r " THE MORXIXQ OREGONTA, "WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1911. I . . m Mr AT mttpl I ' H1 F1TATK. I REAL ESTATE. I - : I " ir'rMtxTK i ri HQSIFIf- U fiU. KAItbt . . FiTiS-Hoo.. ror "-'p. SEAT SALE FRIDAY HEILM THEATER. MCHTt BEfelXXIxa M-3LT MONDAY pactal Pile V a t tn.a WtndW Atuo Ptio fnMDU CI1AI-XTET OLCOTT la H'. S Play "MACUSHLA" IP:m ef Mr Uart. Mr. Oieott I'.in Foar Nw gouge, Eenlaa Ur rior: tl So. I-'". Fii1 ever. II. wo TS-". 5-- tieil.rv. 66c. wilii1r V:; l-twr r.oor: f 1 "-A. Tfcr. l a. rr JJc. skr. Oellerv. X3e. 24 a a r i. a a v . - nit V TTHATTB lMS-SC-73i rtX Jl I t 17. Th. llarUaw mt Parte, feaiertag Mm. Mine Vluar; lawraAa A I a.llr. Wright A IHasrl,-, Ml ml as J-k'T, Llp... Mm Uihi laaae l4 Un-liMim, IVlurM, WTI JTXT 11. rtm-r In Tbraa Jne. Min. Nana aad Lm. TmI Atr.Ua. Paa. ta.aoap. Kuwta Kxch At Mix llelesi Neiaaa, la "A maniUt Mnrha" Papular prWg. Matlne dally. :. T80. m, KWInxl Vaudeville. TEK JTI.T 17 PA1 I. "XCHAH. Jo- VbMiabmaaa. th. IMearlng nwpar. t',r"r I'rtcw atmxi i-x: e,.oi"-. . -- PeoplesAmusement Co. STAR THEATER acted by real Eaklmcai 1n Northern Alaska. aadalaar Mr. Rc aaata. rtr a aereca. Tm M galea I Festal Tw ARCADE t tonal melodrama. Faaaoma Dart. Bads ( Cemr-. T1U IflV ladlaa Bralkm, greatest r. (Jit JUl MaaJas Om Walker. Alice's G. TYLER-TAGUERI, TENOR Tar Art af ala.g--rna Faaadalloa la Flalaa. Old Italian Method. Jnfarlor Costal Braathlng. High Front Tone Placement. Nasal Resonance, Mondirs and Wednesdays. Studio. 607 Tllfnrd BlMg, Tortland Or. Main 6744. OAKS PARK Meat Attraettva AiaamiH Park Anywhere THE LAST WEEK OP -PAT COXWAT- BAXO. Record eagaaament cloae Saturday. mm. jnr.rH mxFF.15, Great siitn. Appears This wee. TWO BIO. mt rOTKT HAII.Y". Al.it -Itvadvaaaua." ihe I Is bi tag Lady Oatrica. coot orr At tha ixki Satatorium. fEE TUB MaX rtSTl. Fra attract too. lia aata. aiaapa and Ilraa vndar aatar. rx-VT rOROITT THE CniUJREJ. A4m:a:an. 10 canta; iiUlra. & canta: MriA-r a fra; pupi;a of puhile aohoota andar 12 fra aa 5aturlar aft.rnon. cant ear far Id ovar tha rlty. Take Pipraa Traioa rlrat aad AIW BASEBALL HF.CREATIOX PIRK, Car. Vaaa-aa aad TmtlHaartk ata. SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND Jmlr la, IS, Za. 21. X2, 23. 24. Caaaaa Brata 'Waakdaya at SiOO r. M. aadaja Sunt P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boya I'ndar It Fraa to Bleachers AICTIOX BALKa TOD AT. AT Wlleon's aoftloo bonaa, II A. M. Famltora. iri-1 1 Sarotid atraau MUTIM) OTlCES. WASHINOTO.' I.ODOE. NOt an. A. . AND A. M. Ktatad rom- munlcatlon lna iMajri ntmci. T SO o'clock- taat sth and Iiurnal.ta. M. M. oagra. t w Itors waicoma J. H. RICHMOND, aac-y. IOTAL OR PER Or HOOSg. Portland Lodge. No. 34. 1, maata avary -WadnaxUf Slarit at "wla Hall. Id aod JaXtaraaa ata. Vitlaa Moaa tr.ltad. UiLltll VOOVETIX, Raeratary. W. N. OAT ENS. bictator. PORTLAND CnAPTER. NO. S. R. A- M. A atatad convoratloa win b bald In thalr Itxsaroom thla Wa1naadar avanlna. July IS. at I W o'clock. Mambars plaaaa attand. A. M. X.VAPP. IVc ORIENT UirOE. NO. 1. I. O. O. F Inlt.atory dasxaa. Visitors 'corn". W. W. TEH KT. Pac DIED. HERMAW In thla dty. July IT. at' tha raairlrnc of h!a daaxbtar. aire. Gaorca J. laaSMB, T alala n.. Iin;aiiiln Her mann. aad yaara. a moatha. la daya. Ramaina tka to kt Franclaoe for ln ratBt CRATO Tn Ihla c!tj at &SI Mlaataatppl aire. la.ibl Franca Cralc. a4ra 49 rara. balnvad wir of I'harlaa O. crala. of thla city. Ramaina II A. B. Zal;ar Co.'a parlor, tal Wllllama nr. Funaral announcement later. TOL.TOF B I a tMa city. July 1 at S12I lat are S. E-. Maud Tolfraa. aited 21 yaara. ranara.i notlea tn a later laaiie. ITXUUL NOTICKa. K'rxosxrie Ju'y 11. at Vncouer. Waah.. Jamaa R M lorn k y . acad 44 yaara 4 moo'na ZO daja. baioead huaband of Mair Mrrnoakay. of thla city. Fanaral l.l !' tha pariora of A. K. Z'llar Cek. a'tllluu ava. Th orau a t. Jnly 3i. at S 45 A. M.. thaiea to Ft. Mary'a Church, cor ner WIMiAAe and Stantoa ata.. where Bare lea will be held at a A. M. Frlenda ee raotaily tn-rltad to attend. Interment Sfount Caitary Cemetery; ktndly omit f.owera. STARK FHanda and accjnajntanoee are ra-pe.-tfui;y tntted to attend tha funaral earvtcee of the late lioa W. rltark at Pnitatnf A Mbnteae chmpol. loda V4alnaaday). Ju.y 19. a p. 34. Tba eceeeU w aa a member of the order of Maccabeee. Interment Rlverela Came tery. XXIOHTS of th Maccabaea are requeetad to attend lh funeral of ov.r aaceaaad brouiar. A star, at Lannloc a Me-Katee-e. aeentl end Ankeny etreeta. to morrow Wedneatay. at 2 . M. rU at lendaac la deatred. RST.VOLD" At -e.Iem. Or.. July 17. Cath arine Ik Hemolda. ai4 m yaara Tha f-meral aerrlcea w1U ba bald at Flnley' parlora at 7 P. M. tcxlar m1ael). rrtea'ta lae'.tad. Interment Lon Fir Cemetery- TOFTH n.OHtL CO. MtKiJI AH HI1KJ. h uh a ue-it. rbeaeat Mala Stat) Alt. Daanlna at l'lle, FaaeraJ alkl mm4 fine. Fhaei Maia 4. aialaat. OnTrffQ of teaaty CeeeM IHrartor. K. Z 1.1 I rit CO.. "4 Wllllana era. Fae laaa. laaa. lady alteadaaa I 11 r f geller-Byraea taw j r livi r.r A aoX. Sd aad M LjMty arteadanl. Phaae) Mala . A 14a UlUARll HOI.MAV CO, renewal Dlrart ara. fi d at. lady aaalaiaal. Faaae M. aeZ. MXT all) K Faaeral Dlrertara. ea I r 1 1 III tm . S. DaniUna. 1U E. tt B 142 A IttTH. 1 1 flHWMffiS Ciiuwllit VnaniDa tJUta. Aaat !. 1 !. Aady a laiaaf. DaJlr aa-. aaatar. Fee IJo. Oa tlm - mm ad taa eaaaaratle tlir.ee J-! Haeie ad tbra caaairaUr llaae aamo ad ati or araea caaaaeatlea trmee . . free KemUtaacee aaaat ace-am pa ay aat-f-wa Mt taa aa aa tin mm raea aa aad aa ad caaated fa lea tba a lae Uare. M hea oa adrertieiemnt la ae rara Hi n . . 1 - ik " rmtm DOllM. ra roara a ak adaartlaemrate the e Harare ul be baead oa tba artoal aambe f llaea eppeartnc la tb eaper. reaaralaea af ta aaaube 4 a area la I IN . r ." ader -eer Teaay" aod all ether .la.einea Ueoa neeatln tba followlaCI F-ltaalloaa t aatad. Mala. Mlaatlaa Haalea, I leaal Fa Keat. Roaaia, Prleala Famlllaa. Kaeaw aad Board. Itrteat Famlllea. Tha rata aa lb aba cUealfliallaa la tar lb armmmedallna af patriae. Tba Oreiealaa will aorepa cia aian--- . . . k - - MMvirflna thai aii- ertlar to a eaberrtber t althe pbeaa, e Bearaa will be aavted eear tba pboaa, bat bill alii ba rraderwd tba followta ..day Ubeelvee aetieaenaal adTartlaeaneaU artll aoropted er th paaaa deaeade apoa the uleiiipteiae ' " """" r 1 1 hi it- Unatiaa Wanted aad Per- ad- aaaal aliwimaien win aa aa mr-'im am tb tetrpbeae. Order for aa limrtloa only artll be aereptad for "H aaaa for Keal. Fumlta.ro for baw. "Baaloeaa Oppanunl-tl-a.- --Heeailne-beuara- aad "Wanted la OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICB rtTT HAU- Mala Ma. A TaS. UIMA.YE OFFICER, Bnaant Crata, Raaldeare, 34 B. 14th N. Kaat 4T7. R. A. T nam Ire. Re. S3 Waae St. ar. o. ialaa. Hea. TI E. ldtb. Seat IT. Hora AroOu.ance. A 101; Pr. Ka. a. Kiybta. Caadaye and UaUdaya, A dlOdi Pa Aa. 4: Truna T. HEW TODAY. By-the-Sea FACTS AND FIGURES Bandon la located at tha mouth of tha Cociuin RlTer. and haa an excel lent deep-sea harbor. It haa the flneat and most picturesque beach on the Pa cific Coast and is unexcelled as A Summer resort. With Its fourteen eaw mllla. woolen mill, veneerlna; plant, box factory. Hah canneries, foundry, machine shops, planing: ml 11a. ship yard, creamery, fruit cannery, broom handle factory and various other In dustries, and surrounded by large dsJry ranches, farm and fruit lands, coal ml nee and lar logitfnr opera tions, it can well b called "The City of Opportunity." With, Its excellent harbor and laxce shipping facllltlea. Bandon la destined to become on of the most Important seaports on tha Pacific Coast. An Investment such as we offer In Barton's Addition to the City of Ban don la one which you cannot afford to overlook. These lots ar 60 feet by 100 feet and are now selling at prices rang In a; from 1100.00 to $160.00, 10 per cent down and 66 per month, with, out Interest. Don't wait until prlcea advance, but see us at once. L. Amadon 314 I.F.W1S Bl ILDIXO DIED Tn rloaa a Chlcaa-o estate must soli 1 full ana lota on Flaklrou EL- ad joining; Irving-ton. They are worth l00 each and as they must be sold Imme diately to closa the estate I will sell them slnely or In a bunch, at 100 each: corner lota r ' a same price. This Is the blggeat bars-aln In lots ever offered In the city. Fnon Ualn 8I. A SSi. J. F. Diefonbach. 414 Teon Bids;. Cart wright Park Lots HOLLADAY, NEAR SEASIDE, OE. flat vcur ticket to Holladay. Agent at Faeslde House on grounds. YV. B. aad C. F TREETEH. AGEXT3, 312 laala Hulld'ag, 1'ortiaaa. Cart wright Paxk Lots HOlxLADAY, NEAR SEASIDE, OR. Oat our ticket to Holladay. Agent at Seaside House on grounds. -. B. aad O. IS. WBEETrR. AOF.STt, 3L2 Lawla Bolld'aa, I'ortlaa. Cart wright Park Lots HOLLADAY, NEAR SEASIDE, OR. Oat vour ticket to Holladay. Agent at Seaside Hous on grounds. W. B. aad G. E. STREETER, AGCXTSi 312 lwta Balldiag. Fertlaaa. I Have $1500 to put In a-tlt edge city or farm prop erty worth about 61000. Do not bother me unless your property Is a bargain. A 3, Oregealaa. MORTGAGE LOANS IZO? JOHN E. CRONAN, HOJ KJ U aoa Spaldlag Bidet. jJ BEAT. KUTATg DEAHI1. Berk. William O.. S12 Falllna bids. Brnbaker a ii an edict, but McKay bldsw M. a4dL Cbapla a Berlow. 2 Chamber Oomnjeroe. Cook. B. B. Caw bo Corbatt bld. Jaanlnae at Co.. Mala lad. 204 u re son Inn. fAUlaRONEf CvA. U. F 21S Conuaar- daj Club bids. The Orecoa Real Ketat Ca, Orar.d ave aad Maltnomaa at. (Holladay Addition). KEAI. FSTATE. For Sola Lola. AX exceptional chance. Roaa City Park. for 6wO caab: g block to car; Improve, mania paid for; alll aaU equity. X :AT. 1 FIXE lota. 100x100; hlb and alshtly; Hull Rbb water oa lote. 2 block to rar and G'ladatone ave.: cloea m; pfioa 1 14'JO. Owner. A 2i. Oreeonian, jt " l,a olty limit at 3'i caah or JUS on eery easy terma; city lots at thee pr-leee are now hard to And; you'll bar to hurry. AL ITS. Orea-onlaa. F1XS lot. eVteldO, on Eaat Grant at.. Bear UHb. Tbl la In a tine location and will ba "'! chp Bold aooa. edl Eaat 11th at. buiat ROil. w ACRE. 610 down. 610 par month, near Mb Scott So car; city water, street ra1ed: ail la enltlearjon. HIOI.ET m BISHOP. 132 TPIRP gT. 1 DOB'S and II.J6 par weak buys alo leeei lot Bear Flrland and Mt. Soott; Aa ear: clt water; etreat (raded. H1QLET m BliTHOP. Ill Third ft. KG L Notr A Co.. for WEdT UPE prop art lea: eclnelve dealer, la WEST FIDE rem.tr. Ground floor. Chamber of Com merce. PORTLAND Helsbta. Oreenway. mountalna and near eiev: level baildlng site; oa ear Una T 14. Oresonlaa. tl (teiiae AFARTSTEXT ilia. Weal i'axk. Oarnar. V 244. Oragosiaa, WAVEKLEIUH HEI..HTS SACRIFICE AT ;oo. Owner naeda money and baa notified tts to eell hie beautiful lot on Brooklyn at.. Bear Eaet SOth, thre block from W-R car. Oradlns of iLre. L aewar and water mala la and paid for: everything goe for I TOO oaah only. Paelile thla very low nrlca there la an onoonuntty of netting bark from the city the 140 paid for tha water main, in e above price la .tij oe low tha market value. Don't delay but call on tba realty dept. of C F. Pflucer A Co.. suite 12 Mulkay blilg.. Sd and Morrison at once. LOTS lie LOTS $-'S. hiver rnT mTS. Bight on tha carllne. few mlnotee rlda from the bualnea canter of Portland at RiveraMe Park, no better Summer borne or ontlng place In Oregon; ooa noatin fl.hlne. bathln and the beat eoll for iar. d-n truck on aartn. BpleadM place for chicken, ducka and geeea. Title suaran lea lot 621 each; aaay payment. Na tional Realty m Truat Co, room 111 Cham- bar of Commerce bldg. LOTS. 6100, RIGHT OX WEST PIDB CARl.IXE, BSTOXD CITY PARK. NTH AND WJ. TAMHILL FTS. Hew addition, tea minutes from Dual see renter; on aew Weehlngton-et. ear llae: lata BWIOO, om larsar. 6-"io. aaay btrnioti: tbea lota ar beantlfal home- sit. NeUonai Realty m Truat Co, room 111 Chamber of CumiMrM bids. Mala Ills. OTTT P1TIXO REXT and put 610 a month Into a lot of your own. wnicn is dukioo ana supplied wi city water; no other drat payment necea sary; you wlil have something to ahow for your money then: near good carllne. Bee Leonard. Columbia Trust Co 64 4tn street. IBVIVOTON". ( corner south of Braaee at. for sale at price much below markat vaiue. n phone Information. MERCHANTS BAVINOS A TRUST COMPAST. I MO BUT8 a fine lot. BOilOO. with atreat graded and water mains In snd all paid for; cloae to Eaat Sth at.. In fine district. Lot Is high and sightly, and a snap; idd rash, balance at 110 per month, Western bee Co.. 414 bpoiaing omg. LOTS AvxIOO. 6T to l0, eay terma; 1 l 4 blocks from aleclrlo car station, tele phone, mall rout, eta.: thla close-in. suburban property will interest you. J. W. Helrerlln Realty Co, 2u Corbatt bldg. Both phones, U. r -IT BTARht 1KD 62D BTS. Lota 6&0, aay terms: beet buy In the rlty; new carilne bow building; see us at "oa. EMPIRE REALTT A TRUST CO, 3 IMS Bldg. Marahall 640. 110 DOWN, 610 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit tree, re stricted district. Bear car. cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 302 Board et 7 red bldg. Mar shall 4T8, A 1022. JSilOO HARCAIX. On East ttth. near Holgata: a fin lot tn build on or a good speculation; prioe 21 ZOO; 00 caah ana lis per moniu. nni HSI a ZADOW. I1T Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. CORNER lot, 12th and Kllllngaworth. 1000. Lot near 62d and Hawthorne, 750. Lot neae 25th and Alneworth. 1500. Owner, 4X0 Swetland bldg, 6th and YVash- Iritoo. SXAP. Improved lot, oa 20th at., 60x100, over looking Irrlngton; fine view of the city; 730; part caah. Phone owner, Marahall AtOeE CITT PARK. Ii700; aaorlflce for fi nancial reaeon, S rooms, oovioo lot. fur nao. cement cellar, worth 13500; will aell on the moat reaaonable kind of terms. Phone Main ilSA ROSE CITY PARK. Will sail bit equity In a fine Roe City Park lot for I20O lea than cost, to raise om money. If you want a bargain. In vestigate thin. AR 872. Oregonian. DON'T NEED CA6H, So will aell fractional acre cheap; on very easy terms; lust right for chickens or fruit: streets and water free. Ai 200, Oregonian. FOR 6ALE Thre beautiful lota, corner E. 28th and Tillamook sts.; hard-surfaoa at. Addreea P. O. Box 490. city. For gala -Hoi BrrxoALOw. NEW ARTISTIC PUILDIXO. Restricted district. Why don't yon stop paying rem? Oak floors, beautiful buffet, lot nOxlOO. parking; 10 feet, stone walks, shade treaa. lawn, etc. I payment down; balance monthly. Owner, piione Main 4144. 100x100 TENTH 8T. PHOPERTT. 660.O0U, part caah, buya thla splendid lot on 10th St., oioae to buslnsas section: Improved with 6 houeee. one u rooms and 2 e-room houses; a good bur. HARTMAN THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. VERT handsome 3-tory bungalow, with nraplace, full cement oaeement. etc. : block from Roe City Park car In Roe City Park, Everything modern; aacrl flce. 64J0O: terme: Improvements all paid; elegant eleotrlc light fixturee. David Lam la, room 2 Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE I own a beautiful new 2-atory reeldenee. half block of car. high ana eighllr. new and modern; hardwood floor, bullt-tn buffet. Dutch kitchen, paved sir rata. Frio ftOOO: f&OO cash. baL term. J. H. Tipton, phone Marsnalla74o. APJOIXIXO MITRRTMB AD, 7 ROOVJ. Corner lot. 70igS. 6330O. This Is an ex ceptionally good buy, or will trade tor Im proved 6 or 10 sore tract cloae to Port land. Fr-d W. German, 620 Burnalde. M. or A 277. SEB THI3 MUST SELL. DON'T PAT RrTNT. 6100 CASH. 18 MONTH. Moderate b-room bungalow, close In; will saennoe for quick sale; will trade. What have youT 6a owner, 86 loth. Bear Stark. TOUR CHAXCB To Invest In more than 6 lot oa th am term a on; very obeap; will make terms to suit. Writs m at one. AF 268. Oregonian. FOR SALE or rant, a furolahed house oa Birrny ana v eontr eia, oppoeita tna Jegeraoa High School; 6HO per month real r will a 11 on eaay term. Inquire Caia sp.t HoteL ISO fark at. MODERN 5-room bungalow, close In. sightly location in V. avrny neignia. U1HJ; o'J0 cash. Toa must act quick this Is a bargain. Western Security Co., 414 Spald ing bldg. gouo BELOW market price takes modern inri.nH boma of seven rooma. ball anil bath; built-in furniture, flreplaoe. Dutch kltchsa. full eamsnt basement: half cash, balance monthly. Phone Eaat 6310. 63:200 FOR a modern 5-room home, lot 100 X1UU, z mocaa lu cw; a,w ghii, uaiaace easy terma. Phone Wood lawn 822u or C !-. DOTTBLE flats, near business center of Kellwood. paying per cent: win sell for lll&O: 3oU cash, baiance 6i0 per month. AhT. 174. oregonian JUST THE PLACE FOR A HOME. In Roe City Park. OlsxlOO corner, shade trees, partly furnished; easy terms. Tabor FOR SALE by owner, modern 5-room bun galow, furnisnaa. i-ww. uniumisnea i.'voo, one-halt cash. 33 Sumner St., two blocks north of Alberta at. 1-ROOM house and lot for sale, cheap for cash or on icrms; near union ave : gooa ear service. Apply to owner. J 2b3, Ore gonian. EAST MAIN-3T. bungalow, new and built for a noma it nao every modern con venlanoe: large rooms: prioe I470O. Full particulars. 414 Spakllng bldb. ISbO DOWN. 623 per month: ft-room bun galow; new, near aawuiume: niravooa floors, panel dining-room, fireplace, Iutch kitchen. Why pay rant 7 Phone A 4782. $1450 Plx-room cottage, fully furnished, be tween nawinoroe ma xvicnmona cars; genuine snap. Kalaton, S2d Aider, barber shop. FROM OWNER. H block off Hawthorne ave. besll new o-r. oungaiow, eawuu; OM raan. Tabor 87. SXR SALS By owner, new modem b-room house, 2 iota, ovxiu. sxouv casn, xanor SKIS. IRViXOTOX SEE THI3 FIXE HOME. Swell location, near 2 canines, bargain If so!d thla week. Phone Eaat 84. MAXDSOMB S-rnom Irvlngtoa home, just compietea, eiegani locauvn. etow. terma. AH :. Oreg onlan. 31fcO MODERIf IH-atory R-roora cottage on caax o ' a. " - ' hiihi property, new and a bargain. Call 414 8paldlng bldg. SEE L Xolr A Co. for WEST SIDE homea. tXClualve oeaaaia en " oiwa properties. Ground Floor. Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Modern 6-room eottage, good nelgneoruoi. j a iwua, some trade. E 347. Oregonian. gTRICTLT modern 4-room bungalow, only :oo. oa easy terms. 6e Jan. A. Clock, 1.1 Ainer. r-nooa aiu .i... NOTHING down. 125 monthly. Including Interest. Tor new i-ncra ounaainw; price only 6' Sou. owner. 630 Worcester bldg. iRVIXGTOX-For aala modera resideace. For part leu i a re. pnone , .oa. IRVINiJTOX New 6-room house, 6J"'"1, 1500 nelow vama rowi ow wr. r.- BUILD your home ow. Call A 106 Couak , ' i vi T fiiRAHinT. Swell 5-room cottairo In lrvington: bunt on the bungalow sty.e: 2 extra rooms nn . Ished. upstair and large sleeping Prcn full cement basvment. beamed c'u1""' - Dutch kitchen, fine Oxtupres and nne borne: Only 6500 cash, baiance montniy. . price H-v. .), 7-room house on East lth street Nortn. fln neighborhood, close to school and car, good bnsrment. bulli less than two years. Only (j5vo. tloo cash, balance like rent, f.-room cottage. A.3S0; 100 feet from car; good neighborhood, lies high, fun lot: 6-50 rash, balance like rent. O0xKk lot with small 3-room bouse. J Mocks from Klllingswortb avenue ana Jefferson High Schoo;; lots of small fru.t sn.l fruit tr.es; price 6J500. small casn ra;tiiciii. cniance moniuij. Mock to car; XISOO. small caan pi""; ca.nnrs llKe rent. own .no property and th price Is net. Let us show you these homes. GOWEN-1DE TRUST CO, Lumbermens Bldg, Bth snd 6tark Sta ONE of the very best buys In Irvlncton: a real home; living-room, dining-room, re ception halt den and paas hall and Dutch kitchen on main floor: reception hall and living-room tn old Ivory, dining-room, fumed oak. built-in buffet and bookcase, hardwood floors, handsome fixtures. larg bedrooms, all white enamel; also large glass-enclosed sleeping porch: fur nace and fnli cement baaement with tubs, and good attlo; rot 50x100; beautifully Im proved; 3 rosebushes: also fruit trees started; handsome - rustic fence Incloses back yard; 640"0 to 15000 Will handle this proposition: nothing like It in Portlsnd for tha price we ask. See owner at 640 East 2"th North, near Knott. S0 A MONTH. NO OTHKR FIRST PAYMENT NECES.SART. Strictly modirn 5-room house; not a thing missing for up-to-date housekeeping; bookcase, wssh trays. window abades, electric fixtures, gas, full-sized lot, in re stricted district.- . . Price 62xi; give reference: pay 630 .down and 630 a month (Interest in cluded). A. N. Eearle. Take M-V car. get off E. 76th t. (Office on thecorner). Auto to show property. K r: NT' N. Xobby 4-room bungalow; water, sewer, electricity; block and half from car; price 61500; ensy payments. EAST SALMON STREET. Very neat ft-room house on Balmon. just west of 3th; modern in every respect; In cluding ail kind of bullt-ln conveniences, bookcase, clothes and dust chutes. Dutch kitchen, etc.; full cement basement with tubs; woodlift: good plumbing: piped for furnace and gas and wired for electricity. See owner, next door, or fi. & Cook A Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. - IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Just completed and ready for occu pancy; 8 rooms, hardwood floor down stairs, floors finished upstairs, handsomely finished woodwork, Dutch kitchen, cement bssement, fursaoe. 3 fireplaces. lighting fixtures, shades, large attic; faces Eaat; lot 50x100 feel, hard-surface pavement, on carllne: price 195O0, term 300 ft cash, balance on mortgage. H. P, PALMER-JONES CO, 212-213 Commercle.1 Club Vldg. Phones Main SCU3. A 2058. T-ROOM bungalow, cost 63750; will sell for I33&0; terme 1250 cash, balance fl5 monthly; business demands my Immediate residence in California, therefore 1 offer at a loss for 6 days my beautiful, strictly modern bungalow, choice elevated re stricted district, hard surface streeta. fire place, beam celling, combination fixtures, etc; carllne on block; If not sold before July Zt will rent to responsible tenant. Address today, AK 372. Oregonian. BY owner, cheap, cloee-in. thoroughly mod ern 5-room bungalow, with den. swell fire place, furnace, tinted walls, built-in china clost, bookoases, seats, cablnots, ward robes, full lot with all Improvements In and paid for; good view, restricted district, only 14 minutes out; terms; I am not sell ing to rniki money, but to get money. Furnished or unfurnished. 833 East 12th, corner Boise, Kellwood car. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO IN'COMP; PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLAN'S FREB. IF WE BUILD. OUR REP UTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. I R. BAILEY CO., INC., CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINOTON BLD. $350 CASH, ROSE CITY PARK. 125 PER MONTH. T rooms, reception hall, den. sleeping porches, solid oak floor, bullt-ln buffet snd library, bookcases, furnace, fireplace, mirror, doors, etc. National Realty m Trust Co.. room 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 6129. HIGHLAND BARGAIN. New 7-room bouse, built for a home, 4 bedrooms, gas and electricity, lot 60x86, on Rosclawn ave., near HUi; handy to car and only few minutes' ride to West Side; price only 6-90; I960 cash and 8-0 per month, GRUPSI A ZADOW. I1T Board of Trade Bldg, 4th snd Oak. FOR SALE. 6-room modern house with full base ment, furnace and fireplace; close In and convenient to car; worth 14700: can be bought for 23050. ss busines requires own er to live elsewhere; terma B. W. Taylor A Co, 626 Chamber of Commerce. Main S4. IRVINGTON. g-room bungalow, modern, all on one floor. 8 sleeping-rooms, furnace, fire place. Lot Coxluo. Price 63300; caah 800, balance to suit, MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. IRVINGTON HOME. 64750. New and modern home, 0 rooms and Bleeping porch, cement basement, furnace and fireplace, at corner E. 2a th and Weld lax at-; prlae $4750. easy terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO... 312-218 Commercial Club Bldg, Phones. Main 89. A 2053. OUR MOTTO. It Is not how much you earn, but how auch you save that makes wealth. THE HOME BUILDERS. Union Security Company, cth floor. Beck bldg., 7th and Oak. EAST 1TH. NEAR ALDER. Good 8-rooui house, lot oOxlOO, nice hade trees, some fruit, walking distance and good neighborhood, price a snap; only 66000, part cash. GRUPSI A ZADOW, JIT Board of Trade BlUg, 4th and Onw. FINE Irvlr.gton house for 14800 on very ensy terras: ,-room Drana new bouse In a fine district: will accept as low as 8300 cash payment; balance like rent; be sure end see this once. CO-Oi'KR ATIVE REALTY COMPANY. Sle-20-21 Railway Exchange, IRVTNQTON, modern new S-room residence. living-room tinisnea in manogany ana white enamel, hardwood floors, finished attic, sleeping porch: would consider lot In Irvlngton or Iiurelhurst :&rt payment: terms easy. Phone East 41U; after 5 Eaat 1322. 8500 WEST SIDE SNAP 1500. Good 7-room house on lot 42Sxl00, atroet Improved, cement walk, on Hamil ton ave.; a big snap; price 62600; 8500 cash, balance to suit. GROSS! A ZADOW. 217 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. . DON'T PAY RENT. We have 4. 6 and 6-room home, all modern. In restricted districts, for sal on easy terma Provident Investment 4 Trustee Company. 201-2-8 Board of Trada Marshall 473. A 1022. 12400 FOR a modem 5-room cottage, with large, unrinisnra upstairs; oik enougn to make 3 fine rooms. House Is new, just completed. and a bargain. Terms. $200 caab. balance to eult. Western Sec. Co, 414 Spalding bldgN BUNGALOW ef 10 rooms on 2V, acres of choice, sightly ground, xms is a beauti ful, massive new building. There Is noth ing like It in this country. Let us give you particulars. Western Securltlee Co., 414 Spalding bldg. 100x200 WITH smal house, on Woodstock Ridge, overlooking too wnoie city and Reed Institute campus. It is all planted to fine fruit and shade tree Price $2750; eaay terma See Owner. 414 8paldlng bldg. GOOD HOME OX BROADWAY. Ilrtoo; $500 cash. 836 per month. Includ ing Interest; best buy In city on these terms. Furniture and piano If wanted. Y 217. Oregonian. 6-ROOM bungalow at Flrland; new. 2 blocks from the car, tor z4uu; eiau oovn, bal ance $15 per month: full KOxlOn lot-CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. lt-:o-2l Railway Exchange. FOR SALE by owner. six-room modern bouse on owi11" i. on canine; a oar gain; price $2000. 6500 down, terms on balance. Address box 520. St. Johns. - FOR SALE Modem 6-room house, flreplsce. furuaoe, tun cement oaeement. xrult trees, berries. 84S50. Phone C 1&S6, or call 84 Fargo ml. 81POOI 61001 81&00! 81le)i gwell little 4-room bungalow, new, U block from car. Archer Place. Fred W. German. 329 Burnalde. M. or A 2776. b-ROOM bungalow, furnished; price 81500. terms. Inquire 2.r-3 11th su Owner. NEW l-room house, 8'50. terms, on Mt. 8.-otl line. 1 I'renopiaTi. IRVINGTON S-room modern home for sole by owner at a sacjiuta. a ww 5-room cottage on East 15th street, sell wood; SOxloo lot. cnlcken-house. wood- yard, basement, sewer connection; one block to car; glSOO. email caah payment. 6-ROOM new modern house, full lot, cement basement. laundry trays, piped for fur nace, fine fireplace; this house la espe cially well built. Is attractive In every way; mu-t be sold; I am making the price only 82900 and a small amount down, easy terms on balance. If you want something of the kind it will pay you to see thla J. E. Smith, 618 Chamber Commerce. $2700 BUYS 6-room modern home. 2 blocks Union ave, near Prescott, 50x100 lot, full basement; everything first-class; worth $325o of any man's money, HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. For Sle Business Property. $14.000 CHOICE business properly, stores and apartments, well rented, prominent street. West Side; close In. Owner, 124 Worcester blSg. For Sale Acreage. SYCAMORE! ACHES. At Sycamore, on the Greham-Caxadero Electric line. Just east of Lents; Johnson Creek and the electric lino runs through the property; the beat buy tn the finest part of Multnomah County; rich, deep soil, highly productive; $250 and upward, eaay terms to home builders. Call and get plats. Certificate of. title with each sale. Take either th Greaham or Caxadero car from First and Alder, and get off at Sycamore. . W. H. GRINDSTAFF, 1125 Yeon Bldg, Main 875, A 7842. GEO. D. SCeMALK. 228 Stark Street. Main 802. A 23.2. ACREAGE GOOD ACREAGE. 6 acres for the price of a lot; no city assessments or high, taxes; can you thing of a better Investment than first-class acreage close to Portland, all cleared ana In cultivation, with river and railway transportation? Only one hour's ride. Tmi can be bought on easy terms; the advance In value Is more rapid than any other class of property. Fluctuations In value are : Holladay- acres is tbe finest acreage proposition close to Portland. Let u take -nn out and ahow you this property; lou to 82000 ner acre. Suitable for berries, orchards, chickens and anything you wish to do with it. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO, Lnmbermens Bldg, Sth and Stark. AtnniAuir-uoow - - 6 acres for the price of a lot; no city assessments or high taxes; can you think of a better Investment than first-class acreage close to Portland, all cleared ana in cultivation, with river and railway transportation? Only one hour's ride. This can be bought on easy terms; the advance In value is more rapid than any other class of property. Fluctuations in value ar less: Holladay acres is the finest acreage proposition close to Portland. Let us take you out and show you this prop erty: $15t to 8200 per acre. Suitable for berries, orchards, chickens and anything you wish to do with It. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO, Lumbermens Bldg, . Sth and Stark. ACREAGE. Tracts of 1. 2, 5, 10 and 20 acres each, at 8250 to $500 per acre, on monthly payments; completed road along each tract, good water at 22 feet; mora than 60 buyers on this tract have bought from us from two to four times each; let us refer you to them; soil the best and no hills, rock or gravel; located In the valley Just west of the city. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. TUALATIN VALLEY FARM. -Being divided In order to sell one-hail of same quick, we offer the following: One four-acre tract. One three and one-half-acre tract. Two five-acre tracts. This property is ten miles from Court house, on Canyon road, about half a mile from the Oregon Electric station; excellent black soil; these small acre tracts are of fered cheap; small payment down and balance on terms to suit. Act NOW they won't last long. 612-18 Yeon bldg. A MONEY-MAKER. 10 acres, mile from Scappoose, 6 acres bearing fruit, baiance clover and garden: fair house and bam. large chick en house; splendid combination fruit and chicken ranch; local market for your products to the lumber mills; 100 chicks. 25 ducks, and all necessary farming Im- plements, $;'.00O; $500 cash, balance terms; might consider some trade In Portland bungalow. JOHNSTON. BOTHFUR A WESTON, 90S Chamber of Commerce. Main 6007. SUBURBAN home close to Portland; fine for chickens, garden, etc; good O-room house and 22 lot (nearly 4 acres): tele phone, spring, running water, best soil. 50 bearing fruit trees, berries, stc, 3 blocks from lectrlc car station; $3500, good terms. 6lx-room house and 10 lots, each 8oxloO ft, $2400. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co, 203 Corbett bidg. A FULL ACRE, aaitn a neat little house and an acre of good ground: no rock, no gravel, 'partly cleared, balance In timber; a splendid lace to raise poultry or garaen; i ts-ceni. are. See the owner for terms, eta 823 LUMBERMENS BLDG, 6TH AND BTARA. ONE of the best 10-acre tracts in Oregon Ail under cultivation and fenced. 6-room house and attic one-acre orchard, one acre small fruit, 4 acre oats. 4 acres pas ture, barn and outhouses, living spring. 2 tons of hay In barn. $61 E. 11th St. East 6023. ' PART IN WORK. 10 and 6-acre tracts, close to station on Salem Electric: springs and running water on some; very fine deep, rich soli; no rock or gravel; cultivated and fenced. Prices low, easy terms. C. W. La Barre, 2 Commercial block, 2d and Washington. HERE IS WHAT YOU WANT. Small tracts near railroad station, only an hour from Portland; soil that grows anything: water and wood easily cleared, sightly location; all tillable and cheap as dirt at $80 per acre on easy terms. 612 Couch bldg, 109 4th St. BKAVERTON ACREAGE SNAP. I have 61 acres near Be&verton: will sell 10. 20. 30. 40 or 51 acres at 820 per acre; small cash payment, easy terms; five blocks from carllne; adjoining acreage selling for 8400 per acre, but I must sell. AT 270, Oregonian tiooo ALL cleared and in crop; five min utes' walk to station, lies Jurt right; best shot solL There is no better five acres In the valley. This Is a bargain; 20o casn. balance easy. See Mr. Carr, 81 cth sr. 6 OR 10 acres, cleared.- level, fertile black sandy loam land; very good for fruit, gar den and chickens; mile from railroad sta tion and will be near electric line; close to big markets; tGO an acre: easy terms. Owner, 1014 Chamber of Commerce, S TO 40-acre tracts good for fruit, poultry or berries, 30 miles from Portland, near good town; small caah payment, balance will pay for Itself. Eager m Watson. Main 6512, 910 Lewis bldg, 4th and Oak. 20 ACRES Deep, black soil; 13 acre clear: less than H mil from electric carllne; convenient to Portland; price $2700, $700 WESTERN LAND CO, 248 H Stark St. SMALL FARMS 2 4, 5 and 10 acres; best soil; cleared or timber; R. R- station on land, school and store; fine farming sec tion adjacent: easy terma Davis A Sharp Co, 600 Commercial block. Portland. Or. 715 ACRES, VILLA AVE. Cloae to city limits and lit. Hood Sta tion Ideal for acre subdivision at big profit: $3500 will handle. Vanduyn A Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. J, 2. 8. 5 AND 10-acre tracta, close In, good lectrio car service, 8100 to $250 per acre; Dlg values, easy terma J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co., 2Q3 Corbett bldg, both phone. 20 ACRES fin bottom land, 18 mile out on O. W. P, hk mile station, 12 acres in crop, balance timber; small houae; $50 per acre below market. $500 cash. HIGLEY A BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. 10 ACRES BY OWNER. Best acreage on Salem Electric, deep, rich, cultivated soil; will sell In tracts to suit; very easy terms. W. F. Feller, Donald. Or. 10 ACRES, all in cultivation: He fine, close to town, on electrlo carllne, convenient to Portland: price only 81350, hi cash, baJL assy terms. WESTERN LAND CO, 248 H Stark St. $900. 11 acres, soms In cultivation, small house, on river, close to Portland; th best soil; $400 cash. 417 Board of Trad ' bldg. WE have several fine pieces of logged-off land, close to transportation, will make good dairy or stock ranches; also suitable for eubdtvislon. ATLAS LAND CO, vt Lumper Kxcnange. 20 ACRES T acre clear. 2 In hops; fine creek; convenient to town and electrlo carllne; price 61600, k cash. baL ay WE6TEKX LAND CO, 348 H Stark Bt. 3 ACRES, all In potatoes: crop will nearly pay for land; price 81150: close In. WESTERN LAND CO, 248 to Stark St. ACREAGE and farms, from 812.50 per acre up; large and small tracts. Call Kinney A Stampher. 631-3 Lumber Exchange bldg. 10 ACRES, best soil, all under cultivation; will sell cheap. Phone Wood'.awn 851. y IVE acres ocean beach. Fort Stevens, 6160; will trade. Burdlck, Henry, bldg. 8720 SO acres, Yamhill county, fine soil. Owner. Main 757a. after 12:30. For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land open to homestead, in each county in the States of Oregon and Washington, and description of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, tone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon tn colors, 21x28, showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electrlo lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; 20o each, or three 50c. Map of Washington In colors. 21x2S. 20c Nlmmo. Runey A Co, Hamilton bldg- 1,000.000 TIMBER homestead relinquish ment, good farm land, close to Portland, - on R. R, ; $800 cash or trade. 313 Mar quam bldg. Phone Marshall 604. CENTRAL OREGON, 2 fine relinquishments cheap at onoe. C. W. Ashmore. Sisters, Or. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, a snap. 333 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 7105. For pale Fruit Lands. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 10 acres, all good orchard land; 10 acres cleared, part In young orchard; fine creek and spring on place: house and out buildings; only ihi miles from town; best bargain offered in Hood River County. Price $50oti; only $1000 cash required. O 262. Oregonian. , APPLE and pear land, high-class, low price. In Medford section; a cinch on the future. 80 acres. Particular Y 248, Oregonian. For Sale Farms. ABUNDANCE OF WATER FOR IRRIGATION. As tbe land la now parched by the heat. It would plase you to see the result of the life-giving water on our Irrigated land at West Stayton. It is n well-known fact that the best growing weather Is in the Summer months, provided sufficient water can be supplied, which we are able to do in great abundance on our lands. .Wo would be pleased to have you Investl "gate and see our demonstration farm work. Wo have thousands of acres in our Irri gation system in the heart of the Wil lamette Valley, where the climate Is the finest In the world. Prices are yet very low. and we are prepared to make very easy terms to bona fide settlers. For further Information call at the Farm Lands Department of Hartman & Thompson. Chamber of Commerce bldg. We will be glad to give you further use ful Information regarding the quality of the soil. Irrigation and. the wonderful re sults obtained. HERB IS A SNAP IF YOU ARE LOOK ING FOR A FARM. 123 acres, located 3 miles from Roy, Pierce Co, Wash. The town of Roy Is 18 miles from Tacoma on the N. P, O.-W. R- A N, Chicago A Milwaukee and Great Northern, with frequent train service. There Is a fine automobile road from the farm direct to Tacoma of 22 miles, and can be made in one hour easily by auto. A fine trout stream borders one end of the place and the State Fish Hatchery adjoins It. Good 7-room house, barn, granary and all necessary outbuildings. Tbe place Is well fenced and cross cross fenced; SO acres in cultivation, five acres In orchard. 20 acres in pasture and 20 acres in timber, which will supply wood for many years to come. Crop all In and goes with place. Orchard consists of standard variety of apples, Italian prunes and a small assortment of fruit for fam ily use. The following goei with place: Team of mares, 1 cow, 3 heifers all fresh this Fall). 150 laving hens, farm wagon, light wagon and buggy, 8 sets of harness, plows and cultivators, also a half Interest In elf binder, mower, drill, disc harrow, rake, fanning mill. tump puller ana everything necessary to run the farm. The place Is beautifully located on main country road, excellent graded school and high school nearby, telephone; electrlo linefrom Tacoma surveyed right through the place. Price $100 per acre. GOWAN-MORE CO, 815 Chamber of Commerce. Main 14. 130-ACRE dairy ranch for $6500, $35no cash, bal. 6 years, 7 per cent; on Cow litx River, bottom land. In Cowlitx Co., Wash.; 110 bottom land and does not overflow; now In timothy and clover, about 15 acres In oats: this fine deep soil, no better anywhere;- good 5-room house, large new barn, modern for dairying, with spring. mllkhouse with running water: one mile railroad station, on boat landing, telephone. R. F. D.; with this place go 1 good team, 6 head young cat tle, new mower, rake, new wagon, all farming tools, buggy and harness ; this farm owned by lady and she is compelled to move away: she always kept 40 cows. 40 hogs on this farm; the hay alone on this is worth $1500 and actual price of land $13,000. Come In. Let us tell you about thle ranch for 8600i We will pay your way to se ethle. and Just as adver tised. J. B. Atkinson, Vancouver. Wash, opposite postofflce. 401 Washington st. FARM BARGAIN. 80-aere farm, 6 miles from good town. 20 acres In cultivation. 10 acres cleared and ready for plow; 10 acres practical ly cleared. -40 acres In pasture except six acres In timber, redshot soil except 15 acres bottom land, deep black soil. Good six-room farmhouse completely furnished. ?ood bam snd ail other outbuildings, all arm Implements and carpenter toola, new wagon, buggy, two horses, two cows, three hogs, two fine springs, a fine trout stream runs across the place, family orchard bearing. All for $5500 on terms to suit. For further particulars see B, F. BRYAN. Main 1963. 505 Cham, of Com. A 1227. A DANDY DAIRY FARM AT A SACRIFICE. 65 acres, deep sandy loam soil, right on the Lewis River; 40 acres in high state of cultivation and In fine crops; no better oil anywhere; all fenced and cross-fenced; good house and barn; stream by house and barn; you should see the crops to appreciate this place; looks just like a garden spot; 25 miles from Portland on R. F. D., telephone and milk route: thickly settled district; close to good schools and churches; price for quick sale, $4 5 00: will make terms. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. A GREAT BUY FOR $135 PER ACRE. 54 acres located close to Portland and within 10 minutes of electric car station and 6 stores: 22 acres cleared. 15 acres partly cleared, balance fine timber; 16 acres in hay. All tools, wagons, house hold goods, chickens, 2 fine big work horses go with place. Good 5-room house, spring. 2 creeks. C. L. Bamberger, room Z Lumpermens piqb. WANT to sell my farm of 110 acres, on the Base Line, eastern part of Multnomah County, on account of age and desire to retire; beat land In Oregon: plenty springs, running water, about 8000 to 10. 000 cords wood, and schoolhouse on tbe place; new church, railroad. Portland and Columbia River close by. Price $10,000. h erdlnana r ioee, xaiom.ii. MUST SELL ideal Summer home: on coast riverfront; 10 acres; Joins town; school close: launch landing on place; half rich i bottom; garden and fruit growing; 6 room almost new bouee; water and sewer In- fish and crabs In front of place; wood cut; best markets; would consider ex change or discount for cash. Adddress owner, o. jfl'.aaieaun, j CHICKEN RANCH FOR BALE. 5 acres In Hood River Valley, all planted to young orchard; fine place for chicken ranch. Will trade my equity for modem residence in Portland. AT 269, Oregonian. wrin BALE Fine, level wheat farm of 320 acres In Morrow Co.; all In Fall wheat; am lies to railroad. $25 per acre, with croo- easy terms, from th owner. T. H. Ittienaiee. o riAlRY farm In Tillamook Co, Oregon; 160 acras. 87 head stock, cheese factory, full eaulpment farm tools, house furniture; 17500 terms. For full information address M a! Meador, Dolph. Or. TAMHILL Co. farm 100 acres, well lm- proved, V 1" ... ' i baL 6 per cent Interest. Gowan-More Co, 815 chamber of Commerce. Phone M. 184. FOR bargains In all-purpose farm lands ranging irwm ov . . -..- - Linn and Benton Countries, call on or write J. V. Pipe, Albany. Oregon. 160 acres wheat land In North Dakota: will sell or trade for lots, house or acreage around Portland. . Phone owner, Sellwood 1S58. ALFALFA FARM. For sale. Wilson A Myers, end of Hsv thorae carllne. Tabor 1560. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 182 Morrison at. go ACRES and some cash for house and lot: describe offer. Box 187. Taqulny Or. Miscellaneous. $650 MORTGAGE drawing 7 per cent, pay able within one year. gllt-dg eourity; will discount. David Lewis, room 8 Lum bermen bldg. FARMS WANTED. WANTED 20-acre farm, mostly improved, some wood, pasture, good buildings, plen ty water, fruit, county road, near electric line and station, 20 miles of Portland; crop, tools, some stock, price must be right; etate price, terms, location, full narUculats, AO 360, Oregonian, COME IN and tell us what you want. We will as sist you in building and owning your own home. Union Security Co, 6th floor. Beck ' bldg, 7th and Oak. WANTED One 50-ft, lot within boundaries of 25th, 2th. Northrup and Pettigrove streets. Only owners of property need an swer this advertisement. Quote lowest cash -prices and send reply to B 267. Ore gonian. , WANTED to buy modern unencumbered residence In Portland, not to cost over 18000. from party who will accept de veloped 5-acre orchard as part payment, O 260. Oregonian. WANTED Bungalow from party who will take 40 acres good land in Yamhill County first payment; pay some cash or assume. 622 Board of Trade. Marshall 710. WANTED Small farms and acreage, im proved and unimproved, -close to Port land; price must be reasonable; will deal only with owners. C 217, Oregonian. BUNGALOW or cottage, 6 or 7 rooms. In or near Irvington or Laurelhurst districts, under $60OO; state price, location and terms. R 245, OregoniarK HOUSE, five to eight rooms, about 8S000, north of Washington, east of Twenty thlrd. AO 274, Cregonu.n. 87 ACRES In Clackamas for sn equity on house and lot in city. C 288, Oregonian. LOT in Rose City Park, must be cheap; no agents. Address AK 265, Oregonian. FOB RENT FARMS. 15 ACRES, 5-room house, barn, fruit, crop for sale. Inquire 1010 E. 53d ave. Take W-W car. FOB BALE TIMBER LANDS. 'WATER POWER. ISO acres timber land on O. W. P. Ry, close to Portland, with good water power and 25,000 cords of wood; price for all timber, power and land thrown in, $25. 000; will trade for city property. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak. 820 ACRES timber land for less than you could get from the Government. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. MEAT market In heart of Portland, for property or business. lba-acre farm, improved, for city prop erty. 20 acres choice orchard, for city prop erty. 320 acres, price $20 per acre, for furni ture store, or house and lot. 40 acres bottom land, all In cultivation, best of soil, price $2750. Other good propositions. What have you? GARLAND & BARSNES. 101 4TH ST. TO EXCHANGE. 2 good farms of 160 acres each, only $30 an acre; will take any kind of city property or notes or mortgages in ex change; these farro are nearly all cleared, and partlaliy In cultivation; are bargain at -this price. , GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO, Lumbermens Bldg, i 5th and Stark. ' $sooo. Will trade or sell on easy terms, 8-room modern house with full basement, ce ment floor. 8 lots, with some fruit and berries: located on 2 good streets cloae to good school. This is in Vancouver, Wash, 2 lots nine blocks farther out . brought $2000. Call J. 11. Cameron, Main 1975, 219 Lumbermens bldg. ' HAVE fine modern bungalow. 7 rooms and on 70x150 lot, which, owing to changes In my plans, will trade for lots, acreage or contracts, or cheaper house up to about $3000, balance long time, straight mort gage, at 6 per cent. Full basement, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, gas and eleo trlc light, garage, lots of roses, etc. A3 272, Oregonian. 1 WANT a modern home of about 8 rooms; must be fine location, good surroundings and price right; I have 160 acres of land with 3.225.000 feet timber on It, in Yam hill County, which I will put in at $3000 and pay the balance In cash; no agents need call on this. Owners iwlll call J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber CoKimerce. ELEGANT 5-passenger Marmon auto, cost the owner $3500 last year, fully equipped, with Presto lights, pumps Its own tires; leather top, glass front; owner will trada for Portland property. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg. TO exchange by owner A 1911 Winton Six, 7-passenger automobile, fully equipped, good as new: a lot in Irvington and some cash to exchange for a 5-room modern bungalow, close in. AN 267. Oregonian. EXCHANGE From S to 30 acres of fine land, partly cleared, at Elmonlco, on electric, near station, for house or merchandise stock; 40-mlnute ride from center of city; will sell, give easy terms. Owner, Woodlawn, 2044 . FOR SAWMILL and timber ISO acres land, all Improved. 6-room honse, outbuildings, 80 miles from Jbplln. Mo, in Oklahoma; $6500: also 8-room house. 7 lots, modern. $4500: lots, vacant, at $1600; all In. Miami, Okla. AN 26a. oregonian. RESTAURANT doing good business, good lease, good location; will trade for city property or farm. Gowan-More Co, ola Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1S4. A 4298. CADILLAC I have a 6-passenger. fully equipped Cadillac. In first-class condition! will trade for city property. CHAS. RINGLER & CO, 211 Lewis bldg. : 2 V, -YEAR-OLD modern home, 7 rooms, 75s 100, Al condition, and acre, on E. 3Stti St.; owner will take acreage, lots or mort gage. Call or address 1139 Ellsworth st, (W. R. ear). WILL take lot. mortgage or other securities as first payment on modern 6-room fur nished home; balance easy payments; total price $2800. Smith-Wagoner Co, 311- 312 Lewis bldg. WHAT have you to trade for 1, 2 or 8 lots at Seavlew, Wash? Lots have shado trees, close to ocean and station, P. O. bor 84T. city. , CASH and 40 acres good land, Yamhill County, for a bungalow; will assume or pay cash difference. 622 Board of Trade. Marshall 710. 1H-ACRE tract, well Improved. 6 blocks from car, 5-cent fare, small bungalow, city water; sell cheap or exchange for modem 6 or 7-room bouse. AE 20", Oregonian. FOR Exchange for house or lots in Rose Citv Park; modern 5-room house in Colo rado City of 9000: might consider light truck or auto. Address Ajti -oo, oregonian. 40 ACRES, 16 cleared, 80 tillable; 10 good timber. 2 fine springs, good soli; will ex change for Portland property. $1850. 2uft Madison. Main 45. MODERN 6-room bungalow for sale or ex change. What have you? Owner, 88 10th, near Stark. TAKE lot as first payment on house and lot; leaving city, sacrifice. See owner, 88 loth, near Stark. 640 ACRES Eastern Oregon wheal land, value $20 per acre, exchange for stock of merchandise to $10.000. H 263, Oregonian. SMALL house and lot In Albina or lot on Peninsula or both for small farm, partially Improved with house. G 269. Oregonian. WILL exchange some yellow pine timber claims for a home in Portland; must b In good district. AH 261, Oregonian. FOR farm exchanges, business chances or, rooming-houses, call on us. Northwest. Realty Co.. 617 Board of Trade Bldg. AUTO value to $600 will be accepted on first payment on 4 lots Peninsula. -value $2000, bal. terms. P. O- box 716. WE exchange your property for property suiting you: only big deals. Northwest Exch ange. 228-9 Henry bldg. 80 ACRES for house and lot. Phone Main 7578. after 12:30 ML equity of $125 In three Tillamook beach lots for good diamond. F 266, Oregonian. 100x100, NEAR Kenton, to trade for bunga low or acreage. P. O. box 716. LOTS in Los Angeles to trade for Oregon acreage. Improved. AR 270, Oregonian. SO ACRES timber to trade for an automo bile. Krablll. Phone Marshall 693. WOODSTOCK lot, desk or typewriter, tak en first payment. Main 7578, after 12:80k, FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc, FOR SALE One fine delivery mare. 6 years old, weighing 1150 lbs.; one team of mares. 5 and 6 vears old, weighing 2300 lbs.; one fine black mare 7 years old. weighing 1700; one team of horses weighing 2700. 226 Rnssell st. FOR SALE Bay polo pony. 14 hands, gentle enough for children; plenty of spir it, well broken for both driving and rid ing, absolutely sound. K. M. Weaver, 20a King su FOR SALE One horse, 1600 lbs, double set harness, one 3V5 wagon. 1548 East Taylor st. Phone Tabor 1S84. 2600-LB. team, mare and horse, good work ers and sound, $250. Lawler's Barn. 15tlx and Couch sts. Ask for Mr. Evans. A TOWN lot free of Incumbrance, value $400. to trade for a team. AP 273, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Eight head of gentle horses, suitable for laundry or delivery wagon At U, S. Stables, 248 Front St.