Tire aroitynro oregoniax, Tuesday, jtjly 11, - 17 BUYING HEW BABLEY Business Under Way in East ern Washington. CROP IS A LARGE ONE Dealer Are Tmjlns 10 Cent to $1 to the Farmer With $1.05 raid for Vrry Early Delivery. Conditions la uU Qraai mao ara paying mor attrntloa te tew crap than to kuL Thar has Osaa a otuVinlla voluma of business a. eady dona tn Saatem Washington for c toaat of Coast markets. Bar ra par fey as osnts to tn farmer for feed barley Es4 tt for brewing quality. On small a-olonteer crtip waa bough! In the part treak at 1S. Thin waa tar delivery the felddle of July. DTloc to tha shortage of tied barley here. 'There baa be-n kim (radios bar la fHd barley at 1-3 a ton. kr.d thla la probably tha flrura al which IRs naw a-.arkt will open. Tha barley crop east of tha return '.a Ins s In excellent eon 41 turn. Tha aorestte toi a sllrht deorxesa. but It la bsttowa fca yield will ba double that if la Colombia County, tba oaaaar barlr oanncy of tha Northwest, baa 1 3.00 . B :wr ay. which wlU ivtrin CO kBsbe. to tf kera. Oorfleld haa as anraaaa af KXM na the average yield for tba comity la placed at 40 bushels. Tha quality of tha crop, aa a whole, will ba rood this - year, based on Uio wamthar bonJltlons to data. It la tJa aarly yet to lay whether IS Bulk of tba Northwastem araa will a East or abroad. Letters feom KaataA Sealers aay they wUl has a gwad ova. ssst (ooai grata man wbo bava beam Caat aay tha crop will not ba tarsar than iaat yaara Tha Over nment report Issued yaj Lardaa places) tha ooedltlmi of tha erop at TX1 per cant of a normal, as compared wtu P0-1 par aant oa Jura L 1011: TS.T par cant Ja IkO. and a 1'Vyaar averse. of 87 par tail Tna Indicated yield per acre la I0. fcushela. compared wit a El bushels tn 1SU0 and fcusKels tha five-year averaae On thla showing It rtmi reaaoaaMa to beltaTe that him business can ba worked la tba Pac.'Be N-wthwest f-r Eastern ac count If the Eastern prejudice axalnst Pa B19o Coast barley can ba overcome. IW BUKSTTM AT 80 CENT. Sosaa roatrartlac for (tub at It and TS Crata aa Coaet. Thera was but little business passing la tta local grain market yesterday and prices were quoted unchanged from last week. some contracting for new crop bluestera en tha basis of centa tidewater waa re ported. Ther was also a imle bostr.ess In new club la tha Interior oa tha basla of 73 to T3 centa Loral receipts. In cars. wr reported by tha Merchants Rxrhr.e as fniuws: Wb-at Harley rtour Oats Hay Mmrtay . -" ,f V-ar an 2 F-eeua la date. l a a tnr ao . ... I"-' 1 It The weeklr wheat salltlre of tha Mer thanta Echre were aa f oliowal American Visible Fupp! luhe:e. Perreaee. iuly 1A. iri s-: c- iT:i.' lie 11. H' ll-'.(i- -:," oir li I Mir.i'-O II"1 l 1 1 U uit n. if-r t... t.4 aoo .ilT lil. l "i......- t ,.IS? uir 17. i4 j .;;.--.. wnf" u:r li. I-'.. ....... .i.i .'.:. " July S3. 1-1.. 14...U.o.o t.a.o July 14. S'jOJ. .ll.!-wJ,0m 44.00.1 locrenso, Quanutieaon leeala W ees, en. line Jui 4 Week enlinc JulT I tfeek en.tlna July ! avr Bueheie . K. 5 ballaant ..kS.lj4.00u p'jthele P-:e1-l ;t.i4i.(-'i ai.a;').i. 2i.6;s.ovo s.30.oo T-a' . . S t83.0 a5.T12.000 0.400.K0 World s Shipments (floor Ipoioded) n'eak Vee Week erdlBC erAiaa en'ilrf jui & Jul s Jntr a. io Trom Bushe: Hnehe.s i-;s-e:e t-. P.. Caa...S..iTX aT.5 l.l-4.o:) o.rraaoa .UO l.to., S.ljaC aastralia 5Vj5 l.m v M C 0 bsa. porta.. ' 9 h-;e.a .. Sk .' .aooo Bidl !.:. l.f.livO s.aT.oi Tntala ...?T.,xw ll.2oe.000 S.4JI.OO0 Bt VI t it. CHKEKE A.XI egc nioirf B 31srke Is lightly Supplleal With All Thaea IJaea. Butter, cheesa and e pricea wra ad vamcad yaetwrday As scnounoad 9nn:ay tha bntter atarltst waa Bftad 7 cej. mak. tmt tha basis prtra for etty creamery at solsj a pnnd. Tha markat waa flrra at (ha aranc. Chaea wu qootad naif a cent hlrher at 14WfSs oaota. Aaocojr svlranoa la Oa la ptaabn. Stoeka are ce i tha eVamend si fsr In aiessa ef the rtpoly. Of lata handtrr said h CowM dsnj.wa of tan tasea aa moch chaasa aa ha can obtain. Tha Eastern chare mar ket ss varr fVrsa. hefar ed-eaacad a cents tn the pssat wcaJK. The straevth there Is due to tha esaasai ben weather, which 'burned p tba i mtm tea Tna asn iiiisii wwa firm with select 't--"- OeasratsS serrtB- at ts cents. TmtKrr anal jsasnt r-ssai were In llsht a nlly and nnenaoaea b price. CAXTAlTTPEit. XT.VOS9 IS DE.MA.VIX. Tanner frill be Adramced a Qnartrr Today. Temateea Aia Illsber. Three can of oastarcmpae arrived yes terday. Stacdara soil at RSS and the price win be amaoad to S2.S0 toar- Tha ararclty of watarmalona waa reltaied by the arrtTal ef three carloads, which mored at former price. The cherry market waa Mk. beoaus of the over supply, but voed Koyaa Anns d4d not ce unler 9 cents. Oth er fruits sold at Pauitday'a piwiss. Tomatoes ware firm aad hlcar at I1.TS . tnr hn Oabxaa weze qawtad Sowar, reel at (1 TS par sack, wad white at t centa a. Banlt Claartnr. Bank ass i Inge of the Xvrfhwestern cities yesterday were ea follows: Clearfr.es. Falaxoes. Portland . 1 V: ) n:s.7il rieett.e 1 1 1 SJ4 tl Ttcoma .......r.-. T"i7T Sl.lTJ Spokane . -. tiJ.017 101.517 POKTlAXn MAKKXTft. . Orala. Flour. Feed. tie. WHEAT Trs-k prleee: P'reetem. 4 J (-: riut. S-'3c: Kusaian, a- j tic; Vailer. tio; 4d-t-:-l. 3 3 iYrLLSTTFTS Bran. II4 50TJJ5 per ton: snsldlista 1"1 : snorts, t-'i JO ; roud kari-y COILS Whole. 13130; cracked. fSXSO pef on PARLEY Choice feed, tivsoeiii! per tin. OATS No. I white. -rf7 per ton. wxCTTR Patent. 4.j? rr bsrrl: traia-hts. tlS: oxrra. f 1 1: Valley. t.t3t rrahsm. t4.: whole wheat. f4.-0. HAY Timothy, new. 1B19; old. 31; alfalfa, nee, (12 30: clover, naw. l.iQ 0 a, (rain hay. new. flL Teartable and Fruit. TROPICAL J"HL 11S Orrs. f 3 0 1 M war boa: Cal!fornia rap!ruit. li J.; laaaaaa. 18 5',c per tciti I: pineapples. 6e war p-und; lemon. ltvA FR-ESH FRTIT Cherries. tiJc per pound: apr'.cte. 1 SSfflJH per crate: ean'aloup. i.SJ9 2-M per crate; peaches. S1.10JM J per orate; watarmelons. ZM2o Ver pound: plums. S1.7& per crate. rsr 3 errle lw pee scat. leaahma. l.ii 9 $t.iw per ' crate: blackcaps, tl VMT 1 it-. k. Iilikhrr1e. tt-&vl-7a. cur- ruita lfc rer pound: ooebrrla, To new tj sr.fti cr box. VEaETABI. Asparaaua, t Mc par doaen: fc-ans. t.o cabbar. tiejAiS bar t a nn. ueriM per deai cucumkere. tlwl-XS pr baxi eplar.u 15a per pound; aarU Wal-c pr pounJi Ve- tace. AvieSo per dosro; noi-nui IL2S31.TS P-r bo,: 'as. 4f e per pepper. IS.irJr per poundj radlshea. 11H m-n ebit.ertv Beer Beunvi r . . 1 . . . . n.. V.. . i'ViiiiTiHLK-Ni carrots, PS per seek: turnlpe. tJ; bets. -New California. 4e per ONIONS Red. 1.7t; white. t par bun- dxeu. TeUry and Country STdne. POlXTBt Hens. 11c: Sprints. du.-ks. youcs. 14i01ic; aees. 11c tvius Orion ranch, candled. 14 01 per dor-n. . liVTTER City creamery extra, t and a pound prints. In boxes, a-m per pound; le than box lots, cartons and delivery extra, 'utpcr f i ... iptnui end dalsl. 14 H tjlie per pound: louti America, lsrsfflto. I u rv rency. f j i' y' VtAlFancy. SS g 12c par pound. fttapjr Graoerlea. SALMON Columbia nirer. S-ponnd tall. 1110 per dosen: S-pound talis. J2.SJ; 1 pound tiata. 140; Alaska pink. 1-pound tel.. 1 1 it. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 3303Oe par pound. ' . NLTS WaJnot. 17H01SC par poand; Hraall nuts. lflc; filberts. lo: almond a. KCMSc; pecans. 18-: cocoanuta. 90C0I1 per doien: chestnuts. 12-ie par pound; hickory nuts, a i loc per pound. ' HONT Chklr. tJ.73 per case; strained honey. 10c per pound. SALT Oranuiated. 1S per ton; half vround. looa. .W per ton: MM. ts pr ton. BiiNS Small whit. 4c; larg white, ae, Lima. 7c; pink. tc; red SJexlcana. ke: bayou, 50. TSVs-No. 1 Japan. 4e; cheaper irad. tt. a U : Southern head. 57c; tm xoeekl Imperial. 6.c; Imported extra No. 1. to Dry (Tanulated. $5.70: berry. a.'V- beet. $i 60 extra C. li.SO: powdered, earraia. tiW: cube. :vrrel. t-la Tx5d rRL'TTS A splae. l313te per prask.ii ernoe's. :c. peewbea. 1 1 J p . Uarati. 109 Ua: elver. ISo; net, Yt an.', aiack. ent': currants. itn ajkuwns. loos 3tLJtl. 'V7Vtc; f Thumnaea. 11-: unbdeaohatl ial- taaa. tsSa. aadd. afeattkc Hone. Weal asd Hide. ' HOPS lall rontracis par pound; 1B10 crop, S3c; l0s crop. lcs oias, 6410a. MOHAIR Chonce, Slairn per poulii. . WOOL Eastern Ortn. fjiBo per pound, acooruinc to atirmkacs; Valley, ISO 17o per pound. PELTS Erry. 10c; lamba I3140c eah: pel;,' Tic 011 each; ahaartlsas, 109 20o aaoh. HIDES Salted hides, SHo per pound; salted calf. 13o; salted kip. 10c: salted etais. to; areea hide, lo less; dry hides. lTfeo; dry calf. 17CUo; dry rtas. HCUc. CASCARA BARK Par pound, sc. Frerlsleas. HAM? 10 to 12 pounds. lOfltHc; 11 to 14 pounds. IS H 19c: 14 to Id pounds. It 9 l4So; 1 to 1 pounds. 18(il8c; skinned, lino: pl'nlca. lav,c; cotter roll, 14Sc f ilOKHU MEseTS Beef lonruea. die: dried beef seta, none; outside, none; Insld, 23c; knuckles. 10c LABU Kettle rendered, tierces. 12 He; tube. 12o; standard, tierces, love; tubs. 11c: eholo tierces. c: tub. SOo; short enlr.a. tireca tc: tub. tSc. BACON Fancy. 27e; standard. 25c; choice. 22c: Enxilsh. 17c DRY SALT CURED Reu'.ar short clears, dry salt. 12Hc: smoked. S3So: backs, nxht, salt. 13c: sranked. 4S: backs, heavy salt. Use: smoked. 13Hc; exports, salt. 12o; smoked. 14a Oils. UNSEED OIL. Pure raw la harrela. Ho: boiled. In barrels. Mr; raw. In easea. Ode; boilei. In . TIKPKNT1NE Case. TSc; wood barrels. 70 c: Irnn barrels, arte: lA-case lots. 72e. GAOLlNE Motor (asoluie. iron barrels, lite: casee. 22e; el jasohne. Iron barrels, ISc; caeee. Uc. COAL OIL Ordinary test, cases. 19 10c; balk. In tanks. Sc; hlrl test. 20 Sc SPOT WHEAT IS LOWER rRICKS ARK REDCCED A CENT ALIj AROCXD AT SEATTLE. Butter Market Firmer In Sympathy With the Advance at Portland. F.Rg at SO Cents. SEATTLE, tvaah.. July In. (SpaclaLl tvheat was quoted a cent lower today, hlueatcm tolna to at, red to S3 and 40-fold to M centV The demand waa llnht. Sales of new wheat on the basis of SO cents were reported, but not confirmed. The Merchants Exchange quoted oata SO centa hixhen, at :T50. Raspberries were hlicher and strawberries lower on Western avenue today. Strawberry receipts were heary and tha demand only fair. The season la wenlnc. Raspberry shippers have an Idea that they are not settlt.s" enouch for their fruit and are send ing tt to other markets. Cantaloupes were hlxher at 12.25 to 12.30. New potatoe are now tnuoh more plentiful. The prvalllTUt pricea were S and 3'4 cents per pound. Local new potatoea ar now freely offered. Tomatoes wera plentiful. Local hothouse stock predominated at tl.50. Fresh local ranch esse were quoted at to cents this afternoon with a few houses asking SO cunts. Veal wea scarce and aold at 13 centa Putter was quoted firmer, due to the ad a no at Portland. rRODCCB AT SAX FTtAN CISCO. Quotations Current In tha Bay City Mar kets. SAN FRANCISCO. July SO. The follow ing produce prlcee were current today: etables Cucumbera, tS0T5c: garlic, l?c: green peaa, Slol tO; string beans, luSHc; asparagus. tl.J3tfl.0O: tomatoes, 03 tJc: eggplant. itjlOo. Hutter Fancv creamery. 22 He. Fee Stire, 24c: fancy ranch, 20c t heeee Toung Amerlcaa. USOH SlilUtuffs Bran. tSte2S; middlings. 31 50-8 3i. Fruit Apples, choice, f 1 30; common, BOc; bananas. tlIL73; Mexican limes, nominal; California lemons, choice, $S; common, 93; pineapples. I3a3 30. Hay Wheat, til 14 per ton; wheat and oata t912: alfalfa, (tail. fmloce 11 12s, ' Receipts Flour. 4414 quarter sacks; wheat. 2140 centals; barley. lu.SSt centals; eats. ii centals; potatoes. 444t sacks: bran. It sacks; har. (17 tons. Metal Market. NE"WT TOTtaT. July lo. standard copper dull; srou July. Auxust September and Oc tober 12.10C 12 0c. London firm: snot. 157 0s 0d: futures, ti7 12s d- Imports reported at New York today. 07u tona Customs-House returns shorn evpons so fsr this month of o;0 tone Lske copper. 12 73t8 13e: eleotro-ltt- 12.oaVe0ia.T5c. and casting. Sa.a7H0 11WC Tin dull: sr"t. 44400; July. 428C14.TSo: Aucust. 41.72 i4'i.2o; Septomber, 41.239 4l.75c and -ctober. 4l!ftl6o. London quiet: spot. tl!A Lie and futures, flOt 10. Leed dull. 4.43 3 4.SUO New York and 4.30 t4?a laat 8u Louis. London, spot, SIS a t- Hpcltar dull; 8.TOiy5.7.to New Torlt, 6. 45 9 S.3o Fast Hu Loula London, 123. Antlmony-Cookson's. 9.60c Iron Cleveland warrants. 47 Ss rn Lon don. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry Northern. 1 5 "J 1 3 tS ; No. 3 foundry. North em, tl4 73fr-13: No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Southern soft. J14.73 9 1S.2S. Coffee and Sngar. NsTW TORK. Jnly la Coffee futures clotted steeply at a net advance of points. Kalee. 0 t.'e bags. July. ll 2c; August. 1144c: jieiteml-er. ll.Soc: October. 11.11c: November. 11.1.1c; December. Jenuary and February. ll.OOe: ilarcti and April. 11.10c; Slav end June. 11 Hot-pot coffee steady: Rio No. 7. IS B-1S lKSc: Samoa No. 4. Uc: mild coffee steady: Cordova. 14 910c nominal. Few safer Firm. Muscovado. M test, 3.30 t3.lc: oentrUugal. (M test, A039110: molnoea. SO test. A30d3.3oc. Refined, steady. a Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOC1S. July It. Wool Sresdy. Ter ritory and Western mtdtume. 1 7 S 1 1 o fine mediums. ltfflHeo; nne, UtllWc The Capital OF STOCKS SLIDE ICK Government Crop Report Dis appoints Wall Street. EARLY GAINS ARE LOST Monthly Report of Copper Pro ducers' Association and Steel Trust More Favorable Than Expected Bonds Firm. NEW TORK. July 10. Disappointment at the Government crop report. Issued shortly before the close of the market, caused stocks to recede after a display of strength rrora tna opening. The losses sustained can celed tha galna of 1 to 8 points through the list of the active stocks. The charaoter of the renort waa offsst by the monthly atatementa of the copper producers and of the United States Steel Corporation's unfilled orders, which were unexpectedly favorable. United States Steel and copper share, however, yielded with the rest of the list at tha close. The decline In stocks waa due In part to the expectations of operators who had bought heavily tn anticipation of a mora bullish statement. Reports of rein over the week end encouraged buying thla morn ing, not only hare, but In London. where American stocks advanced materially be fore the New Tork opening. The Increase of 247. 000 tons In the un filled orders of the In I ted Ststea Steel Cor poration between June 1 and July 1 Indi cated an unexpectedly large amount of new business. The June flguree suggest the largest gain sines the revival after the open markat of looo, the Increase In busi ness which followed the reduction In prices being estimated at 00 per cent or more. - The dec re am of more than S.500.000 pounds In copper stocks waa larger than waa looked for. bringing the total to the lowest point .In several month While domestic deliveries were somewhat disap pointing, the export movement was the largest since last October, and the state ment, as a whole, waa regarded aa dis tinctly favorable. Oood reporta oa both the copper and the steel trade apparently had been discounted tor the market barely moved on their pub lication. Aimoet the only exceptions to the strength exhibited through the greater part of the day were Virginia Iron, which fell back Ttj points, and Virginia-Carolina CnemlcaL which, although It remained stationary when the unfavorable annual report was published last week, declined a point today. The bond markat waa firm. Total ealee. par value, I2.4li.0o0. United States bonds ware unchanged on calL CLOSING STOCK QUOTATION! ( High. Low. Coring Salsa Sid. Allls Chal pf Amal Copper ,. Am Agrlcult .. Am Beet Sugar. American Can o.ooo loo l.ioo 10 U0 ..... 'V.ioo o'.ioo 70 H 371, 02 H 10 S0& 374 MH 101 sots lt IOH 81 33 S4U. 24 i 10 4 40V 10? 118 188 04 31 Ilk 102 Vi lii 108 88 eH 241 't 80 100 Vi 288 m so 22 v sn 24 C4 lnt 170 23 67 83 86 65 47 162 13 61 141 17 40 121 ITVi Sl 41 18 84 87 107 H 131 31 139 36 66 4S 138 r3 8""' 106 45 109 72 131 28 lli4 106 u, 87 19 86 lrtl 83 i:. 28 U3 HI 4 44 31 48 121 31 11 21 Am Car Fdy. Am Cotton Oil. Am Hd Lt pf Am Ice Securf., Am Linseed Oil Am Locomotive. Am timel e Ret "b6 'to do preferred.. Am Steel Fdy Am Sugar Ref.7 Am Sugar Rcf.. Am Tel A Tel.. a,no 2K 100 K0 10.400 200 100 1.100 lslono Aoo 700 1H 04W 82 4H lit 10a 120 106 K '8314 242, 30 4s 138. 04 1 Ul et-'H 112V, 102 120 10) "62 241 ? 801 Am Tobacco pf Am vt ooien . . .. Anaconda at Co. Atohlson ...... do preferred. . Atl Oosst Line.. Halt Ohio ... Hethlshem Steel Brook Rap Tran Canadian Pac .. Central Leather do preferred.. Central of N J C hes Ohio . .. Chicago A Alton CM Ot Weat ... t.400 "too i'aoo 0,700 02 23" 81 iif'ti 12Si do href erred.. Chicago at N W. C. M A St Paul. 14TH 127 o, c. u 01 u. Col Fuel A Iron Col A Southern Consol Gas .... Corn Prod o ota V.ioo itovi iioie' ri a Hudson.. D A R Grande 00 100 100 .rti0 2.500 SO0 itBOO 300 lOO 1.000 1.700 1.0O0 2Si 8 14 37 t 69 48 137 i Ul . 14 17H 60 122 do preferred. . 6 J 85 V, So V CSV 474 ioH 61 143 17H 40 V, 128 Distillers' Securl Erie do 1st pr do 2d pf .... General Bleo . Ot North Pf -Gt North Or .. lllnole central, oterbor Met . do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter sienna pi Int Paper lnl Pump ..... Iowa Central X C Southern .. SOO lOO 1.7-0 i'K) 4'0 i0 l.oo 2O0 1.400 "'soo 1.30 7oO 700 "a. s66 0,700 ino loo SOO A3 07 tt 10.0 4 132 S 82 141 H 3tl 67 4 S24 100 14 4S1, loot 133 2 i 123 J 100 07 20 . 83 67 H 107 Si S3 2 81 140 3SVi 07 4 ft H 'sjii 82 SOO 43H loaw sti" 27 S 124 V, lWVi 07 20 lo prelerrea.. Laclede Gaa . .. Louis A Nash.. Minn A St L . . . M. S P A B S at lao. Kan A Tex. do preferred.. Mo Pacific .... Nat Hlscult ... National Lead .. Mex -V F.y 1 Pi. N V Central ... w. v . 1 .. a. C Norfolk A We . North Am . . Northern Pao .. Pacific Mall .... Pennsylvania ... People s Gas .. P. C C A St L. Pittsburg Coal Preeaed S Car.. Pull Pal car .. Ry Steel Spring Reading 100 S8.400 400- "2". 106 lOO SOO 3(Sh SH 160 H 13H 30 2 "32 vi "ai 04 'a 44 44 Republic steel do preferred.. Rock Island Co do preferred. . St L A 6 r 2 Pf St L Southwest. do pref-rred.. Sloes Sheffield .. Southern Pso ,, Southern Ry 3o0 14.4'0 4.1"0 Si a) BiTO 2-HI U0 40 1--3 32 72Vi 42 2SH 3244 49 121S 11H TlVt 42 24H 32 do preferred.. Tenn Copper . ., Texas rac . . ToU St L At Waa Stock THE LUMBER MENS NATIONAL 13 A-IS. - has been increased from $500,000 to ' , $1000,000 do preferred.. Cnion Pacific .. do preferred.. TJ 8 Realty .. U 8 Rubber ... U S Steel do preferred., Utah Copper . .. Va-Care Chem.. Wabash do preferred.. Western Md ... Weetlng Eiec .. Western Union. Wheel ALE.. Lehigh Valley .. Total sales for 800 4T 47 4T 183 lSd 180 252 ..... f 42 42 42 79 7S 78 -119 118 118 lii no- 50 5(1 S3 55 16 16 1 35 . 35 33 J ' 04 64 76 76 75 V 80 79 bO 3 3 3 175 174 174 700 58.0O0 4o0 l.W'l) 3.50O 100 ;oo 2,800 100 l.soo 000 a Mift the day. 818.000 shares. Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK. July 10. Money -on call steady 22 per cent; ruling rate, tt.n.Pvr.rrUt. 0"?l: Prlnfe mercanUle paper. 4f4 per cent. Btarllns exchange steady, with actual bus infs. in bankers- bill, at 84.8460 for 60-d.y bills, and at 4 8630 for demand Commercial bills 14.88. Bar silver 51lc Mexlcan dollars 46c. .. .. , Oovsrnmsnt bonds steady; railroad bond, firm. LONDON". July 10. Bar silver Steady, t4t-ld per ounce. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short bills Is 1S P' cent; three months" bills, tgl S-lt per cent. SAK FRANCISCO, July 10. Sterling on London. 40 days. 84.84: sight. t4.t.-'-Drafts Bight, lo; telegraph. Ic." CHICAGO, July 10. Exchange on New Tork. 25o premium. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, July 10. At the begin ning of business today the condition of the United States Treasury waa: . Working balance la Treasury... 8549.8.. In banks and Philippine treaa- ,,,,. UTy , 3t.4iJ.7-W Total balance in general fund. lJ.l.f Ordinary recelpta yesterday 2 2"i5 Ordinary di.bursementa 7.7.. 1- The deficit to date this fiscal year Is 15.662. 825. as against m surplus of tl.714. 880 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and publlo debt tran sactions. ' London Bullion Movement. LONDON. July JO. Bullion amounting to 16000 waa taken Into the Bank of England on balance todey. . (Stocks at Boston. ' BOSTON, July 10. Closing Quotations: Alloues SO IMohawk to Am a la. Copper.. 6t,Nevada Con. ... 1 i. Z. U A fern.. S8 Nipl.slng Mines.. 10 Arlsona Com. .. 18 N Butte ex-div. 33 BACCASVL14 North Lake 8 Butte Coalition. 18101d Dominion. . ti ta. m aniuu. - . . . CaL A Heola...400 Parrott (S. A C) 12 Centennial 13 Cop. Ran. C. Co. 60 E. Butta Cp. M. 14 Quincy , 73 shannon ........ 11 Superior 82 Franklin 12 Sup A Dos Mln.. Olroux Con. .... SS Tamaiacs: ...... 3ranby On. 89;U. 6. 8. B. A M. 88 3rene Cananea. T do preferred, 48B L Royale (Cop.) 17 I'tah Con. ...... 17 Kerr Lake F Cop Co ex-dlv. 50 Lake Copper.... 87Wmona 8 Le Salle Copper 3 .Wolverine 113 Miami Copper.. .20 LIVELY TRADE AT YARDS GOOD DEMAND FOR QUALITY STACK OF AVh KIXDS. Cattle, Hogs and Sheep SU Former Frlces Top Iambs at $5.75. at Trade opened up well at the stockyards xetterday with a good run of all cissies of stock and an active demand. Buyers were keen for quality atock for which they paid top prices. ' Good steers ranged from R-50 to a8.20 and good oow. brought 15 to tS.25. Bulls and calves sold a current prlcee. Two loeds of hogs were disposed of. the beet bringing 37.25 and the other 87.15. Sheep were also Arm. with sales at 83 and 88.25. ewes bringing t3.40. One hunch of extra good lamba sold at 85.75 and an other lot at 13.25. .... Recelpta for Sunday and Monday were 60S cattle. 11 calves. S2T sheep. 42 hogs and 80 horse. - Shippers were: Rand A Vose. who drove In 83 horses; Hugh Cummlngs. Corvallls. 8 carsot cattle; R. V. Harris. Slsson. CaL. 1 horse; L. E. West. Oakland, 2 cars ot cattle- George Kohlhagen. Roseburg. 2 cars of cattle; J. E. Palton A Co., Roseburg, 1 cars of cattle; A. L. Haines. North Powder. 1 oar of horses; C. 8. Walker. Baker. 4 cars of cattle; R. N. Adams. Stanfleld.2 cars of cattle and hogs; C. F. Bauroan. -Biiar. S car of cattle and hogs; Carroll & Schaefer. Winona, Wash.. 2 cars of cattle; P. O. Cloydt, Pomeroy. Wash.. 4 cars of cattle and hogs; A. H. Meyer. Joseph. 1 car of sheep, end C H. Bartholomew, Hllgard, 2 cars of sheep. .1 . . a 1 were asofollows: X - , Weight. Price. . 84.50 5.O0 7.00 3.90 6.00 4.00 0.60 GJ0 ' 5.90 8.20 6.60 0.2S 8.23 4 25 3.20 4.65 4.60 6.20 4.7S 4.50 5.25 A-23 7.13 4.00 6.16 6.50 5.95 6.88 4.50 6-10 6.10 4.00 8.75 7.25 3.60 3. W0 8.25 3.00 5.25 8 oows T cows . 85 calves bulls . 10 cows 1 cow .. 1 calf ... 12 steers 15 steers 19 steers 2 steers 20 steers . 25 cows . 1 bull ... t cows 16 cows .. 6 oows . 23 eows 2 cows 1 cow ... 1 cow .. 1 bull . -43 hogs . 4 cows .. 28 cows 2T steers 26 steers 24 steers , 2 steers , 80 steers . 12 steers 2 eows . 2 calves . 10 calves 1 bull . 2 bulls . 218 sheep . 66 sheep , 29 lambs , 1260 ...a... 1058 i.SMM.t... e. . .. . 194 419 790 2S0 . Ml e. ....1650 ....1118 ......1192 ..e. . 89S 1078 . 1000 , a a eVsae ev ell 40 h. 996 ! e a aeaae a fK)S ....100 110 ' a a a se a 1 lOO 114 , 1132 I M ' es) a &&5 $5 1 e a a a 1 1 94 a t- se a a a IT'S 5 710 !Jime!.!m!l!!!i2o7 690 40S 227 . . . M 1213 a ,,,,,,,.,.,,.., 83 .. 84 ON FIFTH AT STARK 134 ewes . . . . 102 3.40 83 lambs J'? 12 hogs l'O 7.25 Prices current on the various classes of stock at the Portland Union Stockyards were aa followa: Prime hay-fed steers. .... .0.001t J8.23 Choice steers 6.78 AO Fair u good steers. ... I.IIO t.5t Common steere -.. 8 00 6.11 Prime oows - 6.00 $ 5.23 Good to choice cows 4.509 4.i5 lair to good OOWS ............. 4.25 1O1 4.50 Poor cows 4.00i0i 4.25 Choice heifers 6.00 0 5.50 Choice bulls tH i-J? Choice light calvea ...... 7.00( 7.3 GSed ta "holee light calve t.7t3 7 Ot Cholcs heavy calves t.OOO l it Choice stags BOO 6.50 Goud to choice etagt - 4.76u 6.00 Mese Choice hogs 6.90 7.25 Good to choice hogs............ 6.70 t.to Choice heavy t.25i t.4t Common oJ ; Stock hogs A73cy 7.t Choice Spring; lambs ..... r. 1.00 5.25 Choice yearlings . J !i Good to choice yearlings ........ t.SOid 8.7S Fslr to medium yearlings t.00j 8.50 Choice ewes o9 Oood to choice ewes 2.75g 8.0J Fair to medium ewes 2.S0y 2,75 Oood to choice heavy wethers 2 52 J-J2 Old heavy wethers.... 8.00 8.50 Mixed lots -- 4.00 5.00 The following quotations represent prlcee en this markot for the differed classes of horses: Drafters, extra heavy. 13000500; drafters. 1400 to 1700 lbs.. tl50S50; draft era. 1200 to 1400 lbs.. 81000280; chunks, I.0S150; plugs. tlOG't'O: driving horses, $76 and up; saddle horses $60 and up, Chicago livestock Market. CHICAGO. July 10. Cattle Receipts esti mated at 26.000; market steady o 10c lower. Beeves. $4.8566.40; Texas steers, $4.6006; Western steers. $4.2505.90; stockers and feeders. 83.25&'5.20; cows and heifers, $2.25 6 5 80; calves, 5.75a7.'5. Hogs Receipts estimated 887,000: mar ket steady to 5c lower. Light. $6.3."S? 6.82; mixed. $6.856.82; heavy, $6,200 6.77: rough, f .206.40; good to choice heavy. $8.40(5 6.82; pigs, $6.10 0 6.60; bulk of sales. 6.55iS.75. Sheep Receipts estimated at 24.000; mar ket weak to lOo lower. Native, $2.60$ 4-70; Western. 83.00fl4.80; yearlings, $4.405.5O lambs, native. $4.2c7( Western. $1.73 7.10. e Dried Fruits at evr Tork. NEW TORK. July 10. No fresh feature has developed In the market for evaporated applea and the market continues quiet wTth fancy quoted at 16c; choice. 14 15c; good to prime, 14c Prunes firm on the larger sixes and steady for smaller fruit, with quotations ranging from 9 to 15 cents for California grades up to 20-Soa and from 11 o to 14 o for Ore gon from 60s to 80s. - Peaches, rather more active and prices firmly held; choice, 8 9c; extra choloe, 949c, and fanoy. 9tfl0c New Tork Cotton Market. 1 NEW YORK. July 10. Cotton futures closed barely steady. Closing bids: July, 18.70c; August. 13.48c; September, 12.98o October. 12.78c: November, 12.76c: Decem ber. 12.78c ; January, 12.76i March. 1482o May, 12.87c Spot cotton closed quiet, 40 points lower. Mid-uplands. 14.10c; do, gulf. 14.35a. Sales 4200 bales. iN EMINENT 'scientist has said xhat good roads throughout the Nation would feave 25 in the deterioration of jautomobiles, ve hicles and horses. By the same reasoning, the uni versal adoption of bitu lithic pavement would re duce one's taxes for street improvement 25. Travelers' Cheques of tha American Express Co. Tha Ideal Form, of TrarellnT Credit for Foreign Travel. Horns Use, Motoring-. TJJfITERSAll.T ACCEPTED.. Local Office Seventh and Stark Sta, THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Cqnstructa Aaphalt and other BltO sjTnous Pavements. COS-608 Electrla bid, Portland, Or. Oakar aiubar. Manager. TRAVELERS' OCIDK. The Tourist Highway and slcanle Route to Bur one via The St. Lawrence River. The Shortest Ocean Passage. Las than Four Says at Sea. by tha EMPRESSES OF" TUG ATLANTIC." -Weekly sailings Montrsal. Quebeo. to Liver. pooL First cabin.-e0; second cabin, 6L2f; one-class cabin (called second cabin). $47.50: hiHl .ihln SAT and X&1.2&. Ask local agents. F. R. Johnson. Q. A , 142 Third St, or J. t n weaver, a, t w lM sewua Ssattle. ( i f " ' i It ' 8TEAM8HIIP8 ' UNITED STATES DEPOSIT AEY THE BANK 0E CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAJT FTlAJfCISCO FOUNDED IS 64. Capital Paid lnw,. ... ... ie-re-r'Vee-TTJeat''e $8,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits. $7,828,023 BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City Wo buy ana sell Foreign Exchange; lsstia Drafts ana Cable Transfers, Commercial Cred lta ana Travelers' Lietters of Credit, available " In all parta of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and aomeatlo banking1 business. THTEREST PAID OJT TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITSv- " "" PORTLAND OFFICE '.' Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. ' CHAMBER OF COIIHKKCB BCILJJING. WM. A. MAO XtAE, Manager. J. T. BCRTCHAELL, Asst. Manager. Established 1836. Merchants National Bank Portland, United States Depository. Capital and Surplus.. This bank has been transacting a conservative banking busi ness for a quarter of a century. It invites you to join the large number of prudent, careful people, -who, during that time, have found their banking relations both agreeable and profitable. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859 Cariital . . . . . .......... Surplus and Undivided Profits Letters of credit, drafts and able on all parts of the world. Corner Washington HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT STOCK Offered Subject to Prior Sale IN THE MULTNOMAH HOTEL COMPANY of Portland, Oregon. 'PORTLAND'S NEWEST AND FINEST HOTEL. 1150,000 preferred 10 accumulative stock, guaranteed Interest pay. Able semi-annually. , . T The Interest on this preferred atock la guaranteed by L, OevurU & The8capUaPafUTHEBMULTNOMAH HOTEL COMPAKTT Is J350.000; JS00.000 common stock fully paid and 1150,000 preferred 10 stock, which la hereby offered for sale. , For further particulars, ee or write E. C. MEARS, 1402 Yeon Building Portland, Oregon First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains TRAVELERS' GUIDK. AMERICAN WHITE STAB, RED STAR ATLANTIC TRANSPORT WHITE STAR DOMINION Canadian Service. Co-'s Office, 818 td ave.. Seattle; or C. W. StlnireT, tat Wash.: A. D. Charlton. SSS Mot.; F. B. Johnson, 14t 8d: E. F airrf; 100 8dj 1. B. Smith. 9 Stht 1L Dickson. 122 3d. BAH FRANCISCO PORTLAXD 6TKAY1 BHIP CO. San Francisco and Loa Angeles dlrsat. From Ainsworth Dock. Portland, 9 A. M. B.8. Boso City July 7, Beaver 12, Bear 17. From San Francisco. Northbound. l'J M. S.S. Beaver Jnly 6. Bear 10, Rose Citr IS. From San Pedro. Northbound. 12 M. 6.8. Bear July 8, Boss City 18, Beaver 18. H -A. Mosber, C T. A., 12 Third St. J, W. Ransom, agent. Ainsworth Dock Phones Main 402. Main 468. A 1102. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. Worth Jaclaa B. 8. Ca.s & A Roaaaks and A 8. Eld it sail every Wednesday altee. aataly at p. U. licks t enica lai Tblrd St.. near Aldsr. UAKTLN i- HIGLET, Fassancer Afaat, VI. 11. SI.Lb.StK, Freight Ajrens. fhaoaa at. 114. A 1814 COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER Calls from Ainsworth Doc. Portland. A. June 10, 15. SO. 25, 80, July 6. 10, 15. to. 23, 80. and every s days. Frelsht received at Ainsworth aock aauy up to a enter tare, Srst-olass, lo; sacona-olass. 17, Includlnc meals ua berth. Tlskst of- See Ainsworth Doek FAanaa Mala Cain 110. A IZeV. , Oregon. .$350,000.00 T4tcssl3 rm- . . . e K e e . -,wfw.v 700,000.00 travelers' checks issued, avail-, and Third Streets. TRAVELERS' GflDE. OPEN XUVEJt TBAKSPORTATIOX CO STR.J.N.TEAL Fralght received dally at Oak-sU doosj for The Dallas. Hood River. Whlta Salmon. Umatilla, , Kennelck. i'asoo. Flchland. Hanford. . White Bluff Lewis ton. Idaho, and ta- .a.meril&te DOlnta, FIRST-CLASS PASSE" SliBVICJS. FARE SO CfciNls M HOOD JUVEK. WHITE BALXOS.. XHB DALLK8. Steamer leaves Portland Bun.. Tuea. Thuraf? A. L Saturnlna leave. Tha Dallas . land about t F. M. same day. W EgrT Phones Main i00. A 8621. STEAMSHIP RESERVATIONS AXD TICKETS Tl iJAUrrifcitini., DOfcSEY B. SMITH, MANAOBR General Steamship Agents ALL LI.ES 09 Fifth StTeet Portland! Or, NEW YORK PORTLAND JtKGULAit tREIOHT (SERV1CH. Lc- Rates. Schedule l'lma. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 1S Railway Exchange Bids, Portland. Or. JdaJnSt7s. A1I1V NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line i( N. J VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON Direct throush steamers, sailing from Ban Francisco, July 26 and every 28 days. Well ington and back. 1st class. $26. Other rales . , also low. The Una to Isles ot the Bouth beae. ; For resarvarlons sea Coupon Railroad Agent.) r address Oceania S, sV Co.. baa FTaadscot I 1 -J 1 (