Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 26, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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DK .-,o victor phonograph ad o-odd
a.r-i. C. ne l.xl l-oa Lot.
f It
a I nr rnw or ft -.
rit:4 w..k ".'.. funil Mil dining-room
...i. .. . tlrees-or.
T r i -a. "aa-nliary KUfh. e-r-ctlei-a. ruga.
.. ..... - it ul ' 1
Targe, i-'T r . - a . mi ... .- . - -
ii ' rirprr llrh.
AK l-'a o.ilt:-r uea-d, fireproof.
I'l RCELL SVFE .. 51b,
wain as,--.
. . ..... n't hake there
..'..J..' . a. it. Ui K
rtinrnia( w,-aB- a "
jl nrr-a-or. I none r aa.
iii ;a-OHAi.r: a office k ad I
tn-'. only a.iant'T uae-n: rnu.rt bar-a
ted from new; aiao tvpewrlt.r ana wo
In, ma.htnee for Bale at very MUKUtt
Til I . V. W I a-ftl in'!.--'--'.
IX.-r.'KiloSAL typewriter bargain for
w.... t'em.ngtone. $Mi tin-nth Prtmurt.
1.7 i: 117 Ja. Typ-
LEEinA, . 20.-JI. a DDt t-jur-oia a
; . - r.,1 j y row. pw vi ' " -
. ...4 .hi-: will XcbA
f r hort..a.
41 1 i-.aai wi n
c-K 'J--horsepower direct current motor li
- a ... ..I. w.rftjr runB'
, . i . . i . . 1 amrl Electric
n. 412 llrrirvntt.
1 . . . . ... .. i . . , A r nul
A M 1I ror.t, delivered t all part of
V ASTF. ! To nlr ateady country team
r-n.-eeAca i'a-t wmb"" - - -
ki fr 2 nMkr ins to Tl.lamook. r-
-.i-naibl. rrnog: will guarantee good car.
term. A K -H.
1 1 ifrril PI" w vu" ' -
,',-,iMn- hrx-a. fumliur. too
-K-hatilc. I Call Mla -w
Tl'ANTEP A -t of book to kp In pr
- . v. .4b tlnu or ovr-nltif. by x
i ih.piiii.h I fnmwlr&t book
kxnr matixfactln urntnl; torms
rr.nblr. II ITi. Oronln.
lr TOL' no houhoiel furnltur to
:: up Crorc Hkr Co.. 1M I ark
5Ir at re.idpca a iprrmi?.
V K pay mt lor ar " f furaltoro y
coo l waau Maia a41. A . Far
Auctitl Co.
lo.t Hihrt prirra paid for all klada
. i pino micoaoio.
n ; r
Main OT2.
a. pay tn. hianoat eaa prlro for aoeoad
kaoa furaltura. K.atr Marllav fboaa
taot lilt. 4J rlawthorno ao.
il .HK.-.r prlc.a paid for lurn lurt. iiort
ran(ra. etc.. mc Call up Kaat Joi3 ar
cali at 3 Emi MorTlon at.
V NTKlv Two ticket, lady and enllman.
t'nrtiand Eajl. St. Lou l. AV lit. Oro-
V.'AX TKU Tho praoa holdlna V
Mro.ik' rf"rnca to raturn tnmv. Ak
t rconian.
I'i'VtKK d"ry. 1 to ft. 4 to h. S-i
T"ut ro rnap- Ai' -.
EI.LECSEV Fuel Co, para caah f'r llrat-
r . . curu wmi. ii'-im
I. rr wi:M p:ant hum., no Incumbrance,
. Hi CHru cri:m
WANTr:l Movlaa picture maohlno fllma
. . . . . ... At. til ureeoalaa.
ininmf w.v- "
WANTED TraT.tma ba .. will pay caalu
X -T crecoian.
W.iNT to purrhaa two eecond-haad tlraa.
WANTKTi IMHil to haul wood. Apply li bld. J hooe Mala I41.
mir wtNtrn m auk.
W AVTi:i Kmperlenred really eaieorman to
tike charae of corpa of Junior eaieemea
an1 act aa dletrtct manaaer; muat navo
ability to handle proepecta and cioeo
bilneaa. ao tnaa asdor 30 yeara of ate
ronaidered; atate aaa and pravlooa mf
rt.n.-o in anewerlna AO orotronlaa.
WANTEO JUaleejnea. epr1enced maaaalno
and book mn. to repreeent "Current Lit
erature." lu-yn'nme premium and tha
in.alno for 1 1-i- Fnllrely in. neree
K.;.re ehowa here. rlirrieet commlaalona.
-Current Literature Publlablne Co," room
40a Marquam bltla.
)it'i man of n-ol appearance to rail on
prneperte fumlahed by as: aplendld op
portunity for enera.tlc huetlers. no Iron-a
or rMT-eork nuntera need apply. The
r.o-ftt sr a a will be well paid. A'all before
I" A. M ; ak for Mr. rUiodebameL Co
lumbia Truat Co., M th au
VAI.SMAM WAN'Trt An experienced
Mjn. who cao a-il to email Ineeetora
f wk la an ntd-eeiehttehJ mannf acturlna:
buaineee; will pay elth-r atraiitht aalary
or rornmleeioa. or both. AJ -'-T. Ore-
(AUIISMtN. etrluaiee terrUory. hIC oppor
tunitira. eteady poeltlon. com p.ete Una
Yakima ValieT trrown frutl ahade aad or
namental atix-k. cajlt weekly: ouint free.
T po.ii.ali Nureery Co.. Toppenlan. Woo a.
V A ST V. O Carpenter for llaht work: per
manent poeuion out of city: weave 43
p-r day; man with . to Inveet la com;
mrrclel apple orcbara prelerreo
.H.v lirrfnnun.
W ANTEtr od. live boy to carry Ore
aor.ian route aorth of Marahail; muat be a
huatler and on the Job. Apply room 2"0.
orramlan bll.. r"y clrcu.ator.
m.t i.
DiKjKKCEI'EK. etenotrrapher. eipenenred.
Iicnt work ae preoent. about 2S ro ol.
"...! appearance. Apply today. b2i leoa
)u Nii man. about StX for blllina and an
rl office work In lane wboleaale houae,
A'lireea In own hanowrlttna and atate aal
arr tljwtrj. AM .reOPlan-
about IT yeara of ae. by Eiport
Lumber Company, chance fir advance-m-nt.
anawer in on handwriting'. AJ
-r. orraontan.
fcALIVMEN wen'.ed to aell our line of Pa
c tic Coaat-arown nureery atock: caah paid
weekly. Facia Nuraerj Co, Corbett
ANTKtk M'laK-lane. It.
Molnl.t and clarlnetuit;
O. aapocially
company a olua
r-al N oretonian.
VVI'KKIENCKI' adeerttama aollcllora. con
'mloelon; contracta canned. HL Anael
Maaanre. SO Journal bM
1. i-KCTrHClAN."'. piumorri and heet metal
wnraera. nonunion, vw. i - err''
13 Commerrlal flab bM.
llfHT-CLASo lloit-Tr for cleanino; and
dome company. HO a week and commie
,,..n to rlM party. .V'J Morrleon au
stl.l.-MAN want'd to ca l on the dru and
confettlonery trad', atate experience and
r-f-rer.vee. AC oreonlan. .
t a NTED Toun man to aaelal with aet
rV p ana; muat haa toola; atata aalary.
A V r.a. Oronlan.
7TnvCI Tounua man. clerk In arocery.
ixper-.en.-e xoatai. Comer tlaaaaio at.
nl i.rana '
v CltArcrilieciuraJ drafiaroan: muat
-' a od dataller: atata experience F
..a rw-.ontan.
WAVTEn rm clerk, reaiatrred In Ore:
orood poeltlon ror renaoie man. etppiy
r Tyer. Terhe- Woodward Drny Co.
a l"E; Rietered druaalat or regleiered
aaeiatant drua-ciat. AdUreaa Ur. d. C.
tnne, Ha'ern. tr
UANT s. experteaced aollcltor aad d.-le
fr clla, and dya aouaa. CU JO llta
t,. 'L punt baae for hujh-ciaaa male quar
tet moat be able to traveL Addraaa aV
M . Tit Kearney at.. Portland.
lr yoa wles 10 ee'aMlah yourxelf perrr.a
nen'ly Ak for Bryant. UK Toon
rl Kl t'T' HAI. Iron woraere. out of Iowa.
Aprle 2-2 I ewieorrlal Club MdoT.
VA.r r'.spert.nced Japaneae for cham-
berw irk. The IlAHer. . i t ll'-n at.
WANT two Aret-eiaee w altera. Apply a
y.feerl bar. th and Giiean
W ANTtU Nee a
e-rel'r. Porith
w Hr
for railroad
a.. 32 J ft neon at.
A,-ANTKl AO eapertraced rgc haad'.er. Ap
p y at M -rria A Co.. lS:h and Maraha.U
FIVE row! ca-rentera. loth and'Hurnalde;
br'.na t.viie a Jt to a. m.
W 4 NTEO Toting man to drive grocery
waoa. Apply at US N. flatly.
W i.rF.t Lle coal aoltcltora. Muitnomatt
Cnel Co.. f.ot of Market at.
W N TfcP Third) mea oa bread. Phono ".
rC'T-al Fakery. Vaacoaeer. Waah.
W TEi Flret-claea nreaaer. Caacada !)
Woraa. r- Oea.
1- - rul FtAI'K coupon aad portrait aaeata,
new offer. Cuterta a'ndlo. t--kara bida.
TWO b-oya wanted, with wbeeia. od ajagea.
Ats'-T Aloer at. m baaameat.
NfTAT. quick diahwaaher wnatvd. aivta'a
Beet'anraet. Ill 14'h at.
ATPTy 2-'- t'ommerelal Club Mdg.
riHer-CLA.o. A S 1 aoda dapna.r. Ad
dreoo p. o. Hot ft.-. Ta.oma. Waah.
rLAiTrRf" and rarpenlera. nonunion, not
r'la en. AppMfg.j t ommerrlal Club blrlg.
ZJl H"iiVHi r( V't.EA FROM "TV.V.
api lx a-j x-i-.a;itc.Aia cua nioni.
ae ranch band and woman to cook for
men. ITO and aycry thing furntened. aoo
uriv rl
S W004 firemen, for a light and power
company. montn, aieauy.
It . 1.
wagon teamatere. city. tiO to 3 dF-
II laborera. cltv. iio day.
Farm help, laamatera, mllkara, hay
nanua. .
Tunnel men. for California R. R. worn.
13 day.
a V . 1 .ft . uMt.ra g 4 MIL
4 atrurtnral Iron workera, for rl. R.
brldgea. 4.10. houra, open abop. S rr
vr , rl v-t . .11 Wftide
Tunnel contract to let, MO feet, and
approarhea. etrerjrtblng furnlahed but
the labor. .
EA.-T R. R teamatera on grade. 930
and hoard. FFtFTE FARE.
tha front. K'R THE I Mil ' Ji
lhoxera and riKrkmen and eteara ahoyel
laborera wante1.
m .e. Koildera. for JOHN MTARTHT,
g0 month, bo experience needed. Fro
PETTEKSON. io conatruction laoorora,
C. K. HANSEN at CO. S4-2 N. D ST.
Cine of Uinrl
Offlco Secret a rr Employment Department
T. M. - A.
Tonne man. atranger, out of work (134
Ma total caah aaaeil If I pay yon
for epex-lal employment memoeranip. i wui
bare only left between me and atarra-
" . . .
eacretary If yon pay U for rpoelal
employment mem be rah I p you will bnye t oa
. . . . . ... 1 . a
X. ax. v. A. ena u iwve -
lou and gtanralioaV
e..w.a eM m mAIoo ynna aft.
Ca:;a for mea '
Poaltlona filled 9-t
at mambera .........
Kmployroant rnemeenhlp gtmrantooa m-
ploymeRt or refund or memooramp
.iwu M.nihe r.iii nomhonhlB rjrl e
(leaee. 0 month aoclal ptivllegaa and
andartako to keep party, em plot ed during
tha full torn of memberahlp wltnoul
further charge. .
- . . a. ...a for blah'
grade, experienced ma a. Ax Joa fitted
for a batter poellloa ?
He aeoretary employment department
T. at. c A.
Tluni'H lrta Weatern concern. Engliah
capital largely Intereated. wanta flral-
claaa general euperlntenclent ana lernnicai
adviaeri'Canadlan preferred: muat be ac
tive man with thorough wood experience;
k rw. I -.1 Isree irilo bualneaa OPera-
tlona, well abreaat. up-to-date Ideaa for-
eat management: applicatlona muat oe ac
companied by full ataiemint of expe
rience: roplea of all teailmonlale. Inalead
of leferenc-e. and photograph; long-term
engagement to aultable man. Addreaa O.
Klnco. box A V 22. ciregft-nlan
WANTEl A young man who la capable of
mint t . ' i Ml or more tier month. T h la la
no rin.-h but to tiie man wbo haa found
that there la nothing In working all hie
life at a email wage for tha other fellow
wa are prepared to offer a permanent,
lucrative poemon If the man can deliver
the gooda. siate previoua eapviiBM-
anewerlne AO S74. Oregonlan.
ABl.E-BOlIED men wanted for tbo p. B.
Marine Corp, betweea tbo agea of 1 aad
gy Most be native bom or hav llrat
pa perm. Monthly pay. 1 to -W. ddl
tloaal compenaatlan poaaible. Food, clplh
leg. q-varter and medical attenUon free.
After 1 eare- eervlce can retlr with 71
per cent of pay and allowance a. bereic
oa bourd ahtp and aaboro In all parte of
the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corp
Hecraliin Odic. Breeden bldgv. d and
Waahlngton a la. Portland. Or.
WANTED Saleaman: Eaatern popuiar-
prtce merchant tailoring concern
In branch atorea; big money for right
partlea- muat he experienced: referencea
and bond r-qulred: no oih-re need app.y.
11 to IS.aO and b to :V V. 4L bleinberg.
Motel tiregbn.
WANTEI-Man to drive autotnoblle. lena
furnace, ejirmkle lawn, maae ni"" a--erally
ueeful: experienced driver wno
kno.a atreeta: board and room. good,
wagea atate age. eperlenc. reference.
Aftl lreee AB HT. oregonlan.
BICYCLLC repair man.
F. P. Keenaa Co-
1.M 4th at.
WANTED A ledy aealalanl to credit man:
muat bo thoroughly experienced at col
lection!: atate age. aalary expecieo.
number: thoee not familiar In thla line
of work ne-d not reply. L i. Oregonlan.
IF a middle-aged or elderly women -
like to do plain rooiini ior - -----a
month near Mt. Hood, expenaea
paid. For further Information, addreaa
AV lit. Oregonlan .
WANTED Experienced real eatale aalee-
lady to travel with owner: a-i
party who can make good. Jamea A. Koaa.
! to 4. Arlington notet.
4 TOLNCJ lediea between the agea of 13 and
I... to learn to operate rBer'""1- "
alllona aaured; work pleaaant. Call 3"a
Welle Farxo bldg.. between and 111 A. M.
IMMEDIATELY, bright, intelligent woman
of nleaetne oeraonajity. w no la
exuenence uuueeeeei j.
... -
14. Ora-
WANTED llellable young woman for gen
eral kitchen work, one wno can eieep mi
homo preferred: Apply to Boaa
City Sanitarium. 1S1 23d at. North.
EUH.HLt woman or girl for light general
houeework. 3 in lamuy; nee. w "'
given out; good wacea. S21 12th , cor
ner c lay.
fclLl.KH ExperlrnceJ woman bill clerk who
underatanua operatiua ""l - -
machine. Apply auperfntendenl'a ofric. 8
to lt A. M. Olda. Wort man A King.
Uoi sEKF.EPEK to rare for two glr.a, agea
T and lu; very little cooaina. rwr
to work; 13 per week. Phone Main 4u34.
or Inquire 24S ad xL
WANTED Olrl for general houaewurk. -
room apt.: J In ramiiy: mut oe goou
rook; go home evening Call Apt- No.
IT. Nob Hill. Marahall and lwth.
V. A NIC Li Kenned, capaole wumaa for ro
aponalble poeltlon. Vlavl Cdl. 0 Rotk
child bldg.. 4th anci waaninaton.
WANTED An experienced marker and ort-
r. Apply nrown-oaie e'y t----
rtaon. .
WANTED Clean girl to do houeework In
family or three. Apartmeni i. ri. r rmo
cla Apt.
WANTED A lady to work In boarding-bout
for board ana room tor nereeu ana nue
bend. Phono rT!t TS. 121 Ruaeell t.
421, waahlngton at-, room 114.
Main (-: or A Sd.
OIRL for light heuerwnrk; family of three:
gooX wage 1 1 to iourniaa eu. corner wi
Take W car.
GIRL for cooking and houeework. email
family. TIT kilt Maaieoa at-, xiawiuorue
or Sunnvaid care.
AANTKI A good girl or woman for dln-
Ine-room wurt in email country doioi.
Addreaa Pox fT. Stella. Waah.
t'HAMBEBM Airiel. waltrraaea, beach, city.
country, rtowea lagwa aioocj. eie.
U1RL for general houeework In family of
three adu.te; gooa waaee enu
aurrormdlnga. Thone Main T-'V or A l.-U.
WANTED Olrl for general hoaaework. ona
willing to go to coaei; aalary -u. Apply
.3 Weal Vlalri-
flJwj Waanlngtoa at cor. 71a. upatalra,
Pbon Main 3vS-
WANTED Experienced glove aalea'.adyl
thoee without expeneac ncea noi app.y.
I.ennon'e 3'w Momeon.
fANTED A woman to aeelet with general
houeework: three la family. Pbon B
,"ANTET Experlence.1 colored ft omen to
do general houeework. P 2. Oregonlan.
IIA.VHIT. air, a. aiao other help. Int
tional Laundry. E. tn ana t-axt oaa.
WAVTEI- A girl for dining-room work at
lai I2tn and Morrieon eta
WANTED Experienced hotel chambermaid.
1 waahlngton at.
WHM.Ii An experienced body Ironer. Ap
ply to pec. laundry. 2ol Annur at.
KL or woman for general houeework. Vtr
U1KL wanted for general houaewora. V1 N.
CH AMHEKMAID. bt. Jamea Hotel. 315 i
Flrat at.
INTEl.Ll'lENT wemea to aollclt ordera for
photographic worn tali at tea rtaleey.
WOMAN or gtrl aaalat with general houae
wora. email leroi .y. I i.".: e. . Ul I e- 1 .
WANTED An experienced girl to do gen
eral hnueewore. ei averetl ex.
W A N T E D Oood Ironer at lb Seaalda Laun-
a r-r. Seeloe. crregon.
WANTEfi 'h.-nbermeld and to aaalat la
dining-room. Haumaa not.l. Ill N. lath.
LADl:-: to make ptl.ow-lopa
or asr time. It Stark at.
make ptilow-topa at bom, all
WANTED Oood girl cook. Apply morning.
vt Flandera at.
fJlRL for generat houa.we
Norh. Phooe Eaet VTI.
work. 454 Eaat 13th
GIRL for general houeework and cooking.
l oon Maia tlvX
east rra ajco AVExitT rrta,
Cook. .-.o.
Cook and helper. 160.
Jlanch cook. f4o.
Waltresara. Iiii per month and AT Pf
per week.
Chamhermalda. 20 to $-10.
I'antry girl. $-'.1.
CilrU for general hoiuotrrjrk, 1 30 to to.
Indira' 20H Morrleon,
Apply f?tandard Factory. No. . Oraad
ava. aad Kaat Taylor at.
YOl'XO teacher wanted to teach young man
general education. Mr. J. P.. aaureee wa
N. 3d et
GOOD pay to huatllng eollclior. mal or
female. S'7'4 but Burnalde at., room
14. Call between 8 and 10 A. M., and
SOLICITORS wanted flood propoaltlon. llb-
i , .. . nniw I AiA llth at.
oral rnniraiwn"ti n y v 'j " -
room 15.
IUI.E REPA1KIN ana urivma. piunitno.
bricklaying, electrical trade, civil en
gineering, urreylng. In moat practical
way. Our atudenl earn 3-l a nay; P
Itl .n aei-ired; aatlafaction guaranteed;
ratalocua free. National School of Iradea,
ailt W. Tth, Lot Angelea
MEN WANTED Age 18-SS. to become fire
men, about 10O monthly, brakemen S0,
on nearby rallroada. Experlenoe unnec
eaaary. Poaltlona guaranteed competent
men. Promotion Railroad Employing
Hradqaartera. 486 aent to poalttoni In
1810. State age; name poittlon preferred.
Railway Aaxoclatlon. Box A V. Oregonlan.
10.060 POSITIONS for m "Sua tea laat year;
man and women learn barber trade la
a week, help to Bee u re poeltlon; gradu
atea earn from $19 to f weekly: axpert
Initructor. tool free; writ for cata
logue. Mohler Eyatem of Collage, li
North 4h at-. Portland. Or.
To operate movlng-plcturea; operator
earn (26 to 40 weekly; apodal price on
leeeona today. N. Y. School of M. P.
Operating. &-'". Waahlngton. near lTln.
BY reading the Fonvllla Square Deal you
will know wnjr you are urn aieeuuy
MAKE money writing abort atorlea, or for
f opera; big pay; free booklet telle how.
inlted Preea Syndicate. San Ftanclaco.
1N1EKN ATIO.NAL Correapondenoo Scbeoia.
local otfloe 333 Alder at. Main lOgftg.
WRITING, li mo. 2D 14th at. Main S8K1
W LL tint room for I2..10 and paint bouxea
at your price. I'none r.aoi .-oa
Swetland bldg.
taookkeertere and Clerk.
Tul Xil man want poeltlon; had 15 yeara
In departmenta; liava had charge of
large atore and office; am familiar with
g.neral office and clerical work: have
clean record; am eober and conaclentloua
worker; can furnlah good reference and
willing to locate any place. 1 -ao. Ore
gonlan. Ycit'N man. aole aupport of aged parent.
deelr.e poeltlon aa timekeeper, collector,
ahlpplng cl.rk. office aaaiatant or any
clerical occupation: have excellent ref
erencea; will go anywhere. AK 2UV. Ore
SITUATION wanted by man of yeara.
capable ana expenencea ; m year, "ii'ft
menaaement and credit. 3 yeara handling
general merchandlee atocka; reference
end bond If required. Phono Kaat 31ol
or ad trea AR yt. oregonlan.
WANTED Poaltlon. with chance of ad
vancement, with an engineering power o
electric railway company: I have a tech
nical education In ele-trlcal enginerlng and
pay had aome practical experience; am
yeara of age. AT 2HH. Oregonlan.
REAL "ESTATE connection. live office,
by young mn. 10 yeara New York real
tatate experience; A-l referenou; pro
ducer. P 2i. Oregonlan
1 am a nrat-claaa aaleeman and want In
with aome live real eatate man who wanta
a live man to do all th work. Addreaa
".M- room THS. Y. M. C. A.
A YOl'NQ man. 5 year' experience leading
Englleh aaaurance company, wanta poel
tlon aa caahler or bookkeeper. AO :,
sp bcoka prepar balance ana etateraeuia,
luatai: ayatema. Gllllngbam. auditor, 411
Lwl bldg.. Marahall 71T.
ACCOINTANT. 25. with Ave yeara expe
rience In railroad orrlce, rate and claim
clerk and caahler. wanta poaltlon. Ad
dreaa E. Thome, general delivery.
BOT. 19 yeara old. would like to work In a
men a clothing ana furnlaning atore to
learn the bualneaa; can apeak German aa
well aa English. AJ SM. Oregonlan.
WANTED Poaltlon aa bookkeeper, aaalatant
bookkeper or general office man; several
yeara experience; referencea. Phone Tabor
B9. .-
JC I'CKT bookkeeper will write up and ad-
uat your account xur a mouerato ira,
) 3rfi. Oregonlan.
MARRIED man. 29 year old, eight years
banking experience, beet relerenca. trio
K. Main. Tabor lit).
LAW atudent. admitted next Spring, wanta
connection with reliable law iirm. c. .oa
or AT 1S. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED salesman want position aa
city grocery saleaman. Addreaa AD
BOOKKEEPER. coat accountant. office
manager. A-I rererencea. K zso. orego
nlan. BOOKKEEPER. thoroughly experienced.
Phone A .'tua. or write J j&t. oregonian.
A COMPETENT foreman In building line
wanta position; mechanic py traae; gooa
at drafting and figuring general contracta
M 2T. Oregonlan.
BA K Kit wants poaltlon. good, young, experi
enced, all arouna man. country town pre
ferred; sober. tady; reference. AB 2va,
SITUATION wanted by experienced card
writer; aeveral year- experience, ah itus,
POSITION wanted a chauffeur; 2 rears'
shop experience: wotnrl like private tam
lly or truck. AB 2tt Oregonlan.
MAN and wife a camp cooke. for 35 men
or leaa. sat 1 tn a room a. rnoie euam
yoCXO man. well acquainted with city.
wanta good ateaay position. a.-n kiv,
HOI'SECLEANIN' trnd window waah In or
Janitor work. MILD lo.a janurew o- oeu
nlnga Yol'NG man wanta a lob aa gardener; can
take care of automooiiea. A j ure-gonlan-
UATTER, t years" experience. reference;
will start wora reasonaoia. ax- aio. urt
gonlan. CAKPRT man. yeara etperlence. ork-
room ana eai.e noor. roun. .
link Oror awltrht. '
KXIKklE.NCEU cook wanta poaltlon In
family. lS3s J "t ai. i nine a aiwiuu,
room 14.
yiKr-r-ft'IAH cook wanta Job;
speak Kr.glisn; wagee e-e- Ufc aa. ' .
EX V rl H I r.SC K l man a. la haa posltloo on
gonlattu .
luC.NO married man deelree poaltlon a
saleamrtn: ref.renca ana iipinrnc o,
2lH. Ciregonlatu
MAN and wife wlahea Job on ranch, where
everything is lounu. viiiiui ww..... -
7rh at. phone Main 61 2S.
SHEET metal worker wonta poaltlon, it
yeara xperienc. A r j?o, .n ri""'."-
JAPANESE boy want poeltlon aa a houee
helper. Li .'"J. cregonian.
WANTED Work by experienced aollcllor;
atranger In town, ah -. jreaoni..-
WA.NTKI Toung marrl.d man wanta Jani
tor Job: reference. AT a-T-n. rregonian.
PAN USE rook wishes poeltlon In prlvat
i . , at, rroT irie.eonlan.
iHOI 'iH .lapanas wuU a ttlc job. B
!0. Oregeolao.
OPEN tor position, young man. with Inltlatlv
and executive ability, a tnorougniy com
petent bookkeeper, auditor, credit and of
fice manager of nearly 12 years exper
ience in wholesale and retail lines, rive
of which In general merchandise, lumber,
buying, selling and advertising; absolute
ly clean record, sober, married, age 2t:
want to locate on Coast, either In or out
of Portland; employed at present; change
In 15 tiaya; local references. Aaurcaa av
278. oregonlan.
WANTED Poaltlon a saleaman In lumber
yard or planing mill; IS years experienc
In planing mill, both machine nd bench
work; four year contracting and general
carpenter work; ' will go any place and
can go at once; can give best of refer
ences. Box 212. Brownsville, or.
YOL'N'Ca English Jew. good appearance,
well educated, seeks work of any kind;
wllllnr to start on small wage wllh.
chance of advancement and to learn a
business; references given. AS 29T, Ore
MECHANICAL engineering draftsman
wishes poaltlon: experienced detaller.
anen. In locomotive. heW ma
chinery and automobile lines; a technical
university graduate. Address rl. i. weai,
lfioVa Eaat ITth at. -
A l 'TO MO RLE aaleeman with aeveral yeara'
experience In Los Angeles, would like to
represent a live firm with a live car here;
can give I'ortland and Los Angeles ref
erences. Address t: ., oregonien.
YOL'NQ man wants Job driving and taking
care of automobiles; don t care ir mere
la other work to do: had lota of experi
ence. AK 215. Oregonlan.
JACK -OF-ALL-TRADES need work. uto
mobllo running. B. A. I. graduate, or
Walter, hotel porter, or aa fireman for
stationary boilers. Ala 20H, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED window trimmer. card
arrll.r and uilriman. aneaJtB three lan
guages, open fir position In or out of tha
city. Aunrfii avt avi, un-uiiiiu.
WANTED Work In factory, wholesale or
warehouse, with chance of advancement,
not afraid of work; references. AH 2D9.
POSITION as assistant cashier by young
married man: haa been bookkeeper and
aaalstant cashier 1 eitr: best of refer
ences. R. I,. Adams. Butterfleld. Minn.
I WANT to take a contract to cut ties.
Apply N 2S6. Oregonlan.
BrrcATioxs wanted female.
Bookkeeper and Stenographer.
roCNCI lady stenographer, graduate Holmes
Business Crtllege, six months' experience,
wants permanent position. Tabor 260T.
BOOKKEEPER with general office experl
enc. city reference. Phone Main 5330.
EaXPEIUENCED stenographer want good
poaltlon. Phone Woodlawn 1325.
BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, experienced.
Phone Main 23T2.
Preen maker.
EXPERIENCED dreasmaker and ladies'
tailor wants sewing at home. Main TT10.
DRESSMAKER, flrat class, want few mor
engagements by day. Phone Eaet 2441.
COMPETENT, reilned German girl wants
position as nursery governess, lady's maid
or companion to Invalid lady; first-class
reference: last position 5 years. Address
Sophie Suclzen. o2S East 1st sL North.
Home C 24a!.
TRAINED nurse wishes engagements, terms
reasonable, little housework; reieroncea.
Main OtKJS.
A PRACTICAL nurse would like a light po
sition; will do light houaewurk; can fur
nlah referencea Call East S324.
TEN years' experience, nurse, wishes more
cases, invalid, eiueriy, inianu uarouaii
EXPERIENCED maternity nurse wanta case.
will do aome housework; wages ait per
week. Phon Woodlawn 2T26.
REFINED, middle-aged lady wants light
housework: in email ramiiy; gooa nome,
reasonable remuneration. Call E. 484.
Don I rut Ice,
EXPERIENCED family cook, desires gltua-
.. , . . w 'ftiftUO
lion. nl W.HC icict.uvt. n..u '--
A 47TB.
WOMAN". 3.1. with two boys. 6 and 12, want
to cook at mill, ranch or camp, call at
room 2. 881 Yamhill.
GIRL over 18 want position In small fam
ily; Is rond of children; win go to tn
beach. Phone Main 74SS or A 5021 after
fi o'clock.
GOOD GERMAN woman, cook for lagging
camp or country; gooa manager; aiao
huaband good worker; beat reference. AS
2HH, oregonlan.
WANTED Position In private family by
young woman, city or country, nrai-ciaaa,
cook and neat: wagre leaat 140; good ref
erencea AC 214, Oregonlan
WANTED by two experienced ladles. Just
from th East, apartment-oouae to care
for. Phone M. 6b 1 7.
EXPERIENCED cook. 4t up; chamber-
Agency. 83 Wash. Main 2039. A 4TT5.
WOMAN wishes work Wednesday, Thurs
day. Friday and Saturday. A. 144. Ala
2l7. Oregonlan.
VOCNO lady want position aa a caahler In
restaurant or nictceioaeon. Auuren eo
Flanders st. Mrs. M. Trlness
TWO girls, situation wanted general house
work, in or out or in city. a. a oavier
st. N.
EXPERIENCED cook wishes a position wllh
a good family, inquire e-i mta.
GIRL wishes position a cashier In cafe
teria or elsewhere, can r.. Dim, mornings.
M1DDLEAGED woman wanta day work, any
kind. Phon woooiawn let.
DAY work, washing taken borne. Phon
Marshall hi.
GIRL wishes to go to beach with reflnea
family, aalary required, c -no.
WOMAN want work by the day.
Main 61o6.
DAY work by reliable woman; on ring.
Mam 4.ii. Mrs. urown.
LADY would like to work by day or hour.
Phone M. ilia".
LADY wants work by tbo day. Main 437s.
5th. Call after 0 P. it.
RELIABLE salesman can make big money
Bailing our well-known line oc naray ova
Irrigated treaa. shrub rosea etc; out
fit furnished; cash weekly. Address Ore
gon Nursery Company. Ornco. Or.
WANTED To rent furnished offlc or part
oe office in gooa onto oiag. awi avo.
DO YOU want to rent your house, furnished
or uniuriusnea r
Will set a agent, make your collection!
at nominal charge.
List your property with us.
Qi.-l A-umpBrrnena mag.
MALL, modern house. by responslbl
couple, no children; permanent, reason
able; slat particulars. AK 296. Ore
gonlan. WANTED To rent 10 or 12-room unfur
nished house, walking distance. Weat
Side, must be modorn; will pay good rent
for suitable house. AS 2, Oregonlan.
FURNISHED house or apartment for Au
gust, with three sleeping room or
pore h. AL 2"Q. Oregonlan. -
CLFAN. well-located houseboat, on river.
Phone H. J. Elliott. Main 6109.
FURNISHED room In private family; prefer
to be with peopl that would not ordi
narily rent: location must bo West Sid
and not east of lth su; stat pric and
location: best references furnished. AC
l.ftt. Oregonlan.
Rooms andBoard.
WANTED By young couple. board and
room In private family; references given.
AC .16. Oregonlan.
Fnralabed or unfurnlehed room, atngl.
- - .11 .nn van haal lOOBtlOB.
"MILNER BLDG.." Morrleon St.
vnrnl.hrd Kooma tn PHvate Family.
bLtHHAKK HOTETL, 17th and Waahlngtoa
Mewly furnlabed rooms, single or ea
ult- private baths, steam heat, hot aad
cold water and phon in all rooms; rata
reaaonable: transient solicited.
."Trj'HT airy rooms modern, suites or sln
le! 12 and -l week; live mlnutea walk
to theater and atorea, free phone, Lia
dell Hotel. 88 th.
HOTEL BURTON. Yamhill and id trt.
strictly modern, reasonabl rate by th
day. week or month. B. W. uhr. Man
age .
THE LARRABEE. 227 4 Larrabee su: mod
ern cool. lry rooma tranalent ooc and
up; special ratea by week or month. E.
civs- nicely furnished room, suitable for two
gentlemen or ladl.a 327 Weat Park C
Phone 7W.M-.
KORRIS HOTEL, rooms modern, 1.3S and
lip pr week. li:i 17th L
Fnrniaheftd Rooms.
Thoee thro beautifully furnished hftitel.
I13V, 4tn at. iiim em Bt- z? V.
On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to
... . T 1 nA .. Kelelr .l.eantlV
naimon at- i , uaw w..-- ---- -furnished;
steam heat private baths, hot
and cold water in an rooms.
up-to-date tn all respects, and at POP"1"
L I . .... . -nmathin. Out Of th
prices. If you want someiniug . -ordinary
In th heart of tb city t rea
ooable price, give us a cail. aa w kn
you will liko it- nooma or ' -
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
nUlAla i-Ai-lftO.,
RaaldentlaL 850 Taylor. Tranalent,
Bet. Tth nd Park ta.
Opposite Helllg Theater. Central. dtil
rooms with private bath. etc.. from
dally; aultes or single roora at loai
tates: weekly or mommy, leiiaa.. ""'
handsomely iumianea onto, .
phones, bot and cold running water. roia
ftf.-i r-M. -1" ... to Tavlor. OT TV
car to 7th; from Hoyt-street Depot, "ftS"
car. transfer on Morrison to 7th- Phon
aaaranail .a;ow.
BARGENT HOTEL. Grand ave. and Haw
thorne, beautifully furnlahed rooms, sin
gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and
cold ftaaater: steam heat and teleDhone In
every room; special Summer rates by week
or month to permanent guests. rii,i
class grill In connection. Transient so
On block from Union Depot; 140 otrt
alde rooma. with hot and cold water, every
thing brand new; special rate by th week
or month; give ua a trial. Transient ratea
auo to a. per day; weeaiy rates ao-ov "aa.
Central location, moderate prices: neat
airy rooms; weekly rates 3. fSbO and
up. Including public phone and Daw.
390 Morrison St., cor. 10th.
131 Eleventh il
New. modern brick building, steam-heat-
d. private baths, hot and cold water In
rooma, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort
able. Renta very reasonable. Call and ae
us. Regular and transient trado soiicitea.
3,-ftTU East Hurnside.
We have a few very pieasant roodorn
rooms, which we w.M make special Sum
mer rates on transient, buc to al.ou per
day. 9- to 13 per week. r.ast t'j-Ki, a l-iro.
$4 PER WEEK and up, with hot and
cold running water and free telephones
In every room, close In, new, elegantly
furnished Dries: building, iuo i-iin si
near Washington. Marshall 27yOJ
Completely renovated; everything first
class; rooms, with bath. fl.oO and up;
I'll per month with private baths; special
low Summer rates by week or month.
10th and Washington.
Park at. between Morrison and JUder.
Heart of th city; quiet and modern; fre
'bus or W car at depot; rates 1 stngl.
$1.50 double; also family rooma with pxl
bate bath. etc. Rate per week.
HOTEL REN WICK A Ideal home foe
business people; centrally located; ele
gant rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th
and Taylor at., 1 block from Portland
Hotel opposite Helllg Theater. Main Did.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooma at
moderate prices. Cor. 3d and Montgomery.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
NEATLY furnished rooms In fine neigh
borhood. Free phone, lights and bath.
Privilege of light housekeeping If de
sired. 833 13th St., cor. Market.
PLEASANT, airy room. modern home,
choice residence section, beautiful yard,
flowers, etc., close in, gentlemen. C 2SU1.
LARGE, light, airy front room for one or
two, cheap, private family, ou'ra oiu
and Wash. Main B7li3.
B0 CENTS day or 12.30 week, nicely fur
nished room, large room, suitaoie tor iwo
or more, 14. SIM llth.
ALL modern conveniences, in splendid
home, large lawn, moderate rales, oio
Couch. N. E. cor. ISth.
$9 NICELY furnished room, modern con-
conveniences, walking distance. o3 xaio.
A 7TS3.
NEWLY furnished rooms, gas, bath, elec
tricity and phone. 409 Halsey. 1 block
from Union. phone East 4139.
YOUNG lady desires refined young lady for
roommate. Call at 341. cor. Jlth and Mar
ket, or phono M. 4112.1.
NICE large room in modern private house.
clos in, sultabl lor two young men.
129 10th st.
13 ROOM in a refined private borne; aplen-
dld ba'.n; walking distance, no sign. oo. n
Jackson St., near Park.
PRIVATE house Transient and room 'by
the month, quiet place. 4Hi tverett at.
TWO furnished rooms, prlva'e family: I
would prefer two young men, r.ast .-itus.
VERY desirable rooms, all conveniences.
close In, cheap rent. l?l Jitn at.
PLEASANT room for one or two gentlemen.
walking distance. 3804 Park St.
NICE cool room, low rent, on carllne, T
minutes center. 452 6th st.
WELL-FURNISHED rooms, single or en
suite, gas, bath and phone. 173 N. 17th.
COOL, clean room very close In: board If
desired. 3S5H Mill st.
F1RT floor, large front room; reasonable.
208 12th st,
649 TAYLOR ST. Very desirable rooms,
with or without board.
NICKLY furnished rooms, also basement
room, 18 month. 57 Trinity Place.
YOUNG lady desire roommate. Address C
279. Oregonian.
LARGE, nicely furnished rooms; modern;
walking distance. 334 Hall st.
FURNISHED room. 1 North 14th, corner
Rooms and Board.
DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall,
cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath,
broad verandas, quiet, close In, near car.
4 blocks from P. ci. American pian.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year;
rooma with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Flandera F. N. Heath, sapf.
THE MANITOU 261 13th, new manage
ment; thoroughly renovated: Inviting
rooms: choice board. Main 1184.
CHOICE board and large room, facing th
park: very reasonable. 374 Park.
THE CALVARD, 4."2 Morrison, corner 13th;
room with board: modern conveniences.
2 LARGE rooms, single or en suite, choice
table board. S3 N. 17th.
BOARD and room. 800 Jefferson st.
Room. With leoard in t'nvate t-amily.
DANDY front room with large closet, every
thing modern, man and wife employed
preferred. B 1222.
S20 PER month each, beautiful front room
for two; all new, modern conveniences.
SS N. 17th st
PLEASANT ROOM, good board for two
young men. who will room together. 290
Ivy St., U car.
A' NICE parlor bedroom: newly furnished;
suitable for one or two gentlemen; ex
cellent table board. Phone East 5071.
A FEW elderly ladle In private home;
comforts, convenlencea 302 E. 50th. Haw
thorne car.
FOR RENT Large front room, suitable for
two, with board, Id each or 17.00 single.
291 llth, near Jefferson. Marahall 2693.
ROOM and board for two; 6 minutes P. O.
192 13th. near Morrlsom
WELL-FURNISHED room with beet board;
large porch and grounds. Main 207L
FINE large room, with or without board.
1115 East 14th. corner Taylor.
ROOM and board In modern home for 1 or
2 gentlemen. East 2S91.
FURNISHED rooms, with board. 695 K.
Oak. Phon B 2619.
ROOM and board, home privileges; walking
distance. B 8n3S. 54tf E. Pavla st.
NEATLY furnished room; board If desired:
all convenlencea 187 Vj 10th. Main 5117.
BOARD and single room for 15 a week;
bath ana pnone. ow' ftjn aiu ooftn.
ROOM with board for two In private fam-
. , . V. ft 7. V, at U.ln A -.
1 1 y. lo api.ia ...... ... .......
a-upj Northampton, 407 Hall st-; new and
.Latently furnlahed 2-room apartment,
walking distance. Main 4299.
g-n cLAIR. 71 W'ayne street; modern six
room apartments, two porches, also 4-room
haaement. Phone Main 4930.
BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished,
strictly modern. Summer rates now In ef
J"ct. iK9t North 23d st. Marshall 1'M'L
the King Davis, corner King and Davi
n ...ftwim ant
ota. ; one Q ' -
THE DAVElSPClrt l AX-I. taauutsau. ovo ool-
THE DAYTON Nice four-room lower apt-,
be, water, etc.. 120. 658 Flandera
ALTAMONT, 304 College Strictly modern 3
and 4-room apt. - Main 6PS0. Reasonable.
THE HARTFORD Best modorn apt. In th
city. 21st and Flanders.
LEONCE Modern arts.; Nob Hill district;
convenient to 2 carllnes. 1SH 22d st. jr.
THE ELMS Completely furnished 2 and 8-
room aparrmenia. ivi ...
iriinr.RN nve-room ground-floor fur-
nlshed apartment. Phone Vlarshail 250.
Main 2015. 003-606 Abington bldg. A 2015.
Our apartment are built right. From
long experience we know the tenants
wnnts and make it a point to supply
them. Wo have apartments for rent In
locations listed below, which possess thf)
maximum of convenience and equipment
at the minimum of expense. Courteous
Janitor on th premises will how the
THE HANTHORN. 251 12th t-. near
Main; S large rooms with private balcony.
2 sleeping compartments: $35 and 537. oO.
THE KINGSBURY, Ford at., near Wash
ington; superb location, new building, pri
vate balcony; 3 and 4 rooms each, with
two sleeping compartment, w -COLUMBIAN
and VICTORIAN, newly
, . , i , , . 1 1 r V. and Co-
xurnianeu, a aim , ... . . - -
lurnom Bis.. oo-..,o ft-ia
THE KEARNEY, 21at and Kearney
ts. : 6 rooms for $35.
THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson
ts; close-in location; 3 room unfur-
Cor. Park and Taylor Bts.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta.
n'allrlne Tllfltnnce.
Completely furnished 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments; buildings new and Btrictly
modern; service nxst-ciaaa.
juin anu autui
Elegantly furnished 8 and 4-room apart
ments; a strictly up-to-date house, mod
ern In every respe.'t, newly built, newly
furnished. If you are looking for a cozy
home, don't fall to see the "Nob Hill.
Yon will find none better and the rates
very reasonable,
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta.
This new 4-story brick opened January 1,
1111; furnished and unfurnished In two
three and four-room suites, witn reception
hnli- Pna-irii-. nhnoti in each apartment;
electric elevator. disappearing
beds, bullt-ln bullet ana writing-aesK. as",
ranees, icebox, plenty of closet room. If
you want sometning extra fine, come to
the Barker. Phono Marsnau zimi.
A class by themselves. Front la sin,
fountain, lobby. See them. New prop.
References required. Phone 1S20. prop,
and mgr.; 1500, Janitor.
LOIS APARTMENTS, 70 Hoyt St. 3-room
furnished aDartment. very large rooms.
large screened sleeping porch, private
batn and pnone, electric anu uruaeas ouua-
era. Janitor service; references required.
Phone Marshal. 2010
Corner 14th and Clay Sta
Largo 4-room. front, corner suit, un
furnished, vestibule, closets, prlvat bath
and phone, electrl elevator, walking dis
tance; splendid view. We also hav a
room apartment, unfurn'shed.
EXCLUSIVE apartments; 6 large room and
bath; private entrance; large front and
back private porches; maid's room in base
ment: heat, hot water, vacuum cleaning
system: ranges, ref rigeratora. 791 North
riip. phone Main 93o&.
ORDER LEivaH apartm-ini. cor. Grand ave.
and Eaat Stark St.; new. lireproof brick
building, furnished, tw-j land
three-room apui .uidnts, private batli, free
phone, Iiot and cold water Ice box., uo
carfare. Summer ratea. Phone East quo.
6S9 Irving st.; Aug. 1, ono four and one
fivo-room apartment; private bath, all
outside rooms. Janitor service, etc.; also
garage for rent; references. Phon A
Cor 20th and Kearney.
New and beautifully furnished and un
furnished 8-room apartments; splendid lo
cation; Summer rates. Call and see man
' ager at apartments or phone Marshall 3tf.
18TH ST., NtiAK jr'iaA.'sjjri.xtis.
New 4-story concretfto building, 2. 3 and
4-room apartments, furnished and unfur
nished; new furniture, modern. Apply to
the Clietopa, lbth and Flandera sta.
THE ARCADIA 70 Everett st- Two and
-nn,n .tlBrtmBDll. C(HH IJ 1 C t C 1 V f U T ill il U 1.
entirely aa.oits " -
. . . . i C ......... r- -at.a
LINCOLN APTS., corner 4tn and Lincoln
I'l, (JUIIlLllXr LUI Jf lUlUIBllcu aaa- vwu wej.wa -
ments for housekeeping, everything new
and modern, house Just opened, walking
distance; no children; 122 to 13a. Phon
Main 1377.
Elegantly furnished and unfurnished;
comforts of home; private phone and
baths, elevatora, private playground for
children; ideal location. 22 N. 20th at.
Marshall 202S.
MAIN 6967.
ferson sts. A 8-room apt. with bath,
unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con
venience; modern and only 6 mln, walk
from P. O. Very reaaonable rent.
- - - - 1 1 - t I a v a
45 Trinity Place, bet. Wash, and Everett.
Elegant 2 and 3-room apartments, very
reasouable terms; close in. Phono Mar
shall Airo.
PAHK APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison
a la. beautiful 8 and 4-room apartments
furnished for housekeeping; everything
new and modem; elevator, telephon free,
ay-tO fuv.
New, modern, private phone and bath;
furnished and unfurnished; rent reason
able. East sth and Burnalde. Phone B
n-ta-oi u'lf IVIHV
429 East Morrison, Corner 7th.
8. 2 and 4 rooms, high-grado furnished
apt.; private hatha beat servlc. moder
ate pneos.
LOIS APARTMENTS. 704 Hoyt St. 3-roora
xurnisnea ovoiiiuicu., -.- -
large screened sleeping porch, private
bath and phone, electric and tireless cook
.,, tnnitor service; references requlred.
SAN MARCO Apartments. E. 8th and Couch
-ew urica. o-aooo. --. .
bath and phone. Summer rates, 123 to
rAiin.nftjr.i5 ...........
3 and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished.
260 20th st. North. Phono Main 403S; or
Main 1178.
Park street, corner Madison.
Furnished, unfurnished apis.; Individual
. ........ r .n ft DlRTMl-VTa
pnones; conveca " " -" .......
BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clay St.. near
. . mno.en S-toom anti .
completely furnished; 121 to 124 per
month: walking distance.
STEAM-HEATED flat, fivo room, lor 133.
C .-l. .. .. ajrilh Mornn Filed.
D.l XiVeae1- -- .
ner fc Boyce, 603 Abington bldg. atata
2olo. A .
New modern. 2, 3 and 4-room apts.,
leeplng porches; prlvat phones and
batns. fift-ft'--- -
xrnu RENT One modern 5-room apart-
. . i . o L-aa rsjiirfl and ra-frlar-
erator The Ormonde. 65li Flanders u.
Now HilL Phone Main b25L
iTTr.nON HALL, 414 llth, cor. Hall. 8 and
Hws a,i.-antlv furnladied. nri-
vlta ohone. b'ath and balcony porches. 135
- . V.-1I 1171.
HQ. JflHI.". ' -
KENTUCKY APTS.. East 28th and Gllsan,
and'moderu. prlvato bath and phone. B
..-.d IClttT.
iri,. AM"
Cor. 6th and Montgomery.
All outside 2 and 3-room suites; cool,
airy modorn In every respect. Mar. 1378.
the Beryl Largo rooms, larg closets,
. 1 ..... Kttmm.r: aome fur
nished aparunenta 21st and Lovojoy;
take W car.
Elegantly furnished modern 2, 8 and 4
rooms, walking distance. 37 Trinity Place,
bet 19th and 20th. near Washington.
410 5th Furnished and unfurnished,
strictly modern apartments; walking dis
tance; prices reaaonable; no children.
JUANITA. 323 llth st.. corner Clay Mcely
furnlsnea anu o-.-aon. ..... ""
em every convenience, rent reasonable.
ave Norm; a-reoni oo.ij
E. 1234.
THE CECILIA. 22d and Glisan; 1 furnished
and One uniua naeocu . . ...... . ,
phone and porcn. .-iaianaii iwr, a quo.
THE LOVEJOY. 17tn ana Lovejoy sta. new
and modern as ana o-mooi lurnisnea
Bpartments. Main 215.
ONEONTaV. 187 17th: 2. 3 and 4-room
Suites. noi atiau i.iu every
apartment; reasonable.
Two 8-room furnished apartments. 697
Washington st.
Washington u
SUNLIGHT APTS.. elegant. 3 rooms.,
furnished. 1295 Belmont. B 3041. Tabor
c.RACE APTS., 24th and Northrup its.
6-rnom apartment; front veranda ana
... : - - h water, heat, nri v h r ....
These elegant 5-room unfurnished apart
ments, which are now completed, are sit-
uated in the heart of the city, within 10
minutes' walk of the business center.
Reservations may bo made from otvner
on premist-a or by phone. Main 4795, A
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick buildlni;. completely first-class, fur
nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments: private bath, recevtl'in hall, gteara
heat, hot water, elevator, tree phone, com
pressed air carpet cleaning, janitor serv
ice; rent pel month 2iJ, $30 and up. Must
be seen to be appreciated.
Oil Everett st.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments. 3 rooms, reception hall and Sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private pacific telephone; located in one
of the clioicust residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
land's finest apartment-houses; 4-minut
car service; beautiful part city to live,
11354 Albina ave.. cor. Klllingsworth.
Take Mississippi. L or Kenton car at 3d
and Wash, sts., 15 mln. rido; 2. 3 and 4
rooms, completely furnished, 117.50 to $30
mo. ; also unfurnished ajU, Woodlawn 22otf.
New management, new concrete building
wlLh elaborately furnished 3-room apart
ments, modern conveniences, lawn, cool ve
randas, janitor service; reasonable, walk
ing distance. 024 Marshall at-; tak "W"
car. Main 6032 or A 8191.
712 Washington; under new manage
ment; 2. 3 and 4-room apts.. furnished
or unfurnished; up-to-date, clean and
modern; private bath; telephone; ratea
reasonable; best service. Phono Main.
Beautiful new building, mahogany en
trance, private front porchea and large
screened sleeping porches; 5 rooms, large
closets, hardwood floors, bullt-ln buffet,
lireplace, tile baths, fine kitchen, equipped
with gas range and water heater; this
building Is In the heart of Irvlngton, sur
rounded by beautiful homes: rent 137.50.
E. 22d and Brazee. C 2322, E. 935.
TO ADULTd West Side, walking distance,
1 floor of 5 and 1 of 6 rooms, hot watos
heat, sleeping porches 13x20, east and
north view, hot and cold water, linoleum,
gas stove, all screened. 525 -a Montgom
ery. phone A 4589.
MODERN 6-room flat, In best residence dla
trlct; fireplace, attlo and built-in conven
iences; complete and very homelike, phone
East 1137.
$10 Lower 5-room flat; also 112, 8 or more
furnished rooms; gas, eleclrio light. 646
East 27th st., one block south of Rich
mond car, Clinton st.
MODERN 6-room flat, steel and ga range,
window shades, large basement, 207 Hal
sey; $20 month; near Steel bridge.
FOR RENT Six-room unfurnished flat,
steam heat, hot water, near llth and
Jefferson. Apply Janitor, 325 llth.
MODERN 5-room flat, steel range, window
shades, large basement. $22.50. 294
Margln, near Steel bridge, fronting river.
6-ROOM upper riat. 612 Hancock: newly
tinted; all conveniences; choice two car
lines. Key on premises. Main 2494.
130 UPPER flat, 8 rooms, Holladay Add.,
near two carlines. 412 ioi Wasco, corner
nth. Owner next aoor.
TWO 5-room flats, furnished or unfurnished.
East 18th- st- B 2000
FURNISHED flats. 4 rooms, bath. West
Side. Marshall 1257.
UPPER 4-room flat, bath, basement. 6S1
3d st. .
STRICTLY" modern 4-room flat, near 23d
and wasninirion. avium or-00. v pm
NICE four-room modern flat, river view,
close In. 2S8 Margin gtreet.
NEW 5-room flat, close in. East Side.
Phone Marshall 1445
TWO 4-room flats, fireplace, porches, cen
tral, also furnished flat. 235 Hall.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat. 24 N. 10th
and Burnslde.
6-ROOM lower flat, fireplace, good condition.
6S8 Northrup sU Phone Main 3225.
FOR RENT 7-room flat, 821 Corbett St.
Key at 166 Whitaker at.
Housekeeping Room.
THB BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
115 per month up; a clean place, best la
the city for the money; ehort dlstanc
from Union Depot. Tak "S" or 16th-t-cars.
north, get off at Marahall st. No
doga , ,
WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms:
6-room cottage. $20 month; another
$17 60; suites, two furnished housekeeping
rooms. $8, 110. $12 month; 3, $15. Apply
SH4 26th st. North. W car from depot,
6th, west on Morrison to 26th. block north.
If you want something homelike, well
furnished and very reasonable, either sin
gle or housekeeping rooms, go to the Del
Monte, 167 Stout U block from 20th
and Washington.
CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished and un
furnished housekeeping rooms, iuiiio o-uu
ensulte. Room 80. 3d and Morrison;
very cenxrai.
L60 TO $2.50 WEEK: clean, furnished
housekeeping rooms, fre laundry, bath,
phon clean linen, heat. 406 VancouMf.
See. and 2034 Stanton; take P car.
"JUST W-tlAA iciu 1iA.11.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single,
en suite; all conveniences; best location.
"MILNER rti-.i-'lj., poo- ao.oiao 01-
TWO nice unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
Second floor, iront. Very cneaia. oft,ftiria.-a-w
r ,a,H vr I. K11A
SOn COUrt, OA.oai. aa.o.ia
HOUSEKEEPING room, suitable for two;
rrhnne. llnrhr. bath, gas; $2.50 per week.
310 10th st-
H90 CLAY ST. Two rooms with bath; strict
ly modern house; newly furnished; rea
sonable. 481 EAST MORRISON, corner 8th; com
pletely furnished housekeeping suites,
2OR 3 woll-furnlshed housekeeping rooms;
reasonable. The Idaho, 3S9 6th,
LIGHT, cool, airy rooms for housekeeping;
cheap rates for Summer. 175 14th St.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new .-.oncreto
bldg. Phone WioJiawn 2997 o- 2379.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable, fre
bath. Phone Oliver, 1st and Clay sta
Housekeeping Room In Private rmtl'.
2 FURNISHED front rooms for light house
keeping, free licht and phone. 315 Cherry.
Phone East 5270
TWO large, clean, well-furnished rooms;
gas bath, electric lights, phone; $17;
walking distance. 66 E. 8th.
LARGE front room and kitchenette with
Summer porch, cheap: one single room
cheap. 9314 N. 18th. corner Flandera
FIRST-CLASS rooms, large lawn, fine lo
cation, 116. $20 per month. 675 Couch,
N. E. cor, lbtn.
FOP RENT 3 neatly furnished housekeep
ing rooms; Bas. bath and laundry. In
quire b-tf iiiuiuiou "
ONE furnished housekeeping room: light.
v . a i-.n,i-l- 19 7.-, irtii ir.-i-jt
pnone, uiiu .-au a, t -
SUITE furnished housekeeping rooms; gas.
hath, basement, walking distance. 526
LARGE, well-furnished suite, gas range.
bath, pnone. etc, e.-.o-a
Columbia st,. near 6th.
LARGE sleeping room. $2 a week: also
housekeeping suite ciieay. ovo-t 'url-
CLOSE in, connecting suite, dollphtful sur
roundings; private euiimmc -ui -a-am.
8 FIVE furnished housekeeping rooms, with
balcony. 195 East llth St., corner Taylor.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 67 North
1-ltn, between oavio on-a an.-ft---.
313 14TH. corner Clay; .large clean 2 and 8-
room housekeeping suites.
2 OR 8 nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, walking distance. 311 Montgomery.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms to rent.
fi.-, N. 10th st.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, reas
onable. 466 E. Oak.
2-ROOM suite with all modern conveniences,
very reasonable. 624 Marshall st.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
324 14th St.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
close in. 214 13th st.
334 SALMON ST. Large, pleasant house
keeping room; no children.
TWO modern, newly furnished housekeep
ing rooms, reasonable. 109 N. 18th.
SUITE housekeeping rooms, sleeping porch,
phoneand bath. 154 N. ISth st.
TWO rooms, completely furnished for light
housekeeping. 475 E. Burnside st.
FURNISHED housokeeping rooma 104 East
18th st. Phone East 2832.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $12
month. 528 Market st.
TWO nice large rooms, with kitchenette;
$22.50, 370 7th st.