11 oirly Sales Women's $2.25 Belts 98c July clean-up of 50 dozen women's Belts in all i L. ,.1,in rrvlrtC l"n!1T11 5Qc Neckwear at 25c This July "clean-up" is the means of bringinj cut thousand of novelties in women's Neckwear at greatly radacod price. Here's a lot of Dutch effects, jabots, fichu and collar effect in OfjC lace or lawn; 50c valuen, special at, each''' the newest ana most insula - Belts, suede, and kid Belts and novelty silk Belts; a large assortment of values to QgC $ 25 grouped for this sale at, each w ORDER BY MAIL ORDER BY MAIL 1 the aronyngG okegoxiax, Tuesday, jjtly 11. 1911 m.- "ThmW Oeam-Uio ' Sales" ie AUDegte. iiii VwVAW A f J O f Women s oais cpi.-yj T JHl ' Asain your attention is direct to , flj. ST&T S? tK, . . ldn1 canrfyordteinmayfull line of sizes and color. 0 1.95 llkSMMMx ftfIfcJ1 oTri rrioes wnge to' $45.00. Offered .pectal curing mis c eau-u, - tlP' Xi, , i fml- MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY nUCT.ig . c4 fgimYfgfl TOlgD n July Clean-Up of Our NicKel and Copper Plated Kitchen Ware . .rT Zii-'V' M"-,Irt and Hair I I T T ,f This Co Ca-berela, u W $2.50 Ciekal stand: a rerular $a value, S3.75 Coffee Percolators for only, each, g-'J? 3.00 Coffee Percolators for only, eaea, JM'YX $5.50 nickel-plated Ca-wrole at only $6J0 nickel-plated Casseroles at only bj." (L50 brass plated CusseroU at, each, fci.- J MJO nickel-plated Caaaeroles at only .1.J0 Pean Pots, on special sale, eauh, UU $2.50 Pie Dish for $2.00; $3.50 sue at 83.00 $3.25 5-enp Tea Ball Tea Pot, special, g -.60 (3.00 4-eap Tea Ball Tea Pot, specuil, 75 3oun xea tiau rw Fmuu Great Sale B Copper Bakm? D ! b wiin ww, Hj My our repular $3.75 value, spinal, ea. N-oa Die. i. - c9 en f 50 Copper fining Tray, 16-inoh at o- 'i nin " Triv. for S2.GO $1.60 nickel Semnjr Tray, li-in only $1.5Q Hair BrusH 96c 50c ClotH Brush 23c m 1.1 Today. main floor, a sale or ruDuu Ilair Brushes, best i.nguu , brioUoa. The perfoot penetrator, separately on India rubber cushion. This brush n- growth of the hair, uepuar Mrt !!?J-7 -LaiT orid for this July Clean-op O doth Bxu-h. with solid wood back, g23c brwtlee, eeoarely fastened regular 6Qa-w 35c Tooth Brush 25c A. 0 r l The Prophylactic Tooth Brush, tn au siesi ai ill Brusho. Klcanwe spucially priced for Regular 33c 8Uers,25C (j, M&f thb sale at, eachC fiSB nr. Tooth BrtisH 19c J Oc Hand Scrubs 19c Fine quality of real Bristle Brushes in all grade, rrom tne Tery T" very hard; several mates, Including the famous Kent & Sons; valuea up 1 Qc . Kty. .niAl far thla sale, ea. w .. ... tt.j- u-naTiM Tnotli Brnshes. Cloth Brushes, St.OleoTEd Bath Brashes. aU at Hand Scrub Brushes, all pure bristle, in UllH, w" ' ' , drnwn. will not come out. Solid wood iPlSBfl" Go-Carts Less 20c Wash Goods 12V2C 60c Printed Voiles 38c SCOTCH DIMITIES In the aisle of cottons, 200 pieces of Scotch Dimity, in new and extremely scyusn patterns suitable for every purpose; 25c Bnd20c 35o values, special vv" MEROERIZ'D POULARD 20c WASH GOODS 12y2e In the aisle of cottons may be found the largest displays and best Wash Goods '. , i mi Portland. A few of our exceptional July "Uiean-np specials. PRINTED VOILES Today on main floor, a sale of Printed Voiles in handsome novelty patterns for Summer dresses or waists. Our regu- OQr lar 60e seUers, y&.,JJS p.nBY SUITINGS A very strong, durable ma terial for skirts, suits, heavy waists and dresses; aU styles and patterns; a fnab,TJ!2V2c 60o FRENCH NETS. 82c Printed French Nets, in beautiful floral patterns for dainty dresses, waists, fancy aprons, ete. ; regular 60o value, special 00 for this sale, yard w'-v' A beautiful fabno which eannot be told from silk. Pmlusive Datterns and color combinations, espe cially for bummer Of l- dresses: vard. only"v'v,' GINGHAMS, CHAMB'YS The popular all - around fabrics for women's and children's wear; a good line of patterns and colors. Our r e g u 1 ar 12c Qc troliiM. srtAcial. vard MMuf f f 1 500 pieces of Dimities, Ba tistes, Organdies, etc., in pleasing patterns for Sum mer dresses: regular 20o values, special 1 Oljf at only, a yard PRINOESS VP ILES Sn excellent fabric for Sum mer dresses ; perfect finish; it makes np very stylish. Comes in all the newest colorings. Our reg ular 25o grade, of- 1 fared special, yard MAIL ORDERS FILLED Samples submitted on the above materials. Prompt delivery. Send orders early. $7 Go-Cart $4.95 $3 25 Go-Carl 1, baoks and regular 60o sellers, 1 Qc special during this sale at, eaeh 4 Off f L25 nickel Serving Tray, 12-inch, at Sl.OU $1.40 nickel-rlaU?d Coffee Pot at only 51.1- $1J5 pickeJ-piatea xea x-w, Bpr" v-v - . Great Sale of the Rich and SparKlm ETSy a partial list of the hundreds of new shaped pieces . .. i .v. r,r mnst nleasinff natterns. Iveaa on. Cut lU LilU i $3.50 Nappies at 3.20 3.75 Nappies at ff.o $5.00 Nappies at $3.60 Nappies at $3.25 $4.50 Nappies at $2.75 5 $6.00 Nappies at 3.75 S13 Ice Cream Trays, $11.50 S18 Ice Creaai Trays, $135 $33 Ice Cream Trays, ReR,lar$3.25 ClocKs $2.25 In the Clock Store, 3d floor, today, we will place on eale a line of Square Brass Clocks, 5 ins. bi?h; reg- OZ nlar $35 values SL.LJ $16 Footed Bowl3 for $11.35 $20 Footed Bowls for $15.20 $24 Footed Bowls for $10.50 $13 Libbey Decanters, $8.80 $14 Libbey Decanters, $9.45 Sale of Dependable Alarm ClocKs . - ; : n i xi o rra ,1T,fii inst minute if you own one of these. Fancy Braas Alarm Clocks. $2.35 valne, for only $1.55 Round Brass Alarm Clocks. $1.45 value, for only $1.15 Nickel Clock, brass face, $1.35 value, priced at only SO? "Small Bedroom Clocks, regular 90o value, for only 48? lor tms saio, jiu u i ' - loiffa Our Sewing Maciiioe In the bis wheel goods store, fourth floor, a sale of folding Go-Carts, very light weight, with steel frame; easy to fold up; 10-ineh wheels, with 3-8-inch rubber tire; good spring seat; nicely finished; come in tan, black or green. Regular $7.00 values, spe- A Qg cial for this sale at low price of V GO-QARTS, especially good for the beach very light weieht, good steel Irame, wiUow back, wood seat; 3-8-inch rubber-tired C 1 Qg wheels; regular $3.25 value, at, ea. V 2.35 Hammock $1.69 Good, strong-weave Hammocks in assorted col ors, made of the very best vain. Concealed spreader at the head, good pillow; 1 gQ best regular $2.35 seller, special V v 1.5Q Croquet Set 98c Today a sale of hardwood Croquet Sets, with six balls and mallets; strong wire arches, Put up in neat box. Our best regular Qgc $L50 values, offered speeial for, set' C lists The O. W. II. Improved, $26.00 " " -m H TT On the $1 a WeeR Uui) nan The Olds, Wortman & King Improved is produced from materials ch years of experience have demonstrated are most suitable and durable. Each Sd every part is intelligently made and accurately litted by com X fmeffita and gauged to the thousandth part of an inch, insur inl jSiStoS f action, easy and quiet running, and mmimum wear. The fHds Wortman & King Improved is finished in beautiful woodwork 2?! S fullv eauTl to .the very best machines produced by other manu- LctnrerfyiT P&fZ S ivervpect. is Tb construction, not liable tof get out of order aid cln be used by anyone by following our printed instructions. The Olds Wortaan & Kkig Improved kas proven its reliability by years pffiSnt service doing all classes of work easily and satisfactorily, lich Sg a JTS' brSeSuttk sewiBR machine at a medium price Fitted with ball bearSIs suitably encased- Join our Summer Club and own 6 Z nthese machines. Sold on $1.00 a week payments at.P KJ v. Summer $5 Wilton Bju&s at $375 $14 Libbey Decanters, , fVC f $16 Libbev Decanters, $11.50 giSQ WiltOHl RlSRS at SpO July clean-up of high-grade Wilton Rugs, in new, pleasing patterns, at the foUowing prices . Size 22 by 36 inches $o.00 Rug for 3.7o Size 27 by 54 inches, 6.50 Rug at only .00 Size 36 by 63 inches, $10.00 Rug on y S7.50 Size 36 by 72 inches, $11.00 Rug, only f8.50 Size 44 by 7 feet $20.00 Rug at 81G.OO Size 6 by 9 feet, $34.00 Rug, for oiJy S 27.00 S-!; ndo J .r,n on Rnir. at only 837.00 DUB V UJ a i) or. Bielow Wilton Rugs in dropped patterns, of- . :i - lr- at timed Inw TiTices: lered very specmi iu "u"""-- ao Vt Size 22 by 36 inches, $4.00 Rug, on y 2. t 5 Size 27 by 54 inches, $5.50 Rug, only Size 36 by 63 inches, $9.00 Rug, only Sj.7& Size 4V2 by V2 feet, $16.00 Rugs, at 12.00 Size 6 bv 9 feet, $25.00 Rugs, at on y 19 50 Size 9 by 9 feet, $35.00 Rugs, at only $ 26.o0 Size 9 by 12 ft., $4U.uu itugs, at omj po.vw Bedding $5 BlaiahetsS3.25 The ideal camping blanket, or for the Summer cottage ; vicuna brown wool; excellent $5 value, very special clean- JT O"! up price, only, pair P $3j5Gray Blankets at $2.65 $4.00 Gray Blankets at 3.25 $5.00 Gray Blanket3 at $3.75 "-1 ii ii i 1 1 1 1 . I ; LAND TITLES TOPIC Realty Board Considers Sys tem in Canada. EXCURSION IS PLANNED Trtp TV111 B Hade With Ad Club to EMBd Saturday STatlona! Keal KMate AMoctatloa to Be Jotnl. Reviewing th ryitpm of Und title rr!trt!on In rogut rn Manitoba. Cauda. W. O. EJdr. of WJnnlpa. aa ruaat of tha PorUand Raaltr Board at ita weekly lanchaon yeaterdar. deolared . . . .wAH . . -A f,.t hi. wmv for land Il luwiw a swindlers to operate and that In Jo y9Ars mere iuu " ' conienuun " " He aa!d that the oernment was re jivonslble for every rejlatratlon of title m a Mjin nan(si Avon nPA ana m v-Y- .--- caatlon ts exerctaed la the preparation of Mrunctin wriwi - ui.i " . i - ih. antAm with that tn IS. the tulIWI rtvmvmm, urn wmu -i.. worklnirs ox me mniom iyim wave imyi. w . . . enced la waiting for court dcllona and the cost to the land owner waa oon Iderably Jees. He adTlaed the. realty .wi. . - . tn tnviitlrafe the "stem and to brin about Ita adoption ,s orjyo , If mVl- .... . ene thtnr lu this oantry. and that la th Eddy -Tour roetboda are cumoersom. and oostly. There are too many Joop holes for the dishonest operator He declared that Portland one of the irreatest cities on the conti nent, referrln to Ita rreet BO" He declared that the scenery around Portland was equal to that of Switzer land. ... ' i H- iL Easterly spoaa on xne of the Torrens system In ,Mult"om. County and In the state, nm Tentually It would become '" unweraauy. declartnir that It would prove more aatisractory V . " . eertlflcate of title plan or the abstract ing system. One of the entercainina- riven by Oeorire Primrose, the veteran i . 1 m n A .finflunfifd Uiat AS D'.uiili ri. . I"" ... lntrnrlrrt to retire from the stage soon id to live in portiana. -Th. rt time I came to Portiana. this place was Just a vlUag-e.- said he. -That was In 187U. i yeare as". every return trtp I liked Portland bet ter. Thla city naa an imminn I am a PorUand resident now. The last publlo appearance I make will be on Portland atreets. and I will be In the wagon leading- the procession. Cpon a motion made by V. Vincent Jones, the Portland Realty Board voted to become affiliated with the National Real Estate Association. The board wlU Join with the Port land Ad Club tn an excursion to Esta cada next Saturday. The special fain will leave at 11 o cioca Daturaay iuui u . rw.mn ll'.l a Pawaf line. The excurelonlsts will be joined by their ramiiiea. Arrniouii. in made to accomodate over 100 peo ple on this trip. ATTRACTIVE ROUTE., rw r.mkiin Pacific offers the at tractive route across the continent. No dust, no heat the oorafortable way to travel. Office, 1 imra sirewu SUMMER GLASSES BIG 5 COKE iySTBTJCTORS NEEDED IX SCHOOL DEPARTMENTS. Trere Is one medicine thst every family should be provided with and es pecially durlnrr the Bummer months: yts. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Retneay. it is iimuii or . i ,n h. nod1. It costs but a auar t.r. ca vou afford to be without Itf for sale by all doaJesa. ' gtudonts Dolus Extra Work Regis ter for Session Trade Courses Well Represented. Ttrit .t r t Inn mo much larrer than had been expected that it will be necessary to add several new members to the faculties or eacn separimeni. mo Summer session of the city schools opened yesterday mornlngr. The fore noon was spent In registration and classification ana im riuir work will commenoe today. In the ... V. nl timrtmrtmmnt At th Lincoln nigo twtut - High School, registration reached 125 yesterday morning, ana many new stu dents are expected today. Three hun dred and eight children registered In the slenfentary department at the Ladd School, and 30 In the school of trades at the Atkinson School. The purpose of the Summer school session Is to give students who are behind In, their credits a chance to re cover their standing before the opening of the Fall term, or to secure credits upon advanced standing. The depart ment at the Ladd School, with A. Draper, principal of the Shattuck School, at the head of Its faculty, will have charge of the work of the pri mary department and the grammar grades Mr. Draper's assistants are Mary Donohoe, N. M- Washburn, Emma Whitney and Ada Allhands. In the high school work W. 'i Fletcher, principal of the Couch School, will head the faculty, with four assist ants. Omar N. Blttner, Fanny U Bar ber W. A. Fenstermacher and Catherine Koch. Additions will be made to the teaching fores In both of these depart ments today. The School of Trades will hastruct In courses In electrloal work, machine shop, plumbing, pattern- making, cooking, cullhery and sewing. Profsssor Charles Frledel Is principal, with two assistants, Ruth Hess and M. O.fiteeU RED SLAYERAT LARGE Klamath Indian Kills Companion, Flees With Gun and Whisky. Wanted by the United States author ities for the alleged murder of a fel i -.i.tn PHm WmIcs. a Klamath Indian. Is at large In the woods on the Klamath Indian Reservation, armed j.y. . nsA T-i ft m and a Kallon of whisky. In a drunken quarrel July 3. Weeks shot Ills Haraing, wno uicu three daye later. vt k. .hnntlnr Mill HardinST S death reaohed the Federal authorities here yesterday. Deputy unitea mates. Attorney Evans has taken charge of the case. He will present the evi dence before the grand Jury now In session and ask ror an inaicimeui charging Weeks with first-degree mur der. Weeks, his wife, Harding and two young Indian boys were returning to Weeks' home on the reservation after visiting Klamath Falls, where the party procured a quantity of whisky. The liquor was about con sumed when Weeks' home was reached. Dismounting from the wagon. Weeks went Into the house for his rifle. Thrusting the barrel of the firearm out of the window he commanded the occupants of the wagon to dismount. All compiled and Weeks amused him self for several minutes chasing the two young Indians around the house several times. He then picked a .quar rel with Harding, who, In the trou ble, was shot In the back. The wounded man died of his Injuries July 6. Australian Goes Home. Fred Keys, stenographer In the Portland office of the Rock Island Railway, will leave soon for his for msr home In Melbourne, Austra.la. He will be succeeded here by J. f. t..-, in the Rock Island .hi.. m Vaseeuver. B. C. Keys has been in the United States two years, serving most of that time is various railroad offices. His father la a mer chant in Melbourne and requires the young man's assistance. Bridge Company Sued for $10,000. John Corcoran hag filed suit In Clr- cuit Court against the Pacific Bridge Company to recover 110,000. He as serts that, while In the employ of the company as brakeman on a car laden with hot aspbaltum on June 6 last, he sustained a fractured arm and serious Injuries to his neck by reason of a de fect in the dumping gear. His neck, h asserts, threatens to become perma nently stiff, rendering It Impossible for him to turn his head. PIG'N WHISTLE. The finest chocolates made; try them. Slg Sichel & Co., 92 Third Et. and Third and Washing-ton eta. Convention Visitors See the PACIFIC OCEAN at CLATSOP BEAC HnuMfli nnrtifis leave Portland at 9:20 A. M. via the North Bank Road, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 11th and 12th. Spend six hours at GEARHART PARK and re turn to Portland at 10:15 P. M. . You will not see the Ocean at any North western City. One hundred miles trip along the wonderful Columbia River. GEARHART PARK CHAUTAUQUA NO ADMISSION CHAKUtu July 11 Ex-Governor Yatea. July 12 -Pioneer Day. Ex-Governor Geer. July 13 Webber's Juvenile Orchestra. July 14 Ex-Governor Hanley. July 15 Governor West; Oregon Day. July 1G Rev. William J. Gilbert. July 17 William A. Battis in Dickens In terpretations; Gabriel R-Majuire, the African Explorer. July 18 Apollo Concert. TICKETS AND DETAILS AT CITT TICKET OFFICE, FIFTH ASD STARK STS. KOHTH BA.VK STATION, ELEVENTH AJiD HOYT STS. - Of '