TT THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1911. EUROPE AN OUTLET Market for Northwest Flour May Be Exploited. MILLS HAVE A SURPLUS T. B. WiU-ox Point Oat How the fl of the Product May Bo WMenext Sound Miller Approve of It. I'np tnllTera of th. Northweat ar eon- s.iertn th matter of extendlns; the 1 f fl'ujr la Euron. Th subject was brouxht a ay T. B. irilcn at th. dinner ot the Wu.1!tto Millar Aaaxx-latloa at Ta-oma n't waa favorably ra I vl. Mr. VJmi pointed out that a wld-r mar ket was aeede.1 far th. flour of Orcfoi and TCuMnil'ia. Th. mllllnc capacity haa In ctiwI In recent 7-r thai th. futl out rut cianot be sbsortwd br th. local, tha Sruth American and th. Oriental trad and r i'ItM exploltm th. marketa of Kurop wher th. surplus could b. disposed of. tri former year there was a lars flour kminm with Enrp and mtnr enwi w.ra sipped annually br aalimi vla from Ore mm arid California. Tine, tha te thr has nit bn mirh done In thla lrn. thouch mall shipments ar ."Ill btna maj. br T - . ::iar. tt was pointed out that with tha direct sieanehlp line In operatloa from tha ooBd t E-jmp th. business Bi'.iiht ba workad up. parttlarly with tha Cnlted Xm lorn, to that br tha tta. ti Panama Canal la flr.'afiad th.ra will ba a well etasl!nd nottpwt of our floor eastward. s tha trad, wtta Fn.-op decltned a bl intra. t feat opened up ta th. Orient. Th. A.latl mukit. however. U aereasarlly oa a low basts and th. trad, wtth that quart.r tn tha pact two year baa ufferd bcoi of th. hiss coat of her. It tha Xntn Paclflo miller would quota a reasonab' prtc oa flour to th. buyr of Europ and aur tham of a at.adr tup plv. Mr. Wilcox believe aa outlet could be found th.ra for th. surplua Tha cost of nro.Ioetloa could ba Imiim4 br runnlnc th. mills contlauallr. Instead of aa part time aa bow. and tha tranaportatloa .ad would o. fostered. MUI feed would a'.ao b cheapened and Ita a.:. thrir lootMna, To accomplien thla and. however, lha alwtf mrkt tn th. Northwest would hav to ba raein'aiaed oa a parltr with rTirop. Eurr take wheat readily trom tha Fa rm Northwest, tha ehlpmente from tha Columbia River and Puxet Sound ta tha past ?ar a-a-resa:la t.0Sa.tlS boehela. and thara ta no roaaoa whr much of thla raisht Dot so f irward ta tha ahapa of flour. These w.ra merely auatlma br Mr. Wil cox and war. not aated upoa br tha mlll.ra aa a body, but ba asked th.m to think tha ma:tr ever and tall htm what they thought of It at a dlnnar ta Portland la Septem ber to which h. mvtted th.m. 11K5T UHJ or NEW-CROP HMT Qwallty la fthowa to Ba Coo4 Thrrahlac RMam Aeriiafartery. Tha brat aarnp:a of new-crop war nnlod br local drains yesterday and tso very good quality. Earlr thrvahlus r.tuma w.r. aaid to b. aatlafactorr- Th.ra waa practically "o tradins la lha lorai wb.rc mark.t. Th. utvl.rton. waa weak No r.v-tr p buamoaa waa reported. Tha N.t'c In th oa:a markat waa ataadiar aid la aoin ouart.ra tha markat waa called arm. but vwa war no hlah.r. xruiy toraica wbaat ahlpaanta wr ra portod br tha M.rcoanta' Cxcharaa aa fol Viwa: Thla Vk. Last Vk. La at Tr. Arw.ntlna l.)IIMi 1.101. Jl.O0 Auasralla i .. s. 1.0 ir.di t.ili l..o .0 Local roatpta In cara war nportad br ti M.rrhaaka i:-hana aa foUows: WtiMi Parlor Flour Oata Har Jor.. ....13 .. : .. T i.dar ..... a ft 1 t.:n- lay 4 4 . Thu-.lay !1 .. H 1 FrMr I .. 1 .. t Soar ao J .. 1 I f-..n to data. .Ill 111 1 41 7r . 1:1 u in ir ii tr.Mosn ADTANcrn 10 n a box Inimraa Trad la Mrloaa. Cantaloup, and rmk rruita. TVatersi.toc. cantalouoa and aaarlr all h' of fruit aotd ratr!ar aa fast aa fr coull b. ur.l.a.U.L Tha markat waa f-rm throbout- Aa akptert. th. lemon markat showed IV e'her advanc of AS cnta. faacr lamoaa b-l-s qooted at $'. Soma ef th' ar cHr& their aupplr and ar not sairtnc er-ar nv bos to a alncl customer. Locaaborrlea w.r -are aad firmer, tha ba: BhTrplos: atock brtnx-ln I1.1S. A ear of lomatoaa arrived aad war quoted at ILTJ ta lua: bae. SUE or STOCT MOW I. fOnEMIO la ratttfnrala, ta Cnt Is KHTmA aw Cw. trar fur Tolo. w-i nw toataeaa waa rcpoTtod yatr4ay la t Km markat for Oraaoa spot hops or fu t ma Tha saCa of th Stoat lots, piwrtoaaty annoxMod. war aontrmad. Callfoeula advtoea war. that IS cat waa oIT-rMl oa enweract fr to bale of Toloa, Th. t'ki snrp ef les bales of Itll Sasrw snentoa waa sold at Si Mats. A Londoa laitar dated Jan to ai "Tha reidltloa of tha KncUaa crop haa tnpTord and w wl.I arebahlr (t aa a tarn a. crop of 1 swt. par airtw. IOR rotLTKT ARfUtKet, PKICM e..K I'reokl K(. Ar a rVwrr a IlardT ta B Qoed. K!ses of chickens war larrw ynlmv dr Saa tha dar bofor and h market weaken!. hr. a (al'.ics back ta 114 Santa. O w4 Sprtnsa, horem, wr la demand at lwl tenia. rrask Orasoa were a sraro as barrW lr t b a-iutakia. Butter jad eh w.r firm wlthoot f'irrhr ehang la price. B l a Aantarr Quarter, TLar was aa?ther qoaner cart advanoa In th prtc of bars raatarday, which, brines th qwntatton ap to TS caata Th markat ta wmry strong and It s believed will so hiches. Mkawtac la ta r rack, A 9ruma shaea-a fa lha pack of canae4 peas Is rcportad, and dell varies wfll aot stcad Pr cnL. Tha corn pack mar ale b Usht. Ths CJtiilrs weak will la i tna aiorr la c.a coca rnarkac Bank fTaaarln-. BasJc cIsatiaxs of tha No r'.h Waaler ell 'aa raalardar arcTa aa Io.jwa: t';artace. Bi!taf. rorttaad 3'.4 S S.a-l. Ll.).7t li.,534 Ti.-vcr. a 414.31 ll.vil i.-oka.-.a Iii.X0 li.iH Grain, Flour. Fseel, Kir. WHKAT Track prtce: Filerern, WJ :uN 81e; HBSslaa, 0c; Tailax. lc; ''n'iJrvrr- Praa. IHSOtSS Pr tea:;iats. IU: aaort. Ili-iOtiad; COHS V.'hola. 131 5: cracked. 31S0 per ton. BAJtl.Srr Cholc fie-1. n5 MJ par too. OATel No. white. MK par boa.' FLOC7X Paieata. per barrer; atraichta. I.aj; exporu. M So: S ailer. It-tO. fracam. 4.Ui wbola wheal. 4. TO, Hit-Timothy, oaw. 1I1; old. " tl. alfalfa, a.w. 12 JVOi cloear. naw. H.WS i srala bar. new. U. Trs-etahlc aad rrnlta. . . . roi'lTGnranftt. ft3flS oO per boa; CaUfornla ejrapefrult. UHl-. bananas. StJe per pound; plnappUa. o per pound; leraone. 4wl- FKiltH FKl IT i nmi-e. otw k. pour.d; apricots. fl.2A.ll.60 par cratal cTnt!rupea. XS Pr crato: peachea. H, per crate: laatenue.or.a. i a i o per pouna; ptume. " ' ' r terries. l."il.6i per crate: loianberrles. tl Hsl.ll per crata; blackcaua. 1 . pluma. I1.K1 "I Pr box; prunes, MJ 1. 1 a per ooa. .Mrvmn. . borrles. Tc; new apples. Il.Ttgi per box. VEIJllADLL? syre e .-v Coi.n . been a, 901-M eauoasa. - 6 i.:3 par bundredweljht; corn. -tObjUo per dosen; cucumbers. HtlM .r box: .(splant. lit pr peui; iaiiG( v . v luco. . 3o per doaen: hot-hous. I.ttuc. . . ... . . - . . . . j a a. Bar oound; p.ppera. 12Stloc per pound, radlsnea. USt par dui.n rauirb. ISAM per pound; to matuos. tl.'i pr box. SA-CK VEGE1TAB1.E3 New carrots. 3 per lark: turnip.. 2; beet a. $3. . . .. . . - o i 1 rr M 1 1 U C J r viiuu. --wv'e- pound, new California. K&3a. uMJAi Red. 11.74: wulte. (I par IkUU- fired. Dairy and Country Produeev. POL'LTRT Hona K14 4e; Bprlnsa. 1 !; ducks. rUit. lliOlic: seeee. 11c; turkeys. i-K. ilraaaod. choice. IJc. ko id oraaoa ranch, candled. 14 Olio par doan. . HITTER City creamery extra., l ana -pound prints. In boxeet i-to per pound: laa than box lot., rartona and aeuv.ry " .......... .,. mwtl rf-i.t-. iftee ISSc per pound: Youns America. lsjlUo. I'OKK Kencr. P"r r"-, VEAi Fancy. 11 il lie par pound. Stapl Orwcrle. -ii wz-ini rniumMa Hlear. 1 - Dour d tails. I2.10 per dosen; a-pound talla. 1J: 1 pound flata. IA40; Alaska plak. 1-pouad lat a. Il li. COFFEE Routed, ta drama. 23ff0 per pound. Nl TS Waltiuta 17ilo par pound; Pranl nuts. 14 o 18c; fl. carta. 19c; alraouda. KglSc; pecena. le; coeoanuta. POctfil per doien: chatnuts. Ma par pound; hickory Hut t. S'lOo Per pound. HONEY Choice. l-i-TS Pr easa; strained honey. IOC per pound. SALT Oranu.ated. lift per ton; balf ground. lOus. (t.Sv) per ton; 6vs. I psr ton. BilANb email whits. 4o; lara white, 4c; Lima, To: pink. 8c; rod ilsxUana. atc: bayou. &c niCB No. 1 Japan, 4ic; cheaper grades, tlJ)i,465: Southern head. SOTc: Im ported Imperial. Ike: Imported extra o. x. SUGAR Dry granulated. H.T0: herry. 15. 1: beet. li.SO extra C powdered, barrels. i.!; cub, barrels. 14.10. Diced irL'ITs Ancles. 12itilVo per pound: nprlco'a, Iftj; p cache. lilt) 12a prune.. It.. Ian. 109110: aiivvr. e while aad b.ack. vt0TV.c; currants, luar 11a: ralslna looa Muscat.!. SWOT Ho; bleached Thompson. 11 He: unbleathed Sul tanas, twe: aeeded. UwaeO. Mopa. a'aal aad Hide. HOPS 1P11 contracts, aoo per pwunw. lli crop, ilo; lo crop. lSSlPo; old. 8 l'o- MOHAIR Choice. 36T37V.C Per pound. U'OOL Eaatera Orenon. W9140 per psund. aocordiag to ehrinkasa; Va.ley. leO lie per pound. PfcLTb Ury. 10o; lamba. 3S 940O aach: pelts. TJcDH aach; sliearllnss. loetlOo HIDES Sal'ed hides, H BVHo per pound: ilted calf. l.Stfloc, aalted kip. Iter; salted ITHo: dry ca.f. lTjlc: dry atas. lluUc GRAIN HAU3 WheaU Two. Protrlelooa. HAMS IS IO 1- pounus. leviwc: 14 pounds, 18,0 lc; 14 to Id pounds. ISO . . . . . a . 1111:... tnned 19C; 19 ID 1 . ISWc: picnic. 12 Sc; cottafa roll. l4Wc dried beef seta none; outaide, aoaa; laaldea. LARD Kettle rendered, tierces. 12He; tuba. l:c. standard. Ilerces. 10 4.0! tubs, lie; choice tierces. te; tubs. 10c; short enlr.c. tl races. 8c; tubav liC OA.v ffaorj, ,IC: iiauiwu, ww.v :c: Easllah. 1 "c dry salt. 1-Vc: smoked. 13Vo: backs, light. S..t. lc; so.vevu. . 'v . - . - - ...... . - I ill... ..mti, ult. -2n smoked, 14c Oils. I tvrrn OIL Put raw ta barrels, pie; boiled, tn barrela. P3e; raw. la case a, pec; boiled, tn caaea. TURPENTINE (Jaaee, TSc; wood barrela, TO He: Iron barrels. 66c; 10-cae lota. TZo. (iACU.l. r. iiotor salnev irtia wrm.m, lo; caaea, U-c; bd gasoline. Iron barrels. 3Sc; caaea. So we- COAL Oil. Ordinary test, cases, is give; balk, la tanks. US'-: Man teat. 21114a OATS PRICE WEAKENS LOW BIDS OX ARMY CONTRACT DEPRESS MARKET. Tenders Are Submitted of S2T.7S and $17.40. Latter With Option of Portia nd Delivery. SEATTLE. Wash.. Ju!y 14. (Ppsctakr Ppot blueatem wheat was quoted a cent lower on th. Merchants' today at PI cents, but aa a matter of fact llttl If any. could b obtained under B4 cenis. fpet club and Cf were also rather Arm. Tha very lvw bids submitted by local deal ers oa the Government 'b.lll;ptn forase contract caused pronounced weakneea to de velop In tha coara. cereaia and lower prlcea reeulterl. W." Roblnaon submitted a bid of 14 4.' oa 10.000 tons of timothy and on cf I3T.T oa T-XX tons of oata. Balfour. Cuthrta Co. bid trT.aO on tha oata oa coa d.uon that they rwserr th rlsht to deliver at Seattle. Taroraa or Portland at thalr op tion. Aibars brother, of Tortland. was tha only Oresoa bouso to submit a bid. Th loweat Eaat.rti bid oa tha oata waa ISJ-a California firma war ail hlsa. Hotluejn offered a reduction of 1 cent par ton If awarded th ntlr business. Tb prir of lemons advanced SO cnta a bos. Th beat lemons ar now held at . Owing to a larg supply of bana-as, tha market I easier. Moat sales a.-e made on th basts of IH rente. Tha city demand Is not as brisk aa it haa been, owing to th. abundanc of other fruits. Tha shipping trad ts brisk. Commission men expect to do a flourishing banana buslnee. during pot latrh week. He vera: carloads tof bananas arrived yesterday and three more extra cara ar dua to arrive Monday. Th Srst consignment of Tsklma Furtiank potatoM arrived today and war. quote! at 2 cents par pound. Th outside prlc oa tha a -reel today waa J i cants. Blng cherrle wer practically out of tha market. Berne, of all klnda war. in limited supply. BarUatt pears wer offered at 1 per boy- liot sasthr tn th Puget Sound district ts commencing to make Itself felt In th l-ai ess market. Native eggs are arrlv tng tn poi'tr condition. Tha etrtollr fresh stock Is narrowing down ar.d dealers ar ask ing higher price. Thirty cents was an almoert general price for No. 1 etrtrtly fresh lot-el today. Other dairy produce waa unchanged. PROUCCB AT SAN TBAXCISCO. Quotation Current la tb Bay City Mar kets. SA! FRANCISCO. July 14. Tb. follow ing produca piit ea wer. current todar: Vegetables Cucumbers. tSO?So; garlic, tCIc; green paa, flQltO: alrlr.g beans, ltc; asparagua. 11.-3 4 LT3: tomatoea, wO aj;.V:i eTxrlant, Hutler Fancy creamery, CI He. Esse Stnr.. XSci fanor ranch. 54 140. f neeae Young Amrlaa USOH-a y.Kstufta Braa. :i2, moallags, n- i e o. Fruit Anplea. cholca, ll.SOi oommon. EOc j bar.anaa, 1191 T3 Mexican llmea. ITdT.SO; California lemona, shotu. $0; oommon, ll pinwpplra MelW Har vVhesu. llt14 pee toai wbaat aad aaia. r011i alfalfa. SIS 11. Potatoes Earlv Koaer nominal. Onions 4)Se S It, Beclpr Flous, 130 quarter sacks 1 wheat. ll'!0 centals: barlay, 40 eenlala; oata. 1TO0 can rale, potato, 61T0 sarkai bar. 1 ton a Crala at Seva Fraorisco, PA FRAKcnsco. July 14. Wheat, weak. Parley Steady. Spot quotatlor.a Wheat Shlrplnr. $1.42H Kel.SO. Barter Feed. $1 XT S 1-3S Brewing Nominal. Oata Bed. gl.H4Sl-4- " ""a Nomina:; Diacx, l-i;L;'X Call board nej trading. Barley Oeoember, $1.1448. STEEL THE BROAD Mills Are Rapidly Resuming Operations. RAILROADS ARE BUYING Movement of IXiotwear Gradually Increases Hot AVeather Ha an Ad Terse Effect on Re tail Business. NEW TORS. July It. Dunn- weekly ra rlevr of trade will say tomorrow: I'revalence of high temperatures through out tha country haga adversely affected busi ness, notably In retail lines. In response to tha broader demand for flnlahed materials, tbs ateel mills are rapidly resuming operatlona. having taken lasa time than usual for repatra and Inv.ntorlea. A mora favorable ahowing than had been ex pected waa disclosed In th unfilled tonnag report of tha Steal Corporation ordera on hand during Jun. Increasing 248.900 tons, whereaa In tha two montha Immediately pre ceding there was a combined falling off of fully M4.00O tors. Only a moderata accuraulatloa of pig iron has been reported and It Is believed tha out nut ut merchant furnace la now below con sumptive requirement a. Two additional stacks have bean biowa la at tna oouin. Activity la tha atruotural division la tem porarily mors pronounced In th West than In th East, but about I0.0OO tons have been taken her within the last fortnight. Num erous orders for railroad equipment ar In sight Movement or footwear graauawy mcrvaw. Buyers ar mor numerous In th New Eng land market, but caution continues to b diaolaved In all transactions. Ketall trade. however, eontlnues to show Improvement. Pronounced strength still rules throughout the leather market, wtth special firmness In sola leather. EVENTS OF WEEK ARK FAVORABLE. Trade Conditions Display a Better Vn- dertooa. NEW TORK, July 14 Bradstrefs to morrow will say: lha events of tb week have cean mamiy favorable. Including as fhsy do, the passage of th. heat wave, rains la drought-stricken sections, th maintenance of good condltlona aa to tha cotton outlook, and tha widening of activity In Iron and ateel. Though midsummer oulet still prvans. trad, conditions display a slightly bett.r undertone. Withal, buyers ar conservative about placing orders for future bualnesa. and comparatively few aalesmen axe on tha road. In tact, moat Interests seam ta realise tnai trade will not Improve much until th Fall season, when proepert as to crop yields would be more developed. Wheal. Including flour, exports from tha United etatea and Canada for th week ending July 13. aggregated 1.S01.0SJ bushols against 1.3IT.2T4 last weak, and 1.1U0.248 this week last year. Corn exports for th week ar 808.301 bushel, against BTS.010 last week and 440, 767 In tha like week of 1010. Business failures In th Vnltcd Stats for tha week ending July IS were 164, against 10 Isst week, 20Z In tha like week or iwiu; 2o tn 10; 2M tn lVOs. and 177 In 1907. Bank Clearings. NEW TORK. July 14. Bradstreet's bank clearings report for tha week ending July 13 shows an aggregata of $3.047,1 76. noo. as ssalnst 13.142,11(15. . Ian meek and 13.000, &3.0c0 In tha corresponding week last year. P.C P.C. Inc. dec New Tors! $l.TS7.83X.O0O 3.5 Chicago 27H.577.0.10 .... 1.7 Boston 17S.TlOP00 &.T Philadelphia ..... .8 .... St. Louis 7x.443.n-io 6.3 .... Kinsu City r.2.67.O00 16.4 .... Pittsburg 6n.04T.ono .... 5.4 (-an Francisco .... 50, M3.CM0 T.l .... Baltimore 31. 241. OcO 17.0 .... Cincinnati 27.02.iV) 1.4 Minneapolis 17.623.ono .... 14.2 Cleveland 23..l.0O0 4.S New Orleans .... 17.718.t-x 14.7 .... Ietrott 20.074.OOO .2 .... Omaha 14.417. 000 J ls Anselea 2o.17fl.on0 24. .... Loulevliie 14.5o4.OnO 10.0 .... Milwaukee . 14.277. ("TO T.l Portland, Or. II.411R.000 2 .... Seattle 13.17U.OoO 3.7 .... Ft. Paul 10.010.0n0 IO. S .... Atlnnta 11.on7.l0 141.8 .... BulteJo 10.T5T.o-iO 3.4 .... Penver 8.23O.CMV0 .... P.T Indianapolis ..... lOJAnoO 8.0 Providence 8.6"T.O00 9.T .... Richmond T. 4:4.000 .1 .... Washington. D. C T.72S.OOO 1.8 Ft. Joeph ' T.M.0.) 1T.1 .... Fort Worth 5.210.0O0 2 Memphis 6.021.DOO 44.2 .... Felt Lake City.... 0.M.V000 7-1 Columbus 6.121.000 i.s .... Albanv a.oi." .... 1.0 Tacoma . 4,109.000 ST.l Snvannah 4.112.000 4.fl .... tKokane. Wash. .. 4.05o.ooO .... 7.1 Oakland. CaU .... 8.7ik4.0X) 1.4 .... hirrem.-nto. Cal. . l.64.OO0 12. .... Helena l.flB.OOO l.l .... Houston SS.SB.OOO S.3 Clalvaston 14.247.QOO f!l.8 .... TRADlNGliMLYCEASES nr sin ess as stock exchange AT IX)W LEVEL. Dullness Duo to the fnocrtalnty as to the Crop Outcome Values Are Firm. NEW TORK. July 14 Th lowest level of thre years waa reached today on tha stock ax-chang. Transactions for th n tlr session wer 87.000 share, tha smallest Am-r-m huuau amea July 8. loot. Th lead- trg railroad and tndnstrlsl stocks held firm. Operator regaraea vn atte 01 uuuuvs tttto which the market haa fallen as natural at a tlm when mor definite indications of crop prospects are being awaited aa a guide to future movements, sot only la tha stock market but In bualn. Among th apa ctaltiea, th fertiliser stocks war most con spicuous, ail ef th stocks In that group recovering a part of their reoent losses on what appeared to be short ao-raiing. United Plate Steel moved listlessly. During on hour of tha morning not a shar of this stock was traded In, an ocourrenc which traders sa'.d had not been noted before sine tli admission of thla foremost of th in dustrials to tha exchange. Canadian Pactflo gained a point on th strength of the favorable crop report of th Canadian Government. Th volume of bank clearings throughout th country during th week reflects Im provement In commercial operatlona. Cities outside of New York, which laet web re ported a losa from tha total of laat year, thla week gained slightly, Ioee of 1.1 per cent at thla point Indicated no falling off In buaineea, but rather th oxtrame dullness of stock exohenge traneaotlona. Bone's ware steady. Total sale a, par value, l,tt.oo". mited States bonds wer un changed on call. CLOSINa STOCK QUOTATIONS Closing Pales, High, Low, Bid. Allls Chsl rf it ivitk 'ULi Amal Copper ,, li'T oft tv4 Am Agrlcti.t ., 6" 6t 51 67. Am Beet Sugar, sou 58 63H 634 American Can., , , . . Am Car 4k Frty, MA 5k 6'tJ Am Cotton Oil. 4.T'-) M 64 a 65, Am Hd lAJt 200 B4 B4 it Am lea oecurt., rr -v 1 too nof 14 Am Linseed oiim !, !!' i?w Am Locomotive, 100 41 -41 40 Am Bmel BeJ 1,000 &0 60 do oref erred,. 100 107'A loTH 10-H Am Flel Fdy.lftf,(l tutt rttrt ."5" aSJwooT,t, iiai tu m sia Anaconda 1WI CiT;ii n M' to vk AtcMaon ,.t.ft rfa Drfrra.. MX iSU Bethlehem fteal t,::; tiitl JJ1 Brook B Tran., 1.80d h3S M 83 Canadian Pac. 1 84-'J 241. 841', Central Leather 4u0 Wej 80 80 do preferred., f.,..r t...r tt'tj I' rt Central of N J, t;;it :;;:; ?" Ch.s at Ohio .. 1 SOA M 81 S R2 Chicago Alton 1.800 3 814 SI Chicago as Aitsa t v, .et r.rr tttit .0 Chi Ct West. .. . do preferred. . . Chicago & X W C. M Ft Paul. C, C. C li SI 1. . Col Fuel 4k iron Col dt Southern. . Conaol Gaa . . . Corn Products.. Del A Hudson.. D eV R Grande.. , do preferred.. , Dletlllera' Secur Erie do let pf .... do 2d pf . .. . . Goneral Eiec .. Gt North pf .. . Gt Nurth Ore . . Illinois Central. , Interbor Met . . do preferred.. Inter Harveater Inter Marina pf , Int Paper Int Pump Iowa Central .. . K C Southern. . do preferred.. LAdede Gas Louis 4k Nash.. Minn 4 St L. . M. 6 P A S S M XI o. Kan Tex do preferred.. Mo Faclnc Nat Btacult . .. Nat Lead lies N Ky 2 Pf N V Central . . . N T, Ont ec Wee Norfolk Wei. North Am Northern Pac... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania ... People's Gas .. P, C C t T. . Pittsburg Coal. , Pressed S Car , Pull Pal Car .. By Steel Spring Reeding Republic Fteel H do preferred.. , Rock Ialend Co do preferred.. 8t L 8 F 2 pf St 1. Southwest. do preferred.. Floss Sheffield Southern Pac .. Southern Ry do preferred.. . Tenn Copper .. . Trxaa 4k Pac Tol. 61 L A Wes do preferred.. Union Pacific .. do preferred.. TJ 8 Realty ... . I- S Rubber . . . V 8 Steel do preferred. . , tteh Copper . Va-Caro Cj.em Wabash do preferred.. . Western Md Weailng Elee .. Western Union. Wheel ALE.. 2214 44H 147is IL'1. 58 at 54 148 14 170 28H 57 H 3U 3.i 5 101 134 60 143 ' IS 51i 1"2 17 114 18 34 M 7'4 107i 154 311. 141 3i C71 49 135 r. 55. S0i 1"S 100 14TH 1.600 l-'tl1 14TV 120)s inn us I"". 14. 100 1T1S 143 14H 171H fxio SA 2.-"0 Sb-1 1.5O0 5b v "ion iki" l.i'va 134 100 eo i'.ioo 'isW SUO 1214 S4 iol'H 134 "is" S1H 121. 100 414 41V F.0 600 10Tt 154 -A 107 4 154 i. 400 141 H 'ioo 4" 141 200 11B H0 45 200 10' i',606 iii "ioi iii" 109 4- 109 131 125"" 4. '2Vx 124 ' lr. V 04 10 11 115H 157. 204 03 31 ' o-4 45 31 l 4SS 121S 112 '4 T2H 4H 2Si 21 4t 1S7S 04. 73 H 41H lisvl 40 s 5i 13 85 0 75 8OI, 1 11, 700 m 40 2i '"itnit 82 200 5 400 4d "inn "to T 48 4.400 123 300 32 i 1S7S 20 t 'iiVi 4i 4i 4S 122-i S2 2HH 22 2S1 11 4CO 1.2O0 lSSti T11O P." 1R7H 300 7BVi oo 8,700 60 BT T.'-S 4' 6oa 100 S no 4"0 800 4V, 75 'A SI 8Vi 174 H Lehigh Vslley.. th day, 87,800 shares. Total saiea tor BONDS. ..... - t 1 .nnlaMnns: NEW TORK. J"ir V"'"'"a S""- fi-V r . rel 2ereg.lOO4 N T C G 3'4s.. do coupon... l.-OVslNorth Pacifio 3a. 71V, V . .Te,.... IOI j.. North Pacific . W. do coupon ..h'iiiliiumi 1 . . . o-i u U S aw 4s rg.H34Wl.con Cent 4s. SMVi do coupon. ..11HV Japaneaa 4 80' D A R G 4s ... fl1! 4, atrm Mining Storks. BOSTON. July 14. Closing Quotations: Alioues 2 Mohawk J",. Am. Ld. sin.. ?IS'VtV"aaft." . 32 'I Boston Copper.'. 14 'North Lsk .... 8 Butt. Coal ..... lild omlnlon .. 48 Cal A Arlg .... 58 Osceola 13 rli Hla ,.461 .Parrot Centennial UH iu. Copper tsnga.. tw pn.oo.. - - cut Bull. .... i?.sopti,rTa-- 85?: Glr'.Tc.n-:::: 1&-?2fnu gratify c" S,jU . 8. Mint-, .. 3S Greene Cananea J v, do r'd- " lR,.i''e V-w'rtah Coppat I.. 40H Lake Copper .. 87 Kvinona iX Salle Cop .. 3H!vov.rln 112 allaml Copper .. 21 VI Monry F.xcJiatige. Etc. X- trxyr TORK. Jtliy ie. aiontiy uo v-,., gtoady; sl per cent: ruling rat 2H per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 214 per cent. 2 2. per ee. So deV: S nr cent: six months. 3HQ V I"" en- e- xersu. ner cent. ITim me" - y.r K..- Bt.rlln. exchange iteaay. im Inei." in l.nkers- "bill, at 4.8460 for 60-day IVm- -- -t ti tn2K for demand. Commer cial bills. (I M. Har auver, 1 , Mexican dollara. 45c. Government and railroad bonds, steady, tovnnv Julv 14. Bar sliver, quiet. 84 Sd per ounce. Money a " , Tha rata of discount in tn open maniw 14 psr it; for thre months" bills Is 1 13-18 to 114 per cent. (A TRANCISCO. July 14 Starling on London. 80 days. 4 81 H: sterling on London, sight. 4.864. . Drafts, sight, 2c; telegraph. 8c CHICAGO. July 14. Exchange on New fork, lao premium. Condition of th Treasury. WASHINGTON. July 14. At tha beginning of bualneas today the condition of tha United, Plates Treasury was: Working balauc. In Treasury of- gj In bankVan'dPhiuppIn Treasury Total balance In general fund.. 145.O.0.S.9 Ordinary receipts yesterday -,J?-,.! Ordinary dlsburaementa .......... 8.814.B4J The deficit to dat this fiscal year Is 114. 5S.4. as agslnst 11.847.113 at this tlm UThesrflgurs exclude Panama Canal and public, debt transactions. CNCKRTAINTT IN TUB WOOt. TRADE. astrn Mills ar Buying; Sparingly Bual- Dcsa In eat urnt. BOSTON. July 14. Th Commercial Bul letin will say of th wool market tomor- rThe Boston wool trad has passed through another week ot uncertainty and dullness, and mills buying but sparingly and dealers operating for small lots only In the West. Probably th total of transactions on the 1. . 1 , 1 ,4 not sTMad a million S09tOB .1', - pounds for th week, being largely domestic . . . . . 1 A Cn.ln. half nlood WOOIS. inCIUOing amoa V' " , at 22o: aome new Utah and Nevada woola at about 51o clan. and twelv montha and eight montha Texas wools at 11 and 14o respectively. . London opened unchanged on merinos and ... . , . .Mnhrli and three- eighths respectively. Liverpool opens Mon day with oirennga or rvw - Indie. ' Metal Market. - . t . 1 1 1 ; t a n rl a r o cooper c. v awv. e. - ; - , dulL Spot. July. August. September and Ootober. ii.wgu.iv':. " .7 ... -- . , . f,T aa til. 1m- SPOt. t aa xe ports reported at New Turk today. 24S tons, eustoms-nouse iviuiui - -- 42 tons so fa- this month. Lake copper. 11.78 0 Ho: electrolytic, 11.41 V4 0 12.750; cast ing, 11.17 Hi 11. 80c. Tin quiet. Spot, 41.808 4J.5c; July. 41.JS 041o: August, 41.54.luc: September. 41 60 0 41.1 Jo; Ootober. 4L17H C 4S.13 4a London easy; spot. 1184 15s: futures. tl- Lesd steady. 4.45 8 4.550 New lork. 4.JiH ei.Ue East Bt. Louis. London. 13 7s d. Ssles. 100.000 pounds St. Louis. July at 4 40c. Spelter firm. 8.70 8 8.75o New Tork; S.4S CI 45c East St. Louis. London, 15. Antimony, dull; Cookson's, 8.10c. Iron Cleveland warrant, 40a lOHd In London. Locally Iron was steady.. No. 1 foundry Northern. 811013.38; No. 2 North ern. 814.78 013; No. 1 foundry Southern and do. soft. tH.7.filS., . ""With my investi gation, I would bo willing to pay 50 cents more per square yard for b i t u litbic' than for any other paving on the mar ket," Bays Mayor Weinberg of Colfax, Wash. THREE GENT SLUMP Wheat Drops on Fear of Forced Liquidation. BANKS . MAY CALL LOANS Wholesale TTnloadlnj; In the Chicago pit Short Selling Adds to, the Pressure Bullish Report on Canadian Crop. CHICAGO. July 14. Fear of foroed liqui dation, through tha calling of loana by banka had considerable effect today In causing wheat prices to smash. Record-breaking de liveries of new wheat from th farms put trad facilities undsr a heavy strain. At on tlm th market showed a fall of mor than thre cents for ths July option. Tak ing tbs list as a whole, latest figures, how vsr. wer at a net declln of but l,c 2Uc Corn finished with a gain of H 8 He and oats up HCHc Th ontcom for hog products wss a loss of 2 V4 15c Wholesale unloading, hedging and short selling mad the pressure on the vcheat market tha greatest sine the and of tne big deal here In May. The Impresalon spread that tha principal longa wera letting go 01 holdings not only In Chicago but also at St. Louis. Meanwhile, arrivala of wheat at primary points totalled thre tlmea aa much aa a rear ago, and six times aa much a two yeare ago. Coupled with thla extraor dinary condition, there wa a notlceabi timidity all through the trading, the rea aon being tha possibility of unexpected de velopments as a result of the closing up of the affairs of a house formerly promlnant in the pit. Moreover, practically all th cur rent news of the day had a bearish east. A notable Instance waa an official report declaring the condition of th Canadian crop to be 12.5 per cent better than at th cor responding period 12 months previous. Tha final straw, though, cam from reluctance of would-b buyers, who wers restrained by an Idea that th banks might withdraw support from operations which might ap pear to be of an unduly speculative char- ... v3.w-.,. . 1, nnnlnr and th Close, September, tha most aotlve month, rangad from 87to894c closing weak at 8Tc a net decline ot I'igtc Th. eom market waa extremely nervous and Irregular, but constantly higher than last night's level, despite th weakness of wheat. Leeding bulls were buying heavily In an effort to stampede th short inter ests. A prominent exnert Issued a statement ,v,. at tin. 000.000 bushels hbelow that of 1910. September fluctuated between 68HO ana T406 firm HO4C up at 87CHC. Cash gradea were In good demand. No. 2 yellow finished at 678 Vic. Oata were purchased actively by th same people who headed tha buying of corn. There was. however, a treat deal of profit-taking by longs, and more short selling on tha part of cash housea and shippers. On author ity predicted that the new crop would not exceed 700,000,000 bushels, as compared with 1 loaoooonn bushels laet vear. man nnu lA nnlnta reached by the September option I . ' . . -. . 1 . V. 1,.. 1 during tne uay were 1 t v w.,m saa i0c net higher, at 47 4 0. Th provision pit had a deserted look, be cause of the overshadowing Interest In grsins. Pork closed dragging. 1015o net lower, lara orr 2V9g aau nua uutvu ra & 10c Th leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. July 4 .88 $ .S 8 .85 x sept ."sit .en. Pec .. .- . May . -e CORN. July 63H .6 .!Jt "ct sept .kits -i :: Dec 647 .45V, .64H May .d6i 7a .8S .664 OATS. Julv 4 -47 .4BVX .4011 Sept. 47 ,.474 4S s .49-4 .444 .474 .4Se .4Ss .50-A .5114 Dec. May. .51 .81 Vi MESS PORK. Sept 15.92H 15.82V4 15.77iS 1S.59 LARD. Sept - 87 8.87H . s.tivi Jan 8.40 8.42 H 8.40 8.40 SHORT RIB3. sept 8.50 850 8.40 ;; Jan 8.16 8.17V. 8.10 8.10 Cash quotations war as iohows: Flour Steady. Rye No. 2. 83c. Barley Feed or mixing, 70985c; fair to choice malting, 81.08 91.14. Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, nominal; No. 1 Northwestern, nominal Timothy seed 19 13.50. Clover $9 15.50. Pork Mess, per barrel. 815.87V. 18. Lard Per 100 pounds, S.30. Short ribs Sides (loose), 87.62 Vi 08.50. Oraln statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour wer equal to 74.000 bushels. Exports for tn week, as shown by Bradstreet's. wer equal to l.SOl.000 bushels. Primary receipts wer 1.629.000 bushls, compared with 635.000 h'i..hjia the corresDondlng day a year ago. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 424 cars: corn. i8 cars; oats, 118 cars; hogs, 8000 nad. Recelpta Shipments, harrela 14.100 28,900 Wheat, bushels 641.200 139,200 257,200 879,100 "V.ioi Corn, busheia . Oats, bushels 164.800 Rye. bushels ,V5?i Barley, bushels 18,000 European Grain Markets. LIVFRPOOU July 14. Wheat. July. 6s ini.,1- notobar. 8 8d: December tig 9d. Weather clesr. English country markets quiet. French country markets weak. Minn capo 11a Wheat Marltet. . MINNEAPOLIS, July 14. Wneat, July. D4lc,; September, 94Tn5c; December, 08V4o: No. 1 hard, 74c; No. 1 Northern. BdV.e714o: No. 3 Northern. 68Vi9oo: No. 8 wheat, 91V. Mo. Grain Markets of tha Northwest. TACOMA, July 14. Wheats Blueatem, 63 000c: fortyfold, 87c; club, 85086c; red Rus sian. Wo. SEATTLE, July 14 Wheat Bluestera, 2c; fortyfold, 64c; club, S3o; Fife, 83c; red Russian, 81ci oats, 828.50 per ton; bar ley, 824.50 per ton; bags, 87.25. Csr receipts up to noon, wh-wt 1. oats 2, hay 4. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and othr Blro Cloous Pavsments. 8C8-608 Electrl bids. Portland. Or. Oskar iAuba. Manager. TRATELETtS OTJTDB. STEAMSHIP nESERTATIOJIS ASO TTCKTETS DOIWEY B. SMITH. MANAOEH General Steamahip Agents) AJ.L LINES 09 Fifth Strewt Portland, Or, NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR fKEIGHT BERVICSj Lor- Rates. Schedule Tina. iMERICAN-HAWAIlAN S. S. CO. fit Mail way Exohauge HldsJ. Main I8TI. Altai. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Cnlon Line of Z-l TtA TAHITI AMU WKLXAGTOS Direct thfuusS eteamera, aalllng fromBaa FranVlaeo, July 6 and everyS flays. Well ln0 aad tack, lat clan, 1204, Either rates .fi low. Th. Un iq Isles f th Sontn be For rssawvatUne s.. Coupon RaUroadAe-nta, W ailreas" Qsaanlg al, aV Ca- ta iiwaoa,,., The Capital Stock of LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK has increased four fifteen CAPITAL STOCK MARCH 1, 1910 $250,000 CAPITAL STOCK JULY 6, 1911 $1,000,000 ON FIFTH THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: AVC. AIS1WORTB, Prsld.nt. R. W. 8CHMEER, Cashier. T4 LEA BARJTES. VIee-Prealdent. A. Hi WRIGHT, Aa.Utant Cashier. W. A. H01VT, Asalatant Cn.hler. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES LADD1 TILTON BANK Established 1859. i- Capital ' $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits ' 800,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued avail able on all' parts of the world. Corner Washington First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 sf Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains TRAVELERS" OCIDK. OFE3I IUTES X8ANSFORTATIOM CO. n.n at i i i a D 1 XV.J.rM. 1 trtli Frslght receded dally at Oak-at. doe for Tne Dallas, good River. Whits falmon. Umatilla. Keanewlok. Pao. Blohland, HnrorJ Whit Blafts. ' ton. Idaho, and la- - .(aa aaanlntaaa - a a ,alTlk.TrTa FAKL 5U LU1! TO HOOD B1EK 'WHITK BAIJtOM, THB - P A Is 1 fc-m- xV k. BraaUwwSd. Oa I Mcs. Pbon Mala 8ot- A aai, COOS BAY LINE STKAMKW BWUKWATEB slia (mm Alnsworth DocSl. rortland, t a. u JunaloTlll. S8. 0S.J1?.0- "k ft. SoTand vsr B days. Freight received it Ainswbrth dooa dally up to & P. M. Paa- lira, nrat-elaaa. flOl savond-olaaa, rnoludmi isauJaZa bsWh. Tleket olj ir Alnsworth Doea. Phones Mala 20 Mala 1T0. A laa. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. IteTth Faa)fl , CaVf B. . R aad 6. B, Midas sail ovary Wednesday alt. i?ir t " . mT 3ik oiiio m Tair St., aeas Alder. taAOTQf , mOLEI, Paaaenres Aswaa. att.UlV-'- Willamette River Route Steamer Oregona for Balem and way land, hiss, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6:48 A. M, Etoamep Pomona joy Dreaop f,"'. JallyJ 8 A, 3 8 P, M., Sunday P A, M., and tTavlosMaeea Pwati, Phoa Mftto i WW the - fold during the past months AT STARK and Third Streets. TRAVELERS' OUTT1I1. AMERICAN WHITE STAR RED STAR ATLANTIC TRANSPORT . WHITE STAR DOMINION Canadian Service. Co.'s Office, 619 d are., Seattle or C. W. Stlncer, 254 Wash. I A. II. Charlton, SS Stor.j i F. It. Johnson. U 8di E. r Jlalrd, 100 8di l. B. Smith? 68 Bth, H. Blckson. 128 8d. The Tourist Hla-hway and eoanlo Bout to Surop via The Bt. Lawrano River. Tha Bhortsat Ocean Passaia, Leas than Four Days at Sea, by the "EMPRESSES OP THE ATLANTIC" , Weekly salllnis Montreal, Quebea to Liver pool. First cabin. 0 second cabin, 131.231 ins-class cabin (called second cabin), 47.10: third cabin, 1ST and 131.20. Ask local asents. P. R. Johnaon, O. A,. 1S Third bt, or J. J. P crater. T. P. A. 713 Second ave.. Beattl. 6AN rBAJfClSOO "S PORTLAXD STEAM SHU CO, San and Los Anselea Direct. Prom Ahisworth dock, Portland, A, M. ! ceV, fear July 7. Boa City , Boaves 87, Prom San Franelsoo. northbound, 13 M.i 8S, Boa Cltv auly 15, Beaver 20, Beas Si. JTrora 6an Pedro, northbound, U M, : ss. Beaver Jury ts, near iww ur sa, &, A. Mosher, Q, T, A.. 1 Third St. JT TV, Ransom, asront, Ainworth Dock, Phases atara eva, iu e, a iiua CANADIAN mmm STEAMSiPB I t