THE MORXIXO OREGOXIAX, AYEDXESDAY. JULY 12, 1911. HELP WAVTT.P MALE. J.P.I.E BODIED man waat.d for th. Tj. H. Jluu Corps. -tw.-n th. as of li. Must be native born or have Brat r.frt Mooch! pay. $' -, Addl- :.iil romp tioa toiti. rood, eiotn--c uimii and medical attention fr A.t.r a years' aerice can retire with .$ p.r nsi of py end el. "wanes. brvlc. oa board snip en- ashore Id a.l part of in. world, Appy at L. Mar. Corps K--ru;tig OtTic. ltr-.let. bids, 3a ana Wii'jit-.a Portias.!. Or. p V ANTED Laundry deil-eryman: married mac preferr.. .tesdy J, MtblU!ioti route. l-sy.n : coo te made mu. n b--i-r by a rnaB. commiiioa ana sal ary. Addrees H. M Or. sonlan. Otve r-.t .msio;Bol. r.fereoce ud pboBe VVTED A mm die-seed marrle. man " sued habits ud local frena to ta chars, of our nnhotiv: mut under stand tn. fr-dlnc of horses); bo haady uh tola and furnish eur-y bona; Bono oth.r n.-d apply. Van Horn Transfer Co. W ant t:i Experienced a. Lum bokma ... handle new. poplar.pri.-e... 30-TOl. r.lilluo of th. rrenih "ImmortaS; Just out: formerly sold at $-; ss-ecial e miaelona. Lltaraiure Publishing -. 4 l we-quom oui. .-HIPI-ING Cera, whole-.;, brewery lory, must understand grading doors, wiin ipvrlroc. noae o'.hor need BPP.y. Nlco- )i i-t H!. Co K-aloa u, cltjr. Phone C -. VANTEI tiviin'Q ca::mg oo Harwsre an t niae'-facluring trad'. salary or com inluloo. givo mil d'tJ' when r pjylnc: rePit-s treated conOdanllal. llox A 4L r p i. l iv of oo4 appearance and t.uir.- abll li'y to ao let f r u. to Fortian-I: good se ary. Applj aftr - -1 1 eon II eg VV NTK EprinJ lurikr f-" oot-vl-l...g dfrlmrjt " 4l. . '" -.a.a. wbna I..rrr.rly .rrr --1 and t:-ron. cumor. J : . ironlaa. FIRT-'t.A?'0 arrhttaral drauchtaman: tin. bu; nrat.aao m.o oU app.y. J tier7 bio. VKI.I- t'Kil.i.KK- or biarkarr.lth fnr 5outarn a lfortila: chanr. to Irara bulroa. Allrra.. a'a:ir .princo and aa'ar 1. AM '.X--S tr...nlaa. TVNTKt- Auto palnt.r to lako char( o ra.m .tip. muat bo flrat-ciaM man. t.Al t'-MKN" w.ntad to or Una of Pa- r,r .'.,at rowa nurry atock : caah paid -kt,. 1-a.iric Nurr, Co.. M) K.i W iVTr !--. nianarT of ra;arl-.jr aji.i tlnanial rP"niMiu t.j Tf,i.rnt oa; b.?dr'.. .plaif.-. ..All :r.T.crr.ool.o. iin:n lili'O to ronvaao. aAlapr. Ap pl, a and A. M. or 1 and 3 V .-.hlnn-ra. ls M.ntimrT ttvNT-P A aollrit-r of nal aPP-aranca a.d a Call .-r.y l 51 ood- .: h tv. r. VANTrl 1 day t.. x " ' o.ii.h.t; aoaw.r at oorr. AT .'. -r-a n an. I'i:lNr.IM apprnll.-o, ham om. Jl1''- Virt .t. . W Th S.i.aman. lnialmnl or ra.h. no h .. ,. mul h.t. ..i-Ttoco; aalar. and mmmlKlM. H W v vvt:-:L lUkrr. third ha"d on br-ad; ork. AddmAVJjjWMtail. K'!'vrmin"to"'i i nlpp!n rem; x- t.r.frrfl. !'. I"'. WANTr:i Hi'F "b ahc'l. Colum- a . II MH 'I.IS a. h.l ao'.li Itora waolod. l.-TV W INTPI At one 2 m.a In l.arn to drlva aii't rralr automobilt-a 50 X. 7lfi at. S r r-.I Krat-laaa busn.lman. NIcoU tb Tl...r IO 1 hlrd t. WVNTIM" loo prinl.r t run tffftCO OO hr--. 1'hon. Wo-KllawTl llIX . VTKI Hartf. rh-no or addra Cnaa. Jll.Hrilt n or two yiwr .prrl.nca. Vv.h rpd li.-.mont. Bl'l mun.y to huall:cr aoilcllora. MVl Mil MUrnfi'i', r' ' At TKR.ITIilN band wintM at tho Portlaad !i.l'iriK3 viaf.1. International Laundry 'o . r:at th and Oak. -KJT-CI.A-.. A NK 1 a-da diaprnaar. Aa .ira I', ix Tacomn. Waaru W I NTr'f A t!-!-T!a roalmak.r. A. Llpp mn. 311 lUln blil. YH Ti VH roupon and portrait ajl nta. n o-r. Cufb-rth :udlo, I-kurn bldar. I'KR M AN E. N'T Ir.iMOi f'r tho mil m no rrvk- j.hI. llll llll loon DM. ) H' 1 1 -H AVH coupon and portrait ij'Oi. PAINTKRai oiaiitrd at 441 Norlh S.ld HKLT IVAVTrTn FTVAU. OI".I-S WAXTCIX Apply Standard rartoo. Ko. 1 OraJia to. and Eaat Taylor at. W A NTKI Wom.n and irla to work ta oar anuary cnninc plant. Apply today. Ii4r for work. I-n at Co.. rannloc da- partn-.nt. AHuroaid. al.. botw..n Fu-at od Front. iiK2. rountry. 10. waltrraara. and . chambrm.ld. tto. kil"-b.n hlpr. ..V llow.'a iJlJira" Asoury. IH-l: WaiMncinn at. VANTc.l l!y anla to hand.o .aay- a-!lin tl:io of hou.hi;d foHi. For In- l..rritjo AiUrtn J. E- fola. Moal.r. Or Tl I r ' 1. .-S f unlly do, iiiord alri. good nnca. l.oui Agency. Sil S Waah. Mln J"Si. A liT J WANTKO-A Klrl fur c.o.ral hou.owork. r.p;j at H lloi.aJajr aro. Phono Ivaat Ql . . W INTKD A ni ilrl for ral bona. ork. I In famUy. 2t fclaat 1Mb North. Boat j"3 WAMKtl K.nnod. capablo woman for nx! poo.tlan. Vlarl Co.. 0 Kotk rhinl b!lr.. ih and v tihlntioa. V ANTr A rliahl nurao maid; mual hava and givo r.f.rnc. Adl HaaIo at. WA.NTcO At onro. omon to car. for 4 ?r-oid Kirl wtirra mutbrr caii room; Blco plaoa. clao In. Main 4654. A 41j. W. NTFr-Aiont. at"T W.t . Park. 1 K'id cirla. ono for dlnlnK-room and on for k tchn. WANTKlohllif operator from & to t ;o p. m. at ;ti 'aartinaton at.; wagaa, $ T .' .n t--r month Jvh.l.l KM1.K ai-tuviieir'.a to go to arhart fr mntD or !. wka to aaaiat with hooa w..rk. Vln I'll'. vTNtKD-Cirflo ait alth ba' T and mrr ond work. Ir month. "C.4 MrUuda av. . rtrs.l of Jonnaon and ?nth. IK KIl wanto immilatelv expwrl tnml girl aa hrlr, muat b quick. 4uli l:ih at. WANTKU A comp.trnt young woman for g.n.rai work. Apply morninga. i Ovar ton at. A COMPKTKNT .Irl for gonoral ttui t good rook, r.frroncoa. Apply :o ,. 2-'d at., arrtm.nt 0. V, .I KL I ly aaaltant hiikkpr. hnsht and quick with work. Ait 4t. urf A i.i '.U hem. In a faniiry of four for a girl who drtir.a to co huuoawork; 42o p. r ni-T-rh. l'hon. R T'lrtl. A.AIY pr-aar on fany gaxni-nta at once. M dl Cleaning A lyIB( I I'nlnn aro. N. lnl'SO lady of noat appoaranco to rial work oaulda; good aalaxy. Apply Y-.,n Mdg. OTKIj fo grtiaral houaowork. (mall fam Nnr.h J-'d at., Uta. WANTED liirl for work. Ico crom coua- trr. Ulx rlurn.ld. at. ;ir.l. to alpt with houaawork. 4TS Tilla-n-.o-'k. prono C 1"-V ir;i for -nral houawork; 4 adulta ll faml r. Miln '.T!S ITS Jnhnaon at. W A N'T El Ip for n.w cafrt.rla. Second and AM.r ata " OTF.t. wantrd to work In bakery; muat havo iln-i-iro. Call rt2 Alberta at. tVANTKl 4fflf girl. goot wagea. 610 Swlandblem- . HA VTKI cJlrl for rm.ral houaawork for family of 3. Call Ejat 1M1 W IVTCTI Olrl to h.ip ganaral houao- work at bah. App'y HT5 riandere at. 1.ADIFS to roak. pillow topa at homo, a.1 or ilinjlma 414 Stark at. cTlRI. for urond work. Apply la morning. a.A King it. Phono Main ;U. W ANTiTo Good tiXk; good wagaa. ti at. i ;HST-CAS3 waltrraa. Sit Dala au; top WASTED rtlrl nall famlir. for general houaawork; I Mnnoe-'ta am TWO niRM for general houaework. 2i KXreRltNrEt marker wanted at I. S. I'in Vy Co. Orard ara. and E. Yamhill. ATKt-4 irl for general houaework: ajage. ---. B in n e. UALr boxler wasted at 301 Buxnalde au HELP WATTTD FXMALH. WAXTTD TOUNO 1JLDICS rO TXLat PROXB OPKBLATTNa WiTH OB WITH OUT BXPXaUZMCB. APPLT THal 1A CW1C TXLXPHOMB - TILXORAPH OO. S40T ITH AKO AXXM1CT It WANTED Oea.ral houa-kMper d'l" two In family, email hou. good wag a. STl N. alat. Wlilamett Belghlk. MIB .".. . HANSEN'S UAD1K3- AOENCT. 3 Waahlnaton at., cor. ,1b. apata-re. rnnat aiam . 1 TOI.Nil girl to aa.l.t In luurwork ; In i trr homo near Portland. Phona ofUWBukle Ked 'li. JIUWEb LAlllLS' AQtTNCT. S-a H Waamrgton at-, room 914. aiaiB l'Ja or " e DrMNKStt firm need, a woman over IS who la trustworthy and rapabie; axperlenca unneceaaary. B :. Or.gonlan. HKI r ITAMTTJI MH OR ftHAtt -Ut ANTLClJ Jayaneae man and wife, man for ..-.k lady f r mkihiI work. Apply w. A. Knight. Knight bhoa Co 2d md h lngii.n ate. WXXTEII A few le aoilcllora. ladlea or genta. at till. North Park at.; liberal com mlealon. HUJ W t,MTf." MIHf ELi.Atira. UKN A.NH HiY. TO I.KAKN AUTOJIO 1111.1; IlKPAUtlN'. and urlvlng. plumbing, brlrklavmg. electrical trade. civil en glneeling. gurreylng. In moat practical way. Our etiKKnte earn M 5 day; po eeiureu; aatialactlon guaranteed: fret. National bchool of Iradaa, IIO W. 71 h. Loo Angelea. UES wante-1. ago over 1. to prepare for firemen, about II OO monthly; brakemen. ISO; nearby rallroada; emperlance unneo aaaary; ro atrlk.; poattlona guaranteed competent men; 4 nt to j.oeltlona la Ulu. Hate age; aend atkmp for partlou lara. George H. -a. care Cregonian. 10-0 puMTIOa for grcduat.a IMI Baa and women learn barber trade la week a. b.lp to aecur. poaitlon; gradu at.a earn from 1 12 to ( weekly; aapert In.troclora: toola fro.; write for oaia loguaa. Mobl.r Byatem of College. M Hjrtb 4th aC Portland. Or. AOO klUN. S) to 40 ) eara old. at oneo for electric 'railway molorinaB and conductore; ('0 to liou month; bo experience noc aarj ; fine opportunity, no atrlk.; write Im fr application blank. AUdreaa AV 14". Oregon la a. WANTKU MEN TO LIARS To pirate moving, flirturea. operator, earn .i to 40 w.rkly: .neclal rr-e on Iraaon. today. N. Y. 8' hool of M. I . tiperating. fi'd1. TVaahlngton. near ltn. 1AY and night drilla for alenographera. fe . .... t .1 advanoed: noaltlon for com - p.t.nta. Eclectic Uualneaa t nlveraUy. tUO Worceater block. LEAKS automobile driving and r. pal ring; adual practical ekperl.nce; day or ean tr .a. SJ8 iWaahington at., room 41- ITERNaTIONA Corre.pondenc. Bchoolo . local office 2JJ Alder at. Mala 10M. FISK TEACH -BS" ASSOCIATION. 1 Swetland bldg. PKIVAIE aohool SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. 1 mo. 28 14th at. kJMSl ITT A TIP-" VTA-TFrj MALl Boo-axwera ad Clara a. WILL AIDIT. OPEN. CL06H OI WRITS up booka. prepare balancoe and atatementa, Inatall ayataoia. illlliigham. auditor. 411 Lewla bidg..alarahall 11?. ; VVAN'TED-PoaltloB with good firm by ex perienced bookkeeper; rapid, accurate, beat of reference.; can fumi.h bond; aal- iry ie- ai. e. v- ..... UFNKHAL tlrpartment .lore ealeaman wanla ateadv poaitlon In or out in? town: 5 year experience: good refereBcea. Addreaa hog AM urnwina. 11IC.H arhool graduate with experience; at.n ographer. caahler and office clerk. AO .1. i.rrri""i". Pn.-ITION aa hotel clerk. 30 yeara old. 10 year.' experience: aoher. ateady arid hon et. f. L. Pnedden. CX-kley Hotel. M lc-llaJe-iue. WANTED. UENERAL JOB. carpenter, cab inetmaker, painter. paperhanxer. gtaaa man. running every kind of woodworking machine, atcam. gaa and gaeollne and ic trlc engine. 23 yearr experience with big Job In warehouee. factory and department lore X -it. Cr.gonlan. MAN working ft hour at night aanta jan itor, diahaaahlng. bedmaklnr or any other kind of work: will work from a A. to 4 P. M. for t'i-CM par we.k and meala; have ray own room; am as yeara old: ha.e goixl reference. N Or.gonlan. WANTED Work. firt-claa painter, dec orator, aelf-dealarner. wtaft to work for contractor or private; all work guaranteed. I. . Or-goniaa pKAv'TK'AL young man. with live bullneea ahllltlea. marrleil. deelrea to permanently repreaent reltaMe concern In aledford: apclally preferred- T -07. Oregontan. 1AN and wife, b wlaa-Cerman. looking for work on dairy farm: man milker or fore man, wife good cook: 1 children. Addreee J. 11. V.. ilL Angel Hotel, ilu ABgaL Or. THOROIMJHLT ep.rlenced coachman, married, with heat of referencee. wUhaa atrady poaitlon on a private place or In luery barn. Addreae V i:2, Oregnnlan. DKI'O clerk, not rratetered. with four yeara' axperl-nce. dealree poaitlon with reliable drurtflat: can furutab A No. 1 refereiM.'eo. N 2.".. Oregonlan. STRONG, elderij man. reliable, efficient, for lawn and garden work, want work; text reference, moderate wagea aatlafactory. M 2,.'."i. oregoman. SAI.KS1IAV. good, all-around young aaleo yeara of experience In ehoea. fur-nl-htnar. grocerl a. capable taking charge dept. beat rvf -renoe. TeL Eaat 37:13 Itoaa. WA.NTEL Kanch or camp work by aober. Indtmrloua young roup! not afraid of work, -lake ua aa offer. AT 244. Ore gontan. WollK on ranch or camp by atrnng. healthy. Intelligent young man. AT -4l. Ore gonlan. SM11KKSTACK ami flagpole painting and all kinde of ateeplejack work. French Lavla. Hlltldale. Or. Route L A Oi"HD baker. German, from the East. wlehee a ateady job: bread and cakea; city or country. M 244. Oregonlan. iloTEL and club manager. married. will accept ateward'a poaitlon; rluh or country reaort preferred. AV 204. Oregonlan. JAPAN ESS wanta poaitlon. automobile. gardener or atora boy; referencee. AN 344. Oregontan. YOUNG MAN, four yeara' fountain experi ence, wanta work evmlnga. Addreaa AK 2.'l. Oregonlan. STEADY" poaitlon aa aaaiatant engineer or fin-man In or near Portland. R. C. Hurau -io tat Mil! at.. Portland. CHAl'lTLlH mania joaltion. private or light trucx; iirnoj "ukni -..c ' j oregonlan. fc.M l-l-lll '. Kwutv. 113 1, Flrat at., . K. Chlneae Miaaioo, room 14. CHINESK boy. IS. wlahaa altuatlon In nice boardlng-houeo or family work; waiter and help cook. H 3'. Oregonlan CUTTER and dealgner. good experience Ift both ladire and gente cutting and lilting. L. N. Kwigart, cor. DlvUion and W. Sato. Cleveland. O. POSITION by abstractor: Ave years ex perience good reference. Addreaa 7u6 Commercial at.. Aatorla. Or. L'KAFTS AN. mechanical drawing and de lining a apecl-lty: referencee. AL 243. Oregonlan- YOl'NG man wanta work In grocery atora or delivery: axnarteaced. All SOU. Oregonlan- JAPANESE boy want any kind job alter 5 P. M. An .o. vrrgonian. I'EK1ENCED Japanew pantryman wanta 1-orltlon. AH 2.'J. Oregonlan. BOY. 16 yeara old. not afraid of Job, wanta one. UDuan p. a' n.mj. no rieimoni a C H K V. flrat-claaa. all-round, aober. ateady; . " ' AU ! rti-..nnt.n -j tint rooms for 32o and paint houses at your yn- -- JAPANESE wanta a poaitlon at houaework. X 27. Oregonlan. jOY 1. years old wanla work oa ranch, .jt, North 14th. Phona A 1417. kxPErUENCED COOK, wanta poellioB la fanulv. l.tW Firat t.. room 14. Kiilr 1-C1.A93 irmaa aauaagemakrr wanta Jol. city or country. M 2.'1. "regonlan. CARPENTER. nret-cli flnlxhar and re pairer: or job. AT 14H. Oregonlan. Tor NO MAN wanta work aa porter or houseman B. Caiman. Ill Hood St. Kl Rr-T-i'l.AS Japanese co-.k want, poaitlon, hot.l or restaurant- T 2r0, Orrgonian. BITTATlONi W A NT E D FKM A LK BoolUteeporssnettoaX"Pb EXPERIENCED atonographer wants poai tlon. real estate preferred: references. Phone .No. Woodlawn P4. TOUNO LADT atenograplier desires posi tion. Phones B 26i. 11 1.4. JCPK1ENCED stenographer wants posi tion : can do bookkeeping. Main 4792. 6TENOORAPHER wants poaitlon. one year expetieoce. Phone Woodlawn 13 SIENLMiRAPHER. rapid typewriter, wanta poaitlon at once. N Oregonlan. Ureeamakera. UK tcSil AKER wishes angagamenia by ths day. Main auS8. corner lllh and YVaahlng ton ata DRESSMAKER would Ilka few mor. en gagements by dsy. AN 257. Oregonlan. NEAT dressmaking done st ressonabla prices. 44. Columbia. Phone A NURSE wlahaa engagements, maternity pre ferred: some houaework; doctors rel- ereneea Main bsws. INVALID lady can have private room, treat ment, care, reasonable, trained nurse, la bor 2? 14. M'RSK will take confinement ca home. phone Eaat 1IM5 Ml KSB who takea all klnda of caeca, phona UT experienced nurse, mor. caeea. any kind or Institutional work. Marshall 24..T. Hegtekerpera. HE FIN ED. competent. middle-aged lady would like houaekeeplng In wldowefg home or rooming-house. AM 20U. Ore gonlan. HARRIED lady wants poalilon as housa keep. r for housi keeping rooms. Call 4 W A NTED Poaitlon as housekeeper, with girl 14. L 815. Oreognlan. Mlacellaneona. ItliTi'H widow with two children wlrhra osltlon aa housekeeper. Apply 114 hurman st. Phone Main 0304. Good ref erences. t'RKM'll couple want a position for a rliamucrmal-l for hotel or a lodglng house. Apply Winchester House, id street. V ( 1 ( A S of rxei utlve shlllu wanta man agement of Inrx. apartment: can give aatisfuclorv referencee. Address at once W 2"-l. Oreconlao- bAI.ESlADY wants position as millinery or cloak and ault SHiealady: years of axp--rlince leading Chicago firms. East 3i.lJ Ho... WANTED Po.ilion as private exchange op erator; 3 years' experience. Phono ast S4T. TOI NM Inly, employed, would civ aervlies mornings and evenings In exchange for room and board. A B 2f7. Oresonlan. COM PKTKNT cook wanla situation where second girl la kept. 21 N. Sth st. Phone Main 4S11. WANTED Situation by two slrls. chamber- ork. or at day work. 0.0 griurup .i near lflth. A PENNSYLVANIA teacher desires govern esslog. no objection to country; excellent reference. AN 25!. O regonlan. UEUMAN womsn wanla cooking and house work In pnvsie, family by ths day. Knet Monroe St. North. EXPERIENCED waltrcaa. references, de sires Situation, restaur.tnt. cafeteria, pan try. Main 2"3y. A 4775. ELDERLY" ladv desires light work Wlt,h par ties going coaat. M rtln kua. EX PER I E NCE D woman with daughter 9 !..., res housekeeping le'dower"! family. 3lln ia3. CAPABLE womsn desires chamberwork, csre llnen-room. Main 2i3:. A 471 WORK wanted by day or nour; . ., Ironing and plain sewing, .none ,0 YOI NO lady wishes day work. Phone H w2. TOUNO Isdy wishes work for hosrd and room for short time. AJ Ifcl. Oregonlan. LADY wishes to do housework of any kind. 010 I penur e. r ...i ........ HRH OR09 wishes houaacleanlug. hour or aay wore. wa n"vu - A WOMAN wishes work of any kind by nay. a-non. UN WANTED by woman Work by day. 63 IN". 01 n. LADT wants washing by day. 741Mslnst. WAJCrKI) ACEXT4. gon Nursery Comosny. Orsnoo. Or. ITAir,ll TO KF.1T. WANTED To rent. 4 acres or more with some buildings, convenient to carllns. AO Uift. Oregonlan. liou. I WANT a atrlctlr modern 5 or 6-room furnished house with piano In Al locality on West Side; rent not over 4.V If you haven't something good doo t answer. AD 2rf7. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent 7 or I -room furnished or unfurnished modern house. West - Fide, close in; stats particulars. AR I4o. Ore gonlan. -- WANTED At once, small furnished cottage or bungalow. West tilde: myself, wife and 0-yeer-uld ton. L. H. Coppock. Hotel Lenox. WANTED 4 or l-raom house, small gar den. 10 mln. car rids; siata price. O lis. Oregonlan. Koome. GENTIJ!IAX wanta room In pi Ivate fa 1-ll- where there are no other roomera. W tjregoman. MAN and daughter desires board with prl vste family. Y i:-9. Oregonlan. Kooms and Hoard. WANTKI To place refined llftlo girl of . . i.w 1 -.! - .1 f . n . i ; t- ...ino- to beach during weeks of school vacation; stnte lowest terms. o 1 .... v. ...... WANTED At once, someone to care for 4-year-old girl whets mother can room; nice place, olose In. Main 4604. A 414o. FOK REJiT. Kootna. "JUST WHAT TOU WANT." Furniahed or unfurnished rooms, smgla, m suite, all conveniences, beat location. MILNER BLDO." ISOj Morrlaon 3C Furnlalied Rooroa. HOTEL CAPLhW, ItasldsntlaL 50 Taylor. TraaslSBL Bet. Tth and Park . Oppoalle Halllg Theater. Central, quiet, rooms with prlvats bait, etc. from 1 dally; aultes or single rooms at low rates; weekly or monthly terms; new, . handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele phones, hot and cold running water. From Union Depot "J" car to Taylor, or ' w car to 7th: from Hoyt-street Depot, 'o car, transfer oa Morrison to Tth. Phona Marshall XauO. HOTEL bAVOX. 131 Eleventh at. New, modern brick building, steam-heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort able. Rents very reasonable. Call and see tie. Regular and transient trado solicited. inA.ift.ii vi Big money-niuiter. 24 rooms, lease, nice ly furnished: smsll payment doao, bal ance, easy terms for quick sale. AMERICAN TRUST CO, 313 Chamber of Commerce. Main T47L . .--II7..--T- iinTvT CALUMET HOTEL. Park sc. between Morrison and Aider. Heart of the cltyt quiet and modern; free 'bus or W car at depot; rates 1 single, (1.30 double; also family rooms with prl bate bath, etc Hates per week. THB Bl'R.VH. Lowest rates In city, by day. week or month: nicely furnished new brick build irg: hot and cold water and free tele phone In every room; close In. 100 Mr 12th at., near Waahlngton. Marshall 27l0. KOOMS, HOOMrJ, ROOMS. Central location, moderate prices: seat airy rooms, weekly rates 33, I3.50 and up. including public phone and bath, THE OCKLEY. BDQUj Morrison at., cor. 10th. HOI EL REN WICK An ideal horns for boslness people; centrally located; ale gant rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor els.. 1 block from Portland Hotel opposite Halllg 1 heater. Main gld. RUSHMARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington Newly furnished rooms, single or ea suite; privets batbs, steam heat, hot and sold water and phona In all rooms; rates reasonable; transients sollelied. jtfGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sln la, 3 and 13 week; five minutes' walk to theaters and stores, free phone. Liu dell Hotel. 328 4tb. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, close in; popular prices; transient -trade solic ited. The Baker, IBS t 6th St. THB LARRABEE. 227 s I-arrabee at.; mod ern cool and airy rooms: low rates THE HAZEL. Nicely furnished rooms at moderate prices. Cor. 3d end Montgomery. WKt.l. -FURNISHED front room, 310 mu., 1 block of Waahlnguin. btt 10th. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. NOW OPBV1 NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN1 Those three beautifully furnished hotels, HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL M1NOOK PARSONS ROWLAND 313 4'h St. Ufc 4th St. '207 4th St. On Fourth St.. running from Tsylor to Falmon it Brand new brick, elegantly tarnished; steam heal, private baths, hot aud cold water In all rooms: strictly up-to-date In all respects, and at popular prices, if you wsnt something out of ths ordinary In the heart of the city at reas onable prices, give us a call, as we know you will like It. Rooms by the osy, week, or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL RAINIER. One Mock from Union Depot: 140 out side rooms, with hot and cold water, every thing brand new; special rates by the week or month; give ua a trial. Transient rates 60c to . pr day: weekly rales 33.&0 up. THE LA-NDOKE, "8 10th. has a slBgle room suitable for gentleman; hot aud cold water. ; , I-nrmalird Rooma lu Private Family. PI. K AS A NT front room on Park at. between M:ldlson and Jerreieon. sunuuie mr vww r.o other roomen 31.-1 In .';'. references. Phone l 631 ALL, completely furnlehcd house: gas, bath and electricity. 2H1 Benton; slso two furnished rooms for light housekeeping at 210 Henton. s'UKNiSHED two-room front suite, or sinKle rooms. In private family; select location. West, close In. 7U4 Johnson st Mar shall 2ol. EXCELLENT room, running water, down town, cheap rent, very doslratile lor two. also one single room. 181 Eleventh. NEWLY" furnished corner room for rent, cheap for couple or two young ladles. 4 4l4 E. Hurnalde. B 2MI2. , 13 ROOM m a fine home, niodsrn. clean and attractive; a splennld hath: no sign. Marshall :C2 ! .'acksoh St. LARGE front rooms, bay window, suitable for two; Xtne locution. 413 Mill St., cor. llth. Y'EKY" nicely furnished room in up-to-date home, w ith steam best snd every mod ern convenience. Phone A 4O70. t II! ree large housekeeping-rooms, fire place and balcony. 204 E. 10th. Phone E. 22i TWO large rooms, hot and cold water, phons and bath. 110 l.lh -Nortn. cor. Hoyt LARGE front room, suitabl. for two peo ple; privilege of light housekeeping If desired. ilJJ L-im at., cm. GOOli room, close In, 3 week; sleeping porch. 31. .".0; nice airy room with gas plute. 31. 2la "lenin. NEW rocm, use of bath, telephone, piano; 13 minutes' ta:k from city: ono block Ii'om cariinu. .it -j'"-! - - N.1CEI.Y furnished rooms; parlor bedroom. r.7 Trinity place, near Washington, be tween iitia auu .viii. TWO first-class rooms, modern, fine neigh borhood; man and wife, or two or three young men. 110 jouiisun. nav WANTED rllcndy roomers for large, beau tiful rooms. 32.00 to 35 per week. 35 8d st- cnone WEI.L-KUH.VISHED large room; modern, suitable for ono or two people. Apt. 3. 6x4 Fiandors at. Ths Cholopa. COST room, choice board, congenial home, piano; refined neighborhood. 7U1 Mar shall. CENT RALLY located. 000 1, convenient, 32.75 OOOD, clean, cool ouUide room. 10 month; 7 minutes' walk. 4&3 Sth si. FRONT room, nicely furnished. Nob Hill msirn-i. rv - 1 NICELY" furnished room, 310 per month. 11 .11111 nauil - - MOL'ERN rooms, with or without private b.iih. Marshall 2747. 564 Flanders. NeaUy furnisiied rooni, modern conven iences, .lua iini pi- -- NEAT room. 12..-.0 per weo for one; 13 . . .. nc.a 1 ' 1 Vi at o..")0 WEEK, newly furnished room for two. xj 11111 p . - CLEAN", well furnished, sunny rooms, niod- - . ern convenieucep. ui - - ri.KA.SANT room. Son Hill, walking dis tance, phone Main 49H2. ONE Inrge furnished room, private family. 2o4 E. ITith. Phone E 2U22. NEWLY furnished rooms for gentleman on 1 y; close In. 214 13th St.. cor. Salmon. LAHGK, pleasant front room suitable for 3 sentlemen. 200 llth. near Taylor. BL'ITABLE for gentlemen. $10. $12 per month. 570 Couch and lMh. 3 ROOMS with bath, hot and cold water, furnished. r.7 E. Main. FOR nice rooms on Washlngiop at,, at I -. .,.. nKnn. Main Lr' . f I- RM.-'HKD rooms reasonable. 513 Clay st. IJnf urnlhet Rooms. WE-T SIDE, close In. three rooms unfur nished, suitable for young msn or ladle- Phone .Marsnau win. BI"1I.I1NG. nth and Stark. Owner 300 Co lumblu bldg.. West Park and Washington. Koom. With Hoard. LtKS a home appeal to you? The White hall, cor. nth Madison, largs rooms, bstb. broad verandas, quiet, close In. near car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. ELEGANTLY" furnished room with board; home cooking, large closet and bath; walking distance; suitable for two gentle men. 4D1H. room o. o. PORTLAND Women's Union, 2od year; rooms wllh board, use of sewing-room, li brary. MO Flanders. F. N. H.stn. supU COMFORTABLE Tnd up-to-date home with or without boards 0U3 Main st- King. Helchts. THE CALVARD 4.'.2 Morrison, cor. lth. Select private boarding-house; walk'n BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board for two; finest of home cooking; $2o per nu. nth. S-'O Montgomery at. THE MANITOU. IC1 llth, new management: thoroughly renovated; Inviting rooms, choice board. ROOM and board for young women 13 per ... . W - . t I ' I. 1 I" J . week .1- r.- mi - -- CHOICE board and largo room, fsclng ths park; very reasonable. 874 Park. LARGE front room for two; first-class; will be vacant the iotn. . Room- YVIIh Board lo Pnvnte Family. LARGE, well-furnished room with flrst-olass meals for two gentlemen; short wslklng distance. Eaat Side; business or Profes sional men will iind It convenient; hlfc-lii-claus neighborhood: references desired. Phone Home B 172V. , EXTRA large fine furnished front room, fine home pood neighborhood, walking dis tance'. Holladay'a," good board private homo next door. 234 E. 3d at. N S. B. cor. Multnomah st ROOM and board for two or more gentlemen- good home cooking, modern conven iences. IT. minutes' walk lo Postofflce. 154 Norlh 10th. Phone Main 7.HJ. A ftbbl. ONE nice, airy sleeplnc-room, private fam l!y olose in. with all conveniences free with or without board. 803 12lh St. Mall r.e. Main 1043. COMFORTABLE room, walking distance: family rrlvlleires: bath: homecooking; $5 week, phone East 4246. LARGE, beautifully furnished front room. first-class board; private family; large porch and yard. 780 Gllsan LARGE, beautifully furnished room with board- One home cooking: 30 per monto. 32o Montgomery St.. bet. 0th and ith. BEAUTIFUL front room with fleet-class board. In private family. 63 I7th st- N. Phono Main 422U. vice small room for 1 or 3 persons, with first-class board: all conveniences. 2i5 N. 21th St.. cor. Overton s 35 PFR WEEK each: beautlfus front mom"; new. modern house for two. 88 N. TTin. near Kianaere u WELL furnished room, with nest Doaru. lares norch and Brounds. Main 30,1. NICE front room with board: suitable for two young meu. '' NICELY fuanlshed room; everything ..od- ernxentlemen preferred. Call B 1 FURNISHED room with board. 820 llth su Phone A li".3). ROOM and board In home of young people. B 80t. 54Q r-aai ua.- ip CO'Y room, choice board, congenial home, re'flned neighborhood. "01 Marshall. Apartments. FURNISHED apartment. Including piano. : The Morton. ..ago- THE LANDORE. IS8 l"th. a completely furnished apt., an kui..-. THE ELMS Completely furnished 2 and 3 rnom aiiartmenta. l"l 14th st. k-vv three rooms, handsomely furnished, all A- r apiK a-tK ihtL- r mo r- 0 . f h eonven lenecs - . - - ONE modern 5"oom apartment. 65 Flan- oers The Ormonde. Main S251. The King Davis, corner King and Davis , ,. : one 8. and one 4-room spt. - ...... ala. Ki Oh Hill dlati-let convenient to 3 car lines ISO 23d st. K. TrETTARTFORD Best riodern apt IB ths eity. 21st and Flsndera. i-i-ffl V furnished S-roorl apartment, mod NVn. clcis in- E. Bjrnslde.- Apartments. MORGAN". FLIED.NER & BOYCE. ' APARTMENT-HOUSE SPECIALISTS Main 2015. 503-506 Abington bldg. A 3013. Our apartments are built right. From long experience we know the tenant s wants and make It a point to supply them. We have apartments-for rent in locations listed below, which possess the maximum of convenience and equipment at the minimum of expense. Courteous Janitor on the premises will ahow the apartments. THE HANTHORN. 251 12th St.. near Main; 3 large rooms with private balcony. 3 sleeptnp compartments: $35 and $.i.o0. THE KINGSBURY", Ford St.. near Wash ington; superb location, new building, pri vate balcony; 3 and 4 rooms each, with two sleeping compartments: $30 and 40. COLUMBIAN and VICTORIAN, newly furnished, 3 and 4 rooms, llth and Colum bia sts.. $32.50 to $45. THE KEARNEY, 21st and Kearney ts. ; 3 rooms for $35. .. 1 THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.; close-in location; 3 and 4 rooms, fur nished or unfurnished. - OWN TOUR OWN FURNITURE. THE CHESTERBURT. Corner 20th and Kearney. Opportunity to own your own furniture at very moderate rental rates: call at tne Chesterbury and let the manager explain our plan; this proposition will only stay open until July 15; no phonelng; unfur nished apartments also ror rent. . THE DEXENDORF. 08 16TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant fi-room unfurnished apart ments, whleo are now completed, are sit uated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes walk of the business center. Reservations may be made from owner on premises or by phons. Main 47s5, A 6548. THE WREELDON, Cor. Park, and Taylor Eta .THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon bta. Walking Distance. 7ompletely furnished 2. S and 4-room apartments: buildings new and strictly modern; service hrsi-class. CARMEN. TAKE NOTICE. " Ankeny Court, the new modern apart ment house on the corner of Eaut Ankeny and 81st st., has been handsomely fur nished by t'alef Bros, ami Is now ready for occupancy; 2 and 3-room apartments at from 117.50 to $:I2.50 per month; make application for apartments at the house; no children. NEW APARTMENTS. Three-room furnished apartments, ele gantly furnished; only $30. Strictly modern, located in new build ing at comer Russell and Union ave.; best car eervlce of any point la city; only a few minutes from business center. Three rooms, bath, etc., furnished in elegant style. Apply to Apartment 0, CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. West Park and Columbia streets; nrst-class 2 and J room furnished and unfurnished apart ments; private baths, large dressing clos ets, disappearing beds, built-in buffets, pri vate phones and all modern conveniences, first-class service, best location in the city, overlooking the parks and only 5 minutes' walk from the business center: prices very reasonable. Apply to manager. CARMEL1TA APARIMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts.. four and five room apartments, unfurnished, with reception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific felatee telephone In every apart ment and the most modern conveniences found in the city. Phone Main Suits and Miss Allen, the manager, will show you through the aaprunenis. or coll up xnaia office. Main 6704. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts. This new 4-story brick opened January 1, 1911; furnished and unfurnished In two. tares and four-room suites, with recep tion hall; Pacific phone In each apart ment: electric elevator. Tolmes disappear ing beds, built-in bullet and writing-desk, gas ranges. Icebox, plenty of closet room. If you want something extra tine, come . to the Barker. Phone Marshall 2UCL THE EVERETT. 644 Everelt St. New and elegantl furnished apart ments. 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevalor and private pacific tolephone; located In one of the choicest residence districts sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dls- tance. PENINSULA APARTM ENTS -One of Port land's finest apartment-houses; 4-minute car service; beautiful part city to live. 11H5W Alblna ave.. cor. Klllingsworth. Take Mississippi, L or Kenton car st Sd and W ash. sts.. 15 nun. ride; 2. 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished. $17.50 to $30 mo.; also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 220tf. THE RE-UKAN APARTMENTS. New management, new concrete building wllh elaborately furnished 3-room apart ments, modern oonv.nlences, lawn, cool ve randas, janitor service; retisonable, walk ing distance. 624 Marshall sL; take "W car. Main 6032 or A 3,1 HI. 6HEFFIELD APARTMENTS. Tth and Jef ferson sts. A. 4-room apt. with bath, furnished or unfurnished; ail outside roomm. every convenience; modern and only 6 mln- walk from P. O. Very rea sonable renL KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay bts. Large 4-room. front, corner suite, un furnished, vestibule, closets, private bath and phone, electric elevator, walking dis tance; splendid view. We also have s rooia spartmenta. unfurnished. IHE"L0VEJ0I APARTMENTS, Corner lTlh and Lovejoy SI Completely furnished 2 and 3-room apartments. 3 or lutu-st. cars; first-class service, private phone and bath; public sewing-room with sowing machine. Main 813. THE MEREDITH. Corner 22d and Washington. T12 8 and 4-room nicely furnished apartments, splen did location, walking distance; moderate rates; best of service, l'hoae Main 7130. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished; coiuforls of home; private phone and baths, elevators, prtvale playground for children; Ideal location. 22o N. ZOlh au Marshall 202 ORDERLE1GH Apartments, cor. Grand ave. and East Siark st. New. fireproof brlok building beautifully furnished, two and three-room apartments, private bath, free phone, hot and cold water. Ice box. no car jare. Bummer rates. Phone East 300. EXCLUSIVE apartments; G large rooms and bath; private entrance: large front and back privale porches; mald'a room in basement- heat, hot water, vacuum cleaning system- ranges, refrigerator. Tt3 North- pup, pnona sum p..., PARKHURST APTS. 1 Cor 20th and Northrup. elegantly fur nished 3-room apt-, with porches and one unfurnisued 3-rooin apt- in base ment Apply to Mrs. Courtxighl Apt. D. Main 6042. . PARK-APARTMENTS "Park and Harrison sts beautiful 3 and 4-room apartments furnished for housekeeping; everything new and -modern; elevalor. telephone free. $45 to $o0- HADDON HALL APARTMENTS. 414 Alia BU. aw. xia. . $ and 4-room newly furnished apta., private bath, phone and balcony porches $23 up. Phone Marshall 117L THB M'KINLEY. 429 East Morrison, Corner 7th. 8. 2 and 4 rooms, high-grade furnished apts. ' private baths, best service, moder ate prices. MADISON PARK APARTMENT 8, farx aiiccii I--" -. . . . Furnished, unfurnished apts.; individual phones; convenient, down-town district. KENTUCKY APTS., E 28th and Glisan; 2 room unfurnished apt., new and modern, private bath and phono. Phone B 1432, or r-oai poo.. THE Beryl Large rooms, large closets, cool and airy for Summer; some fur nished apartments. 21st and Lovejoy; take W car. ' BANNER APARTMENTS. 469 Clay St., near 14th St.: strictly modern 2-room apts., completely furnished; $20 to $24 per month; walklngdjstance. " " THE WESTFAL, " 410 6th, furnished and unfurnished strictly modern apartments, walking dis tance, prices reasonable; no children. 4-ROOM modern apartment for rent. $22.E0, furniture for sale very reasonable, almost new- apu Is completely furnished, ready to step In. Call at 23 ft B. 12th at. Th. "t.TI.I.lAX. Cor. 6th and Montgomery. AU outside 2 and 3-room suites; cool, airy. modernjn every respect. Mar. 1378. ALTAMONT. 304 College, strictly modern I and 4-room apta. Main $080. Reasonable. eiip; DAYTON Nice four-room lower apt, neat, water, etc. $20. 608 Flsndera Apartments. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments: private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month $26. $30 aud up. Must be seen to be appreciated. m THE JULIANA. 40 Trinity Place. New- brick huildiiiR; completely fur nished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; close In; free phone, privale bath, wall beds, hot water, ranges, refrigerators and all modern conveniences: rates very reason able. Phone Marshall SS. "ORLANDO APARTMENTS." Corner 20th and Washington Sts. Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, at most reasonable rates. A homellks place. Three and four-room apartments. I.UCRETA COURT APARTMENTS. Strictly hiirh-ciass exclusive and mod ern unfurnished apartments in this city: on I.ucretia st., near Washington and 2:id. Apply to manager or phone Marshall 1529. Private phones furnished free In each apartment. Inferences required. THE ARCADIA 706 Everett st. Two and $-room apartments, completely furnished, entirely modern. Summer rates. Main 2635. LINCOLN APTS., corner 4th and Lincoln sts.; completely furnished 2-room apart ments for housekeeping, everything new and modern, house Just opened, walking distance: no children; $22 to $30. Phone Main 1377. ANGELA. Elegantly furnished modern 2. 8 and 4 rooms, reasonable; walking distance. 37 Trinity Place, bet. loth and 20th, near Washington. - H ADDON HALL. 414 llth. Cor. Hall. 3 and 4-room apts., elegantly furnished, rrivate phone, bath and balcony porches, :.- up. Marshall 1171. VACANT today. 2 and 3-room apartments, unfurnished, new brick building. $10 a"'1 $25 per 1110. New York Apts., E. 7th and Belmont. Nowly furnished 2-room suite with bath, also 4-room and bath, unfurnished; close in. cnoice location. BTE AM -HEATED flat, five rooms, for $30. 0?7 Everett St. Key with Morgan, Flied ner & Bovce, 503 Ablngton bids. Main 2015. A 2015. THE CECELIA, corner of 22d and Glisan Bts A handsomely furnished apartment with porches, also one unfurnishud. Phone Marshall 13Q4. A.N" elegantly furnished 2-room apartment; in the kitchen, gas range, hot and cold water, free phone and bath. 320 Mont gomery St., bet. 6lh and 7th. FURNISHED 4-room apartment for tl weeks, f2; reference. Beryl Apartment, 21st and .ovejoy. W car. Phone A 17bi- THE LAL'RETTE One elegantly furnished S-room apartment, private bath and phone. 22 llth st. BOZA.NTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished, strictly modern. Summer rates now In ef fectT lSstt 2d st, Marshall 2S2L N elegantly furnished 3-room apartment for 3 months: piano; no children. Apt. 307, The Barker Apts. THE Northampton, 407 Hall St.; new and elegantly furnished 2-room apartments. walking dlstanoo. Main 4299. BRAIN TREE -Elegant five-room apartment. West Side: walking distance; rent reason able. Main 1 FOR RENT 3-room apartment furnished or unfurnished; strictly modern. Call East 2114. ONE 4-room and one C-room. walking dis tance, hot water, best in city for the money. Phone E 212A 6T CLAIR, 710 Wayne street; modern six room apartments, two porches and 4-room basement. $25. Phone Main 403O. COMPLETELY' furnished -vpc.rc-.ncn'., W"est Side- best residential district; references. M 259, Oregonlan. THE CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy; 1 elegantly fur nished 4-room apartment and .-room. Marshall 2910. Summer rates. BRUCE Apts., modern B-room apt., 25th and Northrup sts. W car. raono Marshall 1-23. B-ROOM FLAT, $20. Located on West Side, within 12 min utes of business center. v Furnished with steel cooking range and gas plate, linoleum on kitchen and bath room, shades at all windows; large airy rooms. - newly tinted, bullt-ln wardrobes and pantrv. porcelain bath and stationary woahtub, electricity and ga.-: a strictly modern upper flat, on two street carllnes. Apply to druggist, cornc:- FruiiL and Gibbs st.. for key. Take "S" or "Fulton'' car 35 Nob-Hill flat. 1 block from carllne. completely furnished Including telephone: 4 rooms and sleeping porch; references. H. P. Palmor-Jones Co.. agents. 213 Com mercial Club Bldg. Phones Mala i'-9, A 2003. NEW. modern 3-room Hat; basement, fur liace, laundrj". gas range, healer, elegant thina closet and wardrobe. French plate glass- easy walking distance; two people only price $20. East 7th and Couch. Tele phone E. 1S1B. $-5 MONTH, now modern 6-room flat, fire place, full basement, stationary washtuba, etc.; close In on East Side, near carlme. 712 Chamber of Commerce. A FLAT of 3 furnished housekeeping rooms: rent $18 per month; no objection to one child. tW Alblna ave., corner of Blan dena, L car. t .-ROOM upper flat, modern, front porch, ex cellent view, freshly tinted. Dutch kitchen, nice neighborhood, walking distance. West Side. 4.4 Hall: rent $27.50. 6-ROOM modern flat, ground floor, front and back yard, two porches, stationery tubs, gas and electricity. A 4669, Main 4869. FOR RENT Modern flat, four rooms and bath, furnace heat, rent $23. 330 Ross st Telephone Main . 2114. East 3710. 5-ROOM flat, on West Side, modern, com plete, walking distance, unsurpassed view. Marshall 363. FOR RENT Four-room modern flat, one block from Mount Tabor car. 8o4 E. Yam hill. Tel. Main 2410. FOR RENT Corner upper - 7-room modern fUit. Hill. E. 17th at.; rent 130. Key 101 H. 17tn st, TASTILY' furnished Hat for 2 people; lota of light and air; rent $20. Phone Wood lawn 1044. t2T- 3-room flat, nuatly furnished; private bath, large grounds, shade trees, block to car; walking distance. 671 Belmont. 6-ROOM upper flat, corner 22d and Kearney. 712 Kearney st. UP-TO-DATE private 8-room flat, walking distance. Main 1156. A 2743. TWO" --oortTflats.-furnished or unfurnished. East lstn st. a -ii". 6-ROOM flat, fireplace, good condition. 688 Northrup st. aiam - " FOR RENT 7-room fiat, 831 Corbett St. Key at 106 Will taker at. 1-iiOUU upper new flat, modern lmprove- ment; rent $35. Inquire 424 Oregon at, MODERN 4-room flat, near 33d and Wash- lngton. Main 893. THREE-ROOM modern unfurnished flats. Inquire 225 Market at. 6-ROOM modern flat, 700 Irving st. Key at grocery. MODERN, 6-room flat, close in. East Side. Phone Marshall 144fi ONE 5-room fiat; steam heat, gas range. 6t7 E. Main. MODERN flat. 3 blocks from Steel bridge Phone Woodlawn lcOO MODERN 6-room upper flat, close In. In quire on premises. 529 Everett st. NEW modern 4-room flats. 383 Ross, near Broadway. $18 and $20. MODERN li-room lower Hat, 24 10th St. North, near Burnside. f KOOMS and bath, $35. 4001. Park st. Inquire 'a estara at. Housekeeping; Rooms. WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms; 6-room cottage. $20 month; another $17 50; suites, two furnished housekeeping rooms. $8, $10, $12 month; 8, $15. Apply 84 2Cth st. North. "W" car from depot, 6th. west on Morrison to 26th. block north. "JUST WHAT YOU WANT." Furnished or unfurnished roomm, single, cn suite, ail conveniences, best location. "MILNER BLDG.." 850 H Morrison 3t. $L50 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone clean llnn. heat- 406 Vancouver ave. and 203 Vj Stanton; take U car. TWO furnished "housekeeping rooms. $10 a month; four for $17. 426 E. Market. pnone aiuin op-. 481 EAST Morrison, corner East Sth. com pletely furnished housekeeping suite, reas onaoie CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished and unfur nished housekeeping rooms, single and en suite, very central. Rm. 38. 3d and Mor. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, $2.50 per week: gas, bath, phone. 4021. 3d st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In -new -oncreto bldg. Phona Wjoilawn 2t"7 o- 2Si'J, GOOD housekeeping rooms for rent cheap, 11 i Union ave. Fhone East 0-S. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; . $15 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for trie money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16tb-su cars, north, gel off at Marshall su No dogs. , " HonsekeepinE; Boonia'ln Private Family. 3-ROOM housekeeping suite, new and nicely furnished, all modern conveniences. 6t; N. 21st near Washington: also single and 2-room suites, newly furnished, at 27 4 North li;th.half block from Washington. 2 LARGE front housekeeping-rooms, nicely furnished, verv reasonable. 93 East Tai lor St.. near, 2 blocks from Sunnj -side car. 2 LARGE housekeeping rooms, alcove and hay window, flue location. 410 Mill. cor. llth. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In private house, for rent to neat, reliable parties, adults onlv; no dogs. 3S7 Oregon street. between Union and Grand avea. HUU.IIO. neatly luinisncn mi imuaenv-p-- ing; light, bath, phone; rent $15. 615 20th St.. Portland Heights. TWO or three bright, well-furnished house keeping rooms; modern conveniences. 3711 Weldler. cor. Union nve. C 21100. TWO housekeeping and one sleeping-room In best neighborhood, walking distance. l'hone East 181)0. $2.50 AND 13 week; large housekeeping rooms; gas range, pantry, bath, phone; also desirable suite. 210 Montgomery. DOWNSTAIRS for rent, nicely furnished. modern, for three months or longer. 705 E. Salmon. Phone East 5300. 364 SALMON' Two very desirable basement rooms. furnished or partly furnished, housekeeping. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms at East sth and Mill. Cull 27 N. 2d or phona Main 11019 or A 21.14. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, phone light. $10. 74 K. Mil st. X., cur. Everett. Phone East J":n. TWO large clean front housekeeping rooms, with running water, gas range, $1.60 week. 503 . Alder St. JWO suites well-furnished housekeeping rooms, excellent location, reasonable. 2ti2 14th. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. with wood ran-es. gas plates. $12 per month. 329, Montgomery nu, between 0 and 7. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. West Side. $:.00 and $4.."X) per week; light, bath and phone. 547 Morrison st. PINK location, all modern conveniences. $10. $12. $211 per month, or by week. 070 Couch, northeast cor. 18th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in good location; all conveniences, reasonable. 17e N. 3 7ih si. NICKT.Y furnished. very rooms for housekeeping. pleasant. two S47 Hall st. FRONT rooma for housekeeping: bath, gas ami phone: no cliUdren. 1I4Q College. IWO modern, nicely furnished housekeep ing apartments. 109 N. lth St. TWO desirable front housekeeping rooms, also one at $10.50 monthly. 440 6th st VERY'- desirable--"room suite and use of kitchen. 205 lllh st. "FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms for rent. i0 N. inth. 112 THREE light housekeeping rooms. 164 North l.'.th st. 8 AND 4 furnished 100111s, with balcony, close In. Phone East lillSL 1 FRONT hotuiekeeping-room; cooking gaa furnished. 376 14th st- LARGE, clean furnished front housekeeping room. phone, gas. 4SS Everett. HOUSEKEEPING suite. light, heat and phone. 690 E. Burnside st. TWO nice, pleasant housekeeping rooms, quiet pi ace. 421 7th. corner Hall. FOR RENT AOS Gleason St.. 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. rnune 8 pleasant housekeeping rooms, piano yard, adults only. Apply P. M. 4rts TOIh st. FURNISHED housekeeping and - sleeping rooms. $1.50 to $2 per week. 2'.ll -d sU BARGAIN Two-room suite, side entrance. 175 21st at., near Washington. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Inquire 4i0 East Burnside. 15 3 swell housekeeping-rooms, furnished neatly. 891 East Yamhill st. NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms, cheap. 70 12th st. . f7o- SPECIAL BARGAIN' $7000. strictly modern U-room dwelling, sun. parlor, slecpiig porch enclosed in glast, selected woodwork, lot 50x100. on Broad way. Irvlr.glon'B choicest location; Broad way car passes door; terms Vi cash, bal ance 7 per cent. r M'CARGAR. BATES LIVELY. 301 Yeon Bldg. HOUSES and flats for rent, some furnished. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COM P 1 VT. Free maps of city for strangers. FOR HI-VT -e- R-rooio hllTlC&lOW. all mode-ii "conveniences. Inquire Hubsen gro cery, E. 41st and Division. Phone Tabor 1520. 5-RoOM house, with bath, in Hollada's Addition, two blocks from Broadway and Irvington carline; rent $23. Phone Eaat 141. 1S 7-room house. 1002 Mississippi ave. Take L car to Hlandlna st.; bath, elec tricity etc. Fruit trees and garden. Key at corner gruceij.. .m.. ....... . 5-ROOM cottage. 401 San Rafael St.; gas. bath, bailment, tubs, nice ruses. Inquire 326 E. 7th St. N. FIN E home, nTno rooms, lease for tetm. possession October 1. 21 si st.. close to Washington. AD 253. Oregonlan. MODERN" 4-room apartment, fiower garden, only $15. W-W car to 37th. 1128 Francis avenue. NEWLY furnished 4-room modern cottage, yard. Arleta station. 2 blocks ML Scull car. 7M1 E. Yamhill. MODERN 6-room house, walking distance, East l-'th St.. furnace and fire-place; key 301 Dekum bldg. NICE 5-room house. S32 17th; key at store. Main 6205. TO RENT 8-room houso, 018 Qulmby St., $;,!). Key 024 tjulmby St. Main 6S21. MODERN new 7-room house for rent on 84th and E. Ash. Call B : .493. PORTLAND Heights. 7 rooms m0'l0';i lawn, trees, no children. 513 Ellers bid;. FOR RENT 497 Montgomery St.. 8-room house; rent $40. Main 1102. NEAR KENTON. NEW COTTAGES. $12. Phona Main 1-44. 7-ROOM house, good order. DOO Belmont I $16. F. W. Torgter. 108 Sherlock bldg. 6-ROO.M modern house. $22. Inquire 811 Cleveland ave. V car. NO. 871 Kelly st.,- West Side: modern 7 room hou-e. 2Phoiie Scllwood 1640. Furnished Houses. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room cottage, $20 month; another, $17.50; furnished house keeping suites. 2 rooms '.J month; 8, $1U. Apply -M North -l,th. W. car from dupot, 5th west on Morrison to 20th, block north. MODERN 5-room cottage, well furnished, has piano and sufficient linen; $30 per montlt. 414 Spalding bldg. SIX-ROOM furnished house In Irvington.. on "1" carllne. up to October 1; no chll dren. PhoneEasl 0927. 8ROOM modern home, handsomely fur nlshed, near Hawthorne; fine location, A 4792. otei L-rrilNISHED modem six-room upper Hat. sleeping porch, fireplace. piano. Phone E. 3S34. pjAT five large furnished rooms, or will arrange housekeeping rooms to suit. Free phone, hath and light. East 8061', T 6-KOOM house, mostly all furnished, close in, 1 block from carllne. 6S1 E. Ash; $35. FURNISHED 5-room cottage, 2 or 3 months, without children, references, close In. East 6601. 514 East Burnside. 125 CORNER Cth and Broadway, fu nished 6-room houso, rent 2 months. Phoi tur ns East 2227 DESIRABLE furnished residence, room re served, rent very reasonable. 714 Everett street. 694 MARKET ST.. head of 20th. comfortably furnished 5 or 6 rooms, piano, tine view. Phone Main 8497. FOR RENT, $20, 4-room furnished house, nice yard. 20s So. 16th St.. cor. Mlil sL Call from 1 P. M. to 4 Y. M. NICELY" furnished 6-room cottage; rent reasonable; modern. Apply 59 Williams ave. WELL furnished 6-room home. gas. fur nace, electricity and bath, walking dis tance; good neighborhood. Thone C 2120. FURNISHED house, 6 rooms, East Morri son St. e-qrueii tc ..-.Ionia. MODERN" 6-room furnished houso for rent, jast hiue. rnoii- -in'" NEW furniture' Torment or sale. IncUiding piano. $40; 6-room house. B 3090. FURNISH ED bungnlow. new and modern. 975 E- Everett. Phone B 1132 or East o3Si. o