MORXIXG OREGOXlAy TUESDAY, JULY 18. 19U. TIIE 12 RIVER AND HARBOR WORK GOES APACE Major Morrow Makes Report of Projects in Pacific" Northwest. COAST HARBORS DEEPER r.mplymrnl of Day I-ahnr on OHIo Canal Mel Apprwal of Govern ment EnjrlneeT Vpper Ww Is In Hotter Share. Notm Important advenrement in nearly erery pert of the first district, which Includes the Crater Lake Na tional Tar, tha Columbia Blwr and Ita tributaries ahova the mouth of tha Willamette, and the rlrers and har bor of Tillamook and Pluslsw. MJor J J Morrow. Corpa of Er.alr.eers. L. S. A. last nlrht forwarnd hla annual rport to Wsshlnaton throuah tha OoTrnmnt office In I'ortland. Of special Importance waa tha suc cess nemir.tered In tha emplovment or hlrad labor on tha Celllo. Canal. a. laraa portion of tha construction worlc was dona entirely ot niri ". - - total espense. for both men and equip ments, of 4M M. Major Morrow able funds In furthar construction by this mathod nvt year. Cauahren. Winters. Smith Com pany completed about !. fet oT canal with tha adaption of tha con crata ltnln of tha canal section In permeable material. Tha contract fur r.morlnr 'oca from tha submersed r..f. near tha mouth of tha canal at Bl Knd- waa lot to Robert WehefleM. Tha contract ttma eipired In May. but an extension ha been (tranted and th work will ba complrtad durlns; tha lat low watar season. On tha plla-Iilo project tha Mat. rortsa- Road h been esfnded. and Tha Pslles has been Its waatern terminus stnca April. OhiuIIIc reallj Improved. On tha Coqullla Rlvar. tha Jetties ara In s;ool condition and tha antranca channel has bean malntalnad at not lass than faat at low tlda. A " scow aparatln nar Bandon. by hlraa labor, has removed ISO snas at a cost of IS.ITI T. Tha river Is now practically cleared of snaars. A new romblnad inaf and drill scow has been eomplatad stnca last Fall at a cost of $il. and Is now at work blaatlne; rork on tha Cooullla Rlvar. Tha scow was constractad at North Band by Kri Banks last Kail. Tha dradsa Oron beran work on Juna 1 on tha Pandnn shoal and has removed about !. cubic yards of material. U)or Morrow bellevrs that th- entire projact will ba eomplatad by nevt November, opanlnc navigation far as !S mil's, to Coo,ullla. Ktnv dredatne operation wara ?o carnd on at Cooa Bay up to Juna 3 when tne dredc lron was takan to the Cmjulle projact. Twenty-five raw pontoons wara built to sTlvo a lFI.r plr!'ne and a total of about !V11 ruMr yards of malarial ra atd llnit a channel up tha bay as f.r a. trie A. Smith mill above lrhnM. at least ! feet wide, with controtltnc ovpth of 17 feet at mean )o water. Plans ara beln prepared at Washlnaton fr a saa-"lnK hf drin'.i. draoa-a for service at Coos Bay entrame. which will ba ready within, a year. Co Channel Ivcpcnetl. On tha Coo, River a snaer scow and dretce were oprated up to last No vember, r-movlnc Iars;a and J3 small snass. Tarenty-lwo hundred ruble yards of msterUI wera remove.! from the Island shoal on the aoutli fork, and tha channel on tha north fork was fredBd below AlleKhaney for feat. Tha cloaa of tha operation on tha Cooa River left It channel In excellent ondltluii. trlvlac a total baul of seven mile on tha Improved por tion. , J The steamer I'matllta and tha drertce Wallowa, with three drill scows, have been In operation tha ColumbU and t tr'h.i'arlrs aNov t'ia Celllo KalTa. this work bein dona In luae connec tion wlta t improvamer.l on Snaka fllver. Tha I"matllla removed consider able rock at Momly Rapid and con strwte.l a win dam to ronrrn trate tha flow of water over the shoal trravel bar after which ehe was re moved to levlla Bend, where the chan P wa made comparatively etralsht. thronh the rapids, for a distance of ! feet. The TYallowa was employed en the John r.iy rapids removlnc the rock to a of H feet at low water, and the three drill scows were emploved on the Snake River and the I rnllil a rapids. Considerable more work will ! ra nulrtJ on the latter project to put tha channel In ood condition. Another season of work, however, will put the llomly RapMs In shape for passace of boats as any slse. while In Its pres ent condition Its channel Is sufficient for the present demands of navigation. Tha total avema haul on tha river resulting from thesa Improvement la I've mile. I'pper River Improved. Between Vancouver. Wash, and the aiouth of the Willamette the channel a regarded ufriclent for all present avode. The channel from Hayden lslsnd to tha Washington shore car ries a rutins depth of 11 feet at low water. Work on the Snake River waa con centrated principally on the river be low Rlparla. since tha channel between Rlpara and Lwlton ha malntalnad It depth. The dam at ln Crossing Bar waa completed, seven fact above low water and 'e feet In lensrth. concen trating h flow and maintaining deeper rhannel acrosa tha bar. Other Improvementa on different raplda wera completed and on June t the steamer -Twin Cities" left Lewlston at 1 'clock with a party of excursionists, whl.b waa transferred to the Bailey Oatsert by way of the Portage Ra,ll WT. and landed In Portland at 1 p Thla la tha only Instance of a one-day boat trip from Lewlston to Portland, a distance of Ia miles. The locks at the Cascades have been available for passage of boats every day during the year. In addition to the regular work of maintenance th lit depoalt at tha entrances of tha canal from the freshet of 191 war dredged clear and tha ellt sediment on tha wall of th lock removed. Crater Jjtkf Snrrry Made. At the Crater Ukt National Park the survey for a road around the erater wa completed, with th esceptlon of three mllea over high cliff near An derson. Springs. Location for road from tha present lodge of the Crater Lak Company, oo the aouth elda Tim. says ha Anda thla method mrf taaaoua than lettlra contracts, becatisa of It areater fleslMIHT. and says that i. . w i.i..tinn in expend tha avail 'to tha antranca of tha park toward Klamath Falls, was also finished. Plans In the Crater Lake Park for the coming season Include tha comple tion of the aurvey of a road leading around tha lake, the location of a roa from tha crater to the eastern boundary of the park toward Prlnevllle. a road to the "Pinnacles" and development of more detail In the face of the "Watch man. Improvement on the Bluslaw during the past yaar have been conducted by the Port of Sluslsw. a municipal cor poration authorised by the oovernment to assist In the construction of Jetties. The Port of Tillamook has also carried on aetlve work on Tillamook Bay and bar which resulted In maintaining tha projected depth of feet at ordinary high water In the channel between the Bay Cttv and Tillamook. At this place tha total average haul, rlvar and ocean, for all article except lmber la now 180 mile: for lumber. miles. The total expenditure for Improve ments on river and harbor In the Flrvt restrict for the past flacal year has been l90.K 7. FRUIT CROP TO BE BIG ponnERx has pros- rfXT FOR BCMPKR YIELD. Second Hay Cnttlna Don and Stock Outlook for Coming Winter Dorlarerf Very Good. BOISE. Idsho. July 17 Preparation are being made In the Boise Valley and Southern Idaho a well a all fruit section In thl state for the handling of the bttmrar fruit crop during the late Summer and early Fall months. It Is now estimated by expert horti culturist who have made an Inspec tion of the crop that the yield will be larger than It waa last year and a better variety. They declare that al most twice the choice fruit of thla section will be hlpped thla year over the amount hlpped last. The' fruit la beyond any possible dsnger of dam age. Frost did little harm while the unusual amount of rainfall proTed a great boon to the forming fruit. The New Plymouth Fruitgrowers' T'nlon has contracted for one of tha largest frultpacklng house erected In thl state, a two-tory. 40xl00-foot building, modern In every respect and to be erected for the handling of thl year crop. The capacity of the pack ing plant will be two car per day. al though thl will be Increased a the season advance. New riymouth la the site of the plant. This town Is In the heart of the famous Payette al ley. Leet year thla association handled 1 car of fnilt and thl Fall expect to park twice that amount. New Plymouth boasts of a genuine Irrigation wliaard In the person of Walter Burke, who ba the manage ment of a ioo-acre orchard four mile southeast of that town. Tha land on which the orchard stand la exceed ingly uneven and I without n doubt one of the mot difficult tract being Irrigated In Southern Idaho. There la not a missing tree In the entire J00 acres and a test on one of them re vealed the startling fact that It waa growing at the rapid and marveloua rate of a half Inch per day. From June 13 to July 11 thl tree grew 1S Inchea by actual measurement. This 1 prob ably a record growth for the North west. While the fruit condition never looked better In the southern part of thla slate, the prospect for a bump er hay and grain crop are a good. Iry farmers will have one of the Urg es! crop In the history of the coun try, due to the lata rain. The outh matern and eaatern part of tha tate la favored In thl respect. There I double the amount of land dry farmed thl year than there wa lat and many experienced rancher taking advantage of tha late Spring and the promising rain planted late grain crop that will net them big returna thla Fall. Th aecond cutting of hay ha been completed In all section of th tte and from the blr yield the tock feed ing condition In thl tale this W In ter will be tha very beet. Alfalfa In particular I bearing exceptionally heavy. It I not at all unusual for the atand of this hay to measure over seven feet. In fact. In many aectlon It haa gone as high a eight feet. FATHER WANTS DEED BACK A. C. Cahlll. 7. Ask Conrt to Nul lify Transfer to Son. Jud Kavsnaugh will give a de rision tomi.rrow morning In the case of A. C. Cr.Mil against Leroy C. Ca hlll. In which a father la seeking to have declared null and void an agree ment rntere.l Into with he son. T!ie eloer CshlM. ''2 years of age. asserts that he ess coerced Into sign In a rontrart. by the terms of which he s to deed his property to the joung man and place the deed In es crow until his deatn In consideration of the young man providing him a home for the remainder of his life. Tl.e proper! v Involve.; Is seres In MarysvlUa aKl'lon to tl:e City of Port land, pear 1-enle. On tha stand yesterday the elder Cahlll swore that we elgned the con tract rather than submit to a verbal drilling" which he had Buffered at the han -s of hi ion on ech Of tha iwo nights previous. The young man. he testified, wss a special deputy sher iff and carnea a - The teetlmony showed that Leroy Cahlll and his wife had come from California to live with th old man following the death of Mr. Cahlll. 8r, ,0 Undeveloped that tha contract wa signed March of thl year- and the following dav the old man left hla itome and. after conultlng another on. Bert, to whom he wlehe to give some of bis proper!-, went to Attor ney W. A. Leet. The agreement called for an outright deed for part of tha property and provided that tha on wa to pay " ae and other expenses of theet and be given a first lien for such expendlturee. The elder Cahlll ald that ha had agreed to deed Leroy part of the prop erty in consideration of the younger man and his wife living with him but objected to the clause relating to tha remainder of the acreage. STOCK ACTORS MARRIED Spokane Girl Leave California Company to Mate In E- SPOKANE. Wash- July 17. Special.) Miss Nellie McKetlar. a popular Spo kane girl and well-known actress, and Ceorge McQuarrte. a former etoek com pany favorite, with the Jessie Shir ley Company, were married Bunday In New Tork Oty. New of the marriage was received thl morr!n by Hugh MeKellar. of the Bpokana Cycle Supply Company, a brother of th. bride. Miss MeKellar waa with the Jeasle Shirley Stork Company for a short engagement. j4,t,r h appeared with McQuarrla on tho Pantage circuit. Our In the Inst seaaon McQuarrla haa been with the Poll Stock Company, of Waterbury. Conn, and Miss MeKellar has been In stock la California. Tha bride went Eaat July 1. and th mar riage occurred Bunda MQDJESKI HERE TO n BRIDGE Noted Engineer to Discuss Broadway Span With Board Saturday. GRAVEL BEDS VIEWED Builder Insporf" Work 4 5 Fee Be low Wafer Level Caissons to Bo Sonic Only SS Feet Entailing Big- Saving. A special meeting of the bridge com mittee of the Executive Board will ba held at the City Hall Saturday morn ing whan Ralph Modjeskl. engineer of the Broadway bridge, will take up with the committeemen contemplated minor change In the new steel trnc ture. Mr. Modjeskl arrived In Portland yes terday, from Chicago, and went at once to Inspect the work of sinking the 1: ;v:!?- Ralph Modjeekl. Broadway Bridge Engineer. Who In spected Work eaterday. caissons, which I now In progress on the Kast Side. Me examined the cement gravel 4S feet below the water level, and will go down and look at It again Saturday, he says, sfter the workmen clean up the Interior of the caisson. Engineer Modjeskl believes It will not be necessary to sink the cais son deeper than it feet instead of SO feet aa called for in the original plans. The reduction of 18 feet on eacn cais son will save the city 114 a cubic yard, the cost of sinking the big steel cylin der and filling it with cement. Depth la Overestimated. Somehow." said Mr. Modjeskl. "the men who do the preliminary boring get the depth of the gravel greater than It really Is. and when wc come to sink the caisson we usually find we don't have to put them down so deep. I don't know why this Is un less It Is because the Joints of the sec tion overlap as they are driven down, and cause the men to estimate a greater depth than they really have. "I will take thla subject up with the bridge committee, and also the ques tion of putting In an entrance to the new bridge from Crosby street. The property-owners have taken up this question, and are uulte anxious that an entrance to the bridge be provided at this point. Break In Wall Needed. "The original plana call for retaining walls on ea-h side of the approach on th East Side, where It goe through a cut which will be msde for It. If this retaining wall were built as now contemplated It would close Crosby street. It would be ridiculous to extend the brldae approach Into Crosby street to the west of the bridge, as the street runs only a short distance before strik ing the blulT. But to extend the ap proach Into Crosby street to the east would he practicable. It will cost the city considerable more money, however. To do It a break must be made In the retslnlng wsll to the east, and the wall extended along each side of Crosby street, as the property owners do not went tlielr property to slope down to the brlilce grade. "Another question I whether th city I to furnish II own trolley pole and tracks, and lay them, leasing them to the railway companies who operate over the pew bridge, or whether It is to per mit the rallwsy company to lay them. The streetcar company took up with me the technical matters about curves, snd also the question of moving the tracks from Seventh street. Car to I" so Inalde. "It Is planned to give room on the outside of tb bridge for slow-moving t raffle and to give the streetcara and automobile th Inside of the bridge. "One difficulty we will have to meet Is th width of tha car to be operated by tha Mount Hood Railway Power Com pany. I am told they are to operate 10 foot cars. The ordinary Pullman 1a only Dine feet six Inches wide. We have al lowed 18 feet six Inche between curb for th alow-moving traffic, and 19 faet six lnohee between guard rail for th ears. It appear that thl will probably be Insufficient, and the plan may have to be modified- on account of the wide ear which are to ba used by the Mount Hood Railway. "For the West Side approsch the con crete pile are now being moulded and allowed to et. As oon as they have dried ufflclently they will be driven." MUCH PAVING IS LAID Vancouver Haa Active Year in $1, 000,000 City Improvements. VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 17. Spe Clal Vancouver treeta are now be ing' paved and the city thla Summer will expend f 100.000 In similar improve- HaHataf. . s. There are many treeta In thl city which hara been left unlmproyed from year to year, never even having had a Idewalk. but now that the growth of the commonwealth demands Matter walks, sidewalks are belrxr laid and the best of bltullthlc hard-surface pavement Is being laid. Nearly $100,000 will be spent at th State School for the Blind and for the Deaf thla year, an appropriation hav ing been made by the last Legislature. Th railroad compajiy l making- many Improvements and the city la to build a City Hall to cot $50,000. besides a trunk sewer. There are many brick block under construction and there ia a general air of prosperity In Vancou ver, work being done and planned for thl year will amount to at least $1,000,000. WRECK PREVENTION AIM Interstate Commerce Men Besln In quiry Into Oregon Trunk Craeli. Interstate Commerce Inspectors have started an Inquiry Into the causes of the wreck of the Oregon Trunk Rail way last Monday in which seven lives were lost, their activity being In ac cordance with the Federal statute en acted May 6. 1901. authorising Investi gations of all railroad accidents' In which one or more persons are killed. T. C. Hays and G. B. Winter, reg ular operatives for the Interstate Com merce Commission, have been detailed on the case, and yesterday took up their Investigations in this city. The object of the federal Investiga tion is not to make criminal action against the responsible partlea possi ble, but to learn the causea of tha disaster so that recommendations may be made that may prevent a repeti tion of the accident. The new law went Into effect July 1 and this is the first case In the North west and the second In the United States to undergo Federal investiga tion. The first wss the wreck on tha New Haven road which occurred on the asms day. as the Oregon Trunk wreck. Winter and Hayes are regularly em ployed by the commission for Inspec tion work and were away on another detail when the Oregon Trank wreck occurred. They did not take np the investigation until a few day ago. SHERIDAN WALNUTS THRIVE Oregon Agricultural College Profes sors Inspect Orchards. SHERIDAN". Or- July 17. (Special.) A. B. Cord ley. Dean of -the Oregon Agricultural College. Professor J. A. Bexell, Professor C. I. Lewis and H. K. Sargent of Portland were in Sheri dan yesterday to inspect their fruit lands, which are in The Hylands, Sher idan's famou fruit district. Franquette walnut trees, one year old and grafted on black California two-year-old roots, planted in March. 110. have made a remarkable growth on the red hills of the Sheridan coun try where the professors' holdings ara located. Following an examination.' Professor Cordley said that the treea have made a growth of over 30 Inches since early Spring, this year. The Churchill-Matthew Co. of Port land has recently sold in G and 10-acre tract an 800-acre tract of walnuts and cherrle adjoining the city. H. B. Miller. President of the Hyland Fruit Growers" Association of Sheri dan, has called a meeting of the as sociation for August, when a dlscus elon of walnut and cherry culture in the Sheridan country will take place. PORTLAND'S GAIN BEST Postal Increase, 17.1 Per Cent, Is . Biggest In Northwest. In the report covering the postal re ceipts of tbe principal cities and towns In the Pacific Northwest ror tne ear closing June SO. Portland shows the larg est gain of any or tne larger ernes m this section. This city's receipts for V- .1. n.nnh. r.t 1911 wei0 X9K7.0&L a ; tiAj "V IT 1 ier rent over piu vi v. - - - those for the corresponding period of 1M0. The showing-tor me same penuu last year was $?98. 833. or the Insignifi cant Increase of $2180. Salem. Boise and North Yakima all have large increases. That for Salem Is $14,036. or 28.1 per cent. The list of Increases in the lead ing Northwest cities is: Dai, it ft punt Increase over the HVI , ..0 f . preceding year; Billings, 4.3; Helena. 11:' Portland, li.i: sniem. nening- ham, 3.3: Everett. 9.7: North Yakima, 1X.2; Seattle. 2: Spokane. 6.1: Tacoms, 2.2, and Walla Walla, 4.8. REWARD RECOVERS BODY Friends of Drowned Italian Pay Man to Drag River. - VANCOUVER. Wash., July 17. (Spe cial.) Tempted by a reward of $100 offered by Italian comrades of Frank Caro, 35 years old. who died In the Columbia Hlver near Fisher's Landing yesterday. Jack Gustafson did not work at his Job today, but made an effort to recover the body. With three big sturgeon fishhooks, Gustafson made a grappling hook, tied It to a rope and threw It into the river. The first throw caught the body and It was pulled to shore. The reward wa PCa'ro had worked at the quarry two month and went to the river yester day to take a bath. There was no water In the man' lungs, leading Coro ner Knapp to the belief that he died of cramp. COAL LEDGE DISCOVERED Molalla Man Find Apparently Big Deposit on Farm, ttt-"it J'l'I'T Or . Jnlv 17. (Spe elal.) A ledge of coal three feet thick, and which is believed to ex tend through a large hllU has been found on a farm near Molalla. The finder brought ereral amples of the coal to the office of Clyde McCrea In thl city, but askea xnai ms n... wtthheld until he Is certain that he wll derive the benefit from his discovery. m j- tutu luatr to the coal. but it Is considered as good. If not better, than muon oi inai 'Washington. Albert 'V. Allen We at Astoria, ASTORIA, Or.. July IT. (Special. ) Albert V. Allen, who for many '" wa one of Astoria leading merchants, died Saturday night of paralysis. He was born at Tort Moultrie. S .. Auguest 10, 152. He was a son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Harvey A. . , . a , . aainr1 aV ft 111) TV. U. S A. and in .1885 c.rr vrfth hi. paren via the Isthmus or " .J In 1880 Mr. Allen started In the general mercantile business In thl city. Mr. Allen wa. married to Mis. Elisabeth . . . . tnrflnn. July 31, 188L She .urvlve. him. The deceased -also Is survived by one . ton B. Allen, of this city, and four sons, John T.. Albert V. Jr.. and Anson G. Allen, of thl. city, and Harvey A, Allen, of Ban Francisco. norse's Kick Kills Boy. , tj.v. 17. (Spe- cll.) Olson, .on of Mr and Mrs. Carl Olson. i V"" ,... St chard tracts, died yesterday In the St. tune, received two weeks , ago Young draughtTerse, The child was uncon .clou. from the time of receiving tha Injury to hla death. MERRITT SEES WIFE Prisoner's Pathetic Plea Al lowed by Officers. WOMAN THOUGHT DYING Husband Begs That He Be Permit ted to Remain by His Spouse's Side, but . He Is Returned to Llnnton RockpUe. 'Moved to pity by the tearful pleas of Jesse Merritt. officers at the City Jail arranged yesterday an interview be tween the man and his dying wue i the Countv Poor Farm, whom he broke jail to see. Merritt. utterly shaken by the debauch, which followed his nreas. for liberty at the Linnton rockpile. two weeks ago, wept continuously In the cell to which he was returned after being recaptured by Deputy Sheriff Hunter on a nocturnal visit to his wife's refuge, early Sunday. "My poor wife," he moaned. "They are going to lock me up and I shall never see her again." It was granted that Merritt might go to the Poor Farm, but as -he had no money to provide a conveyance. Pa trolman Sims proffered his motorcycle and Merritt rode In that way, seated behind the driver. The scene when husband and wife met was pathetic. The woman extend ed a wasted hand and arm and smiled languidly as she murmured. "Hello. Jesse." Merritt broke down completely and begged her to add her request to his. that he be made a trusty to work at the Poor Farm during the woman's few remaining days of life. Mrs. Merritt smiled sadly as she re plied from the depths of a bitter ex perience: "I am afraid that you would Just go and get drunk again. Jesse." It becoming evident that the inter view was weakening the patient, Mer ritt was taken back to the Jail. "Let me go back." he begged of Ser geant Riley. "You can put a ball and chain on me, but let me stay near her till she dies." The man was reminded that no prisoner had received more sympathy and consideration than he. and that his craving for liquor had led him to break faith with the police and the court. His pleadings were Ignored and he returned to the rockpile yes terday. Merritt was arrested three times in three days for beinc; drunk. Twice he was given another opportunity out of regara for the condition of his wife. The third time he received the maxi mum penalty. Two weeks ago. in com pany with two others, he scaled the walls of the rockpile canyon and es caped the guards. Ho hid in the woods, waiting for an opportunity to visit Ills wife, until Saturday night, when ho attempted to break into the Poor Farm hospital. Mrs. Merritt is suffering from tuberculosis. Two sons, one of them onl 14 years old. are supporting themselves in the city. BETSErOUGH93, DIES NATIVE OF OREGON COVXTRY BURIED AT WASHOIGAL. Taughter of Cascade Indian Chief Survived by Six Children Hus band Died 2 7 Years Ago. WASHOUGAL, Wash., July 17.-Spe- clal.) Mrs. Betsey Ough. aged 93. died here today at her son's home. She was a daughter of an Indian chief ot the Cascade Indians, a tribe or the Chinook?. Her maiden name was Schley hoos. She was born In 1S12, and at the age of W, was married to Richard Ough, an Englishman, who came here as the boat- main of the Beaver, an isngnsn man-or war.. He was an officer with the Hudson Bay Company, also at the time of his marriage. She was the mother of 31 children. Six of whom survive as follows: Mrs. Sarah Pambrous, Benjamine J. Ough and John Ough, all of Washougal: Mrs. urace m. Latourelle and Frederick Ough. of La tourelle. Or., and Mrs. Mary Sweeney, living In California. After her marriage she lived for a time In the Tualatin Valley In washing- ton County. Oregon, From there she moved northeast of Portland about six miles to the Dufer district, and in 1552 they moved across the Columbia Klver and settled in this part of Clark Coun ty, where she resided until her death. There were only three families here when she settled here 69 years ago on a donation land claim. The land claim covered most of the present townslte of Washougal, and extended for a mile ana a quarter along the Columbia River. The name of Ouch and the Ough homestead were well known In the early days, and many travelers in this section who had occasion to pass up or down the Colum bia River enjoyed the hospitality of Betsy Ough. She died surrounded by her children and grandchildren. Tha funeral service was conducted here today at the home of Mr. na airs, jonn Ough. byRev. C. F. Clapp, D. D.. and hnrinl was in the Washougal Cemetery. by the grave of her husband, who died 27 years ago. INDIAN SLAYER ARRESTED Prim Weeks Submits Peaceably to Capture at Klamath Falls. KLAMATH FALLS. July 17. (Spe cial ) Prim Weeks, the Klamath In dian, who on July 3 shot and wounded Allle Harding, the latter dying three days later from blood poisoning, was . vi.moih Falls Saturday DrOUKHL i ........ and will be taken to Portland, where he must face a cnarge oi i""'"' ... i . . ,o resistance when ar rested by Indian Policeman Abraham Charley. HOTEL NEACOXIE GEARHART, OREGON. (Clatsop Jjeaca; European Plan. Rooms by day or week. Moderate Bates. G. L. BEES, PBOPBIETOB. Writ or telegraph for reservations. PORTLAND HOTEL L. Q. Swetland, The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 850 Booms, 104 Suites, "With Private Baths. NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING Moderate Rates. Phil Metschan & Sons, Props. E. P. ifSl MORRIS, Proprietor. FKnCD SEPT., 10O8. PRIVATE HOTEL LENOX K. D. and V. H. JORGENSEX, Prop, and Mgre. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. dot and Cold Water. Lena; Distance Paoa Im livery Room. RATES $l,OOand Up THE Commenrlnc July rm lUF.KirAX AND Very Attractive Pennanen Flo Gentlemen. Hotl Newl Table d note Table d'Hote , v-r..K a fek . v,.-" v Refreshments sw rrrrrr 3 r-iuxt. Private Dinner i'arue, i.uu I'ersonal Attention. Perleo 1L V. BOWERS. For Seventeen Vear C . sr -i-fi JZ&ry Portland Hotel Donnelly TACOMA, WASH. Most Centrally Located Hotel ia tha City Recently Modernized RATES 75c TO $3.00 European Plan Free 'Bus sa&tilttatBBB . .... i is . 1. 1 l, etvlmmtntr InSt charge of th swimming exhibUions l Miss Schloth will also give Instructs CHICAGO (men MILWAUKEE . J P'JU ST. LOUIS $70.00 NEW YORK . MAQ CA PHILADELPHIA plW0.0U BOSTON ..... $HO.OO BALTIMORE . Cfl WASH INGTONf PAU'-DU . , ii t..i iq on Ofi. 27. JlCKeiS 601U oujy IV. 1. - ' "r- October 31. Stopovers and choice . , .in oo 'ill -ii,. NonTpmiiM.r Detroit, $81.00; Rochester, $91.35; ; 1-j.?.s Inland Empire. Express Leaves . . North Bank Limited Leaves . . CITY TICKET OFFICE, FIFTH AND STARK STS. THE NORTH BANK STATION, ELEVENTH AND HOYT STS Tha largest and most magnificent hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan $1.50 per day and upward. O. t. KATFMAVX, Manager. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Rates, $1.00 and tip. Moderate price restaurant in connection. Mgr. C. H. Shafer, Asst. Mgr. THE CORNELIUS The House of Welcome, corner Park and Alder; European plan, new. modern and strictly up to date; fine sample rooms; rates 1 per day and up; rooms with bath. 2 per day tip; all outside rooms; our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washington New Hotel, Eleicaiitly Furnished. Rates $1 and Up SPECIAL RATES FOR rERMANEXTS, European Plan. Take any car at Depot and transfer at Washington St. ST. E. FOLEY, PBOPBIETOB. BATHS. BOWERS HOTEL v,mIb1 Ana Nineteen Hunorea HOT" ElROrEAX PLAN t Rates to Families and Sln y Furnished and DBCOrJ.t.el?1; irwii Lunch... ........a .6 .,. 1.0U Also a la C In T. . Room IT arte Menu. ntil V2 o ciock r. m . j, i TT..aT v.vnlnr. Served on Bo irheons and Banquets Given t Service tnAil ieprwi. PKES. AND MGR. s Mcr. The Portland, l!e? flonrKrirr -THE-SEA. nuicl ucdiiiau " (CLATSOP BEACH.) Improvements completed, ready tor Summer Bneats; American plan. Res ervations can be made with H. C Bowers, Bowers Hotel, Portland, Ore gon, or . by mall, telephone, or tele-, craph, to Hotel Genrbart. ructress of the T. W. C A., will have n Gearhart Katatorlum during season. n in swimminc uu m,i-r.. ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH OMAHA KANSAS CITY WINNIPEG DENVER COLORADO SPRINGS $60.00 $55.00 Direct Train Service To St. Paul, Chicago, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Denver . 28 and August 3. 4. 5, 14, 15, 16J - . , ,'.7 T?of lim; -' - - ... ,- of routes in each direction i . i. i 111111 ..w i..... . - July 2b, '11 and J. August 14 to 17. 9:55 A. M. 7:00 P. M.