NEW BOARD MAY KEEP OLD FORCE Big Changes Under Port of Portland Commission Not Expected. .BODY TO MEET FRIDAY Personnel Now II a Three? Men In Icrcatcd In lUvrr Pursuits as Suggested to Governor. Pcaee? Noir in City. Unless additional rmlrnMlw.i taka on tli Port of Portland Commia i;on and etronser control la obtained 'through the election of new members, tir will be no sweeping changes In policy cr employes. While members elected TiiursJay say that affairs of the Commission are new to there anj that i they wlil not announce a policy until ifaoilltar with tie details. It l known 'tint t'.-.ere la a strong disinclination on th re.-t cf som. ot least, to disturb t.1 present working force. An a!Jurr.ed me-t!r.g will be held a 1 o'clock this afternoon at which Captain Arch! Pea', who wa absent 'Thursday, la expected to attend. Jt 1 possible that a fifth new member will be narned to succeed Mr. Will!, but th attitude of Commissioner John Drlscoll doe not Indicate that he will abdicate 'In favor of another at present. Mariner on Board. If Captain Pes retains hla place th Commission will hare a strong rep- resent.tloa of marine men. aa Captain 'James juvir Is on of the best-known steamboat owners and masters on th river, whl'.e D. C. O'Reilly I active as an owner. B'"th ar Interested In th Clatakante Transport ttlon Company. : operatic th Heaver and Waken. ' wfcll Captain Shaver controls much ' stock In th Shaver Transportation 'Company, owning the steamer. Phavrr. Sarah Dixon. No W onder. M. F. HcnJer- ,: aon. Waur.a and Cascades. Mr. O'Reilly, ! aa head of the Diamond O fleet, la con cerned In th management of the stem me rs Diamond O anil Ottawa, be aides a number of large barges. It waa ara-ued by some when Gov ernor West sought to establish a new Commission, that a mistake had been made In not naming three men having Intercut on the river, and In the rear rangement of the old Hoard's personnel such a dnlegattnn has been obtained. Treasurer Is to lie Named. At today'a session a treasurer will probably b named, aa the resignation ' of Mr. Adams left the Hoard without awn an officer, though the funds have not been transferred, and there may be standing committee named by President Mcara. Commissioner Prlscoll la aecretary, H will holl that office tn the event of hla not resigning, until Fall, when th annual election will tak place. roriaSDOx wul load hkre Mors) Carriers to Ile .Vnnooncetl and Tonnage I Scarce. In a little more than a ar alnce her prevloua voyace. from Portland, the Dritlsa tramp Conladon la to roturn to Portland to load lumber, as J. J. Moore at Co.. her charterers, have purchased a part carico from the Charles i. Mccor mack Company to bo delivered at SU Helens. The veseal arrived at Victoria June 1 with a New York cargo and should be ready soon to proceed to the Columbia. A portion of her load will be supplied at the Hammond mill. Tontu Point. The entire lot sroes to Australia. The Coulndon cleared from Portland July. 110. for Shanghai, with J.300.000 f let of lumber. etross: demand cn the Coaat for West Coast and Australian lumber tonnane Is clean n up available vessels rapidly and aa many salllns; carriers are taken. It Is felt that if the market holds strong ln these countries the demand for ahlpa will tend to attffen frelshts tor grain tonnage. As lumber ha been purchased for August loading for which tonnage has not been named, and mors Is to be floated In September and October rroro lower-rtver mills, ther may be a scur rrlnir around for Fall Teasels. Portlands July showing will not be as great as for the same period last season, when six Teasels departed with lumbar aggregating lo.7il.000 feet. TMe month th Kthelwolf. Kumerto. H. liaxkfeld and Rygta will set away front tie local harbor carrying under 10.000.-00- foe-L DUKnCE fHAMPOKG WIl.t, 0 Appropriation for 11 lame I tc Only SaXflck-n for On PIgser. Through the refusal of officials at Washington to sanction a recommenda tion that tlo.ODt) )e made available for the Improvement of the I'pper Wil lamette this year, and allowing but I .'1.000 for the project, the dredge Champoeg. which Is working at Eudd s Chute, will be ordered out of commis sion August V. fully three months In advance of the Kali high water sea son on that stream. She will finish at Pud. is Chut this week and then shift to Kola Par. It Is stlmatd that the Cham poet Is operated at an expense of tsOi) a month, while the dredge Mathloma. a larger vessel and the official snag puller of this district, coats 11100 monthly to run. The Mathloma will be continued in service as long aa money la available and river condi tion warrant keeping her at work, but the Champoeg cannot be recom mtealoned until the 1913 appropriation ta available. Last season's progress was such that of 1 bars dredged above Oremn City but two filled In the Win ter and besides the channel was dou bled in wldih to SO feet. The Mathloma la working at Coffee Chute, two mliea shore the mouth of the Yamhill I liver. TYPE OF BUIDGE DRAW VP Committee Considers Plans In Con nection "With Broadway. Action looking toward the designa tion of a type of draw for the Broad way bridge was taken yesterday by the bridge committee of the Executive Board, which met for the first time under the new administration. Upon motion of D. Soils Cohen, a statement of th facts as to the contract for the span and all of the plans win be made by th City Auditor, so that th com mittee wlU be able to decide upon a type of draw. If none has already been determined. j. B. Laaton. repreaentlng the Schnr rolling lift draw, was present to exhibit the model of the type fur nished by his company. He said that 'he believed It could be Installed for at .least lii.6it 1 Uiaa asjr oftar land. , Chairman Hector expressed the belief that th city should Investigate rery thoroughly the question of what type of draw shall be Installed. Marine Xotc. With lSMOO feet of lumber atlll to go aboard. Captain Dleckmann expects the German bark H. Hackfeld to finish load ing today. 6he la to clear for London. Officer of th Yellow Stack LJne steamer Pomona reported yesterday that rat quantities of oil were floating on th Willamette between Stevens Point and Sellwood. In th constwlse eet two new charter are announced of vessels In port, the STIAilER IXTELUGrXCX. ! I Arrive. Kama. From. Data, v.m.nir Pan Pedro In port peer sa rtdrt... p. via hoMkBOf... pr.akwater... .Coos Hay.... r olden Gal. .. Ti:ia-aooa. . . Klamath Ja Pranclsei HiIKau Bay ocean... :acley ullar.i3aiSMa- . .... Sue K. Elnioea. TL.amook... oeo. W Elder, .saa llo... la part port port In In In .In In port port port July July Ju'.y July July July July July July I.oee City ea rear.... Anvil ..Halidon A mane Eureka Kumerlc. ..... Manila ra.oon "aa Frenoleoe Peaver. ....... Ban I'edro.... Knacoke. ... .. .Saa Ils... liuink I bean.. Hoeskonc... 11 mmm, 1 mm 11 lir kollk.... Juiy Au. Aus. Aug. airathljroa lionskuu"- ..- tvrnedaled t Desert, Name. Tor. Date- Par ocean Bayoesaa.. July 13 July 13 l;rvak water Ool.leu Oat-.. Tillamook.... Klarnaih Jn LMeso.... Itrar fan I'eore. ... Ruruerlc Xanlla Nome City. . . . .San Pedro. . . Sue II. KImor. liiamoDJl.... tieo. YV klder. .fan Dies.... Alliance Eureka Ryaja Momkott.... Slaj.le Dller. Ha. boa Anrll. ........ llaaaD Falcon. ....... Fan Franetso Roanoke baa Dlaso.... lteaver ..Fan pear.... Henrik Ibsen. . Ilmikont.... Hercules. Hnnckocs.. ... S:ratb:yoa. ... .Hon aon a. . Hue City. .....tea Ire.... July July July July July Jy July July Ju.v July July Ju:r July July Aus. Aus. S-PL July 13 1 to 30 It J.l t ST 10 iJ IS 21 steamer Nome City loading for San Pedro at U M ad the steamer Washington for San Francisco at ft. Having finished loading lumber at St. Helens for San Pedro, the schooner Alvena Is to leave down today. Merchants Exchange statistic) show that during June 876.130 sack of Cal ifornia cement were delivered here, bringing the total a Inc. January 1 to :.i:.s3J sacks. Last of the cement cargo of the barge Amy Turner Is expected to be discharged today at Supple s dock and he will leave down tomorrow to begin loading lumber on the lower river. To begin loading flour for the Orient, the Norwegian steamer Itygja shifted yesterday afternoon to the Crown mill. Ualfour. Guthrie's new plant, from the Eastern A Weatern tntlL Ash-street dock, the flrat to be over flowed by the June freshet, was the last to be free of rising waters, as the river atood at 14.1 feet yesterday and the lower dock there was cleared. Major Morrow, United States Engineer, has ordered that the dredge Umatilla and drill scow No. 2 begin work Monday on Five-Mile Rapids, on the Snake River, Work ceased there early In the Spring. J. J. Moore Co. have chartered the barkentlne Georgir.a for a direct port on the West Coast at Sa 3d. with the option of Sydney, ilrlsbene or N Zealand at private terraa. loading ports being either Columbia River, Wljlapa Harbor or Puget Sound. When th steamer Klamath sails Tueeday she will have orders to call at San Franclaco to discharge paa aengera and at San Pedro and an Llogo with passengers and cargo. The steamer Nome City, sailing the same day. win proceed to rian Pedro via San Francisco. Uumber-ladcn. the steamer Shasta sailed from the harbor last evening, having- finished loading a parcel after taking on moat of her cargo at Kalaraa. The steamer Nehalem left the harbor to load lumber at Tongue Point, and the steamer Klamath for St, Helens to start working. J. Ernest Laldlaw, agent for the Cali fornia Atlantic Steamship Company, expects the steamer Stanley Dollar to begin discharging cargo brought from Balboa br way of San Francisco to day. About 6V feet of lumber and a shipment of salmon will be loaded, after which she will proceed to Grays Harbor to complete the cargo. ' For the flrat time since she was seriou-ly damaged by fire two months ago. the steamer Shaver operated on the river yesterday. She was in com mand of Captain Jim Shaver, and moved the ocean-going steamers Bear and Rygja during the afternoon. She will remain in commission. Bringing a large cargo of cement, ths Hammond teamer Francis H. Leg pet t crosaed Into the river from San Francisco yesterday and will proceed here to discharge, after which ahe will load on the lower river and take In tow another olgar-shaped log raft, similar to the one, she lost at sea on her last trip. There entered yesterday at the Cu.i-tom-house the steamers Klamath. Shasta. Asuncion and Nehalem. from San Francisco. The Breakwater cleared for Coos Bay. the Shasta for San Pedro with I5.0)0 feet of lumber, the Klamath for San Pedro with s&O.OOO feet of lumber, and the Asuncion for San Francisco In ballast. General Agnt Ransom, of the allied Harrlman ocean line, yesterday received nstructlone from San Francisco that the Norwegian steamer Rygja. now loading here, will not be turned over to Frank Waterbouse tt Co.. under the terms of the recent transfer of the Portland & Asiatic fleet, until she returns from th Orient In October. The Norwegian steamer Herrlk Ibsen will be released to th Waterhouae line August L when she arrives by way of San Francisco. The Hercules and Strathlyon. also com ing In August, will be accepted at Port land. Movement of Vessels. nnTLiD. July 1. Arrived British steamer Kumerlc from the Orient via Puset Sound. Palled Steamer enas--a. lor can Astoria. July 14. Ballad at :S0 A. M. -Steamer Washtenaw, for San Pedro. Ar rived at 1:10 P. it. and U:t up etaamer P. H. Lesaett. from 8an Franclaoo. Ar rived at 8 40 P. M. and left up British steamer Kumerto. from Orient via Seattle. Astoria. July 14 Balled Bcnooner w. jr. Jewctt. for Pan Pedro. 8aa Francisco. July 14. Arrived at T A. M. Steamers Beavar and Despatch, from Portland. Sailed last nlabt 8 ream era Oleum, carroa and Aurelia. for Portland Kan vranctaco. Joiv 1 1. Arrived Steam- era Nana frnlth, Kedondo. from Cooe Bay: Paepatch. from Columbia Hlver; Beavar. from Asov. Talara: China, from Hongkong; M. F. Plant, from Peattie: Xayfalr. from Wlllapa: schooner Lissle Vane, from Oraye Harbor: iaiim, rrom Tecoma. Miied t:eamere Ueora w. Elder, for Astoria: Virginian, for Honolulu. Seattle and Tacoraa: Haymond. for 'Wlllapai schooner urefon. for coquin mver. Seattle. July 14. Arrived Steamer Buck- man, from T atoms ; steamer Charles Nel son, from San Tnclscoi steamer Bertha, from Southwestern Alaaa-a; steamer Saward. from St. Jflchaale; ataamer Fairtieven. from 8aa Franclaco. 6alld Steamer Tiverton, foe Port Gamblei eteamar President, for San Franclaco; eteamar Maverick, for Taooraai rteamar Hornby Castle, for Everatti steamer puckman. for San Franclaco; steamer Jeffer son, for bkasaay; steamer Charlea Nelson, for Taeoma; ateamer Falraavea, for Tacoma. Tide at Aatoria Saturday. HimL LOW. A. M....T feat 0 r A. M....O 00 foot II if. M...J..1 fset-8-&5 iS Xn.1.1 feat PLEA FOR BULLION GANG'S Ml IDE San Francisco District Attor ney Wants Charge Against Caviness Dropped. CAMERON MAY SAY "NAY' California Official Asks That Bnd Check Indictment Be Quashed as Prisoner Aided Investi gators of Big Steal. It Is the wish of the San Francisco authorities that the Indictment against Orrtlle Caviness, alias Elmer L. Smith, alias J. O. Ross, alleging passing of a forged check on the Merchants Na tional Bank, be dismissed. C. M. Flck ert. District Attorney of San Francisco, and Max McN'utt. Assistant District At torney, hare written a letter to. Dis trict Attorney Cameron asking that such a step be taken. Mr. Cameron will call upon District Attorney Fick ert when he goes to San Francisco soon. He has not yet Intimated wheth er he Intends to comply with the re quest of the California authorities. Caviness Is a member of the ganjr accused of stealing a large quantity of gold bullion from the express and mall while It was being transported from Alaska to Seattle. In the state court here he Is. accused with Charles Barrett, alias George S. Stlmpson, 12. J. Wheeler and James Whealen of having passed a worthless check for $2300 on the Merchants National Bank, May 6, 1910. The check was drawn on the Flrat National Bank of Pocatello, Idaho. Check Found Worthless. Caviness went to Sidney Gordon, a Portland attorney, and engaged him to collect a delinquent mortgage. Later he appeared at the attorney's office with a check, saying it was in payment for the interest on the mortgage. He took the 12300 check to Gordon, and It was deposited in the hank. Before the Pocatello bank notified the Port land Institution that the check was worthless the entire $2,300, minus the attorney's fees, had boen checked out by Caviness, who went under the name of P.oss. District Attorney Flckert writes that the charges against those Implicated with Cavlneaa, lodged against them In the San Franclaco court, were dis missed on the ground that they did nothing bet dispose of gold filings. Caviness waa sentenced to serve a year at San Quentln and turned over to the Firemen's Fund Insurance Company 18000 In gold bullion found in his pos session. It Is pointed out that it would have been difficult to convict him, as the numbers had been removed from the gold bars, and two witnesses, Adams and Wesh. who could have Iden tified the bars, are In Alaika, so that It would have cost the authorities 14000 to bring them south to testify. Banks Also Ask Leniency. Th letter also contains the state ment that the Merchants National Bank and the Bankers' Association have requested that Caviness be dis missed and authorized him to use their names. The reason given by the San Fran cisco official why District Attorney Cameron should recommend the dis missal of the Indictment Is that Cavi ness has given the San Francisco of ficials valuable Information, and that they agreed with him to dismiss the other charges against him If he would confess. "About the time Caviness was ar rested there was 18000 worth of that gold bullion right here In Portland." said District Attorney Cameron yester day. "But the authorities did not get it. I see no reason w-hy Caviness should be released. A serious charge now rests against him." SIX DOLLAR LAMBSSOLO FIRM DEMAND FOR MCTTOX .MATERIAL. AT STOCKYARDS. Top-Grade Cattle Bring Full Frlces. Fire Loads of lings Arrive From Nebraska. Eevaral earloada of cattlo wer moved at th etockyarde yeaterdar. hut most of th aalea were of amall lota Ther waa a largsr supply thsn usual, but th market continued firm. Top steers brousht lti.23 and other gradee sold from 13. Prima cows want at 15.25 and a amall load of epayed belfere sold at t 23. Th mutton market showed Its recant firmness. Three bunchee of lamba aold at 13.7s and one cholo lot brought Id. Most of the shaep offered wer stockera and aold low. No hog aale were reported, but f!v ear loada cam tn from Nebraska The dar'e arrivals wer 403 rattle. 13 calve. 1203 aheep, aus hore and 23 horaea. tihlppere war: Dick Barnhous. Condon. 1 oar of horses; Ed Knorr. GransevtHe. Ida ho. 4 cars of cattle: . W. glade. Cald well. 1 car of horaea; KldwU Caewell. Pomeroy. Wash., 1 car of cattle: F. L. Keeta, iloro. 3 cars of shaep: Baker Froet. Caldwell. 1 car of cattle and calves: Heniln Obllnser. Nebraska, 8 cars of hoga: I B. Gentry. Keppner, 2 cara of aheep; J. T Hughes. Heppner. 3 cars of cattle: Hush Cummlnrs. Con a 1 11 a. 1 car of cattle; Joseph Winters, Drain. 1 car of cat tle and horses: G. E. Rogers. West Sclo. 1 car of .ehe.-p; 6. L.. Overton. Harrtsburg. 1 car of cattle: L. B. West, Oakland. 0 cara of cattla and aheep. and F. W. Willlama. Junction City. 1 car of aheap. Th dya aalea ware aa follows t Weight. Price. 4 OOWa .mm 845 fvoo 8 steers 91(3 0.00 w steers .10.1.1 3.73 11 steers 1"T2 6 23 steere 1071 3 Ml IS epayed heifers 11"n 23 Tt. c oit c-Hr. dicroocAc r-r-y. crJm cia blood, and therefore the cure of any skin trouble can come only through a thorough cleansing of this vital fluid. Salves, washes, lotions, etc. relieve some of the itching and discomfort, help to reduce inflamma tion or aid in keeping the cuticle clean, but such treatment does not reach the blood, and of course can have no real curative effect S. S. S. cures Skin Diseases of every kind because it purifies the blood. It is an internal remedy for an internal trouble, and works on the only reasonable and certain method of cure. S.S.S. .removes all , acids and humors from the circulation and leaves the blood stream rich healthy and nourishing in order that it may supply the cuticle with the neces sary properties to restore it to its smooth, normal condition. Book on SW W- and SnilCf III H. 00 6.25 10 e io 5.63 4.00 0 10 e.oo p.23 5.60 5.75 4.00 S.7S 6.7.1 5.73 BOO 3.73 I. .1U 2.25 1.50 4.00 6. 30 5.73 7.HO 4.3(1 4.25 0.00 6.23 3.00 3.23 5.25 3.0O 4.5) 4.00 4.00 3.10 3.60 4 00 90.00 80.00 75.00 1 bull ..11HI1 103 limbs 62 lamb ...... 24 lambs Ill lambs 10 ewes 43 ewes 101 sheep 7 lamba 1 calf R calves 1 cair 2 cows 1 cow IR steers1 ...... 1 cow t cow 1 cow 13 cows 2 stags 2 stags . . . 1 bull 1 bull 2 bulls 4 bulls 1 bull 1 horae. driver 7 80 .. 71 . . A3 . . 00 . . I .. ft .. 48 .. 230 . . 33'1 .. 210 . .1240 ..ll-'H . .1003 .. 700 . .1070 ..1030 . . 041 ..11WI ..1343 ..1310 . .1SS0 ..1310 . .1117 . .1810 t horse, driver 9 hnraa drivers, each. Prices current on the various clasaes of Stock at the Portland Union Stockyards were aa follows: prim hay-fed steers. ......... 19 00 C 1S.23 Choice steers 6.TSO - pair to good it ae ra. ............ Common ateere Prim cowi Good to choice cows.. Fair to good cowa Poor cowi Choice half era Choice bulla Choice Usht calves Gou u cnolca light catvaa .... Choice hcar csivee Choice stags (owd to chuice stags. ......... Hs Choice hogs Good to cholc hogs Choice to neavy LOil.lUOb fc-.oca hogs ......... fihHP Cholc Spring lambs Cholc yearlings Good to choice yearllnga Fair to medium yearllnga Choice awea -. Good to choice ewoa l-'alr to medium ewes Good to choice heavy wethara. . Old neavy wethera Mixed lots i.liO t.s a.ood ail S.25 9 5.50 4.75 6.00 4-50ip 4.75 4.23 tp 4.30 6.00 3 6.50 4.23V ' 1.00 it l.t Tit is l.0 5 00 6.50 .; 7.009 T.25 0.70& 7.00 6.33 t 6.50 S.00O I ( .;so :. 5.000 6.00 lli 9 4.t 1.50k X-li 1.009 2.73 Ht 8.U0 2.30l 2.75 2 25S 2.50 8 SOS 3.75 3.00$ 3.50 4.00 if 6.00 The following quotatlona apreaent prlcsa en tnla market for the different claases of horses: Drafters, extra heavy, t2000t drafters. Hot to 1700 lbs., $150S:50; draft era, 1200 to 1(00 lbs., 11000250; chunks. iioftliO;-plugs, (103S46; driving bone. 16 and up; aaddla horses 1(0 and up. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. July 14. Cattle Receibta. ea tlroated. 15.0K; market, dull. weak. Beevea. 4.b3o7; Texas steers, (4.75ft 5.U0; West ern, I4.60Qd.10: stockers and feedera. 3i 6 10: com and hellers. 42.25d5.73: calves. J5il7 25. Hogs Receipts, estimated. 1S.01O: market, gineiully l'c lower. Light, 0.35 (fl 0.77 '-c; mixed, t0,305t M); heavy. 0.10'8.77H ; rouKh. fx. low 6.3.1: good to choice heavy, US 1.77 V, ; pigs, ."7.1tf bulk ut Ml'l. -V4.15j 6.65. . ., fcthcop Receipts, estimated. 14.000: mar k-t, ioc to 15c lower. Native. $3.6014.65; Woit'-rn. 36"0; yearllnicr. 11.40(130; imM, native, HuUu; Western. 44.0O3 .. Coffee and Sugar. ' NEW YORK, July 14. Coffee closed firm, net 2 points higher at 8 points lower. Sales 61.500 bass. July. 11.68c; August. 11.52c: September. U.S3c; October. 11.13c: Novem ber, 11.02c; December, Jsnuary ana reoruar, 10.63c; March. April, May ana June, lu.sic. Knot rolfn stesdr. Rio No. 1. 1313'c: Santos No. t. 14c Mild coffee steady. Cor dova. II & 15c nominal. Sugar Raw Arm. Muscovado, S test, 3.70c; centrifugal. test. 4.2Jc; molasses sugar. S3 test, 3.48c. Refined sugar ateady. Importa and Exports. NEW YORK. July 14. Kxports of mer chandise and dry goods at the Port of New York for the week ending July S were valued at Slt.J3S.2Tl. imnorti of aoec e at the I'ort or New torn for the week ending today were tl73.2S silver and 4101.750 gold. Export of specie for the wee were stuj, 722 sliver and 1111.903 gold. Dried Fruit at Sew York. NEW YORK. July li. Evaporated apples firm, with the small remaining atock of old ovine at full pricea fancy, iooiic; choice, lie; good to prime, 14Uc Prunes rather more active than oerore in la season and prices well maintained. Be to lthic tor California 20-aos. 110 to 14Kc for Oregons, 80s-30s. Paachea oulet. Choice, meic; extra choice. SSVic: fancy. ttei0c. Naval Stores. 6AVAXXAH. Ga.. July 14. Turpentine Arm 60&50ic. galea 751 barrela; recelpta 14.800 barrcia; enipmenia uuu oarreia; stocks. 22.000 barrela. Roaln firm. Salea S200 ponnda; receipts 4200 pounds; shipments 3000 pounds; etocka S9.9.11 pounds. Quota: B, 85. 35ft 5.40; D. (; E. 88.25-8 .I0: F. G. 48.55-a 8.57 : H, 48.55 8.80: 1. K. 46.0: M. 88.8068.85; N. 47.10; WG. 87.15; WW. 87.207.25. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 14. Cotton futures closed steady. July, 14c August U.SSc; September. 13.02c; October. 12.82c: Novem ber. 12.78c; . December, 12.S0c; January. 12.78c; March. 12.84c; May. 12 30. Ppot cotton closed quiet, unchanged. Mid uplands. 14.25c; do. Gulf. 14.50c. ealea 8001 bales. I-ondon Wool hale. LONDON. July 14. A good selection waa ofTered at the wool auction aalea today num bering 10.798 balea. Competition was spirited with the continents! and home traders active buyers. Rates realized were mostly un changed from the last aale. Good wool and crosa.breda ahow a hardening tendency and American buyers took a few mediums. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. July 14. Ilutter Steady. Creameries. 20fr24c; dairies. I5i2'2c. Kb-;s Steady; receipts. 12,310 cases: at mark, cases Included, 6f llVc; firsts. 141&C; prime firsts, Ijc Cheese Steady; daisies. 13313Hc: twlna, !212c: Young Americas, 13'iJ13Hc; long horns. 13 " 4i: 14c Wool at 8t. -Louis. 6T. l51'IS. July 14. Wool Unchanged. Territory and Western medium, 17tj 10c; fine mediums. 19 17c; fine. HSlHic AUTO CHECKED AT CLIFF Rear Motor Saves Fir In Car It Backs Down Hill. A. A. Kadderly and five automobHo guests were saved from plunging over a high embankment while on their way to Salem on the west side a few days ago by Richard Martin, an architect, who was close behind In his machine. Harry Kadderly, son of A. A. Kadderly, was at the wheel, when they came to a long, steep hill, 18 miles from Port land. Another road branches off near the top and as Mr. Kadderly was un decided which one to take his son stopped the car. The brakes would not hold and the car started backing down the hill. Mr. Martin was close behind and Mr. Kadd?rlys car backed 22 eteer 1069 2 steers 1113 2 steers 1113 g cows 111S S3 steers 11K3, 17 steers 170S IS steers 1111 1 bull a 1010 7 steers 1330 21 steers ......115.1 3 cow - 114U 1 cow II90 11 steers 101)7 1 bull 17.10 REMOVES ML HIM0S5 FROM THE BLOOD ran rw trflred tn snms humor in the Dr. KEEFE CURES MEN The doctor who ADVfcKii WHAT HE CAN HO AU 1AJM WHAT HE ADVERTISES Is the one worthy of the confidence of r the bIck and afflicted and his CURES CRE ATE CONFIDENCE with the many affected with VARICOSE VEIN HYDROCELE. BLOOD POON, NERVOUS DEBILITY and ASSO CIATE DISEASES WITH REJLt.X COMPLICATIONS. If so affected you certainly cannot afford to ai waye remain so. Tou have only one life to live. Why not live it in the full enjoyment of abundant vitality? To sraln a cure is more important than all other earthly considera tions, it means freedom from anxi ety and suffering. It means happy contentment for you and those de pendent upon you. It means the ac quirement of new vitality and res toration of perfect health. It means a stronger hold upon life; a broader field of opportunity and a feeling of mastery over even the most adverse circumstances. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE AF FLICTED DESIRI!CJ HO.NEST TREATMENT. Dr. Keefe is duly and legally qualified to practice in the states of Oregon. Washington. California and Nevada. Dr. Keefe practices his profession under his true name and publishes his picture or likeness In all his advertisements. He owns, operates and control his own office and has no branches, and Dr. Keefe may bo consulted daily at his office. 9 to 07 to 8 DaMyt Sunday, 10 to 1 Kxamlnatlon Advice Free. Rooms SOI-10-11 MERCHANTS TRIST BCTLDISTG, Corner ath and Washington M. Portland, Oregon. Into Mr. Martin's machine, crushing the headlights and damaging the radiator, but the rear machine held until the Kadderly car could be started up the hill again. All In Mr. Kadderly's machine Jumped, feeling certain that the car would go over the embankment at the turn In the road. While both cars were damaged, they were not disabled and were able to re sume the Journey Mr. Kadderly is a nev? convert to motordom. . having owned his machine only one month. There were five passengers In his ma chine and as many in Mr. Martin's car. Pitchfork Injures Boy's Eve. EUGENE. Or.. July 14. Speclal.r Ranald, the little son. of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Seaver. of this city, came near losing the sight of one of his eyes yes terday when he ran the tine of a pitch fork into the eye socket. The lad Is in the hosDltal. and the eye will prob ably be saved. Prune Association; Incorporates. oat ttat r- Tn! v 18. l Snecial. Articles of Incorporation were filed to day Increasing the capital stocK oi trie Willamette Valley Prune Association from 85000 to 120,000. General Debility, Weak Nerves. In somnia Results of exposure, overwork and other violations of Nature's laws. Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys. Varl eose Veins, quickly and permanently cored at small expense, SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic casea cured. All burning. Itching and inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours S A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. at. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. XS4V WASHINGTON STREET, Corner First, Portland, Oreson. Dr. Lindsay RELIABLE EDUCATED EXPERIENCED CONSULT 1IB FREE If you are worried about a special all- sees or any male ail- menu v I have so much fslth In my own skill i that I wlU prove my ability before Iak one cent. You don t need money to be gin my treatment, YOU MAY PAY ME AFTER I CURE YOU. Dr. Lindsay The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 12a Second street, Portland, Or. Office hours 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. feundaya. 10 A. 11. to 1 P. U. "606" FOR Blood Poisonit Blood tests accurately made. Treat ment scientifically administered. Quick, permanent cures guaran teed. We enre all ailments of men. Pay when satisfied. Consultation, examination, and diagnosis free. DR. GREEN CO. 882 WashlnartOtt St., Portland, Or. Oil are rnWeet to sloe headache. IikH. r AUX se.tioa. soar iomaoa.aad bad ooio- Bi t Mil q piaxloa. CooMlpala'l ueopls ha I L. I U U 9 lbM rmpioina. woloa ra eaily DTD PI V eured w'kea yon know whu lo do. laUlU We hara oored iheje eomplainu fbr Ihlny yean wlh SCHirS MraOTM LTf ia rlLla. Toa look kauar and feel better (Ur aisg tbom. One aiU for a does. 2&0 a box at stores or by mail, for . WwUsttntafi, 0aA W raiiadelrhla, laf-tKj rTFli-aLr' -1 ! at? if! s?aV W- .an. if tl S r'-'i mill ,.l . " jLrTO.NIGHT a I DR. A. G. SMITH. I am the only specialist la Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I pnbllah my trne photograph, correct name, peraonnlly conduct my office. I am the moat success . ful and reliable, aa medical cre dentials and pre a records prove. I make this statement so that yon will know yon consult st true spe cialist, who aeea and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill and experience, acquired In anch a way that no other can share, and should not be classed with medical companies. It Is Impossible for a medical company to attend col leare. Companies nave no diplomas or license to practice medicine In Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companiea ueually .are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and Identity are In definite, la selected and pnbliabed aa the iegltlniate apeclallat ot the office. Hired anbatltutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. 808" FOR BLOOD POISON. I use Professor Ehrlich's wonderful new discovery, "606," In cases cf Specific Blood Poison. It Is ths greatest marvel of medical sclenoe. His new remedy has been successfully used in thousands of cases. Let me explain it to you. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. Office Honrs 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. 91. I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treat ment for Varicose Veins. Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Piles. Fistula Bladder, Kidney. Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and chemical anal ye 1 3 of secretions. DR. A. G. SMITH E I rsL.2 CURED IN Varicose Veins Piles, Fistula & Enlarged Glands Expert Examination Free 17 Years of Success in Treating Men Cures Guaranteed or No Pay Many Casea Permanently Cured In ONE TREATMENT. Moat Tlme Savlng. Most Natural. Most Safe. No Detention from Occupntlon, Fam ily or Home. A Radical and Permanent Cure. I Will Give $300 to Any Charity aa a Guarantee That Every Statement la This Announcement la True. ' I cure rapidly, painlessly, and at small expense. I will demonstrate actual results In your case. I will give conclusive evidence of my merit which Is obtained and maintained by abUity. I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain my treatment for Hernia, Piles. Fistula, Vari cose Vrlna, Pelvic, Nervous, Blood. Kidney and Bladder Diaeaaea. I will give you free a physical examination; if necessary, a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions to determine existing pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. Certainty of cure Is what you want. A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing person as to the specialist he oonsults. Duty and destiny to self and those who de pend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can give you this service. X have always charged a very reasonable fee, eo that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely de sires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particularly Independent and I would like to have you for a patient, it you will come to me on a strictly professional baels. and the Inducements that I offer, which are, my ability and SO years' successful experience, time-saving treatment and guarantee of cure of certain diseases. WE CURE BT NEW SCIENTIFIC METHODS WHICH CANNOT FAIT, BLOOD AND SKIN AILMENTS, NERVE WEAKNESS, VARICOSE OR KNOTTED VEINS, OBSTRUCTIONS, SORES, ULCERS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, PILES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES AND ALL DIS EASES COMMON TO MEN. We are permanently located. Incorporated and licensed under the laws of Oregon. MEN, IF IN TROUBLE, CONSULT TJS TODAY. If you cannot call, write for free book and self-examination blank. Many cases curod at home. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 to 12. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 381 H MORRISON ST., BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH. PORTLAND, OR. DR. WING LEE I make my own Chi nese herb and root medicines. I am an educated Doctor and use the treatment ot the Physicians prac ticing In Oregon and Washington. I have used Chinese herb and root medicines exclu sively for 45 years. I examine patients carefully and thor oughly. No matter of how long stand ing the disease, no matter what the ailment. It is curable. Female, kid ney, throat, heart, liver, stomach dis eases, consumption, blood poison, piles all cured by my treatment. Out-of-town pecple write for circulars and consultation blank. 27 North Fifth SU Portland, Or. Men and Women Cured The famoua S. X. Chan Chl cesa Medicine Company, with their remedies, of herbs snd roota cure won aerfally. It has cured many ufferara when other remedies h a v a la lea. sure cure for chronic, private ailments, nervousness, blood poison, rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia, kidney, throat and lung troubles, consumption, stomach disorders and other diseases of all kinds. Remedies hafmlese. NO OPERATION Consultation free. Examination for ladlea by atra a. a.. Chan. Call or write to The B. K. Chan. Chinese Medicine Co 226)4 Morrison su. Portland, Oreaon, BING CHONG, Chinese Doctor Made of Chinees herba and root medicine eurea all kinds diseases of the heart, lunjrs. liver, stomach, kid ney, blood troubles of man snd woman when others fall. If you suffer, can or write to liloH 8d at-, room A cos. Morrison, en-v 1 J r X ' ! 'V! ( i V "X- -i IN FIVE DAYS Varicose Veins, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula, Etc. Ks Detention From Occupation, Family or Home. NO SEVERE OPERATIONS, MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING. MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAKE. A RADICAL AN DP ERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND "WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THI3 13 A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COABT. I WILL QIVE $60i) TO ANY CHARITY A3 A GUAR ANTEE THAT EVERY STATE- MENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT 13 TRUE. VARICOSE VEINS. Impair vitality. I daily demon strate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cages by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre serve d and strengthened, pain c e a se s , swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund ttia money. 234,a Morrison Corner of Second Portland, Oregon FIVE DAYS WAI JING CHINESE DOCTOR I am educated for Chinese doctor. I use the Chinese herbs and root mediclnea It makes wonderful cures. It has cured many auf- ferere. The treatment cures Kidney. Throat. Heart. Liver. Con sumption. Stomach. Good for either male or female and different kinds of diseases. People out of town write tor consultation blank and call at ray office. Boom 14. 211 Alder St.. corner First, Portland, Or. L T. YEE & SONS The Old, Sellable . Cntnesa Doctor spent lifetime study of barbs and research la China: waa (ranted diploma by the Emperor i guarantees curs all allmenta of men and vomel wbea others fall. If yon sal fax, caul write to a'KS J puns avaaaxvixAX v, &a7 atest. Casa Aieaa Jsf f Bantei GoJenseal M W Cetopuead I th safe and simple remedy for a Broacaifis, Caarrk, Hoy Feser " i(T l f inflammations, irritations, nloer I V ' ' laUonsofALk mnooue niambraaea I v I or Homes ot the noeo, taroal, I 1 Btoxoaoa or other organs. I VVl AT ORU0OISTS ! 1(q2 War not cm ynrtf geanmsaaawe VlJ-- Treatise with each bottle I I V or mailed on nqoest. X.8 Esb Qesial Cs. J laaaH-iaeai A