THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1911. bock order mm personal examination of the schooner Wllhelmina yester- occasion being her annual In- , 450,000 Tons Expected Finish Jetty Work. to 'GREAT MOLE NEARLY DONE Major Vdndoei CT1 for Bid on IVLtve-ry of Stone tor Final Work Xttt Tear Xortb Jety B Started Early. to Bids for delivering; tiS.OOO tons of ock at Fort Stevens for una oa the oath Jetty at the mouth of the Co lumbia Hirer were ordered advertised for by Major Mclndoe. of the United Ustes Engineers, yesterday. Major Atcladoe will open the proposals Auarust 19. It Is not improbable that this will be the last Urge order for material la connection with the Jetty work, as It Is to be completed next reason and not much more than finish ing work will be done after the sea son end In November. TTie contract now In force called for the delivery of tons, and besran cieptember 1. 1M. The Fort Stevens plant has facilities for handling 4000 tins dally, thousrh for a time after work wae resumed In April less than that amount was delivered. Fourteen trains are haullnc rock on the trestle. rh havtar I cars, and the most rapid work In the history of the project has been accomplished this year. When the fialshlnsT touches are put on. less speed will be obtained: besides, two or more short spurs will have to be con structed on the river side to prevent further shoellnc. ss the last survey hows a large sandbar form In a there. The present rock contract wss warded to the Colombia Contract Ompinf oa a basil of $1.1! a ton. There le available for rock under the new specifications approximately ITOe. . which Is what Wt from the last "ors-reaelonal appropriation, and the ba-aace will be diverted to the next apportionment, when provision will be made f T early work on the north Jetty. TMi Jetty will extend from the base of North Head a short distance txward the mala channel and then sea ward, paralleling the present south t rex:.. The KorweRlan steamer RtK) U to finish her Oriental cargo tomorromr and sail day morning on her lt Yoymgrn with freight for the PorUand & AslaUo Steamship Company. With lumber laden for the United Kingdom, the German bark H. Hack feld was towed through the bridges from the Portland mill yesterday and continued down atreani. Carrying a part cargo of lumber the steamer Stanley Dollar of the Califor nia A Atlantic line, will sail at :S0 o'clock this morning for Hoqulam to complete her cargo for Balboa. After four different hours had been set for her to move, the British steam er Kumrrlc shifted from the North Bank dork to A 1 bine dock at 7 o'clock last evening to begin working outward cargo. Fred Baumgartner. asreot for the Elmore Interests, left yesterday for Tillamook and Neetuccas In the Inter est of trade expected to be worked up for the two gasoline schooners that are to be put on the route, the Patsy and Tillamook. Fogs In the north having- required the constant operation of the signal at WHEAT PRICES SAG New Crop Supplies Piling Up in Eastern Markets. maim irrroi o kcb Dve 4 Arrive. Name. From. Data Washington Baa Fraartsco la port BIG AVAILABLE RETURN Value Weaken at Chicago With Un loading by Longs Shower In Sections Where Needed. Corn and Oats Sown. .In 4teis Iionskooa P'su. Cellar. Hal :oa. . .. K Gnrw . ... ..Manila. . .. o w. Cte.u Ls. Hose city. .....Sea Pedro. Anvil . . . JJtndon . . Breakwater.. ..I'ooe l r . . resides oa... Tillamook. lun Baa rreaaiaee July tJeavee. r-aa Pedes.... July sort port port pori port . la port .In port .July 19 July is is n so H Hoaaaae... Hear Henri Kervaui trelh!: TUiimM.... July 3 J ,.as V !..... Joly IS . Saa padre.... July 37 . .HenskotiC ...Am. 1 . Jiuaoos....Aac 1 .Monakooa.... Ass. ja.y 2e Data Bareraaa. .....Bayoceaa.... Joly 10 o w. 47ida..een July 10 RrsJe... ...... Hongkong-. ...Jaly 10 Stent ZsaUar. iialboe Juiy 10 anvil . Handoa...... July SO ttreakwatr....rial(Ma. ...... Ju.r 40 OoMeti Oata... Tillamook. ... Juiy 2 TVwhicxtno. Han Fraaclece Julr Kgmrc. ..... ilanile July 11 fajrea saa Franetaoe Juiy 32 H. Elmers. Tillamook.... July 2.1 July 34 1'eevev r.n poors.. .. J ily ir l'eer .. sea Padre. ... ARt. 1 ftoortk Ibeea.. Nnkf.... Aua. 10 l.rca.oa llocikoTif.... Au. 13 FuilblfM. ... Jlmckaiif . ... ML IS Ct! )'.... Julf 32 AUlaaos Earska. ...... July 34 CHICAGO. July IS. With supplies of new wheat piling up here and with the world's available supply- showing a substantial In crease, the market for the cereal slowly succumbed today under the crush. Closing figures varied from the aama as last to 0ie down. First sales of this year's from the harvest In Michigan were made here today. Illinois continued to sell freely, and there was a 'surprising resump tion from Missouri. Then. too. the world' total made a gain of 60.V0OO bushels, con trasting sharply with a decrease of 5.4:17. 00t bushels a year ago. Besides generoua In the growing crop states were falling and the evidence was plentiful that trie longs were unloading on the bulgea here. September ranged from 67 fee and ene 4f!So, with latest trades net lower at 67 c. Drenched fields everywhere west of the Missouri River resulted In heavy selling or corn. Outside limits for September proved to He and eeic. with tna nose eseie, a net decline at exactly le. Cash grades were In only moderate demand. No. 2 yel low nntsned at ungMtc The oats mark.t wsa overloaded by beds Ing salea against free arrivals at country stations. High and low points for September were eao and aiieo. Tne nose. e.'xc, represented la loss, compared with 34 hours oerore. 1'urrhasee on Milwaukee account helped provisions ana eo aid an aavance in nogs. At the and pork was Tttc to lOs UD. lard liOH and ribs 10 to liHc WHEAT. i.ow w.ti:k m.ocks r.nvtCE Orcgorua 18 Hoar 3lallns Kan to aarni on 20 Imrhrsi. "ne mnee stretch of the Willamette Biter has been abandonee! for a time by tranapM-tt!on Interests reosuse the steamer Oregon rexjulrwd U hours to cover 73 tulles, and then had to "line" ver eo mavoy bars that I every wire rope aol hawser aboard was broken. As a TeeuU the Oregon City Transportation Vmpary jreeterday notified shippers that TK freight would be aceepted for dellv. arry eovta of ft- Paul or Mission Laod SaaL e miles from Portland. Not long ago the company was compelled to haul he steajner Pomona off the Portland 'arvaille run because of low water, and sjctll there le better boating stage the ervW to Fk!m win be discontinued. la 103 the Te'.'.ow Stack Line was es labOshed. and the Burumer of 1910 was ah ftrst eeaaon In which the company was prevented from re'hlr.g .Jalem. The river is said to be rhsnglrg rapidly and apparently the channel Is ruling, despite work dine la some places by the Corps of Engineers. The steamer Oregon left Portland at O o'clock Monday morning and re ported at Salem at 1 o'clock yesterday snoralng. having scraped over every bar cetween Mission Landing and the capital when drawltg but 3 Inches of water. 'When light her draft Is 14 Inches, and er owners assert that It Is Impoaelble 'to build a steamer of lighter draft that M-an ply on the Vpper Willamette with -euflrt-nt cargo to warrant th expense. Conditions between Portland and Mis sion Landing are such that the Oregona tan rover the route with a full load. but there will not be more freight of fered thaa can be accommodated on ehree trips every week. On an understanding with Major Mr 3ndoex Corps of Engineers. U. 8. A that Iredglng will be carried oa at once at -Oh Island Bar and Mission Bar. while the mouth et th TanihlU deepened so that the steamer can ascend o Dayton, the oomapny officials expect to move all crops that ran be reached li that territory. At tl;e mouth of the Tamhltl the depth la only 12 Inches. Teams and scrapers aere use, last year with good effect there, aud If a depth of 3S Inchss can be g-ilned this year the regular serrlc will b extended to Xavyton. Orays Harbor light station, th tender Manxaalta was dispatched there yea- leraay to replenish the coal supply. Th tender Heather Is delivering supplies to mgei oouna stations entries yestenlav at the fmtnn. houe comprlsad the steamers Oeo. W, "",r. se -y SJld J. A. Chanalor front California porta, and the gasoline caooner Anvil from Bandon. The Elder cleared for Kan Diego, the Al llanc for Eureka via Coo Bay. Stan ley Dollar for Hoqulam. Anvil for nanaon. barge Amy Turner for San Francisco wiu 460.000 feet of lumber. J. A. Chanslor for ilonterey and Nome my tor ban i'odro with (50.000 feet of iiunoer. u iw ot us steamer Moo Hon. a a nosey Darge belonalne- to the xr.. Cabe Company, stevedores, which re cently filled to the deck at the Port land mm while lashed alongside th Oerman bark 1L Hackfeld. was taken xo me yarua or the St. Johns Khlp bulldlng Companq. wher she will be cut la two and both sections used as u una ay ecowa. When S00 members of a Gillette ex. cursion party reach their Kastern nomes they are expected to laud Coium. bla River scenery, as they are to leave tnia morning on the steamer Bailey Gatxert fur The Dalles and there will emnark on their special train, which will leave the L'nlon Depot light this evening. W. IL Souls, tourist repre- eoniaiive or ine vauee. Portland 4s Astoria Navigation Company, secured ine ousinees yesterday. The party ar rived In the morning from the south and passed yesterday touring Portland on a special observation train of th Portland Railway. Light A Power Com pany. Julr.. I e-pt.. Iec. . Kay.. July... HPt... Deo.. .. May... Sept. . . Iec... May... Sept. Jan.. July.. Sept.. Dec... Jan... Open. '. .li -5 High. US -Ha Low. . .7S .os CORN. .!; .t .4S .V .1S -'IS, OAT9. .3V. '.41V. II', .45 .t!a . MEC8 PROIC 1S0 1(40 14.44 15.44 LARD. 4.1TV, I ITV, 4.35 4.35 SHORT RIBS. .41 v, .4I, .40 V, 43 S. 8.14 f.34 t.25 .41 .4314 .44 V, IS 45 15.30 4.20 I SO 4.24 Close. 4 1 x .0V 54 4. .eis .4J .40S 3 .4H .4S -44S 14.47 Ie.4V 4.1T14 4 17L, s-za 4.24 tinned functional oisturbance to di This Internal stale showed In cartilaginous deformation and disintegrated structure, a condluoa of long standing. The paUanta who coma vo Tna ara rt .ra tnajorlty those who have followed orthodox method, in the blind mMnnmr for which trmtiltlon mnd tcnormnc are reepossoe. I The result Is that In no Instance Is the out look encouraging, tor they comprise the failures of medicine, and brlnr with them zne poore.1 or xounaauons upon wnich bv-d a healthy structure. when I say that In all my cases tree from aerious or ganic defect, the fasting method properly applied naa never raiiea to develop imme diate Improvement and to accomDilah ulti mate cure. 1 am making a statement not ai all exaggerated and one that is easily verl flea. Fasting la in itself but a means to an end. a cleansing and resting process that prepares the body for right living in future time. A cure cannot be accomplished until the Individual co.operatlng with Nature, completes what the fast began. Regard ing disease as a unity, its beginnings are seen to lie at the threshold of the process of dhjcestlon. Its aeeds are sown in the mouth and the stomach. Intestines and other vital organs, injured by food Improperly prepared and worked beyond limit by over supply, continue and conserve their propa gation. Impaired digestion ud Impure Diwra are cause ana errect. and Impure ujooa 1. aieaaee. Disease la never the foe of life, but Is Na ture's plsn for the restoration or a i.mno- rarlly unbalanced system to equilibrium or neaim. nence, granting that Impaired di Sestlon la the source of Impure blood oi tsease. It Is reasonable to assume tha abuaed dtrestlve functions, properly relieved from labor for a time, will recover and re turn to their appointed tasks with renewed vigor. Overworked nature has but one means or recuperation, rest and rest alone; and in tnia fs-t lies all that the fast Implies. Total abstinence from fOnH m nnl needful In all cases, and the Judgment of experience ie ins .uie guiae in aeiermining Its appli cation. Other natural hygienic means as sist in carrying the treatment to successful l.sue. and they Include fresh air. sunshine, exercise, the bath and the enema The Oregonlan's plea for toleration should. Z think. Include Investigation, but the lat ter bas never been voluntarily assumed by wie 01 ini in c ii 1 cm 1 rratemiry, a con dition well discussed In the editorial referred - UU4 nLHrlELD HAZZARD. TITAN TO REMOVE DYKE Government Will Finish Xew Swan Island Channel. Authority was yesterday received from Chief of Engineers Btxby by Major Mc Indoe. Corps of Engineers. Tj. & A, to lease the dredge Titan, controlled by the Paclflo Bridge Company, to remove a dyke at the head of Swan Island, which blocks the channel on the west side. The dredge Is to be used about 30 days, and will remove material to a sufficient width to conform to the channel recently dug to the west of the Island by the dredge Columbia, of the Port of Port land fleet, which dug material a depth of eight feet. The dyke was constructed about 18M. when the district was in charge of Major Hanbury. Corps of Engineer. U. a A.. who had previously recommended thst the mala ship's channel be constructed Inside the Island, instead of to the east ward, as It Is now maintained. Below Swan Island and about midway between tnst point and St. Johns, a shoal had formed, and It was reasoned that If a pt 4 41 4.40 8.44 4 34 Jan T.Otk, 4.04 1.43 4.04 Cash quotations were ss follows: riour Steady, hre .No. 3. like Barley Feed or mixing. 704? 44o: fair to choice malting. 41.44 01.14. Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, nominal: No. 1 North weet.m. nominal. Timothy aeed 45 9 14.54. Clover 4)1 9 15.54. Perk Maaa. per barrel. 415.17 H CI. Lrd Psr 100 pounds 14.17 . fhort rlbe Sides (loose), 47 3H 4 S7H. Hides Short, dear (boxed). 45.47w 4.40. Oram etallauce: Total clearances of wheat and floor were equal to 3:7.404 bush ale. Primary receipts were l.eil.soo bushels, compared with e. eeo bushels the corresponding day a year sso. The woriors visible supply, as shown by Brad street a, Inoreaeed 404.000 bushels. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 574 cars; corn. 44 cars; oats. Ill cars; hogs. 35.440 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels !!.1()1 11.504 Wheat, bushels 4SI.00 0 1 42.0 00 Corn, bushels 40.000 4o4.0u0 Oats, buihala ..........144.004 :44.0OO tfve. .......... a. 000 .... Uarley. buahels 14,004 I.00O dyke were constructed at the head of th Island to a height of four feet above low water that the current and entire flow at lower stages would be diverted to the main channel, thereby scouring on the Shoal. Some marine men have held that the west side offered the best opportunity for the maintenance of the ships' chan net, as It was a more direct course from the main harbor, but the Government selected the east course. As the growth of commerce demands more space, it Is expected that the west aide will be lm proved or a portion of the Island re moved to Increase the width of tha present channel. HECURESTHESICK 7be TtoetimonlmlB oa Tile in ITfs OtTfce Show the Startling and Effective Cures Accomplished. r 1 ' - VI t "7 ? 1 C Gee Wo THE CHINESE DOCTOR TMa wonderful man has made a life study or the properties and actions oi itoota. Herba, Buds and Barks on the human sys tem. Many of the rmcdli which this man uses are scarcely known to the scien tists of this country, and In the Chinese families aro handxl down from father to son and kept a most profound seerst. Most of th3? remedies are Imported from far-off Asia to his large laboratory at 162 First street. It seems almost a mlraole to many pa tients who have called on this famous man and In such short time become well by his treatment. If you lire out of town and cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. In closing cents la stamps. COVBI'IaATIOX free. Open Evenings and Bun days. The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. mv rirst h, Portland, Tor. Morrison, Uregaa, to Available BoppUee. NEW YORK. Julr 18. Poeclal eabli Kosmos Line's Xrw Schedule Oat. SEATTLE. Wash.. July IS. (Special.) Beginning with sailings from Hamburg July 1 the Kosmos line has Inaugurated a new 50-day service to Puget Sound. Instead of stopping at numerous ports on the west coast of South America the line will omit Peru and Ecuador, north bound. To maintain the Improved serv ice. In addition to 40 steamships already operating, the Kosmos line la building three 13.000-ton frelghtera of the most Improved type. and telegraphic coromunloatlnne received by meneen . , r'USeS! PASTOR RETURNS clous sccouats; Pr Bushsli Movements of Vesecla. MVTMMEIIS SMOKi: OX HOOF Pangrr or tire at Hoar Mills 1S ported to Poller. 5" ear ef eertoue ftre at the Portland J-lnurlrig Mills throug! rarolessness of bathers, te have made the roof of tha ni;is their headauarters from which to !te and who smoke between swtms. hsa 14 to a reojueat to Harbormaster clpelrr 5 direct the attention of the night patrol to tha necessity of keeping bath ers away from the property. Aa objection as not made ta tha r-athers congregating there untn srnok Irig became general among them, and as tite big roof surface Is la such a dry coed: t lun, the restriction has become paceraJ- At other plaoss along the bar or fro at bathers have established ran alesvovs. and la moat Instances they tare compiled with the bathtng-ealt or dinance and not created a diaturbaaca, tst a fw baada have been dispersed for tnlatlng the regulations, Oalng to the unusually a arm weather of the last few days the harbor police) ae encountered double duties, as they tiave to aratch bathers and keep a look mut at the Oaks, where overrroerdlcg of 4Vts at the landing has caused rexa-g-'alnt to be n-aja to customs offlclais art Harbormaster Spelrr. PORTLAND. July 14. Arrived Steamer "reaawater. rrrrru coos Far: steamer Olena A Xanony. rmm Kan Francisco: yaaollna .oop Delia, from Xwawa Called Mlearoer I'M H. flmera, for Tillamook; steamer ivorae Cl'r. tnt San Pedro: steamer Klamath, for San Dleee and sur oartat ilMmu A 1. 1 11 tier, w 11 1 ia . . - - di. .n iL. I ""fe. ,or aareaa via coos uayj steamer J. River will be I a. Cbanaior. (or Montersv. Aeuaela. July IS. Condition at the rneuth et tha river si B P. v.. emooth: wind south 14 mllee: weather cloodjr. Called at 4:40 a- fieamar r. B. Lop. lor ban Fran- i leco. Hailed at 8 A. M steam. r Bear, tor tan ranclero ant tiaa I'edre; steamer 1'ieum. rr t'ort Ban lile. Failed at e A. M. Oleamee arloa, foe Tacenia. ArrlTed at ano erri ua at S A. SI. Hteamer llrsahwater. from rue Bar. Arrive a , na op a. DKmer nuns a aiaoanr. rmm Kan Krea. lane Arrived at 4 P. 41 laaoUne ec auuQ,r xtarocsaa. rrom aiarooaaa. Pan Kraaoiaco, July 1. Pasaed laat night Tug Hercii-a, auii lg raft la tow, from lommpa stiver, for aaa eu j Wheat, r-nlted Statea East Koekias. Increased AOas.OOO itnaoa, qecreaseQ Se.PUO lota i. i niteu states ana Canada. Increased 8.003.000 Afloat and In Europe, deereaaed. .. .3.500.000 Total. American ana europeea sup- DlT. Increased BoS.oud uorn. Lnitea states ana caneae. as- creaeed S2T.0OO oata, I nltea states and Canada, de creased 3,000.000 Orala at Man svaaclaob. 6 AX FRANCISCO. Julr IK. Wheel Steady, aarley arm. epot quotations: WaeaS tfhlpptng. f 1.43 OI 50 par cental. Barl.r Fee 0. 51. STU 01.80 Mr oantal: nnvini, nominal. Oata Red. 41.2561.40 per cental! white. nominal; black. 41.15tfl.SO per cental. Call ooara a.Iea: Barley December. 51. M per cental Dia: star. 41.47 oer cental asked. krnve -Dntuh ship It... 'est. Julr 1A. M'.e. tr..ra Portland. k. Jul. ta. Arrlewd 5 roach bark Beauel. Iroro PwetlaaMl, Uueenslowa. Julr lfAfrl4nannii shtr. Kilo, tram port' and. Klemefie. Jalr 1 A aaPed ImbI rlihl Steamer Stioehuae. Iron tonlul foe Sen Pedru, aaa Psdra. Jure 14. aVartadW-eTtaamae Ru. var. for Portland Abenteen. Jalr IS. Arrived yaaterda teamae Telolwateeja, foan rnrrland. . ' Trk. July 14. Arrived ellaae- aana. rruen Ltfn.Kn. oallr.1 Nlenw Am-'-ertam. for k-.u.Mun, Kalaer Wllbelm r ttmaae inv, Cad ia Jnly 14,-Ai from ew TorS. Antwerp, July IT. Sailed tiolvala, for Baa Franc laco. Boat to, Ja.'r It. Am earl V Idlaa, from sides. from Hocolaloi Palrf, from VTlllaDa. parted ellherla. lor lloaskoan Vmatlll Victoria i 5laenck. f-r partlaait Kraaciscn. July II ajutntel of fUhernira to fie fried. ASTORIA. July 14. (Special.) Com ptalots were filed In the Justice Court toiay charging John Mandeburg. Jonaa Peterson. Vincent Pacotleh. Jack Kenlkke and Arne WaM with having In their possession fish which were unlawfully caught during the Sunday closing period. These men were ar rested last Saturday by Deputy Fish er-len Gor. Two of the cases are set for hearing tomorrow, but tha caee against Wahl will be tried on Thursday morning before a Jury. Slaxine i'olc. O. P. nankin, first officer of the steamer P.ose City, left that vessel yesterday to rusticate for A few weeks at Seaside on tils first vacation In three years. Bringing 404 rases of Tillamook chase e. the largest amount she has carried of that product for several ' years, the gasoline sloop Delia arrived ' la yesterday. IaJ Inspectors jvdvaxds and JTWlar i Arrived Sierra, 11a, tow eeatila Wash- Julr 15 Arrived etranv. er Makharah, from Harabursj steesner Stale i a.iroraia, rrsaa Tacama; ateamer U. b. snohomieh. frora sfaaa Hart steamer Se ward. Iroia Taaoeaa. sialieat Rlearocr CoL c. le Praka. for Taremai V S. survey . r.ayi.. l-f SUBBtVini IllVer steamer novaraor. f.r Kverat:; steamer San ana, ror Boutaraaiern iUitt: steamer p.werd. for Nome; steaoesr numboldt, for atsamer ataie of California, for Shaeaajt. Taooma, Julr 14 Arrived eh earner rial. Jrf fTake. feacn Pan Vrao'-tsco. Sailed i-.iun ii.imq aniant er Bt. aeorre. for t ' -f"o. steamer stale ef California. l"rpan vTanctacoi steamer Aevard. for "-''- mi eioma; asasmer CsL a, l Prake. for aa Franelam. v ,An'":' 1 Arrived President, yaeemlte from Seatlle; Sbsehona from Co- irrmcja rtiver. svee, from Orajra Harbor; J. R. StMeoa frora Portland. Failed Vatr iiutit: j. u. M.reon. Bea ver. Hoano. for Portland; Alcairaa tor ureeowaod. U.l.asl.v. tor Colombia fclver. I Aacavia wedaesday. High, fx,- -4 A. X.....4 I feet a ; a. nZT. 1 feet i p. x... .si feeto e, p- iZl int Barbara at Raymond. RATMOND, Wash., July IS. (Special.) The steamer Santa Barbara. Captain V add art. arrived from Baa Francisco Bundsy eeealng; with a passenger list of U. This Is the maximum number that tha Santa Barbara Is allowed to carry. n to Ua fact that she Is not equipped with wire! rja telegraphy, she Is making regular trips between Wlllapa Harbor aud Southern California ports. 5r- Taft'e favorite boo fc, -pride and Prejudice.- y Jane Austen, and this One eld Movei Is toe a:ft whlrh she Inverlehl. avakaa ta tne oauhiars of her friends wbe a ipssai uaur eui an aocaasrje Orala Market, ef the Kertawesi, Tiroui. July IB. Wkaatl Blneslewi. B4ni innrioiih rwi nun, eo, rea ivussian, asc. nacatiiia, woaat, e cara; nay, e cars. BKATTI.R. July 1A Wheai Pluestem. P2c; fortyfold. 4aol club. aAc Fife, sac; red Russian. S2c Oata 5JT per ton. BarUv 5- per ton. Haas. 47.T5. Oar receipts up te Boom a, hay 13, corn 1, sHaaeapslls vt hcwA Market. MINNEAPOLIS, 5! Inn- July 14 Wheat- July, 0"ei peptemner, iwsae; iiecembar, rlqei No. I hard. 0SH1 Jk'o. 1 Northern, I ee --i .ei "a ' i rto. . aeriunrs, iiawiiGi ale S WftMl, SJQ!Me,a Kaxepaaa Urala Markets, L-rVERPOOL, July IS. Wheat July, s I04.d; October, oa Sad; December, Ss SHd. Weathev cieudy. Eof lisk couarry market steady; Wen oh eeontry max a. la, kallday, Hoqulam Visitor Preaclred In Wash ington Territory In 1871. HOQU1AM. Wash.. July 11 (Spe cial.) Rev. W. T. Chapman, of Lewis ton, Ma, cams back to Hoqulam today after an absence of 39 years, with the hope of finding some of the old-timers. Mr. Chapman came to Hoqulam 40 years ago and for over a year had charge of the circuit of the local Meth od let Church, extending over a terri tory noarly 80 miles In length. He was later transferred to Klamath. When he arrived here In 181 only one house, the home of Ed Campbell, stool where Hoqulam now Is and the family of Samuel Bonn lived at the alte of Aberdeen. Six families were strung along the ChehaUs River to Monte- no. He built the first church In Chehalfs County and preached from Oakville, at the eaat end of the oounry, wherever ha oould find an aodlenoe. 118 used horaea, boats and went on foot to cover his circuit and today be came back to aee If any of the people he knew In the old days were still here. Rev. Mr. Chapman baa relatives at Olympia, Centralis, Portland and at many points In Oregon. Frora here he returned to Contrails and alter a short vtalt will go to Portland. Ha has rid den over every part of Oregon on horseback when roods were unknown. "606" FOR Blood Poison Blood tests accurately made. Treat, ment scientifically administered. Quick, permanent eurea guaran teed. We rare all ailments of men. Pay when satisfied. Consultation, examination, and diagnosis free. DR. GREEN CO. 803 Washington St., Portland, Or, from the court compelling County Audi tor Martin to deliver, to him his salary warrant, whloh waa held up because of hie failure to turn over to the County Treasurer money received for perform ing marriage ceremonies. It Is alleged that the faota as set forth by the magis trate do not constitute suffloient cause of notion, Tha time for the hearing of the de murrer has not yet been set. The county authorltiee by this step aim to assume the aggressive In preference to being put en the defensive by responding; to an order to show cause why the warrant should not he Issued, County Auditor Martin lias already been cited to appear in court tomorrow to show cause in the case of Justice of the Peace Bell, whose salary for June Is withheld for the same reason that Olson's warrant lias not been paid Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands ef women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women a complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or tha result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are net In a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Tou may suffer a great deal with pain In the back, bearing-down feel ings, lieadaohe and loss of ambition, Poor health makes you nervous, irri table and may be- despondent; it makes any one so. But thousands of irritable, nervous. tired and broken-down women have restored their health and strength by the use of Swamp-Root, tha great Kid ney, IJver and Bladder Remedy, bwamp-ttoot brings new lire and ac tivity to the kidneys, the csnae of such troubles. Many send foF a sample bottle tq see What Swamp-Boot, the great Kidney, Ijiver and Bladder Remedy will do for them. Every reader of this paper, who has nt alFeady tried it, may address Dc Kilmer ft Co- Blnghamtoq, N. Y- and receive sample bottle free by mail. Tou san purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar silo bottles at all drug stores. fit. Loala, ST, LOUIS. July 15. Wool Inch an red. An. medium, 14 49 II 4ae; TeTcltary sad Western mediums, lT0lei aaa, ueris lias at Kew Task, NSW TOBK. Jnly If. Hope Steady. COUNTY TO FIGHT OLSON Pcrmurrrir - to VafftsTtraie'a Salt fop Ptry Is piled. District Attorney Cameron snd Arrow- p7 O, Wt iraltOB, represenrln th Comtf of Multnomah, have fljsd a da rn urrer to the eornplaint of Justice at the Peace Olaon. who Is seesrina; an order Bit. C rAsaisandsinspic ffcj f rnasmrnarK I auons of all i I OX 1 tsfsn, Hcji tna Irritations, nlosr- ittooe. mamhraaef or Holes ef tba nose, throat. rtnrirr- or other orsaaa. T PaWOOISTS ! ir so care frmrulf wttb sash botSe request. , treatu.. . MM Ens Osaka Ca. FASTING AS DISEASE CURE Writer b'Bj That Overworked Na ture Requires Real.Ttes-t. FHATTLK. Wash., July 17. To tha Ed itor.) I hsss read with rraat Interest and appreciation an editorial la Tha Ore Ionian of last Friday on "The Fasting Cure." While It la la no sense a complste defense of fastlnr for the cure of disease. It repre sents wltn fairness and juetlce the sttl tude aaeumed hr the medical profeasloa and by the Ignorant laity against auahl that tbreatacs the aeld so Ions and success fully occupied br dms-dosaae. and for this aa wall aa for Its view. The Oreconlan la to be ronsratulated. sly own work in toe ireairaeai oi aisease ea natural lines, baa eovereq a perioa ot IS years, and in this time I bare faated over 3000 rases with a death record of aa Thee. naMenta faated absolutely for from elsnt to 15 days, and In thoee whose deaths occurred while under my care, post-mortem eiamlnatlone sever failed to reveal organle defects that made It the Inevitable out come, fastinc or feeding. My opinion la the matter la that the administration of the method really lengthened the lives of these suftsrwra In view of this record, I think 1 may be permitted to speak ax cathedra and to present In a brief way the success of the system I advocate, as compared with that of the still empirical science ot medi cine. J contend, snd mi experience bears me out to tha laat decree, that the administra tion of drucs for the cure of disease Is and hsa been the great cause of organic de fects In the human body. In no one of the several deaths that have occurred la tny practice, was srrested development ef the vital organs sbeent; In each a condition waa Mrs ml that had, reifvd oeci4 ' Of- MEN CURED $5 to $15 By DR. LINDSAY, tha Cfninrmt, LtrAg Establishes! Specialis WHY PAY MORE for Inferior treatment when you can gret fba by other specialists with my reputation' Re- Very best medical attention at a fee of froni ONE-FOURTH to ONE-HALF that charged member that you are not asksd to pay for any experiments or any failures. II y6ur case will not yield to treatment I can aavcer- ud WU tain thai at ths first examination, an- frankly tail you so and (lve you aevrica host to tako care of yourself. f'' MY SPECIALTIES IKK !Vrrvwws OeeJlIty, Ftlsod Allsaauata, Files, Varteowe V earns, Has! tares, Kldacy, Mladder aad all all assets l ll . Uaur te saca. COHS AL CONSCLT UH VREB 43J? AI4 CHARSB. DR. LINDSAY TUB OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST. Ceraer Alder sad Second streets. Entrance 12SH Second Street, Port lasMt, Or. Office Hoars 0 A- at. ta 8 P. M. Ids days It . H. ta 1 CM. I ONE CUR TREATMENT Varicose Veins, Piles, Fistula, Blood Poison Examination Free Seventeen Years of Success In Treating; Men Cures Guaranteed or Tin. Pay. Mnny rases Permanently Cured In OXE TREATMENT. Moat Time - Savins;, Most Natural. Moat Safe. No detention From Occupation, Family or Home. A Radical and Permanent Cure.I Will Give 950O to Any Charity as a Guarantee That Everyi Statement in This Announcement Is True.8 I cure rapidly, painlessly and at small expense. I will demonstrate actual results in your case. I will give conclusive evidence of my merit which is obtained and maintained by ability. I invite you to come, to my office. I will explain my treatment for Hernia, Piles, Ftntula, Varl coaeVelna, Pelvic, Nervous, Blood, Kidney and Bladder Dlaeaaea. I will grive you a free physical elimination; if necessary, a microscopical and chemical analysis of secret. ons to determine existing- pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. Certainty of cure la what you want. A thorough investigation should be made by every alllns: person as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who de pend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can Rive you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee. so that my services may be otalned by any mar. who sincerely de sires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions: neither do I desire to be particularly independent, and I would like to have you for a patient, if you will come to me on a strictly professional basis, and the Inducements that I offer, which are my ability and SO years' successful experience, time-saving treatment and guarantee of cure of certain diseases. Specific Blood Poison Cured in One Treatment BV PROF. EHRIICH'S GREAT DIS- U CZCl n COVEBY AAD BLBSSIXG TO JIA.K1.D V This discovery Is the greatest boon to sufferers from Specific Blood Poison ever discovered. It ha been used successfully In over 20,000 cases. It absolutely cures in one treatment. No matter how long you have been afflicted. It works like magic. My experience with 1t per mits me to state positively that it is the greatest discovery of the age and that all the symptoms of the dreaded diseases, including ulcers, eruptions, sores of all kinds, disappear In an Incredibly short time. I am the only reliable Specialist on the Coast using this preparation In a scientific manner. Consult me Free before going elsewhere, and get cured now. We Cure Nervous Exhaustion also known as Nervous Debility. Nervo-Vital Debility, Neurasthenia, etc. If you have any symptoms of this ailment, such as loss of energy or ambition, vitality, easily fatigued, dull, listless feeling, nervousness and other symptoms, I want you to be sure and call. I have given this con dition of men special study and I unhesitatingly say that my treatment Is not excelled by any other specialist, regardless of what they may claim. I know what I have accomplished In even the most severe cases letters of Indorsement are on file, and there Is no reason to believe that I cannot cure YOU also. REMEMBER, by calling you do not obli gate yourself to take treatment. We Cure Contracted Ailments Newly contracted cases quickly cured. All burning;, ttchlnsr, Inflamma tion and discharge checked In 24 hour... Many caaes cured In one week. We have a specific treatment for this ailment. Bladder and Prostate Gland Ailments Burning Pains. Tortures, Misery, Straining. Cystitis. Stone In the Bladder, Gravel. Blood. Mucous and all Kidney and Bladder Ailments which you do not care to trust to the family doctor. I am a specialist, and am prepared to give you quick relief and a speedy cure. "Old Chrronic Cases" Cured If you have an old case that has been hanging on for weeks or months, and which medicine from doctors and druggists can't seem to cure right, there Is some reason. I have a scientific cure, and will cure you quickly and cheaply. Don't let any ailment drag you down and weaken you. Many Simple Cases Cured for ?5 We are permanently located. Incorporated and licensed under the laws of Oregon. MEN, IF IX TROCTJLE, CONSULT ITS TODAY, If you cannot call, write for free book and self-examination blank. Many cases cured at home. Hours 9 A, M. to 8 P. M. Bundays, 10 to 12. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 2P1V4 MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH, PORTLAND, OR. 0 xa ID IN FIVE DAYS Varicose Veins, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula, Etc. DR. A. G. SMITH. I am tbe only specialist ta Port land who does not advertise a fle tltloos name or photoe;raph. X publish .my true photosrraph, correct name, personally conduct soy office. I am the most success fat and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that yon will know yon consult a true spe cialist, who sees and (t e a t s pa tients personally. I possess skill and experience acquired In such a nay that no other can share, and should not be elaased wltn medical companies. It la Impossible for medtcal company to attend eol lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine la Oresfon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and Identity are In definite, la selected and published mm the iearltlmate speclallat of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary! doctors with questionable ability. s;lve consultation, examination aaa treatment. No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home. NO SEVERE OPERATIONS. MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT; I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS A GUAR ANTEE THAT EVERY STATE MENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRUE. VARICOSE VEINS. Impair vitality. I daily demon strate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre aerved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re established Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to etay cured or refund the money. M0O6" FOR BLOOD POISON. I use Professor Ehrllch s wonderful new discovery. Ep '60. In cases ef enealflo Blood Poison. It Is the greatest marvel of medical science. His new remedy has been successfully used In thousands of cases. Let me explain it to you. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. Office Honrs 0 A. 91. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. ST. to 1 P. M. I Invite you to come to my office, I will explain to you my treat ment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula, Bladder, Kidney, Prostatlo and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and chemical analyala of secretions. DR. It SMITH 234V3 Morrison Comer of Second Portland, Oregon Men and Women Cured The famous A et. fW.CJtts ess ateuiBiite neninu with hair remedies, ef erba a derfull toe IS SUM WhB uny, i eurea 4 e4 spy vw a 4uflersra wneo sssst ii j.m have failed. allsieata Hn . A. ehroiue. Ti rivals nervousness, blood pblsdn, rhsumatism, :. J " bfrinev threat and luna troubles, consumption. stomach disorders le ,S"-e Aieeases of si kinds, Remsdles roubles, tad athi harmless. NO OPERATION. Consultation free. Examination for ladles by Mxa B. fcl Call or write o The S. K. Chan. Chll 828 la Morrison IL. Portland. Orasoo, L. T. YEE & SONS Tbe Old. Kellabla entases Doctor spent lifetime study at barbs and research la China) d diploma Dr tos gusranteee sure al et men snd women ars fail. If yen safe fer. call er writs to aB 4 bUaiS aUUMCniB CO.. IsJVfc 4jar, sslsar, fTtlsje Oa, Vrf-, '' was rrui ! Emperaei - V r aliments . Don't Wait "606" The new German Discovery for BLOOD POISON $25 Intll Aumist 1st. DR. J. J. KEEFE 308-10-lt Merchants Trust Bid.. 8th and Waahlnarton, Portland, Or. CALL AT ONCE JfO DETENTION FROH WORK. b,oe made of snake siting are worn hv many ultrafaahlonahle English women this i'ear,;