Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 25, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Ftnllng-ffvym ..,
fit? circulation ,
a,tagin Editor
Fundar Editor ,
CumtMflrf roots
SupU svUiidlae; . .
Mehs TT
Mam TT1
Mala T'17
Main Ti70
A a"i
HEILn THEATER (Seventh and TaT"'
rhnrf Oi-ot. ta tha fomidy,
crania." Tonight, o riock.
OR PH CI V THEATER IMorrlxMt bwsa-a
nth, and "aath Vaudeville. Thla eil-
raooa at 1 li and tonight at Ji.
KJtPRE5 THEATER (Par and Washlrr-
loai Vaudeville. Thla efterooasl el s.i
aad tonight al T M aad a.
A.VTAOrt THEATER (Fourth aad (Mark)
Vaudeville. Th aXieraooa at J-IS: to
Blht at 1.W and .
VOLI rtrat rua juctorwa. 11 A- M-,
P. at
afOITiiTIC THEATER Park and w"h:
ingtooi Mot 1 10 pictures. Contlauaaoa, 11
a. at. ta 11 p. jf.
OAK park Philip Pals, and "aka Park
Band. Met rnpoll'an Opara (Juaxtet. lhl
ftyrnann and tonight.
RECREATION PARK tTwanty-fonilti aad
Vaughn" Baeaball. Vjnrout-f vs. Port
land. TI1I1 afternoon al S.
Far the ajntrkeat aVnvaa-T Th Oree-a.
atsta at Sqiwr timn, eatses-vibe thrwwe"
tb fallens iner ataita litr rwlae. nobarria
tlaw by aaail a para hi la iilnwt 1
ere, manage. .Mlaaral aprtaae HalH Ca.
CaiUae prtoe. ......... .. Krd A. Vaaac
(JamMa IVea.-e, .......... .Ralph E. Aalr
Cavbart Park......... K J. Fairharat
lave tvravrb Mraabal a) fa
apart Cwf tTlv"Mee
" a Park I. E. tietwssev
"acute city U. T. T-'liwuada
a. Marti a a aariaere (ha. .
a.ailda I lark Siratt-aa
Mraahal A la-
Pattxo TrTT(irT NrARLT FtxiVhco.
Tha bttt atreet paring; district between
PlTlsinn and Ellsworth. Kant Twentv-
firth and Eael Forty-first street.
WaTerly-Rlrhrnond. la being- completed
ey the rartftc Bridge Company. Prac
tit-ally all th streets in thla aterrltory
hare been pared, except Clinton at reel.
which waa excluded, aa Cltnton waa Im
proved with gravel leas than fire years
CD and la atlll to be maintained by
tha ctljr for lomi time to coma. Coat
of th rmproTementa In th district
mount" to HSI.oo. District No. 1
Wav.rlelgh Hela-ht. adjoining Ella
worth atreet on tha south, la to be
pared, and Tlrtslon atreet will be
pared from Kat ' Fortr-flrat to Ka
Flatleth atreet. South Monnt Tabor.
thla year.
Eat EiaHTT-FtaiiT to F InpitOT-rrx
Eaat Ktchtr-flrat atreet ta to be Im
prorad between tha Bim Una road and
Ilia avenue, a distance of one-hal
mile. Thla Improvement la tha far
tbaat et that has ret been made,
Faat EiKhtieth atreet being the las
Improvement made that fr out. Near
ly Ail tn streets in jmntarina are
belns; Improved between the Base Lln
road and Villa avenue. Thla avenu
la also to be Improved between Kat
Fiftieth and "East F.ltthty-serond street
" by Bradlna; and larlnp; cement side
walks. II ard-surfare pavement will be
laid on Villa, avenue nest year. Build
Injs on th street have been moved
back to conform to the new street
fiTXXAarr-M CVA-arat Cvoett Gymna
alum classes In the Sellwood Younr
Men Christian Association have been
suspended for the Summer, but th
wimmlntr tank la open and the lawn
tennis grounds are In one. A mem
bershlp campaign la In prba-resa. It la
detrd to make the active membership
of the Sell wood branch at least J0
by the end of th year. The advan
taarea of th branch are nearly the
am as those afforded In the main
T. M. C. A. It Is probable that classes
will be started In th Fall.
W. R Braixaro's FVxrRAt. Hrtjx Th
funeral service of William K. llralnard.
pioneer of 1SI. who died at his home,
at 134 Fast Fifty-fourth street. Mount
Tabor. Saturday, were held yesterday
from the F.Ast Side Funeral Directors
ChapeU Rev. J. J. Staub. pastor of the
Kunnyslde Cnncretratlonal Church, ofll
elated. Mr. Bralnard waa 7 years old
and had been a resident of Portland
sine li. Ve settled llrst In Southern
Oregon and operated the first steamer
on the Lower l"mpo,ua Hirer until 1MJ.
Portland Finns Mat H:r. Th
Rtat Hoard of Control of Washington
stat has nottned the Chamber of Com
merce here that Portland contractors
wtll be given a chance to bid for the
general contracts on the dormitory
and Industrial bulldlncs at Ihf Wash
Ington School for the I'caf and on the
Soldiers Home to be erected In Wash
ington. The plana and specifications
for the buildings will be sent to th
Chsmber of Commerce next week.
BAjt.Ror SrtD for 1:3.000 for Arm.
The Washington Northern Railroad
Company, which operates a logging
railway In Skamania County. Wash.. I
made defendant In n su!t for $
damages filed In the Circuit Court
yester-!v by William T. CJrewelL The
defendant alleges that he lost an arm
while working for the company, the
accident being caused by a defective
Cot-RT Crr"- Bntn Cojipast. The
International Merrhantile te Bond Com
pany baa been cite. I by Presiding Judge
Kavanauch to appear In court Thurs
day morning and show cause why an
order prohibiting It doing business In
the state should not Issue. Bnjaml
F liaymsn has filed a complaint In
which he declares that the company
Is a collection agency practicing law.
FfxsaAi. or T. S. West IUld. Th
funeral of T. 5. West, who died Sat
urday, at St. Vincent's Hospital, after
an operation for appendicitis, was held
yesterday from th East Sid Funeral
Directors" Chapel, and burial waa made
In Lona Fir Cemetery. Mr. West waa
43 yeara old. lie Is survived by two
brothers. N. K. West, of La Orande. and
Orvllle Weat, of Portland.
To aav th cost of storage, oa tw
-horsepower return tabular boilers
which w ar now taking" out. wa will
ell them m barfaln U taken at ejv
Tbee collar are of tha Kewanaa type
aad ta good condition. Complete wita
ail fittings and feed water equipment.
rady for Immediate In alalia Uo a. for
farther partlcviara call at roots ID J
Oregonlaa bldg.
Warxx la 8c a am. and. until new
Bull Run pip la finished. It mast not
be usd for sprinkling. Including that
metered: except betweea tha hours of
t and A. At. Where water la wasted
In any way it will be shut off. Folic
Department will assist la enforcing
thl rule. By Order of th Watar
Wtr Aiuaia Cgrxt. Eeatixq
Addl Rose! O'Connor alleges n a
dlvorc complaint tiled In the Circuit
Court yeaterday that her husband. F.
B. O'Connor, beat her Into unconscious
ness June 1 and that he geta drunk
at least four times a week. Th couple
waa married at Spokane In Iecember
Church Gaik 104 Mcmbbrs. Th
Central Christian Church, at Eaat
Twentieth and East Salmon streets,
gained 104 members through the recent
special meetings conducted by Rev.
Charles Scovlll. The meeting closed
when th evangelist was called to New
Black Et TUvoRcg Basis. Jesse
K. Ballou hit Sadie itallou. his wife.
April 1. over the eye. at th corner
of Seventh and Alder streets, and th
optic waa black for two weeka Mrs.
Ballon asserts In a divorce complaint
filed yesrerday.
For Rkxt. Nine rooms, third story.
Fifth and Stark: hot water, steam beat.
Apply 301 Columbia bldg.
Earlt Mosstxo At-ro to Mount Hood
camping grounds. S3.S0. Tabor 910.
Dr. Fraxx W. Wood returned from
vacation. Offices Macleay bldg.
PoRTLASD Asked to Ts Fair Stamp.
An effort is to be made by tha Port
land Chamber of Commerce to Intro
dure a Panama-Pacific Exposition can
ceilatlon atamp Into the local Postofltc
for us on all Incoming and outgoin
mall. Tha action la the result of
letter from th San Francisco Chain
ber of Commerce asking that Portlan
helD th exposition. A letter probaoi
will be aent to Postmaster-Oenera
Hitchcock and also to the Oregon dele
gallon in Congress asking for tn
stamp and offering to defray the costs.
The San FTancisco Chamber or torn
meree has offered to refund the cost
to this cltv for the stamps. The csn
rrlliunn stamm Is now In us In th
San Francisco nostofflee. It reads.
"Panama-Pacific Expoaltlon. San Fran
Cisco. 1915.-'
Cattijc Shippers Sitb Railroad.
Alleging that th Southern Paclfl
v-arelasalv and negligently" handler
two ahtDtnente of beef cattle of 250
bead each from Los Banss. Cal.. to
Portland. Kldwell & Caswell Tester
dav filed suit in the Federal Court
aa-alnat the railroad company for dam
ages to the amount of IS27S.73. By
reason of the alleged Improper treat
ment of the cattle, the plaintiffs allege
there was an unusual shrinkage In tn
stock en route, whtl several animals
were maimed.
Crrr TO But Motobctci.e. The way
and means committee decided yesterda
that the Health Department ought t
have a motorcycle. City Health Office
Wheeler, who asked that on be pur
chased at a cost of S135. said that hi
milk chemlat was often obliged to make
long trips Into th country to secure
samplea of milk. Me sain tne cnemiai
had out-chased a motorcycle at his own
expense for 1215. and offered It to the
city for 115. it being practically new.
Bart Homr Head Resions. Miss
ijwknwH who for the past three
months has acted as superintendent of
the Baby Home, haa tendered her reelg
nation Mia I-ock wood'l work whs en
tlrely satisfactory to the Board and
she baa been aaked to remain, but she
has definitely decided to relinquisn
the nositlon. She will, however, r
main In charge until a new auperln-
tendent haa been appointed. Miss Lock
wood came here from Chicago,
Pne-rorncn Get Ventilator. Post
master Merrick yesterdsy received au
thority from the postofflce Department
to Install a ventilating system In th
lares workroom In the Postofflce builti
in it will consist of two large suction
(m and five smaller fans and the
relief that will follow their Installs
tlon will be welcomed by the 100 men
who are employed In the large work
Roads LfNCHEnjt THEME. Profes
sor Ayers. of the twegon Agricultural
College, will discuss the scientific con
struction of roads at the weekly lunch
eon to be held today by the Portland
Rotary Club at li:I o'clock at
I'lh.rHV cafe. Other addressee will
h made relative to atreet Improve
ment. A. M. Shannon will b chair
man of the meeting.
itooo Asked pcr Loeno Venture-
Asserting thst K. T. Haltom. a mer
chant of Tillamook, persuaded her to
.h.ndon a nrofltable millinery business
In Portland and open an establishment
In his store at Tillamook and that she
l...t monev and prestige by the change,
Florence Evans Osrrett has filed suit
ta recover 17000 from Haltom.
Railwat Sued por $25.000. Nicholas
i haa filed suit against the
Portland Railway. Light Power Com
for i?S 000. He alleges that a
car which he was attempting to board,
at Front and Ulbba streets, July Z,
started too soon and that he was
dragged two blocks before he was able
to get his feet on the steps.
New Taxicar Rates. On August
th. iireon Tajtlcab Company will In
....,..r.t new taxlcab rates, giving the
r...hii- the privilege of riding in their
spacious, elegant, easy-riding cabs at
any hour of the ujf or night: 13.50 for
. flr.t hour: enrn nan m.ur
thereafter. Main 2a0. A Z2t3.
u-.taciv I BURTON fcMPLOT. B.
B. Wilson, who was injured Sunday
i.hi at Twentv-tnirn ami nimi.i
-.- when a horse leu on mm,
,k! .mrdov of H. C. Burton, who
the team Wilson was driving.
instead of the Oregon Washington
Sewer Pipe Company, as reported.
aet-a Club Incorporates. Herbert
Spencer. J. T. Morris ana jinm
'-. filed with County clerk
Fields articles ii inruriioi.u
etnt Club, a social ortraniisiion ir
meriv known as the Aetna society.
ALBISA W. C. T. I". TO MBT.-in.
Alblna Women's Christian
1'nlon will hold an important business
meeting at the home oi ino -rrcs.ucin.
VI li T. l.lIDCri. II r-w uvi
atreet. today at 2;30 1 . M.
lemTini. Collins Mineral springs
Hotel. Collins Springs. WastL, a delight
,.i resort: an Ideal place to apend
o..r vacation. Accommodatlona
surpassed. Culsln excellent,
Rates oa
i-nnnwnnn I or imiutumi.
delivery. Main ma. a
Arcade and. Oh Joy Offering
Attractive ProgrammcsT
Time at Atlantic City." which
la featured at the Star, besides being a
de'.luhtful comedy. Is one of the pret
tiest pictures photographically which
the Blograpli makera linve ever pro
duced. lt shows some of the prettiest
sights at Atlantlo City, giving a real-
Istln picture of 'the ocean. Memoirs
of the Past tens oi wo nappy
hearts, who ar separated, and how
the one sees his hopes reamed in nis
nephew's happy marriage. "The Prorn
gate" Is a drama of early English days.
Mr. Walsh has an exceptionally clever
aong. and Mr. Bedcllff continues to
pleaae the different audlencea.
Th Arcade'a offerings are also very
Interesting, the programme being head
ed by the second historical series oi
the Revolutionary War. "the Capture
of Tlconderoga," "Th Ghost, a farce.
Vieranlums," a drama of cnua me.
Jinks." another blograph hit. and jean.
Wilson singing "The Harbor of Love"
complete a good programme.
Th Oh Joy has as Its heaauner a oig
Western film. "The Outlaw," also -The
Veil of Happiness." a sensational
drama: "The New Church Carpet." a
comedy drama, and Mr. Houghton has a
splendid aong.
Mothers and doctors are keen to e
to It that babies are given only in
purest of pure milk. In Portland thla
Is certified milk from the Clover Hills
Farms. Ths mlk a from a selected
herd of Government tested thorough
bred rows. The greatest care la ex
ercised in "producing certified milk.
Cows are kept scrupulously clean; so
th stables; so ar the dairymen;
food and water are pure. The milk Is
filtered, aerated, cooled, bottled and
packed In Ice as soota as It Is milked.
t stays packed in ice tin it is deliv
ered at your door. There Is one sure
way to avoid tuberculosis and typhoid
milk, mat is ny Deing sure to get
certified milk. Delivered In Portland
by Pur Milk A Cream Co Third and
lioyt streets. Telephone Main 118!.
All th delicacies of th season at th
Portland Restaurant Fine private apart-
acacia for ladiaa. 30S Waah near tLa sL
To live well la ta eat wtll: Trs- Tha
Criterion. 12 Sixth iuhl
New Bills Open at the
Vaudeville Houses
L) su
O.N'G enough to aatlsfy any one and
ufflclently diversified to please la
the Orpheum bill this week. "Scrooge.
an adaptation of Charles Dickens' "A
Christmas Carol," with Wallts Clark
in the title role, tops the bill. Every
body who knows Dickens knows the
tale. The vaudeville version Is de
cidedly spectacular. A grewsome
ghost, Marley's. pulls aside the cur
tain on a series of living pictures the
past, present and future Chrlstmases
In the life of Scrooge. There's' Tiny
Tim. Bob Cratchlt. Mrs. Cratchlt, Mr.
Fezxlwlg. Mr. Topper, Peter, little
Fanny. Martha, and old Scrooge's
nephew, Fred.
Mr. Clark Is a very capable character
actor and the production In its entirety
Is of the highest order.
Izetta Jewel walked onto the stage
amldat thunderous applause and it
was several moments before she could
speak. Then she recited a little child's
verse and announced her repertoire: a
scene from "Zasa," the reading of "The
Light of the Moon." from Kapho, and
a bit of "The Girl of the Golden West."
Her "Zaza" was Impassioned and
abandoned, the recital from "Sap ho"
waa graceful and dignified In delivery,
but the big number was the "Girl."
Perched on a table. In the calcium's
glow. Mlsa Jewel became for the nonce
the fine, true-hearted Western maid
who talks of "the boys money" to the
man who has come to rob. At the end
of Miss Jewel's characterisations, she
was recalled again and again and
huge floral pieces were presented to
An artistic presentation is that of
Amelia Stone, prima donna soprano. In
her operetta "Mon Amour," In which
she Is ably assisted by Armand Ka
Ilsx. who wrote the music and lyrics
of the tuneful romance. The lines are
bright: the music is positively alluring.
Both Miss Stone and Mr. Kallsx sing
splendidly and the setting Is artistic.
Kenney and Piatt, blackface come
dians, with their visionary friend Mr.
Nobody, are a riot. Their act Is chock
full of entertainment good singing
and new repartee.
Lou Anger, the German sojer, has
returned with his rapid Are mono
logue concerning the tribulations of
the first-class fighting men In every
The Havelocks, Jugglers, open the
bill with an ordinary act, and Brent
Hayes, a diverting banjolst. follows.
Closing tha bill are the four Londona.
champeens of the air."
EDOl'ARD JOSE and company carry oft
the honors of the week's bill at the
Empress In the adaptation of Henri
Bernstein's play "Father." Jose giving
aa One a character study of I-eBon as
any actor ever presented here. Mies
Van Blenne read her part carefully, her
seemingly Insipid personality developing
Into Intense acting which brought her
a definite share of the applause accorded
the group In the playlet.
Mabel Wayne a planologue was a de
lightful bit of singing and ragtime music,
part of th time with the orchestra and
a bit of solo work. Besides being pretty
she enunciates plainly and holds her
audience to the last.
Ben Smith sings a medley of old South
ern songs as well as a bit of Irish folk
melody, his tenor vole possessing
sweet quality fitted for this type of
son 9.
The Flying Russells elicit applause
and awful shrieks from the fair sex.
who are not prepared for their recep
tion In some of their audacious trapeze
acta out over the audience. The ease
and rapldl'V of their movements make
the act an attractive feature, were there
no new and daring feats entailed.
The Hopkins Sisters are two maidens
with' pleasant voices whose change of
costumes and songs make them favor
Florence Mndena and company afford
several good laughs, the plunge In the
bathtub the bellboy takes at the last
causing envious looks this hot weather.
Closing the bill Is the Grandascope.
which shows views of London, the King
and Queen and a spurt with a flying
machine, all the pictures being unsually
plain and Interesting.
HIRLWIND feats of tumbling,
twisting and Jumping, as well
pyramid building, constitute
the novel act given at Pantages this
week by the Seven Samois Arabs, their
celerity and sheer Btrength making the
feats afford mora than one surprise.
The heavy man supports all six of the
others In one group, and the calm way
he parades about the stage with this
array of human beings of different
sixes sets a new standard for acro
bats here.
Jennie Colburn. supported by Billy
'Swede" Hall In the playlet. "Made
Good." wins her way Into the hearts
of the audience by her camaraderie.
the skit portraying the average chorus
girl's hardships and usual upright
character beneath a rough exterior.
Four Girls from Klllarncy sing old
and new folk songs, their pretty cos-
umes and naive manners bringing
them more than one round of ap
plause. The leaders. Miss Emma
Vereghy and Miss Connie Connyee, dis
play ability of much promise.
The Five Gardners give a pnan-
tastiest musical act. In which the orig
inal Tlge and a "child" are features.
V. P. Woodward Is refreshing in his
uiet demonstration of his act. which
consists of Juggling tambourines. He
handles IS tambourines at one time, his
feet being aa useful as his hands In
the act.
Bob Ferris Is a singer of coon dit
ties, who quarrels with the orchestra
In a way that makes a few of th
listeners think he is having real .trou
blea. H. K. Evenson deftly drums out
the solicited chord and all la well.
Closing Is th Pantagescope. showing
humorous persecution of. two lovers I
Tends to roue appetite. vTeatheriy ice cream is made from good, sweet
cream, sugar and pure fruit Juices and flavors very nutritious but not
heat-producing. It Is truly very cooling and refreshing. The Weatherly
plant is positively hygienic. The tubs, cans and bricks in which Weath
erly ice cream la packed are sterilized before being used.
The secret of the dellclousnees of Weatherly Ice cream is in the
method of blending and freezing. Weathorly ice cream answers the nat
ural craving of the appetite.
Made by th
by their respective parents, a good
natured embonpoint gentleman belns;
th Instigator of all the merriment.'-
Edwin P. Murphy Says, Portland
Won Convention Easily.
Edwin P. Murphy was the first mem
ber of the Portland Lodge of Elks to
return from the Atlantic City conven
tion. He arrived home yesterday, tired
but happy.
"There was nothing to it from the
time we arrived at Atlantic City until
the vote was taken but Portland." ho
aid. "It was a sure thing that we
would win the 1912 convention, but
we did not quit then. Everyone kept
plugging for Portland until they fi
nally voted to come here nexi year.
Then the whole convention plugged
for us."
Harry Lavery, steward of the Elks'
Club, who had charge of the commis
sary department of the siaclal train
from here to Atlantic City, also re
turned yesterday.
A message was received from K. K.
Kubll, exalted ruler, en route between
Chicago and St. Paul, saying the ma
jority of the crowd will be here next
"Everyone Is happy," he advised.
"The only boisterous one is Dr. Mc
Clyde Kramcs Ordinance to 3Iake
Ctilitics Give Interest.
Councilman Clyde presented to the
Judiciary committee of the City Council
yesterday for recommendation to th
Council for paesage an ordinance pro
vidlng that all companies furnishing
the public with electric light, gas or
telephones be compelled to pay patron
the legal rate of Interest on such de
posits as are required to cover installa
tion of telephones or meters. The orrtl
nance as drawn provides a fine of $200
or Imprisonment not to exceed 90 days
for violation.
Sir. Clyde told of the deposit he was
obliged to pay when he wished to pu
in electricity, and said he had hear
complaints from others. He thought
it best that these companies pay in
terest for the use of this money where
they require a deposit.
It wss remarked that one of th
telephone companies already does this
but that other public service corpora
tlons of the city do not.
Trlsoner at RockpUe Splinters Door
in Mad Outbreak.
At bay in th corner of his cell, with
the fragments of a wooden door which
he had torn to. pieces as defensive wea
pons. Jack Miller, a demented prisoner
at the Linn ton quarry, was quieted
when the authorities turned a stream
of water upon him. He was placed
in a straltjacket and. In an automobile,
under custody of Patrolmen Flack.
Cramp and Rupert, was taken to the
County Jail, where he Is held for com
mltment to an asylum.
Miller, who had shown prior signs of
insanity, went raving mad Sunday, be
ginning by tearing all the clothing
from his body. He reached through
the bars of his cell and literally tore
to pieces a wooden door outside of It,
The pieces, as he broke them off, he
placed in the corner of the cell, and
when the policemen, called "by Superin
tendent Briggs. arrived, they found
htm standing -wild-eyed over his pile
of missiles, yelling at the top of his
voice and breathing defiance.
Miller was arrested two weeks ago
by Patrolman Arnold, at Water street
and Hawthorne avenue, suspected of
having participated In a highway rob
bery pear Mllwaukle earlier in the
night. He was armed with two revol
Sirs. It. A. Kirk Annoyed hy Minnow
in Drinking GUtes.
How a minnow an inch and a half
long came to be In the pipes of the
Bull Run water system, is a question
that has been puzzling Mrs. R. A. Kirk,
1025 East Seventeenth street North
since she secured such a specimen last
night when she turned on the faucet
in her house to get a drink. The trip
through the water mains and final
ejection through the faucet proved too
much for the fish's constitution, for it
Mrs. Mae Marty n,
Boston Examiner, on
writing in the
Care of the Hair
in Summertime." says: "Hot weather
month, with their dust-laden atmos
phere compel on to Indulge frequently
In shampoos In order to keep the hair
clean, fluffy and lustrous,
"A delightfully cooling and soothing
shampoo, can be had with canthrox.
hlch is very beneficial fco both hair
and scalp, and so easy to use that vis
ltlng a shampoo parlor Is unnecessary.
Gxt a package of canthrox and dis
solve a teaspoonrur in hot water. Rub
bing a little at a tlma on tha head
creates a rich, cleansing lather that
removes every particle of dust, dan
druff and excess oil. After rinsing the
hair will dry quickly and become soft,
fluffy and very brilliant." Adv.
Nutritious Summer
The trained nurse and the
family doctor will tell you that
the mere suggestion of the re
freshing coolness and delicious
flavor of
why Certificates
of Title furnish the
BEST protection to
buyers of and. mort
gagees of real estate
All matters affecting real
.estate titles filed for record In
Multnomah County are Imme
diately abstracted and posted
on the company's books: In
cessantly adding to and main
taining its indexed informa
tion in a perfectly finished
and complete form. Investi
gate. Ask for booklet.
Lewis Bldg-, 4th and Oak.
was dead when Mrs. Kirk took it from
the glass.
Far from appreciating the oppor
tunity for "fishing in your own home,
she was annoyed by her find.
The new bridge playing card, soft.
dainty, exclusive, for society and home
use. No higher in price than ordinary
cards.. Also cards with beautifully
initialed backs. The thing for prizes.
92 Third and Third and Washington.
The Pulacaro tin mines in Bolivia have
reached the depth of 2304 feet, and tha
richness of tha ora increases aa the mlna
descends. Th(s mine has been worked for
mora than SOO years.
When Your Teeth
Are Gone
you will realize fully your great
loss. Take time by the forelock and
save them before the damage is ir
reparable. A little work at the right
time and by the right dentist will
save you many troubles. Our 24
years' experience is at your disposal
at the lowest price that the best
work can possibly be produced for
has been brought to the highest
state of perfection. The teeth on
this bridge are Interchangeable at
will without removing from the
mouth. We use gold or porcelain
as your fancy dictates. This is only
one of our many original methods.
has always 'been an important
branch of our profession and at thl
office is treated with the consider
ation it deserves, and our plates
with flexible suction are the most
satisfying that have ever been de
vised. They do away with all of
the well-known .annoyances en
dured by a large percentage of peo
ple who wear plates and are supe
rior in every way to any other plate.
Good Rubber I'l.Ttcs, each .1.O0
The llrst Red ltnbher Plntes,
each 7.r0
22-Karat Gold or Torcelaln
Crown, for 00
22-Karat Bridge Teeth, Guar.
antred, each $3.50
Gold or Enamel Fillings, each. 91.00
Sliver Fillings, each 50c
And an Absolute Guarantee Racked
by 24 Iran lu Portland.
V Office Honrs i
8 A. M. to 8 I. M. Sundays 9 to 1.
Phones Main 20211, A 2O20.
Falling: Bide, 3d and Washington.
Hair Health
If You Have Scalp or Hair
Trouble,' Take Advantage
of This Offer
AVe could not afford to so strongly
Indorse Rexall "93 Hair Tonic and
continue to sell it as we do, if we were
not certain that It would do all
we claim it will. Should. our enthu
siasm carry us away, and Rexall "93"
Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction
to the users, they would lose faith in
us and our statements, and In conse
quence our business prestige would suf
Therefore, when we assure you that
If your hair Is beginning to unnatural
ly fall out or if you hare any scalp
rouble. Resall "98" Hair Tonic will
promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate
hair growth and prevent premature
baldness, you may rest assured that we
know what we are talking about.
Out of one hundred test cases
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic gave entire
atlsfactlon In ninety-three cases. It
has been proved that it will grow
hair even on bald heads, when, of
course, the baldness had not existed for
so long a time that the follicles, which
re the roots of the hair, had not be
come absolutely lifeless.
Rexall V83" Hair Tonic is vastly dif
ferent from other similar preparations.
We believe that it will do more than
any other human agency toward re
storing hair growth and ' hair health.
It is not greasy and will not gum the
scalp or hair or cause permanent stain.
It is as pleasant to use as pure cold
Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonio
is so strong that we ask you to try It
on our positive guarantee that your
money will be cheerfully refunded
without question or quibble If it does
not do as we claim. Certainly we can
offer no stronger argument. It comes
In two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1.00.
Remember you can obtain It only at
The Owl Drug Co Inc., Cor. 7th and
Washington Sts.
The Keynote to Successful Printing
Is Appropriateness
rAnd in no work is it so essential a quality; as
in rour Advertising Literature.
Whether you issue a modest, little booklet or
a pretentious publication, every copy should
leave your hands a perfect cog in your sales
formation. '
Our entire organization is fitted to turn out
just such work. Overseen and operated by
men of experience and ideas, your printing
cannot but receive the attention that means
more than mere typesetting and running
presses. In other words, . : .
Kilham Quality Printing
is the kind you need.
It's this kind that yields you good returns on
your investment.
n v .YTATiniJpDsvv'
Fifth and
Situated on Lake Steilacoom
A select school for boys, situated In
a rural district,' particularly adapted
to all kinds of outdoor sports the year
around. College preparatory, with spe
cial instruction in languages. Modern
buildings, limited attendance. Fall
term begins Sept. 21st, 1911.
For catalog and information, write
IX 8. PCLFORD, Principal,
South Tacoma, Wash.
Ideal Preparatory School for
Admits to any college: unus
ual advantages in Music and
Art. Complete course in Do
mestic Science. Fine gym
nasium. Splendidly located
In a wholesome and Invigor
ating climate. Individual in
struction and home care. Get
further information and
booklet from
2209 Pacific Avenue,
Spokane, tVaah.
Portland Academy
Fits and filrls for Collese.
A Primary and Gramuiar School Included.
Grariuatas enter on examination Harvard.
Princeton. Tale and Massachusetts Institute
of Technology; on certilicate. Amherst. Cor
nell. Smith. Vaasar, Williams and colleges
and universities of tha Pacific Coast. Well
equipped laboratories In chemistry and phy
sics. Field practice in surveying. Depart
ments In charge of college men and women
Classical, scientific, modem languages and
commercial courses. Gymnasium under
skilled director. Track and flrld athletics.
Corner of Montgomery and Thirteenth.
Easy of access from all parts of the city.
Office hours for summer v to u qb -to
a. Send for Catalogue.
Mills Seminary entirely dropned. Only Col
lege work done ct this historic Institution,
A wpniiLi's Collecr. chartered 1885. Entrance and rradua.
tion rrquircmrnu rqutrileot to thote of other Collerei fol
women. Work recognized at the University of Oreron.
Stanford, and University of California, course for course.
Twenty -two departments. Stronr faculty. laboratories well
eqnipped. Excellent opportnnitiea for Home Economics.
Mosic and Art. Modem rrmnsjimn and special care for
health of students. President.- Luella Clay Carson. A. M..
LU D. For catalogue address RerUtrar. Mills Collage P. 0
UErAllinifcla t (oiruirr'"
Session Begins Oct. 2, 1911. For cata
logue address Dean, Dr. S. E. Josephi,
610 Dekum Bldf?.', Portland, Oregon.
San Rafael. Cal.
Infantry, Cavalry. Mounted Artillery,
Open-AIr etrimming Pool and Gym.
ARTHUR CROSBV, D. D., Head Master.
Ask for printed matter at Oregonian office
. Portland. Ore-goo
Resident and Day School for Girls in"
Coliagiata. Aeadavle and Blatoentary Dspartmeata,
Uaslc, Art, Eloeation. eymnaaiam.
For catalog address THE SISTER SUPERIOR
Office s, 6t. Helens Hall
The Allen Preparatory School
Fits for ail colleges and technical
schools. Graduates from this school, in
Eastern institutions, rank with stu
dents from the best secondary schools
of New England. Special courses.
For Catalogue address
Portland, Or., East 12th and Salmon Sts.
For Cirls. Conducted bv the RISTFRK OF THF Hfll V
CtlUtimu Cmirmt. Mosic Art. Elocatioa aad Commer
cial Depta. RiUmawDSti4jM.tLc&nci Moral and
latellecnalTraiainr. Write forAiuvouncrmcat. Address
SISTSX SUPERIOR, tt. Mn', AtaJmr. ttnUmd
Palo Alto. Callfornia.
Boardlnr and dav school for girls. Accred
ited to Kastern and California colleges. Home
Economics, Music, Arts and Crafts. Resident
nurse for youna- children. Illustrated cata
logue. Tenth year begins August 22. 1911.
Send for Illustrated Catalog;.
f. ... .. i iTirraaiMtj
Oak Streets
Belmont School
; (FOR BOYS) . '
tTcnnrTfive Mile SwOtly-of Svtuitiaco)) . ,
Tbt ttbool. 1 rfytnr. to do for tiievm&lWiWI t-hTttofc
not ict$ thin for tb intellecTnal, jrelftn-of a$fc boy what
a tbodrbtful parent wraat wishea to' hm'rioM. Cbtiibjt-
inr to thl end are tbe location t aclkool, wmovrrl
from the tanptarioaa and distramons oi town or dry t bo
fineness of tbe dlrfiate, tbe exoetteaee oMa tmUtJIni w4
other equipment, and tbe beauty and cxtrst of' tat froonda.
with the wide ranee of foothill ramrmdhif Ttbeta. We tra
ctad to have our patrons and aTSdaarra oom aired. Ff
catalogue, booklet and further specific Imforwxtjoi address
tbe bead mastec W. T. RE10. A. M. (Hairmrdi
Fall term berfns Aur--14th. '
The Hamlin School
A High-Class Boarding and Day School
lor Ctrle.
Comprising a French School for Little
Children. Primary. Intermediate, High
School and Post Oraduate Departments.
Household Economics, Drawing. Painting
and Elocution.
Accredited by the University of .Cali
fornia, by Leland Stanford Junior Uni
versity and by Eastern Collegea.
Courses In Singing. Instrumental Masla
fplano, violin, organ, harp, flute, cello,
etc.). Theory and composition. Harmony.
Sight Reading. Musical Dictation, Choral
and Orchestral Practice, etc., are offered
by the newly formed Muslo Department.
School reopens Monday, Aug. 7. Address
Z23Q I'acllic Avenue. Saa 1'ranilaoo.
Phone West 546.
Home and Day School for Cirls. near Stanford Uruyeraity.1
Accredited by coHef rs East and West. Grammar tadWmJ
ar depanmcnts. Four new bulldinrs. a Residence for 4a
pupilst a Recitation Hall of U rooms i I Gymnasium anj
Auditorium: a Domestic Science Bunralow. Etenslr
(rounds. Music. Art Domestic Science. Om-of-door phyaf
leal Training-. School opens September 4. 191L ForUlnat
trated catalorue. address the Principal. f
MARY I. LOCKKY.A.B. Palo Alto. Call
Portland Oregon
Three years' course leading to
degree of Bachelor of Laws. Night
classps uni'or experienced practi
tioners. Fur catalogue and full in
formation address the Secretary. 610
Corbc-tt Huildinir, Portland. Oregon.
Santa Barbara, Cal. '
Home and day school for girls, all depart,
inert-:, college preparation, music, art, Ian
guase physical training, aesthetic dancing
surf-bathing, riding. For circular address
Miss Mary . Gamble.
A healthful home school for boys. Pre
pares for college and technical school. First:
Semester opens Aug. 29. lflll. Catalogue or
request. W. A. 8HEDD. Head Master. j
Get the
Original and Genuine
Not in any Milk Trust
f?S5 Insist on "HO RUCK'S"
Take a package bom j
Cleared, plowed and fenced. On
section line road, close In. $500 pee
acre; terms.
KETH A CO S34 Worcester Bide.
Foster & Kleiser
High Grade Commercial and Electria
Easrt Tth and Eeurt Everett Sta 'I
Phones Eaat 1111, B-2224. I
We are contractors and will furnistt
lot and finance the building; of a homes
for you on easy payments. We Klvaj
references and ask references.
801 Conch bide. Phone Main 4-1 1.
DAI F An irarijaet tn 4ek haadaeba. hidt-
rMUss gBtio&,aouretomaah, endbadoom
BILIOUS plexion. Constipated uaopla have
a Iheae symptom, wbioa are easily
rrlUrLrl curaa wnujso Know wna so ao.
We have enred th.
fcT thirty ream with ecxrs larsovu Lma
uua. :
tot i
. J
Ton look better and feel batter after ulna tbam. On.
Mll for a dose. Sbo a box at storas or by mail. For
auapiaa write su. jsubaa a.u vo gailadaiaiua,