, 17 THE MORXIXG OREGOyUX, WEDXESDAY, JULY 26, 1911. FLURRY in HIDES Local Market Excited by High Priced Buying. TONE IS VERY STRONG Scramble Among Dlr to Pur chase Put Value Here Above Parity With Uw EasU Profitable for Poller. Oa of tb" p.rlojlr.1 "I whirh ! Uvea the tool hide mrk.i M aow on. Tar a a rnnbla ea th part of dlr to get tilde a4 tbT r paying prle tht ar bai Juatt.'ted ty th quotation wired from tn cuttn market. Why th.v an doing this U aoc spllad. bat th f remalne th.t th nukil Is troa and asdtad and tn. ilr of bide ar profiting by twiMiMal Tkrawtwi Oroo. WaMagic. Idaho sad Montana, tho buyer are operating without regular limit from lhir principal. Tbe ar bo ru!r qootailoo and tho lir aaualty set what ho ah for hl gee.!, tnd tho elreunmataao aolUnc ant froo. aa tho holder ar anticipating otlU al.h.r arte. Dalr atato that a o" aiiro pile dellv.r.4 la Portland U JO cot all around for o and Moor. Thor kav paid a high a M ooota f. a. b. shlp pa aotnt tor calf.eln without rard to tho freight rat to thi elty. Tho Eaatera market I tdy. bat thor lo aothing la tho ouoatlom th-ro to JJ"t'fT th condition prevailing br. The big Eaetera tanner aro In tho market and tho outlook u reported good. In th. ltet ad vleea. for a conUaaod steady market. att'UX BtHSW IX EW CBOP nHMT Laral Pralm tin- a 7 aojd rU" Mra at la Coat. Oalr a Wtilo bueine" o new oj wheat . r-ried r..-da. tx-al dealers qoot od new eloa al TS and blo.ota at Ts .ata. Old whMi wa aomlaal at 0 cents for ctnb and cola for bloxita. Tbo aiarkot for new rrop Valley oat haa M ret otwnod. rs 1br baa bora a little baving at ! I J et to tbo farmer. Tko bay trxj. contlnoo dull. eUIr lim.tby la quoted l-r at II to tlT. but orhor kind. ar. anchand. Eastern Ores-oa timothy -ill b, oa tbo local mark., la about fa daja Orainbage hold firm at eoata Local ro.-.lpta la car. wer reported ar tn Merchant Earners a follow: ..... . r1our Oat M T T nak " a . io a ! 't-1 12 t!T I ,n- . . i .n oa 121 y-wtUt ... Tulr Tr o . V ... ..arlo-d Forvt.n rroy "" . , kr th. U.rpWol Cora Trad. Now, a. fol- l nit.d Kinflom Drouth and b.at bar r.dl ywM. and o.pi"T f oat. t tin. will .hortly omm.Bc. In lkSt. rnro Cuttln. baa ommncod and o.raL Tho ..nJly fair out.ook I hln m.lnia:n.d wJ foral,l r-n- n.. d aathorttfcra poct a modrat tot&l outturn. U,nnu.-Tk rottlr. of tbo ryo crop Jl, ,ornm.n-.d. Tho whoat and oata erop .uff-rn from. xtr.rn hot woalhr no drouth and rrop prc.pwt ar nraor- " Kni.-nanla Th harrt!n of whoat la rHrioll und.r normal lr.r cobI l...na, i(f-rtn. of aallv. wh.at aro. how- Buicria Tho ir rain torm bao ro durt th. proopxt toe a bumpr crop by '"JiuoV'i-Tha otlook for tho printer crop la ,.n.rallT wnrar-rabl. la tho oouthwt tho harr-tlnr of Wlnt.r whoot k rorT I,. ond.r faoraM w.athor f""1"'0"; Th. sprina wh.t crup In thl orctlon of th roontry I ntrtn oatlrf actorlly. Ii.it-Ow ant roport that th tnpm th. u.m will bo a hort on., but of ftno "parn nd Tortutal Tho crop thla y.a win h- four i"i lno of u, 1" - T oponUh rrp la.t yr anjoaotjd to 114 ok booh.l and Portugal to a (W KH '"TTuilaary Tho tM crp thl. yoar I of f;irtr,.tl at I . boabola. Utur l-a.T'M.'UiM bu.hl laat yr. Auralla Th. outlook for th BTOwlnt crv la farbl. jSrtia Tri.r ar furth complarnt of aa anaatiafactnry onlWik for tho mooooon. hop juRKirr la miw Excrrr.t u k .t.o Offi d for 1 Coaditmaa o Thor la raox-b oeltontBt la th bop mar koc and orry toaaoa it bollor that prlcw ar on tho point of mo'lM up aaatn. Off.r wor mad yotordy of 10 and It eonta for 1omo. ?o.ral dalr wrrm tn th mark.t for cootrart at SJ enta Tb.r w a rnraor that . d.al wa rioood at thla flur. but th prtvular wr not obtainabla A crmaa cablo rocolTod durinc th day ao'd thor w Bboolutaly ao chaneo for tho crop to b inrrad or.r tho prnt ootl B,atr. whk-h ran from M to TUVOOO cwt.. aa uimI a crop of 3.nno cwt laat y.ar. S-rT ADVAXCR IX FttTTEK TODAT laral Marno IAthtly aaprdW aad Prtcoa f Itoabtaa- t0whro--Th.ro will bo a Sent adTanco In local ktt.r prtc. today. Thl. ht du to th hortaa of cr.am.ry auppli aad th fact that mark.t. aro advandn at thor '"rboUo eootlnooa tron at tk laat quota tiona Thoro wa a rd d.mand for poultry. .p-ta::r hrna which o:d hotter than fnrina. H w.r qootM up to IS1 coat a-d Hpnn. at 1 conta Hoclpt. of j . a mata w.r email and tha mark.t pta.ly. Ztr w.ro firm with a ood dnand ror I'lirnitod Irol nih t RtiT Tn: OS AS ACTtvr. WALL 1mm-. Oraaaoa aad IWa. CWaa aa H .11 Brrrtc alowwr. Th. fruit boainooa continued ry actlv ...t.rrUr. and l.mon. orr.. and pcachoa wrt w.!l cl.an-d sp at th rlooe of th day p.rrV wro In o"d npply Bad aa th d-mand a not o trr-mm a rocontly. pric, w.r .at.r. E!owh.ro In th n-ar-k-t Qootatloo wr. uochanawl. Durlna th. fiMi0r th. aaim It la liw-y tht California fruit will b ararror. nrocwa Wool Saleo la r.o. Tho P-ieloo fomm.rclal Tlullrtln. of July 2?. vara - vvn of th. f.aturr of th wk I tb r.port.d al of a lar line of hal.d Oro n woo!, ruanlna lara.lr lo X. which prohahty nrMtf4 l.ox).oo( pouod la th (raM. B'tbouch It wa o!d acourod. Th prlco la und.ratood lo haro boon &1 0 Z2 la ! rrata Hlhrr. Thcr wa aa adnc nt 10 rant t.rdar tn all rad of r'flnod .ur. Thl ma a total adraac ainc. th. flrxt of th mints of 4.t conia Th trnth Is do to th flrmo. of th raw niaar mark.t lb world o.r. Baah CWarma. . . vt.ak rl.artna of tbo Northwmtrra cltl. iwardit w.r aa follow: ri.arfne. Balanr. Port:nd II "ll ;-.. ivo 5tt! Troma .......... (pokana 77.151 IS.Ttr O..J. 1 53.2f rOKTLAXD BtAitKirrs. Grain. FVaar. toad. Zta. rtOtlt Pataata. HM par barraU tralibta. (S.M; .aport. $: Vall.y. .! r.hara. I4.AO; wool wh.at. .70. WHEAT N. w crop: IIIuotm. Tcl Club, Tic. otd crvp. b.'uw.irn, 0e; elub, H. MIU-5T1.1 Fa Braa. I:VJJ Por toa; Blj.l.itit 2: hortA $S3.5OS30O; rolled bart.v IJnitf. CORN Whol. I3S.0O; craeked. 3A0O per tan. HARLB-T Cholc food. !.! pf toa. OAT No. 1 whit.. i7 P' top. HAT T.mothy. alloy. I11T: alfalfa, lit: clow, ivltgi; arain hay. Dairy an Coon try Piodnoa rOrUHI Hma li13o; Sprlnita, Itc; dorka. younc. He: .. nominal: torkoya, Jc. drSKxl. cbokro. ZhG tO'iS Fr..1 untoa ranch, eandlad. Xt J7o p.r doa.o- BITTER-Oty errarB.ry eitra. I n -pound p.-inta. In box. SSe por pound: la than boa lota, carton and dllvry xtra- CHEVaE Twin. trlplrt and dawlaa. loSc pr pound. Toucc Am.rlo. lac. poKX Fancy. lllHc por pound. VEAL Fancy. 11 a 11 c p.r pound. Tctalla aad Fntlta, 'TROPICAL PRC1TS ortBft. M 0 4 p.r boa; California araprruil. baaaaaa. Iglto por pound; plnoapplaa, aa per pound; lemon.. T ii 3 P r hox. FRESH FRUITS Ch.m.a JOlJo p pound: pr!-..t. 121l.SO par erat.; an talnuvn. IJ.2:0 30 Pr crat; peaebca. ic U UV per crate; aat.rmelooa, :lc per p..unO; plum. licKll.l per erat; prune. UWul.7 por box. BOW apple.. fl.'iQt per bos: raapberrtea. IllivUO: l..n-b-rrlo.. l.Sn)l.T. blackcap. Hi. black borrloa 11 VKCETAHLES Bemx e910c: eabbaaoa. tl.V02 per hundrodwelrhl: oorn. o04Oa per doi.n: cueumbor. tllll tf per box: ( plant, loo por pound; faille. 100 11c par pound: lettuco. tall por dox.n ; ho thou lettur. I1.:JJ1.73 per bdl: p. 40Sc per pound. iMiifti. nuioc per pound: rad Iukx 12V, par dosen: rnubarb. likl par pound: toTriatce.. 1191.7 per boa. MACK VEOfcTTABLES New carrota. LT por aack: tumlpa ILTl: beota, 11.15. POTATOES how Or.coa. UxO'o por pound: now California. Sita. ONlONit Red. LI: wsita. II pa ana. rd. Scaplo Oroeorte. SALMOX Columbia Mmr. i-pouad talta. IMo per down; 1-pound talla. 1 pound t.ata, r0; Alaaba pink. 1-poaad Ml.K II II. COFrEE Roaatad. ta drum SO0 par poond. . NUT! TTalnula. lTlo par poond; Br. .11 aula. l.wMao: flioorta. lac: almond 10 isa: pocana. lo; oeoaaut. POcOll pr doiaa: rhe.tnuta. 13Vo por pound; bteaary auta. 9 9 10o per pound. HONS T Cholco. IX'ii por caaa; atrala bon.y. 10c nor pound. ALT Graau ted. 115 per ton; hart Tound. 100a. II W por toa; torn. pr toa BEAN8 Small whit. 40: lar whit a. 4: Lima. To; pink. Ilka; red aloxlcaaa, c; bayou. K- KICK N. 1 Jacan. 4ajc; ch.Pr arad, A2414.M. South.ra head. ItOlo; lm port.d Imperial, Ike; laiport.d extra No. 1. bl-iJAR Dry ranulatad. V: berry, boet. 147: extra C. .. powdarod. bamla. 14 II. cub, barnla. I4..I DRIED PRflT Applea. 12llJw p pound: aprlcor 1;. peacaoa, !! IS prune. Iia.iaa. 10Tlle: ilr. ltc: fl( whit and black. a0Tw.; emrranta. lu 11a; raialr.a ' loooo Muacatol. dwOTHe; bleached Thorn peon, II V: unbleached Sul tana. c; a..Jed. n,Ka tlopa. Wool aad Blaoa. BOPw lll ooatracta. a3a p.r pouad; llu crop. 940 To: lvu crop. lvaXOe; okla. kvg lie MOHAIR Cholco. PI 0 it 14 a por poaad. WOOL Eaet.rn Oron. v91o pot pound, a-'eocna to abilabaf; Va-l.y. llw 17o per pound. PEL.T3 Dry. lOe: Umbo, li Q Oo aacat abearllnaa. laic each. HIDto halt.J hkl.. UHt per pouad; aaitod calf. Ut17c; aalted k!p. 11c; aalted otaa-a. To; a-reeri bldaa. Ic; dry hide. le; dry calf. lv:c; dry ataaa 11 n lie CASCARA HARK I'or pound, ttltc CRAl.X HACKS Whoot. HAkUt 19 ta 11 pounda. I9llt 11 ta 14 pound. lVk01o: 1 to 1 pounda, II V IS; 14 to 1 pounda llllei aklaaad, MSe; pleatca. llHc; eotIa roll. 14l a M OK ED MEAT Beef loaf una, aft; dried beef rota. Bono; outaida, noae; laaldaa, 2ia; bnacklea. 10c LARI Kettle roadorcd. tierce, lltie; tuba. 12c. atarldard. uaror. 10 a. o; tuba, lie; choice Ueroea. ot tuba, luc; abort nln. tlrec.a Hei tuba. Iw- BACON Fancy. He; ataadard, 15 aaalea, Ue: F.nallih. 17c DRY SALT CL'RED R.cular bort aiaara. dry "It. uc: amoked. KSae: baoka. Uaht, a.t, Uo; mokd. 14uj; baoka. beaey wait, 11V.C: amokvd, llSo; ax port, aali. Uat smokd. loa, . OUa. LINSEKD OIL Pura raw m barrobj. 1: balled. In barrela, 3o; raw. la aa. boo; boiled, la caaaa. Baa. TURPENTINE Caee. Tie: wood barrel, line: Iron barraia. o: 10-caa iota. 3a. CAtOLLNE Motor faaolla. Iron barrela ITc: om, 2o; 4 (aaolia. Iron barraia. Sic; COAL buU. la OIL Ordinary tanka. ISO. toat. mix loot BUTTER PRICE LIFTED PCVTTLK MARKET IS ADVANCED OVE CEXT A POUND. Pink Alaeka Salmon Sells at Hig-hcat Price F.ver Known This Time of Yrr. SEATTLE. July S. SpeelaL) Th prlc of Wa.nlaxton cramry butter wa lifted a cent all around thla mornlnc. Hutter In rube I now quoted at 2 and hrleka at 1 rratx Tho recent hot wathr baa dried up th pa.turea and materlaliy reduced th errant upp.ly. Th ex market wa dnll. Frv.h local ranrh did not more above 31 cent a. Hen were acarce. but Spring accumulated. The market wa. ba.'.ly wtmjed with to me tora raacy bothoueo atuck aold a low aa T5 cent. some aalea wer reported aa low aa 5o ceata. Cantaloupe wr eaeler at M S, th out Ide nrue. lb upply waa larfr. Lemona o.ra lux her at 17 and S- Th carload that arrived yoatorday aold at outald pricoa. T market le ac.lu bar. rancy rheniea wer la eicellent demand. tVell-parkvl Hmr .old a. high aa laanberri.a wer In larso aupply. Haap-bernr-a void at 12. New ink eel moo aold today at 11.10. tha fclxheet price ever known at thla time of tho y.ar. Forty thousand caaea of aelmon bav arrived from the North o tar In July. PRODI E AT SAJt rRAUSCa Qootatlooo Cwrroat la tbo' Bay City Mar ket. SAX FRANCISCO. July 5S. Th follow ing produce price wer. current todoyt . Vegetable tioamor. 40).c: xarllo. S)c; green pea.. I12.-.31.T5; .trlng boana, Ittlo. aaparagua. l.UXSu; tomaloea, 'JS x,Jc; .gallant. 4 & Ta Tutter Kancy creamery. c F St.r. Sc; fanry ranch. 4Se. t hao Young Amerlcaa. KHIltlta Vlll.tofT. Pran, 2S.ou iJ.lv. mldxilngx, x 1 xi. Krull Apple, choioo. l.r; common. 7.1c; banana. 11) 1.73. Mexican llmea, l-Lfttftf T 50: California mona, caoica. 4; conunoa. 2: pineapple. IA Hay Wheat. 112. 13 por ton; wheat and oata I10li:-': alta.fa. I'jll. i-otatoc Early Kue. BanlaaL Dmone Tic t 4L Receipt Flour. 334S quarter ack; wheat. 4'3 cental.; barley. teiu cental; oale. l.V cental., potatoe. 4M aacaa; middllnxa, lou sack, bay. ti lone. NEW TORK. Jolr 2- Standard copper eaf : apot. July. Auauat. riptombor and October. 12tl2-2.c. London weak. ;ot, l.'.H Is d. future li4 1U al- Arrival reported At New York today. 20 tone; Cuxtom. Kju'h return, "how export of 31. Ml ton .0 fr thi month. T.n y: .pot. 41 W 041.TTHC: July. 41 X7H4I.TT"ic-- Auguxt. 41S0diI74a Peptmter. 1 Xte41 3H-; October. 40l?-,o 41-."oc. London firm: spot AlllU 21; luture, li"d needy: 4.43W 4SBc New Tork. 4.43 4 47 0 Exit Pt. Iuix. Indon. 113 17 td. Ipelter. tedy; ATOliS. New Tork. S.0 6 6 7"- E.t St. Louie London. t2i 2 od. Antimony quiet; Cookoon IKt Iron. Clereland wrranta, 4.".. l"Hd In London. locally Iron wa. unchanged. Ko. I f iund-y Northern. 1S'J13 :: Nn. 2. f 1 1.75 ft IV No. 1 foundry Southxrn and No. 1 (oundry South.hrn ."ft. 114.71 8 13.25. Hool at St. Lwk. FT LOriR. Jalr 2V Wool Q'tlet; Wt em mdluma 17 alio : Do rwdluma, 14 p ITe; aa. 11 0 lie TONE IS UNSETTLED Stock Values .Shaken by Rail-4-oad Decision. 1 SELLING ON LARGE SCALE .European Enchaners Dlstnrbod by the Moroccan Situation Steel Corporation- Report Is Pswoaw able Bonds Ace Steavdy. NEW TORK, July 18. Eeent at bom and abroad combined to anaottl th .took mark.t today. Tba order of the Intaratata Comma roe Commix Ion for a roadjuatmaat of tranaconttsantai freight rate and report of th present gravity of th altuatkoa ta Europe, a regard. Morocco, war of uffl olent tnfluearo to bring on a heaey lllnc movement. The market loat It Indifferent tone and trading mcreeaed largely Well etreot wa mor concerned with th broad principle of railroad regulation enun ciated ty the Interstate. Commerce Comml lon than with tha reduction of th ratea. Th first Impreaaion of tba action of tbo Commlaalon wa termed by aom lntere.l a unexpectedly eev.re. It waa recognised, bowoesr. that ultimata effect oa railroad earning would not bo established foran Indefinite period and that la any avaat tha eae probably will b contested farther. Th Influeno of tho Moroccan altuatloa waa felt in thla market, chiefly on account of tho selling hero for foreign account Th qurterly report of tho United State Ftoel Corporation showed Improvement In earning. This w. accepted a confirming tbo reporta of flteadlly Improving oondltlona to th tel trade. Tho atock market recorded a harp break at tba outset.. London waa reported a having sold about 83.0O0 share la th first fw minute, and thla wa supplemented by a supply of about 20,nuo shares from th continent. Heavy aelling by boar . trader helahtened the effect of prexur from abroad. Tha market recov.red. bowovr. with unevpected rapidity, but thl display of strength was not long maintained. Th Tnarket grew steadily weaker and la tha last hour aank to a potat well below th high price of tho day. Th bond market was steady. Total sales (par enluei. til.i.i.ooo. CLOalNU KTOCK QUOTATIONS. Clotrlns Salea. High. Low. Hid. All's Chal pf Amal C.pper .. S.OOO riS S8 1 Am Aarlcult .... Am Beet Sugar. T.KVI t.-v, 33 MI Ameneaa tan .. Xwo 11V 11 1 1 Vt Am Car at VAy.. f.' 571, B7 67. Am Cotton OtU JO 5lx frlSk ad Am Hd A Lt PL ..... 25 Am Ice ccurl .. ...... 23 Am Llneed .... ... jou Am Locoinot te. . r"-i Am Bmel A Ref. K600 19 T TO. do preferred.. ...... ..... ..... 109. Am Steel Pdy ..... 39 Am Sugar Ref 117H Am T.I A Tel.. 2,300 186 134 1341 Am Tobocco pf 14 S Am Woolen "i-a Anconda M Ox V 3- JS-i Atrhuvon lAVJO 111V 11H4 US' do prvforred.. ..... ..... 103 Atl Coe.t Una 13H Halt Ohio... 4Tv inH loi H.thl.h.m t?tl l.ono 4aj 14 Hrook R Traa.. 4.2lr Slu. kl 2 Canadian Fao .. I.5O0 .Ui t 44 C.ntral Leather. ..... 2'.V do preferred.. ..... 1 Oeatral of N J a1 Chea A Ohio ... 800 81 M M Chicago A Alton ...... ..... 30 Chi (it W.t 3- do preferred ..... ..... 4 Chlrgo A N W , 14T C. X A Ht Paul. T.000 128 13 12Ta r. c. c at l Col Fuel Jk Iron ..... ..... H Col A Stout hern Con.ol Oaa aty I4BH 144, 143V. Cora Products .. 300 144 144k l-o Iel A Htideon 171 S DA R ( rend. mi 2!! do preferred.. ...... I'H TM.tlllrrr e-ecurl "'V Erie w.Tor So ! n do 1st pf .... a.f- IS 67 H HT. do 3d pf .... T 4! - 49m O-ner.l Elee ... 1 13H 11 12 fit North rf ... .'" la 1:144 13RV, c.t North Or .. aon Mis 50 M114 Illlnol Centrel. V" 14o 14n 14S'i Interbor Met .. 3' 1V 17. 1TV, do preferred.. 1J"0 11 SO II Inter HarVMter. iMV 1244 123V 1244 Inter Marina pf. l'a Int Paper J" Int PumD ,. ..... 41 Iowa Ceitral .. V 18H 1H K C Southern 600 8iW 4 35t do preferred. J2 Lehigh Valley .. ia.l 17SH 1T3H 1,4V, Lac.od Uaa ... 600 XUT lodVi ion LoulANah. 1.100 152V, 101V lM1. KriM'si"' ivi i."H I"- ilo. KB A Tex. J,1M lb lV JJV do preferred oTH Mo P.cinc a.000 48 4 49 Nat lllcult Nettnaal Lead ..... ij T-Cer?tra!P,:'l. ibi .H ' N Y Ont A Wa LTOffl 4dV 41 4 Norfolk A West. SsOO 109 10T 1"J No"h.rtmpac'mo i'iine in' isi s Pacific Mall .... 2' 2 .2S 20 penn.ylvanla .a Jxo People Oaa M. tit f. . orwi pe 1241 12-t'. loot PS Shi fitt.burg Coal '. 700 31V, 30Vt ?Vi Ry rt"l Bprln. 4"0 S7 ST 4 ITVk rleadlrTg . . .TT 6. Mw. 13 Republic Steel . - b fo IJH do preferred.. 2- S J4!k 4 Rock l.land Co. 4.300 12 31 "JV, do prf irrra. . ....... Ft L A 8 F 1 Pf (W0 4V, St L Houthweot do preferred. ...... ..... 0.1 41 31 TO 40 u floes Sheffield , . tl .V 121a 121 122'. prefedl SS 85 tIx.-.tc;--- its . r8'a g Tol. Ft L A Wea fJJ 4. prf.rrd.. 400 3 M 93 v a Ue.lty S S 5,-..":::: ViiAi Vi "AH 'i "Ah lvJ.Vb"-hem- sa ?- a" a" An. nrmTrrrea. . 4 vav w-m ww WMtrTO MfJ ..... Wt?ttnC Ei w-aaaa aaaa- VtjaStern VnlOTI a .. aaaa IL'baal Ja 1. frl.a aa.eea e e . . a '21a 74 80 I Total sal. a for th day. 41.00 abarca BONDS. NEW YORK. Jnly 23. Cloxlng quotations: tl S ref 3 reg.fltoViiN T C an H.. IT do coupon .:.10t-. No Pacific I.... Tl L' 1 11 reg WIS No Pacific 4... tV do coupon ...101V.,l nlon Paclflo 4.1014 U S 1I Wl. C.ntral 4a. i do coupon ...113V,Japanee 4 D R U 4 ft"' Slacaa at Boatoa. BOPTON, July 33. Cloalng quotation: xiioue " IMIaml Copper... 31V Amal. Copper.. iloh.wk 4J A Z L A nm... 1V. Nevada Con ... 10 Xrlxona Com .. 1 3 V. ;Nlplealng Mine.. S i" C O ASM. 13 INorth flutta..... 31, nita Coalition. It North Lake Buna l"'",, 67a,bld Dominion... 4V. !.?! Hecla...443 Dola lt0 CrntennlaT 11 r' O C). 1 1 V Coo Han C Co.. 0 Qulncy 71 K Bu Cop U. 1S Sh.naon 10 franklin ....... H 3uprlor rZ. ron .... a!auP A Mln.. iranby Con. ... a r.marack S Ureen. Can.nea. H U S 8 R A St.. 34 1 Kovale (Cop). 1S do preferred .. 40 tear? Lake...... 41, Utah Copper Co. 4iV, ko Copper 4.winona I LSall CoPPr H Wolr.rln 10 Moory, Exchange, Etc NEW YORK. July IV Prim mercantile paper. 441, par cent, rant IU (Japer. 444 per cent. Stirling exchange .teady. with actual bu. rir a banker- bill, at 14 1426 for AO-day blue snd al ll.S4ei.iMll for demand. Commercial bill 14.5375. Bsr silver &2SC Mexican dollar l-le- Government and railroad Vbnda steady. LONDON. July S. Bar silver Steady. 24 . d per otiBce. Money VII percent.. The rata of discount In th open market for short Mil I IS Pr cent; for three months- bill. 3 oer cent. Ban FRANCISCO. July S3. Strltns on London, no dsys. 4.4; do glght, 4.. Draft eighu lc; telegraph. 3c CH1CAOO. July 2S Kxchang oo Nw I or a. loo discount. LUMBERMENS NATIONAL t3 A N X Pluctoxa. G. K. WENT WORTH CRAS. a RUESET-Xi P. a BRUMBT. DR. K. A. J. MApKEN'ZIB GEORGE Q. BpfGHAM LLOYD J. WENTWORTH J. E. WHEELER J'OHN' A. KEATIXa ROBERT TREAT PLATT E. O. CRAWFORD Officer! a. K. WENT WORTH Pres. JOHK A. KE"ATING V-Prea. E. G. CRAWFORD V.-Pres. ' F. A. FREEMAN Cashlar GRAHAM DUKEHART Asst. Cashier A. U TUCKER. ...Asst. Cashier" CAPITAL , $1,000,000 LOCATION Center of the Commercial District on Fifth at Stark GOOD Mlii OF SHEEP XOT MICH IX OTHER JLIXES AT BTOCKTARDS. Biff Bunch of Lambs SfHs at $5.75 and Ewes Bring $42.70 and S. Th stookyard rua yesterday waa com posed principally of mutton malarial. Only on road of cot tl cam la. A th yard hd wean well cleaned up by th big bulne of th day before, th trad yesterday was, therefore, mainly ta beep nd Iamb. On big lot of owe wa old at I2.T0 and a smaller lot at IK. A large bunch- of good lamb went at SS.Tt. Th chief sal In the cattle division was a bunch of ateer at JJ.2&. Tha receipt for the day wr 30 cattle, 10SS eh.ro and S3 hog. Shipper -were Jo eilmas, Heppner, 3 cars of beep: E. Cochran, Heppner. 3 cars of sheep; K. R. Hlnton. Fhanlko. 2 cars of hep; J. L. Prhl. Lyle. 2 cr of heep. and Ii. Ketterhagen. Union town. Wash., 1 car of cattla Th day's sal wr as follows: vteigm. x-rice. M4 SS. 25 13 ' steers ...... 1 stsg 1 stsg -' 1 bull 1 bull I bull 44 ewee 363 ewe ........ 4SI lamb v, 1200 4.30 12.-0 .... lino. 3.00 S 23 3.00 3.0 3.00 2. 70 8.73 .ISfX)' . .mm ... ...10 . 11.1 ........... Vi 8-J Prlc current on tba vartoua elasaes of dock st the Portland Union Stockyards wer aa follow a: prima hay-fed steere 2'225'? ?J Choloe ter .... O.TOv o-vo Fair to good tr , 6 25 B.JO Common ateara AOOg 1 Prime cow B.IO 5.3S Good to choleexowg 4..S9 S.OO Talr to good cow - 4-"S? 4.TS Poor cow ..... 4.-A 4. BO Cholc blfra 5 ?,5!S ti Cholc bull 4 2S9 4 3S Cholc light calves . 1-' I?0 Choice heavy carve 6.00 3 J.B0 Choice tg tl-Z ??S Good to cholc Stag ............ 4.2uU 4.50 Hog. Choice hog T.M1 2 Good to choice bogs ............ T.OOot T.25 Choloe to heavy J 0" Common eog -00 stock bog a." T.50 Sheep Choice spring lamba 5-? f2 Mountain lamb tl HI Viley lint, chole S-2-' o.0 Valley lamba good-oholce ....... S.1109 6 25 Choice yearlings 3.T5o) 4.00 Good to choice yearlings ....... .3.509 8.7 Fair to medium yearling. .. .v.- 3.000 3.50 choic w 2-iT2S! f r'5 Oood to choice w 2.T5 8.00 Kalr-medlum ews 2.25W 2.80 Choice wtlir 3.5UO 3.7S Oood to cholco wether 3.23V 8-50 Oood-cholce heavy wether 3.600 8 73 Th following quotation represent prices oa this market for the different claaae. of hone: Drafior, extra heavy. 3m3SO0; drafter. 1400 to 1T0O Iba. 150350; drat rs7 13O0 to 1400 lb.. I100C25U: chunk. 1800150: plug. (109 40; driving bor, 75 and ap; aaddl horse. 300 and up. Eastera Livestock Market. CHICACJO. July 13. Cattle Receipts. e tlmsted. 400O: market, steady. Beeves. $3.10 A7 15; Tex steers, $4.&o6.10: Western teers. 4fiS.0O; .tock.r. and feeders, 439 5.4'.: cowa and heifers. (2.VO05.OO; calves, 45 804 d. Hog. Receipt, estimated. 16.000; mar ket. irong, 6c higher. Light. IttW'p e.0: mixed. 350.pS; heavy. 3H.1S6AA5; rough. 3i4.15tXl.a3; good to cholc heavy. 3o.3." A 3; piga 5.2CC,45; bulk of sales. tt.0 'theep Receipts, eatimated. 13.000; mar ket. ow for heep and other .trong. Na tive. 32.50fc4.4O; We.tern. $2.750. 4": year ling. 1485.40; Umba. nstlve. 3S.73w-7.30; TVestarn. 34.60CT.43. WOOL TRADING HEAVY ABOUT 6,000,000 ' POCXD3 CH.IXCE IIAXDS IN" W EEK. rx-alrrs .Are Getting HlRher I"flcea on Some Gradea Worsted , Mills Buyers. ' BOFTON. Jnly 3. Active transaction la wool, both East and "Weat. followe a fort night of almost complete stagnation. An authorUaUv minimum eatlmate places th amount of domestic wool transferred be tween 8 000.040 and 4.0OO.00O pounds. Thl large amount of business ws quietly nut through by . local merchsnta. Leading worsted mill have been the ; prominent bUprice aa a whole, ahow no change, al though on certain grades of wool many deelers are asking higher prices and are setting that. Quotation acoured basis: Texx. Fine. 12 month. .i;5Sc; noe, 4 to 8 montha. 4."tr4c; Bne, 42i43c. CallTornla Northern. ' 4r50r: middle county 44047c; aouthorn. 451s4c. Oregon Eaxtern No. 1. etaple. S.eSSc: Eastern clothing, offered. 60c; valley, .No. 1. 'rrftorv Fine stsple. t5gc: Una me dium tnle. 55fl6c: fine clothing. 60r.2c: in medium clothing. ITfrtSc; balf-blood combing. SltftSc: three-eighth blood comb ine toa 51c: qusrter-blood combing. 47049c. Pulled Extra. 4254o; fine A. SOtfSJe; A supers. 44048c Ha?', .Etc, i w Tork. VFW YORK. Julv S5. Hops Firm. P' Iflo Cosit. 1U10. 30032c: 1909. 2002.1c: t.?e. common to choice. 1910. S703Oc; 1!0. Hln:ei-Stedy: Bogota. 2H40224c. Petroleum Steady. Wool Quiet. Hew Tork Cotton Market. NEW. Y.QRK. July 23. Cotton Xututei clo.ed steady. closing bids: July, 13.8O0; Augu.t. 1247c: September. 11.84c; October. 11.44c; November. 11.43c; December, 11.43c; January. 11.4c;' March, 11.40c Spot closed quiet; middling upland, 12.00c.; do gulf. 13.80c Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. July 25. Butter Firm. Creameries, 20025c; dalrie. 18022c. . - Eggs Receipts S573 ca.es; steady at mark, case included. 3Ht12c; flr.ta. 15c; prim firsts. 10c Chee Steady. Palsies, 18e: twin. 12t,c; Toung America. 13t013Vsc; long boms, 14c . Iluj tug Caacara Bark. CHEHALI9. 'Wash Tnlv e.1 (Ciuu-lil 1 Caacara bark buyer aro now paying from a win. o 0.00 cents a souna. xnere ta now a good crop being peeled, although on account of th early dry spell It looked as If the peel would b very light. Loorioa Wool 6alr. LONDON. July 23. Th offering at the wool auction antes todar amounted to 11. 834 balsa. The (election was well absorbed at uncnangea rates. ' Liquor on Train Ftorbidden. SALEM, Or., July 25. (Special.) So far aa l.t known here the first at tempt to live up to tha provisions of the new law forblrldinK the use of liquor on trains was made here last nlitht when Paul Cutter, -of Albany, waa thrown from a Southern Paoifio passenger train bound for Portland. He was immediately picked up and placed under arrest by the local police. A driver of a fast horse was stopped .yesterday on bitu Hthio pavement -with this query; "I under stand horeea are liable to 1 i p on this pave ment V The driver re plied: "Then you nnder- stand wrong-, for It la the only pavement this city has that a horse or automobile won't slip on." THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Blta nlDoua Pavements. 406-603 Electrle bids. Portland, Or. Oakar xiubar. Manager. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. LONDON- PARIS H AMBURG K. A. Vic Aug 3.12M'tPennsylranie Aug 24 t Amorlka. . . Aug. 12!tKals.Aug.Vlc. Aug. 31 tRIta Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. Second Cabin Only. GIBRALTAR, NAPLES, GENOA. AROUND THE WORLD ON AN OCEAN LINER TWO CRUISES By the steamship "CLEVKLANI." (lT.OW tone) The Bret to leave New York October 21. 1911. The seo ond to leave San Francisco' Feb. S, 1012. Annual Event Trip In Oct.. 112. and Feb.. 1913, by !arg Cruising S, B. Victoria Lulae, 16.&00 ton. Duration 110 DAYS COeiT aaso AND CP IncludlBa; AU Neoeeaary Expene Aboard and Ahora II AM BVKO-AMERICAN LINE, 160 Powell St.. Saa Francisco, CaL. or Northern Paclfl. O.-W. R. A N.. Burlington, Chlcsgo, Mil waukee A Puget Sound and other R. It. of - flee In Portland. STEAMSHIP RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS Tfilf-BU DOHSEY B. SMITH. MANAOER General Eteamehlp Aenta ALL LINES 09 Fifth Street Portlaad. Or. Phone Marshall 1970. a 129.1. Steamer Anvil Sails from Albers Dock No. 3 -Wednesday, July 26, 7 P. M., tor Tlllamoolc, Bay City Newport. Florence, Bandon and Coquille River points. Ticket office 1"8 Third st-. phone Main 28, A 4596. Dock phone A 1902, Main 161. Freight and passengers. NEW YORK PORTLAND - REGtlLAJt VitiSIGHT SERVICED Lot- Bates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. Slfi Kail way Exchange sflds. Portlaad, Or, aalhl7a. At 111. i i . - i i THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus " Profits $900,000.00 1 . OFFICERS: J. O. A INS WORTH. President. R. W. BCHMEBR, Caafcler. R. LEA BARNES) Vice-President. A. M. WRIGHT. Aaatataat Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Aaeistant CaaUer. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES First National Bant Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West txfctha Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company . Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streata Capital and Surplus $950,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings The Canadian Bank of Commerce COIiLECTI OX BUSINESS. Th TaVKSic T1mcboe.?;m0efrcberai8Cfe to5.?&t lecOTrSSSft 22t imTitn rates. Rate, will bo quoted on application. , We hare arranged to issue the Special VaaHa .of tba Banco Napoll, which are payable at any Italian Postoffice. For further, information Inquire at the PORTLAND BRANCH. V ' Second aad Stark Streets. 1 . Tjrt uritb. Connecting at "..rnrV . Charlotte Islands and local points. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY t-alO.!"!-' (JIOINWIX UIVISION) , -vprv Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00 P. M- lor Vr Pr,DCe RUP9rt 5:20 F' M' rhr7UhbUcktr,adSbgaka checked from Seattle. Victoria or Vancouver. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double Track Route n-n .T T- I niilv L?aif,A?KgS io axx v""" i..:n..rarte and Low 80 and 80-day round-trip Tourist lUlfS First Ave. and Tosler Way. TRAVELERS' OWE. BAYOCEAN Short Ocean Tourist Trip From Portland to Bayocean . oreaToaa New Summer Resort Ten Hour Trip on River and Ocean Leave Portland Tueadaye at T P. M. Saturday at 7 A. M. Elegant and fast ocean-going boat. ROOD TRIP 110 Heals a la Carte. Bertha 1 and 1JH Boat Leaves Supple s Dock T. B. POTTER REALTY COMPANY, 720 Corbett Building. CANADIAN PACIFIC The Tourist Highway , and Scenlo Route to Europe, via The St. Lawrence River. The Shortest Ocean PaaaaKe. Lea. than Frth,0, tl -EMPRESSES OF THE ATLtANTIC Weekly aailrags" Montreal. Qnebec. to Liver & Fol?-c.ar,n'ca50:(cfeOdn4 or J 3 . FoVater, T. P. A.. 713 Second ave.. Seattle. - o -W R '. CO. Colombia River Route. Operate the steamer "T. J. Potter." leav ing Aah-Street- Dock. Portland. daUy. ex cept Sunday, at 8:30 A. M. (Saturdays 1: 09 p M direct for Megler. connecting with Il'waco branch train, for all North Beach point, returning- leave. Mogler dally except Saturday at :00 P. M.. Sunday, at S.00 P. M . and "Hasaalo." which leave, daily for A.toria at :0 P. M-. except Sunday (Sat urday 10:00 P. M.). Returning leave. Asto ria dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M., touching at Megler to land passenger for all points on North Beach. Arrives In Port land e-.oo P, M. Call at city ticket office. 3d and Washington sts.. or Ash-st. Dock. COOS BAY LINE BTEAMXR BREAKWATER Sails from AJnaworth Dock. Portland. A. M June 10, 10. 30. 28. 0. July 6, 10. 13. 80, 25. 0. and very ft daya Freight received at Ainsworth dock dally up to 6 P. JJ. Pas senger fare, flrat-claa. 10; aecend-elaaa, 7. including meal, aad berth. Tlki of rrr Alnawerth book, fkon Uala 86 Main 110. A 1334, OREGON North Coast Tourist Koute "Norway of America.' STEAMSHIPS "PRINCE RUPERT"" and "PRINCE GEORGE." Leave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'clock Midnight for ; Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart, S. S. "PBINCE AJLBERT" for Queen No Excess Fare cTr, s7rv,nK neal, club breakfast. Send for free booklet giving anu ixlcs. J. H. BUKGIS, General Agent, Passenger Dept. Seattle. Wash. TRAVELERS' GVIDE. OPEX 1UVB XRANSrOKTATIOI C0V STR-J.N.TEAL might received ally al Oak-U dock for Tha Dallas. Hood Rlvr, Whit fxlmon, UmaUlla. Kannevtlck, Paco. Rlobland, Hanford. Whit Blulta Lwl ton. Idaho, and u-" termedlat pointa. CLASS FASSEiK SKRVIOai. TULST FARE SO CENTS TO BOOD RIVER. VTRTTK 8ALMOX. 1HS DaLUia. aieamar leave Portland Sua-. To.. Thurfc A. L Returning leave. The Dalle. JioL W.d.. FrL. 7 A. M.. arriving at Port. MgxThinai Maui 2fc A 841. iv FRAKCISCO PORTLAT STEAM S1UP CO. From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. A M. e.S. Beaver July 27. Bear Aug. 1, Rose City Prom San Francisco, Northbeund, 12 M. 8.S. Bern City. July 0. Beaver Aug. 4, Bear Aug. S. From San Pedro. Northbound, 12 M. 8.8. He City, July 28, Beaver Aug. 2, Rear Aug. 7. H. A. Mosher, C. T. A., 142 Third St. J W. Ransom, agent. Ainsworth Dock. Phone Main 402. Main 208. A 1402. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Pacifle 8. 8. Co.' 8. B. Roaok and 8. B. EldM- aall every Wednnday alt u:ly at 0 P. It. Ilckat offlc lia Tkird .u. near Alder. aLARILN J. HIGLKT, Paaenger Agealh W. U. KLUbbER. Frelgbt Agent. abae M. 114. A 114- HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLASS BOCND TRIP The Dt delightful pot on entire world tour for your vecatlon. Delightful sea bath, tog at th. famou. beach of Walklki. Th IpTendld 68. Sierra (10,000 tons displaco ment) makes th. round trip In 10 day a, and en can vlxit on a .Id trip the living vol eano of KUauea which 1 tremendously ac fv and aee for himself the process o) world creation. No other rflp. compare, with thl for th marvelou and wonderful In nature. VUlt the I.lanc now, wbll you can do it o aaslly and quickly and wails th volcano is active. Prompt attention t telegram for berths. Sailings: July ii, Aug" 12. Sept. 2. Sept. 22, etc. Aug. x ''oceajjio 8. 8. CO. 71 Market Street, fcka iranciice. WW wr1