t 13 THE MOKyiyG OREGOXLVy. FBIPAY, JlTrTT; 14, '101,1. ' . , f TO , rR BAT R- t PLAIN VIEW ACRES Li lnurbly, gently tlejicg. Adjoin prodnctiT frm. I ceIlrit!T irine4 nd i Nit are's iiel tpot for gardenicg. Viw rarrb of Tnalfttin Valley. I Etensivt- farming profitable on Earh fuboirision or trart. Wail water is abundant from i-prings. And may b had from wells. Chiclcens or pig may b grown profitably, with Rsady market in Portland and Every trart witl a-ivanr Suffiripntly to assure you poorl profit. Get Booklet In Office. JACKSON &DEERING 2i6 STARK STREET 2 Stores onWash ington Street for Rent Two saall i tores in the New Garland Hotel, corner Wash ington Street and Trinity Place. Seasonable rent. Long leases. One corner store, 17x45 feet, suitable for any line of business. Inside store fine location for a barber shop. Apply to I. GevnrU & Sons, 173-175 First Street. WALNUT PARK SNAP -;-tvry mortrrn residence?. ! fireplace. rautlful lawn and rarden- liiOO. 'Ttrmi. All 24. Orea-onlan. REAL rSTlTK DMLEU Tiek. William G, 213 Failing bids. Brureker Benedict, ftvj XclUr bio. Hi- rh.iin a Brrltw, 832 Ounbw CnBntrtii . B. S. Co.. 8" Corbet! bids. J,snlr.s Co.. Mala IM. JM Orccmlaa, riLULMONU CO, H. P.. 21 CoauDif cial rmt b:d. Tfcs Oregon Reel feat -. rj,-iei ead Ma'tnorr.au t. (Ballade; Addtlonl. WUITCOMU BROS.. loW C of Core, UAL MTATR For (! I .eta. IRVINJTON CORNER, irvtioo feet, at F 23d and Knott . ail street Improvements in an Meal resi dence eite- prl-e $:;7v. extractive terms H. P. PALM SR-JONES CO.. :i.-2l.t commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main A 2-lV NOR HIM. FRACTION. Nob Hill fractional lot. vary good for fata or tpartm.Rl-hmiM. near good ear service; $3:i". on good trraa n. F. tRTAN. Main 191. 6-5, rhsm. of Com. A 112T. IX) !i SOx'.OO. $75 to $250. easy terma; 1 to 4 Mock from electric car station, vele phone. mall route, eto.; this close-in eiburban property will Interact you. J. v. HeSerlin Realty Co, 2u Corbatt bid. Both phor.es. .ViliM 1RV1NGTON SNAP. A fine lot on E. 27th. bL Tillamook ae-1 Thoriaroa eta; price only $1650; cal and .-'u par month. tiRVSSI A ZADOW. 8'.T Board of Trad b'.dg, 4th and Oak. WEPT STARK AND 82D ST8. Ixita $-' aasy tarnu: bat bur la tha rlrr: paw eartina now bulldinv; aaa us at one fcilIRE REALTY A TRl'ST CO ! Yaon B bl.r.h.,1 .14 J. . . rSMN'dLU. I hT, a foil bkvrk far la: thii la a fiat growing district and this blok la tn Hi bat part of It; look tnis up; will i't, tmi AJ :5. Orygonlan. oE"irTT PARK lot. 00; ona and on ha.f Mollis frntn rarUna. on 40tii at.; moat Caalrabla for buMinC purposes; terma hai down. M :H OrKntan. CF.EENWAT. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Sll vi.w lot. 64 ft. front on- ear IT., c-pth 1S ft.; tiuo r.h. baj. oa or b.'ora 10 rra. aara It a a pickup. Prad W. (wririn. 32 Burmlda. M. or A ITS. SOUTH KT. TABOR. Tbras blo-ka from nw ml Tabor Park. Two full lota. lOOxluO. for aala at a saenoca: own.r has laft city and mast aU at onr. ; tarma. 1T4. Orasoolaa. I.ADD 8 ADIITJOV. Anrona daatrlnff to acura ona of tbs rhoKac lota In ihia x-1ubits raaidanca oi.trtcc at a p.-Ira much balow vsius. com mqm ata aitb B 2t. Orcsonlsn BI3 oACRIFICkT Porfard Unihta cornar ISiKW 1V ft. fcarn-aurtaca paid, and Included; IHtrflO; t-rma. rorn.r oppoalta aoid for Fhoaa Kaat gAW tl'ITT-in Uiraa adjoinlnj lla on Oarl hai.1l Baah. panr station on Haw Tllla njolt R. R. : ay pamnta; no Intarrat - uav H Ontsonlan. r'lN.-T lot In Portland, soma fir aharle tr.va. 1 b.ock Haathorna rsr. $0.V; amall nr t. -wa. bai. S4O mo. Phona ownar. Ta- nt 4; THIS BEATS IjOTS. Woqid yon invaat III par month In prope-ty that will inaura you aa tnooma f"r l-fr AS ISl.. Oresonlan. ;ti 'k Fast J1h at.. Inrlnston A baa at I ful location and rloaa In. C, J. Alo cnfV. -4 McKay bt. O'KNER iot. Riiw lty Perk, l-nprovsments in and paid: tarma AX 3. Ura- r.i .n. .I'.'1TV of 2 tlna lots In 0r!.wk fr (ood hou.a of squai va.ua. or wouid aalL A ..itiritr. 4:0 K th st. inWHH'I lot at Ocaao Park: IS down; $ moath: no Intaraat." 4w0 Woroaatar Md. M. 14'. 'OR IJALR Thr beautiful lota, earner aV 23th and Tillamook tit.; hard-surf acs at. A l.trre. P. O. Bos 4QO. city. ,pORTL.AD Hei(thl. ;reanway. mountains end river view; !e building site, on car line T 24. Oregonlan. j iOWS. II 25 par week, beautiful lot. near F!r!and. HICit-BT BISHOP. ISa d St. ,e -.v Sevan lota reetHrtad districts tarma cast. M 22. P-a.onlan. if.QT-T-r-v; in 2 fine lota In r.aatraarelajid Add. ;.V Bloch Realty Co.. l!"o Al"r at. VN(TI of 20 f-ne fcaet Side lots. 17000; terms cash. M 2'4. Crefpan. fj-VAP Lot for 130. all cash, restricted dis trict. M 2M1 Oresonlajv Jincj CiTT PARK. S block a 4th. 70-rl n A PA RT3IKNT slte West rsrk. Owner, V :, Orefonlsn. . " .... .wirr I RIAL ISTAIB. 'T: -7i7 F 'I " S..e-Acrg,. yorST PORT1A.VD HEIGH TS. 1Wi40. le.ai. fiorloaa lew. cannot ba beaten. SllOoO. wi.l dlrlda. quarter blocks, beat part relents. Im proved treats, from IMOO to 1 10.UOO each, sccordlng 10 location and view. 2v, lota. Alta Vista. Ill fc frantaa-e. srsnd city view, raduosd from faooo to 40i) for quick sale. tia lots. Oraanwsy. fins oast view. t2.v: big reduction for cash. looxiso. isvai. beautiful view, fine uses, IS.vo 2 lots en Ellsabath St.. near Ravana vtew drive. Ilaoo; will sell ona. TH 'a. grand view. llUWO. 1 i-10 acra tract, doss Pattoej road oar. Vain 5S1. BROOK. A 3. LOTS. 10. RTOHT OK TV BUT 8rP CARt.INK. BE TON D CITY PARK. BOTH AND Vt. IAMH1LL HT9. Kew addition, tea minutes from boat Sees center, on new Wsehlngtoa-eC ear liae: Iota t100. soma larger. lim, easy pavmants: these lots are beautiful nome sltas. National Realty Trust to, rfo T:l C nam hex of Commaros b.dg. Main tut. APARTMENT-HOI'' sits for sal: finest . 1 . . . r-r. frontlna two an. foot street a with perfect light on four sides and an unobstructed view of the city and mnuntelne an two sides; on atreetcar line: onlv 10 minutes from Hth and Wash Inston sts. Inquire at 714 Msrquam bldg.. Portland t i 0 DOWN. 110 PER MONTH. Flsa view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement wt.li. Bull Rsn water, fruit cared for free of cnarge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 471. a 1632. ' Far fiala XtrT SACRIFICE SIT FINE HOVE TN ROUE CITY PARK: COR. 4TH ANT AI.AMEHA. LOT IOOxIUO. BKAITIKUI. VIEW OF CITT AND MT.: A-room house, strictly modern In every reepecti 1 am leaving tba city neat week and must sell at once: very easy terms; no. reasonable proposition turned down. I'hone ownar at raa.. Tabor "302. down town. Marshall 4T or A 1022. Ask for Mr. Price. . AT COST PRllK AXI FOR SALE BT OWNER. Real cnt stona bungalow. 1H -story. 7 rooms and finished sttio: fsclng oast, re stricted district, all doors slnele paneled. 2 tol .is. 1 on each floor, hardwood floors, hot wster heat, cut stona fireplace, lots of roses and flowers, prloa raeltidee shades, sloctnc Bsttiree. gaa hosier and linoleum: nss auto Rtru. e -" 7 1 yr orch: tnis nousa was puiu vj 1 1 for a noma ana mucn n. " ' . - . at coal price. Tha cost was 4J.S. be sides extra wora on iswo , house. I will tsks ah. Now occupied by owner. Phone Owner. C I s. KENTON. Nobby 4-room bungalow; water, sewer, elertricity: block snd bslf from car; ones $l&'k; ease psymenta E.aOT SALMON STREKT. Vary nat a-room house on Salmon. Jnst wwrt of th: modem tn every respect; in cluding all kmde of bullt-ln convenlencea. bookcases, clothes snd dust chutes. Dutch klerhsn. etc: full cement basement with tube; woodlift: good plumbing; piped for furnace snd gas snd wired for electricity. Fes owner, next door, or B. 8. Cook A . o., IM'S IWWIt I ' 1 ' , . U'EST UPeT A district not surpassed In any place In Portland: an atmosphere ot refinement pervades tha entire communi ty: an ideal environment for children; an artistic residence; Just a suggestion In the srchltecture of tha French chalet: T rooms, designed psrtlcnlsrly for con venience and comfort; spacloua covered porches In tha rear are an Important feature of this boms, for tha view Is beaotifut: foil lot with well-kept lawn and rosea: last a Mock and ana-half to car; a bargain at s.ort; terms Le Nolr m Co, ground roor of Chamber of Commerce. BAROAIN NAP RACRIFICB Irvlngton nsw modern boms for sals" eight rooms, sleeping porch, nsrdwood floors, svery convenience; ftiwo mortgage, rune three yaare; terms. fTTSn cash, less mortgaxe. or 1&2.-.0. at linoo cash, t.vj monthly, or (aaoo at l-WO cash. $1"0 monthir. NO ACENTP. DEAL WITH OW-BR- PHOXB B 1 ' FOR SALE MAGNIFICENT HOME. Consisting of full block, with artistically la M -out flower gardens, fruit, ornamental trees snd shrubbery: home la large and elegant, la best taste and condition; lo cated In fsshionable neighborhood on East Side. II rooms, bllllard-room. stesm heated. Isrgs porches. Including sleeping pirches; II Is very chesp st ths price. it0i. would consider lO.0"O In timber or fruit land In part pay. If worth tha money. Address AG Z2 Oregonlan. 3SO CASH. ROBE CITT PARK. ; PER MONTH. w.. eec.nt ion halL den. sleeping porches, solid osk floor, built-in buffer- and library, sooscssea. V'-- mirror, doors, etc. Nstlonsl Realty Truet Co.. room "23 Chamber of Commerce bldg Main 0129. THAT VACANT LOT. . WHT NOT TURN A BLRDKrf INTO INCOME PROPEBTTT IF TOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THS ".P?" AND BlILD RESIJENCB OR FLATS. PLANS FREE. IF WE FVILR OCR REP VTATION TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL. P.'.T TO SEE V'& . I R. BAILET CO.. INC.. rjJTRACT INa ARCHITECTS. 24 ABI-TOTON BLR WAVERLT HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Dsndy a-room bungalow. modern throughout, nreplaca. cement basement, only built short lime, price $2700. 1100 cash will handla first payment, balance 11 per month. Including Interest; thia Is an exceptional buv. party going Eaat and wants to dispose of ssms quickly. HOJ, BROOK. 'J Swetlsnd Bldg. HOMES. Have funds to build boms for a few steady employed, part lea sol Back bldg, Tth and Oak sts. HAWTHORNK AVE. SNAP. Nlea is -room house, nearly new, lot R"x Ho. on E. 83d St., near Hawthorne, price only 10; $1750 cash and IS par month, not many snaps Ilka this one. URUSM ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade bldg. tth and Oak. BARGAIN o-K.ut.tM jii. -uai.u.t. Close to Kllllngsworth and Union avea.; all modern: a beautiful home. (2no. terma DeTOfNO HARTSHORNE. St Chamber of Commerce. Main C"da. rx-N-T PAT RENT. We bare 4. t and S-roora homes, all modern. In restricted dlstrlrta for sale on easy tarma Provident Investment st Trustee Company. 2l-2-a Board of Trade. Marshal! 473. A 1"22. -ROOM new modern home, extra large lot. only S250O: owner will pay all street assessments while you sre paying for It: luet a small cash payment, then ttO per month. J. E. Smith. 413 Chamber of Commerce. onlt in s. no" cah Attractlva grounds. XOOzlOv: fins garden; neat, plastered, tinted 4 -room cottage, toi let, bath. Bull Run water. Stewart Sta tion. Mt. Scott car. Phona Tabor 11H. K'!ERN &-room house and lot: cement basement, walks, nicely finished Inside, lots of roses, lswn. close In and tha price Is right. ai K. 11th st. East 23. NEAR STEEL. BRIDGE. Beautiful 4-room house, lswn and rosea, eaar walk to business, bargain price.. M. E Thompson. Henry bldg.. ground floor. A SNAP for HJ.1. 1400. T rooms, recep tion ball, modern. 2 blocks from Haw t Horns ava. For particulars, call Tabor 4!. NEW, modern, s-roora bungalow, corner lot. between two cartlnet, 12900: 1.100 cash and 120 per month. The Western Securities Co, 414 Spalding bldg. a-hOOM houss; lot STxinO; on East Slds car line: ffteen minutes rids to Wssh Ington st. Ton can't build houss for price asited. Ml E. 11th, St. East B02S. $10 MONTH LT buys 5-room home, electric light, gaa. phone, bath, basement; price S275Q. Phona owner. East 2741. FOR SALE on essy terms: 6 -room modern bungalow. In Ross City Park. Phona own sr. Ta bor TPS. - SEE Le Nolr Co. for WEST SIDE homes Exclusive dealsrs In West Slds properties. Oround Floor. Chamber of Commerce. WAt4t?0 ST, modem home, t rooms. $171.0; g.vts cash. bai. like rent AB 247. Ore gonlan. a,ROOM house lot 40x1O0; 14 blocks from ear; onlv 1700: H cash. BLOCH REALTT CO, 200 Aider St. t SMALL, houses, lot SOxlOO; fenced: water, fruit trees. 2 Mocks from car; 9000; 4300 cash. Blooh Realty Co, Alder St. HOLLADAT PARK, S4 Clackamaa st-. modem rooms: gaoo down. baJanca easy terms. Csll Tabor 14 iTRICTLT MODERN a-room buo-gaiow, only I .'"X). on sasy terma Sea J as. A. Clock. til Alder. Phone Main tlt, XX IRV1NGTON For sale, modes residence). For particulars, phona C 2344. BCILD your home now. Call at TO Couea bldg. H. P. BARN HART. month. 430 Worcester bldg. PORTLAND HUlUUTo OK THil F.AST S'on3Tha east slop of Mount Tabor, with a grand view of Mount Hood, are three Anderson bungalows. Just completed, and ran bo had on very easy payments. Take Mount Tabor ear to 60th St.. walk two blocks north snd two blocks east to Tlst and Stark sts. 1 street work Included In pries of bungalows. TON T J. ANDERSON. BU1LPKR, 41 Lewis Bldg. aiarsnati iv. ONE of tha very best bue In Irvlnglon: a real home: living-room. ',"l":r"om)-utcn caption halL den and pass ball and I'""" kitchen on main floor; reception hallara living-room In old Ivory, dining-room, fumed oak. built-in buffet and bookcase, hardwood floors.' handsome fixtures, a ' large bedrooms, all whits enamel, also large glass-enclosed sleeping PO'f,". rur" nsca and full cement basement a'th tuns, and good attic; lot MxlOOi beautlfu llr W proved: rosebushes; slso rulj trees started; handsome rustlo fence '"1o" back ysrd : 4XX to l.K10 "",rt 'V'.' proposition: nothing like It In Portlwd for fba price ws ask. Sea ownar at 640 Eaat 2tn r.orin. nearivnw. Just completed snd resdy for occu psncy; S rooms, hardwood noors stslrs. floors nnlshsd upstairs, handsomely finished woodwork. Dutch kitchen. basement, furnace. 2 fl replaces. lllln flxturea shsdes. Isrgs stllc: fsces East, lot 60x100 feet, hard -surf acs Pavemant, on carllne; price 460O0, terms $3000 easn. feasance on mortgags. H. p. PALMER-JONES CO, S12-21S Commercial Club Bide Phonss Main 8H9.. A W3- IRVINOTON A srx-room modem hotns Just completed, one of ths handsomest In tnis district of beautiful homes: thrsa double porches extsndlng full width of house, making an Ideal sleeping porch upstairs snd breakfast porch off dining-room, oak flo.rs. mahogany paneling: Ivory tinted ceilings snd walla, something different snd must be seen to be epprectated. Can not be duplicated at price asked. cash will handle It. exceptional terma on balance. "Call up owner In mornings lor sppolniment. Telephone East 43iO- $14.000 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Splendid. Isrge. modern residence, just completed, resdy to move Into: 6 large slry bedrooms. 2 sleeping-porches. 3 nre placea. 2 bathrooms, automatic hot wa ter heater, large bllllard-room. lovely screened dlnlng-porch. native trees, se cluded location; garage, finished drlve wsy and lawn; evsrythlng complete. Can arrange terms. Owner, pi'6 Spalding bldg. BEAUTIFUL. HOUSES. Two of T rooms, very tasty. 5O0 cash. 1100 psr month; hardwood floors, modern: Ane i.MMm t.'UVl Mill. IHO mOnttl tWO rooms. Will tske lot. some cash. Brst payment. DON T Miss this, win ou' " . to suit sny one with 15oo: tsks monthly ravments. 110 up. AH finest locations, rvlngton; no agents East 27a. C 1864. W. 1L HERDMAN. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fins room residence, besutlful grounds Extensive city view; 115.000. Beautiful, modem. 7 rooms, most ex clusive district: 1000. rt-room bungslow. large grounds, roses, spsclous sttlc; 147J.O. Cosy R-room cottage, eorear lot. walk ing distance; 2nM. Main 8561. BROOKE. A S0. . t.lttP KENT IIS MONTH. B-room modem bungalow close in: ona block carllne. east front, full Dssemei'i. paneled dlnlnit-room with beamed celling. r. K Vltchen. electricity and gas. well built, walls tinted, small cash payment or cheap lot. contract, mortgage, or any thing of value nrst payment, oee -..-.. OS loth st, near Rterlr inn ui.iUT.avn BUNllALOW. 1400. Nearlv new. fine 4-room bungalow, fur nace, beam celling. Dutcb kitchen, etc.! on fins corner lot. 60x100; soma nlcs fruit trees, cement walks psld: oa East lwtn st. N. : handy to car: nrlca 2S00, $400 rash sna s.o per raontn. GRUPSI t ZADOW. StT Board of Trade bldg. 4th snd Oak. BUNGALOW ROSE CITT PARK. Why do you pay rentT Investigate my new bungalow; a beauty, lot 60x100. street Improvements psld: 10-foot parking, lswn. shade trees, oak floors. 3 mirrors. 0-foot buffet, restricted district, payment down, balance monthly: phona from 10 to 1 morning and evenings. Main 4144. nnciT HUT OVT.T I2&0 CASH. Classy (-room bungalow with hardwood floors. Isrgs sleeping porch, fireplace, etc.; slrlctlv up to the mlnuts. If you hsve looked s round snd know values you win toh this otiiek when you see It: bsrd surfsce district, close In. price $a0. only $m cash. Tabor usa. AT RIVERA Besutlful country place, five miles irom cur. escenoni t. "i ii lamefte River, city and mountains: beauti ful grounds, very complete, modern bouse, T rooms, two baths, two large fireplaces, screencd-ln dining-room snd sleeping porcbea AD 2". Oregonlsn. LEAVING city; will sell my strictly mod ern -room house snd garage, Irvlngton; wish to sell quirk: will make price right snd msk terms to suit. Address p. O. box 5To. r-oriianq. 'r. "OH CALK or rent, a furnished houss oa Klrby and Webster sts., oppoalta tha Jefferson High School: Sao per month real or will sell on easy terms. Inquire Caio set Hotel. 160 Park St. v r.s I piis ii v j. f TS6 Corbatt st, lot 60x100. A-room mod ern bouse, street Improvements all In: terma Key 7 Corbett St.. owns r. 268 l.tth. Main 5"d. S5;n MODERN -room house, with SO by lf0 feat of ground: No. no Esst 12th. near Stark street. A spienmo. Dargain; terma PARRlcn. WATKINS at CO. 2.10 Alder Street. vkw B-room. modem bungalow, on 2Sth st, one block from two carllnes; must be Sola immediately; .--".v. ,oiv run sna balance 20 per month. Call 414 Spald ing bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW $3600. Verv nest little home, coxlly furnished. 6 rooms; sn exceptlonslly good buy; terms If desired, r rsn v. . uermsu. Hum side. M. or A 2TT0. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 8 rooms, modern, cor ner E. aoth snd Salmon sts.; easy terma provident Investment 4 Trustee Co.. 201-2-8 Board of Trsds. Marshsll 473. A 1022. tAOO BELOW market Plica takea modern Irvlngton boms of seven rooms, hall and bath: bullt-ln furniture, fireplace, Dutch kllcnea. tun ccroein umc-iubui, nsu casu. balance monthly. Phona East 6810. A. ACRE, new 6-room cottage, S blooks Mt Scott. 6c car. city water; price $1600: worth 820O0; .Mo casn, oaj. easy. HIGLEY HlrtHOP. 132 3d St. a ROOMS and sleeping porch, bungalow, TUxVOO- lot, close In. Irvlngton: moat torn, plsts snd attractlva place In that addi tion. C. J. McCrackcn. 304 McKay bldg. vnTHlN'fi down. 2'JS monthly. Including Interest, for new 4-room bungalow: prlca only $1800. Owner. Boo Worcester pmg. For Sale Business Property. WANTED Party with $10,000 to $20,000 to join in lumow nns- i.. . ... operation- doing a good business: plenty of timber; will stand closest Investigation; OOU position i ii riptii iii..'. RAYMORE REALTY CO, 430 Worcester bldg. $14.0uu CHOICE business property, stores snd apartments, wvu , i. iiiimhuiiih Street. West Sids; closs In. Owner, 824 Worcester blng. For Sale Acreage. $376 HUTS ten acres ileep. red shot soil, adapted to fruit and vegetables; all smooth and tlllabla. no rock: wood snd wster; close to school, yoetoffli-e end More: within essv reach of p.-:.-ind and the eheapeet land on the it.tritft. 612 Couch bide. H'H tth st. FIVE AND TEN A l"-.S ORCHARD A.VL' C 1 1 1- lv ci.N S. 20 miles from Portland. Planted. Fine for ohlckens; excellent market; a. star ana rail transportation; row montmy pay ments. No agenta AR 151. Oregonlan. CHOICE METZGER ACRES. $ blocks to station; for quick sale $5.10 sr acre; terms; Zo minutes to Purtlsnd. I- Bamberger. Marshall 712. Room 2. Lumbermeng blag. tt 40-sier tract .rood for frutt. rxruitrr or bvrri. 20 mlla from Portland, naar rood town; small oaah Dayman t. balanoa will pay n'l $ v tj is n.iiua, Umin WV12, 910 Uwn bldi., 4th and qu. X WANT V to tVO -acres, la North Eaat PorUaJid, clow to carllna; mut b tUah and oiBhtly and r-ot .TT.prvtsd. aW K MUST ralM monar; thia mini a aacrlilca of trty t-aora horn on KeUorr Croak In Mllwaukln; you haa often dmlrd thia piaca. - - all or P-vxt on ry ay terma, Ba a producer; will tak hou or lot for all or nan. "" a.- -- 1 AfR K a - 1 m'laB from Port- line:' pr.oe$l tma 7 5 s 8 AND 10-scrs trscts, closs In. good siectrlc esr service. $100 to $280 per acrs; 7. I..,.. un terms. J. W. ttefferlln Realty Co.. 2Q Corbett bldg, both phones. a ACRES, 4-room house, chlcksn-houses; fenced, price $1390. lencBu. k ..... Cft Ulu E...W e. WEore.n..v jo,-i - J - 1 - " i- irnriUR snd farma. from $12.60 per acrs up: isrge ' , . ?, . J A stampnsr. a.ww eiboui, dius. SYCAMORE ACRES. At Sycamore, on tha Gresham-Cazadero electric litis. Just saat of Lents; Johnson Creak and tha alectne Una run through the propsrty: the best buy tn ths Bnet part of Multnomah County; rich, deep soil, highly productlvs; $i:50 and upward: easy terms to boms builders. For plat see ths owners. Agent on tract today. Abstract or certificate of tills with each sale. W. H. GRINDSTAFF. 1123 Yeon Bldg. Main 875. A 7K42. GEO. D. SCHALK. 22S Stark Street. Main 3U2. A 232J . 10$ ACRES GOOD LAND "VALLEI LAND" In Kings Vallsy. near Corvallie; all land has been under cultivation except about 4 seres along creek; 2 creeks on place, about 7 acres of fine onion land on place: farm located on two county roads; -room houss with bsth. toilet, etc.; running water to house, chicken-house, barn and stockysrd; crop not harvested goes with ths place, all Implements, some stock. $ nna Jersey cows valued at $:25; Interest In tsle phone stock; prloa $100 per acrs; will tske a good houss that will rent for first psyment but price must not be over one-third ths vslus of farm: terms 1-3 cash, balance long time; give full loca tion of property and pries in answsr. Ad dress Y 24 7. Oregonlan. MILES from CITY LIMITS, near ORK- OU.v LLatitiiv; itarvi , i-- ' " 1 and 2-acra tracts, set to ORCHARD; $500 per acre; no rock or gravel. ALL CULTIVATED. . w 8-4 acres, onlv 27o0; 5 acres with NT5W HOUSE snd BEARING ORCHARD. $9000; a FINE HOME. ,. 6-scre tracts In APPLE VALLEY, walk ing distance to good town, $70 to $150 r.r acre; 10-acre tract In APPLE VAL ET ISO0; FINE SCENERY, all best for CHICKEN-RAISING and FRUITGROW ING; RUNNING SPRING WATER; some splendid FRUIT and DAIRY LANDS near CAPPOOSE. OR, $26 to $50 per acrs. All may be bought on sasy terras. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO, 809 Yaon Bldg.. Portland. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED-FIVE ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE TEN MILES FROM PORTLAND; BEAUTIFl I. RICH BLACK SOIL; FIRST CROP WILL PAY FOR TRACT: ONLY $ldO PER ACRE ON YOUR OWN TERMS. PACIFIC NORTHWEST DE VELOPMENT CO. 403 COUCH BUILDING. TUALATIN VALLEY FARM. Being divided In order to aell one-half of sams quick, we offer ths following: Ona four-acre tract. , Ona three and one-half-acrs tract. Two fivs-scrs trscts. This property is ten miles from Court house, on Csnyon road, about half a mils from the Oregon Electric station; excellent blsck soil: these smsll acre tracts are of fered cheap; small payments down ana balance on terms to suit. Act NOW they won't lsst long. 612-18 Yeon bldg. FRUIT. POULTRY AND GARDEN TRACTS. $, IP. 14 to 40 -acre tracts. $10. $28. $3 to $64 par acre. One hour's rids from Portlsnd. near Columbia River; railroad depot and rlvsr boat landing; rich deep oil. no rock: living springs and creaks on all tracts; schools, stores, churches near by. 1000 acres subdivided and just opened. Came at ones and get your choice. MaFARLAND INVESTMENT COl. 414 Corbett Bldg. TRUCK AND CHICKEN FARMS. 1. 2. 6. 10 and 20 aores each. In val ley west of Council Crssu The vary best of soil and location. Two carllnes snd good water; $250 to $500 per acrs and upon essy monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 103 Fourth St. Main 85. A 8500. ACREAGE. Acre tracts on the rlvsr at Concord station, all cleared and in assorted bear in. emit tree, on the main county road. between carllna and river; price $760 to $12M per acre. 20 per cent down sou per cent per month. Ask for Mr. Rankin. KEASEY. HUMASON 4 JEFFERY. Chamber of Commerce. Portlsnd, Oregon. SMALL TRACTS. 200 yards from station. In 7. 10 and in acres esch: all cleared: He high and very alghllv; hero Is a bargain st only $76 to $lb per acre, snd 10 per cent down, and $ years for ths balance; ex actly as ws represent in our advertise ments. HALL A CO, 3z Koincniia mag. SL'BURBAN home close to Portland: fine for chickens, garden, etc.; good 6-room houss and 22 lots (nearly 4 seres): tele phone, spring, running water, best soli, 60 bearing fruit trace, berries, etc, 2 blocks from siectrlc car station: $350. good terms. Six-room house snd 10 lots, each 60xloo ft, $2no. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co, 203 Corbett bldg. 10-ACRE SNAP 10 acres of fine land, about 4 acres un der cultlvstlon. 1 acres in strawberries; on Section Line road, near Roclrwood road: $M per acre below market value; pries $330 par acre. GRCPSI ZADOW I1T Board of Trade Bldg, tth and Oak. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Two blocks from streetcar, t sera, all In fruit and fine garden; good new 4 room bunpsjow; woodshed and large barn. e230. $300 down. bai. to suit. De YOUNG HARTSHORNE. 514 Chamber of Commerce. Main oOflS. 8 ACRES in Hocklnson, Wash., near Van couver, ciosa to railroad and mils from prospective carllne; large house, barn, woodshed, nlcs orchard, garden, etc, cow snd chickens; good soil; a dandy homo for only $1MK, your terms. Marshall 83. 6 OR 10 ACRES. Lays wall, rich, black soil; creek crosses ona snd of property; clojo to good II vs town with hourly electrlo ear service; must sell this week; no sgents: will msks terms. John Crowley, gen, de livery. 1500020 ACRES, near Qresham: close to carllne: terma $2760: 6 acres In cultivation, near MU Hood Electric and Baseline. a RAYMORE REALTY CO, 430 Worcester bldg. 6 ACRES. AU cleared, now in crop; rich, deep soli: no rock or gravel: can't be beat for truck gardening; 10-mlnute walk to Oregon Eloctrlo line. Knap If taken at once. Terma S 248, Oregonlan 10 ACRES BY OWNER. Best acreage on Salem Elaotrlo, deep, rich, cultlvsted- soli; will sell In tracts to suit; very essy terms. W. F. Feller, Donald, Or. POULTRY RANCH. 2 seres, unimproved, on line road near Jennings Lodge. Price only SOO; terms $100 cash, bslanos $10 monthly. O 246, Oregonlan g ACRES, all clear; finely located on elec-. trie carllne; cariaro so anyone con wuia In the city; pries $UMX, $200 down, bai. tvrms. WESTESS LAND CO, 24" H Stark St. SO ACRES. TamhUl. fine sill, eau'y cleared; u. Main 1I118, alter 1 ...vi. FIVE acres ocean beach. Fort Stevens, $750; will trade. Burdlck. Henry bldg. For tal Homoeteevtls. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land open to homestead. In each county In the States ot Oregon snd Washington, and description of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors. 21x28. showing R. K. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. snd electrlo llnee. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; 20c each, or three iOc. Map ot Washington In colors. 2Lx28. 20c Nlmmo. Runsy A Co, Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEADS located of value, plenty tim ber, water, good level land; some prairie, nesr railroad, fees right. Covey A Co, room 11. 247 Oak. HOMESTEADS, Government land, 28 miles from Portland. John Vlercke. Lents. Or. For esJe Fruit Lands. HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 20 sores: 6-room house, barn, poultry houses, etc: trolley line through place; 14 acres commercial orchard, cherries, plums, pears snd grapes, for family use; 8 minutes' wslk to sohool, 1 1, minutes from courthouse st Hlilsboro; 14 sere genuine besverdam; good spring; in fact, everything that goes to make up a beau tiful and paying country home. Thia can ba bought with a amall payment down and balance to suit, snd Is offered below value. Inquire in Crispin at Harlow's Farm Dept. for L. M. Hlckok. TOUNO 10-ACRE APPLE ORCHARD. Beautifully located 1 mile from North Yamhill ststlon. sot to Yellow Newtowna and ripltxcnbergo principally: forced to sell at $1'-M. which la $tilK under value; terms $200 cssh. balance $25 monthly. NT 246. oregonlan APPLE and pear land, high-class, low price. In Medford section; a cinch on the future. 80 acres. Particulars Y 24S. Oregonlan. For bale Farms. WrLLAMETTB 'Valley farma for sal. As dress Farmers' Union. Amity. Yamhill County. Or. RANCH 80 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portlsnd. near electric line: bsrgaln for all cash, by owner. 182 Morrison stu 40 ACRES Mosler land: amall houee; part cleared; $800. AH 347, Oregonian. ELEGANT 53 ACRES. S MILES CITY LIMITS. This is one of ths handsomest farm homes nesr tha city. There sre 52 acres. 47 acres lq high stats of cultivation, bal sncs nice timber; no richer land In the state. The buildings cannot be dupli cated for $5000. There la an elegant 8 room house; one of the best barns in ths stste. 60x75. Very large granary with splendid concrete potato cellar, large ma chine shed with grain grinder; large chicken house, lathed and plastered: large hog house with cement cook vats; very ' tine spring: concrete reservoir, .water rlped to house and barn; splendid or chard. PERSONAL PROPERTY: All farm Implements. 3 cows. 1 hogs. 100 chickens, ccam separator and other personal prop erty. Price for this elegant tract is only $10,000: V cash, balance 6 per cent in terest. Right at school, churches and stores and Just 8 miles city limits of Portland.. HARGROVE 4V SONS. 122 N. 6th fit. Cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 43 SI. A T25U. A GREAT FARM. 64 i ACRES; FULLY EQUIPPED. 22 acres In cultivation; splendid hay crop, etc.: 14 acres fine cord wood: close to transportstlon and Portland; balance easily cleared; rich, fertile soli: 6-room house, big bam, other out-bulldlngs; two wells and spring; team good horses; Jersey cow; 75 chickens; all household furniture and tools: 10 minutes wslk to electric station; high school; 5 stores: thlcklv settled district: offered for quick sale at sacrifice; price $185 per acrs; terms. C. L. BAMBERGER. Marshall 712. Room 2. Lumbermens bldg. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. MUST BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. FIVE ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE TEN MILES FROM PORTLAND; BEAUTIFUL RICH BLACK SOIL; FIRST CROP WILL PAY FOR TRACT: ONLY $160 PER ACRE ON YOUR OWN TERMS. PACIFIC NORTHWEST DE VELOPMENT CO, 406 COUCH BUILDING. WANT to sell my farm of 1LB acres, on the Base Line, eastern part of Multnomah County, on account of age and desire to retire; Best land m Oregon; piemj , - i , Wf fiiUUl a in - 000 cords wood, snd schoolhouse on the place; new church, railroad. Portland and Columbia River close oy. rnce iu,vuu. Ferdinand Floss. Latourell, Or. TUT A1TT1PTTT. 20-ACRK FARM. For 10 days only, we can aell this place for $S0 per acre; only 14 miles from Portland. 2 miles from electric line and has lino stream of water running through It. Better hurry. De YOUNG 4 HARTSHORNE. 514 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0068. 84 ACRES for $2000. in Benton County. 35 mllea from Portland. 15 acres in cultiva tion, mostly potatoes, bai. pasture; can bo cultivated, good outouiiaings, plenty i win ter, good for farming, dairy or fruit. W. Orrasbv. 41st and Holgate st- Soil wood 822. Terms. cflB SAI.K or will trade for good farm, splendid new 2-story bldg. with 11 fur nished moms and bar with license paid for 6 months; fins stock of wines, li r, .to., and clears-, avervthlns new and doing good business In live town. Address M. A. r'nilllps. macrae, jr. an ACRES Good house snd bam. outbuild ings. orchard: IS acres clear, bai. most ail slashed and very easy to clear; bottom land, in crop and pasture; pries e-mw; ths Is a No. 1 buy. WESTERN LAND CO, 248 H Stark St. 600-ACRE stook ranch; houss, barn, or chard; $ 10.000: $t000 down, time on bal ance. SO0 seres; iuu snevp. o cuw. nuu.e, v. .... .. w..tl i .M..r. Tnarna orchard: $5000; without stock. $4000. A. Longdsa, jik city. ur. m ir'Rir.s ift In croD. balance easy clear: all good land; fine creek, 5-room houss. good barn and outbuildings; or chard; convenient to Portland!; 1" miles to R. R. station: price ..zt'Ui casn. WESTERN LANDXXjjS H6tsrkSt v-.ATt-r f.rm in Tillamook Co, Oregon: 160 scree. 87 head stock, cheese factory, full equipment farm tools, house furniture; $75oo terms. For full information sddress M. A. .MCaUUl , isvtyn, v. FOR bargains In all-purpose farm lauds ranging from 50 to 640 acres, situated la Linn and Benton Countries, call oa or write J. v. rm., . -" iBARGAIN 18 acres, 6 in grain. 6 in potatoes, living i ' -7s mlles 6. W. from Tlgard station, terms. Owner. H. AA. prown. hpuvbhuii. vjt. FOR SALE Forty seres, excellent Yamhill Count? land; 30 cleared;- 4 miles from Sheridan; easy lemi. o m Aug. urcgiiniin. 600-acre stock or dairy ranch for sale, on water ana i ... i "... x-v..-land. 620 Medical bldg. a n-Rlia. all in hops. 11 miles Portlan near railroad; $230 per acre; easy terma Ad a ress a . e... ALFALFA FARM. For ssle. Wilson 4 Myers, end of Haw thorne carllne. Tabor 1660. 4 ACRES and some casn for house and lot: aescriDe oner. jm mt. iwium v. MlscviUtneous. $650 MORTGAGE drawing 7 per cent, pay able within one year, gllt-edgs security: will discount. David Lewis, room 2 Lum bermens bltlg. WANTED EBAL ESTATE. WANTED To buy a bouse and lot on the West Side, between Lovejoy and Vaughn, north of 20th. Whan you write give all details, price, terms, siza of bouse and lot. Address your letter 745 Hoyt, or phone A ill7 WANT a very modern house or bungslow In desirable locsllty, not more than 8 rooms or less than 6, betwsen $3000 and $4500: will pay cash; nothing considered unless below market value. AP 245, Ore gonlan. CAN sell for cash a 2-story residence: must msks good appearance, good neighbor hood, good renter, not far out, and be real bargain from $3500 to $r00. Address W. Wynn jonnson. jni c- uui nu a t-n A room buns-slow or cottage, under $5000; near Broadway. Rose City Park or Mt. Tabor car lines. Soms fruit or shade trees. State location, price ana wrui R 245. Oregonian. WANTED, from owner, desirable large tract of ground up to one-acre, improved or unimproved, cheap for cash, In East Port land or East Portland North, closs in as possible. N 246. oregonian. location, sultabls for grocery and market Or urUK BlOrw, lilii.v u-3 wib.ji iwi -.aa.. in replying give full particulars. AD 247 ursgoniaa. WANTED In Western Oregon, tract of 10,- vytr acres or iimic. . c . t . . u - i n . ... - only full particulars considered. L 248, uregoniau. WILL pay legitimate price for guaranteed r.r eciird Interest in established real es- "tate business of good standing; references exchanged. L 24 i, oregonian. . WANTED to buy; a resiflencs In Irvlnglon t ennm. will trade 160 acres Rood tim ber land near R. R, containing 5.000.000 feet; pay difference. W 245. oregonlan. WANTED Rosa City Park Inside or comer lot; state price ma i". iium""- c Oregon inn. WILL pay cash for your building lot, closs to Mt Scott carllne; must be cheap; give all particulars, a. now, uregonian. FOR RALE TIMBER LANDS. I HAVE a small tract of timber, estimated at 20.000 feet, pine and fir, per acre. Price $6.50 per acre. C J. McCracken, to McKay bldg TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TOi, buy 15 to SO acres first growth cord wood Umber. J 246, Oregonhin. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT Half acrs and a two-room house, 14 fruit trees, strawberries and plenty of vegetables, ready for use, cheap. Call Main 67W or 31K Hall st. FOR RENT to right party, 5 acres, house, barn, orchard, etc; 5-cent car fare. In quire 223 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCMANOE. 12 FINE city lots, on Willamstts boulevard, . , . M.H.h,.rilM nr house and inr BLOCK . in"j m.. ........ lot; value 8S40O. Owner. 1566 Hodge St. FOR quick trads list your property with ya. we dkduib c.j. !.... .......... - vestment Co, 2Q6 Rothchlld bldg. ALFALFA farm, 820. with water rights, fine location; will trade for Portland property. 502 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR farm exchanges, business chancea or rooming-houses, call on ua Northwest Beany Co, 61T Board of. Trad Bids. TO EXCHANGE. SOMEONE wants what you got. Someone has what you want, ws sen uu everything. Wa havs now for sals or trade: 1 $25,000 frutt farm. 2 rooming-houses. S5 lots In different locations. 1 office desk and chair. 2 pianos. 2 automobiles: want mora. Others too numerous to mention. What have you got? TRADERS' EXCHANGE 4 NOVELTY CO, 427 Chamber of Commerce. TO exchange, handsomo residence on Broadway, near East 36th. Owner will take vacant lot for his equity. No rea sonable trading proposition refused. Hartman 4 Thompson Realty Dept-. Chamber of Commerce bldg. FINE new modern 7-room and ''a a tunsa- IOW. Wltn lurnacv, urriii.to, . , ......... - - - ing. fine combination lighting fixtures, oak floors. 70x150 lot. lots of iwashrubs etc ; near Mt. Tabor; price $t000: will take from $1000 to $3000 In lots, acreage or smalllsr residence and take" several Tears' straight 6 per cent mortgage i for balance. See my agent at 418 Railway Exchange bldg. Phone Marshall 2i63. BROADWAY. Will exchange equity of $2 00 In a dandy T-room home on Broadway for un incumbered lots: house modern, with i ce ment basement, furnace, nice n,u3?a' fireplace. laundry trays, dining poroh. large front porch. CHARLES RINGLER 4 CO, 11 Lewis D1UK, EXCHANGE BARGAIN. 8-room modem house, 60x100 lot to trade In on farm. $9000 worth of good City pruuBiij . ' , , , trade for a good Valley farm; will as city property n o - sums soma For bargains in exchanges see us. " GOODNOUGH & BEITZ. 810 Spalding Clog. 640 ACRES good wheat land in Franklin Co, Wash.: all has been plowed: good roads, ahort haul: $17,000: will taka Portland residence and lots or nearby im- . proved acreage, at right price, up to $0000. $1000 cash, balance time. Write full par ticulars. Address owner, 1604 W. Indiana, Spokane. Wash. TO EXCHANGE for California or Oregon property, splendid wheat ranch. 1200 acres, close to railroad, good building; windmill; $25 per acre. Will pay cash difference or assume mortgage, as this must be dis- 607 COMMERCIAL BLK, PORTLAND.OR. TO exchange by owner A 1910 Bulck, 4- passenger auiomouu iunj m".-.. . movable tonneau. neat delivery box and single top goes with It; will exchange for good lot In Rose City Park. Phone East 7i5. B 2003. - TACOMA TRADE Two modern 6-room cot tages, at Tacoma, paved streets. 4 blocks from Puget Sound University, on best car line. T minutes from business district, to trade for Improved acres near Portland. AJ 248, Oregonlan WANTED To trade my equity ot $3000 In a 15000 home In Sunnyside. Portland: also $6000 first mortgage as first payment on good up-to-date farm or small 1ock ranch. Owner. Tabor 2715 or 923 Bel mont at, Portland. WB have bouses, lots, farms, acreage, rooming-houses, hotels, any line ot paying business you rosy want; tax titles, relin quishments, autos. horses or anything sise you want to trade for. GARLAND 4 BARSNES, 191 4th. EXCHANGE FOR CITY LOT. Will accept small equity of city lot In exchange for five acres of planted fruK land. 8tate locstlon of lot and amount of equity. No agents. AR 251. Oregonlan. VILL TAKE LOT. any value to $800. as first payment on 7-room house; lot lOux 100; three blocks to car; terms on balanoe. This is an easy way to secure a good home s-t a low price. 6 140. Oregonlan. SELL OR TRADE. $800 equity in modem bungalow; cant make payments, sickness: few dollars and anything- of value; best offer takes It. bai. $15 mo. Inquirs 88 10th, near Stark. WILL TRADE for improved city or oountry real estate near Portland a $4000 four passenger automobile, specially dealgned model and practically nsw. M 246. Ore gonian. sir Equity in 10 acres on the Oregon Elec tric carllne; will trade for anything of equal value or discount for cash. N 247, Oregonlsn. WANTED To trade or exchange, fins 5 passenger auto, 40-horsepower. 4-eyllnder Chalmers-Detroit, for acreage or small house and lot. p. O. Box 2017. Station A. TWO lots and large modern residence to exchange for Vancouver property. Ad dress Mr. Merchant, Box 353, Vancouver. WILL EXCHANGE unincumbered lots for anvthlng I can use on a farm: horses, cowa, pigs, grubber, etc 430 Worcester blng. M. itM". FIRST-CLASS 7-room house, fine lawn, etc, 2 blocks to car, to exchange for farm or acreage. C. L. Bamberger. Room 2, Lum bermens OIUK. TO EXCHANGE 6-h. p. 25-foot launch with house, value $700, for light auto; auto must bs In good shape. Phone A ;'iiu or main J 6W seres st Roseburg In the Home Orchard tract: will exchange for 6-passenger auto. Call Mr. Watts, 826 Ablnrton bldg. Phone Main S253. ; IMPROVED farm of 100 acres In Marlon County to exchange for city property. L EQUITY in Waverly Heights lot to trade for motor evele or diamond; balance due on lot $250. B 246, Oregonlan. v 1 1 . 1j taao iduu v.i.v-w .7 . . .. . An inl Wn.-iUtnrk. M ,i i n ?an " ' ' ' , ., t-78. between 12:80 and 3. TT. . . . ... a: hlni-lr n ILL traue a." from Hawthorne ava, on a bungalow up . . rt. HI.... U.ln AOQ to ei-w. goo ACRES in Douglas County to exchange for Portland property; pries $16,000. H 24H uregoniaii. 81 ACRES. 8 miles west of Courthouse; will take good bouse or merchandise; 6 blocks of electrlo station. 1566 Hodge st. Owner. WE exchsngo your property for property suiting you: only big deals. Northwest Exchange, 3s-s rienryoma. $1109.00 equity in new 5-roora house Ex change for vacant lot. Mr. Watts, 826 Ablngton bldg. Main 8253. FOR sxchange Two lots in Marshfleld, Or, for four-passengor auto. Inquire 406 Leo ave, or phone aenwooq oi.u. WANT TO EXCHANGE lots or piano for Cutting wouu ur ii'B . . i " " ' some cash. 430 Worcester blag. FOK SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Etc $200 WILL BUY TWO BAY HORSES. 6ET OF DOUBLE HARNESS AND A ROAD WAGON. Horses are young, strong and fast trav elers. In excellent condition. Good for city or country. Just the kind for light . delivery or country road work. This out- fit Js sacrificed for a quick cash sale. Full Information at room 200. Oregonlan bldg. Phone Main TO70. or A 60K5. Or call at Central -Express Stable. Park at, nsar Everett, and examine the bargain. MICHIGAN BUGGIES. RUSHFORD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS. Before you buy. either above, see mt stoox ana g,i V1 .' .-- . - , :7 . side the high rent district and for that reason can sen oneoir. . ..j - end-hand vehicle when you oan gel a new one at about the ssms price. It. M. WADE 4 CO, 822 Hawtnorae av. HORSES AND MULES. We have on hand 60 head drafters and delivery. slso 2 losds broncoes. Call Woodlswn 2400. Thomas 4 Malehorn. union t3toc?.m. MUST sell at once, good family or delivery horse snd buggy and harness. 2813 58th st 8. E end of Hawthorne-ave. oarilns. wane one piui:. ..-. "j CHEAP ranch or farm team ted harness, also a nice family or delivery mare, and . . J C A W.tmt Q,.plr one goou pu. E DELIVERY wagons in good ordar; prices range from $25 to $40. At 148 Grand ave, near East Morrison. COUPLE wants to rent horse end wagon for camping; must bo reasonable; three. N 248, oregonian. ONE fine mare, 6 years old, weighing 1150 lbs.; one fine black mare, 7 years old. weighing 11UU IDS. xno rtusseii si. 2000-Ih. TEAM of mules and harness $100. Lawler-s barn. 15th and Couch. Ask for Mr. Evans. . FOR SALE One fine young mare, weighing 1360; heavy with foal; one young team horses weigntng zw". s.o 8 WORK horses. 6 to 9 years old. weigh about 1600; harness and wagon. Call af ter 6 P. M. 617 Oulld ave. WANTED Two teams for wagon work. $35 pr month; win oe wen uuuo Tabor 1126. WANT to buy a saddle horse snd a pack horse. 67 Jarrett st, city. GOOD team, weight 2900. harness and new WSgon. S450. rHOHB ocuwwuu itil. PASTURAGE near Portland for stock. Pbons Main 1430. FOR SALE 1200-lb. horse, two-seated bug. gy. 461 ciobuyler St. Phone East 177. COMPLETE FARM OUTFIT. $200 will purchase pair of young, true working horses, weight 2550 pounds, very closely mated; work together and true pullers; new, heavy breeching harness ana farm wagon: all for the one price, $-00. and trial allowed. 505 Alder at. MARES RANCH TEAM MARES. $210 will purchase pair young mares, weight 2200. sound, kind and reliable m any spot or place; ene drivers, good walk ers and will suit any business purpose, also neat sot heavy harness; all $-10, al lowing trial. 505 Alder st- 8000 lbs, big draughters. fat and nana some, Ned and Prince: this pair ia0" today 8500. but win be sold for the low price of $350. and I think when you see them that you witl agree with me tnat they are the cheapest team for the money ever offered In this city: sold only as owner is closing out his business Interests In this city; will be sold allowing trial, also at purchaser's option, heavy trucM and almost new harness, 605 Alder st. Complete camping outfit or light raneri work, consisting of pair handsome young mares, weight 2000 lbs, new set. heavy broechlnir harness and new light arm wagon price for complete outfit, allowing trial. $200. 605 Alder st. . Horses. 10 head, weight 1100 lbs. to 1200; all good, sound, thin. serviceable young horses; being used by the Ryaa Construction Co., af Seattle who have re placed with auto trucks; prices $40 up: must be sold at once; great bargain. 60S Airier st. Pair closely-mated blocky-bullt mares, full sisters. 8 and 7 years, weight 2SOO lbs, true In all places and under all cir cumstances; price $350; In offering this team of mares for sale I think thst I can truthfully say that they are second ta no team that has been sold In Portland this season; they are round turned and sharply built and perfectly sound In every respect, with the best of feet and legs, and are good enough to go and compete for the blue ribbon in any show ring in the county; will be sold allowing two wseks trial. 505 Alder st. TAKE notice of auction sale. Mr. W. Clar ence will arrive In Portland rrom rvou. pell, Montana, on July 17. with a carload or work horsea ranging In weight from 1200 to 1600 lbs. each; age from 5 to H years old. You will find among these horses all well-broke to work single and matched up teams. All above stook men tioned will he sold at publlo auction to the liighest bidders. The horses will be 3ronounccd by the auctioneer, and if not found as represented money will be re funded. Tlio sale will take place on July 18, at 4R4 E. stark st, at 2 P. M. sharp, rain. sunshine. Stable, Phone E 17. Owner. W. Clarence, M. J. Walker, auc tioneer. ALL OF THE TT'LL 4 GIBBS OUTFITS FOR SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES. 11 head of horsea 4 gooseneck wagons. 3 single express wagons. 1 ruhber-tlred panel top wagon. 1 rubber-tired top buggy. Harness for each rig. LYONS STABLE. 115 UNION AVE. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles, etc, Saturday, July 15; we will have a good supply of good business horses ajid all kinds of vehicles and harness for our sale. If you have anything in this line to dis pose of send it to us and we will get the market price for It. Murphy Horse 4 .MUie co, ana nawtnome Air pint. icq. YOUNG, sound hay team, weigh 3200, har ness, new Studebaker wagon, also 4 young sound driving horses with harness snd Hood spring camp wagon; owner leaving country will saoriflce this outfit. Apply C. F. Henry, 834 5th st, corner Market. Apt, 107. Phone Marshall 2289. MATCHED span of 3000-lb. grays, horsea city broke, work any place, age 6 and 7; for Information call 206 Washington St. Main 6X0. A 1604. ONE team draft horses, about 2000 lbs J guaranteed In every way; must sell at once; 5 and 8 years. Inquire 6th and Tay lor sts. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. PARTY in need of ready cash will sac rifice almost new 88-note player piano; cost few months ago $900; will sell fo $450 if taken at once. AE 244, Oregonian. FAMLY leaving for East; will sacrifice Stein way player piano: no reasonable of fer refused; music and player bench in cluded. AD 248, Oregonlan: $35 0M A HO G ANY piano, slightly used; will sacrifice for $110 cash: I need the money. M. Maiden. 603 Swetland bldg I HAVE a splendid Kimball piano for sale; make offer; rich mahogany case; llks new. AE 248. Oregonian. ' $300 BUYS my elegant Chlckering piano, AD 249, Oregonlan. FOR RENT Kranlch & Bach piano, good condition. $2 month. Main 8298. mornings. Automobiles, AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. 7-pasenger Kissell Kar In first-class con dition, only run short time; cost $30OO, guaranteed like new. Price $1500. Might give terms to right party. 6-passenger Reo to exchange for real estate, or will sell on easy payments. Price $S50. Reo runabout, rumble seat. Ilka new. Price $250. Cadillac runabout, $150. 6-passenger Knox, cost $4000. Price $1500; will trade for real estate. M. MAIUO, BliO nwcunim tJm. E-M-F "30" We have two 1910 E-M-F "30" 6-passenger touring oars, with full equip ment, completely overhauled, repainted and varnished; new tires. These cars we guarantee for one year from date of sale. Prices upon request. The E-M-F North west Company. Chapman and Alder ts. Phone Main 5969. 1910 FORD touring car. $485. ... 1910 E. M. F. So touring car,- to trade for Portland real estate. Maxwell turlng car, 80 H. P, like new; cost $1900; price $650. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO, 331 Everejt. WILL take a good automobile up to $1500 as first payment on fine roomy strictly modern bungalow with all conveniences: two lots, tine rosebushes, price of which Is $6000; will give long time at 6 per cent on balance. au vhciwui.u. NEARLY new 6-passenger auto K5 H. P, top. 5 lamps, magneto, etc.: run 800 miles, cheap for cash. 414 Dekum bldg. Phone 00-.0. WILL exchange nearly new electrlo piano cost $a0; will exchange for automoblW or real estate. Holbrook, 608 Swetland bias. GARAGE: Willamette Motor Car Co, 815 Hawthorne ave.; live and dead storage, repairing and painting; autoa bought and FIVE-passengcr 40 H. P. Buick. fully equip ped; looks like new and runs like new. If you want the best bargain in Port land, phone wooQiawii ...fc " a ACRES Tualatin Valley, auto wanted In exchange for this; has large creek and fine Holbrook. 603 Swetland bldg. Main. 7776. ; ENERGETIC automobile man desires inter est In business of established firm or agency of good standing: references. L 246. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE. $180 CASH Reo runabout, with detachable rear seat; car in good condi tion. Call 749 Front St. Phone Main 4408. Birds, Dogs and Pet Stock. FOR SALE 5 dozen laying hens and Spring pullets. 75c each; a bargain. Have to give up piace. aw . AIREDALE TERRIERS for guards, pale and service. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or. Miscellaneous. SAFES New and Id-hand : low prices: easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted. ...BPrT T, civic CO. and . PORTLAND SAFE Ca, 866th si Main 4308, A 4118. FOR SALE Latest model No. 6 Underwood tvnewriter- used three months; owner leaving ' city. Address No. 899 B. 21st St. N. " STOVE DOCTOR. If vour stove doesn't bake there is something wrong. I can III It, 868 East Morrison. Phone East 1022. EXcr'PTIONA L typewriter bargains for ths week- Remingtons. $.10; Smith Premiers. $27 50; Bllcks, 217.50. Northwest Type writer t, i " $260 WORTH of plumbing supplies; must go below cost: only a few days more, al 470 Union avs. N. AFINE Jersey cow, coming fresh in August, also 9 pigs, cheap. Call Marshall 621, or Woodlawn 346. SOLITAIRE diamond ring. lVs carats, per fect blue white, gent's mtg, worth $.100; will sell for $250 cash. B 246, Oregonlan. BARGAINS. Three roll-top desks and chairs for sals- Call aia corpett dips. FOR SALE Six-foot Jeweler's showcase and six-foot wallcase. A. 4 M. Dalovage. 824 Washington. PLANER and gang edger for aale at bar- galn. Phone Kenyon. owner. A 6306. ROSE beads for sate. Call after T P. M, Woodlawn lvti. A FINE young family cow will exchange tor horse. 4S4 East Stark. STEAM woodsaw for sale oheap. Inquire 668 Hood st. THREE rapid photo printing machines to sale cheap. Woodard, Clark & Co. Contractors equipment by United Engineer ing & Construction Co, 711 Lewis bldg. COW. good milker, for sale cheap. 68 East 50th st, near Stark. Safe; large safe, good as new. for sale oheap. terms If you wish. AP 248. Oregonlan. THREE good eteajnshovels. In good condi tion. Apply 434 GoltUmttb - street. . .