TITE MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, JtJLY 14, 1911. IK Today's "Economy Sales" isx All Bep1te.ip mm- FANCY oo "Vudor" Porch Shades and HammocKs-CampinlOutntsf AllOVCr Economy sale of a large line of high-srade fancy silk ribbons in Drcdehs, plaids, checks and French novelties, widths to 6 inches val ues to 7."c. Special low PSc for economy sale, the yard- . ORDER. BY MAIL 15c Byron Collars 9c 100 doz. plain and embroidered linen Ryron Collars all Q :he raee for Summer. Regular I'ms values, for only Women's 65c Hose 75c Hose 3 Pair for $1.00 Economy Sale of women's fancy Imported Lisle thread and cotton Hose, plain or fancy. Lace boots and all-over lace, lieguiar ouc ana ooc values. On salo at the low price, the pair GAUZE WEIGHT, black silk Lose, regu lar values to 75c. On sale at fc" ff 35c a pair, or three pairs forS,Av,v Scout Shoes for Men or Boys The very newest thin? in footwear. JOIN" THE SCOUT CLUB. A Sout Medal with each pair of Shoe?, made of e!k leather with elk soles. Mei'i 53 Boys' $150 lit le Gents' J2 Our Pure Foods Fin ejpone CaKe 2Qc In the Bakin? Pep-. -th Hoor. sa!o ' oar g"d home-made Fpr.-e ,nkc"20c Ii-.-" 2.V fie, sp'l economy price Sclected Qawn Olives, put up in Mason Jars ith new seaniup rovers, as iouows. PUTTS 25 QUARTS 43 Crosse & Blackwell's Lucca Oil w7Ctr larjs bottles, low price, at only 'v Hotel Mushrooms, the can, at only ISc New Potatoes, the pound, at only 4 Oregon Ranch Egg, two doaen, only Tt? Best Cane Sugar. 18 pounds for 1.00 BLIPS' rf 5000 Cans of Syrup Our own brand of fancy Table Syrup; guaranteed pure; put up expressly for Olds. Wortman & King, l-gallon cans dur- A Q in? this sale onlyiOC 1-pallon cans &ur-jff hig this sale only OC Sale Hammocks Regular $2.35 Hammocks now only S1.G7 Regular $3.00 Hammocks now only $2.45 Regular $3.73 Hammocks now only S2.03 RejTuInr $o.OO Hammocks now only 3. Do ORDER B7 MAIL A Friday Economy Saie 600W 19c Pr. SO i hv wmrmm m m I w -vw-. h mm ammt -v : - fc 'i 5 V,. . TCZ. ...... r l .v-1 1 .J. n.iV -.AtaViit!4 Extraordinary Bale of women's fancy Neckwear in odds and ends, jabots, cascades and JJutcn collars, in lace, lawn and marquisette materials all good Summer patterns and remarkable val ues to 50cl On sale at the 1 2c special economy price, each a" All Mail Orders Are Promptly Tilled. Lace Sale $1.5Q Values for Q7c S3.5Q Values at $1.78 For today's "Economy Sale" we offer a great clean-up of all-over laces, in a large selection of dainty small pat terns in Orientals and Venise all-overs. All the latest ef fects in white, cream, ecru and butter. All good patterns. Values to $1.60 only 67 Values to $2.75 for $1.49 Values to $2.25 only 9S Values to $3.50 for $1.78 ORDER BY MAIL 3'Tconomy Sale of 2QO Fine Hvifi eyerie $5.QO Values Special at A.v Economy Sale of Women's Lin eerie and Marquisette "Waists in a broad range of styles, white and colored. Well made and trimmed with hand embroidery, heavy in sertions, Valenciennes lace and medallions, : Tvimmori nr Tllain sleeves line luuij, ciu r : Huong or Kimono styles, with high or Patch TT7k- this assortment is so broad that every taste maybe satisfied. Thrifty women wiiflaKe advantage of this nnusaal offer ,j . 1 1 Don'n. A V .'i; ana lay in a gooa suyyiy. o u y lar values to $5; special price pi L Reaxilar $15 to $65 Coats and Capes Orae-Half Price i in it l veTv fine materials, such as Teau'de Cygne SUk, Broadcloth, etc., in a good range of colors; trimmed m soutache braids or hand-embroidered; fastened with ro? s a d larce y . , .a i- t-i fn n fin t1iioj Kneeial at HALF. PR1CIS peari duiious; rv um i .i.w v - T A" Are you passing through these heated days with comfort, or are you sweltering every time you go outt In other words, have you plenty of cool Dresses in your wardrobe T Come and see these. For today's economy we offer a beautiful and striKing assortmentof women's dainty Summer Dresses in note marmiisettes. batistes, lawns, etc Stvled with high or Dutch necKs, medium or full sKirts, neatly em broidered in shades of coral, blue, blacKetc Sizes 32 to 42T$15 to $42.50 vals. 14 Off at in. Coats An unusual offering of women's black satin Coats, the season's most fashionable and dressy garments. Lone ooats, lined with light-colored silks, some i it i j .:i.u motclinA silk, fancv sailor collars, large pearl buttons and "IafJlT trimmed. Choose from the lot at just . -w - Sale of Women's Underrrvuslins S1.98 Gown $1.49 $1.75 Drawers 1.19 Economy Sale of women's novelty crepe cloth Gowns, in white with blue, black or pink figures, styled with kimono sleeves, slip-over style, trimmed in linen torchon lace. Our regular $1.98 sellers, q 1 AQ low price for economy sale at r i DRAWERS, made of fine quality cambric and long cloth, in the circular butterfly styles, open or closed, trimmed in dainty edges of embroidery or lace, "1 1 Q Reg. $1.75 values, special only P A A u $2.25 Combin ationSuit$1.69 Women's Combination Corset Cover and Drawers or Corset Cover and Skirt, made of crepe or long cloth, in princess or corset-cover effects, with butterfly or open drawers, trimmed with lace or embroidery, with insets of medallions and edged to match. Our regular values to $1 fQ $2.25, on sale for today at only AV TScEmbr'd'y 57c July clean-up of Embroideries in beautiful patterns, on Swiss, nainsook or cambric. Bands, Galloons and Corset Cover Embroid ery, in widths 9 to 18 inches. We invite comparison of these very escep- 37c tional values to 75c, special at, yd. - Economy Sale of SOOOYds.ofSilKs L5C -Values- 49c In the big SilK Store, Main Floor, a sale of beautiful fancy SilKs in rich Persians, checKs, plaids, in visible stripes, etc, in Messalines and Lonisine, rich chiffon, taf feta weaves, etc 19 to 24 inches wide Light and darlT shades, suitable for waists, dresses, petti coats, suits, trimmings, etc Regular $1.00, S1.25 and $1.50 values special, yard 49c Wash Groocfls Remsiasiits Half For today, a great clean-up of every Wash Goods Remnant in th department. All new, this tea sou's patterns, cut from the best selling materials. Importe.l Ginghams, Voiles, Madras, Silk Mull, Dimitie. Swisses, plain and fie- Ly PrJr ured lawn., etc.; all price at only TICC Men's Shirts S2 Values S1.35 la the Men's Corner, main floor, a kaIo of the very newest btyles in French Cuff Shirts with collars to match. The materials are flannels, soLsettcs, Ox fords, eta-, in plain colors or neat striped patterns. The most popular shirt for hot weather. A beautiful assortment of patterns ; J - Of? worth $1-50 and $2, spl D1,JU Sale of Athletic Underwear Special 43c Ea. Men's Athletic Underwear, made of fine dimity; coat style shirts without sleeves, knee length drawers or Union Suits with no sleeves and knee length. The most comfortable underwear for hot weather; sizes 34 to 4S.yiQ Regular 50c garments for onlyiOC Eegular $100 t'nion Suit3-QC special for this sale at only OOC Sale BatHing Suits Complete line of men's Bathing Suits, one or ,wo prv8- irsv"'u S5.oo reasonable from 51 o to w V 5Qc Lawns for 33c French and Persian Lawns. 45 j inches wide, fine sheer quality, suitable for dainty summer dress es. Will launder beautiful-O O-, I- All ntiolifv IUUl i j . insula - 11.35 Fisfem Outfits at $8.45 Economy sale of a complete Fishing Outfit con sisting of split bamboo pole, 3 joints and extra tip, snap guards, nickel-plated femiles, riveted and wrapped with black and red silk. Price of pole is $5.00. One round French willow basket, close-woven, size 3, price $1.75. One 25-yard fishline, choice of 5 kinds, worth $1.00 to $1.25. One basket strap, 35c. y2-dozen fly hooks, 25c One fly book, 75c. One expert reel, bronze finish, removable spool, steel bearings, $2.00. The en tire outfit worth regular $11. Jo. pe-i:W .t ny r cial Economy Sale price,' at onl Jingle Belljump'g Rope IQc Tennis RacKet Only $1.19 Boys' Straw Hats for Half Made with a polished wood ring instead of an old-style handle. Kopes are braided cotton in two colors, red and white, blue and white. Rope ends riv eted to handle with heavy artistic jingle bells, on sale now at low 1 ( 1.1 iOO. wu J "Surprise" Tennis Racket, made by the Wright & Dit 6on Co., very strong frame, with good quality gut net, weight 12i. to 14 ounces. Our regular $1.50 value, spe cial for today's ji t q sale at only. ea. P X 1 1 Economy sale of all our boys' Straw Hats. Our customers are unanimous in the opinion that we 6how the best lines in all Portland. Every style, shape and qnality. Go on sale at .re-lAPrire duction, just IU-C Sale of $7.5Q Suit Cases for $5.5Q Sale of $13.00 Trunks at glO.75 7.50 to $12 Hat liapes for $45 Trimmed Fr e Economy Sale of Women's Dress Hat shapes Untrimmed Extra fine milan braid large hat shapes in white Extra fine English hemp shapes in black, white and colors Extra fine imported Leghorn hat shapes in-natural color Regular $7.50 to $12.00 values; special, each at only $4.95 FREE Positively for today only. We will trim any shape bought from the above lots absolutely free. Now this is a surprise. Take advantage of this great offer. $3.75 Sailors at $1.98 Trimmed fiats at SIO Economy Sale of strictly high-class Sailor Hats in two of this season's most popu lar blocks. 334-inch brims, 2i2-inch crown, 5-inch brim and 234-inch crown. All finished in silk velvet ribbon, band and bow, neatly lined and sweated. Fin est quality rough satin Jap braid, in black, burnt and white. Regu- "I QO lar $3 and $3.75 values, sp'l V Again your attention is directed to our July "clean-up" sale of white Milan Hats, trimmed in fancy feathers. The very lat est styles and the most practical of all Summer shapes. Many are worth twice the price asked for them. For today we will add some new pat- P1 Q QQ terns. Special low price P Wv Boys' $16 Suits $6.45 $7.50 Rni ckerbocKer Suits Reduced to S3.95 Ea IleiVs good news 'for econom ical mothers. The best and pret tiest lot of Suits for little boys and children from 2V'a o 10 years of age ever shown in Portland. Russian blouse, sail or, Buster Brown and military styles, in white, blue and brown serges and flannels; also fancy tweeds, worsteds and cassimeres. Actual $3.50 and C AC $10 values, special J."TJ Economy sale of boys' Knicker bocker Suits, fn sizes 8 to 17 years. High-grade worsteds, tweeds and cassimeres in browns, grays, tans and fancy mixtures, all-wool ma terials. The most pleasing pat terns. - Mannish, full -peg style pants. Tailored as well. as men's fine suits. Every suit dq qj- is marked $7.50. Spcl IOOO Men's $5, $6 Pants $3.45 Men who studv economy will appreciate this sale of Trousers. 1000 pairs bought at a very advantageous price from one of .New York's largest establishments will go in the disposal. The mate rials are serges, worsteds and cassimeres all neat pat- CO terns and worth $5.00 and $6.00, specially priced at f Cleanup Sale Boys' Wash Suits Four biz tables are piled full for this sale. Everything that is new and worthy will be found in the lots. Sizes 2'2 to 8 years. Placed on sale at the following prices: rtint vnlne to $2.00. !! Remlar S2.50. $3.00 and.l buits worth ?o.uu ana o, Placed on sale at QO .00 value, on $1.48 S5 SicTS $3.48 25, $27.50 and $SO SuitS For $17.00 A sensational clean-up sale of high-grade Clothing. Our Men's and Young Men's Clothes have more genuine up-to-date style and character than you usually find in suits at twice the price. Every garment in this range of prices s strictly hand-tailored. It s needless to say "they are all new" couldn't be otherwise, when only one year in the cloth ing business. The materials are of the high est 'order. The patterns very pleasing. To day we offer your unrestricted choice of this entire lot of $25.00, $27.50 7 ff and $30.00 Summer Suits at only VAIUV $35 and $4Q Suits $27.85 Lf r- v:v j o.,:.- tr-iVtlv fcanrl-tAinlnred. h an d-u added, lined with the best I ALcO. 9 CI V UlttU-KlOUC UUJliJ, 7 J. ' ... 11 materials. Fine imported worsteds in grays, browns and tans, fcvery suit is som with a positive guarantee of satisfaction to the purchaser. For today $97 85 iihnnu trnm thPSfl SJO.UU ana iTU.UU values at mo w lihud uj- J 50c 75c For ' Ties fafZJ 29 c Men's 5Qc, 75c Ties on Sale 29c Ea. Economy Sale of Men's Neckwear; wide, open-end styles or narrow re versible four-in-hands, in plain colors or fancy patterns; ties to please every taste; regular 50c to 75c val-OQ ues, specially priced at onlyJC Sale Fancy Vests In the Men's Corner, main floor, a sale of Men's Fancy Vests of good quality flannel, linen, pique, Oxfords, etc., in plain colors or striped and checked pat terns; 'the best and most stylish lines shown this season. Priced j Arr for today's selling at just ! "IT lOe l PCIBI yt Ul y nolo iiOW uui; h ' l r 1 L!mmmmm.mS'M'WM f i