Aptwi are. Cor. para aad Taylor Ste. Cor. Tenta aad tti.moa ta. Walkla Distance. fVm plataly ftin):tJ)4 3. 8 nt 4-rwira apartineats. buildings Bow and tnctly mlfn. aervlc arsi-claa. TtM-HEATED QmL flv. room, tor 2-13. Everett (. Key wua Morgan, f.led- aer Boyca, tv Atuiiu b.ua, tlua 3vlS. A Swl. Hale. FuR KENT Nl; furnlahad 4-rootn f.. f-.r a or J montne. inupl. inuel t ro aronatbl: piano, tlttirwtra. 't: weat j..da lo mi.iut.e- walk from town. Apply lo.l rhimhar of Coramarc. JJ COOL J-room f i-nlshed flat, privet ti'b. aiiad traaa. 471 Belmont. Bear Eet lt; block from Xortuoa car. r.aat 2Jl i , 2 MODERN a-room data. Including - I d ?mm far... window ehaU'e. large bae.-m-nt. uo ad -iiOL :w Margia bb 3-7 Haiey. TWO dealrabl 4-room m1ro fata, ro- a :, porch., central. Wort W: a f irnished Bat. reasonable. Inqulr .14 Hal at. i . . FOR REM T- lbr-room furtilahal f;a. a.actrte llfht, phono, hot l'.'f and bath; wrriotn' coontBt. J. Moru-m"n-ry at. ot-vT .i.mum mn.larn flat oa liar aria:i at., with aiaoptn porch. At. M. OrtfQnikS. "R RFNI Naw. molom. o or o-room ua pr tm,:. rooaoeabio. furnaoo. erapiaa, HTh k'tcWn. tc MS K. 1I;1 at. ?rKt"TLT morf-ra -rom fat. lr 4 an1 v.hlr.(t.n. A Jlla. Mala IVU or tli!n avininga. T ' 5-ron flota. fnrn:ahal or aaiurauaio. a.t rn at. H ;;". KOR KKST l-room fut witb tath-Uo iil. nrnar of o.iaan. A ji-i. -H"X)V f.at. looar; ftrriri. I'04 cooUl llnn. .Sor-.rtruj at. Ma. a 33-X o-RCOM appar caw flat, modara ImproTO- - . -. i ttrmmm at pn ai. rrnt a . ...w . . " - - - NEW K-ro-im nat. mo-1rn. r'.oaa In. Eaat 'R RENT or a'a. firniahd flat: aarp Irc p-urt-h- SJ- l.vumbl. naar I'ark. Moo'Pla: Kcaw, THE PEVER. 12tn afarahall. far Blahad f"r boaakopln. ao ranaa. trio llattta. h"t -atar. bath, lauodrr. frao: lis par moBta up; a eioaa P'' a. caat la to cl'y for trio onr: a tort dlataac from tnloa Cpoc Taaa - '-" car, aorta. ai o at ilaraoall at. Ja oa. Wrlt-rRXUHrO huaao. Tata, roo-r.a: 5-room co'tarr. t- tnontli. aaothr $IT1 atittaa. loo turnlahad houaaaaapina mini. . 10. 13 month: J. 1X App r 3 :' at. North, W car from dxt, Va a'. oo M"r-'a"a to "b. b!o-ll borfh. -JLr WHAT TOU WANT. rwmuhod or unfarolahad rooma. aa.aa n autta. a. I cooanlan-a. boat tocatloo, -MIL-NCR Bt.DO..- JOS Morrlaoa at. (ISO TO Ii3 WtEK: claoa. turalabad aoaaoaaopiaa rooma. fraa Uvadrr. both, paoao cloaa Uaao, baat. Vanoamraf aa. and :IH ataatoti: taao V ear. 41 EAST Vorr1.n. cornr Eaat bib; eom ptat.:r fviraiaaa4 bouaohao4a avltaa; raaonab:a. .... 1 houakaoplnl aad a oaplna m-n l lo IJ par w-k. ll 1J at. t'F.oNT auito houaakaoptac rooma tor raat r"ap US - MOt'tEkKCPLVI ro.ira ! la . oacr.to blj. t'hoao WJ aa 3I7 O" TWO taarlr f-ir:aed. front bouaokaoplns roofra. cl- ao In. 4tS H aahlnftott at. HooiaokaoBlaa; la rrtaaxo amlly. rol'Rlar.nVw!rea!aha. an. w.ri-fur-B.ahad bouaokaoplnc rooma. with pantrr. imrtm cothaapraaa aad porv:aia bath, tr m pti-aa. (urn heat, hot ax 1 co;d watar; 3 b:o-ka from rarltn'O. Kaat aUZU m& Rodnr avo.. cor. TUiamook. LARi-,S. daalrat.lo. alco front room, rom-pi-tar furctartad for houaakaoptna;. Incltid ir.c wood, bath, aaa and talaphoao. 211 rr-.trmaa at., cmr Ftrat. FLKAjiANT fror.t room atvt kltbaB. fur Biahad for ilf.1t bouaoaorplns. aiactrle liaht. rath, oatar aad ph'oo frra; o.k. ' 4'ti. block aooth CMT folL J.3WI.T furolahd aulto of two or thrao rooma la bont:ful aatcVorbood. wa:kioaT 1 atanco. Phoao Eu. a'""X AJu t only. 3 NETLT farnlahad houkoplna rooma. comp.ato kttcBaa and tar boda. looj Tanth. TWO larga boatiy furntahad houaakoapins rooma. all conranlaocoa. IS Chapmaa Mnrt aouth Momaon, I':S cool furnlahad houaakaoptaa; rooma. prlvata homo. 4". Taylor. NEW -rom awlta. alcalr furnlaha.1. all ror.Taaloacoa. 22 -VV E. fctark. aaar IT.tv. i'HOOt aawlr furnlaha.1 aulto chaap. yard, porrrh. braa b"!a; light aod water fur- Ttt J and 3 -room molrn. nlraly furaiaha'l hnuaakaaptaa; apartmaata. raaaonabla. lia) North Wh. ONE froot room. "amt!y furntahad for houaa fcaaptr. modara ronranlan'ao: $.175 wa .kly. 27 S N. Ktb, near B iihlBilcn. ONE OK too nlcaly fumiahad bouaakaoplnaT rooma. control. .. Mam at. N.CELV furnhad rooma la cottaao with lawn. a!k!-ir lla-an-a. UK 4!l F.at Plr.o. rKSlRAlit-E aulto rooma. lark, airy, wall furnshM both phonaa. S4 Mrrlaon. I I HM.-HEil huatkMDU rooma. 7 N. ll'h at., batwaon Pavia and Eraratt lla TWO furnt.had houaakaap'.ea rooma. down, rafra. a:nk. pantry. A 10th at VI HMf HSD houaakaoplnp; rooma roaaon abio. S7 ll!l at. 4 CLEAN, lirht furnlahad houaakoaplna; rooma. a bath, f 14 month. 693 Front, CLEAN. I'ht. wall-furnlahad bouaokcaplna; roorr.a. 3f5 4th at. I'l RNIsUflD houa'-koaptaff roona, $X por 3 S'h at, 2i'SL.Y furnlahad atncla rooma. bath gam, riin. laundry. 17 3iat at., aaar w aah. alt Furnlahad houaakaopn 4 rooma for roat wa. Hint; diatanco. a-4 Eaat Plna. 0OC hoaaakaaplntf rooma from $J to par wak. walking d'atanro. 411 4th at. PRAND aaw. alaarantiy flnlahod 4-room 2 -at ory houaav. 2 a.aoplna; porcbaav k 1 ti haa and chambora flniahad la whlto anamaL bardwood flooro downatalra, pollah h4 floor ap; baamad colUnga. ballt-ln but fat, booknaaoa. flroplaoa. at&: 14 mlnntaa to haart of city: rratrtctod dlatrlrt. pavad atraota. bo chlldroo, 4-4 Lumborroan a Ml Phana M. x. or WotxHawn 144. hOCi4 aad fiata for rant, aomo furoiabad. MFTBCHANTS aviv.; a TRirr COM PA!T. yraa mapa of elty for fraBgora, ilEXT-ifodora a-room oettaa-o. wlia rrsit and Larro ground. 4X2 E. slat at aor. Grant. Will bo oa pram'aaa from I . ' 4. T-ROOU bouaa, acra groan A. all klada fruit. -a m'nataar nda from Waat laqair I4T iota. Waat "Ma. Mala 4CVT. F"R PEVT Foutroombooaa; fna aMn, ni'-o lawn: two biocka from cmr. Wo fa. INth and A'.oarta a a. W. J. 2'; EAT l;-Z. half block from fiawthoraa avo.. S modarn rooma wlta Largo porch; ront roaaonabla. I-KOOV modara houao. Ill a moath, ba twaoa flaaea aa-1 Framont, 9 blocka caa, 7 E. th V. Wood awa J434. -R-OM bouao, modarn. partly fornlaha.4 or Bafaratahod. Eaat 4Hh aad Balmont ata Phono Tahor 4:3. Fnrwlabjod How i:XT.l.LI XTIT and romplataly furnlahad a fiwio rottaga. nna biork to car: p:aoty of fa gardaa: fuol ftrnlahad: will rant fr 1 montha. Phona fal.wool 91 H-Ri'iOW modara boua. hanrlaoma y fur ntahad: aiat. naar Kawthorna; rv:l la. c:iin; big yard, fruit and no war. Phoaa a 4:02. Vt'H RENT Ftrntahad toMna fat. as rooma, IB Mo::adaT-Irlnton tarttoa, for too montha to am'! family, with rafar-ani-aa. Phono F. at. F"R RENT 4-room h-maa. furnlahad. about eno and half mlloa from Nawborg. for two a- thrwo montha; owaora golag Eaat. AM ;t.y Oragonlaa. 4-ROOM w,;i-furnlalid apartmant ob Hon a'., rary roaYanlant. Urea p--reri and yard for Pummar mon'ha. A M Sha. Oragoalan. M MARKET lT baod of 2itb, comfortably fn-n'ahad 5 or 4 rooma. piano, flno viow. phono Main 47. - Ri)OM boua. partly furr. .ahad. auttabia f r o-.o or two famlliaa or fur foomara. S71 th at. FROM July 30. furnlahad aia rooma, piano, gaa raago: rofarn,"4 rautrad. H. A. Kl iam. rar Marahall-Wal a Hdw, Co. V'rSETtv 4 -room cottaga. furnlahoil, at 4-iA 7fh. f ! month: nlraT ard. FURNISHED buflttlow, naw and mod-rn.. :j E. Earatt. Phono B 13-' or Eaat Ao7. TCBI-V3om aiita. vary-rhaapi I blocka Xroxa Waaaiaa-toa. V. floj. fOat KltNT. i ami. hed Ha IROOM HOUSE, handeomely furBlahod throughout; fully equipped with H cob veuenre, at He!y H-i.n:' finet l In city: IS b.ocas (torn rarline; or t.iort-ltra Inn; not cheap. Whlt-r.er-Ke:iy 'o. To 4th si. Mo Mala ! . A . FOR HINT lO-room moder bow parti furnlahed. porch on S aiiaa. 3 fireplace. :e.m neat, large grounda, An view: wl,l less for 13 or 14 mnnl); elo In oa Feat S:de: rant reasonable. Strong A Co, ol Cor.cord bldg. WEI.I.-FCIl-VIICED S-room rottaga. 20 troath: aao-.har. 117 so. good lowar f.at, tnmiaha.l houakaplr ault-a. 3 r -ima. 4. 1' 12 BOI'.h: a. 14. 34 Nona :ih- W. car from dapot. sto. waat oa Morrlaon to d:h. blork aortn. MCEI.Y furnlahad T-roora bouao. atrlctly modarn. Inrludmc gaa and watar naat-r. baautlful lawn, roaaa. raaponalbla Prtiaa only; rant ..V lil E- l- bloc Hawthorno. Phona A WHAT'S tho uao of llvin In a hot. atuffy fiat or apartmant. whan you can hava a liht. airy. cool. S-room houao. with Boo lawn and piano, for the aame money. Main IvS. H'.OuM modern eottaga on E. Nrth. only half blork from carllr.a. well furnlahad. rant only 37 8 and w-eer rt-a paid by oaraar. CaJ at 414 Spalding Blag. FREE rent lo reliable couple without chil dren for young womana board and carw of boy 4 during Jay; ale bungalow, fur nlahad. Call after a P. U. .a E- in Ft RM.-HED houao for t montha; on room raeervao. lit r '- - lloo-a for Kcwt. rurnHare for bailo. H RXITCRE of s rooma cheap; rant $1; no old Jack, walking .Ilatanre; rooma all r-ntaii: yarda. r-rjrthing new aad clean. FrRNlTl'RE of 5 rooma for aalo at a bar gain: aame houi for rani at 1: 1 mm-ur-a" walk U Poetoltlce, O. A. Kaapor, 41' Abtnaton bide. BT OWNER f urniture of 12-rooni houae: fine raa.denc location, walking dTjlance. a-ittahl for roomer and boardera. ill ;nan TAOl'I.n Ilka lo mf'.i thla waek. room fur nlahad houae. aultab: for horn, and caa more than make pene; nlrely fur-niah- J and r-a-nah. 3 111 13th at. -a TH. rornar of Mill. l' room, wall fur-niahe-L oa carilne; letil place; rat t0; la ,a. 4 Fl'M'M houae for rent, furniture for aali call at "4 17th, NKATI.T furnlahed 4-room flat for rant, fur niture for rale. 324 Mill Phone XI. 4123. fNAF' Furniture for aala, houae tor rent. 444 Eaat Evrrrtt at. H.V E for rent aad furniture for aaie. 14 17: ft- ummr Kraort. SEASIDE. TUTINOTON fOTTAttfS. for aala. all modem ronrenlancaa. Including hot and cold watar. eleclrio light. Breplaco. alaap- ing porch and open-air dining-room; com pletely furaiahed. HP PALMER-JONES CO.. 211-711 Co-nmar".al Club Bide. Phono Main 4. A Zit. WANTED From July II. for two or four w ,ka. four or five-room furntabed cot tac .aoil or C.earhart; muat bo raa aonable. phone Eaat 114S or call at 4;T tiragonlan b.dg. TA-HAT bate you to trad for LI or !; at Faavlaw. WaahT Lota hare ahada trees, rlooe to ocean aad station. P. O. bo 4T. riry. WaNTEIJ Rponalbla party wlahaa to rent co'mplately furnlahad cottage with all con Tanlanraa. al ge!l or tiearharL Cat! Fa.f 177 or C I' V).S board wa k. at Seaside. Mayo rottaga, completely futxiiabad; strlrtly modern. Call at cottage, corner Lockaley Halt Foil RENT Heaalde. modern -room houao, hot and cold watar. electric light, lew of ocean; f.'oO. balano of caaoa. Phon Marahall lt-4. NEW COUNTRY CLUB open for member and stockholder only. Loo White, vocal let and entertainer. Other attractions I follow. f fOHT-RonM rottaga at l.ong Fearh for tho season: completely furnhed. Inqulr at the M. O. lept. Postoffice. or at tha - Whltehouae.' Long Beach. Waah. fTTfIia1.E at Seaside, roomlng-houao or hotel, splendid location. Aduxeaa owner, bog 17. Seaside. Or. bEAbILE houae of $ furnished rooms, a biff; bars-Ma at Inquire Uearln. 42S Mo hawk bl.lg. btASIUK peagull cottage. facing board walk and ovean. to rent. Apply at eot taga or telephone A 43 M. Main ol'. CoTTA'iE. nicely furnlahad. ocean front, boulevard walk. Seaside. T 2'W. Oro- g-inlan. FoR KENT -room eoltsg on tha rldg at r-aa View. Waah.. IH tor tb seasoa. Phon Tabor "al. or East 14JL JiOkfll BEACH Frnrd camping (round, 1 hIo-k ocean. Mi Wllllama by. FOR REM Housekeeping tents. Bear Oo Io nia Hole.. Ada Nelson. Bcaalda, Or. HAZEl. COTTAOK Senvlew. reasonabl ratea. borne cooking, good location. MIAVIiiV furnlah-4 cottage. rooma. Tele phone Et 17. n. RNlSHEIi cottae. Seaside, ocaaa lew, reaanable. E 24 '. . . r STORE FOR RENT: REASONABLE T Kit MS: TH STREET, FEET FROM WASHINGTON-. C-ALIa 1S RoTHCHlLD BLt0. SEVERAL, atorea at east end Madlsoo-et. bridge. t: to tv. according to a lie. la quire 271 Hawthorne are. STORE for rent. 74 X. 4th St.. cor Everett. Inqu'r roorfi 813 Hamilton bldg. STORE, good location, big payroll. Tha S. R. Clary Co.. 141 Alder au Main 42. onto TO LET 2-room suite of offk-es. Spalillng tMg.. furnished or nnfumlahed; advertiser t-avlng city, dealraa to aublet offices for nexpired lerrr.a until December, 1P1L Apply ll"4 SpaM'fg bldg. HOsT CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICES. All-nlgbt elevator serrlce: special In ducamenta on yearly leaao. 403 fiwetland bidg.. im and Washington. OFFICES FOR KENT. Ill to -"V VERCTANTS TRUST BUII.UINO. FOR KENT Nicely furnished outaide offlo and reception room, with phon. 10.ll "hamber of c'ommerc Mdg. OFFICES for rant, SOale. seoond floor: Ideal for tailor: Or. Uedlund. N. W. oer. 4th aad Oak. FOR RENT Nicely furnished of floe. In cluding roeeptlon room and phon. 1020 Chamber Commerce bldg. DESK room. 14 nd 7.&o per mil fro I'a.-lfle phono. 613 Buchanan bldg. DESK room, bright, cheerful off Ire. front of eleratort, 8' Henry bldg. FOR BENT Offlc or dealt room to con genial party. 231 Oak at- TO I.E A.aE. TO LXASB. Modern, n-room apartmsBb-hoaaa, Just about anlshed. corner E- 14th aad Eaat r-tark: hot water beating ayatem, tele phone, eiectrte Ufht.- laQOlx of owner on premleee, 9.10 to 4 P. U. IX) T AMI rOOR FOUND w her yoa can buy gaaulna hair mattresses retail at wboleaalo prlcee: we renoewt mattreaaea aad return same day: w also renovate feather. Bortland Curled Hair Factory. 11. ateuger. 214-321 Front. Phone Main 474. A .1174. tOST Open-facod gold watch.last evening;, between 6:45 and 7 o'clock, on 6th at-, betwe-n Waahtngton and Stark eta., whti running to ,-at.a W. car for depot. Finder pleas return to 414 Morrison sc. and re ceive reward, LOST About July 10. gold breast pin, with bark eaamel letter 'li . valued aa keep aake from mother. Finder liberally re warded by Mrs. H. E. Mrnefee. 421 Rod ney aia LOST In Meier a Frank s baeement. or be tween there and 6th and Washington, blsrk handhag containing purse with $4. gold-rimmed spectacle, door key and car tickets. Reward at Meier at Frank a. PARTY" tlndlng bill caae with credent la: a. etc. belonging to J. T. Larktn. may keep money If th-y will kindly return case and papera to Y. M. C. A. olce. WILL party who found pocket book with V P. passe and recelpte In It return to Calumet Hotel and receir reward? W. V I : eon. LST Murntay evening. July 14. pearl brooch between Vancouver and Portland, poeaibly on etreetcar. Return t E. M. t.aweon. room l'2. Walla Fargo bldg. LO-T sig-.na Nu pin. Tueeday evening, July 1: official alio: opel setting Finder plaas return to H. E. oUipiej. too Morrison st. M arena'. 1 StO. LOST Watch fob. monogram J. F K. : re turn to J. S. Knight. 1010 Board of Trade; gift: reward. Phon A 70. 1 i-T Saturday afternoon, lady'a Alaakan ri-g. name engraved Inaide. Howard. Mala 4i IX-r Lars belt pin. whit casto head. i'hon Mala 4144. B a ward. the Mcmxixo oregoxiax. Wednesday, mvru nppftMTrMTl F I HI srvESS OPrOBIl Jinia I w j I Ktm ana Jiaciuuo i - ' i - i CENTRAL CONTRACTING BUSINESS. This I on of the oidet contracting f lame In tha city; fully equipped: haa all he buelnees It can handle for the next two years; owner retiring and will soil for half the actual value. Call and so or writ W. Lawrence. 213 Lumber Exchange bid. TOtTSO MAN. STRANGER, sfak careful lnvsstlgatlon at xpnso of eeller before you Invest moaey In any proposition. Advisory Departmsnt, T. M. C. A. OFFICE business with reliable man aa Prt: ner: duty to show ouatomera property ana attend offlc whll owner Is out on bual neaa; you will be guaranteed no less than I50 monthly. Room 623, Lumber i-x-change. FOR SALE A-l genk's furnlahlng ator with a woll-estahllshed buelneae. In a thriving Washington city on Gray Har bor; Involc about fSoOO; a fin location, owner desires to leav city. Inquire Neu stmdter Bros. PAKT.NEH wanted; druggist who can tak charge of ator and w no knows of open ing for new ator In the Northweet: oapital no object, but must b good, square man. AV 2t4. Oregonlatv WANT . ) Reliable parly to build a smull hotel at new town, close to a lake Bum mer resort: will ssll lot cheap to good party who will build. Davis A Sharp Co.. bid Commercial blk.. Portland. OROCERT AND HARDWARE. Only store In small town. 8 miles from Portland; sales (Ml a day. P. O. pay the rent: Invoice about 1"0. HALL A OUSTIN. 411 Lumbermen Bldg. HALF Intereat In an old-established buel ne. doing a good business. For full par ticular call Kinney A stampher. Lumbar ExchAnge bldg.. rooms 681-632. MOVIN'O-PIi.'TURB theater, down town. will aeii one-half Intereat; I do my own operating and want partner to look after the lower floor: llooo required: money fully secured. 404 Kolhchlld bldg. GK'M'KHT doing nlc bualneas: rent S3o per month. Including living rooms, barn and ard. This is a fine, clean stock: a good monev-maker. and can bo bought right. Particulars 41T Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Manufacturing. -Including . tabllahed brands, formula, capable) of making a splendid business; 'slue 13"0; would retain half Intereat with rljht party. Bradley. 2St Oak at. JOBS are scarce, but If you hava 4300. wa can eell you half Intereat In nice, clean bustnesa that will make you not leaa than IJ5 per week. Partlculara 41 1 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Carpenter for light work; per manent position out of city; wagea 12 50 per day: man with Slo to Invest In com mercial apple orchard preferred. O J4, Oregonlan. MOTION picture theater on the Weat Side, tha first tim offrd for sale; opera chairs: doing good bualneas: 4"0: will consider half real estate. AM Oro gonlsn. " FOR SALE. Placer property, worked py hydraull or dredge. Address J. O. Day, Olal.a, Oregon. MOVING PICTURE THEATERS. Equipped on eaay terms. NO CHARGB for LOCATIONS. New Tork Film E change. I;a Wsshlngloa. Bear 17th. WANTED Partner, with smalleapltal. to buy half Intereat and take charge of well establlehed bualneaa; good aalary. Apply at once. 161 Orand av. BEST bargain Portland, clears, confection ary, aula fountain, etc.; big money-maker: long leaae: cheap rent: living room. 127 Bth su Never advertlaed before. ONE real llv poolroom. SIOilO, on tlm. or $1000 raah. Take ML Scott car. go to Lenta. Or., and asked fur Mao Place, J 212. Oregon lam OLD-ESTABLISHED Jobbing and manufac turing bualneaa: excellent Coast and cry trade: win Involc about 24000. AT 273, Oregonlan. PICTURE THEATER. Rent $Z6. location good, town cloaa to Portland; no competition; $500. HAM. A Gl'STIN. 411 Lumbermen Bldg. A HARDWARE store for asle In a good town and a good country, about 00 miles from the const; look It up. Address for full partlculara, A V 843. Oregonlan. WE have tho beet modern equipped laundry In the Valley but muet sell at once: short of funds and alokneas. Address Albany Steam launflrr. Ainany. or. GOOD saloon. 8 months' license paid; owner w tabes to retire; have had ssme saloon for years: rent S"3; price 13500. Box 420. Aberdeen. Waah. MEAT market, a dandy bualneaa. no oppo altlon; other bualneas the reason: not much money required. AD 26 i, Orego nlan. ai Ai 1 1 . r. o iii r. interest in macoiu inoi" tor ami. wv Inventory: good steady business, Inqulr X 806 Ollaan at. WANTED Blackamlth to atari ahop In new town on K. K. tiooa rarming coun try surrounding. Davta A Sharp Co., 0o6 Commercial block. Portland. Or. BARBER SHOP In suburb, two rhairs. tak ing In .'o per week; rent 110; two-year lesae. 1375. (175 rash: a trial befor buying. N 20. OTegouian. OROCERT-In-towtirot 6O00 doing a 2:300 buslnsss per month; rent 222; will Involc about $.:5o0; thla will stsnd the strictest Investigation, call 383 Lumber Exchange. RESTAURANT, oentral location; must sell, private reason, not a big propoaltlon: place Is paying: don't wait. Investigate; no agents. L 2o2. Oregonlan. CIGAR STANDS. Two good ones, on Washing ton at-, $S3t and fso. . HALL A CURTIS'. 411 Lumbermen Bldg. WORKING MAN'S HOTEL Owner compelled to sell at sacrifice; clear 3300 per month: 2400 will handle It. Call room S15 Lumber Exchange bids;. KtfiTAl'RAST. owner doea the cooking and cau l depend on hired help: wants partner act as cashier; pay you 20 weekly and board. Room 623, Lumber Exchange. FIN moving picture show for sajs on terms or trad for lota. A 207. Ore gonlan. t PATrNfJ manufacturing plant: 28ivlO; net profile m per month. AT 272. Ore gonlan. AUTOMOBILE bualneas; partner wanted: will pay large profits: little moaey ro q u ire d. Pa r t leu '. a r s 5 1 . SS t a rk t. IF VOi: WANT TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS SEE BLOCH REALTY CO, 2o4 ALDER ST. IF TOU WANT TO OET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS EJ BLOCH REALTY" CO. 2 Al.DER BT. BARBER8. old-eetabllebed. well-paying ahop on busy St.. good business, lease. Call 302 Falling bldg.. 8d and Wash. GIRL SHOW Traveling: Intereat hand! own money; reference. A 264. Oregonlan. CLEANING and pressing buslnees. living rooma. good location, good bualneaa. good reason for selling at bargain. Main 84ti7. rKoDL'i'K ator. doing good business; owner has two place and will sell ana. Room 628. Lumber Exonange. FOR S A LEV Meat market and grocery; best location In city; will sacrifice for caah If sold at one. P 204. Oregonlan. PLAN'INO MILL Partner wanted: hav pienty buaineaa: tired of depending- on hired help. Call 24RS Stsrk st. MOVING-PICTURE house for sale: best lo cation In city. Phon Woodlawn IM'1. 42.13 Vancouver. Waah. LIQUOR store with bar: established 10 years: big trade: Independent license; re quire ev veil eioj i-iw e av. SALOON. Independent llcen: leaving city, sickness. 14-3 Macadam road, or. Da kota. BARBER wanted to boy half Interest In a two-chair shop: line location, with lease. AL 2'IT. Oreconlan. LADY offers superb piano. 5 months. $3 month, cartage; reeponslbl parties. E 2-11. Oregonlan. FOR 6ALE Old-eetabllehed Job printing ofnc: small, but good; owner haa other Interests. Address AV 252. Oregonlan. CLEANING and preaaing; want steady partner to drive wason. etc; win pay 223 week. Particulars 244 S Stark at. FOR SALS: Good-paying reataurant. locat ed BIS Slxin at,. Portland. Or.; prlco rassonabls PARTNER wanted; experience not neoew siry caa depend on 23 day: 21T8 re q'lrod. Particulars 24 Stark at. mo SALB Nlc lc)-oram stor and pool room. .W location; good bualneas. 266 Everett. " M'VING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sntd. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ablngton. LUNCH COUNTER Central; oolng rood trade- other lnteresu fore owner to sao rince.' Prlc 216'- Call 248 H rltsrk at. too BUSINESS earda, 21.00: you muat bring thl d. nose i-nr i iii-'i. .-.a .ihq-. FOR SALE Fine shoo etore with building. A. feTereoo. ii" -"-e. READ the 'BonvlU Fquar Deal" before buying anerea in STOCKS of merchandise bought for cash; gtrlctle cosadratlal. Weat on. 4U4 au ATTENTION. PLANING MILL MEN. Tv' have bought a complet one-t planing mill, fully equipped; 4 practical mtllmen hava organised and want to se cure on or two capabl men to lnvst a small amount of money and come In. with or without aervlcea, on an equal basts. Can use an office man. one capa ble of taking full charge; aiao eatlmator or bench hand. Thla Is th best opsn Ing In Portland for a small Investment W e are ready to atart th plant, o In vestigate and act quick. CHAS. K1NOLKR A CO., 311 Lewis bldg. WANTED By experienced promoter and aales manager, a connection with hlgh ciass proposition or to connect with others in formation or organisation work; fully conversant with corporation organisation and managsmsnt; fully qualified to design write and prepare literature, organise ales force nd manage inside or outaide; will connect with any legitimate propoal tlon or promotion; no others considered; hlsheat references. Address E 207. Ore gonlan. GENERAL CONTRACTING BUSINESS. Owner retiring. Fully equipped with all the work that can poasibly hand! for th next 18 montha. Partlculara Room 819 Lumber Exchaag bldg. CONTRACTORS, attention: Wanted to let contract for building modern hotel in country town, near Portland, to party who would be willing to take desirable pleo of property as part payment; exceptional opportunity for energetlo man In this com munity, ss new town Just started ana many other buildings. Including etore. toon to DO QUI1U J . m.uu GENERAL merchandise business, llvs West ern Montana town; stock and fixtures. 41700. store building. Including living rooms, large barn. Icehouse, large lot, 21MK: buildings all new; annual sales 211.000; money-maker; good reasons for selling. 32000 caah will handle, AV 2oo. Oregonlan. STORE WANTED. Will tradn 13 acres good land 8 miles from City Hall and 2S nilles from city limits, on macadamized road; over x'HJ fruit trees, will give or take difference. Price 240 per acre. Answer, giving location, amount and kind of stock. B 206. Oregonlan. DO TOU WANT TO BELL? If you want to sell your business, or want a psrtner In your buslnsss. call and let me talk It over with you. I hve buyer waiting to get a good paying buslnsss. W. Lawrence. SIS Lumber Ex change bldg. Both phone. "COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Agents wanted In Pacific Northwest. Pacific Mutual Lite. 43 years old. 22 millions assets. W loan money. U. H. Ward, Algr, 712 Spaldlns bids. LUNCHROOM In the heart of city, over 2100 day business. 2-year lease: will clear 3rioo month; rent psld to the 10th of Aug. This Is ths best bsrgaln that has ever been offered In Portland. Must be sold at one on account of other business, by owner. Add N 2H7. Oregoulsn. BALE or trade only men's clothing, gent furnishing, shoe store, town 2.100. sur rounded by rich farming and big pay roll: l.woo stock, will discount for cash; would consider trade for Portland Incom prop erty or Improved farm. Box 21iL Kent, Waah. FOR SALE A complete bindery and print ing plant, doing a good bualneaa: a live town and growing rapidly: bindery has no competition: a rar chance It you un derstand the business. V. G. Tefft Co., Aberdeen. Wash. FOR SALE Bakery; the beat up-to-dat bakery In beat town In Oregon outside of Portland, making 20O0 loaves a dsy. with long lesao on building: price reasonabl. Don't answer unlese you mean bualneaa, Addreaa A V 2oo. Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY and cigars, located on Weat Side, In nlcs store end good lease: nice stock and fixtures, with established business; I will make th prlc right; If you want something of this kind, you will buy It. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber Commerce. Portland. Or. WOODWORK I. NO plant and carpenter shop, well established; good location on West Side: no machtnery. but could b In stalled to advantage; good place for car penter or mechanic; will sell for 2450. J, E. Smith. 613 Chamber Commerce. SUBSTANTIAL business houao wants aober. Industrious partner; you can clear better than 8175 per month; references given and required. Particular 417 Board of Trad bldg. PHOTO STUDIO for sale; owing to sickness I must dlapnae of my atudlo at once; complete equipment; will Involc over 2so; 2330 cash will handle It- For full partlculara address AV 308, Oregonlan. ROOMING HOUSES. R, If. GOODKIND CO. (02-664 BOARD OP TRADE BLDG. MARSHALL 488. A 1062. READ EVERY WORD OF THIS BEST APARTMENT-HOUSE EVER. OFFERED FOR SALE- IN.POKTLAMX Contains 102 rooms. 82 apartments. Una, close In. West Bide location, new brick, bldg.. eleotrlo elevator, and It I the cheapest rent of any apartment-housa In this city, only 1460 A MONTH, with a f ood long lease: this houae never changed lands; was furnlahed new by the owner, who paid caah for the furniture! There are 63 rooms furnished with quarter-sawed oak mlnalon furniture. The carpets ar of the very best; all Iron and brass beds. This houae never cleared leas thsn 2360 a month (books will show everything). w can deliver It with 23000 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Tou will bav to see this to appreciate what a fln prop- '"""VanN-OTJ MATCH THI3? Owner of a 14-room new nd elegantly furnished select apartment-house j will trade hrs $1500 equity for a small, close in Eaat Side cottage or bungalow and assume mortgage tor difference; fln West Side location: rent $60: 1 years leaae. 30-ROOM. MORRISON ST. TRADE FOR LOTS OR HOME. Good, oloee-ln location, average furni ture; rent only 2130 month; IS years lease: clear over 2100 a month; prlo 2200O. BARGAIN rrrNTERC, SEE THIS AT ONCE. A completely furnished 22-room houssj In a line location, rent less than 16 a room with 2-year leaae. oleara 2100 mo,; price only 81350. Including 100 up aa ee curlty on lease; terms 2' cash. This Is on of those snap buys that owner really wants to selL He It. 14 ROOMS, 2950. West Eld location, all housekeeping-; rent 117: 2-year lease: clears JiO month l only 200 cash puts you In possession. 11 ROOMS. VERY FINE. Finest close-in West Side location, nlc clean place, well furnished; this is aa nice a houa as you would want to own; rent Is 20: price S1260. and If worth It. KOOM'O-HOUSE OWNER ATTEN TION. W do not employ canvassers to list rooming-houses; w only want plaoe oa our list that owners really want to aslll do you want to sell yours 1 If so, phon. w will look It over, and It your prlc 1 right we caa sell It for you. R. H. GOODKIND CO, Also Branch Offices, Bankers Trust Bldg., Taooma. Wash, nd 443 Pender St.. Vancouver. B. C. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSB CO., 411 Henry bldg. BIG SNAP, t rooma. B-year lease. 2, 8 and 4-room apartments, newly and elegantly furnished. This Is one of the best furnlahad llttl houses In Portland, and gY good Income-; 2500 cah handlea. 20 ROOMS, Fine location on Weat Side, good leaae, rent S10O; running water In rooma: ele gantly furnlahed; Juat th place for a woman to make a fine Income and hav a nlc home; requirea 21500 cash. 11 ROOMS. Cholc location. West Side, corner. 8 sleeping porchea. furnace heat, rent 246. leaae 2 yeara; thla place Is neat and clean, la well furnished, rooma all rented and will give you a nlc homo and 200 clear; price $00. PORTLAND ROOMINO-HOTJSB CO., 411 Henry bldg. THE PACIFIC REALTY CO., HOTELS, ROOMING-HOUSES. APARTMENT-HOUSES. RSAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES. Phone Main 8580, A 8473. 223-4 Falling bldg., 8d and Wash. MARY E. LENT. Portland's "LEADING HOTEL BROKKFf 18-P.OOM transient house, centrally located; clear over $130 per month: $830 ; 3300 cash. 417 Board of Tra4e bldg 12-ROOM modern house, elegantly fur nlahed, best location, bis ' Income and al ways full: cheap, from owner. 268 12th. FOR RENT Roomlng-hous In Tillamook Or.: 21 rooms; suitable for private board ing houseAVZBNjOrejrnJan WANTED A good apsrtment-house leas and furniture; part trade, some cash; must be up to date. N 21. Oregonlan. i-.i CASH and balance monthly: beat pay ing 7-room house In Portland: rent 235, Income 2o4. owner, iiuinsiae. 14-ROOM nomlns-bou4fo4las by owner. jtxy 19, 1911. I I 'i ' , ' FINANCIAL. I BIWMWBCjm Located near Portland Hotel. 4 rar lease, at very low rent; house Is all newly decorated; steam heat; guaranteed clear ing 2160 per month; 21200 cash will handl this. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO, 018 Yeon blTlt., 6th and Alder. ROOMING HOUSE SACRIFICE. If you hav 2500. can locate you In roomlnK-bouse. clearing over 2150 month above all expenses; this must be sold and you get a snap. Inquire 68 10th at-, near Stark. L iv-nuoji ii i.i , . - -- roomers, well furnished, fine location; will be sold chesp If taken at once, as party Is " leaving city; terms. 650 Hoyt St. Phone Marshall 1253. FINANCIAL. WANTED party thousand dollar state rights. Best novelty on market, sell on sight. Been tested In Portland; only Coast territory proved biff success. Bales East tremendous: Idaho, Washington Ore gon for sale. Call 7 P. M.. suite 309, An gela Hotel. Washlncton and Trinity Place. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. . Or seller's equity In contracts of sal on. real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 318Lumbermensbldg. FIRST and seoond mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. E. L . Lievereauy, 1P0--3 ppaiaipg dips. MONEY to loan, any amount, first and sec ond mortgages and contracts on farm and city properly purchased. E. W. A. Peaks, oui fticivay oias. WILL pay highest casa value for your Installment contracts or take seoond mort gagee If protected by liberal margins. Call 60S McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. 1875 FIRST MORTGAGE for sale at 775; security, choice acreage east of Portland. AK 273, Oregonlatu WILL sell 50 shares of stock In local insur ance company at sacrifice; stock now sell lpg $200 a share. AJ 120. Oregonlan. PRIVATE party has loans from 250 to J5000, any fair security. Writ 23 21st at, or telephone East 2064. H. P. BARNHART, Investments and nous building. 705 Couch bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 8 and 8 per cent. San ford, Henley A Walte. 418 Spalding bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate 210,000 TO LOAN on first mortgages. In amounts of 21500 and over. The prop erty must be in good residence district. Irvlngton and Holladay preferred; Parties desiring loan, muat apply In person. Call - 414 Spalding bldg. . MORTGAGE LOAN3. On Portlsnd real estate I our spe cialty; 8 to 8 per cent. See Mr. HlattwltH . CHAS. RINGLER A CO, 211 Lewis Bldg-. 1 HAVE 225.00O TO LOAN ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. WILL MAKE ONE LOAN OR DIVIDE IN AMOUNTS OF 22000, $2500 OR MORE. C. v.. r.A.llU.1. O- u v,. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 8 to 5 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings Loan Association, 240 Stark St. WILL loan $10,000 or less, real estat se curity. Karrlngton at Farrlngton. 418 Commercial Club bldg. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan OB Portland property In sums from $1000 to $50,000 at lowest current -rates. Morgan, Flledner A Boyce, 6O8-608 Ablngton bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at 8 and 7 par cent oa real estate security. EDW. Pi MALL. 104 Second at. 2500.000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxle Co, 014-olo-olD uerungcr Plug. 215oO TO LOAN to private party; must bs a good house snd property must be worth at least 24500. bs Attorney, 414 Spaldlns bids. MORTGAGE LOANS, SECURITY INVESTMENT CO, 817 Worcester Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes. Columbia Lit A Trust Company, 818 Spalding bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property: amall building, loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. MORTOAGB loana on city property; loweat ratea. A. H. Blrrell Co, 202 McKay bldg 2d and Stark. MONEY to loan al reaaonabla ratea In nunl from $500 up- 1 ha Lawranc Co, 2A8 Al- der st. ; , X HAVE dp to 26000 to loan on Improved property. 10 Chamber of Commerce. Main 853. 1200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loana, lowest ratea. W. U. Beck. 812 Falling bldg PRIVATE funds to losn, any amount! terms reasonable; mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudnommer lo., gpaiaing bldg. $12,400 OR part to uoan at 7 per cent oa Cloae-m y - j " v.... PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gsges. H. Miley. room 204, Gerllnger bids, LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Palletl. 808-9 Fenton. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 813 Ch. ot Com. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS, 8 LEWIS BLDO. SPECIAL 2d-mortgage real estate loana oa monthly payment, Room 812 Hamilton, 6 PER CENT, 60 per cent mortgage loani, realdences oj flats. 222 Abingtou bldg. State funds loaned, 8 per cent. wrETThom- as. state agent, Muitnoman to., sou c of o. I HAVE money to build you a home. H. P. HAn-iaAKl, IVO v-outn U1UJ, I BUY notes ana mortgages. J. Frank Por ter. 904 Chamber of Commerce. AtONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good nough A Belts. 810 Spalding bldg. MONEY for good Inside loans, 6, 7, S9i. Carlock A Muellhaupt, 1033 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. 21000 PRIVATE money on city property. J. R. STIPE, 0S Lewis Bldg. Money- to Loan Cnattela and Salarie. WE LOAN MONEY. LOW RATES. QUICK LOANS. NO RED TAPE, NO DELAY. ANT AMOUNT, FROM 210 TJP. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, livestock, diamonds and all other kinds of personal property; payments arranged weekly or monthly to suit your conven ' lence; courteous treatment to all; prlvat offices and all business strictly conlldea- UmX ORAT A CUNNINGHAM. 3)01-3 Bothchlld bldg.. 287 ft Washington Between 4th and 6th sts. MONEY FOR VACATIONS. 210 TO 2100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. 210 repaid In Installments ot 20.45 220 repaid In Installments of 0.10 250 repaid In Installment of 2.00 LARGER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. All we require Is that you ba employed en salary and you gat the money quickly, without mortgage, ladorser or other ae curltj. STATE SECURITY CO. 808 Falling Bids- DO YOU NEED MONET? ' W will furnish you, strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan In any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all kinds of securities; on terms to suit; also week ly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN on first and second real eatate mortgages and contraots. V 8. REAL ESTATE A BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton bldg. 131 3d. Main 2084. t2 MONEY FOR 6ALAR1ED PEOPLE. Woman keeping house and other fur nished without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Com and get money when you want It. and pay as you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tol man. 817 Lumbar Exchange. MONEY ADVANCED on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO, 807 Spalding bids. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Bro kerage Co.. 613 Ablngton bldg, 108 V 3d. A LOAN for th asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co, 414 Dekum bldg. Low rates; w loan money on diamond and Jewelry. Marx et jiiocii. oo aw LOANS on diamond and other securities. Wm- noil, room a. ........ ..... MONEY loansd on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly confldentlaL 141H 8d. naar Alder. Loans W auieo. CAN SHOW you good security for 21S00 loan: will pay 8 per cent and reasonable attorney's fees, but no commission; on bungalow fully modern In nrsl-class re stricted district- X 266, Oregonlan. WOULD like to show you bungalow; a splen did 21500 loan; will pay fees for exam ination -and recording of abstract, but no prOKermgo. a .w, 33000 FOR 8 years at 7 per cent on residence In Hollsday Park; principals. Phone Main 2"18. WANTED Loan Of 25000 or lesa on On Irvlngton home. AG 287. Oregonlan. LET us plac your money, good mortgages, references, jrH. Lewis, -6 Lewi bldg. . 8 PER CENT NET. We can guarantee you 8 per cent net on an Investment of 217,500, tor 10 years. KEASEY, HUMASON A JEFFERY, 232 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal Invited. SEALED bids wf.I bo received at tho office of the undorslgned. 402 TUford bldg, un til 5 P. M, Aug. 3, lttll. for furnlahlne and Installing pipes and other sprinkling equipment for the watering of tho follow ing school yards: Arleta Brooklyn Chapman. Hawthorn Glenco Irvlnffton Jefferson Hlsh Kern Ladd New Mt. Tabor Ockley Green peninsula Richmond Stephens Washington High Woodstock All to be In accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Architect T. J. Jones, copies of which may bs obtained at his office. 400 Tilford bldg. Bids to be on each school separately. A certified chsck for 10 per cent of the amount of each bid much accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serve the right to rejeot any and all bids. R. H. THOilAS, School Clerk. Dated Portland. Or, July 18, 101L BIDS WANTED. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will ba received by the CltJ of Sllverton. Oregon, up to 3 o lock 1'. M. Monday. July 31, for the grading and macadamiz ing of 760O lineal feet of streets In said city. Plans and specifications are now on file In the Recorder's office. A certi fied check for 10 per centh of the amount of the bid must accompany each bid. Tho Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Address all communica tions to the Jlty..Rcordr. Silverton. Ore gon. L". 8. ENGINEER'S Office. Portland. Or, Julv 10, 1911. Sealed proposals for fur nishing and delivering stone for 3eltv construction, mouth of Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, will i" received at this office until 11 A. M, August 19. 1011. and then publicly opened. Infor mation on application. J. F. Mclndoe. Maj. Engrs. Miscellaneous, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In the matter of S. F. Weyrick, bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids at his office. No. 7 1st st, room 8, Portland, Or, up to 12 o'clock noon of Wednesday. July 19. 1911. for the following personal property be longing to said estate, namely: A stock of merchandise consisting of hardware, building materia!, paints, flour and feed of the total inventory value of $166.. 33. and a lot of store fixtures of tho Inven tory value of 281.75. located at North Plains. Or.: also a stock of similar char acter of tho inventory value of $15Si.l3. and a lot of store fixtures of the Inventory value of 2H4. located at Hlllsboro. Or. Bids will be received for both of said stocks, together or separately, and cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. This sale Is made subject to con firmation by the court, and th right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. In ventories are on file at the office ot the undersigned, and the property may be Inspected upon application at said orric. R. L. SAB1N. Trustee. Dated, Portland, Or, Jul? 8. 1911. MY wife (Emma Riesland) having left my bed and board. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by ner. Dr. F. J. RIesland. PERSONAL. WE HAVE the finest equipped private of fices on the Pacific Coaat. furnished with every therapeutic appliance used by the most advanced men in Europe and Amer ica. We use no drugs, we never operate. We have something better. We use every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical bod treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens. X-rays, static, coils, violet light and ultra violet rays. High-frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, hellos, foil?, glint and King light. We are the only physicians on the Pacific Coast u.ing radium to treat patients. Com. and be examined free and see our offices. We hav. been in Portland over 1 ve year and treated thousand of patient and never had a death. ...... We take no contagion or nJ"0,,?1I": ..... neither do we go out of the office ""Aa? patients! Wecan CURE do i cur. and have cured thousands of so-called "incurables" and nervous wrecks. In vestigate for youraelf. We occupy the ent re north hilt of th. third floor of . the Rothchlld bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopatn. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR PURE CUT 'HAIR SWITCHES 32-INCH SWITCHES 24.95 80-INCH SWITCHES 84.45 23- INCH SWITCHES 23-8 26-INCH SWITCHES $2.45 24- INCH SWITCHES 2L8 60O S4.00. 25.00 AND $6.00 PUFFS REDUCED TO $1.45. Cut hair In ny shade; awitches any length. Prices Just half. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 to 412 Dekum bldg, over Llp man A- Wolfe's. 8d and Washington sts. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailment, under physician s direc tions: baths, masseuse. No. 7 East llttt st second door south from East Ankeny cat-line. Phone East 260, B 1803. f I'.l) V 11 0 ll.,.'. ' Leading wig and toupee makers; Ilnest stock of human hair goods, halrdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 111 7th st, near Morrison. Phone Main 540. . u , V'CDTrT MRS. Stevens, J6 years Portland s leading palmlit and clairvoyant, has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy." on sal at 843 Vi lamniii, iqiu" "0"""-" wyK- Try a. o. tablets for debility from any cause; price 21, any address; money returned if It falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy - oiKU. Mnrriinn Bt MEN that are weak, nervous and run down, write for Vlto-Vigor. Information free. Results guaranteed. Vlto-Vigor Co, 22414 w PnrtlAnrt Or. a.a 11. o . , J. v r - DR. WALKER, apeclaliat for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. lai asi. . ... DH. A. A. " ,--1 -' - niseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 802 Merchant Trust bldg, JWashlngton. Phone Main 4047. DRESS ults lor rent. $1.50 month: keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons !",d on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and Sty.ea uu, ttr,.T..ilT.o Co ROU Kt.rk o e 1 lveries. t-ui" . Tv Ren Kenney. Jr, will communicate with Head A Mark ittorney.-at-law. Fuller ton. California. It will be to hi a advan tage. GILL'S trance message meetings. Wednes day and Friday, 8. Reading, healing, daily. 8oo H noiiaaay. WANTED for aaopnuu, ... "-"J. preferred: good borne; no other children. , ., I 1 V. K . . kl A .-tO, oresouia. LADIES If In need of confidential advice, consult Dr. Pierce; no charges. Call or write. 245 ii Morrison au LADIES Lorens antlaeptlo cones are sooth ing, safe and sure; 31 per box. Stlp lay- lor Drug v-u., -n...-..- . IdRENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore Sosf vitality 26o box; 6 boxes 21-26. SUP Taylor Drug Co, 288 Morrison at. ? WILL not be responsible for debt contrao- to by Mrs. Margaret H. Smith hereafter. R. H. amitn. MME. Courtrlght, feature and skin speclal li7 Parkhurst Apt.. 20th and Northrup, Apartment is. i"-" BALDNESS and diseased scalps cured at 6weeneV's. 391H Stark St. Main 1200. H A I R DRESSING lor laaiea. expert aueuu Infs. Sweeney s. 801 Stark at. Main 1290. MOLES, superfluous hair K "moved. Mrs. M. D. Cllll. e 'II"""' """ ' " WAI M OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 632 Davis St. Main 9216. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. COLLIS. BERRIDGE A THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. Commercial, County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 8 -'4 Worcester block. Phone Main 6o67. Architects. p A. SWINGLE A CO, architects and su 'perintendenta. See ua about your building project, wo mcrv-ay pina. Assayer and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory --.a ...k. lftS Morrison St. Walls A ProebsteL mining engineers, chem- . j .... , '.. w.ihlnrtnn. in IS ...injt.J. .1'. ' Assayer. F. A. SENNET, gold, silver and platinum refiner, assayer and chemist. 3d floor. 141 4th sL Main 6109. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 273; A 3071. Auto Snpplle F P. KEEN AN CO, 10 Fourth st. Em pire auto tires. Pope Mfg. Co.'s bicycles, auto bicycle and motor supplies, vehicle rubber tires. Phones M. 3982. A 4325. Baths and Swimming. HILL'S 6ANIT ARIUM Rheumatlo treat menV.elegant. .plunge. & Front, At, 45L, XT HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass cast In and machln work. 100 N. 6th. Main 2iu-. Culropractlc l'UjicUn. DR. TICKNER. Columbia Bldg, next Star Theater. A 6255; res. 169 E. oUth; a zm. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossi Deveny. tho only scientific chiropodists in tne city. Parlors 302 Gorllnger bldg, 8. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phon Main 1301. Dr. Martin Braun, surgeon chiropodist from the Imperial University Hospital. Vienna. Austria. 20S Rothchild bldg. ph. Main Sail. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 429 Fliednor bldg. Main 34.3. Collections. PORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Allsky bldir. All debts collected. A i317. M. 42... Contractors. FREE PLANS FOR YOUR BUILDING. The Oregon Construction Co. will Plan, your nouse ana duuu iv. ove - -7 W. L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of flco and store setting. 5 N 8th su Mala DSai; A lap.. vvoouiawu. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing and remodeling a specialty; stair work. O. P, D118S, i oiara. fiionq KOHilKt WAKEFIELD, general contractor, 414 Wells-lTargo bldg. Main 80. . Dancing. DANCING LESSONS. 25c; WALTZ. Two-step, three-step and stage dancing, etc: lessons taught every morning, after noon and evening. Prof. Wal Wilson s Sbhool, 366 V Wasalngton, st, beu W. Parle st. and 10th. RINGLER'S dancing school, special Summer rates, private Instruction daily. 231 Mor. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where brldgework 1 impossible; doea away entirely with Plates, brldgework; we euro pyorrhea tloosa teeth j absolutely; terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co, Ablngton bldg. 10 od, DK. H. B. OARRISON, graduate Philadel phia Denial college, loUS. oOO-ll mer chants Trust Bldg. Main 54S4. THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists, 1st and Morrison sts. . Engines Gas and Stcam. ROBER Machinery Co, Coast agls. Saabury steam engine and boilers, gasoline ma glnes. 261-263 E. Morrison st. phone E. 614 Feed Store. Z1GLEK & M1SNER, hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. In. 43- Leather and 1-lndlngs. CHAS. L. MAST1CK A CO, 74 Front. Loathe of every description, taps, intra, findings. J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S58. 189 Front St. Musical. Erall Thlelhorn, violin leacher, pupil Sevens, 9u0 Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 16.9. " Osteopathic I'hjaiclans. JJ7 LEKOY SMITH, graduate Kirkvllle, Mo, class of 1698: post-graduate 1901, un der Dr. A. T. Still, fuunuor ot the sclenc. 1H2 Selling bldg. M. 1987. A 198. p br. R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous ana Chronlo Diseases. Phone Offloe M. 349. Kes. Last or B 10-8, Papering and Tinting. TINTINU. painting, paper hanging; noats clean work. Phone Eaat 3aa. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is besS adapted to tne Coaat climate BAa HHU'IKR PAINT CO, 191 becund at. ' RASMUSSEN & CO, Jobbers, paints. oll glass, sash and doors, cor. 2d and layio- patent Attorn ejs. U. S. AND FOKEWiiNT. procured b 409 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney. -law. lit ot U. S. Patent Office. k let tree. 719 The Board ot Trad, bldg. jT-? WRIGHT, doines'lio and foreign pat ent's, InVrlnrement cases- 604 Dekum bids. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company 80S BOS Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Conjunction C.-S"'...; sidewalks and crosswalks. 817 Back biaga pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 1 jear In Portland. 71 6th at. Phone Main Olu, Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD CO.-Factory and, office near 24th and York sis. M. 3469. plumbers. .' FOX & CO, PLUMBERS. . ooo P,1 a? Main 2001; A 2001. COFFEY PLUMBING CO, sanitary plumb ers. 493 Glisan. Main 6481. : Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery etc, Cunningham s. 231 Stark. Main 1407. XV UK , NORTHWEST RUG WORKS-Rug. from olJ carpets, colonial rag rugs. East 6BSJ, B 128o! 153 Union ave, nr. E. Morrison. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO 108 2d St. Sat.S at factory pjcesjaecond-hand sales. . " Second-Hand Goods. ; WE buy clothing, furniture and o1?. est price paid for second-hand clothing,' turnltura. tool- Marshall 23o4. WE pay the highest price, for second-hand, clothing and shoes. A 3190. 68 N. Bin. ' showcases. Bank and Show Fixtures. thit l.UTKE MFG. Co, branch Grand Rap THds Showcase. Co, 6th and Hoyt. K. Lutke,; manager. -: 5' o BIRDSALL. 208 HAMILTON BLDG. SnoVfase. in .lock; prompt delivery. Sales agent, M. wuiier milium viarshal MFG. Co, 4th and Couch; new: Mno&"cc1id-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. bigns. SIGNS, metal, cloth, "weatherproof'' larg real estate signs. 3 cents, i. L. n.ello. Ablnglon oiug. Ji'n .1.". Storuge and Transfer. f o PICK Transfer & Storage Co, offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, Separate iron rooms and fireproof vault Jo? Valuables; N. "W. cor. 2d and Plna Its pianos and furniture moved and Sacked lor shipping; special rates made on Soodsin our through cars to all comestld and foreign points. Main 696. A 1996. ,-. nrrnt) 4 n V T7 t? TTTT' All household ssiods hauled by us Mi Into our freuroof brlck warehouse, abao. lutelv free for balance of month, and at the, lowest rates thereafter. Expert mov ing and packing for shipping. Ring us unv either phone and let the Van Horn Trans. ler co. iiiuiw j General transferring and storage, ares. nia.no, and furniture moved and packea for .hlnment. 87-99 Front mU Telephon. Main t4i or a -' OREGON TRANSFER CO, established 1870. Transfer and forwarding Bgent.-Storag. office 310 Hoyt st, between Mb and 8th. Phones Main 69. A 1169. Taxidermist. MOOSE, elk heads, fur work. F, B. Flnley, 249 Columbia. A 1843. Typewrit' SPECIAL sal on rebuilt typewriters: to re duce our stock we are selling a number o first-class machine at aotual cost. Underwoods to 250 L. C. Smiths l Premier;-::::::::::::": to Ito om-ers p .!".:: r: " 22s to 350 We handle all makes of machines and have some very good ones as low as $10. Every machine we sell bears our full guar antee. This sale will continue tor a shorS time only, so get In early. Pacific Stationary & Printing Co, , 201. 203. 205 Second at. ; Corner of Taylor. wp are the exchange for the largest type- writer concern on this Coast: Investigate; all makes, Bll prices. The Typewriter Ex. change. 287 hi Washington st. kkwI rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. P. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. Veterinary Schools or Colleges. KAV FRANCISCO VETERINARY COL LEGE. Session begins Sept. 15. Catalogue free. Dr. C. Keane, 1818 Market st, S. F. WooH and Coal. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail. 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 125 E. 7th st. Phone East DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood $4.50 per load, delivered to any Place In the city. Portland Wrecking Co... 105-107 11th st. North. Main 37. A 3736. THE Irvlngton Fuel Co, wholesale and retail, tir cordwood- Phones East 935, C 2322 SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. corfc wood and slabwood. 9th and Glisan. M. 6359; M. boot: A aio. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. rUAL audita j i. u i.i.i,. WOOD BRANCH E. 83D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO, coal and wood. Marshall 960. 3S7 Water St. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells a specialty; price reason able. Call Main 1348 or write Millar ak .West, 182 Morrison, at, Portland, j 1 a- .1 r fT" o