TITE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1911., 1G JAPANESE DAK T Three Cargoes to Arrive Portland Before End of Present Year. in FIR TO BE LOAD OUTWARD Kon Mara If Now Loading 1.400. 000 Ift at Otaru; Jlntu Mara lo Brlnit 1,500.000 Feot and Third to Be- Chartered. In another week the first full car" of Japanese oak b dispatcrd to Portland on a Japanese tramp for the nw season will be floated from Otaru. where the Koan Maru 1 loadlne-. The Japanese tramp Jtntsu Mara has been fixed for the ame business and will load t:ia latter lart of Auguit and probably arrive here late In Septem ber. A third carrier Is being- negotiated for now. The last shipment of oak will be made In November and Decem ber, amounting to over 1.00'.000 feet and It will be brought by one of the liners. The Japanese tramp Otaru Maru. No. i. which broucht oak here last year, has beer chartered by the China Im port & Fxport Company to load out ward with fir. and :t Is supposed she will brlna- hardwood. A few months ago the Otaru Maru. No. I. Otaru Ma ru. No. 2. and Otaru Marti. No. 3. were sold and It was said at the time that they would not be continued In tho lumber trade. The demand for Japa nese oak Is growing and It Is said there ts a probability that other terri tory than that from which the Otaru stocks are drawn will be patronised. The Koan Maru will brlna- 1.400.000 feet and the Jlntsu Maru about 1.500.000 feet. Neither of those steamer have been fixed outward. but with the amount of lumber purchased for Fall delivery In the Orient It Is not donbted but that they wi:i be given engage ments. Heretofore Japanese vessel owners have Insisted that their ton rage be dispatched for Japanese ports with return cara-oes. as they objected to them steaming In other watera than the Pacific. BHITlSif ISLES IS CllAKTEnED liflrk naJmoral of January Fleet Sold to Norwegians. Hind. Rolpb A Co. are adding to the fleet of grain carriers that will carry new crop wheat this season in their interest from Portland. Information being received yesterday that they had flsed the British ship British Istes at 37s Cd. to load nre. with the option cf Puget Sound. The vessel sailed May 11 from Newcastle. X. R. W.. for Caldera and will be here for Fall lading. Ad mittedly the company has the German ship Dlone. coming from Santa Rosalia, and the British bark Cambrian Chief tain, listed from port Natal, but It la assnmed that some of the carriers listed, the charterers of which bare not been made known, are coming in. the Interest of Hind. Itolph. In recent advices concerning sales made abroad It Is shown that the British bark Balmoral, which was here last season and cleared January St wllh wheat for the I'nlted Kingdom, bas been sold to Italian Interests for 4750 pounds. Phe was built In 1893 at Liverpool, and was first sold less than a year ago by Macvlcar. Marshall & Company to t. Windram A Co. She is of steel and 24 tons net register and carries 35 tons deadweight. The British bark CIsMe. which was offered at auction not long ago and withdrawn, has been sold to Norwegians for 3230 pounds sterling. She was owned by William Bowen and was built IS years -o. The German bark Oretchen Hart rodt has been sold to Norwegians and renamed the Elfrleda. DAMARA KETCKNS TO COAST Tramp Has Several Owners In ls Than Year. SAX FRANCISCO. July 10. (Spe cial.) The British steamer Damara. which was ashore on the Fort Point rocks October t and which changed hands several times after being floated, arrived here this afternoon to be turned over to her latest owners, Eschen Minor. The bis; freighter has a charter from the Western Fuel jt'ompiny to parry coal between British Columbia and this port. Before comlnir here the Damara dlscharced a cargo of hardwood ties at liedondo. having loaded In Tasmania. A capacity crowd of 435 passengers was carried by the steamer Bear, of the pan Francisco-Portland steamship Com pany, which left at noon for Portland. The following lumber charters are announced: Steamer Washington. Co lumbia River to Pan Francisco $4: schooner Endeavor. Puget Sound to San Pedro or San Francisco. 11.60 or 14. re spectively, and schooner Ollre J. Olson. Cray's Harbor to Guaymaa. I. The Standard Oil Company's tanker Femtnole arrived this morning from Shanghai In ballast. Laden with general merchandise hipped from New York over the Te huantepec route, the steamer Virginian, of the American Hawaiian fleet, arrived this morning from Saline Crux. About six hundred tons of the freight will be trans-shipped to Portland. RANSOM INFORMED OF SALE Jlarriman Equipment Will Be Taken From Chartered 1'leet. . Further confirmation of the transfer of the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company to Frank Waterhouae Ac Co. was given yesterday on the receipt of advices from San Francisco by General Agent Ransom, directing hlro lo strip the Norwegian steamers Rygja. Henrlk Ibsen and Hercules and the British steamer Strathlyon as they arrive, of all dunnage, burlap and equipment, used in candling cargo, that belongs to the corporation. The Harrtman Inter ests will dispatch the Rygja. now load ing at Llnnton. but It Is assumed that the Waterhouse line win handle all carriers after her departure. The Henrlk Ibsen was yesterday re ported sailing from Hongkong, but as he is to go via San Francisco, she la not looked for In Portland until Aug ust. It le dally expected that Informa tion will he received concerning; the formal transfer. In other ways the change of management will not alter conditions In the local Harrlman office, aa the force ha not been compelled to do much extra work, because of the Far Eastern business and It has been largely confined to expediting the load ing: of vessels and assembling cargo. It has not been ascertained on what DEMAND 5 basis the Waterhoose line will continue the operation of the chartered vessela and It la presumed that they will be relinquished as their charters expire. Marine Notes. Carrying 300 passengers, the steamer Bailey Oatxert got away on time yes terday for The Dalles, after being laid up a week to have her port engine re paired. No special session of the Port of Portland Commission has been called and the members will gather a.t tn headquarters Thursday, when the reg ular meeting Is to be held. Captain Kobert Jones went out last night as master of the gasoline schoon er Anvil, bound for Oregon coast porta south as far as Bandon. He has suc ceeded Captain Nicolas Wagner. It is estimated that the barge Amy Turner, whbh yesterday began dis charging J2.320 sacks of California ce ment at Supple'a dock, will be ready to shift to load lumber In five days. As the steamer Harvest Queen, of the O.-W. R. & X. fleet, is to be In spected tomorrow, her place on the Portland-Astoria run will be taken this evening br the Hassalo tor one trip. Captain E. P. Williams, who for a CTKAMXB IXTZXUGEXCaV Dae t. Arrive. Kama. Foe H. Elmore, leaver. Krrle Bayeceaa..... Koenoee. . . . . Prom. Title mook. .ilin Pedro.. . Honckong. . .Bayoceaa.. .Kan Lise Date. . . In port ..in port ..In port .. in port ..in port ..July 12 ..July i-t ..July 13 ..July 13 .;au. 10 ..Ju;y 1 ..Juiy IT ..July 1 Ftanlvy Dollar . Halboa Fear prftkviltr... Coidn Gale. .. Hercules Geo. W. Elder. Hon City A n v II Alliance , Knmerto Ft.coa Hennk rbeen. . SiraUiljon. ... San Pedro. . A'oos Har. .. Tillamook.. Hongkong. .San i'teg... .tan Pedro. . .Pandon. . . . Eureka. .... Manila San Francla Honskonc. . Honskocs. ..July ..July re July It ID ..Am. ..Aug. 1 24 eVrbedaled to Depart. Name. For. Date. Fayocean. ... ..Bayoceaa. ... July St Sue H. tlmore. TU; amook.... July 11 Beaver 6an Pedro.... July 11 lloaooke. Slut.... :'J.v 11 Break arater....Maitoa July 15 Golden Cat... Tillamook.... July 1.1 Stanley Dollar. Balboa July 14 Bar San Fedro.... July IT Kumerle Manila. ...... July IT Urn. W. Elder. fan Dlese.... July 19 Alliance Eureka July 20 Byf la......... Monskong... July 20 Anvil X ami on Juiy SO Falcon Pan Franclaee July "2 Henrlk Ibsen.. Honskor.g. ...Aug. 10 H.reules. . . .. Knnckocg. .. . Aug. 2S Ktrathryoa....ioeskong....pt. 19 Koh Cliy .San Pedro.... July 23 lengthy period has been pilot on the Tellow Stack Line steamer Pomona, has taken the "wheel on the Portland-Ore gun City run for a time, succeeding Captain Christopher Bluhm. Harbormaster Speler la mourning the loss of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company's liner Santa Rosa, as she was the first vessel propelled by other than sail that he embarked on to mas ter the Intricacies of navigation. To permit the Government oredge Chinook to be lifted on the public drydock for repairs, the Port of Port land steamer OckJahama was floated yesterday and she may be lifted again when the Chinook Is off the dock. In tow of the tug Oneonta the schoon er Irene left down from Stella yester day lumber laden for San Francisco. The schooner Nokomts, which reached the river Sunday from Redondo. left up late yesterday on the Oneonta's haw ser, bound fur Oregon Slcfffh to re ceive lAiWr at the Monarch mill. William J. Carroll. Junior engineer In the office of Major Morrow, Corps of Engineers. U. S. A. will leave to night for Crater Lake In charge of a surveying party to complete running lings there In accordance with work outlined and started last season. It Is estimated that the survey will be fin ished in six weeks. Aboard the American - Hawaiian steamer Falcon, leaving last evening for San Francisco, were 33 coses of Portland manufactured Ice cream cones for New York, besides 1500 cases of canned salmon, while for Boston were 41$ bales of wool. 79 sacks of the same product and a small shipment of mo hair, besides miscellaneous cargo. Collector of Customs Malcolm has been Informed that Richard Cadmus has been appointed wireless ship's in spector for the Pacific Coast, under tne Department of Commerce and Labor, and that he will maintain headquarters at San Francisco. Examinations will be held there, at Honolulu, at Mare Island and Puget Sound. Operators must have certificates. Preparatory to going on a run be tween Portland, Knanpa and Altoona, the twin-screw gasoline barge Wakena came through the bridges yesterday from the yards of the Portland Ship building Company and after filling her tanks berthed at Couch-street dock, where aha will be outfittde and leave on the first trip Monday. Captain Vic tor Degerstedt ts master and she is owned by the Clatskanle Transporta tion Company. In the fleet to enter yesterday at the Custom-House were the steamers Ro anoke. General Hubbard. Tamalpals, Wasp and Rygja, from San Francisco, with the Breakwater from Coos Bay and barge Amy Turner from the Golden Gate. The Tamalpals cleared for the return with a cargo of S50.000 feet of lumber, the Wasp for Aberdeen to load for San Francisco, the Falcon and Ro anoke for the Golden Gate In general cargo and the gasoline schooner Anvil for Bandon. Movements or Vessels. PORTLAND. July 10. Arrived Steamer General Hubbard, from Fan Francisco; f earner Tamalpals. from San Fraaeisoo; steamer Roanoke, from San Dleffo and way porta: steamer J. A- Oianalor. from Mon terey: gasoline schooner Bayocean. from Bayocean. Sailed Steamer Falcon, for elan Francisco; steamer o.lden Gate, for Tilla mook: ateaener Breakwater, for Gooe Bay; gasoline schooner Anvil, for Bandon. Astoria. July 1. Condition at the month of the river at I P. M.. smooth ; vlnd, northwest. J miles: weather, clear. Sailed at 7:1 A. M. Steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay and Eureka. Hailed at A. M. 6teamer Geo. W. Eider, for San Francisco. Arrived at aad left up at 10:10 A. M. Steamer J. A. Cbanalor. from Monterey. Sailed at 13 coon Tug Hercules with log raxt In tow. for Baa D no. Arrived down at t ie aad salted at t:le P. at. 8teamer Breakwater, for Cove Bay. Arrived at 1 and left up at 4 P. M. Gaeolroe schooner Bayocean. from Bay City. Astoria. July . Arrived at t P. SC. Pchooner Nokomla. from Redondo. Arrived at 4 and let up at 7 40 p. M. steamer Tam aJpaia. from San Francleco. Arrived at t and left up at 19:15 P. at. Steamer Gen eral Hubbard, from Fan Franciaoo. Ar rived at t P. at. and left up at midnight Steamer Roanoke, from San Diego and way ports. 8an- Francisco. July 10. Sailed at A. M. C. S. lorpe1o flret for Portland. Hongkong. July la Sailed Norwegian steamer Henrlk Ibses. for Portland. San Francisco. July 10. Arrived Steamers Qulnault. from Wlllapa: Seminole, from Mllke: Damara. from Newcastle, Australia. Sailed dteamers Bear. Far ragut. Goldsborouch. Hull. Hopkins. Law rence. Paul Jones. Preble. Perry. Rowaa. Stewart. Truxtoa and Whipple, for Port land: Centralia. for Grays Harbor; schooner Coqullle. for Sullaw River. beattle. July 11. Arrived Steamer Queen, from Sound ports; barkentlne 8. G. Wilder, from Sab FTanclico; steamer Montara. from Nome: steamer CHy of Seattle, from Skas way; steamer Santa Rita, from Han Fran cisco; bark Rlcart De Sober, from Wet Coast: stamer Ramona. from Easle Harbor: steamer Delhi, from Earle Harbor; steamer President, from 8n Francisco. 8alld Steamer Cmatllla. for Vancouver: ateamer Suverte. for Tokohama; steamer Proteallaus. fr Victoria: C- S. tnlne planter Major earn RlnrsoM. for Sound ports: steamer M. F. riant, for Pan Francisco; steamer Toeemlte. for Everett. Tides at Asterta Toeettay. High. Low. iVIS A. M K.4 fet'T:2 A. M....-OT foot 1 iJ P. at-.... 7.0 teetT:3? P. U. 4-1 feet GRAIN-PRICES FALLf Rain and Cool Weather Break Markets. WHEAT LOSES A CENT Crop Report-Is Issued Too I.ate to Affect Tradln. Country Of ferings Are on a Larger Scale. CHICAGO. July 10. With plenty of rain soaking the ground and with cool weather the forecast for the week, all grain today underwent a decline. Wheat closed c te la net lower, corn of? lHc to 1 He ana oats the same as Saturday night lo (itSc beneath. The outcome for hog products varied between 100 lose and Hit advance. Moisture which had fallen throughout the Northwest relieved for the time being all concern about the wheat crop. Whatever other chance the bulls had today was killed by the official long range prediction that a considerable period of low temperature waa Immediately at band. One of the leading experts went on record with a statement that there was now no likelihood of a failure In North Dakota, such aa last year. Further encouragement to the bears waa afforded by country offerings of new wbeat becoming so large as to seem slmost unwieldy. In coneequence, pit sentiment from the outset till the last gong favored the selling side. The Government report did not arrive till too late to cut any figure In the trading and for that matter proved to be about as expected. During the session. September ranged from ltt.o to 0,c. with the Hnlsh easy, lc net lower at 0c. Liquidating by longs waa the order of the day In the com crowd- Baying ap peared to be cnlefly In the nature of profit taking on the part of the shorts. Im proved atmospheric conditions were re sponsible. September fluctuated between tltio and Mlsc closing weak mc off at imc Cash grades were weak. No. 3 yel low, (iscmc. v Oats closed better than other grains. The reason was a report from the Western Gralndealers' Association that the Mis souri. Kansas and Southwestern crop wss a failure. High and low points for the September option turned out to be 46 Ho and 43 So with the last sale a shade down at 4 Ottlic Fairly good buying for packers and scat tered shorts formed the sustaining power under provisions. Pork closed unchanged to ISc off. and other products unmoved either way more than a nickel. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. Hlfh, I.ow. Close. July Sept..... Dec. May July Sept. . Dec. .. May July Kept Iec May Sept Jan. July Deo.. .. . Jaa July Sept t JIS S .4 .SOS -"S .!Ss .St, .! .8v, COR.V. -4 .44 ., .54 (!' .45 's OATS. .4IS .li t .44 .H .S .(V .60S .8SVi S .80S 7 .42 4 4 .43 s .45 Vi .45 U .47 -60S 15.72 hi 16.44 S.3X 8.37 'A I 16 8.171, 8.60 8.16 .:s .64 W .63 S V4 .4H .4S 47S J0 ME&3 PORK. I5.T0 1S.J7H 15.47 1J.7D 16.70 LARD. t2H t.lS 8 36 .i7 V t.Ji 4.17S 13.40 t.3;v 8.30 6.36 SHORT RIBS. JS A17S tim 1.4.1 1.60 .4J i S.10 I.17V. S.07S Jan. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm Rye No. t. 14c. Barley Feed or mlttng. ?0tg6c; fair to choice malting. tl.06Ol.15. Flaxseed No. t Southwestern, nominal; No. 1 Northwestern, nominal. Timothy seed 9j 13.60. Clover 1 16.60. Pork Mess, per barrel, S15.75ei6.8SVt. Lard Per 100 pounds. IS. 3X. Short ribs Sides lloose), ST.75ttt.50. Sides Short, clesr (boxed). IS. 13 V tj.60. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to S23.O0O bushels. Primary recelpta were 1.649.000 bushels, compared with 761. 000 bushels the corresponding dsy a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the t'nlted States increased 2.711.000 bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage. 1. (80,000 bushels. Es timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 135 cars: corn. 234 cars; oats, 11 cars; hogs. 10,000 head. ' Receipts. Shipments. Flnur. barrels 110.700 17.000 Wheat, bushels 22.400 114.500 Corn, bushels 286.200 313. lt0 Oata bushels 163. 800 2S2.400 Rye. bushels 1.000 Barley, bushels 2LO0O 1.900 Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. July 10. The visible supply a-l CURED IN Varicose Veins Piles, Fistula & Enlarged Glands Expert Examination Free 17 Years of Success tn Treating Men Cures Guaranteed or No Pay Maary Case Perm ate srflr Cured 1st OTfE TREATMEfT. Mewt Ttme Kavlaaj. Meat Nararml. Moert Safe. Ke Detention from Oeexrpatlon Fam ily or Hornae. A HaaUeml aad Permanent Care. I Will Give g&OO to Any Charity aa a Goaraatea That Krery Matemeat la Tale Aanouncemcnt la Trae. I cure rapidly, painlessly and at small expense. I will demonstrate actual result in your case. I win give conclusive evidence of my merit which Is obtained and maintained by ability. I invite you to come to my office. I will explain my treatment for Htnria, Ptlea, Ftatnla, Vart oae Tetaa, Pelvte Nervosa, Blood, Klelney sued Bladder Otaeases. I will give you free a physical examination: If necessary, a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions to determine existing pathological and bactorlologlcal conditions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. Certainty of cure Is what you want. A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing person as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and tnose who de pend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can give you thla service. 1 have always charged a very reasonable fee. so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely de sires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions: neither do I desire to be particularly independent, and I would like to have you for a patient. If you will come to me on a strictly professional basts, and the Inducements that I offer, which are my ability and 30 years' successful experience, time-saving treatment and guarantee of cure of certain diseases. XVF. Cl'BE BY 1VKW SCIENTIFIC METHODS WHICH CANNOT FAIL BIOOI) ASI SKIN AILMENTS, NERVE WEAKNESS, VARICOSB OR KNOTTED VEINS. OBSTRUCTIONS, SORES, ULCERS, IWOLLE.I GLANDS. PILES. KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROIBLKS AND ALA. DIS EASES COMMON' TO MJiK. We are permanently located. Incorporated and licensed under the laws of Oregon. MEN. IF IN TROCBLB, CONSCIT CS TODAY. If yon cannot call. -.,!,. V Kooit and aalf-examinatlon blank. Many oases cured at home. Hours A. M. to 8 P. M. ... - - . ... OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE ZOlVi MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH. PORTLAND, OB. of grain, as issued by the New York Pro duce Exchange for the week ending July 8. la aa follows: Bushels. Increase. Corn ll.791.OilO. 4.309.0O0 a 1..1SX.0OO 4.17S.0IK) ""'' 17S.OOO Z.OlM Barley".""! S17.000 180.000 The above figures Include stock In pri vate elevators and in Omaha, which have not been Included heretofore. European (train Markets. IXNDOX. Julv 10. Csrro-s. quiet but eteartv. Wslla Walla for shipment at 34a d. Knsilsh country markets. 4 to lid dearer; French country markets, weak. LIVERPOOL ' July 10 Wheat July Se 10 Sd: October. 6s id; December, 4s ISd. Weather cloudy. ' Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 10. Wheat July. rrfSc: September. 7Sff97ic; De cember. 90He; No. I hard. 1.001 : No. 1 Northern. 9SVi6 0e; No. a Northern. tiVtlSWc: Ko. 3 wheat. HSWtC. Grain at San Fraoclsca. 8 AV FRANCISCO, July 10. Wheat Steady. Barley Firm. ipot quotations Wheat Shipping. Sl.42Hei.S0 per cen tal. Barley Feed. 1.27Vi S 1.28 per cental; brewing, nominal. Oats Red. 81.2591.40 per cental: white, nominal: block. 81-13&1-10 per cental. Call board salea Wheat No trading. Barley December. 81.35 per cental. Grata Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA. July 10. Wheat Bluestem. 85 COi.c; fortyfold. 87c; club. Si'dSSe; red Russian, H4c. Car receipts Wheat. 1; corn. 2; hay, 3. 8EATTI.K. July 10. Wheat Bluestem. t4c: forty-fold, 84c; club. 84c; fife. S4c; red Russlsn. Mr.; oats. 827..V) per ton barley, 25 per ton bags. 7 7.2A. Car receipts up to noon Wheat. 10 hay, 17; oats, 1; corn. 3. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. July 10. Butter 6 toady. Creameries, ID 22c; dairies, 17 31c Eggs Receipts 11.390 cases: steady at mark, cases included. Utilise; firsts, 14 He: prime firsts. 15 fcc. Cheese Steady. Daisies. 14Ufl4c: twins. 13ei3c: Toung Americas, 'i's 13ic; long horns, llgimc. Elgin Butter Market. ElOIN. 111.. July 10- Butter Finn, 24c Output. 1,079,000 pounds. Hope at New York. NEW YORK, July 10. Hops Firm. BODY IS MOT RECOVERED Brady Says Thai .imitteur Grapplers Covered Spot. Failure on the part of Hugh Brady, (trappier of the harbor patrol force, to recover the body of Fred Ryder, a 9-year-old boy drowned Saturday eve ning In Columbia Slough, in tha vicin ity of Thirtieth street. Is attributed largely by him to the fact others had dragged for the body and failed tb locate It. "I waa told that what Is known as a three-prong grappling hook had been used there before I was ordered to the spot." said Brady. "When I at tempted to use the gear that Is gen erally best for recovering bodies, my only success was to bring up quantities of drift and I believe that the three prong hook's use merelycovered the body with watersoaked planks and stuff that waa dragged along the bot tom." Brady made no second effort, aa he said it was useless until the freshet bas passed. In few Instances In which he has been summoned promptly on the report of a dro ning has he been un successful in recovering bodies since his employment by the city. Alaska Canneries Have flood Run. ASTORIA, Or.. July 10. (Special.) A cablegram was received by the Alaska Flshermens' Packing- Company today from P. A. Barglund. superin tendent of the company's Alaska plant. The message was dated at Nushagak on June 28. came via Seward and says that both the canneries, the one at Nushagak and the one on Kogglung River, were running with excellent prospects for a good season. Letters sent from Nushagak on June 28 are expected to reach here In about seven days. Harris Trunk Co's. Removal Pals now on. Prices greatly reduced. T. YEE & SONS ""iftSt"'"!! Tha ol Reliable Cklaeee r ivSJ-l Doctor epent lifetime study of ' i barbs aad research m China: ';"7 waa granted diploma by tke V .' ' Esnperori guarantees cure ail allsneata of men and women s 75 1 wnea ewer isui. u rro I 1V1 " write te YJUfi I -WJ to MSDICINK CO.. leg kMkJJtJL?-- Alder. renUs. . FIVE DAYS . ; .. m a 1 'J DON'T FEAR SUNBURN CUTICUR, Soap and Ointment Although Cutkmra Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a postal to "Cuticura Dept. Q. Boston, will secure a liberal sample of each, with 32 p. booklet on the care ol the skin and hair. "606" FOR Blood Poison Blood tests accurately made. Treat ment scientifically administered. Quick, permanent cures guaran teed. tVe core all ailments of men. Pay when satisfied. Consultation, examination, and diagnosis free. DR. GREEN CO. 362 Washington SL, Portland, Or. General Debility, Week Nerves, In somnia Results of exposure, overwork and other violations of Nature's laws. Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys. Varl coee Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected in seven davs. Consultation free. f un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours A. M. to 8 M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. 24 Vx WASHINGTON STREET, Coiner Unit. Portland, Oregon. Men and Women Cured The famous 8. K- ' Chan Chi nese Medicine r'nmnHnv. with 1 I their remedies. V. 'v J of herbs and r mxf f roots (.ura won derfully. It has cured many sufferers when other semedles have railed. (sure cure for chronic, private allmeata, nervousness, Biooa !'". lurau..... asthma, pneumonia, kidney, throat and lung troubles, consumption. stomach disorders and other dl.eaee. of all klnda. Remedies ha?" NO OPERATION Consultation free. Examination for ladles by lira. 8. K. Chan c;i or write to The S. K. Chan. Chinese Medicine Co 828 k Morrison su. Portland. Oregon. WAI JING v? CHINESE DOCTOR I am educated for Chinese doctor. I use the Chinese herbs snd root medicines. It makes wonderful curea It has cured many suf ferers. The treatment cures Kidney. Throat. Heart. Liver. Con sumption. Stomach. . Good for either male or female and different kinds of diseases. People out of -town write for consultation blank and call at my office. Room 14, 211 Alder Sc. corner First, Portland. Or. BING CHONG, Chinese Doctor Made of Chinese herbs and root medicine cures all kinds diseases of the heart, lungs. liver, stomach, kid ney, blood troubles of man ud woman when others tall. If you suffer, call or write to lUoVi 3d lU room A. cor. Morrison. PALE at sabjeet to stak Besdaebe, biat MtiaL tour stomach, sad bed eom- i - i e- pinion. CeosUpsted veopl be. s t- V V ihM artnplonu. wbieh u easily PCO PI F cured wbsa roa know whsl to do. rtiWr has We hm ecrad Uiew eompUlsts for ihirtr T&r with scssa raraoTXD ursa iua Ton look btiser and ftol bsuer after asiag taeas. 0e sill for a doas- 3So a box at stores or bj oaall. For sapat write CL SOSak'KO CO, ralisdslfOUs, fa. sal ; BLADDER j ; ; ViWiMy 24 Sours ' : ' ' 'aw ii'ssis ooars tile jC 1 J 1 Bmcon of counterfeit tauassarai i 1 '" 111 " 9 L t. -!w roison. rues, risiuia. tiu ''. .re DR. A. G SMITH. I am the only specialist la Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my trae photograph, correct name, personally conduct tnx office. I am the moat success ful aad reliable, aa medical cre dential and press records prove. I make thla statement so that you will know you consult a true ape clalist, who aeea and treat a pa tients personally. I possess skill and experience, acquired In such a way that no other caa share, aad should not be classed vrtth medical companies. It Is Impossible tor a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine la Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are' named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are In definite, is selected and published as the legitimate apecialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctora with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. 606" FOR BLOOD POISOX. I use Professor Ehrllch's wonderful new discovery, "606," In cases of Sneclflo Blood Poison. It Is the greatest marvel of medical science. His new remedy has been successfully used In thousands of cases. Let me explain It to you. COXStTLTATIOW AND ADVICE FREE. Office Honrs A. H. 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. o 1 P. M. I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treat merit for Varicose Veins. Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison Piles. Fistula Bladder, Kidney, Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions. DR. AG. $25.00 J. Ki.EFK. Ph. G., M. D. OTP it All other treatment for Disorders of the Blood have been show, haphazard, and never positive, often bringing about conditions worse than the original disease. "606" acts Immediately. It is adminis tered only once, and the symptoms begin to disappear within 12 hours. Dr. Julius L. Metzler, of the John D. Rockerfeller Institute, fai's: "Only scientific men can Imagine what a marvelous discovery this Is. It is beyond belief what It will do." "606" (also known as SALVAR SAN) was discovered by Prof. Ehrllch. of Berlin, physician to the German Emperor, after six hundred and Ave other experiments hence given the name "606." My cases run Into the hundreds; twenty out of each hundred being women. Many of my patients are referred by other physicians. Dangerous effects are never seen except through lack of proper equip ment and daily experience In administering this powerful reagent in perfect solution. Latest Improvements In methods reported by Ehrlich and used by me. simplify the process, make It free from danger and almost pain less. Patients need not go to the hospital. Guarantee: Genuine "606" In the original glass-sealed tubes, and warranted by me to be correctly administered are for inspection at all times In my office. I personally administer this new remedy and know its power. I am thoroughly conversant with the technique of preparing and ad ministering the treatment, which I will explain to all interested. I cure VARICOSE VEIS, WEAK SKSS, KERVOIS AND GENERAL BrtBILITY, HYDROCELE, BLOOD POISON and associated diseases with reflex complications. , Consultation, Examination and Advice Free. Honrs 0 to S, 7 to 8 Dally Sunday 10 to 13. Dr. J. J.Keefe, Men's Specialist Rooms 809, 10, 11, Merchants Trust Bulldlns;, Comer Sixth and Waah-na-ton Streets, Portland, Oregon. MEN CU $5 to $15 By DR. LINDSAY, the Eminent, Long Eatabllahed Specialist WHY PAY MORE for Inferior treatment when you can get tha very best medical attention at a fee of from. ONE-FOURTH to ONE-HALF that charged by other specialists with my reputation? Re member that you are not asked to pay for any experiments or any failures. your case will not yield to treatment I can aacer- tr tain that at the first examination, and will J frankly tell you so ana give you ioiihi 1U imwv MY SPECIALTIES ARES Nervous Debility, Blood Ailments, Piles, Varicose Veins, Rup turee. Kidney, Bladder aad all ailments pecu liar lo sacs. COME AND CONSULT US FREE OF ALL CHARGli. DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST. r.,. Alder and Second Streets. Entrance 128V4 Second Street, Port land, Or? Office Hours A. M. to S P. M. Sundays 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. DR. WING LEE -1 make my own Chi nese herb and root medicines. I am an educated Doctor and use the treatment of the Physicians . prac ticing In Oregon and Washington. I have used -Chinese herb and root -medicines exclu sively for 45 years. I l " nitiina nntieTita carefully and thor oughly. No matter of how long stand ing the disease, no matter what the ailment, it Is curable. Female, kid ney, throat, heart, liver, stomach dis eases, consumption, blood poison, piles all cured by my treatment. Out-of-town people write for circulars and consultation blank. 17 North Fifth St, Portland, Or. CUR I sLsna! I lw IN FIVE DAYS Varicose Veins, Blood ' No -Detention From Occupation, Family or Home. NO SEVERE OPERATIONS, MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING. MOST NAT URAL. MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CLi RE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILD CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL. AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS A GUAR ANTEE THAT EVERY STATE MENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRUE. VARICOSE VEINS. Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that vartcoRe veins can be cured in nearly all cases by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and -strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthv circulation Is rapidly re established Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to etay cured or refund tha money. 234V3 Morrison Corner of Second Portland, Oregon $25.00 SMITH Prof. Dr. Ehrlich's Wonderful Discovery Indicated in the Worst Torm of Blood Disor ders, Eruptions, Sores, Ulcers, Etc., Also in Threatened and Early Paralysis, Epilepsy, PBoriasis, Etc. RED let 1 1 'im iP! MP- EST L- AW- MEN AND WOMEN CURED I Portland. Jun 15. 1911. Iar Dr. L.e Hong: Am glad to state after using' your herb medicine a hort time I am entirely cured of tha worst case of stomach and kidney trouble. I suffered many years and doctora said I had Brlght's disease and was incur able. I eat and sleep and am well and, tronr once more, thanks to your wonderful treatment. (SiKnea) Respectfully, MRS. LUCY BROWN. 100 4th St. All dlseasefl of the human body cured. Kidney. Stomach. Heart and Ilver Trouble. Con stipation, Piles, Blood Pol-, sonlng, -Lumbago and Rheu matism. Consultation free. Write for symptom blank. Of fice hours, 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. : Sunday all day. Lady at tendant. Lee Hon Chinee Her Co., 142 Va Second fit PoxUaud. Or.