Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 19, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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1U -
aaaaaa C mn rent.
aH wl,l purrhae pair of yonnf.
c.oaa v iris-a-l bar m a --a. wi-h n-a- -t of
tavy braa.-Mis iia-n-e. 3 and , y-ar al I.
v. - gf,X j;v fast walker sn-1 ol
iar ft4..T T-tI a owa.t. ."-i'S A.der e-
V'M (UTriK, $lj
Cees'sring pair your 2.1 --ih. her.
nw a-t fc'ftvy breaching harnre rd a -traaa?
a-w farm wagoo. Trial a.oa.
AW et.
9142 Complete driving ftf auatneaa oajf
f. cn.a':ng of tunl-tnf. Mft. krnd.
trta riin end dr:i!Dg bofaa. as N
w (hi it.. p-ft::r i-eriee 4
fni. for the nut timid pareoa to har
na tft4 drive, a ao flue hrn-e ad raw
rustker-tirrd. Stt pattern Pa tr-k
busgr. tw a woks' trial allow.d. Ai-
I vs buyeVaat. eafe. clever d1'e a"d
ftara hora. aimoet as 7. 1.15
M. aril and g-aranteed
trial. S01 A der at.
Pair reavye "--: draushter.
rnitnl trua to pull: trtai a. .owed,
bud A.'ar at.
M-.a.laoa-ia Mlf pim 2JO Iba
e-Taew.y matched. $35a. trial. A' " Al
der MARE TV FOAL l4--tb mare, heary
a ! : tv i-XJ A'-'-r t.
MtcHiDAX motiirie.
rfHr'KD wgov.
Before you ur. either abo-va, ) r
lert sad a -t prlrea. We are located eul
aide (he nigk rent durtrlrt and tor that
reaaea cu ll cheaper. Why buy a ao-ad-aaad
ehlle whoa ro caa ( a
ew aaa at about the earn a prlca.
R. at. WADB A CO,
1J3 Hawthorn are.
A5TT.'RA'iB aeax Porllaaa for lock. Phone
Mam HID .
Plaaee, Orrmaa and .Maatral laatrwaneata.
AM lalrc the cut and will tnr.f mr
. - t'H.t maiiitif BhAnMTiph and 4
a.t.M!ona of mua:c; no reaa-mabl offr
rafuaad if tkn at once. Caa arrao
trma AM Oreaonlan.
v . -r -" - & month. SA
rtAnth cartara: reonl!bIe partlea. F
ta. OTanta-i.
f" "A" Wt .Witin jian.
fad for Utnt-
for r
E. Everrtt at.
EW Vt-tro;a to erhar.ff for launch. Kr
bt'.t. Phor.e Mar.ia:i
MI'-.H-nRht. piano for aale. cheap. t"i
i:7 T. 3.1
H.K'IANT Vpaan-r lin auto, coat V-
! year, in ri'tact coE'llllon; Preato
Itfhta. laathar top. alaae front, epaado-
r mt m r rtitmnm In own 1 1 re : owner '
t elty. make an offr. David Lrwla,
room 2 l n.
T : 7" r.-Au irrTT !.m o nr we want
mora aacond hand cara If jott wteh tha
cavati f r your automobi'a. hrm it to tie.
alt and Waahmrt-in eta
Iok SAUr ts-fa truck, only been
aa detnonetrator; coat S JA0; will be
thta wk a ble acrt'i-.
Slat and Waahlnaton eta
Ii,R SALt- ha:mere -1". !! model, ful'.y
eoulnad and In rood condition, owner
aeeda mwir. only T5 for quirk deal.
Stat and Vahlncton at
"iVAMTEta oacmd-hand cadlliac. 4 or
naaar.rr: m ut fr In rood con.1?lon.
Slat ard Waahlncton 111
. &a B '.ain la
Frank:in: eooj
aa raw: m
t el at aac-
rince. Per damor.atratton
ca.I Atotel iur-
XEARLT near .paeneer auto M H P..
toD. a lamp tt:aanatuw etc.. run 34 mlla
r-ip fjr caan. 414 Dekuta blilg. Ibone
lrV'LiT equipped 4-a
reDlita. make me
It J7.
anear Pulk. m
1 o(tr. Tabor JO.
At'TO daltverr wajon. new. ra
rarity, for ! at reeonan: 0ure. iod-
oa'-l-Partoft Auto lomyany. ao o?n at.
. Aa- I'Atl S-pitr auto, a-an
la-r mer. A. W. iu.-k. 2HT Rurnalrlt
tiir J. riaT a a a ti e,laa.
and aarvte
Ti. RRIER.a for auarda.
k Laddla Kenaeia (:ata-edi
pa. a
. or,
CTaan-uP aa.e. I cut prlcae and em!
No heavy rant hanae ever my head. W
autta at 9 14. M23. aulta at 91-: fk aulta at
91' J:miuT tvinn. room alS. Oreoolaa
b.iig. Taae elevator.
At reonab:e price if take at once,
twe ta-horeepower return boiler.
t-i flrr.r:aae condition: luat lb aulraiot
far metl work; comp.ete with fltnne ana
li quiaitent to inetaa la your paat. Par
tular at 'l Oree-octaa bldd.
One ef the tlnet boueeboata cm the
rtver f r aale. complete, all ready to com
rornce houa:ptti c. Mala 2!oa. fee '. '. vowl
JTTA after o'ciock.
MEN- TRl-!ER..
Man. Buy your pante of ma. No proflte
t ad on for the bnn: of the lar.diorl.
tro-ieare at . 91 troueare at IX
.."O Tiy una. roooi al. Orefoulaa bids.
rOR SAiJ) PM.o colony coop, two alr.a.e
and one doaLi.e; built extra etronk: a:o
A .ntar laylna tuerousTlibred Frea-U Kou
daa ch!kae t month old at rant
aa-h. 11 E..eworth at.. 2 blocka frotm
W-H line.
AI'TO b.N'AP 'C-h. P. Rco. 9-paacnr car.
four r.w no.'or.trvad tire, wind ehl.tL
too. 94 9rc-rator. a. I In nne condition;
m-;t veil at a e-rtni.e. 9J-.
PKRRT IIHAVKS. 4IJ Waahlnftnn t.
M"TfH CtCl.t: 8.NAP3 Nearly new. T-h.
p. Indian, taud'tn attarhmebt. c jat $.1T&;
' ! f- r iX Call t",i Aw Morriaoa at.
T-r. r. :.
If yrcr etova doeen't baka there la
omathlL wrong. I can flJt It. Sod Eaat
Morrtaon. phone East It 22.
IXTPT1S'AL typewriter bareaine for tha
week, ftamlnctone. $JV amlth Premlera
l;; 30; llllrka. 917 At. Northwest Type
writer Co.. 3th t.
ICEBOX, lawn mower, mlecellaneou bouee
h.d tooili. muat ei! out quick: all good
harcalAA. Ills aw Harrison at. Hawthorne
A aft-ft. motorboat, 1 h. p.. aeata in
tpaad la mllea kuarantred; muat ba aold
t"la weak. A.V S'.d, Orefonlan.
tAKEa New and 2d-band; low prtc: eaay
terme: aafea epaned. repaired and painted.
9AFE CO.. "1 3th at. Main elo. A 4111.
2iFOOT motorboat. price f.1-V. tncludlnc
good tntin. boet-houae, canopy top. com
cleie euu.pment; A-l condition. P. O.
'OR 8AI.E WhelT and Wlleon eewlng
machine. In flret-Iaae condition wtlb all
raceasary attacUmenta. $1X .Call room
a-1 i44 3th at.
)'CR SALE flla-foot Jewelera ahowcaea and
s x-f.Hl waiicaaa. A. A M. belovaae. Ut
brand new.
$".ii caah; worth
Danielaon. CallTornia
u. oa
NKCV furniture, moetly fumed oak. of elx
room a. complete or ae:arate: only a few
daya 3l E. Tamhill. cor. lath.
LEATHER Morris chitr. amall (aa heater,
vary cheap. Phone Tabor 12 Id.
THHt food
r.aar.y new.
gas ransee. also refrigerator.
Call 9:4 bast Clay.
Contractors equipment by L'nlted Enalneer
inc w Conatructlon Co.. "II Lewta bldg.
iafa. large safe, good as new. for avle cheap,
terma If you wlv(v AP 2AM. Oragonlan.
M.. 2.1A ntanton et.
Call after d
THK good steamsnorela. la good coadA
tton. Apply 414 Go.demlth etroot.
VCD bicycle sale cheap. 04 Durnald
w "rrEJ mi-k r livn ev.
Triigteat prt-e paid for man'e ai.d ladtea
cast-off clothlne. s&oa furnitur. tools,
mechanic loga:t:g. Ca.l Mala 2lrdL 9ev
First ai-Tae Olobe.
WANTED Cleared and plowed. Jusl out
, side city Umita Apply 4- Columbia ac
Phone Mala
SF TOl' bar boueehold furnitur to sell.
a.I bp Caorge Dakar A Co.. 131 Park at.
galee at rertlencws a specialty.
vti f pay anoet for any kind of rurnltar yoa
doa 1 wank Mala Sail. A Xla Fard
Auction Co.
.-V ANTED for hole! Ruas and dining-room
f jrnltura. must be to good condition and
r .1 ea p. E ana. (Tagonlan.
Tooie H. sheet
raid to
IM-hand mechanic
I-gtng tooia I.evta
Htwre. Co.. 2- Front.
Main -)ti
TA ANTt ! wevaral dsk fans; A. C !!
toil a-cyaei must be cheaji. A3
al pay the
aah ar
tar A
Pkeae bead r-jrauura
I eat 9114. i Hawthorn era
U.-attEsr prlcae paid for furniture, etoeea,
rangea. etc. eta. Call up East 1023 ar
can at S-ve East Morneoa st
MAN want
buy a bl-rc
that has baea
at T1 E. lath.
usr be .'heap, ti
TA ANTE . J aw 1 al
Phone Marehsll
wheel and beoi h.
WANTEIe Meelag picture mavshlaa rimi
foal2c ah air a, ate Aia lii. Oxmgoolaa.
..,TF.n-M.r...E.rl 1 HT..P WANTtXALl ' 1 "LP WMTO-fBIAU. StTCATIONS WANTED FEM.4LE. rUH RoomT ' Apartment. .
JiIt.E KtPAJKINr; and iliMnl. plumblne.
kr'.r La 1 1 c a alavtrkcal Iriil cltll en-
pineetmc. aurvins. In nioet practical
war. Our atujnla earn 3 - j a oa ; po- aa-urad' aatiafactlon fuarntfd
ra:attfue free. National school o Iradea.
SI l W. Tth. Loe Anieira.
Cfl'i lll.
Caao:ine nnnft. and board, for
puuip. fre fri. iriet.e man. day. fr
fa.-e: S ha:i.-a. 1.L1.U. Ire far: traiu-
atrra. Eaet. t-ii and board, free fare.
For TWOHT BKud. CO.. laborera. Kim-
ltT..--w rRCR FARE.
For THE ITAH COX. C' 'r. .RrII1,9
Ok. aad MCrtflA . ONi rtltTIOM lu,
l A J anl a da. free
fire. N' TV.C ToDAV. peclai.
aLAUATU rAl.t-. fr EHiCKnOM
.10 conetrurtloa laborer, frea fare, ahlp
OB JOHN MCARTHT. fenra rani
man. no empertenr nedd. ahlp dally,
f rf far, no f. H lor ataJ mlllmen,
t.v i.w.n nin line lAhorre. team-
et.ra uarrmcn. 2.JS to iS. haxvcat
hanJa. ti and 1.J and board: farm ne.p
- . . .4 . mhfrl L'BILB COOK.
- h ha n.ik N A CO.. Sn and 2H N. 34 at.
Mill tallyman, tx
Grader from planer. f2.S0.
Oansral blacksmith. A.
Kiva bors for bo fsctory. $1.5X
Man and wile oa farm. lX
Karmhands. ai to V
hardener, private place. f2S. R. ana B.
Harvest hands. 1.5-j to i and board.
Four men to s.ash brush. $Lo ai
Large list of other work.
Main Office. la N. 2U at.
Western coacera. English
tnrareated wanta tlrat-
capital larce.y
clasa general superintendent and technical
auwaar. Canadian preierrau. maa ac
tive man with thorough woods experience;
know.edce of large scale business opera-
, r . -it ahraaat- UD-tO'dat IdcgS for-
et manaaetnent. appllcat.ona must be ac
co.yipsnl'd by fu.l statement of expe-rt-nra:
rops of all Instead
r-f lafar-nca. and photograpn; long-term
rnistrmtr.1 to sultat'le man. Audrtsa
Finch, box AV "42. r-gorlan.
ArU.E-BOrIED men wanted tor the U. S.
Mann Corpe. botaeea tha ages of 1 and
93. Muat be native born or naea nrat
-- U.MM. nav 913 to 14a. Addi
tional comorusatloa poesibla. Food, cloth
ing, qiarlers and medical attention rree.
.7. a.i ij..-a aarvlra can retire With le
per rent of pay and allowance. Kerelca
on board ship and ashore la all parta of
trie world. App.y at c. o. "..-:
HacTtilllng Ortivc. Hreedea bldg. d ana
ft ssl.lngton Portland. Or. .
We have a Bne oprti.r.g for 10 Al -llcltor.
one who la rot afraid to do a lull
dava work every day. 11
von are
win reai.y
work, the income wi.l be larg. Tntg 1 not
ael.lng real st.its.
JJ-8.14 Chamber of Commerce-
vCiTwant clean-cut yoorg fellows with am
bition and en.ray who are willing to de
vote their entire time to onr Interests.
F.iperler.c. not neceeeary. Hard conscien
tious work courta Income etasdi" and
lira" If you fill the bill call after 9
ocvck tils moming Tie Croesley COtn
ranr. 4Ij-41 Corbett Milg.
men for linens, and eomi-etent
packers. Apply to superintendent. to 10
A M.
WANTED Reliable, energetic man to take
state sgen. y for tha newest and beet hand
vacuum cleaner on the mrk-l today; a
profitable buetnees for the right party. C
f Blnkole. 22l yaerlock bldg.
totk cutter and bookbinder will ba given
good poeitlon. huslneee not large at pres
ent, hut growing rapidly: write
experianre. aae
and salary d eel red. AB
il.l. Oragonlan.
WANTED Anto painter to tska eharga of
pa nt enop; must ba ftret-claaa man. Boa
Alder et.
WANTED Drteer for dept. store: only
those who know tn city neeo arr'r.
lug refereoca and phone number. A3 ail.
WAN T E I Fiml f not afraid of wo.-k to
take charge of 5'J acraa. dwtry ranch,
and ato.-k. on rental, or on shares. Apply
or Inqulra F. Lucca, 81-3 Patten road.
WANTili.1 or d first-c.sss nonunion piae-
terera. wages It par oay 01 otiou.-. -k-pir
at 1 Lumber Exchange bldg 2d and
SAI.EM AS Young man lor men turnisa-
'"tiON 'txOTHINll COt. 1 d kt.
aAl.Ee.MEN wanted to eell eur line 01 r-
ettlc Coast-grcwn run.ri 7 ' -
weekly. PaclOu Nuraeiy Co, 8C Coroelt
MAS with exerinae I- soiicii lur iere-
.... . . ' . I VI P. .r n t
corporation -w 1 un - - - , "
appearance; SOMA ... Apply 9 to 12.
Tjai Yeoo b.dg.
Oao1 mot..y U"lting ur Cleaning. '-
guaranteed to riiiii pan-, a.. -
and A. M. 4a Voi-naa.. at-
A lOfXtl man. bill c.-cX who can operate
a llemlngton matom. " - -
hand. AH 24. Oragonlan.
WANTED Coaunaker to work by week In
store; steady Job. Apply aiaxweu u
Tailor. SI1 Washington at.
EX-ECTRICIANtl. plumbers and sheet metal
wnrkere, non-union, nut ut - ayvf
122 Commercial Club bldg.
SPECIALTY salesman wanted for Portland
and baa Francisco 10 1 u.uu.ww..a -l'-
clalty. rhone Eat
jlli.HT weavera and eplnnera wanted at
once. Apply I'oruanu nwivu ai ma,
Johns. Or.
WANTED An errand hoy at once, one who
1 not air-lia 01 woa- aihih as ....
Co.. al Fifth si.
LADIES or gentlemen to flemonatrata. aal-
ary and Commission. r. anaavu. aam
OKHMAN or Swiss couple for small I arm.
close to A-ortiana; ba. rv.u.wi
salary exrct.l. AB 2o.. Oragonlan.
AT ONCE Oood delivery ooy tor uutoner
shop. Apply toaay. a r. a... n
d.tndy Koid.
WANTED: boys with wheels, over If;
good wasee. APPiy "1 aiiuer. la
the bssament. .
-J experienced
Paris Da A
ave. North.
at tha
Clte of
7 Orand
940 WEEK to hustling solicitor; maxi'io-
1 1 n scnooi aa-H.a . . .
Bumalde. room 14. Call mornings.
wanted: steady Job. !- Morrl-
son st-
v,vA.NTtD A fltst-clsss turktsn oatn man.
orr-ett bl 't-
man. MontavlUa
Phone Tabor 24-1.
l.lvarv ana rwinir.
WANTED 2 good carpenter at Portsmouth
and I'awsoO are.. I nirerany ma
STKUt'TrRAL Ironworkers, out of town. Ap-
plv 222 commercial t-.uo piqb.
do labor on concrete
a F 213. Oragonlan.
foundation. Aflor
WANTED Young men to learn moving plo-
tur operating, latmrnit, e--
el-vator boy; refereneca.
741 Wash-
V." V N r ri
V Porter for Cafeteria. Afply 12
MAN with team and wagon to unload woeo.
aiain aoie.
solicitor at one. ( Id at.
room 4-
BARBER wanted, with 3 years' experience.
.oil .i.rxrd ave.
F 2,li. rrgonian.
BARPEit want'd; etcady Joo
must b flrst-
rla. otia w isn.ngton ei
O 'I-LECTOR winted: must b slng.e;
aaa- If .to. tirvaonian.
waiter or
waitress at DB
Kjaeell ST.
FI K.T-CLA."H carp-nter. Call w. M.
Hotel taard. i'tn ana Ainer.
TWO a -t -ci aae botlermaker wanted.
222 Comrrerctai 1 iur rifig.
FIKT-CIAS. A No. 1 eo-1 dlapanaer. Ad-
fSrrva t - xva ' v aan.
1.INEMEN. pon-unlon. Apply 23 Commer
cial C iu h Mog.
PERMANENT Income for the man woe
mskaa good. 1 1 1 1-A 1 1 9 Teen bldg.
FprTsd" boy. Cbristl Printing Co, 158
J4 st.
TILE eat t-re. noo-unloa for out cat
Arrty 321 Commercial flub bldg.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait aj
new o r r. Cutherth atudto. Dekum
n.fVBER'" apprentice having some ex-p-ri-nca
wanfd. Apply 4M Burneide it.
GLAZtKRa. non-u-lon, for out of town. Ap
ply 222 Commercial Club Hdg.
WANTED Bricklayer and plumber, by tha
day or hour. AK 14 a, Oregonan.
WAJtTelO Ccatmaeas 9vA Couch at.
Ona of Many)
Ofnce Secretary Employment DepartmeB
f c A
Toung man. atrsnger. out of work $2l
Ma total caah asset 1 If I pay yon ti
for ape- ial employment memberahlp. X will
hare only 913 left between, ma and starva
tion beerctary If yoa pay J for s-pacrlal
emrloj-ment membership you will have toa
T. M O. A. with Its raaourcea betweea
you ana starvauoo.
Record for 6 monlha andlns; Jrina k....
Calls for men ;',
brMltlAi-a All-A ..... 9-'
Ivew membera ........
Employment membership guarantee em
ployment or refund of membership fee
e'va l.n montha Call memherehln D ft V
llegea. 10 months' social prlTUeiee and
endertakee to keep party employed during
the full term of memberahlp without
turthsr charge. . ,
TA'a thav- oonafant demand for high
grade, experienced men. AT yon fitted
for a better position f
ew secretary amployroant dapartmaat
T. M. C. -a.
Cooks for small crew, $25.
P.anch cooks. I45v
Waitress. 920 per month.
Bcstaurant waitress. $S per weak.
Chambermaid. f2.".
Colored cook. '!k.
Second girl, girl for shooting gallery
and girl lor general housework, 20 to oU.
"mediae- Dept. "Opt, Morii eon.
WANTED Salesmen, experienced msgsilna
and book men to represent l urreni 1.11
erattire." ln-yotuma p-emlum and the
mseaxlne for IIS. Entirely new. never
b'fore shown here. Highest commissions.
Current Lltersttira Publishing Co., room
4-13 Msrquam bldg. .
WANTED A reaionalble and reliable party
for manager of very deatrahle office bual
nes where considerable cash la handled
dally: must be able and wllllnr to take
Intereat after becoming fmlllar with
same. Address AP 272. Oreconlan.
teALKSMEN. exclusive territory, big oppor
Mmiii.. at-adv noaition. romp.ele lin-
V-Wlma Var.av.erown fruit shade and or
f . I -, ..h weklv: Oil tilt free.
TonnanLah Nureery t'o.. Toppenlsli, Wash.
WASTED First-class etatlon operator fo
v. .-.1 ti. -tvt-iA iuiv.f nlant. Sand ref
er-n.'ea and etale ea.ary desired In first
letter. Address A V 250. Oregonlan.
wanted ("omnetent ladv or gent book
keeper with some knowledge of typewrit
ing, to take charge of office In general
store In country town, post and express
office in connection: moderate salary
begtn with: promise of Increase If prove
eat lefactorr : references and bonds
oulred. Ardres J. W.. Wesrporl. Oregon
WANTED Four weii-dreesed lady or gen
i .m.n aaanta who can and will hust'.i
for good commlaslon. Phone bellwood ls.18.
HOTEL cook. 9A' and 113; boarding houae,
4540; chambermaid. 921 to -o: - noien
.iir.M.i sjr.- hotl waltrcaa treaortt
9:.; fatnliy cook. I40: second girl. S.'iu;
disnnssher. 91 day; nurseglrl. f.'o.
3 4.M Wain, at. R. 7.
WANTED A reaponelble and reliable party
for manager or very uesiraiue 0:11c uuai-
naaa where considerable cash Is handled
dally must be able and willing to tska
Interest after becoming familiar -with
eame. Address AP 2T.I. Oregonlan.
Tsri I. r-T.irRic Woman blllcr who thor
ouchly understiinas running lanim aim machine. Apply S to 10 A. M.
iwl:h referenrea. eui't. a office. Olds Wort-
man dt King.
Apply fftanaard Factory, No.
ea. aad East Taylor U
1. Grand
GIRL wanted to go to Seaald for two
montha nouaewora; ana assist vnn vw
children. Address, stating salary, refer
ences and your phon or address. AF 207
W A M i.l om -n and girls to work In our
sanitary canning plant. Apply touay,
...:iv nm - i.r. r A- Co.. rsnnlne de.
rartment. ilumalde at-, between 1st and
GIftLri anted to work In paper bag factory
at camaa. wain.; eight noura work per
day; $ per day; men experienced. AP
ply at Camaa Paper Hag Factory.
NIGHT Waevera and eplnner wantd at
on. e. Apply rortland Woolen Mill, bt.
Johns. Or.
FI I'.ST-CLAi waitresses, beach, others. H0,
9.;..: caniD cooke. 9-lp. 940: waitresses.
city. Jsnltras. chsmbermald. How a
Ladles Agency. 914. 826' Wuh.
WOMAN for conking and housework, coun
try bom, near city; small taniiiy. city
convenience, good wages. After 2 J, at
1K4 First at.
cALEsLADY wanted, experienced in cloaks
and eults: must hsve local reference:
steady position for rla'ht party. Apply be
fore 12 A. M., 4.10 vv esnuiglon st.
GIKI. for llk-ht housework, family of 3, good
wages. Call between and 7 f. Si., twit
Thurman St.; tiike W car, corner o2d-
YOl'.NG lady of good appearance for spe
cial work: salary. App.y v to a. ill
Yeon bldg.
GIRL or woman to assist m housework;
country home, near Portland; wages 12U.
rhone Mil vr.uxle rted 4t.
WANTED 2 good aula In private boarding-
house, one for ana one xor
kitchen. 79 West Park st.
WANTED Good cook to do general house
work; big wagas; only experienced neea
apply. Main 4014. tilt) Myrtle st.
HRlilllT a-lrl for clerical work In law of
fice: no shorthand: soma typewriting, ah
271. Oregonlan.
want ED Kenned, capable woman for re-
sponalbl position. Vlavl Co.. 009 Roth-
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
12dW Washington au, room 814.
Mam MSts or A S2aa.
WASTED Two teachers for work with a
children's educational journal; good sal
ary. Call 721 Msrquam bldg.
filkl. for cooking and general housework
2 In family. Phone feast 44U4. 003 .
13th. N.
llOtiD C1HL for general housework, small
family; beat of wages. Tabor 1209. 300
E. 97th st. N. ; take Hose City Park car.
STRONG girl or woman to cook for family
in country during bummer; gooa wagea.
Apply c43 Overton St. Phone Main frtva.
FIRoT-CLASS demonstrators, at once; big
money. 197 H Avast Uurnslde. room 14.
Call mornings.
WANTED A woman to keep house for an
rldrrly lady: talary flS per month. Phone
Woodiawn 21 1 1.
GIRL wanted for general housework: fam
liy of two. 704 Northrup. cur. 21d at.
Take "W" ear.
THE I.AMBERSON. f''4 Couch; an exper
ienced girl for pantry and dining-room
213 Va Washington st-, cor. 7th. uiistalrs.
phone Main Irtf.JL
11Y wholeeale house, a woman of Integrity
who Is ambitious; experience not eesenllaj.
M 201. Oregonlan.
GIKL. willing to go to beach to asaist with
housework. Apply 73S Main st. near Ford.
WASTED Woman to aastet with light
' houeee. .rk: csrfsre. 31 K. flth et. N.
14:h St.
waraied. Stein's restaurant. 121
GIRL for general houi
arply 422 WaacO st.
swork; 3 In family;
WANT girl to aselat In store and house;
good horn. 8.M Russell St. '
nan. rnarrld, no children, wanta
as Janitor. AR 873. Oregonlan.
Fas. 2'2l.
for general housework.
GIKI. for genersl housework; 3 In family.
Call 4" North 32d St.. Willamette Heights.
GIKL for general housework and cooking; 3
In famli) . god wagea. l.AH 4.102.
GIRL to assist In housework; amall house,
smjCilfamliy. 777 Blout st.
oTrTS-want' i for hand Irons. Apply Yai
Laundry. .10 E. Morrison.
FIRST-CLAr'S skirt draper and waist maker.
Teednle. ."" Marquam bldg.
GIKI. for second work. Apply mornings. 23d
Klr.g st. Prion Mln 8-111.
A YOl'NG girl for light houeeora. amall
family. 2 Alberta St.. cor. East 2Sth.
WANTED Compatent girl to do light
hourework. C 1 14 il E as t lSl h St. Nor th.
WANTEI Competent girl for general
housework; good wages. 744 Hoyt st.
OIRL for general houeework; small family,
liaht work, new bungalow. Eaet 171i.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework. Apply 4f. Holladay ave.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
must be good cock. Bf4 Everett st.
LADIEf to make pillow-tops
or rr time. 414 Siark st.
at home, all
wares 2 V
for general
N. Iltth.
WAJaXEX aV waltxeaa. Auail au
onr bxpkiuxnck. ajplt thb pa.
WANTED Reaponsibl party and good
cook to cook for two and assist aa nurse
maid; nice place for riitht party: no other
housework. Room 3'J-J. Seward Hotel.
lHh and Alder.
COOK wanted in private family; wagea .10:
no upstairs work; washing sent out- Cath
olic Women's League, Main 24J1. Stearna
bldg.. th and Morrison.
CVIRl. for general housework, no washing;
also a nursemaid. Call 1327 Cleveland,
eve. Phone Woodiawn 1277.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Sew
ard Hotel.
WANTED All-round woman, restaurant.
Call 8 A. M.. 11 A. M 8 E. 83th No.
WANTED A girl to
Call 31 16tb st. N..
assist In housework.
Sisters of Mercy.
MEN WANTED Age 18-SS. to become fire
men, about 100 monthly, brakeraen !0.
on nearby railroads. Experience unnec
essary. Positions guaranteed competent
men. Promotion. Railroad Employing
Headquarters. 4S60 sent to positions In
1D10. State age; name position preferreo.
Bailwar Association. Box A V. Oregonlan.
10.000 POSITIONS tor gi . Juates last year;
man and women learn barber trad la
S weeks, help to secure position; gradu
ates earn from fls to S2$ weekly: expert
Instructors; tools fro; write for cata
logue. Mohler System of Colleges. 33
Narth 4th et.. Portland. Or.
To operate moving-pictures; operator
earn 923 to 140 weekly: special prlca on
lessons today. N. Y. School of M. P.
Operating. G2o'4 Washington, near 17th.
LEARN automobile driving and repairing;
actual practical experience; day or evea
Inga 820 aa Washington St., room, 414.
MAKE money writing short etories. or for
111. era; big pay: tree booklet ten now.
nited presa pynnicatc. pan rrauciai-o.
IXlLK.MallOXAL Correapondenc ScaaooaS.
local of I lea 233 Alder eu Main 1024.
Rwetland bldg.
WRIT1NG. 93 mo. 269 14th St. JIaln3Sl3.
WILL tint room for $2.50 and paint houses
at your price. East 2263.
Bookkeeper and Clerks.
WANTED Position by young man aa cigar
salesman, retail or wholesale, years of ex
perience In retail work: references, stsady
and reliable. O 243. Oregonlan
TIMEKEEPER, bookkeeper, tallyman and
storekeeper wnnts position In the wooda
with a ttrat-claa logging company. AB
207, Oregonlan.
up books, prepare balance and etatements.
Install systems. Gllllngham, auditor, 411
Lewla bldg.. Marshall 717.
EXPERIENCED hotel man wants manage
ment of hotel or apartment. Alt 206. Ore
gonlan. A N experienced bookkeeper and stenogra
pher desires position wtth large firm. AG
-'eio. oregonlam
KASTERN man. experienced "in mill work,
wanta clerical poaitlnn with aash and door
com pany. August first. P 84. Oregonlan.
EXPERT bookkeeper will assist In writing
up and adjusting your accounts for a mod
erate fee. A it 24ft, oregonlan,
BOY of 17 want work. 1044 East 6th st,
t.ll-Mul CI-
EXPERIENCED feed and flour salesman la
open for position. F 269. Oregonlan.
M lacvlianeow.
WANTED Position by an expert orchardist
or man who ha had 10 years' experience
. In Hood River orchards, capable of tak
ing charge of a large orchard. Call or ad
dress 332 Lumber Exchange.
BY thoroughly practical dairyman ana
farmer, capable or taking cnarge oa p.-,
married, two children, wife good, econom
ical housekeeper; references.. AS 204.
BAKER wants position: good all-around
man. steady, sober, rename, out 01 iowai
preferred, reference. AK 270. Orego
nlan. ;
WE advertlae to beat tha employment
agenta' graft. Man and wife, flrat-class
couki, now open for engagement, at liberty
on 3-day notice. C 205, Oregonlan.
TOfNO man. 23 years, would like to travel
for some large concern; now cmpiujiu i
w holesale grocery house. AD 267, Orgo
nian. '
YOUNG man attending business college de
sires place to work lor ooara ana room
after school. Address H. D. B., room bt5
Commonwealth bldg.
WANTED Position by practical mill man.
sawyer, engineer or nier; oan rajio cnarge
or mill and show results. Address for one
week. AP 2e. Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese couple want place, man as
COOK, wire wall on taDie ana auueeworai
speak English. S. Shlmo, AP 270, Ore
YOUNG man 22 wanta wora ox any ainu.
understands eiectrio wiring ariu automo
biles: willing to do anything. Address B.
V.., ova nuimunj "
SITUATION wanted by experienced ma
chinist; can glv reference. AH 209.
YOUNG man with some experlenoe aa
draftsman wisne position wuwia a vavu
become useful. AL 271. Oregonlan.
CHAUFFEUR, colored, American, e year
on French and American cars; best ref
erence. A 265, Oregonlan
YOU.NQ man 22 want work a auto deliv
ery holper; not airaia 01 wora- auurw
B. O., 3U2 HQIiaqay ave.
rvpp.RtrvcED cook In .family want posi
tion. 133A? 1-lrat sr., ininese mission, room
BY middle-aged German, all around farm
hand: wants good place, u mi. o"H-
GOOD Japanese cook wishes position In
family, city or country. a aoe, ore
gonlan. ttmmm
POSITION wanted by experienced, reliable
chauffeur. Aaarers nenry xa. x- car, iiav
N. 3d St., N. Ysklma. Wash.
YOUNG man wishes position as distribut
ing Or QCmUDIirauiil " o , ... u aw, v. -
CARPENTER, flrst-class. fast worker, wishe
work Dy nour or vuua-a. a. - " -.
foot of Csllfornla St.
JAPANESE wants position, automobile or
store work; references, aav aaa. oiir-
YOUNG man. 30. formerly In business for-
. . . 1 . . . p . 1 1 I .... .-., nV Irltin
imsen. in 1 . . -. - . - . .. j
- . . , a VI OlAA Or..Anlan.
WANTED A situation by man as aton
niaaon: rupie atone wora yrcrerrau.
26-. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man want position a driver of
bakery wagon; a caie vaiivi iguvv. ai
260. Oregonlaru
SITUATION WANTED bteel and copper
ilate engraver; experiencea man. a. v
&1. Oregonlan
HOUSECLEANINO and window-washing or
Jnnltor wora. AUUlow a. avuuius. aaA
GERMAN man want work as helper in gro
cery or nerqwar iwig. rii-u. i.mi .Jin.
EXPERIENCED watohmaker wanta posi
tion. AO - ' - - -o y
TOT'Nfl man. experienced, wants position
driving grocery wagon, ao or.
COI.OKED man want Janitor work; city
references, t: aor.
BttY about 15 years old. wants position in
private nrnr, jmm m hv,-u ...
MAN and wife wishes position as janitor.
C 206. Oregonlan.
EXCELLENT Japanese waiter want po
sition. Address Aii aoit. unjioniaii.
BOY" 16. wants work.- Phone Sellwood ItaSd.
Bookkeeper and btenogrsphers.
STEXOCRAPHER Fir rears' experience
In different line, oesirw auosiuutLog po
sition. Phon A 6579.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer
wanta dviuod, m " i.n
lo bookkeeping. jaain niea.
YOUNG lady stenographer, four years ex
perience, want poemun. AA aow, oreir
BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, with om
experlenc. x'none .-nam -o 1 a.
A.MtU AAA Ainui "'" .
f hOTa AfaOn. M7. Baa. ill JcJIerraoo at.
CAUDCTCVT Hr.nmi1(.r from
wlahea few mor engagements by day or f
week. Phone A 3250, Main cOr?:"- j j
LADY with 8 children to support wishes to
sew with dressmaker, or plain sewing by
the day. Phone B 1830.
DRESSMAKER, capable, would like
more eueagemens by day. AH 209.
DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by tho
day. Main 208 8, cor. 15th and Washlntrton
DRESSMAKER wishes sewing engagements,
92.5tl a day. Main 3734. room 3.
WANTED to correepond with Invalids who
desire to spend a few days or weeks In
the mountaina; companion or nurse fur
ntahed. Y 2BS, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED nursery governess desires
position; would car for Infant. Address
100 Michigan ire.
REFINED, elderly lady, practical nurse.
desires care Invalid or assist parties going
to beach. Main 2039. A 4775.
PRACTICAL nurse desires care Invalid, el-
derly. Infant, sick. Main 2039. A 4775.
CARE of Invalid and light housework;
wages $30 per month. Tabor 3tb2.
WANTED by young woman with two chil
dren A place aa housekeeper; a good
u . 1.... u-- pnn 1 v. Rrh Kt
Sell wood.
NEAT woman, girl 11, desires situation
housekeeping widower's family. Main
GIRL wanta general housework. Call 996
Kelly st
MIDDLE-AGED woman, flrst-elasit cook, ea
pable of managing kitchen and handling
of stock, wants position, hotel, camp,
restaurant or resort: out of town pre
ferred. Room 18, 3aT 1st mt.
GERMAN girl wants to take cara of chll-
riran ne Ho llvht housework bv the day
must be on tho East Side. Phone Wood-
lawn a0.
EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wishes position
as cook with orlvate family. Call 797
Borthwlck st.
LA 1 ' Y will look after home during owner-
absence for one or two montns; no com-
pensatlon. Tabor liB4.
r 1 T . r, T tt. c . l-K .11 famllv ooolc. whe
second girls kept ; wages $45. fat. Loula
Apriicy, Alum ivjg, - -
. - - n.-0 A 1
WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Phono
.Main euwi.
YOUNG lady wishes position as exchange
operator; experiencea. can taoor mo.
LADY" will go out to wash, iron and clean.
Main 1426, Mrs, oroaz.
EXPERIENCED woman desires chamber-
worK, goon noiei. jim.hi aqo.-, a -iio.
JAPANESE girl wanta housework and help
cook in small family. AL 27:. Oregonian.
LACE curtalna to laundry. Called for am
delivered. C 3'-5.
GIRL want to work by day. Marahall 643
RELIABLE salesman can make big money
selling our weii-anvwu imr ui .. j
irrigated treos, shrubs, roses, etc.; out
fit furnished; cash weekly. Addreaa Ore
gon Nursery Company. Orenco. Or.
AGENTS wanted to aell fruit tracts: beta
seller on the market; liberal commieeiuii.
X 2d8. Oregonlan.
WAVTEn Rt exDerlenced hotel family,
unf nrntahed hotel In soma live Coastcltyl
60 to 1O0 rooms; small city where there
1 business preferred. See Berry. New
Scott Hotel. 7th and Ankeny sta.
WASTED TO RENT for two months Fur
nished 0 or 7-room moaern nouee on -orx-land
Heights, or West Side, three adults;
reliable. Phone Wednesday mornings.
room 00, Hotel Bowers
W' ANTED To rent 5 -room bungalow within
walking distance of Fourth and Washing
ton, about $18 par month. Apply at 22
Washington bldg.
WASTED A furnished cottage or flat by
man, wife and 8-year-old daughter; state
price; must not ba too iar out. a.a
Oregonlan. .
x- a vTi'ii m eent- k reaDonslbl party.
desirable 7 or 8-roora house In Nob Hill
district on West bide. Aaaress av auu,
WAVTvn n vanr- a II or 7-room UDDer fiat,
corner preferred. In desirable West Side
location. Address a v upi, orcgumAu.
WANTED To rent modern 6-room octtage
or Hat, between Broadway ana tiawinorne;
no children: references. Tabor 2101.
WANTED Cottage at Gearhart for August.
.11 1. 1 1 1 U..U.
A HOME of 5 or 6 rooms, near Jefferson
High. AB 265. Oregonlan
WANTED By two gentlemen, two or three
room apartment, furnished and a:ared for.
West Side: $25 to $33 per month. AL
265, Oregonlan.
WANTED Man and wife . wish 1 unfur
nished room, private family desired. C 207,
GENTLEMAN desires nice furnished room;
slate price, location and convenience. AR
271. Oregonlan,
A TOUSO laJy desire room, private family.
West Side; references. i3 266. Oregonlan.
Rooms and Hoard.
YOUNG business maji require room with
hoiArd. Drivate family. West Side; perma
nent, exueptlonal references. AB 2Cb, Ore
WANTED Lady to board 2 children, one 6
months, one 2 years. AO 273. Oregonlan.
Business Places.
WANTED To rent by August 20. modern
or 5-room bungalow, unfurnished; pre
fer ML Tabor or bunnyslde district: etata
location and rent In nrat loiter. E 209,
GERMAN girl want position for cooking
or general housework. AF 286, Oregonlan.
Furnished or unfurnished room, single,
n suite, all conveniences, best location.
"M1LNER BLDG.," 130 Vs Morrison SU
Furnished Rooms.
120 modern, cool rooms: we have a few
mor to rent: rootna with private bath,
rata 75o to $1.50 per day; $2 to 7 per
wet-k. B 1275. East CB4Q.
AO . 1 w
Completely renovated: everything nrst
clasai rooms, with bath, $1.60 and up!
$27 per month with private baths; special
low Summer rates by week; or month.
10th and Washington.
Lowest rate In city, by day. week or
month; nicely furnished new brick building-
hot ami cold water and free tele
phone In every room; close In. lusts lath
st., near Washington. Marahall 27o.
Par; St., between Morrison and Alder.
Heart of the elty: qulot and modern: fre
'bus or W car at depot; rates $1 single,
$L60 double: also family room with un
bare bath. to. Rat per week.
ROIEL RENWICiC An Ideal horns for
business people; eentrally located; ele
gant rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th
and Taylor ate., 1 block from Portland
Hotel, oppoalt Hellig Theater. Main 91.
BU8HMARK, HOTEL, 17th and Washington
Newly furnlsned rooms, stngl or a
sultai private bath, staam hat hot and
sold water and phon In all rooms; rat
xaaaonabl; transients eollcltod.
Under new management; all modern
conveniences; all rooms light and airy; $4
P.r week snd up. 13th and Wash.
LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sin
gle, $2. and $3 week; five minutes' walk
to theaters and store, free phone. Lin-
dell Hotel. errj.
HOTEL BURTON.' Yamhill and 2d streets.
Strictly moaern. reaujiuia iaim vj
day. week or month. B. W. Fisher. Man
aaer. . .
LARGE front room, suitable for two peo-
pie; privilege oa Usui ...
desired. 333 13th St.. cor. Market.
THE LARRABEE. 2274 Larrabee at-; mod
ern, cool, siry rooms, transient 50c and up;
special rates by week or month.
THE" LANDORE. 2S8 10th. has a single
room euitaoie iur xouiioiii, ao.
cold water.
FURNISHED rooms, $1.50 to $5, free phons
and bath. No. 2 N. 14th., cor. Burnslde.
THB PALMER, 350Vj Alder, lurnisnsa
rooms $2.50 per week up.
NORRIS HOTEL rooms modern. $9.50 and
up per week. 183 Vs I'tn st.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnlsned room at
moderate prices, cor. sa ana .Montgomery.
NORRIS HOTEL, rooms modern, $3.60 and
up per week. I3zi lTtn st.
COOL, newly furnished rooms. 363 13th St.;
cheapest rates in tne city.
NICE front rooms, eiectrio lights, running
. . ,,,- nk... o"-r ii rrltta- at.
the East i
Trinity Place and Washington St.
Just Opened New Furniture.
Running wster and telephones In every
room: all outside rooms. Kates very reasonable.
Those Hire beautifully furnished hotels,
3131A. 4th t. all 4th L 207 V 4th t.
On Fourth at., running from Taylor to
Salmon at. Brand new brick, elegantly
furtiiahed; ateam heat, private baths hot
and cold water In all rooms: atrlctiy
up-to-date In all reaped, and at popular
prices. If you want something out or tne
ordinary In the heart of the city at reas
onable prices, give us a call, as we know
you will Ilk It- Rooms by the day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
BesldentiaL 850 Taylor. Transient.
Bet. Tth and Park its.
Opposite Hellig Theater. Central, quiet,
room with private bath. etc. from $1
dally: ultes or- single rooms at low
rates: weekly or monthly trma; new.
handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele
phones, hot and cold running water. From
Union Depot "J" oar to Taylor, or W
car to 7th; from Hoyt-street Depot, 'o
car, transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phons
Marshall 2200. '
One block from Union Depot: 140 out
side rooms, with hot and cold water, every
thing brand new; special rates by th week
or month; give us a trial. Transient rates
6O0 to $2 per day; weekly rate $X50 up.
SARGENT HOTEL. Grand ave. and Haw
thorne, beautifully furnished rooms, sin
gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and
cold water; steam heat and telephone In
every room; special Summer rates by week
or month to permanent guesta. First
class grill In connection. Transients so
licited. '
131 Eleventh au
New. modern brick building, steam-heated
private baths, hot and cold water in
rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort
able. Rents very reasonable. Call and aes
ua. Regular and tranaient trade ojicited.
THE PEER HOTEL, cor. East 3d and Burn
side, cooL airy rooms, rent $3 per v.eek
and up; refreshments served on roof gar-
den. East 171.
FRONT airy rooms $2 up. 401H 3d at,
cor. of 3d and Harrison.
NICELY' furnished rooms. 2-30 per week
and up. 131H lOth st. Alexander Hotel.
Furnished Room in Private) Family.
SUITE of nice front rooms, suitable for la
dle or gentlemen with laundry privileges,
eiectrio lights, bath and phone. J2.60 each
per week; also large, airy bedrooms, suit
able for two, $1.30 each per week. 387
12th st. '
NEWLY furnished, fine. large, front room,
suitable for two gentlemen: 1 single room
everything modern and reasonable. 651
Everett. Main 93U1. .
NICELY furnished front room for one or
two gentlemen; hot and cold water: 3
minutes' walk from postoffice. 214 13th
St., cor. Salmon.
FOR RENT Furnished room for working
girl; reasonable; walking distance. Si4
Williams ave.
ELEGANTLY furnished room In new Nob
Hill apt., references. A3 270, Ore
gonlan. CLEAN pleasant rear room, side entrance,
for quiet voung man; phone, bath, gas;
$2.50 a week. 244 7tb st.
NICE large room in modern private house,
close In, suitable lor two young men.
22S 10th sr.
ROOMS from $2 to $6 per week. Includ
ing use of piano. 35 North ISth St. Mar
shall 122. .
NICELY' furnished front room, desirable for
one or two, in apartment. Nob Hill dis
trict. Phone Alain mw,
$9 NICELY furnished rooms, modern con
veniences, walking distance. 393 11th.
A 7753.
FOR REST Nicely furnished front room,
all conveniences, walking distance. 39a
3d st. '
FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two
girls; nice location; Sl.oO weekly. 66 N.
21st st., near Washington
LARGE, desirable room, suitable for 1 or
nno location. 7 N. 2(Hh St.
NICE clean room, all conveniences. 208 ft
17th t.
LARGE, airy alcove room, suitable for 2;
walking distance. 361 luth.
CLEAN outside room, gas, bath. 0oa Yam
hill; $10 a month. .
NICELY furnished room. 57 Trinity Place,
near Washington, bet. llh and 20th.
$10 MONTH Clean, cool room: car passe
houae; 7 minutes' walk. 452 Btlu
827 WEST PARK ST. Pleasant furnished
room cheap.
NICELY furnished rooms, $6 a month. 67
v 1 i.w - wt Havia nnri Kverett.
LARGE room, including sleeping porch
space; running water; weea. jai aaliu
NEAT room, $2.50 per week for one; $3 for
two. 208 12th st.
FURNISHED rooms: phono and bath; walk
ing dlBtance. 2t2 12th.
NICELY furnished room, well ventilated,
runn lng; water, $4 per ween. ioi inu ql.
NICELY furnished room, walking distance.
311 Montgomery.
CLEAN room. $1.50 per week. 20S 12th st.
Room and Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year;
rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supu
261 13th. new management: thoroughly
renovated; inviting ruoina, uuoioe uuuiu.
CHOICE board and large room, facing th
para 1 very reaeoAiaoiv-. ota . -
THE CALVABD, 452 Morrison, cor. 13th; se
lect private boarding nouee. jiaui aupi.
Roomy With lioard io private ramily.
ONE fine large room with private bath and
one large room witn uoi anu cuiu aic.i
home cooking, free phone, good walking
distance. 617 Kearney.
WANTED Two young men or man and
wire for newiy lurni&uea rooui wuu uieo
fasf private home; lawn and porch; close
in. Main 6629.
NEWLY furnished room with or without
board. 5H5 East Taylor, corner 15th st.
East 2006.
WANTED To keep for pay one or two
children; healthful location; prices rignu
Address box 397. wood num. or.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room with flrst-plass
board lor X in pnvW AaiiA.ij. aa ..01 iu
17th St. Main e-au.
COSY rooms with private porches, choice
. a ..anlal I, flTYl miAHIiahl 47.1
ooara, tumsiiw -
FURNISHED room, with sleeping porch.
breakfast it aesireu. m uwuu avva. aw
bor 1665.
3.00 PER WEEK each, beautiful front
room for two. all new. modern conven
iences. 88 N. Iftn St.
GOOD board and newly furnished room.
Main omit.
'URNISHED rooms with board.
695 E.
Oak. phone a -loi-j-
CARE of child, good home, terma reason
able, pnone laoor huoa.
ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen.
Hawthorne ave.. au sr. ALasr tavi.
WANTED 4 or 6 ohlldren to board for tho
Summer, a ao, urmjumau.
FURNISHED room with boartL .320 11th st.
Phone A i6au.
WELL-FURNISHED room with best board;
large porcn anu grouiius. juaiu avia.
ROOM with board In home with young peo
ple, ri ouoo, o-io tvaai i' in-
S3U SINGLE rooms, $12; fashionable neigh
borhood. 695 Main SU. Kings Heights.
653 WASHINGTON au, room and board;
rates reasonable.
BRAINTREE1 Elegant five-room apartment.
West Side: walking distance; rent reason
able. Main 7741.
THE LAURETTE One elegantly furnished
3-room apartment, private bath and phone.
229 11th st. -
eofj Elegant 3-room furnished "sunlight
sDartmenta," 1295 Belmont- B 3041, Taoor
THE LANDORE, 2S8 10th A completely
furnished apartment; all outside rooms.
605 Jefferson St. Main 6435.
THE ELMS Completely furnished 2 and 3
room apartments. 191 14th st.
LEOXCK Modern apts-: Knob Hill district;
convenient to 2 car lines. 186 2 2d st, N.
TH fThaRTFOP r B ee t modern apts. Iathe
city. 21st and Flanders.
aLtaMONT. 304 College, strictly modern t
aid 4-room uta Mala tOoO, Reaaonable.
vdrrav ri.iF.nxER & BOYCE.
Main 2015. 303-506 Abington bids. A -ins.
Our arartments are built right. Frorri
long experience we know the tenants
wants ar.d make it a point to supply
them. We have apartments for rent la
locations listed below, which possess tha
maximum of convenience and equipmenc
at the minimum of expense. Courteous
Janitor on the premises will show tho
THE HANTHORN. 2r.l 12th St.. near
Main; 3 large rooms with private balcony.
2 sleeping compartments: $35 and 531. ro-
THE KINGSBURY. Ford St.. near Wash
ington; superb location, new building, pri
vate balcony: 3 and 4 rooms each, witri
two sleeping compartments; $30 and 14".
furnished, 3 and 4 rooms, 11th ana Co
lumbia sts.. $32.50 to $45.
THE KEARNEY, 21st and Kearney
sts.; 5 rooms for $35.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson
sts; close-in location; 3 rooms unfur
nished. . .
Corner 20th and Kearney.
Opportunity to own your own furnitur
at very moderate rental rates: call at tne
Chesterbury and let the manager P'a-5
our plnn: this proposition will only atay
open until July 13; no phonelng; unfur
nished apartments also lor rent.
These elegant 6-room unfurnished Pr"
ments, whicn are now completed, are sit
uated In the heart of the city, within 10
minutes' walk of the business center.
Resercations may be made from owner
on premise or by phone. Main 4795, A
and Columbia streets; nrst-class 2 arid 3
room furnished and unfurnished apart
ments: private baths, large dressing clos
ets, disappearing beds, built-in buffets, pri
vate phones and all modern convenieni-ep.
flrst-class service, best location in tho
city, overlooking the parks and only 5
minutes' walk from the business center;
prices very reasonable. Apply to manager.
Corner of 18th and Jefferson sts., four
and five room apartments, unfurnished,
with reception hall, automatic elevator.
Pacific States telephone in every apart
ment and the most modern conveniences
found in the city. Phone Main 3U68 and
Miss Allen, the manager, will show you
through the aapnmenie, or call up main
office. Main 6164.
THE BARK E K, cor. 21at and Irving ta.
This new 4-story brick opened January L
1911; furnished and unfurniahed In two.
three and four-room BUilea. with recep
tion hall: Pacific phone in each apart
ment; electric elevator, Tolmea disappear
ing beds, built-in buffet and writing-desk,
gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room.
If you want something extra una, com)
to the Barker. Phonu Marshall 2961.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely first-class, fur
nished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam,
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com
pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv
ice; rent per month $20. $30 aud up- Must
be seen to be appreciated
A class by themselves. Front lawn,
fountain, lobby. See them. New prop.
References required. Phone 1529, prop
and mgr.; louo, Jauitor.
644 Everett IL
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private pacific telephone; located In on
of tha choicest residence districts sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis-
tance. '
land's finest apartment-houses; 4-minute
car service; beautiful purt city to live,
11.15 a, Alblna ave.. cor. Kliliugaworth.
Take Mississippi. L or Kenton car at 3d.
and Wash. sts.. 15 min. ride; 2. 3 and -
rooms, co'niplelely iurnished. $17.50 to $30
mo. ; also unfurnished aj-t. Wooaiaivn 22.i'-
DltlCKSTON API'S., 44S 11th. near College
Walking distance. Take Mt. Tabor car,
off aw Hull st. 4-stoiy brick building, a
and 3-room suites, strictly modern; auto
matic elevator and dumb waiters; prlvals
bath, telephone ami lockroom for each
apartment, laundry -room, with steam dry
er. $25 up; Summer rates. Marshall 57.
New management, new concrete building:
with elaborately furnished 3-room apart
ments, modern conveniences, lawn, cool ve
randas janitor service; reasonable, walk
ing distance. 624 Marshall au; take "W"
car. Main 6032 or A 3191.
Corner 14th and Clay Sts.
Large 4-room. front, corner suite, nn
furnished, vestibule, cloaeta. private bata,
and phone, electric elevator, walking aia
tance; splendid view. We also have 3
room apartments, unfurnished.
61lDERl7EIGHApartments. cor. Grand ave.
and East Stark st. New, fireproof britk
building. beauLlfully furnished, two and
three-room apartments, private bath, tree
phone, hot and cold water. Ice box, ni
cariare. Summer rates, phone East 3U0.
EXCLUSIVE apartments; 6 large rooms and
bath; prlvatj entrance; large front aud
back private porches; maid's room In baje-ment-
heat, hot wuter. vacuum cleaning;
system; ranges, refrigerator. 793 North
rup. phone Main 9358.
THE ARCADIA 706 Everett St. Two and
3-room apartments, completely furnlahed.
entlrely modern. Summer rate. Mainj
New 4-story concrete building; 2, 3 and
4-room apartments, furnished and unfur
nished; new furniture, modern. Apply tu
the Chetopa, 18th and Flanders sts.
LINCOLN APTS., corner 4th and Lincoln,
sts.- completely furnished 2-room apart
ments for housekeeping, everything new
and modern, house just opened, walking
distance: no children; $22 to $30. Phon
Main 1377. '
Elegantly furnished and unfurnished:
comforts of home; private phone and
baths, elevators, private playground for
children; ideal location. 22S N. 2uth SL
Marshall 2028. .
ferson sts. A 3-room apt. with bath,
unfurnished; all outside rooms: every con
venience; modern and only 5 min. walk
from P. O. Very reasonable rent.
PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison
sta beautiful 3 and 4-room apartmenn
furniahed for housekeeping; everything
new and modern; elevator, telephone ir.
$45 to $60.
429 East Morrison, Corner 7th.
8 2 and 4 rooms, high-grade furnished
apts.; private baths, best service, moder
ate prices. ,
410 0th, iurnished and unfurnished
strictly modern apartments, walking dis
tance, prices reasonable; no children.
Cor. 6th and Montgomery.
All outside 2 and 3-room suites; cooL
airy, modern in every respect. Mar. 1373.
Elegantly furnished modern 2. 3 and
rooms, walking distance. 37 Trinity Place,
bet 19th and 20th, near Washington.
larK Sireei, till Hci auuuii.
Furnished, unfurnished apts.; Individual
phones ; convenient, down-town district.
THE Beryl Large rooms, large cloaeta.
cool and airy for Summer; aome fur
nished apartments. 21st and Lovejoyi
take W car.
bXnNER APARTMENTS, 4S9 Clay St.. near
14th St.; strictly modern 2-room apts.,
completely furnished; $21 to $24 per
month-; walking Uistance.
ONEONTA. 1S7 17th; 2, 3 and 4-room suites,
hot and cold water in every apartment;
BOZANTA'APARTMENTS. newly furnished,
strictly modern, Summer rates now in ef
fect. lSllAi North 23d St. Marshall 2S2L
ST CLAIR, 715 Wayne street: modern six
room apartments, two porches, also 4-room,
basement. phone Main 4930.
FIVE-ROOM apartments, nicely furnished.
witn sleeping poicu. a ue wi.i.oi.uc, o,,u
Flanders. Main b251.
BEAUTIFUL apartment, nicely furnished
in good location, for sale very reasonable,
G 248. Oregonlan,
MODERN apartments, the Hartford, by week
during summer. a- up. .wi buu rian
ders. Phone Main 2782.
THE Northampton, 407 Hall su; new and
elegantly furnished 2-room apartments,
walking distance. Main 4299.
JUANITA. 325 11th St., corner Clay Nicely
furnished 2 and 3-room apartments, mod
ern, every convenience, rent reasonable.
THE DAYTON Nice four-room lower apt.,
heat, water, etc.. $20. 6.19 Flanders.
THE -King Davis, corner King and Davis
sta-; ana 3 an 4 one 4-room- apt.