Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 11, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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w " I I I MIMTimnrwB I - I
LaNPT 5 piMcnfr flo nuto. In Al con
l.oiX ful.y iuipp.l. tlr. to fin. hP.
.1 ia Will tr.J v,r r. I
iH'AiiU pUird AlxUl bitch- tlj
aUKbDALE IEKKIEHS for guarda pal
and .rlc. Ud llx ktpnl, a.tecada. or.
lit ROH. TOP IESK for lint typewriter
5kX i.S0: flat lop dU double
flat top desk 4xi4 lnchea. $. N,,.
Oliver tvpewriter. $1: revolving ofnc
chair. (Liu: bo-.kkeepr alantiug dasa.
i: filing ciaioen. $:o to lli-5: aac
tu.naj bonlcuM, opm front book- $J.iO: folding bads. 14: aanilary
cucX i ?l upho.terd couchea, HI
xil art ruga $S; n ",".
111 JO: tal range. 114 to $:i; hoaa-hold
and office furniture very cheap tola week.
Cail and get our prices Western ralvaca
(c 5i. 7 WaJvhlnglon at. between 14u
ana at.
LATH New. in any quantity, 1X80 par
thousand. .
PRICK td.hand. cleaned, tn arat-elaa
ahp: l r-r thousand. . .
Wivrowi. DOORS near and J hand,
40c and up. .
LI UBEK-SJ hand, all kind and six;
$6 par Uiouwinil .
Pirr. PLt'MBTNO VPTLjr Alt tn
flrst-cl-iss con.luon .FRY CHSAr.
V lo 7 X. 11th Kt A -
At a reasonable pnc If taken at otic.
two loo-horsepower ratura tubular boiler,
la flrst-claae ooaduloo; Just tba agulpmaal
for mill work. comp.Ma with fitting and
i equipment to laeta.l to your plant, rar
twrulars at I.- Oraaoolaa bidg.
Clean IP a e of nil high-grade 9un out on a a per at
profit basia: bow It I HI X s-i.tem
"t buj!-s and UO mootb rrot. Jimmy
Du.-.a. a. On o nlaa Tak alaator.
If your atova doecn't baka thara la
imotMri roi. I can Cl IU aal
J4AP.OAIN--I Now aadd.a and arid-. o
lutnbla bl-y-l. roil-lop d and Lndr
wood typrnr. T1 K- Hornjlja. oor
Tcr Orh. .
W ANTED A loan of $10 on a HOT) Win
toa . MO, baao run JOuO ralioa. la ood
conAlUoa. Kor furtbar tnformaUoo call
T. K. b"ilht. Pbooa Main 71. t
THRKK-POOM bauaboat oa atroaa acow.
4tgia ft., ronur.lon. No. 4A
I"ort:aBd Sloicr Boat Club, fool aUarorib.
B-l car. R:a.Oran;an.
HXCTPTI'iK tL trsowrltar baraina for Iba
wat; Jtamli.a'tona. IJO; ml:h Kramlara,
IIT SO; tiaoka. llt StA Nortbaaat Typa-
rnTCi " fl'.a at.
CxrZS Naar aad la-band: low prlraa: aaay
tirma. aafea oppnad, rapalrl and pa!ota.
FUH.ri.L. Itfti CO. and rORTLA.ND
tAC CO.. W at. Main HQ. A 1H.
d li: zr iuiii!ful laca aowa. al'k Und.
a:moat naw; wi.i aa.nna for !. Cail
rrnm 44. Frt'ln Hot'. ain. a.
JL F1NB Jaraay row. comlnf fraab la AuuaU 9 piaa. rhaap. cail AlaxabaU Ml. or
Woodiaaa IH
JliR 6ALE chaap. 1 nw SO-lb. fr. Tar
ktna aanltary rmarator: coat 4l
r-t Chuck at. Pa. Uio pbon Eaat 1T44.
V.NK roii top df. ona top dak. ona
oCica tab.a. aaattary. quartrrl oak. aw
condltl-m. cbap. b:h at.
'R DALE 1 porraialo raf rlr-ramr 1
(oldn o ikhMtJ. 1 ralvat rua 1J. 1
prolruaaa VI. ili Moptaomry.
f-HOB rapalrtnc ana-hlna for aala. chaap:
buyar can baro iha a.iop for tha aama
nioaay. 6T Jaffon at.
A SCW motor buffing lath with Urea,
aiza comp.ata outfit, for dlrairt currant.
Ir.qulra at. Silar A Co.. ftb and Plna ata.
UK HALL tiia-foot Jowalar-a anowcaaa aad
a'T-foot walicaaa. A. a M. iMIovaaO, M
V i.ltnftBB.
jtorii NraJa f -r aaia. Call altar T P. M..
t n4 : s w n 1 tM 2.
2.1.NC, and Koal Ann ebarrloa. T crnta a
pound. :l.wood 1 3
H'lX-IuP IEaiC aad Morria chair, yary
chap. Phon Tabor 13ld
II-HKi for aala chrap: Apllo Kaat.. 2vt
Jitark at ph-na A 3'MX
iTRMTt'H B of 4 room for aala; aimoat
Pi w. HI lit at.
Coo:ractora aoutpmnt by I'nltad Enaloacr-
lr at Conatructlon Co.. 711 Lawta blda.
REB good etamahovaU. In good oondl
tl"n. Apply 434 Oo.damlth atraat.
VE HI T filoTHlNM. rl'KXlTURlt. TM)I.
Hlahaat prl. a paid for mrn i and ladtra
raat-oll clothtna ahtxa. f jrnltura, too a.
macbanlc. loiu. Call Mam IC0. 2
Klrat at. Tba Uloba.
SVAVTED fat of aroond-band tlnnar"a tool.
Moat bo In cood coadltlnn and cbaap. Ad-
rtraaa H. Randolph. MAdraa, Or.
ly YOli bava bouaahoid furnltura to aalL,
call up Oaorca Hakar 4V Co.. lil Park au
Palaa at raaidrncaa a apodaity.
VTE pay moot for any kind af furnltura yoa
don t want. Mala boil. A Ford
Acctlon Co.
Ir.aiujiheet prt-a paid for all klnda of
2l.bajio macbanlc. loaatna: toola. Ivln
Hdara. Co. 22 front. Main POTi
V lb pay tna htahaat caab prlro for aroond
bacd furnltura Saatar A Martin. Pbooa
Kaat 1114. Hi Hawthorna aa.
2iiiH EnT prtcoa paid for furnltura. atovaa.
rna. ate. ate ('all up Eaat 103 or
call at - Et Morrtaon at.
VANTEO Movlnar ptctura machlna fllma,
foldinc chaura. ate. AL 142. Orricoplan.
VaTI Caaa raf.aiar aad a mall ioov
on. l:S rint at.
V ANTED Tour rnta to collacL. all Cbam-
oar of Comma
WaVTEO Eaparlanrad aalaarnan or aollcU
ora daatrtna a parmanartt and ramunaratlva
P'altlon wblcb offara un.lmltad poaalblll
I'aa; our ayataoa of aalltna: propartlea glaaa
aary fa.-1'lty. furBlahlrif dally llata to
ra't on and a thorough training along
o-ig'.aal liaaa In wMr tbara la do chaoca
f lAL.ura but a fulura wll worth your
bat andwivnr. Our property, townaitaa
and acraaaa along tba 1 nllad llallwaya ara
coaa to Port'and. aalung faat and tha
avrpTy la anlimltad.
all tna and It A. II. I and
P. M,, for Mr. Hirkar.
Ktiii tiiis r ami AA'T.
US HtarW F'raat.
AF1H-BOWEO maa waatad for tba U. H.
At at In a Corpa. batwaaa tha aga of 19 and
IV ktnat bo aauva bora or hava Crat
ptpwra. Monthly pay. (IS to f. A.ldl
t.oaai eom panaatlon poaalbla. Pood, clotb
nr. a lartara aad madical attantlon fraa,
Aflar 50 yaara' aartoa ran ratlra with 73
pr cant of pay and aLowanoaa. tiarvtca
ca board ablp and aatwra In ail Parta of
tiio world. Apply at C. ft. Marina Corpa
Racruittcg OiTiiia In-acdaa b:ig ad and
'ashlng-.on ara.. Portland, or.
VANTa7T Thraa fuat-claai aolldtora: ai)-
ciaj Braaluffl proi
(.'arbauab. HXb
a. Ca.l 1 a. It.
ofaaniAgtoa ataw
alAM of good appranra and buainawj abll
I; a ta ao let. for buatnaaa la PorUand:
good aa.ary. Apply aftar A. AU. 7111
(on blilg
VATEl Eiponancod floorwalkar for out' dapaxtmant tora; atalo ago, raf -araa
jaa. wrtara formarry ampioyad. al ll rwaa
an1 flapboaa numbar. J aa. Oragonlan.
l-rR9TLAJi.a aranrtactwral draagntaman:
coaa but firataaaa maa aawd appy. aO
li.ory bldg.
WTLL niUiajlH-H or blarkaralth holpor
tr ooutbaro California: cbaaca to iaara
uataaaa. Addrtaa. ata:lr.g axpariaaca and
a.ary aapctad. AM 23. t.ragoolaa.
WANTED Auto palutar to laka) cbarga of
paint anop . must ba firatdaaa rao ova
Aldar at.
VANTED Salesman, loatalrnant or oaaa.
no fcotaa-lo-hottM. mial bara aaporlaoca.
aauary anj aomni l aaion. H oragonl an.
WANTED Carpntar foramaa to
cbarga of Job: ga npartaatca aad
a to- '.ad. i
M ANTEl Al oara. flrat-rlaaa photorraph
r. oapabla of taking charga uf a atudio.
Kafarancwa raqulrad. AV 20. Qragonlan.
1A rvulJN acbool aolK-ltora wa&tad. aa7t
Eaat Hornatda. room 14.
'ANItl At onca a maa o laara to dxtva
and rapalr automobtlaa. oO N. 7th at.
V A-NTkiD "trat-claaa buahalmaa. ailooil Lba
Tailor. ! Tbirdat
l mooay to boa-tlKg aoilcltora.
Eaat buraaida. room 14.
. 2KRa1 ANENT Incoraa for tha maa wba
maaaa good. 1117-1111 Taoa bldg.
Vf ANTED Cuttar that cab maka coat a. for
awt of town. Apply D. B. McBrlda A Ok
I'HOTOOHAPH coupon and portrait agaala.
naw ofir Cotbarlh atuldlo. Dknm bldg.
WANTED Carprotar to taka con tract for
laaor on houaa. J JT. Or-gontaa.
tAr-Iria tal'or. Brat-elaaa only Doad apply.
Kixnlf. 3 Waafclogtont
WANTED A gaacrai tatior. a"a-w aiiiio-
ton. room 2
L KlK.ST:i,A? hort-or.!T
i0wa AB
fOna or Many
Offleo Barratary Employment Dapartmant
Y. M. A.
Yourg man. atrangr. out of work ($20
Mj total caah aaactt If I pay you 15
for apai-ial amploymant mambarartlp. I will
bava only 11 lati batwaan ma and atarra
Uon. , ,
Sacrctarr If yoa pay IS for apaolal
araploymatit mambarahlp you will bava tba
Y. M. C. A. with its raaourcaa batwaaa
you and alarratlua.
Rarord for month amllng Jung aO.
Talla for man "15
Poaltlona filled jl
iaw mambara 01
Employmant mambarahlp gtamrantaaa anv
plormeD t or raf'ind of marohorahlp raal
fvaa two montha full mambarahlp prt
lagat. 10 montha' aoolal prlvlleaa and
tmdartakc to kaep party amrloyad during
tha full torra of mambarahlp arttnoul
further eharga. ' . .
bava conatant demand for b'fnr
grada. azparlancad man. Axa yoo flttaa
for a bt:ar poaltlonT
Bait are re la ry amplarmanl dapartmant
T. M. C. A.
1 WANT tan young men who aro willing to
won hard for ln or more a month.
Must ba of good apparanc and addreaa.
Thla la a eplendld opportuintr for a young
man who la wlll'rg to buckle down and
learn a good buemeea from lha ground
up and bo on tba Job at all tlmre; perma
nent poelt.on to the ten who can make
good. Tba other kind nerd not apply.
AK 2J. Oregonlan.
START In bualneaa for yourself, aolltng
elomea inada to order by Lamm A Co..
wholees'.e lallora. Chicago. Splendid op
portunity for high-claaa man to make b:g
money traveling or to open up clolbea
anop hero or In aome nearby town. Sam
pie and dxplay atock frea. lnveatment
and prlenra uuneceaeary. rita tor
farther partlculara J. P. Thompson, Ya.
p.ep.. i:l Id tto., Pan
WS ara now organizing our aalea force to
conduoc a algoroua campaign in tba aala
of HiUaboro garden tracla.
Tha property la right, tha prlcea ara
right and if you hae th ablMty to ap
proach people and preaent facta ,n "J
bualneae.lke manner, you can maka gooa
ranay by Joining our eelea force.
Aak for Mr. lianrahan.
19 Lumbermrn'a Bldg..
Cor. fcllark and Sthfilo.
Agente ara making from $".0 to 1330 par
week. We want a representative In orrery
toa a to handle tba aala of tba GoMen Rod
rai uum cleaner. To men at.' ara capable
of organising and Inaiructlng eolicltara w
sera a ery epectal Inducement to offer,
tvrtta today for particular. The hugr
l i ,-q. 431 Bo. IJearborn ' QTilcago.
TRAVEl.INil ealearoaa for northern coast, to
the famous Una of Stag trouaer. am
being union made and we.l-adertlad; no
betfr made good In thla rounlry; MM
eontalne from 000 to 00 .tyle: wlj turn
oer soma tra-la; none but hlgh-graoe.
auccaaaful young man. with ac.iualntani-a-Mp
and aalaoUabnl trade need apply.
Addrasa lleonett Hollander A Lea. pitta
burg. Pa.
VT A NTF.D aaleemen. eierlriced magaaln
and book men. to repreaent -Current Lit
erature" lu-yolume premium and tna
m. ratine for 11 Kit. rely new
before moan here. Higheat commission.
-CurTent Lltoratora Pub,lhlng Co.." room
403 Maniuam Mdg.
A RAPTDLY-ORWINO eorporatlon ratjulre
th. eeralcee of a thorough, axperl-noed
office man aa secretary-treasurer: must In
test IJbMl In tna company. O MI. Orego
Blaa. W A NT El e'olromafl for eaciul territory,
big opportunltlea, ateady position, com
pel line Taklma Valley-grown fruit
ahad and ornamental atock: cash weakly;
ojtftt free. Toppeoub Nuraary Company.
Toppenlso. Wash.
BAJ.KsMRN wanted to repreaent u tn all
prta of lba N'orthweet; best selling artl
c.a on lba mark-A. Cs I and be conrtnred.
1 A. Ainlrk Co 411 Wnrooltr bldg..
1 ort sn.l. or., and 4H4 Arcade block. Seal
tie. Wash.
Vt'ANTEI Salesmen to aell Ore extin
guisher on tue Paclnc oat: good ter
ritory and commission; fin hu1ne prop
osition. Inquire at 64T. B. r.lth N.. ba
ts sen It and IS A. M. Interstate Sale
Co m pa n ".
TT'O or threw salearnro possessing Integ
rity, to ell securities of life-saving 00-u-ei
management open; exclusive terri
tory. Cook Hallway alcnal Co., uvS Yeon
opened trp In PortUnd and require tha
eervicee of two niert JasTnen alio ara
willing o work hard for Mt mone. Ap
ply after 1 P. M- al SI7 Flledner bldg.
SUlPl'lNG clerk, aholrsale brewery faotory;
must untlemlitnd grading door, with ex
perience; a me other need pply. Nloolal
Vrewery Mfg. Oo.. Kenton Sta-. city. Phono
C Sii'X .
WANTED Thoronghly experienced bill clerk
and asatatant booaaeeper: ronat do accu
rate, good, rapid penman, atid aery re
liable', give phone and referenoea. AF 16 U
TWO men familiar wlib gaa and electric
fixture trade, good monsy ean b made
by the right kind of a huaOer: glr -parlance
and phone number. AH LiX Ore
gonlan. yiRT.cLA3S arcbltertural designer; none
but first-rue man need apply. Room tin
Henry bldg.
WANTED A good solicitor for an aalab
llshad route for dye worke; para 1"0
per month: roost ba a huswer. Call 2os
Orar.d ave.
BAI.KSM F.N wanted to eoil our line of Pa
rtite Coast-grown nursery atock; caab paid
areekly. Pa-ins Kuraary Ca, 80S Oorbett
CiiAL'FTECHS Wi hare a quick -eellLtig
automobile specialty that could ba handled
In oonnaotlon with your work; liberal
com ml sal ona 80S Railway Echang bldg.
WANTED--Brlght young man for assistant
ahitpputg dark tn wbolesaia grooery house;
snuei wrlta good band. Alt IAS. Ore
gonlan. WANTED A flret-clasa aollcllor who on
dereland the printing and bindery buat
Beea; referenoea raiu. red. F. O. TeSt Co,
Aberdeen. Wasri.
WANTED A good boy to work In store
and run arraada. 4tkr-47 Jlojt fc. wr.
lath at.
CARPENTEltiNO. painting and plumbing
work wanted 10 exchaxiice xor gooci city
property or fruit
land. Call B in su
KEAT. atro
roar boy. about lb. Apply
Thompson, a -AO A. M at 884 Pant.
PRINTER'S apprentice, having aome cxpor
lenoa. wantad at kUelat A Cvmpaay. liS w
Firt gt.
WANTED Live man ta aait bonds on good
commission. Apv'r El. C. Mean. 14u3 Too
joiAittlD boy or Japaoeaa to cook avid do
housework la small p-lv-aia family, l'hcme
Tabor . moming only
ai saviav Meat s-srajioo to rail oa
Urw nwe;aota: Lt J-u desire position with
goad saw. aJ alTTiaJiway ETtcharge bU'g.
WANTED at one, boy orar Id wltn wheel
to deliver telegram; good wages. Waatern
Union Tel. Co 7 S t
WANTED Wlda-awaka errand boy at once
Archer A btchana Co, S3 6th at.
CAr. VfOtll to aaaiat mo sblngl roof. A
Cooks. HO to I'U.
Pastry cook, l.'-o.
Wallreeeee. ahamberrnalda. bouaekeep
ora aeootid glrie and girl for genera!
aoueework. at good waaea
Lad lea Lept. . jvt S Morrleon.
aavae-women fur the aaw store. Worrelfs.
1..4 gtu. ooraar Alder, opposite The Ore-
VAfTa Young lady between 1ft and sA
te go 00 road wltb snow, b.-awelta of
slander farm preferred. Call kit seen 2
a-el S P. M.. room X Standard roouo, on
S'r-ta trh. tiear depot, or addreaa B. H.
amlfy gac del., city
Apply Btandard Fm-tory. X
o. Grand
Its and Kaat Taylor at.
VVANTLD -Women and gtrla to work fa
our unitary canning plant. Apply today,
ready for work. Lang A Co.. canning de
partment. Hurneiae ac between Flrat
nnd Front. ,
A WOMAN to eook and do general house
work, family a adults: good wage, none
but experienced . references required. (UT
WANTED Oeneral housekeeper and cook,
two In family: small bouse, good wages,
7l K. list, wiuamette Halghis. Main
WANT KD Renned. capable woman for ra
aponalbl position. Vlsvl Co.. Sua Rotn
child bldg. 4th and Washington.
WE HAVE openlna for 1 reliable aalee
Isiios. salary. Call to IX 41 laawal
bi.lg . tal aad. aloBUoki
WANTED A competent young womtn for
general work. Apply morning. io err er-
ton st. .
WANTED T.lrl for general housewrirk; goo
home, unall house. Apply 6k3 Main at.
between Narttlla and Btout ta.
S43fe Waahlngton at, 00 r. 7th. upslalra.
rnuno jaeiu u.
Washington ., room 314.
Main bSJ4 or A U8a.
LAUNDRESS aa partnaT. abirtwalt ironer.
jolddla-aged preferradi no re
ouired; plenty work at ban L Mra ball
U7U1 evenlcga. .
Bl'SINES firm needs a woman over la who
la trustworthy and capable; experience
unnecessary. B ;S. Oregonlan.
WANTED A reliable nun maid; must
hav exTt-1enoa and glva reference. 4ol
Haanaln st. .
WANTED Girl to asalst with bby and seo
ond work. 25 per month. Wia Mellnda
tva. head of Johnson and goth.
A COMPETENT girl for general housework,
must he good cook, references. Apply
! N. 2-'M St.. apartment 5.
WANTED Good cook and second girl for
small family; must have good references.
Apply 2HH Union ave. isorin. in ain-iooon
A GOOD home In a family of four for a girl
who desires to do bousowork; $20 per
month. Phono B 2KU-
W VNTED Olrl to work In small family.
Call Apartment 81. St. Franci. Hoyt and
21st si.
YOfNO lady of neat appearance to spe
cial work oursldat good salary. Apply 1-0
Yeon bldg.
WANTED Young girl 17 to 1 years old
to woik In cigar stand. 201 Ilurnslds
St., city.
W4.NTF7D A waitress. IM Washington su
OJRL for general housework: small fam-1-
04 North E2d su. Willamette Hts.
FIRclT-CIAS9 family cook, eeoond girl .good
wagea. 6t. Louts Agency. BUSai Wash.
WANT a lady to work tn boardlng-hous
for her and husband's room and board.
Pbons East agis. mn gt-
WANTED Olrl for work, lea craam coun
ter, aw putniim ..
OlAL to aasiat with housework. 47! Tllla
rnooK. rnono tj
OIRL wanted to work In bakery: must havo
experience, iaii aiiwhv y.
WANTED An experienced waitress. 741
Washington St.
UOOD girl for general housework! small
family adulla. 7g Kearney St.
WAefTED -Olrl for g-nornl h
facty cf . Call East 288.
housework for
WANTED Two glrla for confectionery and
clear store. mJU cm St. rvorto.
COMPETENT cook. Apply morning. 23i
King st. Phone an am an,
304 Davis St-1 top
DlNINii-ROOM girl and chambennaliL 187
11th st-
LADIES lo maka pillow tops at homo, all
or spars time- an .-! a aw
WANTED Good cook
good wages. T43
Everett Bt.
WANTED A Klrl for general housework;
... n . . vy .oiv. ,
W ages s-o. soo .v.
LADY barber wanted at 201 4 Burnelde st.
WAXTE1) Japaness man and wife, man for
cook, ladv for second work. Apply W. A.
Knight, knight Shoo Co.. 2d and Wash
ington sts.
JAPAN EH r! and wife for general house
work, suburban place. Inquire 1424 Xeon
MEN wanted, age over IS. to prepare for
firemen, about ll"0 monthly; brakemen.
$-irt; nearby railroads; experience unnec
essary; no strlks: positions guaranteed
competent meni (r88 sent to poslilons la
1010. Stats age; send stamp for particu
lar. George H. Baker, president, cars
lO.uoo PoriIT10N.B lor g4uats last year;
man and uouea laurn barber trade la
g wee A a help to aeoure position; gradu
atea earn from IIS to $83 weakly; expert
tneiruclora; tools free; wrlta for cata
lognaa. Mohler System of College, ii
Njrth 4th St., r-oriiana. err.
POO MEN, 20 to 40 years old. at onco for
electric railway motormoa and conductors;
0 to 1 100 month; no sxperience n stre
ss, rj : fine opportunity no strlks; write lm
tnadiately for applioalAoa blank. Addraas
AV 1. Oregonlan.
To operate movlng-ploturea; operators
earn 25 to 140 weekly; ue.-lal price oa
lessons today. N- T. School of M. 1.
Operating. o28v Washington, near ITtn.
LEARN automobile driving and repairing;
riotual practical experience: day or even
nga ; S Washington st. roora 4ia.
INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools,
local office ana Alder at. Main 102-
Bwetland bldg.
WRITING, ti mo. 2o9 llth St. Main Sb3.
Book keep en I and Clerks.
up books, prspara balances and aiatetnenta.
Install aystama Ollllngham. auditor, 411
Lewis bldg.. Marshall 717.
jAPANKShl wants a position to work few
hours st night or before T A. M. W 06,
UMoK.STACK and flagpole painting and
all klnde of steeplejack work. French A
Darl. Hlllartale. Or.. Route L
JAPANKHE wanta position. automobile,
gardener or store boy; references. AN
144. oregonlan.
EJi PKKI ENCED family 000k wsnta position.
1.1SV First st AL K. Chinese Mlsalon,
room 14-
CH1NESK1 boy, 18. wishes situs tlon In nice
boarding-bouso or family work; waiter
, v. .. b u er.A uravnnlan
etranded; services
for enough to pay
rd. H 2-.S. Or-
VVAN'TED, by an all-around man. at once .
A position aa carpenter or In a repair
shop. W 158. Orcgonlsn. .
BY up-to-date bultermaker, 80 years of age,
8 sears' experience, can make good any
where. tteaJy and reliable; good reference.
Addreaa L, C Allmayer, Knumclaw. Wash.
cUTTEll sjndaesignerTgood experience In
both ladles' and gents' rutting and Biting.
L N. Swlgart, cor. Division and W. 2olh.
Cleveland. O.
Retail experience, wanta steady position
In a good live stors; willing to go out of
town. AH 244. Oregonlan.
WANTED Posit Ion by young man; A-l
referanoes: can us typewriter: no bad
fcabtta Bsom 28 Commercial Hotel.
YOCNO msa. 82 years old. wishes a situa
tion aa gardener and handy man for a
private family. IO years' experlenoa: best
reference. All 24, Oregonlan.
)OsITRN by abstractor; Eva years' ex
perience; good reference. Addraas 703
CornmerrlaT St.. Astoria, Or.
IVRAFTHMAX. mecbanii-al drawing; and de
signing a specialty ; references. AL. 48,
XOI'N'l man wanta work on farm; don't
believe in working bard, but am no
loafer. O 2M, oregonlan.
BOY. I years old. not afraid of Job, ws
one. Linden B. McHenry. 718 Belmont
position at trade. O 241. Oregonlaa.
CH EF! flrst-clasa all-round, sober, steady;
town or country. AM 142. Oregonlan,
WILL tint rooms for ('-' .M and paint houa
at your price. 2-d3.
WANTED Wood cutting or land clearing.
A'd.-vs H. Welinfc IH Oraod ave.. olty.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants posltlo ,
hotel or restaurant. T 2. Oregonlan.
MARRIED man desires outdinrr work; wall
educated. W. L. Wooten, 476 Clay.
EXPERIENCED ro"0T wants position In
family, l.t-.v First st.. room II.
Yitl.'NO MAN want work a porter or
hot:smn B. Oilman, esrt flood St.
siXu'JLAa0X SAftl work. MaJclSoa,
TUESDAY. JULY 11, 1911.
HOTEL and club manager, married, will
accept steward s position; club or country
resort preferred.
lioo -keepers andfctrnographers.
6TK.NOORAPHER from East would like po
sition with good insurance Arm. real estate
or lawyer yoars of experience; can fur
nish excellent referencea AK. 12, Ore
gonlan. BY capable Eastern alenographer, experi
enced In Insurance, mfg.. transportation
and electrical line; city referencea Ad
dress W 240. Oregonian.
LXPKRIENCED billing clerk, with general
office exnej-lence. wishes position at once;
reference. AN 2.13. Oregonlan
LADY wishes a position In a physician's
office. F 242. Oregonlan.
YOl'NG LADY stenographer dealres posi
tion. Phones E 20.-. j. B 16S4.
STENOGRAPHER wants position, on year
experience. Phone Woodiawa 1326.
DAY work; reliable woman. Call Mrs.
Brown. Main 45US.
BooKKEhlPF.R-Stunosrapher with soma ex
perience. Phone Main 2372.
EXPERT young lady stenographer wants
position. Main 2H;l(X
DHKSSM AKER withes a few more engage
ments by tha day. Phone evenings. Main
EXPERIENCED dressmaker deires work.
$2 SO per day and car fare. Call Sellwood
4.1a. : ,
DP.KS8MAKER would like few more en-
- 1 v -I--
gagniems ii uuj. 1.1, w.. u........
WANTED Dresemaking by the day. Phona
A E125.
WANTED By a woman who la a graduate
nurse from an Eastern hospital, the entire
care of Infant or Invalid. Can go any place.
Reasonable salary. Address this office. C
Ijl. OreKunlHn.
INVALID Isdy can havo private room, treat
ment, rare, reasonable, trained nurse. Ta
bor 2213.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes engagements; 18
years' experience; some housework. Main
A MIDDLE-AGED lady will do practical
nursing and help with housework; $10
per week. 308 H Pine st-
M'KSE will take confinement cases In bar
h ome. phone Kast 1965.
SL'KSH who takes all kinds of cases. Phone
B 2'.i-ill,
BY experienced nurse, more rases, any kind
or Institutional work. Marshall 2457.
REFINED. competent. middle-aged lady
would like housekeeping In widower's
hums or rooming-house. AN 256. Ore
BY refined Isdy aa housekeeper, a good cook
In email family of adults: no laundry:
wagoa $.15 per month. Addreaa Room a,
tlio Ockley. 8101 Morrison.
MARRIED lady wsnta position aa house
keeper for housekeeping rooms. Call 304 ta
K. Morrison, room 11.
EAT Ell I ENCED woman with daughter $
dealres housekeeping widower's family.
Main J08.
WOMAN with one child wishes position as
housekeeper for widower with or with
out children. Call 62J Market, corner loth.
l GOOD, reliable laundress wants mora
steady work. Ada. Tabor 200s.
WANTED Position as housekeeper, with
girl 14. L Z11S. oreognisn.
YOl'NG Isdy attending college desires to
do light work before and after school,
good references given. Call or address
M. If. H , t. ommonvtvami 010.
WANTED By a capable middle-aged wo
man., the management of a homo, hotel
or apartment-house. Addreaa this office.
l- 3ft . uregonian.
SCOTCH widow with two children wishes
position ss housekeeper. Apply
Thurman st. Phona Main 6904. Good ref
erences. WOMAN of sxecutlve ability wanta man
agement of large apartment; can giv
satisfactory referencea Address at onco
W 2oi. Oregonlnn.
Vf ANTED Employment by experienced Ger
man cook for lugglug camp, restaurant or
hotel. 1SI 11th, cor. Yamhill st.
A PENNSYLVANIA teacher dealres) gttvern
esslng: no objection to country; excellent
reference. AN 2S0. Oregonlaru
Yol'NG women wants work, chambermaid
work preferred, will go In private family;
lllr. per month. 660 Waahlngtnn st.
YOL'N- lady, employed, wishes to assist with
light services in private family exchange
board and room. AL 2.18. Oregonlan.
OERMAN woman wanta cooking and house
work In private family by the day. 220
clast .vionros st. jvorwi.
EXPERIENCED pianist wishes position in
store or picture show; must be strlotly
reapocianie. ti -01, vi .-son. .,.
LAL'VUHV taken homo; ladles' fine clothea
preferred. Mar shall 2701, evenings or
COMPETENT cook wants situation where
second girl Is kept. 21 N. 8th su Phona
Main 1811.
EXPERIENCED girl, with referencea. de
sires hotel chamber work. Main 2038, A
CAPABLE woman desires chamber work.
care linen-room, aiain aw. -a- sio.
ELDERLY lady desires light work with par
ties aolng coast. Main 2039.
HK1 OROB wishes housecleanlng, hour or
day worn, g'l's nooq si.
WANTED by woman, day work. Phono O
GIRL wishes position aa general housework.
. . . . 1 . .v... ltlr h
wattes e-iw 1., piui.n ..v. ......
WOMAN wants day work. Phono Sellwood .
LACK curtains hand laundered. 80o palri
call and deliver. Main
WOMAN wants laundry, or any kind of
housework by the hour. Phone A 144i.
LACE curtains hand laundered. Phono
Main 14o.
LADY wants washing by day. 741 E. Main st.
WANTED AGENTS. salesman can make big monsy
selling our well-known line of hardy non
Irrlgated tress, shrubs, roses, etc out
fit furnished; caah weekly. Addreaa Ore
gon Nursery Company. Orenco. Or.
iv,mni-Tn KENT.
WANTED To rent. 4 acres or more with
some buildings, convenient to carllne. AO
2Jo. Oregonlan. "
I wa"T a strictly modern 5 or 8-room
furnished house with piano In Al locality
on West Side; rent not over $4&. If you
haven't something; good don't answsr. AD
. b .. .... r. 1 . T.
TvVu or 3-room house. furnished, large
grounds for cnicaens, out, cum. v
WANTED or 8-room house, small gar
den. 20 mln. car rldo; stat prloa. O
sua, uraiuiiisu.
MARRIED man wishes to rent small cot
tage, roflned neighborhood; must ba reas
on a bleUXVootenTSClajjrt.
WANTED By young man, a furnished
room, close In. with plenty of air; best
r-'i'-rences. . ji e 1 1 . .. .. ...
UBM 'I. KM AN wants room In private fam
ily whore there are no other roomera W
2o.. cregoniari.
Rooms and Board.'
WANTED By young man. profesalonaL
board and room with private family; lrv
lngton: referencea. Address AU MS, Ore
TWO rooms and board for two gentleman:
five mlnutee from Burnatd bridge. AJ
2-14. Oy gonlan.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms, sing la,
en suits, all conveniences, beat loeatloa.
"M1LNER BLDQ." !'. Morrlaoa 8t.
Furnlahed Hooma.
LARGE front room on first floor and ons on
se.-end floor, both suitable for two; reas
on ab 1 e. 81)8 13th su cor. Market st.
Two nice single furnished rooms, law
rent. rats, wi "ol '
THE LANDORB, 158 10th, has a single
room euttauie wr s-"' -'--
cold water.
ICR RENT Nlcelv furnished rooms, close
In- popular prices; transient -trad sollc-
' e e 1. i,iu Ith at
Ited. 1 111 Pci. - - - -- -
THE LARRABEE. 227t, La ml bee St. I mod
ern cool and airy rooms; low rates.
TIi HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at
moderate prices. Cor. 3d and Montgomery.
-(-,vrj3 Hotel, rooms, modern. $30 per
SMt an'i o m -
BOOMS, day or week, reasonable. Palmar
Ho i'5r,ni Alder at
Wl-I I.-FTIIN1SHK1 front room. 1J tux, 1
iWcJfc oi wasalaaton. 69 lutttt .
Those three beautifully furnished hotels.
213 Vi 4th at, lli, 4th st. 207 4th St.
On Fourth St., running from Taylo to
Salmon at. Brand new brick, elegantly
furnisbed; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; striotiy
up-to-date lu all respects, and at popular
prices. IX you want something out of the
ordinary In the hoaxt of the city at reas
onable prices, give us a call, as we know
you will like It. Rooms by the day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
Residential. 800 Taylor. Transient.
Bet. 7th and Park sta
Opposite Helllg Theater. Contral, quiet
rooms with private bath. etc.. from 1
dally: suites or single rooms at low
rates; weekly or monthly terms; new,
handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele
phones, hot and cold running water. From
Union Depot "J" car to Taylor, or "W
car to 7th: from Hoyt-street Depot, "o
car. transfer on Morrlaon to 7th- Phona
Marshall 2200.
Ona block from Union Depot; 140 out
side room a with hot 8nd cold water, every
thing brand new; special rates by the week
or month; give us a trial. Transient rates
60c to $2 per day; weekly rates $3.80 up.
131 Eleventh st.
New. modern brick building, steam-heated,
private baths, hot and cold water In
rooms, beautifully furnlsued, cosy, comfort
able. Bents very reasonab.e. Call and see
us. Reg u 1 ar an d transie n t trado solicited.
Big money-maker. 24 rooms, lease, nice
ly furnished; small payment down, bal
ance eaay terms for quick sale.
213 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 7471. .
Park St.. between Morrlbon and Alder.
Heart of tba city; quiet and modern; free
'bus or W car at depot; rates $1 single,
$1.80 double; also family rooms with prl
bate bath, etc Rates per weak.
Centra! location, moderate prices; neat
airy rooms: weekly rates $3. $3.50 and
up. including public phone and bath.
S&0 Morrison St.. cor. 10th.
HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for
business pcopls; centrally located; ele
gant rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th
and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland
Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main 1)18.
BUSH MARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington
Newly furnished rooms, single or ea
guile; private baths, steam heat, hot and
cold water and phone in all rooms; rates
reasonable; transients solicited.
LTOHTralry rooms, modern, suites or sin
gle, 2 and $3 week; live minutes- walk
to theatera and atorea, free phooTo. Lin
dell Hotel, 828 4th-
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences,
111.50 week up; aiao housekeeping-rooms.
475 Clay
Voenmhefl Rooms In Prlvata Family.
NICELY furnished rooms for 1 or 2 per
sons in private home, all modern conven
leneea 414 N. 21at. take 16th at. car to
v Bugna
PLEASANT front room on Psrk st. between
Madison and Jefferson, suitable for two.
po other roomers; referencea Phono
main otnu.
FURNISHED two-room front suite, or single
rooms. In private family; select location.
West Side, doss In. 704 Johnson su, Mar
shall 2861.
NEWLY furnished corner roora for rent,
cheap for couple or two young ladles.
4K4 E. Burnside. B 2S02!
VERY nicely furnished room In up-to-date
home, with steam heat and every mod
ern convenience. Phone A 4070.
MODERN. well-furnished room. within
walking distance of city. Telephone East
THREE large housekeeping-rooms, flre
placo and balcony. 201 i! 15th. I'hons E.
2022. .
LARGE front room, sultablo for two peo
ple; privilege of light housekeeping II
desired. 333 13th St.. cor. Market.
NICELY furnished rooms; parlor bedroom.
87 Trinity plaoe, near Washington, be
tween nun. ana win.
ONE pleasant wall-furnished sleeping-room,
light and bath free; $10 per month. Ii4
E. 35th, cor. YamhllL
FURNISHED ROOMS In apartment. Wast
Side. Nob Hill district suitable for 1 or
2. ReasonaDle. rnono mum oiow.
ON W large room with alcove, suitable for
two or three persons. 14 week. references
exonangea. t-pouo a, oj-i.
COSY room, choice board, congenial home,
piano; refined neighborhood. TBI Mar-
CENTRALLY located. cooL convenient. $2.75
ana up. wmu "
FRONT room, nicely furnished. Nob HIU
district AK 258, Oregonlan
NICELY furnished second floor, reasonable:
phone, bath ana gaa. m.
PLEASANT room. Nob H11L walking dis
tance. Phone Main 4Q62.
$3 50 WEEKLY, newly furnished room, suit
able for two. 294 11th su
ONE large furnished room.prlveXe family.
2U4 hi. luin. X none .'-
NEWLY furnished rooms, prices moderate.
-W LDlUlll UI..
NEWLY furnished rooms for gentleman
. 1 'i 1 A la.w . 1 cor Snlmon-
oniy; cioae in. ...... - .
FURNISHED rooms for gsntlemsn only. 43
. Ill U . -11 ill 1 1 Dev.
WELL-FURNISHED room, every conveni
ence. 370 loin St. cor, jiuiiigniiicij.
2 ROOM3 with bath, hot and cold water.
furntsneo. mi . jimu.
FOR nice rooms on Washington St., at
moderate price, pnono a.m
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good
home; references. 733 Johnson. p
GOOD, clesji. cool outside room, $10 month;
7 minutes' waio. 10 om
FURNISHED rooms reatonable. 513 Clay st.
T-nfurnlrfhea Rooms
WEST SIDE, close In. threa rooms unfur
nished, suitable for young men or ladies.
Phone Marshall 2301.
BUILDING. 5lh and Stark. Owner 300 Co
lumbia bldg.. W'e-t Park and Washington.
Rooms With Board.
DOES a home appeal to you 7 The While
hall, cor. 8th Madison, large rooms, bath,
broad verandas, quiet, close In. near car,
. . . . 1 1 1 lm.rlr,n Tl &IL
DIOCKS iroiii r. r
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d Tear:
rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 8iO Flandera. F. N. Hath. supU
COMFORTABLE-and up-to-date home with
or without board. 55 Main su Kings
THE CALVARD 452 Morrison, cor. 13 th.
Select private boarding-house; walk'ng
861 ISth new management: thoroughly
enovnted :' Inviting rotrnis, choice board.
ROOM and board for young women, 13 per
week .12 E. 7th it S. Phone L. 2io-
CHOICE board and large room, facing the
park: very reasonauie. an J .
Ro .. with Hoard In Pnate rarailr.
FTTRNI6HED room, all conveniences, phono,
steam best, electric lights, bath. etc..
suitable for two; on East Side, walking
distance: with board Pr week; ref
erences required. T 2i8. Oregonlan.
FOR gantleman or lady, very pretty room,
with board: walking distance: pleasant
surroundings; fin home cooking. Phono
stain oiiv.
NICELY furnished room with board for 1 or
8 In modern private home: use of piano,
eto ; 7 blocks from Hotel Portland. Main
ONE nlc. airy sleeping-room, private fam
ily close In. with all conveniences free,
with or without board. 353 12th su Main
LARGE, beautifully furnished front room.
lrst-claea board: private family: large
porch and yard. 730 Gllnan. ..
lAAROlibeaVtlfuliy furnished room with
board: fine boms cooking; $30 per month.
820 Montgomery St.. bet. Pth ana Tin.
NICELY furnished front room. 10 minutes'
walk to P. O.. 3 per week. 352 College
St., near mm.
MJ.-AUTLFUL front room with f Irst-cluss
board, in Private family. 83 lTth su N.
Thone Main 4220.
FfKNISHED room and board for two. close
in. homo comforts and convenience and
homo cooking, rum"
NICE small room for 1 or 2 persons, with
first-class board; all conveniences. 2,o
X. Z4tn su, cor, oim -
T WEEK each; beautiful front
room; new. modern house for two. S8 N.
17th. near r lanuera ni.
BINGLB room with board 15 a week. 605
6th St. Main mux
NICELY furnished room: ".tn'nV2ma
ern gentlemen preferred. CaU B 1 i.
THE LANDORB. 3S8 10th. a completely
furnished apt., all outside rooms.
I-ROOM apartment panly furnished, rent
'l 454 J 1th st. Jarfcson Bungalow.
vV three rooms, handsomely furnished, all
lla-TCDl'r-".4'-i'- J5UU-Vnfax--2Uu
These elegant 5-room unfurnished apart
ments, whlco are now completed, are sit
uated in the heart of the city, within 10
minutes' walk of the business center.
Reservations may be made from owner
on premises or by phone. Main 4 7 115, A
Cor. Park and Taylor Sta.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta.
Walking Distance.
Completely furnished 2. 8 and 4-room
apartments; buildings new and strlatly
modern; servlc nrst-class.
Ankeny Court, the new modern apart
ment house on the corner of East Ankeny
and !ilst St., has been handsomely fur
nished by Calef Bros, and Is now ready
for oocupancv; 2 and 3-room apartments
al from 117.50 to $32.50 per month; make
application for apartments at the house;
no children.
Three-room furnished apartments, ele
gantly furnished; only $30.
Strictly modem. e located In new build
ing at corner Russell and Union ave.; best
car service of any point In city; only
a fow minutes from business center. Three
rooms, bath, etc., furnl9hed in elegant
style. Apply to Apartment 6.
and Columbia streets; first-class 2 and 8
room furnished and unfurnished apart
ments; private baths, large dressing clos
ets, disappearing beds, built-in buffets, pri
vate phones anil all modern conveniences,
first-class service, best location In the
city, overlooking the parks and only 5
minutes' walk from the business center;
prices very reasonable. Apply to manager.
Comer of 18th and Jefferson sta. four
and fiv room apartments, unfurnished,
with reception hall, automatic elevator.
Pacific Statea telephone in every apart
ment and tha most modern conveniences
found in the city. Phone Main 3808 and
Miss Allen, the manager, will show you
through the aaprtxnenta, or call up main
office. Main 0764.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.
This new 4-story brick opened January 1.
1911; furnished and unfurnished in two,
three and four-room suites, with recep
tion hall; Facllio phone in each Apart
ment: electric elevator, Tolmes disappear
ing beds, bullt-ln buffet and writing-desk.
fas rangea, icebox, plenty of closet room,
t you want something extra bue. com
to the Barker. Phono Marshall 298L
844 Everett st
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located in one
of the choicest residence dlstrlcta sur
rounded by elegant humes; walking dis-
tancc. ,
land's finest apartment-houses; 4-minute
car service; beautiful part city to live,
11304 Alblna ave., cor. Klllingsworth.
Take Mississippi, L or Kenton car at 3d
and Wash. sts.. 15 ntln. ride; 2.3 and 4
rooms, completely furnished. $17.5v to $110
mo.; also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 2259.
New management, new concrete building
with elaborately furnished 3-room apart
ments, modern conveniences, lawn cool ve
randas. Janitor service; reasonable, walk
ing distance. 624 Marshall st; take "W"
car. Main 6032 or A 8191.
ferson sta A 4-rootu apu with bath,
furnished or unfurnished; all outside
rooms; every convenience; modern and
only 5 mln. walk from P. O. Very rea
sonable rent
Corner 14th and Clay Sta
Large 4-room. front corner suite, un
furnished, vestibule, closets, private bath
and phone, electric elevator, ua.klng dis
tance; splendid view. We also bava 8-
rooiu Biiirimcuu, ... .......
Coiner ntn ana i-ovejoy olb.
Completely furnished 2 and 3-room
apartments. S or ltilh-st. cars; first-class
servi'-e. private phone and bath; public
sowing-room with sewing machine. Main
815. .
Corner 22d and Washington, 712 3 and
4-room nicely furnished apartments, splen
did location, walking distance; moderate
rates; best of service. Phone Main 7130.
Elegantly furnished and unfurnished:
comforts of home; private phone ana
baths, elevators, private playground Xor
children; ideal location. 22b N. ulh st
Marshall 2028.
ORUERLE1GH Apartments, cor. Grand ave.
and East Stark st New, fireproof brick
building, beautifully furnlBhed, two and
three-room apartments, private bath, free
phone, bot and cold water, ice box. no car
fare. Summer rates. Phone East 300.
EXCLUSIVE apartments; 6 large rooms and
bath; private entrance; large front and
back private porches; maid's room In basement-
heat hot water, vacuum cleaning
aystem; ranges, refrigerator. 793 Norlh-
rup. Phone Main Bdob.
Cor 20th and Northrup. elegantly fur
nished 3-room apt, with porches and
one unlurnisUed 3-room apt in base
ment Apply to Mrs. Courtright Apt D.
Main 5042.
PARK, APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison
Deauiilul 3 and 4-room apartments
furnished for housekeeping: everything
new and modern; elevator, telephone free.
$48 to $00.
414 lltn Si., nor- XT
2 8 and 4-rooin newly furnished
ants, private bath, phone and balcony
porches. $25 up. Phone Marshsll 117L
429 East Morrison, Corner 7th.
8 2 and 4 rooms, high-grade furnished
apt's ' private baths, best service, moder
ate prlcea
parg streei. lomw jiui.uu.
Furnished, unfurnished apis.; Individual
phone-; convenient, down-town district
KENTUCKY APIS., E 2Sth and Gllsan; 2
roora unfurnished apt., new and modern,
private bath aud phone. Phone B 1432,
or East UHS7.
THE Beryl Large rooms, large closets,
cool and airy for Summer; some fur
nished apartments. 21st and Lovejoy;
SaNNER APARTMENTS. 4S9 Clay st, near
lith st; strictly modern 2-room apis..
cJmDletely furnished; $2-) to $24 per
month; walkiugjilstanc
410 6th furnished and unfurnished
trictlv modern apartments, walking dls
jinee nrlct reasonable; no children.
ctfim-HEATED flat five rooms, for $35.
87 Everett st Key with Morgan. Flled
ner A Boyce. 503 Ablngton bldg. Main
2U15, A 2U
tiif CECELIA, corner of 2d ana Uilsan
at. A handsomely furnished apartment
with porches, also one unfurnished. Phone
Marshall iovy
can MARCO Apartments. E. 8th and Couch
i,rlck, front 3-room apartment pri
vate bath and phone; summer rale $25.
East 27ol-
tITwanTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished,
..-..1. modern. Summer rates now In ef
fect 189 ;i 3d st Marshall 3821.
In .leirantly furnished 3-room apartment
ror 3 months: piano; no children. Apu
BUT. The Barker Apis.
THE Northampton. 407 Hall su; new and
-iLeantly furnished 2-room apartments,
SWainTKEE Elegant five-room apartment.
West Side; walking distance; rent reason-
ble. Main im.
duvt anartment furnished
"7..i.h.i. atrlctlv modern. Call
or uniuxnisueu
Kast 211
nNK 4-room and one 6-room, walking dis
tance hot water, best In city for the
Phone E 2922.
ST CLAIR. T15 Wayne Street; iiiuumu
8TrooCm apartment., two porches and 4-room
rissemenu ........ ----
THE CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy; 1 elegantly fur
nUhed 4-room apartment and 2-room.
Vlnrshall 2M1U. BUIIlllic" -
ONE modem Sjoom apartment C56 Flan
v . 11 s-i . r. ni a Main ISMI.
ders. no
THE King Davis, corner King and Davis
... - one. 3 and one 4-room apt.
t 10NOE Modern apis.; Knob Hill district;
onvenTnt to 2car lines. 188 22d st N.
fur HARTFORD Best modern apt, m tn
-o 5lat and Flandera
twit DAYTON Nice four-room lower apt.
T"SF.t ator; etc.. $20. 858 Flanders.
.ttamost. 304 Collge. strictly modern 1
iL1J . ' .,. Main 60S0. Seaaonnhla.
j! Q i-ivuiu
Main 2015. 503-508 Ablngton bldg. A 2015.
Our apartments are built rittht From
long experience we know the tenant's
wants and make lt a point to supply
them. We have apartments for rent la
locations listed below, which possess th
maximum of convenience and equipment
at the mtnrmum of expense. Courteous
Janitor on tha premises will show th
THE HANTHORN. 251 12th St., near
Main; 3 large rooms with private batcony,
2 sleeping compartments; $35 and $37.50.
THE KINGSBURY, Ford St.. near Wash
ington; superb location, new building, pri
vate balcony; 8 and 4 rooms each, with
two sleeping compartments: $30 and $40.
furnished. 3 and 4 rooms, 11th and Colum
bia sts.. $.12.50 to $45.
THE KEARNEY. 21st and Kearney
ts. : 5 rooms for $.15.
THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson
ts.; close-in location; 3 and 4 rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished
Corner 20th and Kearney.
Opportunity to own your own furniture
at very moderate rental rates; call at the
Chcsterbury and let the manager explain
our plon; this proposition will only stay
open until July 15; no phoneing; unfur
nished apartments also Xor rent ,
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely first-class, fur
nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com
pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv
ice; rent per month $26. $30 and up. Must
be seen to be appreciated.
Corner 20th and Washington Sta
Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished1,
st most reasonable rates. A homelike
place. Three and four-room apartments.
THE ARCADIA 706 Everett st Two and
3-room apartments, completely furnished,
entirely modern. Summer rates. Main
LINCOLN APT.?., corner 4th and Lincoln
sis.; completely furnished 2-room apart
ments for housekeeping, everything new
and modern, house Just opened, walking
distance; no children; $22 to $30. Phone
Main 1377.
Elegantly furnished modern 2. 3 and 4
rooms, reasonable; walking distance. 37
Trinity Place, bet 19th and 20th, near
HADDON HALL. 414 lllh. Cor. Hall.
11 and 4-room npts., el.'cantly furnished,
private phone, bath and balcony porches,
$115 up. Marshall 1171.
FURNISHED 4-room apartment for rt weeks.
$32; reference. Beryl Apartment, 21st and
Lovejoy. V car. Phone A 17.5.
THE LAIHETTE One elegantly furnished
3-room aparta,-nt, private bath and phone.
2-n 11th st.
FIRST-CLASS room with or without board.
1.. 1,V.nnA I.--, flC1
NEWLY furnished 3-room apartment, mod
ern, close in. 444 E. Burnside
5-ROOM FLAT, $20.
Located on West Side, within 12 min
utes of business center.
Furnished with steel rooking range and
gs plate, linoleum on kitchen and bath
room, shades at all windows; large airy
rooms, newly tinted, built-in wardrobes
and pantry, porcelain bath and stationary
wash-tub.' "electricity and pus: a strh-tlv
modern upper flat, on two street carlines.
Apply to drutCKist, corner Front unit triubs
St., for key. Take "P" or "Fulton" car.
NEW. modern 3-room flat; basement, fur
nace, laundry. ga6 range, h'-ater, elegant
china closet and wardrobe. French plate
glass; easy walking distance; two peopla
onlv; price $. East 7:h and Couch. Tele
phone E. 1310.
5-ROOM modern flat Krour.d floor, front and
back yard, two porches, stationery tubs,
gas and electricity. A 4SC9. Main 4869.
NEW 8-rooin flat, furnished and unfur
nished; very reasonable. 708 Vancouver
ave. inquire 7W. Takt U cur.
FOR RENT Modern flat four rooms and
bath, furnace heat, rent $23. 330 Ross st
Telephone Main 2114. East 3710
FURNISHED flat, modern. 5 rooms. Im
mediate posHi'SBion. Donnell & Merrill, 228
Stark st. Main 8976.
5-ROOM flHt on West Side, modern, com
plete, walking distance, unsurpassed
v jew. Main 440.
FOR RENT Corner upper 7-room modern
flat. 101!, E. 17lh St.; rent 430. Key ltU
E. 17th st
MODERN 6-room flat. Including steel range.
294 '.-i Margin, near Steel Bridge. $22..e.
8-ROOM upper Hat corner 22d ami Kearney.
712 Kearney su
UP-TO-DATE private 3-room flat, walking
distance. Main 1156. A 2743.
TWO-sromn-natsTfurnlshed or unfurnished.
i-.ast iotn st. r A'oo.
6-ROOM flat, fireplace, good condition. 688
Northrup st Main 3225.
FOR RENT 7-room flat. 82L Corbett st
Iv ey at 100 n iiuanL. p.-
o-HociM upper new flat modern lmprove-
nient; rent $15. Inquire 424 Oregon su
6-ROOM upper flat, modern, walking dls-
lance, v eat om. -... , -
MODERN 4-room flat, near 23d and Wash
ington. Jlillll 0OJ.
HKEB-ROOM modern unfurnished flats.
Inquire 225 Market st.
6-ROOM modern flat, 706 Irving st Key at
MODERN. 5-room flat, close in. East Side.
Phone Marshall 1445.
ONE 6-room Hat; steam heat, gas range.
6R7 E. Main.
Housekeeping Roome.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$15 per month up; a clean place, best in
the city for the money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-BU
cars, north, get off at Marshall su No
WEI.lIfuRNISHED houses, flats, rooms:
5-room coltage, $20 month; another
$17 50' suites, two furnished housekeeping
rooms. $, $10, $12 month; 3, $15. Apply
8U4 2lth St. North. "W" car from depot.
5th, west on Morrison to 26th, block north.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms, slngl.
en suite, all conveniences, beat location.
"MILNER BLDG.." 350.4 Morrison Bt
$1 50 TO 12.80 WEEK; clean, furnished
housekeepings, rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone clean linen. heaU 406 Vancouver
ave and 203 V4 Stanton: take TJ car
8 FI'P.NISHED front housekeeping rooms
with alcove; reasonable. The Idaho, 389
CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished and unfur
nished housekeeping rooms, single and en
suite, very central. Rm. 86, 3d and Mor.
.A, east Morrison, corner East 8th. com
pletely furnished housekeeping suites.
TWO suites well-furnished housekeeping
rooms, excellent location, reasonable. 2U2
wnf' -F.KEEPING rooms in new -oncreto
. . .w . iir 9UU7 o- .11
FUKNlSHED housekeeping rooms for renU
60 N- i"i-
5 and 3-room apartments, completely fu'-
. , ,,,1 1.1,1. Main Rlil
nienea. iw x-.... ........ ......
GOOD housekeeping rooms for rent cheap.
11 Si Union ave. Thone East 928
HousekeepinsT" Rooms In Private Family.
3" NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
Atas range, waici. ir7.,.. .w-
and bath free; $1.50 per week; 1 largo
front room and kitchen annex, furnished,
U . unit ,l, r r-Qll after V M
S4 per ween- ow .... - -.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in 'private
. . to npnt reliable parties.
adults only: no dogs. 3S7 Oregon street,
hntween Union and Grand aves.
TWO housekeeping and one sleeping-room
. . i hnnil -ullun, distance.
JJl UCL i6'i -1. b
w-.i - 1 Willi
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, bath,
phone, light. $16. 74 E. 8th St., N.. cor.
Everett Phone East 1339. '
DOWNSTAIRS for rent, nicely furnished.
modem, lor tnree mouLiis m iu"6. wo
Salmon. Phone East 0306.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms at
East Sth and Mill. Call 87 N. 2d or phone
Main 9019 or A 21.14.
TWO large clean front housekeeping rooms.
with running water, gas rause, -.du wneii.
503 j Alder St.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, bath,
phone, light. $15. 74 E sth st N., cor.
verett. mono caai . 1
NICELY-furnished room for housekeeping,
bath, gas and phone. 472 Taylor st. near
14th st.
2 NICE large housekeeping rooms, first
floor- separate entrance; all conveniences;
nice yard. 22t l .th st.
TWO modern, nlcelv furnished housekeep
ing apartments, 109 N. 18th st.