13 THE MORNIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1911. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily ae InuMsa. Trr Uw. lime) lie al l. cearollse lime ......... . T-c al Ihrt. re.ratlei lime. aoe tm ad M v ar artea oaaeeallsa limes.. 4K fti Mlnwrw BDil SMTConipajljr Sal of-t W sclera. fell tte4. raant aa cm Una ah M mttMmnu anal a ad caialfd fT leee than U. Doe. H h-m mmm xlrarllmiinl U ma la roa seenilve U.aea to aae-llme rata applies. Oa rhvir ar kok a"iert leettwol. 4s hare aiUI be nasrd aa lb as-toal anmher ef Iium appearing ta the paper, ree;acdleaa af lb atnrober f worn, la wh line. In xw Taalav all ultrrtiMaifata ara rkuir. X areraaare aaljr. 14 Uaea la lha luk. Tm ahava rate applr la adTerllaemeata aader sw Teaas" and all Miter rla-illra- llt. esreptlna: ihV fellotslaa: MIUIhmu Itulrd. lxle. MlaavfteM ttaaUKl. rentala. 4"or Kent. Rnwa, frlvale Famllle. Room aad Hoard. msata tamlllee. The. rata mm the abave elaaelfKmllseas Is t rents allaa rewta Insertion. lor the areotnmadalliia of psrtresie. Tha Orea-oalaa will ar-ep dtflel advertise ments ater tba l.lephaaa. pmsl.liac at sertler U a ibrnber la either ptiorce. a prtrea will aa quoted arer lha phone, hill hill will be rendered the follow Ins day. Whether autvaaqneal adertlerenta will ha aeeaptew aer the phooe depend, epos tha peompfae af the p. i meat of telephona ad lertlsetneate. Mlaalloa tVantrd and Per aoaal aderlesnenu will not ha arraplew aer the telephone. Orrlere for ana Insertion ontr will be arrepted for "llowee for Kent. Fu rail ara far Hale. "Italea Oppertual liea." -Kaaailas-kvaara" and anted la Real." srsr todt. BIG MONEY Raising Potatoes Better Than Apples W hv a nir lO-arcs. nil in clover, pTandid noil for potatoes, nht in train line rnilromJ, rlo-,a to this city. We will r!l for $1V nn H'ra $2')0 down balanra in four years at 6 per rar.t, and will furnish imniot'iate work for a bnTar of one of these trarts at $2 per day. Wallace Investment Co. Room 617-518 Ore.onian Bid. jaw law., ta aalld am a ad wlak ta mil bIt aire X rata lalaa aralla aacaaaarT' THE WEST SIDE CO. Madison Bldg.,3d & Madison Mar. 980 A 4747 Free Rent We will furnish a fine larjre tent honse free of cost to every lot buver for the nest .Tn days-. 10 PER CENT CASH $10 PES MONTH fall or phone. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., 418 Corbet. Eldg. .Marshall 557. A 2GJ4. 100x100 On Park Street. Rental $1200 per year. $35,000 nUMASONJEFFERY 232 Chamber of Conimarca. C 5600 fnr li)flilftO lot arirt J-rnotn hmi.a, rlntie to far. Pntatova and alrawbar rls. One-half rami. S12SO fr 4-rnm tinu.a ani lot. rhlfkan hue anl !x frnit trr-e: 1 bltvlc from KtiilnattwortJt ava- near ear barn. Aa llttla aa llaO raah; baian. e alt rent. per cent. WFniH Ltn a ( ni.oi.tTio IIHPtT, Sit Warmirr Blda, Panlaad. Irvingtcn Snap Pwall. naw. tretiy mortem elht room honna, complete In every rietntt and redv to more into, on Kaet 2id rear Brxea. value of tM bouae I. STSnl. O'tr price Is only 1750. I5' Cah. l et M t to u today. Jot many nr like thta. ait reaard Trade Ulila- 4b aad Oak. WANTED TV h a client who want, fo have a 75 to loo-room apartment houee b-illt for Mm on the Weft Pbla. Will taka a -ar Iraae. HtRTMII at THOMPSON, Heal Ktat Pept. C bamher af t 'antra. r e Ft Id a. 3IOXEY TO LO.VX CITT MOftTt FtR MflHTI) .K. LOnttT KATI.S. ItHMI TO aCTT. A. II. BIICRELL CO, 303 M-KAV wl ILD1XG. Tfclrd aad Stark. COTTAGE or rota room, mist be re. MOII.U AT OX K Price 550 At Ktn and T'pshur rtt. Innulr of MORTGAGE LOANS Cc JOHN e. mm, n& Xj JO arm Spaldloa- Bld. JO NATIONAL CREDIT ASSOCIATION E Bl'T SOTES. (02 ntrmtef Bids. D " I I '.rlTa t r iHa elaaa la aaa aeaira- He law prapef-ty I kar a alt It H Barlaaa. Nr, srrtr TCTOAT. Homeseekers' Opportunity We deal in cord wood and own three tracts of choice land 25 miles from Portland, in the beautiful Chehalem Valley, containing Jl acres in each tract. A portion of the soil is rich "red aliot" frnit laDd and a portion is deep, rich, garden bottom onion land, with a fine stream of mountain water and 3000 cords of best red fir timber. Will sell either or all three tracts for one-tenth selling: price, in cash and take all payments except the first in eordwood from the land; purchaser to have four years to cut and Ghij the wood to us. Firlands Trust Company 80S-808 Spaliing Building. " " The above rut represents l-roora bunrow which has 15xJ4 llvlnir-room and cute window. 15k17 dlnlna-room, elegant firepluce. unliue cabinet fin ish and 8x10 clone front porch, dou ble construction, cement atalra ana basement. I4U04. Terms. 6-room bunitalow of original tleslirn. hand-rubbed flnHh. full lot. stone steps, walk and rrth. cement base ment, stain outward finish, dormered and pretty. Tour ideas will be realised In tfcla dream of a house. 3U0. Terms to flght party. Main 140. owners. HAVMORK REALTV tO, 4311 W.rrt.lrr Rlda;. RUSSEL ST. Corner of Rodney. 40x100, stores, rented, pay ins 7 1-3 per cent interest gross on Price, SS500. Half Cash. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. REAL EST.4TK DEALER. Peck. William Q. Sll Falling bldg. Brobaker as Benedict, tvi McKay bid, kf. I4. Cbapln a Herlow. 432 Chamber Commerce. Cook. R. 8. Co.. &4 Corbet t bldg. Jennings a Co . -Min 1SS. 2U4 Oregontan. PAUMkR-JO.NF.a CO H 21S Commer cial Club b:dg. The Or.goa Real Xstata Co., Orsr.d ava. ana Multnomah at- IHolladsy Addition). WUlTCOaB BROS.. 10 to Cham, of Cam. RKAf. K STATE. ree Sale -Lata. PORTUNP HBIC.HT8. 1nnx24. lerel, slonous view, cannot ba beaten. M,!,; wtll divide. 4 quarter Mocks, beet part heights. Im proved streets, from f.Wto to 410,uut) eacn. according ta locatloa and view. : lota. Aita Vista. 117 ft. frontage, grand city view, reduced from $3uiw to 4no0 for quick sale lots. t;renway. fin east view. Soo; btg reduction for rash. IooxIm, level, beautiful view, fine trees. IWOO. i lots on Rltzabeth at., near Ravens vtew dm., g 1 eM; will sell one. T lots, grand view. JKOOo. 1 1-1 -10 acre tract, cloae Pattoa road car. J 2. ,00. Mala 3.MI. BROOKE. A S.1.19. LOTS, 4100. RIOHT O.N WEST PtDR CARMNK. BEYOND CITV PARK. KTH AND W. YAMHILL FTS. New addition, ten m'.natee from bost pess center; on new Wasbtngton-st. car line; leu 40X100, some larger, 4-SO, easy payments: these lots are beautiful aeme sitea National Realty a Trust Co room 7;j Chamber of Commerce bidg. Mala 4114. HALF HLCH'K with eld 8 -room bouse: this property Is located In one or the nnest districts on the Kast Hide: It is nightly, overlooking the toan and Is covered with choice fruit and shsde trees I need a little money Immediately and will sell for S-'TmO and take siooo casn. t mean duo nesa. See me at 414 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Washington eta IKVINOTON. Three corners south of Brasee at, for sale at prices much below market value. No pboaa information. MERCHANTS BAVINO" TRUST COMPANY. O MOOT TABOR. Beautiful block, consisting of a lota, with elegant view: I blocks from Mount Tshor csrilne: price only 47uoO: worth 4.M: S.'ooo cash, balance to suit. C. F. I'fluser A 10.. suite 12 Mulkey bldg.. Id and Morrison. LOTS SoxlOO. 475 to 12S0. easy terms; 1 to 4 blocks from electric car station, tele phone, mail routa. etc.: this close-in suburbsn property will Interest you, J. w. li.fTeri.n Realty Co., 2o4 Carbett bldg. Beth phones. ItO DOWN. 410 TElt MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re st Hcted district, sear car. cement walks, Rull Rua water, frail cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473, A 10. i. Nt'B HILL FRACTION. Nob Htll fractional lot. very good for flat, or npartment-houe. near good car service; 4si-',k. on good terms. R. F. BRYAN, Mala 1U4-1. A".', t ham of Com. A 1 22 7. Bl'II.DEFH' CtT. g lots. i,jl.M. at i;o per lot If taken together: Mt. Tsbor district; 1 If blocks to ear; builders terms, essy. Phone Tshor J'c Call 14oi Hawthorne ave.. corner JVnh st. C.RF.K..N WAT. PORTIAND HEIGHTS. view lot, 64 ft frontage on car line, depth 13 ft.: $100 casta, bal. aa or b.fnre 10 vrs; sure It's a pickup. Fred W. S-rmsn. - Bumslde. M. or A 2724. SOUTH MT. TABOR. , Three blocks from new Mt. Tabor Park. Twa fall lota, looxlou. for sale at a aaenftce: ewaer aa left city and moat seli at once: terras. V 174. eregentaa. E. TA it'll fY.I. STTi'.OT."" Fine lot, 40s Its, between -Cd and 34th; price 4 1 V-O. hslf cash. ORUsMI 7. A DOW. 317 Board of TraJe b d . 4th and Oak, THIS BEATS LOT a. Would jnt Invest $IS pee month In property U. .1 a III Insure you an Income for life? Arl 3S1. Oregonlan. 1ov1mi on Hancock st.. one af the chou-ssl corners In Irvlng'on. fir. OO Must sell at enee. Weatera Secoritlea Co. 414 Spald ing bldg. TOn BAI.R Three beautiful lots, corner C 2Kth and Tillamook :s; hard-surface su Add rese P. X B"X 40. city. aftf) FOR two lota oa corner: nw town; level and cleared; fine Investment; terms. Mr. tsmta. 1016 Chamber of t'ommerce. ONF.-HAI.F acre, fine soli, three blocks from Richmond car; snap for cash, Richardson. 1 1 Mi KWsworth. n.". Must sacrlflca t his week, choice view lot In Fultoa Tark. elesa to car lines, owner. Msrsnali r.eo. KIRBV Rr. lo-moo. snap buy at 127 M). 414 lpwidingbMg rar Waia Heasea. I R V 1 N c, T " V E X T R A FIVE BA.RJA1V. Beautiful home, atrsctive Surround iocs, seer 2 rarlfnee; must sell Immediately; Invesnigata. rhona Last, 301, en tier. tJEAL, WTATE. For Sale Holm LAIRELHIRST HdSIB FOR SALE BY OWNER. Lorated one block from sandy road, on Sen at. au It U all tbe headlnc lmpli-. namely, a "home": a larse. commodloua rooms, 8 large balls and Una large bath apom. two toilets, one op and one down stairs: the closets are almost rooms, with nice built-in wardrobes in each and there are four of them; full rement basement, cement floor, laundry trays and furnace, erer-v bullt-ln convenience. hardwood floors: price SSOOo. IlIKK) cash, balance monthlT: a renulne snap at this price See Hrrr w. Crawforrt. corner Kast St 1 snd Hawthorne ave. Tsbor HO, B $.10 A MONTH. NOOTHKR FIRMT PAYMKNT NEOESSARV. Htrlctiy modern ft-room bouse: not a thlna miaslne for up-to-date housekeeplns bookcases, wash trays, window shades, electric fixtures, gas. Full else lot In re stricted district. Price tr,na. GLre reference and par 'SO down and 4. 10 a month tlnterest Included 1. A. V. Scarle. Take M-V car; get off K. 7lth at t office on the corner). Auto ta how property. IRV1NOTON RESIDENCE. Just completed and ready for occu pancy; 8 roams. Oiardwood floors down talrs. floors finished upstairs, bsndaomelr finished woodwork. Dutch kitchen, cmenl basement, furnace. 2 fireplaces, lighting fixtures, shades, large attic; faces East; lot ftOxloo feet, hard -surface pavement, en rarllne; prlr. tlUoO, terms 4300U cash, balance on niTrtgaca. H. P. PALM Eft-JONES CO.. 312-213 Commarrla Club7 Bide Phones Main 88S0. A 2053 IRVINOTOM A six-room modern home Jnst completed, one of the handsomest In this district of beautiful homes: three doubla porches extending full width of house, msklne an Ideal sleeping porch upstairs and breakfast porch off dining-room, oak floors, mahogany paneling: Ivory tinted ceilings and walls, something different and must be seen to be appreciated. Can not be tlttpllc.ited at price asked. I'i.'VOO cash will handle It. exceptional terms on balance. Tall tip owner In mornings for appointment. Telephone East 4MK l0 CASH, balance easv payments, will buy a beautiful bungalow In Rose City Terk; 4 rooms, new. modern In every de tail, on corner lot; living-room, dining room, music-room, 2 sleepuig rooms, Dutch kitchen: very hsndaomely finished; hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, one block from car. Price t6ns. It will pay you to Investlsate. McAllister J.ueddimann. 421 Kle. trie bldg. Phones. Marshall Z'.SV, A I3. N4CW aqd modern residence In finest Inr Ington district, on 1. 20th St.; 4 rooms, handsomely finished, very attractively ar- I ranged, large living room and dining-room witn seamed ceilings, hardwood ttoors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, t sleeping rooms, cement basement. furnace. Price 4100O, ir rasn, bslancs essy. McAllister T.ueddemann. 2 Klectric bldg. Phones Marshall ram. A 4426. WANT A HOUSK? WANT A SNAP? Five-room house, built two years ago. modern plumbing, nicely finished, about 14 Inches above grade, on the corner close to streetcar. Rc fare. In nice district; owner paid 42Sirt) only two months ago; will sell at big sacrifice and give ea.y terms. Ask for Mr. Camp at tlartman a Thorn peon's Rank. 4th snd Stark. I25i NEW HI! NO ALOW 42.V). Five-room modern bungalow, just com pleted, full haeemcnl. cement floors, laun dry travs. Dutch kitchen, paneled dlning room. fireplace, waits tinted; ground high snd sightly, faces east; about two blocks from Hawthorne ave.. close in; price liiiuo, 4-',V) ensh. balance monthly. Karnopp A Kopf.. 8'J." My. Kxchsnge bldg. SNAP FOR QIUCK SALB. tloO CASH. Balance like rent; ft-room modern bun galow, close In. east front. 1 block carllne, electric and gas; will sacrifice; sea It to- "X'h. F. JAMES CO. OWNER. 4$ loth. Near Stark tit. FINE bungalow. In Rose City Tark. block from car: beamed celling. Dutch kitchen, elegant fixtures; furnace and full cement basement: 44K) If taken at once, terms. David Iew1s. room " I.umbermens bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOCPFS. Two of T rooms, very tasty. ISOO cash, $100 per month: hardwood floors, modern; one s-mom, $500 cash. I .VI month; two 4 rooms, will take lot. soma cash, first payment. DOVT Mlf Tllln. Will build to suit sny one with 41500: tske monthly payments. $.10 up. All finest locations, lrvlngton; rio sgents. Fast '.'73, C load. W. H. HF.RDMAN. PORTLAND HEI'JHTS. Fine a-room residence, beautiful grounds Extensive city view; 414OO0. Beautiful, modern. 7 rooms, most ex clusive district: s'ooo. d-room bungalow, large grounda, roeea, spacious attic: I45t). Cory ft-room cottage, corner lot. walk Ing distance; $2W). Slain 3.VM. BROOKE. A S!. EAST AN K EN V 8T. BAHOAJN". Oood 7 -room house, gas and electrlo, fireplace, etc., lot 40x100. on East Ankeny at., near 2ttlt. walking distance: a decided bargain at 44000 ; 410O0 cash, balance lo suit; win exchange for small bungalow or cottage. CIRfSSI 7 A DOW. 31T Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. DON'T PA X RENT. We have 4. 4 and 6-room homes, all modern. In restricted districts, for sale on easy terma. Provident Investment Trustee Company. 201-2-1 Board of Trade. Marshall 4T3. A 10-2. triVINGTON. 4-room bungalow, modern, all on ona floor. Three sleeping-rooms, furnace, flre-pla-: lot finxioo: price .;300; cash $300. balance to suit. M KR CHANTS 8AVINHS a TRUST COMPANY. HOMES. Have funds to build homes for a few steady employed parties. 6u2 Beck bldg., 7th and Oak sts. AT RIVERA Beautiful country plsce, five miles rrom city, escetient view of 10 11 lamette River, city snd mountslns: beauti ful grounds, very complete, modern bouse. 7 rooms, two baths, two large fireplaces. scrsened-tn dining-room and sleeping porches. AD 2.u. ttregoninn. FOR AJ.E. HAWTHORNB DISTRICT. I41M) buvs finest, nobbiest, new. .Y room bungalow, famished throughout with fine piano, sewer, cement basement and stdewslk. paved street assessments paid In full: onr-thlnl cnsh, balance Ilka rent. Call room 033 Ch. of com. bldg. FOR PALE Pretty home on East Couch at.: six large rooms snd reception hall; hardwood floors, modern and prsctlcally pew; price 4u0. terms to suit, L 236, Oregonlsjl. f-ill0 WEST !DK SNAP 4.V0. Oood 7-roorn houee on lot 42SX100; street Improved, cement walk, on Hamil ton ave.. a big simp, price f260; tiOO cash, balance to suit. ORfHUI A ZADOW. 17 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. I.iiiw-. TKKMS 8 rooms, bath, hardwood floors, cement basemenf. furnace, wash trays, comhlnatlon llTtitr- cement walks: 1 block cars; lot bOxloO; close In, Esst Side; a bargain. Owner. W -"7. Oregonlan. Ott CALR or rent, a furnished hones oa Klrby and W.bstsr sta opposite the Jefferson High school; -i0 per moats real ar will sell oa eaev terms. Inquire Caio aoet Hotel. 1U Park at. WEST Sinn HOME. 76 enrbstt st.. lot .'.Oil no. g-room mod ern house. str.-et improvements all In; terma Key 7-h Cor Lett at,, owner, irl'i lltih. Vain IW34. BUILD TO SCIT YOUR PL'R.K. IX feu awa let will build iieutw and help flnsne.. A C. FVRLONO. Conrrsetee. 634 C. of C. filur , n ,M81. 4.12. MODERN -room house, with 60 by ion fert of ground: No. c..r: i"tb. near Stark street. A splendid Imrgsln: terms. PARRISH. W ATKINS Sc 0.. ";.,o Alder Hire.t. 6-KOOM bungalow, new, large lot. 1'fi min utes out: tlr grove on tot: full plumbing, pantry, kitchen, large front p.irch; glj.'rti; you make terms. 430 Worcester bids Main lino. fiooo. 41WOO, 41000. 41-0. Swell, new. little S-room modern bun galow. 1 block ta car: window -seat. Dutch kitchen: thte Is way under value. Fred W. Oerman. 2 Bornst-ie. M. or A 2776. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNOALOW .t.v.o. Very aeat little home, cosily furni.hed. R rooms: an exceptionally good buy; terms If desired. Fred W, Ucrman. 829 Burn side. M. or A 1'770. MODERN HOUSR Tn HnTladsy addition for sale. 12tb st.. near WeMier. modern, with eight rooms; EAST 7 r.lt 1". rnnni r-.et si BKATTIFI I. uuxk. a rooms, modern, cor ner E 2t h and Salmon sts.: easy terms. Provident Investment A Trusts. Co.. 201-X-3 Bosrd of Trad. Marshall 473. A IOJ2. 4500 BELOW market price takea med.ra lrvlngton home of seven rooms, ball and bath bullt-ln furniture, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; half cash, bslaooe monthly. Phone East 4610. IRVISV-.TON-district, modern bungalow, 6 rooms, attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, stdennsrd. etc.; 4500 down. PJ4 Wsldler. P 1S. ITIVINO TON MOMB For sale. new. modern, eight-ioom house; aould consider lot or contract an part payment easy tsrms, rhona Lsst 461. REAL ESTATE. - For Bale Houses. FOR SALK MAGNIFICENT HOME. Consisting of full block, with artistically laid-out flower gardens, fruit, ornsmentsl trees and shrubbery: home Is large snd elegant. In best taste and condition; lo cated In fashionable neighborhood on Enst Side; 11 rooms, bllllard-room. steam heated: large porches. Including sleeping orcne.: 11 ls very cneap at mw " IIO.POO: would enn.tder llAOOO In timber or fruit land In part pay. If worth the money. Address AO 23.ri. Oregonlan. t3.0 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. 25 PER MONTH. 7 rooms, reception hall. den. sleeping porches, solid oak floor, built-in buffet and library, bookcases, fumsce, fireplace, mirror, doors, etc. National Realty dc Trust Co.. room 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 8121. . THAT VACANT IjlT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY ? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH TUB MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE. IF WE BUILD. OUR REP UTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT TILL WY TO S1?P VS. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTR ACT INQ ARCHITECT". 824 ABINOTON BLD. 7-ROOM bungalow on 40x120 lot, 1 'A blocks from street csr. east front, 412SO: - a cash. 810 per month: seme house with .'xl20 and 10 full bearing fruit treea. 4-'0; 47' cash, 61S per month. This Is a sweii little nome. RABB A PATTON.. 322 Lumbermen's Bldg.. 5th and Stark. 7.1 FLANDERS ST., Cor. 21st. lot lOOxlnn. Best uptown district: ideal apartment site. Apply above address BIO SACRIFICE. . 1 -1 lJ I . t . ttrlflA rt .r.nn I " ' ' 1 ' ., , fvv, 4S00O cash secures; corner opposite sold for 81". est last wees. runt o,. oio. 'OR SALE: New modern bungalow. 6 rooms, every convenience, 42WO; equity sbout gsoO; monthly payments 40, Oansr, bell- wood is 10 WANTED Work, first-class painter, dec orator, self-designer, wish to work for contractor or private; all work guaranteed L 2o7. Oregonlan. 83d MONTHLY buys 6-room home, electrle light, gss. phone, bath, basement; price t none o.uri. j ,oi. MODERN. S rooms, walks, gas view, high school; o rooms, mourrn, irms. eiia uos sett. 7 West Kllllngsworth ave. FOR HALE New. modern 6-room bungalow, :tr.0, 3200 cash, balance 425 month- Owner, pnone t,st NEW, Modern g-room house' and 2 lots for sale, 4-too casn: diocss xrom carllna. Phone Tabor 2V1S. g.o DOWN, balnnce easy, 6-room bunga low, new. modern, close In. near Haw thorne: why pay rent? rhone A 47P2, STRICTLY MODERN 4-room bungalow, only 42'SJU, on easy terms, nee .1 ss, a, clock, 2.12 Alder. Phons Main 81S9. BUILD yout home now. Oall at 706 Couch bldg. M . r. UAKaitiAiti. KEW S-room house. Inquire at T. H. Hecker, Tremonl station, Mt, tcolt llne.- IN IRVINGTON For sals, modern resldsnce. s or i1 i.l.. v For Bale Bwlness Property. TilURMAN street factory site. Entire block of choice property, with large three-story building, rorced on the market. This is your opportunity: price 835. 000. The Wut- era Hecu r m es c o. ,e 14 a paiqi n g oiq g 416.000 CHOICE business property, stores snd apartments, well rented, prominent street. Wen Side; close In, Owner, lik Worcester bldg. INCOME property, psys 11 per cent, con sists of four 6-room apartments. Phona C 2428. Woodlawn 3224. For Sale Acreage, TRUCK AND CHICKEN FARMS. L 2. 5, 10 and 20 acres each. In val ley west of Council Crest. The very best of soil snd locution. Two carllnes snd good siier; t2 to 65ts per acre and upon easy monthly payments. THE 6HAW-FEAR COM PANT, lOtf Fourth bu Main SS. A S500. ONE or two acres, close to city limits. West Side, rich soli, fenced, with new 2 room house, S acre cultivated, balance In timber, not handy to car. near 2 macad amised rosds, no waste land, no rock or gravel, spring water; an Ideal place for poultry or fruit and garden. One acre va:h house. 800O; two 81000; terms. L 2. "2. Oregonlan. SUBURBAN-home closed to Portland" fine .for chickens, garden, etc.; good rt-room . bouae and 22 leua luearly 4 acres); tele phone, spring, running water, best soil. M) bearing fruit trees, berries, etc., 3 blocks from electric car station: 43Ws, good terms. Six-room house and 10 lots, each bOxloO ft.. 324WIA J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. 205 Corbett bldg. 2S ACRES RIVER FRONTAGE. BEAfTIFUL SITE FOR HOME. SO minutes ride south of Portland, at train station; owner hero from Europe to sell this. Pee us at oace (lScD HART MAN A THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. POULTRY AND GARDEN. 3 acres. 6 minutes from depot, under cultivation, a dan.ly place for poultry and garden; only 4'J."10 per sere. WHAT! TOO CAN'T GET ITT If you have a little money, let us fix the terms to suit you. Ask for Mr. Camp at Hartmnn A Thompson s Bsnk. corner 4th snd Stark. - WE ARE Preparing to subdivide another poo-acra tract for the market, and we will put, therefore, all of the tracts on hand on the market at cost price. 4H0 per acre up. All close to Portland. It Is to your ad vantage to call early. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 40.1 Couch Bldg. . 10-ACRE SNAP. 10 acres of fine land, about 4 acres un der cultivation, 2 seres in strawberries: on Section Line rosd. near Hock wood road; 4.",0 per acre below market value; price 8'-50 per acre. URUSSI A ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. iu ACRES, all In fruit and garden, small house and outbuildings. This ls a fine little place for fruit, garden and chick ens. Located In Montavllla. 10 minutes walk from rar Una. Price 42t00; terms. Jordan A Oarbado. 212' Washington st. , 5 FIVE AND TEN ACRES ORCHARD AND CHICKEN8. J6 miles from Portland. Planted. Fine for chickens: excellent market; water and rail transportation; low monthly pay ments. No sgents. AR 161, Oregonlan. WITHIN ten miles of Portland, either by macadamised road or electric railway; 6 acres of rich, sandy losm In high culti vation; 40 apple trees In bearing. Spring water; 41AO per acre less than adjoining property : easy terms. T 240,.Qregonian. " " 10 ACRES. Rich, black soil, under cultivation, only 82V an acre on very easy terms; if you want It you wlU havs to act quick. Ask for Mr. Camp st Hartman A Thompson Bank, oorner 4th and StarK. FIVE- or TEN seres, all cleared, level, fer tile land. One for fruit, garden and chick ens: mile from depot and near electrlo line building, close to markets; $o per acre, easy terms. Owner, 1016 Chamber of commerce. 8 TO 40-acre tracts good for frolt, poultry or berries. 20 miles from Portland, near good town: small cash payment, balance will pay for lisslf. Eager A Watson. 'Main HO 12. 610 Lewis bldg, 4th and Oak. fpr.CI A L -20 acres rich deep soil. 12 seres In crop: small house, close to electrlo car line: price -700; 4700 cash, long' time' on b-lsnce. WKCTKflV LAND CO.. 2414 Stark st. HI'SlNKo.S IS GOOD. 660 dewn and 412 per month will buy a beautiful acre on main Oregon City road at Corel Station. W. H. Ross, 616 Spald ing bldgj BEM'TIFI'I, 15-acre tract adjoining elec tric carllne and atatlon: elegant btrildlag; all In cultivation; will exchange for city property. David Lewis, room 2. Lumber mens Mdg. fcl'KClAL . acres i:ool land, between the gi.lf links nnd Lents Junction; 1 i, acres cleared; eln-e to eleolrlc carllne; price :ti,0o; e-.y terms. WESTERN LAND CO.. 24SS Stark St. ONE sere, one-half mile from carllne. with 'one doxen besrlng fruit tr.es. txoo. in. quire cf Mrs. Mouler. 411 E. Mill st. ACRES 6 miles from Courthouse. West r1de Improvsd. 8SOO0. L. E. Thompson A CO.. 22H 3.1. g'ii ACRE". Jennings Loilgs. In cultivation.. 2 cottages; $M0, L. E, Thompson A Co. 22 d. 8S106 4 ACRES. 7-room home; 60 bearing fruit treea Fourth house south Kendall station. Grant. Tabor 4144. ACREAGE and farms, from 412.60 per lore up- large and small tracts. Call Kinney A etamph.r. S31-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. X-l 10 ACRES, all Improved. , mile car line. 14 miles nuL' $4406. part trade- city propertyZi almon. MT HOOD Electrle acreage. 6 acres In clo ver; 42.7.V); value about $4000. Now trot. 4,-0' Worcester bldg. - TIG A RD acre, nnes qe'P. oi.ck mou. r got at station, jiov. bldg. tTlVR SCieS OCean bescn, t"n oievne, fivv, will trade. Burdlck, Henry bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 6 MILE'S from CITY I,Ilf ITS, rear ORE GON ELECTRIC DEFOT; rf'.AUTIFUL 1 and 2-acra tracts, set lo ORCHARD; f.100 per acre; no rock or gravel, ALL CULTIVATED. . 8H acres, only I27S0; 5 acres with NEW HOUSK and BEARING ORCHARD, 46000; h FINE HOME. 6-ncre tracts In APPLR VAXI.ET. walk ing distance to good town, $70 to $150 per acre: 10-acre tract In APPLE VAL LEY $500; FINE SCENERY, all best for CHICKEN-RAISINO and FRUITGROW ING; RUNNING SPRING WATER; some splendid FRUIT and DAIRY LANDS near SCAPPOOSE. OR.. $25 to $.10 per acre. All may be bought on e.isy terms. FRANK M'FARI.AND REALTY CO.. HUB Yeon Bldg.. Portland. FRUIT. POULTRY AND GARDEN TRACTS. I, 10. 46 to 40-acra tracts. 120. $14, (36 to $04 per acre. One hour's ride from Portlsnd. near Columbia River; railroad depot and river boat landing; rich deep soil, no rock: living springs and crseks on all tracts; schools, stores, churches near by. S0iN acres subdivided and Just opened. Come at once and get your choice. MCFARLAND INVESTMENT COw. 414 Corbett BlOg- 1, . S, 6 AND 10-acre tracts, close In. good electric car service. $100 to $2."U per acre; big values, easy terms. J, W. Hefferlln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg.. both phunes. For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book fives amount of Government land open to homestead. In each county In the States of Oregon and Washington, and description of same; glres homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors, 1x28. showing R. K. In operation, one showing all proposed R R. and electrlo lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; -oc eacn, or tnree uuc Map of Washington In colors. 21x2S. 20c Nimmo. Buney A Co.. Hamilton piqg. s- HOMESTEAD3 located of value, plenty tim ber, water, good level land; some prairie. near railroad, fees right. Covey A Co., room 21. 267 oak. DO you want 4SO acres Government land In rich valley, central Oregon: water, tim ber, unlimited range. 4.'!0 Goodnough bldg. FOR SALE Relinquishment of 160 acres 4-room bouse; near school and postoffice. AV 231, oregonlan. HOMESTEADS, Government land, 21 miles from Portland. John viereke. irfnts, ur, -,tlc -Fruit Lands. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 20 acres, all good orchard land, 10 acres cleared, part In young orcnara, nne creek and spring on place; house and outbuild Ings; only 4H miles from town; best bar gain offered In Hood River County; price IUUU; Only flU'U casn irquircu, s joi, Oregonlan. . FRUIT LANDS near Lyle. Wash.; will sel fl 40 or "0 acres, rich soil. One location part cash, bal. easy terms. For further Information, write owner, u zot, ure gonian. For Sale -Farms. NOTICE TO FARM BUYERS, suit irRBS In Yamhill Counts", near McMinnvlllo, Or., all but 160 acres In high state of cul tivation to hsy snd grain; good House and three good barns. This place Joins a large tract of fruit land which recently sold for 4tsi per acre;-win cut nitriv m small acreage, being; on the main county road- Is 1 ' miles irom Whltson Station, un.itoem Pacific R. R. The owner has Just finished fencing the entire place at a cost of X127S. And can ho bought for $.tf per acre, with good terms. CAN YOU BEAT 1T7 inquire 01 SHEFFIELD A RIELT. 903 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 120 acres of flee land with S seres In crop. 40 acres slashed and seeded more land can be cleared for $10 per acre; pliice all fenced and cross-fenced, fine spring, creek and good well; 2 acres of assorted orchard. In full bearing: good 6-room bungalow, large new barn, also 10. 000 feet of new lumber on place: located only 4 miles from good town, close to school and near Portland- this Is a fine home and will mis ' e ' tlfe first man who sees it. sell to price price -OV. lerni. " -. - tske some good ronisna pr"V"'). but must be st cash price. BRONO-STBELB CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg. 2D7' Oak St.. Corner 4th. See Dryer. nvinv and SPUD LAND. I714 seres (12100, terms). level sandy loam, line big 7-room houne. water In the house, tne nouse cost a j 4 acres In B-year-okl orchard, 4000 straw- Kei-rie. rssnber-ies. loganberries and all other kinds, grapes, etc.: about 6 acres planted to garden, onions, potatoes, cur rants, oats, etc.. 2 dos. Leghorn chickens and a $100 Jersey cow ana can; on nne living creek. mile from depot at North Santiam. '-i mile from West stayton. Mrs. H Graham (owner). Address Aumsvilla, Or route 1. box 68. $2100. terms. WANT to soil my farm of 119 acres, on the Base Line, eastern part of Multnomah County, on account of ago and desire to retire; best land In Oregon: plenty springs, running water, about 80OO to 10, 000 cords wood, and schoolhouse on the place; new church, railroad. Portland and Columbia River plose by. Price $10,000. Ferdinand noas. i-atourcii. jr. MUST bELL; ideal Bummer home; on Coast riverfront; 10 acres: Joins town; school close: launch landing on place; hslf rich bottom; garaen ami iron siuv..,,., -room almost new house: water and sewer In- fish and crabs In front of place; wood cut' best markets; would consider ex change or discount for cash. Address ,-1 .v.. t)r.,nr.l,n FOR SALE FINE WHEAT FARM of 1000 - in s-iitieTo r'niirtrv. fireson: HnO acres plowed ready for Fall crop; good 6-room house large ham. windmill and plenty of fine water: 4 miles to railroad, 44 mile to school will be sold on very easy terms, yearly payments Or crop payments. T. H. TI..I..K-1A- fltnur Forest Grove. Or. FOR SALE Fine, level wheat farm of 320 acres In Morrow i-oonir, 011 in ennui, 3 miles to railroad: $25 per acre. Includ ing crop; easy terms from the owner direct. T. H. Llttlehales, Forest Grove, Oregon. aoo-ACRE stock ranch; house, barn, or-eh.-rf- stanoo: 6ono down, time on bal- ance. SOo acres; 100 sheep, 6 cows, house. telephone, mall delivery. Darn, oreoiro, ijyuo; without stook, $4000. A. Longden. ilk City. Or. DAIRY farm. Oo acres, ricn unit, nearly an In cultivation, s'"" and only t '4 miles from good town, con venient to Portland; prico $7000; will make terms. WESTERN LAND CO.. 24 St, Stark St. SO A H KM, 11 acres Jii ciuji. oitnuua wuiMiy cleared; ait guij icn,,. u-uwn nuuc, barn, orchard, 'convenient to Portland; price $::'JOo; easy terms. WKSTr-R LAND CO., 24i'4 Stark st. DAIRY farm In Tillamook Co., Oregon; liV) aCrS. Ol HBia ILUl.IV, I IIV lOLUHJi iUll equipment farm tools, house furniture; $70 terms. For full Information address M A. Mssdor. Dolph, Or PRICE $37.10. Dairy farm on Sauvles Island, $75 per a-te. stock Included; a bargain. AO 2.10. Oregonlan. FOR bargains In. all-purpose ' farm lands ranging from 40 to 640 acres, situated In Linn and Benton Countries, call on or write J. V. Pipe. Albany. Oregon.- I-bXrgaIN 184 acres, 8 In grain. 6 in potatoes. living water. $150 per acre. 1 ! - miles S. W. from Tlgsrd station, terms. Owner. H. H. Brown. Beaverton, Or. FOR SALE- Kort-v acres, excellent Yamhill County land; 30 cleared: 4 miles from Sheridan; easy terms. AM 2-1!'. Oregonlan, 509-aere stock or dairy ranch for sale, on water and railroad. 05 miles from Port land 20 Medical bldg. - 5 ArCTtES. H In hops. 11 mile Portlsnd, near railroad; 230 per acre; easy terms. Address AV 24 ?jOin-: " ALFALFA FARM. For sal Wilson fc Myers, end of Haw thorns carllns. Tsbor IMP. wit LAAIETTE Valley farms for sals. Ad ireia Farmers" Union. Amity. Yamhill County. Or. RANCH 0 acres, with buildlnss. 18 miles from Portland, near eleetiic line: bargain for all cash, by owner. &1 Morrison st 80 ACRES. Rogue River, fruit, rrain, stock, nous, barn, spring, partly improved. For particulars taar- r ..-. vregonian. 80 ACRES and some cash for house and Jot; describe offer. Box 187, .'aquina. Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sali -Farms. HERE IS A SNAP. "144 acres. f,5 acres cleared, 7 acres prunes, with full crop, worth $1000; SO apples, 2 cherries, 1 pear, 1 piuin and smalt fruit, 17 head cattle. 0 horses. 1 brood sow, 2, doxtfn chickens, 2 wagons, mower, one rake, 3 plows, 3 harrows. 1 cream separator and all small tools; good 7-rooirs house, barn and prune dryer; 23 miles from Portland, 6 miles good grow ing town of 2W.M) people on the North Bank R. R., in Clark Co.. Wash. On county road, R. F. D. and telephone in house: 1 mile to school. 2 rniles to graded school; price only $o5.e per acre. Including all crop, garden and stock If taken at once. Call room 408 Commercial Club bids.. 5th and Oak sts. 11-ACRE farm, all cleared and fenced, with small 3-room house and good barn and well; mile 10 store, postofflce and school: onlv a short distance from Port land; price $1MMI. Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldgj WANTED REAL ESTATB. WANTED. 5 or 6-room bungalow within 12 blocks of 33d and Broadway; buyer will pay $10i cash and $2.1 pur month. UAKTMA.N & itnJ.ll-r.V-I, Real Estate Dept. Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. HAVING entered into ousiness arrHiiKrjnm.a which will make Portland my permanent modern house ot 7 or 8 rooms, lrvlngton district, A-l location and surroundings, close to carllne. Owners given preference; price not to exceed $S0U0 cash; needless to answer unless your property represents full value; give location and full particulars by letter. Address R. S.. 903 Teon bldg. WANT ttuict von to own a home. Wa will build for you and let you pay for It ilke rent. Union Security Company. 6ta flbor Beck bldg.. 7th ana oas sis. BUNGALOW or cottage. 6 to 8 rooms, tn or near Mt. Tabor. Lourelhurst or lrv lngton. Some fruit or shade trees. State . . , . ... , in "a (I ore- location, price nil. - gonian WANTED One to five acres, within tei . ti ,t,n n,t.v. some tmoroVe, nines to ruiimiiu, r - ments: owner only; give description, price nnu L.rins. nuu'tna . - - a OWNERS We want warehouse lot. close in West Side; state location. Purse A Co., Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE TTMBER LANDS. FINE eordwood timber on 10-acre tract, 17 miles" from Portland: handy to elec tric cars good money-maker, make offer to take It off. F. Fucbs, 221 H Morrison street. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 3Q4 McKay Bids TO EXCHANGE. CLARK COUNTY FARMS FOR CITY PROPERTY. EITHER PORTLAND OR OTHER GOOD WILLAMETTR TOWN'S. R. 10 and 20-aere farms on railroad. 20 miles from Portland; excellent soil: all undei cultivation; center of - rich dairy ing and potato-growing community. Prices $160 to $2;1t) an acre. At these prices active farmers no pay for their places In two seasons. The best and cheapest acreage within 50 miles of Portland. , . Will trade for good city property (suit able for renting). DAVIS A SHARP CO., 006 Commercial Block. TO EXCHANGE. 10 acres of land with house. 3'i miles west of center of Portland; value 415.00O, For Portland residence valued between 8G00O and $10,000; will assume. Sea exchange "'"HARTMAN A THOMPSON', Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce. Bldg. 67 000 000 ft. Lane County timber; i;c: trade Portland income; good ermse. $2,1 0O0 income, brick, trade stock ranch, Mt. Hood acreage for city property. Siany line houses for small farms. You can barn something about the trading game by s.-einK us. Raymore Realty Company, 4:10 Worcester Ding rXKl TRADES to date. See. Sunday s Issue for largo list; all sizes and prices in fa;'8 and city; send us your descriptions and we will match them. Main 1O40. RAYMORE KEALTi CO., 430 Worcester iiiog. WE have houses, lots, farms, 8creaSe,' on'r Ing-houses. hotels, autos. several lines of paying business to exchange. If you want ?o 'exchange us, we have what you W ft n t. t,c-BC! IQt llh (lAKI.AMt ot r.tc.-.r,g. EI EG ANT 5-passenger auto of high grade make' cost last vear $3300. fully equipped with presto ligbis. Bosch magneto pumps Its own tires, owner will trade for city property David Lewis, room 2 Lumper- mens man. WANTED Wo buy and sell everything. It you have an automobile, bicycle musical instrument or anythinr- 10 sell J "ade, see us. Traders Exchange Novelty Co, 427 tjnamuer e. - wn I. take cheap lot or other securities up to WN . on a 5-room mudern bungalow. c?o4m: traded for it and will sell at sacrifice, balance 413 month. See owner. 88 10th. near StarK. 1910 MARMON -uto. B-passenger. fully David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg. . c- II fTTV T.OT. ft.ttlA.tUC - - " - - , " . Will accept small equity of city lot In exchange for five acres of planted fruit land State location of lot and amount of Jr.t'r so .gents. AR 251, Oregonian. WILL TAKE LOT, any value to $S00 as " . . ... 7-room house: lot lOux lOO- thr'ee blocks to car; terms on balance. This ls an easy way to secure a good home & low jr.-tJ. -3 . ELEGANT new home in Rose City Park. block from canine; has fireplace, beam celling furnace, fireplace, etc.; fine nclsh bornood; will trade for a closo-In farm. Lavid Lewis, room iiuiw"' q- uei 1 'TI FUL 10-acre tract all in cultivation. BcU.i"e to electric carllne. all In cultivation, will trade for home In city. David Lewis, room 2 l.UmPeiinena wb- ELECTRIC piano In first-class condition; cost $850: will trade for automobile or sell on easy payments. Holbrook. 603 Swetianq oi'g. HAVE stock In a manufacturing company in Portland, worklne every day. fo trade for home lots or close-in acreage. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens piuk REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES EXCLUSIVELY. MR. BECK, vnRTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Stark St. 160 ACRES of Eastern Oregon wheat lacrt. close to tt. it. ami ,w ----- -- home in city. David Lewis, room -1 Lum bermens bldg, WANTED To trade or exchange, fine .1- passenger auto. jrm.T-r"i - w -- Chalmers-Detroit, for acreage or- small house and lot. i'. u. rtcx q - EQUITY In houfe and lot on North Main and revalued' at $.300. Phone Tabor 2St8. T. B. Clark. ; -" .Vl V.r i. rci tr-srls. fnr- Pnri- m.les irom ra"'"0"- .11 T land property. David Lewis, room 2 Xrtim- KIN'h" 1 os Anrie''-' residence lot to irde for" on in Portland. rnvid Lrewis. room 'J, HOT'SES. eBsy terms or exchange for any kind kjuih" iui '"-j t" ertv. Bogges.-;2I Morrison, room. 5. 80 AORKS timner, near Koseourp; cruise erty; value $-JQu0. A L -"T. Qrvf;oniaii. 15 AC It ES truck land. n2ar Vancouver, for fOrt iail'1 l'UII.t'" "" -u s v i , Tiav riiiforenct? in cash. .1 rireuonian. AKFALKA farm, 320, with watsr riKhtw. fina oration; Will irau T'r riruaiia yrtjpvr.y. fit V2 1 -.'i m her Exch ange bl d s I WAXT a 5 or 6-room bungalow ; navo classy real estate ana a mtie money. j i Chamber of Commerce. FOR farm exchanges, business chances or rooming-houses, call on us. isortnwest Rea-ity Co.. C17 Board of Trade Bldg. WII-L trade some good lots in a growing town for auto. om aaylor, oi wamutoii bldg. . WE exchange your property for property suiting you; onlv big deals. Northwest Erchange. 228-9 Henry blag. A CLIENT own Jftl acres of land in MHsourt, wishes to trade for Portland property. 437 iThamber of Commerce. WHAT have you to trade? Call Main 3069. 1035 Chamber of Commerce. "WILL trade fine launch for buburbtm lot. AN Orpgonian. HAVE customers waiting for bungalows showing value. 437 Chamber of Commerce. GROf'FTR Y STORE Exchange for acreage; price itj-'oo. V 2M. Oregonian. HAVE cl"s-in BT-aee to trade for bunga lows. - 437 - Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. A FEW OF OUR LATE TRADED Look them over, our large list will IU up anyone. wiL. (ii. Vancouver, for Portland stuff. 4KwM Imp. hog farm, Portland house. . Lots and cash for farm work. Piano for good lot, etc. 5 to LU-acre tract, Powell Valley, on UU Hood Electric for houses. t7.CMKAKxJ feet Lane County timber for Portland income property at 75c; snap. 00O brick Income for stock farm, i;to mule for what have you? S30 home for small farm, etc JU.Vn home for acreage home. Cranberry land for Portland property. 4Uin)0 baverdam for Portland home. x Telinquiatiment for house and lota 4 to 7 lots for automobile. f.'i'rotf. houi-e for furnished farm. l.".O0O lrvinffton home for farm. ?7000 Irvington house for small farm. Wheat farm and cah lor miil and tim ber proposition. 3 timber claim for Beaverton land. 2-'O0 Los Angeles home for Portland lots. Wheat farms galore for Portland prop erty. 1 -10,000 apt. for cash and property. &00 trade, all kinds and prices. RAYMORE REALTY COMPANY, , 4"0 Worcester bldg., ;id and Oak sts. TO EXCHANGE for California or Oregon property, splendid wheat ranch, 2200 acres, close to railroad, good building; windmill: $'Jo per acre. Will pay cash difference or assume mortgage, as this must ba dis posed of. 607 COMMERCIAL BLK". PORTLAND, OR. FOR SALK. Horse-. Yehiclt, Kte. PAIR closely-mated, blocky-bullt mares, fulf sisters, 6 and 7 years, weight 2800 lbs., Uuft In all places and under all circum stances; price $3a0; in offering this team of mares for aaie 1 thjnk that I canr truih fully say that they are second to) no team that has been sold In . Portland, this season ; they are round turned, ami sharply built and perfectly souiid tn every respect, with the bst of f-et and legs. and. are good enough to go and compete for the blue ribbon in any show ring In the county; will be sold allowing two weeks trial. 50.r Alder St. J 165 Complete outfit, consisting ff handsome brown geld ins. Hrudie Boy, 2:214. rides or drives and fow horses chu pass him on the roads; he is perfectly Kentle and fearless fnr the most timid in" Inexperienced person to ride, drive' nr cai' lor under any and ail circumstances; Is 6 years old, weight luTo lbs., is absolutely fearless of cars of all kinds, also auto mobiles, day and night; olesant new"' hand-made harness and latest pattern hard-cushion rubbcr-tirod buggy; all complete, with whip and halter; to pur chase I will allow two weeks' trial. A sic for Mrs. BurlinKhtim's outfit. f05 Alder st. COMPLETE FARM OUTFIT. $L'0O will purchase pair of young, truo working norsea, weight 2250 lbs., verv closely mated ; work together and truT ptiliers; new, heavy breechinjr harness and farm wajjon; all for the one price, $-00, and trial allowed. Alder st. M A RES RANCH TEA M M A R ES. $10 will purchase pair young mares, weight Ui'00, sound, kind and reliable in ! any spot or place; fine drlYers, good walk ers and will suit any business purpose; also neat set heavy harness; all (-10, allowing trial. 503 Alder st. 301J0 lbs., big draughters. fat and hand- some, Ned and Prince; this pair ls wortii today $-0rt. but will be sold for the low priutj of -"o. and C think when you them that you will agree, with me that they are the cheapest team for the monoy ever offered in this city; sold only a owner is closing out his business Interests In this city ; will be sold allowing trial;, also at purchaser's option, heavy truck and almost new harness. 50 Alder su ; Complete camping outfit or light rancii work, consisting of pair handsome youn-j mares, weight 200i) lbs.r new sot heavy breaching Harness and new light farm wapon; price for complete outfit, allowing trial. JL'OO. 505 Alder st. Horses. 3 0 head, weight 1100 lbs. t 1200; all good, sound, thin, serviceable younff horses; bein used by the Ryan, Construction Co.. of Seattle, who have re placed with auto trucks; prices $40 up; must be sold at once; great bargains. 6uS A Ider st. 50 HORSES AT AUCTION GO. On Tuesdav, July 11, we will sell for Henderson & Robblns. of Toppenlsh, Wash., 50 head of young horses. ThV run from 3 to 7 years old and weigh from Sort to 1100 lbs- Some are unbroke, some halter broke and some are broke to har ness. This will be a rare opportunity to get a horse or a team at your own price, as every horse will be sold for the high, dollar regardless of cost or valne. Thu Murphv Horse St Mule Co. and Hawthorne Ave. Stables. Phones East 72, B 420 Hawthorne ave., corner Gth. MICHIGAN BUGOIE5. RUSH FORD WAGONS. EAGLB DUMP WAGONS. Before you buy. either above, sea oaf stock and get prices. We are located out side the high rent district and for that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a second-hand vehicle when you can get a new one at about the same prica. R. M. WADE St CO.. 322 Hawthorna ave. : $200 WILL BUY TWO BAY HORSES, SET OF DOUBLE HARNESS AND A ROAO WAGON. " Horses are young, strong and fast trav elers. In excellent condition. Good fotf city or country. Just the kind for HghO dollvery or country road work. Thia out lit is sacrificed for a quick cash sale. Full information at room 2(0, Oregonlsn. bldg. Phone Main 7070, or A 6oy5. Or call at Central Express Stable, Park .f near Everett, and examine the bargain. BARGAIN, $rr,0. OVERLAND 40. I have a grand Overland 40-h. p., seat five; in use 90 days; cost $1650; the bese running car in Oregon; Only needs gasn line and oil; is In fine condition; equipped, as foliows; Glass wind shield, silk, mohair top with hood, side curtains. Weed chains, all tools, fine lamps, extra inner tubes, robe rail, 50-gal, gasoline tank and oil top for garage; everything you need. L ain't sick, don't need money, not goln-ji away; am In the horse business and can't mix the two together; will demonsfmi anvwhere. Stable. 505 Alder st. m. iit. BIG bargains in rigs; must sell; have no rOOIIl , fclU-LlUU v UK"", U u n-.- m w, "" and shafts, cost $S75, $125; surrey. Stude baker make, A-l. condition, cost $H00, $75; nearly new 2 -seat buckboard, $57. 5o; Bai ley buggy, pole and shafts, nearly n", $1'3, cost $275; Moyer rubber-tire buggy, 75; long-shaft brokecart, $12; harness, . $10; English saddle and bridle, new, bar gain; 3 sets of breeching harness, $20 to 2S; 2 single harness, R oat h ; B!i-!n-b. wide-tiro farm wagon, cost $108.50, pric fao ilTtA e'rnnf fit. nu tttT' Vr s is mi. .-4r-i-i. We have on hand 50. head drafters and. delivery, also 2 loads broncots. - Call Woodlawn 240fl. Thomas & Malehorn. Union Stockyards. ' . MUST sell at once, good family or delivery horso and bugjry and harneM. 2S1V SStli st. H. K:, end of B awthorne-ave. carllne, walk one block west and two south. 2 MARES, heavy with foal, weight 14iu and lt"o ios.; must sum. o'".ii bu, Montavilla. . - - RESPONSIBLE party will take excellent care of horse and buggy tn return for moderate use. Phone Main pOSO. FOR SALE Fine driving mare, o years Old ' well urea, guartuucea vwuuu. csctKt, 42, B 2242. . ; GOOD team, weight 2900. harness and nevr wagon. ,4aP. fnone peiiwnpu mi. PASTURAGE near Portland for stock. Phona Main 141U. . FOR SALE 1200-lb. horse, two-ieated bug gy. 4-bl ISCnUJIlT B. jriiw.io jjobi. . c. Pt a nos. Organs and Miirdca. Instmraents. FOLJ RENT 1 Weber upright piano, Cir cassian walnut, responsible parties. 523 Montgomery st. Automobiles. litlrt MAXWELL touring car, like new, 30- hoinpwer. cost price 050. . ilo MITCHELL roadster, 4-passenger, 30 horp power, rost $ 1500; price $ TOO. Maxwell Jr., like new, 50. IDin FORD tourine. fully equipped. $4 S3. CUSTOM-HOL'SE AUTO CO, 31 . Everett St. 1011 WHITE gas car, fully equipped; ha been used very little- and cannot be told from., new; owner leaving city and must sMl; costt2400; price $1450. Phone B 100i or East 1423. GARAGE Willamette Motor Car Co., 3 IS Hawthorne ave.; live and dead storage; repairing and painting; autoa bought and sold. Phone East . BEaUTTFUL 5-passenger M arm on auto, in very line condition, fully equipped; make an offer; owimt leaving city; 1010 model- David Lewis, room J i.umt-ermens piqg. AUTOMOBILE 2-ias. runabout In good condition, for sale chap, or trade for real estate. Call between 5 and 7 o'clock even ings. 515 East fith st. and Clinton. FOR SA LE -7 -passenger Studebaker, Gar ford 40 H. P., A-l condition, a, bargain, E 254, Oregonian. FOR SALE One fine young mare, welghing 1.150; heavv with foal; one voung team horses weighing 2S0Q. 22tt Russell at. WANTED to buy young team horse weigh ing 24"0 lbs. Phone East 404. WILL buy for cash, auto runabout; must be cheap. 233 Worcester bldg. ELECTRIC runabout cheap, or will trada for equity. A 1-15. ' WANT second-hand tires 30x3, fair con dition. Phone A -121 5. , - FRANKLIN mod? "G," good con-Ution, $450. J. W. Levitt & Co.. 629 Wash, hi