t, " f vTvivnir I BUSINESS DIBECTOBV. j 7 i - rwr at x. TTr-Tvl I ITN ACIAL. I I IOR RITNT. "lt(mkf lnj K'wnii la Vrale Tamlly. J.VLT r.irnl' i-.l I. ur. . i' . i. t room. m.i wo-4 rat.a.j. k platra. $'.2 per mon'h. ;.-'. Morux 'mery at-. ttweaa a nd :j T'iKf.Ft llrht housekeeping room. 164 NorC-i 1 Vth at. uli.. I hovia.keeting room, gaa, $1", month. ' J Front at. ta-x r- TWO larre ruoLQi to ruu ror. riol. 14 Hio. North. rKONT roo for housekeeping, beta, gas n4 rhor.c. no chHr. 3 40 College. ANii furnlal room. with eloe- In. Phone East C SI. balcony. TTHHEE p uunt houaokseplng rw)n plan, rsrd; adu.tj only. 4'i l"th ' 1 FKr-NT hou..kee-,lrg-rom. cooking gaa ftirni.het. l'h t- 14K.., e.ean furnuhel front housekeeping room. I'lim, ga. 43 Everett. ji'E fjrnlaheJ h.mktfpia room. htX chwtMMn'Jtir. 475 Morrison. liorSEKESVTN'J ulte. light, heat and rhone. K. Bum.lde t- TWO larse houokwr.f room. $o.0 Mk. ia!klc: 411 4th , S rs.vni houraK.-pln,- room. r'sno. T"J aOi.-e onjy. A;?7 P. M 4-i- loth t. riRTiMIKIr kiw kxplM and 1,',' room. J! j" I" $- p. r week. -.! -d ' 2A It. '.Al N Two-room uitc. side entrance. 175 2lv t.. R-ir Waanlngton. "II. cor. CIuv; large, clean, n' and pantry 'I:'e Mr Ta.lor. 1 wo furnish rnont.K. : prl .! hou.-keep'.ng room. $14 :e family. Eaat Ankeny. Houae. Tiri ;?:eatk:: ii :-: i . it & frank stork KiNHU AM) INFORMATION BLKEAC. Home hu:urn. v laic our wp-lo-dat rrn tal and Information department. 4th floor, train bull. ling, ani : th vacancies we fcsve lla-ed of nslrat! h-ri and f ata You'll un tim In g'ttlnn proprljr and romfortao.T load. We k--p In touch ith all vacant houin. f'.ata and apart mrola in th city. We a!o keep a ltt of new bul'1tr. In co-ire of construction. Tht rombinr l li' of all real e.tate deal er. Tnta Inform 'Ion la atnoiuf y fre. W'KSi-N Tof WANT TO KENT A house ?f.k vs." THK MTILK FHAN iv COMPANY. liOLato and flat f r rent win) furnlahad. MERCHANTS SAVIN' is TKL ST COMPANY. rre mar of c.ty for atranitrav yf n NT -reVl"rn w-room-modern houa at ! i.ime- e Heif'it. on car'ln. fine lawn And rtoaer. endld vl. Phona A l-' or Jln!nIn. t-V' " 'M-rToTiee. with r-n'h. In Holladav'a Ad'.lfon. two Mock from Broadway and Irv.na-foa rarllne: rent . I'nona East Ml. - . K-l'v i r.v-.m l-oie. IK Lane l. near Kei''- t. Apt'iy tU Ye.m M.le. I'hona A T'JTl ' '; 7-rinm bou. ij Mtselef-lPPl ave. n-hr.a bath. aie la t. ca t.-.clty. etc. Fruit tr an-I ararMn. jvej a corner r'o :. i r uT ra.'k ft-ronm roo.ern houae. f T ;;. e and fr" .lace; will lea., for y,ar erlor 'r!Vor V- ycaIITa(x.r "4. 4VI'lV refa-e. 4" .an Hafnel ' : ba r.. ' Mi.r.r. t il, nlcw row. Inquir. K. V 7: 1 '. N ' ; n r ... .me. r. .lie rooms, .on O.MOber I. -rt r AD l-.e for term, to t .t.. cir coni.il. jrr.'. HN 4-ro.im apartment, tlower rardeo. oi t W-W var to c;th. 11-S Francia ,,m,V furr.nhed 4-room rnotern cottaa yard. Arle'.a ttlon. 2 biock Mt. tM.-ott . o T m.v.. .i. V t' I-i t urnl.li.4 aroo.n home. lit. 'Jr I. t in ..tr: :i:y and oa'. wiiu. .1.-.-a od ne'iOJrho.xl. Phon. 4J 210. Jk'l'r' around. o-r.o"i houae; completely f-r.'-e.l. Tremor.t Matlon. four Moeaa from e.-.rlir.': rrt .7. I'f"i" F.i.t .. .7. 'ii- -lr. ri" 4-ro.m houe. walkm distanca. JrU-it l.'"h t.. furnar. and Oreplac; k.y 1 -1 P- k-jm bldrf. 4-I:i"M cailaa-. l;r.. tut 4f 17th; key ft atora. lOliKilN n -i'.h and 7-rcom hnui for rent A.o. Call B ' H9i. l-'OFt iCF.NT 1;7 Vonlaomery hou... r. nt J "- Main ll.'.i at., tj-room 2t.iE.Ar-. KtNT-.v. Ni;.V '..or. lla:n '.r.IAUaJ. ii TOR RFT o-rooro rnlern housa. 4t2 North .'. i t. aj-fiio'V modern houae. $22. Inquir. 611 ".eviand a".". ?' car. rurnUheo!; Hou- k l.nriM H'H K. hanrtonie'y furnlhel tnrwih'iit. fu'ir eii. pped with all cota semencea. at H-aly HiKit; nnei view In cltv; 1 ' boca from car.in.; lor er :i..rt-term Wae; rent creap. Whit ner-Ke lr i', 7u trrt . Pnontt Slain J A V" " lotl kKNT tU-r.K)!:: mo.l-rn hou.e. partly f irn."r'.e.i . pr.-h on 3 f -l-a - nreplacea. rn beat, iartte around?, line lira; will is., for l'i or 1 month: etoae In oa I at s. ie: r.-nt reasonable, tatrouc Y Co ttioi tur.i-.irj b'.lr. FI.I.-Fl'l:NISiIKt r.-roon cottatt-. -0 r'onth. anotnor. $17. -V'. furntahe! hou.e-k-'Virc .ui'.aa. - r.iom. $. $10.. f)3 n o.i'.ti. J. Ap; y :i''- North liKth, W. . ir frot'i u. pot. :.ili weat on Morrtaort to ;: h. r. .n k north. Kl riON.vl. i HANi'E-t) furnlJhed ro. m. hoi.-; nl. lobo: 2 ear. est fsle; all modern: rbcap renu 74iS ' rthrup t. iotKKN i-T'orrt c'.oiaae. well furnlahed. h piano am! sufTi.-ient ltuan; 10 per rrorr.. 411 'pald.-.c bl.!. W fT7.-Kl ' R N 1 li t: r modern ecx-rtotn npper r it. pirir porvb. Ilrapiace. piano. I hon K i.i l ft. AT. flee lar furnlsl-ed rooma or a-r iaKe hou k. epm r room to ault. Fro. prior.-, bath and i::.t. al at 3.''Q. jl a- Hui ! bou!-. nu'j'.ly all furnlhl. clo I". 1 block from carllna. 41 aV Ai: $Ji r;NIlrl-:t .".-room cottaite. 2 or a month. wuhou; i-ri dren. reference, cloa. In. Katl 6"l. 814 Haat Hurnlde. TOK S1KN T $ -. 5-rnotn furnlahel cottaso: ai and ec;r'.clty. I"7 V.rcoa ave.. J b iH-ki ao'jfh of Albor'.a at. 'l !-'NI ti:i bo-u I'arr:.-t t ro.ma. Fa.t Morrl A WnKlr.e. "50 Aler at. ii. .rr'.HN' K-rjo-n ftrr.:'ied houa. for rant. f.at Side. Phone Main ir'.Vfi:rnnura for rent or sale. Includtna; piano. $i; 4-roo-n h"W. 1 l. C' 7.1LT t ieil,il 5-room rottaaja. c!oaa In. irjoicil.i. 441 R. Ankeny. - v ' II K l burira:ow. new and modern. I-..". K. Kverett. f.-.one B 1 412 or Ett Jj-iSl. Hive f.r Kewt.1irximir foe 8w!e- i't'e'.NITX'l-K of a beautiful Nob II 1 It real, d-noe cod-.atina of mahojrany. lrcaian w.k r.ut. rol.t-n oik. tirtenuU and F.ru e ruaa. cl-in-a. silver, linen, plcturea and ormm-nli. 2-ear ! ott houae. Ad-!-. F -r-v re;onle a. t v'rl..N I Tl Krl irf rt-rn.-ra houae for aale cceap If taken at once; houae pent $10 a month. ".! between 7 and x .io. 7 klaat llta a . or rhoe.e Vae.lail l'.7"k. I'oit rent: prltat. aome; foraltore for aala: S Mocaa from Morrumn at 4VJ0 tiajmoa. ron- M-iin .I'M. i-K Of fumlahed Tat: beAt and clean; waK.ne; .1 into;. A i pi. from la A. l- to I' M M .rrt. n t. .'14 r.oue. yard, on ll'.h; f . troJDcut; ente $4.'... $ ood furnl- . down. r trrT.i Ma-na 1 A. yi' I. lTl'Kf'. of five roo-na ttr ale cbeap tf taaeri at once, -o liotlauay are. Flat for rent J.C4TI.T f-irniehe-l i-ro..rn fat for rent, fur n ture for aa a' M l Fhor k. 4112. Hammer Rewnrta. ia orvrTAO E at Ny. ow. r.ear Xearportj C'MPoSlTELT Fl'HN-uMiFU. T rtwni, for thw thre. xrontb or sewaam; prKa $"a. In-juj- $-3 1 eon bC he kinic "iRVIXOTON lOfTAOE." all rnodertl convenience laclulinc hot and cob, water, m e.-trlc liahta firep.are. ..-eptnc porch a-d open-.r ri'r.'r.a'.rooui: cooiplat.. f ar Jiiaia.l. price $J.'-. It. i. PALUKR-JONSS TO. 21J.21J Comm-rcvl tL.ub Kldf;. fr-one Ma n S-i-i. A I-Vi.:. uEAHAIi7 HtO-claas ten-rwm houae. TiUy T'ir n:lid. ho; water, e'ectr.c llchta. batb. tut. at. flreplare- tire hou- aouth of betel anl dlretlv frontlna on bach: has stabl. f.r horae or autom iJl e; wi.l rent for b! ance of oa. w Concord b..l. I'hona SIil-l 17S. E'.V CCL'NTCY CI. LB opea for member and aiockholdeea only. Leo W hlta. vocal tar and anier.aioar. Otaar attracUuoa ta fil'oe. J aUAKEL. COTTAOE Searlew. reaaooaal. ral-ea, ho re a cooking, (ovd, location. tun w. - i i snmmer Beeorta. 4-KOoM rOTTa'lE. SEASIDE. Furr:nd. In grove. tlock to beach, photoa at o'flca. Main or A 2778; raat. ii. or echar.te. Cii:.VllHABT t'OTTAf.E. overlooking txn. nicely furnlahed: bath. a-trlcl--. mod ern p'unu.r.. rhon. B 1S5S. or writ, a "41. ureronlan. yon r.F.SC 5rri. A complat.- lv farn:lied cottage on rldre. $75. M. . N. Vt'.larri Mllwaukle. fir. phone Black 51-. TkjR glXT i-room eottas. on th rldga at b- Vl-w. Wa.. 1100 for tha aoi. I'hone Tabor "$. or Eat 1411. $ThOOM modarii cottag" at Peailde until Aucuat 6 cheap: alao (-room cottaca lor aeaon. Tabor 1043. AT SEASIIE 4 room a. overlook ocean: alco- tnr litems pai-o. 1 1 . " :ratle. I'none .waranaii t'OR BENT Cottatra of fo'ir room at oen tervllle. Long Beach. Wash. Fhona Main 240. Call at 4.14 Market. CE.VTERVJLI.E. Iang Beach3 and S-rwm rott.il. furnlahed. 1 block ocean, 63 Will lama ava. taEVEN-ROOM lurnl.hed hnui. with fire plac, facing ocean, toeaview; rent lor V ... . . . . . . incut futy. t none ..iaiu COI-t MBIA 3d EACH lot. eloae to street gild atrand. t2Z0. til cash. 15 Pr Tnnnin. .i an j!f,0For 5-room furnlihad coltaco for aea- 1. . . k e.r.nteoa: cltv water: Boa Bl pfhiuo '" . . - - . - .... ...o t- .Bt ltttu. F.MALI, furnished houe at Long Beach. FOR RENT Furniaiied houa. Ocaan Park. Waahlr.a-ton. Phone Main 4134. Large yard. i'l'ilNI.IiEP 7-room cottaga on Shell road. poaai'te. an cn-i FOR SALE Pretty Seaside home. Writ uco tin.. . Minn. Kaat l.H'4. FIVE-r.Ot'M fiirriUhod rittt. Ixn( Beach. FOR RENT Houaekeepmg tenta near Colo nial Hotel. Ada Nelson. Eeaaida. Or. 6-T.OOii cotta. turr.'shed. Lone Beach. Mrs. R aumaarten. Main gl4. btore. FOR LEASE toreroom with good kitchen In connectiow; fine placa for flr.t-clas restaurant, near west end of Madlon-st. -Tinge. A. 11. Btrrell Co.. 202 McKay nioc. oa ana 111111 ' EEVERAL atores at east end Madlson-at. bridge. $2i to $4". according to alxe. In quire i 1 nawtnorne ae. RFT location on Base Llna road near entl 1 . . ........lit. at. " '1 Or.ro- - n 1 111.. w. ... .. . . n'.in. . GHOIIXD atore. for raut. chaap. Yin- hJIL STORE, good location, big payroll. The E. ii. 4 iaiy Co., 24$ Alderat. Main 24. 8B PTARK. near Slh. Owrer. 80 Columbia bldg . West Park and Washington. Office. MOJT"iTVfKAl.LT LOCATED OTT1CK. AI.L-N'iOIlT ELEVATOR SERVIC'c: fcPEi-lAA. TNDl'EMENTP ON YEARLY LEASE. 80a SWE1I.AND BUILLlNO. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON. OFFICES FOR RENT. Ill to $-5. MSRCTANTS TRl ST Bl 1L1HNG. OFFICE3 for rent. 20xla. second floor: Ideal for tailor. $:&. l)r. liadiund, J.'. W. cor. th and Oak. FOl'R good-aize4 offices, good light and ventilation, at $'30 per month, at 12 Mor Tlvon It DE-K room and phone. T per month. 614 M-Kay bldg.. cite. UESIKABLB OFFICES. MANCHESTER BLIP.. 5TH FT.. BET. STARK AND OAK. DESK apaeea $5 and $7 & per month; phone free- bl;. Iluchax.an bldg lSksK-room-toHrent.-$fS" per month, two ohonea 412 chnmber ConJrier- bldg FOR RENT Large Mat-top de.it and deak room. !'. 1 rjininer "i - v... - Mlrellaneaaa. FOH RENT Phoeshlna stand. Ca.ll el is Sd at. TO I.EASti. liOTKl. Fl'LToN. modern, to lease. $.15 p.r month. C. II. Plggott. owner. I42s 2d at. P.om 24. t Br.siNKas orroRTt NiTiKS. FOR HALE New roomlng-housa of rooms. In Btrlctly up-to-date, brand new building, brand naw furniture, larpe!.. 1 draixrlea etc.; rooma hava hot and cold running water, steam heat, .tc .Vet quickly If you are, aeeklng an Investment. Coma In and Inveatlgate thla proportion. X. U vurta A fiona, 171 lat at. HOTEL. FOR SALE. Hotal Fairmont. Aberdeen. Wall., la for sale; atrlct y modern and flrt-claas: rooma and &0 hatha; tha only fireproof hotel In the city: hot and cold water and phone In each room; new building; hotel baa been operat.d six month: good pat ronage; rata and bar In connection; long leaae. Inter.-sted prtlea will apply t owner. U. V. Snyder. Aberdeen, w ah. WANTED Honeat man that can furnlah refervncea aa partner In solid cash busi ness that has been established ; owner can t handle all the huaineea alone; la re aponelble and will pay you salary loa monthly and will ahow you that tha busi tiea Is paving and getting hotter every dav. Room IZi Lumber Ki'-hinita DO TOU WANT TO SELLT If you want to aall your business, or want a partner In your buslnaas. call and let ma talk It over with you. I hava buyers waiting to get a good paying business. W. Lawrence. 815 Lumbar Ex change bldg. Both phones. BETTER- YOURCONDITIONS. "Buy one of our ten-acre farms. ONLY ilfe" an acre: level, cleared and In clover: IJ.'.O cosh, ba-anoe In four years at 6 pex cent; raie potatoes, get rich and ha happy. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO.. Room M9. Oregonlan Bldg. MEAT MARKET. Located In tha heart of the East Sine, fixture almoet new. sales VK per day. will -aciince $-4o0 It taken taea week: nr 4101NI; beat reason for selling. Phone Tabor Me or sea Harry Crawford. 10x1 rlawthorn. are. 6ACRIFICB. Clirar stand, one of finest locations In rort and. on Weat Side; must sell before WednaaOay night. Call A M FRIO AN TRl'ST CO.. 21a Chamber off Commerce. Main 7471. 1""N'T BV"Y UNTIL YOU SEE l't3. We have tha beat list of CMARS an CONFE'TTIONERY r-TORES. OKOCEHY tJTORES. MEAT MARKETS, DELICAIES-f-KNS and ROOMINtl-tlOL'SES In the city sod reiectfully Invite you to Investigate, HLOCII REALTY 4'Q.. 206 Abler St. REST Al' R A NT and confectionery In suburb, doing between $o and loo worth ot b'i:nea per week and getting better; owner ick and muat get nut; rent $15 with two year a' leaae; $.175. ";.-. caah, reet to suit; no agenta. 14 2M. Oregonlan. WANTED-Young or tnlddla-aged man aa partner In a good-paying small business; buelnesa will stand Investigation: Invest, meat of $400 required, call between 8.30 and K P. M. Mr. Shlnnera. IM alantaron. ary St. VE bava an apartment leaaa end furniture for quick sala that la now making large profits: close In. on tha Weat Bide; I2UU0 cash will handle. JOHNSTON. BOTHFT7R TYF3TON. ' Chamber of Commerce. Main epoT. $iS" TAKKS Wsshln.ton-straet restaurant; now cl.arlng $1 per dav and can be In -creaaed. rent $4. Including two furnished r .on- .rd torerooati; wia seat (o. Call ?7 Stark at, t WILL you build a 3-story. lO-room building f..r m.; 1 hae an eetabilehed bualneaa. will take a long lease and pay $lo0 to $?o5 p.r month. JOHNSTON. B OT H FT R YVEPTON. P'4 Chamber of Commerce. Main f17. FoR SALE One of the beat market In tha Willamette Valley; about go miles from Portland: dotng a good buaioeea: oa ac count of partr-r going to Alaska. Call Independent Market. 110 1st st. MONTAVILLA BARGAIN. Lot 4al25 feet. 2 b.ocka to carllne: -lce onlv 1425. 0rr. ki.. 61 "4th V .'orth, I'hone Tabvr 22H. ACT' aIoP-lLE bu-tliieaa: want reliable part ner: prof'ta large; require very little money. Call 24- Stark at. SPF:C1AL 2iu caaB will aecurw a t uatne that will pay you $ 100 month above ail erpenaea. Call 2S P'axk St. MOVIN'.J PITl"RE theater for sale cheap. Pacrtc Fl'm Co.. 404 P.othchlld bldg. Blt-INE.-S aacrlf. ca: owner leaVng city: lljoo stock. Invoice price cut In two. Call t'olay.' lei Grand eave. F"K SALE Small grocery; anaa IX taken at once. 1271 I'nlon ave. CoyMlr-r-'ON business: hav. opening for ofrio. rran. Call 2u. Ptark si. FOR SALE Fruit and confectionery stand. Inquire J-o 5d St. ML'ST go today. H Interest In real eatate orII-e at a sactirce. Call "7Bterk st. PAYINI manufacturing plant. $-Vmo: net p-oia sjji per month. i Oregortian. bTOi'Kb of merchandise bought fa;r cash; strictly conCdenUal. YYaaton, 4ll 2d sU THE MORNING . .. ..k-f .- i , i , iir i'i k it iiiinn. c ' - i ARE YOU A FAI ESMAN? THEN THIS IS V(JI'K CHANCE. An Oreaon concern, owning the finest locatiou In Oregon for a h.-aith resort with mineral sprlnas of tested value, will sell part of Ita atock to erect modern hotel and sanitarium; proposition will tend closest scrutiny; big men Interested; our plan of reaching the public will In terest high-class bu.-inc-getters; no oth ers wsnted. See Mr. laviaon at 1020 chamber of Commerce bldg. PLANINfJ MILL and factory for .ale: net .10 per cent; new two-story building blrx luo. two stories, well lighted. weil equipped with modern woodworking ma chliierv: large, exclualvo territory, in the beat farming county in the I nTted States. In prosperous town; III health reason for selling; will bear the closest Investiga tion ; price $27.Uo. A I. 244. llreronian. "COMB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Agents wanted In Paclflo Northwest. Paclfio Mutual Llfa, 43 years old. 22 millions aasrts. Wa loan money. U.I U. Ward. Mgr., Tin Spalding bldg. GREAT BUY FOR 000. Think of thla. 14 acroa. all In cultiva tion, with fine J-story houe. with fire place: fine outbuildings; 300 It. from high school: 1 block 4m eleotrlo carllne sta tion; S blocks to 7 atores; close to Port la ad. C. 1- Bamberger, room a Lumber mens bldg. . GENERAL HARDWARE, paint and Imple ment business for sale In new Northern California town. Eight sawrrftila tributary, new box factory Just completed, big ranch trade. Invoice $12,000. Will aell for two thards cash, balance terms. Good reaaona for selling. AV 225. Oregonlan. YOUSO MAN, PTRANGBR. Make careful Investigation at expense of seller before you Invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department, Y. M. C. A. , WANTED Energetic, clean-cut young jna" with $20t caah as partner in a fine busi ness to act ns caanler. etc.; can cloar from -'5 to elii week. Inquire elT Board of Tra.le. ' PARTNER wanted In a small bustneas; $450 required. Thla Is a aplendld chance for a good man: present owner wants to Increase the business and needa holp to manage office. H 2.V., Oregonlan. DENTIST'S OFFICE. Complete office and Instruments: prac tice last vear netted $3800; good town; no other district; settlement of estate. $50O. 11 ALL 4fc C.l'STIN. oil Lumberniens bldg. OPPORTUNITY' to buy an Interest In a aolld firm, handling real estate. Insurance and loans, etc Full particulate at 417 Board of Trade. CIOAR STANDS. Two on Washington St., $!50 and $050: another on 6tu St.; -0o. These are all good buys. IIALI, A OfSTIN. 811 Lumbermen bldg. WANTED Partner In a modern rooming house In fine location with lease; doing good business: one preferred who Is capable, of attending to business In my absence. J 2i1o. Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE1 man with 7 years' all-around experience In the business, would Invest $".10 and services In paying automobile business, any place In West. P. C Box 2P2. Portland. HALF Intereet In an old-established busi ness, doing a good buslneaa. For full par ticulars call Kinney A Stampher. Lumbar Exchange bldg.. rooms 5:41-32. - CLEANING and tailoring establishment, best locality, doing good business: If you are looking for something good, don't waste your time; 1: means mouiy to you. O ."S, Oregonlan GROCERY STORE. Weat Bide. Rent $2S. Trade 10 a day. all caah sales; no tloil try; will Invoice about $rw0. II ALL tUSTIN. MY I.nmbermens bldg. FOR eAl.K Modern house, 00 rooms, with lease; low rent; central; doing good busl neaa: will sell very cheap to right party If taken at once; will give tar me, owner sick. AM So. Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY tore. pool table In the rear; fine living-rooms upstairs rented; best location In Alberta, al Vernon ave. Woodlawn 2107. , FOR SALE Restaurant and fixture, doing good business, cheap account alckness: V cash, balance trade or time. 110 West 4th sr.. Vancouver. Wftfh. LAUNDRY FOR SALE. A well-equipped plant, with or without building and lot. In good town, wh-re the business can be largely lncreaaed. 71- Rothchlld bldg. CONFECTIONERY PNAP. 20 rooms. Income over rent. $50 per monthl aales a0 a day; can make $25u a month. - , . . . . . HALL cn'STTy. Wit T.tim hermerig nldg. WI BUY etocks of merchandise and have good property ancT cash to offer for same; all communications confidential. AT 250, Oregonlan. ; Gl'iAR and confectionery doing good busl neaa: one of the best locations in city. Call to 11 or S to 4. room 1417 Henry bliig. KM ALL cash store business that ought to pay at leaat $1K0 monthly as partners; It doesn't require but smnll investment- rtoom e-. ijuiii"-' ..... OID-WTABUfHED Jobbing and manufac turing business: excellent Coast and city trade: will Invoice about $4000. .! 2.s. Oregonlan. WANTED. Hotel man, building under construction, will finish to please tenant, reasonable rent. J. W. Crbler. Dallaa, Or. rort wciicn. J Market and Ice plant; on account of iaagreement of partners; Investigate. A V 2s. oniuiii"ii. TPIacer nropertv. worked bv hydraullo or dredged Addre- J. O. Day. Olalla, 1 iregou. FOR SALE Poolroom, flolng a No. 1 business- 5 veers' lease; $lil0. part caah and rest per cent. Look this up. Phone Ta bor 245. ON account of poor health will sell lease or-trade for Improved farm property my hotel of 42 rooms. Address box 104. Sher man, vr. PICTLKK itir-Alcn. Good town, close to Portland; rent $25; every'thlng newt no competition: 5o0. HALL tlUSTIN. all Lumbormena bldg. MOVING PIi'TURE THEATERS. Equipped on easy terms. NO CHARGB for LOCATIONS. New Tor Film Ex change. SJSVi Washington, near 17th. SPLENDID opportunity for a good 'business man with a few thousand and services. In vestment secured by realty. N 2J$. Ore gonian. WILL sell half Intereat In a good paying mercantile business, located In the heart of the city; small capital required. D 251. Oregonlan. BJrINF.D lady or man and wife can have ten furnished rooma two kitchens, two bathroom; rent $80; Income $140. O 42. Oregonlan. VOH 'ALE Good, paying saloon at The a., V. .t.rn Oreaon Ttrewln Co.. The Dalles. Or. CLEANING and dyeing works; good busl neaa. good location: good reasons for . ... .....In Dhftn Wain KAi7 Bel 1 1 n x o .pi..... . BARBER SHOP, takes In $50 a week; long leaae; fine location; will sell or rent. 24 1 HH111111 .l. GROCERY STORE, doing a strictly caah . 1 fn- .ma tunc tirlca f 2500. gjl. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted to help la store; owner . montk- MnnlrH email '7.t, 7;v. RESTAURANT, doing good business, for sale cheap. Owner has other business to at. tend to. y?7 WANTED A partner In good buslne.s, .W required, best bank referencea; will double money. AO If"1. Oregonlan. pATINO mill: partner wanted; have plen ty business; tired of depending on hired h el p. Call 241. Stark at. PARTNER for restaurant, to take charge of dining-room and look nfler the caah: price $oV. ' all 27d Stark St. VANTEP Partnvr to take ha'f Interest In cleaning and press'nr parlors; experience unnecessary. Main R2cVtl. 1 WANT to buy a ch.ap restaurant: what have you: no agenta. Call room 1$ Ant lers Hotel. EXCEPTIONALLY fine moving picture show for .ale. $& cash. T !5. Ore- gonlan. W'lIL sou HS sharea slock In Hudson Ice Machine Company. Portland, cheap. AV 2.4W. Oregonlan. GOOD bakery In nearby town, doing $3000 buslnes. for al. cheap If taken eoon. 8 2"2. Oregonlan FoR SALE Bakery, on East Side, clears ;. a day: rent $.10 a month: S year a' l,r. living-room. Tabor 14VJ. ONE of best grocerr stores In city, good 'location, rent only $10. Invoice about $700. Call '.7d Stark st. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and .old. Fletcher Inv. "0.. 2115 Ablngtoa. A SWELL S-rhalr barber shop, very cheap, or will trade for a lot In Portland. 250 3d st. ; FOR SALE Boise art store; paying busi ness In good location. Address Wardell Carnlne Realty Co.. Boise. Idaho. WANTED Partner with I40D for moving picture ahow at FOIMflR RESORT. See Newman. : Waehlcgloa. car 17th, PRECOX AX. TUESDAY. IjPLT 11. 1911 ami BUSINESS cards. $1.00; you must bring thla ad. Rose City Printery. lB2le Third. ROOMING HOUSES. $.-GO CASH. ' Owner leaving oity. will sacrifice beau tiful furniture of n-room. modern home, close In. The furniture Is all new, con stating of velvet carpets. Axmlnster rugs, brass and Iron beda, blrdaeye maple, mla sion and solid oak furniture. House la full of roomers; owner resarvea three rooms and cleared $75 a rnocta. If you want this bargain, call early Monday. Western Inveatmsnt Co., ell Board of Trade, THE PACIFIC REALTT CO.. HOTELS, ROOMING-HOUSES, APARTMENT-HOUSES. REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES. Phone Main S560. A $475. S22-4 Falling bldg.. 8d and Wash. Portland's ''LEADING HOTEL BROKER" 22-ROOM apartment-houe at a acrince for quick sale: new furniture, $500 will handle. Inquire 1S8 13th at. Main 6.441; no agents. . SNAP Furniture of 8-room house, full of roomers, housekeeping; price $828. SOT Harrison. 11-ROOM house on Lownsdale. near Mor rison; flrsi-clas furniture, fireplace, yard; only $775, ejyternja.Majsh-Il 803. 65 ROOMS, $50 rent, price $4500, terms and leaae; money-maker, of course; better hurry. 712 Kothchlid blag. 60-ROOM strictly up-to-date hotel on Wash, st.. for only $30fl. $2750 cash, terms; de tails. Marshall 863. . LOST AND FOUND. LOST On 8d and Alder, Monday evening. Waltham watch with chain. 2 opals, 1 pearl, 1 ruby, between 4:110 and 5:30. Re turn. 8SI East 1st North. Reward. , LOST Silver-handled umbrella with en graved Initials on top. Finder will re ceive $2 reward by returning same to 1128 Board of Trade bldg. LOST Diamond cluster pin. near Knott and Williams ave.; gift from mother; return 55m WlUUims ave. Phone East 1220; finder will be very liberally rewarded. LOST Blaok satin cardrase, live ke at tached to key ring aide. Return to Mlsa Reese, care Portland Commorclal Club, re ceive reward. , LOST In Westmoreland. Jersey cow. brown ish yellow, dehorned, with dark head. Reward. Phono SeHwood 800. LOST Gold watch and fob, Elgin, between K. 20th and 22d. or on Mt. Tabor car; toward. Call East 35. FOUND Seal ring, on Slavln road; owner can nave same by proving pruueny paying for this ad. Phone East 4015. LOST Gold breastpin, letter H Inlaid In Plane, rtewara 11 reiurnou to mil. . Menefee, 421 Rodney ave. Phone E. S55. LOST Check issued by Home Tel. Co. to Miss Mabel Shannon. Return to Home Tel. Co. LOST A pull bracelet; reward. Return 171 4th t. LOST Black and white Japanese spaniel; finder phone Marshall 2.V'9. ' SPF.CL4.L NOTICES. Miscellaneous. IX THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE t-NITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In the matter of 8. F. W errlck.. bankrupt. The undersigned will receive- sealed -tetde at hla offic. No; 7 . let St.. room 8, Portland. Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Wednesday, July 19. 1911, for the following personal property be longing to said tat ate. namely: A atook of tnerchandiae consisting of hardware, building material, patnte. flour and feed of the total Inventory value of $18o7.33, and a lot of store fixtures of the Inven tory value of $S1.T5. located at North Plains, or.: also a stock of similar char acter of the Inventory value of $1587.12. and a lot of store fixturee of the Inventory value of $111. located at Hlllsboro, Or. Bids will be received for both of said stocks, together or aeparately. and cash or a oertuled check for 1 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each hid. This sale la made subject to con firmation by the ooui t, and the right la reserved to reject any and all bids. In ventories are on file at the office of the undersianed. and the property may be inspected upon application at .aid office, R. L. SABIN. Trustee, Dated. Portlnnd, Or.. July iun. WANTED Bids on clearing so acrea of acrub oak land at Mosler. Oregon. For particulars see W. Nellson. a02 Henry bldg.. Portland. CREDITORS ate hereby notified that the Wm. Flshbeck and John Tillman haa been cliBsolved this loth day of July. J.91L Signed Wm. Flshbeck. jPropols Invite. BIDS FOR THE PLUMBING OF NURSES HOME Sealed bids will be received at the office of Bridges A Webber. 423 Ham ilton building. Portland. Oregon, until 10 A. M. Wednesday. July 1. 111, for the plumbing work of Nurses' Home, being erected on Multnomah Hospital ground at Second and Porter streets, Portland. Ore gon. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the architects. No proposals will be considered unless accom panied by a check: payable to the order of the County Court of Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggre gate proposal, and tills check la to be for feited as fixed and liquidated damages In case the bidder neglects or refuses to en ter Into contract and to furnish a suitable bond for Uie faithful performance of the said work. In the event the contract ia awarded to him. The right is expressly reserved to reject any and all bids re ceived. T. J. Cleeton. County Judge. W. L. Lightner, County Commissioner. D. V. Hart. County Commissioner ' CALL FOR BIDS. Notice 1 hereby given that the City Recorder will receive bids for the con struction of the Union-street sewer, ac cording to the maps, plans and specifi cations adopted for said sewer, and on file at the office of the City Recorder, In the City of Salem, Oregon, up to o o'clock P. M. on the 17th day of July. 1911, on which day the Common Council will, at or about 8 o'clock P. M.. pro ceed to open and examine said bide. Bids must be submitted on forms as required by the City Engineer and a cer tified check for the amount of 6 per cent upon the full amount- of each bid must accompany the same, made payable to the alayor of the City of Salem. Oregon. The Council reserve the right to reject any or all bids and right to waive formal defects In the submission thereof. CHAS. F. ELGIN. City Recorder. SEALED bids will be received at the offloe of the undersigned, 402 Tllford bldg.. Port land. Or., until 5 P. M.. July 18. lull, for additions to Olencoe and New Mount Ta bor cliool buildings. Bids will be re ceived separately on the following sub divisions of each building: Plumbing and drainage; glaae and glaxlug; general construction. All to be In accordance with plans and specifications of Architect T. J. Jonea, copies of which may be ob tained at his office. 4"0 Tllford bldg.. Portland, Or. Certified checks for 10 par cent of the amount of the bid, payable to R. H. Thomaa, School clerk, must ac company each proposaL Board of direc tors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk, Julv S, 1911, Portland. Or. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned. 402 Tllford bldg.. un til 5 P. M.. July 20. 19O0, for standplpea to be Installed In the Atkinson, Olencoe, Hawthorne. Holladay, Holman, Ladd. Irv lngton. Ockley Green, Shaver and Thomp aon school buildings. All to be done In accordance wltb plans and specifications of Architect T. J. Jones, copies of which may be obtained at hla office. 400 Tllford bldg.. City. Certified checks for 10 per rent of the amount of bid. payable to R H. Thomaa. School Clerk, must accom pany each proposal. Board of dlreotora reserves the right to reject any and all blda. R. H. THOMAS. School Clark. July 8. 1911. Portland. Or. 6EALED blda will be received at the office of undersigned, 402 Tllford bldg., Port land. Or.. July 20. lull, until 6 P. M.. for manual training buildings to be con structed at the Creaton, New Mt. Tabor and Woodstock schools. Bids will be re ceived on all Items, separately, and are to be In accordance with plans and speci fications of Architect T. J. Jonea, 400 Tll ford bldg.. City. Certified checks, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, for 10 per cent of the amount of each proposal, must accompany blda R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. July C, 1911. Portland. Or. I WILL receive sealed blda for a atock ' of merchandise located at Benton City, Wash., up to 12 o'clock noon of July 17, 1911. Stock consists of groceries, dry goous. hats, shoes, paints and oils and hardware and Inventories $3o..S3; also fixtures amounting to $,"62. 10. Tirml cash and certified check for 10 per cent of amount offer-d muat accompany each bid. R.ght is reserved to reject any and all bid. Inventory may be s.en at my cfiee and slock Inspected at Benton Ciiy. Wash. R. L. SABIN, T First St,. Room $. Dated Portland. Or.. July T. 1911. SEALED proposals will be received by the State Board of Control. Olyrop!, until 1 P. M.. July 24. 1011. for construction of a power-house and Installation of a power and heating plant at Washington Vet erans' Home. Port Orchard. Plans, speci fications and details at office of Bullard Hill, archltecta. Provident building. Ta coma. the Brown Company. Engineers. Kpler block. Seattle. Slate Board ( Cone tioL, Olympla, July , 1914. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals will be received by the State Board of Control until 1 P. M., July 24. 1811. for construction of an adminis tration building at Northern Hospital for Insane. Sedro-WooUey. Wash- Plans, specifications and details at office of archltecta Saunders A Law ton. 1319 Alaska building, Seattle. Extra seta of ?lane may be obtained for the architects or use during- the entire time of prepar ing blda. for tha eum of $. plans to be returned with bids. State Board of Con trol. Olympla, July 5. 191L FINANCIAL. THE GILBERT CO., FINANCIAL AGENTS. Room 807 Stearns bldg., oth and Marrlson. Portland. Or. purchase notes secured by mortgage. Unsecured notes If principal and In doraers are acceptable. Interest-bearing bank time certificates of deposit. Interest-bearing saving, accounts. Parties wishing to sell securities aa de scribed above are requested to correspond with us or call In person at our office. 115.000 WANTED, close-in real estate se curity; mortgage muat contain a releagure clause. Address D 239. Oregonlan. IF you have $2000 and will back your Judg ment with it I will put In a like amount and treble the whole amount in a year buying land and selling In small tracts. It takes the cash and ia as sure as taxes. O 21. Oregonlan. . CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contracts of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon, u E. Noble, H-4Lumbe,rmcns bldg. FIRST and second mortgage, and contract, purchased on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington, E. - Devereaux, 1002-3 Spalding pipe. WILL pay highest casn value for your installment contract, or take second mort gages If protected bv liberal margins. Call 608 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. WILL .ell BO .hare, of stock In local Insur ance company at sacrifice; stock -now sell ing $200 a snare, aj iu. orenuni. $650 MTG. FOR SALE liberal discount. C. L. Bamberger, room 2, Lumbermen. Ding OWNER want, to sell first-class monthly fiayment real estate contracts. 8 per cent, iberal discount. V 255. Oregonlan. H. P BARNHART. investments and house building. 705 Couch bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 8 per cent. San ford. Henley Walte. 418 Spalding bldg. Money to Loan Ken! Estate. TO LOAN for three or five years. 7 per cent. $1000, $lsno. $2000.- $3500, $5000. or for one year $5000. on Improved city or farm property: for any of these amount apply to Goodseli Brothers. 4113 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 8427. MORTGAGE LOANS. On Portland real estate I. our pe elalty; 6 to 8 per cent. See Mr. Hiatt with CHAS. RINGLER CO.. ' 211 Lewi. Bldg. HAVE $12,000 to loan on Improved Port land realty In one sum or will divide In two or three loans. L 256. Oregonlan, ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 8 to 8 year." time; liberal rep.yment .privilege.; money advanced aa building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings Loan Association. 240 Stark st. MORTGAGE LOANS. On Portland real estate la our spe cialty; 6 to 8 per cent. See Mr. Hlatt with CHAS. RINGLER CO.. 211 Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. GOTJDET. Lewi. Building. 14 ACRES of Hood River land, valued at $200 an acre, to trade for flrat mortgages; will trade part or whole. Call 602, Beck bldg. , WE HAVE plenty or money to loan on n . 1 j In -iima tram SIOOO to Xoriimiu v 1 ... j - -- . $50,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan; Flledner Boyce. 608-508 ADlngton oiug. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 1 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MAIL, 104 Second st. $500 000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loana at lowest prices; large loan, a specialty. J. H. McKenxie $1500 TO loan on city property; thla Is pri vate money and I desire to do business direct with borrower. See attorney. 414 frpaltllng bias. I HAVE $2000 to loan on Improved city properly: expense of examining titles, etc., must be borne by borrower. 414 Spalding bldg. WILL finance construction of good bldg. on proper site up to 75 per cent of valua tion: $20,000 up. See me at 430 Worces ter bldg. . MORTGAGE LOANS Interest 5 to 8 per cent. Frank Porter, 804 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO-, 317 Worcester Bldg. GILT-EDGE mortgage for sale. $650; will discount same. David Lewis, room 2, Lumbermens bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes. Columbia Life & Trust Company, 916 Spalding bldg. NOTES, mortgages and bond securities purJ chased. J. -rank sorter, sua t-namoer of Commerce. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building, loans, contracts and mortgage. Koo.ht w. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. PRIVATE funds to loan, any amount; term, reasonable: mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE loan, on city property; lowest rat.. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 262 McKay bldg.. 2d and Stark. MONEY loaned without brokerage IX we build, current rates. I R, Bailey Co., 324 Ablngton bldg. $200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates, w. Q. Beck, 312 Falling bldg. llF.nf. 2000. $10,000 TO LOAN. B. C. EASTON. 202 BOARD OF TRADE. I WANT to loan $2000 at 8 per oent on real a.'tn Worceater bids'. WANT to loan $10,000 on good realty, city or country. J 258. Oregonlan. $10 0OO OR $20,000 TO LOAN on inside real estate. 42S Mohawk bldg. $12 voo OR part to uoan at 7 per cent on ciose-ln property. Main 2018. SEVERAL sums to loan. $100 to $500; 1 year or less 906 Spalding bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gagea. A. H. Mlley. R. 204, Gerllnger bldg. WILL loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farrlngton. 414 Commercial Club bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat- eral security. C. W. Pallett. 808-9 Fenton. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS, 8 LEWIS BLDG. SPECIAL 3d-mortgage real estate loan, on monthly payments. Room 812 Hamilton. State fund. loaned6 per cent- wT" EThom as. state agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C. of G. t HAVE money to build you a home. H, P. BARNHART. 705 Conch bldg. LOWEST rate., loans from $100 up. Union Brokerage Co., 613 Ablngton bldg.. 106ft 3d M ONEY. any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Goodk 1. a. C.lt. CIO kn.Mln. hlHv noua'i . . y MONEY for good Inside loans. 6, 7, 8, Csrlock ex Muellhaupt. 1032 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. $10 000 or part to loan on Improved real estate. W. L. Page. 107 Sherlock bldg. HAVE $2000 to $10,000 to loan. Address me. P 255. Oregonlan. $10 000 OR part to loan on Improved real estate. W. L. Page. 1Q7 Sherlock bldg. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. WE LOAN MONEY. LOW RATES. QUICK LOANS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ANY AMOUNT. FROM $10 UP. On furniture, pianos, storage receipt., livestock, diamonds and all other kind, of personal property; payment, arranged weekly or monthly to ault your conven ience: courteous treatment to all; private offices and all business strictly conflden- Wal" GRAT CUNNINGHAM, 901-3 Rothchild bldg., 2b7Vs Washington Between 4th and gth sts. MONEY ADVANCED on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc. Lowest rates. BUTTON CREDIT CCX. . $07 Spalding bldg. i $ i I $ $ i i i i DO YOU NEED MONEY? We will furnish you. strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan In any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all kind, of .ecurltl.; on term, to suit; also week ly or monthly p.yments. WE BUY AND LOAN on first and second real estate mortgage, and contracts. U S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton bldg. 131 3d. Main 20S4. $$$$$$$$($ 1LAJ A.. O on uauivuu, u. w.u, n.uiiuca Wm, Holl. room 9, Washington bids. Money to Loan Chattel, and Salaries. MONEY FOR VACATIONS. aiu ly 91UO. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10 repaid In installments of $0.45 $20 repaid In installments of 0.90 $50 repaid In installments of 2.00 LARGER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. All we require i that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, indorser or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CO. 808 Falling Bldg. , MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security ; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want it, and pay as you can. Office. In all principal clue. D. H. Tol man. 817 Lumber Exchange. LOWEST RATES Loan, on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Bro kerage CO.. 011 AOlIlbl-Oii woa.. " A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan co.. in jeum LOW rate.; we ioan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx at jaiocn. 1 - qq ... MONEY loaned on diamond, and Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141tt 3d. near Alder. Loana Wanted. . WE HANDLE your money in amounts,,rom. $200 and up. We never loan over 40 per cent of the value of real estate and give you the best first mortgage loans In tno market. We are responsible. Western be-..-i,i rn.nn.nv aia Snaldina- bldg. WANTED From private party, $18 $2000. on beautiful home worth double amount; will pay 8 per cent and ex penses, but no brokerage. W 252. Ore gonlan. ll 1 1 1 IV -- 1 ' ' " " Wanted. $7000, three to five years, on elose-ln property, worth $22,500. at 7 per cent. Prefer to deal with private party- A24 2t0, uregonian. WANTED To borrow $1500. first mortgage, real eatate security, value $4500, interest 7 per cent; no commission. V 257, Ore gonlan. WILL pay-10 per cent for $1000 on 40 acres unimproved Hood River apple land. 2te miles from railroad; value $200 per acre. G 257. Oregonian , WANTED A loan $SO00, 7 per cent. 6 years, real estate .ecurlty. Addres. AV 237, Ore gonlan. WANT loan of $1600 on house worth $M50O; will pay 8 per cent. Phone owner. Tabor 7041, evenings. WANT $1750. 3 years. 7 per cent. Income property, E. 7th, near Burnslde. C. L. Bamberger, room 2, Lumbermens bldg. WANTED $B00-$lO00, by client on timber lan3; ample security; 8 per cent. Seo Johnson, 04 Chamber ot commerce. WILL pay 10 per cent for the use of $5O0O on first mortgage. A No. 1 out-of-town property. . ..x -1. mcdumai. WANT $1500. 3 years, at 8 percent; home wonn o.ri". rnpna xauvi ' - WANT JlbOO on house worth J3SO0; will pay S per cent. T 257, Oregonlan. LET us place your money, good mortgages, . references. F. H. Lewis, 3 Lewis bldg. PERSON AX. WE HAVE the finest equipped private of fices on the' Pacific Coast, furnished with every therapeutic appliance used by the most advanced men In Europe and Amer ica. We use no drugs, we never operate. We have something better. We use every form of massage and adjustfhent and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens, X-rays, static, coils, violet lights and ultra violet rays. High-frequency, orone, sinusoidal, helios, solar, giant and King lights. We are the only physicians on the Pacific Coast using radium to treat patients. Come and be examined free and see our offices. We . have been in Portland over five year, and treated thousand, of patients and never had a death. .... We take no contagious or Infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of tha office to treat patients. We can CURE, do cure and have cured thousands of so-called "Incurables'' and nervous wrecks. In vestigate for yoursolf. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Rothchild bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath. , . HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR 500 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES 82-INCH SWITCHES $4.95 80-INCH SWITCHES $4.45 2f;CH SWITCHES $3 85 26-INCH SWITCHES -A. 24-LNCH SWITCHES $L85 60t $4.00. $5.00 AND $6.00 PUFFS REDUCED TO $L45. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length. Prices Just half. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 to 412 Dekum bldg., over Lip man & Wolfe's. 8d and Washington sis. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfora graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician', direc--tlon.; bathB, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 260. B 1803. FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee maker.: finest Block of human hair goods, halrdres.ing. maaicurlng, lace ana scan) ireniiinuis, in 7th St., near Morrison. Phone Main 546. MRS. Stevens. 16 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy." on .ale at 843 hi Yamhill, corner nureiiiii ai. HKS Try S. O. tablet, for debility from any cause; price $1, any address; money returned if it falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., 24ox Morrison ai. MEN that are weak, nervous and run down, write for Vito-Vlgor. Information free. Results guaranteed. Vlto-Vlgor Co 224ft -. - u.ia.H 1 1 r Lin, a. a. 1 1 . -i ... Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 802 Merchant Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. Phone Main 4047. DRESS suits for rent, $1.50 month: keep your clothe, cleaned. pressed, button. . . . , . . attcoi tTX-n deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark. ' n 1 l.l..' f.lln. J. HARKlb. tne mi-iu formerly Fifth and Alder, has removed to Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington. ITlCeS reUUCeu. 01 om - - tiR WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blooa and skin ailments, kidney and bladder trouble, and piles. Consultation free. aai. .lai pl. j q ......... 'Tss LEWIS. late of San Francisco, treats baldness and diseased scalp. 40a i 1 . 1 v. ' ' ' ... . ' :" Switch. 85c; curl, and puffs. 7c. Sanl- !.. .Oil r Lri.m Hl4i, tary ijeauty x-aimi.. .-a. LADIES If In need ot con i laen.iai auvice. consult Dr. Pierce; no charges. Call or write. 245 Juornsoii ai nr Martin Braun, surgeon chiropodist from the Imperial University Hospital, Vienna. Austria. 208 Rotticnna Diag. fa. ,ain pool. LADIES Loren. antiseptic cones are sooth ing safe and sure; $1 per box. Stipe Tay lor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st. IORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality, 25c box; 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe Taylor urux i.u.. j-j WE have room for ladles to learn the com- plete art 01 duu P'i"' " 891ft Stark-t. Main 1290. MME. Courtright. feature and skin special ist Parkhurst Apts.. 20th and Northrup, Apartment P. - Main 5042. BALDNESS and diseased scalps cured at Sweeney's. 891ft Stark st. Main 1290. BABY boy. 6 weeks, for adoption. Room 410 Parsons HWjtjjeargalmon. HAIRDRESSING lor ladles, expert attend ants. Sweeney1., 891ft Stark st. Main 1290. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. DHill. 429 Flledner bldg. Main 84i3. ALM OF FIGS Remedies for disease, ot women. 632 Davis st. Main 9215. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Account nt. COLLIS. BERRIDGB A THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. Commercial, County and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Sytematixln. 324 Worcester block. Phone Main 4667. Architects. F A SWINGLE A CO.. architects and superintendents- See us about your bullying project. 303 McKay bldg. Assayer and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 180 Morrison St. Wells A ProebsteL mining engineers, cue i lsts and asaayers. 204 ft Washington. Asaayers. F. A. SENNET, gold, .liver and platinum refiner, assayer and chemist. Sd floor, 142 ft 4th st. Main 6109. Attorney.. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstract, examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 73; A 2071. Auto Supplies. F. P. KEENAN CO.. ISO Fourth at.. Em pire auto tlrea. Pope Mig. co. a oicycies. auto bicycle and motor supplies, vehiol. rubber tlrea Phones M. 3882. A 4385. Baths and Swimming. HILL'S SANITARIUM Rheumatio treat ment, elegant plunge 695 Front. M. 4oL Bros, an of Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 2702. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia Bids., next Star Jbe-tar. A. 5:eaa, 1 S. t ifc 4e. PORTLAND Collection Asency 317 Allsky bldg. All debts collectea. a 1111, i. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and FloMle Deveny, the) only scientific chiropodists in mo ; Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. oor. 20. and Alder. Phone Main 1301. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, graduate chiropodist, pedlcunsl. manicurist; ladles and gentlemen. 514-515 Dekum bias., and Washington sts. , CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 429 Flledner Diag. .am mi. Contractor.. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing and remodeling a specialty; stair work. 0 P. Bliss. 322ft Stark PhoneMaln 901i. W. L. BUCKXER, contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store setting. 8 N. 5tu su i 5881; A 7662. Wooalawn. 662. FREE PLANS FOR YOUR The Oregon Construction your house and build It. 30: BUILDING. Co. will plan 1 McKay bids. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor, 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main 680. Dancing. DANCING LESSONS. 25u; WALTZ. Two-step, three-step and stage dancing, etc; lessons taught every morning, after noon and evening. Prof. Wal Wilson School. 386 ft Washington St.. bet. W. Paris st. and loth. , Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where brldgework 1. Impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework; we cure pyorrhea (loos teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co.. Ablngton bldg. 106 3d. - T11E old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sts. Englnes Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast aets. seabury steam engine and boilers, gasoline en gines. 281-283 E. Morrison St. Phone E. 515 Feed Store. ZIGLER & M1SNER. hay. grain, feed, c ment, shingles. 1:94 Grand ave. . 48 Leather and nntlings. CHAS. L. MASTICK CO.. 74 FronL Leather of every description, taps, infra, findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGB LEATli-rt CO. - tabllshcd 185S. 1S9 Front st. Muaical. VIOLIN Instruction. Fred W. Smith. Studio 291 11th st. Phone Marshall 2693. Emll Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Seveik. 900 Marouam. A 4160. Marshall 1629. Oncopatliic Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle. Mo., class of 1898; post-graduate 190., un der Dr. A, T. Still, founder of the science. 1123 Selling bldg. M. I'JST. A 1983 Dr. R B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Detain oiug. Nervous and Chronlo Diseases. Phone Offloe M. 349. Res. East or B 1028, Papering and Tinting- TINTING, painting, paper hanging, neat, clean work. Phone East 36S. , Paints, Oils and GlahS. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best BASS- " nHnnted to tne coast cino-.-. HEUTER PAINT CO. 191 Second st. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jen. paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. patent Attorney. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K- Mock, attorney-at-law. lite of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 The Board of Trade bldg. B, c. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- -ents, infringement cases. 604 Dekum bldg. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company 605 60S Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. 608 Electric bldg. WARREN Construction Co.-rStreet paying, sidewalks and crosswalks. 817 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 yeara In Portland. 71 6th St. Phone Main 91Q. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PJPE CO Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 489. Plumbers. FOX A CO.. PLUMBERS. Wed.t Main 2001; A 20M. COFFEY PLUMBING CO.. sanitary plumb ers. 493 Gllsan. Main 84Si. Rubber Stamp. ALSO .eals, stencils, choice ;afnYoy,' ,tc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs 'rom old carpets, colonial rag rugs. B 12S0. 158 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison. Safe. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices; second-hand safes. Second-Hand Goods. WB buv clothing, furniture and I tool. High" . est price paid for second-hand clothing. furniture, tools. Marshall 2o4. WE pay the highest f0r aNth clothing and shoes. A 3190. i.4 ft Showcases, Bank and Show Fixtures. ;.m. t T'TKE MFG. Co.. branch Grand Rap- T Id. Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke. manager. . . K. H BIRDSALL. 208 HAMILTON BLDG. Showfa.es in stock: prompt delivery. Sales agent, ai . wmw m.n. MARSHAL MFG. Co., 4th and Couch; new and " cond-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work- Signs. signs metal, cloth, "weatherproof large "real 'esTate 'signs. 3 cents. F. L. Kelley, Ablngton diok. awn Storage and Tranefer. 7; X PICK Transfer & Storage Co., of fice's and commodious 4-story brick ware house with separate iron rooms and fire proof vaiils for valuables. N. W. cor. 2J End Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods in our through cars to al domestic and foreign points. Main 596. A 1P96- ' " " FREE -FREE FREE. All houshold poods go into brick ware house free for the first 30 days and at the lowest rates thereafter; moving and pack in. done by experts. Van Horn Transfer Co. -join ya""CB- OLSU-KUi x - -.1 i General transferring and "crag e. safes, nlanos and furniture moved and packed lit shipment. 87-89 Front st. Telephone Main 647 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents storage office 310 Hoyt St.. between nth and 6th. Phones Main 61. A libJ. " - -..- -- t v ltd .ro Taxidermist. MOOSE, e'k heads, fur work. F. B. Flnley. 249 Columbia. A 1843. Typewriter.. , SPECIAL sale on rebuilt typewriters; to re duciour stock we are selling a number of first-class machines at actual cost Underwoods J L. C. Smiths f Jo .0 Remlngstons lJ mlth Premier. f?0 to J40 Olivers -' to We handle all makes of machines and have some very good ones as low as xiu. Every machine we sell bears our full guar antee. This sale will continue for a short time only, so get in early. Pacific Stationary & Printing Co., 201 203, 20i; D-scond .t. Corner of Taylor. - WF. are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on thl. Coast; investigates Til makes, all price.. The Typewriter Ex- . change. 2S7ft Washington St. kztw rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rT;.. P. P. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Veterinary Schools or Colleges. cpicinv begins Sept. 15; catalogue mailed ' free. Dr. C. Keane. 1S18 Market St.. S. F. Wood and Coal. FOR SALE 300 cords first-growth oak, $4 oer cord; 125 cords pine, $2.50 per cord: the above f. o. b. Junction City. In car lot. only. J. R. Smith Cigar Co., 6T N. 6th st. FOR BALE First-class cordwood timber, lft miles from electric station. 17 mile, from Portland: good money-maker; make offer. r . r uens, jiurnann wi. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wnolesale and re tall 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 125 E. 7th t- Phone East 724; B 2777. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood. $4.50 per load, delivered to any place in the city. Portland Wrecking Co.., 105-107 11th St. North. Main 87. A 3736. W'OOD taken from old buildings, cut in stove lengths. $3.50 load. INTER, BLDG. A WRECKING CO. 307 Fourth st- Marshall 1834. THE Irvington Fuel Co.. wholesale and retail, fir cordwood. Phones East 935. C 2322. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft- cord- , wood end siabwood. 9th and Gllsan. M. 6000 ; M- aobi; a gia. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main 1606: A 241S. COAL A LB IN A FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD, NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal and wood. . Marshall 960. 387 Water st. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells a specialty; price reason able. Call Main 1346 or write MUles A , SVest, 1S Morrison Portland, AJ