Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 14, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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Seme Packers Withdraw, Oth
ers Raise Prices.
MiiMIc rt ami lYaiK Ilnjlng In
California at iool Price.
Crop In tlio Knmpfia
Country Light.
A rti't of the riiiiT In n--ert
.rn pranrs Hmi of the packers are
rportd l have not.fiod their Ftrn
tonts to r-pt no further orders for the
P'nt. Oth-rv. hav raised thetr four-bag
beata quotation a quarter of a fiL
In enairn-n'ing on tha situation In tha
Fet. a lata maj report from New York
po Oinn ItaTlana are very eliMly
rn'l up. and tha f-w hoMfrt of email
lots in 1n-Mnd to demand h?chr prirra.
Al print buyre In Xr Tork and vliln
Ity ara giving llttla attention to future Cali
fornia prurai. but according to advices
f-m tha Cout twllir-i thapa ara ebanlutely
rndirrrmt to tha attltuda of tha trada In
tMi eectum fir tha raaaon. aa reported,
that they ara gttln a larre demand rmra
other parts of tha rountrv. eapecisMy tha
M'ddta West, and that Europe la aratn a
fro buyer of tha lane
Trvnrh baT-. It U tatd. hava ben
particularly aetiva of lata, aa the Indlra
tlom ara that tha h"ma crop will produce
llttla fruit larger- than 8S oount. Tha
raportara are aa!d to be buylnc en tha
nine point on a baais of lt. which la
equlvatl-mt to 4 He t. o. b. four-else bat
basis American count, and are willing to
ray premiums of half a cant on 4a and a
r-nt to a cent and an eighth on . Fpot
California pnmea hava a fair Jobbing de
nand and under amall and concentrated
ji'ippllra tha market la strong.
ANOT-innt .lk or ltd OREGON nor
MrMlnnrllle lot of l09s Paid to Hava
Bmulit 1 (co'a.
There waa a rumor In tha hop market yee
t'rrtay that Stout, of XcM Innvllla. had
sold h!a 110 crop at !S centa and hla IK
rr. p at 1 centa to Polam. It this newa
la correct. It leaves only one lot of last
v-ar'a crop In the atate.
Tha nae contract, referred to yeaterday.
!. . d to be a tle-year aarreemant at -5
r-r'i f r tha Srst year and IS centa for
ih f'ur yeara
Uocal h"P factora" trade circulars, bear
m tlatca of June :b to ;. aay In part:
Wild. ame Co. There, haa been eery
little builncaa painc durtnic tha week
irt:ni to the holiday, but where aalea
have bcn effected they Indicate a further
hardenlr.c In raluea. Reforta from th
pUntationa ara oa tSe whole rather more
Micrrr A nenlcjr A quiet and ateady de
.nacd cuntlnuea for preaent requlrementa
and tha f" remaining lots of 110 ara
ocins radually absorbed at advanclnc
rafs. M"re attention Is siren to lto&a and
nMT latS.
W. II. It II. I.e Mar Tha demand from
consumers' for all cUsaes of hops la greater
than la uual at thia time of the year. Tha
tock betnc to small makea It difficult
fur tha merchants to aupply the require
ments of their customers. Fresh fly can
he found in the plantations but the proe
reea of the srowth of the Tine la eatle-fa'-tory
and tha sardrna that have been
: .washed are looklnc welL
Kpoi PrWs forking Don la the New
Crop I .eve I.
With th demand for wheat very slack,
spot price are eaaily going down to a
calls that will put them In line with tn
retire at which it is believed th ner er-.p I
will aelL Even blueatem. which ha tub- I
bornly held up during the latter part of
the season. Is beginning to sag. eellers
quoting a decline of on cent yesterday.
Other kind of wheat were more or le
nominal. No w crop business waa re
ported. Oats and barley wera quiet, but th
former was quoted ateady.
The bag mark-t waa atrong at T14 centa
and It la believed the price will go still
Local receipts In cars were reported by
te Merchants Exchange as fallowa:
YVh. at Barley Flour Oat Har
Minrtay .... 13 .. 20 .. 8
Tues.lav ........ .. 1 8 I
w-.lniay ..... 4 . 4
Thursday 11 .. 14 2 ..
Y-ir ao 2 .. 1 4
aeaeon to dte.l4 8 1"7 in 35
Year agu 12 13 loi : 12
M ateraeloo. Caalaloapa and Lease Bnat
aeea la Booming.
Th trad In watermelon, cantaloupe
and lemons was booming yesterday because
of the hot weather.
Atmoet all k'.nde of fruit were Arm. Good
hipping loganberrle aold at SL.8 and th
host raspberries and blackcap brought 8t.4fi,
herrlee continued weak, however. Royal
Anns s-lllrg at JSCS cent and black at
4 centa 'Oregon peache wera In fatr
uip!y and quoted at tl.lOtfl'S. New
Orveon apples were cheaper at $L73tf2.
Th potato market waa weak. Local
sto.-k was offered at lQls cents and
aufontlaa were held at 3 cents, but thia
prtc waa chaded.
tlau Are Now Qootrd ritroog I'p t 13Vk
Th lorl cheese msrket 1 strong and
half a cent higher. Twins, triplets and
daisies were quoted yesterday l ligliti
rent Th supply doe not equal th de
mand and production la decreasing.
Putter was firm at the last quotation.
Oregon tiici were tn small supply and th
msrket was very firm.
Toultry receipts were light and with
moderate demand, price held steady.
Bank Clear tag.
Fsnk elcarlnra of the Northwratarn cltle
y-rsre-iay were a So.low-w
C.evrlne. Ita'ancea.
port's nd
. . .8t i-2..".'"l 8-l-'il
... 1 ! 7 ;m JIM 1ST
Tti-om ...
Mtokinl ...
7"0.xl 4.V324.
... 4.l0 8U.71H
Grala. l'laor. reed. Etc.
ukciT Track peteea: Rlu'etem, 4fi
-!u'. lc. Russian. 80c; Valley, ale;
4-f" M. M-1.
mittrrrr" Rran. 814 50 9 25 Bar ton
mi-ld.ine HI: short. 3-3.302; rolled
CORN Whole. 111.30; cracked. 83X30 per
BARLET Choice fee. 81 30024 per ton.
OATS No. white. per lon.
ri nt-B Patent. 14.05 per barrel
trs:ht. 13 J; exporta 81 M: Valley, 84.38;
g-altm. 3 JO: wnoie wnat. ae-tu.
HAT Timothy, new. 314918: old. 8
;t. alfalfa, near. 813 to; clover. nw. 88.SOA
j. gra.a hay. raw. flL
Vegetable aad Frmlta. .
TROPICAL FRUITS Orange. 3398.80
rer bos: California grapefruit. 33G3-30:
ttritij. ti'SH" per pound: pineapples. c
rUf.-H FRLIT -heT-!. IHile per
,.,n at,r!r - 81.23 nL8 per crat n.n!. W Dr crate. pearhea.
..-ft per ra:e: w K.Ttn.lnnl. 2 r 2 H o
rr ra-Jh-l plume. (IW Pr crate: reap
h tee 1 U i J I per rrat: lorarherrl-a.
31 T 133 Pr rr.te; blarkcap. 8 1 & "I 1 -. ;
phi.-n. 81 JO 8 1 73 per box; pr jtiea ILM8
;3 r
pr aosen;
(CK VEiSETABLaS New carrola. fl
per u, t: turnlpa. Z: beets. IX.
VOTATrtiai N-w Oreron. 392HC P
pound. nr allffmla. 2 t Sc.
dMONa KeU. ll.Ji; white. 1 per hun
dred. Dairy aad Cavalry rrodaea.
rni'LTRT Hens,; hprtnes. 1
e?c: durks. youn. IClll-V: eae. 11c;
turk.T. -"c. dreoU. choice. 25c
KJO:4 Oregon ranch, candled. per
desea. , .
HI TTER City creamery estra. t and 1
pound prints. In bosea. -: per pound, leaa
than bos lota, cartons and delivery estra-
HEK.-E Twipi. tnpleta and dalt-s.
liSc per pound. Young America. I6OI0V1C
I'ORK Kancy. tlK per pound.
VEAU Fancy. lldKo per pound.
Maple Groeerlra.
SALMON Columbia Klver. 1-pottnd tall.
2 10 per dol'n: 2-pound tails. 1X93; 1
pound flata. i40; Alaska pink, i-poond
'rC'ITtE-Roasted. In drums. ZS90o V
pound. .
NI'TS Walnnta. 1TH01 Pe pound;
Praul nuts. 14 a loc; flioerts. 16c: almonds.
IBlSc; pecans. 1-; cocoanuta. SOcftfl per
dosen; chestnuts. l-'Sc per pound; hickory
nuts. tf loc per pound.
HOXKT Choice. i5 per case; strained
honey. 10c pr pound.
g ALT ilranu.aied. $13 per ton; half
ground. 100. W Per toa; to. 9 per ton.
BEANS Small white. e; large white.
4c; Lima. 7c; pink. 6ie; red Mexican.
gc: hayou. oc.
RICK No. 1 Japan. Hc; cheaper gradea,
I1..VID1.U; Southern head. o'stsTc; Im
ported Imperial. 6c; Imported extra No. 1.
fi'OAR rrry granulated. fS.TO: berry.
-7i tet i.30 extra C. li -": powdered.
tjatrela. t J ; cuh barrel. J4.10.
I'KIED FRC1TS Apple. llollo per
pound: apricota, 18c; peachee. lu 13o
prunea. Italian. lWllc: .liver. ISc: fig,
whit and biack. STHc; curranta. lot
11c; ralstna loose MuacateL l8THt;
bleached Thompson. HVjc: unbleached Sul
tana. be; aeeded. Wc
Hops, Waol aad Hide.
HOPS lwll contract. 23c per pound:
loin crop, ac; loa crop. 131 lc; old. 8
MOHAIR f" hoi re. 3rt6 3THo per pound.
WOOL Baetem Oreaon. 9Clftc pef
pound, according to shrinkage; Valley. 1&9
17c per pound.
PELTS Pry. lOe; Umba. J340o eachf
pelta. - T5c6l each; ahearllng. 100200
HIDES: Salted hides. tsc per pound:
salted calf. . 15 Iocs- salted kip. l'c: salted
etas. r : afre.n hMe. lc less; ry hld.
l"4c: dry calf, l'dlfc; dry stags. 116 He
C A SO A R A BARK I'er pound, i jiWc
GRAIN BAOa Wheat. T!c.
Provision a.
HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. l91ae; 1 0
14 pounds. 18H19c; 14 to la pounds. 18
t,i,c; i to 18 pound. 18qtl8We; aklnnad.
18c: picnic. 12Wc; cottage roll, lttoc
fMOKED MEATS Beef tongue. 63e;
dried beef et. none; outside, none; Inside,
S2c; knuckle. Sue
LARD Kettle rendered, tierces, 12 He;
tub. 12ic; (tandard. tierces. 10e; tub.
11c; choice tlerrea. Bie; tuba. 10c; bort
enlng. tlrecea. c: tuba. 8c.
BACON Fancy. 27c; standard. 23c; choice,
22c: Enjtllah. 17c.
DRY SALT CURED Regular abort clear,
dry slt. 12Hc; smoked. 134c; backs. light,
salt, lie: amoked. 14Vc; back, heavy salt.
12Sc: amoked. Uc; exports, salt. 12c;
amoked. 14c
LINSEED OIL Pure raw In barrel. 91c;
boiled. In barrels, V3c; raw. In casea, c;
boiled. In cases. Sc
TURPENTINE Case, TSe; wood barrels.
70Sc Iron barrela. Bfic: 10-case lots. 72a.
GASOLINE Motor gasoline. Iron barrela
lc; cases. 22c; fee gasoline. Iron barrel. 28c;
case. 3 Vi c.
COAL OIL Ordinary tet. case. 18910c;
balk. In tank. Sc: high test. 20Vic
lilcher Quotations on ktried Product
May Cause Ixxes or Trade,
Say Bayers.
DLNXBA. Cl Jul-r IS. v"it the rise
of prices tn deciduous fruit nd with ad
vance offera from local dealer, on dried
tuff from Chicago factortea. threatening
lettera have been received from New York
brokers, caueing a wldeapread resentment
throughout this entire district and occa
sioning much unfriendly comment.
In these letters, alter reviewing tne tact
that the Congressional committee has been
aaked sgaln to lower the tariff on citrus
fruit and aio ft-r calling attention to
th fct that Dr. Wiley ha ruled against
the eweatroom procea of colorlnv orangea.
the circular aent out to packerflaof thia ts
trlct aaya:
With the cost of living growing higher.
we believe that It will be the height of folly
for the grower and dried rrult packers to
attempt to raise the price of their produeta
abov th prevent quotation. We realise
that a raise at thl time I Justified la re
port of a trom tne soutnern
Mtates. which are factors In th average
market, but thia year California cannot af
ford to receive any more enmity.
To t oerfectlr frank. the Atlantic
Coast handlvra of dried fruit will do ;! In
their power to dmoratls tn rnrget ix
there la any tendency on your part to In
flate quotations. If dried fruit prices ad
vance another 2 cent n effort will be made
to handle a llttl drjed fruit aa possible
for the comlnr year. Too can realise what
It will mean If the people at larga And soma
substitute for dried fruit"
Fruitgrowers In this district atate mat
f-,.,i nnraa will be made strictly Its Una
with market report and price quoted will
be thoe which th situation warrant, rs-
gardlea of all threatened oorcoii oj toe
Quotation Current In th Bay City Kar
in produce price wer current today:
.. . . . k. lSA7t WrllA-
vegetBDive c muiuii - - w - -
. . .11 (A- a.vln - -
Jc; green pe. -'
1 jlue; asparagus. 11.2361TB tomatoea. 60
t-.a C .
rtutter r ancy err ij.i 7 . a-bo.
l r m ui. j riiaui.i
. n : n 23c; fancy ran-h. 24 He,
Cheese Voung Americas. 1 2 hi Q 14 c
Miiistuffa Bran. iaal: middling.
132.30 o S3.
vrult Apple cnoic. li on: common,
pananaa. iixri i.; texicao nw v.
... . . o.
auiorma lemons. Enow, fv. wiuuuu, . .
pineapple. $33 50.
,i . v xb'hAAt ii i (i i mr ion: wdkk bub
oata. ISO II: alfalfa. lldlL
. niona I .c n -
potatoaa Karly Rose. $1,3072.
Receipts r lour. atk.iu quarter aacas,
wheat. oo centals: barley. KtW cntl;
oata. 24nO centals: potatoes R20 aacka: bran.
1U aacka: mtddllnge. 5 aacks: hay. 2T ton
Metal Market.
..EW YORK. July 13. Standard cop
per. a pot, II. IS H 12.35c: July. 11180
l?l-c: Aaruit. oeDtembsr ana -.rctooer.
IIKSOUKSC. Londun quiet. Spot. f&T
1 Id: future. 37 l: d. Lake copper.
ll.7l.011c: electrolytic 12.82 Q 11.75c and
casting. 13.17 t 12.30c
Tin weak, tipoj. 41.250 tJ.TSc; July. 4113
4t4-wc: August. 41.l0ft41r: September and
October. 41 lfr41.7Jc London steady. Spot,
ll4 10s: future ! 8a
Lead firm. 4-4JtJ4iJ New Tork: 4.409
4.41V- East St. Louis London, ill 7s 8d.
Spelter quiet, 8.7023.73q New York; 8.4S
4J8.35o East St. 1-oula. Lonaon.
Antimony dull: Cookson'a. S.SOe.
Iron Cleveland warranta 44 ltd In Lon
don. Locnliy Iron wa steady. No. 1 foun
dry Northern. 314. tfi 13.28: No. 2 foun
dry Northern. 14.7(915: No. 1 foundry
Southern sod no aott. iiiuoii.:).
' iMdu Wool Sale.
LONDON. Julv 18. At th wool aac
pxaee tooar " -' - bu.iw,. a
demand wa good and firm price w
realised. Merino met a ready sale
American buying, but thee buyer only
cured a few light greasy.
Mltuteapoll YWiemt Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 13. Wheat
Jiy. t3: September, . frf8V4e: De
cember. 874c: No. 1 hard. -.",c: No. 1
Northern. STSCHc; No. 2 Nortnern,
V KG ETAH LtS Apracu. T5 9 Ve
don; bn. 3 tf 13 ci' - O 2.2
corn. 40 O JOc Mr 4
IrurumtxTS. 81 B 1:5 P" : eggp.ant. Jo
pr pound: garlic, lot 12c pr pound: let
tuce. 2ittic pr doxm: hot-hou Uttu-,
I tl siel.Tl pr bos: pe. 4((Sc per pound:
Bppra. I2S1'V pr pound: rdlh-. 1S0
I r dwn rhiirrh. JSnJo pr pound; lo-
Small Changes in Stock Prices
Are Toward Higher Level.
Excited Trading; In Porcupine Mines
on the Curb, Due to News of
Forest Fire Damas.
Bonds Are Steady.
NEW YORK. July 1J. Trading In stock
fell off to almost the lowest point of the
year today. Tranaactlona for tha entire eee
alon were only 11S.40H ahares. a compared
with tha year" low point of 10.:0 on
Aoril 12. when the mrket wa awaiting
the Supreme Court declalon In ntl-trust
-. .
Tha movement of atocka waa correspond
ingly narrow. Tha tone wa flrly firm,
however, and the movement, on the wheJa.
waa on the conaervatlva aide, even though
aome of the email artvancea were In Issue
wboas Influence on the market, ha always
been of little weight. .
Among the railroad lockl. Northwestern
sea atronaeaL with a gain of a point. In-
terborough Metropolitan preferred led tha
tractlone with an advance of two points,
while among the Industrials. American Beet
Sugar ahoared nearly as much gain at one
time. Tha advance In Interborougn Metro
politan .preferred represented a continuance
of the recent speculative buying on the
Improved prospect that the company am
receive a share of the aubway awards.
Tha further decline of five point In
Texa Oil waa ascribed to the serious III
nees of a prominent operator, whose initi
ative has thus far ahaped it destinies.
Baltimore Ohio rose fractionally on
the news that the director had declared
the regular eml-nnul dividend on the
common stock. Despite the disappointing
showing made by the road for the last
fiscal year, however, no reduction in th
rate had been generally looked for.
Trading In bond, while relatively mora
active than atocka, waa dulL
Some excited deallnga In -Porcupine min
ing atocka on the curb was occasioned by
new of the disastrous forest fire which
damaged mining properties in that dis-
rlct. - After an abrupt decline In almost
all the leading Porcupine Issue, tha stock
became quiet on a higher leveL
The bond market was steady. Total slea.
par value, I2.0st.000. United Statea bonds
wera unchanged on calL
Sales. High. Low. Kid.
Allt Chal pf -"'i
Amal Copper .. l..V0 fW !! 6S-,
Am Agrlcult .. ! .'.7 r.7 r.7 s
Am Beet Sugar. 8.SOO M C2 " MH
American Can . R"0 114 1 1 11 H
Am Car 4 Fdy. 20 61 V S'lH Ml
Am Cotton Oil.. J.0O0 S3 6 WH
Am Hd I.t pf -H
Am I.e Securl.. 600 25 24i 24
Am Linseed Jtt
Am Locomotive 41
Am fcmel ft Ref 1.3W W DO
do preferred.. i"'
Am Kt.,1 MV. lofl SSS Sii 34
Am Sugar Ref.. lo lins 11H llli
Am Tel ft Tel.. TOO J3S lax1 l.iti
Am Tobacco pf '
Am Woolen ... 100 81 14 .814 8114
Anaconda M Co on
Atchison 2.V 11 J 11214 J12'4
do preferred.. 2O0 10.1 108 1f24
Atl Coast Line. 4-0 132 ISIS lai
Bait ft Ohio ... 1.10 10a 108 1094
B-thlehem Steel ?J
Brook R Tran.. 0 S3H
Canadian Pac .. 00 242 241 V4 241 J4
Central Leather ,?X
do preferred. AJi
Chei" OhS J:- -00 -hi MH 'MS
do preferred.. 1 44H ' 44 4
Chicago ft N W . 700 147'a 147 147 Mj
f-. it Ft Paul. 7O0 12$ U-8V.-120H
C. C. C ft St U r - 'l
CaI fTiiAl a Iron
34 44
Col A Southern 200 M
Consol Gns ....
Corn Products ........ ....
Del ft Hudson.. ......
65 - r..i
143 H
.... 170
.... 2
r.7 4
D R Grande.
An nif.rrd. . ...... ....
PlalHler' Secur fJJ
3.14 8H
Krle !'' ?1
do let pf .
9 '4 6S
do 2d pr
Oenerol Elec":: 1 IMS 1S "J1J4
lt North pf ... l.loO 133 134 1..4H
Ot North Or. ,. ...... "
llllnnl central --' -JT-a J1T
'"i-'e-: SS .2 M lit
Inter Harvcat.r - 100 122 122 121
Inter Marino pf '
Int PapT "
Int Pump
Iowa Central J7
u- r Southern.
rJr-X'cl::- iqjH 1JJJS
Louie ft Nash. 1.2 JJ
Mo. Kan ft Tex
200 87 W
do preierrea..
Mo Pacific ....
'too ''
Nat Blacult ...
Nat Lead . . ,
-? r.svi nr. "4 S
,.Ufc a.-ii. SOU 31
S't ?en7r.l'."t 2 105
SlttnV,-.: -2.4O0 iiii. i 1M
Mrx N Ky Pi
Paclflo Mall kl 1244 124S
Pennaylvanla ... J r7
People' Ul L800 lo -4 lou . - '
P. C C ft St L.
Pittburif (nai.. . J.".
ss--s m
Republic Pteel.. 3O0 -US -2
RodcwffiCo-1.200 ? ij
irsTi-m - v
St L Southwest. -0
wSKW:-;iM jjjji ,535
USSSSjr.'. 153 2
w i ru-k
TT 8 BuDoer ... 'inu T- 7"H
U 8 Steel ..... .-,00 i4 T H J
do preferred.. 300 JVS .
Vtah Copper ... l.T S. MJ
Va-Caro Chem 4.3O0 80S
Wsbash 3-(
do Preierrea.. . ivtU
WBtern Md
2O0 75 7IW Ii"
inn 81" 61 SO1
wrtlnf Eleo
Tftern Union.
E-h-ghifv;: ;jiixK:. "
- - lli,
Total aaleg lor in. uar. i".
. BO'DS.
do coupon::..liv,;rnlon Paclflo )1014
?S. new 4. r.g.ll3 Wlwon Cent 4. 83',
do coupon IIS. Japan 88
D a R Q 4s. .
Money. ExcbruigA
NEW TORK. July 13. Money on call.
teay. 2n.n k" 1 " -
per cent: cloalng bid, 2 pr cent; offered.
per cent.
Tim lon. firmer: 0-dy bill. M per
ent: 0 dy. S4 per cent: .la montha,
m8H per cent.
Prim mercantile paper closed at 44y4
rteriing r .
th artnal bu.lerwa in banke-s Milt at
To"lt We. 200 22-4 22 21
do preferred.. 1) J J ,R?5j
Union Pacific .. 8.800 lt8 18. lj
i r rieai-.j ... - - ii u
NSW TOHK. July 13--posirig quotations:
' . Of f ereid Subject to Prior Sale ,
of Portland, Ore-ton.
81E0.000 preferred 10
Tk. interest on this --referred
8I00 0O0 common stock fully paid and 1150,000 preferred 10 stock,
which Is hereby offered for gale.
For further particulars, gee or -Tlte
E. C. MEARS, 1402 Yeon Building
Portland. Oregon
14. (WHS for wOKlay bllla and at t.H9
4.Mllo for demand.
Commercial mi.
Far allver, Mlc
Mextran dollars. 45c.
tiovernment -and railroad bonda. steaay.
LONDON. July '13-T-Br silver, quiet.
34 7-l4d per ounce. . ,
-The rate of discount In tne open n....
for ehort bills la l-l..per cent: do. lor
thre montha- bills. 1 13-lS-a 2 p" nt-
dAt FRANCISCO. July 13. Pterlin : on
London. 00 da, 14.84 : do. sluht. 4.t6Vj.
Draft. tgnt, ic; 00. ieirgr.u,
Eastern Mining Stork.
BOSTON. July 13. Closln quotation:
Alloues 211 'Mohawk J
Amalnamated . n',;.Ma ion
Am. Zinc Sm.. 2-INIpllni; H
Arl Com l.-.n; North Butte ... 3.
Boston Cop ft 611 14 North Lake S
o..... 1 . 1 1l tst nonilnlon .. 47H
Cal ft Arlx s 'Oeceola K'J
Cal ft Hecla ...4 Parrott 'J
Centennial I'J iQulncy
Copper Range.. o IShannon '
Kal MUllO Vop. mirur" .-- - - -
rranltlln . ' 12 Superior Bo .
Glroux Con 0!Tmaiack
Granby Con ... 3Sv,il;. S. brri. Ref.
Green Cananea " do pfd 4
li.le Royallo ... 17 ;Cth -on ..... l-
Kerr I.ake 6 l id I tah Copper ... 4iH
Lake Copi;er .. ,!7 nyinona "
I.a Fallo Copper 3 4 Wolverl
11 lam I Copper .. 20
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. July in. At inm
nlng of business today the condaf.on of tn
United State Treasury waa:
Working balance In Treasury. .8 S3.4fll.B3.
in bank and Philippine trea-
Tntml baianci" In" genera'l fund.. lert-J-J'-'J
Ordinary dl.burmetua ..... ?t
.,. itm" .gainst 'W.2M.620' at thl.
"Thrse'Vlgu? exclude Panama Canal and
public debt transactions
Hop at New York.
NEW YORK. July 13. Hops Quiet.
Hogs Are Firm and Best Cattle Sell
at Full Prices Receipts of
Hogs Small.
Tk.ra w. ai sood run ot cattle and sheep
t the dockyards yeaterday, but not many
hog came In. -The marsct on ..
B-jylng actively centered principally In tha
cattle division. Prime eteers brouBht 38-.'.
and the bulk of sales were from that price
to 80. LlKhter steers sold at $3 to
prime cows .gain brought $3.25. top calve.
old t $7.60. and bull nd .tag moved ac
cording to quality.
The sheep maraei i ........ -
. - ... i . .n. u. two lota ot
wether were disposed of at aa
vance of a quarter over "'"""":-., -V
quotation. Good lambs were firm at Jo.. a.
A few hog sales were reported at Si. -Receipt
were 3(10 cattle. 123 calves, 14
'.." "ZFJZZFZlt. Wash..
1 car of cattle and calves; L. Nelson. Cen-
tralla. Waah.. 1 car oi catue an.i no.. -
Reynolds. Opal City. 9 cars of cattle and
calve. K. 1L Rusaell. Opal City. 1 car of
horse.: F. Wann, Canby. 1 car of sheep: L.
K. Edwards. Drain. 2 cars of cattle: M. U
.- - -1 i nt rattle: W. JJ.
Fordyce. Enterprise. 3 car. -of cattle and
calves' C. F. Bauman. Baker. 1 car of cat
canea. u.i.!,!, Pendleton.
1 car of cattle'; w". Cooper, Vnlon. 1 car of
rattle: B. E. emitn. mat-iioi. - v.-.-aheep.
and R. N. Stanfield, Meacham, 6
oars or sneep. -
rr-.. jtavm .nira wera aa follows:
Weight. Pric
. i.oo J5.."0
f"..'" 7.t:i 4 !0
Xi lieuera - ' rft
calve. !.'
27 cow
"cow. :;,?, Lis
3 .teer. l-i .'
7 sierra 10,0 0.J3
-.1 !!ee 104.) 3.(13
2 aieer gM.
z:r". ::::::::::::::::::::::
' " M.I .VO0
: ...11. 1040 6.00
, ions
icoZ ...........iio
1 1 cow. 1"'3 5-' 0
J? Z' " 11110 4T.0
e ,,M XT,0
. . .7; into s on
; "zi !i4o
r... H'-'O 4.30
- S47 4.73
" cow. Sl "5
2-1 cow 107S 3.rt
4 calvea . .
lO calvea ..
20 calve.
1 c.lf
3 calve. .
1 .tag ...
1 stag ...
1 bull ....
t bull. ...
2 bull. ...
1 bull ....
20 aheep ..
1 1 ahern .
340 5.00
IKS 7..-.0
170 7.00
400 4.00
1X20 3.00
....1270 4. no
12.0 3. .10
lOiil 3.73
11 1.1 3.50
1030 3.00
111.-. 11.25
.... 114 2.M)
.... 103 4.00
10.1 4"0
. . . . .-. 3.73
32 7.00
210 wether
32.1 wether
bO lnmh ..
2 lamb ..
12 hog. ..
1 hog . . . .
1 kil.
. . . . LT.O 7.00
. . . . 6O0 3. .10
2 horsea. driver.
t-ir.e. fnrront on the varlou. classes of
stock at th. Portland.. Vnlon Stockyard.
wer as ronows:
Prima hsy-fed (teers 8 00 S 16-25
w , . . K Tift i)A
Flr to good tr. 8.25Q 8. SI
r- mn .leer. Mod
Prim cow. 6.23 5.5
Good to choice cow 4.7:. 5.00
Flr to good cow 4.noft' 4.75
Poor cows 4.25 tr 4.50
Choice heifers 6.OU0 8.50
Choice bull -s W 4.1
Choice light calve 7.00 i T.8.
Good to choice light aires ..... I 75l J
r.fc.n.. calvea t.ltM & 1 4
Choice tg 8.00 9 5.50
boud to choice .tag. 4-7i 5.0
Choice hog. ..J 7.00 7.23
Good to cnoic nog
Choice to heavy 6.35 V 6.30
common .uw -
fctock hog 4.75
Choice Spring lamb. 8.00qi 6.00
CSiolce yearling. 8.754 4.4t
77... i.- ..ii tn i. it
UOOQ IU tun ii.. j . . .. n ........ v.-vv -- '
Fair to medium yearling. t.oma 8.50
- . 9 a oo
Good to choice ewe. 2.5u tf 2-'5
Fair to medium ewe. 2.2.". j) 2.50
Good to choice heavy wether.... 8.50 3.75
Old heavy wether 8.00 3 3.50
Mixed lot. 4.00 5.00
The followlpg quotation. wpreent price,
oa this xn.rket for th. different claaa. of
horse. : Drafter., extra heavy, $30"w50d;
drafter.. 1400 to 1700 lba. tl50250; draft-
..a. . . Ann ik. iinAnin. k...i..
11041160; plugs, 110840; driving horsea
(75 and up; aaddla bona eo asd lis.
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO, July 13. Cattle Receipt., es
timated, 450O; market, slow at yesterday'.
J.iln Rmvm tl Kr.ifi'T: Tims steers. 84.60
6.10: Western steers. 84.7.1 5.90; stocker.
.nd feedere. eot;. lu: cow. ma neiiera, a.. caivee, i.
Unrm II .t. n'a .itlmitM. 15.00O: market
Be higher. Light. 86.45&8-87H; mixed, 8.40
4r.VO: heavy, n.aiuo.iB; rougn. o. uij
6.4.: good to choice heavy. 81 45ti.81; pigs.
86.156.03: DU1K oi sales,
KAn D,i.inii MtlTnariiii. iri.OOO: mar
Vet. flow to wenlt. Native. '.tv'rt 4 3 5;
cumulative stock, guaranteed interest pay-
gtock Is -ruaranteed by L
The Capital
Western. 894.70: yearlings. 5. 30;
lamb., native, efCM; ei-;iu ..
Coffee and Sugar.
... T... r.,t 1 1 CnfPea closed
steady at a net decline of 2 5 points. July.
- - . . cftrt- esntamhrr. ll.AlC.
ll.tnc; AUKuau, .uv-, -
October. ll.ISc: November. 11.04c: Decem
ber. January, euruary, s-ra, .
"". "Ci. .- t -lttAt Santo.
Ko. 4. 14c. -MUd coffee finn. Cordova,
14-16o nominal. -
Sujrar Ra,w firm. Muscovado, 89 tst,
. .k.. i a ... 3 r1r molRJiSeS
ugar, 9 test. 3.43c. Refined steady.
fc New York Cotton Market.
a-Tr-rtr" vrtoc- Tniv 12 Cotton futures
closed eleady. July. 14.05c; August. ' 13.7Sc;
i . i i Q-.r.' nrtrthir. 12.74c: Novem-
ber, 13.71c: December. 12.72c: January,
12.71c; March, 12.7oc: May. i;.ac.
Spot closed quiet, unchanged. Mid-uplands.
14.25c; mid-Gulf. 14.50c Sales 311)0
xew ORLEANS. July 13. Spot cotton
quiet; middling. 14c
Wool at St. Louis.
ST L,lll 1 Uljr W. ""in un..i.ovU.
n. i. . ur..i,rn m.rllttmii 17ixl9c:
l ri i ii in ' .im ' . . i ,
tine mediums. lKo17c; fine. 11C14140.
If a horse could
talk, oh how elo
quent he would
preach the gos
pel of bitulithic
street pavement.
Travelers' Checks
Letters of Credit
Drafts oij. Foreign Countries, Money
Cable and Telegraphic Transfer of
Money Payable Througnout
the World.
American Express Co.
Seventh and Stark Streets.
Constructs Asphalt and other BUn
tnluou. Pavements. 806-608 tlectrie
bids, Portland. Or. Oskar Uuber.
" ' ' -
- n nn dii-.'.I.'t)1ii V n Auf 3
Pre.. Lincoln July 2af Amerlka. . . Aug. a
KILlirajU.J IV a. . I aa- - - -
Will rail at Plymouth and t-,h"hourg.
. .II., u,; Anir. IS. S A. .11.
Aua. 29
8. 8. MOLIM5
110 Day
Aboard -
By the 17.uoo-ton
The first to leave
New York October
21. 1911. The ec
ond to leave San
Francisco Feb. 6.
1012. Annual Event
Trips In Oct.. 1912.
and Feb.. 1813. by
large a 6.
Victoria Lulae.
. . . . - ft- t T IT
160 Powell
.t.. San Francisco. Cal.. or Northern fa
rifle. O.-W. R- N. Burlington Chicago
Milwaukee Puget Sound Ky- and other
R. R. office. In Portland.
Th. Tourl.t Highway
aad Scnlo Rout, to Euro pa
The St. Lawrence Rlv.r.
Th. Shorteat Ocean Paaaage.
Lea. than Four Day. at Sea,
by the
sailln.a Montreal. Quebec to Liver
pool. Flr.t cabin, fao-. .econd cabin, 51-25:
one-claas cabin (called .econd cabin). i7."0:
third cabin. $87 and 31.25. A.k local
a.enu. '. R. Johnaon, O. A.. 142 Third St,
of J. J. For.ter. T. P. A 71S Sacond ave,
The moat delightful apot on entire world
tour for your vacation. -W"lJ
lna at the tamoua beach oi Walklkl. in.
.pfendld 68. Sierra (10,000 ton. dl.p lacjr
t) make, tha round trip to la"J"
one can on a aid. trip tn. IIMnrf ol
eano of Kllau which la tremendouaiy ao
fJvaT and .ee for hlro.elf the proces. of
world creation. No other .rip compare,
with thl. for th. marvelou. and wonderful
In nature. the laland. now. while yott
can do It ao eaaily and quickly and whll.
the volcano U active. Prompt attention to
telegrams for, bertha. Sailing": July 22,
Aug. 12. Sept. 2. S'.pt. 22. 9tc.
1t Karkes Street. Baa Pranetaeo.
has been Increased
from $500,000
to '
Established 1886.
Merchants National Bank
United States
Capital and Surplus.
This bank has been transacting a conservative banking busi
ness for a -quarter of a century. It invites, you to join the larga
number of prudent, careful people, who, during that time, hava
found their banking relations both agreeable and profitable.
First National Bank
' Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountaius
Bank Notice
Security Savings and Trust Company
Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets
Capital and" Surplus $950,000
Invites Accounts of
Merchants, Individuals and Savings
a. v.i nnnort with
connecting ai j-imv-o "
Charlotte Islands and local points.
Trains leavs Prince Rupert every Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00 P. M. rof
Copper River, B. C. (100 miles) and returning arrives Prince Rupert 5.20 P. M.
Iuktrsndlaka checked from Seattle, Victoria or Vancouver
(Double Track Ronte)
Four Through Trains Daily No Excess Fare
To all points East: Standard and T.-nrl.t sleepers, dining: cars serving" meala.
v a-la-carte and club breakfast.
I.v7 30 and 60-day round-trip Tourist Tickets. Send tor free booklet giving
routc-s and rates.
J. H. BURGIS. General Agent, Passenger Dept.
First Ave. and Yesler Way. Seattle. Wash.
Short Ocean Tourl-it Trip
From Portland to Bayocean
Oregon's New Summer Resort
Ten Hour Trip on River and Ocean
-Leave Portland Tuesday at T P. M.
Saturdays t T A. M. Elegant and
fast ocean-going boat.
Heals a la Carte. . Bertha 1 and 150
Boat Leaves Supple's Dock
720 Corbett Bulldlnar. v
Ban Francisco and lx Angeles Direct.
From Alnnworth flock, Portland. A. M-:
SS. Bear July 17, Rose City 32, Beaver t7
From San Kranctsoo, northbound. 12 M.:
6S. Rose City July IS, Beaver 20, Bear 23.
From San Pedro, northbound, 13
SS. BeaTer July 18, Bear 23, Roue City 28.
H. A. Mo.her. C. T. A.. 142 Third St.-
J. W. Ran-iom, a-rent. Ainsworth Dock.
Phones Marn 402. Main 268. A 1402.
Sails from Alnsworth Dock Portland, t
A M., June 10. 15. 20. 25. 80. July 6, 10. 15.
20. 25. 80. and every 5 days- Freight received
a' Atnaworth dock dally up to 6 P. M. Pas
encer fare. nrst-claa. 810; second-cla
(7. lncludlnrt mals and berth. Ticket of
M Alnsworth Dock. I-honas Mala 26
Main 110.. A 124.
Depository. ,
North Coast tourist Eoute "Norway of America.'
Leave Seattle, Wash.,
Wednesday and Sundayat 12:00 o'clock Midnight for
Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart,
S. S. "PRINCE ALBERT" for Queen
Freight recalvna
ally at Oak-su lock
tor The 1 a 1 1 .
Hood Rlvar. White
ealmon. Umatilla,
Ker.nelck. Paca.
Richland, Hantord,
White Bluffs. J.ewls-
ton. Idaho, and la- :
termedlate points.
Steamer leaves Portland Sun.. Tusa..
Thurs.. 7 A. M. Returning . leaves The Dallea
Mon.. Wed., FrL. I A. M . arriving at Port
land about 6 P. M. same day. "..jS :
Buchanan, Bupt-i V. S. BmaUnoou, Oa I
lacx. Phonaa Ualn 2U90- A 8627.
San Francisco, Loa Angeles
and San Pedro Direct.
North Paclflo S. O- Co.'s a, B. Roao-ika
and S. S. Eldw sail every Wednaadar aita.
Bately at 8 P. M. alcket office Hi IWM
u, niar Alder.
UART1N J. HIGLEY, Faueuxn Aceal.
V. 1- BLDtvStR, Freight Agent.
Phones U. IM. A
Lev- Rates. Schedule Tims.
J1S Railway Hxcnang Bldg.
Portland, Or,
Alain 871. A mil
Lia per ova. , w
47acj o. wneau svw-awva.