TIIE MOKXIXG OREGONTAX, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1911. r A IIIB R.lK. I " " aa I ' " " ' I Yeeavrle. El. kllHrcKD WAGON. liGLI Dtxr WAGON. fWfusa, ei bur. either aber. rsrk aad pa- -.. W. ft ra latcated f t- "I the blab mi district aad far thai im mi e;l ckMPr. v ur c4-4A4 rehtele row eea g er a at aberat the Mm ifUfc -H. M WAD COW 33 Ulto(M are. if'Pnns iiv-rirts Atfno. TilT. July M, 11 1 P M . we Tt1 a nth carload of r.wtra Or' ki.-M thee- v from 4 to 7 rMtl nj we'sa from llOO la 1 IOO. ail wet k'ekt aad rajT tnr tmmeatiat ! a a.m a IaI af all - ef clfr tanraea. ven:-:ee and harnaas. Tbe Mu-phy Hire A Hi,i fv.rpan aad Hiib' " -b ee. 42 Hawthorne are., ror E. b. iTZiTLA IHRVtM. ifS, AT REA SON VPI E ITICE. fa VJ V a r , a- iinDtrt (. neik Fl HNlTr. WAGONS. SINGLE rLI-IVfRT WAUU.B. I Ptw. Ft-T'P W.JOV. i Rt BHrn-TtREr top fuoot. HAR.NL-i rrK EACH RtO. LTO.VS UTAPLE. 115 UNION AVE. U1BM AVfl HOKUM TOR IALC. Just errtvel. a car ef a Una a lot fcf mini and horse aa w cam to ron land: will be so,d under our guaraBte iiici la w.'eht 1 lt ta 140 pound run In aaa. 4 to 11 Tear: range ta price. $.V la 94TJ. HAWTH'tRNE AVE. "TABLES. ajrt Hawthorn ava. THE undersigned haa tor sale aararal team of muii thornugniy brok and la good condition, whl.-h wt.l be offered for aaia at a ruaiBMbta Brlea. Far runner ir. inr- mniflB call at room Vt Lewi bldg.. or trltphon, Marshall XS. RELIABLE maa with heavy team and wagons find steady work at ti Edlefeen Fuel Co.. foot of Russell treeu rATI RAiF; scar Portnd for r.otk. Pboae Main 141-X Sj-"-Pound taam wits ir' "d " 9173. 1470 ooeonta t.. WoM lwn. Amfetle. cvam tSiM! SNAP-SI l aaia the following penally geofl btiyw in uaed cars at price that aro vary attractive: n inir rr Packard. 7 inn g r r Pack4rL 7-paaana-r raailcaa TA laloa , tor tannaao. t'rUNK C. BIOOS. Packard Garaca. I3d u and Cornell Road. FREE STOR1F: FTtEB fTORAOS. NUTICE. AtTOilOBlX-B OWXtKA Wi wtll atoro yoqr car fraa and all It fir jroo fro of eHara. If jo want tho cah Quick dm-t fall lo aaa ua. AlIOauBIU:-! Hot'iHT. SOI.D AND WfHASCKn. OREOOX AI'TO EXrHAXOE. 2 let and Waahlngion ata tWEU. 7-paaaanaar. &o-horapor Kla-I-Kar. f!na f"r raot or uaa; Juet Ilka new; coal $JKrO. will e.l at H prlra ana win atva a-ima tpfmi to responilMe party. Kao, a-paaaansar. la fine condition; will ell at aacrtrice. terms ir aea:reo. Cadillac runabout. 150 cah. il. HA;PiV. 0S Mwetland Mdf. PHTKICI w W ILL tl.t. or nchann for unlncumborcd real aetata lx-cylln-0r T to e-pasaenarrr automoblla. pr- rct mocnanleal c-onamon. new cnajina. aarln. new tlraa. rompirto equip mant. at aaa anlald. apoa.jomator. ato. Coori ralua aeurJ. AN 24. Oraaronlan. HEFOHE TOL" BfT AS Al'TOMOBILB call and look over our large etock of eiiehtlj.neecl care . wa bave them; makce and aeary one a real bargain. ORC'IOX AI'TO rX' HASi.t 3 1 at and Waehlnstoo a.Er.l electric piano. Jtwt like new. coat fv; will aacri;ic for caaa or aell on eaay parmenra or trade f"r automoblla. H'jUIKik ic. 0 ("wetland bid. 110 MAKMi'S auto, folly equipped, flnee car la cut; make otrr-r. owner lee nn a citr. David Lew la. room X Laimbamena Oi.A(iT roadater. completely equipped, fully guaranteed, so-boraepower: little uaeo. stoddard-I'WTtnn Auto Co.. lnh it er ep aioddard-Dajiton Auto Cow. M ibth etraet. Ht'PUOBILE God condition: cheap. App.y at once. r. t. ixnc. auaat .vi. -PASSENGER automobile f.( hour. Mala TIT. A II1T. F.enlna Mala III. rr.R half: i cneap. a.o -paaaenaar. 1-cnllnder auto. K.ae u Phone Eaat 1234. Itlroa. Pwere aael Pat UleeHk. It THOROI'GUtlRED IV P. R. cblrkena aad r'r. IIS. Ill E. I7ta at. w. w. oar. THORiU'OHFriu Kuastaa alu; rary Liny, ell Harrtana at. Mlarallaaeoaa. afr?r HIGR-ORATK HU1T. C7eaa-up aala. I out pncea and rmlTe. No heaT rent hanaa ever my head. e4 eulta at 114. Zi eojte at (11: 15" eulte at $ltx Jimmy Imnn. room a!3w Oraoalam tide TaAo elevator. roR ALX. At a raaaofiab.e price If take, at once two lOO-boraepewer return tubular bollere. In flratlaaa condition; Juat tba agulpcaeat for mill work; complete with flttlnga aad a'a equlpmer. t to Inatatl la your pleat. Far tirulara at son Oreaoelaa bide MEN'S T ROCS ERR. Men, Ttuy your panta of me. 2fo proflta tarked ea for tba benefit of the landlord; V trouaera at $3: $4. so trouaera at 91. J lm.Tvy Jjuao. room tl Orasonian bldaV fjNK s victor phonograph and o-odd rac orde. one llrld lt.oa, tent. 4-foot wall; out cheat of toota; at bargain If taken at once: no Uaalera. F. N. omlth. 4 A Montgomery at. i-'NI-T today and Tueeday Fumed oak dining-room suit, rockera. writing table, clreeaara. table. aanltAry couca, portlarea. ruga, gaa range, water haatar; all aaw. "4 & Yamhill at. BTOVB DOCTOR. If your tteve doean't bake there la Toothing wrong. 1 can fla 1U ata Kant Xorrlaon. phone Ert QZX. HIHfRADE oak office drake and furni ture, only s'tghtly ued: could hardy ba to:d from new, alao typewriter and add ing machine for aala at very attractive prlcea. 711 ITWli BriLDINO. i;ACa7PTION AL. typewriter bargain for tho week: Remlngtone. $.ru; Smith Premiere. I37 0; Bllcke. 117 5Q. Kortbweat Typo wrlter Co.. Stn at. iAFEa Ntw and Id-hand: low prices; oaay terms: sa'aa openaU. repaired and palnteu, PlRiEI.L. BAFtC CO. and PORTLAND ' RAPE CO.. It Stb et Mala tie. A 411s. ONE 30-horeepoerer dtre.t current motor In firet-claee condition for aala very reason able If taken at one. Comet Electric Co.. 413 Morrlann St. FOR rlAL-E A large quantity of good aec-ond-hand lumber, price very reaeonabia. Apply 4:h asd Pine sta. 1-eonard Csa- structlon Co. rAFKd IS slightly uaed. BreprooX. alagla and rlouble doors: cheap. PL'KC&U. CAFE ).. 83 StB St. Main 3?xa, ;-PAEMlKR White ataaJner for aale or trade for property or a launch. Inquire United Cigar el ore. Fourth aad Waahlna- t"Q- FOR S A L-E Wheeler and Wlleoa aewtng machine, la flret-claaa condition with all rceaeary attachmcnia. $12. Call room 3.9. U4 Bth at- R CALF My raanch sad bona. Zlx4. 1 h. p. ralrbariaa-Moraa. oouplaca. 4VL3, all Eaet 34JS. M I ODI.C-AG ED maa going Lo 6L Paul ; It woul l be aa advantace to addreaa T. IX s.. Irving at-, city TWIN go-cart; beat dealgn; never uaed; aleo a mahogany display chairs, good aa saw. Call s4 K Clay. FOR 8 ALX ix -foot Jeweler's ehoweaee aad s i fool wallcaae. A. A M. Deiavage, 3 W aahln T oa. T1IS controllleg atock la Soothera Oregon mine, would aocept aome acreage ae part; Investigate thl. C 177. Qregunlan. MI LTIORAl Us CHEAP. 1 mn;i!:if-i la g od codttloo, f 133 each, i. M. FiahoT. t dth il J-no; SALE GoM-platad Roltoo cornet: la n-s.--ise ceadltloa. cheap, AO 270 Ore g on tan. 3 -FT. laaach aad Launch-heuee, gaa aa gma. la good shape: 8138 If laAea at ooce. AP-Ty Marshall 1318. i H BALE Big timber 4 ft. cordwood, l.i 50 par cord, dellveracl t ail part of t tie city. Phono Mala 8478. riNX WICKER It A BY CARRIAOC, f.-r sals cheap, BAJ East aota at, t. Tractors' equlpmeal by lulled Engineer. Icy s Coaetmctloa Co.. Til Lewie bldg. T a bargain. eae-tsbUk boat- AC 21 i. Oregomaa. TCio good rust, owe freh and i I ooeonta et.. Wood.awa. ta SepU HARES M'idaon tea machlae atock lor Sftie ereap. tt urvpmaa Ji.- rS ard barn for eala: price 878. Pocsae Ma'a 1474 or eatl at 144 Macadam ex. Safe; large safe, good a near, for eele ebaea. lima if yea wlai. A3? S4e tessncilsg, M lerel laaeaue. THRRt good snamehoreie. la good condi tion. Apply 414 Goldemlta street. WWTF.I vllar rl l.tvp.nrS. WE PI T CLOTHI.VO. Fl.RNlTCRE. TOOL! Highest price paid for twee's and ladle eaet.onT clothing, ahoea furniture, too. a. mechanic, logging. Call Mala 3i0. IN rtnc at. The Globe. WANTED A at of books to keep In spare time, either day time or aventnas. by it vertencod and thoroughly competent book keeper, satisfaction guaranteed; term reaaor-able. H -TA. oregonlaa. IF TOU bare household furniture to ealL call up Ueorge lleker Co.. Ifta Park at, alee at reeidencee a specialty. WE pay most for any kind ef furniture yea den I want. Mala avai. A Ma. Ford Auction Co. oald tl-baud mechanic. Iolng too la. I-eala Hcwre. Co, 3.U rronL. Main t"IA WE pay the higheet cash price for second hand furniture. Venter 4 Martla. phone Eaet JU4. t4i Hawthorne ave. UliiHEfl pricee paid for furniture, etovea. raagea. etc. etc- Call up Eaat 1023 or call at 344 Eaat Morrison et. POWF.Il dory. It lo K fret. 4 lo h. p.; must bo cheap. AD 173. Oregonlan. WA.VTED- About teama. a I Lb scraper, for small Job In town. Phone Main Wia.'l. IPLEFSEN Fuel "Co.." pays rneh for flrat claaa cordwood. from car or barge. WANTED Moving picture machine film, folding chairs, etc AL I4J. Oregonlan. AN'TEI teama to haul wood. Apply 139 Mierlork bldg. phone Mala 1410. HTLP WAJtTFD MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many) Office Beers tare Employment Departmea T. M. C A Toang man, stranger, out of work ($30 Ills iota) caeh aaaeti If I pay you il for special employment memberenip. i vm have only lis left between me and atarva- Uon Hecretarr If you ray (i for Teeiai employment mem be rah lp you will have tb 9 you Will nave loa reeourcea betweea T. M. c. A. with ua you aad larraUoa. Rerord for moatba esdlna JTO SO. Call for men.... Positions filled ... Kew member . 111S ... T ... tI Employment membership ruarmnt.ee em alovment or refund of membership fe .was . b n m nnl l ' enll enemharehlr DTt V lleser. 10 months aootal privilege and undertakes to keep party employed during tba full term of memserasio without further charge, U h. Mona.ene A'amend foe nlffh frade. enerleooed men. Axe you fitted or a better poaitloa r " ae secretarr empcoymaot departmea I I. a. U A, WANTED TOD AT. Twenty-live logger for MTLOID RIVER LVMPER COMPANY. M'CLOl D. CAL. FARE PAID. fHIP TU.MUU1. FOR TAQCINA PAY. OREGON. LOO CEH8 AND MILL MEN. SHIP TONIGHT. Hundreds of other Jobe for logger, mill nande. farm nanus, laoorera, leemsiera. etc, etc. PACmC EMPLOYMENT CO. Mala office. 13 N. 3d rjt. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. ft. Marina Corp, betweea the agea of IP aad a. Must be aatlve bora or have flrat papers. Monthly pay, 115 to IS. Addi tional cempenaatloa poealble. Food, cloth ing, quarter and medical attention tree. After to s ears' service can retire with 7( per rent of pay aad allowaaoee. Eervlce ea board arp and aabore la all parte of the world. Apply at f. 1. Marin Corp Recruiting Office. Breeden bldg ad aaa Washington sta. Port.and. Or. PRINT SHOP FOREIIAN WANTED. We want an all-round printer for fore man m the ehop of aa evening paper and J'tb ornce. We want a man or conaiaer able experience who doe not boos and 1 not afraid of hard work. To such a maa we will give a permanent position at good wages. Apply to Mr. C. H. Fisher, at the Imperial Motel. Monday forenoon. July 34. or write to THE DAILY UVAHU, fcugene. or. START In ouaineaa for youreeif. selling clothea made to order by Lamm 4k o.. wholeeala tailors. Chicago, Splendid op nortunltv for hlah.claaa man Lo make big money traveling or to open up clothea ehoo here or In aura nearby town- 8am plea and dlaplay etock free. Inveatment and experience anaeceaaary. Write for further particular. J. f. Thompeoa. Wee. Rep., l?t Id ave.. aaa Francisco. WAN TEL A young maa who is capable of earning S300 or more par month. Ihla la no cinch, but to the maa who haa found that there la aothlng la working all bis life at a amall wage for the other reuow we are prepared to offer a permanent. lucrative poaltlon If the man can deliver the gooda state prevloue experience la answering. AO 170. Oregonlan. SALESMEN. If yoa can ecu automobiles, I will show you a practical working plan that la r.rotncln arealer reaulta for OUT ealeS- men thaa any other proposition. Call ta lo a. M. only. 8TODDARD-DATTO.V COMPANY. 41 Tenth St. TOT'NO man of neat appearance to call oa pmepecta furalehed by ua Fplendld op portunity for energetic huetlers: no drone or eaay-work hunter need apply. The right man will be well paid. Call beforo 10 a. M. : aek for Mr. RhodehameL Co lumbia Truat Co.. H4 4th su WANTfc;l Experienced realty saleaman to take charge of rorpa or junior aaiesman and act as district manager; must bave ability to handle prospects and close buetneea: ao man under 30 years of age considered; atata age and previous expe rience in anewerlcg. AO 377. Pregonlan. WAN'TED Saleemeo. experienced mkgaslne and book men. to repreeent Xurrent Lit erature." itf-volume premium and the magaalna for 913. Entirely new. never before shown here. Higheet commissions. "Current Literature Publlenlna Cov room 4"S Msrquam bldg. SALESMEN, exclualte territory, big oppor tunities, steady position. complete line Yakima alley-grown fruit shade and or namental stock: cash weekly: outfit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTKD Automobile machinist, one who knowa how to drive; jnuet be good all around man. ORK.JON A1TO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington ate. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa cific Coast -grown nursery stock: casn paid weekly. PeclOo Nursery Co-. 808 Corbett bldg. WANTED Mualclane. B. A O.. especially vlollnut and clarinetist; company going FTast. N 3M. Oregonlan liAPEHIENCED advertising aolicllors, com- mleelon; contracta riinra. ail. abivi Magaxlne. 8Q6 Journal bldg. lLKi'TRlCIAN. plumbers and sheet mul workers, nonunion, out or town. Apply 232 Commercial Clubbldg. WANTED Architectural draftsmaa: must be a good netauer; srate experience, m 2t.il. Oregonlaru WANTED Registered druggist or registered aaeiatant druggist. Audrees lr. a. fttone. 8alem. Or. W'ANT an experienced solicitor and driver for cleaning ana aye noun .m ive iim a:reet- WANTED Experienced advertising eollc- Itor; salary to start: cerumteeiun later. j Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Phowcard writer to start work In Keptsmber. AHJil, oregonlan. MATTRESSMAKER wanted Portland Fur- nlture Mfg. Co.. 1-41 Aiacaaam roao. ftteady work for right man. Fulton car. CONCRETE ebovelers wanted at County Farm building, near Troutdala. Take Oresham or Lstacaiia car. WANTED Experlence-t real eatate Inetali ment aalraman; good proposition. Room 10. 141 S Flrat C Do you wish to cataMleh youraelf perma aertlyr Ask for Bryant, 1118 Veon bldg. SIRl'iTI RAL Iron workers, out of town Apply 333 Commercial Club bldg. PHOTlm.RAPH coupon and portrait agenta, new offer. Cutherth s'udlo. Drkum bldg. TWO boys wanted, with wheels, good wage. Apply 33 Alder St. In basemen L STEADY boy wanted, with whaeL B 4"regontan, 8IDELINE maa wanlaJ for WaahLnsUra and Alaska. O Oregonlan. LINEMEN. NONUNION. Apply 831 Commercial Club bldg. A GOOD baker wanted. Call at 832 Alberta) at. Vetrert Bakery. WANTri Preee.r for cleaning and dye worka phone Eaat 83. FIHST-CLA.cs, A No. 1 aoda dispeneer. Ad drees P. O Bog 8o-4. Tacoma. Wash. PLASTERERS and carpenter, nonunion, out of town. Apply 133 Commercial Club bldg. 80 LABORV-RA. FEW MILES FROM TOWN. APPLY 2M1 COMMERCIAL CH B BLrxT. gltCYCLB repair maa. T. P. Kexua Co. iwi stn sx. i BOXS wuh wheelA Arp.'y aX S7i Aider at. I I .en unmnvirni-i I fiiTF A Tinvfl WANTED FEMALE. f FOR RF.NT. I FOB RENT. WANTED A mlddia-azed man to work few houra arerv dav. In a amall boarding' houee. for board and room. Inquire lei r.. 13th St. N. REI.P WAV-TD FICMAl-K. WAXTTD TOUIta ULDIXa FOR TELaV PROXB OPXEATCfO, WTTH OR- WITH' CUT XPSBIUfCaV AFPLT TOT FaV CIF10 TELXFHOKB e TaTL-WRAFH OCA, KAIT TH AJTO AJtK-KXT sTTaw WANTED TODAY. c-i- KUh a.irl Ranch ro,)k to go to CaJlfornla, (46 (rare advanced). AValtreaa and kitchen helper. fSO. Hecond girl, chambermalda. waltraasaa. nnueekrepers ana general nuwui - good wages. PAf-lFlC EMPXOTMSTNT CO.. Tadlei- liopt. 3H Morrlson. COOK-altr-es. beach, $70. 1 wattresaes. beach. $-15. 3 rhambermalils. beach, 12. 3 boardlng-houea cooks. $40 and 843. Hotel rook. $4fl (out of city). Waitress, country hotel. $::'. HANSEN' S LADIES' AGENCY. .' Wash, gt. Room 7. u antkh a houeekeener on a ranch; widow between 2 and 45 years preferred and one who desires a good home more than big wsees; no objections to one or two good children; must be a gooa nanu to care for milk, butter and chickens am a widower with one boy. Addrcsa Frank Orlffln. Baycenter. Wash. Apply Standard Factory. No. . Orand ava. ana mk Aayiur aa. WANTED A lady aaeiatant to credit man mil. k ihnrmiFh.v exoerlenced at col lections: state age, salary expected, phon number; those not familiar In this lln or work need not repiy. l- x-jo. vrrmnnn. IMMEDIATELY, bright. Intelligent woman of pleasing personality, wno la amomoue experience unnecessary. AG 76. Ore' gonlan. WANTED Girl during day to assist with housework and cooking In tour-room apar-.-,. .nr.iv tiu vi . . r anartment 9. I'hone Marshall 2019 from A. M. to 1 P. M. Mil l IvflRT TRIMMER Must be thorough ly experienced with hlgh-claaa city trade and capable of managing extensive retail workroom. AD 375. oregonlan. WANTED Reliable young woman for gen erel kitchen work, one who can SleeD a home preferred: wagca $'-.". Apply to Rose City Sanitarium, isi gaa st. norm. COMPETENT girl for general housework . four in family, no childrwn: good wage for clean, willing girl. tw4 w asoo su Phone East lfvia, ELDKRI.Y woman or girl for light general housework. 2 in family; heavy mashing given out; good wag. 821 13th St., cor ner Clay. WAN1ED Kenned, capable woman for re ponatbl position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Experienced nurse to taka care of two children, call before li. mu aiar- shall st. Phone Main 8009. WANTED Young lady, partly as stenog rapher nnd partly as general office assist ant: salary 940 mini n. reaiy Lnwaii t o. UKAt H waitreaaea two. 135 each: two. $33, Two chambermaids, $10. Others. Howe's I-adles' Agency. 3 1 4-33dM. Wash. WANTED A competent youpng girl to help taka care of an inrant; musi nave re. erencea. Apply 711 Lovejoy st, WANTED An experienced marker and sort er. Atpiy rlrown-oale Co., aw East Mor rlson. WANTED A lsdy to work in boarding-house for board and room for hereeir ana nus- bsnd. Phone Ket aS7b. 1314 Russell st. WANTED A neat housekeeper for young married couple. Apply at o"l rteck bio. to K. A. ttatnsway, v:.nr 1 urea a j A, Ji. MHs. HOWE'S LADIES' AOETNCT. 838As Waahlngton St.. room 814, Main isi or A 32. GIRL for light housework: family of three: good wagea. imw Tnorman st., comer ox S3U. Taae W oar. 02 RL for cooking and housework, small family. T47 g,aai ataaiaoa su. nawxnorn or 6unnyslde cart, HANSEN'S LADlEd' AOh.NCT. Stlh Waahlngton st-. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2nS- YOCVO girl about 18 to take care of baby. sleep home; reterencea n. h. u. i-ei fert. apt- 2, fit. Franci Apartments. WANTED A girl for general housework amall family; on to go to the beaoh. Aprly N- 34th st- Phone Main 2077. FIRST-CLASeJ cook at "Th Waldorf." 147 18th St.; steady position to rigm party. Phone Main 2118. - WANTKD Experienced colored women to do general housework, a oregonlan. CHAMBKKMAJD wanted, working-men's ho tel, aoo ousan. GIRL to do general housework- 4d3 Monb- gomery- Main TS44. A 4817. MANItLX girls; also other help. Interna tional Laundry, hi. sin ana test uik. LADY barber a an Led at 231 Tamhllk pear Third. LADY to bake cakes; must be A-l; state a ages, G 3!5, Oregonlaru WANTED Chlrt waist Ironer in hand laun dry, tii. Kearney at. Take w car. WANTED An experienced body Ironer. Ap ply to rtc Laundry, 3 J l Arthur st- U1KL wanted for general housework. S3 N. 3isu INTELLIGENT women to solicit order for photographic work. call at 4l llaisey. WOMAN or girl assist with general house work, small family. I'hone Main 7USL WANTED An experienced girl to do gen eral housework. itr xvareti st. WANTKD Good Ironer at the seaside Laun- dry. Seaside. Oregon. till) 414 ps at home, all or spare time. FIRTLAe? sklrtdraper and wa-lstmaker, Tecsdale. wo aiarquam oiag. GIRL for general housework, 434 East 12th North. Phon East jil. GIRL for general housework and cooking. Phone Slain siai. WANTKD A girl for Ice-cream- counter. 2.-H Everett SL Gl RL 10 care for baby evenings; reference reiu1req. fnona atain live. MIDDLE-AGED colored woman wanted for notisewora. caei u.o - GIRL to do general housework at Seaalde. Apply it. ftn. HELP WANTED MAXTi OR FKHALE. EtfTABLIH a buelne.B of your own; our goods used by eacn memuer 01 every ijn llv every day: profitable, permanent: 33 Ideation In and around Portland: only f.'W dollars needed to start- Write or ee A. E. Hwaln. C33 Lumber Exchange. GOOD "pay to hustling solicitor, male or female. a"'1 r-ast rjurusiue su, room 14. Call between S and 10 A. M., and 6 P. M. euLlCITORrt wanted Good proposition, lib eral commission. Apply i lita si. o.. room 13. WANTED Real estate salesman or lady to Join advertiser; good seller; big commis sion. AS 1. Oregonlan. HFY.P WANTED MISCElXANEOrS. WANTED MEN TO LEARN Te operate moving-plcturee; operator earn $33 to $40 weekly; special price oa lessons today. N. Y. School of M. P. Operating. c3H Waahlngton. near 17th. ANY man experienced or wishing to learn to orlve ana repair euinmuoiiee. can uu register: no charge for poaltlon. 838 Wash. St.. room 4P6! LiAKS automobile driving and repairing; actual practical experience; oay or inn. tngs. 8304 Washington at-, room, eta. BY reading the Bonvllle square Deal yoa will know way you are noi aieaauy em ployed.- MAKE money writing ahort etorlee. or for paper; big pay; 1 oi.ii ..1.. uvw. t nlted Press Syndicate. San Francisco. MILLINER and dreeemeker. to conduct tor iolntiy. on rfimoni et., luou luL.iinn iui uslnes: no oppoaltlon. Phon B l.V3. UiTERMAllOXAL correapondence Scaeels, loeaJ office J3 Aiaer st- jssjh iuw. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TTPB- WRITING. 83 mo. line1 inn e- asm see. W'LL tint rooms for $2 SO and paint house . i. k I.-... 9. ea WANTED at once 8 men to learn to drive and repair an'.omooiiea. rut rs. nn at- WANTED Toung men to learn mnvlng-plc- ture operating. Laemmie, in oak su flre- S0. on nemroy Tni.ue ... '- mec- men. Promotion. Railroad Employing Headquartera. aeoo eem 10 posuiuua m 1910. State age; name position preferred. Railway Association, Box A V. Oregonlan. 10 060 POSITIONS for gi. luatee last year; men and women learn barber trade la weeks, help to secure position; gradu ate earn from $18 to $23 weekly; expert Instructors; tool rrea; write ror cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 88 Itortb 4tn aw. ronjna, or. FIFK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 13 awtiana viog. riTATION WANTKD MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerk. YOl'NO man want position: had 33 years in ..UrAnd .1 nr. and OUrchaS- . ji . -.. . K - h.d charfi of large store and office; am familiar ith general oitico auu tiw ivi - - clean record; am sober and consclentloug worker; can furnish good reference and .. . . , .. t , .'. ( 1 rm- ave woraer. uau imiuwh a'" willing to locate any place. D 23. gonian. TOITNO man having had 4 years' expert ., .1.1. 1 . . - Incal firm wlshea poet' tlon as collector or gome suitable outside work: would like to list with firm that require the service 01 a consuie"""--. reliable man. r jw. uregonisu. u.' . v'Tk-n Pim 1 on. with chance 01 - . - . vancement, with an engineering power or electric railway company: 1 nave . i 1 on in electrical englnertng and have had some practical experience; am 32 year of age, at 3h. oregoniau. if'Ai-vTiv-r ir m-lth rive vears expe rience' in railroad office, rate and claim clerk and cashier, wania poninm. dress EL Thorne, general qenver. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOS3 OR WRITH BP books, prepare balances and tatemntfc ti-stal: systems. Gllllngham, auditor. 411 Lewie bldg.. Marshall 111. WATCHMAKER, experienced railroad watch 1 1 .. - .nn ccnalrer. wants position w here first-clai work 1 desired. Addresg O 2frri. Oregonlan. TECHN'irAl. eraduate wants position with civil engineer as draftsman, leveler or rodman. Address u isi. oregouiao. WANTED Position as bookkeeper, assistant hnnkkAiwr or aenera on cs man: several year' experience; reference. Phone Tabor pvurnT Knc.kUe.nec will write uo and ad "just your account for a moderate fee. O 285, Oregonlan. MARRIED man." 29 yeara old. eight 5' ''- banking experience, beet reference. 945 E. Main. Tabor 1890. r ni . u w it I'PITR cost accountant. office manager. A-l referenceA R 288. Orego nlan. cTc-v-AnDiDtiro -.1 Knolt k eener. A Year experience. excellent reierencce. u""w position. AT 23. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER. thoroughly experienced. Phone A 2R45, or writ J 287. Oregonlan. .vtlaceliaoeoaa. OPEN for position, young man. with Initiative ana executive aDim. a iiiorwuemy . ; petent bookkeeper, auditor, credit and of- nce manager or nearly aa yeaia e.t-i. lence in wholesale and retail line, five of which In general merchandise, lumber. buying, selling and lovinumi ao.uii..- 1,. anher married. AK4 -9 . .. . ,H 1 . . nn Cnaa either in Of OU f Portland; employed at present; change In id days; locau reierencoa. auuhm . 3iS. Oregonlan a I'Tnti nRi.R uiMtnin with several years experience In Los Angeles, wouia nae i represent a live nrm wnn a live car 11.1. can give Portland and Los Angelea rel- . jt j c .SO nM.nnlan. erencea. MAN and wife, experienced cook, man places in restaurant, noiei. ciun or enm.'. or as caretakers of club or apart, house. Ca!l or writ 628 Morrison St.. J. Caaso- boon. LICENSED chauffeur want position: pri vate family prererreai no oau u-".i Phone Tabor 22H8 or addres 400 East 82d it, city. At AN and wife, experienced cook, wish work in camp, mm or nuta ' " taker: reference. M. Baker. 8S9 North llith. Phone A 144T A COMPETENT foreman In building line . . . i . i... -I- Kv Irene: aood wania pnei ijou . iii.-v - j - - a . . . , .-..-1 1 onntracta. aisiiniB auu li u ' 1 A . . YOUNG man attending bulnes college de- afier school. Address H, D. B.. room 60S . 1.1. 1. 1 .i CHAUFFEUR wants position with private family. In city or country; two ia -perlence; no bad habits. Phone East 81."0. JAPANESE, good cook, waiter on the table and housework, sad t-oucn u ii"'""' - 451 S. , GERMAN, 21. want pceltlon. Janitor, all around: private nouae prcierreu. " Oregonlan LAW student, admitted next Spring, want connection with rename law iiruj- j. o.e or AT :6. Oregonlan. HOUSECLEANING and window washing or Janitor work. Alain io-o. auuhw j. jcu- ninga CHAUFFEUR wlshea position with private nsrty: have six years" experience. aa 318. Oregonlan- EXPERIENCED cook wants poaltlon In family. 153 14 1st av. wninese Mission, room 14. riRSTTjlKS Jananeae cook want Job; speaks blnglisn; wage aoo up. n. .m, oregonlan GOOD all round baker and reliable, seek situation, town or country, a -isi. ore gonlan. i SHEET metal worker wont position; 12 years' experience. AF 3a. oregonlan. PAINTER wanU work, day or Job; very low price. A 3t5. oregonlan. bTRONO BOY want steady work on farm. K 264, oregonlan. WORK of any kind by young man; under- i i i . 1 'iBB niaMinlan JAPANESE boy wanta position aa a house lie i pel. '-.. vB""' OFFICE work for evening uid Sunday. A 24. Oregonlan. FARM manager, married, want care of farm. 3&3 ft Hawtnorne, room o. x aawo. THOROUGH Japanese want a nloe Jon. 13 270. Oregcmlan. I WANT to take a contract to out tie. Apply N 286. oregonlatu SITUATIONS WANTF.D FEMALB. Bookkeeper and Stenographer. TOT'NG lady stenographer, graduate Holme tfUBinese college, six ihuihub "i"1. . wants permanent position. Phone Tabor 2i07. YOUNG lady desires poaltlon as offloe as sistant; some knowledge oi DooKaeeping. Phone during mornings East 4870. Ad dress J 281. Oregonlan EXPERIENCED young lady would like po altlon as casnier or collector. mono m mornings. East 41. K 360. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER who haa had 10 yeara experience dealre position, at. Zoo. ore wonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer, also experi enced In bookkeeping, nnng ana general office work, want position. Main Q792. BOOKKEEPER with general office experl- nCa. Cll-r icirniil. '-. auwu EXPERIENCED atcnographer want good position. inone voooiawn io-j. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, experienced. Phone Main -ma Dreasrnakera. COMPETENT dreaamaker can take few more engagement by oay or wees. riiouo Main 7081. A J25&J EXPERIENCED dreaamaker and ladles' tailor wants sewing ai nom J""" liRi-'SMAKEil. flrat class, wanta few more engagements by day. r phone East 2441. Housekeepers. RESPECTABLE woman wants ' housework In small family; iiiain rooamg, mui uw treated as one of family. Phone Main 9121. WANTED By experienced elderly gentle woman, care ox nouae sou uhhiiwi. . 279, Oregonlan. -. i hmiuliaanaF In ran tleman't home; best references. AT 297, Oregonlan. Domestic. YOUNG girl would like to help with house work In gOOa nomo, UO eooeina, leiei- ences. Call or write S94 Prospect Drive. Portland Height Naraea. Xl'EKIENCED maternity nurse wants oaae. 'will do some housework; wagea $10 per wtek. Phone Woodlawn 2736. COLORED girl wishes position as child nurse during oay mi '"' " good reference. Phone Woodlawn 93. M lecellaneona. ArY will go out to wash. Iron and clean. Mln 14-u. ars. Ul"aa. IDPLEAGED womnn wants day work, any kind. phonoWrodlawn 791. DAT work wanted by experienced woman. Phone WOOOiawn .... r.Hr reliable laundress wanta more ateady "VrW ' . .... l ITIIi. TahA, OOaia w o rk. cia ny or uom. - Rl, wants general housework. 1114 N. 20th. GIRL wlah day work. Call Main 4400. MEN WANTED Age lS-85. to become , . . . e 1 AO nnnlhl hrabaman Miscellaneous. ic - mUriia.irl oe elderlv VOmUl could like to do plain cooking for two for about a month near Ml Hood, expenses will be paid: for further Lnforrrjatlon, address av iia. iruuiau. rrDpBivvrirn lanndresa would like ladies and gents laundry: prices reasonable, or Will go out D l II e uay. r-ww"w 1089. Addres 632 Ellsworth st. - WASHING called for and delivered; first class hand work at steam laundry prices, work rushed lor traveling people. Mar- -V.-IT "QI COOKING poaltlon wanted by nrst-class lac cook of New York City; prefer delicate sen. 492 Clav St. Phone A 43t1. EXPERIENCED piano player or ticket seller for moving-picture house wants position. F 289. Oregonlan. GIRL would like to do plain cooking and housework, no wasning. imu .n.u.a.j Phone Marshall 113, or B 1588 EXPERIENCED cook. $40 up; chamber maids, waitresses. nurse. St. Lrmli Agencv. 809 "A Wash. Main 2039. A Iui YOUNG lady want position as a cashier in rairanaant or nickelodeon. Addres 488 Flander st. Mrs. M. Triness LADY want work by the day. 158 5th. Call after 6 P. M. Main 437$. WANTED AGENT. RELIABLE salesman can make big money selling our well-known line of hardy non Irrlgafed trees, shrubs, rosea etc: out fit furnished; cash weekly. Addreaa Ore gon Nursery Company. Orenco. Or. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED To rent 10 or 12-room unfur nished housa. walking distance. West Side, must be modern; will pay good rent TOT SUltaoie nou&e. a& -ca, vi e""..-" WANTED 3 to 5-room house and 1 or more lots, near car; must be snap; $750 down, balance 1 year; state exact location or no attention paid. A 2S3. oregonlan. RESPONSIBLE couple wish small furnished bungalow or light housekeeping-room with sleeping-porch; private family. J 2SS. Ore- gUIllN.Il. WANTED To rent a 6 or 6-room modern house. East Side; must be first-cls.ss resi dence district; will lease for a year; refer ences. Address C 2S3. Oregonlan. TO LEASE -room modern house on West Side. AT 276. oregonianj WANTED Horse and wagon for 2 Phone Main 8176. week. Room and Board. WANTED Furnlshesd room, private family, modern conveniences, board preferred. Nob Hill district. AO 289, Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Rooms, -JUST WHAT YOU WANT. Furnlshsd or unfurnished rooms. alnglA an suite, all conveniences, best location. "MILKER BLDG.," 850V4 Morrlaoa St. Furnished Rooms. SOW OPBVI NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI Those torse beautifully furnished hotels, HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS ROWLAND 113 Va 4th t. Slli 4th t, 207j 4th mU On Fourth t.. running from Taylor to Salmon at. Brand new brick, elegantly furnisher'; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms: strictly up-to-date In all respeots. and at popular prices. If yoa want something out of the ordinary in the heart of the city at reas onable prices, give us a call, a we know you will Ilk It. Room by the day. week or month. Tourist trade solicited. ResldentlaL 830 Taylor. Transient. Bt 7th and Park its. Opposite Jlelllg Theater. Central, quiet, room with privaLe 'bate. etc. from $1 dally; suites or single rooms at low tates: weekly or monthly terms; new. handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele- hones, hot and cold running water. From nlon Depot "J" car to Taylor, or W car to 7th; from Hoyt-street Depot, fl ea r, transfer oa Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2200. SARGENT HOTEL. Grand ave. and Haw thorne, beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water; steam heat and telephone In every room: special Summer rates by week or month to permanent guest. First class grill In connection. Transient o Uclted. HOTEL RAINIER. On block from Union Depot; 140 out side room, with hot and cold water, every thing brand new; special rates by the week or month; give ua a trial. Transient rate bOe to $2 per day; weekly rate (3.50 up. ROOMS. ROOMS, ROOMS. Central location, moderate prices; neat airy room; weekly rata $3. $3.50 and up, including public phone and bath. THE OCKLEY. 89014 Morrison St.. cor. 10th. ' HOTEL SAVON. 181 Eleventh si New, modern brick building, steam-heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort able. Rente very reasonable Call and see Us. Regular aad tranaient trad solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 387 4 East Burnslde. We have a few very pleasant modern rooms, which we wSI make special Sum mer rate on transient, 60o to $1.50 per day, $2 to $6 per week. East 6940. B 1275. THE BURNS. $4 PER WEEK and up. with hot and cold running water and free telephones In every room, close In, new, elegantly furnished brick building. 10:S 12th St., near Washington. Marshall 2790. ANTLERS HOTEL. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated; everything first class; rooms, with bath, $1.50 and up; ?27 per month with private baths; special ow Summer rate by wek or month. 10th and Washington. CALUMET HOTEL. Park t-. between Morrlaon and Alder. Heart of the city: quiet and modern: fre bus or W oar at depot; rates $1 alngl. tl.50 double; alao family rooma with prl ate bath, etc Ratea per week. HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for business people; centraiiy locatea; ele gant rooms, all modern convenience; 7th and Taylor sta, 1 block from Portland Hotel opposite Helllg Theater. Main 91s. &USHMARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington 'tllKlj luiuuuau awvui. auiis wa waa suite; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold watea and phone in all room; rate reasonable; translenta aoliclted. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suite or sin gle, $3 ana ,4 weea.; uve miuuies waiat to theater and stores, free phone. Lin dell Hotel. 828 4th. THE PEER HOTEL, cor. East 3d and Burn- side, cool, airy ruonia, rent so per weea and up: refreshment served on roof gar--den. Eaat 171. HOTEL BURTON. Yamhill and Id streets. Strictly modern, reasonaoie rates by the day. week or month. B. W. Fisher. Man ager. THE LARRABEE. 2274 Larrabee .; mod ern, cool, airy rooms, tranaient ooc ana up; special ratea uy week or month. E. Ml CLEAN, comfortable basement room for ' . i man. fee nlliiTi. hath air- AUT COOL, newly furnished rooma 868 13th St.; cneapesi maa m .no 1.U. NORRIS HOTEL, rooms modern, $3.50 and up per week. ia-a ntn st- THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooma at modsrate pncea. v-or. on anu aiomitomery. Furnished Room In Private Family. TWO nloe, beautiful furnished rooms suit able for two gentlemen or laay; moaern; East Side; walking distance; reasonable; first-class. Phone B 1438 TWO front rooms en suite for two or thrr-o people, privilege or light nouseaeeptng u d natred. 633Everett.cor.17 th. NEWLY furniahed room, gas. bath, elec tricity and pnone. 4tiy iiaisey, A oioca from Union. Phone East 439. NICE large room in modern private bouse. close In. suitable lor two young men. 1S8 10th st. NICE, light room, furnished, traveling man preferred: -rererence. Airs. Murray, -to. floor Kearney Apts.. 21st and Kearney. $3 ROOM In a refined private home; splen did natn; wanting ninmnco, no sign, oo tx Jackson St., near Park. VERY desirable room, suitable for two; modern, large yard, nnest location, of N. 20th St. NICELY furnished front room in an apart ment in NOD Hill GlSiriCT. re&BUILauie. auain 81 WX PRIVATE house Transient and rooms by the month, quiet place, tin r.vereti sr. COOL outside room, low rent, $10 month; 7 minutes- walk, eoa tun iu TWO furnished rooms. prlvae family: I 'ould prefer two young men, r-ast jbw. 649 TAYLOR FT. Very desirable rooms. with or without boards HAVE you seen those furnished rooms at 262 13th st. Phone ana pain. NICELY furnished rooms, also baaement room, w montn. hi irinity r-iace. YOUNG lady desires roommate. Address C 279. Oregonlan. iiEWLY furnished room for gentlemen only. 43 N.' 20th at. Main 3936. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NEATLY furnished rooms In fine neigh borhood. Free phone, lights and bato Prlvilege of light housekeeping If de sired. 333 13th St.. cor. Market. Rooms and Boaro. DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In, near car, 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. F. ' N. Heath, supt- THE MANITOU 261 13th, new manage ment: thoroughly renovated: inviting rooms; choice board. Main 1184. CHOICE board and large room, facing the park, very reaaonaole. 374 Park. 2 LARGE rooms, single or en suite, choice table board. 33 N. 17th. t BOARD and room. 800 Jefferson st, Houm. With Hoard in I'niiur ramilr. PLEASANT room and excellent board, rea sonable, for 2 young men, in private fam-llv- Nob Hill district. 714 Davi st- Main 7670. nivnv front room with large closet, every thing modern, man and wife employed preferred. 1 133. BEAUTIFUL furnished room with first-class board for 2 In private family. 93 North 17th st. Main 4220. $20 PER month each, beautiful front room for two; all new, modern conveniences. K8 X. 17th at. A NICE parlor bedroom: newly furnished auitable for one or two gentlemen; ex cellent table board. Phone East 6U71. WELL-FURNISH ED room with best board large porch and grounds. Main 3U1. FURNISHED rooms, with Oak. Phone B 2619. board. 593 E. ROOM and board, home privileges: walking distance. B 30os. o4o E. uavis st- GOOD board and newly furnished room- Main tj'Ji. NEATLY furnished room: board if desired all conveniences. 187 loth. Main 6117 ROARn anil alnarle room for 5 a week bath and phone. 605 6th st. Main 3H04 ROOM with board for 2 or more gentlemen. l.4 N. 16th st. Phone Mam LADY, with good home, desires child to take i.i e oi. rjaai oil'.",. Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNER BOYCE. APARTHRVT.Hni'SE SPECIALISTS. Main 2(115 503-5(16 Abington bldg. A 2018. Our apartments are built right- From long exoerlence we know the tenant wants and make it a point to supply them. sWe have apartments for rent in locations listed below, which possess the maximum of convenience and equipment at the minimum of expense. Courteous Janitor on the premises will show the apartment. THE HANTHORN. 251 12th St.. near Main: 3 large rooms with private balcony, 2 sleeping compartments: $35 and 137.50, Trie. KINGSBURY. 1-ora St., near v aau fnffton: lunerh location, new building, prl vate balcony; 3 and 4 rooms each, with two sleeping compartments; 530 and $40. COLUMBIAN and VICTORIAN, newly furnished, 3 and 4 rooms, 11th and Co lumbia sts.. $33.50 to $45. THE KEARNEY. 21st and Kearney ts. : 5 rooms for $.15. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts; close-in location; s room uniur- nished. THE WHEELDON. Cor, Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts. Walking Distance- Completely furnished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service nrst-ciass. "THE NOB HILL." 19th and Marshall Sts. Elegantly furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; a strictly up-to-date house, mod ern in every respect, newly built, newly furnished. If you are looKing lor a cozy home, don t fall to see the ' Non i-ini You will find none better and the rate very reasonable. THE BARKER, cor. 31st and Irving sts. This new 4-story brick opened January l. 1911; furnished and unfurnished in two three and four-room suites, with reception hall: Pacific phone in each apartment electric elevator. Tolmea disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing-desk, gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room, if you want something extra fine, come to tne naraer. r-none jiarsnan auu. LUCRETIA COURT UNFURNISHED. 2 TO 5 ROOMS. LUCRETIA ST., NEAR 23D AND WASHINGTON. A class by themsolves. Front lawn, fountain, lobby. See them. New prop. References required. fbone lo39. prop, and mgr.; 15UO. Janitor. LOIS APARTMENTS. 704 Hoyt St. 3 -room furnished apartment, very large rooms, large screened sleeping porch, private bath and phone, electric and tireless cook- ers. Janitor service; references required- Phone Alarsnauiyiv. THE ARCADIA 706 Everett t- Two and .-room apartments, completely luruianeu, entirely modern. Sunuair rates. Main 6295. LINCOLN APTS., corner 4tn and Lincoln sts.; completely furnished 3-room apart ments for housekeeping, everything new and modern, house Just opened, walking distance: no children; $22 to $30. Phone Main 1377. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished: comfort of home; private phone and baths, elevators, private playground for children; Ideal location. 23a N. 20th SU Marshall 2028. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, Tth and Jef ferson sta A tf-room apt- with Dath, unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con' venience; modern and only 6 mln. walk from P. O. V ery reasonable rent. THE JULIANA. 46 Trinity Place, bet. Wash, and Everett Elegant 2 and 3-room apartments, very reasonable terms; close in. Phone Mar rhall 1293. HAUSEMAN APARTMENTS, 730 HOYT. ! ami A-rnnm 1CW, muuci u, . v "'-. - . win nj, i .... sleeping porches; private phone and baths, electric cookers. FOR RENT One modern 5-room apart meut; telephone, gaa range and refrig erator. The Ormonde, 656 Flanders at-, ISob Hill. Phone Main 8251. - HADDON HALL, 414 11th, cor. Hall. 3 and 4-room apts., elegantly furnished, pri vate phone, bath and balcony porches. $35 up. Marshall 1171. KENTUCKY APTS.. East 28th and Gllsan. for rent, furnished 3-room apartments, new and modern, private bath and phone. B 2516, East 63S7. The -LILLIAN." Cor. 6th and Montgomery. All outside 2 and 3-room suite; cool, airy, modern in every respect. Mar. 1378. THE CECILIA. 22d and Gllsan; 1 furnished and one unfurnished apartment; private phone and porcn. naiainiii iavi, a bioo. THE LOVEJOY, 17th and Lovejoy sts., new and modern 2 and 3-room furnished anarfmenta. Main 215. ON EON TA. 187 17th; 2. 3 and 4-room tuites. hot ana coiu water in every apartment ; reasonable. tup unnTnw Two 3-room furnished apartment. 697 w a s n i u t wm sr, SUNLIGHT APTS.. elegant. 8 rooms. furnished. 1295 Belmont. B 304L Tabor 171M. FIVK-ROOM apartment, nicely furnlshea. with sleeping porch. The Ormonde. 6d6 Flanders. Main o251. ' GRACE APTS., 24th and Northiup sis., 6-room apartment; front veranda ana sleeping porch, water, heat, private phone. BRA1N1KEK Elegant flve-roo; West Side; walking distance; -room apartment. rent reason- able, aibjh i .a- WELLINGTON COURT Two. 8 and 4-room suites, all modern and very reasonable. jlith and Everett. Main 1245. THE Northampton. 407 Hall at-; new and elegantly furnished 2-room apartments, walking distance. Main 4299. ST CLAIR. 713 Wayne street; modern six room apartments, two porches, also 4-room basement. Phone Main 4930. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished, s-rictly modern. Summer rates now In ef fect. 189 North 23d t. Marshall 282L THE King Davis, corner King and Davis sts.; one 3 and one 4-room apt. THE DAVENPORT APT. Modern. 865 Jef ferson St- Main 6435. THE DAYTON Nice four-room lower apt-heat- water, etc.. $30. 658 Flandera ALTAMONT. 304 College Strictly modern 3 and 4-room apts- Main 6IIS0. Reasonable. THE HARTFORD Best modern apta. In the city. 21st and Flanders. LEONCE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district; convenient to 2-carllnes. 186 22d st. N. THE ELMS Completely furnished 2 and 3 room apartments. 191 14th st- A MODERN ftve-room ground-floor fur nished apartment. Phone Marshall 250. IRVINGTON FLATS. 17TH AND TILLAMOOK. Beautiful new building, mahogany en trance, private front porches and large screened sleeping porches; 5 rooms, large closets, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, fireplace, tile baths, tine kitchen, equipped with gas range and water heater; this building is in the heart of Irvlngton. sur rounded by beautiful homes; rent $37.50. F. C. BOWMAN & CO.. E. 22d and Brazee. C 2322. E. 935. THE DE-aCENDORF. 80S 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 5-room unfurnished apart, ments. whlca are now completed, are sit uated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes' walk of the business center. Reservations may be made from owner on premises or by phone. Main 4793, A 55411. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely lirst-class. fur nished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, tree phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month $26, $o0 and up. Must be seen to be appreciated- THE EVERETT. - 644 Everett St. New and elegantly furnished apart ments. 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located in one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis- tance. PENINSULA APARTMENTS One of Port land's finest apartment-houses; 4-minute car service; beautiful part city to live. 11351 Albina ave.. cor. Kiliingsworth. Take Mississippi. L or Kenton car at 3d and Wash. sts.. 15 mln. ride; 2. 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished, $17.50 to $.'iU mo. ; also unfurnished ajit. Woodlawn THE RE-UKAN APARTMENTS. New management, new concrete building with elaborately furnished 3-room apart ment, modern conveniences, lawn, cool ve randas. Janitor service; reasonable, walk ing distance. 624 Marshall ML.; take "W" car. Main 6032 or A 3191. THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington; under new manage ment; 2, 3 and 4-room apts., furnished or unfurnished;- up-to-date, clean and modern: private bath; telephone; rates reasonaoie; befit service. I'hone Mala 7130. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay Sts. Large 4-room. front, corner suite, un furnished, vestibule, closets, private beta and phune. electrio elevator, walking dis tance; splendid view. We also have A room apartments, unfurn'shed. ORDERLEIia-H apart mints, cor. Grand ate. and East stark St.; new. lireprunf brick building, aveaui.fu.ly furnished, two and three-room apat uni.its, private bath, free phone, uot and cold watct Ice box. no carfare. Summer rates. Phone East 3uH. THE CHESTERBURY, Cor 20ih and Kearney. New and beautifully furnished and un furnished 8-room apartments; splendid lo cation; Summer rates. Call and see man ager at apartments or phone Marshall 3tj. PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison sts.. beautiful 3 and 4-room apartments furnished for housekeeping; every thing new and modern; elevator, telephone free. $45 to $6U PAGE APARTMENTS. Nevi-modern, private phone and bath; furnished and unfurnished: rent reason able. East Sth and Burnside. Phone B lulS. THi M'KINLEY. 429 East Morrison, Corner 7th. 8, 2 and 4 rooms, high-grade furnished apt.; private baths, best jaervico. moder ate prices. EXCLUSIVE apartments; 6 large room and bath; privata entrance; large front and back private porches; maid's room in baae ment: heat, hot water, vacuum cleaninj system: ranges, refrigerators. 791 North rup. Phone Main 935S. PARK HURST APARTMENTS. 3 and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished. 260 2uth st. North. Phone Main 4038; oi Main 1178. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. park street, corner Madison. Furnished, unfurnlsned apis.; Individual phones; convenient, down-town district- BANNER APARTMENTS. 4s9 Clay St., near 14th St.; strictly modern 2-room apts.. completely furnished; $2-) to $24 per month; walking distance. t STEAM-HEATED flat, five rooms, for $35. 627 Everett st. Key with Morgan, Flled ner & Boyce, 503 Abington bldg. Mala 3U15, A 3U15. THE Beryl Large . rooms, large closets, cool and airy for Summer; some fur nished apartments. 21st and Lovejoy; take W car. ANGELA. Elegantly furnished modern 2. 8 and 4 rooms, walking distance. 37 Trinity Place, bet. lllth and 20th, near Washington. THE WESTFAL. 410 6th Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments; walking dis tance; prices reasonable; no children. $15 Lower 5-room flat; also $12, 3 or more furnished rooms; gas, electric lights. 646 East 27th st., one block south of Rich mond car, Clinton st- MODEKN. 6-room flat, in best residence dis trict, fireplace, attic ana duiii-ih con veniences; complete and very home-like. Phone East 1137. A MODERN five-room flat; furnace, fire place and sleeping porch; West Side, close in; very desirable. Call apartment 23, The Hill. Phone Main 9263. MODERN 5-roora flat. stVal and gas range, window shades, large basement- 207 Hal sey; $20 month; near Steel bridge- FOR RENT or sale, furnished flat, sleep ing porch, $3.ou. ooiumoia, near aram. Main 2117. . MODERN 6-room flat, steel range, window shades, large basement, $'J2.50. 294 Vt Margin, near Steel bridge, rronting river. 5-ROOM upper rlat. 612 Hancock; newly tinted; all conveniences; cuoico awu ui llneR. Key on premises. Main 2494. MODERN 4-room flats, one block from canine, wall oea, gae ranse. .ivuo v.ia-c-land ave., Walnut Park. FOR RENT 4-room modern lower liat. ii. furniture ror saie, an cuiupici,, nn-muma range. 428 Knot.WoodlawnotA. car. 30 UPPER flat, 8 rooms. Holladay Add., near two carlines. 412 is Wasco, corner 6th. Owner next 0001 5-ROOM lower flat 449 7th St.; rent $30. Apply rjawarqs o.. t"1- ibi- MODERN 6-room lower flat, one block to car line, cneap 10 1,1,111 rB"J' " TWO 5-room flats, furnished or unfurnished. East lth St. a uuu, JACKSON bungalow, 4 rooms, nearly fur nished. $:iO a montn. lain aim aaian, STRICTLY modern 4-room flat, near 2od and Washington. Main S9S8: C 2ti76. NICE four-room modern flat, river view close in. 2Kb Margin street. NEW 5-room flat, close in. East Side. Phone Marshall mo. UPPER 4-room flat, bath, basement. 5M 8dat. FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat. 3 ft. lotn and Burnslde, FOR RENT 7-room ' flat, 821 Corbett SL Key at 166 w nitaaer pu Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th add Marshall, fur nished lor nouseaeepiiias, aa acaiia trio lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free: $16 per month up: a clean place, beat in the city for the money; short distance from. Union Depot- Take "S" or ISth-st. cars, north, get off at Marshall st- No toga WELL-FURNISHED houses, flat, room; 6-room cottage, e-o mourn, auuiner $17 50; suites, two furnished housekeeping rooms. $8, $10. $13 month; 3, $15. Apply 8fil 20th St. North. W car from depot, 6th, west on Morrison to 26th, block north. SELECT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. If you want something homelike, well furnished and very reasonable, either sin gle or housekeeping rooms, go to the Del Monte. 167 Stout St., hi block from 20th. and Washington. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished and un furnished housekeeping rooms, single ana ensuite. Room 36. 3d and Morrison; very central. $1.60 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, iree launary, Dsia, phone, clean linen, heat- 406 Vancouver ave. and 2U3H Stanton; take U car. "JUST WHAT YOU WANT." Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single, en suite; all conveniences: best location. "M1LNER BLDG.." 850 Morrison St. 890 CLAY ST. Two rooms with bath; strict ly modern house; newiy turnisnea; rea sonable. 461 EAST MORRISON, corner Sth; com pletely furnished housekeeping suites, re anon able. NICELY furnished, clean. , front housekeep- Inc. eonms- fr.e nhnna' hath. etc. ftST Taylor. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrato bldg. Phone Wjodlawn 2917 o- 2379. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable, free bath. I'hone Oliver, 1st ana Clay sta FURNISHED housekeeping suite, $3.50 per week, liti-i jenerson st. FURNISHED housekeeping Morrison. Reasonable. suites. 41014 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, West Side, doss In. Phone and bath. 117 Ji. 18th.