THE 3IORXIXG OKEGOXIAX, rKTPAT, JULY 14, 1911. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF riritrns-rfwni ....... 1tv el rrtila ' I n ..... Martartoa- FMlloe .. Punlav Kdlfoe ..... fcupi. bOildias ...... ....Mala Tl7 A ....Main 7'"0 A o ....atatn 7.n ....Mala TT ....Mam Into ....Mala 70T0 A en A t'1 A W A iirn.rrj thkater snh and Tayiorj - it rm TK In "Mm. DBIBjmtri'i- Tmieht a A:l&. CPTHCl y T'TIC ATER Oforrlana. HiKth u4 Keantri aiiieimie. " antaoa at S IS and tnfilaht at S.1&. SAKKR THEATER I Kl-v-mth end or rtanal Summ.r andlll. This aiier- nt at a and tonlctit at T:X rAXTOr TMF ATEK Fonrth and rltar Vaudanlla. Thi afternoon at 2. 10; to- titeht at T .S and B. Ion Vftqdrr'n;i. Thla afteraooo. a 1.14 and toxiaMt at T:3 ana a. ITtR. A R1 ADR. OK JOT. OPEOX. TI-Vot-I rtrv run picturea, 11 A. At. it r. m. lit t mm v f . 4 V?' and Waan lo(n Moiloa plctaraa. Continuance. It a n n r. iL OA KB PARK Patrick Conway's band and Mm Jwcli IwilN, Yirtuoao. Tbi atar- iummi and tolUMhL Jlr'-RBATIO.V PARK fTweatr-totirth and VtiuDBl tiaeabau. arooa a. -mumm. Thia afraroooo at 1. OREOOXIA.X AT THE HJX)Trt. Far Iba eairBes aVItrvrv a The Oif tea at Itaaiaaer man. lOWtlba tkrau th. following ola, Ny ral. fetbaralp- tlnoa fcr mail ore parnhl la manor I ( oraa aprlaca. . Jttaanl tprlaK Mal'l To. . .in ,,.. trod A. Yawa fatamMa Hoar Balpa E- Walker (wUft fork. ...... '"" 1 - iwack atraakal M av Newport Geoeae i.jlatr Park " J' Z. ParllW- riiv.. I- T. F..tmoa' m. Vanul ftprte Ctaa. - W""' 44a. 1 lora iinw mraanai m w AlwrUiigaiti latraaWd) tr te. Crr Urn la Brtaf awlaaaas la laaair to n I faaaaWel ta Tat o . saalaia. eflica ky Wviwra aalaraap OrirD" or Haitt bios Ptkects Brorw. Openlne; of a new atreet through l'aradla Pprlnft-s Addition be Iritn East Fiftieth and bl Sixtieth treats la unuVrwar. Asaeaanienta for th. extension hare barn made and total fill)?, the uxiimenti rantrlns: from 13 to i:.-S- A atrip to fret wide la required (or the ten block. The new atreet la between Hawthorne areou and Lincoln atreet- Jn thla iimi neighborhood East Forty-second street Is to be onened between East Yamhill and East Taylor street. The asaejis ment for thla new atreet la S300A. the Indlrldaal ium rannlnc from 13 to l0. Nearly all the atreeta are be In it opened between Eaat Lincoln and IlTlslon atreet. East Fidb Sitb Stuj ro ftl.MO. Robert F. t'ooke has sold a third In terest In the quarter block at the northeast corner of Or and avenue and East Stark atreet to B. J. Hacker for 11.'V A four-story brick bulldlnc la under construction there. Morfran, Fleldner Boyce are the builders. The quarter block was bonxht by the pres ent owners about a year aco for I3S.0OO. The price paid for a third of the prop erty, exclusive of the building, places the YaJue of the quarter block at UOSO. Grocxrs PlCXICi Bonnerllle. Wednesday. July 1. Grocery stores closed all day. Fpend a day with your grocer at this beautiful Columbia Hirer resort; free dancing; athletic eTenta; J500 worth of prlfes Ktven away; special train leaTes Vnlon Iepot at A. iL. retnrnlns; at ( I. L Tickets tl. for sale at all grocers. O account of departure Mrs. G. O. Gammana will have the furniture, at 778 Northrop street, sold by publlo auction. Saturday (tomorrow), at 10 A. iL Rugs Included. RiAO Fin to WiLHorr. The roads to Wllhnit kSprinirs are now In fine con dition and auto part Irs are making the r.rlxe from Portland to Salem dally. Ths managers announced that thers la to be a masquerade ball. Sat urday erenlng. July 15. for which they are great preparations. A large -rowd la expected. A fried chicken dinner w'll be served Saturday evening ad SundaT noon, ao that partlea com ing In from a week-end are assured a Eou meal and a good time. PtoMxsn's Fx xttraL. Ilcuk. The fu-re.-eJ o Kra Rachel Welck. who died TfiOT at her home, at 45 Weldler a '-rest, vu held yesterday from Holy K-y Church, on L'nlon avenue. In terment was made In Mount Calvary Cemetery. Mrs. Welck was 7 years old. and had been a rrlient of Port land for a number of years, she was the mother of Mrs. J. P. Srhaile and Robert P. Wel'.-k and a sister of Mrs. William WaM'hcr and the late Mrs. Caroline Beck. IIasoxi Cojipcct OnsTQi-res. The funeral of William & Cutler waa held yesterday afternoon from the family residence, at 100 l'nlon avenue North, under the auspices of Oregon Lodge, No. IP I. A. F. and A. M.. and Inter ment was made In Rlverview Cemetery. Mr. Cutler waa ti years old. and had been a resident and business man at Highland for : year. His widow. Mrs. Amelia Cutler, and two children survive him. Y Ollt MS Grili.B- The only dining place la the city, .where the air Is thoroughly washed and art.flcally cooled, and the temperature maintained at TJ degrees by a recently Installed electrical thermostat. In fact this popular grill leads la every In novation that tenia to the comfort of Its patrons. After-theater parties are especially parial to this decidedly unique rathskeller griU. Muslo every evening to and lo to 11 o'clock. TtCAi. Xahio Skcxatakt. Alfred Tucker was appointed secretary of the Portland Rose Society yesterday by the president. Mrs. A, C ranton. to succeed the late R. B. Lam on. Mr. Tucker will serve until the regular annual meeting of the society which will be held on a first Monday In October. He has been a member of the society several years and la an enthualastlo rosarlaa. East Ttonrn-BTHm Fnj. Costs 3a.7 Assessment for the long fill on East Eighth street south of East CaruUiers street. 2S feet across Mtephens slough. Is iU.ttT. The work waa done by the Pacific Bridge Com pany, which obtained sand and gravel from the Willamette River. It Is the fourth fill to be made across Stephens slough. Mas. Jonsr Stt-ajit Dead nc Sootlajcd. A cablegram from Scotland was re reived yeaterday by J. C. Stuart ad vising him of the death of his mother. Sirs. John Stuart, at the borne of her daughter. Mrs. Walter Fowlle. of Arnage Ellon. Aberdeenshire, at the age of 7. Mrs. Stuart visited her eon la Portland IT years ago. Hotxl. Seattle. This popular hotel will be head quarters for Portland visitors to the Seattle Potlach and partlea wishing to make room reservations can do so by applying at the clerk's desk of the Ore gon Hotel, corner Sevento and Stark. An Eajithqttastb of Poktlaxd would not create such surprise as the values we have In ladles white velvet and rrash pumps, i: SO. worth 11.50 and 14. 131 Fourth st under the sidewalk, corner of Alder. Boston Sample Shoe Store. Fcrg light and airy three, four and eight-room unfurnished flats for rent at reasonable prices; West Side; ten minute walk to business center. In quire 139 Lumbermen bldg. Fifth and Stark. Fob Rkxt. Ideal furnished Seaside cottage, large attractive grounds. Phone East 414. Portzjuu swimming; baths, delight ful place to hatha. Expert Instruction guaiantseJ. ! j ElaivmD to Discuss Assessment Puam. Whether the present method of assessing property for the Improve ment of streets Is Just will be dis cussed at a special meeting of the Sellwood Board of Trade In the rooms of the Sellwood Commercial Club to morrow night. It will be urged that when a hard-eurface pavement has been laid and paid for by the abutting property, the city abould take charge of the atreet and maintain It for all time without further expense to the owners on the street. H. C. Smitn. i. XL Ixinaurh. W. H. Goldlng. Dr. IL C Fixott, Walter Adams. Peter Hume and others will address the meeting. An Initiative messure modifying the present methods of Improving streets may be the result of the meeting. T!rt.ria or Patient Sought. Pro ceedings will be Instituted in the I'nlted States Court today to secure the release of Frank Logernuisi iroro i Mornlnrslde Sanitarium. Logerqulst waa committed to the aanltarlum as a Government charge from Aiasaa two yrara ago because of his demented con dition. Friends have eatisfled them selves that Logerqulst has regained his normal mental faculties. This will be made the basis of their application for his release from the Institution which cares for the Alaskan Insane under a contract with the United States Government. Thexovitxal. Berry" Snowx. The Oregonlan was presented yesterdsy by A. P. Armstrong, of the Portland Busi ness College, with a plate of beautiful specimens of the "Phenomenal berry. They were gathered from vines 2 years old. grown without Irrigation by Mrs. I. B. Fleck, on a portion of her resi dence lot at 4&I1 Forty-second avenue. In this city. The fruit la exceptionally larce and firm, beautifully colored and excellent In flavor. Sroxa to La ad Coxrttiutxcx. H. W. Stone, general secretary of the Port land Toung Men's Chrlstlsn Associa tion, left vesterday for UM t-ara. Colorado, where he will be one of the leaders In the Summer conference of the Toung Men's Christian Association. Mr. Stone will conduct several courses In the conference which Is one of the most Important T. M. C. A. gatherings In the Writ He will roturn to Tort land about August !. T. TV. C A- MKaTBCRS to Scalb rrtAK. Twelve young women under me a-uidance of Mlaa Alberta Cory, physi cal director of the Young Women's Christian Association, will start an ascent of the northern slope of Mount Hood next Monday. All memoers oi t he nartv are members of the T. W. C A. They are encamped near the headwaters of the Sandy Kiver. wnicre place will be the base of their expeditions. m.rfjxn Gmi. Gets scholarship. Miss Lots Courtney, one of the gradu ates last Spring from the Washington High School, haa been awarded by Mills College, of Seminary ParVCal.. the echotarehlp offered to graduatea of the preparatory schools of Portland. She vAll enter the school next Fall. The scholarship amounts to 1500 each year for four years. ESPERAKTO PLA PROGRAMME!. At a meeting last night at the Commercial Club of the Esperanto Association of the Pacific Northwest a programme for the first annual convention of Es peranto speakea-s of Oregon and Wash ington to be held In Portland July 1 and SO .was partially arranged. The convention will bring- several hundred people to the city. To aave the coat ot storage on two 100-norsepower return tubular boilers which we are now taking out. wa will 'sell them at a bargain If taken at once. These boilers are of the Kewanea type and In good condition. Complete with all fittings and feed water equipment, ready for Immediate Installation. For further particulars call at room IP 3 Oregonlan bldg. Kixa ACgJtOWXEDOr COSOItATt-LATIONS. Responsive to a telegram of con gratulation addressed to King George V. sent by James Laldlaw. Britten fcnsuL on behalf of the British resi dents of Portland on Coronation day. Mr. Laldlaw yesterday received an ac knowledgement from His Majesty's Sec retary of State of Foreign Affairs. Rcilcixo ri Sale. Large dance hall, corner 23d and Kearney it, cheap. Gevorts Sons.. ITS First sL " $50 ESTATE ACTED UPON Administratrix, 71, Af-polntcd, Feci lo Eat Nearly All. Diana A. Miller yesterday morning was appointed by Judge Cleeton as administratrix ot one of the smallest estates of which there Is record In Multnomah County. It is that of her sister, Rosanna Green, who died In testate last February, and consists of personal property valued at 450. The helra are Mrs. Miller and a sister. Louisa King, of Wyoma. West Virginia. Mrs Miller gives her age as 71. In this case as In others the adminis tratrix was required to file a bond, to subscribe to an oath and to file the usual lengthy petition requesting let ters of administration. The court fees and Incidental expensea absorb the larger part of the estate. BAY CITY FOLK TO MEET rtrldnts of San Francisco Gather at Oak Park Tonight. San Franciscans, past and present. who are now residents of Portland, will gather at the Oaka Park tonight when Mrs. Joseph Dun fee. accompanied by Conway's band, will sing the song ded icated to the fan Francisco Exposition of 115. "Mr Heart Goes Back to San Francisco." Although owing to the fact that Dr. Aked had to be back In San Francisco for hla services Sunday and waa nn aMe to be present. It la expected there will be a large number of residents of the Bay City present to join in me choruses and Imbue a Portland audi ence with the San Francisco spirit. MANY STANDARD OPERAS "II Troratore," "Martha," "Poet and Peaaant." "William Tell" overture, LI sat Rhapaodla No. t and hundreda of other Sl-note player rolls that very music-lover should own, are being sold this week without limit two roll for one dollar. (5-nota rolia, three fox on dollar at 6HEEMAK-CLAT CO.. Morrison at 6Lh. Op p. Postofflcev WHEREJTO DINE. - All the dellcades of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies. 10C Wuh, near fits st. D. M. 'Watson's popular-priced res taurant. 104 4th at. Parkins Hotel, To live woU Is to eat well: Try The Criterion, 43 Sixth street- ' AT THEQUELLE. Plenty large. Juicy Tarahlll crswflah. Dining-room for ladles, 0th and Stark. FEJfTfET BROS.' FRIDAY" SPECIAL. We offor onr I! wise at fl a gallon: 11.60 wines at Too a gallon; Straight Kentucky Whisky, seven years old. regular 14.60. at ft. 60 a gallon: Ken tucky whisky, regular S 60. at 13.60 a fallon: $3 grade whisky. 13.10 a gallon, rlday only. t" E. Morrison at. Phones East 267; B 2426. Free delivery, PARKISON in COURT Circulator of Fund Referendum Petitions Called. NAME-GLEANERS GET TIME Cases) of Color and TLahles Continued After Bench Warrant Is Issued for Man Who Led Move ment Trip South Halts. H. J. Parklson. who supervised the circulation of the petitions to refer to the roters the law appropriating funds to the Oregon University and Monmouth College, wss summoned before Justice of the Peace Olson yesterday afternoon as a witness against Harry Coler and K. J. Rahles. alias H. Wallace, circu lators accused of obtaining bogus signa tures. The preliminary hearing of Coler and Rahles had been aet for 1:10 o'clock yea terday afternoon. The Rahles case was continued until July M and the Coler cose until July Zl. as Rahles said his brother would oe nere soon, aim uui do what he could to assist mm. Bench Warrant Issued. Mr. Parklson was In court yesterday afternoon Just before the time set for the hearing, but left before either of v.- waa -.iirf and before the magistrate took the bench. A bench warrant was Issued, and at s o cioca no was In court. He said he had made armngements to leave for California Inst night on account,, ot in neuu When brought before the Judge he was Instructed to confer with District At riir.fnn and to reDort In court again at 4:30 "o'clock, which he did. Mr. Parklson Is suffering rrom tuoer ,rH haa heen taking Christian Science treatment. He desires to go to San Jose, where he believes me ciimn. will be more conducive to his recovery. Bonds Not Demanded. Deputy District Attorney Dennlson . ,. .j ..-, --I-..- him with- HKeo i i in. - out bonds, as he Is held only as a wit ness at the preliminary rtnu. .. request was granted. Dr. J. Allen Gilbert told the court Mr. Parkison's condition Is serious, but thought he could obtain Jhe same reme dies In Portland that he could in Cali fornia, and that there was no urgent necessity or aepanure irum nu. . r t v. i . bdm ha discovered that some of the signatures were Invalid, and that he failed to tile them. He said there are enough genuine signatures on the petition to make It valid. He de clared that he paid 240 to solicitors who . n nhnnv" nuTTlAI. and f OUD(l iuiiicu . . y " j -. . . afterward that he was "stung. EVERY FILM HAS THRILL reople's Amusement Company's New Bills Are Exciting. Photonlavs of Intense heart Interest and full of dramatic situations pro duced after splendid story plots, com prise the 6tar's change of pictures of fered Wednesday for the first time. "The Jealous Husband" tells a domestic story of a husband who steals away to ca flshlnsr on pretext of being 111 and needing a vacation, and how wlfey gives hlra the scare or nis me ana spoils his good time. "Waiting" Is a drama of Western life, showing" how the happy bridegroom loses his bride on the eve of their .marriage, and how he waits for her until death takes him to her side. "Saving the Standard" is a big spectacular production, showing life of 1000 years ago, with knights and deeds of valor predominating. sins-Ins? of ths "Anvil Chorus" by the Verdlan Trio s the muMc&l treat of lilt The Arcade also has a Western pic ture, "Reckless Red." proving one of the best features ever shown at thla theater. "The Arctic Night," a North land drama, also deservea favorable L MAYER & CO Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third Street. A 4432. Main 9432. ALWAYS THE SAME Crew of efficient help to -wait on you. Aiwavs the same firm to do business with. Constant atten tion tff your orders, personal su pervision, is the key to our suc cess. Prices to attract your attention for Friday and Saturday : Royal Baking Powder, 1-lb. cans at .45 Solid-packed Tomatoes, dos. ints for .$1.25 1911 pack l&rga White Asparagus, 25c per tin, per dozen. .52.75 Snider' s Catsup, per bottle. .20 EngtiBh Breakfast Tea, for ice tea, regular 75c, per pound... 60 Indian Chutney, small sizei per bottle 25 Kaczor Paprika, Vz-lh. cans, regu lar 75c each .50 All brands of Beer for the hot weather at brewery prices. WE ALSO CARRY ' Hire's Boot Beer, Schwepp's Sarsaparflla, CantreJi & Cochrane's Ginger Ale, Grenadine and Raspberry Syrup, Shasta Syphons, Soda Pop, "Shasta" brand; White and Bed Grape Juice. NEW ARRIVALS Proto Puffs,' Beech-Nut Bacon, In strips. Garlic Powder, Artichoke Hearts, Skinless and Boneless Sardines, Matzos, Simon & WeH "A cordial invibation to the newcomer. WE HAVE OUR SHARE of the checking accounts of the most substantial concerns in Portland. But Ave're looking right now for more of the business of the young men the men who are making a start in business. These will be the big busi ness men of the near fu ture. THIS IS 'A YOUNG MIAN'S BANK. and on the lookout for the accounts of the young businesses that we may prow while they do. We can make it mutually helpful to you, young man, to place your ac count here. Don't hesitate because your account may be small now. Portland Trust Company of Oregon sw",,.! (Great Third and Oak Streets mention, as well as "Marvelous Horse manshlp," a military picture. Jean Wll son has an exceptionally good song. "A Klght for Justice." the feature picture at the Oh Joy. tells a tale of daring deeds. "In the West" is another of those pictures for which the Oh Joy has become famous. Love and Cheese, a Max comedy. Is funny, and a scenlo production shows Mount Aetna In ao- tlon. ' . "WE GUARANTEE" All our wines to be perfect in every res pec L Port. Angelica, Muscatel, Sherry. Tokay. $1.00 per gs.L Claret, 60c, 76c and $1.00 per KaL Columbia Beer, $1.35 per dozen quarts. Kaiser blume. $1.50 per do ten quarts. Blue Klbbon, $3.75 per dozen quarts. Bass St Co., ale. $2.25 dozen. Guineas' Extra Stout. $2.25 per dozen. Two deliveries on West Side dally. I. KELLAHER & CO.. Grand ave. and E. Morrison st. B 1694. East 418. PARK &JTILF0RD. Candles, the daintiest, purest and best made. Take a box with yon on your vacation. Sigr Sichel & Co., dis tributors. ' OREGON CITY BOAT Leaves Taylor-street dock Sunday 9 A. M., 1 2 M.. 3 P. M. Week days, 8 A. iL, 2 P. M. Round trip 45c. F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING- Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak K r i n n a COLUMBIA Double-Disc Records 'Fit Any Machine 65c. If you ever spent 60 cents for a disc record, it won't take you long to tee the double value of a Columbia Double-Disc Record at 65 cents a different selection on each side. Heat one 1 Get a catalog 1 Put Tour Anna Around Ms tfener. Caaev Joaea. am boat mil. Selectlnne from the rtnk Lady, htop. Mop, Stop. Tbe Mlaalaalupl IMppr Dip. At Your Daalars or - Colombia Phonograph Co. S 71 ash. bu HOME BUILDERS We are contractors and will furnish lot and finance tbe building- of a home for you on easy payments. We give references and ask references. WYATT. E9TABROOK RAT, 801 Coach bids'. Phone Main 4211. LI CM Kidney trouble preys upon the AND mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, via; or and cheerfulness soon disappear Unurll when the kidneys are out of UUIIitll order or diseased. For g-ood results use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the rreat kidney remedy. At druggists. Sam ple bottle bv mall free, also pamphlet. Address, Dt. KUnur Co., Blnghamton. 21. T. This sale has attracted hundreds of shrewd buyers who know the savings that can be made by purchasing now. All goods are our regular stock and of the very finest makes; they also bear our guarantee. $40.00 $35.00 $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 Men's Suits - Suits now $28.00 Suits now $25.00 Suits now $21. SO Suits now $ 1 7.85 Suits now $14.85 Suits now $1 1.25 Boys' $15.00 $12.50 $10.00 $ 8.50 $ 7.50 $ 5.00 Knickerbocker Suits Suits now $1 1.25 Suits now $ 9.85 Suits now $ Suits now $ Suits new $ Suits now $ 7.50 6.35 5.35 3.95 2 Extra S pectais Boys' Washable Suits V2 Price Boys' Straw Hats - - - V2 Price LINE SERVICE V V To Pnffnt Sonnd and s To Pnget Sound and British Columbia ilnmbu a v Ch.halls. ma, Seattle, SV Ingham, New 1 Vanoouver. 1 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 International limited a daylight train. 10 A. J TTalama- ETaIra Centralis. Tacoma, IP w a r m IiU! n t'T Westminster and Vanoouver. B.C. Ths TTTR OWIi For busy business men. SHORE LINE EXPRES3 The night train. 10:30 r. u All trains from North Bank Btation. 11th and Hoyt Sts. Tickets. Sleeping and Par- I - Q.a.rir,tlnm -1 ( i f V Ticket Office. 123 Tfilrd Ctreat. and at DenoL H. DICKSON". C P. & T. A. - a AP.CH1BALU Gil AT, A. Q. K. - & P. A. A & p. a. - . or r STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Squaxo J oat oppoaits Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up ITawstetl sad brick structure. Furnished at coat oi tlOO.000. Every comfort and con vaniance. On carllne. transferrins all ever city. Omnibus meets trains and team era. Sand f or Beoklet with map of San Francises I CUT PRICE AND SMILE 3 7.. mm-DM0 SAMPLES No Heavy Rent Hangs Over My Head I am selling out my etock of Mena Sutemer Suits at wholesale cost and less. This sale offers you opportuni ties for sa-sings that cannot be equaled elsewhere. win Jimmv D Golna- SrronRee Than Ever Room 315 Oregonian Bldg.' Take elevator to third floor. Open Saturdays Until 10 P. M. FOR PRESERVING Now is (he t:ir.?, do not dclay;-qua!ity 19 fine; $2.75 per crata. For campirg or quick lunch try Knorr's Imported Soup. Large variety, instantly prepared. A 10c package makes five plates of delicious soup. Knorr's Consomme Cubes make exquisite consomme, made as only the best French cooks can make it. Twelve cubes in tin bos. 3oe box. Imported new Grass Dnteh Cheese just arrived, only 50o each. Olives, new crop, stuffed -with celery, almonds or peppers. Larga bottle, 35c. Ov.r picnic and camping supply stock is large and varied. Our bake.' ham is cooked slowly in an old-fashioned brick oven and basted with line v.ine. Th result is perfection. Call and look cur stock over .nil bo convinced that onr pstablish ment is a credit to the city 2nd erur.l to my i'i the United States. Phones Main 7200 and A 61S1. SEALY-L0WELL COMPANY Grocers, Bakers, Tea and "Wine Merchants. 288, 290, 292 Stark Street. ' i&V Hu LINOC.ORD Buttonhole front qz-rr-inn d Jaclc. t I A straight front lose-meetlng ef fect tbat stay closed --your, dealer will supply Mr M LINO CORD BUTTONHOLES, ars" eatier-to-buttoa tni thty' don't tear pvt. . - " --Slfca oVwa, Spend the Week-End at the Pacific Ocean Gearhart Park Chautauqua TMrtiAr in Session TODAY J. FRANK HAXLET. FO KMBRLY GOVERNOR OF INDIANA, SATURDAY Astoria Centennial Day. SUNDAY Astoria Centennial Day. Thomas Lawson and Oswald West, Governor of Oregon, Both Going o the Gearhart Park: Chaotanqna Watch for the Dates. Trains lor Chautauqua at the sea coast leave North Bank station, ' 11th and Hoyt streets. Week end rates. Ask for time card, 100 Fourth street or ticket office, Fifth and Stark street. . INVESTIGATE 5 ACRES Cleared, 4 plowed and fenced. On section line road, close in. $500 per acre; -terms. KETH A CO, S34 Worcester Bids. Foster & Kleiser pigh Grade Commercial and FJectris SIGNS East 7th and Eaat Everett flta, uj.- Fkoaea East B-2224. j SAVES TIME and ENERGY Lightens All Housework SAPOLIO Cleans. Scours. Polishes from cellar to garret WORKS WITHOUT WASTE QCHVVAB PRINTING CO. OSOLICITS YOUR PATROMACE 2 4 51: STARK -STREET