highway and Scenlo Rout to Europ. via The St. Lawrence River. The 6hortet Oo.an Paaoage. L.a than Four Day at Sea. "EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC." Weekly .ailing. Montreal, Quebec, to Llrer Dool Flr.t cabin, 2.60; .econd cabin. m.TS: on-cl... eabln. called .econd cabin), 350 third cabin, $37 and 331.3S.Aok local agent F. R. Johnion. G. A., 142 Third Bu or J J. Vorriir. T. P. A. U3 Becond ave., Seattl HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLASS ROOD TRIP Th mot delightful .pot on entire world tour foryour vacation. Uellghlful , baxh tait tti famou. beach of WaikikL lb itf.ndld S3, clerra U0.000 ton. dJoplaoa ment) make, the round trip In ledaya, and Sia can "it on a .Id. trip th. llvlu.- vol cano of Kllauea which la tremendoua.y ao Ue? and a tor him.lf the proce. ot wld cfeatlon. No other .rip 'Pf with thla for the marvelou. and wonaerful to Mt'uVi Vl.lt the I.l.nd. o. cma do lt .o easily and quickly and whll th volcano l actlv Prompt attention to tele gram" Vor Kertho. Balling.: Aug. 13. Bept. 9. -P?X5'.S g. g, CO. 73 Market Street. Baa Frandjca. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct Krth PlB 8. C-a. a. a. Roaaak. aad a. B. Bldir aaU every Wadneaday aita. Safely at P. M. llckat oaioa 1M Tair4 a,"rild.r HIOLET. Paaaeauiar Agaaa. 0. 11. oLLBBk.il. Fraignt A.oui. Vbaaea at. 1114. A 1314 NEW YORK PORTLAND REGTJLvAJl JT HEIGHT BERVICm, Vor- Kate 8chdul Tim. AKERICAN-HAWAIIAH S. S. CO. 31 Hallway Kxcnana BIAS. rorUaad, Or iaala 1171. LUMBERMEN NATIONAL 13 A N K Director. Gv K. WKNTWORTH CHA3. S. RUSSELJ. P. S. BRUMBY DR K. A. J. MACKENZIE GEORGE G. BINGHAM LLOTD J- "WENTWORTH J. E. -WHEELER JOHN A. KEATING .ROBERT TREAT PLATT E. O. CRAWFORD Officer i G. K. WENTWORTH Pres. JOHN A. KEATING V.-Pres. E. Q. CRAWFORD -.V.-Pres. F. A. FREEMAN ..Cashier GRAHAM DUKE HART Asst. Cashier A. L. TUCKER Asst. Cashier CAPITAL $1,000,000 LOCATION Center of the Commercial District on Fifth at Stark Established 1886 Merchants National Bank Portland, Oregon United States Depository The banking service which a business man receives is an important matter to him, as it contributes largely to his success. It saves his time and energies, prevents embarrassment and disappointment. This bank was established in the year 1886 and has con stantly given faithful, efficient service, extending every courtesy and attention to its depositors. First National Banfc Capital $i,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $950,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, . Individuals and Savings TT.L -. .-a. Runert Pharlotta Taland And lOCAl points. GRAND TRUNK e Tnart Averv Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00 F. "W'noTmlUrd r.turnin arrive. Prince Rupert 6:20 J ThVuudendMake checked trom BeatUe, Victoria or Vancouver. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM . Prnr- Through Trains Daily No Excess Fare Low SO and 60-day round-trip Tourlet Tickets. Send for free booklet giving xmw aw " routes and rates. J. II. BURGIS, Generai Agent. Paasenger DPt. Flrat Ave. end Tealer Way. Seattle. Wash. TBAYtLEM1 OCIPK. BAYOCEAN Short Oceaa Tonrlat Trla From Portland to Bayoeean OresoB'a New Summer Reaort Ten Hour Trip on River and Ocean Leave Portlaad Tneadaye at T P. M. Saturday at T A. M. Elegant and fast ocean-going boat. ROUND TRIP S10 Meal a la Carte. . Bertha $1 aad LM Boat Leaves Supple-- Doolt T. B. POTTER REALTY COMPANY, 724 Corbett Building. COOS BAY LINE STEAJtEB BKBAKtfATEB ' (Jails from Alniworth -Uoek. Porilano. A. at. Jus 10. IS, SO, 5. SO. 10., 1BJ SO, SS, 80. and vry 5 da-a. Freight received a' AlnswortB dock dally up to 6 P. at. Fa eaaar tare, arat-claaa tlO; cond-claa, S7. Ineludlnc meala aad berth. Ticket ot Sea Alnairartb Dock. Phone Main 2e alaln liO. A 123. North. Coast Tourist Eouto "Norway of America." STEAMSHIPS "PEINCE RUPERT" and "PRINCE GEORGE." Leave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'clock Midnight for tt.-.i, TTonfnnvnr Princa Ruvert. Stewart, with 8. a "PRINCE ALBERT" lot Qua.a PACIFIC RAILWAY for P M. TRAVELERS' GCIBK. OFEJT RIVEa TRANSPORTATION CO. STR.J.N.TEAL Prlght received dally at Oak-. docic for The Dalle. Hood River. Whit Salmon, Umatilla, Kennewlck, Pasco, Richland. Hnford. White Blutts, nd Intermedlete nolnts FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER SEKVIUH.. FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD RIVER, WHITES SALMON. THB DALLES. Steamer leave Portland Sun.. Tue., Thura., 7 AM. Returning leavea The Dallea Mon., Wed., Frl.. T A. M.. arriving at Port land about S P. M. aame day. W. 8. Buchanan. Supt.; W. 8. Smallwood, Can U Mgr. Phoc Main 2660. A e27. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLANU STEAM SHIP CO. From Ainaworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. M. S3 Bear Aog 1, Roae City An;. 6. Beaver 11. From San Francisco Northbound, 12 M: SS Roae City. July . Beaver Ail. 4, Bear 8. From San Pedro Northbound, 12 M. 63 Roae City July 28, Beaver Ang. 2, Bear 7. H. A. Moaner, C. T. A.. 141 Third 8t. J. W. Ranaom. agent, Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main 402, Main 268, A 1402, i aa a food aaaonm.ni at tna iow.