TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN", TUESDAY, JULY 11 1011. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOXIAN TELEPHONES. I Pmtlng-rom .... City circulation .. t Managing Editor Funday Editor .. i Composing-room . ' 6up. bulldlns; ... ......Main "OTfl Main 7'iTO Main 7070 Main TOIll ......Main T70 Mala TU70 A "5 A A "5 A 15 A B"-.S A VM AMCSKMENTS- OP.PKTTV THEATER rMnrrlnn. betaraen sixth and Se,nth vaudeville. Tnu ait amnon al MS and tonight at Ji '3UKER THEATER Elenth and Mor naooJ Summer vaudeville. Thia after- aoon at 2 and tonight at T.SU. 'nfPPfRN THFITER 'Park and tfashlng- toa Vaudeville. Thia aftaraoon at 3:15 and tonla-ht at T-30 and 8. fAXTAGCS THEATER roorth and Stark) Vaudeville. Thia afternoon at 2:1a; to night at 7.30 and B. b-tar inrinr art JOT. ODBOX. TI Vol I "Irat run pictures. 11 A. tL, It r. u. MaJESTTC TFTEATER 'Park and WuH loaton Kouon pictures. Continuance, 11 A. a, u 11 i . X OAKjs PARK Patrick Conway band and Mii Joeaph runla. vtrtuoao. Tbu alter- Boon and tonight. OBJZGOXIAX AT THE RESORTS. Far tba sjoVkt delivery The Orecn- irta aonai'fflbo througSl tha follawtng aaea'a. City rasea. Mo oscrlp- tlnM by enall aa narabla la ndranro Canoe- Springs. . MJoeawJ Sprtnga Hotel Co. (alllna Bprtnsa ttnl A. loon (ainmbla IVawii Ralph E. Walker (Mrhan l-arfc :. J. Kalrhun Imv Maaaebj Stratahal Co. pml George sleaT dtmd rark it. k. n-rrnrr Pacific City.. 1. T. Eamooda a-a. Mania a prlnge Chaa. wrra Seaside lark Mnattoa svtear Mrauhal A to. Pxu to Ba I M fro vox t'nder direc tion of Superintendent UlsVhe. turrfyi are now being made for the Improve mart of Mount Tabor Park, and the work will start as soon as the lines hare been completed. A driveway will start at the main entrance on Sixtieth street and wind about the new reservoirs toward the south and east, and make the circuit of the park twice around and through the picnic grounds an the northwest side, ending- at the summit near the residence- The (trade wia be as moderate as 2 per cent and will be one of the most scenic roads ta th city! According: to the resolu tion adopted by the Park Board the 1m Voremests to be made this year are to be finished before the Fall rains. The general plan retains the natural foliage .-f the park. Wednesday night a con cert will be given In the park and the Tabor Heights Improvement Club in vites all Portland residents te visit Mount Tabor at that time. Rev. H. C Shatter Oora to Cali roRjriA. Rev. IL C Shaffer, who bad been conference superintendent of the United Brethern Churcnes of Oregon and Washington, will enter on his work as pastor of the First United Brethren Cburcft of ban Diego. Cel.. September 1. The California Confer ence assigned him to that charge. Rev. Mr. aiid Mrs. Shaffer left yesterday for Bourbon, IndL. the former's old home, where they will remain until Septem ber, when they will go to San Diego Rev. Mr. Shaffer was pastor of the Hood River Church and later "the First Church of this city. He was compelled to take a rest through falling health at the last Oregon Conference. He will remain In California, until his health has been restorad. Shuxjblak Battlb Tcm in Cocrt. For the first time of .his many ap pearances in Police Court In which he was en the side of the prosecution. "Umbrella Jimmy Sheridan, a South Portland character for 20 years, was nonsuited yesterday when he sought to have John Qulnn. an Ironworker, punished for stealing his shillelah. The story of the battle, in considera tion of Sheridan's 100 pounds snd Quinn's near 100. was amusing to the court. Sheridan said Qulnn had taken the stick without reason, but the de fendant. In a good-natured way. told how he had advised a bartender to refuse) Jimmy a drink, and how the little man bad set upon him In great anger, Qulnn was discharged. steps Tab: or to Wipm ' Av-kcx Viewers have submitted their report for the widening of Villa avenue be tween East Eighty-second street and the city limits, and the distance covered by the report Is ten blocks. Accept ance of this report completes the widening of the avenue Inside the city limits from the east line of Laurel- hurst to the city limits, and makes boulevard SO feet wide from the west line of Laorelhurat. The county Is taking care of the boulevard outside the city limits, and has completed the extension to Rockwood. partly clearing It for that distance. It remains to open the street between Rockwood and the Faimew cross road. Boy Goes to AssapotJ1. In a letter to Postmaster Merrick. Frank E. III1 ton. now of San Diego. CaL. writes that his son. Harold, recently paused successfully the examinations and has Qualified for appointment as a cadet at the Annapolis Naval Academy. Toung Hilton attained high grades In both the j-hyslcsl and educational tests. tVMle born In California In 1903. young HUton has resided with Ms parents at P.ose City Park during the last four years while he attended the public schools of this rtty. T. M- A- PrRBT-rons to Mstt. Directors of the Portland Toung Men's Christian Association and committees of management wll; meet thia noon In the T. M. C A. auditorium. It will be the regular semiannual meeting and re ports will be submitted covering the association's activities during six months. Those attending will eat luncheon together, after wnlch business will be transacted. La ww Socxax. Is TVnttoRT. A lawn social will be given this evening on the grounds adjoining St- Andrew's Church, at East Ninth and Alberta streets. A musical programme has been arranged. Among those taking part will be: Miss Elisabeth Flynn. Miss Elizabeth Unban. Miss Lucia Bar ton. Mrs. Clow. Mrs. R. A. Kirk, the Oregon Male Quartet. To save the coet of storage en two 2v0-horsepower return tubular boiler which we are bow taking out. we will ell them at a bargain If taken at onoa. These boilers are of the Kewanee type and In good condition. Complete with all fittings and feed water equipment, ready for Immediate installation. For further particulars call at room 101 Oregonlan bldg. Experts to Disctrse Street Methods. Experts will address a special meet ing of the Pall wood Board of Trade next Saturday night In the rooms of the Commercial Club on the present method of street improvements and making assessments. It will be a nesting for the public and all In i rested. Kgw EtaPORattso Process FnfKt. New process for evaporating fruit of aQ kinds and yet retain the flavor -and quality was explained by George K. Ac da; era at the meeting of Lents Grange Saturday. A model of the evaporator was shown. Wa are building homes in one of Portland's high-class sub-dlvtslons and can ue loans In average amounts of 11000. First mortgage security; no Im provements unpaid; title perfect. Ad dress P. O. box 41. a Cavp axt CiRCig to IxrrAt-t. Next Thursday night. Astra Circle and Pros pect Camp. Woodmen of the World, will have Installation of offices, after which a programme will be given. The public Is Invited. Attexttois. Collins Mineral Springs Hotel. Collins Springs. Wash, a delight ful resort: an Ideal place to spend yonr vacation. Accommodations unsurpassed- Cuisine excellent. Rates on application. Address of George Tyner, Mrs. .TV, . AUctetv Astoria, . , Bun Gomcxcat la Weoxisoat. An Interesting programme has - been pre pared for the concert to be given to morrow night. In Mount Tabor Park, by Charles L. Brown and his band. The list Includes selections from grand opera as well as from musical comedy, The programme Is as follows: March, "Battle Royal" (Jewell): waltz. "L'Es tudiantlna" ( Waldteufel) ; overture, "Martha" (Flotow): Idyll. "Forest Whispers' (Loser): popular songs. "Bits of Remlcks Hits" lLampe): inter mission; scenes from "Faust" (Gounod) march mllltalre. "Cupid's Patrol' (Moret); Idyll. "The Mill in the Forest" (Fllenberg): excerpts from "The Chocolate Soldier" (Straus); songs of "The i-unny South" lLampe). Sunday July IS. there will be a concert in the City Park. Tractio.- Empuvtes Plan Picnic In Estacada Park next Saturday the an nual picnlo of the Light & Power Em ployes Beneficial Association of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company will be held. The train will leave at 9:15 o'clock in the morning from First and Alder streets. The prin cipal event wlll.be the field meet In which linemen and operators will be pitted against each other while th construction men will meet a miscel laneous crew. A silver cup is to be awarded to the team winning the high est number of points. The committee of entertainment Is composed of G. II. Jett. chairman; Charles Cooper. J, C Colt. L. D. Pag. John PofTenberger, J. C. Henkle. W. H. Phelps. W. H. Leh man, Charles Ralph and L. Wilson, Plokrino Scrr Settled. Judge Gartenbeln found for the defendants yesterday afternoon In the case of Wil- iam Chrlstman and J. Wentx against X. Pallry and B. Pal ley. The plan tiffs were seeking to recover $3464.23 damages, alleging that after they bad teen given a contract to do the plumb ing work In an apartment-house, at Twenty-second and Glisan streets, they had been ejected from the premises and refused the right to continue with the work. Judge Gantenbeln found that the contract had not been properly entered Into , and that Chrlstman and Wentx had not been authorized to start the work. lAXPMEETINQ, PLANNED. The an nual campmeetlng for the Free Metho dlsts of Portland district will be held at Moffat Station on the Oregon elec tric-car line August 2-13. Rev. W. N. Coffee, district elder, will be In charge. A good camping ground has been se cured with water' supply and con venient to the carllne. Several promi nent preachers of the Free Methodist churches will be present. W. N. Coffee. Mathew Harvey, W. J. Johnson. Rev. F. Lee and Jamea Slgler are the general committee of arrangements. Mr. Donnerbero's Funeral Held. The funeral of John F. Donnerberg. who died at his home. 32t East Eighth street North, was held yesterday morn- ng from the Holy Rosary Church. East Third street and Grand avenue. Mem bers of the General German Aid So clety. of which Mr. Donnerberg had been a member, attended the services. Burial was in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Mr. Donnerberg was a pioneer business man of Portland. Appeal From Sentence Filed. The case or Harry Meiser, sentenced py Judge Gantenbeln. July 23. to serve an Indeterminate sentence of from one to five years In the State Penitentiary, Is to be taken to the Supreme Court on appeal. His attorneys served notice on District Attorney Cameron to that effect. Meister was convicted of a statutory crime. The complaining witness was Emma Olson. Jobs Scarce. 8ats Man. "Jobs scarce, your honor. I have been doing the best I can." said J. P. Weatherall In pleading not guilty to a charge of non-support before County Judge Clee ton yesterday. The oourt advanced the case Indefinitely on condition mat Weatherall secure employment and re port either In person or by letter at the end of 30 days. Geo roc Hotchkiss Street. Begins teaching today. Phones: Studio, Main 4421 ; residence. Marshall 22uo. - Voices tried and arrangements made by ap pointment only, 125. 000 To Loan on Portland busi ness property for three or five years, 7 per cent. Address witn full parti culars. AT) JSC. Oregonlan. 1 Hocus for sale, owner. Main 4134 PARK SHOWN IN KtLI fcr I Glacier National Reproduction At tracts Much Attention. Glacier National Park In relief Is exhibited at the city ticket office of the Great Northern Railway, the map formica- an Interesting and attractive display. It Is an exact reproduction of the mountain, lakes and glaciers contained In the 1400 square miles em bracing the area of the park. The original map was modeled in clay and the entire work, both from a scientific and artistic standpoint. Is a valuable one. It la modeled to an exact scale. The work was done by E. H. J. T-orenx. ait expert elay modeler of Madison. Wis. He formerly was connected with the University of Wisconsin. Mr. Lorens made a special trip to Glacier National Park to get data and photographs and worked up the map from material he thus obtained, together with the Vnited States Geological Survey maps. The reproductions are plaster casts on a strong reinforced concrete frame which are then colored to Indicate the lakes, wooded portions, glaciers and rlvera The original clay model map root flSOO and required nine months" time to finish. SKYSCRAPER BARS SALOON Corbctt Estate and Mrs. S. E. Smith Down Morri ton-Street Place. W. H. Baxd was about to get a li cense to open a saloon at 28S Morrison p-set before the liquor license com mittee of the City Council yesterday afternoon, when Councilman Watklns. chairman, announced that the Corbett estate, owning a skyscraper next door. protested against it. Mr. S. B. Smith, owner of the bulldtng In whloh It was sought to place the saloon, he said. also objected. While the ordinance governing the location of saloons calls for written protests. If any, the committee mem bers, after hearing their chairman. said they were unwilling to force a saloon Into any neighborhood where 1J Is not wanted, and voted unanimously to withdraw the petition. MANY STANDARD OPERAS "II Trovatore." Martha." "Poet and Peasant." "William Tell" overture. Llxst Rhapsodle No. t and hundreds of other 88-note player rolls that every music-lover should own. are being sold this week without limit two rolls for one dollar. 65-note rolls, three for on dollar at SHERMAN-CLAY CO.. Morrison at th. Opp. Post of (Ice. WHEREJTO DINE. A3 the delicacies of th season at th Portland Restaurant. Fin private apart ment for ladles. 106 Waah-. "near fit at. D. M. Watson's popular-priced res taur act. 10S bth iU Parkins Hotel. To live well Is ta eat wall: Trv Tha vimi nut, Sa mna WBa(s SLEUTH PIER CUT Ordering Persons Out of City by Detectives Checked. SLOVER WILL ACT FIRST Polico Chlf Issues Order Against Practice Followed by Investi- . gators of Crime Annual Review Due Thursday. "I want no nerson ordered out of thia city until such person has een brought to mv office and his case fully explained to me." In an order of which the above is the entire text. Acting Chief of Police Slover yesterday aimed a blow at a police practice that Is virtually uni versal. The action is believed to have been suggested, to some extent, by the exciting series of events which fol lowed a recent action of Detective Joe Day in obtaining freedom for Gideon Tupper. a Seattle underworld charac ter, sent here to gather evidence agaJnst ex-Chief Wappenstein. Day received a telephone message telling of Tupper's presence in town and arrested him. The man was taken before Captain Moore, where he pressed his willingness to leave the city at once. Round Prosecutor Objects. Later Prosecuting Attorney Murphy, of Seattle, made protest against the action, caused Day and Detective Hyde to be called to Seattle as witnesses and started a sensational hue and cry after them when they tried to leave the Jurisdiction. It has been ue custom In every city in the country for suspicious charac ters to be taken to detective head quarters and If they are found to be clear of criminal acts In the Jurisdic tion, to give them an opportunity to leave the city. The assumption of this uthorlty by the Chief Is likely to cause rapid thinking In the detective depart ment. Boys who gather about the ball park to get Jobs watching automobiles while the owners are at the game, are in a habit of. committing vandalism upon machines whose owners have refused their services, and the Chief instructed his captains yesterday to see that suf ficient police are at the park to pre vent this practice- Spite Vented on Antos. The boya demand 25 cents for watch ing a car, says the order, and If the driver refuses to pay this amount, he is likely to find his tires fiat when he starts away. Annual Inspection has been set for next Saturday at 10:15 o clock In the Armory. Two mornings. Tuesday and Thursday, will be devoted to battalion drill before the event, and the lnex perlenoed men will do recruit drill Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday, while the patrolmen are at the Armory, the special policemen will patrol the city. New Bills Open at the Vaudeville Houses Orpheum. o In an amusing bill at the Orpheum, and that one Is In the form of a play let that will cause many folk who "didn't know" to pause and do a lot of quiet thinking. It's called "The Wise Rabbi," and tells a bit about the polities and persecution of those of iw .. j 1- TI...... iiriiii.. u Thompson, an excellent character acter. presents the sketch with the help of trio of actors. The slot deals with a plan set afoot in 1111 to drive out the Hebrews from Russia. The Rabbi Is given the right to speak one single word to prevent the purpose of the monarch. Just bow the wise Rabbi succeeds in answering questions and explaining knotty points of disputation by pantomime, and finally by speaking one single word. gains the support of the Chancellor, constitutes the story. Rapid action and splendid acting sustain Interest In the pis y let. A big feature act Is Dan Burke, who. like Lillian Russell, seems never to grow old. Burke Is assisted by a sex tet of girls, who dance and sing de lightfully. Burke's soft-shoe danolng. and his perfectly lady-like Georgia Cohan dance to the "tick-tock of a grand father's clock, is a pleasing diversion in this day of clogs and eccentric steps. "The Dandles" Is an English quintet. who put on a funny travesty on "audi ences." Three good-looking girls and two men present the arc Their song about a "garden is replete with witty lines and good stage business, and their take-oft on on English theater audi ence la a scream. An act that won applause yesterday Is given by Billy Smythe and Marie Hartman. the latter a fetching bundle of golden loveliness, who sings a new ?rhTlw?hllrn7t I song and much chatter called. "Before and After." that goes welL Patsy Doyle, a humorist. Is one of those droll ones who stands perfectly still and mumbles, and every m nmble is a gem. Bessie Brown Bicker Is not as pre tentious as her trio of names might suggest- Instead, she's a dear little fluffy girl with a throaty voice, who gives child Impersonations of naughty girls and boys, dlsousses the new baby and sisters beau and sings about "Happy SsX" Fun far children and grown-ups as well. Is found In the pony and dog act presented by Louise Stlckney. A clown on stilts adds much to the merriment of the small circus. Th Empress. r ANCTNOk skating, songs and play- L lets make up the bill at the Empress this week, the dash of pathos being hap pily Intermixed with eccentric events driving dull care up among the stars and planets which Madame Pfotean, In "Superstition, is supposed to read. In the headliner. "superstition. tne astrologlst and fortune-teller, Madame Floteau. gives tne naraenea politician. Big Jim Kingston (Charles W. Bowser), ample opportunity to display his versa tillty. his political ambitions as well ai susceptible heart being revealed as the story progresses. ireaiowe. tne re porter (Maxfleld Moree). gives a good example of the news Instinct which ....n.n,nnn must have and lnclden- . 1 tally shows the rate of a story against 1 the powers that be. On and off skates, in tnree Brownies do some new rrnps as welt as some hair- I raising side Issues, the whole of which won them a rousing recall. I Emerald and Dupree. while the first I on the bill, share honors with tha head- I liners. If the applause and laughs they I evoked count for popularity. The sud- I , , . . Os, h i j I dances with plenty of comedy made them favorites. Murry Livingstone and company brought tears as "The Man from Italy emotionally told of his quest of his lit tle daughter. She proved to be tne buxom lassie. Little Magsle, an East Side waif, who had invited him into her home to avoid some rude urchins. Jim- mle Dunn, the well-meaning "kid" and sweetheart of Magsle. relieved the tense luatlon by his verbose objections to the art, peddler's attention to his "goll." iveny ana v uaer wove 01a sunfea urn a medley which they sang as duets and solos. billposter a merry chase, the startling acrobatic feats bringing many a sur prised scream of laushter. Finishing the bill were motion pictures with funny situations which sent the audience smil ing to the streets. Pantages. LLEN DOONE. a Portland boy. In the romantic comedy, "A Romance in Ireland." at Pantages this week has a playlet whlrh. from every standpoint. Is up to anything of a pastoral nature ever seen here. His sweet lyric voice simply carries the audience away, with his singing of the songs so dear to every Irishman. The other actors are more than able support and his col leen, Norah Doyle, displays a winsome and womanly personality. The scenery Is no less picturesque than tne cos tumes worn and the graceful plot with Its touch of tragedy -simply won the hearts of the listeners, nationality not counting In appreciation of the act. Mickey Brady with his "wlddy wo man." Biddy Dolan, are tne bright spots In the sketch. He relieves the heart aches caused by Captain Down's Im petuosity by proposing noisily 10 the lady of his choice. The four Juggling Johnsons, with their brightly-colored Indian clubs, do fast and surprising tricks. Sam Hood, the man from Kentucky, has a string of funny talk and paro dies on popular atra that provoke great mirth. Senorlta Inez, violin virtuoso, plays classic selections Interspersed with Southern melodies and National airs. The Hidalgos do a Spanish series o steps and Powell and Rose afford many good laughs with a bit of pantomimic work and songs. BOARD AIDS TEACHERS REINSTATEMENT OP SEUWOOD IXSTKVCTORS ASKED. Petitions to Be Circulated Demand' lng That Miss Hall and Mrs. Rlnerson Be Retained. Petitions for the reinstatement of Miss Estella A. Hall and Mrs. Helena B. M. Rlnerson to the Sellwood school were prepared yesterday by a commit, tee from the Sellwood Board of Trade, and their circulation will be started this morning. B. B. Cumpston has charge of the work. All citizens of this suburb will be asked to sign. The pe tltlon reads as follows: "Whereas. We the following rest dents of Sellwood who furnish the pupils and pay the bills, being deeply Interested In the welfare of our schools, realising that our system Is intended as a means of making good cltlxens of -the pupils attending the schools, hence it Is Imperative that the very best equipped teachers be retained therein, who have proved to be such as Inspir ing In pupils good morals and disci pline such as Miss Hall and Mrs. Rln erson have shown themselves to be, and "Whereas, though serving without salary you are none the less acting for us as well as other citizens of this school district: therefore, be It 'Resolved, That we, the undersigned. with due respect to your honorable body, demand at your hands the rein statements of Miss Hall and Mrs. Rln erson to the oorps of teachers assigned to the Sellwood school. The Board of Trade decided to stand by both teachers and hence petitions for reinstatement or both will go to gether. Copies will be placed In the hands of about ten persons of Sellwood for circulation. THE BOWERS. Table, d hote meals at The Bowers have become so popular the dining room is being enlarged to accommo date the crowds. B. Amsterdam and orchestra during dinner hours, s until 8. Service on roof garden evenings. aa H. L. BOWKRS. Hummer nas the highest quality olive oil in Portland. Sample free. Call or phone Plummer Drug Co. 20 Third. Harris Trunk Go. Ttemoval sale now on. aWE OWN FOUR? j rV 1 IP m . a (-COMPLETE -PLANTS, "IWon't Pass on Them" aye A. El Clark, a prom inent attorney, la speak ing of aba tracts prepared by Irresponsible concerns. "As a matter of faot. I make it a rule not to ex amine or to attach my opinion to an abstract on Portland property unless made by a concern of known responsibility." said Mr. Clark in a re cent epeech. UAWYERS ABSTRACT &TRUST COY 61BQARD OF TRADE BLDv PORTLiANLJ, Get tha Original and Genuine E30BLIGO MALTED ft. ILK TL- Faad.rjrlna- for l!l lGi. I US rUBU'tll lula 10T Mil sKtlJi 1 - ,, , , , - . , r crlmanU,lnvahds,sjvJLirowTngchiidrefl. P.rreNnmh'on .mk.nUn.lkewMehnoir. ; - , . -- j. Invigorates the nursing motha ana me Bgea. Rich milk, tnallej grain, in powder form, ' B A mirk hinch nrenared in a. munrte. , , lit .unoiirr'f IUC do suosuiuic nwiui iiumawi a fjnrhtnt oh Tfimf 1M "SBf fr mmmmmm mm m - as 7 I We have the moat eom- I I pletely eqnlpped abstract fl 1 plant In Portland. We f 1 have half a million dol- a lara invested In making THE BEST ABSTRACTS MOV CAN GET. . Our escrow depart ment relieves jrou of all the trouble some details con nected with your real estate transac tion, and a guaran teed Certificate of Title protects you from the- score of dangers that threaten you through defective title. TITLE- AND TRUST COMPANY Lewis Blag., 4th & Oak Sts. Columbia Records Fit any "talking ma-j chine" and make it sound almost as good as the COLUMBIA! GRAPH0PH0NE. Indestructible Cylinder 35c Deuhle-DUc 65c Put Your . Arms Around If Me Honey. B Casey Jones. B Steamboat 111. B Selections from the Pink if Ladv. fl Stop, Stop, Stop. The Mississippi Dippy Dip.- One of thia month's most pop ular records. Ask for the latest list of new Columbia Records and the regular catalog- of over 3 2,000 selections. Fmest tone, I lontrest life, widest choice. H Prove it for yourself come in I and listen. At Your Dealers or e Columbia Phonograph Co. Wash. St. vueisiMiHittenK Foster & Kleiser High Grade Commercial and Electric SIGNS East 7th and East Everett Sts. Phones East 1111 B-2224. HOME BUILDERS We are contractors and will furnish lot and finance the building of a home for you on easy payments. We give references and ask references. WYATT, ESTABROOK A RAY, 801 Couch bldg. Phone Main 4211. INVESTIGATE 5 ACRES Cleared, plowed and fenced. On section line road, close in. (500 per acre: terms. , KETH A CO, 534 Worcester Bldg. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. fi.EDIQALfii.FH DEPARTMENT HIGH bTAXDARD. tJIOKOOGH COURSES Session Begins Oct. 2, 1911. For cata logue address Dean, Dr. S. E. Josephi, 610 Dekum Bldg., Portland, Oregon. LAW DEPARTMENT. l.MVEHSITV OK ORKGOX Portland Oregon Three years' course leadlns; to degree of Bachelor of Laws. Night classes under experienced practi tioners. For catalogue and full In formation address the Secretary, S10 Corbett Building, Portland. Oregon. THE GAMBLE SCHOOL. Santa Barbara, Cal. Home and day school for girls, all depart ments, college preparatlan. music, art, lan fuagaa. nhyalcal training, aeathetlc dancing, surf-bathing, riding. For circular address JD Mary B. Gamble. MANZANITA HALL, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA. A healthful boms scnool lor c-oys, pre pares for eollega and technical school. First Semester opens Aug. 29. 1011. Catalogue on request. W- A. SHEDD. Head Master. SUSS HARKER'8 SCHOOL, Palo Alto. California. - Boarding and day school for girls. Accred ited to Eastern snd California colleges. Home Economics. Music. Arts and Crafts, p.esfdent Dursa for young children. Illustrated cats.- Jjag.ua, lentil J.ear -fecxlaa- AiUust. .23. J&U IfTOnrnMiigjuuiiuimiiriimmwi Have Your Ticket Read "Burlington" Low Round Trip Rates East Chicago . . . . . . . .-.$ 72.50 St. Louis.......... 70.00 St. 'Paul , 63.90 Omaha and Kansas City . 60.00 Boston .,. . . 110.00 4tlantic City . . . . . ... 102.40 Baltimore 107.50 Detroit . 81.00 DATES Ju1y 19 nd "0f " 2S' fT? August 3 to 5 14 to 17; 21 to 23 28 to 30. September 1 and 2; 4 to 7. SALE 'October 12 to 14. Ociober 12 to 14 to Denver and Colorado Springs only. immm 71 If-Ult!..'. tr4- uteris IliB Our Prices Are Right AND OUR DENTAL WORK THE BEST OBTAINABLE. PLATES WIT IT FLEXIBLE SUCTION. The Very Best and Latest In Modern Deotlatry. u More Falling Plates. o Sneeslng Plates Down. Xo More Coughing or Laughing Tbem liovrn. LOW PRICES THAT KEEP US BUSY. Good Rubber Plates, each .".0O The Best Red Rubber Plates, each $7.50 22-Carat Gold or Porcelain Crown for $5.00 And an Absolute Guarantee Backed by 24 Years In Portland. WISE DENTAL CO. Office Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. THE BOWERS SPECIAL AN NOCSiCEMEJfT " COMMENCING JULY FIRST, NINETEEN" HUNDRED ELEVEN AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN VERT ATTRACTIVE PERMANENT RATES -"- ' ' TO FAMILIES AND SINGLE GENTLEMEN , . -.. HOTEL NEWLY FURNISHED AND DEC- ' - ORATED TABLE D'HOTE BREAKFAST TABLE D'HOTE LUNCH , TABLE D'HOTE DINNER - Also a la SERVICE IN TEA ROOM UNTIL 12 O'CLOCK P. REFRESHMENTS SERVED ON ROOF GARDEN EVERY Private Dinner Parties, Luncheons Perfect Service Portland, Oregon, June, 1911 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Befniont School ; (FOR BOYS) BELMONT. CAL. XTcQryTfiTtr tic Sooth of 8n jFraQOtro) Tbft acbool. Ii tfrinx to do tot LteiaoaJ tkd pfeyiiaL nor less than for (be tateUecrnaJ. weifzn. of tacfc boy what a tbooxbtful parent most withes to have oooe. Conrribut inr to tbla end are the location at acbool. removed from the temptartotu and dtarncdana of town or dry; the finenet of the dimace. the csae.srncf oMtt balldinr aod other equipment, and the beauty and extent of Ita f rounds, with the wide lanfc of foothills surrrnrndirf them. We are ttad (0 have our patrona and rradttatea consivhed. For rata lone, booklet and further specific imformxrjon addres-i tbehead master. W. T- REiO. A. hi. (HarrardJ Pall rrrra bert&t Aut- 14th. The Hamlin School A Rich-Class Boarding and Day School For Girls. Comprising a I'rench School for Little Children. Primary. Intermediate. High Echool and Post Oraduate Department. Household Economics, Drawing. Palatini and Elocution. Accredited by the Culvers! ry of Call, fornla, by Lelund (Stanford Junior Cnl Tenity and by Kafltern College. Ilplano. violin, organ, harp, flute, cello. etc.). Theory ana composition, narm-my, Sight Readmit. Mualcal Dictation. Choral and Orchestral Practice, etc., aro offered by the newly formed Music Department School reopens Monday. Aug. T. Address MISS SARAH D. HAMLIN. A. M.. 1230 1'acific Avenue. San Pranclsoo. Phone West 54 a. NEAR OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Mills 8emlnary entirely drooped. Only Col. lege work dona at this historic Institution. A woman's College, chartered 188'- Entrance ana gradua tion requirements equiralent to rnose of otner Colleges foi women. Work recognized St the Unirertity of Oregon, Stanford, and University of California, course for coarse. Twenrr-wo departments. Stronr faculty. laboratories well equipped. Excellent opperrnnities for Home Economics, Music and Art. Modem CTmnsslnm and special care for. health of stndcnts. President. Luella Clsy Csrson. A. U., LL. D. For catalogue address Registrar, Mills College P. O., California, MOUNT TAMALPAIS MILITARY ACADEMY San Kafael. Cal. AIT ACCREIUTKD HK.H SCHOOL GRAMMAR GRADES Infantry, Cavalry. Mounted Artillery, Open-AIr Swimming Pool and Gym. ARTHUR CROSBY. D. D.. Head Master. Aak for printed matter at Oregonlan office .Portland- Oregon a" Resident and Dar School for Girls lJW rKiTMnfiliit.iinf Bt. John Bantlst (FDisooDalil Oollsglata, Acaasmia and Elemsntary BapartmeaU, Haste, Art, Elotfltlon, Gymnaslam. For catalog address THE SISTER SUPERIOR Office 2. St. Helena Hall HILL MILITARY ACADEMY PORTLAND, OREGON. Stud las illustrated. Catalog Montreal . . . .- New York. ... Philadelphia Portland, Me Rochester ........ Washington ...... Denver, Colorado Springs. . .$105.00 108.50 108.50 .: 110.00 . 91.35 107.50 ,. 55.00 ' Final Return Limit, October Slst. Liberal stopover and diverse route arrangements. A 0. SHELDON, General Agent, C, B. & Q. R. R. 100 Third St., Portland, Or. Our hrldgre work has been brought to the highest state of perfection. The teeth on thia bridge are Interchangeable at will without removing from the mouth. We uhe gold or porcelain as your fanry dictates. This is only one of our many original methods. 22-Carat Bridge Teeth, Guar anteed each 93.50 Gold or Enamel Fillings, each f.1.00 .Silver Fillings, each SOo Falling Building 3d & Washington Sunday 9 to 1. Phones Main 2029, A 2029. S0.5O , JV 1.00 Carte Menu. 3Vf. EVENING and Banquets Given Personal Attention In All Departments H. C. BOWERS, PRES. AND MGR. For Seventeen Years Mgr. The Portland SCHOOIS AXD COLUSOES. Ideal Preparatory School for Girls. Arlmt-ts to any college: unus ual advantages in Music and Art. Complete course in Do mestic Science. Fine gym nasium. Splendidly located in a wholesome and Invigor ating: climate. Individual in struction and home care. Get further information and booklet from MISS J I LI A P. BAILEY, 2108 Pacific Avenue, Spokane, Waah. Portland Academy Fits Boys and Girls for College. A Primary and Grammar School Included. Graduates enter on examination Harvard, Princeton. Yale and Massachusetts Institute of T.rhnnlo.vr on p.ertincate. Amherst. Cor nell. Smith. Vassar. Williams and colleges and universities of the Pacific Coast. 'Well equipped laboratories In chemistry and phy sics. Field practice in surveying. Depart ments in charge of collfgf) men and women Classical, scientific, modern languages and oommerclal courses. Gymnasium under skilled director. Track and field athletics. Corner of Montgomery and Thirteenth. Eaay of access from all parts of the city. OlTloox hours ror Summer it to 12 and 2 to 4. Send for Catalogue. The Allen Preparatory School FOR BOY'S AND GIRLS. Fits for all colleges and technical schools. Graduates from this school, in Eastern Institutions, rank with stu dents from tho best secondary schools of New England. Special courses. Fr Catalogue address THE ALLEN PREPAR ATORY' SCHOOL Portland, Or., East 12th and Salmon Sts. rcaiaiiittji . i n .-I i , f-i i. r.nfnrrf Unirenint, Home ano vmj kuwi iw - - , Accredited by colleres East and West. Grammar and Prim. , I? k-iUlnM. a Residence for SO pnpilfl a Recitation Hall of 12 room! a Cymnaslnm and Auditorium; a Domestic science dmiuu-. ground. Mtuic Art. Domestic Scl-nce. OtrtWcor Pots. iIT;ln. j-hnl nnem Seotcmber 4, 191L Fotilrat. trated rataloroe. addren the Principal. ,. - , MAKl I. LULM.I.A. o. , -.u - Por Girls. Conducted by the SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES OF 1ESUS AND MARY. Grfc. AtmdimU nd CiUtziau Cmmti. Mnsic Art. Elocution snd Commer cial Depta. JbataEmrasrf Daj AaaVati. Refined Moral and IntellecnuJTraiainr.WhterorAnsenricetBCliL Address ttSTEK SUftRIOK . Mr'i jttulw. AraW School DflDTI Ann ADT ACPHPIATinU of the lUHILrtllU fill I ftOOUUIMI lUil Third Y ear Begins October 2, 1911. DRAWING, PAINTING, PORTRAIT, LIFE, SKETCH, ILLUSTRATION, DESIGN AND CHILDREN'S CLASSES For circular apply to OF ART, Fifth sail Xajlor. Streets S ortUnd, -Ox, . T i 7