THE VORXIXG' OTtEGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1011. 13 TO PUCK Steamers Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder to Take Cargoes South Every Week. PLAN IS SAVER OF TIME California A Atlantic Steamship and North Pacific Lin Co-operate to Ilptrh Salmon and Other Canned Good. Shipment of packed salmon and thr tinn4 g-oods rt to b expedited IMs yaar as tha rult cf ths'compls tlon of neg-otlatlnna between ths Cali fornia Atlantic t'teamsht Company 04 t North Pacific iteamhlp Corn Ianr. which were announced yester u. Tbs steamer Itoanoks an-1 0. V". KMer will load hers trr Hk "With that kind of cargo and eon!an tnents destined for the Atlantic Coast 111 bo transhipped at iiin Kranrlaco. "Shipment, front Put Mound will bo handled aouthhourf) by tho Alaaka J'artac ftamhlp Company's steamers. A northbound cargo l not rushed to Its dalnattn a a rulo tho North Tariflc fleet will not handlo It. only vndir emersenclea. but aa tho outlook for a heavy pack of salmon la remark b'y good the company sought a com ktnatloa of fartnttes that shipments could be forwarded resutarlr and bet tar conditions mad at Sin Francisco. Instead of watting for tho steamers coming her with through cargo. Time I haired. la the same connection space and time Is sared for the. California At lantlc Interests, as vessels bound to Portland with general cargo can be discharged and either load lumbar here or proceed to northern ports for th Cargo. Th steamer Roanoke, which left Portland Wednesday evening, was de layed at Astoria until 1 o'clock rester day afternoon In leaving th river for California harbors. The steamer Fal con. of th American-Hawaiian fleet. loaded 30i cases of salmon at Astoria on her last voyag and as that line had a faster serrlrs between Portland aad San Francisco, thereby being on a better footing to bid for salmon trade. It Is assumed that th California Atlantle waa stirred to make th new agreement to gain the patronage. Salmon Catch Large. On behalf of th shippers, the traf fic agreement will gain time for them In transit, also allowing them bills of lading that ran be deposited In a bank and payment obtained for their wares without loss of time, as the billing Is vecated by the California ft Atlantle direct. It was reported here yesterday that the best catch of th season among nsnermen at the mouth of th Colura bta Is IS tons a boat and as th season does not end until August IS they will Increase the showing materially. Th best catch last season was about 1J tons to the boat. As th canneries are paying aa high ss I, cents a pound Tor salmon It should prove an unusu ally good season financially as well as la the way of a big pack. IXLvS ARE FOOD FOIl SALMON 1h Wardens Remove Objecftonable Mh Bodies From Klver. residents along tha Willamette River from Oregon City to fell wood will no lunger b bothered by the thousands of eols that are collected In that part of in stream following every Juno freshet. polluting the atmosphere with th stench of decay. Th Stat lxpart mTit of Fisher lea has hit on a plan to rid n river or the dead eels and at same time turn them to u no aa food (or young salmon at th hatcheries. Deputy Fth Warden Lou Kathburn said yesterday that about seven tons of dead eels had been gathered recently and barged to Ooble. where tbey were I'Lared In colJ storage until Spring, when they will be distributed among different hatcheries and ground Into food fur young salmon. The same pro cedure will be followed In the vicinity ef The IIle. where dead eels are nu merous each sear. It waa not until recently that experi ments were made at the Bonneville liatchery with eels as food. They proved such a success that the expense of gathering them on bargee and holding them In cold storage was deemed war rant'!. Eels, like salmon and other fish, come Inside seeking spawning grounds. Thousands die away from water and are caught In holes and along tha bank when the river recedes. No useful purpose was found for eels In the past, but henceforth the Depart ment of Fisheries will have aa annual karveat- I'ORTLAND RfSII SWAMPS LIVE Milpment From Philadelphia In crease Beyond Tonnage. More cargo Is being offered the Cal ifornia at Asiatic Steamship Company for Portland delivery than can be han dled, particularly from Philadelphia, where heavy shipments of Iron and steel are assembled from Pittsburg and other localities tributary, for structural purposes here. J. Ernest Laldlaw. agent for the line for th Northwest territory, said yes terday that negotiations were under way to close another heavy shipment that will move later In the season, and that for the present tho romany did not have tonnage available to carry Portland-bound business. From New York the fleet Is In competition with the American-Hawaiian service, but haa the Philadelphia buslnees exclusively, and with tariffs approximately half of the rail charges, a bulky cargo Is un der way. The vessels operated by the company are under charter, some of them for three years, and while there will be re newals of the fixture, with the open ing of the Panama Canal th company expects to have at leaet a portion of the fleet made up of Ita own carriers, and If the canal trade Justifies It the- will probably be an entire fleet built. The next steamer will be due about August IS. So fsr as known she win b the Riverside. e-CHOONER NAMED FOR & PORTS Pst.iT" Contains Initial Letters of Towns on ITer Ronte. MARSH FT ELD. Ot July 27. (Spe cial.) The. gasoline schooner Patsy has been launched at Krus A Banks' ship yard ax XojcUi Band. S& la 100 feel PACT FORMED SHIP FISH long and 14 feet beam, and was built for th Elmore Packing Company, of Astoria. Th nam Patsy was chosen because It Is made up of the first let ters of the ports which she will visit Portland. Astoria, Tillamook. Slualaw and Yaqutna. The schooner Tillamook, recently launched at th same shipyard, has had her trial trip. The Patsy waa chris tened by Miss Helen Jensen, of Crock ett. CaL. a niece of K. V. Krure. one of the builders. Marine Note. Work of shipping a new wheel on the Port of Portland Commission eteamer Ock'.ahama waa completed yesterday and she will be ready to resume service about August 1. Captain J. E. Nellsen Is master of the te.mer TrlumDh. Tl-e Captain U. r. tilldes. and Captain Joseph Wolfs has succeeded Captain It. . vapiea on in. stssmer Menslnger. Laden with 1.000.000 feet of lumber, for Brisbane, which she loaded under charter to J. J. Moor Co, the schooner Americana was towed from Westport to Astoria yesterday by tha tug Oneonta. Pound for th Far East with lumber and flour, th British steamer Kumeric left Kalama yesterday, wher she fin l.hed. and sailed early In the afternoon from the Columbia River to call at Pa get Sound en route Captain L. If. Hosford. superintendent of tr.e steamers xnnu ""- and Jessie liarklns. has had the steam- TKAJf KK cmUICOCE Do t Ante groat. Date, .... rear.... In twt .... Cankl la P"1 Kaase. ar Alliance. . , rrancUMJuir - Pat eceae. .....bareceea.... Ji'T hrMkvilw. .. .i'oM liar.... July -" a H. rimer. Ti: lameett. ... July 2 loia.n Oat. .. Tlllemeea.... July 2 0a. W. Kites. .San July to Fa.roa .. Sea rraselaos July II lWartk IWaa.. llnnskona. ... Au. 1 rM City. ..... P-dre. ... Ail. 1 ABtU. . ....... .Heedm ..... Aug. leaver. .. Sea Pedes. ... Aus. ftoaaoke. an Aug. T H.rr;e. ... .. Hongkong. ... Aug. IS irataira.....MaBakeag....Aag. at Warn. AHIanre. ..... Northland. ... lere.aa. .... Far. TCareea - rt. July eaa Kranciaco July .riarecaa.... July .Coo Her. ...July 2 .10 II 1 1 2 rlreakwater. Ooldra Oat. .. Tlllameoa. . . . J uly Sue H. Elmore. Tlliameoa.... Aug. ler. ... ..... Saa f'dre. ... Ana. riM. W. Elder. S.a Diea. ... Aus. Falren. ....... San rraaolsee Aus. Reee City Saa Peer.... Aus. Keeaoke. .....aa DUse.... Aug. Artt ymnann. . .... Aus. Kernk Ibae. . Ilonskong. ...Aua. Hearer ...Ma Peer. ... Aus. Hercules. ..... Hongkong. ... Aug. iratbijrea.... Jlosckosg. ..-. 1 11 JJ If er ueorgiA Hurton added to his list, as an oil barge used In transporting liquid fuel to the paper mills. To begin loading lumber for San Francisco, the steamer Johan Poulsen left last night for Kalama. The steam er Grays Harbor will leave port tomor row to work TiO.000 feet of lumber at Westport for San Pedro. Barge No. of the Columbia Contract Company's fleet, which struck and sank the steamer Henderson Saturday morn. Inir while being towed by the tug 8am- Von. was repaired at the yards of the Portland Shipbuilding Company and tewed to the lower river yesterday. The steamers Grays Harbor and Jo nan Poulsen entered at th Custom House from San Francisco yesterday, while the British steamer Etbelwolf cleared for Delagoa Bay with lumber, the Grays Harbor for San Pedro with a cargo of 760.000 feet, and the Poulsen for Westport to load. Colonel John Blddle. Corps of Engi neers. L. S. A engineer of the North Pacific division, with headquarters at San Francisco, reached the city yester day and will remain for a brief visit to discuss subjects concerning this terri tory with Major Mclndoe and Major Morrow, Northwest winds that hav proved refreshing to th shore population re tarded the big coaster Bear and she did not reach the Columbia River from San Francisco until 11 o'clock yester-J oay. ine steamer Beaver, sailing yes terday morning for the south, had 165 passengers, about tO of whom were on the steerage list. Her lumber cargo being finished, th Rrttish tramp Ethelwolf was towed through the bridges last evening from Inman-Poulsen's. and will leave down today, bound for Pelagoa Bay. Her of 'the kind loaded o'n thft'helwoff"" though she was launched In 190s. Captain A. B. Graham, of the Tellow Stack line, has returned from Dayton. where arrangements are being made for the reconstruction of wharf facilities, which were destroyed by the recent freshet. As soon as cargo can be han dled expeditiously, the steamer Ore gona will be ordered to Include Dayton In the schedule, as she piles not as far south as St. Paul. At Supple'a yards a new mainmast Is being turned out fer the steamer Sue 11. Elmore. The mast will be stepped on her return from Tillamook. Govern ment barge B. which has been at th plant for a few weeks, will probably leave today, aa the repairs have been I complete!, sort on lapiain mil s i barge and another for the Crown Pulp at Paper Company will be finished to morrow Reports yesterday from the scene of th wreck of th steamer M. F. Hen derson wer that small chains had been passed nnder her hull from two barges alongside, but that ah had swung around so that sh waa headed down stream. An effort will be made to pass I heavier chains beneath th craft. As th vessel came to the surface after be. ng. righted her hogchalna were un coupled, and with most of the house damaged It Is probable that she will be stripped to the deck before being towed here. Her boiler rolled on to th river bed. but It has been located and another diver waa sent for yesterday to expe dite Ita recovery. Movements of Vessels. PORTt-ANT. July 17. Arrived Steamer Pear, from Saa Francisco and San Pedro. Sailed Steamer Br for Han rranciaeo and 6aa Podro. British staamar K uxns no. tor th Orient via put Sound. Astoria. July J'. Condition at toa mouth of tha river at t P. M.. smooth: wind northwest. AO miles: weather cloudy. Sailed 4 .So A. M f:eamr Claremont. for Ray mond: steamer Shoshone, for Grays Hartor. Failed at A. M Steamer 1. A. Chanilor. or Monterer. Arrived at 11 A. M. and left up at 1:41 P. M Steamer Bear, from San nro and pan KTancisco. Arrive, a own at 2 20 and sallod at 1 P. M. British steamer Ktxmsrtc for Orient via Puxel Sound. Sailed tip. M. steamer Roarroke. for San leso nd war porta Arrived down at S and sailed at P. M. Steamer Bear, for Sao FraitclSf-o and San Pedro. 6an Francts.'O. July 27. Arrived at T A. M. Steamar Geo. TV. FTltler, from San Dlepo. Sailed at 3 P. al. Steamer Temnle E. Dorr, for Portland. Arrived last nlsht Steamer Atlwa and bars No. Off, from Portland. rallao. July :T. Sailed Barkentlne Georctna, for Columbia Ftver. P-jnta Arenas. July 2L Arrived Setos. London, for Tacoma. Han Franelsoo. July JT. Arr1v-d-rtteamer Stanley Dollar, from Grays Harbor; Nan Smith, from Oooe Bay: Chlye Mara, from Hongkong;: Washtenaw. Pockman. from Seattle: schooner Roy Somsra. from Oraya Harbor: Mabel Gals. Hiakelsr. Camano. from Gamble: Muriel from Honotpu. tialled Steamers Knight of St. George, for Sydney; Temple . Dorr, for Astoria; tug Columbia, for Cooe Bay. Tldee at Astoria Friday. High. Low. S n. A. M. :1T P. M. 0.0 ft:3T A. M... n.8 feet .! feet IS P. M 2.4 feet Dowager Queen Alexandra Is tha only woman who la a member of the Order of th Garter. How long, aska the Chicago Record Hera.d. la Quean ataor golag to stand for ttt 1 LEADERS TO MEET Northwest Commercial Execu tives to Gather at Boise. 3-DAY ASSEMBLY CALLED Exploiters to Convene to Discuss Publicity Problems All Talks to Be Short and Subjects to Be Interesting. BOISE. Idaho. July T. Speclal The first meeting of the Northwestern Asso ciation of Commercial Executives will be held her August 23, 24 and 25. A big programme la being arranged by the AmmlttAA In ihap. . nA Vi UnU. Com m.r.j cub promises something abso- I lutely new In the way ray of entertainment. The Idaho State Press Association will also meet at Boise at the same time. Among those who have accepted places on the programme and their topics are Joseph E. Calne, secretary of Salt Lake Commerrlnl riuh. "The Troubles of a Commercial Secretary:" A. I Sommers. secretary of the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce. "The Northwest Association of Commercial Executives:" C. C Chap man, manager of Portland Commercial Club. "What Constitutes Good City Ad' vertlslng;" Francis Hope, of the Cali fornia le velopment Board. 'The Ex hibit:" W. B. Wells, of Sunset Maga- sine. "Railroads as Community Adver tisers:" W. R. Rolhacker, managrr of Industrial Moving Picture Company of Chicago. "Moving Pictures and 1-antern Slides;" A. J. Breltensteln. secretary Missoula Chamber of Commerce, "Maga- siaes and Periodicals:" J. E. Barnes. secretary Southwest Washington Devel opment Association, ' How the State In Genersl Can Assist In Advertising Ius Resources:" Rufus R. Wilson, secretary Seattle Commercial Club. "Xh Efficient secretary- Plan Is to Teach. The Commercial Executives who have called the meeting Intend that It shall be a school for those who are anxious to keep up with the times in the pro fession. All talks will be short and each will be followed by a general discussion In which the views of the leader will be commented uton by the members. A feature of the meeting will be tha round- table discussions at the noon hour. A special luncheon will be held every dsy In the rooms of the Boise Commercial Club, at which only the members of the association will be present, and different men will be appointed every day to lead In the discussion of subjects close to the work of the commercial officer. Membership In the assoclstion prob ably will not be restricted to Commer cial Club Executives, umcers or tne Ad Clubs are also expecting to be ad mitted. The address of welcome will be deliv ered by Governor Hawley, of Idaho, and hould Congress adjourn oerore tnai time Senator William E. Borah will be on the programme. Great Benefit Seen. Organisation of those actively engaged In Commercial Club work is regarded as an Important steD In the development at tha Northwest. leaders say it wiik assist In bringing the states closer to e-ether and will prove a great-help to each Individual In his year's work. The exchange of Ideas Is aimed to prove nartlcularly beneficial to secretaries In the smaller towns who experience great difficulty In keeping themselves posted on what others in their profession are doing to advance the Interests of their resDectlve communities. The committee in cnarge or ine pro- la A. L Sommers. of Tacoma R. W. Raymond, of Portland, snd Rellly Atkinson, of Boise. Ttie call to ine meeting was Issued at the last annual convention of the Oregon Development ague, at Salem, November 10. 1910, and is signed by C. C. cnapman. r rancis Hope. J. E. Barnes. A. U. Sommers, Rellly Atkinson and R. W. Raymond. H I N 1 1 fi 111" LU A I U I All L ilUllWII llha.w lis w ATTORNVr SAYS MORRIS, BROS. CASE INVOLVES INTEGRITY. Ilurlbnrt Accused of Being Mistaken In Ills Claim for 1 000 Shares of Company's Stock. The case of W. H. Hurlburt vs. Morris Bros, waa argued before Judge Kava- naus-h yesterday, Ralph E. Moody ap- searing for the plaintiff and Wirt Minor or the defense. The Dlantlfr Is seeking to recover the value of 100t shares of the stock of the Oregon Water Power Company, which he alleges he should have re ceived from Morris Bros, as part com pensation for services. The amount ne see us is sas.uuv ana Interest. Morris Bros, sold the stock of the compsny to the Portland Railway, Light at Power Company at f (5 a share. "Your honor should tak Into con sideration. said Attorney Minor In rloslna- his argument, "that It la not only the money that Is at stake with Morris Bros., but also their business honor and their honesty. I would not accuse Mr. Hurlburt of falsifying, but I do believe that he Is grossly mis taken when he says that Morris Bros, agreed to give him 1000 shares of stock and then failed to keep their agree ment. I know Fred a Morris too well not to be certain that he would not be guilty of such an action." Atorney Jdooay oasea nis argument on the ract mat ia biock- dwiki di the company showed a certificate for 1000 shares made oat In the name of W. H. Hurlburt and he cited from the testimony to show that Morris Bros, had wished to keep as much of the stork as nosslble Intact In order more readily to effect a sale of the property. ivina- this as a reason xor tne xauure of bia client to secure delivery of the stock. W. D. Fenton will close ror tne plain tiff st 1 o'clock this afternoon. His argument will occupy about an hour, he told the court. TRICOLOR TO DOCK HERE Chinook to Be Lifted Today and Will Leave Tuesday. Rates for lifting the Norwegian steamer Tricolor on the Port of Port land drydock were yesterday quoted with the expectation that the vessel will be brought here to have several plates straightened and she will remain out of water four or five days. She Is operating on the Coast at present under time charter to W. R- Grace and after discharging a cargo of coal at San Francisco from Nanalmo, will load lum ber either on Puget Sound or Grays Harbor for the West Coast. When she Is sent north for that car- go It Is Intended to bring her to Portland for docking, unless firms In the North will quote lower Tariffs than are In effect locally. The lighthouse tender Manzanita was lifted on the Oregon drydock yesterday to remain a few days, having repairs made to her wheel and stern bearings and to be cleaned and painted. When she Is floated the dock will be occupied by Lightvessel No. 50 for an examination. Lnder the new P8rt of Portland Com mission efforts will be made to draw vessels to the public drydock. The Government dredge Chinook will be lifted there again today and probably will complete her repairs so she can return to Astoria Tuesday. FARMERS SEEK WATER ROUTE Goldendalc Grainmcn Declare Rail road Tariff Is Not Economical. Failure on the part of the North Bank Road to quote growers of the Goldendaie tearitory lower tariffs on wheat has brought about an invitation for officials of the Open River Trans portation Company to attend a meeting there Wednesday evening, to be held under the auspices of the Goldendaie Fruit A Produce Association, when It Is supposed a proposal will be made to handle wheat by water from Co lumbus, where It will be assembled from the Goldendaie district. The grain rate In effect by rail to Portland is IS cents on 100 pounds and the water tariff from Columbus Is 9 cents. It la estimated that grain can be hauled to Columbus at less expense than the local rate charged by rail from Goldendaie to Lyle and If such Is the case It Is assumed that practically the entire crop will be hauled In wagons mrougn tne mils to Columbus. FOREST DAMAGE MINOR GREEN TIMBER NOT BURNED, SAYS C. S. CHAPMAN. Fires Thus Far Small and Confined to Slashings and Old Burns. Patrolmen's Work Telling. Damage through forest fires to Ore gon's timber so far this year has been small." said C. S. Chapman, of the Ore gon Forest Fire Association yesterday in no instance are there reports of material damage to green timber. The most alarming fires are those burning or wnicn nave been burning In Clacka mas county near Sprlngwater and Dodce tne lire south of Mill City which de stroyed considerable property for the Curtlss Lumber Company, and a Are In tne works of the Oregon Lumber Corn- puny near Dee. In Hood River Countv. A nre or some Importance has also. for the last week, been burning in southwestern Washington County, and is being fought by about 30 men at present. These Ores have, however, in every Instance been In. old slashings or old burns. They present an element of danger In that they might get beyond control and go into the green timber. but this is watched carefully by inter ested persons, 'The Are In the Oregon Lumber Com pany's works burned a few buildings and some cord wood, in this way dam aging property of settlers who should receive full payment for their losses. but green timber was not destroyed. Columbia County fires have been re ported as doing wide damage, but In reality this la not the case. This county Is very thoroughly patrolled, and though number or fires have broken out in slashings, they have been handled promptly and In a manner to prevent loes. The nre which was reported as threatening Portland's water supply is another case in which a small fire start ed but was speedily extinguished. Fire wardens throughout Oregon's timbered area have put out hundreds or llres this season, thus preventing their becoming large ones. Some of the lires. however. have not been discovered promptly enough and have burned In old deaden- In jrs and slashings. "Unquestionably we shall have fires in Oregon all during the Summer, but if handled promptly damage will be pre vented. Timber owners, the state and Federal Government are vitally Inter ested in preventing destructive fires, and are expending larger sums of money than ever before to bring this about, not only to protect their property but in an endeavor to see that Oregon has a fair name as a state wishing to protect her resources. A more favorable public sentiment regarding fires is markedly noticeable this season. No doubt the active Inter est of the state in forest protection has bad much to do with this. The patrol men who are looking after Oregon s timber have helped materially. These men are doing an Invaluable work and one which should have the support and encouragement of all." Dried. Fruit at New York. NEW TOIK. July ST. Evaporated apples continue firm on tne small supplies, dui I prices ar lariely nominal. On tha spot. fancy quoted at 17918c: choice, inc. Prunes, firm, buyers well suoDlled and de mand light. Quotations ranged from 0 910c for Calltornlas ud to 30-4is and lli614'0 for Oregon grades from bus to jus. Psachea in fair -oemana xor small ioxb ana prices firm, choice. tlue; extra cnoica. 10HeiOc: fancy. 11 0 12c Metal Markets. view TfiBK Jnlv ST. Standard rosner. dull. 8pot. July. August. September and October. 12IM 2.-3C London, steady. Spot, i . . n . on luiurvi. t ..u ioi uu is,s,w cuvwr. 12.TlSc: electrolytic, quiet. li.62itp 12 T5c; casting. 12.37 H V 12.50c Tin. easy. Spot and July. 41.4O041.5c: August, 41.106 41. T5c; September. 41.12He 41.5uc; October. 4n.7",t41.?:tc. London, y. spot, fluo: futures, ciso 1s. Lead, steady; 4.4.1 4.S!4c. Nw York; 4.45 mi 4.47 He Kast St. Louis. Sales. 200.- Don't Wait "606" The new Ger-maa Discovers for BLOOD POISON $25 Vatil Aagtut 1st. DR. J. J. KEEFE SOS-10-11 Merehaats Trust Bide, tk aad Washington, Portland, Or. CALL AT OXCE "0 DETEXTIOjr FROM WORK. I J S J I CATARRH ; i i I Ut BLADDER j ' " Bfuan ooounisrtn" Danger Lurks in Neglect SECURE THE SERVICES OB "THE FOREMOST SPECIALISTS" HONEST TREATMENT POSITTTB; RESCX.T8 $s.oo My Fee in Many Cases CURED IN FIVE DAYS VAJUCOSB VE1JCS OBSTRUCTIONS PI LBS FISTULA K Detention Bnstaeas r Home. No Berex OpertUtoua. Majir Cases Thoroughly Cared la One Treatment. I ha. Proof for Every Statement I Make. Examination and Consultation Free I MAKE NO CHARGE! WHATEVER FOR CONBTTL.TATTOV. EXAMINATION AKT FULL INFORMATION, AND TOO HAVE KOTHINO TO PAT FOR SOCCEP SATISFACTORY TREATMENT. Medlolnas furnished from my en lines furnished from my en laboratory. S.1.S to IS.BS par eonree. 11 rja IL write for particulars. Msttj sasse ar ourabl at bora. Hours ! A. at. annot cai a P. M. tfunaava iv to as. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. tSOtt vs. MrfTTT.T. ST, COB. SECOND ST. 4W0 pounds. Kast Pt. Louis. August at 4.43c Lonaon. tis its Bd. Spelter, firm; R.80i$o.fl.'c New York; S.iii'aSJSc. Eat St. Louis. Sales, 150.000 pounds. Emt St. Louis. August at 5.65c. London, 20 7s Ad. Antimony, quiet; Cookson's. 8.50c. Iron. Cleveland warrants aft llfd In Lon don. Locally Iron was aulet. No. 1 foundry northern. 1515.iu; No. 2, $14.7r.e 15; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry south ern soft, ,14.759 15.25. New York Cotton Market. YORK. July 27. Cotton NEW DR. A. G. SMITH. I am the only specialist In Port, land who doe not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. . I publish my true photograph, correct namev peraonally conduct my office. 1 am the moat aaceeea fnl and reliable, as medical cre dentials and preaa records prove. I make this atatement so that you still know you consult a true ape elnllat, who sees and treat pa tients peraonnlly. I possess skill and experience, acquired In such a way that no other can share, and should not be classed with medical companies. It is Impossible for u medical company to attend col lege. Companies fanve no diplomas or license to practice medicine In Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and Identity are In definite, la selected and published as the Icarltlmate specialist of the olflee. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, srive consultation, examination and treatment. if .5 f V" 4r L -X sV 6u6 FOR BLOOD POISON. I use Professor Ehrlich's wonderful new discovery, " 606." In cases of Specific Blood Poison. It is the greatest marvel of medical science. His new remedy has been successfully used in thousands of cases. Let me explain it to you. CONSULTATION" AND ADVICE FREE. Office Honrs 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treat ment for Varicose Veins. Hernia. Nervous Debility. Blood Poison. Piles. Fistula. Bladder. Kidney, Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; if necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions. DR. A. G. SMITH MEN CURED $5 to $15 By DR. LINDSAY, tho Eminent, Long Established Specialist WHY PAY MORE for Inferior treatment when you can set tbs very best medical attention at a fes of from ONE-FOURTH to ONE-HALF that charged by other specialists with my reputation? Re member that you are not asked to pay for any experiments or any failures. If your case will not yield to treatment I can ascer tain that at the first examination, and will frankly tell you so and glvo you advice bow to lako care of yourself. MY SPECIALTIES ARE Nervona Debility. Blood Ailments. Pilea, Varicose Veins, Rup ture, Kidney, Bladder and all allmeata pecu liar to men. COMB AND CONSULT US FREE OP ALL CHARG2L DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLES SPECIALIST. Corner Alder and second Streets. Entrance 12SV4 Second Street, Port, land. Or. Office Honrs A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. My Claims Are Founded on Cures If yon ar a weak, alllnr man, stop and think what you could accomplish If you wer strong and wLl what a sourco of happiness, food haaith and robust strength would b to you. It takes mora strength to be sick than well It takes mors strength to live under the conditions of Illness than it does when In health. All my life I have been studying this problem curing complaints of men restoring to strength weak, ailing men. I know that Z can quickly aad surely reatora you to health My Ira m mi a practice, my largo medloal offices are the result of cures sura, certain. 1 can. cure you. YOU CAN PAY AFTER CURED INQUIRE Inveatlfrate for roorsen. REMERREH, IT COSTS TOU NOTHING to tiavs tha opinion of tha best. A thorough. paJnstaJclns EXAMINATION slvaa aca and evsry parson by ma personally. WEAKNESS To any man who Is suf ferine from WBAICNESB FUNCTIONAL-, DBCLJE. or PROSTATIC DIS EASES let me ask you the question: Will you put your time against mine? If I fail to cure, MT SERVICE'S COST TOU NOT HI NO. This remark able treatment you can only procure from ME. It consists of tl TREATM ENT8 NO MORE. NO ZJSSS. Each and every treatment is given by m as It is too valuable to Intrust to an assistant. I oan cure you and make you as well as you ever were In your life. I will tone up your sys tem, cleanse tne poison from your blood, give you a healthy color to your oheeka, a brightness to your eye. so that la a very short time you would not know that you avor had a sftck day 1a you Ufa. ABSOLUTE CURES Ton can't afford o experiment with yottr HEALTH AND 6TRENOTH. Mr lonr years of experleno as a 6PBCXALJST In dtseaaos peculiar to men have proved to m that 90 per cent of the men are suRerlns front one er mora of th foUowlns oeadltloaas VARICOSE VEINS, DISORDERS, RTJFTTJRB Spactfto Blood Poison, Contracted Disorders. Xld ney and Bladder Troubless. Postrattla Plaaaat. Files, and all Reflex Pelvio Ailments. laboratory. to $. par eonree. 11 yon PORTLAND. Ol closed steady. 14 to 25 points lower. July, 12.05c: August, 12.23c: September, 11.50c; October. 13.32c; November. 11. 25c; Decem ber. 11.31c; January. 11.35c: March. 11.36c; May. 11.45c. Spot closed steady, 10 points lower. Midline; uplands, 13.50c; do. Gulf. 13.75c Sales. 1100 bales. The writer of the first Japanese history. tho KroJIl. was Ooono Yaaumara. who lived J some 1200 years ago. The Emperor of Japan has Just posthumously conferred on : this venerable Bede the Junior grade of j third rank. CURED IN FIVE DAYS Varicose Veins, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula, Etc No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home. NO SEVKRE OPERATIONS. MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING,' MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAKE. A RADICAL AND PERMANEN.T CURE. I GIVE MY WOIiD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS A GUAR ANTEE THAT EVERY STATE MENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRUE. VARICOSE VEINS Impair vitality. I daily demon strate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment, In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre ss r v e d and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re established instead of the depressing- conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. 23412 Morrison Corner of Second Portland, Oregon The T)r. Creen Offer FREE FOR ALL AILING We want all ailing men to feel that they can come to our office freely for examination and explanation o f their condition w it h o u t being boimd by any o b 1 1 g a tion to take treatment unless they so desire. We will make a t h o r ough and scien t 1 f 1 c examina tion of your ail ments free of charge, an exam-s ination that will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you are grop ing in the dark. If you have taken treatment elsewhere without suc cess, we 'Will show you why it failed. Every man should take ad vantage of this opportunity to learn his true condition, as we will advise him how to best re gain his health and strength and preserve them until ripe old age. CLEAN METHODS Our practice is large because our business and professional methods are clean. We have no schemes for influencing you to our office: no impossibilities to prom ise you. Our education, our ex perience, our conscience condemn all such quackery. We want to deal with you upon an honest, fair and square basis, with mutual con fidence and respect between phy sician and patient. Our offer PAY WHEN SATISFIED is your absolute protection. Con sultation, examination and diag nosis free. If your case is curable, depend upon it, the DR. GREEN system of MAN-BUILDING treat ment will give you immediate ben efit and a quick and lasting cure. AFFLICTED MEN, before treating elsewhere, honestly Investigate our proven methods. Von will then under stand bow easily and quickly we cure all curable cases or VARICOSE VEINS, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON, NEltVO VITAL DEBILITY, OBSTRUCTIONS, PROSTATIC, BLADDER and KIDNEY troubles, CONTRACTED ailments, RUP TURE, PILES and RECTAL ailments. What you want is a cure. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing it Is to get well in the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, daily 9 to 5, Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 3l." Washington St., Portland, Or. There's no pain no poisonous drugs no operations His Cares Are Affected by Vsins Nature's Remedies. THE CHINESE DOCTOR. He has made a life-study of the curative powers of Roots, Herbs. Barks and Buds. and Is giving to the people of the Northwest the benent or his years or research. It is by simple remedies that he can cure such diseases as Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Lung and Liver Trouble, and also private diseases of men and women. CONSCLTATION FREE. Open Evenings and Sundays. If you live out of the city, inclose 4 rents In stamps and pet a symptom blank. Fill it out and when he diagnoses your case you can begin treatment. The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 162V4 First St.. Cor. Morrison. Portland. Oregon. I Cure Men 10 IS MY FEE Pay When Cared General Debil ity, Weak Nervea, Inaoninla Results of uuosure. overwork and other vio lations of Nature's laws. Diseases of Bladder ' and Kidneys, Varicose Vein, quickly and permanently cured nt small expense. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning', itching; and inflamma tion stopped in 24 hours. Cures ef fected in seven days. Consultation free. If unable fo call, write for list of questions. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO., 224 Washington St., Cor. First. Men and Women Cured To the Public: I have suffered witn tstomacn trouDie ana otnei ailments for a treat many 3 t years and have tried many doctors without bein-? cured, so I took medicine from Lee Hong and now I am cured. If you are sick and want to be cured. I -recommend Lee Hong Chinese Medicine Co., Port land, Or. C. F. BRLTMM, Mulino, Or. All diseases of the human lata body cured. Kidney, Stomach, Heart and Liver Trouble, Constipation. Pilea. Blood Poisoning, Lumbago and Rheumatism. Con sultation free. Write for symptom blank. Office hours, 10 A, M. to 9 P. M. ; Sunday all day. Ladv attendant. Lee Hong Chines Kerb Co., 1424 Second St., Portland, Or. L. T. YEE & SONS Tbs' Old. Ballabla Cblnaaa Doctor apant lifetime study ( i . i f .hi... .'TWJ V. I I Jlnlnm. few ttk . - ' -. ..antMM mm all ..' a ..w ., . fg3 ailments si men and womes 3 a writs to XKB 4 'VWr.VJ SONS MKDICIKE LU.. Itttt a tfaa. -vaav Aosr. araxi". Gee?f "'.7'. Gee Wo Wo immmfM frifi n i 1 1 mm d